560 rtboai baptist. hp,'...

560 rtBOai B A P T I S T . T o a l l Suiii lapsed Organs. ferore flrom Pro- I Uke tbLi method of cnUing your at- teutioD to th« oelebmted Bodv ind Lung Brsoe, which I have aold for the last eighteen yeara, that I mar mako it a benefit to my papKSir 4jy mating it a far greater benefit to yon. I will briefly eive you mv rwtoiw for thin Invaluable article to the mm.of &tlfa& wkd IWTe me with rr, hudnr with it, I can tour hour* • day without exhaua- reooDimending th from excemfve proaching; I could »t>«ak but a little while without getting ~ yon wa« Mare thorou an eighteen bmk(!n year* ago, I down in voice J hoarse; my thiroHt wan generally aore, and eaxtly irritated, and lt« tone became hoary and husky; aoon a hacking cough wt in, that increiuied, until at the clow of a long ing, a the eflecta aoon Bui>erinduc«d bronchitis' m e e t i ^ my voice failwl entirely, under ItIM ously tnreatcned my life. I was now 7, of n chronic Inrynoitin that itis, wh lich ot'ri- "7 compelled to dcMst trom preaching, and, If noesible, overcome tbone difflculties, ana recover the lost troBMure,-~-tbe voice, that to a minister or lawyer is more valuable than gold or jewels,— or be fiileut forever. I ft|i|ilicd to the most eminent phyBicians, and whh but little hoijxd; save tlie excision of an elongated uvula, tliey could do notliing but advise rest; and this I was com- pelled to take. What caused and a»n- tinued that constiint irritation and hacking cough, they could neither ex- plain nor prevent. Providencc threw the remedy in my way. M v wile was aulTering from prolapitus uten, and the prolesaor of the theory and practice of me<licine in the University of Nashville Dr. Winston, was her physician, and lie prescrilwd for her this identical Bruce, wnich sjieedily .viietoil h"' She i-oni- plained ot a " dragging down; " and no language cc'.'W betwr express my feelinga, and especially after preaching. It occurred to mo if it was good lor one case oi "dragging down," why not for another. Witliouf ' ' i . « b«T: tioo or hoMaeneM. I' mw um it only whan •paaking, and thus preaerve my voioo and and phyaicai «n«rdm. ? do not I)elleve tiiat any ona would ever be Bfflict«d with Aerttia, or pHet, or weaknew of. the back jt loina, thould he wear it ordiuarily i-joao, and only tight when speaking or putting forth unusual efliirts. It ia a jtreaerver ot a good vcic« and of a Hound physicai condition. It iliuuld be worn by every minister and piihlic sprsker to carry the energy aud vigor o< hw youth lar into old age, aud by erery old man i« assiit him to supixirt the growiog weakness of a^ro. HundmlH of old men y<>arly aro- using tlio Bnu-o for im<A: inrXvt with invariable Butisfaction. I do not claim tliat tho Body and Lunff Bract! will cure every dimuw that flesh i» heir to; but it uiil re- lieve, where it does not fully cure, ill that iffent army of ills and ucIh' s Hint Hoon brealv down tho l)est ctm^ti tutiono, which are Wiuswi by />n>- /itimia of the muscles ichkh mpiwt (hr internal organt. Thin is tlu* only nKH'hatilMil contrivanw^ ever di»- c<)vm<d tliat uplifts tho abdomen rather tliaii comprewos it, us all trusses do. Tlih» I h what it doen, as thoufiind-* who have u««l it are i»rep;jrtHl to testify: It supiwrts tiio back, aiidii- men, Htomach, lungs and woml). It, therefore, pn vents lassitude, hoarw- iK^flH, piles, hernia, oonsuuiptlon, and liout Consulting any oae. luoccx^ one large enough tor mywK and put it on, the first timsdoubtless it was ever worn by a man tor such a reaaoo, anU -the result was, tha ir- S tuti^ of my throat won quieted, and IP I * king ere long » J voice commcnccd binldiii|^ u >, uutil I could articulate, which 1 Imi not <lone for twelve months, and very soon I com- menced to preach again. That Brace I wore nearly ten years withoutcommuni eating lu wonderful advantages to any one, Mcause I thought I was using an article that was inventetl for the Ui*o of females only. Privately, to a few spccial friends who weie sulfering as 1 suffered I expUined the nse oJ the Brace, and through me they obtained it, and were relieved as I was, I now made known the power ot the Brace to restore, strength- en and prpasrve the voice in public epeakers, and then commenced ofTerbig it as a premium to ministers for subscrib- •ra. The cause of hoarseness, sore throat, laryngitis, and finally bronchitis in subiic sixater ,and all thee*- symptoms of "dra^ glng down," goneness, exhaustion alter iiwakinif, and weakneww of tlie back and loins, piles, and ,.eruia, M the mlight re- laxation of the abdominal nimcles, which allows the bmveh to sink, and knowft by marked hollows over the tip* ot the hips. Now all know that the linings ot the stomach are connected with those of the throat and affect the vocal organs, and when the stomach sinks a straining is brought to bear upon the throat, and speaking or talk- ing will irritate it f i d produce hoarse ness, and if coniinuit. sore throat, and all the train of evils tj.i»t pubiicsi eaki rs are wont to compkln of, and which has carried hundreds to their graves,. and whidi yearlyare laying Bsiclc as useless hundreds ot sthers. Now, alter a p<>nioual experience of ueariT twenty yr-nrs. and the added oxp..- rienoo ot more than one thousand minis- tera and pubiiu speakers upon whom i have fitted the iJrace with invariable aumas, I am prepared to testily of iu real merlU. Without it, I amjiatisflcd I aiiould have been laid aside fVom public aimakiug eighteen yearn ago. By using It, I have luily recovered a lost voice" and am ijieswid with one of uncommon power and onduranco. Without it, two or tbreo wrmona exhauit and ^ve me that terrible dlMeaoe,—dyi»pejwi;t. It iiicrea.'*« tlie l?reuthin(f capacity, and thereby j{iv«i BtreniHh to the iKKiy. It exHpandM and enlarjreH the lunp<, and thus rendersj breathing frw mid easy, and theo'by promoter digentiun. It relieves chronic cos(lv»>no>w ami E iles when till other lueanx mive iiie<i. It invariably rclicvts all vases of prolapsus uteri in femalcri. a dis<'a.-«> that no mwlicinecan.reacn, liecausc, like a broken limb, it needs mechani- ciil support. It relieves piles and prolapsus ani, by uplifting the lower boweiti from the rectum. It if! bcinj; used more and more yearly, a.s it.i viilue i^i linowii, by public Hp<>akerrt atid ««inper!<, and by thowe liavhif; weak luiifra and Iwicks; wild by tlioi«» having stixiping shoul- ders antl hacking coughs, the Hure pre<'ursors of consumption. And many a sullVrer has lieen curtni of •lys^pdia and liver complaint who had lKt>n coMsidfr(>(l In the last stage of coiiHumption. Ol'H I .WI'ROVf:D HKArK. The original Brace, nuido only for ladies, wa.s tof) we»ik for the sterner sex. I reinedhHi it by an imjwrtant imimiveaient, as the. following will show: L«tt nil Take Hotter. TtilM to M'rtliy tlint III* andentnied In lli«« only mnnnnietnrrr of the Uaii. niiiK Ikxlj' Hrne«-,nn<l that thfMM man- nntrtnrvir for J. H. tirnvr*, fcl^n.-nre ina(l<> <lifr<pr<>ut, and nr« moreilarnbip. iuiiiilB and JuialMigo they are invaluft- bl«. W . C. I<AWRKNCB, M . D . (TmwfordviUc, I roetdved the Brace Ibr my patient, Alro. BhoHiij ^iod It, aiu I 11 relieves! het. bacit iinmediately. I am well pietuiod with tiio Bmw. It I k tho only supporter that I have Hoen or nM«i in my cxtcnsdye practice Uiat 1 can n-ly u|Htn witliout any appi'iar- ance of evil from llx ui^e. I .Htisii hero- after iiitriMiuce it Into iuy practice, and charge noi>ommi!«<lon. A. A. DAVIS, M.l). nou.<«toiiia. Mo. TtXTIMUKY o r P|'RE,lf NPKAHKnM. I'roin (Itr «;<*v<'riior orTvnavMN-f. The follo\urig ccrtillcate firom Uov. I'ortcr, who bus thoroughly ttMted tho meritii of our Improved Brace, should be r«id by all sufl'frers. lie largi'ly. If not, a'ltog.-ther, ow«^ hlri last elccUoii to the Braw. Notice what ho says;--. Ksrcalltr Mfficf, .\n>.li«UI<>, T r u u . , Iti-mulM-r m, Or. J. U. - -lit'iir J^ir: t itNea Uie lli-a('«> xt-iil l»y yoiir- ««ir darlttfr niy late vantaNMoC tiif> S t a t e . It WttN of vt-i-y Rrcat aervlcf to loe, antl I tt-vl » t?r> well MaiNttiMlfhMt irniadcuui" nieni-««l tia use a week fai'llt^r that my lolce vronltf not liav c- tM-fii «ll((teU at nlJ. Tlic Urnt t i m e J ft I ftddreHNvtl a lai-K« c-rotvd or |>e«ple. lu tbc o|it>u a i r , a n d 1 ftound tbat my vol€« wtta luacli atrcnirtli- furtl. nud at tliv clone ofa tw o tinnr'N Mpeech I wa«« tk-e« from my iiMual fevlliiK of nf^arliieNN and exiaauNtioa. Ve»y ReN|>t>t-tt\illy. J 4H. U . F O I I T E K . .ItlHINTIJIK' Tr>iTIHOXT. OKAH RltO. l,;KAVi>ii-Yaii niiut* •»« nrv«t<<nl. Hom.- llir ;'«• y r n n nco, of om<> of Hi>nnlai«i% l.iints nml Bod* Brarmi. I wonid advbe all ni^fln, who fi»l udo aft ^ fatigue and laaiit by lai DiMuu) to after apiaakinK I liad to tio. 1 wijuld not without it for any eonaldcnUion. Odoman, Mo. D avi I) U it TKHTIMOSV t i r rAKMERM. IS «s-puoi» of lu wort you {•laim. 1 wouij Wntontu,Teun. T. K, K. IU! ntkk . worth. I believe it tn OUllTllOt WlOXHItll. ' '»• K, K. IU!.NTK1(, Tlm.HBh Mjwsni. Flo wen A WUnoc of Ken. touwaljon, Obion oountj.Tenti.. I p^m,^ miflof your lmi-n.v«.l lkirtilnM'H'l'«,rif'iV,d rfrstrw.; It 1«.Just What 1 w ifi^it Uo.lv ni-<Nl<Ml. 1 nni fti'M" plfKiMMl wall It, 81,4 woiiKt i.ol bf .I. |.riv..il ot in.t lis.- of H 0, nZ lmi«tr«l gold J I ' I S tt now m«ii ^^ll<•f. I jiiu it i»u(l woi 1.1 h«uinj' and chfM.rtully re«oinuirud U (.." ii who limy b« as 1 wai., >iuo..njig, ami u mhii to do th«« work rwiiilrwl of us lU rnrtncrs . rilUMAH KUtWKlls iluth.'rfoiil rtmuoii.'iviiu. trir n nrv«t<<nl. Hom.- llir ;'«• y r n n nco, of om<> f Bi>nnlai«*« l.iints nnd B« " ~ iM<-<>|if<-<l mill Itt-pl II lor tltr<-«- r m m wtlltnnt itrarluK rathfr cimmimm »nrh llilu«a Hndrr Ibe brad of •* hnm- bunrrjr." Hveralljr. tbe brav* aud fttlimlBK rlforKi or Ihr Ontrnnlal, <|Uil4> braiir down l»r Ihr flnilmoiilli.il ronrladml 10 trr tb« r<-J<«l«d llriM<r. and 1 do iMit bmilnlr to K^itirr in tbr Invalaaltir worth uf Ihia Rrare. 1 ran «Bdar« atlraMi lfar«-«> llonm Ibeniuount of labor tbat I did befon- witboni n»> iJKlS:-.*^^?'"'' i'*" «""'koved AT KvsMr wTKr o r i3i«-iuu«eD Kr. r o a r , aud m* phynieal nln-nKtb baa b«>rtim«at«fW«wtl|rr«>B«>wed. I Konld not lak*- kJli U hm^ r"*— ' Urare now prnitr with mrnd thin Kro (MIIY4. -I li«v<- b.'.ii wwuUi# mr HHtiiiinit'K llfHiy »nil I,iiuK Bmop Hi.oui%i.Ttv tlayg, for txtreiue Wfftl{tii«5 of my Iwick »ii<t miner}- in nv.v ehwt, Atui run intihrvilly mv Wia( I itui nuieli iKTiPllUtl, Uioiik I i nmhini llkp clear ot my maludy, 1 c.ii, rl(Ji> liom* iwck or In u WHcnii, folluw mv |il<>»-, m tn.,t fiidorc mor«' w ulkliiK-nlxJut tii-n«al t>u«liicw 11 11 il«y, Willi fur isri Blvr t>aik', than 1 havo I hx - U to .10 iu ft Nmx llriK;. 1 Hik I iht, IlrBtf,.- t«> hii truly tin- vt>ry mtthankia) li, lb 1 ne«l. 11 ( l^m-uv Horn UvKi*, Mlsd-, M«y 1h, l)>'77. I rccolVMl my limci-hbonl tl»' t. iiui or l-Vi, riuury, miJ 1rtmlKrt>«t I k '1|> nom it. 1 fliiii I c«u uow work luuoli l»>li. r, Ki><t nil itov Umg Mln<< I k nil old fomplnli.u I'ui-Kivfltr urm, aifo 1 biirt my liwrk liniiiK. TIhh |k what I c»r. •Hyan*!r»t <>i ouly ^l»1y ii-iv». If 1 wu- tliiiiH (o mriid, It will iu>t tx' lot,,: In-Ioro i hiu •oiii'd. T. M. lUKIS. Itrci. OnivoH; Th<« laiiiB tiiid H< v 1 t Urucs. which 1 (ir«lfrf»t fVimi yoii wnsreci-lVHloii thi> Wth of .Muroli la»t. 1 I iutp K kI kihi thirty d«y». Now, ivs mi linntui m.-ui, fur Hit- bi-iK'Ufi that 1 ililul: ilistt 1 !iav«< iilr«>A<ly rc- Cflvetl, I would not Iw without lhi» llriiei'yof. KGlit rue, mid the prlvllf*"' ol ilujillcaUtiK.'fnr the I k *! horm* In KjMirtniiUiiiK roUniv, 1 would cliiHTtully ri"iM>mm«»iiirHn p^'ifkou'siitil ».li Uhm^ aricfi.' mjr m a»« b« to, d K <7, . !b II. I nKMt r«r«lail7 I cd him to ppt tho would met n-fli. I fcrliiK ivt I Iinv)' Ix'fii witit wt>jiUn>'M »i tlit< hlpi and bHok.iiMd with a dull lu-tun' fivllm; nroniid tin- klxloinini, to >'Vourt< a HrfUM- :<l o-.roniid Ih- rtdlovul. H. s. IMKI * K. Hfxtrt.inlmri!, V«., M. t NI>i:4 lAl. HKI.ir.l'. <'un«iiiiit>lioii t'lircil. Ill IKT.'i I IxHjjiht llnu'i' for my iii)!, EW, .I huu'h T . Kullcf, v ^I-v imii i.M,cu pio nounccd in the la^t ^t^t* of cotisiimpilon by tlie vtfrv itpitt {)l>»4i(;iA»iH in ihr (Dim- I fltlii'rWl frVra- tfreni, reo^uuiicmi- n to liy ntrAm- wira tuajr phyaleally or •tb«rwlM« bomI U. U. A. Ii«»rt«», b.D. and an lmprov«-in<>nt ovrr tb« n m r n l Niyl<> now In ninrk<>t. Wr aril olbrr party Noiilb of tbt> Ohio Blvrr. »:.€. DAWrORTII. omcM of M»nTg Cio., Conu., Alay 1, 1K7B. No other party in this city or the South sells my Improved Brace, un- lesH he can Hhow a written eom- miftslon from me. TKMTIMONIAUI. I could produce the testimony of liundre<l8 of eminent phjTdciang and BurKwins of the North, but prefer to Kive a few Southern practitlonere, who are known or mav he written to. The lato Dr. Stone, tho jrreat sur- Kcon of New Orleans. pronounctHi it tho perfecthm of mechanicai Inven- tion for the purpoiH? intended: 1. o,, tlie uiiliftlng of flie bowels, and relief of air cnawH uf prolaiwuH of tho in- ternal organs. I'BBlorTlilrd liapU«tC'barcb,Ut. l^oulju BAXXINON UKAt-E.-lt Is our of the watMl of pbyairal blewInK* to a pnb. lie upvahrr or alnir4>r. T b e tcatlnony or many uiluUt«ni an to it «<r«>at iM-nt^ at wonid MnrprlM* lboa«> who bnow DOtblnK of It, H. II. f<»BD, FUtltorClirtiUiUi Ili'iKMltory. I have given the Brace a fair trial. I fiiiri it all that ii claioie.1 for it. f would not take ^100 for the right to tine it. I hope that all my niinuitcring brethren will procuro one. IIE I nrcHcribed one of your Braces to a lady patient of mine last full. Hlio says she would not take one iiundred doiiars for it. If «ho could not get an- otlior one of tiic wtmo kind. 8 . TUIIHETT, M.D. Haynovillo, Ln., April 19, 1877. All Uii> Braces which I have or- ^ r e d give tho grcfttcat BatlaliicUoD. For all kJods of ivomb diseeiOi, weak J . A. RKVSOLDA. Fulton, Mi*., 1874. A UEOKtllA KVABr<>IEI.IHT. Having; given the Banning IJrace a fair trial, I checffully bear my tcotimony to Its value. I can pi>rform niy Inlnir with filty jier cent more ea!«e and comlort than before; I would not be without it for twice itn price. T. C. B oykin. Hunday-school Kyangeliot. Atlanta, Oa. I can preach day and night for two months with my Brace on and not he aa hoane an I would in one wcclc without it: every minister, itrong or weak, ahould have one. A. R outh. Union Depot, East Tennewoe. Tho Brace I recoived from you I And L? of great benefit to me. I was afraid it was nf>t wluit It wb « recotn- niendod to be; but I wan induced by my physician to gut one. Hhortly nlterwanl, the church that 1 was a member of called tne to serve them as partor; and I accepted on tho con- dition that thoy ehoald get mo a Brace. 1 was entirely broken down from over speaking. I could not longer than flfteen minutes un- til I bccamo very hoorsn; but, with tho Braco on, I can spoak with por- fii>ct <pe ono hour: and, afunr spoak- ing, I do not feci that unpleasantoeBS at iny Btomach that 1 did before lulng tho Braco. I can say that Uie Bnuw la aU thstr Is daimed for It; and I i.rtig Bmee atiil ii, r t ncll. I liofl^t it for him n- Ty- n rebunt ni.in,iibie to sjilli railx or do any work. I writo thin, !)«> caUHe I thiuk it otiglit to I k * known, nnd thoiiHands of feinnies ought 10 kntnv iin advantages in twi/w**. K. B. Fitlrkk f'Rit t: or RKAri:N. The price of this Brace iielorc llie war wa-^ |20, aiul when fitted tiy the metlical profcfwion. The patent having e.xpintl 1 have securiK the manufacture of lOOOof the lmprove«l Braces ujxmHUch tcrrnK that I cjui furnish them at the follow- ing prices:— rinln llmee, ordinary site (JlO.Oti Wnglc lIcriilR Uniop, onllniiry (ike.... IH-SO I offer my improved UraiH- to any one AS n pr»miuin for 10 new siilwcril*rii to T he ItAPTiHT at $2 70 including p<wu«e and $1 for t>very Hulm-riberyou fall to get. Or one Bruce lor ten IJniccH with cash, tlO each. » o t i ( « . - A n nlMBOVortU Inchc*. h«vln|i to b»» exprvmly mtiUe, arc 12.50 fxtra. Krotit l-wl aiul Spring daplloat«d tor |S.Ot>. Hwnl* pad* (neparalely)ftirsingle or douhleKoplnre 93.00. Hent by mall, post-paid. DIBECmoNS r O « MEAHI'BIWW. Tahaa tapf, tfyon have uol a r»fw larmeiMiirlnc t«p«-llnr,and oieasnro two IbPbea BKLOW tbr tips of thr blp» •roniid th* nbdomrn, and send tb" •iCMann In Inebwi. The nraec* are ^ •aark«>d In titru nnmbers. and ran be tialarirMl two Inebra. In all cases the cash ifiiust a«wn- pany the order, with nearest Expitw ofUce, as none are sent out on trial 10 bo ndurned. Wo do not send the Braco by maU. But a pcrf«;t At 19 guamntml, and Braco will bo clianged by purchaser paying express chargw. Addnja J. R. OBATES, Monophte, Teon. Hp,' H' / /: 01(1 Horics -Vol. XXXV. MKMPII18, TEN.V., AUGUST 10,1878. Our Fulpit. T i n ; « I F T OF OOD'.S ,S(I.\ T H K GUAKA.N- TKK o f a 1,1, o T I I K I t HLl>Wl,\(i.S. IIV i>. U 1NS1,.)W, 1>.1>. lit) that Npiiriil mil liu own .s<,ii. Iuil,d> lIv.Tttd hioi up l"r UN lill, how Bliull li(i not Hilli hliM iilho ir.nly nlve us all tliliiK*?"-Kom. VIII, .i;;, E ACH Micccrwivo appllciition which the apd-'th nuikes of the f;reat cU,,.trine he liiul lieeii alily <lis(us.siiig serve- hut niore fiiily to uiifi.lil tho glory ami MwwtiUHs of the tnitli. \V»( (-.m scarcely,light upon a in litirt iiriiliant. atid eoli.wlatory chapter .so rieh ami euiiiprehc.sivo as the present. Our admiration iMdividifd hotween tiie va.sttief».'< of the truth it contains add the ex •luisitf grace and appropriatenoris with whl'.-h ii is iiitroducfHi. It wa.H ju-st tho truth needed to give roptweand enlargement to the mind after thread- ing it>» way through the nia/x»4, lucid though i>ni- fdiind, of ( Jod's i>rfHk»<tinating purpose and jdun. As if anfieipating tne cold, impa8?;ive view of ( RkI wiiich Home might dlspostHl to elierlHli, I'aul intrtKlucesa fact whicli would at om-e dis- l>el the falMC coiieoption, viiidieate the Divine ehanu'ter, and exhibit if in all the glow and ef- fiilgenee of ItK infinite ln iievoienee and love. Tiiere iian he tiolliinir eoiitnieled or friirid in the dispoHitioii of that Being who, from the fidliom- leM , >< depths of his nature, gave •<() eoMtly a (ncnif of his love as his .Sun. He iniiHt In-love, il'tliisiis the manifestation "^if lovi'. Von have, it iiiiiy he, deemwl him partial and eold, —you have thongiit him (llHtiint antl reix-iling, —yon have -^ettlec down with tlie crude ami gloomy notion that hecau-soyour lot wits unchangeaMy lixed, believ as you may, antl act as you will, it is >.1' little purpose; and thus all your Ihoiiglit.s ami edort.s after .salvation liavo beeoiiio iiiipedtnl ami piiral imI, and you have roHigiied yourwelf to sinful, Hullen despair. But lo, a truth hursts upon your mind, developing a new idea, ami prcHeiitiiig to your view a new jiortrait of (iod ! thus changing the whole current of your thoughts and foelingH respecting him: " H e that ajmred not his own Hon, but tielivered liim up for us all." What a wondrous dcelamtlon! you exclaim. Thin surely is not that Being whom my conceptions pictured to my view so frigid, eontractetl and arbitrary.' He H|M»n?d not his own Hon ! Is thi.s true V Then there is love in God; then there is salvation in 0(m1; then there Is hoiw in (Jod. I had thought him cold, un)u.st and austere; but lo, ho ui)peai>i wearing tho character of love, brwithlng the spirit of love, displaying the acts ol love, and laying at my feet tho most costly antl precious boon of his love! OOod, iiow my hesirt before this love of iliflerent lieciiUHC in a far higher and diviner sense the Lord .fesns is declared to be fhe.Soimf (<<kI than believers, wiio are alsio deiioniinated tlie " Moiis of Ood." Tho pa.shage l«'lbre us niakes this dLstiiietlon, —"his own .Sun," a modeofe.v- lirtHsion peculiar to the Ki^ential relalion of ("hritd to (itwl. ,lnst as a father would diKlinguisli, by the sfuiic ijliruM'ulogy, his own son from the son he had ailopitd, .so (iod (liHtinguislied his eternal ami •H'ii tilial Son from liis adopted wns, Clirii-t is I'i-.'where enlletl the "only bej^otten ,Suu of •foil;" that is, the only one elaiming so clo.se an alliiiity with tlie I'ather. And can the essential eiiiiality of (he Hon with the Father be more dis- tinctly declai'isl than in the «iuotalion whieh the apiKslle malies from one (if the Messianic IValnis, and applies it, as if originally was, to the eternal Sou of ( J o d " Unto which of tlie aiigel.s said he at any time, thou art my Son: this day have I begotten tliei v And again: I will be to liini a l ather, ami he shall btj to me a Son ? And again, when he liringeth in the flrst-ltegotten into the worhl he saith: And let ul! the angels of O'ld worshij. liiiii." (lleb. i. r,, (i.) And if all the angels of (iu<l are coniiiiandtHl to worship him, surely, thfi), <air l.ord spake no tila.spheiiiy when " he niade liiiiiself e((ual with Ooil." thine unsiHHikftblc! "Ills own Son." Wo are hero met with a great and glorious truth,--the Honshlp of our l.ord. There may bo mucli of mystery connecttJd with it, ncvorthelosfl it is a revealcHi doctrine, and as such, wo lieliovo aud uro sure that it is true. Willi what clearness tlid Christ himself proiwund this doctrine to tho caviling Jows: "Jesus answereil them: My Father worketh hitherto, and I work. Thoroforo tho Jows sought tho more to kill him, bocaUBO ho not only had broken tho Babbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God." (John v. 27, 18.) Now It must bo borno In mind that this declaration of his Bonshlp Involvos also a decla- ration of equality in all rospoctH with the Father, So tho Jews evidently underatood it. In a far 'iiKl "s|);ire(l not his own Son." ICvpre.ssive words I Knowing what retleniption re(iuirwl--» U'itiee, i-'ti rti and inexorable, doniandiiig full satis- laetioii, till' law, rigid ami uiibemliiig, demanding perfect (,ln«<liemc lie withheld not the only saerilici.' tliut eonid meet the ease, "llesimred not his own Sun." lie did not reljiv aught of the rei|nlreiiienl, nor iilKitc iimrlit ol the suH'eriiig, Oh, iio! the utmost piiyment was cxiu'UhI , and the lawf droji of the eii|) was draint^l. Had there been the least relnving of the law's stringency, or the rilighttst fiirtuiliiieiit of the law'.s penalty, then there had been no wilvation for us. And all this was the unveiling of love. To npijri* his people he spared not Ills Son. "Delivered him up for us all," If any other exprmsion were iiiH-essary to dceiwii our sense of the vastne.ss of his love, we have it here. Who tielivered uj;> .lesus to die? Not Judas (or money; not Pilato for feur; not the Jews for envy; but the Father for love: "Hini being delivercti by the detcrminattf counsel and loreknowletlge of Ood, ye have taken and by wicked hands have crucllk'd and slain." (Acts ii. 2.%) In this great transaction wo lose sight of his betrayers, and his accusers, and his niurtlcrcrs; and wesw only tho Father travailing in the greatness of his love to Ills family. And lo what was he delivered'.' To the hands of wlckisl men, —fjtxl's darling to tho power ol the dogs, —to poverty and want,-- to contempt and infaniy, —to grief and sorrow,— to uniiarallokHl sulfering, and a most ignominious dtmth. " It pleaswl the Lord to brul.se him: ho hath i»ut hini to grief." And for whom was ho thus tielivered iij)? " For us all,"—for tho church l»urchased with his own blotxl. l-'or all in that church ho has an etiual love, and for all ho paltl an etjuiil price. Oh dcH-ni not yourHclf—iKH»r, un- lettered and anilctcd as you may I mj —letis un object of tho Father's love, and less tho purtdiaso of tho Biivlor^s merits! Oh blessed, comforting truth,—" lor ns all" 1 For you who art? tempted to interpret your afliictlons as aignals of wrath, i nnd your siufi as eeiils of contleinnatioii, and your poverty iw marks of neglect, and your Bciwons of darkness us tokens of dosertion, and your doubtB and fennj tui ovidenccfl of a fhlso hopo and of solf- » Btn«dyei»thcwayB.and boo and ask fbr tho old path«, which are tho srood way«. and walk tborei; and ye shall find wat tor your New Series—Vol. XI. Ko, dt!Ccptlon,~for you, tlear saint of God, Jfcflus was tielivered up. Ami now let us conshler this unspeakable gitt t>f OtHl as the guarantee of all other blesalngn. " How shall he not with him frooly give u» all things?" How iK^autiful and concluaivo tho reastinlng t»f t h e aiKktle! Arguing from tho great(>r to t he less, ho proceetis to assure the be- liever t»f Ootl's readlnesH freely to bestow all lUHMiful bli>s«iiigs. To this he stood pledged. Tho gift of his own Hon, so freely and unreservedly bestowed, was tho security and tho channel of* every other mercy. When Ood gave hia Son tiio reconciliation hatl not actually been effected, Justlcti hatl rec( 1 ved no satlsfHctlon, and the broken law no repair. Thus "Ood «)tnmended his love towaril us. In that while we were yet Hinncra Christ dknl for us." (IU)m. v. 8.) If, thon, when we were enemies we were reconciled to OotI by the ileath of his Son, much more, being recon- cilctl, will ho freely glvo us all things. "All things"! How ctnnprchensive the grant! "Ac- corilingas his divino power hath given unto tw all things that iwrtaln unto llfo and godliness." i'eter 1.;[.) Hohilng tho security in the hand of faith, you may repair to your heavenly Father, ami ask for all that you need. So to S|)oak, Go<l luiM bound him.solf to wlthliold no good thing from you. Ho is i)ltHlgctI, and from that pledge ho will nev(!r rm>de, to grant you all you nee<I. What is your demand? Is it the Spirit to s^l, to sanctify, to comfort you'.' Thon draw near and ask the gift: " For if yo who aro evil know how to givo good things to your children, how miieh more shall your heavenly Father give the Ut>ly .S]iirit to them that ask him?" Is it I )ardon? Then ask It. Ho who provided tho sa(?rificc for sin, will he not freely bcHtow tlie for- giveness of sin ? Is It grace? Having given you the Ucscr\-o!r of grace, is ho not as willing and "able to make all grace abound towartl you, that ye, always having all sUlBclency in all things, may abound to every good work " ? (2 (hr, ix, 8.) Is it comfort? Having given you tho "Conso- lation of Israel," will lie not provts to you tho "Ootl t)f all comfort"? Is your necessity tem- poral? Are yt)ur circumstances advetBO? Flllo<l with lorcbotlingM of approaching difliculty, tho cruse of oil and tho barrel of meal wasting, are yon "tnxious nnd fearful ? Take .your teinimral needs to Omi. Wliat! will ho bestow tho higher bhtdslngs of gnux;, and withhold tbe Inferior onen of providence? Never! And can you press to your believing heart tho prlcelesH, precioua, un- 8i>eakahle gift of hhi Son, and yet cherish in that lieart the gloomy, misgiving thought of God's unwillingness antl jnability to supply all your iieetls? " Frtjcly give," God's gifts aro both rich aud gratuitous. He always bestows more, never loss, than wo ask. It would seem as though ho coulrt not t)|Hjn his hand to n pobr comer but it over- lIowtHl with a bounty worthy of himself, Here are mot all the objections to our coming which spring fVom our unworthincss, unlrultfainen and unfaithfulness. Having nothing to pay,.nothing in return is rwiulred .• ••Without money and without prhie," Free as the sunlight,—(hie as the balmy air, —free as the mountain stream,— free as the heart of God can make It, Is every blessing whicii he bestows: " He that spared not his own Bon, but delivered him up for us all, how shall ho not wUli him also freely give iw all thing!."

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560 rtBOai B A P T I S T . T o a l l S u i i i

lapsed Organs. ferore f l r o m P r o -

I Uke tbLi method of cnUing your at-teutioD to th« oelebmted Bodv ind Lung Brsoe, which I have aold for the last eighteen yeara, that I mar mako it a benefit to my papKSir 4jy mating it a far greater benefit to yon.

I will briefly eive you mv rwtoiw for thin Invaluable article to

the mm.of &tlfa& wkd IWTe me with rr, hudnr with it, I can tour hour* • day without exhaua-

reooDimending th

from excemfve proaching; I could »t>«ak but a little while without getting ~

yon wa«

Mare thorou

an eighteen bmk(!n

year* ago, I down in voice

J hoarse; my thiroHt wan generally aore, and eaxtly irritated, and lt« tone became hoary and husky; aoon a hacking cough wt in, that increiuied, until at the clow of a long

ing, a the eflecta aoon Bui>erinduc«d bronchitis'

m e e t i ^ my voice failwl entirely, under

ItIM ously tnreatcned my life. I was now

7, of n chronic Inrynoitin that

itis, wh lich ot'ri-"7

compelled to dcMst trom preaching, and, If noesible, overcome tbone difflculties, ana recover the lost troBMure,-~-tbe voice, that to a minister or lawyer is more valuable than gold or jewels,— or be fiileut forever. I ft|i|ilicd to the most eminent phyBicians, and whh but little hoijxd; save tlie excision of an elongated uvula, tliey could do notliing but advise rest; and this I was com-pelled to take. What caused and a»n-tinued that constiint irritation and hacking cough, they could neither ex-plain nor prevent. Providencc threw the remedy in my way. M v wile was aulTering from prolapitus uten, and the prolesaor of the theory and practice of me<licine in the University of Nashville Dr. Winston, was her physician, and lie prescrilwd for her this identical Bruce, wnich sjieedily .viietoil h" ' She i-oni-plained ot a " dragging down; " and no language cc'.'W betwr express my feelinga, and especially after preaching. It occurred to mo if it was good lor one case oi "dragging down," why not for another. Witliouf ' ' i .

« b«T:

tioo or h o M a e n e M . I ' m w u m it only whan •paaking, and thus preaerve my voioo and and phyaicai «n«rdm. ? do not I)elleve tiiat any ona would ever be Bfflict«d with Aerttia, or pHet, or weaknew of. the back j t loina, thould he wear it ordiuarily i-joao, and only tight when speaking or putting forth unusual efliirts. It ia a jtreaerver ot a good vcic« and of a Hound physicai condition. It iliuuld be worn by every minister and piihlic sprsker to carry the energy aud vigor o< hw youth lar into old age, aud by erery old man i« assiit him to supixirt the growiog weakness of a ro.

HundmlH of old men y<>arly aro-using tlio Bnu-o for im<A: inrXvt with invariable Butisfaction.

I do not claim tliat tho Body and Lunff Bract! will cure every dimuw that flesh i» heir to ; but it ui i l re-lieve, where it does not fully cure, ill that iffent a r m y of ills and ucIh's Hint Hoon brealv down tho l)est ctm^ti tutiono, which are Wiuswi by />n>-/itimia of the muscles ichkh mpiwt (hr internal organt. Thin is tlu* only nKH'hatilMil contrivanw^ ever di»-c<)vm<d tliat uplifts tho abdomen rather tliaii comprewos it, us all trusses do.

Tlih» Ih what it doen, as thoufiind-* who have u««l it are i»rep;jrtHl to test i fy: It supiwrts tiio back, aiidii-men, Htomach, lungs and woml). It, therefore, pn vents lassitude, hoarw-iK flH, piles, hernia, oonsuuiptlon, and

liout Consulting any oae. luoccx^ one large enough tor mywK

and put it on, the first timsdoubtless it was ever worn by a man tor such a reaaoo, anU -the result was, tha ir-

St u t i ^ of my throat won quieted, and

IP I * king ere long » J voice commcnccd binldiii|^ u >, uutil I could articulate, which 1 Imi not <lone for twelve months, and very soon I com-menced to preach again. That Brace I wore nearly ten years withoutcommuni eating lu wonderful advantages to any one, Mcause I thought I was using an article that was inventetl for the Ui*o of females only. Privately, to a few spccial friends who weie sulfering as 1 suffered I expUined the nse oJ the Brace, and through me they obtained it, and were relieved as I was, I now made known the power ot the Brace to restore, strength-en and prpasrve the voice in public epeakers, and then commenced ofTerbig it as a premium to ministers for subscrib-•ra.

The cause of hoarseness, sore throat, laryngitis, and finally bronchitis in subiic sixater ,and all thee*- symptoms of "dra^ glng down," goneness, exhaustion alter iiwakinif, and weakneww of tlie back and loins, piles, and ,.eruia, M the mlight re-laxation of the abdominal nimcles, which allows the bmveh to sink, and knowft by marked hollows over the tip* ot the hips. Now all know that the linings ot the stomach are connected with those of the throat and affect the vocal organs, and when the stomach sinks a straining is brought to bear upon the throat, and speaking or talk-ing will irritate it f i d produce hoarse ness, and if coniinuit. sore throat, and all the train of evils tj.i»t pubiicsi eaki rs are wont to compkln of, and which has carried hundreds to their graves,. and whidi yearlyare laying Bsiclc as useless hundreds ot sthers.

Now, alter a p<>nioual experience of ueariT twenty yr-nrs. and the added oxp..-rienoo ot more than one thousand minis-tera and pubiiu speakers upon whom i have fitted the iJrace with invariable aumas, I am prepared to testily of iu real merlU. Without it, I amjiatisflcd I aiiould have been laid aside fVom public aimakiug eighteen yearn ago. By using It, I have luily recovered a lost voice" and am ijieswid with one of uncommon power and onduranco. Without it, two or tbreo wrmona exhauit and ^ v e me

that terrible dlMeaoe,—dyi»pejwi;t. It iiicrea.'*« tlie l?reuthin(f capacity,

and thereby j{iv«i BtreniHh to the iKKiy.

It exHpandM and enlarjreH the lunp<, and thus rendersj breathing f rw mid easy, and theo'by promoter digentiun.

I t relieves chronic cos(lv»>no>w ami

Eiles when till other lueanx mive

iiie<i. It invariably rclicvts all vases of

prolapsus uteri in femalcri. a dis<'a.-«> that no mwlicinecan.reacn, liecausc, l ike a broken limb, it needs mechani-ciil support.

It relieves piles and prolapsus ani, by uplifting the lower boweiti from the rectum.

I t if! bcinj; used more and more yearly, a.s it.i viilue i i linowii, by public Hp<>akerrt atid ««inper!<, and by thowe liavhif; weak luiifra and Iwicks; wild by tlioi«» having stixiping shoul-ders antl hacking coughs, the Hure pre<'ursors of consumption. And many a sullVrer has lieen curtni of •lys^pdia and liver complaint who had lKt>n coMsidfr(>(l In the last stage of coiiHumption. Ol'H I.WI'ROVf:D HKArK.

The original Brace, nuido only for ladies, wa.s tof) we»ik for the sterner sex. I reinedhHi it by an imjwrtant imimiveaient, as the. following will show: —

L«tt nil Take Hotter. TtilM to M'rtliy tlint III* a n d e n t n i e d

In lli«« only mnnnnietnrrr of the Uaii. niiiK Ikxlj' Hrne«-,nn<l that thfMM man-nntrtnrvir for J . H. tirnvr*, fcl^n.-nre ina(l<> <lifr<pr<>ut, and nr« moreilarnbip.

iuiiiilB and JuialMigo they are invaluft-bl«. W . C. I<AWRKNCB, M.D.

(TmwfordviUc, I roetdved the Brace Ibr m y patient,

Alro. BhoHii j^ i o d I t , aiuI 11 relieves! het. bacit iinmediately. I am well pietuiod with tiio Bmw. I t Ik tho only supporter that I have Hoen or nM«i in m y cxtcnsdye practice Uiat 1 can n-ly u|Htn witliout any appi'iar-ance of evil from llx ui^e. I .Htisii hero-after iiitriMiuce it Into iuy practice, and charge noi>ommi!«<lon.

A. A. DAVIS, M.l). nou.<«toiiia. Mo.

TtXTIMUKY o r P|'RE,lf NPKAHKnM. I'roin (Itr «;<*v<'riior orTvnavMN-f.

The follo\urig ccrtillcate firom Uov. I'ortcr, who bus thoroughly ttMted tho meritii of our Improved Brace, should be r«id by all sufl'frers. l i e largi'ly. If not, a'ltog.-ther, ow«^ hlri last elccUoii to the Braw. Notice what ho says;--.

Ksrca l l t r Mfficf, .\n>.li«UI<>, Truu., Iti-mulM-r m,

O r . J . U. - - l i t ' i i r J^ir: t itNea U i e lli-a('«> xt-iil l»y y o i i r -« « i r d a r l t t f r n iy l a t e van taNMoC tiif> S t a t e . I t WttN of vt-i-y R r c a t a e r v l c f t o l o e , a n t l I tt-vl » t?r> w e l l MaiNttiMlfhMt i r n i a d c u u i " n ieni -««l t ia u s e a w e e k f a i ' l l t ^ r t h a t m y l o l c e vronl t f n o t l iav c-tM-fii « l l ( ( t e U a t n l J . T l i c Urnt t i m e J f t I ftddreHNvtl a lai-K« c - ro tvd o r |>e«ple . l u t b c o|it>u a i r , a n d 1 f t ound t b a t m y v o l € « w t t a l u a c l i a t r c n i r t l i -f u r t l . n u d a t t l i v c l o n e o f a t w o t i nn r 'N Mpeech I wa«« tk-e« f r o m m y iiMual fevl l i iK o f nf^ar l i ieNN a n d e x i a a u N t i o a .

Ve»y ReN|>t>t-tt\illy. J 4H. U . F O I I T E K .

.ItlHINTIJIK' Tr>iTIHOXT. OKAH RltO. l,;KAVi>ii-Yaii niiut* •»« n r v « t < < n l . H o m . - l l i r ;'«• y r n n n c o , o f om<>

of Hi>nnlai«i% l.iints nml Bod* Brarmi. I

wonid advbe all n i ^ f l n , who fi»l udo aft ^ fatigue and laaiit

by la i DiMuu) to after apiaakinK

I liad to tio. 1 wijuld not without it for any eonaldcnUion.

Odoman, Mo. D a v i I ) U i t TKHTIMOSV t i r rAKMERM.

I S «s-puoi» of lu wort you {•laim. 1 wouij

Wntontu,Teun. T. K, K. IU!ntkk .

worth. I believe it tn OUllTllOt WlOXHItll. ' '»• K, K. IU!.NTK1(,

Tlm.HBh Mjwsni. Flo wen A WUnoc of Ken. touwaljon, Obion oountj.Tenti.. I p^m,^ miflof your lmi-n.v«.l lkirtilnM'H'l'«,rif'iV,d

rfrstrw.; It 1«.Just What 1 w ifi^it Uo.lv ni-<Nl<Ml. 1 nni fti'M" plfKiMMl wall It, 81,4 woiiKt i.ol bf .I. |.riv..il ot in.t lis.- of H 0, nZ lmi«tr«l gold J I ' I S tt now m«ii ^ ll<•f. I jiiu it i»u(l woi 1.1 h«uinj' and chfM.rtully re«oinuirud U (.." ii who limy b« as 1 wai., >iuo..njig, ami u mhii to do th«« work rwiiilrwl of us lU rnrtncrs

. rilUMAH KUtWKlls iluth.'rfoiil rtmuoii.'iviiu.


n nrv«t<<nl. Hom.- llir ;'«• y r n n nco, of om<> f Bi>nnlai«*« l.iints nnd B« " ~

iM<-<>|if<-<l mill Itt-pl II lor tltr<-«- r m m wtlltnnt itrarluK r a t h f r cimmimm »nrh llilu«a Hndrr Ibe brad of •* hnm-b u n r r j r . " Hveralljr. tbe brav* aud fttlimlBK rlforKi or Ihr On t rnn la l , <|Uil4> braiir down l»r Ihr flnilmoiilli.il ronrladml 10 trr tb« r<-J<«l«d llriM<r. and 1 do iMit bmilnlr to K^itirr in tb r Invalaaltir worth uf Ihia Rrare. 1 ran «Bdar« atlraMi lfar«-«> llonm Ibeniuount of labor tbat I did befon- witboni n»> i JKlS: - .*^^? ' " ' ' i '*" « " " ' k o v e d AT KvsMr wTKr o r i3i«-iuu«eD Kr. r o a r , aud m* phynieal nln-nKtb baa b«>rtim«at«fW«wtl|rr«>B«>wed. I Konld not lak*- kJli Uhm^ r"*— ' Urare now prnitr with mrnd thin

Kro (MIIY4. -I li«v<- b.'.ii wwuUi# mr HHtiiiinit'K llfHiy »nil I,iiuK Bmop Hi.oui%i.Ttv tlayg, for txtreiue Wfftl{tii«5 of my Iwick »ii<t miner}- in nv.v ehwt, Atui run intihrvilly mv Wia( I itui nuieli iKTiPllUtl, UioiikIi nmhini llkp clear ot my maludy, 1 c.ii, rl(Ji> liom* iwck or In u WHcnii, folluw mv |il<>»-, m tn.,t fiidorc mor«' w ulkliiK-nlxJut tii-n«al t>u«liicw 11 11 il«y, Willi fur isri Blvr t>aik', than 1 havo

Ihx-U to .10 iu ft Nmx llriK;. 1 HikI iht, IlrBtf,.- t«> hii truly tin- vt>ry mtthankia) li, lb 1 ne«l. 11 ( l m-uv

Horn UvKi*, Mlsd-, M«y 1h, l)>'77. I rccolVMl my limci-hbonl tl»' t. iiui or l-Vi,

riuury, miJ 1 rtml Krt>«t Ik'1|> nom it. 1 fliiii I c«u uow work luuoli l»>li. r, Ki><t nil itov Umg Mln<< Ik nil old fomplnli.u I'ui-Kivfltr urm, aifo 1 biirt my liwrk liniiiK. TIhh |k what I c»r. •Hyan*!r»t <>i ouly l»1y ii-iv». If 1 wu-tliiiiH ( o mriid, It will iu>t tx' lot,,: In-Ioro i hiu •oiii'd. T. M. lUKIS.

Itrci. OnivoH; Th<« laiiiB tiiid H<v1t Urucs. which 1 (ir«lfrf»t fVimi yoii wnsreci-lVHloii thi> Wth of .Muroli la»t. 1 I i u t p K k Ikihi thirty d«y». Now, ivs mi linntui m.-ui, fur Hit-bi-iK'Ufi that 1 ililul: ilistt 1 !iav«< iilr«>A<ly rc-Cflvetl, I would not Iw without lhi» llriiei'yof. KGlit rue, mid the prlvllf*"' ol ilujillcaUtiK.'fnr the I k * ! horm* In KjMirtniiUiiiK roUniv, 1 would cliiHTtully ri"iM>mm«»iiirHn p 'ifkou'siitil

».li Uhm^ a r i c f i . ' mjr m a»« b« to, d K <7, . !b II. I nKMt r«r«lail7 I cd him to ppt tho

would met n-fli. I

fcrliiK ivt I Iinv)' Ix'fii witit wt>jiUn>'M »i tlit< hlpi and bHok.iiMd with a dull lu-tun' fivllm; nroniid tin- klxloinini, to >'Vourt< a HrfUM- :<l o-.roniid Ih- rtdlovul. H. s. IMKI * K.

