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accompaniment DEFINITION: Part of a composition, providing harmonic and rhythmic backing to a melody.

acquiesce DEFINITION: To comply or submit.

advisory DEFINITION: A person or committee that gives advice.

aerogramme DEFINITION: A letter sent by airmail, usually refers to international mail. alliteration DEFINITION: The repetition of the same initial consonant or vowel, with several words, a literary style oftenused in poetry.

allotment DEFINITION: A portion or share.

alphanumeric DEFINITION: Consisting of both letters and numerals.

amateurish DEFINITION: Characteristic of an amateur.

ambidextrous DEFINITION: able to use both hands equally well.

amphitheater DEFINITION: An oval or round building with an open center.

annul DEFINITION: To abolish, nullify, or wipe out.

annulment DEFINITION: The declaration that annuls a legal act, such as a marriage.

appellate DEFINITION: Pertaining to an appeal, usually referring to a court, such as the Court of Appeals, where one can appeal his/her case if not satisfied with a prior decision.

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appendix DEFINITION #1: a small tube-like body part joined to the large intestine in the right side of the abdomen. DEFINITION #2: An addition to the end of a book, listing extra material or references.

arabesque DEFINITION: A position in ballet in which one leg is stretched behind and the body lowered forward.

arrhythmia DEFINITION: Any interruption in the heartbeat.

arsenic DEFINITION: A greyish-white element, which forms poisonous compound.

assassin DEFINITION: A murderer.

babushka DEFINITION: A woman’s scarf.

backgammon DEFINITION: A board game for two people, using dice.

ballot DEFINITION: A ticket or paper used to submit your vote.

bangalow DEFINITION: A palm tree of New South Wales and Queensland, sometimes growing in clumps near the coast.

bankruptcy DEFINITION: The state of being unable to pay your debts.

barracuda DEFINITION: A long, thin, predatory fish.

beneficence DEFINITION: Doing something good.

bizarre DEFINITION: Very strange or unusual.

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boutique DEFINITION: A small specialty shop, sometimes within a large mall.

boutonniere DEFINITION: A flower worn by a man in his lapel.

boycott DEFINITION: To refuse to buy a producrt or complete an order.

boysenberry DEFINITION: A blackberry-like fruit with a flavor similar to a raspberry.

brusque DEFINITION: Rough, rude, not very polite.

camaraderie DEFINITION: Positive relationship with others.

campaign DEFINITION: A systematic course of activities to convince others about a specific purpose, such as a political campaign.

canvass DEFINITION: To solicit votes.

cardiopulmonaryDEFINITION: Pertaining to the heart and lungs.

cataclysm DEFINITION: Any violent upheaval, usually referring to a geological event.

ceremonious DEFINITION: A formal ceremony, or referring to a person who’s very formal in behavior.

charcoal DEFINITION #1: Partly burnt wood sticks, used for drawing.DEFINITION #2: Burned wood chunks, used to cook food outdoors.

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charisma DEFINITION: A personal quality that attracts others, giving one influence over a group of people.

chauffeur DEFINITION: A person employed to drive an automobile.

chimpanzee DEFINITION: A monkey found on several continents, spending much of its life in the trees.

chlorofluorocarbon DEFINITION: A chemical substance, emitted from Earth, blamed for the hole in the ozone layer.

circumstantial DEFINITION: Evidence that is indirect.

cirrhosisDEFINITION: A disease of the liver.

community DEFINITION: A group of people who live in the same area (such as a city, town, or neighborhood).

complexity DEFINITION: The state or quality of being complex or intricate.

compost DEFINITION: A mixture of things, such as vegetable scraps and leaves, left to rot and then used to fertilize the soil.

concession DEFINITION: Something that you agree to do or to give, especially to end some disagreement.

concessionaire DEFINITION: Someone to whom a special consideration has been granted.

condemn DEFINITION: To strongly express your disapproval of someone or something, or a judge’s order to punish a criminal.

consumable DEFINITION: To be able or meant to be consumed, as by eating, drinking, or using consumable goods.

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contingent DEFINITION: Depending on something that is not yet certain.

contortionist DEFINITION: A performer who twists his or her body into unusual positions.

coriander DEFINITION: A small plant with strong-smelling, seedlike fruit, used in cooking and medicine.

custard DEFINITION: A soft sweet food made from milk, eggs and sugar.

cutlery DEFINITION: Knives, forks and spoons used for eating.


decaffeinate DEFINITION: To extract caffeine from any drink that has caffeine.

decrepit DEFINITION: Weakened or broken down, usually by old age.

deliverance DEFINITION: An act or instance of delivering something, or saving something.

denomination DEFINITION: The value of a particular coin or bill.

departmental DEFINITION: One of the major parts of a company, organization, government, or school.

deploy DEFINITION: To organize and send out (people or things) to be used for a particular purpose.

