37 proven home remedies for dry hair

37 Proven Home Remedies for Dry Hair December 6, 2013 by What is Dry Hair? Hair, which does not have enough moisture to maintain normal shine and texture, is termed as dry hair. Hair is made up of three layers. The outer layer is meant to protect inner layers. When the outer layer is damaged, it causes dry and dull hair. Hair follicles are connected to sebaceous glands, which discharge oil onto hair shaft. It is believed that person having dry skin may have a problem of dry hair. Hair becomes dry when natural oil from hair is removed during activities, like sunbathing, swimming in chlorinated water, overuse of hair dryers, and other styling products. Women and men of any age can develop the problem of dry hair. Causes Dry hair is very hard to comb. They appear like brittle or straw. There are various causes which makes hair dry and unhealthy. They are: Certain medical conditions Heredity problem Loss of elasticity or strength High porosity Cuticle damage Excessive washing of hair with harsh alcohols and soaps Dry and hot climate (dry air) Underactive thyroid Malnutrition Excessive use of blow dryers Anorexia Nervosa Underactive parathyroid Excessive hairstyling Exposure to sun Swimming in chlorinated water Menses kinky hair disease Lack of moisture in hair Using excessive chemical treatments, like dye, relaxers, etc.

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37 Proven Home Remedies for Dry Hair

37 Proven Home Remedies for Dry Hair

December 6, 2013 byWhat is Dry Hair?

Hair, which does not have enough moisture to maintain normal shine and texture, is termed as dry hair. Hair is made up of three layers. The outer layer is meant to protect inner layers. When the outer layer is damaged, it causes dry and dull hair. Hair follicles are connected to sebaceous glands, which discharge oil onto hair shaft. It is believed that person having dry skin may have a problem of dry hair. Hair becomes dry when natural oil from hair is removed during activities, like sunbathing, swimming in chlorinated water, overuse of hair dryers, and other styling products. Women and men of any age can develop the problem of dry hair.


Dry hair is very hard to comb. They appear like brittle or straw. There are various causes which makes hair dry and unhealthy. They are:

Certain medical conditions

Heredity problem

Loss of elasticity or strength

High porosity

Cuticle damage

Excessive washing of hair with harsh alcohols and soaps

Dry and hot climate (dry air)

Underactive thyroid


Excessive use of blow dryers

Anorexia Nervosa

Underactive parathyroid

Excessive hairstyling

Exposure to sun

Swimming in chlorinated water

Menses kinky hair disease

Lack of moisture in hair

Using excessive chemical treatments, like dye, relaxers, etc.

Using cotton pillow while sleeping


Skipping conditioners

Signs and Symptoms

It is very hard to deal with damaged and dry hair. The following symptoms indicate that your strands are dry:

Dull hair

Lack of luster and shine

Brittle or harsh texture

Tangled hair

Unmanageable rough hair

Split ends

Hair breakage


Itchy scalp

Overly porous

No elasticity

Home Remedies for Dry Hair

Just to look classy in parties, people try various hair styles and harsh products, which damage the natural beauty of hair. It is necessary that hair problems, like hair fall, split ends, dry hair, dandruff, itchy scalp, etc. should be treated somehow to maintain proper health of hair. Dry hair is a very common problem in todays generation. Instead of taking several hair treatments, try some natural home remedies. Have a look at some beneficial ingredients, which are effective for dry strands.

1. Unboiled Milk

To heal dry hair, pour some unboiled milk in a bowl. Soak a cotton ball in the milk and apply it directly on hair and scalp. After one hour, wash your hair thoroughly.

2. Sesame Oil

Sesame oil is excellent nourishing oil. As it is rich in vitamins and minerals, it helps in strengthening hair and increasing blood circulation in the scalp. Simply mix one tablespoon each of root juice, lemon juice, and sesame oil. Apply this mixture on the scalp and hair. Wrap your head with a hot towel. After half an hour, rinse with shampoo.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

To treat dry hair, apple cider vinegar is very effective. Instead of using expensive shampoos for hair, a simple pack or massage of apple cider vinegar works better. All you are required to do is to take out some apple cider vinegar in a bowl. With the help of a cotton ball, apply it on the scalp and hair. Rinse your hair after 5-10 minutes.

You can also use diluted apple cider vinegar. Mix apple cider vinegar and warm water in equal proportion. Apply it after shampooing your hair. It will work as a conditioner and will help manage your hair properly.

