4vgm, magloire broadcasting circuit, port-au-prince, haiti

··nx PUBLISHED BY THE NAT IO . NAL RADIO CLU ·B HEADQUART ERS : 325 S HIRLEY AVE ., BUFFALO 15 , NEW Y OR K J0 9 E l"H J. BECKER, ERN EST R. COOPER. EOITOR 90UTH 11TH ST. .. " MUS I NGS OF THE ME MBERS" HAMI LTO N . O H I O 6 438 EAST 2 1ST ST. BROOKLY N ze. N Y. a W E!!:KLY OU R IN G OX S EA SO N -· S 3 . 00 YE AR · 34 19S UES 18 __ gl _ __ -· - Qu.r. - .!0.1.. 1.9.lil_ ob BotzUin 'S; Eva.n Roberts - Fred V:i ':l Voorhees - Ei Lendzioszek - Louis Little - Wil liam Harris - \Y: atson W .;. ndt - Arthur Robb Allen - Bob Spencer .:-, Dick Cooper. TIPS v. HILE THEY 1 RE STILL TIPS n1 would like to say that tlW going.- lt's got to be - just think - a bulletin every week ! That means you get the DX news while it is still hot. With other cl"G.bs you usuall y ge t the news afte:r it has coQ.led off ahd the tips are little use to you. But the good old NRC gives you tips while they a.re still tips. I would also like to express my thanks to Steve M ann. He h as not only ione a swell job arran ging special broadcasts, but has i•1clud.ed macy- valuable tips for the for- eign ECB DXer. - H;nk Holb rook - Chevy Chase, Maryland r--......._ Date Calls ---- Fee. 13 K I F N 14 W NA W 15 W SP R 17 KS E I l? KAVE 17 C H L D 17 W *L*E*E '-..._ 4 VG M ------ 18 C H F '°" A 19 WA P X 19 K S V C 19 W *E*S*B , 20 K V RS ..____ 20 W BS M 21 WE 0 L 21 w J. w w; NILS 22 K F TM 22 K G L N 24 WANN 25 W KR C 25 CKCH 25 W I CA W M T W ------ 26 K V M V 26 W C N X ---- - 25 K XL 0 26 W T 0 R 26 W I C H 27 W M A S 27 VI K :S N 27 W S D C 28 W 0 C B 25--H 0 L Mar . l W A T N 1 WU LA 5 KC KY -- 5 KC ID Kc/a 860 860 1270 930 1240 680 1480 1430 680 1600 690 1490 1360 1230 930 850 1290 1260 1340 1190 . 550 970 970 1490 1450 1150 1230 1490 1400 1450 570 1590 1240 1390 1240 1240 1150 1490 _D_X __ C_A __ L_E_N_D_A _ R_ Location Wr ite to: ffli!Watts Type Phoenix, Ariz ona Edg ar B. Pool, CE 250 test North Adan. a, M ass. G. 'd: . 01 Grad.y, CE 250 test Springfield, Geor ge Tow nsend CE 1000 NNRC Pocatello, Idaho H Fletcher, MgF. 1000 NNRC Carlsbad, N. M. W C Sene, CE 250 NN RC St. Thomas, Ont. L C Evans, Pro . Mgr 1000 NNRC Richmond, Vir ginia G. W . McGuigan CE 5000 NRC Port-au-Prince Ha iti Mr. Magliore 1000 NNRC Edmonton, Alberta G. L. Sadler, CE 1000 NNRC Mo n t gomery, Ala. Owen A. La hr s CE 1000 NNRC Richfield, Utah Ra lph A. Ross CE 1000 test Bradford, Penna. Joseph Sudock CE 250 NRC Bo ck Springs, Wy o. Imogene Parr 1000 NN RC New Mass. H H Hoover Jr CE 100 E4rria, Ohio G R CE 1000 NNRC Cleveland, Ohio Charles Hunter, P. D. 5000 NNRC Sylacauga, Ala. Curtis O. Liles 1000 test Fort Morgan, C ol. W illia m Hall 500 test Glenwood Springs, Col Carl Anderson CE 250 NNRC Ama polis, Mti. Arthur P. Dietz 1000 test Cincinnati, Ohio Chief Engineer 1000 NNRC Hull, Quebec Max Gebhardt, CE 1000 NNRC Ashtabula, Oh io F N Bernato, CE 1000 NNRC Portland, Ma ine Horace J. Rutz CE 250 N NRC Twin Falls, Idaho Donald P Chandler 250 NNRC M iddleto wrJ , Conn. Ke nneth A. Bish 500 test tewi ston, f.!sontana Sa tner 1 CE 250 NNRC Torrington, Conn. J J Passakarnis CE 250 NNRC Nornich, Conn. A. CE 250 NNRC Springfiald 1 M ass. Jolm M:i.chn ooe CE 250 NNRC Youngstown, Ohio D onald Er:ce P.M gr.5000 NNRC Marine City, M ich. G C Carroll, CE 1000 test West Mass Paul Stiles 250 NNRC C olon, Panama 200 NRC Wa tertown, N.Y. Harry Righter Pres. 250 NRC Eufaula, Alabama G.Chastain CE 250 NNRC Coolidge, Arizona. Rola!' ;d R. Wiseman 1000 NNRC Caldwell, Idaho H R MoCosh, M gr. 250 NNRC Continued on Page 11 .AM -EST 4:30-5:po 3:00-3:30 3!45-4: 15 2:30-3 :00 2:30-3 :oo 3:00-3!30 5:00-6:00 5:00-6:00 4:00-5 :00 3:00-3:30 4 :00-5 : 00 3!00-3:30 3!00-3:30 2:00-2:30 3:00-3:30 4:00-4:30 3:00-3:30 3: 15-3 :45 1: 30- 7 2!45-3 :15 3 :00-3:30 4! 15-4!45 2:00-2:30 3!30-4 :00 3:30-5:00 4 :00-4 :30 4:00- 4 !30 4:00-4!30 3:00- ? 3! 15-3 !45 4 :00-4 !30 3:30 .. 4:00 4:00-5:00 2:00.-2:15 4:00-4:30 3:1!>-3 :45 4:00-4:30

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Page 1: 4VGM, Magloire Broadcasting Circuit, Port-au-Prince, Haiti



J 0 9 E l"H J . BECKER , l"RE~X~~~x:~x!X!';i{QC~QC,SEC E R N EST R . COOPER. EOIT O R

~ "'~ 90UTH 11TH ST. ~xx~ .. ~~:x0:£'~~b1''*'5c~AL" " MUS INGS OF THE M E MBERS "

H A M I LTO N . O H IO 6 X~A:R~k~~{.~X:'-.~J'l>A . 4 3 8 EAST 2 1ST ST. • BROOKLY N ze. N Y .

a W E!!:KLY OU R IN G OX S EASO N -· S 3 .00 Y E AR · 34 19SUES

_Vol~~ 18 __ -_N~~e.r. gl ___ - · - Qu.r. .!8!h_Y~a.r. - _F~b!.~~ .!0.1.. 1.9.lil_ rt11Mm~h ob BotzUin 'S;Eva.n Roberts - Fred V:i':l Voorhees - Ei Lendzioszek - Louis

Little - William Harris - \Y:atson W.;.ndt - Arthur Robb ~Gene Allen - Bob Spencer .:-,Dick Cooper.

TIPS v. HILE THEY 1 RE STILL TIPS n1 would like to say that t~e-vRC-i; tlW be~t-club going.- lt's got to be - just think - a bulletin every week! Tha t means you get the DX news while it is still hot. With other cl"G.bs you usually ge t the news afte:r it has coQ.led off ahd the tips are little use to you. But the good old NRC gives you tips while they a.re still tips. I would also like to express my thanks to Steve Mann. He h as not only ione a swel l job arranging special broadcasts, but has i •1clud.ed macy- valuable tips for the for­eign ECB DXer. - H;nk Holbrook - Chevy Chase, Maryland

r--......._ Date Calls ~ ---- Fee. 13 K I F N

14 W NA W 15 W SP R 17 KS E I l? KAVE 17 C H L D 17 W*L*E*E

'-..._ ~ 1a 4 VG M ------18 C H F '°"A

19 WA P X 19 K S V C 19 W*E*S*B

, 20 K V RS ..____20 W BS M

21 WE 0 L 21 w J . w ~~ w; NILS 22 K F TM 22 K G L N 24 WANN 25 W KR C 25 CKCH 25 W I CA ~6r,A W M T W

------26 K V M V 26 W C N X

---- - 25 K XL 0 26 W T 0 R 26 W I C H 27 W M A S 27 VI K :S N 27 W S D C 28 W 0 C B 25--H 0 L

Mar . l W A T N 1 W U LA 5 K C KY

--5 KC ID

Kc/a 860 860

1270 930

1240 680

1480 1430

680 1600

690 1490 1360 1230 930 850

1290 1260 1340 1190 . 550 970 970

1490 1450 1150 1230 1490 1400 1450

570 1590 1240 1390 1240 1240 1150 1490

_D_X __ C_A __ L_E_N_D_A_R_ Location Write to: ffli!Watts Type

Phoenix, Arizona Edgar B. Pool, CE 250 test North Adan.a, Mass. G. 'd: . 01 Grad.y, CE 250 test Springfield, M~ss. George Townsend CE 1000 NNRC Pocatello, Idaho ~ H Fletcher, MgF. 1000 NNRC Carlsbad, N. M. W C Sene, CE 250 NNRC St. Thomas, Ont. L C Evans, Pro .Mgr 1000 NNRC Richmond, Virginia G. W. McGuigan CE 5000 NRC Port-au-Prince Haiti Mr. Magliore 1000 NNRC Edmonton, Alberta G. L. Sadler, CE 1000 NNRC Mont gomery, Ala. Owen A. Lahr s CE 1000 NNRC Richfield, Utah Ralph A. Ross CE 1000 test Bradford, Penna. Joseph Sudock CE 250 NRC Bock Springs, Wyo . Imogene Parr 1000 NNRC New Bedfo~i, Mass. H H Hoover Jr CE 100 ~NRC E4rria, Ohio G R McC<.~ slani, CE 1000 NNRC Cleveland, Ohio Charles Hunter, P. D. 5000 NNRC Sylacauga, Ala. Curtis O. Liles 1000 test Fort Morgan, Col. William Hall 500 test Glenwood Springs, Col Carl Anderson CE 250 NNRC Amapolis, Mti. Arthur P. Dietz 1000 test Cincinnati, Ohio Chief Engineer 1000 NNRC Hull, Quebec Max Gebhardt, CE 1000 NNRC Ashtabula, Ohio F N Bernato, CE 1000 NNRC Portland, Maine Horace J . Rutz CE 250 NNRC Twin Falls, Idaho Donald P Chandler 250 NNRC MiddletowrJ , Conn. Kenneth A. Bish 500 test tewi ston, f.!sontana Don~ ld Sa tner 1 CE 250 NNRC Torrington, Conn. J J Passakarnis CE 250 NNRC Nornich, Conn. A. Dubenets~, CE 250 NNRC Springfiald1 Mass. Jolm M:i.chnooe CE 250 NNRC Youngstown, Ohio Donald Er:ce P. Mgr.5000 NNRC Marine City, Mich. G C Carroll, CE 1000 test West Yarmout~, Mass Paul Stiles 250 NNRC Colon, Panama 200 NRC Watertown, N.Y. Harry Righter Pres. 250 NRC Eufaula, Alabama ~ugh G.Chastain CE 250 NNRC Coolidge, Arizona. Rola!';d R. Wiseman 1000 NNRC Caldwell, Idaho H R MoCosh, Mgr. 250 NNRC

Continued on Page 11

.AM-EST 4:30-5:po 3:00-3:30 3!45-4: 15 2:30-3 :00 2:30-3 :oo 3:00-3!30 5:00-6:00 5:00-6:00 4:00-5:00 1-l~r2-zi 3:00-3:30 4 :00-5 : 00 3!00-3:30 3!00-3:30 2:00-2:30 3:00-3:30 4:00-4:30 3:00-3:30 3: 15-3 :45 1: 30- 7 2!45-3 :15 3 :00-3:30 4! 15-4!45 2:00-2:30 3!30-4:00 3:30-5:00 4:00-4:30 4:00-4 !30 4:00-4!30 3:00- ? 3!15-3 !45 4 :00-4!30 3:30 .. 4:00 4:00-5:00 2:00.-2:15 4:00-4:30 3:1!>-3 :45 4:00-4:30

Page 2: 4VGM, Magloire Broadcasting Circuit, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Vol. 17, No. 5.


-__ . _P_a~g_e·~~~~~~--~~~F.ebruary 5, 1951~


Just before going to press we received word from Edi tor· Stephen Mann, Westbury, L.I.j N.Y., that the. final program in the series pre­sented by Central and South American stations and by some in the Carib­bean area, is scheduled for Sunday, Feb~ 11th from 5 to 6 A.M~ (E~T)~ This one. will be transmitted by 4VGM, 1430 kcs., 1000 watts; Port~~u­Pr·ince Haiti~ Send reports to Frank C~ Magloire; Manager; 4VGM~ 36 Rue J1mer'icaine,. Port-~rn-Prince; HaitL .

. Note: It is possible that this program may .be postponed until feb. ·1s~h, same time. Therefore, if not heard on Feb~ 11th; we suggest ~uning for .it .on the 18th.


Accpmpanyirig the March 5th Bulletin will be Nominations Blanks . on which members are to list their choices for Club offices to be fill~ ed during the Annual Election in April~ When you receive these forms please fill them out without delay and forward them immediately to the Nominations and Election Committee according ·to instructions that will appear on the forms.

DISAPPOINTED ----The poor response to special DX programs arranged by our cour­

tesy programs committee this season, brings the following comment frqrn Steve Mann; who; like the other members of our CPC, has ~abored dili­genti¥. snd. at personal expenae, to schedule many1 outstanding broad-casts for members' benefit~ Steve writes: . .

