
ARYA INFOTECH INSTITUTE, PHAGWARA _______________________________________________________________________ Punjab Technical University CINEMA BOOKING MANAGEMENT By Loveleesh Kumar 11204110098 Under Guidance Of Miss. Priyanka Submitted to the Punjab Technical University In the partial fulfillment of the requirements For the degree of Bachelors of Science (Information Technology) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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File Visual basic File for Printing and Sysnopsis


  • ARYA INFOTECH INSTITUTE, PHAGWARA _______________________________________________________________________

    Punjab Technical University


    By Loveleesh Kumar


    Under Guidance Of

    Miss. Priyanka

    Submitted to the Punjab Technical University In the partial fulfillment of the requirements

    For the degree of

    Bachelors of Science (Information Technology) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    It is my pleasure to be indebted to various people, who directly or indirectly contributed in the development of this work and who influenced my thinking, behavior, and acts during the course of study. I express my sincere gratitude to Miss. Priyanka, worthy Project Incharge for providing me an opportunity to undergo my minor project I also extend my sincere appreciation to Sir N.L.Soni who provided his valuable suggestions and precious time in accomplishing my project report. Lastly, I would like to thank the almighty and my parents for their moral support and my friends with whom I shared my day-to-day experience and received lots of suggestions that improved my quality of work.



    Introduction of Project ............................................................................................ 4

    Introduction of Front-End ....................................................................................... 3

    Introduction of Back-End ........................................................................................ 6

    Form Design ........................................................................................................... 8

    Database Design ................................................................................................... 17

    Source Code .......................................................................................................... 20

    Bibliography ......................................................................................................... 57


    Screen Shot 1: MDI FORM.................................................................................... 8 Screen Shot 2: LOGIN FORM ............................................................................... 8 Screen Shot 3: LOGIN MENU ................................................................................ 9 Screen Shot 4: BOOKING MENU ......................................................................... 9 Screen Shot 5: CHANGE PASSWORD FORM ................................................... 10 Screen Shot 6: ADD USER FORM ...................................................................... 10 Screen Shot 7: MANAGE USER FORM ............................................................. 11 Screen Shot 8: USER REPORT FORM ............................................................... 11 Screen Shot 9: ADD FILM FORM ...................................................................... 12 Screen Shot 10: UPCOMING FILMS FORM ...................................................... 12 Screen Shot 11: BOOKING TICKET FORM ...................................................... 13 Screen Shot 12: BOOKING SCHEDULE FORM ................................................ 13 Screen Shot 13: BOOKING REPORT FORM ..................................................... 14 Screen Shot 14: ABOUT US FORM .................................................................... 14 Screen Shot 15: TICKET BOOKING REPORT................................................... 15 Screen Shot 16: USER REPORT ......................................................................... 15 Screen Shot 17: FILM REPORT .......................................................................... 16


    Table 1: Tickets Database ..................................................................................... 17 Table 2: User Login Table.................................................................................... 18 Table 3: Booking Table ......................................................................................... 19

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 1

    Introduction of Project

    Meaning of Project

    A project is a bit real life that has been imported in the school


    The work involved in the design, fabrication and assembly of components of a projects deliverable into working product

    Turner R.

    In other words project is constituent of seven words and I have tried my best to give its definition analyzing each word in the following manner

    P Perfect Planning

    R Resources

    O Organization

    J Joint Efforts

    E Engineering Skill

    C Communication

    T - Techniques

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 2

    Introduction I am going to design the project for computerization of Cinema Ticket Booking Management. The main

    target of my project is to develop software to book tickets and maintain record of all films and employees.


    If a user wants to start using this software he has a valid login name and password to access all menus in

    menu bar. Once a user login to the software then system will check according to the designation of user

    that whether the user has authority to use all menu or some menus in menu bar. In this software only

    manager has authority to use the all menu which includes adding user, managing user, deleting user,

    adding films, booking tickets, booking schedule and user can also see reports of employee and films.

    Whereas all other designated user can only book tickets and can check booking schedule.

    In this software a time counter counts the system time in every second and then allows the users to book

    tickets in between specific time interval only. This timer also updates the session booking status to

    database on specific time out of ticket booking.

    User cannot book tickets above the limits of seats and for their help software displays the number of

    available seats for different films and different sessions by subtracting the booked seats from total

    available seats.

    Booking and Film reports helps manager to understand and navigate of all films and their booking status in

    different time sessions, dates and types.

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 3

    Introduction of Front-End Introduction Visual basic is a high level programming language evolved from the earlier dos version called basic. Basic means beginners all-purpose symbolic instruction code. It is fairly easy programming language to learn. The code looks a bit like English language. Different software companies produced different version of basic, such as Microsoft QBASIC, QUICKBASIC, GWBASIC, and IBM BASICA AND SO ON. Visual basic is a visual and drive driven programming language. These are the divergence from the old basic. In basic, programming is done in a text-only environment and the program is executed sequentially. In visual basic, programming is done in a graphical environment. Because users may click on a certain object randomly, so each object has to be programmed independently to be able to response to those actions (events). Therefore, a visual basic program is made up of many subprograms, each has its own program codes, and each can be executed independently and at the same time each can be linked together in one way or another. VISUAL BASIC Visual basic (VB) is an event driven programming language and associated development environment created by Microsoft. It is derived heavily from basic. VB enables rapid application development (RAD) of graphical user interface (GUI) applications, easy access to database using DAO, RDO, OR ADO AND easy creation of active controls. A programmer can quickly put together an application using the component provided with visual basic itself. Programs written in visual basic can Also use the windows api, but doing so requires external function declarations. With control like this you can create many applications. Features of visual basic Visual basic 6.0 has many powerful features that are required in today s programming environment which include features from previous versions. Some of these features are:

    Programming objects and event: the visual forms and objects like list, boxes and radio buttons that you use on the forms help you to interact with the application in order to find out flow of the program. The forms and

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    objects perform a specified action when an event occurs. This is known as event driven programming.

