41_six monthly ec compliance - mines.pdf

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  • 8/14/2019 41_six monthly EC compliance - mines.pdf


  • 8/14/2019 41_six monthly EC compliance - mines.pdf


    ComplianceofECconditionsofcoalMinesSpecialconditionsSl.No. Conditions Compliance1 No mining operations shall be undertaken in the

    24.25 ha of forestland until clearance has been

    obtained under the provisions of Forest

    Clearance Act, 1980

    Stage-2 Forest Clearance received.

    2 Mining shall be carried out as per statuette at asafe distance from the Singhada Jhor and thenallah flowing within the lease boundary. There

    shall be no discharge into the Singhada Jhor.

    Will be complied after start of the miningactivities and after receipt of mining lease,surface right and permission from DGMS & Coal


    Mining will be carried out a safety distance of

    15m from Singhada Jhor.No untreated water will

    be discharged into the Jhor.

    3 An embankment of 5m height shall beconstructed before start of mining operations

    along the southern bank of the Jhor. The slope ofthe embankment shall at least 2:1 towards the,

    ML. The height of the embankment shall be at

    least 5 m higher than the HFL

    Will be complied after start of the miningactivities and after receipt of mining lease,

    surface right and permission from DGMS & CoalController.

    The embankment of prescribed dimensions will

    be constructed along with the start of the mining


    4 Topsoil of 2.56 Mm3 shall be stacked properlywith proper slope at earmarked site(s) and

    should not be kept active and shall be used for

    reclamation and development of green belt.

    Will be complied after start of the miningactivities and after receipt of mining lease,

    surface right and permission from DGMS & Coal


    5 OB generated during the first ten years shall be

    dumped in an external waste dump of 102.56 ha,

    and a max. Height of 90m, which will be

    stabilized with plantation, and the ultimate slopeof the dump shall not exceed 28. Motoring and

    management of reclaimed dumpsite should

    continue until the vegetation becomes self-sustaining. Compliance status should be

    submitted to the Ministry of Environment &

    Will be complied as per the conditions

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    dumps. The water so collected should be utilizedfor watering the mine area, roads, green belt

    development, etc. The drains should be regularlyde silted and maintained properly. Garlanddrains (size; gradient and length) and sump

    capacity should be designed keeping 50% safety

    margin over and above the peak sudden rainfalland maximum discharge in the area adjoining

    the mine site. Sump capacity should also provide

    adequate retention period to allow proper settling

    of silt material.


    Garland drain of 3ft3ft size and siltation pond of1.5 ha will be constructed to arrest silt andsediments. Sump of adequate capacity will be

    provided for settling of silt materials.

    7 Dimension of the retaining wall at the toe of the

    dumps and OB benches within the mine to checkrun-off and siltation should be based on the

    rainfall data.

    Will be complied after start of the mining

    activities and after receipt of mining lease,surface right and permission from DGMS & Coal



    Stone pitched retaining wall at the toe of the OB

    dump will be provided to retain the soil and slopeof the dump will be stabilized with tree

    plantation. The height of the retaining wall will

    be 2m and width will be of 0.6 m. This will beconstructed along with development of the OB


    8 Crushers at the CHP should be operated withhigh efficiency bag filters, water sprinklingsystem should be provided to check fugitive

    emissions from crushing operations, conveyor

    system, haulage roads, transfer points, etc

    Will be complied.

    Crushers will be provided with high efficiency

    bag filter to limit dust emission at less than 100

    mg/Nm3. Water sprinkling will be provided in

    haul roads, transfer points. Enclosed pipeconveyer will be provided to check fugitive

    emission from conveyers.

    9 Transport of coal to the sponge iron plant will beby closed conveyors.

    Will be complied after start of the miningactivities and after receipt of mining lease,

    surface right and permission from DGMS & Coal

    Controller.Enclosed pipe conveyer will be provided to check

    fugitive emission from conveyers.

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    The mitigative measures for control of groundvibrations and to arrest the fly rocks and

    boulders should be implemented.

    surface right and permission from DGMS & CoalController.

    12 The total area brought under afforestation shallnot be less than 163.94 ha, backfilled area

    covering 151.25 ha, along ML boundary, green

    belt, safety zone and vacant/undisturbed area(1269 ha) by planting native species in-

    consultation with the local DFO/ AgricultureDepartment. The density of the trees should be

    around 2500 plants per ha

    Will be complied after start of the miningactivities and after receipt of mining lease,

    surface right and permission from DGMS & Coal


    13 Backfilling shall begin from the 10th

    year ofmining operations. A Progressive Mine Closure

    Plan shall be implemented and OB generated

    shall backfilled covering a total area of 151.25

    ha.-Plantation shall be developed over thebackfilled area and of the balance excavated area

    (void) covering an area of 104.86; being

    converted into a water reservoir, the higherbenches shall be gently sloped and stabilized

    with plantation.