"I might comm~nt at . . this time to the effe9t that I am extremely disappointed in the support given the specials from abroad; by NNRC members. From reports received here from the sta tion's involved, it is apparent that on the average only about FIVE NNRCers reported each pr ogram and in every case, non-members and members of other clubs out­numbered NNRCers by more than 5 to 1. This is bad, especially in view of the fact that some of the broadcasts, such as those by CX-28 and CB-106 for example, had such strong signals that reports were received . from persons using four and five-tube se t s with indoor antenntHl .Obvious­ly, it appears that the great majority of our members wer.en 1 t inter­ested anough to tune in and report ~1


Shortwave Editors Henry (Hank) and Amelia Bennett are bsck home in Collingswood, N.J;~ after an auto jaunt in the 1928 Pontiac which took them to Grand Rapids, Mich. for a visit with Mrs. B~nnett•s folks, The return trip was through Canada and via Niagara Falls. Pretty rug -ged; those Bennetts~ ··

p, recent telephone call from Carl L• Horton~ Athol, Mass~, ex­plains why earl has been inactive from a DX ' viewpoint recently~ An up­surge in the leather .business with which he is connected, · has made it necessary for him to make fr equent trips .to and from Wa shington~ Carl expects to be back into the har ness before ·1ong . ·

Honorable mention for Director .A. J. (Stogie) Koempel, Asbury Park, N ~ J~ Al hasn't missed a Board of Directors meeting all season and in many cases he has had to make the long trip alone· since Direct­or Bill Fallender, Neptune City~ N.J~, now has a job · that 'necessita tes night work~ Now that.John T~ Tweedie, Oakhurst; N.J., is ·a Director, old ' faithful will once again have company on· those night ei:cursions.

A gesture of appreciation also to three Club officials whose t a sks this season, with Club work .and the Bulletin, have been arduous and have required many, many hou·~s of labor willing ly given. We refer to Secretaries Al Sauerbier and Ben Feinstein and to Bulletin Manager John w. Reichert.

Newark News Radio Club

Page 3: 4VGM, Magloire Broadcasting Circuit, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

.... ,

:F'ebruary ~4 s 195l . . ~D_X_. __ N.:..E._W __ S.'.'._ Page 3 . _MJ!sin~s_of_~ha_M~mheIB _

_ H~rQl~ ~._Willi_gm~ · = §O_Thixa_A~enu~ = £eY.Jll~UI, _CQnn._ I didn't. think I ·would get a r eport in this w~ek but 12 varies were re~eived aa fol­lows: 2/12 - WOAY (866) · 1etter for March of Dimes, v/s R.R.Thomas, Jr,, Owner-Ngr. KPHO (910) letter for f/c 12/14, v/s George L. McClanathan, Director of ,Engineering, and .KNEW ('790) a poor fol'Ill; card with dat,e 1/ 21/51 typed in for NRC D~. Their verie for 1430 kc/s. 5 kw~ suppressed "to the sou.th was on a nice let.tar-head. I note they a.l·e now surpressod to the east. 2/13 - KMUS (1380) nice QSL card for DX special l/ is,. WNLC (1490) old Q.SL card for 1500 kc/s., lOO:watts, type-dover tor i~ 1490 kc/a., 250 watts. 2/14{ WCRW (1240) a nl.ce friendly letter ffom this 100-~atter for NRC DX 2/5. WTVB (1590; letter. for. DX 2/7. WI.AM (900) a swell thank-you .~etter of verification from this nev~ station on E'lt, v/s C. Allen Breaz iale (W4FYQ,) C .• _E. _Novel htter-heafd from ' this 11 The Sov.them Fa~iers Station". Take note , Gena Franci s. 2/15 - WCPO ( 1230) Q.SL ca1·d for regular program 2/6, ·.v/ s Jchn ~all, Operating Super .. visor. 2/16 - WT'l'N (1580) QSL ·ca r d for 6/2/ 50 ET wit hout a f'.ollow-up , "v/~ l'..eonard E. Be~so·n, C.E. 2/l 7 - WIRL. ( 1290) le.tter for Bradley-Illino\e Baske.~ball re-broad­cast after 2nd report. First report oveI'.. 1 yeij.r old:. V/s Rudolph 'r. LuUkinen, C.E. CJNT .(:ml:G) letter for· DX 2/11, Mark Mullins, Pr.ogram 'Director in rega.rds to interfer­ence noted in my report · says, "?:'oo bad there wa s intsrference. We could try son e other night later on. What do you think?" (Attention - ELDON ADDY -E:i.) Also a card from CE of WMNB ( 1230) in respons~ . to rrv letter regardi_ng· the NNRC special DX as listed in bulleqn _ of 2/5/51. 11We were not on the· ai:i- at the time in your letter of Feb/ 14. Our regular f / c is for 15 min<:ttes the morning ·of the 2nd Thursdcw each month 12:30-?2:45 A.M. and consists .on4" of ·a . 1000 oycie tone with breaks each 5 min­utes. We are not set up to run special pro grams for DX f ans because of a shortage of personnel.. You could give· us a check on our next f /c. I would be pleased to aes.r· from you again and · to· verify your reception. 11 I don 1 t know how this i'nfonnation ca111e to be published in the CPC section but it must have .been· in error and ".here are the few ~ logged on th~ 2 mornings .I D:Xed, cind had some luck. B/12 - Got up at 4:00 to take WTSP (1380) but they were not on as sch~du.led from· 4:00 .. 4.:30. 'd/13 - Stayed up . to tkke V!MNB (1230) but they were not -on as noted ny aboye · card from CE. 2/17 -KSEI ( 930) completely . covered py WPAT on their scheduled DX and KA~ ( 1240) cov~red by WEDC and other 12CO Q,BM~ Both needed here b\lt the DXers 11 bug-a..:iboo", all-nighters i killed bothi CHLO (680) in on schedule 3 ~00-3:30 but t hey were given a qad time by KNBC. KANS ·(1480) 4:40-5:15, all-night p rogram .but no sign of WLEE. KANS in t he clear to s/on of \/.'BI\W at 5:30. WOKO ( 1460) t aken in the afternoon 4!00-t::30 quite noisily. Perhaps I 1 ll get a verie this ~ime - no luck before. 2/10· - CMCF (910) easily heard 12:45 to l : OO s/pff over WHAY & VIG:&!. CMCF s/off in English at 1:00 WHAY a/off l:.02, V!GBI at 1:06. CHFA (6~0) head. very weakly after KNBC s/off at 4:08, Stayed with them to 5:00. Poor signal f ading completely a t times. Got 3 fair sta­tion breaks; 4VGM (1430) poor~ . to fair signal 5: 03-5:17 wnen an open carrier and at 5:18 TT, to 5:31 - WENE of Endicott, N.Y. on ET. Tney went off at 5:32, then a po~r fading signal from 4VGM to _5:45. Also 3 fair ·breaks ' tere so m~e they will verify. 2/19 - WAPX (1600) if on schedulei DX l: 0?-1:30 I coulin1t ~ick them out of a mess of tone, HNL and Spanish QRM. (On 2-2:.30, Hal - Ed.) KSVC (690) - got up again a t 3:00 to try for therr on special DX bu't 690 w~s clea r and no sign of KSVC or al'\Y other sta­tion • . Then all of a sudden at 3:20 they carr.e jn poorly, barely readable. Got the tdtle of one selection at 3·:25 and t heir . si gn-off at 3 :30, ' Was abscUutely in hl)e. clear •. . l\Wbe I ca.it sq;U.eeze but a verie for 10 minutes1 reception. WESB ( ::.490), ,Q.oy how they boomed -in here'· A swell DX progr am, well-handlea ·and plenty of info abo"u:t the NRC. As ·I had to go · to .work ea rly only took t hem 4:00-4 :30. ·13s.

National Radio Club

Page 4: 4VGM, Magloire Broadcasting Circuit, Port-au-Prince, Haiti


~ Februar<J ?A, 1951 1:n X N "E W S11 -·· ·- - - - ~-· ._ ,._ Jff~ Page l l -~sin.gs_Q.f _ tAe._M§'n~e.r_s _

_ S!an Mo-:r.s2. .=. ~r~dfor..d..L Ma.~s~c_hu2_e_lt!._ 2/11 - W.AMS DX show OK. No 4VGM as · expect~-d.. Did snag a. good report. on :Brazilian oh 1440 from 4:00 ·to fade-out at 4:'3£ - is it PRB2? Hope so. CJNT s/off a.t :3:00. 2/12 - KLWN on ET 2:0Q-3;QQ a ,m. Verfes;· kPHO. KOVE. 2 /13 - L'l\cq me - HOK and HON on DX to 4:47. HOK very clear , 640, HON w·3a.k pn 150 1. Same show? Seemed so. WJIV QRM by CJBR crystal tes t 5:13 a . rn. 2/15 - Report to PRE4, Verie, WORN. 2/16 - KA.KE regular sked, 2:31 to s/off at 3:00, on t op most of the time. KLMR f /c 3:08- 3:16 s/off on t0p of 1340, TT and &.nno11.1•cements. KJ.AM (?> 3:15-3 :30 TT, not positive .of ' em - wee.ker, just under \llEJvi? & WHHM. WSYB test, 3:40. WMID on to 3 902, Auction ShQw. ·2/16 - Report a lso to 11Raiio Gua.d.e1oupe 11 , a pretty nice signal . till 7 : 45, then . Cuban on 640 caused bad QRM. 2/18 - 4VGM fair on DX show with Q.Illif from V!ENE on :ST.

Page 5: 4VGM, Magloire Broadcasting Circuit, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Page z _ March 1951 -.=- .._..: _

_ RQ.b.!.r1 !l!o_B9,.:t9: :: 16-L _Mag]:_a_nd_ You•ll think I am going backward in rcy DXing when you read this and probably you will be right as I have not done as much recently as I did in the fall. The other I dug out a lot of old aluminum records that I had made back in the 1930s and enjoyed hearing bits of Bx proadcasts from some now non-existant stati ons. I picked out the ones I thought were most interesting and tried to t heir station announcement onto one of. present dey coated record bla11ke. I have about lZ of the old sta-tions and 8 from post-war to fill up both sides of a 10-inch record cut a.t 78 R.P. M. It makes a rather interesting record for a DXer to listed to and a few those selected are KYW Chicago, just before move to Philadelphia; CFLC, Pres-cott, Ont., CMPN, Havana, KFPM, Greenville, Texas, and t he announcer spells out F-1-F-T-E":"E-N- watts. CHGS in Sum:nerside and t he last day f or WSAL, Salisbury, Md.. , put off the air b,y F.C.C. 30, 1940. More recent DX announcements include HHGM CKCL KCRG. Of course there's lots of noise as those old aluminum were not no.ted for quality and t here is the ever-·present statio. Since I can make duplicates of the composite record t hat I made for myeelf , I thought some others that have turntables might like a copy. If so I will be glad to mail a copy to any JLember for $a.oo. These records are cut from center-out, so just be sure you can run your pickup into the center to start if.. you an

_Bill DX in general have not been vary good in a week .or so but I;ve to make a. weak effort almost every morning and so far this month I 1 ve managed to report the following new ones: WJON & WCRW on 2/5; RAAA 2/11; 4VGM sent a tentative report on 2/ll and complete report on 2/18 KIFN 2/13; KSEI another tentative report on 2/17 on what I heard behind " strong WPAT; WENE 2/18 QRMing 4VGM with a TT ET. New verifications are few but are very much appreciated. · In fact I etill irool over new one I get even though the old verie total now·is 2084. Vades are in from : WCRW, a fine and lengtey l-etter· from Mr. J. A. White. Thanks to the CPC for lining up this one. Hope next season the boys t alk to the WSBC manage-ment - badlf needed here, hi. XEE very promptl.¥ sent a very f ine picture card in verifioation of nw 1/JO report . QRA is Radiodifusora XEE, Apartado 174, Durango, Dur-ango. A nice letter in from Mr. Thomas S. Walsh, CE at CHUB also .enclosed a couple of the station's paper 11Watts WPa,t. n WPIN' s Mr . st·. Manly awarded fii1 report "Verifi-cation of Honor #411 because as he so nicely puts it, "You are awarded a verie of bon-or #4 because your report is above average and shows above average afforts in logging

Good he has there. KRVN sent a brief letter on an interesting head. WMIE letter by Russel H. Bennett, CE. QRA ia Hot_el Everglades, Blvd. at Third, Miami 3Z. Presant schedule is 6:00a.m. ·to 2:00 a.m. weak-daurs, and '7:00 to 2:00 Sundays. Stated. thU WMIE transmits highlf directional to prote9t WRVA. WM>K sent a foxm letter. YNW' s nice enclosed card for a new cc;>untry, CJCS sent QSL oard . for their 12/23 DX. WAKE returned my prepared card signed by J·. A. Mana ger · and this was followed a couple of deys later by-,-a"" nice at t ar rom the C.r. Mr. H. A. Morris who states f /c-TT is on 3rd Thursd.v at 4:15 with That\1 all the news ones - sc;>me nice duplicate letters in from thanks rapc}rta sent on DX broadcasts. Noted where some of the fellows have raoeived varies f rom KWKW (new) KASM WJMA KCVR & WTTT. Would appreciate t he signers. Lawrenceburg, Tann. has a CP for a station to on 1370 kc/s. with 500 watts. This from a Nashville newspaper. It brings back memories of the oli WOAN that used to operate there sharing time with WREC in Memphis. \'/ ish I ha.i known what. a verie was WBlf back then. Several nice DXes coming up accordii1g to calendar . Hope I can log 50% of the following - WBSM KGLN CKCll WMTW KVMV KXLO WSDC HOL KCID KYAK & HJDK. That would be VFB. Will send cauda to all I don't need especially if they break through. That seems to be all I can dig up at this tnne so 73s to all for a while.

!l·_R.ba!: =. HQ & aQ Sqdn. - JZ.Zls! _ _ An t.Q.n!o .a.. !e.!a.!L. ·

Sure will seem good to get the NRC bulletins again I can't DX. Coorespondene is with Prater, Rosenbaum, etc. All the fellows are keeping me -posted. Veries drift in to Springfield &. ar·e forwarded down here ·- prepared ca.rde from KOAM & KDMS, nice letters frorr KJEF KCOL WRAY WMOD & KSUB. About all DX. Through with l3asid, & as-signed to Lackland as member of 21st Training Command. I give 50-minute lectures to basic trainees on Ci tizenahip, USAF History & Organiaa.tion etc. Reall1 a thing & ratings come much faster. Greeting to all the fellows & I 1 ll be writing further.

Page 6: 4VGM, Magloire Broadcasting Circuit, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

3, 1951 __ N.:..Jr.:_W _5.!!_ Paga 3 !n,gs __ o:L.