    Object types: New object types, called file system. Objects or fso, have been added to visual basic 6.0. These objects enable you to work faster and more easily with files and directories.

    Functions: There are additional functions in visual basic 6.0. All of them deal with string data. Some of these callbyname, filter, formatcurrency, formatdatetime, formatnumber, and formatpercent.

    Activex features: visual basic allows you to migrate applications to an activex document, which enables the application to install and run from a web browser. Thus, the developer need not know languages like java or html. visual basic also enables you to creative activex controls.

    Database enhancement: Earlier versions of visual basic used data access objects (Dao) and remote data objects (RDO) visual basic 6.0 include activex data objects (ado) as the visual data access tool. Which will be covered in detail in a later section? Data access features allow you to create databases and front end applications for most popular database formats including Microsoft SQL server and other enterprise-level databases.ado requires very little coding to interact with a data source.

    Quick editing, testing, and debugging: The visual basic development environment includes extensive editing and debugging tools.

    Internet features: Server side applications, responding to user requests from a browser, can be written with the help of IIS applications. The methods, properties, and events of every element on a web page can be exposed using the dynamic html technology. Without having to transfer processing to the server, this technology also allows you to write visual basic codes to respond to actions on an html page.

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    The integrated development environment Visual basic is not just a language. its an integrated development environment (IDE) in which you can develop, run, test and debug your applications. The controls: Controls are objects designed to perform specific tasks. Like form objects, controls have associated properties, events, and methods. The properties: Properties consist of the objects data, settings and attributes. it describes the object, their appearance and behavior. The events: Any action recognized by a form or control is called an event. visual basic is an event driven programming.

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    Introduction of Back-End INTRODUCTION TO MS-ACCESS

    Microsoft Access is a computerized database management system (DBMS) that allows efficient data storage and retrieval as well as efficient and effective data presentation. You can create a database in which information can be stored in an organized manner that also allows tailoring to efficient, effective data retrieval and presentation. Microsoft access is a relational database management system (RDBMS) used to store and manipulate large collection of information of any kind. Here RDBMS refers to the organization of data in a series of rows and columns in such a manner that any specific piece of information is available with a click of mouse and a few keystrokes .ms access has tools, which are easy to use and provide powerful development environment, making it an appropriate choice for novices and professionals. For example: access can be used to enter and maintain student awards, inventory record of warehouse, telephone numbers. Once the records are stored, any type of queries can be asked, reports can be created and data entry forms can be designed. Access is both a program for ordinary computer and a professional development tool. It is used for developing database, which are used in system; you can use to set up a billing system or an efficient indexing system Access is easy to make tables, screen displays and function, but if you want to develop an effective database you will need to do a little more. You will have to plan and systematic.

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    FEATURES OF MS ACCESS You can import data from Microsoft access database into your contains folder in outlook .you can also export outlook data back into ms access. When you output a report with a sub report to a .txt, .rtf or .xls file format, the sub report is output along with the main report. Microsoft access objects from other applications, such as Microsoft excel. You can link from Microsoft excel or lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet as long as the data is arrange in an appropriate tabular format. When a Microsoft spreadsheet is no longer the appropriate tool for your data, you can create a Microsoft access database from the spreadsheet by clicking convert to access on data menu in Microsoft excel. You can link data from Microsoft excel or lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet as long as the data is arrange in an appropriate tabular format. When you use Ms-Access as an ActiveX component, you can manipulate Microsoft access objects from other applications, such as Microsoft excel. Create a pivot table control in a Microsoft access from using pivot table wizard, you can create a control on a form that allow you to summarize large amount of data using a format and calculation method you choose. A pivot table is like a cross tab query, but you can switch the row and column heading dynamically to see different views of data.

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    Form Design MDI FORM

    Screen Shot 1: MDI FORM


    Screen Shot 2: LOGIN FORM

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    Screen Shot 3: LOGIN MENU


    Screen Shot 4: BOOKING MENU

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    Screen Shot 6: ADD USER FORM

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 11


    Screen Shot 7: MANAGE USER FORM


    Screen Shot 8: USER REPORT FORM

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 12


    Screen Shot 9: ADD FILM FORM


    Screen Shot 10: UPCOMING FILMS FORM

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    Screen Shot 11: BOOKING TICKET FORM



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    Screen Shot 13: BOOKING REPORT FORM


    Screen Shot 14: ABOUT US FORM

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    Screen Shot 16: USER REPORT


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    Screen Shot 17: FILM REPORT

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 17

    Database Design Table De is used to store data of tickets

    Fname Ticket1 Ticket2 Ticket3 Seats1 Seats2 Seats3 Silver Gold Diamond sImage ticketq tdate ttime tname tickname