Hfxtrt.inlmri!, V«., M. t NI>i:4 lAl. HKI.ir.l'.

<'un«iiiiit>lioii t'lircil. Ill IKT.'i I IxHjjiht llnu'i' for my iii)!,

EW, . I h u u ' h T . Kullcf, v I-v i m i i i.M,cu p i o

nounccd in the la^t ^t^t* of cotisiimpilon by tlie vtfrv itpitt {)l>»4i(;iA»iH in ihr (Dim-

I fltlii'rWl frVra- tfreni, reo^uuiicmi-n to liy ntrAm-

wira tuajr phyaleally or •tb«rwlM« bomI U. U. A. Ii«»rt«», b.D.

and an lmprov«-in<>nt ovrr tb« n m r n l Niyl<> now In ninrk<>t. Wr aril o lbrr party Noiilb of tbt> Ohio Blvrr.

»:.€. DAWrORTII. omcM of M»nTg Cio., Conu., Alay 1, 1K7B. No other party in this city or the

South sells my Improved Brace, un-lesH he can Hhow a written eom-miftslon from me.

TKMTIMONIAUI. I could produce the testimony of

liundre<l8 of eminent phjTdciang and BurKwins of the North, but prefer to Kive a few Southern practitlonere, who are known or mav he written to.

The lato Dr. Stone, tho jrreat sur-Kcon of New Orleans. pronounctHi it tho perfecthm of mechanicai Inven-tion for the purpoiH? intended: 1. o,, tlie uiiliftlng of flie bowels, and relief of air cnawH uf prolaiwuH of tho in-ternal organs.

I'BBlorTlilrd liapU«tC'barcb,Ut. l oulju BAXXINON UKAt-E.-lt Is our of the

watMl of pbyairal blewInK* to a pnb. l ie u p v a h r r or alnir4>r. T b e tcatlnony o r m a n y u i l u U t « n i an t o i t«<r«>a t iM-nt^ a t w o n i d MnrprlM* lboa«> who bnow DOtblnK of It, H. II. f<»BD,

FUtltorClirtiUiUi Ili'iKMltory. I have given the Brace a fair trial. I

fiiiri it all that ii claioie.1 for it. f would not take ^100 for the right to tine it. I hope that all my niinuitcring brethren will procuro one.


I nrcHcribed one of your Braces to a lady patient of mine last full. Hlio says she would not take one iiundred doiiars for it. If «ho could not get an-otlior one of tiic wtmo kind.

8 . TUIIHETT, M . D . Haynovillo, Ln., April 19, 1877. All Uii> Braces which I have or-

^ r e d give tho grcfttcat BatlaliicUoD. For all kJods of ivomb diseeiOi, weak

J. A. RKVSOLDA. Fulton, Mi*., 1874.

A UEOKtllA KVABr<>IEI.IHT. Having; given the Banning IJrace a fair

trial, I checffully bear my tcotimony to Its value. I can pi>rform niy Inlnir with filty jier cent more ea!«e and comlort than before; I would not be without it for twice itn price. T. C. B o y k i n .

Hunday-school Kyangeliot. Atlanta, Oa. I can preach day and night for two

months with my Brace on and not he aa hoane an I would in one wcclc without i t : every minister, itrong or weak, ahould have one. A. R o u t h .

Union Depot, East Tennewoe. Tho Brace I recoived from you I

And L? of great benefit to me. I was afraid it was nf>t wluit It wb« recotn-niendod to be; but I wan induced by my physician to gut one. Hhortly nlterwanl, the church tha t 1 was a member of called tne to serve them as partor; and I accepted on tho con-dition tha t thoy ehoald get mo a Brace. 1 was entirely broken down from over speaking. I could not

longer than flfteen minutes un-til I bccamo very hoorsn; but, with tho Braco on, I can spoak with por-fii>ct <pe ono hour : and, afunr spoak-ing, I do not feci that unpleasantoeBS a t iny Btomach tha t 1 did before lulng tho Braco. I can say t h a t Uie Bnuw la aU thstr Is da imed for I t ; and I

i.rtig Bmee atiil ii, rt ncll. I liofl^t it for him n- Ty- n rebunt ni.in,iibie to sjilli

railx or do any work. I writo thin, !)«> caUHe I thiuk it otiglit to Ik* known, nnd thoiiHands of feinnies ought 10 kntnv iin advantages in twi/w**.

K . B . F i t l r k k

f 'Rit t: o r RKAri:N. The price of this Brace iielorc llie

war wa- |20, aiul when fitted tiy the metlical profcfwion.

The patent having e.xpintl 1 have securiK the manufacture of lOOOof the lmprove«l Braces ujxmHUch tcrrnK that I cjui furnish them at the follow-ing prices:— rinln llmee, ordinary site (JlO.Oti Wnglc lIcriilR Uniop, onllniiry (ike.... IH-SO

I offer my improved UraiH- to any one AS n pr»miuin for 10 new siilwcril*rii to T h e I t A P T i H T at $2 7 0 including p<wu«e and $1 for t>very Hulm-riberyou fall to get.

Or one Bruce lor ten IJniccH with cash, tlO each.

»oti(«.-An nlMBOVortU Inchc*. h«vln|i to b»» exprvmly mtiUe, arc 12.50 fxtra. Krotit l-wl aiul Spring daplloat«d tor |S.Ot>. Hwnl* pad* (neparalely) ftir single or douhleKoplnre 93.00. Hent by mall, post-paid.

DIBECmoNS r O « MEAHI'BIWW. Tahaa tapf, t f y o n have uol a r»fw

larmeiMiirlnc t«p«-llnr,and oieasnro two IbPbea BKLOW tbr tips of thr blp» •roniid th* nbdomrn, and send tb" •iCMann In Inebwi. The nraec* are ^ •aark«>d In titru nnmbers. and ran be tialarirMl two Inebra.

In all cases the cash ifiiust a«wn-pany the order, with nearest Expitw ofUce, as none are sent out on trial 10 bo ndurned. Wo do not send the Braco by maU. But a pcrf«;t At 19 g u a m n t m l , and Braco will bo clianged by purchaser paying express chargw. A d d n j a

J . R . OBATES, Monophte, Teon.

Hp,' H'


/: •

01(1 Horics -Vol. XXXV. MKMPII18, TEN.V., AUGUST 10,1878. O u r F u l p i t .

T i n ; « I F T OF OOD'.S ,S(I.\ THK GUAKA.N-TKK o f a 1,1, oTI IKI t HLl>Wl,\(i.S.

IIV i>. U 1NS1,.)W, 1>.1>. lit) that Npiiriil mil liu own .s<,ii. Iuil,d> lIv.Tttd hioi up l"r UN lill, how Bliull li(i not Hilli hliM iilho ir.nly nlve us all tliliiK*?"-Kom. VIII, .i;;,

EACH Micccrwivo appllciition which the apd-'th nuikes of the f;reat cU,,.trine he liiul lieeii

alily <lis(us.siiig serve- hut niore fiiily to uiifi.lil tho glory ami MwwtiUHs of the tnitli . \V»( (-.m scarcely,light upon a in litirt iiriiliant. atid eoli.wlatory chapter .so rieh ami euiiiprehc.sivo as the present. Our admirat ion iMdividifd hotween tiie va.sttief».'< of the truth it contains add the ex •luisitf grace and appropriatenoris with whl'.-h ii is iiitroducfHi. It wa.H ju-st tho truth needed to give roptweand enlargement to the mind after thread-ing it>» way through the nia/x»4, lucid though i>ni-fdiind, of ( Jod's i>rfHk»<tinating purpose and jdun. As if anfieipating tne cold, impa8?;ive view of (RkI wiiich Home might dlspostHl to elierlHli, I'aul intrtKlucesa fact whicli would at om-e dis-l>el the falMC coiieoption, viiidieate the Divine ehanu'ter, and exhibit if in all the glow and ef-fiilgenee of ItK infinite ln iievoienee and love. Tiiere iian he tiolliinir eoiitnieled or friirid in the dispoHitioii of that Being who, from the fidliom-leM,>< depths of his nature, gave •<() eoMtly a (ncnif of his love as his .Sun. He iniiHt In-love, il'tliisiis the manifestation " if lovi'. Von have, it iiiiiy he, deemwl him partial and eold, —you have thongiit him (llHtiint antl reix-iling, —yon have -^ettlec down with tlie crude ami gloomy notion that hecau-soyour lot wits unchangeaMy lixed, believ as you may, antl act as you will, it is >.1' little purpose; and thus all your Ihoiiglit.s ami edort.s after .salvation liavo beeoiiio iiiipedtnl ami piiral imI , and you have roHigiied yourwelf to sinful, Hullen despair. But lo, a t ruth hursts upon your mind, developing a new idea, ami prcHeiitiiig to your view a new jiortrait of (iod ! thus changing the whole current of your thoughts and foelingH respecting h i m : " H e that ajmred not his own Hon, but tielivered liim up for us al l ." What a wondrous dcelamtlon! you exclaim. Thin surely is not that Being whom my conceptions pictured to my view so frigid, eontractetl and arbitrary.' He H|M»n?d not his own Hon ! Is thi.s true V Then there is love in God; then there is salvation in 0(m1; then there Is hoiw in (Jod. I had thought him cold, un)u.st and austere; but lo, ho ui)peai>i wearing tho character of love, brwithlng the spirit of love, displaying the acts ol love, and laying at my feet tho most costly antl precious boon of his love! OOod , iiow my hesirt before this love of

iliflerent lieciiUHC in a far higher and diviner sense the Lord .fesns is declared to be fhe.Soimf (<<kI than believers, wiio are alsio deiioniinated tlie " Moiis of Ood." Tho pa.shage l«'lbre us niakes this dLstiiietlon, — " h i s own .Sun," a modeofe.v-lirtHsion peculiar to the Ki^ential relalion of ("hritd to (itwl. ,lnst as a father would diKlinguisli, by the sfuiic ijliruM'ulogy, his own son from the son he had ailopitd, .so (iod (liHtinguislied his eternal ami •H'ii tilial Son from liis adopted wns, Clirii-t is I'i-.'where enlletl the "only bej^otten ,Suu of •foi l ;" that is, the only one elaiming so clo.se an alliiiity with tlie I 'ather. And can the essential eiiiiality of (he Hon with the Father be more dis-tinctly declai'isl than in the «iuotalion whieh the apiKslle malies from one (if the Messianic IValnis, and applies it, as if originally was, to the eternal Sou of ( J o d " Unto which of tlie aiigel.s said he at any time, thou art my Son: this day have I begotten tliei v And aga in : I will be to liini a l ather, ami he shall btj to me a Son ? And again, when he liringeth in the flrst-ltegotten into the worhl he saith: And let ul! the angels of O'ld worshij. liiiii." ( l l eb . i. r,, (i.) And if all the angels of (iu<l are coniiiiandtHl to worship him, surely, thfi), <air l.ord spake no tila.spheiiiy when " he niade liiiiiself e((ual with Ooil."

thine unsiHHikftblc! " I l l s own Son." Wo are hero met with a great

and glorious t r u t h , - - t h e Honshlp of our l.ord. There may bo mucli of mystery connecttJd with it, ncvorthelosfl it is a revealcHi doctrine, and as such, wo lieliovo aud uro sure that it is true. Willi what clearness tlid Christ himself proiwund this doctrine to tho cavil ing Jows: " J e s u s answereil t h e m : My Fa the r worketh hitherto, and I work. Thoroforo tho Jows sought tho more to kill him, bocaUBO ho not only had broken tho Babbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God." (John v. 27, 18.) Now It must bo borno In mind that this declaration of his Bonshlp Involvos also a decla-ration of equality in all rospoctH with the Father, So tho Jews evidently underatood it. In a far

'iiKl "s|);ire(l not his own Son." ICvpre.ssive words I Knowing what retleniption re(iuirwl--» U'itiee, i-'ti rti and inexorable, doniandiiig full satis-

laetioii, till' law, rigid ami uiibemliiig, demanding perfect (,ln«<liemc lie withheld not the only saerilici.' tliut eonid meet the ease, " l l e s i m r e d not his own Sun." l ie did not reljiv aught of the rei|nlreiiienl, nor iilKitc iimrlit ol the suH'eriiig, Oh, iio! the utmost piiyment was cxiu'UhI, and the lawf droji of the eii|) was draint^l. Had there been the least relnving of the law's stringency, or the rilighttst fiirtuiliiieiit of the law'.s penalty, then there had been no wilvation for us. And all this was the unveiling of love. To npijri* his people he spared not Ills Son.

"Del ivered him up for us al l ," If any other exprmsion were iiiH-essary to dceiwii our sense of the vastne.ss of his love, we have it here. Who tielivered uj;> .lesus to die? Not Judas (or money ; not Pilato for feur; not the Jews for e n v y ; but the Father for love: " H i n i being delivercti by the detcrminattf counsel and loreknowletlge of Ood, ye have taken and by wicked hands have crucllk'd and slain." (Acts ii. 2.%) In this great transaction wo lose sight of his betrayers, and his accusers, and his niurtlcrcrs; and w e s w only tho Father travailing in the greatness of his love to Ills family. And lo what was he delivered'. ' To the hands of wlckisl men, —fjtxl 's dar l ing to tho power ol the dogs, —to poverty and w a n t , - -to contempt and infaniy, —to grief and sorrow,— to uniiarallokHl sulfering, and a most ignominious dtmth. " It pleaswl the Lord to brul.se h i m : ho hath i»ut hini to grief." And for whom was ho thus tielivered iij)? " For us a l l ,"—for tho church l»urchased with his own blotxl. l-'or all in that church ho has an etiual love, and for all ho paltl an etjuiil price. Oh dcH-ni not yourHclf—iKH»r, un-lettered and anilctcd as you may Imj—letis un object of tho Father ' s love, and less tho purtdiaso of tho Biivlor^s meri ts! Oh blessed, comforting t r u t h , — " lor ns a l l " 1 For you who art? tempted to interpret your afliictlons as aignals of wrath, i nnd your siufi as eeiils of contleinnatioii, and your poverty iw marks of neglect, and your Bciwons of darkness us tokens of dosertion, and your doubtB and fennj tui ovidenccfl of a fhlso hopo and of solf-


B t n « d y e i » t h c w a y B . a n d boo a n d a s k fbr tho old path«, which a r e t ho srood way«. a n d w a l k t b o r e i ; a n d y e shal l find w a t tor your

New Series—Vol. XI. Ko, dt!Ccptlon,~for you, tlear saint of God, Jfcflus was tielivered up.

Ami now let us conshler this unspeakable git t t>f OtHl as the guarantee of all other blesalngn.

" How shall he not with him frooly give u» all t h i n g s ? " How iK^autiful and concluaivo tho reastinlng t»f the aiKktle! Arguing from tho great(>r to t he less, ho proceetis to assure the be-liever t»f Ootl's readlnesH freely to bestow all lUHMiful bli>s«iiigs. To this he stood pledged. T h o gift of his own Hon, so freely and unreservedly bestowed, was tho security and tho channel of* every other mercy. When Ood gave hia Son tiio reconciliation hatl not actually been effected, Justlcti hatl rec( 1 ved no satlsfHctlon, and the broken law no repair. Thus "Ood «)tnmended his love towaril us. In that while we were yet Hinncra Christ dknl for us ." (IU)m. v. 8.) If, thon, when we were enemies we were reconciled to OotI by the ileath of his Son, much more, being recon-cilctl, will ho freely glvo us all things. " A l l t h i n g s " ! How ctnnprchensive the grant ! " A c -coril ingas his divino power hath given unto tw all things that iwrtaln unto llfo and godliness."

i 'eter 1.;[.) Hohilng tho security in the h a n d of faith, you may repair to your heavenly Father , ami ask for all tha t you need. So to S|)oak, Go<l luiM bound him.solf to wlthliold no good t h i n g from you. Ho is i)ltHlgctI, and from that pledge ho will nev(!r rm>de, to grant you all you nee<I. What is your demand? Is it the Spirit to s ^ l , to sanctify, to comfort you'.' Thon draw near and ask the g i f t : " For if yo who aro evil know how to givo good things to your children, how miieh more shall your heavenly Father give t he Ut>ly .S]iirit to them that ask h i m ? " Is it I)ardon? Then ask It. Ho who provided tho sa(?rificc for sin, will he not freely bcHtow tlie for-giveness of sin ? Is It grace? Hav ing given you the Ucscr\-o!r of grace, is ho not as willing and "ab l e to make all grace abound towartl you, t ha t ye, always having all sUlBclency in all things, may abound to every good work " ? (2 (hr, ix, 8.) Is it comfort? Having given you tho "Conso-lation of Israel," will lie not provts to you tho "Ootl t)f all comfor t "? Is your necessity tem-poral? Are yt)ur circumstances advetBO? Flllo<l with lorcbotlingM of approaching difliculty, tho cruse of oil and tho barrel of meal wasting, a re yon "tnxious nnd fearful ? Take .your teinimral needs to Omi. Wliat ! will ho bestow tho higher bhtdslngs of gnux;, and withhold tbe Inferior onen of providence? Never ! A n d can you press to your believing heart tho prlcelesH, precioua, un-8i>eakahle gift of hhi Son, and yet cherish in tha t lieart the gloomy, misgiving thought of God's unwillingness antl jnabil i ty to supply all your iieetls?

" Frtjcly give," God's g i f ts aro both rich aud gratuitous. He always bestows more, never loss, than wo ask. It would seem as though ho coulrt not t)|Hjn his hand to n pobr comer but i t over-lIowtHl with a bounty wor thy of himself, Here are m o t all the objections to our coming which spring fVom our unworthincss, unl ru l t fa inen and unfaithfulness. Having nothing to pay,.nothing in return is rwiulred .• • •Without money and without prhie," Free as the sunlight,—(hie as the balmy air, —free as the mountain stream,— free as the heart of God can m a k e It, Is every blessing whicii he bestows: " H e tha t spared not his own Bon, but delivered h im up for us all, how shall ho not wUli h im also freely give iw all thing! ."

B w c u s s i o n o n U u i v e r s a l i s i u . Tkc Hi<rlp(iii>M iMM-b ••>• fli>«i parlM' n>*<l • '•i 'P' '

aMHiol«limi>nliiM<>. Hit. IIHRKVIHI AOIrniii. »M. OUAVemHjnlMi,

• X T T K R I I . "Ill' not oviin'nine ii( nvll, liut ovuwiiu- ''vii witu

K<w.l."~Ui»<t. 12. SI).

DKAHHlJ t . ' —(i«Ml bciiiK tlu> w u i w of nil thlnnH, wdiihl not put into oiHTtiHoii u trfiiii

ofcauwM, lltB<.!fr<ictJ4 of whtch li«» «tt'l<l "«•( fonwt'<s or fortMtmliiK. oould not (i)ntr<)l. TliLs would iirguo t'itlier iKiioruucc or wtuikiicMH on the pm l of Deity, which ciinnut In* lulinUti^l, He \vtis Huroly under no compulHlou to cicuto thi? liuman niw, orjuopurdi/.ti the liiituorliil liappiiimi ol iiiiy 6.1/ oreathig theiu. Out of lli<- spoiitaiiloty uf his l)OUiidle«.i and benign iialurc he needed man and jiliiml hUn in this tali- and iK-auliliil wurl-l hur-roumled by so many eyidcnew of lovi> - wisdunt and power. Hurely tluwi thirr'atlrilaito.-, wui k-infc in porfeet harmony, arc stitlii'icnt to secure tlio tinui perfeetlon—llie ultimate no(«l ut all HOUIM. (Jml ereutwl idl fitr H IS pleasure and ^lory ; henit' we read, •'I'liou art worlliy (> I.ord, to riH.'eivP Klory, and honor ami |iuwei-, lor thiai iiartt creatod all th lnj js ; and fur thy i>ltosinr they are and were created. ' Kev. ,1. 11. Now let u.s HW wlmt the pleasure of Ood is. To the teMti. inony: — " Having: made known unto u^ the niyHtcry of IiIh Aviii accordintf to Uin (/ood p/msun which ho Imth purponeii in hini-^elf; that in the dlapeiisution of the fulliKW of lime, he niiKht gather together in one, uli tilings in Christ, both which nro in lieiiven, and \slii< !i are on eartli, even in h i m . " - E p h . i. !t. Ki.

Wll.L GIOD'H I'l.KA.si'KK ni: AI U I M I ' I . I - H K H

Wo have seen that all were er<'ated fur Ood's plea.Hure, and that it i-t his pleiuMure t(» p i ther to-gether iH ChriHt, nil thingH, and in order lo express universality beyond eavil, tlio apostle add^ by way of emphiwlrt—" iwth which are in ln'aven, and which ure on ea r th ; even in h im." N'ow if there In proof in (lod'.s word that hU pieanure will be ucconii)lishe<J, the doctrine for which 1 l»load, growing out of tiio above .S<.-ripture.s, i» established. The Bible in our Htandtinl, and to it t appeal. Jehovah by the nioulii of hi:< prophet, rtays—"My counHei wludl stand, and 1 ui/f dixi/f my pkamrc" Imi. •(>. m, Will atiy man who roverd the Bible, say that thie language means that Ood will not do Ids plea.sureV Wiio will contradict the plain word of Ood? The ae-compllshnumt of God's pleasure, is i>roof jiositive of the doctrine for wiiich I pie-ad. 11 is pleasure ill the salvation of the world—iience we read tluit " T h e Father sent tiie Hon to be t h e w ^ sAVimi OP THE >V(mi,i)." And .igain, that It pleaded lh« Father, tluit in Christ, whouid a(/ fidhwm dwell ; and,having made |»eace by the blood of his crosH t o f i i ^ KKcoNcti,!'; AM, TiiiNGHi unto himself, whether tidngs on earlli (jr t lungs in heaven." Col. 1. l». 20, I ask the candid, unprejudiced reader, how can this language be underHtood as meaning anything else than the linal reconcilia lion of all souls to God? All fullneas la to dwell l i iChrlat; and ho iiatli made peace by the Idood of his cross to reconcile all things unto himself, whether they he In heaven or on ear th . There 1.H but ono way to lun)each this grand and glowing teatlmony, and that Is to say that Christ will fall '—that ho will prove unequal to the work, and that therefore Gotl'a plca.sc will be defeated. But this will never do, for as I havo above shown God says ho t&'wUt do all liin pleaaure. Wo aro also assuml that " T h e pl tusuroof the hon shall proBiKr In tho hands of (Jhrhit." Isa. -VJ. Id And ogttlh, that " God dooth whutmcvcr plcuseth hlin." Eccle. 8. a. Hnall peoplO who profcs.s to bellovo the Blblo, turn a deaf ear to this jirecloUH toetlmony? or try to fritter It away in such n manner aa to make It moan that God cannot do his pleasure—that Christ camiol reconcile all things unto hlinBolf—that tho pleaauro of l^ord will not prosper in his hands —that mlllionH will lobei against God to all e terni ty? Doea God Pay one thing and mean another? Will niy brethren of tho agonlstlo faith, pause, and calmly consider thoM things? Many by tho force of early train-ing, d ing to a theory, not alwoys because they

/e Btudiod it oarncstly, but bocauso it Itas boon

handed down to Ihom, and they take It for granted, when really If thoy will InvcHtigato lln-iwrtlally with unlottorod nUndu, many of them, will Hoti tha t tho common theory can never bo harmoj i iml wi th the above declarations. The tmchlngs of Herlptuns whfin understood, glv«w"> countenance to the 1 J t h a t sin and pain nro us enduring an <J(HI, and Ihat even God him.selfl.s not uble.to extunulnut(xl them from the universe. Bays tlm eminent English divine, Dr .T . Bouth-wowl Sn i i th—" Were there in tho nature of Deity not tho least portion of henevcdence, Instwul of being UH it is, pure beidgnily ~ were it unmixed evil, it could not be worse for the great majority of his creature.s than aivording to this terrible l(K'tiine it aeluuiiy is. Were, HKMI, the IVity in-

stead of being pure heuevuleiuT, malignant as malignity itself, and had he engaged In llie work of creation un purpose to gratify ids malevolent l»n.'jK'nsitii\s, he I'ouUl not as far as we can sw, have contrived a plan lietter calculated to elhu't his iiurpose, tiian thai which this doctrine teachiw lie actually has adoj.t.Hl wilii tlnj great majority of his creatures."

'I 'm; i)F>i()N I>I ( KICA TIMN.—From the at)ovc, it will .ippear that <i(Ml diti not create man with-out an iiliject in view, iitid that that objet't was the i ihmnir and (jlnci, of the Cieator; and the tlnal happiness of man ix the pli'iwure of the I'rcatur, as we have seen. Had he known that lie could not provifie for tiie highe>t iiappiness of man, and secure it iii his counsels Ix'yond (lerad-venture, he would not hav.- tnade liin>. <iod is master of tho .situation in ail worlds, ami tlie ac-comiiiishnient of his pleu-iure is only a .|uer<tion of time. Nev«'r would lie lijive given life unto any iieing under any circumslanc(vt iis lie foresaw, would entail upon the creature an immortality'-ot suHering. Love and justii-e could never have sanctioned such a iiroceilure. Where is the parent wiio would take iiis children to a ilistant clime, /cmicijif/, or even Itelieving, that aft(^r tak-ing them there, more than lialf would starve to death, or in- torn in peices by the wild beants of the jungle-.: .No io:iti could thu-i ac t ! i!ut tin dtH'trine ol eii.i.r-.-. toron iit repn-sents (Jod as Ijringing mankind into tins world witli a fid/ knoirUdijv that tiie existt;nc(! he conferred npim many would secure their endless ruiti. The goixl father will ble.ss all .his otVspring to the extent of his ability, 'i'o do UHS, would sbow a want of goodness.

Al,I, SHAM. 1 INAl.I.V SICnVK tiUD. —"All the (?ials of the world shall remember and turn unto the Lord, and ail tiie k indns ls of the nations shall worship before thee , " Ps. liiJ. 'Si. I would ask, when all remember , turn lo, and worship the Lord, as the text dtvlares, if tii y will not be gooll and obedient? To rumembi'r the Lord —to turn to h im, is to ro|K'nt of ,sin and forsake it. All will llnally do tids and worship the Lord. All tho ends of tho ear th—al l the kindre<ls of the nations! How could language be more universui? All tho ends of tho earth, and all the kindreds of tho Jiatlons, ovldontly must moan all. But hear tho PsaUnlHt farther. —"Al l they that go down to the dust shall bow before hltn. I'm. 2!i. I lore ho declares that all that dlo—all that return to dust, shall bow before tho Lord; and this agreoH with tho oath of .TehoVah, which says—"I have m o r n by mysolf, the word Is gone oid of my mouth In rlghteou-snesw,,and shall not return, that unto mo ever:/ knoo shall bow, and every tongue shall swear, surely shall say; In the Lord I havo righteousness and strength." Isa. 1.1, 2!J.

Gou'H l.AW UK^jt'lUIW l'NIVKRHAi;oni:niKN('H.— This, I pre-ritime, will not bo disputed, hut should It bo, tho proof Is at hand. "Thou shalt love the Lortl thy God, with all thy heart and with all thy Houl, and with all thy ndnd. This Is what tho law rcMiulros of every uuimber of the human race. The tjuostlon now is, will It over be fidfllkid? Wu will hear tho blotwed JC S U H on this nubjcct. "Ono Jot or ono title shall In no wise paai from tho law, m^ till all be fuelled." JIatt. fi. I8. Now If wo bellovo tho Savior's testimony, how can wo siiy mllllonB will never lovo and serve God? Consider the language. Tho Iqw requires that mi lovo God supremely, and the Savior de-dares that "ono Jot or tittle shall In no wise (under no drcumatanccs) pass Irom tho law till all

fultUled. When thin bleteod {teriod shall lu-tlvo, tho work of univeraal restorfttlon will then iMi complete., God will then roceivo adoration fi-om ft redeomwl u o i v ^ , jwd all will thenbo restorod to that orlfUuil statifi of purity In which they stfWKl l»efor<> the cloud of sin wist lt.s gloomy .shdfloWH upon the hotirts of the children of men. Througluad the empirf* of Gkxl love reigus in all isouls, whilo tJu. anthi 'ms of pftdmj shall reyerher-iite througliout tho courb* of heaven ? Tho victory la complete—robolllon and jwln no longer exwt — Christ hu.y Iriuinphetl—God Is honored and adortnl, antl tlie last wanderer has betni nH;!alm(Hl und presented before tho throno of (iod as a trophy of Ids omnipotent grace!! Well might the nve-lator in view of this glorious eon(jue»<t, exclaim " A n d every creature which is in heav(>n, and en tlie earth, and under the earth, and sucii as are 111 tin? H«a, and all that are in them, liwird 1 saying; blessing and honor, and glory and jipwer l>e unto him tli.it sltteth upon the throne and unto the Lamb forever." Hev. •), i;!. On this, i'rof. .Stuurt, " ( i r thodox " as lie wa.- , says — " If tills lie not ^/liritiad worsiiip, —and if Chri-st IM> not the

I oitject .of it here, i am unalde to jvroduce a case, where worship can I e called sjiiritual and divine." LettiTi to Ciiunning i'. I.o;j. Here tlieii, we imve the assnraiici', th;it all intelligences shall llnuliy ri'iider spiritual worship to Uod and his Christ. I n-ipuvt the reader to note the universality of the language —evi'ry creature whjcli is in heaven — on the earth —under the earth —and sucli as are ill lhe;«".i, the revelator lieard proplieticaliy, cii-gagetl in this august worshiji.

l)r. (Jeo. Cam|ibeli, truly says, that "Tho in-jiaiiitants of /nidtui, arc^ froni their subterranean alxtde, denominated in the New Tiwtanient, I'hil. 2. 1(1, l-iit/iarkrnioi, a word of the same iinjsirt with the jihrase fe.i t/es iindir the earth in the apocijlypst', ch. .'), 1.'!." Dr. Canipliell further declares, that thosti IwMngs itndrr Itw mrth, or in hadf.s, with the t/HHtninioi, and eprgrkn, (vl(«tial and terrestrial Jieings, include the iMoA ratif>nal cn ation. I would n^iKsMfully ask if the doctrine of eiidltHs rebellion can be in liarniony with tiie above declarations? When all In licaveii, on in r th , and In /i«(/<vi shall truly ami spiritually worshii) God, it cannot be that any will he the victims of unceasing tornieids. The i awof t iod will be fuliilleil only w hen all shall truly love and worshij) him, anil the above t«wtiniony is plain in dwiar ing that such will be the ca.se.

HKDKMI'TIVK MKANS AKTKll DKATll. — HmUlSC the grace of Ood has not subdued all rebellious souls in this world, must our fi'ith falter? Must we say it never can ? Ood has all eternity before him to accomplish his work. Tids is oiir rudi-mental s ta le ; and to conllno the work of salvation to it, windd bo like conlining all tho grand achicvomonts of lifo to the years of our minority; and saying tliat whatever is not accompllshtHl dur ing that ignorant immature period, never can be! Would not this IKS unwise in tho extreme? i t really seems so to me. But the doctrinc which conlintfs all iirogrens in tho divine lifo to this world, is loundwl upon this very principle. Wo livo here a fow brief years in ignorance and sin, and then jiass away to another woi ld ; and the conunon th(!ory Is, that Ood has no farther con-cern for the recovery of his err ing children, hut gives thom over to his worwt enemy to he tor-mented to all e te rn i ty! Denies them tho privi-lege of ever reforming I Wha t do we think of nii individual who load.s another Into bad company. Do wo not condomn such a course? What then shall we say of one, who co»iy)c//t another to kcei" bild company alt his lifo? Would wo say it la right and projwr? Where Is the man who would utter such a sentiment? And yet tho doctrinc ol Immortal cruelty charges this vCry couwe upon Gwl! 1 lk!cuti8e men have been le<l astray hy the tempter hero, we aro toUi that God will coini'O them to-keep the company of the devil to a" eternity 11 Wo should not ascribe to Goil this di»-honorable character.

G O U ' B L O V E N E V K R cBiBKS.—Death ono boyond tho lovo of God. Neither tho chlliy touch Of dooth, nor tho darkness of tho tomb can extinguish it. Whot ho loved onco, ho loves now, ond ever w i l l - h o never o h o n g c a - h o Is tho f»mo

yeatenlay to-day tind torovor, without any variety or shiMlovv of turning. By Iwvlng this worhl and gulug to another, w i do not go beyond tlio saving luiluouco of God's lovo. On this iMiint many have. ».rr(Hl. They admit that God loves tho slnn.tr while ho iH In this world, but alter tho spirit takes its (light to tho spirit realm, many th ink God withdraw^ his love. Now consider how this contradicts tho H<!riplures that (Jod i.s unchangt*-able—consi<ler how it ('(mlradiels reason—ccni-sidor how it cantradicls nature! If we love an individual in Alabama, should he remove to Tennossi'e, would the m(<re fact that he iuid lelt one Htute for anotiier ihwtroy the love that we cherished for him ? No one will alUrnt this. Tlie mero change of jdact! wiaild iiave no tendency to dft^roy our uHwlion tor him. Tiioiigh lie miglii go to the utterniost vt r;;.'ol cieation, Irnc ii^ tlic iKiHlle in pointing tn Uic p<.lc.i, uiir ad'ection.-i \v(ailil still cling to him, We all //(o/r this is so; und what we knoi\ tiy i .\peiience as a tiutli , cannot possil)ly In' fal-c. Why llicn, 1 would itsk, should any say that though (iod lovt-s the ^inn. i /(ivr, he will not love him hn-mfhr ' WtiyV Is not sut'ii a declanilloii dearly .it variance with the nature of (Jod ? u i ih wliat I he .Scri|ilures say of h im? and w ith wlm \vc-//,o/r.' A-. I'ope truly says: "llov\ ' ciin \\>' ir.ison liiil (rom what wc Inun i f " We icarn li'iin holy writ, thai " ( h r i s i both ilied, and re\iv(Hf, ih.i( In- miuiit be Lord (possOssor) both of the dead n.id tlic l iving." Kom. I I, Will lie aliaiuifin any part ol ids purcliascd possession? Let him ansv^cr. " .Ml Hull the l'"ather givelti tiie shidi come to me, and hini that cometli to me, I will in no wise cast <»iit." .John (>. .'!(i. iUit says one— "a l l w ill not i-oijie to Christ," All do not now, but (iod has lilnMiiised i(, and he luu all eteriiil.s' before him to make good that iiromi-ie. L<'t us liear Christ on thLs siihje<'t. " A n d I, if I be lifte<l up Iroiii Ihe earth, w ill draw all men unto me ." ,Jolm li'. .'{2, This tiicn settliH tl i- nnitter iK'yond dispute.

DKATU SKCAKA ri>! .\()NK I'ltO.M OlIjl's I.o V K.— Let us hear I'aut on tliis subject. Wliat do you siiy I'aiil? " I iiiii persiDided, that neilher death, nor life, nor aiiuel-, nor priiK'ip ilities, nur powers, nor things jironnt, nor Ihint;^ to <'oni(>, nor lieigiu, nor d' jilli nor an\ oilier cii-alure >,hai: he able to separ.ife ii.. from tin' lo\ e uf (i.Ml u hu h in I'hrisi .Jcsii^ our Lord. ' Horn. .is, \\ •slH' here, thai deatli doe.i not ,-epar.ile (he i.l of Ood's love Irom that lo\«

T H E B A . F '

aiay the Lord IHJ wi th Bro. Montgomery In lUa mwtlng now In progress at Milan. Pray for that man of God. Your brothisr in Christ.

J . M. HICXTKU. Trenton, Tenn., Aug. it, 187R.

ri '^ll i;i!l", are some ft^w ui"n among us claiming 1 to he ilaptisus, yet are Htrengthening tin

liands of oiir enemies by uniting witli tiiem in denying that we as a distinct denomination have had a i-oiitinuous existfriic*'. Why tliey shoul perslsi III denyiiiir what tlie most earnest lui.l impartial of Catholic and Protestant historians are lre<' lo gntnl? .'>ome of tliem to our know! cilge have received their bii|ilisms from tlit! ( atliolics through the Protestants imd this may

ijects j |„. (I,,, i,,()„,.,,ti„| n>ason. Here is winit a stand-.Nothiiig 1 ard I'. iplisi w riters say : -

deatil c.ui de ii, fur the l,iiigiia;,'e IS • not ihin-'^ lu ' come.' N'w power c.in ilo ii, inr r.iul -a.^s nor

" M I D D L E i . l F E " BY .1, K. GUAVl 'X T have just tlnlshe<I reading this little hook,

July I, IH7«. It sets forth tho doctrine of the Middh* Life t i ius; The Blblo teaclufi that when we die our spirits go to tho spirit land calhnl in (ireek, badfi, in King .lames' version In Hnglish, A<//, in (.he Hihje I'nioii, undcr-ieorfif, by Dr. Oraves, uiikihi „<h/i/., I'he good aro kept safe in a place calleil the bad in a place ealletl .'<irt«iun. i lelt the spirits are eon.^cious and con-•>ei-e o.ie \',illi aiiotluir, and the good art.'at riwt, I'lit looking lor a higher state of enjoyment, the bad In inlst;ry hut looking for ;i more ilieadful calaniiiy to come upon them.

1 do iioi agret< with tiio Doctor In all his posi-tions, hut can inily say the leading points in liie hook Hceiiis to be Scriptural, and I now advise all ( Inistians to yive It a careful reading.

Ii is very Interesting to contemplate om future stale a.- (iie disciple:'! of Chri.st. The tiook con-laiiH some powerfu l a r g u m e n t s against the diK--irin- of 1110 lern •Spiritualisls, Don'l fa i l to read

0 . A. CoCI.sdX.

H i N l o r i c i i l ! ) ( ^ [ m r t i i i e i i t .

Iii'l, I Ihi... lic;iil WDfhiiU imlill^litlii'lx'Nl hlslorlriil Iimiic liiNi wf I'liii uallu r noin ull i«mrr<'«, wliirli wi'ili cin n liiihli < Hir lu'opli sliinitdt),. bi'ltiT liiffitinMl »» IN iliclr own lili, lory, mill IIU!<• l-j iiulc, In tlilH way. wt> hope KHID H. Wi 11 iiiii-Hl vHliiiii.i.'! •miiihiUloiiN Iroiii all.

NiniKliirtI IbtptlMt IliHlorlr*., 'iii'liiuir~ lllstiiiy ol .ViU'liitl. ltii|illMt.s 51.(11) I in lmnl » llihlory of Ktigllhli lUiptlKls ll.iy't, ltui,i|..l Succ'ihNlon - l.- i I >1114111 mill IllsloilcttI Wiiccmsloii of lluptlM,* it)

ackDowloUgo uo f o n a d a r m l uol, p. 82,

On Baptist SUOWMH IOD , Dr. Peek ronoarka thatS-" BapUstri lit oviary ago, from the Bpo«tie«,re-

m a l n c d t r u o t o t h o kingdom whleh Chriat (Pimo to establish."—Roligious Denom. p. 107. '

Mr. Benedict says:— •

( ;

IMJwers." The e\prc..si,,ns are enlenMely Dnclii sive—they -.liow eleiirly thai nothing e i ih t r jire-sent or future, can separate iis Ironi the h.ve ol Ood. One jieriiaiis w ill say, " Paul was addre,s,s. mg his brethren." (Jranted, but until it can IM shown tliat (Jod only loved Paul's brethren, f do no violence to tho spirit of tho language in apjily-ing it to Ai.i. mankind, for it I sa fact, clearly set forth ill Hie S<'riptun.!s, that 0(KI loves all; t las was tho moving caust^ of sending Christ into tin' world —not to condemn tho world, but that tlie world through him might be savisl. .(ohn :i. 17 It i sa SiTlptural truth that — " Love shall tho universe control, When dying seasons cease to roll."

Your luHl Letter will be reviewed in my next J . C. Bi imf.s.s.

!!. 'I'lylor |). !>., now missionary in in ii ^niall work called '//it /{it/>/is/jt, on jt


• p i E A R BAPTIST:.—Tho meeting has just chwod at our church. Tho services contin-

ued six ww'ks. Bro. Ilillsnian was assisted by Bro. W. A ^loidgomery, CorrcHpondont Secretary State JSIliMlon Board. Tho Intortwt was Intense fnmi tlio commencemont, yet not at all Iwistrous. Tho result was one hundretl conversion, with forty-slx accessions, and a number who will y«!t join tho church at tho first opportunity.

Wo eatlmate our white population In tho town at llftcon hundretl, and from a careful count, there aro loft unconverted within tho corporate limits of tlio town Ufty-flvo heads of families and sixty adults, not hoads of fandlles.

Can you not reioico witli us, our hearts are so luU of graUtudo to God.

U.'lite, •', >-A\'S ;

" T h e Baptists, however, do not date from tho Ueformation. Thoiigii anti-papists, tiiey uri. not, III tiie tecimical and historicid sense of the word, I 'rdtestants; for though they have ever protested, and do now proti-st, against the heresies aiKl abominations of Rome, they did not eomo out from Rome, having never been identiticd with the Itomiin idorarchy."

On pageK, he says;— " Bantlst princiiilcH and Baptist practices have

existed In all the ages Irom th(! Reformation hack to apostolic t imes."

And on page il-'i, Dr. Taylor saj*H: — " I humbly claim that wo originated, not at tho

Reformation, nor In tho dark ages, nor In any century after the aj)ostlcs; but that our marching orders aro tho Commission, and that tho first Bap-tist church was tho Church at Jerusalem. And I beg you, calling no man miwter, like the Berean .lews, to .search lhi> Scriptures dally, whether thoHo things bo HO."

Mr. Orchard, tho historian,says: — " I have demonstrated, so far as human testi-

mony Is allowwl to prove any fact, that tho Bap-tist church, as tho Church of Christ, has exlstcni from (ho day of Pentecost lo this prlvllegetl perhid."—Orchard's Bapt. His,, vol. H. p. 11.

Mr. Benedict says: — "Tho Welsh Baptists have tho fullest conlldanco

that tho sentiments have always lived In their mountainous rotrouts,from the aiiostolle ago to tho present time, although the iHKiplo were not al-was eongregatoil in churchcs. Their country, In their estimation, was another Piedmont, where thf! witnesses for the truth found sholtor and con-cealment in times of unlvonwl darkness and superstition.''-Bon. His. Bap., p. 844.

Again, wo havo tho testimony of tho American Baptist Pubiieatlon Society, indorsing tho lan-guage of Mr. rengilly, us follows: —

" Our principles are as old os Christianity. Wo


" Tha more I s tudy the subject, tho stronger aro myfconvletlons, that If all the faetn In thorawj could bo (llKclOfMHl, a very good suecosslon w u l d be .iinido out."—Ik»n. His. Bap., p. Rl. ry

Dr. Howoll say.s .•— " I aasert tha t from tho days of tlus apoHllow (o

tho present time, tho true, h-gltlmato Baptist church han ever Ix't'ii u missionary bixly."—I-«'t-tors to Dr. \Vat(-on, ji..'!,

Hays D. B. Ray uuthoi of " Baptist sut'ccwiioh " comnientliig ujKjn Ihttjt! und o t h e w j -

" We are not prepared to charge our liost of writers und hlstoriuns witii delllwrato falshoo<K They Hiuhl have had evidence, which they deemed s^ulliclent, to prove the Bjiptlst Suww-sion, from tluf establishment of the church till now."


Tlie subject of tliis notice was born on the—— day, of , in — - — c o u n t y , Tenn., died Ju ly Itii instant.

Born of obscun^ and unpretending parentage; brought up in the hills and mountains of Han-cock with no advantages of wlucatlon or general culture, our brother never enjoyed Unit notoriety and jirominence w hich his Hitllii worth «o Justly merln-d. Wo <-ouid not call him an orator, yet. his pulpit ministrations were with great jiower and ellW't; lie was not to say eIo<|uent, nevortlie-Iws, tliere was an attractivencHS and fluency alwut Ids spe<'ch which betrr.yed his wonderful path(w of soul, tho pious fervency of his htort and tlie living zeal of his nature. Ho was wanting neither in encrury of mind nor ondurenco ot IxKly. ' He was tiierefore jireparwl for those migh ty laliors and travails which havo given birth to so much good, far-rwiching and Inwilculahlo in our midst. Your unworthy writer, while u mere youth of fourteen summers, was burled in tlto b(»autiful waters of Clinch by this holy man of God—yea, with his pious hand ujion our httid, with a "welcome toJcHUs" from his bcsmihing lilH, and tearful eyes, our stubborn and yet tender heart, mude tlio final, the hopeful rcf«)lveculmin-ating into life eternal. In tho death of Bro. Wll-burn the country has lost a good and law-abiding citizen; the church one of iior strong pillars. H e has fallen. In the arms of J w u s he sleejM, sweet-ly slcei>s. llis life—nearly a half contury—was spent in sow ing precious setnl. H e Howcd with unfeigned tears, his heart will swrn wave mature and golden in eternal lield.s. IIl.s labor has not been in vain, IK? will reap In everlasting Joy—hlw trials on this earth woro many, his glories in heaven are more. My dying reiuler, our l-^ithor In Isroal has only exchanged the cross for Uio erown ! S. E . J O . Y K S .

K. D. Hailey, Jr . , ago sixteen years, diet! of flux and congestion, al his father 's lioaso Madison county, Tcnii., Juno 2k, 1878. Ho had Ijecn u member of tho Baptist church two years. S a m m y was a good hoy and beloved by all who k n e w him.

He was followed July , by his motlier M. J. Halloy, lu tho forty-fifth year of her age. Tho cause of her death was tho habitual uso of mor-phine. She had Ixxai a member of»tho Baptist church twenty-five years. She was u devoted wlfu and IiiKilher, and loaves an afTectionato hus-band and six children to mourn lior loss.

" N(*vt r to .sorrow more, never to roam, Ood's chfldren are gathering homo."

On .luly (hey weru (ollowed by llttlo Samijol Uoherlson Biiker, (grand son of M. J . Haiioy) age ono year. Ho IcuivoH his loVing imrenta lo mourn tho lo.ss of their only dear babe.

" But he patient, hearts so lonely! Dry thy tears, O weeping eywl For the durllng, sleeping baby, u From his llttio grave shall rim),. Yes, tho iKtrd will safoly Buard h im, Ana your babo again you' l l see; For when Josus comoa in glory <. Ho Avlii livo again with th^oo." c, n .



TMM BAPTISE. B I A H A T C H L E A B 9 0 C I A T I 0 W .

V E V K R liaving been Idontlflod with mptlHf lutflPOBtfl in Wont TounoHseo, nor in any wiiy

•ionnectwl witli th«in, tlw^ro litw bwp but lUtiu opi>ortuulty for ino to lonrti iiiucli iilwut the brethren Mnil their work. I t wiis my pltusun* to iittend thu h\g Ilatchio AtMocintlon tit itn liuit Hrtwlon, Thia mingling wllti tlio tiu»e«'nKerH of tho cburches, and jMirtldimticn with tiioiii in tho procoodintiiH of tii« bo<ly, ((lutbhHl in« to form tiu* aaiuftintftnco ofsomo ol the noblo l)rethrt'n who aro dolnjc Kood Hcrviw for tlic Mfuttor in old lilK riatchio, and at tho fuiiiio timi! tn Ik'couio (iliiufcit fdmlliar with tho history of tJie Afwoeialion, and lojirn much of4h« work of Hii|illH(rt in Wfst 'iVn-n(»8t5C!. Thirt waH my llrst mingling with Wnst Tcnn«w«o IJaptiats outnidc of my own churfh. 1

' am truly glad to Hriy tho iinprfssion inac'i'iiiuni ine was altogether 1H it out of iilact* to testify to lids in tids pul)lii' wiiy? I'erha|w not. Ivet it iMJHaid, then,—

l.,(A»nipIt'te /larmoni/ prfivailed tliroiij,''' tiro procecdinKrt. Not u jiirrinj; soniid, — not a discordaid note, was lieurd during thr whole tliret! days. Tiie brethren Hwmed to Ix- of Hie .sjime mind, iwiiiR in oiw jilace with one accord. J td id WHun tiiey all remeiubered they had liiet to do laisiness for tho L»>rd; iienco the la'autiful spirit, and tho dignilkjd tone, ol the oilicors and members of tho AstHK'iation as a wholi'.

