5 content marketing trends we learned in 2015

1 5 Content Marketing Trends We Learned in 2015

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Page 1: 5 Content Marketing Trends We Learned in 2015

5 Content Marketing Trends We Learned in 2015

Page 2: 5 Content Marketing Trends We Learned in 2015

If you feel as if 2015 was the year digital content marketing exploded, you’re not alone. A rising trend over the last few years, 2015 was the year everyone

— brands and the industry at large — really began to latch onto digital content marketing campaigns, not as a trend, but as a real marketing shift.

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As content marketing continues to grow and change, we find ourselves reflecting on what we saw and learned in 2015 so we can stay ahead of the

curve. Here are the top trends we took notice of this past year:

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1. Focus shifted to more meaningful content

In the past, marketers published content with the goal of generating a lot of clicks and impressions, but didn’t necessarily consider its lasting value.

This year, marketers began to see the significance in developing ongoing relationships through content that’s actually informative and engaging, or entertaining in a meaningful way to their audience.

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2. Interactive content began to emerge

Rather than focusing on just creating articles, brands began to think carefully about how to better engage their audiences, and many experimented with interactivity.

This interactive content came in the form of quizzes, calculators, polls, surveys, and many other creative assets.

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3. The rise of content distribution came to the forefront

Just as marketers realized that there’s more to content marketing than blog posts, they also began to see that content marketing is about a lot more than creating content.

In order to be effective, marketers need to do substantial research on their audience, generate worthwhile topics, come up with a process, and figure out how to effectively promote their assets.

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4. Brands adopted a data first approach

By looking at the right metrics and data points, marketers can see what content is working and what’s not.

Because of this, ongoing content strategies can actually be informed by performance data that shows marketers what their audience is truly engaged with.

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5. Content marketing continues to grow as an industry

88% of marketers used content marketing in 2015Additionally, brands are now hiring for content marketing specific roles to spearhead their initiatives. In 2015, content marketing was no longer a single initiative for a marketer to take on, but a specialized process that required expert attention.

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2015 was a big year for content marketing, and 2016 may be even bigger. By focusing on the production of high quality content and the latest trends,

marketers can look forward to a future where content shines bright.

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