    Ek Tha Tiger

    120 145 180 33 33 33 0 0 0 tiger.jpg 4 7/16/2012 2:09:41 PM

    Ek Tha Tiger


    Bol Bachchan

    120 140 180 33 33 33 6 0 0 bol.jpg 2 8/1/2012 11:51:19 AM

    Bol Bachchan


    Weapon 125 152 180 33 33 33 6 0 0 weapon.jpg 6 8/1/2012 11:51:03 AM

    Weapon SILVER

    Yaar 150 180 210 33 33 33 3 0 5 0212.jpg 5 8/1/2012 11:51:35 AM

    Yaar DIAMOND

    HHH 120 150 180 33 33 33 0 0 0 shaheed-bhagat-singh.jpg


    NAMEN 120 140 160 33 33 33 0 0 0 Gullivers-Travels-007.jpg


    Lovw 123 125 127 33 33 33 0 0 0 eopteryx-L.jpg

    Table 1: Tickets Database

    DE Field Name Datatype Description

    Fname Text Name of the Film Ticket1 Number Price of Silver Ticket Ticket2 Number Price of Golden Ticket Ticket3 Number Price of Diamond Ticket Seats1 Number Silver Seats Available Seats2 Number Golden Seats Available Seats3 Number Diamond Seats Available Silver Number Siver Tickets Booked Gold Number Golden Tickets Booked

    Diamond Number Diamond Tickets Booked sImage Text Filename of Film Poster ticketq Text Current Quantity of Booked Ticket tdate Date/Time Current Date of Booked Ticket ttime Text Current Time of Booked Ticket tname Text Current Film Name of Booked Ticket

    tickname Text Type of Booked Ticket

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 18

    Table login is used to store user information

    Table 2: User Login Table

    LOGIN Field Name Datatype Description

    User Text Name of the User Pass Text Password of the User

    Designation Text Designation of the User Address Text Address of the User

    City Text City of the User Contact Text Contact Number of the User

    login User Pass Designation Address City Contact

    Love k Manager Rayat Computes Phagwara 9872199636 loveleesh killer Engineer Rayat Computers, Nimma Wala Chowk, Phagwara Phagwara 9888800874 l l Manager l l 1 Sameer gupta Engineer Model Town, Phagwara 144401 12345 Rajeev hhh Checker New Hargobind Nagar Phagwara 1245 Parth a Staff Kurekshetra Kurekshetr 34

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 19

    Table book is used to store number of tickets sold in a session

    Table 3: Booking Table


    Field Name Datatype Description

    Adate Date/Time Date of Session

    Time Text Time of Session

    Silver Text Total Silver Seats Booked in Session

    Golden Text Total Golden Seats Booked in Session

    Diamond Text Total Diamond Seats Booked in Session

    Tickname Text Name of film Booled in Session

    book ADate Time Silver Golden Diamond Tickname

    7/22/2012 9-12 13 23 22 Yaar 7/22/2012 9-12 15 30 12 Weapon 7/22/2012 9-12 25 25 27 Bol Bachchan

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    Source Code MDI FORM

    Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Private Sub Addfilm_Click() Bookrpt.Hide Form1.Hide Form2.Hide Form3.Show Form4.Hide Form5.Hide Form6.Hide Form7.Hide Newuser.Hide tick.Hide Upcome.Hide End Sub Private Sub ADDUSER_Click() Bookrpt.Hide Form1.Hide Form2.Hide Form3.Hide Form4.Hide Form5.Hide Form6.Hide Form7.Hide Newuser.Show tick.Hide Upcome.Hide End Sub Private Sub Book_Click() End Sub Private Sub Brep_Click() Bookrpt.Show Form1.Hide Form2.Hide Form3.Hide Form4.Hide Form5.Hide Form6.Hide Form7.Hide Newuser.Hide tick.Hide Upcome.Hide End Sub Private Sub BSch_Click() Bookrpt.Hide Form1.Hide Form2.Show

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 21

    Form3.Hide Form4.Hide Form5.Hide Form6.Hide Form7.Hide Newuser.Hide tick.Hide Upcome.Hide End Sub Private Sub change_Click() Bookrpt.Hide Form1.Hide Form2.Hide Form3.Hide Form4.Hide Form5.Hide Form6.Hide Form7.Show Newuser.Hide tick.Hide Upcome.Hide End Sub Private Sub Emp_Click() Bookrpt.Hide Form1.Hide Form2.Hide Form3.Hide Form4.Hide Form5.Show Form6.Hide Form7.Hide Newuser.Hide tick.Hide Upcome.Hide End Sub Private Sub Login_Click() Bookrpt.Hide Form1.Show Form2.Hide Form3.Hide Form4.Hide Form5.Hide Form6.Hide Form7.Hide Newuser.Hide tick.Hide Upcome.Hide End Sub Private Sub logout_Click() Login.Enabled = True ADDUSER.Enabled = False

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    Ticket.Enabled = False Addfilm.Enabled = False Emp.Enabled = False Upcoming.Enabled = False logout.Enabled = False Brep.Enabled = False userm.Enabled = False change.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub MDIForm_Load() Bookrpt.Hide Form1.Hide Form2.Hide Form3.Hide Form4.Hide Form5.Hide Form6.Hide Form7.Hide Newuser.Hide tick.Hide Upcome.Hide ADDUSER.Enabled = False Ticket.Enabled = False Addfilm.Enabled = False Emp.Enabled = False Upcoming.Enabled = False logout.Enabled = False Brep.Enabled = False userm.Enabled = False change.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub Ticket_Click() Bookrpt.Hide Form1.Hide Form2.Hide Form3.Hide Form4.Hide Form5.Hide Form6.Hide Form7.Hide Newuser.Hide tick.Show Upcome.Hide End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() h = Hour(Time) m = Minute(Time) End Sub Private Sub Upcoming_Click() Bookrpt.Hide Form1.Hide