2. There was no uwlens diiicimioii. 'i'his is eomraon with otlier delil)enitiv«! l>odit«, but iri>t with BIK Hatehle, if all its ineetinKs are like its last. A few (•omi>relienslve, suitable, telliti); speeches were made by eonipetent brethren on tho reiHjrts of committees, and then the vott-s were promptly takon. No long, lediou-*, un-noccssary inultiplleation of words hy brethren un-acquainted with the subject, or uni>repariHl to speak, triod the patience of the hearers. There seemed t(j lx> no diwire or inclination to en;?aue in such. Thu sp<>oches tlud were made, for the most part, seemwl necesmiry, —without them the pro--eeedinga iiad l>een incomplete. They were not long, tiresome and stale. The reimrts were nood, —were read with animation, and were listened to with careful and devout interest. Whi'n a s)>caker was on tlie lloor, he had the ear of the Aftiociation, and spoke with ease and usisunince.

2. No attempt at a apjKiirwI. Every re-port, every speecli, every rmoluiion, every motion, seemeil to proceed from an <jarnest, ile-lil^emte, humitie desire to contribute tiomethinK to the success and harmony of tho proctHidinKs, and the goo«l of the general cause. JVo little, stale, frivolous criticisms, meaningless n'piirtees, or vain attempts at "smartness," wcr«' made. This of itwilf is worthy of hiffh praise. Nor w'as tliere an effort on the part of any brother to udverllflo Idmself by significant mancuverlngs, grandiloquent liaranKues, or empty bombast. Thospeakem were in airnest, and evidently meant something in all they sidd.

4. Tho proceedings were charactOTized by mmr-mmf, order, dmpafcJi. When the sjiceches are what they ought to be, and the harmony and spirit are worthy of such ii meeting, then there will always be movement, orrter and dispatch: othorwiae there t«nnot be. This is n grand triumph in an associution of Baptists, whore every member haa a iKjrfeet right to move, rewdve und speak Ju«t as much and as long as ho pleasos, ami must bo sot down to the croilit of—

6. Tho princely rule of tho dignitled mwlerator. This loads mo to speak ol Bro. Graves in a manner that may not bo considered in good taste, sinco this Is his own paper; but it comes in m y way to say It, and I will say It, believing It can neither ofltond nor flatter any one. Horotoforo it has not iMsen my privUego to associate with Bro. Graves | and I am truly glad to record hero some of tho Impressions made upon mo, as I saw h im In tho moderator's chair of Big Hatcblo Assoelatson.

First, then, ho moderatos w«ll. Hlii doolslon is . quick and inflexible. He knows how ta s a y - N o 5

and he says It with flrmnesB and bccomlog dignity. Again, Bro. Graves is princely in ejctondlng

courtesies to his brethren. Wo who have Just be-come meoabcrs cannot fall to rocognlKe 4Uid ap preoiate tho generous klndneas that BO (HR^ctually

Wo ant thank-Introdnml iw to the Association ful.

Another fact that impn-Hseii nxf, and wbicii it given mo great pleasure to note hero, is that Bro. flravew is lionorwl in bis own ^siociatlon. It la often said, and nearly every tlujo tben» is truth in It, that 'hi prophet is not witliout honor save in his own country." Es|H>clally i« tbls very fnniuently true with jx'rsons who are as widely known as is tliv tniitor of T HE HAXT IHT.

Never iiefore has it l.eon my phntsure to hear Bro. (Sravcw preach when 1 w*s in a etuidltion to bear and apprwlate a discourse. On Humhiy at the Association be came forwanl, in the open air, at noon ol a very warm day, elovateil his volet- sO as to be heunl by all uf thi- lar>r<- iiumbcr of persons pres« iil, und kept it at that pitch without interiois-doii or any illtfpositioii to iiecome wvary, Irtspu'iidy speaking with gr«it force and power and volume, for something more than tiirce hours. Nor did he stH'iii in tiie least fatigmtl after he hail taiken his seat, 'i'ltis, I thought, was worthy of remark.

At this Associatidi), l«ro. (inivcs, for M> lie is CUIUMI by al l t he bretlireii a n d was HE.en minglinu with the iireiiirtii, preacliiiig iiml pray-ing and working. The impiesiion tiiis made upon me was di-ep, ami is iiere tiobil with I)l«vsure, and r»'coriled witli j(»y. l>cep piety, sincere spirituality, licautiful s implkity and de-vout humility st.H'ine<l to cliaracteri/.e lilm chiell.v in these relations. Witii what joyful devotion he wing, " H o w iirm a foundation, ye saints of the liord," wlien the AKsoeiation adjourned, and the Itrethren were bidding each other farewell! To any of his friends w ho have never iieen with l5ro. Ciraves oji any Mich occasion, but iiave read his spirited polemiis, and heard him discu-^-wd by otiH'rs, Mich an op|>uitiiiiity would be a great pUjisnro. Such it was to me.

ti Jt was really gratifying to mark the spirit in which tlie oldi>st living ministers of the atirtii reeoiinted the trials and l^ardship^ they were culleil upon M endure in the tstrly history ol the denomiualion in tiiis i)art of the Stati'. The remarks ol these lirethren were thrilling in interest and lovely in spirit. It were pleasant to mention their names here, iiut spaie forbids. Chief among them, and the oidi-st present, was Ilro. Horum, a veti'ran full of work and lull of jionor. These brethren, with those w ho are goiM', lUid whose works remain, bore the heat and burden of the day, invaded the forest, telhil the trctf , pos»e.s.se<l the land, sowed the good seed, built the churches, taught the «( hools, tilled the soil, raise<l their children, and laid broad and deep tlic foundation of the Haptist Zion in West Tenn.os«H'. They did the work : we enjoy the re-sults. Hingie-handed and alone they fought for <}od and tri-tli, antl for generations yet unborn. Of twse and lu.vury tliey knew netidng. 'I'hey had tho spirit of work, and liv«Hl for Ood and history. 01» that sucli a spirit may bless us who follow aftt'r to reap where they have sowji I Thank Ciod for Huch brethren. Ilemend)ered be their noblo deeds, ami lionore<l lie tiieir worthy names, by a grateful iiostority!

7. The brethren wanted to see reitorts ol larger aecesions next year. This the spirit of our religion,-—advance and incrnise in numbei-sand power. Tho Association is just llfty years old. Its incrwLse from a few hundreil to near six thousand, its present number, besides the number of ehurches that havo been lettered otV to form another As-soclatlon, is Indeetl encouraging, con-elderlng tho troublous times through which It has ipassed. But tho Increase this last yeiir was not dncouraglng. Tho number of baptisms reported liy the churchcH was not very large. Tho bretliren who Iwvo been watching these reports for years did not fall to notice this year j and It was seen In tljolr facos and tholr words that they felt sad about If. They wanted every pastor to pronUse, hy the holp of tho Lord, that ho would endeavor to bring up a better report next July at Wood-lanil. Tho llnal words of tho brethren on that Bubjoct, so exceedingly Important, and so emi-nently Christian, Impressed mo for good, and drew from my hoart a resimnslvo amen. God grant it that we may all ho blessed with health

and the spirit of work, tbid ww may see tho work of the I-onl prosjier in our hands. For this let us continue to work mid pray. B. 11. WOMAC^K.

T l f i : AGKNUY DF.PART.MKNT. y/ro, J/ofCn Fund (•oiitrifndfd for the fleiil Jiaptinl

Meeiinij-lt'utM niiwuij the WlUl JttdUau of' the

Miss lOmma .1, ivimbrougb, Tenmaww, .las. n . Wilson, sr., Texas, fj.iWi; A Krind, (>tnt<Hi. Miss., tor house, 1,()0; Mrs. M. Hheen, Fort .Mcivuvelt, re,\as, li.;Ut; J . W. Bushan, Li (Aianlo, Tenn , I.OO; Mrs. K. I'. Bashan, l.ii (Jnardo, Tenn., 1.00; L. F,, Canton, Miss,, t.lHi; A. J . iiidnes collected fur IJro. Holt's nKHftlng-liouse one dollar and twenty-live cents; and Eld. J . .1. Uycrs aial Hro. .1. 'l\ l)o\vn.s give oue tlollar eiich for I'luon church, Arkansas, for the wuno; fnan Colunibia, ha . : li A Blanks l.fHi,T.1 Broad-wav wM', llutUn H Walker 50c, Ocorgi? Wwir i"»c, II (' tilanks.VK', M l.afayett Meredith f>oc, John I'l l>avis .'.iH', i' 1} ihitliM <j! W Sjtrltorough ix-, 'I K \"erboise L'K', A W l<'anlkncr I.(HI, Mi-s .Vuna Thornhlll Mic, l<la Parker 'ICjc.

Hro.' iraves; I see tlirongh your iia|H'.r that our missionary, A. J . liuU, is sadly in i tml of assist-ance, Ml i took it upon mys<'ir to havo my little sun Toiniiiie to go throut;ti our little village ask-ing a smalt (•ontrjl)ut!on for Bro. Ifolt, and have met with much belter snci'es.s than i anticipated, as i li%i' in a Methoilist community. I shall send you the name ol each contrilmtor, for certainly I feel %ery grateful for so much from these kiml frii'ihls, and a^k you especially to rcmend)erejich. one in your jirayeis, and also ask the same of Hro. llolt. Hoping lie may do much goml in the e;uise ol Christ, 1 remain yours, etc.,

Columbia, La. C. M. I?hoai)W.\% . liro. I iraves: I'lea-^e lind sticiostMl live dollars,

anil do me the k imlness to forward it to the Indian .Missi*,«n, and oblige, I!. F. Hiikukim sk.

Chnrchville, f.)i. We take it for grants d that this is intende<l for

the particular Indian mission Wf are soliciting for, the Wtld 'rrilies, and therefore I'orw.ird it to Mro. Hull for bis meetinif-honse.

lire. .I.is. 11. Wilson, sr., sends . 'i.ihi, and adds: " I now have in Hro. 1 lolt's hou.sc. An' there not lifty iiior.' l>retliren who will add as much and let the house be bnilt at once before

NiayCod put it into their hearts and not put if otV until the winter

cold weather ' , III do it now c o m e s . "



(ONViONTiON. ,T()W that Associations are about to mw't, I heg

leave to remind the chnrch(>s of the wants of this Board.

Since the meeting of the Convention, at Nash-ville, the Board has increa,s<'<i Its force, both in the Domestic and Indian llelds.

These appointments are chielly at points, iin-portant as grow ing centres, but from which IHth' or no returns eitn be e.xpected lor s o m e time to come. Many applications for asslstaiKV must lie over for the pntient.

Bro. Holt writi"s eiu-ouragingly of his mission among the wild triltes, notwithstanding serious embarrassments by widch he has Inten surroHU(le<l. A lady of piety and culture, recently converttHlto Baptist principles, is an.vious to devote lierself to ndsslonary laborH among tho women of the un-civilized tribes of the Wichita Agency. Hhe t now ti|K)n the ground,.and tho Board only awaltn information that she bus joine«l a Baptist church to glvo her an appointment. Whllo wo wore Impressed with tho Imporhince of such lalwrers In this great harvest Held, but know not where to llnd them, Ood has provided one at the very place whero sho was most ncotled.

HOV. A. Frank Rosa, a late student In ourSetn-Inary lit Louisville, has been commissioned to tho Choctaw Indians, another student, Bov. Q. 1. Grrabam, and Rov. II. J f . King, to Interesting flelds In Florida.

Brethren, prap for us, and holp us. W. IT. MrlNTOPir, Cor. Heorctary.

Marlon, Ala.


"•MONNAW «IVM« A IIA.««NBK N I THKM TIXAT FKAU TIIK» T«ATiTHAYiw»iBi'i.AVKUiiiei'Aimit<.rTaitVKi;Tu"--l'"

ICtlUur Rijd PrDiirluUir IkMjU-UcH.jmr hiiiI <Ji(l(<r flt>ik


Hnvlntwi Ofllrdi ai»7 ft4MHiu<l Nlrcfl, nciii|i|iiN, Tniiti '"IvniH.... H„ii(I iiKiUDy by l^liiftl.;.. Oji ir, JU-Blstcrcl |.,.|t..r, Kxpriwn or Omn. 1 oi.V lUk ; othorwlim i»t Ui.. «„ui,.r's. )( l« .l.«ir,"n y

mall, m-iiil nUmji or jiosnil ciwxl. •• , jr

OiHlliiKMlHliinK l>rlu< l|>l,-.. of |li,|,|isiN.

'"V'L^ ' "» V'Oi'l KU(tl(.),'ul lUl.t Of r.illh HU< pra-tlPB. ho Hlbli!, Iiiia II... nihil,o„iv,ii«.ip|i,».-.Kl to nil liuiimu tnulllloii ni maiu.rn bom of mitli luid iimcllio we linisl claim iw IIKIIIK a illstiHj<,i|«hliiK .Im'lrliK. .ii ,.ur il<,; Momliliitlim-H.loi'trliu. Tor wliRrh w.. un. nilh .l tiiriK-ktlv "i ''"'111 lor lli« oriUiifnicott of chrlsl

hi «i(*ff', In oiwr, mill III i;/;ii;wjfi<T i i i r i t i i l / i j j , iim'hani{(>'l iiuii ioMiiiid for II Kpinuml loxl rcKPiici

iaJchi»n«(>Hhlr> illl h<i roiii H. A» l)iM'tl»l«, w.var.. loMiind lorii Kpintiml loxl rc'K

an><l umi tliai ii,nu> Hhall li.. u-m'iv»^niiio (Tirlsfi, ' v ...Mi.i niiHii u.i n'4M'ive<i OHO I nrisi h (•liiiroh.or 111. w«li-(>iii»,.l ui IIH OKI I im Hlthoiil confrwiiiiK /. p.'r»>ii«l (iillh lnt'lirlHi. ami KU IIIK ruHlihhi ovI.U-nc- <>i I'loiy, l>lminKulNliliiK iil IliHiorltnl tin|ili«lM.

Thi' iiou-rMw>xiiltlou ot liuiiiiui lorlnh-s hh HorlPliiiiil Intl.... ...(..i^l.,..!..! ... . .. . ' , ' , — . V P ..ii.MMji -../.-(.-III". M« ncriiimnii rliiiK-licR by nllllliitKiii, iMliii l.Tlal or ti;cliH,laflHoal. «v uiiv alllaiirf or ro-<ipfirntioii thai Is .<ii-.oi'iiUhli> uf h.*! tmi<!ntl.v or lOKlrtilly coii«tiii.-.l hy our ni..mh,.m oi th Hi<) worul ItiUi a if-coKiiiUim or ivi>lMlfisii,-jil or itiliil (• limilly Willi llaptlKl (ihuri'lics.

THK OUKilN OK l-RJOi: MA.SoNUV, l l / ' K have bwn repeatedly a^iked it we eonld

give the origin of I'lee .Masonry,—if it was indwd older than Chrisiianity ~ if indeed we are indebted to .Masonry for the presi rvation of our holy Hciipture's.

We can gratify our iiniuirers from an anthenfie souiw in the following condens. d from and aide article w hich apirt-ared in McMillan's Magazine, i:ngl«ud, prepared for that stan<lard montlily by IMward K. Willougbtiy, l->(i., than whtmi there is doubtkws not a hotter intornusl .Mason in Ihigland, and certainly no well informiHl Ameri-can Mason noed attempt to (|uestion its nienf.s.

TIk! l'"rei'inHrtons bad their urigin in coMpanies of working arehit(H'ls. It i> to the mchileciural and Masonic guilds of tierniany iliai niiHt look for the true origin ol I'u (Hiiei. riic lloman's dutitw and obligations were limited to Ills own collegium ; lie had no |ia.sswords i.r signs by which he ciaild gain adtnission to a Utdge on his travels; the idea of a nnivei-Mul limtherliood, nay, the very name of brother, had ils rise in the unseltlsh sjurit of Christianity, ob.scnred tliongh that religion . was amid the 'lawlessniHs 'md rajmclty of the times. Then men of tlie Mjinu trades und profi-ssions lormed them«>lves into guilds or fraternities (or mutual protection, and for the better maitdenajice and transnd.ssion ol the know'le<lge and art of which they, in theob-senceof books, were the living and only reposi torle-s. lu tlu) year lOOO, the w hole of Christen dom was po.s.scfW(Hl -with the idem that the end of tho world and the day of Judgment were at hand, and when the dreaded year had pa.H.sed, and the panic had subsided, a great im|)ulf.o to the buihl ing of ehurclias ari)<4e thrunghout C^intrnl and Western Europe. Tho tiuildings which w ore th( rtisult of this Impulso gave employmeiiL to large numbers of artillcora for periods of many years. Working at tlrst under ttie direction of bishojis and abbots, they oro long acqiured conslderal)le Indeix'ndenco. The " luy brettiren," as they had prttvioUHly been stylod, separating theinselves from their clerical suiwrlors, us well as from tho common laborers, assemblod In Jiauhiitten, or wooden buildings near tho site of the'churches, where they Improved theniHolves In thoprlncljiles of their art, blending with mathematical und artistic studies « mystic philosophy of Hacrod Hymlwllsm and Biblical nllUBslons. They were divided Into throo elassea, viz., ApprentUi-e {LeArUngen), young mon deemed worthy of admission into the fraternity; Fcllowcraftsmen (Ofigeiim), who hart so fur advanced as to lie able to work alone on the dctallii of tho art, and were bound to Impart their knowledge to the apprentices} and Masters, comparatively few In DQoiber, who WOTO coni|M<tout to nndor-wko th® design or direction ol Intiio work.s. In

the capacity of arehKwls, surveyoiu, or mastw. builder. The «'ntorod apprentice was intrusted with a socret sign and jwasword (Grtm), nnd bound on uuth to divulge to none but the Initiated either the knowliHlgoJieMhoidd luiulre or the rlt<w mid pnicliWH of his hxlgt... This nu'thod of mutual recognition was a nmxsity wlitn indentures and diplomas were unknown, but, taken in conjunction with the mystic phlloso-phy iiiculcat<Ml and the secret ritual practical within the lodges, it acquirwl in time a solemnity and a Hacredness which.could attach to IM> mere certillcates of membership or of proticiency. l"iirth<>r credentials were i>r(;v!ded in a set of MiicNlions and answers forming a .sort of cate-chism, oriiilly communicated, and guarded hy the same saiwtion, by which the " bretliren," a>) as they now <'aIlod one aiioilK--, onld give proof of their identity where ver tin y might t r avdh i .search of employment.

Ikttihiilhn were pemanenlly e.-tablishcd in most of the chief eitiiKf of the empire, aiul the reputa-tion whicli their masters aoiuired for genias and skill le<l to th(M>ngagement of (lermiin architects In other conntries, wherever e.ithcMlrals or churches were being erected on a ^cale of more than ordinary grandeur. At lirst the several lodg(>.s worked independently of one another; bnt in the (IfteHith century the necensity ol further imion beyan to be felt, and on April ffi, I •••>!', a gathering of tho Master Masons of Central and Kouthern (Jermany was held at It^itisbon, when the regulations of the diiferent hslgcs wore ri'visiKl and eonsfilidated. In M!i2 a second and more general assembly was held, at which the whole of the Masons of Oennany were repre-Hented, and nnitcd into a single brotherhood, of which the chief of the lodge of StraHburg, whicli had long been recognizwl as a last court <(f ai>p(nd, «'ven by the !(Klg(!s of Austria and Switzerland, was deelareil perpetual liraml Master. The htatnes then drawn up received in Mils th( j'ontiniifition of the i:mperor .AIa\imilliaii 1. whose e.vaniple was tollowcsl hy several of his

Its translorniation Ironi a ;;iilld ol winking aitists to all afisociation tor other pnr|)ose», is de.seri!ied thus: From liluT (o HilH, inigo .Jones was I'atron of the I"ti eniasons; the fraternity llom i.shed under his diroclion; tioble, learned', and wealthy men wcn^ admitted as a .sort of associates or honorary members, or as they wen called, by way of di.sti!iction, "Accepted .Ma.sons." (^urrterly meetings and fe.stivals were held, and lodges of instruction tbunded. During the waus of the I'Hrliaiuent and the t.'onimouwealth, Kr(.c>-nia.sonry, as njiglit have been e.vj>e(vted from its close connection with art ami wilh the church, sntrere<i greatly; but it e.vjtericnced something of a revival in I(>.{!1, w hen Henry .lermyn. Earl of St. AlbiUi.-, was electf'ii (Jrand Alaster;.8ir John Deidiam, J). (,;. M,, and Sir Christopher Wren anil Josejdi Webb, (»rand Wardens, in (ho reign of <^ieen Annc> vV,!),, ITl.'l however, it gradually dwiined, until, to prevent its total e.vdnction, it was resolved " tha t the privileges of Masonry shouhl no longer be restricted to operative Masons, hut extended to men of every profcKsion, providtnl they were regularly approve<l and InitiatisI into tho order.' ' " Here then," to quoto the Words of Dr. Flntlel, tho grejit historian of tho craft, "wo are id tho end of ancient Masonry, I. e., operatlvo Masonry. Tho opemtive unisons, who for a long tiiuo past had b«>en flecreasing In number, now acknowkHlgOf^, by this resolution, that It was «»ut of their power, us o|)eralive nnwons, tocontluuo the oxlstencu of tholr fraternity any longer. They had fulfilled their mission by carefully preserving their ancient laws, traditions, and ceremonUw, and tmnsmlttlng them as a heritage to the Grand LfKlge of England. The long>cotitemplatod separ* atlon of tho Frpemasons from thooiwrutlvegullils was now 8|)oe«lIly carrle<l Into effect, nnd tho In-stitution madu rapid strides toward (^mmplete nnd perfect transforniatlon Into what is now known as Mnsonry.

From tho above if will bf< sepo «b«t what Is now known na Manonry—ppecidatlve nnd open to men of all profeuslous had Its i^jriglti A. D., 1713, only

ono hundred liud six(y-flv«» yours ago, M hllo the o|)PnitlvP Mnsonry, which wnc to house

566. building what tho Printer's Union is to typti sotting, originated about A. p . , 1000. None hut o|ieratIng mechanics and artisans coiUd belong to* tho order, and it was originated to protect tlw-i profession of this elass of working men.

Tluitfo Indubitable facts whidi all mCn, and 0Hi»eeIalIy all Alasoiw, should bo familiar with, sutliclently answers all tho qui>stion8 at tho fttmd of this articio. Masonry pro|Ktr Is 1718 ycaJ» younger than tho Christian ehur<>h and cannot hove done much towijrd-s prtservlng its BIblo. I t has borrowiHl nuich from, but never lent a ruKto Christianity,

OUU HCHOOl-H. l y K are in rweipt of the catalogue of tho Blue

Mtnintain Female (Jollege, Bluif Mountain, near lUidey, Miss. Tins school was o|>enwl only five yearn ago with fifty students, under the supervision of Bro. M. I', Lowrey, so well known to our readers as (he .••ucces-sful otHt(.»r <if the Mls.slHsip|)l Depirtmcnt; and It hiw alrtmdy grown to be the snccexufnl rival of tlu! verj ' best schools of the State. It reaclusl one hundred und thirteen Students last seKsio-i, tlfty two of whom were bemnlers. The sixth SIMSIOU opens th« seventeenth of ne.vt month. We know of no-location in North iMi.s,i.ssip|.l ns heultliy jw Blum .Mountain, at the base of which bursts forth s|)ring,s of pure freo<(tone water, Tho mor<d and religious wlucation of daughters entrastetl to Bro. Lowrey will receive strict attention. .See card In our advertising columns. Send for tatUdogue.

I IIK SOI TIIWKSTKIIN UAITIST UNIVKKSITV. MK.HHIW, Ei)n><)iiH:--lVrndt me to congratulate

the Southvvc.stern Baptist University, and all of its friends, through your columns. My old college friend, I'rof. J . W, (ji^re of Frederick county, Va., has recenlly IKHMI electi d to the chair of natural sciene(» in that instllutloii. The trustt>«j havt beni (ortunale in wcurlng the services of Bi man. No student at tiie University of Virginia had a better ree<ird than Mr. Gore, i 'or thclast two years he has Im.n otu? yf tlfe Fellows at the Johns Hopkins I'niverslty. Ills Christian char-acter and gctdal manner will not fall to secure for him an ea,sy (>ntratice into (he hearts of both studeids and pror(^s.sf)rs. C. 8. W K B B .

The above is from a dlAtinguLsh(3d yoimg phy-sician who was formerly professor in Baylor Uni-versity.— Kdilorti ttiliffiom JIvrald.

The testimonials I'rof. Gore submlttt'd to the Trusfoes from the |>rofc.ssors of the University of Virginia and (he John Hopkins University were the finest we ever read. Tho friends of tin; Uni-verslty shitidd be encouraged.


IT Is claiineil by some Methodists that Wesley's vhnvs, ase.\preK.se(l in Ids trmtisoon baptism,

for almost half a century publisiied In the Doc-frinnl Tracts, but of late yeai-s suiKsrscded by an atuiek upon Hnpllsts, are no longer hohl or taught by the church. This is not true; for the self-same dwrtrine is taught in Wesley's Kermons (soo sermon xiv.), 1. e., tliut the ordtnunc(M arc Indeed Hacrainents,—efficacious means ofgraco. Hero It is in an oflklid organ of thu church. Read and reflect, and ustj it.

"The sacramenls would not IKJ mere ' empty slgn,'HHthoyar<!toso man.v. If we were faithfully and diligently t " Inculcato ujjon the people that they are a mmm whereby wo may receive the grace which they signify and seal."—n4rf«tfa>» Addat'ute. .

' ' Methodism l.s a great educational force In tho world. It was itorn In the halls of Oxford Unl« verslty. It was cnidled by the flnit fNsholarH and statesmen of tholr time ^ — ChrUltan AdvooaU.

"Al l very well for the AdvoaUe to make the most of thu Imt comfort H has. But how much better a people are off who can go liack for tUeir birth to the tlmo of Christ and his apo«Ura, and to know that thu cradling was given at their hands."—JSram/nfr and Chrontcle:

Gootl for the Examiner and GfironMe. And now will Bro. Bright tell us how a human so-ciety, originated without baptlmxi by a company of unregenendo persons a few score years ago, CaH be considered n Christian church? or ltsofflcerH considered an Scriptural, or treatod ati nicb? 0 / Its ordinances, not qne of which is admlnittarml with tbo design Christ nppolntnd, ran h« enn-sldered Berlptunil

s^-Jf^y m'r ^ - ' T f - "

566 T l ^ B A P T I S T ,

NE\\B F R O M T H E 8TAT1C8,

T B N N E « » I ' ^ . - W c learn that lt«v. T. J . Murpl iy

hflB reelgr^Kl the pustorfiite of the cburcli at

McMIunv i l l o , ~ 0 m hundroil (lciH«r« In wwh

iind pli/lg(H wan ruIstHl fur the yoni i« niiulstorM at

J ac l t ' ^n at tho hile Hwwion of HIK l l a l f h i o AH-Htviiat lon.- Tlie TruatocH of (hf> Hrown.svillo

jfcimalo CoUt'KO havo flcctod Uro. H. K. Hiuford

of Mount riwisrtut presidont, v i w l>r. a . W .

Johnnton rwiKncd. Ho is a Kmdual«; of Hirh-

inond ColloKf', Vu. , and iswud (o hca f ino»hoh»r ,

luul (.'mintnitly llltod forllu* pDhltion. • Kid. J-

J . Burncitl 1« a-iHlHtlnt; in ii revival nuciin},' 'Vfth

tlio Mc<.iO»'-«tr«'f ehuri'ii, K iioxvillt". - A iiiini.'i-

t<jr«'anddrtifouH' incPllnK wiis lu'ld with lU-tlile-

hem cluuvti, ItohcrtHon w u n t y , yfr-donlay; and

('utnlKTlimd Ajwoc'lallon nioftf. with tho s:iinu

rhurd i t oday . ^^-('onrord IJiiptist Associiition

ronvcnwl witli I'V-llowffhip churcli hi.it .Saturday.

W c tru.st Urn. Sparry, tht< rlcrk, will r<(>ml U.H a

report of the n ipf t in^ for piihlicatlon, The

fltato ha.s coiitrlhutcd only Hcvoiity-i'iKht dolinrs

and flpr«'nly-tlvo ccnis of hi' quota of livr- hundri 'd

doUar« to Uic l loinc chapel fund. Wi l l not the

brt'thron send np Hoincliiins; towurd ll<!nid:itin>,'

this lndohlfH!in"<s'.' Now is tlio t in i f .

MirtslKmiTi.- i;id. M . I'. Lowrcy writes nnch-r

date of Augiwt t!)'.> Ht, that l\(( U at Kon^uth a. -

s»sUnK I'lwtor W . 1,. Sk i imor in a scries of incct-

and prospCH't i otu-oiiniji;inK. - W c r.ro in-

forniod that l lev. M. T. Mart in , lor several yeuni

past proto»Mor of inathemati^-H in Mis.xiHsii>pi

CoIIOKCS has ro-slpinod, and j j ivfn hi^ whole l in ie

to the ministry,--—Eld. L. E . Hal l r-eently held

a uiecling of day.>< at Kemper Springs. If ic-

Hulted In cloven additiim-) to the chureh, — n i n e

by exiKTienoe and lmi>tidtn, one hy restoration,

S I and one hy.lctlor. 'I'ho Soid/iem /iapfist -(latOH

that thopr(»r«wsor-ihiii of law in ttie Konthwei-teni

Baptist U t t i v m i t y at Jackmai, Tenn.. Imd l.een

tendered Cajit. W . A . Hardy of Meri i i ian, trnt

that he (leeliiii'd. — T h e Merirlian eliureli i^ eon-

duct ing protr.icted iirayer-rneetinKS. Not a had

example lor any cluireh. - Tlio ' r is l iomin^o

AsTOciatlon nieet.s iit l{;ddwln I 'r lday hefDre the

tlrHt Sunday in Hvpteruher. A ineetinj; was

hpld a few daya at Spring Hi l l , near Martinsvil le,

liwt mon th , and HIX joined hy experience and

bapt ism, and two hy letter.

ARKAKHA8,-()n tho .'!l8t nit. livt' llielilliers

were rtK-elvwi into tho Dardantille church, two hy

baptism, and tiireo by letter. There w«'rc ei^h

teen iiddition.s to the chureii at r iarendon as the

nwu l to f 15ro. \V. A . Clark's iahor.M at that place,

four by loiter, and fourteen hy hai>UHni. Alxiut

forty eonver^iionH wer(! reported. Tliree oi tiiosc

Join ing wore from tiie rre.shyterianH, and two

from tho Methodints. A rei)ort of the moetin>,'

waH mailed us for i)uhlieatlon, but han failed to

arrive. The Eighth-atreot church, L i t t le Uock,

llro. \V. A . Forhfrt pa-itor, haH a debt of ahout

seven hundred doliarH upon tho huildlnK. Tidf

church IH composed of a noble band of brethren

and Hl»tern, who havo made many Hacrlllcc.^ for

tho CAUHO of tiio Master. They now appeal to tho

brethren In and out of tho State to aid them In

rollovluK thoir Indebtedness, l i l t t le l loCk IH an

Important po in t ; . and the Baptl»t>J Hhould, by all

meana, Imi'oaHtroni,' footing; In tho capital of tho

State. Bro. Forho.s Ls nu ik iug every Hacrlflco to

Hervo tho ehurch. Ho hiw Huceoeded finely In his

piittlorato; and if this old Indobtednesa eould be

rollevtHl, thev(» I , noliilnK In tho way of pormii-

ncnt Hucces). We. iiopo the hrothron, an i l aUterf)

too, wi l l hMid a helping' hand . A contribution,

however Hinall, wi l l 1)0 KratefnUy received. -- :—

Bro. W . .A . t.'lark law rcwlKned hlH powHhm a.s

HIHUI mlHftlonary, to Uiko ofViK't OCtobor tho Ist.

Ho wi l l , fin llmt dato, lake paaloml charge of the

chtitch at Helena. A nicclliitf PUjttlinrV

RoHt church, llvo mllen from L i t t le Ruck , laft

week, remUted In n lue buptlamB. Bro. Henry

Harvey was ordained recently hy request of

PllgjFlniB* lloHt church. EICIH. W, M. Lea nncl

tV in . Tucker corapdsetl the proHbytory. H e hiiH

been ml led to the CJU-B of that ehurch.

l^o^lOlANA.—Bro. J . I l . ' E d w a n U of Hhlloh

church, Uuiiltn purlHh, WUH ordained to the work

of the gotiiiol miniti iry ou tho U t h u l t . —-E ldo .

T« J< R o w a n and H . 0 . W e y m o u t h conducted a

llvo dajTj' meeting at Mandevtl lo, cndlnK tho IMlh

ult . Two were rwelvod for baptism, one a Oatho-

11c. l lev . M. C. Colo, a MethwHst minister,

h!i8 uni ted wi th tho Flnit church, New Orhw is .

Ho has been l l conwd to preacli, and will bo or-

tlalniHl at an early day. HHter P. B . Hi i f l^y of

Tronton <lloil on tin; 1 Itli ult. Hho was an onil-

nent ly pious and lll)eral (,'hristlan, erecting a

church in Trent(in at a C(wt of four thousand

dol lans and one in Monroe costing Heven thou-

sand dollars. Bro. .1, A. Harrell of Bienvi l le

piirl-sh wr i tw : " ( J ood news la-re. A nicetinj;

beKun wi(h Sal ine chnrch ytsterday [LlUh nit .]

Ilretii. 0 . Harrell and 1>. V- Head, 1m»Ui youiig

preachcrs of i>rt)niisc, i.ccui'ied ttie piilpit t o d ay .

Wonderfu l How of the Spirit tiiruUK'ii the whol<'

of tho M«rvice.s; many anvioiis pr-rr^ons np for

prayer at tlie ehwe; nu'clmt.'; HiiiMiiot'-d I'nr to

mor row; prospects kooiI ; i iiri-itian.s jj;rfatl.v

strengthened. A ineetinu' witii, New latetiewir

chnrch clo.sod ytwterdiiy. i'oiir were hai)ti/.<d,

the clnirch ,stren|,'tiiene<i and laiilt up. .Ml praise

be ^{Iven to tlu< Lord "

• Nd i i rH TAnoi.iN.V. Yadkin Ar.'^oeiatiuii meets

witli tlK- chnrcii at I'lirbusli, in Yadk i n coistiiy,

on tlie l.Mli inst. -Tin! Statt.- has contri lmled

two hnni lns l and wventy-onc dollars atid twenty-

eight cents of her ipiota of live hundred dollars to

the UomochaiM'i fund .- itev. li . U. Overly de-

clincM to accept tlie ajjeiuy for tiie Ctinwan eluiir

The new Baptist cliurch huiidini? in Moitris',

f n i o n C(amty, is rapidly upimmchini; eoinpletion.

AI.AUAM.V. — T h e .State CoMVciitinii held in

Taiiade^'a was the hewt atti ndisi of any sitiee tlie

war. At least thrce-foiirtiis nf tlie A-'.~n< iiiti<iiis of

the State went n-pre-icnte'l, licsidcs u n n i n t i c r o f

ciinreiiesand.societii's. Tlie foreign, home, Ind ian

udsi^ioiis were du ly <'onsidere«l. N'ery nearly all

of the State's <piota of live Inindred dollars for the

Rome chai)el fund was raised. The <pieslioti of

coiitiimin^' tlie State jiaper wa'i •settled liy turn in j ;

over the A/dihinni /Uij>tiM and ail its interests and

n>spt)nsil>ilities to Dr. Wink ler and l lev. .1. I-.

Wiv t . As it is, there is no oindal cumiei'tioii lie-

tween the paper and t he ('on vent ion.

Kk.STICKV. In a I'iri'idar rr-eeiitlv i-Mied I'V

Itev. W . .M. I'ratt, superintendent o| Stntr

mis^simis, we are iiiformeil tli;it lli -n ire twelve

himdrisl and twenty-four chun lie- In tli.> St.ite, of

which eleven iiundreil and tifty «eveii have only

month ly preachiu):, t i f ty-nine l i tve pi

twice a 'mon th , t i i rw havo iiriMcliin-.; three times

a month , and thirty-live have weekly iireachin^'.

Three were bHiitlzisI into tlie membership of

the Corn Creek church, Tr imhie county, the

second Sunday m .Inly, Tliere is only about

ten tliousand dollars to raise to sccure the thre<>

hundred thousand <lollars HutiMcrlhod hy the Slate

fi>r tho Southern Baj)tl.st ThooloKical Seminary at

Louisville. Tronton, Todd county, Sliolhy-

ville, Sheltiy county, C^)urt-ntreet clunvh, Uowliii;;

()riH;n, New Liberty, t)wen c um ty , Cold Hprin!,'s,

near Newport , Taylorsvillo, Sup i r « rove , ( fhont ,

are all without piwtors.

M I K H O I n i . — I t l.s Htat(Hl in the Vtiitml nti/itM that Bro. W . E . I 'onn of Texas wi l l visit St.

Louis, and hold a m w l i n g wi th Br. O . A. LOUOII'H church. l lev. W . W . Boyd of the Second

church, SI. Louis, has gone Kust, am i will preach

Hoyoral Sundays In Tremon l temple, Boston.-

the church at Sl loanj , L«on county, rwiulted In

eleven addit ions to tho church by letter and

baptism. E l d . P . Harr is commenced a rniHtt-

Inj; at KUn (Jrove tho awond Huiiulay in Ju ly .

The next Sabbath ho had tho plwisuro of baptizing

n ine happy <'anvortH.

<Jr.t»lutiA.—A moetInK uf days has Just closi-d

In 11)0 church at Lawrenwjvll lo, OwlnmMt county.

A innid>er worw tmpt l i sed .-—Kid . J . M . Smi th

1 tely CIOHIHI a iiieetlni^ wi th Bethany church,

Wa,shinKton county. Seven converts weri'

t)urh>d with Christ in l>ai»lism, Kid. .J. W .

Hulls eloHOtl a nns'tiiifi with his church :it Uut-

ledjjeon the i ' j th n i l . Fifteen were liapti/.<Mi, and

oi>e rei'cived hy ieilci . - E ld . T. K. Keiu-ily

elusid a meetintj last we<?k at Buford, on ti>e Air

I,inv railroad. Six weriMidded hy letter, and six

liy liaptisni. There will IM' a meeting iiekl at

IlMpewcii I'Imrcli, seventeen miles from Buford,

on the-'(ih inst., to ornunize tiie North (.Jeorjfia

(•(aivcntion. - - A urcat revival moetinj; recently

c l o ^d at tlie Third clmrcli , At lanta, Kid. W . ,1.

Sp i i iM pastor. Fifty-ei<;ht were received hy

l.aptism, tlve l>y letter, and six restored.

A ' , .

III,. ....>. ... r, , lUipfiKt (^luirUrh/ Wiadd report as followji;

We cannot put lait of our minds the ^reat iiii-

E ld . I t . S. Duncan has Just put to pre.Hs the I llstory

of Mls.sonrl Bapiists. I t 'wi l l Ixuif (jreat historical

value to flu) llaiiliMts of tho Stah".

TKXAH.— UOV. S. A . Hoodwin oi I 'o lumhus,

MIHH., has l)uea called to the imcttoralo of Iho

church in Hhtirmau. Bro. (Joodwln Is an ublo

and eloipient preacher, conHccmlotl to I lie jMusler's

woric; and the brethren at Shertnan arc (o ho

t'lainralulnUid Upon <ecuiinK hliMOrvh'eias punloi

Bro. .laniec!, who ssac called teuipurnrlly at

Parirt, ha^ acceplt^d u permanent call from that

church, ilnd wi l l br ing his fami ly to Texas In

about a n u j n t h ,— / / t f r aW . ^—E l d . O . M . Haulel

reeently cloHed u meeting; at Moun t Vernou

uhureh, near Bolton. I t resulled i n twenty-ono

addlt lona to tho church. The now house of

wonhlp at Beguln hiut been flnlBhed, and IH ready to occupied. Bro. T. J. Dodflon hau been called to serve them UH pa-slor. May tha Lf»rd abundantly bless hlB lobcrrs.-^A meeting lately held with

U.M'TIHT l i C A U T K U L Y .

Ilie rc'.'ent mf ' t i i i j , ' of the .Sodt.ty, licld in

1\ Cleveland, tiie ipieftion of re.-'umini^ the

pnlvlication of tiie ]i(ti>!ifl (jiKirlv.rly was coii-

siderf l . i;ivt- tlie report of an uhle com-

mittee: -

The l ommi t t ee to whicli wa- referrcil the

iiuc-tiiin of cont inu ing tiie puliiication of the iptist

Ci , - .

portance of sucit a periodic4d to ourdenominatioi i . Werep i n l a i p i a r t e r l y , or a tlieolo){icai !imj;a/.ine iLs an iHlucator of K'reat value, and as a powerful aid to denominat ional .streuf^th; and we must rccoril our conviction tiiat tlie Baptist dcnonii-iialion ou'^ht not to allow: H.-eif to he destitute of HO ;{ood a help to professional power and ^'feneral lliou«iitfuln<Ms. And we iiins( record our con-viction that money s|>tnit in .su^taininK such a work is not neetwsarily wa^^tcd, tliouKli no ju-eimiary j re,fits may appear, i l may U-as le>;ili-mate to invest money without immediate rctiinin ill puhl ishinu a tlieoloK'ical maua/.iiie as in prinl-11! tracts, or in sustainint; cduiational insti-tutions.

At the same l ime w e are aslu»me<l m hehalfol )ur Baptist churciies tliat a «|uarterly, whetiicr

rtaIi-.factorv to every one or not, could not he sus-tained anions' the'm. W e jierceive llie ureal dillicullics in the way of roMuminn a periodinil wlien once abandoned. W e do not know whether a deeper interesi, will ari.se, and make the enter-prise more practicable in future; hut we cannot overcome the convictimi that sucli a j>eriodicstl ou«lit to exist anions; us, and tliat we iiuve no other agency tiiat is more likely lo make it suc-ci'r-.ful than the I'uhlicatioii Society.

W e ris'onnnend, therefore, that the iiuliiicatiou of the (/mtrteHi/, or of a periiMlical ot the wme character, bo ret^umcd, and t hat tiie Society mslrui t its Board to that ellect. W o are well aware tha Muccms cannot bo expected unless tlnv very -s abi l i ty that our denominat ion possesses la' a|ii)ne(i to the work , both In edi t ing 'and in puhiisliiiiu; and-wo rocouunerid that lie- Society dlriHt tlai Board to Inquire wtll i the greatest care whether anv chanpw in tho plan of the i.ublication wouW render 11 more BUCciHsful, and whether any aii-dltioiiai moans of elllciencv are witiiin their reach.

This n-commendatlon wan refernsi to tho Board. A t a mootlifK of the Jioard just held the f.»Ilow-

ln{,' eonchwlons wore rcachwl: —

1. To resume tho publ icat ion of tho Quarltr/'/, provided llfteen huiidreU nulKscrlbors can he re celvtHl. U n a than this number wi l l entail a laiRt losrt every year. , „

That fn am tho Qiiarkrtj/ w r.'sumt d. \ < 2. Aliai III vauTO viiu —, Viii.'. <liiil

Will apply to the work tho very .(^t " ! ; '.> our r lonomlnat lon iwwicf.'ioH, holli ti i .uhllshlng the qmrtcHtj." Wo wi l l a im to make It worthy of tho denominat ion.

W o Hciul thin circular, and api^ i i l to the inlniH-

try Konernlly, and boR of each one that ho will

hi'mieil HiilKM-rlbe for the Qiiiirln-I>/ win also try lo induce tliv laymen with in u-acb.

that wi l l jippreclale u scholarly thcolojjical re-

view, to HUbscrlbe. ^ ,

H by tho flrut of OclolHir next the tlfleeu hun-

dred HUbscrlbera are received, we will proctt'd at

once to arrango lor reBUoalng the publlcaUon w

I he Qmrterly on tho flwt of J anuary next, rermf.

$8.iK» iwst-pald. B. G B I F K I T M , secretary.

' M a n k i n d worBhl|« HUCceaH; but i f e j i j ^ t ^

of the meanaby wh ich

S ^ l i ~ 1- ^ -I


P K A Y E R - M E E T I N A .

oar tiniyer-nieettnB opaiu gn «iiioh Huortny niiomnou at Ihreoo'clock! wid ItU iiropodoU.Umtovery ChrUttwi who r«iuU UiU wtU qi»u»««'r«t« Ihnt lioar to j>r«yor for objuct* pDMentod In UiUi Miumii.

"TliBre Ima plucti wticni splrtt/iijlontl,— Whert" frlemt hohU Wlowdhlp with frtenil. Though »uiuk<red fUr, by fnitii wo inoel Aniund onncoinnum mtrcy-«t>at."

Books are men of higher nature, and the only

nion who Hpeak aloud lor future times to hour.—

Mrs, lirowning.

There is no man HO friemlli»w, Imt that ho cnn

(iml a friend sincere enough to tell l i im dlHiiKreeft-

hle (ruths. — /i«/Hcr.

l'hilo.Hophy t r iumphs easily i'nou(,'h over pant

and future evils, hut prwent evils t r i umph over

phllcwophy. — liovJiepMtmuli).

There is no fmieral sosiul lo follow as tho ftm-

eral of your own ryoiith, which we havw hii-n

pamperiiiK witt i fond dmire.s and ambi t ious hoi)ps,

and all the br ight berries that hanj? in poi.sonous

clusters over the path of life, —/xim/o;-.

Wo should carry up our iitrccti.)us to tho man-

sions propareil for us above, where eternity is the

nitfrt-xure, felicity the state, anirels the company ,

the Lrnni) the li>?ht; ami <iod tlie inheritance and

portion of his peo|de forever. ~J(reimj 'laylor.

As folly on tho one side, thou^jh i l should enjoy

all il can doalre, would, notwithstanding, never ho

content; so, on tho other, wisdom over ac<juiosces

with the jiresent, ai(d is never dissatisfied witl i its

iuiinoiliafe condition.s. — MontaUjn.

No being i,s mo i o void of care and reflection

than tho s lave; none dances more gaily, in his

intervals ot labor ; iiut make h im frw, g ive h im

rights and interests to guard, and lie beconu^

thoughtful a nd laborious. — In-im/.

The religion that renders good men g loomy and

unhappy, can .scarcely be a true one. Dr. Clair

siiys, in hls.Hi?rmon on Devotion, " He w h o does

not fiH'l joy in religion, is far from tlie k i ngdom

of heaven."

He who cliiiil)s above the cares of tiie world

and turns hi.s fact! towards his (»od, has found tlie

sunny side of life. Tlie world's si.le of (li(> h in

is chill iinil freezing to a spiritiiid m i n d , hut fhe

Lord's presonif gives a warmtl i of joy w'liich

turns wlntur into suirmer.—tS/furf/ton,

It is they w h o glorify who shall enjoy H i m ;

they who dony themselviw, who Hhail not he de-

nied; they who labor on earth wlio shall rest in

heaven; they who boar tho cros.s, who shall wear

the crown; thoy who .seo'.c to .'bless others, who

shall IMJ blofwod. — / V . Guihrk.