4. Eggs

One of the most used remedies for dry hair is egg yolk. Egg yolk works as a natural moisturizer and conditioner for dry hair. Mix two eggs with half cup of olive oil. Stir the mixture well and apply it directly on hair. Cover your head with a shower cap. Rinse after one hour.

To moisturize dry and rough hair, use egg whites. Separate white part of egg and damp it on hair. Leave it for 20 minutes and then, wash it off.

You can also add 2 tablespoons of coconut oil or olive oil in 3 eggs. Stir it well, adding one tablespoon honey. You can also put in a few drops of lemon juice in it. Apply the mixture on hair and scalp and cover with a shower cap. Wash it off with lukewarm water after 30 minutes.

Egg can also be used with yogurt. Just beat two eggs in half cup of full-fat yogurt. Add 1 tablespoons of almond oil. Stir it well until it turns creamy. Massage your scalp and hair with this mixture. After massage, cover your head with a towel, and wash it off with lukewarm water after half an hour.

Prepare a mixture of three eggs, one tablespoon of olive oil, one tablespoon of vinegar, and one tablespoon of coconut oil. Stir it well, adding a few drops of rosemary essential oil. Apply this mixture on the head for 20 minutes and rinse it off with regular shampoo.

5. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is considered to be a magical remedy for curing dry hair. For using coconut oil, you just have to massage some coconut oil on your hair and scalp. With the help of finger tips, massage your scalp. Leave it for the whole night. Rinse it off in the morning.

You can also use warm coconut oil.

6. Curry Leaves

Curry leaves are not just a good ingredient to add taste to your food, but also a useful remedy for the treatment of hair. Curry leaves are enriched with calcium, vitamins, phosphorous, and iron. Heat two tablespoons of coconut oil adding 5-6 curry leaves in it. Heat it for a few minutes and allow it to cool down. Apply it on the scalp and hair. Wrap a warm towel on the head for 15 minutes. This ayurvedic treatment will surely nourish your hair.

7. Yogurt

Yogurt is a natural conditioner for dry hair. It can be applied as a mask on hair. The moisturizing properties of yogurt help in curing dry hair. Add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of honey in half cup of yogurt. Mix it and apply it on hair and hair roots. After 15 minutes, rinse your hair with warm water.

Add some olive oil or mustard oil in yogurt and apply it on hair before shampooing your hair.

You can also apply plain yogurt on the scalp and leave it for 30 minutes. Wash your hair with warm water.

Note- These yogurt recipes should be used in the warm summer months as yogurt brings down the body temperature.

8. Milk

Milk is a natural blend of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and fats, which acts as a nutrient for the body and helps in strengthening cells, including hair cells. Add cup of goat milk powder in some water to create a smooth paste. Spread this paste on hair while massaging with it. Wrap your head with a warm damp towel. Wash your hair with a herbal shampoo after some time.

To get smooth and shiny hair, separate egg yolk in a bowl and add a few drops of olive oil in it. Add half teaspoon of sugar in it. Stir it well. Shampoo your hair with lukewarm water. Then, apply milk on the head and let it rest for 5-10 minutes. After a stipulated time, wash your hair. Now, massage your hair with the prepared yolk and olive oil mixture. Again, wash your hair with cold water and dry them with hair dryer.

9. Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seed is one of the natural remedies for dry hair. The conditioning properties of fenugreek seeds help in managing dry hair. Soak 50 gm fenugreek seeds in water for overnight. Next morning, crush them to make a fine paste. Add four tablespoons of yogurt to it. Add a few drops of olive oil and some honey to it. Mix all the ingredients well.

Apply this paste on hair and scalp. Wrap it with a shower cap and leave it for 45 minutes. Rinse off your hair with a mild shampoo. For effective results, practise this method twice a week.

You can also simply apply plain fenugreek paste on hair. It also provides effective results.

10. Bananas

Banana is a natural remedy for the treatment of dry hair. They are rich in potassium, antioxidants, and vitamins, which makes them a beautifying fruit. For the treatment of dry hair, you need to prepare a banana paste. Just blend two over ripe bananas and add one tablespoon each of coconut oil, honey, and olive oil. Apply this paste on hair for 15 minutes. Wash off your hair with warm water.

You can also use bananas with egg. Grind two over ripe bananas and add 2 eggs. Beat the mixture properly adding a few drops of honey to it. Apply this pack on hair and scalp. After half an hour, rinse off with shampoo.

