39472512 toothpaste final marketing

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  • 8/8/2019 39472512 Toothpaste Final Marketing







    Chintan Agarwal (B07018)

    Kaushal Chandak (B07026)

    Gunjan Mittal (B07031)

    Tanu Krishna (B07055)


  • 8/8/2019 39472512 Toothpaste Final Marketing


    Table of contents

    TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................. 2

    1 TOOTHPASTE INDUSTRY .............................................................................................................3

    1.1 OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................. 31.2 MAJOR PLAYERS....................................................................................................................................... 31.3 CONSUMER BEHAVIOR ........................................................................................................................ 5

    2 INTENDED POSITIONING.............................................................................................................. 62.1 METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................................................... 62.2 RESULTS....................................................................................................................................................... 6

    3 ACTUAL POSITIONING.................................................................................................................. 8

    3.1 METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................................................... 83.2 RESULTS....................................................................................................................................................... 8

    4 RECOMMENDATIONS.................................................................................................................. 10

    APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................................. 12

    1 COLGATE......................................................................................................................................... 12

    1.1 COLGATE DENTAL CREAM.............................................................................................................. 121.2 COLGATE TOTAL 12............................................................................................................................. 13

    1.3 COLGATE MAX FRESH........................................................................................................................ 131.4 COLGATE KIDS TOOTHPASTE........................................................................................................13

    1.5 COLGATE FRESH ENERGY GEL .....................................................................................................141.6 COLGATE HERBAL ............................................................................................................................... 14

    1.7 COLGATE CIBACA FAMILY PROTECTION ................................................................................. 151.8 COLGATE ADVANCED WHITENING............................................................................................ 151.9 COLGATE ACTIVE SALT..................................................................................................................... 16

    2 AMAR................................................................................................................................................ 17

    2.1 AMAR REGULAR TOOTHPASTE ......................................................................................................172.2 AMAR STRONG TOOTHPASTE .........................................................................................................182.3 AMAR WHITE TOOTHPASTE ............................................................................................................ 18

    2.4 AMAR STRONG SACHETS................................................................................................................... 18

    3 PEPSODENT..................................................................................................................................... 193.1 PEPSODENT G ........................................................................................................................................ 19

    3.2 PEPSODENT 2 IN 1 ................................................................................................................................ 203.3 PEPSODENT COMPLETE 10............................................................................................................... 20

    3.4 PEPSODENT WHITENING ................................................................................................................. 203.5 PEPSODENT REGULAR ....................................................................................................................... 21

    3.6 PEPSODENT CENTER FRESH ........................................................................................................... 21

    4 CLOSE-UP ........................................................................................................................................ 244.1 RED GEL VITAMIN FLUORIDE SYSTEM...................................................................................... 24

    4.2 CLOSE-UP LEMON MINT TOOTHPASTE ..................................................................................... 244.3 CLOSE-UP MILK CALCIUM................................................................................................................. 25

    5 VICCO ............................................................................................................................................... 265.1 VICCO VAJRADANTI............................................................................................................................. 26

    6 MESWAK.......................................................................................................................................... 27

    7 PRIMARY SURVEY........................................................................................................................ 28

    7.1 QUESTIONNAIRE .................................................................................................................................. 287.2 ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................................................. 29


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    1 Toothpaste Industry

    1.1 Overview

    Indian oral care industry (including toothpaste and toothpowder) is about Rs. 35 billion.

    Colgate and HUL contribute around three fourth of the total market. Other major players

    include Dabur and Anchor group together contributing around 15% of total market.