In tho wiirlii tluire'H irlliuliitliin. In the warW ILUTE IH » U O ;

am tho wiirlil It U lH)iiiil<>, Kor our riillior liiiulo It K.H; ;

Thfii tirllohoii up your nrnior. AH' bt> h>t4>py ii» yo gang,

THnugb your Mky bo ottou clouUfHl,

It wannit hi< for hinK.

1 will not demand of amu.seniont that it should

directly Instruct, elevate, warn , or Improve. I f it

gives genuine plwuiure, and i f It does not corrupt,

deprave or Injure, 1 wi l l ble8.s it, and without a

single misg iv ing invoke the blewslng of hoaven on

ItH head.—/Jc/toMv?.

II you cannot Iti tho hnrvput Garner up the rlcht dl H1I««I.

Many n grnlu both ripe mid Kolclcn Will ttie careluM roaiwr leave.

Oo uuU glouu amon« tho brlors, Orowlng riMik ngalniil tho wall,

Kor II may b6 that tho shadow 11 Idea Ibn boatrlMt wheat of on.

W h a t holler Is tlio ChrlHtlan who gcta no per-

sonal c ommun i on and help from his Father, than

tho hixithen w h o liim no Ood'.' I f it heiiiwwered,

iKJtter in knowledge mid it possible ncctw to Ood

In need; It must be addetl, wotae I n tho iieponsl-

bllil^r tha t comes from opportuni ty un improved

and k a o w n d u t y not done.

I f men havo been 'called pUgrlma, am i life a

journey, then the Chrlirtlan pl lgr lmago far sar-

PMBBB al l others, In the goodneas of the road, in

tt^ tooty of t h e prospecte, In the etcellence of

the ootopiiny, attd I n the v u t s up^ l o r l t y of the

aceommodatloD provided for the Ohrlatlan trav-

eleir wheh he b l u flolehM hte oounte, — CoUon.

" W T E Invito the attention of tho doubtorrt of

' ' Arkiuielphla, Ark . , to the following, lu

corroli-jratlng wha t we Mtuted In our iHfrfnon on

the Authentici ty of t^hrlstlanlty recently delivered

in their city, and lo which thoy gave us such

patient attonllon. They «hould priM'ure Sir I'^l.

Ilawllng.son'» Oriental IleMcarches.

"Olworvo how utterly fmrloiis It j the BihioJ Is. It puts its Incidental historical narratives by tho side of aiieiont rwords wherever th« ioare found, — on brick cylinders, graven In rocks, .traced uj)on [larchments, carvtsl ii|K»n oliellsks, built into imperial structures; and it challenges eoni-I»aris(in. N o matter how olh(>r records have come lo us, tho Si;ri|tturo put« its record bcshio them, asserts this true, and waifs for (vnturh>fi for its vindication. The ancienl liistorians tell iis, for example, that tho king oi l iahylon, when that city was takpii and de.'troyed liy the I'ersinns, was not B(^l«ha/.zar, iiut .Nahona'ilius, or Labv-netus, a.s the nam(« arc given ilillerently in diflerent languagOH; that he was not capluretl In tho city, or kiiliHl, but that he escaped from I t ; that he fouglit a Imlth- after tiie capture outshlo of the c i t y ; that lie WiW defeatinl, and was then taken pri.soner; tliat he was made a satmp under tlio compieror; that ho lived for years afterward unmolest<sl; lived in ahunditntv, and diisl in l«'aco. Bi'r()su.s A b y d e m n agree In most of th is ; and hi-story laughs at tho story as tohl in the book of Daniel. I t i.s an unhi.storlc legend, idle, worth-lens, because contrary to the facts. The hook of Daniel jnits forward its njeord, and jwllently waits. Twenty yeans ago there wore dug Uji the cylinders from tho remains of tho iincient Ur of the Chaidow, —from the mounds which mark the almost f(jrgotten site of that renowned city of tiie Kast, which oxphtin at a glance llie sooming incoiiRistency. Thoy show t.'iat Bclsha/./4ir was tlie son of Nabunadius, and tlio regent under l i im ; that Daniel's record i.s, therefore, a.s true as was that probably of Heroilotus or Berosus, Tliey were Kim ply wri t ing of iliirorent IMTKOHS .

" S o tiie Scri|»turo fearloKsly cliallenges his-torians, and puts It.s record alongside of theirs, a characteri.stic which belongs to il only .among tlio sacred books of the world. Tliere i.s no other whicli Ireats so feark-ssly thif events of the pa.st, and which faces such imminent continual risk of being demonstrated an untrue, i f that Is possible. It tells its story amid whatever liln of contra-dictions, and waits to lie accepted with a d iv ine courage imperturlial)le a.i ( iod. ' — J)r. It. S. S'/arrn.

til iiHfsr.

Has tho church a right to arraign a mem her for missing two or three Saturday mwt ings , whi le at the miuie t ime being a regular attendant on Sun-day. I'hvtse answer through your columns.

.1. It. A.

Nono on earth. Such a law is in open viohition

and in c(mtravontioii of tiie law of Christ. H o

enjoined upon his followers to recognize no K i ng ,

no Father ,no Head liut h imself ,and to boa party

to tho enacting or acctasory to it liy obeying it, is

n>l)elllon to Christ. A cliurch of Christ, any one

on earth, forfeits its claims when It presumes to

become a law-making |U)wer. I f a church has tho

right to make two Sundays in one week once a

month HIIO has the right lo make two Sundays

onch wiH'k of tho montl i , or t'von three a week, or

abolish the Sunday Christ ajipointod for his wor-

ship, Tho right to majio a law ImplloH the r ight

to abolish all existing laws. Let overy Baptist

rt«iHt tho two-Sunday-a-woek-l(tw If it co.sls h i m

Ills memberHhlp, A thousand timrvs better to bo

out than in such a iiody. Be a martyr rather

than a garter.

Wou l d you advise a church to rwrelvo a letler from a ehurch that Ls In such gro.ss disorder as to bo droi>pcd from tho AHSociation V .M.

You can examine the mouihcr, and if he Is

found personally sound in fai lh, a m i wi th correct

views of cfiujch order, but not upon the letter of

credit from a disorderly churcli.

In 11 not inftdelily to tlehy tho la-i-Honalitv of the J l o ly OhoHtV I lind that thn-ivfourtlia of tho |HSI. plo in and <)ut of all denomlniitlon.i along thin whole coant do not bpHovo that the Hol,v Ohost Ib a ijorson, hut a spirit. M. A. DKES.

Hcranton, MIHH. I t moet certainly is infldelity to deny the per-

sooality of the Ho ly Bpirit, aa much so aa to deny

the pereonallty of tho Father or the Son. H o w

can any w h o have been baptized In to the ' f r iuno

Ood deny the personality of tho Spir i t , any more

than that of the Father ur thoBouV The Bib le

a n d Cbriat iaai ty ore both false i f t he ^ o l y Bpir i t

la not a person,


W e luftktt tlie fol lowing ofTer to a l l whfli ileaJro

t« circulate sound Baptist Iltertun>.% B y a Uttle

eflort on tho part of tlic brethren a nd sist^sra not

only t an tho paper be more wide ly clrcutated,

and iti) UHofulnCHH incrciiBcil tlicreby, but Bapt ist

books cjin IHI placed in the hauiLs of the mhsBCfl.

Bead the fo l lowing: --

J. F'or a renewal and one now HUbscrlbor'Sye

M'iil Hond books to amoun t of $I,(K).

2. For two new subscribers, hooks to a m o u n t

of $1.50.

!{. For a renewal ami two new Hulxscrlbom,

books to amount of f2.iKi.

4. For lhre<' new subscribers, books to amoun t


r,. For roiiftwiil innl i h r w now «ubacrll)«r8,

books to amouiif of f 'J.Kd. !

.\nd for ev ly a-hniiomi! sulrtcrllmr abovo a

club of thretj we wi.i al low fifty cent« in bookfl or

tracts, as tho broui!e,i inay » hooso.

Tho book.i are to ' • efed from IIIH partial

cataloguo of books ui ih. ISapiiHt Book lloust»pn

pago .':.72. Thei^o h..<.l;-< will he h cnt by mai l , poat


ASS (H ; IAT IO .NAL M l i l i T I N O S .

W h o wil l g ive ns tho t ime and place of meet ing

of t l i w A.Hsociation? and name and jtost ofllce of

Clerk.s or Moderators— ?

Tho State (Convention, Shelhyvlllo, Tenn. , Oct.

12.1th, 1,S7M.

\\Mi<T TKNNKS8KK. Bwich Kiver—


ni"? Emo ry—?

C l i n t o n - ?

Cumberland — ?

Duck Town—? #

Tho Duck Biver—Mo(! ts with Winchester

ehurch; Frankl in county, Saturday before tho

fourth Sunday in August .

Tho S a l e m - ?

The Ind ian ( :reek—?

The .lud.son—?

Cumberland Kiver—.Meets with tho Bethlehem

church, Bohertsoii county, Saturday before tlie

t h i n l Saitlialh in August,

Tho Sitvannali Uivtir Saturday before the th i rd

Sabbath in Scpteniljer, at S. ivannah, Tenn.

Tho ( V n t r a l - ?

Western District--Meot.s w i th tho Union church,

ono half mile from IMcek <;ify, on Momphiri and

Louisvi l le railroad, Henry county, on Fr iday IH)-

fore the flr>t Sal't'iifh in October.

'I'he Bcu l a l i - ?

KAHT TI:.N.\J>I,SKK. tfcner.il AssociHtion— ?



Friendship Distr ict-?



J o h n s o n - ?

Mississippi B i v c r - ?

Mount ZifMi-? .

IMulberry (hqi — Meets w i th tlio church at Mans-

field's (iai>, .Feflerson county, Thun iday before t he

fourth Sunday in August.


Northern AHHwiation —nuHita with Now Hope

ehurch, Cuinjiboll (!ounty, commencing Thursday

before tho second Sunday In Sept.


Stockton's Valhfy—?

Southwtxtorn DlHtrict—?

Hwoet Water —Meola wi th (ho(.^hosttw d iu rcb ,

ten miles r.outh of Madlnouvl l le , Madison cminty,

F r i day before tho th i rd Sunday In August.


U n l o n - V

The Uni ty Association — rneeta wi th the ohurch

a t Henderson Saturday before the second Sunday'

I n Sept.

Watauga—Meets w i th Wa tauga church , ten

mi les from Carter's atatlon, Carter county, f b o n h

day before the second Sunda;^ In oeptt

"West U n i o n - ?



A church In MlHrtlsslppI or Tonnesaoo nwlliiK a (rood pastor of Iohr e*|«;rlonce, a goo«1 and »ucet>iw-fnl preacher, will do well to write m floon.

Eld. W. A. Nelson hiw realgnocl the curf of th« Edgcfleld church, Ntwhvlllo. Hts 1»p'>P><' very loftth to «(lvo him up.

Eld. T . J . Efl«te« recently hiid a good inectlnf? lit 8»Uen>, WllHon county, Tonn,' There woro twonty-two profwsslona, flftetm iMiptlziHl, and (Ivo approved for.baptlam.

Upon the dose of the great revival at Trenton., Tenn., Bro. Montgorrery went to Miliiri, wliere he is now conducting: a nu>ctin(j. May the Lord signally blesH hLs labors at that phicc «« at others.

Hro. J . J. iiooth, a member ot the First ehiircb, this city, dletl at Bcranton, Ml>w., bwt wwk. lie imd been confined to his Ind for many nioiilhs when death cjimo to his relief. He loaves a wife and six children to mourn his 1oh«.

Eld. T. J . Eosten writes that he Ih in the niiil.it of a great revival at Hound Llok church, Wilson county, Tenn. About forty have profwsed fditli in Christ, and a gowlly number are in<)uiriii>,' the way of life.

The Houthern Baptist ruhliciiticm .Sn-lely having discontlnuwl businmH, |iartii's onlcriiiK' lM)'jk» from this city should ntldrCH ^ their okIitm to the Baptist Book House. Beiul for their new eataloguu.

Bro. Henderson Owen of this eity died iit Wythe l)epf)t, Bhelby county, on tii« 7th inwt., ufler a protracted i l l n o H S . Hi* remains w«t«-broughi to this city for intcrnumt. Hro. Owen was a faithful and exemplary Christiiin. H<' was a member of the Central church, Mempiiis.

Dr. E. B. Fuller of Friars I'oiiit, Mins., pfu-setl city Wednesday on his wiiy to Hot

' ^ l ^ m ^ r H k . We were glad to rmsive a call from and wlnh hiui u |)iea,s«nt so-journ at the Springs, where he gotw in tjuest of health.

Wo think the church of Christ the only moraj an<l religious six-lety that a Christian man mod belong to. Then* Is certainly iiu (•oiic<>ival)lc society higher than thecliurcli; hikI why should a Christian ffo down? Tliis In fur llro. .i. 1'. Oarson, Kansa-s.

Bro. J . N. Burroughs writes uh thnt the l i f t series of lectures will commence in the Metro-iwlltan temple, San Francisco, (Ml., Augu-<t ttie !«)th, and the second series at the Clear Lulu- As-sociation, Beptember the fUh ; and other appoint-ments will be published in the Pacific Evanr/f/.

Eld. Harrell, wrlUiig from I'.llavllle, Fla., .says the pastor of the Antioch churcii, lild. .1. N. Held, assMetl by other mlni.sters, rwently held a nieet-Ing of days, and nine Were added to the church by bJiptlsm. A threcj weeks' met;tlng at Live Oak, Fla., nwulted In thirty ucctjosions to Un-church. Eld. M. A. Clonts Ls the i)astor.

Dr. W. A. Montgomery, secretary of otir State MItwIon Board, in conjunction with the pastor. Dr. M. Hillsman, closed a mo«t precious meeting at Trenton, Tenn., on the let. Inst. One hundred convomlonB are reporte<l, and forty-six aa-ewlons to the church. Wo rejoice with the brethren in vhla gracious outiwurlng of God's Spirit.

Bro. Enoch Wlndes of Aflhland, MIhb., in a busincfts note, saj-s: " I have just paid my twonty-flve dollars suljflcrlbcd to the young mlnis-tcTB at Jackwm, and still owe flfteen dolUirH to the State mlsalouB; and shall give throo-fourths of all I receive for preaching this year to help tinlsh the church-houfle at Tullahoma." This Is unprece-dented iiberality. If our laymen only possetwed Homething of this spirit what could not bo done ft»r the causo of Christ In our Stato and the world'

The Mary Sharp is one of the oldest colleges In the South. It has educated more young ladies than any other single Institution in the country; and then Ite eouree of study la the most thorough Hnd ezbaUBtlve of any school known to us. Send your daughters to Winchester. Place them under the caw ol Dr. Grave®, the veteran and champion edowtor or the 8o;itli.—BapfW StUeotor. The bof rd at Wlnoheflier, including all Mc«pt wash-

ing, is one hundred and twenty dollars a year. For tuition, see advertisement in another column.

; U E V . J . U . U R A V P ^ l I N C A L I F O R N I A .

IC O N C U I A T U L A T E the IJiipliHtH <if (iiillfoniiu

a n d Ott'gon on the a-wuraiice they have of a

vlMltr«»m thisdlstinKntishwhulvocrtleanddefen'dtir

of their faith. M a n y y m r ^ ago, w h e n idcutllletl

with our denominational Interests on the rucitlc

Coast, 1 often heard the wlsli exprcsHcl that Dr.

OraveH could bo Induced to vinit (^ilirorniu, luid

encourage the fe<'ble churclitw in their struggles

with adverse iiilUiencw. TIk- long lioi- -d for

time has ct)me. B y tiie flr-«i of September flro.

Gmv«*s will iH) in tlieOoldcn Sialc. in iuhwct to

m a n y urgent calls. Ibespeak for liim iiu< tunii-

al w e h ' o m e , Chrlr^tlan sympaihy, iuid ilu- henriy

co-oiteration of the puHtors uii.i rliurcli("i, iUs

iMinlfltry 1 a m confident will t»' f«ll"wcd by in-

calculable good, llii DiM'triiml l.cHiin^^ are

flmshe<l pHKluethms; p.^ckod full lilviiictrmh.

logical, inHtructive.cnptivatiM-, Hidilriivctvil with

wonderful ctlectiyenms. 1 a m not di.spo.^cd to

dlsiMimge the Inborn of M r . Karic and the voriora-

ble a n d faithful Eld. K n a p p , I'Ut I ani conrKt.'iit

that the labors of Dr. (Jravi-M uill he ol k'roator

advantage to tho denominiition lima were tlic

laborH of those dltitinguisiicd . van-iellMM. I hope

that|tbe m a i n centres of iivnucnce, San I'mncini o,

Oakland, Sacramento, Stockton, San .lo-c, a-t wt !l

(W other jJoints, will open their doors wide, a n d

give Dr. Clruvtis .such a he.iritij,' iw hi i eminent

talent." a n d fxaited repiitiitiim JaHtly d e n u m d H .

< , It. It, RkmAUKS.—.Since the above w a s written iiy

Dr. Hendrickson the i)astor i.f tin' Metr(>|»olitan

Temple,H.in Fraiicb*co, Dr K;tllo!'k l..i.s rxtended

a hearty invitation to our Senior lo deliver a

course of l.,ecturt>M to his e l i u n - h . — d r n n . I'.n.

FROM HH<>. I'()|>K,

Br o . G R A V l v S ; — I clip the tollou In^' from

the last HAi'Tlsii', atid re.|iie,t a few iiiien in

rejily: — " W e are in reccipt of a pamphlet froui l.Iotiston,

Te.xius, by an amaiyinous writ.. !, witli introiliietcny hy .). A . ('., CMntninin^r niiwt diiniu^'ins; H(a!(> nieiit: a.-- ti) llic ( hri-tiiin eliaraeler "if iirti I'ojie, the axriochite r.r Him. Link, lu-^cd TIP'm ilie t>-li n i o n v o f M r . Hart, ho well k n o w n tin swei-t •linger ot the riiaitli. 'I'lie ehiio li a! Iloo-ton .Mhoulil promptly take eogni/.anei ot tie ne rharK'e^, aad a.s<'erlaiti their validity."

I pronounce the cluirgiw referred to in tic-above an unmitlgale<l laU-hoods, and in oi.en ehareh otfered to pay tlie expens«'s to llou.itoii, an<l tid' hotel bill while here, of any man wtm woidd prove tlu'iii to la- true before our iiwtor and deaconn. The aiiiiior of llie pamiddet hidi-n liiin-self in anonymous obHcnrity; and .1. A. ('. iia.n made a written stalemnnt, in pr(Hcnc<> of two wilneas««, that he was not aware of what tlie piimphlet contaiiKHl, and regretting that anything was .said disparaging to me.

We suspect here that the whole thing wa.s written by a man not a im!mb(a- of the church, with a nialicious attempt to injure Uio church here, and the liapfhi Herald.

A week after the scurrlious pamphlet <'iime out I was invited by the pa.stor here to till his pulpit, which shows In what light It Is regardnl hero.

I am a little surprised that you would notice in your columns a production so full of Blander against the Baptist church at Houston, Bro. Link and myself, and without a signature. It but gives notoriety lo the dttlngs of vlllluns. The linptiM Herald will hardly be overcome by jiersecutlon from such a source, and of such a kind.

I make this reply, leat some of njy friends In Tennessee should bo misled by your article un-explalnwl. I know you well enough to know that you have no sympathy with such midnight assassins. O. C. Fori'.

Remaiikh.—The pamphlet alluded to, intro-duced by the well-known signature of J . A. C., and containing the teatimony of Bro. Hart, so generally known In the Bouthwest, could hardly bo conHldered an irresponsible document, though itR visage wait villainous Indeed, atid pcttntlalous. Wp noticed It with a proper condemnation, wo thought. It Is widely elroulated Btnotig tho rainlstry of this State. V\'c still think that the

ohureii at Houslon oweti it as a sacretl duty to protect thog(H)d names ofl ts momlMsrs f^om Hueh attacks. Bro. Hart should be »ummon«>d before her to tt^stlfy to the truth or fidslty of his idUiged Ntntem'ent,

Titis i)ublishing of «landeni against mlnlsten^, that Is to prevalent, should eHtopptnl by some means I and Uro. 1»0[r« hiw a goo<l opiwrtunlty to niake an i .vaniple of some one.

F R O M A R K . A N H A S .

| » U O . O l t A V F H : I have Jiwt returned from

onr S(H'ond District Meeting, and in orfle t<»

get tlie subjfK't t>efore the bret.iren generally, 1

have cniicluded to give yonr readers the following

item.-< of Interwt liatl in Haiti me<.*thig:— (^lery. H:»5 a ciiurcii the Hcriptural right to

invite mcnil/ers of a si.stor church to juirllci|KUe

in iier c o m m u n i o n of tlie i^ord'H Mup|X'rV" in

the di-eiiii-«ioi» of tiii.s Hubji'cl W e bad "niucii every

way." A large majority of the lirethren hcems to

have a kind of miivetsiil Idea of the church, to

wit, that the Haptist chnrches are in s o m e w a y

connected ho tinil each in a part of "the churcli," wliicli l>4 tl>e " o n e biwly." S o m e advcR-utc the

praetiee l)ecau-«e cu.ttomary. I Htofsl alone on the

nt'galive and w hen the di.H.scusHion c l o m l (know-

inss' that tb" body would vote in the atllnuitive) I

m a d e thin re<(nest, tiiat they would furid.sh one

or t w o jiaHsagtM of Scripture its proof, for 1

diNlgned having tlie jinKwdings i>ubilshed. This

cuwHcil Hoaie confusion,for to c o m p l y with thisrca-

son ilile rc<iu(>st w a s w hat could not tie done. Here

c imc the d i l e m m a , il w e decide in the anirmativc

wt> must produce tlx' Scripture: if in the negative

w e niii.sl altandoii our priwtici'. So one lirother

tried t<i impale iis on tlie third liorn, and place u.s

ill a trilemiua, by m o v i n g to drop Mie MUbject;

saifl lie w a s not going to be forced to answei in

no Miii h a w a y , w h i c h motion w a s lost. H e tlien

m o v e d t.» refer the case to the ne.vt District Meet-

ing. t arried, i tbiiik thin tpiery ought lo Ix'

pr"^entM to every eliurcb that has the practice of

iiivitirig a!!y but her ow n mt>mbcrs to the Lord's

tat)le. a n d Hie proof demaiidetl in every ca.se.

While the tide of liberali.sm in swiM'ping fiway it/

tll(.o^and-, and w presenltMi in so m a n y forms to

draw a w a y disciples, and such strife lor personal

iig«randi/,ement, h o w it iiecometh us an witnesnes

for tiie truth to e x a m i n e carefully every tioctrine

aiKl practice, antl dro|> all that cannot be fully

siilistaiitiated by the word of (!o<l, unil contoiul

.,nlv lor "tlie fiiith once ilclivered to the;iaint.«. .1. M. iUKKN. l-.Mgle Mill, Ark., .Inly 1.S7S.

R K S O l . l T I O N S .

1 > R(). < J R A V I'X: — W e Mend y o u the following

Preamble a n d Re.soliitions, which you will

lileiwe publish in T u K BAfTisr.

Wiiereas, Eld. W , .1. Lacy w a s on the 8th day ..r .lime A . D., 1'878, e.wluded from the Icllowflhlp

of the HajiUst church of Christ, at I'ino Orove,

(•atahoula parish. La., for the crime of adulU'ry a n d his eriHlenUals as a minister of the gospel de-

muuili.'d b y tho church, a n d

Wheri'aa, ho has refusetl to give them up.

Therefore, bo U Resolved, That wo believe it to be our duty to

notify other brethren and churches of tho fact that they may know hhn.

llCHolvcKl, That a copy of this bo sent to TUb B A P T I S T , for publication, and that Bro. Graves be refiueated to publish the same, r e q u e s t i n g other Baptist "papers" to copy. Written and signed by order of tho church in conference assembled,

^ ' ' ' - E . n . W . A. J . ODOM, Moderator. R. M. SMITH, Church Clerk.

Rogers A Co., late hwulquarters Bouthcrn Bap-tist Publication Society, JM4 Second street, with new typo and presees, are doing all kinds of Jon printing, book work, etc., In flt«t-ciaM stylo oi low prico. They also publish 7A« .B/Wo an excellent monthly for Sunday-echool workers

TO MINISTERS. J u s t m a k e u p y o u r mlnA »»

n o w nubscrlberN, a n d i o c u r e t l iU P^JJ"; ftor y o u m c l f t i l l " yi^ar, nnrt e a n n j you c n n do !<•

8 0 0 T H B « N N E W S ITKMH

PortloBi ot Otorglft «« »ufrering r.,"«l and .hlp^d

A. I I . ««r 'BO taooklng Wfli.

wl..t !<. WM for W7 ' ' r iTaa rifl. M«t« fair, at Atlanta In

Th., Hlrrnin* in parts of G e o m i M im-l Nwili OrolirtH .Hid t.. b.' lowfr Umii for

Smith (ArW.) n,;.«ld n.,M,rtH tbnl work "" i**"

(«. U,) ,Io«rn«l o. «fl.;r .-amiM »)-

t(jp,00» ')V*r Hud Hl'ove it* M t i u n i J i i " ' • f ' ^ " ' x i r c i a m H o n t h « „>UI1." ''; "t llat niu«i HkIku ..•ill! liv.-.

Every MrtiitH'itiKTy (li«|K)»fH ol nb aii iw.-lvc

ihdu..u..i imiiu.Itt ol icf, i.M.n- or Ir.H, . v, ry It ijittl manufa.-uir«Ml ut h.iiM".

Th« U'c (U'hlerH «! l'hHrlt'«U>n have rnijcl til" !"'<"' """ '•^'''''''1 msunfai-eorv lit H.UiiuuhIi mpiJui. lint ,lu ,ii„ii.l leH tl'au oiiK c. lit J> iM.mi.l.

Tilo tid'in t ol the n oToW L'iUiirt' tail-mail 111' in the . t u n u n i t of l , ' . o k i i u t i i i o u u t i t i n „ 82fi!i> bfiliK HK t'll. <1. Willi th.: Vipn- of ...invfft US tliHt lieiKlit ml" « *iii»m'T r.'-s»irt.

Tho Aii»lin Stnt.'.xinan finiiL-!', urilew Ti'jfli "<•'» ii|> Uif wiil))ri'"T-|" will I jSi 'o"" ' ">1 u i i i ' i i ' l " ! " ' ' ' ' ' " li>iev<?>i •mil fCourt'lrtlK.

TiiP rei • rtrr t^lit over « itli the l,it« -riHumiiv !l kliiji (liwovi rt'tl (iiKi nekro in Mminiviii ..lio lif"' iiiiirif im"iicv "ri,l vvB.i ilt". iiulaul Willi Uit coimliv. tlv wiw hm iiii'Icr Inker.

.\ilHlirt ( T f S . ) S ' B t i - l l i p . l i : .^Nime 1<1> iilf pri'Oict »!JI!I r<'rr).v<ill n"' I'finj; OMT h l u t n reniK f I m - l i r l Itii.i fHll, 1 I'.ikI l.ctier Iiiakt-. tl.'-t'' iir'Hii- friicliI'. t" iis'it uh miioh n» i.ofih!.- <i,( i< to iiii-i (-.I'lle.

A p i i r r C K i f ' n ' ^ n l i . t iIip i i l i i " I>hii uirnt iin« the furt l .il. « fiiriiirr in i!H)i|)«hmin<>i'lt iMiuiily, wim -(l trir limn u( l ihwii l iBtc l i e t f a l l . o l l t ' /x l i w e i u i r c nhfnti roii ..ny <!?,t wl.o v.i'I j iiy for the 'urtiliter.

Tim Mucni IV • f. |)ll HHyK: A vtry ilttiini; roti! I'ly iif a UrKe iimounl (if iiiiniBy

' 111 Oie mail" iu (ii orgiii li!ii liem di*'-(•ii(er>'i(. Tii« j)Oi.l oftliie offioliils miuI the l ti'divfn (ire ai'lt'fly niKHijf (t in (heir in-vHsliyntions. .

The Kiivorninont rpfiwcH to pny ftio per Ion (or tc", ftfcil ciisioiil -lioiHc iiiiil olhf'rcni plnyi'ji «t Nt'w Orli niKi liHVf to <1 rink wiirm wBi'cr. I'lif inavrir of ill.- ctly in tiiltiiiK*te|is to iiupori iof, B* it in nl>i<oliit(ily inili>i|n<n»-ntilf ill llu! Irti.liiiiMil (il Jtllon fcvvr.

Montpdnipry (AIii ) Ailvorlia^r : The liw »ulhori?.inn tlui hiriiii: o It o( »tiite iiml ociuiity oouvicl" will no itoiiht be a tioiie of couteiith'H iiithuiint It-ciiiliitiiec. ff-flirt will ti.- iiiH'ttt to ri>|ti*.'il lliH liiw on tlio ground Hint it Inlcrfpri s «itli hoiie>t iHtmr.

GrIvphIoii Ni'Wm : A iivoMHtcr of the •Iffp. Inllit'nhniie of 11 •hirk thirteen feet ItitiK, w»n iiiilled out of 111" li.iy yc lerllny pvciiiuir. The month mh« siifllo'iendy lnfRe when open to ii»rmit Mie |m«.iiii!(i of n man's litail oni! hlioulilerN, nnit il leiiuiri'd twenty mm lolaiiil lilin on die whHrt.

The prfiiMuty of tlio Mobile Riid Ohio rsilroiiil, whioh io to l)u toM iinder r IuHk t/ieDt of forecloMire, Ht Mobile, Ala,, on AiiKUnt 19. conipriHeii ,17^ mileN of ninln line, tiftv-hl* mllnii of Itrftiiclieii, all fi|ui|)mentN mil Rfiiiui'tennnonx, InclinllnR over l,t)00 om mid nenrly 100 loconiotiveti, the leftde of the Aherileeii branch, Blioiit 1 ,000,000 aces ol land and the franohlxe ot the road.

Austin (Tps.) Statwman : Lnut year notion in thi* nediion of the ntate nveraced tbout one third of n bale to the acre, and the total ih l imieDtH from Aiiatin anioanted lo about 20,000 balea. Tho cotton crop in thl« Hctiin of the ntato nonr praiuiaea a full bale to the acre, or three tfrnen at much per noro M WM made la t Hea<ion, witli an increased

Therefore Boino ttntlelpate ihatthe Ilj|)imenm froin Auatin this neaaou way reach 75,000 tialen. Cerlnluly lb ' nhipuientu *lll bo more thnii doulde what they were iMt year.

Deuiiii«on (Tox.) Nowa:' There iit a grtat reliiiiout revival among the neKroesat "reiitori Bend, a few weeliH nun two neurnea "u Judge I'orler'a plai e were lillbd by llllitnlug. A diiv or, two after that a team ran awav and broke a neitro'a leg. The *ti|iertlllioni nngrocH Interpreted thene oc-ourreuneia^apecl'il rl'ltatlouiiof Prnvldence, «nd the re^ult ban been thai neatly nil ibe oolottd popiilitllon Iinvt; fxpericnccd re-llKlnn. It l<e«(,a the colored jtreacher buiy "sptlring lh« oonvertd.

New OrlruiR Dr^mncrat; Tbe present }yp« of yellow fever diflera in many pMUoa-urn fium the chnracterlHtlci of tbeiKme dia Mne in former yearn Tlil< year the patient ('elii nopftin In tho Imrk, and hianulae. akin •ti(l ge'tterat iipptaninm' do not InillMtn » pl|h aUge Pi tover. Tb« fever l» hidden, tnterniil, thuiit<b viuntt tuMte danureroua than "iitinrent febrile ayicplniSii. Tbn priaeot ••inltneM u spotudln, mid glvm no great

o«ua« of auxialy M yet, if the proptr ntil-tary riUe* are followed wilb alrlotatttntloD,

New Orlrani l)«uifHJ)«t: The leree board of the eleventh dUtrlct of MlMluippi met at GreenvDIe the other day to deoiae on the tax to be levied for IhM repair aud eonitructiun of the leveea. TTjI* ta* wa« Anally ftxed at one-half ceuton cotton and othsr personalty and realty tn the dlatrlet. Thin Mt»iiiti»liivi didlriot tin f/ore (lays rt higher tix l« lioep il- levee* in order tlimi any uorthcrn state pcyi! lor all tfie exiitnueit of goverritiieut. Ttio' |'i oiils of Teiiue-aee and Viraiiiia cniiipt.iln ol five niiila BUte tas na B*lorlioniit«, i'lit the t >opl« of Unoqueua iiave In pay thin M* f»r luvrcn alone Kvery liale of '•oiion »nUcd luTf Is tJixiid $2 for levees. _

,«|S( KiJ.ANKOlIS irK.ns. T he wimnuiii HtiitiK teleplionc Ihih Iicch

ill nae in east Iiidlft fnmi ti<i ^ inumMiKiriiil. |{4j|K(rl« ehosv liijit 2010 IMH- ' tuive

lieeii enim in Vieiinn w .llim tli' fi 11.1 five inoiitliK "( lilin ytiir. TuHv in p-r cen!. (.( the Vieniiii i>0|i'|l!Ui0n IU. li.irHe-neut. The l/.ntlim l»»ily .Nrwn Iki. iu<t, ui-

troduci'd into it' p'reKc room ib.- e i.'lilb Waller pre*8, used lo print Im vii«i uuiiilier lit ropies, und now thioWB oil 101,ikW pvrfect iiopieNan hour.

The iniiTilwr offiiuinp Mrtb" in i'li^nce in IH/K IS •Uil.d U< lie nearly .liXl.iKKi, of wliieli H tenth peit i'< lh'>r«iii.bbrril. The rreiii'h ariiiv reijuirei iHi.OOO hor»t'i< ttlii ii on li peiuie foi'tiiiK; ill" liii""'"!! """v, W>,i:(!0, and llie Auatro-lIunRiiri iii hmiiv, 4iii»(H1.

.AcCim'i.'i'r. hn Iftti'Ki ntiiriii.. ti't" (uilliVDlft binil (if Kriince dlvb'eil into f ,0(i0.fKMi (iroi erlle*. Ki.ur niillioini are ur.iter

iirred. lieU Miin iiHK rt like fculldiyimon of prr.perlv. In l.'i lan l, on Uie "thei liiind, 11(1 (iii n'eiK liiiltl more ll.an one lifiti ol the noil.

rriii. Kulutil Metchel, the Vw.nneee piiiho ogifi, '.-ivi. Mmt. while among eome

or '.'.."jOO Wehtiihiilian haniM one in in "(i leil »iitli truhinosii', ot the Auierican In.inn inspected ii: north (}ei many, according lo an otiieiiil report, one iu from five to ten ihcoudeiiined, and there ih great probability tliftt several epidemic" brtve been cnuced by lrichino>.U from Auieriean.hamn

that the queitlou nf ibe directbu anil influence of the guH iitii.<iiii in Itn wbulp extent !• one which cnn utily Iw an-' Mwetvd by th« nimii mlnuto nnd exhauat," lye oh«erY«tlf»ft» of facta, and, liirther more, that It U a qtiwstlon whldi iH'ctis llatly Iwlonga to the Amcriflfiu govern* raent and ut Amcricim ecleriai to an-ewer.

In toiineclion with llio InveDtigatiotja hitherto (xituluct('tl by th»i cormI Hurvey expcdlUonii in the puK of Mi-sico, U baa tieen ancerlHlnexl llmt tlm vact cur-rent of wHtpr pouring from the gulf into thn Atlantic, through the Florida Hu<i lUbHniH gate, liHH neitb(<r Ihti uame ve-locity nor the uaine tflim>crat.uip. Ilia iK'Heveil by Capt, I'Htteri'on ami hia hh-aocittteH that luilhcr nttention to thl'» curiona fact m»y .leveloji reHulta having iin iuipoftant Itenring ii|H)ti the adeiirool rliuiutt« Rtitl jnetcordlogy, nmitinK pre-liictionH jtocaible im to clmiiKca in thuaea-• o?iN ol tbe KuroiH'«n eoiiiitricn Hllt'ett<l by tlie gulf Htrtuui from the . h^rveii quantity uml tciiiiKTStlirc ol Uie fl.nv Uirough tho FlOriilii atiftita.

LLBCE.-FT eoundloga «how Lake Baikall Iu SitwrlH, to bo the doepcat lake In tbe world ; the greatwit depth «wnded wa« 12,000 <«H!t.-

THE practice ot crowlug tlie lege, whioii U neither elegant nor comtoruble, bM

iihysickl (llaadvanUige«. and U per-Kiatwl in l« likely to lmH« tb" clroul^ ila

tionof tlio blood, cauae the foot to be t.rturfd with prickly iwnwitlouB and bo* come dormant,

TilK proportion of carbonic acid in tbe ground air Imi i>i>cu invcatigat^d by M. Hmolcnaky. Hi» experlmeuti) on the air of aoila fnim diatrlota abounding la com-tHxIa clearly ahoiv H that the carbonic told in euch air has K diatiuct relation to tbe |K)Tlulion of the earth,

It iivitntiotuiaMi tiial Mr Rwnam has I'oumi at Nmevch, imbtdded in a wall ot thfl palrtcc AfDtir-Uatii-l'alo, a round, clay cylinder, divided into t<fU comi>art« niciita, ai.tl coDlnininK nerly 13,000 linea of tine inacriptlon. What the inacrip-tion means haa yet to bo determined.

O T ' L - F . S T U R . A I > I H T U D I K H .

TH,- Rolii'i C.I jn Am<<(ic»n Still) A(t»t Obsofna-tion» .n thn GuH-• • Cunous Oi»rov«rleJ

Tlid Unite.l ytaU's coaataiirvt'y aU am-er niiiV-f, wiiich rptiirned to WaahingUm ihrr i' wp«>1;h age from dredgingoperationa ill the gulf ot Mexiw), ia now refitting fur Riuitli< r oxi«'ilitioii in November.

fnpl. I'ntUrMon, of the coait aurvey, wiVM thai th« exteiiaive and Bfciirale wiimlingH of the gulf, taken by iiiiprov. d Bcirntific inellioila intl o rm'iit exiHuli lion, (ill not tend l<) runliim tin- Ik-IIcI, long held, thnt tho »i)UfttoriHl curreiii, afur rtiKliing from tho Carribian k through the channel lortned by tin- West India blandH and the iiorthftu projection of Yucatan, makes the whole torttiouH ciraiii ot the gull cioHf t,v 1I10 siiorcH of ceulral America, Mexico niui the aonth-ern coaat of ibv rni'cd Hlate^ Iwore emerging into the Alluiitic tx'twccn the point of Florida and t.h«) BHtiamHa. Tiie obHcrvatioiia t 'Oil rather to )>iovt' tliat tho force of tho incoming ujiiatorial Btrcam exjicnda il-wlf in otic .tireciion against tbe maaa ol the gulf before it reachca the Texaa coaai, and then turiia directly toward aud reiseuea into the ocean. T^f former theory, however, 1* that elaborated in the very latent majHiol the German geogruphers, who have hitherto been the bighcat authority on thia Bubject.

The pet theory in recfird t.i tbe cm-rent btlD); uniwttleil, tbeeioe lition now to be made will tirnct'd n,repi^atcrtain experiment'* and til ihhIih other.*, with the view ot eilbi-rciitiflrinlng.or dcHiroy-Ing tlie latter hypoitieeiH. Kxhsua i/e obHervalloiia will be made ol tin- riijiun ot ocean bi aud nrouiid the (Hitwartl ialauila of the Carrlboau He»i, throuj?b which the equaUulal fcurrent mi.keH ita entrance, aa tbnuigh a hleve, frotu the Atlantic Into the long channel, one thou* Hand five huadretl mib-e lon^, formed by tho Weat Indiea on the one aide, and Central and South Auiorleaontheother, and leading to thegulf ot Mexico, From the oxtwrlmentB and olmervationa ol tho expedition, Capt I'aiterwm hopea for euulte which will go lar toward laying at reat all merely (ip<.culttiTo theorieii relating to the gulf atream. Tho trouble wltb European •clentiate lo dealing with this wibjeot li, he Mnott*, that they have all Kpeoulaied with too lew data. a»Bum-Ing tho problem to Iw one wbirfa rouM bii aolvet'. by hypothHa He a niiit.ea

((nite a Uiffercnci'.

Ill one of her charmiot: lelleri lo tiic (Irrtpliic, Olive Ij'tgHii uolicea Uie diHer-I'lur ijetwecii lOogliijh iind Aim'ricati pronunciation, in her usually piijuatn niyle. She ap.'aka ot two young Uontou gentlemen who IxiaJted that the rHceeiiV, like that of all tiieir wt iit llonloii, waa quite EnRlinh—'verv different from New VyikerH aud Philadeljihiana atid Went eriien*, you know." Tet, happening lo meet them laU'r in the day in a ahop.Hlie waa amuaed to hear the nhop-ke<'|K.'r n!«k them if he must get ready iheit. coni» manda in haate-were they returning home to America very «o*n? Tiiew young men had «imply ncquited liie iiabit ot broadening the letter " a" in atioaking, and fancied that therein lav the whole difference between tlieEnglinli aud the American mode of pronouncing worda.

In the entire group of vowcIh iiw the dil erenc< . Take the word "alow," for inatance. How do we pronounce it? Why, " alo ;" and " flow," " tlo." With the cultivatiHl Englinh the " w" which enda the word i? diatinctiv enunciated, aud iKilh worda 011 Eiigliaii tnnpue.5 rhyme jKirfecily U) "c<.w," "plow. Hiua, in the utterance of theHlnijileHi n-U'oce, " Your watch i« alow," tiie dlfler-ence ix'tween tbe Eoglinh and American accent'in quite obseivable, '• Ih tiiiil clock fa«l?" Outeideoi the intonation, tiie inflection, the aong of thi.i M-ulence, the Kogliahmau pronouncea it diflor-e tly from ihe American. The word

that" i" clipped no chort it aeema U> b<> almoat "tliet;" "clock ' is not actitely "klok" aa with ua, but Ima (i tiaritone Mwing in it which make* it ntmont '•cloi-k and "faafis generally "lawat," c-itaiuly never "iaa at." But in regard i',i i,ri)K(iening the "a," ia not mi general with English a« i« Buppo>«!d in America. Oriftin worda alwaya nave it and never vary • bath, baaket are alwaya bawlh, bawnket; yet "caatle" la more otleu proniiuntieo aa Americans pronounce It than with the broad "a;" "hall" ia »il-niofl always pronounced "hawlf," yet many Engliahmen say "p<M)t" (or "paal;" a<> that a very funny and uncx|)ected sound olten greeta the eai of the Ameri-can when fr«m tho lip* ol an Engllahman, h.' hears the phrase "hawlt-peat" ten, I wo, or any sther hour. Home words are taken to mean quite diflerent things in England irom the received acceiitation i 1 America. - For inaUnce, we call au ugly petsm " l iomeWthe solo Eogllah Hipbemlam is '-plain." Homely is niiite interchangeable with homelike himI one olten aeea tho advertisement, "IJomely apartmentB wanted." Theto-fore, when you npwk o! a latly or gen-tleman aa "homely," the mind ol tho English person listening to you never tor a moment roverts to the personal nnpearanoe of the person yon arodescrjb-in.', but Uke* It to mean that auch in-.llvidunl Is home-keeping, beBTthhug-


lIuTAitcntrt, iri I2R 15. 0., made a cftlnlogue of 1,022 atars, all that can bo uPcn vvilh the nake*! eye. Flamstead, witli leletC'ipes male anolher of 2,884. Iloile, in 180ii,ol 2i,000; aud Latidande, same year, of 50,01')". lieracbei compu-ted 5(),(X)0 in nearly ti dega. of the milky

Dit. Gkohce M. Bkabd aays nervous cxhiiualion ia a modern diseaae aud pre-eminently an American dlaease, and e»;>ecially prevaletil in the north and ea it. It i« comimratively rare, he thinks, in F:uro|>e, and says, therefore, we can-not defiend ufHin foreign treatises to oui<!« ua in tbo aludy of it.

TnE |)ower of reproduction in Insects iione of the moat wonderlul parts of their economy. < )d beheading a slug,« new head, with all its complex appur-tenances, will prow again; no will tho fj-et ftf a salamander and the claws of lobsters. The end of a worm, split, nro*. duces two perfect beads, and if cnt,aa*o tiiree pieces the middle plfw produces • perfect hea.l and tail.-fN. Y. Grtpblc.

Prof H Fritz, in a jiaper on the for-mation of hall, aaaerts that tho clouds Md watery vapors rl»e upward Into cooler reetom ot the atmnepbere, so that the hail gtinliles tbus dcrcend from a Krrat height and, further, tbat rcsiolei! or globuWK ol wator exift In tbo ntnifm-phfire In a super-refrlgwat^l state.

Thk inpeniotiH French have contrived a novel wav to impress tbe barbaric mind. M. if« Brazr.i, who hiw charge of the exiw^ditioii to .Senegal, carried an olectric battery in liia jKicket OTni.ectiDK with two ringa on hia hand and wlti other uppiirftlua scattered alwut hU per-toii When ho ciiakes hands with a sav-age chi'cf, lhat chief will be very much ai-toniahed. for the electric ahock will run up hia arm, and be will aeo light-ning p'sying Hlmut the head of his visi-tor- ^

A (ilfled Expert. t)ne of tlie most iikilful experts in

America is .1. F. I'andy, coin fwro'ner at the treasury, to whom I am Indebted for much valuable liilormatlon, Mr. Tandy liana remarkable gift for dlsMrn-ing the alighUat fraud In specie, and yet lie can hardlv U-ll how It Is done. If a counterfeit piece be conceal^ In a heap of money be will detect it bllndfeld^. All that is required is to run bis fingers through the maw, and in a moments every one is Ust^. This is the result of that remarkable POwer of touch which Ih only perfected by long practice, f uch a man is of Immoaso Ulue In a place like the trewurr. Coin in this Institution is handled In large sums, and It Is wheele<l on trucks like other merchaudlee, but ia woigbing a bag the loss of a single ploM would ^ noticed. The treasury is floored with marble tile, but these would won destroyed by the boavy trucks tbat roll through tho specie department. For this reasrm the ttr.mgost wooden floor is used, lielng made ol maple Ktrlps set in edgewise and laatened in the most socuro manner. Even such a bottom is none too solid for the iucessant trituration of Iron wheels and heavy burdens. [Troy Tlmen. '

An inlufionof tho dried blossoms of the t^mmno cowslip Is drank in some coiititrles in England under tlio n«»« o' oowsllplea. Tito blossoms communlotto ,D aromatic frsgrtuioa to bomtiaxde W.nes. resembling that ol the Ma»c«»el

o( tbfl Boutnof Frnoee.


Jj-V- K

T H K B A P T l S T .

H I T X D A Y I t E A D l . \ ( j

' Would to God.

Wouta thit JUT UIMLEI oouM but IK« Tb« Pr«ph«t u( th* U/d; for U-Wnuld liMl Dlmul 111! IvKOiy t" ^ •pika tbs Utile captlru inn t Votv bar rol9trH«, h»lf »fr»l 1

AiiiHot<»-(J»jf •peoli wt. Wiiuld that mr thlhj " m pr»ri h " »li»,

" My ohllil-ttio chlU ol mr dniit— Itul Ml flo<f« lore, or J^nrstl llli ! l.lf', with IK fait ff.ftn h«rthr.Hii AIM! thf rnd limr^vl "—the oM lUiiii ».ili»-

" ITie tud ttiarwl Is fire " " \Vtul.l."«.mi« wU... " i,ir b.uhuiil foulil AtaM Kfn't |imi([, r. hdfw th« ft«.a-»tii|i| lJio> (, rpr, tfte t«lin tno «l -Wiilcli tfUi* 111 Iliun llnl lo»rt H!« iiamn Wfto >H.r» JUbftdor fur Ihpir Itia-.