!2Q.2 __ !i_!._ . Recent varies in from KCLX WSia-DX Wl?.AD KRin WCOG WPIN-DX KLMX WANN WBMD KWCO XV·ON WLA.U WLBZ iMED WCRW-DX XMUS-DX WVAM-DX KCSJ (prepared card) & K01l'N. Total now at 1081. Follow-ups from last season netted· a letter from 'WBGR-on their DX (3rcl try) a.n·1 prepared cards from WMIN WOBD & WPKY. Z/11 - WTNB (1490)- f/c-TT 1:15-1:30; KTBC (590) & KSJ:B (600) M/16¢; WISR · (680} f/o-TT to 3:00; Wl1MS ().380) ET 3:30-4 :00, WKJG (1380)

. testing to 3: so; KAAA on DX. 2/12 - WATC (900) f /c 1:30-1:37, marohea, W.AML & KXRA regular f /cs, KSUB (590) DX program. 2/13 - WLVA (590) regular f /c, XIFN (860) DX .program, KPAN {860) testing to 4:35. 2/17 - Ann. eegu.lar ftc to 1;20 KTRN (1290); lTMIX (940) ann. regg.lar f{'c-TT at l:53; WaW (580) testing TT at 2:56; KAVE (1240) barel¥ heard under WEDC PD DX at 3:40. 2/lS! - Special& he·ard, WESB & HCNB very ·weak.

!= lllino!s_ Feb. 20, 1951- seems m:f .oomnents about N,J. stationa in a recent musing brought re-sponse from a couple of our-good ECB DXera for I received a ·couple of replies a cou-ple of ago, namely frQm Jim T.S.Vlor a.nd Harold Williams and ·1 certainly want here-by to thank them for wri tingj I got the WVNJ verie and will try WPAT again. Jan. ;31 I logged a test from WLBL, the agricultUre station of Wisconsin and logged reports for long-due .stations, .namely WSUI & WNOE. Reception was on a. small receiver in the barn while attending a farrowing gilt· in 150 below zero weather. The varies cau.e ·through OK as well as the little pigs·. {Glad you explained that for a c'ity slicker like me, -Ed.) WDSC faue·d to come on here on Feb. 4. 11 d guess. they were not on. WDEX was logged on their f/c and I added YVXL and CM.rn ·in a.n effort to make the getting up worth while. The Feb. 5 specials KMED & WCBW both came in OK. Didn't hea.r VOCM llowever, Also heard KWBW WLOL WPLH XEQR WFOY WFHG WHA.S testing and WTIL s/on at 5:00a.m., 1300 kc/s. On Feb. 6 kc/s. listened and never identified a tone-taster 1:24-1:30 a$m. A.rq help? . KMA was heard well on 11 as we_ll as WAMS & WKJG tests. Anotber unidentified very weak U.S. station was on 1430 kc/s. 4:00-5:09 with musical program. Anyone happen to know this one? (KBRC, according to Ha.1 Stein -Ed.) I read in last bulletin received that thought ther heard 4VGM on Feb. 11, 1430 kc/s. This probably coincides with the station I heard as it was en-tireq music but at 5:05 there was an English announcement and "veteran" note "hich makes me think it U.S. but don't know who or time zone. I m• be wrongt though. 4VGM was on the air Feb. 18 using all English a.nnounceents dedicating their program to NNRC. They were operating both BCB & SW, both heard OK hera. WERE tested with tone on 1430 during the 4VGM program. Feb. 12, KVFD WNJ\T KXRA WDUN KICA heard per !/o list. KSIL f/c· was 5:00-5:15. XIFN gas a nice signal here on Feb. 13 at 4:45 a.m. WNEL., 860, signed on at s:oo a tm. Somebody on 860 kc/s. Feb. 14 testing at 3:11, thought KPAN, but not sura. Feb. 15, netted WSPR KANS & WHOM, ffen York City. KSWC teated on 1250 kc/s. at 5:30 a.m. under WCAE carrier. Feb. l? I was unable to hear KSEI or KA.VE. WLEE wasn* t on. KAKE W.ATA were logged instead. On the 18th, WMSL unheard. Feb/ 18, CHFA and KOLT logged.. Feb. 19, brought WCBB & WESB, the lat-ter much the better. KFAC kindly wa.s off 4:.00-4:30 for WC.RB but a Spanish station operating on 1330 very heavy QBM. Card of tbanka sent KF:AC. Unable to hear WBSM on Feb. 20. Didn't try for ms but noticed ther were not on yet at 3:05. Did bear KCON in heavy QBM. Welcome to Joe Gene Roberts, - our new NRC member and annoliftcer of KCON. Also logged WCMA as per f/e list. R.ecent varies: KTYL KCOK KMO CKMO WWHG KWPM KY'SM WLAU KAWT WATA WIGM WSKI 'WDBL WEBC ENEW WKOP WGIG KMED IqTO RMUS WVNJ WTTN WNOE WGAI WBMD WLBL CKCW WSOO WV.AM WOV KPMC WCRW KELD & WDUN.

_N.Q.l!!} :. !3! = Recent veriee J.nc1ude: KXGN KAVL KLWT KDMO WPlN WCPO KNEW. WSKI KOVE KCLX WETO WGAI KALT KRVN WTTN WORW. s,veral very welcome varies, tope · of which is WCRW, thanke toLen Leo ani 'Eldon for a.rranging that one. Came in here very well. Only lack 1 Chicago sta-tion (verified) - WAAF. Best DX thus· far ha.e .been from WSKI WESB & WCRW specia.ls.WESB very with excellent signal pushing th:.ough KWIK. However KAFP combined with KWIK was too much for a while. Other stations reported were: KAAA on 2/11 DX, KCMJ, 1340, 3:24-3:35 f/c 2/12; KELY, 1230, 404:15 f/ei. KGPH, 1230, 4:05-4:20 T'l', KRUL, 1340, -2:30-2:45 f/c, KDAC, 1230, 4:45-4:55 ET, RWED, 1580, regular CHFA poorly 2/18 DX, terrific atatic, KMNS 1340, 3:30-3:47 test on 2/19, WESB 1490,4-4:25 on DX, KAFP, 1490 ET 4:08-4:20 & 4:26 on, 2/19. MY· Irish is up following a from R.T.Bragonier of WVAM. His letter was uncalled for, Mf to CPC whodarratnp;ed thit !ll.V re:plv ·wa.stJPUgh mildsr thanj)Mr. tBra.ctOnier• a to me. He rec a rue rp o h11' ugnaJ.e :n·om ni'i'e & .ney were r.onest a: no ·n.aner1ng.

Page 7: 4VGM, Magloire Broadcasting Circuit, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

--Ma.rch 1':151 11D X N 'W Sit Page 5

Ner! !.ol:k_ New veriesbackaJ.re KBO?, am, Radio pakar, for a: new 2/18 - KXLA, was good at 3:50. PRG#, 1280, Radio Cardena., wa s good·at 4:01 sign-on. Klio, 1440, ET at 4:35. Believe I hS.d. 4VGM. It was for NNRC but weak and very noisy aa was 300 here. 2./19 - KWIK, 1490, gQod at 3:15 . . All were g3od here, 1100, 1200, 1280 and 1300. Who was station Qn 1280 'a:t 3:40' before PRG3 came on at 4:00 a.m.? WC..BB, 1330, was copied but vary bard to hear bahini the Cuban. WEs:B was good here without any aerial 360 here. 2/20 42u . hare and poor for DXing. ?10 hSd ·one on with TT at 2:49 t h,S.t ·seesawed in and out. ·wGAP.D 1220, at 3a4. WCMA. 1230, f/c and off at 3:20. WDNE, 1240, f/c at 1310,. with CKOY at 4:20. 2/21 - It was noisy today. I'll apologize as it was I, sWearing and pu.lling rrzy hair out (Huh? *Ed.) as I chansed one on 990 from 3 :07 to .4:15,· and no ·li a oa.ll mentioned, and it was a. strong one also, vutbh V! CFL ·on o_ne siie and CKVL on the other side of them. CJOC, l2ZO, off at 3 .Went to .'t?ed as w·aa mad,· 400 raining here. 13801 P.O. Box Atascpsa Co., by . Mrs . Mona Parker, C.E. i?-/22- Too neisy t hink and .to bed earJ¥. Badio Dakar ma.d:e my 347th verie out of ·the States so far.. Certai_nl;y want· to thank Steve for the q.ppe on South Americans. 2 back· and 8 reports B.till out to South A.-merican stations. 2/23 - KDMS, !ilroy 1 s ,!.)_runken !'!Ule on ET at 3:40. · ·· WIBR, 1220, ·f/c at 4:01. .1150, _test at -::05. PRG3, 1S80, good. at 4:15. 2/24-KFOX, 1280, a.t 3:55 and boosted PRG3 t hey came at ,4:00. Very noisy again.

=.§.3.§ §.o:l!th Ar.!ing!on This week brought in these new stations - 2/20 - W\VNs (1490) f/c 2 :45, PRG9 (1100) 3:00 a/on and proram rt American music 3:30; :cBO .(910) regular. sked, 10:00 •• 2/24 - KCKY (1150 sked to 2:03 s/off, KXil (1490) with Kansas City 2:26, W'IWA (lde40) f/c-TT 2:21. 2/25 - IIOL (1390) DX from 4:00 to 5 :00 S-4 with fine program of .American music and dedications.. They_ .to give more DX shows, a. fine gesture. They were a powerhouse here for low power. (980) ' regular eked 5:06, YVKL (590) s/on 5:28 to 5:4.). Varies in this week (cards) - CB-57 (16th co1.mtry) i letters - KEI.O KRUS Klfl3C KPAC CHLO-DX WMT WILM WVIPF WKJG. WBRW VJMON WANN WCIL. The card from CB-57 with Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura Building. Tookt 29 dSfS by regular mail. KVRS special not heard here on 2/20. That 1 s all from here.

Qrg_B§.Jl!!a!t_-._RQuie_#£ = . This i8 II\V first letter to "DX News" because I just joined up. Here ' s my records for February 1951, one of my poorest mopths. 2/2 - KANS. 2/_5 - WCRW WJON KTXL KlCO and e.n unknown on 1340 heard at 5:00. like KCMJ, but Ass' t . C.E. McGuckin ad-vises that it wasn• t KCMJ I 'heard. KCMJ f/c is 2nd 3:30 a .m. · Azuone know who it was? 2/13 - KFMO/ 2/14 - WLOK WOBT PBE9 WMFT WIZE WCOL. '2/15. - KN.ON KCSB WSPR KAKE. 2/19 ._ WGNI WCW/C WESB WCRB KFOX KOMO (at last) \ITJ'Al3 WIBA and another unknown s/off 4:00 a.m. on 1240, poor behind QRM. 2/20- KLWN & WMVG. Reoent varies - EMUS WORN WOPI KMVI VIIZE WGAD KTXL & WOBT. Checking my log I find the states leading in stations picked up .are North ca-rolina., Texas, Georgia, Florida,- Cal-ifornia. a.nd Pennsylvania. Still looking for first Australian. Here are some sta-tions I would like to he.ar: KUJ. KPQ KOL WHA CHUB & 'to mention just a. few. Aey-one that knows when these stations will test, please let me ·know. It's turnmsg cold here' in S.W. Virginia again. have sou'le gooi DX weat11er again. That's &11 for now. 73s. (Welcome to NRC , Zane, and we hope to more swell reports like this one. When does your Wl30B hav·e its f jc? -Ed.) _

_ =A = DXing is still vecy much curtailed here tile only new adjitions bein13 WENE VESB \''PWA and. KXRX. Only two varies in, being KXEL a nd KSTA. I went over to WSKl a cou-ple of agp to -check on the' results of their DX. The Engineer said they got 43 reports but Betty said that t hey go·t more than. that, and ·she ought to know as she anssered them. I read them over but coul_dn1 get an accurate count a.s Bet't;f took the rer.orts home t r.at had made some re:f'arenoe to hs:r announcing. There were t·Mo or three thank-you cards and only one report on a post· card. They were very pleasei and Betty was thrilled to get two reports from New Zealand. All in all the DX would have to be considered quite success. She said all reports had been answered so if aqyone hasn't received his verie he had better write in and check on it. I hope that I can get them to wt on another one next year as · I will tindoubtedl· need them II\V'Belf from Nebraska. The new f/c from '?f'!W_N is 1st Mon9-ew, 5:3')-5:45 A.M.