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 23

    Form2.Hide Form3.Hide Form4.Hide Form5.Hide Form6.Hide Form7.Hide Newuser.Hide tick.Hide Upcome.Show End Sub Private Sub us_Click() Bookrpt.Hide Form1.Hide Form2.Hide Form3.Hide Form4.Show Form5.Hide Form6.Hide Form7.Hide Newuser.Hide tick.Hide Upcome.Hide End Sub Private Sub userm_Click() Bookrpt.Hide Form1.Hide Form2.Hide Form3.Hide Form4.Hide Form5.Hide Form6.Show Form7.Hide Newuser.Hide tick.Hide Upcome.Hide End Sub

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 24

    Module1 Dim ds As String Sub onlyno(a As Integer) If a > 47 And a < 58 Or a = 32 Then Else a = 0 End If End Sub

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 25

    Login Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Public ds As String Private Sub Command1_Click() aa: If rs.EOF = False Then If Text1.Text = rs(0) And Text2.Text = rs(1) Then ds = Text1.Text If rs(2) = "Manager" Then MDIForm1.Addfilm.Enabled = True MDIForm1.Ticket.Enabled = True MDIForm1.ADDUSER.Enabled = True MDIForm1.Emp.Enabled = True MDIForm1.Upcoming.Enabled = True MDIForm1.logout.Enabled = True MDIForm1.Brep.Enabled = True MDIForm1.BSch.Enabled = True MDIForm1.userm.Enabled = True MDIForm1.Change.Enabled = True MDIForm1.Login.Enabled = False Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Form1.Hide ElseIf rs(2) "Manager" Then MDIForm1.Ticket.Enabled = True MDIForm1.Upcoming.Enabled = True MDIForm1.logout.Enabled = True MDIForm1.BSch.Enabled = True MDIForm1.Change.Enabled = True MDIForm1.Login.Enabled = False Form1.Hide End If Else rs.MoveNext GoTo aa End If Else MsgBox ("Not Valid Login") End If rs.MoveFirst End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" End Sub

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 26

    Private Sub Command3_Click() Form1.Hide End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Set cn = New ADODB.Connection Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset cn.ConnectionString = "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" & App.Path & "\hh.mdb" cn.Open rs.Open "login", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable End Sub

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 27

    Change Password Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim ds As String Private Sub Command1_Click() rs.MoveFirst While rs.EOF = False If rs(0) = ds Then If rs(1) = Text1.Text Then If Text2.Text = Text3.Text Then rs(1) = Text2.Text rs.Update MsgBox ("Password Has Been Changed") Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Text1.SetFocus Else MsgBox (" New Password and Confirm Password Should Be Same") End If Else MsgBox ("Old Password is Not Correct") End If End If rs.MoveNext Wend End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Form7.Hide End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Set cn = New ADODB.Connection Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset cn.ConnectionString = "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" & App.Path & "\hh.mdb" cn.Open rs.Open "login", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable ds = Form1.ds End Sub

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 28

    Add User Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim una As Integer Private Sub Command1_Click() If una = 0 Then rs.AddNew rs(0) = Text1.Text rs(1) = Text2.Text rs(2) = Combo1.Text rs(3) = Text5.Text rs(4) = Text6.Text rs(5) = Text7.Text If Text2.Text = Text3.Text Then rs.Update MsgBox ("Successfully Registered") Else MsgBox ("Kinldy enter Same password") End If Else MsgBox ("Username Already Exists") End If Form6.Combo1.Clear rs.MoveFirst While rs.EOF = False Form6.Combo1.AddItem (rs(0)) rs.MoveNext Wend Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Combo1.Text = "" Text5.Text = "" Text6.Text = "" Text7.Text = "" Text1.SetFocus End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Combo1.Text = "" Text5.Text = "" Text6.Text = "" Text7.Text = "" Text1.SetFocus End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click()

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 29

    Newuser.Hide End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Combo1.AddItem ("Manager") Combo1.AddItem ("Engineer") Combo1.AddItem ("Sweeper") Combo1.AddItem ("Checker") Combo1.AddItem ("Staff") Set cn = New ADODB.Connection Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset cn.ConnectionString = "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" & App.Path & "\hh.mdb" cn.Open rs.Open "login", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable End Sub Private Sub Text1_LostFocus() una = 0 rs.MoveFirst While rs.EOF = False If rs(0) = Text1.Text Then MsgBox ("Usernam Already Exists") Text1.Text = "" una = 1 End If rs.MoveNext Wend End Sub Private Sub Text7_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) Call onlyno(KeyAscii) End Sub

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    Manage Users Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim che As String Dim a As String Dim b As String Private Sub Combo1_Click() rs.MoveFirst While rs.EOF = False If rs(0) = Combo1.Text Then Text1.Text = rs(0) Text2.Text = rs(2) Text3.Text = rs(3) Text4.Text = rs(4) Text5.Text = rs(5) End If rs.MoveNext Wend End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() rs.MoveFirst While rs.EOF = False If rs(0) = Combo1.Text Then rs(0) = Text1.Text rs(2) = Text2.Text rs(3) = Text3.Text rs(4) = Text4.Text rs(5) = Text5.Text MsgBox ("Record Updated") rs.Update End If rs.MoveNext Wend Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Text4.Text = "" Text5.Text = "" Combo1.Clear Combo1.Text = "Select" rs.MoveFirst While rs.EOF = False Combo1.AddItem (rs(0)) rs.MoveNext Wend End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() rs.MoveFirst While rs.EOF = False