Ami Mi! for ihdr K'MiJ " '•'), WOLM I'. I(,„l my l;n.lhi<r k R,. . • Ili»«l»tiir«»llli, -whstUIr flowt hi (j ).1'« (|i>»r »><rilci), «i„l l,B too H'ouhl TOtii" Ra'l K«thHr IhU'i aii 'Isv, Aim would •iiutlM III Ih'i ir .v

Where w»lk the h a n i r (»».•• • Ills 10 mtothff lliui Ihi.y HI,(HI, <if luuriuur oul ol hr«rt! thii lir«.k N«R. IL'L YMIR HMIDI; TLIMHTPIT VPINI'K l<i iilslior to *ou tliRii Tou (Ira.im Iftok ii|)-lo, th.-e l» JarJiiu'»Hi(.ii«i.

Ati l ll.ere Urn frophot mwt ! —ffi(Kid WorJi

I,..«lt on llie rtrlHlii sloe l8 thorn onp of Hi who (It^. j. not •omc-

limMnocii thin bit of advit*? Tiifn;;* aro wntiRry. 'flip (Mfiple HIOHIXI M ARE not; I'luiri'Iy coiiijniiiHl. Our worldly H!r«tir<i iiro not ailjiiMP^l to our nKtin/of-tion. 'I'ho chililrrn nre 'n-tful. < »iu (svoritp J w k hfi . hcpn It .rrovroil, iind thf Ixtrrotver is b iit)lorlou»!y carfIpxh iiorMin M> that we knov. tliiit it will romp I.ark (Jenpoilcdof i u (rr . h u w . Tlir. plnn of life on which we hnvc Imil! KPf in: vi rv much like R failnr-. W - qjf. i,i Minsf anxiety about «.HI • !().(<! ..M". IV!III»»-(ihariiI>(»rofHictnc«» ;>• rh (vwRif the chftnibcr ofdca lh . ' S jnu ' olhcr iovfti one jHiguiulerafaiictH u-I, or UJIJXIH'S IH

fiiprice and toiiipfr wiii n wt» arc in nimost chiliiieh want of »yra|mthy and Kupport. Perhnpi our hErdly carufd miney , llu> accumulniioiiH of f.-.,ithful and frugal dHviiiBH f^r year,.-., i- g.,iiu Ht(. ft^nffot mniike, or « hrealli. I,>.k on the bl ight Hidfr? How can We are resily to sny that the heaven i>i hiin" with friooin, the earth ob-icurc!, the on' ward patli hidden from our view \ \ \ are in the condition of trnveU r j in i>. niountain land, on whom, iiildv\av in their journey, has dforejid-d a cold blinding, and iinpenetrHble veil of fo;;. A Htep either wav may In. for l lum lor it niHy lie "over a i . /rripi ,^ ' I t becomeii lo our thought al-most an iiiiportinence, thi« HWH I voice which bids UB be of (rood courage, and count up the miwrien, iuHtead of uiourn-ine over the dimterM

Yet there is, if we hut care to liwit f«r it, always a bright, serene a-ifxct mme-where, alwayH an element of cheer, and always the hope of better i!av,i to tvime It IS verv seldom indeed tha t thinics are 80 ut terfy forforn that they may not be

In our reaponable niood^. we

nud you h»v«' taken up the cry ol one oi old, " Lord, what Is mnn, that Thou ar t mindful of him, or the eon of man tliat rhoii Yhitent h i m ? " with achlU dismay creuping ctver you, le»t you should »lij> away Iwai the ever present caro ol Gml

H'lne of the purest, noblest nal i i r t i suih-r from this benumbliv parnlysi* t.f doubt, now ami then. It is huniilia(ii'K li> reflect, too. tha t the toriufen which viriil the inlel lfctual and nitntal part are o fu n part of thu |>eualty which au ubu'H'd physical eoustituiion exacts, Tlie nerves ai-e over-wruught, the hrnin ha.'l}^!-!! un duly Htiuntlntcd, or t hes tonuch hasliefii ill-ircated, mid then the (sily niakt-s iis rei-riM.iU on t u npiritiml teinini.

Itiit liiTine from what soiine H.>» vet it may, there in n iniilo ag^ny of Kiiil, which wo i-iinietimrs endiire, and in which it a cotiwlntion j.ideed t;) re-iix iiibT till' .MaHtf.r, and ll iMtaid nu t iMtUr conflict liMiiath t i e i.-iv.s ,.t • iclhseniaiu'. A t «uc!i luuir.- iik.- -iiff'lffi

the errnri .uid de/»tcl- oi l i e (..in u yu;i, a d lifw (,'ri)W-nnw.t»rahlv

Had. 1 there a bright nide here " S .nic

iKK t hat !>aid that the mark of rnnk in n.Htiire i j cuiacity lor pain, iiud to tht-x. iiiijiUs of rtirrotv there arc. c<,rfi'H|K><id. ill'.' diiyx of j„y Hut, t|„ n.-ai l.riKhl (•ide h ;..?.nd oniy when.oui .i liie whirl •j( ftlrugj!:lin>r emotiiniH, the v.irit ca>its ir«9lf u|Hiii the Hympalhy m .liMim. S i .-troiu?, t rue, i<(I tender i-i thf iov.MH our Lord, that even n s w e d y , " S s v c o r w>> prri«n," there cone-, Mwiit hi our need, the aiiiw.'r, • \a), 1 nm with you always."

•No subtler Imbit 'it evil i . rli. re in liie wrtrld -lhan t)i i;, ot w l f j ifT I h,.'victim of this fVtrin'!'? )^ei^i^hIl;'•s ih ;iiw}<y.,stir-n-yimr the i.'uk of thiH^-s, It we duKy!.,* «••• I'i.i) ful i ivnti ' in i ur-plTt^nn l iu our fhitdr-'n the cUiinv fa lU 'c , iii well ns tli:ii which evci bomoaning itself, and co'iipsrin;^ itn lot witli t h a t o t o U i w , It w. wid well (<.r ea.rh of us every dny, the | rc^i, to say, " Uut Rftci- :.il, hoiv much piessure there ii f.cfp ; hnw mud i deiighi th'-re is von-(ler, and whiit a earden of uhiry ia'this beautiful w..r: !; 1, .1 ni'', iit least, try to be ashninry a^ I cm."—( MHrsaret K. Saiifihter.

• i l U M ,\.S ( H m t

fll» > Ir i>r ji»-u.<„i, „„, | | ,„, iii> or ^iiiiuii.

Kroii 1 iMi'trlcw wUh f)„nt HI lln liRhrf Ui lh»N Y It<idl,|

niHirg, pul

rcco^'iiizo this, and, however great our trouble, we can acknowledge that it miffht bo creaUT. This Is t rue, part'lcii' laj-ly with rejiard to (;nlamltles and afHIctions, such HJI visit us and conHitute events in life. Ihese , it is t rue to say, are frequently encountered and borne with rare heroism by thosfl whose forti-tude faild them when small worries and cares annoy and distrcBs. I t is iimld the trifling, fretful pln-pric)cs of vexation

embarrassment tha t we are mortified by finding tha t the soul's armor h not of prooi,, Tnen we are re-folved to see no brl/?ht side, and w>> are anj^ry nt thosti who try to present it to our view. '

Quito apart from material burdens atid (sorrows, thoro is another region of life, in which nt limes thero Hceiitu to bo jio brlB itnCM possible, " Jn the niidsiloiico of the VfiiwlffH nlRhl," have vou ever lain nwake, (inestloiiin}; voiir own HOUI, while the tick of th»- clock ninl the echo, ing rootfnll ol some Iw-laled passer on the Hroet nione broke the stil nens? Ah 1 the myttery, the vsguo terror, which have blnokenod on you, and shut you in, M the tid* ImprlsoDB a loiterer Iu some

tbouRhtof a swm-cornlng e terul tyhai i TOur own nothlugneitf,

your lielplessnenii and-wUb w b a U w e y.m have wntemplated tbe hour when

lew falling pulse-Heata ebould be

^ c ^ a U o n , from laltb, letfl you adrlA, a sMiie chip upon « W r W ,

" 1 had a letter from Moj^by," said the cenf'rnl, " wme time ago. deprecntiiia noma attack I had iiiaile uiwn Slonewsil Jscksoii. I wrote him t iure mus t some mistakf, in I had ni:ver attacked Jackson."

Y o u r corresiMindent (i.sk»d t i n y i fne i s ! how he rankc<l .Iiic.icson aniouir soldiers " I k n e w Htom-wftll .lack^^on," said iho general, " at West Point «ud in .Mexico. At \Vest i 'oiiit ho cHine into the schuol at aiiohler a.ne than the average and gan v/ith a low grade. I!ut lie had so much couraco and energy, worked so hard and ifoverned his life by a discipline so steru tha t he steadily worked his way alontr «ud rose far above others who bad more advantages. Stonewall .Tsckson. at W e n Point , wss in a state of eonstnnt improvement. He was a religiotm man then, and some of us regarded him iw a fanatic. Sometimes his religion tisik strange forms — hyfiochondria- fancloh tha t an evil spirit had taken possenslon of him. Bu t he never rea l iml in his studies or his Christian duties. 1 knew bim in Mexico. He WUH idways a brave and trustworthy eilicer. none niore so in the a r m j , I uevrr know him or eucountcrod him in ,ho lelKdIlon. I question whetlit r hi i cnnipaigns In Virginia .jusllfy hiti reiufHtlon a-l u great eouimsnder. He was killed t^io soon, and ix-foie his rank al owed him u Kroiit oommMid. It would

had liewi n t«>Ht of Bcncrnlrliiii 11 .raekeoi' hs^ met Sheridan In the valler InofMd of some of the men be did meet. From all I know ol .Tackwn and all I soo of bis campaigns I have l i t t le doubt of the re« iul t . IfJaokBon had attempted on Sheri-daw the taotica be at tempted so aucrew-fully upon otheni. be would not onW have ^ u beaten, b u t destroyed, Hud don daring raldi, under a flue gonoral like J a c b o n , might doagainatraw troops and innper lenoed commaoHen, tuch as we had In t b e beginning of the war, b u t not kgdaa i drlUM tnwpi aad a oumnuuid-

er llkfc Hherldttu, These lactlcs, /or which Jftcksou is famuHi and which achlovM such remarkable rt-sults. be» longe<i entirely to the Ijpglnnlng of the war and lo the i w u l i s r condltiunn ui idtr which the ojr l ler battles were fBught. Th 'y would havelnsurwl destruction lo any commander who trleit t)i< m oji 8her msn, 'niomaa, .Sheridan, Me8d..,or,lu h e Hiiy of our great genersW. O mMqiiert ly, .l»cks<m'8 fiune «sa general de|iends ution Hchievf-menti •a llf•d liefore hisgen-eislship was tesu d.lx'fore he had n chance of m-itching hitn,wif with a leally great cummaiidi'r. Not loubi so able and pa-lieiii a mail as .lackson, who v.'oiktd so h»rl at tinythirig lie 8tiei«iited woulil hnvi' ' (idajfted hiin»elf to new coiiditiotiB and ri^en with theiii, lb-it led be'ore his opportuni ty . 1 .ilivavH res|u'cii'il .lttclv.i!i |»(rpona)ly iHifl «"tccnnd hi* Kitu-;ro and inmly clininctcr I If iinpri>><«e(l me nlw,iys a-i a niaii (,i thf I romwi'll diniii)., n I'ui'ilan mucli iiiMi" .,( the N< w Kuglandi-r t h m the Vtri.-iiiinn. Ii any nisn iK-lievid in tlie iflM/l'iiiti 1 e did. And hit ns ture wai such itiHl ^l i i iuver ho tteliovnl in bt cHiiie a deop rt'llKlous d u t y , a du ty h wnuld (liwhareo Ht jiov co-t l i ' l u a mi«uke to-iipixi-e t!i;it I evor (ia>! any ffi'lioi' orSton. .lR(!k."iii t.iit respect I'urwiiiKliy, H'<- KiTf :ilw..y- fi-id liiends hiH charHct<-i h.nd nirc pliini.s of merit Mini altiiouiih he mate tiic lai.xtrfke of liKliiiiijf .i^-iiinst hin c.iiiniry, it ever a iiDiii did w (•' ri'icieiiliou-ly' In' Vvas the num."

IJ : I . A 1 I>MM.\NI)|.U. Thi-i ii'il to a itnifirk as lo itic !:ie!il

and univer^i! lame of I-<m«—esprcially in Kuroj .e - i i rifputntion which, seemed to grow cviiry day.

" 1 never ranked. a^ high an some other- of the army," said the general, " t h a t is to Kiy, ( nevtr had as much enxicly when he WHS In my, fionl as when Jiw .Juhnston wna in front. l/»e was a >.iH>.l nmo, a fair wmmam'er , who had everything in Ids lavo-r. h'o was a nuiii wild needed nifishine. lit-was ."upportth! l.y the unsniuuua voice of U'ewnith: he wai* «np|K.rt( d bv a I.Hrgi (tarty in the north; he had the -upjKirt and sympathy ol the outride world. Ali this is ol au iuiinenhe advantage to a p nenil. Lee had ihii in a r.>markable il'i:rie. Kvcryihing he did was ri^'ht

Wl lou frellim fcure they wtmid Hhlloh broke the p r e m i e of oonfederncy so far a , our w « l / n . " wasoonoerr.p.1, Bherman wTi Z ' i !®) '

JL^I.,1 I I yetHhlluh WM iH^llttled hv our iiortheru m-opleiw ih^ many (M-ople hs,k a t It as a'd • .S t" fe ^ame ,nay l«» said of Fort i l S , '

.H'pe think that Donelstln wus t ttired by mur ing men inU) iti^n t o Z or some such whls. The ""'on® army, a new arm pisce aiul wjiufn'

one, truth i« our

V "Vested a fortified led A surrei.di'r of s

11 ' wii.A itfiUod like a demi god. Our gem rals had a hfiKtile pres^, luke wnrm friei.ds and n public oiiinion wutside. The cry was in the air that the nortfi only won by bru t - lorce; that the gen. j ralship sml valor were with the south. This has gor.e iniohistotv, »vith so many other illiisioiih that UK) hiKiorical. Lee na-i of H hlow, Ciinxurvative, caulious natnre, without i inafinstion or humor alxs '-- the ^aui \ will (M-,tve dignity. I novir cniilii ."cc in iiis achiivcmentH wfiai jiixiilirr hih ivputnl^ou. The lihiKioii lIm|1. IK.thing bill heavy od<U lx>fit him 101 H;..,,,J tin uliims-.e li.-ht of histo.-y. r kri,M.- i- j., ,„,( t n i - .

riie s-)ulh Slid noith vein more nearly Diatched I han you would supiKne The wiiole population were iu the war. The 4.()(»i),000 of iifgroes were Uie same as soldiers, liecause, they did the work in the fields which white men would have to dc, 1 believe the south had as mm"-*' "" I ' ' " WhRtdetes t fd the southern arni.s w«i northern c uirago and skill, and thi t<jo, with detractioti all round. You caii not imitgiue how dlsheartoning it waH at the lime, not '.nly to officers bu t men."

Tlirc RATTI,K OP Hltll.OH

rrtke ilu! battlu of Bhiloli, for in-stHiice.'' continued the general, ' ' t h e corre-p^oidtnts and paixr^al. the t imoall said that Nhtloh was a s t i rp r i se - iha l our men v^ere killed ovor their TOffee. and so on. liu'M! was no surprlfO about it, cKCi pt ," w;!d thtt general, with a sinih

|H>rhBiM to the iiewspaiwr corlremiond-futn, We I,ad l«eii sklrmifhliig for two

or«. much larger thsn our .mo A lar^e numl>,.r of the reWU

Floy<l «nd Pillow, but "" t(K.k nu.re prisoners than 1 hsd mu om'or my command for the t i m t w u d , , of my investment. After tl„. i „ m . meiit we were n infor. ed, so that at t k surrender there were'i«,0f)0 IJoion troow alsHit 4 (KM) of which were se.rt bac7f<; guard the road lo where tht- Kiiamtr, lay with our supplie.s. There wire 000 effective Uicn in DoneUn at the heginnifigol the seige. 0 ( coursi-tliw was a ri.V in attacking Don, I,on a., I 'Il'l, but said the (Ji-iiersl, siiiilin).', "I fcm-w the men w!.. c<.ii.inflii(ltd it | knew some ot them in .Mtxim. k'nowl-edi'et.f tliat kind (.-ues far toward .b t^ . mining a mov(meiit like this."

THE A ITACK O.V KURT I)0.\i;i.),oN. ii,.|Ki..e Longslreetor J.okeon had

lieen in command"" laid voiir corro-sjwodent

" I I Loiigstreet or .Isckson." wiid thi. general, "o reven i f Ihiekner h.td h^yn in commaiKl I would have made a dill.'rfii'. c.impaign. In the Ix-ginning we HII did things mor<« rashly tlian later, jimt as Jackson did in b n earlier eHmpaigMK. TheMexican war made the officers of ihe old regular armies more or les.-. acqusiut-ed, and when we knew the name of the general opjtosing we knew enough sbait him to make our plans acwrdingly. What determined my attacK on lion-elson," said the general, ' was a.i iiiiicli the knowledge I hud gained of itn com-manders in Mexic ) us anything eliH*. But as the war progressed and each tide kept imiirovina: its army these exj^ri-ments were not iios.»ihle. Tlien it be-cao.e hard, earnesl wsr, and neither side could dt jH iid upon any chance with the othf r. Neither side dared U) mske « mintake. It was steady, hard |S)undiiig, aed the result could only be ruin to tho defeated party. That was a iwiiliarity in ottr war, that we were not fighting for a fwice, but to destroy our adversary. Tha t made it so hard for Ixith sides, and esjx'cially tlie i-outh.'


An rtlaiKimi w/m iniuii' ly your eif-ri^sivindent lo Albert I'-^idnty JehiiKion IIIH! T!ie trenera' suid : ' f k^IPW .Mlieri ^idcey Johr stoii IH-IOSO tl,' wsr. When lie wi s seut t > IJlah I had a high.oi'iiiinn >1 his talents. When the war hroke out he WHS regarded as the romlng miiM of tl.n tJonfederacy. 1 s!i»r.:d th»to|iioioti, lh-OHi:«c I knew'ani l csttetncl hiiii, «nd s cause I felt as well as all did in ihs

idd Nrmy, where w.ts a public "pininn iiiiioiig tiie»flicers lis to who would i-onie out ahead. In msny cases, in most Citikif, our public opinion waH in error. " — had rt great reputation in llie

Ibavg MlUtll-

.p,- ... .1.,, 1, ,,'(1 II niiiiir, the iiews|iai»er corlremiond.

ind l«eii sklrmifhliig for tw( days M o i « «ew< it attai bed A tu lgh t , belore Buell's nrmy csmc up, I was so well satisfied with the result, aud lo certain that I wonl J beat BeauroKard. oven without Buell's aid, that I wcdt In person to earh division commander t o d prdend su a Irauce atoug the line a t four In th«| njotolng. ShIIoh wan onn »if tho most ImporUnt battlen In Ihe war. I t we* then tha t our westeiu soldiers me t the r newy In a pitched U t t l e . PVom tha t d a j they never feared to flght t ^e enemy and never went ibto action

.....a «« u a I I.ri. II. 1*11. Bragg was the mo"! confe'itiotisuf IIK'H, and thoro was a story In Mexiw* t'lst l» put, every one iu iirfcst under liim snd th< n pu t himself in iir't'ct. Alb.'rtSid-ney .I.,hnston might u.i\e ti-en In fstnc, and wo all hud CMilhlenco in his doing so, bu t he died too HOOU, as etoiiewsH JncVeon diid, looMon for us to ^sy what lit) wotiM havo done under the later milt altered (HUidilions of the wnr. The soiitheiji urmy hiid nisnv giHsl generals, i,ee, of cirurne, wan n gofsl Hildler, and CO w);(i I, iiig<iifel, hut f no ' not know thol Uisie ^fits sny better thmj Joo Johnston I ha te hid noatly «il of the fouthero genera'* ID high otimmin'" in front of rnt-, ai'd Johnston give m j more a n i l e t y thmi *ny of tbe otTieri. I waa never half KO AUJIJUUI about L W By the way, I In Joe Johnstons boo» tha t when T w«« siUng P«mberloB t « B u r r e n d e r V^cl ^HLIRG he was OD HW way to ralie tbe "lece. I w«s very sorry. II I bad know Jnhniton was Mmlng I wot i ldb tTe told IVmberton t o w a i l ^ ViohiVurg unt i l I w»i>t«<l bho, kwaiwd

T M K b a p t i s t . 5 7 1

riiDftoB's sdvailoe Und have glvon hliti S ^ H e could ueve r h a v e bea t en t h a t vSSburR «.my. «nd thu» I would b a , o d«iiroy...r two nrmien, pi'rhaps. Pem-S ^ s WBS alieudy gone and 1 was S s u r e of .lohnston's. I was sorry 3ld not know .lohnston wa. ^ m l n g un 11 U w r t ' - l H t e . Takei t ; . . ! in a . the Houth, In my oi'ii ' i"". had i.o better so.-rfjertiisti.lof JuhnsUiir u .iie, at least, that gave me moie trouble.

Pnoi II l''K)fZ. in H paper on the lor-nulioii ol h..il, »H<ert that ti.e clou.ls jnd watery vspom r;se upwaid into iiX'ler n e'oixj Ol th,; at.monphere, HO ths the hsil giHi.uloi thus deH-cmt from ereathficht Klld. further , thsl. vesicle orglobul *ol wnter f x i ' t in tbe atmo. phcre ill a hn;Mfr-n-lri.;erHtc<! state.

much o! tlie Injury fiom scveie diought may lie «*oldea.—-[Hom» ht.d Farm.

mifi rr<'u>-h ••»-«i>«%i-»lln> l>nlr.« M,««l»u«. i n the ilepnrtments

farmers unite their nii.* produce cheeue. Thew numbering nearly 2 000, IruithirrH, The pUn lis tfie neigMxifl'ig h-wlaiid them <jti;tl 111 Fr.icfic

It'll nil 1 Doubs lu eummoii tu ' iiHsociHti m.i, , are known as 1 t xteiided to

iti 1,700 of (Vmte, cuK'i'O

F A K M A j s i p i l O M K

MILK'klUH <'L<N«-,..

Ill "tacking c'ovcr al h ast lix ()u»ri of i<a!t shouM III scHttend thn uifti ev e i y t o n s s it is laid up. It i' imiHiriai.t that the center ot the i-tiick Ixiti. m, when the mil ' or poles ar.' Inid, - h o i i l d "DO raised twelve or !'iufl<cii incli -s hit:h pr than tlie outer edge, n^. re ix n. ih-iiig in hay-tusking that psyn fictter tlian H luhke a itiK d slKck foini .SiUinn, ciHlly liir clover h.iy. In buildliig the Him;kk.ep the e.>iiti'r milid and hi.rh. nad tlie ouio te o m i arativi. y IOIWM-.II I rake down well. If one dcMns to vi n tiiaiB u^e a suck, Si y eighteen inchei. in diumetf-r Mid four or five feet I .iig; till it with chafl" or Kome light nisteria':; place it upright in the c^'iitei mi the foundation of the stac k and build ui-around It. As the stuck ri-ei the i-ack must IM)drawn up, leaving a hole in the center from the bottom to top which ^hould lie properly cspped over to pre vent the rain from gettiiig iu. In con-clusion, the writer prepared to admit tliat hay made of irriiss alter the «ei d-< and the "talks are fully nvilured, will Iflst longer tbhii that made rti suif^ested ab'ive. Old f t rawor brudh wili lH»t*till iongt^r—(lerhai s longer IhiiM the (rnttle —I Cor. Farm and Fiieside.

forming i t e ihi.-t wosUii o' these ilis . . icts A liiWnlanJ i In'M tJipeiher, tiie-itly, to brinii' i!l it.i milk lo lie maniilrt., l ined into ciieew and th.' laU'ir is divided |iro retii. A i^rinidint aud a comniitUe rtie Hiiiniitlly ilecUd ; a chukt

Hdeclt d lo an eh'Val -d ponitlon, c iii-M-tinst oi a 1 .rg' kiuihen, a milk rooni

the milk ot forty or M miinuiiictuiid. I'IIM etfery aeiriiing and iind weigtied, and a I he milk lia-" lieen

.1 nKiiiim-il <11 UHiieil, il is I'll" iniiMiiiig'" mils i>',.'<(uitd I with i renin of iMe pr vinus milk, and then piiice.i iii the

111 1 adile I iKii-e (niH/If c f u

,4fid c Ibir. Here iwo hiiiKired c o w milk is brought pveiiioijr, mes-iired receipt L adiilteiute retu«ed, !III I MIX ' I evenili^:'^ copper ; rei prepsralioo < o) mi t<- an tiiiodred ipi and f a h m niatilx r of i

.( I lie hitler f ) lour hun lred i eoiii.nil»t' d. Kvery hrie ,11 o? niilb yii Id a ehH>e, tsil-er, irre-|>ecnve. id «IIHI

he oiis N.f« rec,».ivei» n

e u l l l v n l l o i l <>1 <»>« Noll IN I»r.» W V a l l i f r .

It is diHlcult lo m.tkc the fiversue in-tellect un lerstiind o r c iiiiirelu nd (low it IH that a com fii'l.l ..r a c ibb ..^or s csu. illower-palch is grea' lv henei ' . 'd liv con-stant stlrrinc ot Uie soil about Ihe plant^i ill dry weather, snd ei|>eciiiUv it then-is a total ab-ence of wewU snd tlm mir face is not only dry, liut, powdery and dusty. Uutsiich is ijie fai t, ami uiider our climate, in a summer ot average dews, it Islieilevid by manv to he possK hie not only to make crop ol corn, but lahbsges, without a itrop of rniri Irom June to Octolwr if only Ihe soil is stirred about the plants two or three times weekly, or ofiener. Hut ihe stirring should be "hallow in very dry and exces-sively hot weather, the object being to hrlna fre^h earlh to tlm fet ilmg root-and not too much to wound or diit i irb Ihein. When the soil is sittiirated with mois-ture, and the lem|H"rature is high and suBlaired, the plow may be run both deep and clotie to the corn rows; or calv hages may l)c hoed down to Ihw cost of half their 'ceding roots, provided. they sre hilled up with niolit and fresh f a r ' b ; and both TOrn and citbbage^ will be invig-nrpted by ihe operntloii-

In the t w e oi xiirriitg l,he earth often lii dry . weatwr, the benefit derlnf d by I le plant.i Is Iwlieved lo b" not only fioni. l l ie impor-coived manuro In tho soil, bu t liom the ultroeeu iherein, fresh earth, whether dry or wt»l, bringing new supplies of available nitrogen, and benefitting the filants hvconlltigly.

After three wet and cool siitrmiors^ wo "•em In linve fiilleii on a dry if not i< hot "Ue; and 11 a Miimimr disugljl and sn oatly front I'Imll heienit^n spiHsr in thp order of tho day, lot nolsidy bo sur-prised, The RUdden crsaathin about the middle of J u n e of the rBinf«ll over n vast •treoh of onrn-uiowlng country, «n<f the Incoming of br ight weather, hna already very terlously threatened the outcome of the corn crop, .and it Iwhooves those hiving com growing to make the most u | It; thai U, in dry weather to keep tho plows going aa long an It Is possible to use |hem. And m of eveiy other hoed crop, inlr the iurfacfi, and stir i t oftdu; and

for every threi lu inhed ijiiart ot milk lo his credit, hih loitisl sre oitele in the cu rd , CTCepl for hi.i piivrite ii«e, no memlxr can ret in his from ihe common -ales. I lie inori" ihe l uril I,si Ken heated the I.WM it is mib »-iiUf iil LY liea'en. At'ter iK'iiis; placed in ilie mold it if t.imied riv« or fix tiinei dutin,.; Uu iweiity-loiir hour-i, llii cl< ihi b. ing changid «s oHeii ; plaeed on a dry i-hell the cheese i-i .^iilmt in tho .norning.driid wilh a rioth ill tho aMernooii ; ihe ssit ing reqi i i r is two month.^ in summer ami itiree in winter, and when il I an imbiU'd Irom two to tour per '•ent II ciiied Cheese msde (roic cilol U") iiTlieh heaied is soft and cracked; when tiie t»nip"fa lure it too low, more Kill i- requlieit When utUuke.l by utiles, the cheese is carefully cleaned, lie n wadied will pickel, and when.tried riiblml over vil( nil. It is an error to helit ve tfisjd cliee-can 1k' prepared witlioiil go >d milk. D . •oniel ot clieem' H iniide fr un eight !

'11 qiisrU rfjiared, kn


I l-el ill illsiii . weiiihiiin tioii „iii| varies o. one franc p ; j i<i pigi*, and ai<o Lftiliere.

•t m i l k iW H* t i l '

II. I l l I Olli

V 1


ri.e ch. "irmyere i.iir ii.e

iiiil. IV III hall » ri.i Wl

iiiii Ivvi

In lu-l

mill con iiier.t

lining Hi V held at

lul'y pr and only wcU lut.ed m.Hniire

Too heavy liearlng while young wilt weaken the vine Jor all future time. The tr imming now dejwnds ou what kind of trellU you wish to cover.

After you have obtoine<|. a good vigor-ous nwl, yon can make it grow in Hlmo»t any place or shape y<»o wish, by keeping tbe branches desired tied up, and all tho others pinched back.

Ksch year a few of the stroiiReat brmichcs should IHJ allowe<l to groty as boarern of IruH the lollowlng yesr.

Id Vrlmiulng c u t away as uruch of tho ,1,1 WISMI as fxjssible and save the new, nil nil ibo fruit buds are on the new.

You can easily tell how much to cut away by bidding' yimr new wooii ut> to the trellis, and imagine a branch \%itli three stems ol grsixw ti r cnch bud.

If you do not cut of! ei.imuh in the fall, and you find that the vine U voift ' U) bo too thick, do not fail to attt iid lo il wlien the shoots are fior.i ihr. e to mx inches long, iu the spring, or wlsile in lilossorn. .^s soon aH the iriiit is I'et ex-amine the vine; spread out i ' • wiHid so that each liuncti of g i a i f s will hsni; free and clear; pii k oil nil the finiill tilems ol fruit , and IHSUMI the vine^i heeiirelv, so thai the wind will ii'.l <li'-Mp y your crop by breaking ihi yonrig and tender branches.

When the wissl ha" grown so tlnii there are three leavcH hejoiid the l,i«t Ininch of prapps examine ihr vine, helect the branulie- you wifli to »sve for tiiiit-lieHriiig the coming year, snd keep them t i e ! up until they have grown a-« li.ng as vou wisii lo mnke u-e oi I hi ends of' the other bearing hraiin!if« should 1m! pincm-d off an soi p «•< ihty reach this [lolut, " lhr<^' haves iM von i ll;e bi.si stem o' grapes "

Break off all sh's.ts snd l,iterpi« f,« thev miike their up|H'araiice, Imi en no acoi)UUJ. injure '-he leaves on l inir hear-ing canes.

i'he trul t will color bu t not r'un-n if the leaves are destroyed.

Ois|H's for fall and winter uw should be (Mcked as s<ion an ripe, an-l when (K-rfretly dry, fiacked In fine diy SS'A-dust. f^ lect your box or jar, eov. r the iHitl^.m with sswdiist, then layer' i.i graix's and sawdiiHl nMerniUelv iiniil full. Keep them in ihe o o l o t ))iHC.c ynii c m find free Jrom f'roH, mini « anted for ute

Boil. Bomo umall onions, changing the weter twice, and laltiog It the la>it t ime. When done, ukf» tho onions u p with a skimmer. Thicken tho water, which should l « boiled away to about a pint, ivltb H very l l t t |e corn starch j add b u t -ter, pepper arid Halt to taste. Have toasted mmie thin SUCCB of bread, lay them in a dish, put the onions on tho slicfii, and {H)ur tho gravy over.

01.A.M JS«>iri>~WHsh aiid lKJil tweu tvor t wentv five littlo iieck clams till they come "out ot their shells easily ; then < hop them and put them back into the liquor, which should first be atrained. Add a teacup of milk for each quar t of Knip, thicken with a Utile Hour, drop in n !umi> of but ter the size of au egg. Htlr iliiiekly. lei Ix'il ten mlnutea, wason wilh lull and \KipiM?r to suit the tante.

\ vAiiiAUt.K mixtufe to keep on hand nt Ui's ceasfm, is oneof c.ial aklves.aul-dnii, mid helleboie. The aihos should >e very fine, i t Is liefi atter piwslng

them tlirougb tbe ordinary cottl-a-ifi sieve. Til one jiailfut of ashes thus silted, add a .iii^rt each ot Hour of sulphur and lieihbore and mix together P.ir currant worms, plant lice, ciiiibuge Ib'as, slugs ou jM'nr tree«, melon bugs, we found lliiBSO .-t'eetuiil last seas iii, thai we wmfidently ricommend it to our readers. I t is siWHVs l>est Ui use il in the COOl of the morning while the dew Is uiKin the leaf.

I M'f.ll Hll«»«".ll"ll«. iii'i-;N-HHi;i.i.n> LKMON I'n

. 111. 11 grai. d one .i iufth |«-oi>' er. on.-l'ali isiund of sugHt, liv , ntes tieit -n to a f iolh aud udil

(ire bskiiig. I s (Jermany they make a very fi iHfji

• cheese from a mixtuie ol potatoe.-TIIR the

V a h u i b l o P r e m i i i i u s .

We have pi rfwItMl iirr.ihKem«ntii tiy wliteti . i ib«crlberNtoTiiKll\i-ri»T ean Nccure one , ir all, "I ll'O lollowliiij viiluiililo l i^ks at

Kieiill} re.tucC'1 rates; or tiy getltuB up a smiitl dull eun (jet elllnit of tlu» books anil I In; paper Iree. .Now Is tlie time to work, as we ottii mnUe this olfer only for altmUeil (Muloil. Do not fall to n^ml tlio llborttt terms <ilTere<l below.

V V o r c o s t o r ' s J H c t l o i i a r y . \S-iiroiwt<.iii i;iiii!irUlj4e'l DIollonarj- IH N

niHWlve votiimeol IMSl p:ii!.-«,anil eontnliiH 111.™ thiin loo.ooo wortlH 111 It* voeabnlnry. Willi tlielr iirDiiuiiclHiion. ilertulllim anil ei j im'l iw. uo.t H IlliiMraleit wll.h ovpr 1000 l ielll WOiKl-eUlH.

II IN IIII" l leet i»TNU«H Ntnnrtnrtl. Tie- r. liiU p r i e e o l iiAm Ijook l i »l».Oil, tint

are enabtwl to —I 111,


i - d ' j u .

«p,.e!ul l o r a n i j e i i i e i i u oil. r. ior ' i i i i l i i .V( »oi i l ,v , -n i F i ; \ i - n s T ami D le l l o imry for liii.lioMMr\ nod 'JMiliserlliern

:l "

10 11

..» <1 70

.. It I'l

.. in o;

.. 16 m

.. IS w

.. IM

.. iW SO

The followini! hrlc', pi i r t ini ' densed rule- •«r t' e ,m ,n> e. grap s were !.'i>'''i ^ the Fanner-. UHtitiiie, recent Saginaw, Mich.:

The ixiil iK'-'t Miited for. the (^ntye* decomposed but any ,.Hid ciay soil thoroughly .irsined « i l | il

Tho ground nhoiil l U; "O l>arcd, used.

I)eci*mposing turl i-i one of tiie best fertilisers; when it can lie oh-Miued, no other will be required.

Tho vines selected tor piHT.tinn sheu 1*1 good one-year-old l ey rs or, ei.tiiti}-'i'hey may look smali, but will iii,Hke tl liest vinos.

Good culture il a" mce«Mry to ti vine as to com or « rttih<gc.

Mulchinf Kinl «s le i imj thi h i a yi ' should not he mrlei ' id H .iiotifl'V i-tex cesslvo. Ooe good soskii-g l» l»eiier thnn many sprlnkJiucH. More wafer cm b. saved with a hoe than cjiii Is' put on with a sprinkler.

In planting cut tho vine b ck two buds, whaU ver if'i strength or egc

Hummer priiiiiiir Ioiisiiis in pinching nil weak ilM.I Mli.it-, lloc. Mmoli in otder lo coiifinc tlie iH). to ihe niiiiii biaui hen.

The flrst siiniiuei idlow but one mslu shoot to grow. In tho (all, alfor the fir'i frost, cut all, the summer growth back U» within two buds ol the ground.

The i(ec..md year confine t he sap to two branches, and in the fall cu t back to three biuls each.

The Ihhd year, If your vine ha i made vlitoroUH growth, a low litems of graphs m a y b e allowed lo m a t u r e , b u t belter take off «ll the (rult than to mifrer too much to gnjw.

.. ituced to a pul[i and sour milk o'd-r these cheeses are the in r .) iiiliiy improves.

I'll own a lew frui t trees, or a ^ ew fowl", .1 (• calf, sheep or pciiy, and lo f.svo tne eiilire di^isisil of their prod'.iC^v'vew n el.ilit sn acllTc and loving intercia in liie hrni which may hereafter tipeniie f n its greatest good.

0\!KI,KT.—fix eggs, beaten sep;ir«tely, ,11 ,Hid one-half cupful sw»et milk, a l l r ' " « i l t , one tables)iooiiftil of fiour Poiif into a heated ImiU r pan, set on top of sto\'e till it Isills, stlrtbig consUntly, Hii n put iu ho toven tol.piwni

!!iiii,r i) lNinANPoi«) |N(i .--One cupof : milk, one tablespoonlul of lard or ,,ui"r, one cup of Indien tee.il, one cup

fl mr, one-half tnblespKinHil esch of soda ..^.(jMilt; to bt; ^teawcd fir Ixdled 'jne

,ur; lie In a bug, bior'Oly, V) boil.

Pi Kli and boll old potato s in liallcd r mid tiikeii • iw SIMUI as dono that

, . . v may r e m a n \fboli'; have rondy f.imie rolled criickcrsund a bpaten igg; dill iho iKiUtoes Into tlio egg •lud then into crackers and then fry Inboiling lard

\ N Inliislon ef tho dried blossoms o' Uic common cowsllii Is drank Iti some coiiiiliies in Ungland under the immO of

Tim bhiivjums coiiituiiiiicHle IfBgrince lo homo made

resumbling tha t ol tbe Maacatel

. .w ilip lea un •iroraatk

IK Ibt wii.cs'of t hemmtho f France.

PBECAtrrioWB agHlnst Inuecls of all kinds should lie adonU-d earlv in the sea-»on, Ifcatise when they are allowed to be dovilofied to matur i ty they propagate eirgi in such abundance (hat It la almost Imiwsiblfl Ui keep them under. The de-truction ol wne wirly moth is a far better prevonlive than killing a huiidrod c a t ^ U l a n .

The I.lie hihI I,iil»«n»or

| ) i . l ) A V l J ) L I V l ] S C } S T O N E

r i ie le i iowi ied i;*plorcr of Hinitlmrn unit l e i i i i i l \lrleii . W r i t t e n x lucu Ills ileal h and .•Iiveriiiii nil eiillii) lllij, complleit from Ills 1, iMi lul willint!". ThU splenitlil voliunii •o lift u« su' l-iuite (A'tiivo piigt-s, iiicliiillng iiMifh.il.-emiit Hpirlleil IlluMatlons—a V il ,1 111 Map I" Tlirm (;i,lorH, and fao sUiitlw

T.U II KMONE'H UWI .lourmVl KI.lr es. JT IH 1 ili le oil nne piiper ami el.Kantly bouild. VliV. 1. Uill I'Vlee Is. !o el0lb,ll.l.«>; leatlier. TiiK lirer'iiTi'oi.t UuoU; 111 clotli, at fl-W

C l l O S S A x N l ) C R O W N ,

Vlei iiml SVoim.n, wtio wero |Kjr»«cm«l lor iiVe K 1 Kloiiof Ji-suKi'lirlst.

V iiooK of exiiiiontiuary .lutf/ost ami i iiiirratluK Inelilniits of Iteforinatlim

CcVm Hhi<toli«« of Uio llvoM of Itie •io*l i.roiiiliioiJi..iii'torH in tlmt w.imlerful

1 .w.hiiioii tloyal Hetiivo of mil patjes, msit-I..ui1«t biii'llii*. Kill Kilt, W-»W. We oil-Mr

•e.ii- IIAITIKT iiml Hook, in olotli.ttli. I5.IW l\?pmieiwl '"ll Kl"

Tmi imw sulisi;rllipre w 11 supurp tlie Papur lur.l iVs.k, 111 eloth btudtna. K I I E B .

L y i i i a i i ' H i H s t o r i c a l € l i a r t , iT.im.iiim Ibe World's Hl»toi.vbyO«nlune4 i . . 1 ,'(jiiiiili»lint »'l tl»" prominciitevonlnoi

» (.I.OS eleainily and •uUslanUally.bouua.

•573 T H K B A J P T I S T , •1, •tilMinj . J .H . !llkli»rrr. T.N.(Iriii.lHTry,

T H E Baptist Book House, <1. N. M n h n l l j K A < 'o.

Ti l ls l iornw h a s Uwoii o n t m i l w h i ftii- iiii« imr-

!«)»« or imp jWy l ug U ie tUma i i i l i i a i l o t i h ikI t l io

l i m l « wlu> Kll till) • tH i i dn r a lUiiulKt p u l t l i .

m t i i m * uuU MuiiiUy-»oUo<)) lU t ' n i t u r « i iu l t .

liHliiMl ttiiywhnro, m u t a t imb l lHhcn . ' i - r l c * .

Now Hiul roviiKxJ (Hl l t lon* o r o ld hh.1 vi i lu i t .

ijlii workN w i l l noon 1)1* h rnuKh t o u t ; Hutl a r .

roiiKomciiw h i tvo b ^ e u m m l o u , b r i ng ou t

ttnvcral i i f iw b M k H n e x t fu l l .

T h e D iM-uax Iw i i « n I ' a l v o r N i i l l N i t i by J .

I t . l l r t t v « i . l , r . . i ) . , n m i Mr . J . v . l lurrucH « i i j

U ' p u t to pn 'Nt HO noon iw tin- m m i « i to r is

lU'l i i twl. A l l no t l ve oaiiVtt«i«-r is « ' , i i i t« i l i n

t h o l i o una * o f over)' .V»MR-inl|oii to ciiiivuKN

for lt«Mlll(!,

- l u r i d ! "il iB i i r«( im»i iU i nv iHo lnK . T l i i t i ioKk itu|». lU j ia lo f ly «u<r f l onv lno ln i< . , „ .

» ; " ! ' « i i m l w j w o r k I n o u r tU-nomi I 'T l f t i l i i •• lolh, Kl.tft. n a i i o i iH l l l u i n n u i o

M T T M ! l U I T I N T . Hy J . M . MHr l l i i Ht-yJrwl Hiitl c o r i w l w l by M . i*. l ^ iwro j- , l).l> p i i « l » i » * l t n p l « Im t c l m r m l n u Hiory. U l l . ' v i T V ruU,Vrtnrl f o rc i b l y i h o i f o o i t i i i w wh lP l i Iliji.ifHtu hol . I i t iu l imKfb ; m i l l wbUi i J u » l lln« iKKiU to »1|HI-B 111 t h e l i i » iu l»of l l in y im i iK , II w i l l l»i fouj iU ve ry pro t l lnb l . . in ul«li>r i iurnoim, JVloe In c l o t l i , »1.<KI.

i . v ' " i . V " , ' ^ " * " . t f » v i h i : t s i .

, l ' ;bi i ic?.fr T o m p l f . Thti* t^ iok Jur i i lR l ionnnl i .pr t t iml t t lmrp ly i i o l n lw l i w k . t w o OH M imo u . x l o f S i i r l i i t u u ! (or wv iuy <1hv 111 I boycH l ' . T I h t h H io I b r o o IniiKli.-,! uiu'l fllxiy-Ov.. Mto r i t tw i i i oHNl i i I I . T<Mii i i l i i l« t .T tKWtilU .. - . . . I . . . ! . 1 . • t h i UIKO I

' I* "iiwufHtrouH oiiVl aiiiiiyVlViiV'lVelp w o r k IH u l i n oM liullKj>.-i)t,(i.f " '

I Ibi-I ' l irTii l ln '-It m a y l«'ooi!ii<'hli

11 IllliV •lUllllRS tlVlllfll-

I ' n r l i n I < 'n lHlu ic i i (> « l I l o u l i * .

T I I K I I I I I I . R I K H T K I W K O I T i l K n i n i - K I . I F K . A N I » r . X I M W I | " o \ o r M O I > K H N N I M I i l T I N H , n , J . » ' . V / r , , v " h . i . l . . n . — Y o u w i i u t U) f o rm n i^Tl i i t i i r i i l lili>ii o l y o u r dlnlw urttn iU<alli lu i . l In foVt. th . . r»w. nri<H t t on . Y o u w i i u i t o proU-ol y o u r la in llv nKnli i»t Uu i pon i l cU i l i s Uhc I i I i i bh of M . l r i i uttllHtH. O o l t b U i i ook , ri'iiil l t ^ l I l ( l K.'t " I I y o u r f u m l l y t o rcm\ l i . it i., n , . . uio^l. i n t e r . wU i iK l l l t l b b o o k y o u cvvr rwi.1, iin<l wi l l . x-p l u l u 11 iH ino u u i i i b w 111 U ip iiHmt i l l f t lpni i

o f Hi-rlptiir.. . Y in . « l i iml , l r " il w l t l i u u l f a l l . I ' r lc i ' by nu i l l , To <•1.,.

w l t l i l l io l l l m o r y of yon r tm-n< l , .m , h i i n i i t l o n least t h o o u t l l m . o f I t . Y o u Imvy n o 1 ,

to m u l u l»n{B b fwk . J n Ibl.s l i i t i , . o i l i s BIIKW y o u I m v c l l n i l m « iiul-Klii-U. Tin . m i [lor c o i n m o i i o w lu i . l tnu-i* i-Hck t l w liai>-t lK t de i i om l i iH tUm f r o m i h « lufwcnt cpn t u i v t o ( la jH o f t h e A , . os l l e » . u ' « i , , „ i n , « y ' m

->f«\/>«ptl'ltii «l ld no t or i « tnHt i . w l t l i l { 4 , . r W l l l l i i i im, iiol- I n K i iK la in l , n o r w i n , t lx. . nm l nii-ii o l MuuBt t ' r , H). o u r in iv in ic i , cUaraf l ini a r « ok lur t h a n t l i « rrot«v,|aiii.', l i r ' <ui\ <'« l l io l i™,B«»a a ru III fn.-t III. . , , n l v ro l luKuU c o m i u u u l t y t h a t b iWHi .KHUin iM ih i un .Hs t i . ^ a n d Is t l i o o u l y (..'burt h i l w r v i i m to bt c a l l n i T l i « C h u r c h o f Chr i s t . 11,1% IS .. v . " r u m great ly en l a rBm l e d i t i o n . I'rioi-(K) ct.-i.