Page 8: 4VGM, Magloire Broadcasting Circuit, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Page 8 . __ March 3, 1951

=. l5.a.. Ma.nr.!.a,nd_ It 1 s high time for a report from a DXe1·. Gue ss from the looks of things I mey be the only member from Md. in the NRC, & I ha'!e to admit that my reports are scarae. What's happened to our oli friend Nelson Seese? He was the one who introa duced me to the NRC. I haven 1 t heard. a word from him since he was married last spring. I guess he 1s pinned down. 1 1m a fine one to talk 1 1m becoming engaged this spring. Been going with the girl for 5 years now, but haven't gotten her interested in the hobby of DX. In fact she olaima I neglect her to listen to the radio. Nelson, if you are living aeywhere near Chevy Chase how about giving me a call? The phone number is still WI. 3332. All the problems I had about the service are for the time being at least put aside. Instead of joining the Air Corps, 1 went back to GWO and will definitely there June, the end of the semester. During the past couple of weeks I've dona little DXing. 1 sold my National HRO, and 'RME, and my GE has been undergoing a thorough overhaul. Lately most of my listening has been done on aGE portable, and I have had little luck with receiving foreigners. I am glad to report that DX activities will again pick up since I got my GE back yesterdef and it is sure in swell shape. It1 s a funny thing but this set was purchased 2 years ago for the mighty sum of 20 bucks & on the BCB it worked better than the HRO & BME. The GE (E-91) is a large table model radio tubes. Its main drawback is that it does not have a crystal but. I hope a friend be able to put one in it. The is a list of stations reported to since my last report to this section in January. Stations reported during the latter part of January were YVKL TIRA, Monte Carlo France on 1349, Rabat 2, PRE-? PRG-2, TIW YVKU, BBC-881. Sta tions reported in Febru-ary were \HAC HJCZ WCRW CBE CFOR KMOD KILO CKNtV CHFA 4VGM & PRG-3. I very seldom re-port to domestic stations, but WCRW was a rare station & KMOD & KILO were recieved under unusual conditions. Last week,..end I went on a DXing tour, accompanied by 2 bud-diea who do not DX b'\lt who went for the ride. We left Chevy Chase at 10 'PM the l?th & drove lOB miles to a spOt about 3000 feet above sea level in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. I wanted to see if .OX was arf/ better in the mountains. We

tuned my friend's car radio whioh is a Hupnobile of 9 tubes between 2-6 AM. The better stations heard were KMOD (Cal.) KILO (N.D.) CKNW (B,C,) CHFA (Al-

& 4VGM (Haiti). All the stations excppt 4iGM were received very Not Qad for a oar radio. Varies reed since rJ:J;f last reparilt are TIHB TIGPH CX-28 CMKS TIRA KFAR (from report sent last YN'N TIW CBE YVKC (?90 - they stated their long-wave call was yVKC, not YVKB) WCRW, France 1.349, Rabat 2, PBB-6 HJCE WIAC CFOR & KILO. The varies from PRB-5 and HJCE are very strange to the least. On the AM of 1/9 I heard a Brazilian on 1200 & not knowing if 1 was PBE-9 or PBB-6 I sent both duplicate reports. In my reports I stated I didn't know which I was hear-ing & if m§s report checked with the log of that station would they be kind enough to QSL? A couple of weeks ago I reed a verie from PBE-9, & I iropped dead when QSLed yesterdaft Both stations in their Vdries stated I iefipitelf tuned to their transmitter. I 1m going to count both of them since I don't know which I nrd. Maybe they carrying ths same program but I very much doubt it. :Sy the wey PRB-6 wants reception reports, so they stated in their letter. I was equally sUrprised yes-terday when HJCE QSLed. On Christmas I heard a station on 8?0 kc/ s . announcing as be-

in Bogota. My radio log put out by FBIS in 1948 listed HJCE so I mailed than a tetter. I lated read. in 11DX News" that many of the fellows were hearing HJCC at that :;ime, ao I nc1turally thought that I had reported to the wrong station. Who is on 8?0, :tree or HJCE? PBJ3-6 and HJCE sure have haJ. my head spinning. Darn it - I mhsed HOL • . r just recel;:tly pu-rchased a ?-inch TV set in :dna shape for $15, & DX is really auf .. faring. I had intended to hit the hay at 10 PM on Sat. & get up for the HOL special but I got interested in a couple of TV programs & before r knew it it was l AM. I was 1.ead tired so decided I'd take a short nap. I set rey Z alarms for 3:451! 4 AM ar..d

therr in opposite corners of the My stratQgy being that one of the clocks ·Nould wav wake rr.e up and that the other would completely do the trick. Tea plan

The next thing I knew it was 6 AM. I was amazed when I found that not on-Ly had I gotten up shut off both alarms. but I had also closed the windows. Guess I ·can now join the sleep walkers' league. ?3.

_L,!fjy _C!loP.e!. =. _ Jith a line or two open thought I'd sneak in again to tell you I WSTA verie .:ard today & it says on it 11 letter following soon. 11 Swell card designed by Steve.

Page 9: 4VGM, Magloire Broadcasting Circuit, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Pa.ge 10 ... _N_E_W_S!_ March 3, 1951

= KMVI (550) Kaahumanu Ave. Wailuku, Maui, T.H. PO Box 374. R.E.Mawson, Mgr. V/1 says 5:25 Ai4 (Suniay 7:00) 11:05 PM1,HST and will not switch to DST, RCA checks 1 em during regular aked, use !-wave 450' tower. CJ.RW (1240) 213 Water St., A.G.Rog-ers, Mgr. • Pro. sayts on4' 8 reports reed on special 1'2/7 and so he waited to re-ply. Discouraging also was WEDO QBM. Sked: 7:00 .AM-approx. 11 PM, Suniay 10 .Alv-10:15 PM. "The Voice of Canada's Garden Province". WPNF ( 12'!0) Pisgah Broadcasting Compaey !onderful f.isgah .National £:orest, Malcolm Lincoln, Asstt. CE, v/1 for l/26 and said: no regular f/c. I heard 2/24 TT/o l:ll-1:15 sfoff and than back for an extra call at WCUE (1150) "Your CUE to better listening" George Paul, CE and a typ-ed 1¢-er KBMO, 1070 kc/s. Hannibal, Mo. verifying ll/25. Pat: Dakar, Senegal, defil,li teq does verify your 2/2/51 report (French). Darek tells me that the "Griffy-Sniffft" an old bedtime story serial of dey a-gone-by. \'!hen I hear the "Tennessee V1altz" I go' to bed (often I 1 d like to see Mrs. Wachtel and with are-port 1et if Carroll Seth's set sits somewhere sniffling silently? Nevada, Colora io ard American Chern. Society will get a stamp in year and the U.C.V.'ll nave one for reunion in Norfolk, 30. 2/21- WEOL-DX had WPAT as com:racy (the wrong again!) 1 2/22- CBW (990) 1:15 a/off with 2 anten-nas to return at 6:45 esT. KXOK (630) conjucting a test at 3:31. WOLS TTing 3:50 etc.; WMJM (not 4th Fri.) 4:00-4:15 TT/c. 1320 had WNGO and said every 4th 3:30-4 CST k/c. 2/25- WVOT (1420) Mfc till 4:16i. WKMH on at 4:20 & WDOK (1260) 4:33 off said back at ?:45. 2/24 - On 1240 a 100 watt station s/off at 1:04 ¥ ith Nationu Anthem (is that \!'C!m?) WOOK (1590) 3:5?i3 s/on, KAKE regular 3/off to return 5:30 CST. F/c of KXAR (aey hope?); VliNN (1.240) 2/off return 6:15, then '!TKDA 2:02 off return 5 AM. 2/20- KCON-special only a couple good calls through pests (Roberts 1ll know the ropes for next time) 2/26- WLEE-specia.l was 'making-contact' through WBDW ( 5:29) & after 6/off C!:lDle KANS sf on. WTOR & VIICH ran overtime, WCNX not much pep ani KBIX/c ,Nas on top nea rly of WJBK who had to test also & WBOB (1400) s/off test at 4:44!. Das ist a1les and do you not coming in and earlier? Gues > I'll to wait 1 ll next near for Alaska now. Forgot KPLC (1470) TT/c 3!11! etc. and VfflHG (1320) TT/c with RCA 12:55-1:15, both 2/21 & 2/23. !ilroy 1 s Qrunken £tation (1290) ET, Cottonbelt Broadcasting Co., Phone 39190, 3:30 3ic. Hope he verifies that call!

It' s aHong time since my last report b·.l. t listening results ha.ven1 t merited space in the bulletin. I tr.ight say to rq hecklets- move ove r! Nobod1 has spent more tiD.e at the dials this winter oli Se th - so what? monte has been heard weakly, Vigra and Stavenger were identified and Hil versum (746) hear d as late as 2/18, 3 .AM. KFAR c.:une through numerous time, never over S-2. I can only hope for a. varia. Like Van Voorhees, I reported that unidentifying station as VOCM. ¥ou never know. Guade-loupe tough due to living room TV QEM. Found a night the fanily was out and it Tha&r organ even played two of the four Frencn songs I know, couldn't stay for the 4VGM had a nice signal until carrier at 5:1?. KBPL on specaal said I had the only report from the East. Wasn't that the morning the boys with wires out the windows gpt Charlotte Amalie - WSTA? Aqyhow, Wagner and I logged ,;:."J st of the Latin specials. CX-28 verified 2/20- r aport late, and YMV, 2/23, report also late. CB-5? verified (?) 2/2'! with a SW card. It was the law of averages & 1

nothing bu.t praise for Steve Ya.nn• s specials which were a. bright spot in a seasor: P. ) aad here, a season which has called upon all patience in the face of adversity.

Joe Branner's station on 550 plugging Seattle stores and believs it to be KENI . ''r.>u know1 Joe, those Alaskan sourdoughs all shop Seattle-side.

PATIENCE AND FORTITUDE TO NOEM &Carroll Seth t' reading v.here the write-- - -- -For m-issing ;hit the others sot -

<'>w hot the band and what a night Ron' t sit around the house and brood .. hen all you caught was just a cold Cultivate a patient mood!

n:ean you1re getting old- And.• if you are fortitudinous, _/ ous i :.! lame condi tiona or your spot catches will bs multitudi.n-

WHAT THE CALL LETTERS MEA - G. Francis ·r W L c Luther College - - -- - - - - - - J{-p - = -profm'tfr Mercantile .Q.orp. ? I K 0 !ra "C"orkern1 Jr. W VI S C - Washington, Slilo:r;atoga. X P A C Go lege W H T C - 1Iopanu -rr'ulip Qap1 toll Co. s. N M p c \f here j!aey lfreacn Christ K V W C - V"o1ce ot [ilba.rger County J C N C !J.8 Qover !forth Qaro"Iina C F B C - 'lundf Qoo.paey

, .. _..

Page 10: 4VGM, Magloire Broadcasting Circuit, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

March 10, Page 3 _

_ =. ... S!r.E!e! .= I knew I was so1:.nding off too much whan I tu'3.ggsd, in my last l'eport to 11

that It d rece j.ved. Zl verifica tions in three weekG for 1 i ve rec9i ved exactl¥ six ver-fn the past two weeks (:lo t a. single one this past we,ek!) They

were from RELO (1320) March of D1J»ea, Lester c. li' iska, C.E. i KllOP (1380) Mrs. Mona Park-er, c.E., WCRB-DX, WHTG ( 1450) DX, Sa: ,Jy Meet:, Mg:r., who a<i.vsi Eld time scheduled was misunderstood by NWRC; lWTq"PP,-DX; WVEC (1490) f /c , William L. EricksonJ C.E. 1 a gentlemen who replied to repo:;:ot of Z/18 on t he Ha.ve been laid up with a cold the past week so <iddn' t have the set tu.l·ned on since last MonC:.a.y morning (2/26). Have sent tre foUowing reports: 4VGM (received. poorly hereh CKCH on DX .J only hea.rd one identifiable mu.sical number in back of WWSW but sent a. report anyway i KFOX on regular a/off; WAPX: nx; WCAO-DX (can be t!eard. he-::e arliY' d51-y but ne,rer before reported) WCDL-DX, badly b:-:oken by WNOR i then WF.:SB- DX, WENA f / o, WENE-ET; WEOL-DX; \IKA.T regular; WXRC-DXl WM'IW -DX; WP.EN test (part o!' one recording and s/off) and WWNE-f /c. Regarding the r..o ta.tion I had in the .2/24 issue on reception of VOCM, Fred Va.'1 Voor-hees recei'le.d a. verification from theo last Monic.y , and. he heard only the 4: 30 to 5 port ion of their program4 Then I had a. post card from Ed Lendzioszek thif:l wesk telling me that he 1 s seen my remarks in the 11 Mt..sings" 1¥1d that the musical portMil. was VOCM1s a.s they continued right on through with their ragula.r schedule aftex the DX test and an all-AM show. Well, our mai.l 'CJTAy come through t his week and bri ng in some of these holdouts. (Arr. still looking for KOPP1 among others). Inffilf last I mentioned tentative DX. I asked WARD, i n Johnstown, and Millard J. Coleman, their CE on a. po at-card verific..1. tion said he·t d run one t he 21st of March. When I followed up with more information he replied t hat due to changi ng the frequen-cy of their FM station, which means a new FM antenna on top of their AM tower, he will not be able to go t hrough with it. MW percentage on DX arrangements is very very poor! However, don't fo rget WCRO on the 19th. = N·l· The Brasilian stations showed a surprising comeback Saturday Harch 3rd. Between 4:00 and 4:30a.m., this is a good of how they sounded here- PRF-9 (640) S-2i PRftL9 (840) S-2i PRG-2 (1040) S-2; PRE-7 (1410) S-4i PRB-Z (1440) S-4; PRG-9 ( 1100) S-9 plus ; PRE-3 ( 118 0) S-6 ; PBE-9 ( 1200) S-5; PRE-4 ( 1:>00) S-6 ; FRG-3 ( 1280) S-3. In a.dd.ition, an unidentified Brasilian was heard on 1000 kcfs with a goa':! signal, giving WCFL a fight. But who is the Brasilian on 1030, Steve? He came on at 4:00 and ws.s just barely audible. The stations en 780, 880, 980 and 800 f ailed to show at all. So excellent was PRG-9 that I sent a recording of the signal, with ex-planation, to the Brasilian Ministry of Communications in Rio de Janiero. Here's a little more of rey log - 570 - WGWD (V) RLt\.C (H) (N) WACL (N) N< YB (V) WVMI (N) V!MCA (V) WSYR (H) WWNC (V) WKBN (V) WNAX ( V) KUTA ( )? KV! ( R) WMAM (R). 580 - CJFX (N) CKEY (V) CKPR (N) CKUA (N) QKY (V) KCNA ( V) KMJ (V) WDBO (R) WGAC (V) KFXD (V)

VVILL (V) KSAC (N) WIBW (V) KALB (V) WTAG (V) WIJP (H) WIAC (V) WCHS ()V WKTY (N). A few weeks ago I the only pre-war Ws I ne ver heard. I have a smiilar list of Ks and also a. list of Canadians t hat I would like to see a DX from. The rough Ks for me are KSAC KGFX KFKU KUJ & KPPC - this latter one I just never to lo g , never suspecting I would be leaving California so ur.eXpectedly. Funny thing about the Canadians. They 1re all bunched together, with 3 on the same channel. They are CFAR CKUA CJFX KCPn & CKCV. There are about eight others of pre-war vintage, mostly on graveyard channels, but the ones indica.ted here J would get the greatest satis-faction in logging. That 1 s it for now. Mor.dey morning items - WSTA heard on DX 3/5. Better than first time. Another unknowc Brasilian on 1260, S-2.

.= 12Q Here is my DX report, such a.s it . is (3/1/51). Not .much to report in the DX line. This was my n.ost inactive season since 1946-1947. I ga ined only twenty verifica.ti·ons since the · beginning of the season, four reports from this season still out. Aqyone having the signers for CMCI, KCIJ, WFVG, and WSAT, please send them to me -they will be appreciated. Recei ve.i varies from : WAC.B WD.BL wma> WOND.. Since about a week I am without rey BME-45 and :£E-20. Tr.s-ded it in for a Motorola Television Still Zenith tabls model' for DX. It ' s pretty hot on BC.B DX and pretty good on re-producing my recordtj. pleyer. Use only indoor antenna on TV. Might some time get an outdoor cne up and then try TV DX. Will gp to Cleveland for the weeksnd of March 3rd-4th. 73s.

