5 tips to use facebook for local business promotion

5 Tips to Use Facebook for Local Business Promotion ANITA HALES – BLOGGINGSUCCESSSTORIES.COM

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5 Tips to Use Facebook for Local Business PromotionANITA HALES – BLOGGINGSUCCESSSTORIES.COM

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Facebook is a brilliant but massively underutilized tool for local businesses.

Most business owners know little about how to maximize the potential of Facebook to get buying customers in their business.

It’s particularly good for small businesses. The national chains have the power of money and influence to promote their business and most don’t bother developing a Facebook presence. It’s easier just to buy some ads on TV, Radio or Newspaper and go with it.

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The downside to using Facebook to its potential is that it requires time and attention, something too many business owners are not willing to relinquish to use it.

But the upside can be tremendous and far outweigh the time required to make Facebook work for them.

If time is the main issue, it can be outsourced but that’s a subject for another day.

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Most Facebook business pages are just static. The business owner will start the Facebook page, invite their friends to like it and maybe post a few ads on it.

Maybe they’ll even post an event or two when they happen to think about it.

Their audience is pathetically small and due to Facebook’s algorithm, only about 2% of those people actually see the posts on the page.

Business owners just don’t know how to use Facebook. Here are some tips to get more out of your Facebook business page:

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1. Post Daily Content

Facebook shows your page more if you are active on it and if the posts get activity such as likes and comments.

Once a day is the bare minimum. Studies have shown that the more posts there are on a page, the more interaction the posts get. And if there is more interaction, Facebook shows the page to more people. Professional internet marketers suggest posting 3 to 5 times a day.

Your posts can be set to post at certain times of the day so you can post all your content at one time to be shown when you want. This is a time saver.

Content should be something that asks for interaction. It can be as simple as saying, “comment below”.

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2. Promote your page to get more followers

There is a button labeled “Promote” on your Facebook business page. Just click it to promote your business. If your customers are from a certain geographic area, you can tell Facebook to promote it to that area. You can also define whatever demographic your products serve. You can get very specific and get followers very cheaply, as little as 1 cent or less per follower.

You can also use the pull-down menu to create a promotion ad. Learning to master Facebook advertising is a must.

Be sure to read Facebook’s advertising policies before launching into ad campaigns so you don’t end up in Facebook jail.

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3. Use the “Event” feature to promote sales and other promotions.

Create an event on Facebook to get people’s attention to your latest promotion.

Creating an event also gets interaction from your followers as they respond to the event query.

Customers get reminded of the event by Facebook. This can go hand in hand with emailing your list. (What? You don’t have

a list? Tsk. Tsk. Another subject for another day.)

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4. Link Facebook to your web site or blog.

Most local businesses don’t think about collecting contact information so they can directly communicate with their customers.

Having an email list gives you an advantage over your competition. You can create an email list from your web site through a subscriber link. Having an email autoresponder will help you connect with your subscribers

to directly target people who are HOT to buy from you since they are probably already customers.

Having a Facebook presence connected to a blog gives you absolute control over your content and who it goes out to reducing the costs of advertising. You don’t own Facebook, but you DO own your blog.

Your blog should also have daily content. You can repurpose one blog post to appear on social media as well, not just on Facebook either.

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5. Use the Facebook tools like Facebook live video to showcase your featured products.

Back in the day, people would hire the local radio or TV station to come down and do a live broadcast from your store to bring people in. Now you can do it with your cell phone using Facebook live.

Do a Facebook Live broadcast to show how much fun people are having at your promotion and show the prizes you offer. You can talk directly to people as they show up on your Facebook Live feed.

Recognize people as they comment on your Live broadcast giving them a shout out. Ask people to tap their screens on their phones to send hearts to your live broadcast

to keep the interaction going. This is entirely FREE. More people are probably on Facebook than are listening to radio anyway. Facebook

feeds are usually on people’s cell phones and they’ll get the notifications right away. Just make sure that your customers know to set their Facebook notifications so they

get notified of your live broadcasts.

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6. Have a continual FB “LIKE” ad campaign running all the time.

Have a continual “like” ads campaign running on Facebook to capture any new customers. People these days are very transient. They move in and out of communities. Your local Facebook ads can tap into these people as they arrive telling them who you are and what you have to offer.

With competition from the internet, local businesses more than ever need to be in the minds of consumers. Almost everybody is on Facebook. It’s a valuable tool.

Yes, I know that was 6 tips because I’m a heavy tipper.

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grow your business. http://bloggingsuccessstories.com Thanks for watching, Anita Hales