T I I K T H I I . K H A , O H l » i ; ,1 iT I I I t l o . m ; t » F V M i i K t : I I O M X S , iif . j. « r « , « . , M . . I » . - T l . l s l H a l l t t kUKX . i tbut In pr.>v,ul U i oU«-« tho l « n u U l l u d e « o r i v io i , iiiita, U MlayH t h u m b y t l iu » c i l o nn oJ t l i . . i i o w n OenorK l A « . u n b l k . « a n d t Z f . - r i - t i w p i o q n i w l l o u t h e y c a u n o t t u i s » t,r I n ' A r " Ih . ,

I X t " " u " " ' " " i i ' ft"'""'- " ^ ' ' " ' ' l

a U i n U t he JK t n i « u I a t b o i l c c h m t l i to u {i m . e A u r c h o f c n r l ^ , , « u a l h a t i , v fc r

e x f o m n . u n l c a U H l W 11, b a « or t o i>r«acli. II ibV-y Ktv

a t d It t l .o t tttbollc L b u r o b Is i h o A d u l l ^ o u h W o i i m u ot JU.v..l«tloii.s. m e n l ' r o ( " i i " n f WH; l o lU%on t . a n d a l l , ar.- h . r I • d augh te r s . T U U iHK.k iflso (orcN t r hott . s 11..-<|U.»Uous 01 A l i f n JrnnK.r>j..>n, a n I t - o m m i u i l o u . a i i d Is rum In blotorU'al i n a l l " r l l j r « ad i ng a n d h a v l i m th . a i . I m i , . " r t . J i

a n ; y o u r f an i l l y luoro l n t . l l i ( . , .m, b u t i ^ , w i n e t rwtu , . l l y , , r o t « , t l lu-m oux rel lKlou* i i i o r i t ; a n d yuu w i l l d " m " a . gootl b y l o t t u l ns t h e m t,> y o u r l u l L h o o ^

I ' r luo by n i a i l , t a )o i « .

_ „ T I I K U l t . i V f > | . I > i r Z I . K I C D F I I t T i -Th i s IH t h « a b l . » t au<l . n , m " r i " H o u o f t h « attB. N o Huch vuliVabl" 1 <K,k ..n Uiii d e u o m l i i a t l o n a l i l i n c r f i i c w ii,.tw.....l M i u H U l a a i i d .MotliOilUla has Vv ^ b , i n M,iiU;.t to t h « A m e r l « a i i p ub l t o . i l s V p a K , . t I ' r l u t c d on lltif. pa i a r. " • page s.

•Tlcv, I n c i o t h , J.L'k).

•V 1 . » y N o i M l l l i o b t r t M i n . , I o i l t lu ' s u n , on

•'ii r t l o n , n a h ' a t l o n b v ^raoi-, u l u iH . im .n l OH t h u u l iol i . p l a n <>f ( i n l v a t t ou . l-m clii irt ' l i incinbiT-s or ^ou i iK Htiiil.>nts i,i tli,..ioK\ thiK w o r k w i l l I... vi .ry valui ibl .>, I'l i f c J i ^ i

I I I K I .M-||»KI , 'M < ' O K | - > A X I O % I Olt

r ^ i ^ ' " > « " « N n A . V i \ ' i J "

II.V I!, r. Tay lor . Tin- a u t h o r m Ih l . , r i l . i n i M^r.v ( ' i i c lb l . ' niaiirii^i t b « g r i i i t I n i no t i i i i n ' j of t -b t lm l a i i n n i o n . lKMv II I „ Ik1 , I l „ . ' i . , o , g ,, a b o u t w l t b . i u l a n y siu.ii l l(! . i ,•( i'on«.>l..n,'. m i d t b a t l b . ' » a i i t ot i t n o t t i . . . faul t . . , 1 l l i p l K t - . I 'r lci . I n c l o l l i Sl.Ni.

K X I ' O N K O . IU A I

I l i l an iK , li.l>. o n r o t t b t i a b b H t MoikBin-. r j . r i aUiv .d I n i f f n t a t l i y i o f lb.- i . „ rn l c tm . v . ,ws tndd a n d t H n J u by l U . ' . u ' c X C h r i s t i a n ohur.-h. I ' r ie . , Iu i-Ioti),

T I I K U O . M . t K I . N I T K I M . K i\l t !>«r%|{ I . K T i O l t , I I I K I M t W X r A l " o r , » T I I O M « ' l . s n lly .M1„h W b l t . n l i t

w i l t , by a n uw l n r l y l . a n . l , t h e r i i i t " ! , . ll tw l , a n d th... Ul i to ld o n i-.!.: v l c t l u n art. ri;v..al.,Hl, ll,.rt> t l i . . I b f liitrtifUfiK, tilt. r r i K l t l f x , l b . ' d ix lg i i h o f t h e l l o i n a i i I ' u l h o l l c cviwmi'd. Yea , t h i rx l tor l>l<H>tl, f •'I t i n-sa i n t s o f i l i H l . K t a i i i U o u l a

i / ' f " . ? ' ? . ® ' ' ' * » > » « « W " H » T « C I I B I W I - . H> A . t . |)uyn»i i . va lUHblo l l t t l i ! xrgrk for p a t v i i u u i x l Muiiday-«ii!lio.>l m a d i n i i . I n c l o t h , 67 |iM|{,», M e l a .

. . M ' " ' * , " ! " • • JJI** n y Ml iw I ,U«|« «'. lKmijh< r t » , T l t lM i iM ln boiiU »HirtMy« ( h » a t t r a r j I o i i H o f t h . . ( V , Jwt l aH? l l y - - v t „

" h l l d V ln«i|t. i l l . • iDth, pagfx, IK)Ota.

< ' l l l l . l > » t : w « A l . t i u * T O i'hoU>«) IH Ib f iHtok for i h l l d r c t i uo iTO n t i m iHMtK for i h l l d r c t ; 1 thi>m t l iat i b i i y o u g h t t ooo i uw l u . l c n ,

«h . .u ld . 'onio. h i 1.-1 a n d w h t ' u t h oy

pa«i'f«, i!.^ (tbi.

TtM> i J t i l n I rw tn Mh<><-I l i ir i i t loi i o f Chr lKt ls in r lg l i

A OVjIllg • : b o w .11., 42

, Tht-l IK t» dnv-..ri it loii o f C h r K t l s i n r lg l i ' n a n d ar t ln loa , i h o w l i i g i h i . . „ r KiMwSipat ,M».|h-K l I 'm b y 11. II. l W , o m , |i.|i„'|al« b u h o p o f H<m<;OIII, i > . I I „ |i

. C l i i i r nh , Mou i i i , w i t h top o f i i i i t i * ot a p .

.1. U. f l raVv« .

di',>,.|.lloni.. in i in l i ' io i iK I ' lu i rcb iii«' I lll»- bl.KHl

me o f t h f of It-,.- I tonni

J ' r ioo, I n c l o t h , J2,(X).

B R W E W T , o r

. i i o i i i im-n t r h a r a f t f t l s i i r s

M l . ' r a ivby . I n r l o t h • .Oo.

< ' I I U I N T I A , \ l > . t l { A l > O X i : M . l iv l»r \ M i r u w t o i d . 11,1,, iH u l ,ook u t Ki,.,;t valnf-

w i t l i I h f K . on i ng paradoxb-a l i,aw(ji«eK n m tain.-,! w i t b l i i In-'udH o f t h . . U M r ^ Z k ^ .'iiidi u p 111 i t , l u i n , a n d , w i t h a ( . • l io i 'v k n o w n to v n v i.nv wrltrrM, bean i i ii'iV b n r m o n l K l n g i l i t .ni . P i i . c In W.,t l i , j ,vl

» y .N . .M. W l U i a n M . I . .U. Th i s ^ . " v " ' » b ! j <Himtm.-iil«ry. a n d w t l l b,. n s t a n d a r d di . n o i n l n u l t u i i n l « „ r k . I t i iaa b , . , n i t r n i l v i w o m i i i . . i i d . - l by ti l l , IK-M. «obo l ,r« N o n i , a n d m n i t h . r r l w ifi,.i(i.

M < i : i t V t O » I » ' . > > .1iOT»:!ii 0.\ T l i r V f i v T K W A M K x r . T i l l , w o r k , bv t I ' vVrn'r** Oh- A» i l e l Mbarwia id , I i . I ) . , «m a n d r l p , . , «M ,o l a r . l s ii.,.. l a ^ t "or V,. . ^ of for , Su i . d ay . « . hooN a n d . ^ t ind . v . „ . t . i t f l iRrs . T w o v o l n i n . H, , a<!b jil.T ,

I ' U I I . O M H ' l i r O l i i K M i a o v . IS, w c . l l u p k . A l l abl . . w o r k , ...nd on , , t ha t ( 'an b.: imi.l w i t h protlt by Mi i .b nta m . . l i i h l , . r .H ! iH lon tl,hMil..|..Tt. I l l , - lo th ,

.1. H . l i h . l i i U l« a nrlr.L'-book ot i i „ .

t in . M i i l l ca i lo i i a n d l l l u i t t r u l t on i .v I n <-liilb.Sii7 pag, .« , IK) .•!«.

l>p<iol«Hitt ls , i lUK l C a i i i i t l M l l l i o I m . i iM-rk iu i i . A . C . KayU . n , T | i |k a r.-vluH or 111." a i g i i i n f i i t « o f UiN Wu.lb r, f n l l t H SVavl in id , I t i-oiutnsai id .lUifrH. A VfiluHbl, '

' ' ' ' " b l ' l i;im«rHll\ i,-ad. In • lolh, iTO (irtiijw, w rt.s.

.V l . o i i f A iK i i . i i i f n l H,.rl, «

tor •• l i l l . l r . .u , m . i , . . . . i n l ng b i s t„lh, i- ot b.v,^

w h l l i ' o l i . . a r l b . I n u l o f b . liH) .-in

i m : l i t « t i ' \ %i n n i i i t j ;

l»i<' l r l i i n i | > h « n r < K i M M % A n n i l l l i i i : m i l ! , I ^

« » v « r . i H , r i i , « , n i , 7 f t f , u ' " " ' ' wi th

n i b i . . I i l b l i . N. . Ibbl ,» N o U lb lu N o H Ib In N o H lh l a N o l l l b l i . N o H lb lo N o

n««« t- i i . r i . „ , ( i y

•Vo. I , .

• C l am , a n d p h o t o g r n p b .

11)|« ItW

l i-UI



1 it'h

• o l

• H; ti) ,-t

itor.v .,r II pilKl'h, l«)c[i

K<-r«c iMs. TI,, i , . . , , , , „ t i . ' l l l b (•..•l,!u.y, hx M. II I

T l x . N j m t H . l i r J t i i • i M a i i i ) n n i i t V U i i r i .

l>J i . I n i l o t b , « « p . w s

4 l i r l H l i i i i i l lf iM.||,.<.|„

C J U l n u f o r I t r l l u t o l!(.v. A. I .(iKiiw. 1,

IK-m, by c . |i M a l l •J.', ct.N.

I<<l<. S< I t o i . i M) I I « A I m i i i i s i l l ^lotti, isa J . a gw , 40


• >{ l b , ' III l-lutli

i l a p l l K c

i> i t t> K'.x. I •

-.1 p a * .

l O l i i a l l o i i u l K l o l a l r y I t c p r o t t H l

I ' M I n .• l . , lb. '

J l n x l i ' i ^ : . S U I ' h a i b


' N u l l lO. I

• | h •utt l ^irtH

U n r i l N o l 4 m i l l I) . I I , I i M M o t h , , " « i

lu> I H o n i i f i t l i

l l i i « l I t a y u r . ;>l i

MlM-r<.t u l 4 1U4 . . . l !v I t pv .

fflltl! 4'hll l '<'l>

»"•«••••• I n p«|.. Ill . I

an, I p ap .

ibl i . <• III I'ts


V I l l

W . A . h i l l

i:y II , III eth.

'I<.|. <1

1 liu-ki|.-r

lUi-i in la l I n i-!.:,(li

T r . u i .«! Ots.

III'. ^ l a r K i t m

" l . i ib . •I/.'O,.

UK) t h e it<i|>. Til!". Is a n e w

1 'I-' |11K"S, I I I

I»< l l l l l l H l l l 11 M o r k <

i K ' r x .

I l l I M „

Alt , • I i o ,

. l i nk , '•lilt,.1,1. 1 I V m l l i '

M. ,1. « . H t i . t i l l s a prlr.L'-book S i i n i l a y-whoo i I to i in l ,k , i t i n g for th t h •l ion oi i l i ' i ' t lo im 1,1 l l „ , i i u i t „ i , i . .

liiipUHt. iSljick nd Hhc i


. V. Day ton . ' V o l . I I . , p u .

I ' r lou, I n c l o t h , 81 Jio. I r iuu, ID C lo th , g i i ,o .

P C N O I . i r r O N > H f ( E H M O N M . K l r t y s l i o r t

p u y i o u , U o i j « t h a t o v t r y f a m i l y Khou ld httvo. l u MtylB Is o l i » r m l u « . i W a to?

O R C U A R D ' N I I I M T O H T . B y G H O r o h a n t o r Kng l u t i d , Vo l . i . Iii i r h i i t f .Vv n i

l i t t o r i i i M l o n A t i ba r • • a ' t i ' l i ohu r n U o u W t i a v * tbUi book . l " f < i i S o r • M i n i

o l o i l i , || . o . * « r i o « i n o i o i h .

-- Jiofo. ' i-t loiH i,, l i a p t l M f a h b u n d i irart lV i inid. . l.y i l u . P . ^ l o bapds l ,U)rl<l. anMv , . r l , , , , h,-.n w i t h Mtch abl l l l 'y , a . n l Iti i l 'm . ' . n , „V " f ,

law l i i a t l u g , aM to f i i i l l l f t h o a u t h o r t o n , . , g r a n t , I d a ol a l l t ruo H»ptlM>,. 11, plot

4 '4»|( l|K4-'r iVK4 l l l K C I t I > I M 4 - | I > I . i « f

vh-w o f pi;. .MoIi'h C h u r c h D l w l p l i n o , w i t h an u t r (« I i i . ; l i on ol t h i r t y pag.-a by Ur. t . 'nuv l o r d ; a l so a n a p p i . n d l x o f Tai p a g ™ , w |

" n i v t h o u or oh r r i l lw lp l l i i . . . C lo th .VH»pag<.« , t )Ui ta .

I I A I t . H O . N Y A M » K . Y f O l M T I O . V O I '

. V I A I I K I A U K A X n . n A K K I K I I l , U E n y J . .M. I), (;ai . .«. T h u i « « k Kbou ld i t l i ^ .•very peiT(oti. lu. t h a ri-adli ig ot i t w i l l resu l t III kwxl to t h i . m a r r l w l a n d t h f d lne lc . iV-peoh i l l y t h e h i t l e r . C l o t h , ^ . i imgci i , j I . S .

T l l t : >T l t « iT I I A I > T I H T t I I C i K ' H I > H O V I I>E .\( 'K S i O T T I I K O I . I ) l J « T I I A T I I ST t l l l ' K f l l A M K I U C v T . Hy H A d l a t n . C l o t h , W p a g w . ;to ct« . ^

l i K t r r i r i i E N , H m j v c t B . .Mltwlon o l t h u Y'oui ig M « i i o f t h o Hoi i th • Thw HnhH io a h d M Ihn I O I I O I W o n m i i ; I h o u i i u u » of-Masoury. 114 ixig 3 0 c U . ' " " " • ^ " i " "

rk p 'ss ra.' V, T H O C W I I T M O W C H R I M T I i ^ » C T Y . B y J . M . I ' Bud l o t on . ThiH w o r k i s o o u e u V i m d m Uod lguwl lor C'hriiitli4ii» gon i . r s I l y . w n f

w p t o l H l l y . Clol i i ' , j a '

a U C M T I O N N T O T U B I M P E i H I T r w r My J . .M. I ' u i id lBton . n i u l / a UUI.) w o r k , BUtt U we l l c a l c u l n t o U V a w i S i n

K E N T H H T e D C O I H M V N I O W . D v T . C .

sp j c i i i l l y f u r y a u n g c o u v e r m I n o u r Uui ic loy .

f n ' S f e ' i S i M . " " ' " " " ' - ' S ' m u ' S l o ' S .

T n A I M I N O O F O U I I . D K e i V . B v a

<iU»MI011s ,.! l l t i l i iw l l o n s to

tol l T h o l l o r o o f l i - u t h C l l y l int o f Might Ki':iHon-< for lU c i i n i l n g ii T n i p MIsKlon i,( li:((irl.(ti

WlXMl lMT|,.!,la«lb>al r i i l i\ A U U h b , o r i , i i y i n . n , \V. 1 A n d i d l . a i i . l n i . i rk It,-.. ! Mla- i ty .If Co i iM li.n.-.' Ht l l lrr l l l l ! Cb l lH ' l i Sp l r l t l h l n . .1. H i . r a , . - . C l i l l d r i ii ( all,-,I >o.l,.Mi». O r i g i n o f Kp i i nU l i i iK |.,r I A r a l-o ii.,H|,..l l o n i b in

< l rUk»on . .

iitil I n tliK r l r c n l i t i o i i ii( i r a c u ,!,•

tra.-tMor l.K»,.aK...s In |.a.•ka,!.^. Vi ,.t« post P-ilil , tl,r. ' , . no. '

. I ' a i r

, J i

, l l . ' i . ,n

a l l i u m ii ' . l . I> 11.

' h u f c l u x . ( In-IX.

•"1 I " t in . iiKWl

I ' H i u i . h ^ i ^ p ro -s <>v..r, pur tb-nu , . . ' T h H U l i V . g r ^ . ! , ; : . ' ^

I ' l i i i . u A T I O . X N

uStssKi;: ' I I I " ! In on, . VDiiiiiip,

upi . i-ro.VBl»vonf

lan iootM, W i l l i a lar l i i r o i I l l a t i o n for 1111,1,. t h a n ever betoi , . („ i i i a k l i K a J i a n iNo i i i c » ''Hlp'Wa.s. l i i r l o t l i . S '

I ' l iNlt irM- i l n i K l . l t u o k . l ly u-Kv<•rl^ (•. ..

- ji g . t l a n d

<<-clc«laNtb'al a»s. i i i f i i iw . 75Vt...

K i i r t r l o m H i l i t o r . ; o r a f iUMIonary of l lHn i l b i i i iTbVo iM,

i lguwl 101 a .'o.,ip|..t,. b<H,k of reft-rAi"" on Hi

V«f I I '

I h ll. 11

H r l l i r f n i i * , K n i m l . o n i i . n i i i ) i „ -

. n n u i i n l <)l l >nr l i i « iM« .| i ( a r* r r a r l l r *

11. .M.'II I U . . U„ l , . , r o f c o r X A , ^ ' ( l iMlbcr iu lv , . aist iDii i ip*. jtl 111

I IV .> I\ l U M M t ^ .

T i l 1: \ 1: IV T « M ; i i o o u . r i y i i i n ,111,1 T u i i f l » a c h o l < ,...(.|, |. t :„n, l h a l liu< b . , , „ i i i . | ,1., thc'«wti' i«.. . i |>,.>iii|,i M'hOOl MIII'VI v,.| I, Khaiu'd iiotiM," ni l

H A I T I . S I Tb , i f .1.,, I i ook 111

r i f t bov , . .^iriii i! , li

i iul. ' ; it iTin I

a<M|nanl<.<l w i i t i t h r l o m i d • t h i s n lc i ' l i y n i n lu id I ' l iM.

H V . t l X .\,M» •ml.I I..' a I lat i t lhi • v n y l a i n l l v . Th i s ••ry o f l l y i i i n s a n d a m l cc t l on 01 v i v a l a i i d n u i u b i i -i iml t h e niii.sh; In II. l lv id by thOM-l io tw iia Wi-ll, J(uy Hook for t i l l . I ' a n i .

• 4

poena, ao Ota.

T H E i i c R o o r T R m r H

> l u d o t b .

l l y Itlbl.! , a i i d 00 . . (or o,Veil diVlTl. 'nirN i » d , ;

rrlct. ,»l .rt j<.a< l i , b y I l l/ I l l .

T H E N E W U A I > T I H T H Y ^ . M l l4|4tK l l n i iNU. .- i i { im i . . " o o K .

No i l t l i<>r i i l > « n l u i l N l . A n o w . tmi<r , . i .wi a n d rovlainl M i l l i o n , i n w h i c h w i l l b a fo i in . l 11 plaet) o f t h e o l d I nd . . * , o n e 01 l a t g o " , 1 r p i ' , a n d iilH) i i i a n y ni-w a n d S .v , "l

hyn i nH , t a k i n g I h o p laca of o l h o r « \Vh|pi w. .r« w a n t i n g In n m r l i . Th\> inrVnJ^^^

mnlylnuH!''''' P l a i n roan , , , .Morocco, g i l t , \VlJi I j i r g o Klic, r o a n . ii...".' f l . a i go hlr.o, mo rocco , g lU , pui jVi i (.<i'. ] jii l T H E I . r r i I . E N f U i A I ' i l l« t h o HotZ

IkM.k y o n w a n t for y o u r Huiidt^y-aolujoh lmHlK.en a d n i l t t w l t f m t t h i s In t h o f , ^ : f jrtfan q/ uurtii-eeUMeKmuf l l m t haH avi^r b w i i plTorod to o u r HimdayH/bhoolM. T h o d S o u ^ o IK Hound . Th . . not . .« a r o I h o n e w w v i i r g h a n " ed uot...M. I t It t h n v e r y Uook for ( ' . i i i I l i / J H i n g i n g 1 u t h o f t e C a y o u U flnS " T h e H w o e t l ly a n d l l y , " w l t h ' i w r e H o f o t h " ™ l oo Kwupt to i n p n t l o n . Hr^pc by m a i l M "tli.

N t < N » A Y . N C H O O i , I I O O K N .

A N41W F i l l y T o l i i n i c L l b r n r r . W h o l n n u m b e r paguH i n L i b r a r y JMii. M a r b l e i iaoa?

e n o i r i " . - ! ? " " ' " ' " ' f j ' W « « v r r )

o J a V M i ' ^ i l V r p.'ijis rp'ji'syirflj'a'i:"'

Hy 1 bllKllK l-ag..*,

l l H » i l a l 4 l i i i r r l i I>irr<-i4ir.r. n vK i lwa rd

' J , 'I",-, to t h i drartrl.i« an , ^ racUc . t i <,f I i a p i l , ! .•linr.'hfN, ion

l lH|>*l»t H i i c r . - ^ ^ l i u i . II. i j

u r i i o r 01 I>xi-b,«i i5 on Ca inp la . l l l , . n A b a n d b<«>k of I l , i i i i l«t h ls t i i iy . HiIM work I.k 1 ,1','. " " " " ">"[[<! '<'•">' ' to UuptUt lln-rature. bol i ig a c o l h c t l o i i ot lUstor loal facts, wi th

ip lo i is tab l . , o f cont.-nt.M an<l kUIb no t . * l id pagfH,

4 ' l i i i r r l i U lN« . imH l » i i . l U y and Luciw. h N bi iigtMKi wo rk on tln.HiibjHct, imv lng i .

l u l l t ab l . . o f noiit,.'ntii, a n d arranged wftli i n a r g l n a ! notoM. NlO |>hkc«,8I.MI.

.V i n l r o i i i ' i i I l i l t i o l l l r l l n i m r j r . Cot l i . l l J . ) , I ' u l l r r ' N n ' n r k H . I n t h r « « largo octavo

v o l i i n i < » - o v e r L'tio |„ig«.«, Th l » VRliiable w o r k alTorda iilino?.t!'a coniplot,'nyBU-ai o l l h . - o l o gy . „ n , l IN v a l u a b b i l „ .y„nd iii l lniiito In a n y i i i l n l ! .U r'». l i b r a ry . I'rli ti, tSI.Oil.

M . v i i i > n y i i i N o r i l i . - . \ r w Trs l i t i n i- i i l . llv Ii.-an T i , n r b . •.•li.l pag.-R,

( i i i i i i l i 4 o i i i i i i i i i i l i i u . llv W. \V. (ii inl ni l-. Ah p r i u ' i l c d by Ibi) lla|itifit'»ili l.iiO<.,( m i l l i>xp a l i i , <l. m i 'O.

M i n k i l i ' ^ o l T r i i l l i . llv W. tiiinliicr. iWiiag.-H, »l.oo.

Mpur .KCot iM \rori<M, - No r i no i iN . 10 vol* . i:'loIh,.wK.b SI.W.

l l i i i i » n i r H 4'oiii|>lcl<> n i i r k * . I ! voIh., p r l c ' i W . m i .

l i i i i i . v i i i i 'M I M l K r l n i V l>rou;riMiii. .WO pag . fc, 41.2-..

l . t iHN o f r i t f ( i r n l l 4 < < I . n u K u i i g p . lly I). N . I.orit. iWij pagiHj.Jl.OO.

I t r o H ( ' o i i r » r r l i i i i r ( < , 75 ots.

^ ^ E r i i i i d o r H u l l . A n i l i l u Wlilti... «.t8|Migt*,

A T ' « > n i « v . b o o l i m i l l P ro i i r l i i - r t i ' l e r . A o o i u p l l a l l o n o f u i I I O I I N B I I I I lla.'iai>« f r o m R i v e n t . 'xt* , w i t h a rt-gl-^liy lor tworil-I n g t i m e a n d p l ace o f proi ir l i l i ia , and text. J i y J . . M . l V i i y . soc io .

r n n i o i i o n l l i i | t l lH i i i . T h I h I s o n o o f l h o n b h w t w o r k a o u t h o NubJ.Tt . .xtnnt . No i n l n l h l t . r c a n . wn l l al l 'urd 10 be w l l l i u u l l l . OoU i vo u l o v e r 600 pagea. I ' r io f . fJAlU.

r h n r 4 < h - i i i ( < m l » r N < U n i i i t ' l M H i k . A plain KUlde t o t h n . l o o t i l u u a n d praotlcu ofHapt l t t o h u r o b e a . U y W m . C r o w . d l t l ictn.

M H n n a i o f T h f t o l o v y . By J . 1,. Dogis. A vB l i i nb l e w o i k w h i c h n o nUn lMorghouk l b« w i t h o u t . H . W .

C r u i l e n ' a C o i i i n l 4 < t « f ' o n r o n l a n r e . I l o y a l o o u v o , sheep ,

F a b l e * o r I n a i i « l i t i - . By Kobert Patter-•lon, 75utH.

^ ^ . ^ a r y B u n r n i i . B y M m . Konl . 4)«pa«e«,

l l e l l H i t4> ( l i « P u i i i i t . c'lotU, ts .w.

I t U p l t T b c m i w . rU i b , r ( . < «-

O r a e s T r n e n i M i . C l o l b , I1.M).

, ]Vo l l « « . . -P« raon i i w la l i lOB a n y book not

( b uod ID t b l a Ca l t i iou i iu TiemrDlal icd b r

g l v l d g t i t l e o r b o o k a n d u a r o a o f au l l ior . A l l b o o k a l e n t b y m n i t are a t t h a r l i k o f

t h e p u r ob a ao r , o u r r m p o o i l b l U t r ce««lB» u p o n dcU lvery o f b ookn a t t be Doaioffloe.

T H E ; B A . P T I B T . 5 ' t S

J . 11.

U 11 Col thf i rp , Kawt •li'iiiu-kK...'- W e W i l l .

A M Uilsfol l . ArknMi»ft.f~Tlu. l i iHtnnoii wi .

v,",„f I h o p o w ^ ' " ' ' ' " ' " " ^ ' ' " f " l i i ' ^ ' i y f r y

11, Arkunwi " , we d i d lo. ate.ai* I In- pr<-t.liytory

o rda ined I h o n o t o r l o i iN M o r e h e a d

, aZ l r . i i i ' bn r .-h ,n . . n i i .H l . . ad .•oiin1%.

(ieo. |J. I ' . - ^O I I w i l l l l n d I b t im In I b i i:ii-

(.yclupevlla ot l i f l l g lo i iH K i i ow l . d g . ' . I n I 'enilU'lo'i 't C l rmv l i M a n u a l ,

r imr i li IHrec lo iy . Heml 7',r 1..

Houw , M e m p h i s .


I IU .

l int loo II

BusincsH l>e})ar1inent l , o« (erN I r o i i i i i i K i i H l

bii Ills l.m:

A M i i l u i am

l.lndMi.v '.11.1

'1, .1 .M ,s. n l

l la i i| .

>rd ;

K o e e l t .

iMl <» H i l l .

Tfuni ' .WMf-Ana Cox 1.70,.I Ki

.\I( 'a»on 'i70, .laM .M < aaoi i

RIJU. . Iobn . l \Vliigo 11.711, Mri, I

O l l C o l t b a r p J.TU.M M l l a i i i i i,

.\Iliwlii.slpiil-l«baui M . l t in i l.Vi, T .1

7iif, ik'Hl l l .mi 'h l.dH, W H K i n i l . r o n g l

AlBbft ina-Jof<.\lk!nN J.70.,I .M .MrC

H a m i l t o n I.U'i, ,1 C W l l l l a n i . s l inm.

Surt l i a n d Mou lb C a r o l i n a 1. .M Wi ' Ic l i •.'.xi

l)r I l on i t ' o l l l chn l i . i i b , A 11 . M d o m m i l.mi.

( ieorgla--. ' l i l l c i i d e r s on l.i»>, .\ K l a t n i i

n)V,,.Ml* N K l l zgnra ld i.mi.

K e i i l u i ' k y - W W l l i iHb'y "or, Ja... 1 Kllli

joc. J 'V Htoriii<.'iCJ.7(i.

.MmcellaneouH-.N Hwlt/.i-r, \ 11., '.;.Ti); It, \

H .M Hark, r, I l l i n o i s , l.OH; .k.« l ' C . i r « . n . K a n

JS(l; W W .MiKiie. N e w V i i r k , lii.UU.

.MHwi i i i l ' !• I . H h a w a.

I . o i i| i » l ana-Tn iHM I'o,

Texas .Mrs A U Ca in| .

a).(X), Mrs \S I . DaM.s l.do,

•MHrtiii l.iiil,

A i k a n s a s _ K |i I togeiH

0, U N ( l o u g b

it I.. 1. II S l n i n

U o U 4 ) n b e r K * M ! t t u » l « Hou im> .

W o r o t f o m m o n d our r i i t t dem t « stuul t he i r

o n l e n . for I ' l u n o s un i l ( ) r g n u H l o I l . t i . I lol lei i-

berg '* t i r e a t Ntn i tber i i .Miixlr l l u u iw l u t h U

o i l y . H e lifts t l i e laigvAt a n d Iwnt ae lee l lon

I h k t r u n i e n iH a m i iiellH at la'Kt. terioM u i id

loweitl ( IguriH. H o l l t be oUh-Ht a n d « i ( » t

r e l i ab l e in i i « le d.^uter In t b « i l t y , .\t tlilM

JUHlly c f l eb ra l e i l i n u t l o l ionsc n n b . ' r o u n d

t h e benf if i i i l nioHl jMipiilur i i iukeii o l p la i i iw

Hiid orgai iH, a n d a t p i lwK t h a t ib-fy r ompe-

l l t l o i i . Tl i i i l r giiixls ni l ' w a r r a n l i d tobe l l r i i l -

•la.,fi In eve ry i ta i l l i ' i i l i i r ,

c a n ri'sl anau ied 01 bi Inij iIhi

a n d ' f a l r l y , A n y t b U i ; ! In 11

bi. f i i i ind 11,ll. noi

m>,l ,,

lit u Uli

«' imis i


, i i .M l y

III. I'aii

K K A D N B W T E A T I M U M A I I J I .

C l i r o u l e n i a r r l i 4 » .

I r e cUvod o i i e 01 y o u r Body Urar«H i h r m i g h U c v . a . W . l l t t l i nomo t i m e i n K o v e m l a t r . flnil t i a vn Imh'u w.<ii i lng I t lUni-o l l i a t t l i i i e . Krotn m y ulioi l t r i a l o f t h e l lraee, t fixd war-r a n t e d I n Kayl i ig t h a t I t han n o e<|ual lor m y dlAeuJte, wh f t h la c h n m l e d i a r r h e a o f t w e n t y yai in i K t nnd l ng a n d »hntiere<i Iui iki i . h a v i n g l i ad 10 « i u p preiM'hlngKliK-e liMll, 1 eotml i ter t h o Bramn I b o lawt r emedy « vn r yet o l ferml t h « a t t l l e t . x l , A. M . r t K I U K H .

C i s l a r Key . I l iu

I ll l ln .e . e ll 11< mo re w i t h '

W e u U ,4l<i«-k o r l l r f i i k i

bi. ' .n w e a r l n g o n e o f y ivi. bi.'.n wea r i n r b ir II i in ' . till 11

ur In a Kll

W i t h l l o n I t a i l d o a g i i \Miik of a n y k l iK l tba i i I

a r l n g o n e o f you no i i t i ia , a n d It th

lilt II . I w o u l d I iH t a i n l d>. w i t h o u t ll N f W l i i ir i iHlde, I I I .

I'll k i n d

til l ,

m i l



p i o



4 I ' l i l i i i i i ' I , l u l l « Y e l l

i i i iU.

I-I by

lO' . ' l

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ille I), lot . t l lOOli

l- I f I'lll



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11 I-h a l r . l i f M i i

pr. imr. i t l . i i . < v. . • 1 , n<,,.|jt r.-nnllii 11 lu r

o. ' i 'aKional a|iiillfJii

oiiim>'inb-il mi l l 11

m e n , .iMil . l i lU ' iuu .

F .It .MaK.«icl

I'lOl M.il. l II

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' I

ik l



1 I


.AKSll} I

, 1>I

.1 l i l lK

CM i s

.V (

;.7t», .\ .1 .Mai lar

Ven l e r i i M l l d f c , a m i T b e .Mm ilei i n ' I l ien i . A n a u i h e n l l c m,r r brac ing a n aeeoun t ot H..'Ven Vei ani l A u v e n t u r e I n t h e f a r vs'i.'Ht. I letwtle.authorol-* l . l l e I n C t a l i ; 'orre^ i ioudent C h i i ' l n n u t l Coi

W lK l l l iV, ' , rn Tn Vf '


K<" i'lll-ivel

I I . Ktern reb i l ,

etc. I l l un t ra ted . Jonef i l i io iberM A- Co. , C i n c i n n a t i , Ch i cago , l>liila,l> l|.bia. |.<T«.

f i l l , t i m e whi ' i i t i l l ' od i i i n ry wesi l b .

.Mlw.lKSlppl r iver b ad n o pant m id n o n i a l e r l a l

for the record of h lHtory , l« w l t l i l n t b e m e m -

ory of thouManiU now l i v i n g . The b i nd ol

the t a w n y , « i l d - r i o i b l i i g Co lo ra i l o ; o l t h e

de l i gh t f u l va l ley of t b e > ooe in l te m i d tbi-

wonders or t l i e d o b l e i i d a l e , were u i i k i i nw n

to us except by d i m t r a i l l t i o n l i a U a c e n t u r y

iigo. Now t l io p a n o r n m a of t h i s l in ine i iKe

territory illm-loHeK t h e A m e r l e u n K l do r ado .

not o n l y In prec ious meta iN , but I n f r u i t f u l

will and a geub i l c l i m a t e ; not i.nl.\ In a p u r e

l i ea l l b-reHtor l t i ga l i i i ospbe ie .b i i In tbe mos t

ittslly acccKslbhi l i iea i is o f r a p i d fo r t i i i i f . I lu

hl8tory Is mo re e n t r a n c i n g i ba i ) a n y m-


Kvery I n l e r e s t l n g l o c a l i t y In t h i s t e r r i t o ry

was v is i ted by .Mr. Bead le , l i e I nves t lga te i l

Its a dvan t ages a n d d lHi idvantag . 'S , a n d d u l y

recorded every I m p o r t a n t fact r e l a t i n g t o Its

l ieople, itH reso.urees a n d j irospeets. I l l s

iHsik Is t h e c a r e f u l l y c o m p l i e d o u t c o m e o l

seven yeara i r ave l . obHerva l l o i i , ln i|Ulry a n d

exi ierieneo In t h « F a r W.-st. U n d e r t h e

t r e a tmen t ol .Mr. B e a d l e I t InU resuIUnl i n

the mos t f a s c i n a t i n g b o o k o f h i s t o ry , aiieo-

<lote,nnd a d v e n t u r e r e h a v e ever r e ad , a n d

addr is fes Itsi ' l f t o r e ade r s e ve r ywhe r e w i t h

a b u n d a n t p r o m l s e s o r i i i s t r u c t l o n a n d m i i u se


I t l s n hm i k o f n i o r o t l i a u s ix h u n d r e d pagi-.s,

and It Is, thererorc , uselesa for us to a t t e m p t

a n y t h i n g l i k o a n l u l e i i u a l c rev iew o f Us con-

t. 'nts I n t h i n e c o l u m n s .

1 111' w liol, , i iml Ir 10 HK Ilu- 111 t he n lO'tlol a l l III logs <1 provi ' .•qmili

l i l t i

n l.li.

l i l i i ^ .

I iyspepKl nun i c ro i b ,- i l t bv Kain|>li-Mild 111 11 T ine , ' von w A 1 'll . Co. , M l l . l i i l . l

• V'lOM I1P)I1I„

I n i i f : . '

io\ c nn I ot the ini . ' . l l i i l t t i l l ' l.i II t l ilAl 1

lllj., I, as II COI . ^ . . f n i i i n , Wu,-i a .-t i in i , i i l l k i n , I . r .Ki i l i , Tin- d ig . n ts i.r l l ie li,-<iit b r i i i n mi l l n r r

ir n i l . 11 is . t l

ii i i i lm ,

a m i lili llS.HNht

o n n r r U ' d u i l b II has be.-n n ,

I's .\!1!;US| I ' l i . i 14ml j it i «o j ,s Hlli.'

ll ( i t I cur l or I . u e r l o i y i U n I n t RV|iloniK tba l resu l t ii n ' l l i l lon of tbe l . t v . i m


bott !l III

.•R t

V Itl . S , , l , l l M, .ll

I lr.\ • i> III liii.\ I « l i

11. s .V I I ' m 11. , . , ! Ill, s

, III • \ V , i' t l , ,1,'M

I ' l lN. •stfrn ill ll I


b. i l r


.11- Its

iiiy ,.11

IS ri'C-


I. Sl;il,-

1,1 III, l i . ' i i l ib .liirlH-d Il ls a re I i ikhI. m l , t be 111, are work-

•lisfnlly r Is 11II-

1 w i t h n d a l l t b e ni l a n iih-d!<t . ,n .oeb. r . » i l i l v . ly

I ' o n l l n e n i < lu...t w b m \v Ilk

- t i n Mill

I b a V ! me s i n e , w i l l l n u l i l a l . It II sav t b a l 1 li t he use of lb . tl, , . t on , ! mil l lb<- u t r n iK i l

11. I Cll w in

I thi 1.'>II

l . i i nga t i i l l lo. l i III

'Tl ie irc In a m t m o n f o r r v 4 > r y > b i u K * reason w h y

T u r r a i i t ' H S e l i z o r A p e r i o u l

tliu< sueh II Hn l u t a ry elliiH't u p o n d t son lo rn t t e nded w i t h I n l lMm inn l o r y o r l u v e r U h

Nymp l o i i i s , Is, t h a t l i idu is 'S a g en t l e , n l r aos t l i f reep t ib le p e r s p i r a t i o n , w h i c h i«dt lc«N heat o l t h t i I I IimmI, t h a t lUi U x a t l v o I nHu*

t-nce flirt be r teiidH t o ccv.l. « . ) l , t ) B Y A M , DKITOOISTM.

V x l 3J-7

!l^7; k'Ue:

ml <1 11 It 11 '111

•>1 III •ll l.,-ii v o l II .lie. , I, • l it lte

f .h i l u n t i l I hi,I

vv attiiidi* ni l ' a v r der i ved i • l l r iee. In I be i.tri n m b of III r i l ing ol n

l iel i . , ,-rlnl l> le.'oMi b iwe w l i o i iresiift . r ing ii« 1 w

.1. W . C . M M VVItK I'l i l i ' d i n i . A nilei-Miii Co. Texim, Hepl.

T o r p l i l 1,11 e r .

I'l d l l a n n i n g H 1 • iv is l .Mm, h t l u lie,.11 worn du l l y ll w i t h torp id IK m l s i ng i ng . I h a ve ri i iei . I h a ve ir l . w a l k i n g , r id in i i . •

id have toni i i l 11 ai »ii|ii ,orl, a n d a p m i l e or leV^, in 1

•retole 1 e i n p b a t l p u b l i c ; a n d ei-i» , irtt iy ol i i i a i . 111

. l U S I ' . f i r i l . i

Hint ii.v IHI la igl i

isiire t o tit f i o i n •i . i i .sing . wel l as n e r vou s 111 11 t o

I I T .

11 i l ia i 1111, b , e l In I


ipr. ' I n . wi m l bii-. tlOlltil.-

p e a k i n g 1 -,ldeii .bl .

o i lv IWI

sin, '

i l l s t m i d i n g . p i e n e l i i n g . a n dlsiH-UMible H h o a r s , news, n i n e ae l i lmc , t i m e n d It to t in i i i i l i lKtry , UN u e l a i n i e d tor I t .

C a r r o l l t o n , -M

Kl l . u ng « a > pu t

lee. I h a v e , bo»rti. ni..w» •xp i i i e i i ce i i I lb.- I lraee Ing i i i g m i d 1 idmi/st Ill-ex ent I ve ot l i i g l ng m i d •ullv recoii i la l lv to til l

al l l l i a t i I l < iC . , I I .

lb, ,


ll K .Malislii-bl I bese mi-illclneti a re nt by m a i l .

Kl •-I) .\ii ,'ow

I'<11 I I t l l l s , I

\ N ll

•• I , l ie I i l im cliK a r ave l y irei iMire fore v lu a m i , as p reva i l III ior Ih i Ir (•


i l l l lel l l l ir-. Kl I . v

I l i i n a U . d .

M l . . Ke i i l l i r e i l .

r i ' l f i irdi iu; I'll.-i ! M . M l i r . H ti

XI 17 r : 17 1

• l l l ' . i w i l l iron* il|..ei


, lite IS r,' we l l lis 11 -r. Ktl ini i l i ii\,•using a l l b » l i o


r i s i ng fi ir w a r m e l l n i a l t •e I ' . i r l a l l n i , t i n

lor dyspep.sli

iil.-'iimt i b e i

e d u t i e s t h a i l ie lis t o m i a r i l l l , ) i ; l l a i iee . Tlier, ilil b,' pr, iserve,l

in I

best if.Ktlpi

i r p l d l lv, i-eomnien

iiH'dy 1

in i iei i , h e a r t b u r n , a n d l i l l l o nsness , e i i t* a p ackage . Sold at w h o l e s a b W l i k e r s o n A Co., .Slei i ip l i is , re i i i i .

i ' r l r

l|s a per

Nil) Tab le r 1 I l nekeye , n torests, has bee |,ortJinee In i b i o r I 'er i iv l i in bi, t u i i a t e l y the 11 fro 11, a n d i lot IMJ dcsl

.%ii A e i | i i i N i l l » i i .

Ir t i ies h ave be . u l l i i / i d by l>r i i ianieiit c u r e for Pl ies , t i n o a b u n d a n t In o u r n a t l v i m e of a l n i o s i as n i u c l i ln i , n ieo lca l w o r l d as C l ne l i o i i a k , o i Mou th A m e r i c a , l or d ic i i i p r o pe r l i e s a r e In l b .

t t h e bi irk ; l umee t h e trees w i l l iy».|, l i n t w i l l s t a nd m a n y y e an

to v le id an a b u n d a n i s u p p l y regard Tal i ler 's l l i i ckeye I ' l l e p . i r n i a n e n t re i i i i 'dy . Trie Hold a t wbob i sa l e by N . \V .Memph i s , T e n n .

; a n d we m O i n t m e n t lis

Mieenl.s a bo t t l W l i k e r s o n A- C'

Special Notices. t ' o n a u m p l l o n I ' t i r c i l .

l id i i l i yme l nn , re t i red f r om p rnc t l ce [ lia<1 pInc.Hl I n h i s l i a n d s n y a n Kas t

A n o l d h a v i n g h u - , , I n d i a m l m l o n u r y t h e f o m i u l n ot a s i m p i v i i ( i ! t « b l u i omody , r o r t h o ap.H.|lynnd i ie rma-n c u t eu ro for e o i i H u m p t l o n , b r o n c h i t i s , m t a r r i ) . u n t h m n i n n d a l l t h r o a t i t ud l u n g nmiot lnns , iilRo n noHl t l vu i ini l r nd l c i i l c u r e for nervoUH d l i h l l l t y a n d n i l n e r v o u s cotn-p lo ln ta , a f tor hnv lDK t«Hited Ita w o n d e r f u l v um t l vD powera I n i l i o uM i nda o f eriaoa,! h a s H t 11 lilN d u t y t o m a k e It k n o w n t o h i s •niOterlDg fot lowa. Aotu i i t tHl by t b l a i n o t l v u . a n d a dea lre t4i r o l l evu l i u m n t i auf l tor lng, I w i l l iietidi free nr o l iarKe, l o till w h o i n n y tie-aire I t , t b l a reo lpn , w U l i f u l l d lr iMi l lona lor p r t p w l D g m i d UNliiB, I n U o r n i a n , Kruno l i , o r Kug l l a b . H s i i t l i y n m l l b y a d d r n m l n u w i t h " l a m p , n a m i n g l l i l a p a n e r , W , W . Hhonrwr, Ml) r u w v m ' B l o c k , l loo l ieator , N . V .

X x l U 3 s l l i C I

.1. I I . .Mead o f A t l a n t a , ( l a . , ^ a yHTh r a sh

eons i i i i i p l l ve c u r e Is t h o o n l y r i ' i i ie i ly t h a i

w i l l cu re eonsu i i i p t l on ' a n d a l l l u n g at

feet lons. Tr ia l bo t t le 60c.; linage slr.o ll..>i),

» o l d b y a l l dr i igg ls is , a m i by wliol.-sale

N . W , W l l k e r w i n

M e m p h i s , T e n n .

Co . , ,'IIU .Main street

H i . I 1: . t l O E V r A I \ -

1 EMALE(OLLE(M: .M. I'. L oWUfn ssor of .Moriil a \V. 1:. I lK l i l iv .

. a t I n . F i ve nee I^Vl l t l i i t l IP . I

.Mls^. ,a l bo ld Mir

iM-aiill l i i l , 1 b l e .

I hot ery

i l l)., I 'r i 's i i l . ini . a m i Pro-.1 a nd I n i e l b e u i a l I ' b i l oM .pby V. A I!., I'roleSMir i>l l i i .-eli a m ici-i,m|ili. l i , il I,ii.lv Te„eberK, . m i l e s So i i l i iwes l of I(l|.l..y s'priiigsol pu re I n I'-stoiie » a l i n a c t i v e , he i i l t l iy m id accer

u i : b , i l i s e i p l l n i . : i l i i c l , t i ' ' aMina l i le etfori m a d e 1

lor i i a t rons , m i d c i i l t l v n t e ib»-irlBOrstl i i lei it/ . . is i iperior i i i lvi •St i irlee.

I, I n c l u d i n g e v e r y l l i l u g , d W t o »I

. ' o u r r lK i i l ; n one * nd be iir low

Hou r

m o n t h .

Tu i t i on to i t ( n o ex t ra el iarges toi i i i i teM; Miislct((>. K n t l r e e)t|„ nse(i, I D . . n t l i s , W l l h u u t .MnsI,', •'i;.! t o jse. h . i i t a logue . l . i i W I i l . V A l U . l l l i V

I- iop i le t n i n e Mo i i nb i l i i , T l p p i i b i-oiiiil> . Miss \ 1 .iij l,s


no i i i >

m i n d s n tag ty

2 |i8r

I a n l lv ,

d 101

V A S S A 1 1 ( i O L L E C i h E , I ' o r l l i e l l l j t l i e r l U l i K - n l l o u » r H ' n i i i e n *

Kal i Mi«««lon o p e n s Hept , l.x, S7K. K n i r m i c e exan i l n a l i o i iK , t^ pt . Is, iHaiid'it<l. O i tu l .Htuon w i t h l u l l i i a r t i eub i r s n i a v be h a d o f t l i q un-ders lg l le i f . W . I , . 1 » E , \ N , Ueg i s t r a r Vasser . . o l i e g i - , I ' u u ghkecM l e .N .Y .