    Oral Ca re Industry Ma rke t Sha re






    1.2 Major players

    Company Brand Product

    Close-up Red

    Close-up Close-up Blue

    Close-up Green

    Hindustan Unilever


    Pepsodent G

    Pepsodent 2 in 1Pepsodent

    Pepsodent Regular


    WhiteningColgate Den tal

    CreamColgate Total 12

    Colgate Max fresh Gel -

    CitrusCo lgate Max fresh Gel -

    PepermintColgate Max fresh Gel -

    RedColgate Kid toothpaste - Bubble fruit -



    Colgate Colgate Kid toothpaste - Bubble fruit -

    BlueColgate Fresh Energy Gel - Red

    Colgate Fresh Energy Gel -

    BlueColgate Herbal

    Co lgate Cibaca Fami ly

    protectionColgate Advanced

    WhiteningColgate Active



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    Promise Promise

    Dabur - Balsara Babool Babool

    Meswak Meswak

    Dabur Red Dabur Red GelDabur

    Dabur Red Dabur Red Toothpase

    Himalaya Himalay


    Himalaya dental

    creamDentostrong Dentostrong

    Dentocare Ajanta Dentocare

    Ajanta India


    Dentofresh Blue Gel

    Dentofresh Dentofresh Lime

    GelDentofresh Red Gel

    Ayucare Ayucare Neem

    toothpasteAmar Regular



    Amar Amar Strong

    Amar White


    VajradantiVicco Labs Vicco

    Vicco Vajradanti Sugar



    Aquafresh Aquafresh

    SAMAY White Toothpaste

    Samay Samay Red Gel

    Samay Blue Gel

    Deluxe DELUXE White Toothpaste

    Ola fresh OLA FRESH White Toothpaste

    Sentinel Sntinel white Silca base



    Superdnet Superdent Red Gel

    Tres Plus Tres Plus Green Gel

    DIGI DENT Bubble Gum GelDigi Dent

    DIGI DENT Strawberry Gel

    Greenex GREENEX Green Gel Toothpaste

    Ankwin ANKWIN White Toothpaste



    ORAL KARE Herbal Toothpaste

    LG Cliden Cliden

    Goldent GelSpectrum


    GoldentGoldent white

    toothpasteSubodent K Subodent K

    Dentoji DentojiJaikaran

    IndiaHerbodent Herbodent

    Orohyi Orohyi

    Anchor Fluo ride Herbal

    ToothpasteAnchor Fluoride Kidz

    ToothpasteAnchor Fluoride Multi Protection

    ToothpasteAnchor Anchor Fluor ide Seniscare


    Anchor Fluoride

    ToothpasteAnchor Gel Toothpaste

    Anchor Toothpaste

    Forhans Forhans


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    1.3 Consumer Behavior

    World over the oral care market is largely represented by toothpaste and toothbrush.

    Other products in this category include mouthwash, sprays and oral rinses. In India, there

    is a significant presence of toothpowderas well. Many other people in India still clean

    teeth with traditional products like neem twigs, salt, ash, tobacco or other herbalingredients. Recent studies have indicated dual usage (powder and paste) in 10% of rural

    households. The younger generation is increasingly shifting to toothpaste even in rural

    areas. In relative terms, penetration of toothpowder is higher in North and toothpaste in

    South. This could be due to higher education, purchasing power and urbanization in the


    Indian urban toothpaste per capita consumption is about 92 grams per month compared to

    219 grams of China; and only 7% of Indian urban class brush twice a day compared to

    86% in Malaysia. Thus there is tremendous scope for growth of doing business in India.

    Toothpaste industry growth has been low asSegmentation based on Product compared to other products. For market leader


    Colgate, in 2007 growth had been around 12%.For same brands like Babool the market growthOthers,

    15%was as high as 50%.

    Herbal,As per India Infoline Sector report, about 60%

    10%of toothpaste in India is sold on family platform;there is single toothpaste for the entire family.

    White, Specialized toothpaste such as for children has50%

    been available in India only in last 2-3 years

    (mainly imported products) and usage is

    extremely low.Gel , 25%

    About 35% of toothpaste is sold on cosmeticpropositions. These are targeted mainly at

    young consumers and upper urban class on the proposition of fresh breath, white teeth

    and functional benefits of controlling plaque, preventing cavity etc. There is a nichemarket (5% of total) for toothpaste with therapeutic benefits. Toothpaste is also

    segmented based on product attributes as White, Gel, Herbal, etc. Some products are also

    available as a combination of both Whites and Gel. World over toothpaste positioned on

    anti-cavity platform, contains fluorides. Excessive usage of fluoride can cause a disease

    called Fluoresces, to which children are particularly vulnerable. In India, there is a strong

    societal aversion to fluoride toothpaste.

    Price wise, toothpastes can be segmented as Economy, Regular and Value-added

    segments. The price range varies from Rs.15-20 for a 100 gm pack in the economysegment to Rs.30-35 for a 100 gm pack in the Regular Segment to Rs.50 for a 100 gm

    pack in the medicated/value added segment.


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    2 Intended Positioning

    2.1 Methodology

    The various mass media forms, namely television, newspapers, radio and internet, are the

    main source of influencing a customer. Hence, we went through the marketing

    campaigns, both print and electronic, that the various toothpaste companies have

    launched to market their brands and position their products. The intended positioning wasessentially derived from this study. While doing the study, th e advertisements were notjust studied at their face value but the purpose of their various claims was also

    understood. This helped us come up with the intended positioning of the various

    toothpastes based on a variety of different parameters.

    Six brands namely; Close up, Colgate, Pepsodent, Vicco, Meswak and Amar were

    identified. About 24 products under these six brands were studied as per the methodologydescribed above.

    2.2 Results

    The table below shows summary of the primary research on intended positioning.

    Various attribute parameters are classified into distinct categories. Same is done for

    emotion level positioning parameters.