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    If rs(0) = Combo1.Text Then rs.Delete rs.Update MsgBox ("Record Deleted") End If rs.MoveNext Wend Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Text4.Text = "" Text5.Text = "" Combo1.Clear Combo1.Text = "Select" rs.MoveFirst While rs.EOF = False Combo1.AddItem (rs(0)) rs.MoveNext Wend End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() Form6.Hide End Sub Private Sub Form_GotFocus() rs.MoveFirst While rs.EOF = False If rs(0) = Combo1.Text Then rs.Delete rs.Update MsgBox ("Record Deleted") End If rs.MoveNext Wend End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Set cn = New ADODB.Connection Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset cn.ConnectionString = "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" & App.Path & "\hh.mdb" cn.Open rs.Open "login", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable While rs.EOF = False Combo1.AddItem (rs(0)) rs.MoveNext Wend End Sub Private Sub Text5_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) Call onlyno(KeyAscii)

    End Sub

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    User Report Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim asa As String Private Sub Command1_Click() If Option1.Value = True Then DataReport2.Show ElseIf Option2.Value = True Then asa = Combo1.Text DataEnvironment1.Command3 (asa) DataReport3.Show ElseIf Option3.Value = True Then asa = Combo1.Text DataEnvironment1.Command4 (asa) DataReport4.Show End If End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Form5.Hide End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Set cn = New ADODB.Connection Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset cn.ConnectionString = "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" & App.Path & "\hh.mdb" cn.Open rs.Open "login", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable End Sub Private Sub Option2_Click() Combo1.Clear Combo1.AddItem ("Manager") Combo1.AddItem ("Engineer") Combo1.AddItem ("Sweeper") Combo1.AddItem ("Checker") Combo1.AddItem ("Staff") End Sub Private Sub Option3_Click() Combo1.Clear While rs.EOF = False Combo1.AddItem (rs(4)) rs.MoveNext Wend rs.Close End Sub

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    Adding Film Dim fso As File Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim cp As FileSystemObject Dim a(2) As String Dim abc As String Dim bca As String Dim cab As String Dim appps As String Private Sub Command1_Click() cp.CopyFile abc, cab, True rs.AddNew rs(0) = Text1.Text rs(1) = Text2.Text rs(2) = Text3.Text rs(3) = Text4.Text rs(4) = 33 rs(5) = 33 rs(6) = 33 rs(7) = 0 rs(8) = 0 rs(9) = 0 rs(10) = bca rs(11) = abc rs.Update MsgBox ("Film is Added Successfully") tick.Enabled = True Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Text4.Text = "" Text1.SetFocus If rs.EOF = False Then rs.MoveLast rs.MovePrevious rs.MovePrevious rs.MovePrevious tick.Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(appps & rs(10)) tick.Label6.Caption = rs(0) rs.MovePrevious tick.Image2.Picture = LoadPicture(appps & rs(10)) tick.Label7.Caption = rs(0) rs.MovePrevious tick.Image3.Picture = LoadPicture(appps & rs(10)) tick.Label8.Caption = rs(0) End If End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click()

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 34

    Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Text4.Text = "" Text1.SetFocus End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Form3.Hide End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() CommonDialog1.ShowOpen bca = CommonDialog1.FileTitle abc = CommonDialog1.FileName Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(abc) cab = App.Path & "\Backgrounds\" & bca End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Set cn = New ADODB.Connection Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset Set cp = New FileSystemObject cn.ConnectionString = "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" & App.Path & "\hh.mdb" cn.Open rs.Open "de", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable abc = App.Path & "\backgrounds\love.jpg" appps = App.Path & "\Backgrounds\" End Sub Private Sub Text2_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) Call onlyno(KeyAscii) End Sub Private Sub Text3_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) Call onlyno(KeyAscii) End Sub Private Sub Text4_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) Call onlyno(KeyAscii) End Sub

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    Upcoming Films Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Private Sub Command1_Click() Upcome.Hide End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Set cn = New ADODB.Connection Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset Set rs1 = New ADODB.Recordset apps = App.Path & "\Backgrounds\" cn.ConnectionString = "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" & App.Path & "\hh.mdb" cn.Open rs.Open "de", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable If rs.EOF = False Then rs.MoveLast Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(apps & rs(10)) Label1.Caption = rs(0) rs.MovePrevious Image2.Picture = LoadPicture(apps & rs(10)) Label2.Caption = rs(0) rs.MovePrevious Image3.Picture = LoadPicture(apps & rs(10)) Label3.Caption = rs(0) rs.Close End If End Sub

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 36

    Ticket Booking Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim rs1 As ADODB.Recordset Dim a%, b%, c% Dim ra%, rb%, rc% Dim ca As String Dim tta As Integer Dim rept As String Dim t1%, t2%, t3%, t4%, t5%, t6%, t7%, t8%, t9%, t10%, t11%, t12%, tt1%, tt2% Dim nt1%, nt2%, nt3%, nt4% Private Sub Combo1_Click() Option1.Enabled = True Option2.Enabled = True Option3.Enabled = True aa: If rs.EOF = False Then If Combo1.Text = rs(0) Then Option1.Caption = rs(1) Option2.Caption = rs(2) Option3.Caption = rs(3) a = rs(1) b = rs(2) c = rs(3) End If rs.MoveNext GoTo aa End If rs.MoveFirst End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() If Option1.Value = True Then t1 = a ElseIf Option2.Value = True Then t1 = b ElseIf Option3.Value = True Then t1 = c End If t2 = Text1.Text Text2.Text = t2 * t1 Command2.Enabled = True Command3.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() rs.Open "de", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable tt1 = 15 tt2 = 45 t3 = 9 t4 = 11

