5 content marketing mistakes on your corporate blogs

Do You Hurt Your Business By Making These 5 Content Marketing Mistakes On Your Corporate Blogs? Paul Adedoyin

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Do You Hurt Your Business By Making

These 5 Content Marketing Mistakes On

Your Corporate Blogs?

Paul Adedoyin

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fresh traffic to your corporate blog

more targeted visitors

higher conversion rates

turning your corporate blog in to an asset and not the liability that it already is,

Here are 5 types of content missing from your content that is hurting your corporate

blog and your business and what you should do about it.

1. Lack Of Fresh Content

Here is your chance to get more juice from the search engines, search engines love fresh

content. The fresher your content is, the greater the chances of your corporate blog

being found by people who need your services or want to connect with your brand

through your blog. This of course leads to more engagement for your brand once they

subscribe to your blog through your newsletter.

A way to create fresh content is to train and assign one of your interns and staff writers

to regularly update your blog or by hiring a ghost blogger to do so on your behalf.

Another way of keeping your corporate blog with fresh up to date content is by

connecting your social media feeds with your blog.

2. No Videos

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The essence of a good video is to communicate in another form. Different people

understand concepts or ideas in a different format. For some it is content in written

format, for some it is video, while for some it is visual (infographics). This post explains

in greater detail how to create an engaging video. You don’t just create a video and sit

on it you have to share it to help people in your best way and for them to know more

about your brand.

Two free video sharing sites are youtube and vimeo, use the right keywords and have

your video viewed by thousands. One key fact to keep in mind is that the length of an

ideal video must not be longer than 3 minutes.

3. Not Having A Review Post

According to the thesaurus, a review is “a critical assessment of a book or another

product”. the reason for doing a review is simple – traffic. This traffic comes mostly from

the search engines. When people type “book or product + review” in the search box,

your blog comes up as part the search results.

A review must follow a proper format, here it is;

Introduction of the product (book or video or software)

Introduction of the creator of the product

Summary of what the product has to offer

Summary of your positives about the product

Summary of your negatives about the product

Your recommendation about the product – whether or not your audience should


Lastly, provide the link to the product – this may or may not be your affiliate link

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A way to lend credence to your review is to interview the author or create a video for

the product – if it is a physical item.

4. No Step By Step Guides

This is self – explanatory enough. A step by step guide provides the content in an action

step. People love action step guides.

5. No Lists Guide

Here is what Jon Morrow of Boost Blog Traffic has to say about list post:

“Of all the popular posts … published at Copyblogger, more of them have list headlines

than any other format. The same is true for social bookmarking sites. Just glance at the

front pages of Digg and Delicious, and you'll see they are dominated by list headlines.

The truth is, if you're not writing at least one list post per week, you are missing out on

traffic. They are *that* powerful.”

Examples of this abound.

7 Pitfalls You Are Making When Using A Press Release Distribution Company

3 Major Reasons Why Corporate Organizations Fail In Blogging

These are just examples.

The reason for having list content is that they are loved by all types of audience. to

create a list post, use the headlines in the examples above as a guide. This post you are

reading now is also a list post.

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In the above headline examples above, you have a number and a topic. For your list

post, it is best you have a detailed list post and a long list. It has been proven that these

are the types that work best.

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Paul Adedoyin is a freelance content writer for hire who help small and medium

sized businesses bond with their audience using power of the written word to

increase their profits. He is available for your ghost writing, ghost blogging, sales letter

writing, copywriting, product description writing, product review writing, article writing,

press release writing and blog posts. With his help through his services, small and

medium sized businesses are able to bond with their audience using power of the

written word to increase their profits. Click Here To Hire Him. Connect with him on

google+ here

More Resources:

Check out and share my other posts here;

Top 4 Questions To Answer When Working With A Professional Copywriter

7 Pitfalls You Are Making When Using A Press Release Distribution Company

3 Major Reasons Why Corporate Organizations Fail In Blogging

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