Page 11: 4VGM, Magloire Broadcasting Circuit, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Page 4 __ N_,E __ March 1951

_Ala..n .::. 1_2.Q2 __ S.Q_u.!i_h __ DX past 10 days has been poor due t c:> unseaeona.bly warm weather . 2-/19 - WAPX ViESB & WCRB all on DXes. WCRB very weak severe int9rference from Cuban all-nighter.. 2/20 - (1450) perfonnauca test to z:oo. 2/21 - KTBF (1230) regule.r f/c. 8/25- ROL (1390) fairly good on DX, WICA (970) on DX tough due to all-nighters 2/26 - CKFH (1400) new all-nightar puts iti a p.arrific signa l h&rei WKOZ (1340) f/c-TT annotmced in code, heard 2:15 oni WC.AO (600 ) on DX .3:30-4: 00, KVMV & WCDL OKon DX. Veries in from WGRY WLVA RPET WAPA KFRU \H:'AO W.ATC WISR KDNlS WFMJ & V/GEM. Have sent out 36 reports sc far in Febr1:.r-.ry. Verie to t el now std.nds at 1094, so t.he next week should hit the 1100 mark. Hope I ca.u m.lke it at leas t 1150 the end of season.

_2;1 =. ,N. __ Y..:.. Still a shMrtage of ET s being heard here. Noth ing new except CHFA-DX of 2/lBi 4VGM DX of 2/18 , heard well enoug."1 to ident ifY1 but t hat's about all, s TT. WJLK heard momentarily e.t 8 :00 a 0m. s/on en 1.310 on 2/18. WJON, ET on 2/19; KLVN, ET on 2/20; KAKE, regular p::..·cg:i.'am 2/20; Y'IBSivi-DX1 one day late, on 2/21, pj.enty of in-terference, but not too hard to lcgi YVKL, finally, on regular program 2/25; WJKO, 2/2KJi PBE-3, 3:00-.3 !30 on 3 / .1, and 1410, ET all AM on 3/4. Varies, let-ters: WJ30K WESB WBSM WCRB KL'WN .KNEA WMIK Cards : KJEF WCPM HIJ T, the latter no verie. WCPM verified, thanks to v /s in recent 11DX News." WBOKi s CE says sta tion radiates a signal equal to 2500 in a northeasterly direction, being south-west of the city and beaming into it, which rr.ay explain wey t hey get through CKLW here so evenings. Missed a fav, DXe s by ove:rsleeping, Especially mad about WM.TV't which I needed badly. Don't lu1ow though- WJBK was testing on 1490 when I finally did wake up. Also missed hearing WLEE the same morning. First DX needed where we failed to wa.ke this season. WDSC seemed to be missing again on his latest DX date. WCRB was well heard but not needed. DX continues good but th& SAs seem weaker now. Lately some one has bean l1eard q,uite strongly back of WJBK on 1490 around 6:00 daily, louder than Detroit at tines " Don't give call very often. Seems to use foreign language, but also English and mo st music is .American. Think 0 in call - could it be KTOH that loud? Have not heard in some years. WJKO, 1600, could be heard here at 6!45, but now signa on at 6:00 a om. come3 in well at t P4t hour weekd.eys. Often topping WKNK and WHRV. KWOR heard easily through V.JBK and un-known at 5:30 a.m. on 3/4, other many needed Wyoming stations would do that. = I had good r eception on both Feb. 25 and 26 and added 9 new stations to my lo g. On Feb. 25 I was surprised to fine KORE topping 1450 from 3:30-4:04 with a good but my biggest surprise was flnding HOL up a fine signal for the first 20 minutes of their DX on 1.390. Their sie,.1al f aded sorr,e what after 4:20. WICA sent in good signal on jammed 9?0 kc/s, for their DX from 4:30-5:00, and nunber 4 for the dey was added when I heard. WKMH ( l3J.O) with a good signal from s:o0 .... 5Z30. On Feb/ 26, I to snag 5 more good ones. First was KRIZ (1230) Phoenix, Arizona with their 3:00-3:15 TT-f/c, then 2nd was KXLO aliso on 1230 wi th their DX :from 3:59 -4:30 with a good signal despite half a d.ozan statior.s makiniS f/cs a.t t he same time , Then I was happy to add one of rare Pennsylvanians in WCDL (1230) from 5:00 with tough WNOR QRM. I sure to thank Fred and Charlie for arranging these DXe s from some o.f these rare Pa1 s. They sure are a swell addition to my lo g . 4th for tha day was one announcement from WV.'NF (1230) on a f/c at 4:45. They broke thru just once. Last was swell DX from WLEE ( H80) 5-5=.30. Only other adiition this week was on 3/2 when I heard KSEL announce at 2 : :t.? for their f/c. I did hear a few others this week that are rarely heard here, such as on 2/25- WJAX-ET 2:4? on 930i ET 4-4:1? plus f/cs . from WTMV KRAI KRDO .KMYR & KGHF. On 2./26 I heard f/cs from KBIX KCHS WJON WFBR WKBW KXO KBIO KLMR & KNEL . DXes of WKRC en the 25th, and KVMV on the 26th were also heard, and ETa of KPAT KAFP and. KJAM on the 46th. On March 2 I heard f/cs of KAYL WDLB KGAK KBOW, ETs of KOBE KWVlL KtJBC & KVOA. I also heard two unknownr on uno, sorr.e one with music from 4:00 to 4:17 s/off. I just missed his announcement . I also heard some one on 900 from 4:00 to 4:30 with no anno1mcemen$s. Verifications in this '''eek are duplica.'te cards from K!CD (1240) and KSMN (1010), a ipplica.te lettol from WKRC (550), and new letters frorr. WFRL (15?0), KWBG (1590), (1230), KTIM ( 1510), WESB-DX ( 1490) 7 KFAC ( 1330) 7 WJON ( 1240), and CHFA ( 680) . 'l1o tal now 1379


- '\.J

Page 12: 4VGM, Magloire Broadcasting Circuit, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

' . March 243 1951 ___ N_.l!:_V! ___ Page 7 _

_ C_ta.r.l.i9_CQ.n],e;z. ::. = Havenit done too much in t he way of since my last report to Just had a spell 1 didnlt have t line to twist the dial. t have logged the following: HJDK, vary good for the first 30 minutes on their DX; CKOX badly QBMed on their special; KOH ca;·ryi;.lg a Pa.ifio Coast ne twork program with only 1 paft of s/off - weak signal t hrough P.NL; on con-ditions about the same ae> KOH; VlBEC, fair t hrough Q.RN on t heir DX, WILM this n orn-ing (3/18) JUSt al::out rsadab::.e even though a comparitvely abort distance from here; WJIV, l oud ani clear on his DX and a. r egul ar here each day but caught him on a.n ET a••d sent a report. F:>r the firs t time in my experience I 2 DX pro-

that were SPONSORED by an CKPC got Same the Hatter to put on the show, but they dld mention it was a OX program, and WIIM, during about 15 min-utes I copied him was also running with no mention, during the t i•-re I

of a special. Tht) fa l lowing veries ha.ve come in since March 4th; KAAA KCHS, }.400 kc/s. Truth or Ccnsequences , N. M. vfs San Bradley, CE . . (Never heard them when t ha to\vn 1 s name Hot Springs, and apparantly just latched cnto a shox·t time after it had been changed.); WC.A.O \'tCD:a:.. Beyamon, P.R., 1560 kc/s. ,on a very brief re:port of reception throut;h Q.BM, v/s Juan Alfredo Aria.s, CE, and a ver;,• friendly letter; WENE, 1430 kc/s., another friendly verie signed by Sheldon Wayland, Supervising Enginee r, on one identification juring 4VGM's OX; WESB; WKAT1 s Q51 card for a report after logging him for the past several years, with Forrest Asbvorth, Engineer, as vfs; WKRC; WMTW ; WREN with one of rrw few reports returned with a brief verie written on it (Albert J. Meye r, no title) and a nice letter verie from Edwin J,, Keirn, CE of WWVA. Here is Qne I logged t :1e morn1ng of the 12th on 710 records, some of which I an announcement approximately 4:01, all of which I was to copy being 11This is / ••• 24 hours each day o .. . fron. 2:30 to 5:.30 eaeh morning .•. 11 Checked with Fred Van Voorhees and the thought it might be KIRO, but according to Carroll V'eyrich' s log¥. they s / off at 3:00. Aey help? (This is WGBS, Chuck -Ed. ) Well, this season is about shot. I've picked up several choice addi tiona to my still rathar small total verified. One t hing tha t tiddrled me is thi E" - please don't a.ey one breathe a word to Fr ed Va.n V. , but several months ago when the specia l from Monti video came thmough, I slept through the alarm, and missed it. A certa in men.ber of ou-r club, s omenc·,·; or otne r missed the good program from HJDK! llJn-derstand, this is all on the Q.T! Never let it be said that I would disclose a top secret such as that Fred mi ssed an alarm! Seriously, Fred was asked by Eldom Ad1y to get together with me and to line up some of the loc&ls for DXeso still seriously, Fred's ba tting not only i n gettine; fpfJ-f!IHrMi' letters to the por-tion he took, but in getting to was much higher trLan mine. We hope however that between t he two of ue we have been able to get some of those sta-tions you, at a distance:, normally wouldn 1 t hear , am! have thus enlarged y our log. To those of you from points diotant from bare w!to , and especially Steve Mann, arrang-ed programs for us giys in the sticks to log - many thanmi. This, I hope, is not a valdictory , but I feel, as another to a close, you, Pop and Hal, together vfi th all of our members v.·ho have cor. t r lil.buted infonna tion through 111\!hsingsll sh&uld be given a rising vote of t hanks for a jos- well done. To those of you Vlho serving in our anned forces, the best of and mav conditions soon be such that you can resune normal pursuits. .AND, ion ' t forget t hat , even though we are a.-bout to go on the sumner schedule, v-:·e still like t o reaQ. about DXing in your particu-lar part of the worl. Keep Lefty b·:.1sy wi th r .3ports of your activities until we buck-le again mxt Fall! (Ernest t nat!

-- Qa_!i.fo.rn!a_ Veries in this week from CKMO CHFA KORE KDAC KC.KY & KSBW. 1-.:ac. a little luck this wee:-as I found out that the Chinese station I heard l a st Nov. was in Formosa, so n.aybe I'll get an answer. 3/10- KVKI (? ) hear d on ET 4:20-5:10 AM using musical selections with only 2 announcements_. Hearrd KPQ test on 3/12 wi t h swell signaJ.. 3/13- HJDK hed a. nice signal with NRG special. Muchas Gracias, Senor Mann! 4:12 AM brought u.e 4YA with fair signa l and lYC at 4:35. KEN! right at s/off, darn itl .3/15- Heard JOqK at 8:01 AM (believe it or not!). Just to make AM half-WS¥ worth while loggedKMCD at 8:40 and KDYL ai 8:52 . 3/17- 1ogged Argentina, 790 kc / s . at 5:39 AM, WSAZ s /o n a t

Aussia 5:12 on 840 3/ 18- Got one of my best for season1 3:34 AM, p2a , Samoa s joff 3!42 with YL in Engl i sh giving calls and location etc. 3!54 iog

e;ed both KORE & .l01EN. KWB.B on i.'/o 4 !14 AM usir..g music. WLS TT heard 4 !55-5:11 AM. ?3s.

Page 13: 4VGM, Magloire Broadcasting Circuit, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Page 5 1-J E W su -· · -· --- April 14 ., _U.:JS.1ngs_ .of _ __

__ :::. i 1.s1_, __ DX sesms to be or! the t I gYF• <:S e.l.l of you a gr.ee me the weather has dona it. 3/26- KB IX on 1490 f ,'c .3: 00--3 :15 was S 9plus and KHON on :!.380 loudest I e ver heard. them - wa.s 40 DB H ,_;'lei' S- 9 , to f i nish of1

gt1t KAHU o:.:1 92 -J, l.ppa:;:ently :i.n tht:> cleal' 4;14-4:49. 3 / 27 - WELP EasJ.ey S. C. 3:.)0 3/?13 .. W.\:rN on •veJ.. l Har:cy was sur e pleas-.ed to aga in fi.:\:r, me. 3,'30 - Wl-'EIJ Il l . on 1370 ET. all AM , lo ggac'i. at 4!20 an<l Apr il 1, I{]'J...D on SOO, IJ.'e :v.:as ET at AM, anc1 4/4 WMEV on 1010 kc/s. 5 :00-5;30 f n · the 'last to date , Some n t ce veries :i..n ; No . 1500 was W.A NE for 20 C'the!' \·e:-ies WCNX KCON WGRJ KBIX KHON (? days) WATN HJDK 'Ly air mail WN.A.V KW:BB KABU. KA.HU le t ter verie air mail cle.ys f:::-om Hawa:U., Eckl and, P r·es. & Gen . Mgr. To F r anc 'i.s: Soma of my o l de1· wnc...t y 0 u cali; 11Whe:ii Cci.l:'. :;:.et t ers Maan. 11 WR.l)W - W.ne::.·e .Radio Qoes !_on0.ers . WLPM - Yfor ld i s _;e.:;:gast Eoil.m:tt _Ma ·ck9 t . WFIG- ·- !or:!..d' s £)nest £rio §:arde:.!.s. These verie::: wsre a ;;:uirad 10 yea:rs when t he allnighters were much more scarce. Sure wish '.; l•ej-· we;:re a @:ain, don 1 t we a ll., KAH tJ vsria 10

frcm time I s ent l' eport, anc ther of best veries thie Now if KILA comas back) leaYes me with o:::-.ly l:UO kc/ s . to get . Inteni tc keep on with DX but will be more limited. due to long h.:>urs anci sprir.g wurk . DXingly'.