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 37

    t5 = 12 t6 = 14 t7 = 15 t8 = 17 t9 = 18 t10 = 23 t11 = 0 t12 = 8 h = Hour(Time) m = Minute(Time) s = Second(Time) If h = 8 And m >= 45 Then sa = Text1.Text If sa

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 38

    rept = rs(0) rs.Update rs.Close Command2.Enabled = False Command3.Enabled = True End If Else rs.MoveNext GoTo aa End If End If Else MsgBox ("We have only " & tta & " Seats Left for Booking") End If Text1.Text = 0 Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Option1.Value = False Option2.Value = False Option3.Value = False ElseIf h = 9 And m

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 39

    ElseIf Option3.Value = True Then pa = rs(9) pb = Text1.Text pc = pa + pb rs(9) = pc rs(12) = Text1.Text rs(13) = Date rs(14) = Time rs(15) = rs(0) rept = rs(0) rs.Update rs.Close Command2.Enabled = False Command3.Enabled = True End If Else rs.MoveNext GoTo aa1 End If End If Else MsgBox ("We have only " & tta & " Seats Left for Booking") End If Text1.Text = 0 Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Option1.Value = False Option2.Value = False Option3.Value = False ElseIf h = 11 And m >= 45 Then sa = Text1.Text If sa

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 40

    rs(12) = Text1.Text rs(13) = Date rs(14) = Time rs(15) = rs(0) rept = rs(0) rs.Update rs.Close Command2.Enabled = False Command3.Enabled = True ElseIf Option3.Value = True Then pa = rs(9) pb = Text1.Text pc = pa + pb rs(9) = pc rs(12) = Text1.Text rs(13) = Date rs(14) = Time rs(15) = rs(0) rept = rs(0) rs.Update rs.Close Command2.Enabled = False Command3.Enabled = True End If Else rs.MoveNext GoTo aa2 End If End If Else MsgBox ("We have only " & tta & " Seats Left for Booking") End If Text1.Text = 0 Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Option1.Value = False Option2.Value = False Option3.Value = False ElseIf h = 12 And m

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 41

    rs.Update rs.Close Command2.Enabled = False Command3.Enabled = True ElseIf Option2.Value = True Then pa = rs(8) pb = Text1.Text pc = pa + pb rs(8) = pc rs(12) = Text1.Text rs(13) = Date rs(14) = Time rs(15) = rs(0) rept = rs(0) rs.Update rs.Close Command2.Enabled = False Command3.Enabled = True ElseIf Option3.Value = True Then pa = rs(9) pb = Text1.Text pc = pa + pb rs(9) = pc rs(12) = Text1.Text rs(13) = Date rs(14) = Time rs(15) = rs(0) rept = rs(0) rs.Update rs.Close Command2.Enabled = False Command3.Enabled = True End If Else rs.MoveNext GoTo aa3 End If End If Else MsgBox ("We have only " & tta & " Seats Left for Booking") End If Text1.Text = 0 Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Option1.Value = False Option2.Value = False Option3.Value = False ElseIf h = 14 And m >= 45 Then sa = Text1.Text If sa

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 42

    aa4: If rs.EOF = False Then If ca = rs(0) Then If Option1.Value = True Then pa = rs(7) pb = Text1.Text pc = pa + pb rs(7) = pc rs(12) = Text1.Text rept = rs(0) rs.Update rs.Close Command2.Enabled = False Command3.Enabled = True ElseIf Option2.Value = True Then pa = rs(8) pb = Text1.Text pc = pa + pb rs(8) = pc rs(12) = Text1.Text rs(13) = Date rs(14) = Time rs(15) = rs(0) rept = rs(0) rs.Update rs.Close Command2.Enabled = False Command3.Enabled = True ElseIf Option3.Value = True Then pa = rs(9) pb = Text1.Text pc = pa + pb rs(9) = pc rs(12) = Text1.Text rs(13) = Date rs(14) = Time rs(15) = rs(0) rept = rs(0) rs.Update rs.Close Command2.Enabled = False Command3.Enabled = True End If Else rs.MoveNext GoTo aa4 End If End If Else MsgBox ("We have only " & tta & " Seats Left for Booking")

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 43

    End If Text1.Text = 0 Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Option1.Value = False Option2.Value = False Option3.Value = False ElseIf h = 15 And m

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 44

    Command3.Enabled = True End If Else rs.MoveNext GoTo aa5 End If End If Else MsgBox ("We have only " & tta & " Seats Left for Booking") End If Text1.Text = 0 Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Option1.Value = False Option2.Value = False Option3.Value = False ElseIf h = 17 And m >= 45 Then sa = Text1.Text If sa

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 45

    rs(9) = pc rs(12) = Text1.Text rs(13) = Date rs(14) = Time rs(15) = rs(0) rept = rs(0) rs.Update rs.Close Command2.Enabled = False Command3.Enabled = True End If Else rs.MoveNext GoTo aa6 End If End If Else MsgBox ("We have only " & tta & " Seats Left for Booking") End If Text1.Text = 0 Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Option1.Value = False Option2.Value = False Option3.Value = False ElseIf h = 18 And m