    This cluster map is then subjected to grouping so as to find common parameters for givenbrand or common brands for given parameters. The table is sorted, so that product with

    large number of parameters comes to top, while parameter which is used by maximum

    products comes to left. This reveals a grouped cluster map.

    Some conclusions that can be made by this map are

    The products on the top of the table have either large number of independentmarket segments or have failed to position on limited attributes or parameters.

    The products at the bottom of the table are those, who have very niche or limited

    market or have positioned themselves using few attributes or parameters.

    Similarly parameters on the left are very common or functional parameters; hence

    used by many brands/products

    Parameters on the right of the table are those used only by few products for

    product differentiation.


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    Emotion based

    Intented postitio


    Close up Red gel 111111 11 1 111



    111 1111 111

    Meswak 1 111 1 1 1 111

    11 1 1111 1 1Close Up Lemon Mint

    Pepsodent Complete


    1111 1 11 1

    Close up Milk


    111 11111

    Amar regular


    11 1 1 1 11

    Amar white toothp


    111 1 111

    Colgate Dental


    11111 1

    Amar strong


    111 1 11

    11 1 1 11Pepsodent G

    Pepsodent 2 in 1 111 11 1

    Colgate Fresh Energy Gel 11 1 1 1

    Colgate Cibaca Family


    1111 1

    11 11 1Pepsodent Regular

    Colgate T otal 12 1111

    Amar strong


    11 11

    Pepsodent Center


    11 1 1

    Colgate Active


    11 1

    Colgate Kids T


    1 1




    1Colgate Max Fresh

    Colgate Herbal 1Colgate Advanced




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    3 Actual Positioning

    3.1 Methodology

    Having done the intended positioning it is important for us to study the actual positioning

    and analyze where products/brands gone right or wrong have.

    The methodology involved collecting perception data from actual customers. Given thatwe have analyzed 24 products, considering we get information from 20 customers of each

    product, we would have to analyze about 480 feedbacks. We took feedback fromcustomers in following way

    Personal interviews (mainly in hostels and within campus)

    Online survey

    However, given the size of sample, it is difficult to give concrete recommendations orsuggestions to individual products.

    3.2 Results

    The results of the survey and interview are shown on the same cluster map of intended

    positioning to point the difference. For various products we see a significant difference

    between the intended and actual positioning.


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    Attribute level Emotion based

    Intented/Actual postitioning

    Close up Red gel 111111 11 1 111

    Vicco Vajradanti 111 1111 111

    Meswak 111` 11 1 111

    Close Up Lemon Mint 11 1 1111 1 1

    Pepsodent Complete 10 1111 1 11 1

    Close up Milk Calcium 111 1 1 1 11

    Amar regular toothpaste 11 1 1 1 11

    Amar white toothpaste 111 1 111

    Colgate Dental Cream 11111 1

    Amar str ong toothpa ste 111 1 11

    Pepsodent G 11 1 1 11

    Pepsodent 2 in 1 111 11 111 1 1 1Colgate F resh Energy Gel

    Colgate Cibaca Family Pr otection 1111 1

    11 11 1Pepsodent Regular

    Colgate Total 12 1111

    11 11Amar str ong sa chets

    Pepsodent Center Fresh 11 1 1

    Colgate Active Salt 11 1

    Colgate Kids Toothpaste 1 1

    P epsodent Whitening 11

    Colgate Max Fresh 1

    Colgate Herbal 1

    1Colgate Advanced Whitening

    Shows Actual positioning 1 Shows Intended positioning


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    4 Recommendations

    Within the limitations of sample size of survey on actual positioning, we would like to

    make following recommendations to the various products.

    Product Recommendations/ Suggestion / Comments, if

    anyClose up Red gel Focus on freshness, gel properties and cool

    image Still to be placed as traditional remedy, used mostly as low



    toothpaste. The ayurvedic part could be more advertised as ayurvedic

    isagain regaining

    popularity.Meswak Still to be placed as traditional remedy. Taste is different and liked


    Successful in its present campaign on most parameters. However,

    itClose Up Lemon Mint needs to move to emotional level positioning. The lemon mint as a

    newfreshness could be

    focus.Pepsodent Complete 10 Can focus on trust and family

    acceptanceClose up Milk Calcium Marketing to be positioned on milk nutrients present in the toothp

    aste.Amar regular toothpaste Efforts needed positioning themselves as Indian or Tradition al

    brand.Amar white toothpaste-Colgate Dental Cream Colgate perceived as Indian and most trusted

    brandAmar strong toothpaste Efforts needed positioning themselves as Indian or Tradition al

    brand.Pepsodent G Not able to position as G- Gum care


    Pepsodent 2 in 1 Customers hav e separate preferences, Gel or Non Gel. Hence may

    be position as a

    Gel.Colgate Fresh Energy Gel Very successful in its intended

    positioning Despite the strong Colgate brand, Cibacas marketing has been a

    failure.Colgate C ibaca

    FamilyCost being the major reason for people to buy it, it could market itself


    nlow cost Colgate toothpaste. Cibaca brand needs

    repositioning;Pepsodent Regular Failed in its intended positioning. Should change its