__ Here is wht t is left of m.v DXing :f:'or Ma1.·cn. t.ar . 23 - WKLO, 6: 45 JUt1 , R-9 . WBm 3:52 g,.mo, R-9. 3 / 30- WPRC, 3 :04a.m. , F.- 9 , t esting. New varies are KCONWC:OO & WHLL. DXing is over fe-r the regular season, but r: 11 a. little post-season DXing between now and Sept,. l when we !lave month of pre-season DX. This past seasc•n was fairly good for me, of courese it wa.s nothing compared to a. lot of the fellows 1 catc!'les, I .iidnt t of t he SAs the rest diEir but I did manage to add 2 new countries , A.lask.;, an.i Canal Zone (KPliT a nd ACA) besides hearing KG'J for· the f irst time s::.nce 1937. I received 92 uaw catches (Oct. 1950 through Ma:-ch 1951), 58 new varies, and extending my total to 1 , 006 ve r ified» 1, 691 heard. I DXed 81 hours and. 24 minuce a f o "t' a new c-ne every 53 mir.-:.1tes. l s till have 13 reports out. Thanks go tr R.l.y Edge on his cnlur.nn 1 Hal for his splendid wo r k on the bulletin, to y .-·u :E.cfty fo1· your wo r k, also thanks to t lle CPC with t he ir stations they had on the air with specials : and to Fred Van Voo1·hees for a good contest. Thanks to a ll f or a good 73s.

·_J.!_. .=. g31 I should begin this report like a speech alumni V'.ho aidresss s each officer and member incividual ly , but to conserve I'll say thanks ccllectivellf to .W all t he editors and me=nbers of t he cl",lb who contributed again t o mak-ing tne NRC bulletin and club tops in t he DX fi eld for ano ther season. I doubt if a lot of members re . .,._l ize much work and time these few fel::.ows ds'liote to this "o r k so the r est of us can DX w:th ease and efficiency . I bel i eve I would single out 11•-an,.., as an rr.ember contributoi: for the immeasurable help he ha.s bee n to many of u s i n repo:-tiue S0uth .Amer icanz . However maey ot:her members had grea t value in and the officers a'1d editors got it a.ll out to u s in great form. pa cl t waa vsr.y good one even though I sent

- out about 50% fewer r eports than previou u seasons. Verifications have been of much better quality ar.i re'u\ll'r.s on ref.orts sent wa.s better -:."han season. On Steve's tips I r eported AM stat .' ons Y1!YT, YV.:..z:B YVMP & i VMK & HI 3T. 2 f/cs a r e KJEF, ls t Wed. 2:20-2:35; & KPAN 2nd '!'hurs . Results on some of the DXa s: 4VGM poor & no isy hare , KIFN KCON HOL KYSA WZOB all e a sy copy for r eports. YVKt

ona of best Sun. AM 5:30 Sfpns in Feb. was :;:a ssad up too long & r.eve:-got reported . I picked out wea.ksr ones figuring YVKUid be good. any time & found they quit coming in V\ohen I wanted them . Other SAs were p :f,'i!4 PIID2 PBE7PRG3. WTIL good copy 5AM. Mo st recent PRF9 (640 ) PBE8 (qao) hrd 3 / 31 but receution on SA is rapidlydrOJ?-ping off hare , 4/7 hrd WPRC 1370 testing a ll AM offering $25 bond for mos t distant report. Some shou ld win too. 4/8 WRNL test 910 KUOA smothered MST station a t 5. Thought I nad PP..B? on 1;)40 but a man Kept talking up to mea.r 5, then p1.9iYod \\=.Arr.erica 11 so don 't know wh) i t wa s. Missed call on all-r.dghter on 12-E'· J e.lso. Too late this sea son I guess but on s / on PP.R2 pl ayed !:on the W.e.l l 11 PP.E-7C!a:i:i Bless .Ame rica," Varies: V!FfwVB WE.AB KIT WPIN CX28 WAND WMSC WWWF KCSJ WV.A.\.1 wcr.r.r. WTV13 KJEF W.ATS WKJG WCP.B YNW WEDB O.AX4U WHCIH WAKE YVKL WETO EPAN K.i:EM WAMS 1'/JIV KAAA WCNX 'llCUE RYCA K.i.'OE KCON KRBC n.u.oB f.GMS Xl!.'LO.

Page 14: 4VGM, Magloire Broadcasting Circuit, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

" .:-May 22, 1951 DX tfEWS ?age ? Musings of' the Members

Sid Rosenbaum w. va. Very few listening since last and veries are slow. On 4/2? "!INN ( 1400 ) regular prgm. 5/2 ( 1450) on regular sked 1st Wed FC with music 0445-0500, 5/? (1490) regular s/off 0115 to return at 0545 CST. How about this Len? WOHI{l490) t e sting 0215-0235. WPRS (1440) Paris, Ill 0135-0153 s/off. WJPG (1440) on a long winded tone test that rna rred rrPRS through out 0130-0245. WPRS back again at 0210 and on. 5/10 WV'"VV'/ ( 1490} FC 0145-0200 . 1370) FC 0145-0155. WPRS on Er 0100- · V/M OD (1470) musical ch eck 0130-0200. CHOX sent v/1 signed by Ofelia Rodriguez, Station Mgr. In part letter says: 11 We en1oy very much the reports received f rom abroad and speciallj: those frdm members of the Na,t ional Radio Club • 11 'Kindly note that we are · operating 24 hours with a power of 250 watts'. IDCAR sent a- plain pos.tal card verie. To Don Ka skey, Thanks a lot !Bfir those v/signe rs. A neighbor of mine has a novel id ea in TV DX . He takes flash photos of TV identifica tions and irrnnedi ately r.w;1s his verie. RADIODDITJE S::: There a re two Wyoming ing Compa.nys. Which one operates a "wu station?? That does it from for this period.

Renrl Holbrook . 6504 Chestnut Sti Chevy Chase, Md. The time 2:40 PM-the-dSy--Friaay--the-date 27-of April-the yes r-1951. Due for next week-one bookreport and t wo art critizisms a nd since my girl is coming home from college t omorrow the we ekend, it looks as though this afternoon is the only time I 1 ll have to d0 all t ha t worK. Can 1t do it tonite because I .am going to wat ch the "Wondrous Nats" beat the stuffing out of Philadelphia .. But a s usual I'm not in the mood to study, so what am I doing? Right•\1\;.' iting to Musings of the Members, so you fellow s better appreciate t his r.eport since I'm using valuable time-H!. First of all I believe Verified-Heard list the it now stands is of little interest and value. I t h ink the ·idea H. Campbell had, which was stat ed in the last bulletin, is . very good. I also have o one of my own. Why not first list stations vel'ified followed by countrifl verified and then lmst stations verified from parts of the world such as(usine my st a ndin gs) North America (704) ·, Wes.t Indies(43), Central Am eric a( 22 ), South America{ 21), Europe( 14 ), Africa( 5), Near East ( 0) East(O) and Pacific Area(5)--this would include islands of the Pacific Hawa1i, New Zea land, Australia and so on--. The sta tions could also be listed in the same manner: however, in my opinion the heard list is unecessary since ver ies are what count s. I also believe that a prepared card should b e but why limit these listing s to only once a year? it Should come out at least at the beginning of each nx season and at t he end of t :1 e DX sea son • . I frankly don't care whose idea is used. But I do believe t he Verified-Heard List needs to be definitely improved. to sum up my DX activities b e tween Nov.-April. Reports to are verified) CB-57, YSO, Marseille CMBS, TIFC, CX-.28, HCJB, HJKC,. YVKC, H'JC'E, RaC1.io Daka r, et'liKC, HJCR, PRf-!-9,, PRB-7, YVMD, TIGPH7 Y\fKS'";' OAX4tJ,-yv' Radio Monte <Jal"l o, France(!'5'49"), PRE- ,t>R"G-2 French Morocco(l043r;-TrN, Y\nCU, BBC ( answer but no verie), wfAC, HJCZ WCffiV, CBE, CFOR, CICNW , CHFA, 4VGM, KILO, PRG-3, PRF-9, XEQR, CHUB KXLA, twi, iiVKAQ', KH ON , "PM-2 , PRB-9, AHD, CM OX , KJCF and KXRX. My presen':f"Poli'CYis to write nm inly t o rueign, however, oca s sionally I I JJ still give in and write to a u.s.station. The greatest surprise of the season was when I received a verie letter from KFAR fo r a of la s · se'lson. Best veries foo DX th i s past year were KFAR and AHD(22 watts) Greatest disappointment of the se a son wa s .a non verie letter from the · BBC . Better t han aver age QSL ca!'ds from YNW TIW HJCZ KXLA CKNV/ . Top letters from HCJB CMKS AiiD. Note to Charles Hefner, Will write you soon, Gene Francis, y our note a big surprise. Maybe I should beg in a fan club, will need one if we have a hot Summer, HI.If I make my this semester, which I'm sure I will , will be initiated into the Sigrr'l Phi Epsilon ehapter at G.W.U. 73's

Page 15: 4VGM, Magloire Broadcasting Circuit, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Vol . 17, No. 6 - 3 - March 5, 1951 BCB . DX SPE,C IALS ..

1080- YVQ,J Ba rcelona, .Venezuela. 1/1~ 0312-0405, fading (Willia,ms) 1240 WA TN Wa tertown, N.Y. 1/29 0200-0215, best heard (Williams)

WCRW Chicag1, Ill. 2/5 0400-0435 (Londzioszek, Martin) : WSKI M0ntpe lier, Vt. l/29 0330-0400 (Lendzi0szek,B0 tzendahl,


Williams,Martin) . · · 1250 KAAA Rod \iing, Minn. 2/ll 040o'·0414 (Martin,Johns0n,Gilcnris-t,

Londzi .)szek) · · 1260 KFTM Ft. l\1')rgan, Colo. 2/22 0300 (Gilchrist) 1330 WCRB Ua ltham, Mass. 2/19 . 0400-0444 (Magnus on) 1340 CJNT Quebec, Que. 2/11 0330-0.345, bad QRM (Williams )· 1380 ViAMS Hilmington, Del • . 2/ll 0330-0401 (Lendz_i 0szektW il~iams) 1390 CP3 La Paz, B r>liy~a. 1/21 n '!t positive (Williams ) 1400 KCSU Pl" )VO' Utah. 2/12 0433 ( c •1hen) . : . 1430 4VGM P )rt-au-Prince, Ha i~i. _g/18 0500-0515 ( Magnuson), f a ir till

unkn•")Wn 'l'T c ame on (Enz) 1 · • . · · • .

WVAM Altoona, Pa. 1/29 0400-0412 (Lendzioszol,{,I3etzc ndah1) · .. LT,40 KMED Me df ')rd, Or~ • . 2/5 0410 \ Ma rtin) ··- · ·., ·· ·. 1.1'. 90 viESB Bradf 0rd, Po.. 2/19 042~·0q02 ._ ( 11/s rt in, Magnus ')ii) . . .L:.AO KGIB Bremort•m, Was h. 1/19 0454 (C ohe n) · · tG90 WTVB C·)ldwator, Mich. - 2/7 0294:-0217 (Williams), . -



980 WONE Dnyt )n, -Ot:ii0. S/off i .s 0104 ( Lendz :i.os zo k)' 1250 KWSC Pullman, Wa sh. Da ily 0930-0300 ·( Magnus )il) · - .. 1340 WCVI C·1nne llsville, Pa. FC is . 21st ':lf MONTH 01 1'5-0 ~30 (Lendzi0szok) 13 70 WT'IS Bl 'nmington, Ind. s/orr· j.s 0200 (Lo nd"zi szok)'. · . · 1430 CHEX Pe tersb or 0ugh, Ont. S/ 'm is 0600. ( Londzi 0 $ZOk)1 _ ' ·

WFCI Pr0vidonce, R. I. S/on is 0600 (Lendzi )szek)· . ·. . 1440 CHNO Sudbury, Ont. D1:d..ly 0630-0l~O (.Londzi )SZek) 1480 KANS \f iGh:tta ,. Kans. -N1)W 24 h ,)U!'S (Be~zendahl, ·~Enz) 1540 WPTR Albany, N. Y . Now 24 h0urs ( MagnU:S On) . . . 1590 WPWA Che ste r, Po. . N0w 24 h0urs ("l\.fu.gnus0n~ Enz) 1400 WW I N Ba 1 ti more, Md. Now 24 h0urs ( Edi tor J



550 WLIN uorrill, . Wisc. ET 1/30 t 0 0230 (J·1hns rm) 560 WQAM Miami, Fla. E'r 1/30 0300•03l5, aux Xmtr. ( Mag nus on) 570 KLAC L')B .hngo les, Cal. 1/30 0400 s70ff (Jnhns rm) · 590 K'IBC Austin, Texas. 2/11 0435, ET. 2/15 0321 ( Martin )

KSUB C3dar City, Utah. ET 2/5 0328 (Botzendahl) 610 KLEE Hrrnst ")n, Texas. 2/11 0210 (Gilchsrit) 630 KOH Ren) , Nov. TT 2/13 0600 ( C 'lhen) · 650 WSM Nashville, Tonn. E T 2/13 0225 (I.fag nus0n) 680 KABC San Ant :mi0, Texas. TT 1/29 0509 (C 0hon ) 710 KIRO Sea ttle , Wash. 2/21 0302 s/0ff (Londzi0szok)

WGBS Mi am i, Fla• 2/19 0320 ( Ma rtin) · . 740 KRMG Tu lsa , Okla. TT 2 /6 0441 (.Murtin)

WPAQ, I10 unt fdry, N. C-•. 2/13 0257 s/-)ff ( Ma gnu s0~) 800 WJ f1. T Sv1a insb r1r·1, Ga.· ·2/12 0140 (Martin) · 810 KGO San Francisc )' Cal. 2/5 0225-0300 s / •>ff (Williams)

WASL 1\nnap ; lis, Md. 1/28 1545 1 r e g {Ma rtin.) 860 WNAW N. Adams, Mass. ET 2/14 0300 ( Martin) 900 WKAX Birmingham, Al a . 2/8 1815 (Jphns r:m)

WOTN Nashua, N. H. ET 1/26 0407-0412 (Williams) 930 KSEI P)c a t o ll :1, Idaho. ET 2/17 0448 (C ohen) . . · • · WSAZ Huntingt•m, H. Va. FC 2/21 0130-0145 (Lendzi 0 s.~ek) 940 KFRE Frcsn·;, Ca l. 2/11· 0300 s/0ff (Gilchris.t) . .

Newark News Radio Club

Page 16: 4VGM, Magloire Broadcasting Circuit, Port-au-Prince, Haiti


- , 835 South Greenbrier , Street Arlington 14,

ginia, U.S.A Vir- Un magnif ique succes de la M. B. C.

120 pieds de Jong, 65 pieds de haut, N-E ,par S-0, L in­verti.


le 18 Fevrier 1951

Radio Station 4VGM Port-au-iPrince, Hai'ti

~ss:.ieurs :

Je prends plaisir a vous fairt.? le rapport de la recep­tion de votre station le 18 Fevrier 1951 de 5:00 a 6:00 a:m. Hai'ti Standard Time sur 1430 kcs.