11. Olive Oil

Olive oil is the best treatment for dry hair. Olive oil can be used for massaging your head or as a hair pack. All you need to do is to warm some olive oil. Apply it on the scalp with your finger tips. Massage your hair for some time. Rinse your hair with a shampoo to remove oil from hair.

To prepare olive oil pack, you are required to blend one egg and a peeled cucumber. Add four tablespoons of olive oil to it. Apply this smooth mixture on hair and wear a shower cap on head. After 10 minutes, wash off your hair twice with a shampoo.

You also have an option to use olive oil with egg yolk. Just mix two tablespoons of olive oil in two egg yolks. To dilute it, add this mixture in half cup of water. Apply this paste directly on the head for 20 minutes. Wash your hair with shampoo.

12. Honey

Honey is a nourishing product for hair. Prepare a paste of two tablespoons of honey, one tablespoon of buttermilk or yogurt, and one tablespoon of coconut oil. Stir it well and warm it. Apply this mixture on your strands. Cover your hair with a shower cap. Rinse off your hair after 20 minutes.

You can prepare a honey hair mask by combining three tablespoons of olive oil and half cup of honey. Apply it on hair and scalp. Wrap your head with a warm towel. After 30 minutes, shampoo your hair.

13. Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is rich in proteins and helps in making your hair soft, shiny, and healthy. Take half cup of full fat mayonnaise. Apply it on your scalp and hair. Massage gently. Then, cover your head with a plastic cap. Let it rest for half an hour. Rinse off with lukewarm water.

You can also add 1/3 cup of almond oil in cup of mayonnaise. Add 1-2 egg in it and stir the mixture well. Apply it on hair. Wear a shower cap, if needed. Wash off your hair with diluted vinegar.

Mayonnaise oil can also be applied on hair. After 15 minutes, rinse your hair.

14. Avocado

For the treatment of dry hair, you can prepare hair mask of avocado. For this, puree the inner part of avocado. Add cup of milk and 1 tbsp of olive or coconut oil in the puree and stir it well. Apply this creamy avocado puree on hair and hair roots. Wear a shower cap for 15 minutes. Wash off your hair with lukewarm water.

Else, add a few drops of peppermint essential oil in mashed avocado paste. Apply this paste after shampooing your hair. Let it rest for fifteen minutes. Rinse off with water.

You can also use mayonnaise with avocado. Mash the pulp of avocado adding some mayonnaise in it. Massage this paste directly on hair roots and hair. After 20 minutes, shampoo your strands.

To get shiny hair, heat some coconut oil for 10 seconds and massage your hair with it. Let it rest for some time. Meanwhile, blend pulp of avocado and banana to form a paste. Apply this paste on hair. After 10-15 minutes, rinse off with shampoo and cold water.

You can also prepare a paste of avocado and yogurt. To control dry hair, mix inner part of avocado and some yogurt to make a smooth paste. Apply it directly on hair as a hair mask. For best results, apply this pack twice a week.

15. Beer

Beer is considered to be a good conditioner for hair. It is also known for promoting hair growth and maintaining shine of hair. Being an excellent tonic, beer is enriched with proteins and vitamin B. Firstly, wash your hair. Spray beer all over your hair. You have to simply replace a conditioner with beer. Leave it for some time. Use a blow dryer to remove the smell of beer.

Beer becomes a nourishing conditioner, when added with egg and essential oil. Mix a few drops of jojoba oil in 8 ounces dark beer and apply it on hair. After 15 minutes, wash hair with lukewarm water.

You can also mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in two cups of beer. Use it as a conditioner.

16. Filtered Shower

The water, you use for shampooing your hair, contains a large amount of chlorine, which may destroy our hair and causes several problems, like hair loss, split ends, dry hair, and itchy scalp. For maintaining shine and strength of hair, use filtered shower. Filtered shower reduces the contents of sulphur and chlorine.

17. Gelatine

Gelatine is used to strengthen hair. For the treatment of dry hair, you need to heat a cup of water. Add one packet of gelatine to it. Stir it well to form a thick gel. Shampoo your hair and apply gelatine on hair and scalp. After some time, rinse your hair with warm water.

Alternatively, add gelatine to your regular shampoo and rinse your hair with it.

You can also prepare a mixture of one tablespoon of gelatine, one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, and four drops of rosemary essential oil. Add all the ingredients in a cup of filtered water. Massage this mixture on shampooed hair. After 15 minutes, wash your hair. To experience positive effects, practise this method once a week.

18. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a natural moisturizer for skin and is a natural conditioner for hair. Apply some aloe vera juice directly on hair. Wash it off after a few minutes.

Prepare a mixture of four tablespoons of aloe vera gel, two tablespoons of coconut oil, and three tablespoons of yogurt. Stir it properly and apply it on hair.

You can also prepare a paste of aloe vera by adding two teaspoons of crushed hibiscus flower paste and one teaspoon olive oil in half cup of aloe vera gel.

Another way of preparing paste of aloe vera is to add two teaspoons of castor oil in half cup of aloe vera gel. Add two teaspoons of fenugreek powder and one teaspoon of basil powder to it. Mix all the ingredients well to form a thick paste. Before going to sleep, apply this paste on hair as a mask and let it stay for overnight. Next morning, wash hair with a mild shampoo.

19. Essential Oil Treatment

Dry hair can also be treated with essential oils. The essential oil nourishes hair and maintains its strength, shine, and bounce. You simply have to massage your hair and scalp with essential oils for some time. The essential oils, used for treating dry hair, are sandalwood, rosemary, geranium, and lavender. Oil massage can be done before shampooing your hair.

Else, add one tbsp of honey with one tsp of jojoba oil. Add one teaspoon each of olive oil, apple cider vinegar, and safflower. Add yolk of an egg. Along with these ingredients, add four drops each of geranium, sandalwood, and neroli essential oils. Massage your scalp with this mixture for 15 minutes. Rinse off with clean water.

20. Papaya Pack

Papaya is enriched with essential nutrients, which are helpful in boosting hair growth. To prepare papaya pack, you have to mix one cup of diced papaya and one cup of diced banana in one cup of yogurt. Add one tablespoon each of honey and coconut oil to it. Blend it to make a paste. Use this paste on your strands. Wear a shower cap. After 30 minutes, wash your hair.

21. Lemon Juice

Lemon is a citrus fruit, which helps in maintaining healthy hair by alleviating several hair problems, like dandruff, itchy scalp, and hair fall. For the treatment of dry and dull hair, wash your hair and then, apply one tablespoon of lemon juice on hair and dry your hair with a towel.

22. Omega-3 Rich Food

Omega-3 is an essential food for healthy hair. It helps in fighting against the hair problems, like hair fall, dry and itchy scalp, and less circulation to the scalp. You are advised to consume omega-3 rich foods to maintain healthy hair. Omega-3 also promotes hair growth.

23. Almond Oil

Almond oil is a good remedy for dry hair. You simply have to heat two tablespoons of almond oil for 40 seconds. Add a few drops of vanilla extract for adding fragrance to oil. Massage it evenly on your hair with fingertips. Let it rest for 30 minutes. Rinse it off using shampoo and cool water.

You can also use almond oil with egg. You need to blend one raw egg and cup of almond oil. Use it on your hair and let it rest for 40 minutes. After some time, wash your hair with a nourishing shampoo and clean water.

24. Pumpkin

Pumpkins are natural moisturizer for hair as they are rich in vitamins. To prepare a hair mask with the help of pumpkin, you have to slice one pumpkin in quarters and boil it for 20 minutes. After boiling, mash it with a potato masher to form a paste. Add plain yogurt in the paste. Stir it well and apply it on hair for 15-20 minutes. Rinse your hair with shampoo.

You can also use pumpkin juice for curing dry and damaged hair. Prepare a puree of 2 cups of cooked and chopped pumpkins. Add one tablespoon each of honey, coconut oil, and yogurt to it. Blend all the ingredients to form a fine puree. Apply it on your hair and wear a plastic cap. After 15 minutes, rinse your hair.

25. Cocoa Powder

Cocoa powder works effectively on dry hair. Just prepare a mixture of honey, apple cider vinegar, cocoa powder, and plain yogurt. Apply it on hair. Rise hair after some time.

26. Chamomile

Chamomile tea is another natural home remedy for dry hair. To treat dry and frizzy hair, prepare chamomile tea. Place a chamomile tea bag in half cup of boiling water. Allow it to steep for some time and add cup of olive oil to it. Stir the solution well and pour it over your hair. This will hydrate your hair and repair split ends and dryness.

27. Sugar Water

Sugar water also helps to treat dry hair. Add a teaspoon of sugar in a cup of water. Stir it well until sugar gets dissolved completely. Now, pour little sugar water on your palm and run your hands over dry hair. It acts just like a hair spray.