.M n IH IX I

• *i« riiua tut I""'*, -lir •

A Xl at x l i «

C u l p o i M T F c i n a l c I n s l l i u t o

i.,Oi>at. d In t o w n (Cu lpnper ) o f "JUOO In ln ib t-l a i i t s . .Most h e a i t i i f o l Kcniltm o f P l c l m o n t , V a . Cuit ivat i-i l society . Kxce l len t rel lg louH p r l v l i e g i s . T l i o r o u g b l y ei|Uippi.<l w i t h ap-pa i a i i i s , f i i r n i t u r e . a n d mus i c a l I n s t r umen tH . Kx|HMlcneed a n d h i g h l y i|unllfl...l t . . aehen i . . l u d l c l o u s l y m a n a g e d , unseeu t r l an . A l l t h e e o m t o i t s o f a V i r g i n i a ho i i ie . Kxi ie i isea m o s t naMi i iM l i l e . Hession l«-gins Mept. 10. Send for tTi tp i 'prr ;

i i t a l . Vnv

igne I 'Ks i cK , I ' r l i i c l r X x l :n !i


N o C u r e . N o P i i y .

K n o w i n g t b a l t)ii>re are i n u l t l t i i d . s i n dif-f i ' ie i i t ( l o r t l ons o l o u r l a n d w h o u resu t l e r l n i i w i t h t ha t t e r r i b l ed t s rasec r t l b s l l i r a v e l , a n d h a v i n g s p e n t fortuin-s to tie a l levla l i-d fr tmi 11 a n d t i i l led . I, as a Hpcc l a lK t , otJer m y serv ices t o t b e pub l i c . Th i s t e i nedy b aa Imh'Ii t ransml t tcHl t o m e t h i o u g h o u r ances t ry o l o v e r a hundr .-d years. It has never ral l is l I n a s l n g i e i i i s to i ice . W e h a v e cu red suliJrciM w h o h a ve eo i n c t o o u r t r e a tmen t f r om dis-t a n ce s tir b u n o r e d s o f n i l le« , b e i n g t a i l u r , « ot t lK^moKt s k i l l f u l phys lc la i iK , I ' l i ss ie lHus h a v e sough t t o o b t a i n l l hy o i r e i i ngd i t r e r c i i t s u m « . m i l ) ot lered a l l i o u s a n d I lKmsi i i id do i iarK, bu t It ha.s n e v e r been gold. 1 pro-

>se te c u r e a n y w h o m a y a t t e m l o u r otHce sir ' " 111

lor t l ip snift l l o u r p'urt w i l l i r o m a n y pei ise alt

V i r y ; i n i j i F e i u a i ( IsTAIJ.NTO.V,

l ! . .v. I i . II . I ' l l i l . t . i i ' s , Mill corps III e.icperlen mi i i t i a l hi-Mloii w i l l 1 1ST,-., l i i n l i l l ngs spac ious , xm l euld water . Hea t ed I Kivi' groi i i ids. I ' a t r o nage Iroii i Heiiiioi Hint class. T e r m s i i s l u e c l inret i w l t l i l n 'J m l n n l e s ' w a U lo« l le mlilress t h e I teetor .

I i i s t i f u t c V l l t < i l M . \ . l iee tor , iissis!,-.! I>y a im1 ol l iecrs . T l i e a i t h i n i n i e n ce Hept . I l t l i .

w i t h gas a n d bo i Hie l-'.xteii

Htat. 'S Uapt l s i

Kor .-iita-\l .XiSti

III <1

Turnip Seed, (irass Seed,

Oardeii Seed, KOl t

S i i i n i i u ' i ' a i K l F a l l S o w i n g .

I t . C I . 1177 . I f n t i i N i r n

xi: i ; i 11

C I I A I O i i C O I , .tl<>iii|>hN

C e n t r a l F e m a l e l i i H t i t i i t e ,

CLI .N'TON, I l I N l t H d o r . N T Y , ,MIHH.

I . I I h - t . W A I . T K K l l t l . l . n A N ,

r r t u l d e n t o f K a c n l l y .


Order Department. J A N . N . M A I I A F F Y , O n l c r - I ' l p r k .

T h e L u n g a n d K o d y l l r a c o .

n l r « < r t l n i i M f o r F i i t l l i i i c o n l l i r llrn<T4'.

- H o l d i n g Brace i n r i g h t h a n d , u-itU broad tmtl Ol fmni, o p e n a m i b r i n g I h o l e n a r m

a r o u n d I h e h i N l y , a n d I U I I i i k b r o a d pad In

l l f l l hB pos i t i on u n d e r t h e i i b do t non , b u c k l e

u n t i l t h e presNiiro la c o t n f o r l n b l a fo i l . H

Nhoi l ld h i l l he w o r n Im ll(/hl, lt<.|luf w i l l

c o m e i/r(i(lu<iHi/.

T h e Twen ty-H lx th I ' o l l . g l a l e Y . a r or Hits I n s t i t u t e w i l l b.^glti o n Tue sday , Hept . ' , i l lb, 11,7s. .Matiirwl In b e r iH l una t l oua l ( i ic l l i t i i .s l,v a h e a l t h y g r o w t h o f n ( { u a r l e r o f a Cen-t u r y o l u i i I n t e r rupUHl expe r i ence , o u t I n s t i -t u t e Is a b o u t Ui e n t e r u|Mm a i ' io ther iwr iw l o f h e r eareor u n d e r ausidireH t l io m o a t lavor-ab l e , a n d l» a b l e t o offer ndvan t i i g .v . n i u a l .H l b y few l i i s t l tu t lo i iN or l e a r n i n g I n t h u conu-t r v . H a v i n g lor twoau . ! oess l ve yearn m a d e I t k i i l u m o N H I n t h e Kxi'ISMikm, w e h e s i t a t e n o t t o say, n o n s l d u r i n g t h o a i l v a i i l ugen oller-.s l , t h a t t h o T e r m * nr. ! lew) t h a n inii i lui el»e-w'here i o u n d , n i i d n a t o w a a th<.<y c a n iKMslbly tM< a f lorded .

Fo r rul l I n f o rn tH t l on »( .nd U>" I ' r ua lde t i l o l l-'ii<.ulty " l o r n ( . 'ataloi iun.

f t O B K H T K K M J 4 . I ' r ca l den t or B o a r d or Trus tees .

W t'AilA.Hitw, Hcn'y. x l tb U

H a l u e ,

At h o m e . H a m p l n a wo r t h Mtimhom a C O , I ' n r t l au i l xl l a XII ID

,r«Wli). A n y f t t l l u roo i i l l y free I h e u|>plii-ant

bu t w e w i l l de f ray a n y ox-Iberw ise .

l l ie i , s l i i i l l be s p e c i a l p r o v l a l o n * for t h e •iH,r .1 W H A U U I M .

. l ackKon , T e n n .

W e b:ive a pe i som i l a c i p i a l n l n n c e w i t h .Mr t a r r i s i i n d k n o w i l ls f a m i l y , a n d w i l l guar-11,1,',' tliatiK- w i l l d o exac t l y w h a t he s a y s -1 l i ini l l i ie m o n e y I n every ease whe i e there

.—|.'.n. liAITIMT. x l IM III I'ure

. t o i l

m i ' i n v l l

T f a f l i f r ? . (.'lioiristiTi!, OrcaDis Is ,

I I I l > r o l e « M l o i i a l . l IUk l e i n i iN .

d 111 i m p r o v e a p o r t i o n ot t i ie l r r V 'aca i lons I n e x a m i n i n g t h e large

I i isel. i l .Music IkMikH, prepared by for t h e i r use. r l i l l f o i i Si Co. w p e c i a l l y

l A i i i i i l i i r I . . 41. E n i r f N o i i ' H n e w "0 .%'>

W A I I I t . " it7.'iU per d oxe t i l ; h i s biwt tiook

tor H i ng i ng Hcliools. .VIso b H n e w « ' l n i r r h

4»l lei l»i|i, (Sl'JlM-r <lo«eii , a s i d e n d l d A n -

t l iem Dook . A l so b i s N . i e r e i l I k i i a r l r l a ,

i : \ n i i i l i i e O i i r 4'l iori iN<>a. O l P e a , F o u i >

I ' n r t K o H K s . e l e . j I n P a m p h l e t F o r m . (.Uto

10 ci'i its eaeh',, v.-ry e x t e n s i v e l y nst^l b y

I lioirN,.'^ clell.'<,<'t<'' Ca t a l og iU 'S fu rD l ahed .

r . v a i i i i n o J o l i i i N o n * n .%>w n e t l i o 4 l f o r

I l i o r o H i c l i IIKNC, (M.UU), t h e best Ina l ruc-

tioi i I iook for l e a r n i n g t o p l t ' y C h o r d M u a l c

in l '^Blm Tunes , ( l leea , « t c . A l s o b U

4 i i o r i i » < ' l i o l r l i i M t r u c l l i t n n o o h . ( r i

' perdor .e i i ) , ! ' very con i p l e l . i i n a n i m l a n d

. laas b m i k . W o r t h c a r c l u l s t u d y .

n iTTi ie a bove , a n d n m u l l l l n d n o f o t h e i eonve i i i e i i t a n d u s e f u r h o o k a , m a y be aeeii at t l ie stori. or (lliv.>r D l lMi l l a £Co . , lQ Boatoi i , New Yo rk a n d I ' i i l l a d e l n h l n i K v o n A l l e a l y , C b h ' a g o ; N e w l i a l l n t l . ' i no tu i iH t l ; H h e r n m n , l l v d e fk Co. , Han F ranc l sno , a m i w i t h a l l p r o m i n e n t dea le rs t l i r o u g h o u t I h o c o u n t r y

O L I V K I l U I T N O I V A . C O . ,

n W N T O N .

t:, I I . M H a o n 1 711 llri i .t lw»r.


I tkt., J. m. n i t a a a * 4 'a . ,

tiuorMinr* to i M A Walk . r .

H O M E F O R I N V A L I D S .

The Mih IU i i I a n d K l . ^ l r o-T l i c rnneu l i o In-st l tu t . ' o l T o r o n t o , O n l u r l o , Ci in i i i ln , la i m w r is i i ien lng . u ' l o r c n l a n t e m i f n l . Ik ian t i ru l ly loc ' i led, /<• "II rrr/iniillTtt datt. Vhron itiV « ]„ ffrt>tn/hn.il rtitti. K l e e i n e I r en tmen t a s i iee la l ty ' M u l p h u r n i i d in..HlleBle«l Iml l is w h e n iiec.-aaary, IJiiiir<.04.»l0nliHl sueciws in t h e t r e a l l n e n l M t h n n i e r f l n n i w . a nd rfrtwiwuw KoiiiCTi. I . Bd l i * n t l e i i de i l b y cwilH.nl I 'A* ' '- '

• irir « « « i r x . Hetid l o r e l r e u l a r ^ v l n u

x s i a u b rliinii 0/Ih . f u l l i n l o r i n a U o u h u U rolcrvuctia.


e f *

H o i i T l i w K r r e i t i v

B a p t i s t U n i y e r H i t y ,

J A V H N O M . T e K l V *

F i t « a i i i ' .

<(«• W J * r n m B , uro/fl^wir of U n i t i m i l l r t r c e k , a n d n t i n l r m u i i n f t l i i t I ' W t i l t y .

II O I r b y , A . M . , J i m l i i i w i f o f i i i i i i h P i n i t l l i K (J \V O H f l l i ) , D . l j . i 1 ' r o f o w . i i r " ! I-^eii- m c l

M o n i l I ' l i l l n a o p l i y , (1 M K(iv»«i>, v\,M.,rft(fiiw»<)i iir KsitiJJsh m i l l

M o d e r n liHllKUHHt'ii. .1 W ()»rt>, A . M . , I 'rt i f fSAoc " I N i i l n m l

r .1 l l e u | i ( v , A . M „ iM.ll. , r i i n c l n a l u t t in-l l l « l i Ht' l itml.

.1 1) A I 'V i t re l l , I ' m f i ' w i u r 111 I D i i u i n i i iiii <lt*jini'li)ioiir.

R J-' K r l w l e l , A . l l , , i w i K l m i l )i i?,triu'U.i m il)i< IiIkIi w h o o l .

<1 t ; KUVIUJV, .M.lt, I r f l t i r v l imj ) . |n u n i l l i j-j{liMif.

' r i l l * t i m t l u i l i o i i ts n o w i l i ' i i<i i i«l i i> piMl, n m l f i i r t i l s l i i t l M i l h iiisifm>Hii>> I'.I l u

K'tl lHlls III 111 - III'IMIV ll, j l , . H t i i . n l . T l i u l i i x i t w i l o i i W l l i / i i i i n x l i , lUi.l t ' l n i . i " . l e u I Ion u l v i ' n I'l c . i f l i - i i i i j u ' i ImuhIm,

T h e iimi>im.t i i l l f / i n i i u ujiVi-n i.i l l i , i.. ., ItK JIS III!' Intl^U' iMli.O t l l l l l i l l l K V' . in. i ; m e n Ih »iii! lciiMit miiir.-iMi. i c . i i . u r - .n..! KUiirdltiiiH l l i i i ! I i m l r hOiK a n i l w i n . i . Mi l , in : In ri(. i h i i D j o r i>i l i c i ' o u i l h - .•<.: ,u|.i .! i i n , vl('i'<i Miiil ti»r> f i i .(lii 'Mtlv i-un-. , i . ' M i i i j i . ! .V'lnnn <»' ' " luWvMiii.i'd III l . i rm nin(M-M jinfl ttoMi rnniiDDii^.

l i iNkl l i i inrd c a n lit- P^urnr. .1 II, III.. II,'. I rHI i i l l l fh (11 I In- o l l i «l H | ir)r . i i i i i )r i , ,« H o n , f l u I D t U |(I r n i u i i i l i . l i i l i . l i i<Mii| f - . Imihui,. .| " " I I I ) , nii-alH, l o i l ^ i i i i ; li(jlil.» i inil lui-l. '

T u l l U n t i!i!ii;(.jt i K j i i i 111 'f^s (,, 1 I, III. Kiir tijS! h i f n n a a l l u n ! , . . i i in,t i - . n , j n i i i

l i i r - . -^nd tti l i l . " , W I Mt.M A N • ' t l i lMl \ InilrniHi.i " I i|.. l'":n'ii

B i i t t r i c k ' s P a t t o n i s o i m N i m o o i ^ M .

I ' o r l < n d l p H % HImmcii ' u n i t 4 i i i l < l r < ' i i n ' U n r m < < i i i | H , i t i t ( I U ^ n t > M l ' i i t l t > r w r n r .

O u r r u N l i l u i i C a t a -

l o i ; u « u m l l « ! « 1 I V f i t s

t t I t i i m i l < l l r < > < ' - I

t l u U N l l O W (<» I H k < -

i t i t ^ i i N i i r t s

A , O O O « II I IS

l n ( « > H f M t ) t « > m t r -

I I U M i l N U N t i l l ) n I M

l o o k \ i i i f i t m a i l t - .

I' liil l i u t n u - i i o n * o n n i i ' l i iniHi rn A.lilii'Wf

I t . M f , t K ' i .

a 5 l . S f < ' « i ) i | .Mi-Iti|>hl>.. I . III. .

M A K Y B H A ^ B P COJLLMQ^ W l n f ! l i i > M t « i - , T c i i i i .

" T I I K W O M A S I ' H I ' N I V K H N I T Y O f T H K M U V V M . "

W i l l o o n i r , » . i n i t M l « T w ( ! i a y - i d » i | l i A i u i « i i I H « w t « n H « i i » t M u l « ( i - 1 1 1 , i s t j j . . . r . i , , I l o i ! n r K . o r o i i R i i i M ' f w ' o t i n » u t n ! l ( m . . . r . « l v , i i i i a ) f i « < , t i , . { , " " ^ " ' ' l l m l u i i

l A M i - T i . i . n r i t . i u Y i

'{ '• ' v r > , I'rivHlilt'ul, rrofiHUMir >if M m i i a l i t i id .Mdrul I ' l i l l i n u . i . i . u . , „ i t ,

A n i ' i t i i l IKi i ikuuki ik . A . T . i i .AHtirtT, I ' l o i i f w o r i»l Mi4ilii. 'inutU'«. < . I-. I ' rKMiii-.Mi.K.v, l ' i ( i f , ' v « ) r ( ' l i i ! t « H ! U ' y rtuil .M'Ulwi i U i i i n m i a . ' * .Mtm. U i i ^ V K H A . M . M i i t j o t i , IT( . fe«w»r()I I t l i H i i r U - m * ! K n i i l M r * . A . I''. V a . n lltMifii-, I ' l l i n n i j i l i i i i ' i m i i i t o i y U o i m i i i t i t i n i , ' MKIINII I . iK jd . i i i ) , . ,

i 'M<-iili,« III " r i i i . i c .

( { 1 4 3

N . (I. - A r , \i;>-iii w u i i i i d III , \ ,.| t, I,

. F. r i f i n i i M ' l i l . i u , I ' n u l t l i i i i . Mrif. M A . H i o i i n e , A w i l s l i i n i .

o i t . \ . i i i r . \ I i S. U i m u . • M i « , M. 1-. V i l l i iumw., .

I l i i ' ^ l i a i t j i m y i n n m i i i y n m l i i T a . l i o m d ii 'diii-. . ,! 1(1 S.i.rti |v,.,- ,v,-,.K . « ! t h It, l o i i n d ' r i i l l l . . n In • |,i,j i i i . i n t l i .<1 ( „ n i vv.-, i.H, iiiiil i n i h . , I ' l i i . i . i r j Iii^u.ibi !,,r i l i . . h'.ui, 1 I in. '14i i i l . , i i i ,d ,Mui.|r l>t i i , . r i i i i . nli i l i t . , e l l i i k , !. . . • n i f . i i , tu ). 11,^.1

VII (H'OlK 111 llil- I l l U l l l l I Mill w i l l til' (>l<llll|illl Mild ..lISi I i«liilii,{ii;-»-iiLi i i i f o , 1,1 111,.,, i m i i K t i . ii M TJ

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M e d i c a l D r f i a r l i m ' i i l o l ' M i c

S O O T H W E S T ' N B A P T I S T U m m i f f :

] n t ' i i i | » l i i M , T < ' n u .

S c N s i o n l u ' t ; i i i s ( h i , I , i s j s .

C l o s i v s M i i r c i i I , I S / ! i .

O F " - A . O X j ' f ' - S T :

W . 1; , i t 4 i < ; i : i ( s . >1. i > . i ' t o W d t i r uf t 'Urj;i-ry, < Imlnnl umI ii|,..t.i1

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h . f . n A I > l t l .V. M . I> .

I'rofiMit.r of Tlii'iir^ »i,il P i a i i i r c <,i M, .!;,!

r . I , . M M , M .

I ' r i j f . n o r of <>l.»tt l( < >.

H . <J. i i i : . > . M . \ ( j . i>.,

I'riifi.-«u>r iif .UinK.ii.y 111 .1 iirlli,.|,i,.,H -

w . .1. A i m - T i t o . M . . n . K . . rro'piiiiiir ol r i , j i,ii.i.,p_v I ,1 I'i...,.., II,

i i i ; i i ] : i c . i o \ o . . I 'r , ' f .« . r w Un.Mii, . I T „ j ,1 „ „ . . , i„ . , t ,

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-.•iiiliii . i i i tinil n i l 1,11'-. i m i . i i . . mil l n-dnl iU. n f.

Ill iii 1 I. I'. Hum-,-, lli-l -n i i r i l i . \ v i - i i i i i . I j i i i l s v U I . - , K v . ,,|ii IK .H, j i i . n i i i i T I n l . i m M h l i - i i ' d B V iiil.-i,-du<-!,.vy ii c d i i i - t i . v lIUHiiliis. l ' n . i i i | . | i i l t i ' i id-ui-r, U i 1111,1 i r l in i I . Xi 'J!t I.i

r i i i N i t o o k ' » t u i f u ( < ' i « i i t » o „ .

I I K U l . i i i ( h , . v ^ , . | » , . i i „ , i „ K .

T i n : I J I H L i : I M M ' T U I N K

n r TIIK

Middle Life; itr

1 1 1 , • 111 •i-l' l i t i i l

X l U ' l l w-li

11, i i i i i i i ; t . . i .




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W l i f . - i i . T i u i , ! U ll.,<iii

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u eIir«n-i»).1-I,<r»-I tenHi (. i i i i i l ^-.iiiiini i,i«i o» tnr-r u rml- t . Iho C l o u R l l R at i nl n j i P r O D « * a , »nJ . , i.LAi.n l. r mii.* !(..>.a.. !1)' ijTi (,t,.(,,•«, f/„ ojTnwiM „ J'M-Iili.,!- r-1 s-rijhitm jt ri-iKiiti/. nnd a iyroii . !{.itii.-d tl.At Iie.lsa tru-i^i on d(2i»inirti Jjrv:*. l.rr-il.ra «.tl. f,»li I . . . • . - n i „d diiilM'ati'yi,

, I). C l o u ^ A \ I :ii

,r> «.t!. f„l i R e t i n l i n ; C c n i p a n y , t ' lunuimi,

• i>\v

Ij.-: M B •ii


I (itily Hi N i a v l i . , l i iCUlM . liliil yli-i

Ni . . I N - S n i l , I ' l i i l . 1. 1,1 - l,,I „ i , ,M..,-|,1,, I '••I, , r~ I,r,.l \ l i - i i ' S 1

.MHohitif-, i i i r i ' i t f r i i i u ' i i i i- i i l i i -ni liiiw v e n i i . . . \ t i i i r l i i i i i i M s . mi l l rc-1 f^|,fpl.il l!l|l..« K l v i ' i i

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. 1 . I t . i i . n i t K I I , -Ml St . ..11,1 Ut., .M<'||(|iIiIm.

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t l i l . l > . It H r) , !'lit,rui!i, y n i,d 11

I I . I I H , t ' . I>.. pI,tfi;ili-tol..^v iti-.-l w,,.

I t . A f ! . . .Vi,


n. : i> < . 9 1 : -if,11.1.1 r.-il 1

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il«wl iSlttJi i i •«-

• U K V \ ) 5' S n V W l M V ' l i S ! . : !

. . - M V - O 3 - ! 0 V 3 3 H J L , ,

Wi.U,. ,,( 11,1. drti i l I1..IM,.,.,, ,| , . ,„ , „ '1 ! . . - M i n . , - | i i i , , I f u l l |.:x|,.«i, ' - l i i i l l l i . i l , m 11 .(-n w i l l , t i ,„

1 t - i i M i i o ! N e w V o i k . lllr.-ctKiii. . , " • ' " "I'll ilfimiii»triiii.

i i i iK 111, M i l l , i M i f U i . . ill j . a r l . . d l.iivi, i iml i l , 1 ii , •111 Wi l l i m.-iiluriiM.- A i v K m l l i m m *

J . I t . <iirii«<>H, I , f . . n . , Ki l i l / . r iif Till.- l U i T l s r . Ml i i ir . ldx.Ti n u .

r i i i i i i n i . m i i j T i t K lt .\i-n!sT UnnK iim-sF. M»-iiiiiiiih, r i ' i i i i . iiiniii. ii<r;i. i>n i ; . ' I ' l i c i , ; , i i i,iii»i, ii^ iiittii . r i i l H ill H l a r . i iKiiiti, ( inu s l i w i l d lie r i w l l>y

iM-i r v KHiI,. r c t td iT , i i i id ti>ii,-t!l«lly liv ,111 n i l i i K t c r i c It liiiH r i i ' t ' lv i . , ! I lu , l i m l W c o i n -Im i i d i i l l o n n T o m is>,vi,i«l ot Uki lln.t ^eliolarii >1 t l u . 1 a l o i i . D r . A l v a l i Hovi ,>,| ,n,KWeri i o f - N c w K i n Tl iMiUntlci i l H c j u i n i i r v , Miih.k-i-liii».'ltH, KiiyH. Ill (I l e t t e r l o t l ip i i u i l i o r ; -

" I l i i iv i , n i i d v o i i r v n l i i m c , ~ ' l l i o Ilililn iHH'trli i i , lit till- .Mlddli ' I.H.., wHIi imicli (11-pTi-Mt iinil ii|-ol!i I w i u i K i f M l l v liUpr.i)ii<,#l In y i n i r IvhI m K p l r l t n n l l H j i i ; iiiiil I tJiliife y m i r v U ' w ' o t it niiint In-mii i f t l . '

I ' r . U ' l i . v i iu id , ( d i K i r o( l l u . I M , l a y n . o t 11 • —

" W'l- I m v p ri'iid l>r. t ivKviM 1. ai-umin.nt n m j n r o MittJilUil w i t h I t ; ln> l i a m l l c d IiIk iiulijfot ttlily Iinil 111 (I C l i r H l l i i i i s f i i r l r ; hi 'In mi old ( d m m i i l i . i i n i l thiH l l idd of ImiHIh. 'i'lid i;H)|i-d o c u l m - 1,1 t h i n i i i l d d l f l l l o Is f l n i r i y »tJil«tI In llH.i n m o l l u huiidri . ' i l p i i g c K o r tlii? voJuniii:

NHllutial i lap-

t h e r«'Kt o f Ihi ! I x i o k Is i i i iu l . ' i in o f miU>!ishow-Ii iu w i i a t u x t u p m i d i i o i i R f r u u d niid fuliwhiHH! Hjiirl l i iHllHtii In."

T/lf* t/imL nr .Im r,o A i i K M i i «

I I I .


lt(>> i l l

I. \ M l

l : < l i ( l i i i i .

W. i > . . i : . n m i r A i s . I l l i l l ) III 111), i i K . ' i i l . j ,

u m c i ' , ; ; » M j l u S i r i i - . ' . n i . r l iiii.n, .Mvi, i-lni.,

Tim I'pw ('(ilkKC fii i l l i l l-K l i r i i l i i t i i j l.'iil.iii A v -oiiui', i iiim.iDat.-ly 111 f r u u t iif lli.. M nil,- »iiil J l f i i i p In U i n I k i . i ' i i a , . I , ,, „ v l , | „ I « i II II II.-M t i m r y rdiiiforti. iiikI i m i h i iiJ..i ,., « |i,r ktinlci ! i unil ti'Hclitfii.

l>iir i i l i l u t III liii ' iiijiu! 1,1, , 11,» (loniiitnl l « t « Klvi, • t inl i iitii lliiiniiij( , f i i - t r i i i l i n n n i tli.-I,..i! • hie. d l n l i i i wil l In- l.i.|,| iliir|ii|{iIn, i i i l l r .


o i - NI i i o o j i .

Mmrlt 'ulntloi i Ki-i> II.'iiioniilrH'iir n T l r k . t ! i "'iiiti-iiri.rii' T k l i n , ( h i l l riiiiiiii,)

'I « -

iilll>t-I-, 111,1-

UiKilimtliin V Kur riitli i- liilotiii i|,

K«i- It . 11, iiiMri'ii« till

i nil Ill 1 11 .',0 I It -•!., Ill,

HillII 111 1 ,'

B U , R N I I A M ' S


' ' A b o , M I L I I K 9 M A C I I I M E R Y ;

PHICES reduoed A P R . 2 0 , ' t s . r u m p l i l o t i t n o . O m c K , T o i u t ,

V x i 'JfiMl

p A U I I A l i K X T M w i l d Hl i i inp ' o r " ( h i r Vy I ' l i n r i i f " - " U u y , III

l l l o nf H|.i-(.>lnn!iin.' . Inr

I ' i l l l r t l i r l N ' , 1,1 A \ l ;i(i

a w i . c k 111 y o i u (IWII t o w n . T i T i n m i n i l t r w i . H , l l A t i L W r r A L O . ,

i r l l a u a , M « , 11 lu l a HI


Ml|.<l<'lll I ' l t l l l l D ' l .

' i ' l l lhllli 14 S o i l l l s Kiir-J^,-n'M .i^iintfM

•S ' l i l ibe l i "» I l iuidi ' l ' i iSi ic i- i . i l HdiiiiN ... I t K l i n j i ' s s.iiijjH ,S i i l l iv i in '* K o h h s . . . . .Mit!lov'« 8011K.1 OII'iMiliiieirH f^iim.s H i r l t o l i e a n d IIiim' .'<<III({S f ^ ' i l i l l i y ^ tii;w H o n s . . .. r i 11 r 11II - r«i K i c r , 1 Mo 11 KM. -


, o ! .N • 1-:


h ' ; A IS

1.V . I


1 ; i '»i Kill. i t x r .

I ' n . M A i i o n - n 6 B i M — - L " . . . I I E W B O O K , H

In'..lii* nil* ralnrui, i^e t'orul^i* AutSof r-f .S'lmir •V tne IliniK r-.t'r.ir« wuh ti»,4 m l i.hrilliii« for,-. l

1. llllil»:vi!j. |,il.'-n«i, UllUilli itrii l l ln M«ifwiJi.| ttn JliW-.^itsi.L. -»itl till,! tl,n lI.iolt »iOi Iif iit«rlillBi(U,(ili«t,H. iil„>-|11< tijl». l»j>iiir,iJ l.mM?inri. Kinl rii-li Madiiiti. (Ii> Iml 111 11.. luMk.i 7r>r»»» l.ilH^nl, VIrculiirm rrtv

* l-C M c C U n O Y i C f ) . . S t L o u l s . Mu. \ i :il XII h 1-1 nv

K i i i l i u l i ] l i i i i t a i .> l i i h t i l i i i c .

T l M ' S e h o o l fill l i i i j a Iiu.l Mill l lK l l l e l l . ;!l(li v e a l t iei- l i i i In s , . | i | , . n i l n ' r . Sl.x i i i i l e « o u t ol F i n n l t f i r l . .\,ldri"i«i,

I ' t l S T A D J U r VN r , K i i n n d a l e I'. O , K y

l i r . I ' a t t o n . . ' d l l o r o l t h f l U a p t l s l W e e k l y , N o w \ o r k , m i y N ;

" r i i lK v o h u i i e iH l i i t e n i l i ' d to tiui't t l i i n r -r o r s i i i t<«c<U,ii lHirKlanl«m a n d SS|ilrltl»ni. hr. ( i i a v i ' N lioldst, o n ai i I ' x a m i n u t l o i i nf Hi'VcrHl I i a i M - a u m o f i S M l p M i n ' , t l i a t ' n o Miliit hiui ytil nM'( inded I n t o I ie i ive i i . a n d Unit It l u e v l d i f m t h a t n o K i n n e r Iuim y e t l e^i i i id i ' i l In hull, a n d l h a t i i a r i u I K e U in iii.siei>, Hiid not In l i O H V e m , ' a n d Is ' a lillUHliil p l i ietMif le ini i i i rary r.nst u p i i o l n U u l t o t h e n i c i i d s o f I'lirlht lo en-j o y l i e l w e t i n d e a t h a n d rcHsi ire inlon. ' Kroiii t i l l) atiHWer o f A l i r u h i i m l o i d v u s , It l i th f id l iy t h u a u t h o r t h a i t h e d e . , d cai i i iot <i>iii-i n u n i n i K ' w i t h t h e l l v l iii m 11 wil iy tliprctiiir-r i ' i ' t l o n o f t ln i lM)dy T h e i e a r e i imi iycoi i -Hideriitlon.H In thlit o i i ia l l vo l i i i i ie that tlm adviH-nH'c o f H p l r l t l m i i w i l l f i n d It very illlH-i n i l t l o o v e l e o m e , w h l l i - It w i l l ti(« riiinid niik-ai-BtlVH t o a l l w h o h a v e n o t m) hii i fotypet l l l i e i r vIewH o l d i v i n e thliiK-s t h a t l l i c y ftre

iiirini-i «ihiiicr,.,| MoiiKM. , . c Mil l l i i i n d i e d H Id oUmt-.H, a l i iM^Huilftiiry | II i i l n i e i l . .Heiid l o r f u l l c H t n l o u u e .

A XI i! .vll U U l i i

•Hlnlo«ue .

-11 U n i o n K i i n u i e , .N.

r o 3 1 A K 1 : H I O N 1 : 1 l i - i iwinl ly a n d f a « t . a K e n l « Htiottld i i d d r w

I I.HI.KV, 11AIIVKV .» C J . , A l h i i i t a , u n . HI vi II III e l w

' ' " " ' ' " ' " " I " * l i i ' l l l t P , W i t h n n m c

iNiiwtmi, N . y . Y o l m 5 1H,'i

Aii!III»(.i Ffuialc SctniDary, Slaimluii , Va.

T h o InrtjeM l lMtc lnMi l u s t l l i i l l o i i f o r y o t i n a

. r n ' T ' . ' ^ ' J ' " ' ' ' " ' ' . ' " ' " '"Nl w e d . M i ' l d e i i i h r, imit, i i m l e l o H m i h o

IIMI W e d i i i i M h i y 111 . I t ini ' J.STd. K«ir nt . ta-

i i n a l i h ' t o reoelvi. i a n y in-w o p l n i m i nf truth. ' W'e Hhoii ld h e i i x e i ' i d l i i K l v ( jn i l l l l ed I f e v e r y

r e j i d l i i K . t h l n U l n n m a n a n d e d p e c l a l l y every _ n i l i i U t e r H n d H a l i h a t h - N o h o o l t e a e l i e r would

/ i I l / 1 1 V i . , i i i e l l i . . l . e « n . v t r n i l 1 p r o f i i r o thlN iHiok, u n d ( l U n It « fiin-rtil WATERS'

V W i i i e t h e h e « t e v 4 ; r | » | 4 ' " n m d e . w i i r n i n t - 1 I ./I

ai-K. l ' I A . \ « N , 7 ( M i t i i v e , J l i - ) , . J M o l w , J I 7 j I »to|i», r m

; T Htops, 10 Htopi , is-.' l i lRtnpit . A l l In p e r f w t . o r d e r , n o t l ined a

e d f o r 5 veai 'd t i iv . . , »KI 7 - t o i w , JIW

f i i h l i y e a r . Hlieet i m i s l e a t h a l f j i r l e e . H e n d lor l l l i i H t r a t e d e a t a l o H i i e H . l l l l K , t < < K W A T I C K M A N O X N , . M a n i i f a i ' t i i r e r N n n d Dei i lero , KhnI 1 I th l i t r e c t , .New Y o r l t . x l XII d o

Mim y e a r , a n d v o t i w i l l l i iKiriiol yotiriMiti, a n d n o t r i t i r e l ' t lui o u t l a y A d d i e w i nil o | . d i Tli t o 'rii<< l l l i i i l l H l I t o o k l l o i i i i r .

Moiiipli l i i .Ti ' i in.

l l l > V * > ] V 0 1 ' 7 - » h o l r o v o l v n r , l i t , » U 1 » I I J ' I t u ; w i t h h o x c n r t r l d i i e i i . . \ r l d r e w . . ) . l l o w N .V H o n , VM iitiil l;W W o m l Ht., I ' l t i B i i i i i K h , I ' l l . X x i 2 7 : m


ELASTIC TRUSS ilM • r u dllr>riii< fhim al I ollitn, H <a|ilhar*, villi h i t Ailjiiallllil Hall l l taawr, ailaiiu llwlf to All ol lha t,.wlf. wklla iKa - • •

i S H u e i i i x

iir M u » t n c h e li> i iri iao on l l l j aBKHlllMt •» » WHISKERS!

m - m t B O T T L E F R E E . ^

laU. It auj-, ilaralilo i i„ f ehaap. Haal li/ mall. Clnulara

E g g l e t t o n T r u s s C o . , C h i c a g o , III . , A XI t f l x l l .1

A t h i i i t i i P a p e r M i l l s ,

A l l n n l n , U n .

I I O O H , M 2 W H A M * W R A I * -

P l I V i ; P A P I i l l ,

A 1 . 1 . M I Z t M A N » W K I U l l - r a . o r P K t i : 4 8 , i m o A D HT., A T I . A N T A . Ai l ( l r«>Mi J A M I W ( U i n u N n , l > r « | > r l i > l < i r .

I t o f u n i to t l i ln Imuo iiii a H p e c l i i m i i o f lilN

B U C K E V E f i e L L O U T i W r . S . l . b l l . h t i l 111 1M7,

Biipaiw llfU.sl OXV" " " ' HT'cTrriVlJ

ar/Hwl., farmt, '<»'", t W ' S J . J J i , J a n . . mmr r/»,-i<.«' " V ' S



p a p e r . i i s u i a a

( i J l E A T O T W

m a l i i l H l i i o u r i ionlMoii i w t h o "f m o s t r f l l n l i l P l iotiMi In t ' " ' " ' ' ' ' i l l , ' " i L ^ d l o tllniiOTo o l o u r iiK'Hoiit Htock O f f ^ i n e w » i

h « i i d i M s l r t i m i M i i H o f " ' " i f i r J ^ ^ e l t i d l i i K W A T K H f l ' a n d

o f UilK K r c n t o B V r . m i d i e m J ft^wti^ n t o n o o . l l O K A 4 ? K W A T l i l W * ^ K M t U t h NUMit, N o w Y o r k . « ' ^ " "

J o s . C o o k ' s J ^ e c t o r e s .

I N r i l B E K V O L I / M E S .

u i o u M j y .

T r a i i w o n d c i i t n l l s i u .

With i ' ' -u .de«

( > I I T » 0 J ) ( ) X Y , r.;nui

Ui-v r 11 K p i i i g e o n t h e e m l l e n l Hii|iIIh| i . n i K l i e r o l l ,niidii) i , ICtiKland Hiiyh; ' - T t i l « ' I t l e ^ e i y w o l l l i l - r l u l I . .T . tme«. U e I,i,,ii,ti.iil for i i i l n l n « 1IP«U1,'I1 a e h i i i i i i i l i i n tor

u m i l h K K . h ' x - p l ' V ' " ' " - I-.Vii TliiMHli'ie I ' a r k e r , a n d t h a t i-Iukn nl t«bell. verH, II'" -Mr. f o o K hi is d o i n - . l l n h a «

IttimK ••o! iv lc l lo i i» , l!>" ( o n r i . « e nl Ills e o n -vVctI m s . u n i l tiir<;p t . i m i p p o i t h i N c o i i n i K e . In

p u n y luivi- h e r e m e t i M r i i i i i tch W o Hiunv o | 110 o i l i ' T m a n nil ha l l HII « e l l q i i a l i n e d tor t h e p e c u l i a r

w rvio'- o f c x p l o i l l n B tin- p r e t i tmloi- . -nt nio.1-Ctii w . ic i i ce a« t l i l i K i e n t p r e u e l i i r In w h o m all l iostiin U iirJoleiUK.'

" W e k n o w ol n o i i n i n t h a t 1" d n l n u m o r e n, (lay t o nhDw t h e i-eaKonirlih-ni-Mt n f i hrlH-tliiiiltv a n d iliK i n i r e i i « o i i a l > l e i u - h of i inli it-II,f iiin- d o w e k n o w of a n y o n e w h o In (loli'iKlt w l t h i i l i i ' l i I id i i i l r i i l i le t o l e i a n c e , y e l illlllll/ltle l n t e l l , ^ l l y . " • VVi/- IiKlr/initlenl.

K U I i e r o f t h e i i l i o v e lioidtK m-iiI, |lo^l p i i l . l , ,1! 'ri-celpl o f t h e l i n e - , l iy

r i i e l l i i | i l i i > l l l o i i l i l l o i i N e , .N e i n p h l H , ' I v i i n .

h H ) l i S A I

\ Hi a - s h i ' i e Hi n i d e i i e e a n d n r : i n « e 1 i r i i s , i i e a r l U - t u n Mpiln(j«. .Mliw.

I o r . S a l o o n L l l M r i i l T<thih. T h e t r i i e l < ' O i i t f t l n s , ' i 0 0 B e r e « . l u o s t l y l i o n v y

UiiilM'i.'d. T h e I m t i r i m ' m e n l H l ire h a n d s n m e iiiiil (iiiliHtiiilMul, e o m p r U l m j n tli-Nt e l a s « l i o i i s e . e o m p r i K l i i K K l x rooiiiH, t w o IihIIk. imeU lUiil f r o n t stalKrlen, k l t t d i e n , s t o r e r i " i i n i a m i i - i w e l i , fo*W h n u ' « ' s , s t j ihUi a n d n hi i ise l i a r n . •I'h.i |ilaeti> i H S t o e k . i d w i t h a v a n e t v o f m i l l , madi a s A p p l e n . V c a r N . KIks, .Miil lH-rile». l 'eaeli.«i, a n d ( i r a n n e J i ; w i t h a v a r i e t y o l l ) r n a i i i e n ! a l H l i r i l t j l w r y . a l " o » t i n e MiMipp.'r-iidim i i r a p e r y l h a t l i v e r y p r o i l i i f t l v e . I h e r e l«(ili>o In I h e v i e l n l t y i i m p l e r i i i ine tor t h o u -wiiid.Hof h l i e e p a l i d e i U t l e , T h e kIoi-U o n l l i o p l a c e , w i l l be Kold w i t h It. If d e H l r e d ; a l « o t h e f i i r i i l t i i re , e t c . T h e l l H h l n « a n d h i i l h l U K prlvlIeKeK o f " O n k l a w i i " a r e v e r y Irne. T h e pliu>v' l ion w i t h i n o i i e - l u i l f m i l e o f t h e < h a t -t«ii(M>xii t l m l r i ) i u l , n n d H e p a r a l o d f r o m D e e a i i HiirlngH h y Kort l l a y o i i . a n a v l i j a h l e B l i v a m . l ur pa-rtlctilarN, l i i n n l r e 011 1 h e p r e m l w n of

.Miim. , I . M . U D l t K i n x .

W e h a v e v l B l l e d IhlM p l a c e , a n d e s l e t i m It liy far. I l io n n w t d e n l r a h l o 1111011 1(11' f o i w l foi-t h e d n n h l e p u r p o f i e o f u H l i e e p a n d H l o e k Ui imdie , w h i e h In v e r y n r o l l t i i h l e , a n d i i n i i i f t i iK" p l a i i t i i l l o n . i t w i l l h e r i i m u i i e r a t l v e f r o m t h o llrnt y o i u ' . - K u . IIai'TIht. 11

( ! S J H 5 5 l r ? t l f t » r « i . V l » t - l < > » l . low.ptlcul. warrmnw •1, Cauloiua •nil lOOlMllmrmlall. l-Wfi. «>?; ; •" , ' ' " ' • n B l c m y e r M n n u f a o t u r l n a C o . , c m o u i M t i . o .

A x l li Xll « e o w

' aM • '

1 I I I I K ) p r k - e s . W a r w i t h i u o - V I m I H ' i i o p o l l H l rei iowiHl " " H.>(l ' n o p o i l l l l r i ' n o w e * l , r w e

D c n t l y ' d l i itesi N e w n p a n e r f o r f u l l r e p l y N o i i t f r p r . I teforn h t i y h i K PIHIIO o r O r K n n r e a d m y la tent c l r e i i l a r . l l e a l l y ' i i e B l e b r a t e d I ' l a i i o n inid OruaiiH, h e a u t l l u l l i i N t n n n e i i l H ! C h a l -idtiuii c o m i i a r l K o n ! I t lvulH a r u J e a l o t m (d m y Kiii'C<>wi! .Mont NUceeKNiul houH«< In A n i e r l o n t ' o n i i i i n n o e d tt f e w yearH n u o w l l h o n l 11 d o l lar. Matin n o w n e a r l y I2,(l00,()a) a m i m i l l y . U i w e n t p r l e e l i v e r g i v e n . K l e g i i i i l I l o s o w o o i l I'lniioH $ 1 3 1 ) , l i M t o p ( . 'ht irvl i O.-kihih H I i n . T r e i n c u d o i i H li . iruali iN n o w r e a d y A d -

W n W a i l '

A i t r n l i i W i i i i l n l


$15 WITCHES I o u r llli h u fcfni n^

r H v « d ' f V u i ? t a t i l l ' c , {i»!Mln7oi'irttire<l'u» t p ' t f e i t l j ' iiniirove ' 1 W * ! ' i t * , W e l i i v c l w e n en»bleil t<> dn flilii, owh^* Ai^I!!

W « t f U tlji linn

, I t c u i not l » I

ni i« -'. l U v l i i j exc lua lve contrul <if tlila

I fr.im Ml ^ jned f rom wiy <. . (III.I liMiiravml B l l v e r l lui i t l i iK Aiui'rii-iiii Wntoli . full)-

' V i q u s l U j r 4uU «• It e o r r e c t tlliii 'keeiier, lir n u l l , iBKli.f

T i n.msn'l n Uliflut t d v w t c l i i K t h e Ijf Iw.

iTll q u a l l t r 411U «• It e o r r e c t tliiu-lieeiier, tij-

•i l i lrtW, AT OlMi HthK. on r e c e i p t of imreii _ili,ihiir!i fiilJMe Wall-w<rr«iittf<l M

M i i n n y iVatii for i w i t o R e ; or l.y"' Jtireiw. w i t h Mil liM.illect 011.1 l i v e r y of wsH'h, s i i t i jref U.eMiiiiliiitll(.ii_(lf iU«li . iU lii-fetn |,;i> liii,-

. I; Mime) in»>'!« keiil r j f i ' Iy »)y rejiI >ler, .ir i i j ( 'xnreH. f iarT«iiw lllur,lr(it.'il f r h ver Watr l l rr mill I'lmliM for I.ailli K, ( i i i i t l i iiwii, or lki)ra k«iil, 11 i-t <il

iffli'ii llieill V- e, tht lif llillit ttll'l Ml-

' " ^ " " " ' " T . - r . I I A U N E S & I l l U ) . . S ! i Ki'.a B t w t , t i t . CSk t i l Ttb, LnUrUis, X;,

(liy .H»ll)


B R A T T L E B O E O , V T .


S s j i g ^ ' B L A C K a f E L l ' l i a S

L f H l L A D t l P f l l A .

• P L E A S U R E ,


IN THE WORLD I I l l u i t l i - M t m l C ' l x U i l o u i u M i H o n t l ^ r

,ll HiW

rinipi a4«>K

J ^ M L B C I C T J E L L S C O J D f i R H f l M N . C ,

D A L ' I . L E L T F C O T T O N G I N S . I ^ i ' i c ' c I l e < l i K ' c d .

«l! l< l-X \T MI- M l ' l l l H - I ' l . S I N M W l N t i l N U - l l i i ' . M t i l N S . S . I . V A H A W l f H | i r i i « e i l • ' l i e o l . l H U i l e a ' W e i i i v . i „ „ iii i n n f a e t i t l In^ 1 h - . e l l , . . ' . ,

A W l l w i i i I ' a l . - n t M J i i i » n d l l i i M v r - f . . w i t h l i i i p r i . v e m e n t n . T l i l K m > l . t h e i i i - K l f.u h u l l oi lii d l v l i n k e d e.itt ' ^^ M a U w . W e e u l l a p e m l u t t . i i i t l « n H. o u r H e x o l U , . * : l l e i i . l l i V l V l itVil t i l l . U ' d vlei i l i n e v e r l i r e a k 1 1 . - l o l l , a n d s a v e « p e r ei i i l i n o r . l i n t t h i i n ot h e r ( i l n i . « m r W l i i n . U l » » i « r r i i i i l e < l . , , , , ,

C i i n d i ' i i s v r s . K e e d e r a n d I ' l e w e i i o n h a n d . u r d e r H wi l l i l t e d .