La M. B. C. est captBe parf aitement aux Etats-Unis Une exceliente Propagande pour notre Pays

5J:OO a.m.-, ~rogra:mme- tre ct a 5:11 j'ai entendu les bonne volonte» des voisins Ave.; mes meilleurs SOU-1 Walnuport, Pa., U.S.A 5:10 AJ.W: Carillon SUlVl rification ~onfirmant ma re-

J'espere que vous aurez la bonte de verifier ma recep­tion de 4VGM.. Mr. Mann m'a informe qu'il vous a rencon­tre a New York en me par­!ant elogieusement de vous.

Bien respectueusement

(Ernest R. COOPER. X"-"X

J. B. Reilley 11 Irvine Place Jamestown, New-York Fev. 18, 1951.

National Radio Club Radio Station 4VGM Prog~amme Spe~ial pour Ne· mots «you. are listening to»[ loin comme n?u.s. baits je demeure sincere-, Feb. 18. 1951 ' d'annonce que ce program- ception de la station 4VGM.

wark News Radio Club, US et a 5:12 le speaker a men- D!.lrant la penode de 4:10 ment votre me est une radiodiffusion Je voudrais savoir aussi com-A. ~ speaker ~ identifie la r tionne la newark News Ra- a 4:25 le signal etait , tres llr. ·f'tanck C. Magloire, speciale dediee ~ la Newark bien de rapports vous rece- ?ort-au·Prince, Hai:ti. st~ticn en angl~1s et .en fran. di<> Club, ce que j'ai enten- fort ; si fort . en f~it qu, il . a Joe ENZ Directeur, News Radio Club, program- vez. Pour simplifier votre re-~~ts et a donne des mforma- dn lres clair et je pense quel cause une dLstorbon du, Je xxx Raclio Station 4VGM me de m'Usique baitienne. ponse, je vous envoie cL Cher Mr. Magloire, bons. Des selections musica-: c'etait bien votre stationl pense, a wie sur-modi:fica. 1 6504 Chestnut Street )

1 • 5:13 a 5:16 AM ; Selection joint une enveloppe a notre

les furent entendues aussi'. 4VGM. I tion.Aucun'! int'erference n'a 1 Chevy Chase 15, Port.au-Prince de musique hai'tienne avec adresse par avion. Je prencts plaisir a laire le dont le programme est le sui A a:l3 jai entendu un au- ete remarquee. Mon recep-

1 Maryland, U.S.A. chanson par un duet : horn:. La Station 4VGM a ete~ ca})port d'un pr~gra~e ~Pe:

vant : . , tre orchestre. A 5:37 je suis teur est Hallicrafters de 9 ' Cher Monsieur, me et femme. entendue ici aujourd'hui rn' cial radiodifi,use auJourd hui 5:00 a.m. Selection musi- revenu a 1430 kcs, et j'ai enl l~mpes _ ave~ antenne de 301 Mr. Magloire J \ 5:16 a 5:19 AM; Selection Fevrier 1951 sur 1430 kilo- de 5.10 a. m. a 5:20 a. m. EST

cale d'i.tialti voale I tendu une piece musicale.Le p1eds. Temperature de 36 de· . . vo e ~r~nds grand plaisir a' de musique populaire ha'i- cycles entre 5:00 ct 6:00 a.m .;ur 1430 kcs. comme suit: 5 ·0 ' . " 1 , I g e . I cl . I Radio Station 4VGM us aire rapport de la tienne avec chanson par une 5·10 3 car'llons pu·s

. · 5 a.m. MU.s1que d'Ha1-- fa1't d'avo1'r .....,entionne la r 5 • cie atr. t A- bo Pendant la plus grande par- · - 1 • 1

..... fr:;:; nne reception de la fille. k 1 . ti. I Newark News Radio Club .. . . p . H .. . d' d'ffu · I tie de cette beure le signal r•pea er annon~a en ang ais

5 ·08 M:'us' .. . . I AucuRe des se•ections n'e- Port-au- r1nce, a1ti ra_ JO l Sion de votre Sta. 5.20 ia 5:2G a. m. en donnant les lettres d'ap-a m 1nue d'H t m do 1 ga ti que 4 t d R etait tres bien raisonnable-. · · ...,, at 1 e nne_ a_ ran e t ., f 'li uf s·00- I ion e adio 4VGU\iI sur 209 '"''--scn'pti'on d'Ha1-t1·. dr vocale I ., . t . , t I ai. allll e-:e ,sa « i . i..•.:: t fo t t clair Le «fa- pel, a esse et un program-. J avEUs syn omse vo re sta- . et 't . , , 4·12 I Chers Messieurs, I metres durant un program. men r e · . Ill!.? a !'intention de Newark

5:11 a.m. Hymne national tion 4VGIJ.Vl;. 1 ll~Y» ?Ul ~ JOUe a . . . me special ce matin. diman- ding» etait modere et il y a et partie de <:hanso S'bo , M est-11 poss1ble doht·emr u- j . . • , che. 18 Fevrier 1951 C 15.27 a 5.30 A. M. Musique eu peu de statistiques. La News Radio Club, puis un

n « i - Mon recepteur est un Hal- ne verification ef entete de Votre station a ete synto- gramm ' t~; .. d ' d' ' ·, e pro- hai'tienne et chanson par un qual1'te' et le pour""'ntage de horn.me et une femme chan-ney». t • • (4VGM) 1 18 F' . .e e au e 1e a la Ne- h ""' 5:12 am Spe' k .i·,· , h i ' licrafters S20R de 9 lam- letlre: de 4\tVM pour ma col- msee e evner wark News Radio Club dont c reur. votre modult10n excellents. terent.

· · a er ""h « e- ~ · t' · 4 I •. d' ,. 11951 entre 5·02 et 5·17 EST· 5:31 a 5:34- '2 a. m: SC-lo» aux memrb e d NNRC pes anvenne m er1eure : ec.iun e:J.etes de lettres. _ _ · · Je suis membre. J'ai synto- Le te~s ici etait a la pluie et identifie la :t:tio: I Iils paralleles sous le toit I Souhaitant. a vous et a VO- llO:v~· - 10:17 AM GMT)sur. {Use votre station 4VGM a lection de .. . musique instru- et pas trop ·froid - tempe- 8:15 rlomm~ et femme

5·13 . . norrl-sud 30 pie<ls de long tre personnel au comiplet une l la Irequence de 1430 K.c~. i :5:06 a. m~ heure haT mentale ha1tienne. rature a peu pres 8 degres chantcnt une autre chanson. . s·a.m. Partie de cban. et 35 pi~dc: de baut Il fai- prosperile continuelle J'e de Ci-a.pres description de la fheure de' New-York) i ietnn~ 5:39 a 5:42 a. m. : Chanson C Mon recepteur est un ap- 5:19 Annonee de nouveau,

son « iboney» I "' · ' ' t" · I ' e 31 · l tt d' 1 t 't t· t 5·14 a m l\A.. • , sait mauv~1s temps et i1 m~ure recep ton · enf.endu votre tres interes- h .. . fill pareil pre-guerre de 12 lam- e res appe e st ua ion e · · · ~YJ1us1que d Ha·1·- . · I Sans i·nterfe'rence temps a1tlenne par une e. d d, a' 1'1'nlenti"on de Ne•0 ark News ti. pleuvait, temperature 42 de- . , - sant programme de rnusique I . . . pes Hammarlan mo ele ...

5 .17 a 1

. . . I gre Fahr. Providence est la V .Jtre devoue clair-tero~erature entre 25 populaire haitienne et chan- 5.47 a 5.5o µ, m.. Chan- I HQ-120-X. L'antenne est un Radio Club un hornme et statlo · n. Identification de capitale du petit Etat de l et 30 degres. I sons jusqu'a l~ fin a 6:03 a.m. son5 .5p0a~ u5~55h00lme: 1

f _ sim!ple fil droit de 45 metres une femme chantent. n. j E ge' •e FRANCIS lqu d I t t· 1 · , · · a · a. m. · n orma d I t 3 'tr 'l d 5:20 I went to bed

5 .. 18 a· 5: . Rhode Island situe a 200 u i. · Re' cepteur et end.roit :Ueux an_ a s a ion a a15se 1 air. -e ong e . m. e es u- essus d, .. 31 Interference milles au nord de la ville de xxx tr - . t . o , Stallon 4VGIM transmettait tion Gur Haiti. Les auditeurs du sol. Je reside dans une pe- Temperature 30 degres.

une station des Eu d au es am1s e: mo1 n us e- . f , sont invites d~ visiter Haiti . . , il , d Veuillez m'envoyer votre t t · · ans New-York 228 Cenit'al Avenue t ' t t t' a une requence de 1430 kcs. pendant leur periode de COil: tite ville a 35 k ometres e

kiln es programme sur 1430 Je vous. ·en saurais gre de I Brooklyn 21, N.Y. COil lOnds' vol' re ts a ~'nl HiaviUPec 1209 metres) et les signaux ' New-York City. ~arte de verification.

cs. une ra lo L au omvvl e 't . ll ge. A 1. d d .:i " . . l m'envoyer notre carte de ve. t MJ:ABJLE d 9 1 N e ment exce ents dans cette u 1eu e vous onner ue,, , , 5 ·32 a.m. Musique d'Halti rification. 1 Dimanche 18 Fevrier :v, e. 3;111P~s. ous partie nord -est des E. U. a details de l'enser....ble du pro- Nous sommes situes a ?O vocale, homme et femme. I 1951. n.ou~ . trouvion~ a High Top CE:!te occasion. Je reside dans 5:55 a 5:58 a. m.: «"You Are gramme je ferai mention de mille au Sud de Buffalo, a . 5:36 Identification de sta-J Bien votre l Radio Station 4VG1VI , ~1tue ~ 4.000 p1eds au-dessus la partie orientale de l'Etat ~ways in ~Iy Hearb chan- quelques points afin de dC- 2 «milles au Sud du Lac Eric

tion et mention de NNIRC et au. mveau de la mer, ~ans de Pennsylvanie, 100 kilome· te en angla1s ,par un tenor. montrer que j'ai entendu vo- et a pres de 330 milles 0. N. des auditeurs au:x E,U. j Gustave A. MAGNUSON. Oher Mt. Miaglo;re, 1£s lVIJon.ta~n~s B~ue ~idge trc•s au nord de Philadelphie l 5·58 a 6:01 A.M. : «Under- t-re station La plus grande 0. de New York City et a

5:37 a.m. ll.Y.Iusique d'Ha.l- Membre de Newark de. la Virgtme. C est a 108 et 150 kilometres a l'ouest de 1 neath the Tahitian Moons, partie etait de la musique ty- une altitude de 1440 pieds.-ti. I Votre prCJgamme DX pour mil.Jes de rout~ de Chevy New-York City. chanson angl,,.;se. I pique haitkl'.lne. A 5:11 a.m. J'ai ete auditeur de radio de-

News Radlo Club. Cha J\t"A t b - · 24 ' · tra alil 5:42 a.m. Itlentification de la NNRC re~u ici OK, ce di- . se. J ""'· qw .es une an- Les signaux re~us de ·votre • .c'etait l'annonce cSiboney>. pu1S annees, Je v e station et description du l w·u· X:X PRATER manche matm mais je n 'aL heue de Washi_ngto~, .D·C:· station ondes longues 4VGM 6:01 a 6:02 _ % a. m. \ Puis a 5:36 a. m. le speaker pen:ant 7 j~urs d~ ~a sem;i-1"\;lYS «Hai'ti». I

1 iam · pu suivre qu'une demi-heurc ~otr; automo'bLle c:tait a a ·cette occasion etaient forts, «Siboney», theme musical. annon~a que le m.orceau sui- ne ans un JOUrna 11 ma 10

5:47 a.m. Musique d'Halti j Grimsley, Tenn, U.S.A. j comme j~ travaill~ dimanche 1 arret. _P~ndant que . nous S 7 avec un voltage dans vant etait dedie a S. A. Man~ et j'ai 43 aru1ees travaillant ,. 5:50 Identificatio I FC.vrier 18• 1951. Vos s1gnaux etaient OK syntonJstons votre station. I mon recepteur de /3 micro- 1 6:01 _ 1/ 2 A. M. .Annonce (moi!). Du commencement a comtl'.!e peintre. A mon age

n de sta- Antenne Ant d' t ' , J'e devrais etre au lit a cette tion et ment· d I . jusqu'a 5:lc Al\1. jusqu'a ce : enne au o- volts. La radiodiffusion fut de fin. Les auditeurs furent la fin j'ai trouve un program-membres a~0~.ue NIN'RC et[ l\~. Franck C'. Magloire, qu'une station fit une inter- m-0bile de pres de 6 piecls de entendue clairel'l'\ent et dans invites a faire le rapport ~e interessant et agreable. heure. Re! ha!

X : Bienv . . . D1r~cteur Stat1on. 4VGM ierence qui a elimine toutes long i des conditions inlelligibles, de leur reception de ce pro- Je saisis cette occasion en Recepteur: Philco de 11 enue aux VIS1 . . . f . t l' d t

teurs d'Halti ar a , i . Ha;·fi. I statiuns jus-qu'a 1600 kcs.Ce .......... ,. .................. ce qui nous a donne un pro· gramme special et le spea- me a1sar. organe e ous lampes modele 16 L l\""arni ou Pb Vion del Port.au-Prmce, .., doit etre une station locale Les notes prises -pour de- gramme d'excellente recep- ker annon""' en outre que la ici qui apprecient tout le per- Antenne. 5754 inverted L ~u;. par ateau. t ' · · · · Y-- 1 d 1 t t' 4V'GM 5·55 M · . . pres d'ici mon rer ma reception de vo. tion a cette distance de Port- station sera contente d'envo- sonne e a s a ion 35 pieds de baut direction

y. · usique (amer1caine) Ce matin j'ai entPndu vo· · tr·~ station sont les suivan- au-Prince Votre freq' uence et particulie.rement vous qui N-0 et S-E « OU are always · I S . d , 03 · J CT des cartes de verification . d' H rt in my tre tatJOn e 5:00 a 6: a Vui:re programme a 6te tes : (L'hcure indiquee est etait libre 1de toute interfe- en retour. avez rendu possible la ra io- Temperature 30 degres -

ea » [ 'lll. EST- le 18 Fevrier 1951 entendu parfaitement dans EST ~ppro>)~mativetnent). J rence excepte entre 5:16 et diffusion. J'espere que vous Temps nuageux, pluie tot ce (dimanche) sur 1430 k<!s. Le ~ , . , 5:30 quand une station non 6 •. 02 _ 11., a' 6 03 avez regu un grand nombr~ matin.