28. Aspirin

Use of aspirin for the treatment of dry hair may sounds very weird. But, aspirin is effective on dull hair. Crush 1-2 aspirin tablets and mix them with regular shampoo. The salicylic acid present in aspirin restores the shine of hair.

29. Tea Tree Oil

Anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties of tea tree oil help in fighting against itchy scalp and dry hair. It works as a natural conditioner. Just add a few drops of tea tree oil to your regular conditioner and apply it on your hair.

You can also pour a few drops of tea tree oil in your shampoo. Else, always use a mild shampoo enriched with tea tree oil, which is suitable for all hair types.

Alternatively, massage your hair with tea tree oil.

Note- Do not apply excessive tea tree oil on straight and thin hair.

30. Castor Oil

Castor oil works wonder on dry hair. It is a natural remedy for various hair problems, like hair loss, dandruff, split ends, dry scalp, hair breakage, dry hair, etc. To heal dry hair, castor oil is effective as it acts as a conditioner. Apply castor oil with your fingertips on hair and scalp. Let it rest for 30 minutes. Wash hair with shampoo.

31. Shea Butter

Shea butter is a natural conditioner for hair. It acts as a protective layer for hair against harmful UV rays. The anti-inflammatory properties of shea butter help in treating dry hair. You need to melt 100 gm shea butter in a double boiler. On cooling, add 20 gm apricot kernel oil to it. Whip the mixture and add 20 drops of lemongrass oil, 10 drops of rosemary oil, and 40 gm cornstarch. Mix it well and apply it on hair.

32. Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter is also a natural conditioner for dry hair. Prepare a paste by mixing 8 ounces of raw cocoa butter pieces, 2 ounces of jojoba oil, and 1 ounce of sesame oil or sweet almond oil. Allow it to rest until the mixture gets thick. Soak your hair with water. Take the mixture in your palm and apply it on hair. It can be used before shampooing your hair or as a conditioner.

33. Argan Oil

Argan oil is considered to be useful oil for hair as it maintains the health of your strands. It is used for deep conditioning your hair. Simply massage some Argan oil on the scalp and hair. Then, wrap your head in a wet warm towel. Rinse it off after 1-2 hours with a mild shampoo. For best results, leave it overnight. Practice this method, once a week.

34. Ghee

Ghee is enriched with unrefined fats, which nourishes your hair. It works against split ends, hair loss, dry hair, etc. Apply some ghee directly on your strands and scalp. Wash it off after some time with shampoo. It makes hair silky soft. It also works as a natural hair conditioner.

35. Black Tea

Black tea is a natural conditioner for dry hair. Prepare a cup of black tea by placing tea bag in a cup of hot water. Pour it on your hair. Spread it evenly all over your head. Leave it for 20-30 minutes and then, wash it off.

36. Homemade Herbal Shampoo

To prepare herbal shampoo at home, you need 500 gm shikakai, 250 gm fenugreek, 250 gm green gram, 100 gm soap beans, and one packet each of curry leaves and basil leaves. You have to keep all the ingredients in a clean cloth under the sun for two days. When they get dry, crush them all to make a fine powder. When required, mix a little quantity with water to shampoo your hair.

37. Bottle Gourd Juice

Extract some juice of fresh bottle gourd. Apply it on your hair. Allow it to rest for half an hour. Wash it thoroughly with water.

Preventive Measures

Beautiful hair is the identity of a woman. Every woman wants to have thick, shiny, and healthy hair. But, what if hair is damaged and dull? Today, most of the youth is suffering from hair problems, like hair fall, dandruff, dry hair, etc. To prevent your beautiful hair from getting damaged and dry, you need to adopt the following preventive measures:

Rinse your hair with cold water.

Do not wash your hair frequently.

Do not tie your hair tightly.

Do not use a comb with plastic bristles.

Avoid combing wet hair.

Trim your hair regularly.

Avoid using hair dryers.

Drink plenty of water.

Maintain a proper diet.

Practice stress-relief and relaxing activities.

Massage your hair before shampooing.

Avoid harsh chemicals.

Use a conditioner after hair wash.

Protect hair from UV rays by applying suitable sprays, creams, and serums.

Consume walnuts, salmon, eggs, sweet potatoes, spinach, lentils, oysters, and blueberries.

Wear a hat or cap while stepping out in the sun.

Use a satin or silk pillow while sleeping.

Avoid smoking.

Avoid using the flat iron on wet hair.