    Colgate Total 12 Succeeded in its attribute of long lasting freshness andprotectionAmar strong sachets

    -Pepsodent Center Fresh Can focus on some emotion lev el


    Colgate Active Salt Urban people not aware of Salt as tooth protection material. Should

    useddifferent channel to reach rural

    customersColgate Kids Toothpaste

    -Pepsodent Whitening

    -Colgate Max Fresh

    -Colgate Herbal


    Colgate Advanced Whitening White teeth doesnt seem to important parameter as for as other

    brandsare perceived. Hence it can differentiate better using Whiteness


    Some general observations

    Close up- Uniquely perceived on the basis of color and cool image and hence the


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    company should bank on it rather than conventional attributes like strong teeth

    with which it is not associated with.

    Colgate brands (excluding Cibaca): Colgate has a very strong brand image to the

    extent that people perceive it as an Indian brand. However, this has resulted in

    there being no differentiation between the various products of Colgate. Hence,

    Colgate needs to look into the differentiating aspect between them.


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    1 Colgate

    Presently, Colgate, India is marketing the following nine varieties of toothpaste: -

    1. Colgate Dental Cream

    2. Colgate Total 123. Colgate Max Fresh

    4. Colgate Kids Toothpaste

    5. Colgate Fresh Energy Gel6. Colgate Herbal

    7. Colgate Cibaca Family Protection

    8. Colgate Advanced Whitening

    9. Colgate Active Salt

    Based on the various advertisements, following can be inferred about the segmentationand positioning of the various varieties of Colgate toothpastes.

    Note that Colgate being a very old player in the industry does not try to market itself as a

    toothpaste brand as it is already perceived as one. Also, Colgate has been traditionally

    thought to be value for money.

    1.1 Colgate Dental Cream

    Segmentation/Target: When marketing the Dental Cream, Colgate has the wholetoothpaste market as its target. Being one of the oldest varieties of Colgate toothpaste, the

    Colgate Dental Cream has been marketed as a synonym for toothpaste.

    Positioning :

    Attribute based positioning

    Colgate Dental Cream positions itself as toothpaste that has the necessary calciumand minerals to provide decay protection, strong teeth, germ protection and fresher

    breath. Lately, with competition from indigenous vegetarian toothpastes, Colgate

    Dental Cream has also positioned itself as an always 100% vegetarian toothpaste.

    Emotion based positioning

    The tagline of is advertisements, Trusted by generations to make teeth stronger,

    clearly aims to position the Dental Cream as a toothpaste that has been used over

    generations and hence creating a kind of emotional attachment with the toothpaste.


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    1.2 Colgate Total 12

    Segmentation/Target: Colgate total 12 claims to provide a 12-hour protection from

    germs. It also provides a range of technical reasons for its superiority as compared to

    other toothpastes. Hence, this variety of Colgate toothpaste is targeted at the educated

    urban people who brush their teeth twice.

    Positioning :

    Attribute based positioning

    Colgate Total 12 has been projected as the most advanced toothpaste that

    provides 12 hour germ protection even after eating and drinking by building aprotective shield around the teeth. It also tries to position itself higher in terms of

    reliability of its claims by telling the consumers that its formula is a patented one

    and the toothpaste is the most recommended one by the dentists.

    Emotion based positioning

    Colgate Total 12 has a strong attribute based positioning with no real emotional

    based positioning intended.

    1.3 Colgate Max Fresh

    Segmentation/Target: Colgate Max Fresh, with its multiple flavors, seems to target the

    youth. It also associates brands like iPod and sports like Kayaking with it through the

    means of gifts/prizes which further enforces the belief that Colgate Max Fresh is for the


    Positioning :

    Attribute based positioning

    Colgate Max Fresh positions itself on the basis of freshness. The tagline A

    new dimension of freshness brings home this very point.

    Emotion based positioning

    No real emotional based positioning intended.

    1.4 Colgate Kids Toothpaste

    Segmentation/Target: This variety of toothpaste is clearly, as even the name suggests,

    targeted at kids. The advertisements and packing of the toothpaste further suggests that it

    is meant specifically for the smaller kids.


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    Positioning :

    Attribute based positioning

    Colgate Kids Toothpaste positions itself on the basis of taste.