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dichotomy DEFINITION: A division into two parts.

discern DEFINITION: To see, recognize, or understand something clearly.

disciplinarian DEFINITION: A person who uses assertive discipline.

disembark DEFINITION: The act of leaving from a ship or plane.

disenchanted DEFINITION: To have lost or be free from a dream, an enchantment, an illusion, or belief or credulity.

distilleryDEFINITION: A place for distilling liquids, especially alcoholic spirits.

dodecahedron DEFINITION: A figure with 12 sides.

echolocation DEFINITION: A physiological ability, such as with bats, for locating distant or invisible objects, using sound waves reflected back to the emitter from the object.

effervescent DEFINITION: Is bubbling, vivacious or gay.

elderly DEFINITION: Someone or something that is quite old.

elitism DEFINITION: The concept that a certain group of people should have special advantages over others, due to economic, political, social, or religious influence.

eloquence DEFINITION: Using oral or written language with fluency and aptness.

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emblem DEFINITION: Badge or seal that serves as a sign or symbol.

emphysemaDEFINITION: An irreversible disease of the lungs caused by exposure to fumes from chemicals, such as cigarettes.

encouragement DEFINITION: Making something more appealing, supporting someone emotionally, so that positive reactions are more likely to happen.

encyclopedia DEFINITION: A reference work (such as a book, series of books, Web site, or CD-ROM) that contains information about many different subjects, organized by particular subject and/or alphabetically.

entourage DEFINITION: A group of attendants or associates that group themselves around a specific person or event.

ephemeral DEFINITION: Lasting a very short time.

Epiphany DEFINITION: A Christian festival, celebrated on the 6th of January. (USED WITH A CAPITAL LETTER, AS IT IS A SPECIFIC FEAST.)

equestrianDEFINITION: A person who rides horses, usually in competition.

exaggerated DEFINITION: To enlarge or expand an idea or event, going beyond the actual truth.

exasperation DEFINITION: The state of being very annoyed, frustrated, or upset.

executioner DEFINITION: A person appointed to carry out the punishment of an execution (death sentence).

extortionate DEFINITION: An excessively high price for something.

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feasible DEFINITION: Something able to be done or achieved.

flamboyant DEFINITION: Very bright and showy, dazzling, sometimes one is flamboyant to obtain attention from others.

fortuitous DEFINITION: Happening by chance or by good luck.

fragmentation DEFINITION: The act or process of breaking things apart or dismantling objects.

frivolous DEFINITION: Not serious, silly.

galleon DEFINITION: A kind of large sailing ship, in use several centuries ago.

gangrenous DEFINITION: Affected by gangrene, a serious infection often needing amputation of limbs.

geisha DEFINITION: A Japanese woman trained as a singer or dancer.

gnome DEFINITION: A small being, such as an elf, usually magical, described in fairytales, and decribed as a little old man.

grotesque DEFINITION: Odd, ugly, non-appealing, or unnatural in appearance or shape.

hallucination DEFINITION: Something which someone imagines they have seen or heard, even though it did not occur, often caused by medicines, illness, or drug use.

hangar DEFINITION: Shelter for airplanes.

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harmonica DEFINITION: A small wind instrument with metal reeds, which you play by blowing into the holes.

heterogeneous DEFINITION: Different in kind, a type of grouping of unlike, varied people or things.

hippopotamus DEFINITION: A large, plant-eating land animal from Africa, which spends much time in water, to help support its heavy weight.

histrionicDEFINITION: Exaggerating actions to get attention, often pertaining to actors.

humanitarian DEFINITION: A person or agency which help people who live in poor or unhealthy conditions, or who are suffering.

humidifier DEFINITION: A device for regulating the amount of moisture in the air in a room or building.

humiliate DEFINITION: To cause a loss of pride or dignity.

hypotenuse DEFINITION: Is the side of a right triangle opposite the right angle, projecting a 90 degree angle.

hypothermia DEFINITION: An abnormally low body temperature.

idiosyncrasy DEFINITION: A characteristic or habit peculiar to a person or incident.

immeasurable DEFINITION: Not able to be measured.

impeccable DEFINITION: Faultless, precise, flawless.

impenetrable DEFINITION: Not able to be penetrated.