P i ' a 1 1 G i n C o . ,

3 1 i I V u X T o I t s , A a 1 : I S 4 M » < O T r <» \ r a « i o n s

: t M F l o a t . S I r c o l , - - :»I« n i | i l i l H , T « i i s i . \ i .W I ' .

A c j i : \ T . s n i \ ' a r , i > r o i i

W e s t e r n A V i l d s

•Mow U(>n<ly.

T I I K O U A n I T I I I i f U f i i l l l n i V A( i l lKVEMKNr>4 0K H a n U l l l l l l J •

A f u l l h l n l q r y o f h l » o x p l o r a t l o i n In A l r l -CA,tind m i i r v e l o U H J n u r i i e y d o i f t i I h o t ' o t i K O , " T h r o n s l i t l i n n n r k ( ' o n l l i H > i i i . " I l i o inihl lc a r u e i i B e r l y a w i i l t l i i K t h l i . iHjok. U Is nf m u t c l i l e B H l n t o r c H l , r i c h l y l l l u s t r f t l e d , l o w J i rk i t l n n d w i l l otdl w l t l i o i i l n i i u n i l l p l , K m ful l d u n e r l p t l o i i n n d l e n i i r i , artdreiw

A x t IK x l l IH N . I). T H O M l t l O N * C O . . Ht. liOtllN, Ml).

T o H t o c k M e n & F a r m e r s .

T O M € n i J T C I I F I E I . » ,

" A n M ^ l n , " u c n r i ' l i n l l n n o o i r i t , T « n H ' . ,

l l r w t l e r o f l l i T k n h l r o Hnipi rtnd t . ' o t u w o l d K l i c e n , IbtlNCN m i l l hiu< f o r iuiU>tlu t h e i r Neu-m n , W l i i U < r ( J r a i l n K U n t , n i i d l l i o IUhI K t u i l I ' n M f O u t . T h e f o r m e r b u l u g l o u g Htru^r W«n i i t t t m l t o l l K l i t t h i n l a n d ; t h e l a t t e r o l •Uort t t r a w , b e t t o r n u l l e d (br N t r o n s l a u d .

B e r k s t i l r u P t g i , a t o 8 i n o n h U o l d , e n o l i , 110. " " 4 t o o " " " 116, •< l l m n f l Hnnia. I.rful . n a n l i . Mn «n >r/l.

A i K i i l i e M e n w h o I t c i l e c n i I h e i i i .

A l l a n t h e n t l e . N a r r a t i v e , e m h r a e l i i K a n a e . <•011111 111 Keveii Vein-H' t r a v e l i ind a d v e l i l i i r e 111 t h e l'"iir We-.t ; w i l d l i f e In A r l / . o n i i ; p, rllM of t h e pli'.liiH: l i t e 111 I h e e a n o i i n n d d e a i l i 'Hi di iM-rt; t h n l l l i i K ineiieM a n d l o m a n t l e i in-j-i lei i lN 111 t h " l i v e s nl w e s t e r n p i o n e e r s ; n d -v e i i l u r e H i i i i i i i n i j I h e r e d a i i ' l « l i l t e m i v i i g e s o f t h e Went , a l u l l a e e i m i i t o f . M o i i n t a l n .Mi-dow .Mawiacre ; I l i e C i i n t e r d . f e i i t ; l i f e a n d d e i i l h 01 H r l K h a n i \ o i i i iK, e t e . T i m fa«ti;st Bidlln;,' h o o k e v e r o f l - n d t o a a e i i l H . A l l o o K l o r H a . S e n d liir l l l i K t r a t e d t ' l r e i i l i i r » a n d l e r m K .

j o \ i . N , i i i i o r i i i . i i N A r o . . i > i i i > i i « i i -• • r * . r l n e l i i n a t i . r t i l l n d i - l p l i l a a n d l h le i iBo.

Xl ' i ' -17

A r k a n s a s a n d T e x a s

S h o r t L i n e ,


M o i i i p l i i s i L i t t l e R o c k U . l t

« • « > ! * w r i o . - v < 0 . n i > l , K T K I

O a l y l » l r < T ( a l l U a l l U o i i t c l o ;

L l t t l c ! K o e k , K e n n p t t , N e w p o r t , H o t HprltiK», ' A r k n d e l p h l a . K n l t n n , T e x a r k a m i , , Ief lerHon, , Hhruv. . -port ,» l i i rHhal l , I / i n * v l e w , Dnl l f t s .Hl ier . 1 m a n , OoiihIboii, I ' a l e H l l n o , H e a r i m . W a c o , H o n A t o n , K l c h u i o i i d , K n a l o I / i k n , ( . o l u n i l n i K , , W u l i n a r , H e h i i l f i i h u r K , H i i U n i l i i , H a r w o o < l , i l . , u l l n g i H a u A u l o t i l n u u d (JhIVOHIuU.

A m i n i l l i i l r r i i i r t l l n i n I ' o i i i l N I n T c x n i * ' i t n i l A r k n i i N o n .

l l l r e r t e o i i n w t l o t i In t h e uni i io d e i m t n l ! M t t U i lt'«-iH w i l l ' t r a i n s N o r t h i i n d H o i i l h , o n , C a i r o a n d K u l t o t i r a i l r o a d , , „ , . I

I 'aiweMKer* rc'iioli , I n f k « o n i w i r l a n d JlaleH-i v i n e v i a N e w i i o r l i Hei i roy v l u K a i m e t t ; I ' l t u i ; l l l n l t v i a l . l l l h ' U o c U ; a n d C ' l u r u n d o i i a n d ^ A n a m l a v i a D r l n k l o y .

K m tMimii d e p o t rtt ArKf i i iHi w i t h IniliiM oi l Utll<> llo*'>« » " ' • ' • " ' • t H i n l l l l l U i l l w a y for , iV-wlitl inrn, Uukho1IvIIII>, D i i r d i i n e l l f , Cl i irkH-l l l u ' V a n b t t r t i n , K o r U i ' H i n l t h , o t c ,

• • i i l l i u i t l i ' N I ' l i l n r n N I r c n I i i K O r * o n n i l ' N i K l i t ' r r n l t i i i .

v t i r o i i B l i f r o m l . l l t l f i R o c k l o f j o n l H * • v l l l w W l l l i o w l C - l i n n K x .

A H k f o r T I c k c t H v i n fflcnijplilH. r o r i l e U e l i i i i n i l I n m m i i U o n r a i l nl2H7 i t a i n

a n d u t . Mill I r o a d , o k i

. . 1 . 1 1 U u n t l i u r I for „ tuiiiserlliei-K tl. '.Ill- K A N S A S ( 1 I V I I .M K.", lit 1)111! l i o l l a r n u l l . A l i j l i o d v eni i p i n p » c l i i i i . r o n p i i i i t i ' k e t s , J i r e n i l i i n i Ih.ts, a n d a l l p.-irtii i i l a r s S K N T I 'Ut- .K. A d d r e w

i i i i T I I K r i . M K S , K.IIIMINI I t y . .Mo

C.*- \ l i A l 111 A g e n t s <-iiiiMi.vhlnK fur I l i n i l r e s i d e V l n l l o r . Ti 1 m s m d I l i i l l l t

i T i " A ' l i l n n . , I', n . V K K K H V . A n u n ^ U i .Miiine. 1 ' M . i t s l U ' t

M.m ) l l . » 0 I ' e r A t l i l i i i M l o r l l i e 9 1 . 0 0

> V I : I : K L V a v a l a n c h i : T h e hcht a n d e h e a | i e « l w e e k l y i i o w s p n p c r

p i l l i l lHl in l i n I h e K o u l l i .

INiNlntri- I ' r e e l o a l l N i i b H e r i l i e r H

T I I K W K I . K I 1 V .MK.MI'IIIH A V A l i A N l ' I l L In a K u r i t I ' A l l K n o w f t p a p e r , Inelifc-i l i i Nliii', m i d o o n l i i l n H

T h i r l } ' . l \ t o ( ' o I i i D U i K o l e i i r e f i i l l v B e l i i d e d r e a d l n x m a t t e r , <111 l i i i i L - l m i t h e K U K H l l l - X r I M l ' d l l T A N T n e w H 1 1 1 ' m a l l l i ' m i A l . l . I ' A I t l H u K T l 1 K W O R M . iiiiHIIenI, e o i n m e i e h i l , r i v e r , K e l e i i t l l l c , r e

• I luloiiB, u i i r l e i i H u r a l . l l l e n i r y a n d l i e n e r i i l 1 n n i k l i i K It H h l u h l y a l t r i i c t l v e j o n r m i l f o r t i n : D d . M I ' K r i l ' n i l t - i H I D K , lUid p a i l l c n h i r l . v

v a l l l H l i l e t o t l l l l i n r r t ' l i n t i l h i h I f i u ' i i i r r .

I f y o n W o n l d k n o w a l l t h a t l i k o I h k o l i a b r o a d a n d n l h o m e , Mtilmcrlbi,. l o r t h t e l i v e a n d p r o u r e s H l v v J o u r n a l . Jl Ih p n b l U h e < l e v e r y ThiiriMliiy i n o r i i l t i K , n n d Hhoi i ld r e i i e h HUbHerlbnrt b y I h e c loRe of t i n - w w l t a t t h o l a t e n t , n w c l o o m i i a n d pleiuiInK

N H i i i l i t y V l M l l o r t o t l i o f a n i l j y Cir i i lo I n v l l h i K e o r o n f a r m

I I I • • o l l l i C N

t h o A V A I i A N C H K w i l l c o n l l i i u e t l m l e o n H l M o n t i i n d c o n n e r v u t l v o e o u r n o f o r w l i l e h II n o eiiiini'i > . 1 . 1 . .5 ' I ' l . , . . iVaM liini! h imn d l » t l U « i i l t h o d , a n d n o K i i n e r a l l j a p p l n n d e d . I t 1« a nuWH|ia|ier_for t h e l i e o p l e iiiiil i i o t i i n i n e h l n o f o r i i o l l t l e l a i i H . T h o ner

. . . . . T I o k o l A g ' l , B o c k , A r k a n M W .

a p p l n n i T e d . l t l « a n u w a n d i i o t a n i n e h l n o f o r v a n t o f n o m a n , a n d t h e hIBVII o l n o p a r t y , U IN K i t l t ' l l l ' I n d e p e n d e n t , a n d deal?, ( i n l y In I r i i t l i , l re i i t ln i5 a l l iini.ntloiiH f i i l r l y u n d w n H e r v H t l v e l y .

N » A b n l p n i p i i t i » < ' l i i l i * . IIOHlllKP

. . . . . .Jl f f j t i a l IHlllllltllfillt o l

• • l " ' t tin;!" e B n t i o t a U o r d a n y a l m t P i i i e n t l i i i n l n e o t mOi; n c r l p t U m l o o l u r w . H j i o c l i n o n o o i ' l i J ^ " ' ' ! f r e e . A d ^ r ^ i r u i i A ^ A ^ f f v ^ J ^ , ^

N a s h v i l l e , ( - h a t l a n o o j ^ a a n d

S I . L o u i s U a i l w a y .

) i ( ! ! ( i r e a t C e t i l n i l K o u l e .

l l i v i t h r o u i t i i Kleeii ' .ng c a m f r o m

m m , c i i , U T A X O O i ; . \ mhhvillii ' - T O -

M E M P H I S .

,\M) m t MKHl ' l l l l j TO S.^SaVll iLR,

A n d oflerM t h e ImjihirH* i n o n a n d pl^•^^^ure ( • e e k e r t h e m o s t d e l l i s h t f t l l r o u l e t n i m t h o

s o i T i i w E S T TO TiiFi mnmi I ' a t r o i i H O f t h e Hi i tvers t l sna , c o l l e g e * a n o

w h i H i l s In NiHihv l l l i ! , l/ . ' l !anon,Miirfr iK!«bori>, M i - . M l n n v l l l e , W l t i e l i ( : « t e r , l * e w a n e e , M o ( r a t ' « , n n d ot h e r r a i l r o a d l o w i m o f M l d d l e T e n n i a t K c e , a r e I n r o r m e d t h a t t h e i r ( d i l l d n 11 o r w a n i i « n i l e a v e M f - m p h l i i Ht lli'lil p. m . . a n d a r r i v e In IlieWi p l a c e s n e x t d i i y - l n d a y - l l t f l i l .

T h e m o r n i n g t r a i n f r o m M e u i p l i l a a l i w m a k e s d i r e c t c o n n e c t i o n f.ir N i u i h v l l l , t.lnit.-taiiiKiisH, K i i o x v l l l e , A t l n n l ; » a n d p r l n e l p i u > o l n t « l n the!«<jutli« ai.t. K o r t l o k a t y a u i l f u r . h e r I n f o r m i i t l o n i i p p l y t o J i y . H p e i ^ W M i i l n

,»t . . , o r l o 11. K . H i i i l t h , T I c k A A i j e n t , H o a U o l - S t a l u HI., H O M A « . O ^ n ' l l . « p » .

L . U A N . i K V . O e n n a ^ K . A g t ^ ^ ^

. 1 1 . 1 , o H ' w l . n r K . - T y p e ( I U u » l r n l « ^ l

N i : W T E S T A M E N T

, v n 11 N O r K H , I s a K p l e n i l l d w o r k f o r a K e n t a . N i i i i . I o k l i k e It. w a n t II. I ' r l o e H a . o o . A i l ' l i e f i s . It H l i o n i w r K K O .t f O . , N e w i o r k .1 < l i i e i i i n a t l , (.1.

Vl i i : \ T N winile<l l o n e l l

iiK-hidli-.i! T n e T i T n r w o r k of" , ^ i i r | > h . v n t v l I t e v i i o l i N , " i l h I l l s l o r . * o f t h e i « » v « -i i t e i i i til ih i te . IKK) p a n e " . I ' l t l l y l l l n n l r n t e d .

" I11,1.V ( / t ' A l t A N T h ' K I ' l ' l l . r o - . s i . l , o i i H , .Mo. X l l B x l l l H

W ««


W a v o b e e n k n o w n f o « o v e r T l i l r l y V c a r « . a n d a r e a e k n o w l o d j t o d b y a l l w h o h a y o u i a d t h e m t o b o n c e r t a i n e u r o f o r I I B A D A C n i J , L I V E U O O M P I . A I N T B . msnASES o r digestion, n i t i o o s -

f i B S S i n a d T E V B H S O P A L I . K I N D S . T l i e « o r i J U L S a c t w i t h 0 r o a t m i l d n e t s , a n d w i l l r e s t o r e h e a l t h t o t h o « o l u f f a v -iug f r o m G E N U n A I . D B B a i T V a n d W E R V O O S N B S S . P r i c e , 2 5 c . p o r Box.

( ; u \ i : r i : N B K n « c o . m n t m h f t M

H I v i c K « r < i i r « l « , w U h n n m o In u o l d , 2 r > l u J . » . I I I W I ' K D , N i u ^ n t i , N . 1 . ^

^ j ^ ^ V / i A i i y w o r k e r r a i i i n a k " . " • ' t ' O l l ; ( i O K l lot l ie . r . w l l y / m t l U f l ' - e - , T i i t ' l ! A ' ' » . , Aiit !ni . t i i . M a l i i e . « l , l » » l l l »

( I I A F T & ( O O P E l l ,

A t t o r n e y s a i t L a w ,

. S o . II M n t l l s o " M . , M « > i n | i l i l » . T r i i n .

W l l l l < r n r l l e n l n a l l t h o t ^ o u r U i l n M « m p ) i l » ,

In t h o H u p r o m o C o u r t In . l u f k n o n , a n d w i l l

„ l « o t i i k o h u s l n c w i l u N o r t h M l t w l M l p p l j ^

576 T H a ; B A P T I S T .

T o a l l S u f f e r e r s from P r o -

l a p sed Orgui iH.

I Uke Uii* molUod of calling ytuir »t-teatlon to the Mlebrntad Body and Lwng Bra«0, which I tuTe Rold for Iho liust elghtoen yoAn, tliat I nmv mitki' it n bflMflt to my paper by inaki (fTMter bono

r«connnending'tin» invaluable nrllcle t<» you. More Ujan eightoon yonrtt ago, I waa, thoroughly broken down in voiai fromexot'Mjve prcachinfc: I omtid siwuk


bflMflt to my paper by mating it h fnt ont to rou.

wUl briefly ^ivo you my rtuwons for snding thia invaluabli

Jjan < ly br

Jprcachin^;; but a little while without getting li(mr«i; my throat waa generally wirp, and esuiily Irritated, and its tone wcamc heavy and liusky; noon a hacking wmgh wl in, that Increaxed, until at the oinwa of a lonj. meeting, niy voice failwl t'litirt'lv, iiiulor the e(n>ct« of a chronic laryn ilti* that w . w . . at** iifM* vimv

•oon Huprinduccd bronchitis, which wri-ouoly threattuied my life. I wajt now comp«<iie<l to deHiHt iVom ptojiching, and, tf iKWWible, overcome thow diliicullie«, and recovcr thu IohI treawiire, — the voice, that to a luiiiiNtcr or liiwyer is more valniibie than gold or jewel*, — or be mlent forever. I a|>plied to the I moHt eminent pliyMic iiin)), and wih hm llttio heli>t<i; wive the e.xcitiiui <>i an «'loogat«-d uvula, they W)uld do nothing but adviw rcot; and thin I »•«« com-jiellpil to take. What cau>i«'UiAnd eon-tinned that connianl irritation K!id hacking cough, tiiey wuld neither ex-plain nor prevent, Providence threw the rernwiy in my Way. My wife wiw Muffering Irom proiaiwuti uteri, and the profousor of the titetiry and jiractice i>{ unMlicine in the Univerisity ot Ntu'hvillo Dr. Winston, was her i)hyMiciHn, and ho preacribtHl for lier this identical HrACe, which «|)eedily rt;iiev, J h-" She i«oni-plalned ot a "dragging do(vii; )ui,i no languapo cj'.'l'l lietitr expn-fw my feelinga, and e..ppci«lly alw-r j.r< aching. It oocurrtsi to uw if it ivan gtwd lor on« caao 01 "drap^ing down," why not tor fux>ther. Without ion.-niltin^ any one, 1 i'lcicurcd one lai^e enough lor myxfJt J »d put it on, the first time donbtlpBs ie ..-weTt-ikworn by a man vr r -jJi a naUoa, anl? the rwult wa. " 1

rltatlon of my throat mm, quieted, and 1 tlic hacking er» lonij w-awd, and tlit voice commenccd bnildtng u ), uni;i J could articulate, which I hfu not dot-e for twelve months, and very soon I c-oto-menccd to preach again. Ihat lirnce ( wore ucjirly t<'n yearn without comrr.;;:,; eating it« wonderful advairtjigeM to any one, lK>cauw! 1 thought I was ucing an article that wan invented for the uho of females only. Privately, to a few HiK-ciul friends who weie suflering as I Hiilferc<l, 1 explained tho uoc oi tho Hruce, and through mo they obUiincd it, and were relieved h% 1 wa*. 1 now made known the power 6t tho Brace to restore, stfcngth-en and pnaorve the voice in i)ublie speakers, and then oommenctMl offering it aa a premium to miniatetB for aub-icrib-•n.

The cause of hoarsene.Hs, sore throat kryngitifl, and finally bronchititt in .uhlie Bneakerf.arid all these symptoms of "drair glng down," goneness, cshaustion after speaking, and weaknessa of tlie back and loins, pile.t, and .lernia, iJi (he "

-laxation of the abdmiiml mmHct, V', fi' mi- duck and loins, pile.t, and .lernia, is the uliqht re

-laxalion of the abdmiiml mmHct, which allow* the bomh to sink, and hmm by tmrked hollows over the tip* pt the hm*. Kow all know that tJie linings of the stomach are connected with those of the throat and affect lie vocal organs, and when tlie stomacli Binks a straining is brought to bear upon the throat, and speakinir or talk-ing will Irritate It Mid produce hoarse D^ , and if contlnum sore throat, and all the train of evils tf.ht public speakers •re wont to complain of, and which has c^ied hundreds to their graves, and which yearlyare laying aside as useless hundreds of ethers..

Ihononsoof latlfniflL and leave mo with a h«ivy, httsky voice j wiUi It, 1 vnu *|K!ttK four houra a day without mhaus tioH ur hoaraenosii. I now use it only when f>i»«aklng, and thus preserve my volt* and ana physical energies. I do not lit'lieve that any one would ever aeOilcUHl with /wrmn, or jnUf, or weakncw of the back jr loins, should ho wear it ordinarily looso, and only tight when Hjieaking or |»uttiiig forth unusual ef»iirts. It is a preserver of a gisxl voice and id a HOund physical condition. It shoiiKI worn by every ndnlster and jiuhlh HlK'Hker to (iarry the energy and vigor of his youth far into old age, and by every old mail In asslift him to s ipfmrt ill' gr 'wing weakness of ape,

Huii(lr<'(lH «»f old moil ycmlv arc Ufiiiig (lu> lhaco for wm/,' havk* with iiivarlubh^ .stiliMfuction.

I do not claim llmf flin Uoil., and l-uiiK Hriicn \vill euro ovi-rv tliHoasi' Unit (U h is hoir to; but it will ro-licv«', whcio it (Iocs not fully ciin-, nil timf jfroiit (iriiiy of IIIh iiikI hcIics Huit Hdoii break ilosvii Ix-ht toiiMi tiifloiiH, Mliicli arc catiwl hy ///o-lii/i.iw of the rnvwlfx trhirh. tiiipfior/ Ihr inttriKi/ oiyaiifi. This is the only iiscchanical contrivaiKo over ilis^ C(ivi«r('<l that iiitlif'ts tin: ahdoifu-n nitluT lliaii cumjirmsi'H it, a-, all trua-Mw do.

This is wiial it dwM, ar< thoiHarids Who have used It an- jucpand to toHtlfy; It .sui)porfs tho Imck, alxlo-men, Mtoiiiach, lungs and womb. It, fhcn'forc, pnvfntrt lawitudo./honrs*?-nms, jdloH, h»<rnia, con?uiii|>tion, and tliat terrible disetw, —dysijM'psia.

It lti{ rea.se« the lireath'iiiKcuiiacity, rinil thereby (;i\'es HlretiKlh to tlie body.

It ex.-qiand.s and eiilarj^itt the lutij s and tliiiH renders breatliinf,' fret? anii <'aKy, and thendiy iironiotes diKestion.

It relieves rliroiiie costiveruHs and pill's when all dtlier means tiave lailHl.

If invariably relieves all cuses of inoi(i/)KUit ntn-i in fenialis, a disease that no infiHi'ine etui i-eaeh, becatisi', like a broken lind., it needs iiiecbani-ttil support.

Jt relieveH pibw and . by upliffinf,' l,lie low r bowelij from I the rolHin. 1 It is hein^; iHi/(l moiv and more I yearly, a.s il- value known, i>v I I'lihlie Hjieakers aial slnj;er i, and by ! tli.ise liaviiiK w<';ik lunj.'-; and backs'; j Mild by thos4i having; sto(-|iinK' slanil-der-, and Imekiiiic eou^lis, the Hiire piceiireiors of constimjdion. x\nd many a siifii ier has been eured of dy-'pv]).si:'. an.I liv(r complaint wlif) had Im.vii eon8idere<i hi the last staf;e <>l I'iiiisumption.

OI u iniMiot r.n IIIIA< i:. 'I'lie oi igiinil Brace, iiiado only for

iadier<, was too weak for the Hterner sex. I renuKlied it by an Important uiiproveiuent, as the following will show; —

t%ll T«k«i Kutlro.

luriga auil lUmlmgu they hw) Invalua-lth». W. r . LAWttiwrr!, I\r.D.

f'unvfoiilvlUo, MI?ih. I rweived f liM llraiHi for my palieid,

Alirt, Martin. Hho applied if, and It itdleviHl hiu- iMuk immediately. I am well |deas<sl wilh the llniee. - It iw Iho only Hnj>|Mtrter that I havemHui onirttHi 111 my cxfi'tirtive pinctlctt thai I eun My n(H)n without any HpiH'ar-ance of evil from ii« u tt. J hIiuII h(!nv lifter introdiu'e if into my jmu'liee, tmd ehar^l' no eommiKslon'.

A. Davih, M.I). lIoiLstonia, Mo.

ti;HTI.MO.'«V «ii I'l iii.ir Hr.itM. i>»iii ilii> 4j«»verii<ir urTniiu-HBc-c

The followint,' e<<rtlti«ite from (Jov. I'orter, wlio Iuih tlioroiiglily (tstiil the meritrt of our Improviil Hraee, should be read bv all sniTerers. lie largely, it not nllogetber, owes his last election to the Itnu-e. Notice what be Kays: — i:]ie<iiiitf iMn< <>. ^Hf,lMtlt•. tvuH,, i

l»<i-<-nib<<r UI. iHTtt. r Ur . J . It. (Grilles—KDeai-

I UM'«I the lli'ac<' wriit b.v}Oiu--si«ll iliiriiiK itiy itilv caiivjiNisot IlK-.Stale. It Bioal

ice to ai«',;tiitl I | »«•!} nfllNaliNtUMi that ii l l u u l oo i i i . ttteiit I'd lt>» iiN«> a \vt>c>k oarilci-tliut lit) »ui< v tvwuia uot liut«> l»C'«'ii < nr(;f(>«l a t all. Tlie iirNf t ln ic I iiNfd it I aildrc-MNiMl a la i »;«• t iun<l ol iic-uplP In the

" air , anti I fuiiiul that my »Ml< t! uaH v«^ry iiitich Nti ciigitli-€'ii»««l, aat l at t he cloNt' ol a t w o huiii-'N N|i(>4-<ii I Man free Iruiii my iiNual leciiiiK «1 u i a i liii>MM aiMi c^haiSNtliMi.

Vcwy ll«!H|K'Ctfully, i iN. I 'OIM'Klt .

i i iMsmts- Ii:!<«Ti.no.>v.

WpoM Hllvlno (ill

, rittuiH net thoin I'.v nil. ;v ".i,Mif»UlH b* ift'l thoiii « n '"* «;fore (hey have tt. h(o, I'H'ltodo. I vvouh l , , , t 'K i t «

it. for any eorwUlerjitlon, l.demmi, Mo. OAViiiUw

TmrmoNv or i

m.mn.Mnr„l J l jil of tl ' 1 " Hi'l" for IHUIO.HI i»l.t.r, anci hmf f *»'II1. wvea venrn. ali,.<wt « . 11 liig,'mf J^.?' n Ixiok iitKt urhertti wl.l.h .1..., l.ra.,.« .

Mill, no nil.. "" V Km. toull

wlileh ll». |ru. ' „ " , r "

t" .1.. tlu. K•<„ k .,.<,ulml <,r UH iw hirm^"'''*

MI I .Oi, iMiirl. I.t-n, nu-,l, tiMMiKl oihSl nit.. < l..|.r ..( „i,r nmlKay. 1 <:HUrW

<.i- 111 » whkoii, (OII..W i„v ow Ih

•1 u iUu fur Kf.uil.ir t lh. 11 J ; .ten ul.l.-o. ,U. in u l,.i.« (iMi;. m j

Itoiu Ml««.. Mi,y 10, wV; ' • I rfculviHl my ltmefi-.l..nu lli.. [..inh of tVh

nuiry. .o.<l t iIimI Kreat hel], iruri. li fl.Si can ,ww Iiineli iH-ifr. «ik1 «« t(« •Mine l» an oI,l omnplHli.l. S , ' Hgf. 1 h u r t my .»rk liniiiK. TIiIh Is what iT^ H»y a l ter ( ofoiMyHlxly.l-isV I lm" tliiu.M« nifiul, II will not Ik- loi, Ih.ioh' 1 « a

T. (1. UAIilS.

•»i;.»ii iiKo. lat i^^Ai i„(, „„„i,. ,„« a j.riH,rii(. Home Ihi ,.|,r», nifo. ul one »f in.Hiiit.K-M l.iiiiu iiiMl liwlj- Urneei. i n<<-<|il<Hl mill k,.,,, I, |„r i l , , ^ jpiim wUI.mil w,.„rJ,,j< It. rmlier l.ri siieli ililni|<i iiihI*.: • • * _ «lie ItiMiil «| " liiiMi.

Kecenil.v, Iu-h,* iuhI «IIP (vinviintoi,

qnM^ bnikotlunu l»r lli«< tlr*! iiiwiiili. | t<onelii«t<Ka to try tin- - •

bllKKfry. fHllK-iiiuif

riilNlo^Tllry Hint lli«< uoaerHltriKMl lN llH> oiiijr ninniirnelnrer of llnii. nliia HtMly llrn. e. nutl (hni th<»«<* ninii. " »•;•'";"! J. »«. «rnvm, nro niiKle <Ullc-r<>iil, null ar«< niorf rtiirnlilo. — . - I l l , mill niorr < Hiiil nil lHi|»rov<-iiieiit o»cr Ihf nrPHpiil

now III iiiitrhrl. Wn mil lo n other iiiirljr Noiitli of the »hio Klver.

Now, after a personal eiperience of iiearty twenty years, and the ad<le<l rienceoj more than one thousand minis-tern and public Bwakem uiwn wliom 1 have fitted the Brace with invariable iiucjxM. I am tirepared to testify of iu real merlta. Without It, I am satisfied I •hould have Uen laid aside from public apeaklng oighteeii ycRrs ago. Uy usinir It, I have lully recovered a lost voice, and am bleasod with one of uucommot |K)WPr and endurance. Without H, two or three wrmous exhaust and give mo

,„.i , . . - *'• d a k f ok t h ! Oltlcc of MnnTg Co., Coun., May J, 1870.

No other parfv in thi.s city or the i-}<juth HtdlH my improved Hraco, un-less ho can show a written cotii-mlHslon from mo.

TEHTino.MAIJV. 1 could produce tho t(«Umony of

liuiuIri'dMofominont phyHlcianH und Hurgc-ons of th«' North, but prefer to Rive a lew B<iulli(..rn practltlotiorn, who are known or may bo wrltt<!n to.

Iho late Dr. htonc, tho great Hur-K«)n of New OrleaiiH. pronouiianl It tho perfwtlon of niechnnlral Invcn-tOn for tho puriiowf liUcndwl: 1. o.. tho iipllftinK of fhe bowelH, und relief of all cnuseH o«" proliipHUH of tho In-ternal organs.

I i.roscrlbetl one of your Bruct« to u lady patient of mine lust fHll. 8he Bayfl she would not l«ko one hundred dollurH for It. IfBhowuld not got im-olhor one of the winio kind.

ir , H. TuiiNKtt, M.D. Haynevlllo, Lu., April 19, 1877.

All the Braces which I hnvo or-derivl glyo the grcutest fiutlsfuotlfin. For all kinds of womb dlattiMH, w«ak

niKl I .to not heNiirtK- i.. to tli^ worth or thU Hr»rJ. I cm'

o r imkkanf.u k»" tOKI, niid tiiT iihynlcnl xtrenirlh hnn bw.. .mH.tcfllclj...tlJ r..|iew«l. Tho lu not tnkp ten tlm<<M the »Hr«. of niv llrnee n»u nuil bo romni>1|P4l to <11; |»eii«e with It. I most <<miliillj rwoni "'••"«! "ri«e to tho«.«. who HI " |*li>Nl«nll.>orotherwli.4>nor<1 It.

, A. i^trroiv, i».i». fi.-tor ri.lnl DuplldtChnreb, Wl. I/.uIh.

llllAt i:.-It IH one or the KrentrKt or |>hy>.l<-ii| bl«-N«lnKM to n iHili or nmiiy inliilNterM iw to Itx KrcNl b.'ii ' •It would «.iir|>rlMt tlioxe who kn! w liolhInK «• II ' N. II. »t»KI>, 1I1..1"'

iMllUir Clirmilan Ueixwltory, I have L'iven the Hraee a fair trial,

had it all that h claimc.] for ,, li* claimcij for it,. 1 would not take «i|00 for tho right to use it. I hope that all my minisleriiiR brcahren will procure one.

„ , A. ItKYNOl.tW. iMilton, Miss., 187-1.


Having given the Banning IJrace a fair trial, I cheerfully In-ar my testimony to Its value. I can [terform mv lalK)r with nity per cent more e.use and cx.mfort than bciorc; 1 wouKI not be without it lor twice its price, T. C. Boykin.

Hunday-school Evangelist. Atlanta, Gu.

1 can preach day and night for two months with my Brace on and not ba lui hoarse as I would in one week without it: every minister, strong or weak, dhoulil have one. A. Routu.

Union Deiwt, East Tennesaee.

Tiio Bmco I received from you I find Ih of greiit lienollt to me. 1 wiw afraid It wiis not what It was recoin-inendwl to bo; but I w«h Induceti by iry phyHlclan to gi-t ono. Shortly afterward, (he church that I wah a member of culled ine to serve t^iem

P'^tofJ «ind I noccptcd on tho con-dltlon that they should got me a Bmco. 1 wns entirely broken down from over siieaklpg, I ,;ouId not

loiKcr thnn flfteen mlnut<« un-i " i'i«mmovery hoarse; bul, with tho Brace on, 1 can H|)eak with per-fect etiso one hour • nnil .irtni.

say ia till tliat ia claimed for it; and I

Ilro. <ir»ve : I'lie l,iai« (nul ifcKly Itnw.. .1;. '"J ''r'l«''Kl from you WHurm lv.iloiithp With Of M„rcli last. 1 Iiavx itH«i it almn thirty ilHVH. Aow, cm loi lioriwi man, for the l«-n.'(lt« Omt I think tliui I h»v.- .ilr4,lv re-C'lviil, I would not 111! wlthmil th.-liruceyoi' K<MU me, Knil llii- lirlvllcR.-oi ilii|)l|,.|iiiii» (or Ihu iKwt horxp In K|uiri40it>nii! I'ouiuv. I wiMihl eheerlully rwinini«n-l nil p>-iwitis*ul-ffilnu liH 1 Imvo lM-i«n wlili wciiKii."* of tlm hliw Mint Imck.Riul Willi udiiil he.'ivv frt'llue MiD'oiU thu ulxloimn, m wciirn u'llraTOM O'.ie Hiul tie ri'lleveil. s. H llolllN K NixotHiihiirix, t o.,H. c.

M>i:f:fAi. uiii.ii i. <'oiMiiai|»lloii t'lix'il.

Ill 1875 I rt ibaix' fur my uf(i|i-cw, .lames T. Fuller, who h;ul Weu pro-notiticed in the last stage of wirwiimption by tiic ven- be«t fihysiciaim in the conn-trv. I differed from them, rec<iiimien(!-edhim to get the Lung l5rnro and lie would pel well. I iRiuglii it lor him, and ho is now a rolniht man,nblo to unlit rails or tlo any work. I write tliiit,V cauiic I tliink it ought to lie known, and thousands of femaliw ought to know its advanta jes in Kvwinw.

K. |{. Kn.HKH. iMiu'i: or iiKAcm

Tho jirici'(d this Brace before the war was ami when filled h.v tlie medical profession.

The indent having e.\|iir(sl I have secured tho iiiaiinraeture of 1000 of theimproviHl Braces ujmhihucIi tcriiis that 1 can furnish tlitMiiaf tho follow-ing pricoH: — riiiln lirnce, orilinary hIhc Sio.oti HIukIo lleriilii tlriii-p, nrdlniiry ulir la.Sli IHinhln " •• " .. I».««

1 oflcr iny improved liraco to any otic as a prtniium for 10 new Hulwcriliers to Tun lUi'TiHT at 12 70 including pontage nnd II for eveiy HubHcribcryoufailto get.

Or one Bmce for ten Bniccs with cjwh, 110 each. »roll«v.~All slieh ovorW InclieH, Iinvlti* M

bo oxpressly muJo, iiro KM exlrii. Krout I'lul auU BjirUiK dupllcateil for |;i.(«. llerols pads (soparulety) for single or ilimblo ltu|itnr« M.W. Bont by mall, |>o«l-|>al<l.

DIKf;(muNN rOK MKANI'.KIKtl. Tnkoit l«|>e, If joii hiue n»« » rran.

Inr incHanrlnK t«iie-llnp, nnd inrasnr* (wo InehM IlKMrW the tlpNor tlieh<|M nronnil (be niMlanicii, niid m'uiI ineiwnro in InchiH*. The llriire* nrr »" markMl in even nnniber*, and eaii b« eulnnred (wo lurlif)«>.

In all CHSCH tho ciihIi niust atwtu-puny the order, with ncaroHt Exprcw office, UH none are sent out on trmi to iM) returned. Wo do not H ml the Braco by mull. But ii porfcct fit i« guaranteed, nnil Bnico will be ^ changed by puirhnuer pnyliig fxprcso charges. Addrtiaa

J . It. u n A V EM, Memphb, ton.

THE BAPTIST. stand yo In tho ways, and boo and auk for tho old paths, which aro tho (tooA v^&ya, and walk therein, and yo Bliall find roat fbr your BOiilB.--71"v»B«a.

01(1 Scries-Vol. XXXV. M E M P H I S , T E N N . , A U G U S T 17 , 1878 . N o w S e r l e s - V o l . X I . N o . 3 7 .

Our Pulpit.



.1. 11. (iKAVJM. ll'iilillhlieil liy Uie sotecil Hit- ANhdi lutliiii.

" ICbeiii'ter." — 1 Nam. vti. IJ. r p l I EKE are few words more li-e((uently upon •I- tfie li|w of t'liriwtlaii.H in prayer and prui.so than Ebenezcr, and perbap-< no word lenn under-•ttooil. We have ju.-'t wung "Here 1 rai.so uiy ebenezi'r; " but bow many -ianj; it witli the Hjdrit and undeistandiiiK'.' UiKhtly understood, 1 know of no more ajiproiiriate word to use upon this DCCiiKioii, — tho celebration of the firnt .Jubilee of tlu! old liig Hatcble ..VHHOciation.

Let iw notice the lii.story ot the te.\l as we find It 111 1 Wiini. Ii. to vili. Inclusive.

Israel, (UmI'w eoveiiuiitiHl pcoph!, bad l»ecn stv duciMl away fnun the |»roper olwer%-aiice id' bis stntut*-!! to recognize other religloii.s und worHliip-s by tbo lax adminl-.tnitlon of Eli tind bl.s sons, who were in the priestV (dlice. Tbe son») ol Eli ubhorretl tbe aj)pointment.-i of the Lord, aiul re fufled to walk in tlieiu; ami by tin ir leaching lUid "xamjde, thoy taiifjhl the jieople lo »in, and pervert tbe right way.s of the Ijoid. (iod cliaiged the sin of bi.>j iK-ople upon the bouse of l';ii. (Head 1 ISaiu. ii. and iii. i haiiters.)

Thus we see the la.xity ui Eli, and the relielliotw example of lil.s wUfi, turned jKi-ael away irom tho I^ml, and bronchi upoii their nation lil-t (inick autl terrible displeiwun-. The wicked an- oft(>ii but a Hword i:i the hand <d'the Lord with whicli to chaHtisi hi.s people; and for tfiin piupo;-' I he I'hiliiifines remainc-d in the laiifl.

Tho Jiord brought up the Pliilliitineij against Israel, and a jjieat battle was fought; and there wero Pltiin of lurael thirty-four tlioustuid men. And tho two sons tif Eli were slain, and tbe ark of tho Lord tuken by thtf I'hilistincs, and carried to Aslithid, and .set ujt in the temple of Dagon; and all lisrael were made Hubject to their iiii-placiiido eiieuiie.s, —the idolatroUB Phill.sthuw.

When iill hcurd of tho defeat <d the army, tho d(»ath of hiH two houm, and the loss of the ark of Qotl, ho fell backward from oil' bin Heat by tho side of tho giito, und his tuMik broke, and ho di<'d; and tho wife of PhinehaH wits brought to her dmth by tho torriblo nowM. And thus wuh tho houfe of Ell brought to an end In ono and Iho Hamo day, iw a proof of <Io<I'h anger at thoir loose and wicked ways.

Tho children of Ihiael had boon setluccd by thoir religious loachora to acknowledge othor gods that were no OodH, and to afllllato with them In thoir klolatrouH worship. l''or IhlH God waH dls-ploaflod with thom, gave thoin over Into tho power of their enetulos), whoso gtalH they whorotl after to worship, left them without hlH ark and ovldenco of his proflcnco, cvon for tho npaco of twenty ycare. Twracl had sunk very low, and wero in very groat distress, and wero made to see their sin, and to laitiont Horcly after tho Lord they had eo sinfully forsaken.

Tho prointses of QikI have ever been yea and amon. Ifever did his pooplo turn Iroiu their hilquJty, and call upon him, that he did not havo mercy. As in tho Covenant of Bedotnptlon, so with respect to Israel now, Qotl's graco pre-venlent. Ho anticipated tho noeds of his people,

und provided <or them againut the day they would call ujion h|m fur help. Notice

1. The flrxl rnerci/ of God to Israel u m in raisiuy up unto litem a faitnful and Irm prophet in the phur of the home nf FUi, (he loose and iinfuith/iU.

Now Samuel wn» Instrumcntid in bringing Israel to a knowledge of thoir great nin, and lo an unfeigned reiientance toward Ood, and to di>-Hire tho rcH-overy wf tho ark, and the rc-establish-ai"nt among them of Uo<1'm true ordinaiic^s and {)ure worship, and to lament after a depart<tl (iotl. He introducoil a now Htato Of things. His first step wa.s to turn them away from the idola-trous worhdiijj of tho I'hilistlnert, and to reijuiro them to renounce and put away their Mtrani e gods, and to have no worship in common wBli the IMiilistines; for the I.ord only Is (Jod, aiul jealous of lib honor. (Ut ad 1 Ham. vli. ;»-17.)

lleligions und religious worshiji Invented und eHtablLslKHl by men In one ago of tho w^orld are no iKdter fban those which originatwi with men In another. If tho one i.s dishonoring and dih|dea.s-iiig to (Sod, so in the other; if one is idtdatroiis, so is the other.

Tiie tlellveraiietj of Israel was commenced at Miy.iadi, tbnugb e«'lebrato(i lH*twWMi Mlzpeh ami f?hen. Miz{H'li was tho place of their tioro trial. Merr» they huml)h?«l themselvi?fi Iw-foro Uod, ilrew water and jajured It out before tbo Lord, and con-f<-dt«d tludr sin. Their very e.xiHtenct) was threatenwl by their implacablfc euemh«, who csinie u|> with all their foK'os to destroy them. Hnt Israel laid fiold uiK>n the liord their (hxl in this their day of trouble, and looked alone lo him for their deliver.ince. And how glorious the result! Tbe Lonl overthrow their enemlo.s with a great sluughter, und ilelivere<l bis i«x>jde out ol their InuKlfi.

To cehdirate and inupetuati! Ibi.sovoat Haimiel took a stone, and .set it up U'l ween Mizpoli nnd Hheii, and cjilled the name of it "Ebonezer," saying, " Hitherto the Lord hath heliitnl us." Ebonezer, from this, (ume to moiui "Stone of Help."

Mo Israel wore turned away from the roliglon of the Phllhitinra to keep the ordlnancea of their God; and It is writlon, " thou wore their enemies suhduod before them."

To provide competent and tiithful religious touchers and prophels for Israol Hanmci i HtabllHhod schools Of tho j>rophotH both in Bethel and Gllgal, tho two extreniCH of his circuit which he traveled lus judge of Israel. Into these schools thoso whom OimI called to bo his i)ropheti< were gathered to bo Instructed, and trained for their work. It is re-cordetl that by these means Israol enjoywl jiros-perlty all tho days ol the llfo of Samuel.

THE APPIitCATION OK TMIS HI8T0HV. While all Scripture Is given by inspiration of

God, and Is profltablo for reproof tmd instruction In rlghtoousnes-s, yet the Old Testamont Scriptures aro largely typical of the realities brought to us In the Now by the work of Christ. All tho lead-ing characters of tho Old Testament, from Adam lo Elijah, tho Tlshhlto, are types. All tho cove-nants of tho Old Testament had their sourco and spring in tho Covonant of Iledomption. The family of Abraham, eeparatod from all othcrH by manual clrcumclaion, was a typo ot tho spiritual family of Ood, soparatod by tho circumcision made without bands by tho Bplfit iu tho heart. Tho twelve trlboo, sovorcign and independent, wcttj types of tiio local churches of Christ, com-posod exclUBively of the olrcumclsed in heart,— the momben of the spiritual family of God.

These twelve tribes, In tho fullnes of time brought togothor under ono constitution, antl organlwxl Into ono kingdom, of wlilch tho Lord Jeliovah was tho only head and king, were a typo of tho kingdom of Christ, CiUlod also kingdom of heaven, —of Owl, comiwHod of all his visible local churches, under tho solo hetulrth^i nnd klhgly rule of Jesus Christ.

If, thou, the klngtlom of Israel was Instltuted-to be a typo of tho kingdom and clinrch of Christ, are wo not .safe In concluding that Owl's dealing with hl-s covenanted pcopleof old wa.s typical of his dealing with his true spiritual Israel ?

In our own Christian oxperlenco who of us hav« not had our ^SliziKilw and Ebenezers?

Can we not look back and seo when we de|)arted In iKvart from tho love and service of God, and struck a truce with his enernlcH, and served the god of tills world ?

Then the Ijonl tlepartetl from us and left us in spirltufll tlearth and doubt und darknoss and distrcHS. Itwa^ not until wo repented in deep f-orrow and luniente<l after the l-ord that he de-livered us, and causwi us lo follow after him.

.lacfib 8i)ent such a night at Mahanim. Each thoughtful Christian can look back over i>ast dellveranei'S and devoutly set up his fttonoj of holiw, and Inscribe uiwn each, "Ebenezer'.' — " Hitherto tho l^rd hath hcliKxl mo."

AHBOt'IATIONAIi. . This history, it seems to tne, la not an unbeflt-

tliig tyite of tho history of this Association the hwt twoiity-flve years.

A brief rctrosjiect will not bo out of place hero. The Big Hatchle Association was orgimized at

liig Muddy church, in Haywood county, Tenn., Boptciiiber, 182.S, by eight churches, comprising a meml>crHhii» of five hundred and thirty, having Hvo ministers, not one of whom rei;nain.

Who of tho young ministers and members with us to day will live to celebrate the sccond Jubilee

the Cont(!nnial of thla -fVsflociatlon? Alaa 1 how few. Not one of us who now numl^er thlrty-tlve or forty ycais can hopo to bo spared. But young brethren, let not tho day forgotten, nor the fathers who aro hero to-day. , '

West Ten ncHseo fifty yeiusago waa considered a country, and but simrsely settled. The

churches woro far apart nnd reached, not as now by brUlgotI highways, but in many caacs by trails through unbroken forests and fordlesa streains. The siu'rlflci« and labors endured by our pioneer prcachers of this Association were severe beyond wliat we win realize. But tho liord wrought wltB' and by them mightily, nnd tho churches t rew und multiplied, and when we first knew it when it complotwi its first quarter of a century num-bered some four thousand,

It waa at thlu period that u doimrturo from tho *'oid paths" became apparent. The churches, through tho inlluonce of many of lier honored "prophets," Imd been seduced to acknowledge other religious denominations, and of course othor religions, as equally divine and Scriptural as their cwu, and to associate with them in their worahlp and to recognizo their ordinations and ordinanoM as valid.

At tills time alien imiiiotaioM" were generally received by this Association, In common with ths denomination at large, as valid, and more, rIqc* without a Scriptural baptism there can bo no Scriptural church. The sprinkUogs and pourings of alien denominations were recogtUscd before the world Rs Scrlptonil baptisms rceelvlng th«lr

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