    Emotion based positioning

    The Kids Toothpaste tries to position itself based on emotions which is apparent

    in its tagline Makes fighting cavities fun. It also provides the names of familiar

    cartoon characters like Tweety and Bugs Bunny to the various flavors that itmarkets and hence associating the tastes with the feelings of kids towards these

    cartoon characters.

    1.5 Colgate Fresh Energy Gel

    Segmentation/Target: Colgate Fresh Energy Gel is clearly aimed at the youth. Its sleek

    toothpaste cover and the picture of a young couple on it unambiguously emphasize this


    Positioning :

    Attribute based positioning

    Colgate Fresh Energy Gel, as the name itself suggests, basis its marketing strategy

    on the toothpaste providing freshness. It positions itself as a gel (note that

    here it tries to differentiate itself from a toothpaste) for fresh breath andstrong/white teeth.

    Emotion based positioning

    The emotional positioning of Colgate Fresh Energy Gel is implicit by the way of

    the photo of the couple on the toothpaste pack and in the advertisements. Itobviously wants to strike a chord with the young, and also the budding, couples of

    the country.

    1.6 Colgate Herbal

    Segmentation/Target: Colgate Herbal targets the traditional and the naturalist market

    which is pretty apparent from the name as well as the tagline Strong teeth, healthy gums,

    naturally and the use of squirrel as the central character in its advertisements.

    Positioning :

    Attribute based positioning


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    Colgate Herbal positions itself based on basically only one attribute, i.e. being


    Emotion based positioning

    No real emotion based positioning is intended.

    1.7 Colgate Cibaca Family Protection

    Segmentation/Target: As the name itself suggests, this variety of Colgate toothpaste



    Positioning :

    Attribute based positioning

    The toothpaste positions itself in a very standard way by claiming to provide

    strong teeth and fresh breath.

    Emotion based positioning

    The emotion based positioning of the Cibaca Family Protection is strong as ittargets families. Even when harping about its attributes, the advertisement brings

    in the notion of the family (Strong teeth, fresh breath for your family) and hence

    a strong sense of emotional positioning is apparent.

    1.8 Colgate Advanced Whitening

    Segmentation/Target: Colgate Advanced Whitening specifically targets people with

    plague problems as the toothpaste claims to provide whiter teeth within 14 days.

    Positioning :

    Attribute based positioning

    Unique positioning as it is very focused on specific attributes like restoring

    natural whiteness, preventing stains from adhering and fighting plague. Thoughother toothpastes claim to provide stronger teeth none so directly claims to

    provide whiter teeth.

    Emotion based positioning

    No real emotional based positioning intended.


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    1.9 Colgate Active Salt

    Segmentation/Target: This variety of toothpaste targets customers with orthodox

    thinking who believe that salt is good for teeth.


    Attribute based positioning

    The attribute that forms the basis of this variety of salt is that it has active salt.

    The toothpaste hence also positions itself alongside the other toothpastes that

    claim to fight gums and result in healthy gums and teeth.

    Emotion based positioning

    Colgate Active Salt aims to strike a cord with traditional people who think that

    salt is good for teeth.


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    2 Amar

    Presently, Amar Remedies Limited is marketing the following four varieties of

    toothpaste: -

    1. Amar regular toothpaste

    2. Amar strong toothpaste

    3. Amar white toothpaste4. Amar strong sachets

    Based on the various advertisements, following can be inferred about the segmentation

    and positioning of the various varieties of Amar toothpastes.

    Segmentation/Target: Amar toothpaste was the first toothpaste to claim 100%

    vegetarian and hence all its toothpaste targets the vegetarian population. Moreover, ittries to target the naturalists by emphasizing on the fact that it is 100% natural. The low

    cost of the paste indicates that it sees the middle/low income group as its major market.

    Positioning :

    Perceived price vs. Perceived Quality

    The low cost of Amar toothpaste is a recurring feature in all the Amar toothpaste

    commercials. This invariably results in low perceived quality of the paste. This

    perception is compounded by the fact that Amar is an Indian brand.

    Emotion based positioning

    The jingles of Amar very clearly establish a link between the herbal/natural nature

    of the paste and the grandmother solutions to the problems. In this way, Amar

    positions itself in the clich of old is gold.

    2.1 Amar regular toothpaste

    Segmentation/Target: Within the targeted customer base of Amar, the regular variety

    toothpaste is aimed at people with problems of bleeding gums who cannot use strong


    Positioning :

    Attribute based positioning

    Amar regular positions itself uniquely by providing Aniseed flavor and a solution

    for bleeding gums. Apart from this, the toothpaste also claims to control plague,tartar and bad breath.


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    2.2 Amar strong toothpaste

    Segmentation/Target: Within the targeted customer base of Amar, the strong variety

    toothpaste is aimed at people with preference for cinnamon taste.