    The condition will be complied as per the approved

    Mine Closure Plan and Mining Plan. The Mine

    Closure plan has been approved by the Ministry of

    Coal, Government of India on 07.09.12

    14 A study shall be carried out on the suitability of

    backfilling fly ash into the decoaled void and its

    effects on groundwater quality prior toUndertaking dumping of fly ash into the

    decoaled voids. The copy of the study reportshall be submitted to the Ministry and itsRegional Office, Bhubaneswar prior to the start

    of backfilling.


    15 Regular monitoring of groundwater level and

    quality should be carried out by establishing a

    network of existing wells and construction ofnew peizometers. The monitoring for quantity

    should be done four times a year in pre-monsoon(May), monsoon (August), post-monsoon

    (November) and winter (January) seasons and/orquality in May. Data thus collected should be

    submitted to the Ministry of Environment &

    Forests and tot eh Central Pollution Control

    Regular monitoring of groundwater level and

    quality will be carried out as per the


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    dewatering of mine.

    17 ETP should be provided for workshop and CHP

    waste water

    ETP will be provided for workshop. No

    wastewater will be generated from CHP.

    18 A programme for conservation of the

    endangered species, particularly the IndianElephant, found in the study area, shall be

    formulated and implemented in consultation

    with the concerned Department in -the StateGovernment. Separate funds shall be earmarked

    for implementation of the various activities thereunder and the status thereof shall be regularlyreported to this Ministry and the MOEF

    Regional Office, Bhubaneswar.

    A Wildlife conservation plan for all the forest

    areas with in 10 km radius has been prepared byexperts and has been submitted to the Forest

    department. The financial burden for

    implementing the action plan has been borne bythe company by depositing a sum of Rs. 98 Lakhs

    in favor of Ad-hoc Body of CAMPA in shape ofbank draft bearing No. 007628 dtd.16.02.2010 inAccount No. CA 1585 in Corporation

    Bank,Lodhi Road, New Delhi and supplied the

    infrastructure worth Rs. 5.00 Lakhs to the office

    of Regional Chief Conservation ofForests(Wildlife)-cum-Chief Wildlife Warden,

    Orissa after possession of land.

    19 Digital processing of the entire lease area using

    remote sensing technique should be done

    regularly once in 3 years for monitoring land usepattern and report submitted to MOEF and its

    Regional office at Bhubaneshwar.

    Digital processing through remote sensing

    technique of the entire lease area for the year

    2010 is already procured and further it will bedone during the start of mining operation.

    20 Besides carrying out regular periodic health

    check up of their workers; 10% of the workers

    identified from workforce engaged in activemining operations shall be subjected to health

    check up for-occupational diseases and hearing-

    impairment, if any, through an agency such asNIOH, Ahmadabad within a period of one year

    and the results reported to this Ministry and to


    Health check of the employees will be done as

    per the condition

    21 R&R of the 3 villages - Raijharan, Kausidhipa,

    and Golagadia, shall be completed within thespecified time schedule and shall be not less than

    that of the National R&R Policy and the norms

    stipulated by the State Government.

    Rehabilitation sites are at Vill. Phuljhari, Parang and

    Badamahitala (existing R&R colony).

    The construction activities for R&R colony are on the

    verge of completion at Vill. Phujhari and land

    i i i f & i i ill

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    25 PDFs of Vill. Kaunsidhipa will be shifted to R&R

    colony at Badamahitala. Village Liaison in progress

    for resettlement & rehabilitation.

    R&R work of village Raijaharan is expected to be

    completed by Dec13.

    R&R of all the three villages have been done as per

    the Govt. R & R policy and norms.

    22 A Final Mine Closure Plan along with details of

    Corpus Fund should be submitted to the Ministry

    of Environment & Forests 5 years in advance offinal mine closure for approval.

    Will be complied as per approved Mine Closure Plan

    23 Consent to operate shall be obtained before

    starting mining operation

    Consent to operate received


    i No change in mining technology and scope of

    working should be made without prior approvalof the Ministry of Environment

    Will be complied during operation of mines

    ii No change in the calendar plan includingexcavation, quantum of mineral coal and waste

    should be made.

    The starting date has been changed due to delayin forest clearance. However there is no change in

    the plan of excavation, quantum of mineral coal

    and waste.

    iii Four ambient air quality monitoring stations

    should be established in the core zone as well inthe buffer zone for SPM, RPM, S02 and NOx

    monitoring. Location of the stations should bedecided based on the meteorological data.

    topographical features and environment, andecologically sensitive targets in consultation

    with the State Pollution Control Board

    Four ambient air monitoring stations will be

    established as per the requirements of OSPCB

    i D bi i li (SPM RPM S02 Will b li d d i i i i

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    recorded properly. Water spraying arrangementon haul roads, wagon loading, dump trucks

    (loading and unloading) points should beprovided and properly maintained.

    vi Adequate measures should be taken for control

    of noise levels below 85 dBA in the work

    environment. Workers engaged in blasting anddrilling operations, operation of HEMM, should

    be provided with ear plugs/muffs.