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 46

    rept = rs(0) rs.Update rs.Close Command2.Enabled = False Command3.Enabled = True ElseIf Option3.Value = True Then pa = rs(9) pb = Text1.Text pc = pa + pb rs(9) = pc rs(12) = Text1.Text rs(13) = Date rs(14) = Time rs(15) = rs(0) rept = rs(0) rs.Update rs.Close Command2.Enabled = False Command3.Enabled = True End If Else rs.MoveNext GoTo aa7 End If End If Else MsgBox ("We have only " & tta & " Seats Left for Booking") End If Text1.Text = 0 Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Option1.Value = False Option2.Value = False Option3.Value = False Else Form2.Show rs.Close tick.Hide End If End Sub Private Sub Command2_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) Command2.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() DataEnvironment1.Command2 (ca) DataReport1.Show tick.Hide End Sub Private Sub Command3_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 47

    Command3.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Set cn = New ADODB.Connection Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset Set rs1 = New ADODB.Recordset apps = App.Path & "\Backgrounds\" cn.ConnectionString = "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" & App.Path & "\hh.mdb" cn.Open rs.Open "de", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable rs1.Open "book", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable If rs.EOF = False Then rs.MoveLast rs.MovePrevious rs.MovePrevious rs.MovePrevious Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(apps & rs(10)) Label6.Caption = rs(0) rs.MovePrevious Image2.Picture = LoadPicture(apps & rs(10)) Label7.Caption = rs(0) rs.MovePrevious Image3.Picture = LoadPicture(apps & rs(10)) Label8.Caption = rs(0) rs.Close End If End Sub Private Sub Image1_Click() rs.Open "de", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable Option1.Enabled = True Option2.Enabled = True Option3.Enabled = True aa: If rs.EOF = False Then If Label6.Caption = rs(0) Then Option1.Caption = rs(1) Option2.Caption = rs(2) Option3.Caption = rs(3) a = rs(1) b = rs(2) c = rs(3) ca = Label6.Caption Label2.Caption = ca End If rs.MoveNext GoTo aa End If rs.MoveFirst rs.Close End Sub

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 48

    Private Sub Image2_Click() rs.Open "de", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable Option1.Enabled = True Option2.Enabled = True Option3.Enabled = True aa: If rs.EOF = False Then If Label7.Caption = rs(0) Then Option1.Caption = rs(1) Option2.Caption = rs(2) Option3.Caption = rs(3) a = rs(1) b = rs(2) c = rs(3) ca = Label7.Caption Label2.Caption = ca End If rs.MoveNext GoTo aa End If rs.MoveFirst rs.Close End Sub Private Sub Image3_Click() rs.Open "de", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable Option1.Enabled = True Option2.Enabled = True Option3.Enabled = True aa: If rs.EOF = False Then If Label8.Caption = rs(0) Then Option1.Caption = rs(1) Option2.Caption = rs(2) Option3.Caption = rs(3) a = rs(1) b = rs(2) c = rs(3) ca = Label8.Caption Label2.Caption = ca End If rs.MoveNext GoTo aa End If rs.MoveFirst rs.Close End Sub Private Sub Option1_Click() rs.Open "de", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable aa: If rs.EOF = False Then

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 49

    If ca = rs(0) Then ra = rs(4) rb = rs(7) rc = ra - rb tta = rc Text3.Text = rc rs(13) = Date rs(14) = Time() rs(15) = ca rs(16) = "SILVER" End If rs.MoveNext GoTo aa End If rs.MoveFirst rs.Close End Sub Private Sub Option2_Click() rs.Open "de", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable aa: If rs.EOF = False Then If ca = rs(0) Then ra = rs(5) rb = rs(8) rc = ra - rb tta = rc Text3.Text = rc rs(13) = Date rs(14) = Time() rs(15) = ca rs(16) = "GOLD" End If rs.MoveNext GoTo aa End If rs.MoveFirst rs.Close End Sub Private Sub Option3_Click() rs.Open "de", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable aa: If rs.EOF = False Then If ca = rs(0) Then ra = rs(5) rb = rs(9) rc = ra - rb tta = rc Text3.Text = rc rs(13) = Date rs(14) = Time() rs(15) = ca

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 50

    rs(16) = "DIAMOND" End If rs.MoveNext GoTo aa End If rs.MoveFirst rs.Close End Sub Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) Call onlyno(KeyAscii) End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Label9.Caption = Time Label10.Caption = Date nt1 = 10 nt2 = 13 nt3 = 16 nt4 = 19 rs.Open "de", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable If rs.EOF = False Then rs.MoveLast rs.MovePrevious rs.MovePrevious rs.MovePrevious If Hour(Time) = 10 And Minute(Time) = 0 And Second(Time) = 0 Then rs1.AddNew rs1(0) = Date rs1(1) = "9-12" rs1(2) = rs(7) rs1(3) = rs(8) rs1(4) = rs(9) rs1(5) = rs(15) rs(7) = 0 rs(8) = 0 rs(9) = 0 rs.Update rs1.Update rs.MovePrevious rs1.AddNew rs1(0) = Date rs1(1) = "9-12" rs1(2) = rs(7) rs1(3) = rs(8) rs1(4) = rs(9) rs1(5) = rs(15) rs(7) = 0 rs(8) = 0 rs(9) = 0 rs.Update rs1.Update rs.MovePrevious