    Positioning :

    Attribute based positioning

    Amar strong distinctly positions itself based on its unique cinnamon taste and the

    associated strong aspect of the spice.

    2.3 Amar white toothpaste

    Segmentation/Target: Within the targeted customer base of Amar, the white variety

    toothpaste is aimed at people with plague problems.

    Positioning :

    Attribute based positioning

    Amar white claims to be a solution for plague problems. Apart from this, it

    positions itself distinctly from the other members of the Amar toothpaste family

    by providing a mint flavor.

    2.4 Amar strong sachets

    Segmentation/Target: Within the targeted customer base of Amar, the sachets are aimedat people with low income and daily wage workers who have a very small but consistent

    buying capacity.

    Positioning :

    Attribute based positioning

    The paste is same as Amar strong differing only in the size (25 grams) and cost.


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    3 Pepsodent

    Pepsodent presently has six variants:

    1. Pepsodent G

    2. Pepsodent 2 in 1

    3. Pepsodent Complete 10

    4. Pepsodent Regular5. Pepsodent Whitening

    6. Pepsodent Center Fresh

    3.1 Pepsodent G

    Segmentation/Target : Pepsodent G

    targets all the people who desire healthyand strong teeth and also those who

    already suffer from gum diseases, plaque,


    etc.Positioning :

    Attribute based positioning

    Healthy teeth require healthy and strong foundation- healthy gums. Pepsodent G Gum

    care is the perfect daily use expert gum care toothpastes, clinically proven to give

    healthier gums and reduce gum bleeding significantly.

    1. Reduces recurrent gum bleeding by at least 90%2. Reduces plaque by 50% even 12 hours after brushing

    3. Reduces tartar formation up to 71%

    4. Reduces malodors for hours after brushing

    5. Contains Fluoride, clinically proven anti-cavity agent

    6. Contains 2 powerful anti-bacterial ingredients for effective plaque control

    Emotion based positioning

    No real emotion based positioning intended.


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    3.2 Pepsodent 2 in 1

    Segmentation/Target: Pepsodent 2 in 1

    targets basically the youth who along with

    the germ fighting also want fresh breath.


    Attribute based positioning

    A unique combination of paste and gel in one toothpaste.

    Long lasting protection: Its advanced germi-check formula fights germs even hours

    after brushing to give superior protection.

    Long Lasting freshness: Its germi-check gel gives lasting freshness.

    Emotion based positioning

    Gel for fresh and original flavor combined with germi check paste makes brushing

    fun rather than a chore and teeth stronger.

    3.3 Pepsodent Complete 10

    Segmentation/Target: Pepsodent Complete targets theentire consumer base.

    Positioning :

    Attribute based positioning

    Pepsodent Complete fights 10 problems of your mouth which no other toothpastedoes. Basically an all-in-one toothpaste.

    Emotion based positioning

    No real emotion based positioning intended.

    3.4 Pepsodent Whitening

    Segmentation/Target: Pepsodent

    Whitening targets consumers who aremore concerned about the whiteness of

    their teeth.


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    Positioning :

    Attribute based positioning

    Healthy white teeth for your family.

    Emotion based positioning

    No intended emotion based positioning.

    3.5 Pepsodent Regular

    Segmentation/Target: Pepsodent regular targets


    Positioning :

    Attribute based positioning

    Long lasting germ protection for your family.

    Emotion based positioning

    The fact that one toothpaste is complete in itself to serve the purpose of entire family

    3.6 Pepsodent Center Fresh

    Segmentation/Target: Pepsodent has come up with a new variant Pepsodent Center

    Fresh capturing the segment which wants germ protection as well as fresh breath

    Positioning :

    Attribute based positioning

    The new variant is positioned as a toothpaste that fights germs and also with

    mouthwash. Now promoted heavily through TV and Print, this brand now adopts the

    tagline "Protection Outside Freshness Inside". This is the first time Pepsodent is

    venturing outside its domain of germ protection. Theoretically, Pepsodent is diluting

    its core positioning of germ protection by adding one more feature. i.e. Freshness.

    Emotion based positioning

    The brand has used visual imagery to promote the new differentiation of Mouthwash.

    The color scheme and the analogy with Swimming Pool... all support the new thrust


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    of mouthwash with in the toothpaste. But the marketing idea doesnt stop there. The

    brand uses visual proof of the presence of the attribute inside the toothpaste which

    can be physically seen by the customer. Hence three is a physical evidence ofmouthwash within the toothpaste. Such visual evidences provide the brand a powerful

    support and can be even considered to be a brand element.