    Will be complied during mining operation by

    providing PPE.

    vii Industrial wastewater (workshop and wastewater

    from the mine) should be properly collected,treated so as to conform to the standardsprescribed under GSR 422-(E) dated 19

    th May

    1993 and 31st December 1993 or as amended

    from time to time before discharge. Oil and

    grease trap should be installed before dischargeof workshop effluents:

    Will be complied during mining operation

    viii Vehicular emissions should be kept under

    control and regularly monitored. Vehicles used

    transporting the mineral should be covered with

    tarpaulins and optimally loaded.

    Will be complied during mining operation

    ix Environmental laboratory should be establishedwith adequate number and type of pollution

    monitoring and analysis equipment in

    consultation with the State Pollution ControlBoard.

    An environmental laboratory in the integratedsteel plant has been established and the same will

    be used for coal mines. This laboratory will have

    world class facilities for monitoring. monitoringand analysis equipment.(Annexure-1)

    x Personnel working in dusty areas should wear

    protective respiratory devices and they Should

    also be provided with adequate training andinformation on safety and health aspects.

    Will be complied during mining operation

    xi Occupational health surveillance programme of

    the workers should be undertaken periodically toobserve any contractions due to exposure to dust

    and to take corrective measures, if needed.

    Will be complied during mining operation

    xii A separate environmental management cell with

    suitable qualified personnel should be set up

    A full furnished Environment management

    department already existing with suitable

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    this Ministry and its Regional Office atBhubaneshwar.

    xiv A copy will be marked to concerned Panchayat/local NGO, if any, from whom asuggestion/representation has been received

    while processing the proposal.


    xv State Pollution Control Board should display a

    copy of the clearance letter at the Regional

    Office, District Industry Centre and CollectorsOffice/Tehsildars Office for 30 days.


    xvi The Project authorities should advertise at least

    in two local newspapers widely circulate around

    the project, one of which shall be in thevernacular language of the locality concern

    within seven days of the clearance letter

    informing that the project has been accordenvironmental clearance and a copy of the

    clearance letter is available with the State

    Pollution control Board and may be also seen at

    the website of the Ministry of Environment &Forests at http://envfor.nic.in


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    SN Name of the equipment Make / Model No Total number1 Orion-5 star multimeter Thermo Scientific USA /

    5- star

    02(One portable and one


    2 Turbidity Meter Lamote USA/ 2020 EKIT 1

    3 BOD self check sensingbottles with incubator

    Velp Scientifical

    Oxitop 1512


    4 Incubator (BOD) Orlab 1

    5 Hot air Oven One Weiber

    ACM- 22066 and One



    6 Hot Plate Lab Hosp



    7 Distillation System TKA Purifier and Borosil 2

    8 Water level indicator Insitu inc. 1

    9 Electronic Balance Denver 1

    10 Ultrasonic water flow meter ESSIFLO International 1

    11 Spectrophotometer (Double



    UV - 1800


    12 Piezometer (WLI) digital Insitu inc. 1

    13 Colorimeter for chlorine Lamotte 1

    14 Portable DO meter EI Products 1

    15 Portable ph meter EI Products 1

    16 Water Bath ACMAS 1

    17 Hot plate with Heating

    M t l

    Tarson 1

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    23 Auto Clave ACMAS 1

    24 Muffle Furnace ACMAS 1

    25 Colony Counter ACMAS 1

    26 Bacteriological Incubator ACMAS 1

    27 Centrifuge Tarson 1

    28 Refrigerator LG -185ltr. 2

    29 Respirable dust sampler

    PM10and PM 2.5

    Envirotech 8 each

    30 Stack Monitoring Kit Vayubodhan VSS-1 1

    31 Combustion Flue Gas


    Kane May Quimtox KM



    32 Anemometer Pacerist DA - 400 1

    33 Lux meter Extech EA-30 1

    34 Noise dosimeter Quest technology

    Sound Pro- DL


    35 Area heat monitor Quest technology 1

    36 Portable CO meter SENKO 1

    37 Smoke meter ACE-Italy OPA 391/HD 1

    38 Petrol driven emission


    ACE-Italy Infra gas /



    39 Online Met .Station Ecotech Australia 2

    40 Online ambient air quality

    monitoring analyzer for

    SPM, PM10, PM2.5, SO2,

    NO, NO2, NOx, CO,O3,

    Environment SA 4

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    Further Planned Instruments

    1 AAS 24 parameters to be

    analyzed of water, effluent,

    air, soil and solid wastesamples in our laboratory

    as Al, As, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca,

    Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Li,Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb,

    Se, Si, Ti, V & Zn etc.


    2 Microwave digestion Microwave digester is theessential to digestion of the



    3 Laminar flow Micro-biochemical

    analysis, handling ofbiological objects and

    micro- mixing.


    4 TOC Analyzer Total organic carbon



    5 SODAR Measurement of scatteringof sound waves turbulence,

    wind speed at various

    heights above the ground,and the thermodynamic

    structure of the lower layer

    of the atmosphere.


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