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 51

    rs1.AddNew rs1(0) = Date rs1(1) = "9-12" rs1(2) = rs(7) rs1(3) = rs(8) rs1(4) = rs(9) rs1(5) = rs(15) rs(7) = 0 rs(8) = 0 rs(9) = 0 rs.Update rs1.Update ElseIf Hour(Time) = 13 And Minute(Time) = 0 And Second(Time) = 0 Then rs1.AddNew rs1(0) = Date rs1(1) = "12-3" rs1(2) = rs(7) rs1(3) = rs(8) rs1(4) = rs(9) rs1(5) = rs(15) rs(7) = 0 rs(8) = 0 rs(9) = 0 rs.Update rs1.Update rs.MovePrevious rs1.AddNew rs1(0) = Date rs1(1) = "12-3" rs1(2) = rs(7) rs1(3) = rs(8) rs1(4) = rs(9) rs1(5) = rs(15) rs(7) = 0 rs(8) = 0 rs(9) = 0 rs.Update rs1.Update rs.MovePrevious rs1.AddNew rs1(0) = Date rs1(1) = "12-3" rs1(2) = rs(7) rs1(3) = rs(8) rs1(4) = rs(9) rs1(5) = rs(15) rs(7) = 0 rs(8) = 0 rs(9) = 0 rs.Update

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 52

    rs1.Update ElseIf Hour(Time) = 16 And Minute(Time) = 0 And Second(Time) = 0 Then rs1.AddNew rs1(0) = Date rs1(1) = "3-6" rs1(2) = rs(7) rs1(3) = rs(8) rs1(4) = rs(9) rs1(5) = rs(15) rs(7) = 0 rs(8) = 0 rs(9) = 0 rs.Update rs1.Update rs.MovePrevious rs1.AddNew rs1(0) = Date rs1(1) = "3-6" rs1(2) = rs(7) rs1(3) = rs(8) rs1(4) = rs(9) rs1(5) = rs(15) rs(7) = 0 rs(8) = 0 rs(9) = 0 rs.Update rs1.Update rs.MovePrevious rs1.AddNew rs1(0) = Date rs1(1) = "3-6" rs1(2) = rs(7) rs1(3) = rs(8) rs1(4) = rs(9) rs1(5) = rs(15) rs(7) = 0 rs(8) = 0 rs(9) = 0 rs.Update rs1.Update ElseIf Hour(Time) = 19 And Minute(Time) = 0 And Second(Time) = 0 Then rs1.AddNew rs1(0) = Date rs1(1) = "12-3" rs1(2) = rs(7) rs1(3) = rs(8) rs1(4) = rs(9) rs1(5) = rs(15) rs(7) = 0

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 53

    rs(8) = 0 rs(9) = 0 rs.Update rs1.Update rs.MovePrevious rs1.AddNew rs1(0) = Date rs1(1) = "12-3" rs1(2) = rs(7) rs1(3) = rs(8) rs1(4) = rs(9) rs1(5) = rs(15) rs(7) = 0 rs(8) = 0 rs(9) = 0 rs.Update rs1.Update rs.MovePrevious rs1.AddNew rs1(0) = Date rs1(1) = "12-3" rs1(2) = rs(7) rs1(3) = rs(8) rs1(4) = rs(9) rs1(5) = rs(15) rs(7) = 0 rs(8) = 0 rs(9) = 0 rs.Update rs1.Update End If End If rs.Close End Sub

    Booking Schedule Dim t1%, t2%, t3%, t4%, t5%, t6%, t7%, t8%, t9%, t10%, t11%, t12% Private Sub Command1_Click() Form2.Hide tick.Show End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() t1 = 15 t2 = 45 t3 = 9 t4 = 11 t5 = 12 t6 = 14 t7 = 15 t8 = 16 t9 = 18

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 54

    t10 = 23 t11 = 0 t12 = 8 Label2.Caption = "08" & ":" & "45" & "AM" & "-" & "09" & ":" & "15" & " AM" Label3.Caption = "11" & ":" & "45" & "AM" & "-" & "12" & ":" & "15" & " PM" Label4.Caption = "02" & ":" & "45" & "PM" & "-" & "03" & ":" & "15" & " PM" Label5.Caption = "05" & ":" & "45" & "PM" & "-" & "06" & ":" & "15" & " PM" Form2.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\backgrounds\0212.jpg") Unload tick End Sub Private Sub Form_Terminate() tick.Command2.Enabled = True tick.Command3.Enabled = False tick.Show End Sub Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) tick.Command2.Enabled = True tick.Command3.Enabled = False tick.Show End Sub

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 55

    Booking Report Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs1 As ADODB.Recordset Private Sub Combo1_Click() tics = Combo1.Text DataEnvironment1.Command5 (tics) DataReport5.Show End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Set cn = New ADODB.Connection Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset Set rs1 = New ADODB.Recordset apps = App.Path & "\Backgrounds\" cn.ConnectionString = "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" & App.Path & "\hh.mdb" cn.Open rs1.Open "de", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable While rs1.EOF = False Combo1.AddItem (rs1(0)) rs1.MoveNext Wend End Sub

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 56

    About Us Dim a As Integer Dim asd As String Private Sub Form_Load() asd = App.Path & "\Backgrounds\" End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() a = a + 1 If a > 3 Then a = 0 Else Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(asd & a & ".gif") End If End Sub

  • lvlIS kumwr [ 11204110098 Page 57


    The books and websites that are used in making this project are as follows:


    Lewis, Thomas. VB COM. Chicago, IL: Wrox Press Inc., 1999. Pattison, Ted. Programming Distributed Applications with COM

    and Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press, 1998.

    Stamatakis, William. Microsoft Visual Basic Design Patterns. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press, 2000.

    WEBSITES http://www.vbtutor.net/





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