    Some Advertising Campaigns and Strategies used by HLL to promote Pepsodent

    Pepsodent was launched in 1993. It has experimented with its positioning allthrough its

    life. Initially Pepsodent was launched in the highly successful "long lasting protection forhours after brushing" platform. It was the first toothpaste with a unique anti-bacterial

    agent to address the consumer need of checking germs even hours after brushing.

    In 1999-2000 Pepsodent tried to fight the market leader Colgate by shifting to Benefits of

    germ fighting rather than Process of germ fighting. But the positioning failed and

    Pepsodent had to come back to the old positioning by 2001.

    Targeting Rural India

    Hindustan Lever Ltd pushed oral care brand Pepsodent in rural India with a country-widepitch aimed at 10,000 villages initially.

    The campaign, propagated the benefits of oral care to around 13 million children by end-

    2002, improved volumes and also created a benchmark in the industry, an HLL officialsaid. The penetration of toothpastes is very low in rural India, so it is a very big market

    not only for us but also for other toothpaste manufacturers. Along with an offer of free

    dental check-ups, HLL is also planning to organize health camps involving villagers to

    fortify its campaign. To promote Pepsodent, we will also offer free samples to the

    villagers to try out the product and offer discount coupons on wrapper redemptionschemes, marketing manager of the oral care division said.

    Pepsodent included the germ indicator to its pack in 2002, which allowed consumers

    to see the efficacy in fighting germs for themselves. As a follow-up, in October 2002,

    Pepsodent offered Dental Insurance to all its consumers to demonstrate the confidence

    the company has in the technical superiority of the product.

    Pepsodent then came with dental insurance was considered the first of its kind dental

    insurance scheme through its oral care brand, Pepsodent. The scheme, being launched

    through a partnership with the New India Assurance, offers a dental insurance of Rs

    1,000 on purchase of any pack of Pepsodent. Under this initiative, Pepsodent offers its

    consumers insurance cover against expenses for the extraction of teeth due to caries andpediodontitis. However, the scheme involves some amount of paperwork. Consumers

    wanting to avail of the scheme are required to send in a proposal form which is available

    in all Superior Pepsodent packs of 100 and 200 gms along with the wrapper of the

    toothpaste. To make the claim, the consumer will have to send in three wrappers of

    Pepsodent along with medical certificates and bills which will be assessed by New India


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    Assurance. However, the policy will not compensate claims for cosmetic dentistry or loss

    of tooth due to accidents. Besides, the age limit of the consumer has an upside of 50

    years. HLL said it would bear the entire cost of the insurance under this scheme.

    Pepsodent connects directly with kids and their parents . Pepsodent has always

    worked in the direction of an overall awareness of dental health. The re-launch campaign

    in October 2003 widened the context to "sweet and sticky" food and leveraged the truth

    that children do not rinse their mouths every time they eat, demonstrating that this makestheir teeth vulnerable to germ attack. HLL then came with the famous Dishum dishumcampaign . The insight for this campaign was that Mothers were really worried about the

    eating habits of their kids. From that insight came the Big Idea " let Pepsodent fight

    germs for You". The campaign and the smart pricing virtually killed the regional brands

    in the oral care market.

    Pepsodent knew that they should expand the total market of tooth paste and decided toincrease the market by increasing the usage of the product. Thus came the Bhoot

    campaign . It aimed at educating consumers on the need for germ protection through the



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    4 Close-up

    Presently, Close-up, India is marketing

    the following three varieties of

    toothpaste: -

    Red gel Vitamin fluoride system

    Close Up Lemon Mint Toothpaste Milk Calcium nutrient

    4.1 Red gel Vitamin fluoride system

    Segmentation/Target: It is clearly aimed at the youth. Its sleek toothpaste cover and the

    picture of a young people on it unambiguously emphasize this point.

    Positioning :

    Attribute based positioning:

    It has positioned itself being toothpaste with vitamins fluoride system which helped in

    white teeth, strong teeth and fresh breath for a longer period of time.

    Emotion based positioning:

    It was the first gel based toothpaste launched in India so they started a new revolution

    of gel based toothpaste. They wanted that the customer insight should be that people

    are conscious about their breath and want to get close with each other withconfidence. Based on this insight the brand was positioned on the Fresh Breath

    platform with an image of being cool.

    4.2 Close-up Lemon Mint Toothpaste

    Segmentation/Target: the segmentation is same as first product but just to create a

    different appeal among the brand it has created a different product with different color

    and other ingredients.

    Positioning :

    Attribute based positioning:

    Close-up Lemon Mint, gel toothpaste with the whitening benefits of lemon. It has

    flavor of lemon mint which help in giving freshness for a longer period of time asmint is a sign of freshness. Along with that this toothpaste helps in better and strongerteeth.


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    Emotion based positioning:

    No real emotional based positioning intended.