5 58 M · ( la musique nationale que le a·02 Al\!~ EST Selection ~ : a. m. A . : a.m. us1que ameri-1 temps etait nuageux, tempe- '. · . identifiee des E. U. faisait un Hymne d'Halti. Com.me a de rapports interessants. - Bien votre 1

cam~~ «Und~rneath the Bleu rature de 50 degres 4VGM spet.ker avait annonce en Mu:iicale- t~~ de musique, test avec une modulation sur 5:08 _ l -2. vec mes meilleurs souhaits, Le vieux voyageur irlan-Tahitian _Skies». J etait bien malgre les :rnon- angl:lis et en J.rangais par 3 Latin: Amencame avec u~el 1430 kcs. Votre station etait je reste. dais.

Mon recepteur : Hallicraf- ' tagnes 'hautes de '6.000 pieds coups de cloC'hes et en outre femm_ chantant en :fran~a1s I d'ondes constantes claire et Station 4VGM a laisse l'air Patt BEILLEY. bes 5X42- Puissance M& A 5:01 selection musicale, un magnifique tango. La 5:09 Sel~ction Musicale- I parfaitem.ent mod~lee. Qua- a G:03 a. m. heure d'Halti. Bien votre xxx tres S/ 2 a S/4. voix de remme ;a 5:12 caril- mt>.siqu~ nationale a ete en- Ty<pe martial, probablement lite du ton bonne. C'etait un Robert W. Botzum

. Antenne : 150 pieds inte- lons et identification de sta. tendue voh: d'homme et de votre hymne national. I plaisir d'ecouter 4VGM ici Meilleurs souhaits, Mr. Ma-1

S. A. MANN. 1222 Pike Street rieur ho~izontal. I tion en anglais ... etc. Pro- femme formant un duet 5:10 ,Sele--:\lon musicale dans l'Etat de Pennsylvanie gloire, a votre station et a Reading, Penna

Interference . : test • ~ro-I gramme a }'intention de Ne C'et::iit un magnifique pro· «Si Bone.» oa «S~ Bonet»- dans une si bonne condition son ipersonnel et bone chance Ernest R Cooper Fev. 18, 1951 gra~me de station arner1cai- wark News R.C. 5:15 Musi- gramme et je regrette de Je conna1s le titre de la a l'occasion de ce ,programme dat1$ la radiod.iffusion. Je National Radio Club Newark News Radio Club . ne o:18 a.m. a 5:31 a.m. I que, chanson; 5:32 Femme n'ayoir pas pu ecouter p li;s chanson mJis pas l'ortogra- special pour Jes auditeurs a- vous remercie d'avoir pre· 438 East 21st Street l Member T~mperature : 40 degres- chantant - 5:35 Identi.fica~ longtemps la partie du tan- pbe m _r icains. Des compliments sente cette radiodiffusion Brooklyn 26, New York. Radio Station 4VGM

Froid: nuageux. I tion de station en anglais go et les 3 coups ae cloohe , 5 : ~1 Carillon pen?ant 5 ou' pour votre .t~ansmetteur puis- ;peciale pour !a National Ra- Le 20 Fevrier 19:>1 Merci au nom de Newark mention de NNRC-- 5:4o donnes comrne preuve de la , 6 fo1s ; chitque :f01s un son $ctn~ ~t _effi~ent. . . . d io 'Club en donnant a nous I . .

! Homme ohantant. 5:48 Ferr.. reception. I different. J 1T_ ai ecou-re vou-e radiodu- autres Jes auditeurs distants Radio Station 4VGM Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

News Radio Club dont je mes chantant·5:5l deux pie. Annonce entendue apres ftH1sR100n _d.;u!' 9 tlin ~teur l'oceaEion d'econ~er votre sta- P-au-Pce, Halti. · b ' Le dT DX I ·1 « • e am~ sn:per- u an. Les condltwns etaient su15 ~rn. re pour I' audition ces de musique amencaine, . .. s. c?n I io~s. , : temps e c:ar1 !on .. Speaker parla. Je heterodine ~nicaticms.. Cher l\~onsieur Magloire

Messieurs :

d~ .. q e)reellent . programme j ler «You're Always In My lege. ici, hunud1te 67 pour cro1~ I avou- entendu dire ~on antenne est fil ;;imple tellement fu\·orables que cet· ,T'ai le plaisi1 de faire le ded1e aux auditeurs des E. Heart»- 6:00 Orohestre a- cent. I bonJour en anglais, plus inveni type cL> Ms.rconi. 10 te radiodiffusion a ajoute a Votre station 4VGM a ete ra.pport. d'avoir entend~ vo-u. et que nous avons enten I vant de laisser l'air. I , ta.rd il s 'exprima en fran<;ais metrC3 de ~ant ~t 40 m~ mon expe;oience. entendue ici Dimanche dans I tre station de 5:00 a. m. a 5:45 du. : A.ecepteur est S-40-A Hal- Selection musicale- «Si Bo-i de long en QJl"E'C;1on du noro- son programme special DX a. m. EST_sur 1430 kcs. 1 kw

Je ~ous en saurais gre de licra!ters de 9 lampes avec ne> ent£ndu de nouveau. oues; a\·ec le 61 d 'entree a je demeure bien votre, et vraiment c'etait une chan- ! comme suit: Roger AND~

, xx Gustave A. M~gtlo..son 120 Porter Street Providence 5,RI.

l\1".r. Franck C. Magloire, Dfrecteur Station 4V.GM Port-au-Prince, Hai'ti

Cher Monsieur,

r~ce~·o1r votre cartt~ _de veri- an•eune tppe «L» 15 pi eds 1 s: 14 Selection musicale-- , l'ex:;i:mite .smi--e5t_ Ma con: . ce exceptionnelle car Mr. f1cat.ion .. Les cond1t1ons ont de tong et 6 peids de haut. I Homme, femme et chceur l nect .. on de terre se trouve _a

1 Avec mes remerc1ements. "'I , 't , I Pour les membres de Ne-

h , •• ann m avai annonce que k N Rad' Cl b d' em.pee <' une audition de 1 furent tous entendus. ns ' une pompe a eau dto 32 me- 4VGM avait eu des difficul- l war ews . 10 u ce i-100 p~ur. ce~t. Succes dans .• . ~~is un BCD DX , depuis' n'ont pas chante en anglais j tres dans u;i puits de 54 me- l Kermit GEARY tes d'ordre tecllnique et quc manche. rr:a.tm -;: ~r~fa:

! la rad1od1ffus1on. J eta1s encore a l'ecole et Les tambours battaient dans tres de pro,.ondeur. Le temps R. F. D. :N"o. 2, c'etait bien pour cette raison ~~Tmus1.ca 1 JUSqu ~ c: s e~· le

I Rec~pteur 10 lampes Su. 'eais encore a l'ecole et cette selection. ici etait dair , a\·ec une tern- J?5 War d Street qu'elle n 'etait pas dans l'air ·1'1 pu1Ds e5s la3nn n1; , 5·45 r per. I j 'ai eu un total de 1357 j 5.16 Annonc S k j perature de 1 d~gre C. au- - l . J earl on. e : - ~.: a · ' A , 'f' . e- pea er d d . Westbury L, L . New-York b1en ~upa:avant., e vous en a. m. E'ST programme musi-


ntenne. 150 pieds. L. 35 ver1 lcations et c'est 1a parla fran~ais essous e zero. . Dimanche le 18 Fev 1951 saura1s gre de m, envoyer vo- 1 t ch s a o <:es en pietls de haut L NE-SO. prPmi~~: fots ~ue j'ai en ten.' 5:17 Tnterf~rence jusqu'a' Veuillez confirmer ma re- ' . l tre carte de verification ra e . a!'lson 1, n~, n

. , ~ du !-Iaiti depuh 1935 stat ion 5:30. cep•jon de votrt! station .iv. :v F _,_ C .,.... 1

. franca1s entre es pieces mu-Since"e votre k f?')9 • ir. ran~ · ~nag orre, I v · · ·• · t d 'cales Aussi t\ne mention - HHK. Membre de la NNRC GM sur 1430 cs. - me- 01c1 ce que J a1 en en u: s· ·

anc des radio-clubs NRC le J b tres en ven ica ion u i Directeur .ua . -.. .., I I ) ' 'f' t· d ra·t l n.::ote·F~vr1·er 18 19"1' -iediee a Ne"·ark News Radio W'lli J PRATER · . ( e suts mem re de la Na- ·· · d . d. _ · Club, J'ai pris grand plaisir 1

am · 1 Pll1" (Plus1eurs annees. Vo- tional [fadio Clu.b et de :r..r,,,__ I q~e J ~ ente~ ~ \ l>l re ra 10 Station Radio 4VGM d xxx l tre frequence etait de 1430 I dk N d <m,.- I d1ffus1on spec1ale pour la 5:04 a. m. E. s. T. (des que a entendre VOS splendi es

Euge11e Francis ' ~cs 1 :Var t ' dews R~ iO Club.J'ai Newark News Radio Club: 'J? Rue Americaine j1ai syntonise _ Valse, con- pieces musicales et votre pro-43-44 Judge Street 1 • I ecou e es stations d'on~es Comn: e preuve d'avoir en· cert d'orchestre. I gramme. Je vous remercie

longues depuis Juillet 1947 . b Elmhurst, N.e-w York. . , . . . tendu votre proaratnnle Je p. p -5:06 - Chanson par une pour votre eau programme

Com.me mem:ore de Ne­wa1·k News Radio Club je tiens E vous remercier pour I votr.e cooperation avec Ies

1 auditeurs ce matin, ~n ap- • pareil n•est pas des meilleurs Mr. F. Miagloire pour l'ecoute a longue dis- Radio Station 4VGM tance, partant je n'avais au- Port-au-Prince Ha'iti.

r • •ur le temps c etrut clair et ai r~('u des confirmations f . . ~.-1 d . :art-au- rince, Haiti. mais il a plu tout le sam.edi de 811 - stations dans 28 ~ous a.is pant •emr a escnp- fille. DC. avci• 1 ·i . " 1 • V . J tion suivan e : Cher Monsieur ~loire : 5:09 - Mlusique d'orches- J'espere que vous m'~nver-

so e.i J usqu a 3:00 a ( pays.. -0tre station est le 4VGM, 1430 kcs. 209 me- tre. l rez votre carte de verifica-m. ~.r~mier transmetteur que tres)· Dimanche matm FC- Je suis extremement satis- 5:32 - Chanson par une tion de votre station 4VGM.

cun esooir de vous enten- ' dre. Eu tout cas j'ai syntoni- Ober ami, J-1 travaille comme .:main se 1430 kcs. a 5:02 le matin ten:mce man» pour le thea-de Fevrier 18 et a ma gran- D'abord comme membre tre local RKO ici ainsi que de surprise j'ai entendu de de la Nation~! Radio Club les climanche!l ; j'obtiens un la musique d'orchestre qui. je vous envoie mes remer- jOUl' de conge par remain.e. je crois, etait votre station. ciements pour avoir radio- I Su.~ t-oujours content d'en-

A 5:06 EST, j'ai entendu dififuse le programme special f voyt>t' tles rapports DX et a· l'orohestre et une musique pour notre club le di.manche pres vertfication veuillcz vocale par une dame 18 Fevrier 1951. NOus nousJ m'e1nvoyer votre cVeri£ica­l a 5:09 une piece dorches· l souviendrons toujours de la tion officielle>. -==-~ ....... ~

J 31 er.tendu d'Haiti. vrie; 18. 1951, de 5:06 a fait d'avoir entendu votrc file. Meilleurs souhaits pour le 6:03 Al\l, heure d 'lfaiti (heu- programme de radiodiifusion I 5:39:- Annonce. J succes de 4VGM.

Si mon rapport est d'ac-. re de N. Y.): ce matir1 et je prends plaisirl 5:40 - Chanson par un Recepteur: H0-129 X cord avec votre programme· 5.03 a 5:06 1/ 2 AM, a vous annoncer que j'ai pu bomme. I Antenne type de 75 pieds• je vous en saurais gre de Chanson vocare par uue fil- entend.re la plus gra~de par- J 5:48 - Chanson ;par une 50 pieds de ~aut. . ' ' m'envoyer votre carte de ' le. \ , t ie du programme tres bien. fille. . I •remp~ clair et froid., verification. I 5:08 - 1, 2 a 5:09 - 1 2 Ci-apres vous trouve.rez rap- 1 Mon recepteur est Ham- Temperature 35 degres -

AM: Marche - Hymne na- port detaille de la reception marlund HQ-129-X de 11 1

Bien vot:re • I tional d'Halti. qui, j'espere vous interessera. lampes et j'emploie aussi un iRobert W. BOTZUM. 5:09- 112 AM: «Siboney• Je vous en saurais gre de R. JY.ll. E. DB-22·A preselec· 1222 Pike St Reading:

Henry HOLBROOK theme musical, , m'expedier votre carte de ve- tor. J'utilise une antenne de - ,.. Penna. ' _ .:aL:J

Page 17: 4VGM, Magloire Broadcasting Circuit, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Magloire Broadcasting Circuit

4VGM & 4V -CM 1470 Kcs. 6165 Kcs~ Affiliated to N .. B. C.

86, Rue Americaine, 36 Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Franck C Magloire Manager--Owner


--UH dn eY -B... . .S.~-------------~------~ ----­

____ Ap.t .. JQB...E... .. .L . .s. c .• -------- ------- -- -· ____ Q_h~r.l~~t..Qn .. U.J.j.n .o~~----- ·------------- __

___ Ji_,. ___ $_. ___ ~-~------------------- ··-- · --· -.. - ---------- ....


The program you have listened on .. F.eb.18 1951. .. .. has been 'broadcasted by MBC and is con:for · o ur lo~. .....

..... .....

We are sending you enclosed a copy of our paper where we publish your lettere ·

Page 18: 4VGM, Magloire Broadcasting Circuit, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

} \ I


I J ' ' I

4 V•M ll~



4.-c-. 4t,..

Yr. Kennith Geary, R. F. D. No. 2 Valnutport , Penna. U. S. A,