    4.3 Close-up Milk Calcium

    Segmentation/Target: The segmentation is same as first product but just to create a

    different appeal among the brand it has created a different product with different colorand other ingredients.

    Positioning :

    Attribute based positioning:

    Close up Milk Calcium Nutrient with a new "centre-filled" gel. It is revolutionary

    new toothpaste with the goodness of milk calcium in an industry-first core-in-sheath

    format, with white milk calcium nutrient on the inside and a refreshing blue gel on the


    Emotion based positioning:

    It a positioning done for specific customers for more freshness and customers desiring

    nutritious teeth.


    5 Vi

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    5 Vicco

    5.1 Vicco Vajradanti

    Vicco Vajradanti offers this unique for mula in a dental

    care paste that has natural astringent, antiseptic, and

    analgesic properties. These ingredients also stimulate

    and reinforce gums, while resisting plaque formation. Itgives you strong gums, which makes your bite mighty,which no cosmetic toothpaste can ever give.

    Due to proven medicinal properties of its active ingredients, the Government has

    permitted manufacturing of Vicco products under Ayurvedic Drug Licence.

    The recipe for Vicco Herbal Toothpaste comes from the Indian system of holistic

    medicine (Ayurveda) which aims to restore and maintain health through natural means.

    Segmentation/Target: The target is the family people and the people who are health

    conscious and inclined towards ayurveda and herbal care.


    Attribute based positioning:

    It is positioned as an ayurvedic product which cleans, protects and strengthens teeth.

    It has got 20 pure herbal extracts long established by Ayurvedic herbal tradition to be

    good for teeth, mouth and gums.

    Emotion based positioning:

    The positioning is done in such a way it gives you strong gums, which makes your

    every bite mighty, which no cosmetic toothpaste can ever give. It is focusing more onayurvedic which helps in better teeth.


    6 Meswak

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    6 Meswak

    Segmentation/Target: Meswak was first launched in 1988 and generated with a rarecombination of ancient scripture and modern science. It basically targets consumers

    seeking natural benefits in their toothpaste and is used by vegetarians, religious and

    health conscious people.


    Attribute based positioning

    The astringent and bactericidal properties of Meswak help reduce tooth decay, fight

    plaque and prevent gum disease. Imagine Toothpaste that's a rare combination ofAncient Wisdom and Modern Science. Imagine Toothpaste containing a natural

    herbal ingredient in renowned ancient scriptures, and provided 70 different healthbenefits for the entire body. This Toothpaste is scientifically proven to help

    strengthen gums, prevent tooth decay, eliminate bad breath, and ensure strong teeth

    all at once.

    Emotion based positioning

    Some of the ad slogans of meswak are:

    Sadiyon ka khazana ab aasan hai apnana in 1998,

    Meswak apnaiye, vishwas phelaiye in 1999,

    Formula sirf Bharat ke pass hai in 2002

    These taglines cater to emotional based positioning promoting that consumers will be

    proud to use an Indian brand. Hence, competing with multinational brands


    7 Primary Survey

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    7 Primary Survey

    7.1 Questionnaire


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    7.2 Analysis

    Why this

    toothpaste?Low Cost 2.02%

    I wanted Gel 5.26%

    I wanted a Non Gel 2.02%

    I like colour of toothpaste.

    3.24%I like the Taste, flavour of toothpaste.

    12.15%I look for Herbal or ayurvedic.

    1.62%It has Medical approval, FDA certification, etc.

    6.48%It is patented technology.

    2.43%I feel fresh after brushing.

    12.55%The effect last long.

    5.26%There was a discount.

    0.00%It is good for Gums

    5.26%It is good for strong teeth.

    8.10%It helps fight bad breath

    9.72%See my white teeth, its because of this toothpaste

    2.02%It contains fluoride

    1.21%I am a vegetarian .

    0.81%I use only Indian products!

    0.81%My child has bad eating habits, good for him/her.0.40%It protects against cavities

    5.26%I trust the company and its products

    8.10%Toothpaste is be accepted by the family.

    3.64%Other 1.62%



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    Age g r oup








    21-25Male Female


    As we observe, the survey data is very biased. The youth segment is also very dominantin the demographics. This has been the reason why some of the products show failure in

    positioning. For example, Vicco Vajradanti is targeted to old and aged population, who

    stresses on herbal composition; however survey results have been unable to capture suchresults.


    Do you brush twice a day?

    Yes No

    As observed, less than 30% of sample brush twice daily.


    W ld l t t th t

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    Would you se lect toothpaste

    w hich helps you im prove your

    social image?




    Likely Don't know Unlikely

    Substantial part of sample, 25% believed that toothpaste help improve their social image.

    Thus shows importance of emotion level positioning in toothpaste.


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