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impetuous DEFINITION: Characterized by sudden or rash action, done without much thought.

impolite DEFINITION: Not polite.

inaccessible DEFINITION: Not able to be reached.

incisionDEFINITION: A cut, usually from sharp instrument, such as a knife.

indecisive DEFINITION: A person who has difficulty in making decisions.

indefatigable DEFINITION: Practically incapable of being tired out.

infallible DEFINITION: Never makes mstakes or errors, absolutely trustworthy or sure.

infectionsDEFINITION: Serious illnesses, usually caused by bacteria entering the body.

inflammable DEFINITION: Something capable of being set on fire.

inflammation DEFINITION: A red, painful, and often swollen, area on the body, usually caused by an infection.

influenza DEFINITION: Is a viral, acute, sometimes epidemic disease.

insomnolence DEFINITION: Sleeplessness.

insurgence DEFINITION: An act of rebellion by a group of people, usually against a government.

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integer DEFINITION: Any whole number.

intransigent DEFINITION: Characterized by refusal to compromise or to abandon an extreme position or attitude.

intuitive DEFINITION: Having the ability to know or understand things without any specific proof or evidence.

jackal DEFINITION: A type of wild dog, related to the fox family.

jambalaya DEFINITION: A type of food in southern USA of Creole origin.

javelin DEFINITION: A long thin spear, thrown, used in sport or hunting.

jawbone DEFINITION: The bone that forms the lower jaw.

jeopardy DEFINITION: A situation that puts one into danger, exposure to, or imminence of death, loss, or injury.

jet-lag DEFINITION: A tired and unpleasant feeling that you sometimes get when you travel by airplane, crossing several time zones.

jogging DEFINITION: Running at a slow trot.

jumpsuit DEFINITION: A piece of clothing consisting of a shirt with attached pants or shorts.

jurisdiction DEFINITION: Having control or authority over a particular geographic area or group of people.

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jurisprudence DEFINITION: The science or philosophy of law.

juvenescent DEFINITION: Being youthful, young, or being able to project that one is young.

juxtaposition DEFINITION: Two opposite things (such as ideas or furniture), paced close together so that differences can accentuate or call attention to each one.

kaiser DEFINITION: Title of a German or Austrian emperor used in the 1800-1900 hundreds, a term similar to “president”, as used in other countries.kepi DEFINITION: A term for French military cap.

kerosene DEFINITION: A flammable hydrocarbon oil usually obtained by distillation of petroleum and used as a fuel, solvent, and thinner.

kettle DEFINITION: A metal container in which to cook foods or boil water.

kidnapped DEFINITION: Being stolen, abducted, or carried off by force.

Kilimanjaro DEFINITION: A tall, volcanic mountain in northeastern Tanzania.(THIS WORD IS CAPITALIZED AS IT’S A SPECIC TITLE OF A MOUNTAIN.)

knapsack DEFINITION: A back-pack.

Kookaburra DEFINITION: An Australian bird of the kingfisher family whose call sounds like human laughter.(THIS WORD IS CAPITALIZED AS IT”S A SPECIC BIRD.)

languid DEFINITION: Lacking in vigor or vitality, lethargic.

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laryngitis DEFINITION: A disease in which the throat and larynx become sore so that it is difficult to talk or swallow.EXAMPLE: She had to cancel her concert because she had laryngitis.

legionnaire DEFINITION: Someone who belongs to a legion organization, such as the American Legion of War Veterans.

leisure DEFINITION: Freedom from the demands of work, free time to relax or pursue hobbies.

leprechaun DEFINITION: A fictional elf, dwarf, or sprite.

lieutenant DEFINITION: An officer in the army, navy, coast guard or air force.

limousine DEFINITION: A large, comfortable, elegant car, usually driven by a chauffeur.

linguistics DEFINITION: The science and study of languages, including sounds, words and grammar.

litigation DEFINITION: A legal process, challenging someone in court.

lymphatic DEFINITION: Pertaining to, containing, or related to the lymph gland system.

magnanimous DEFINITION: One who is extremely unselfish and generous.

magnetism DEFINITION: The properties of attraction, possessed by magnets; the molecular properties common to magnets.

malfeasanceDEFINITION: Wrongdoing by a public official or other, usually to hurt others.

matriarch DEFINITION: A female leader in a family, tribe, or in any professional field of activity.

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mauve DEFINITION: A pale purplish-blue color.

mayonnaise DEFINITION: Athick, creamy dressing, usually used on salads or sandwiches, well-mixed, containing eggs, oil, and various spices .

measles DEFINITION: A type of infectious disease, with a fever and red rash, occurring mostly in children.

mechanism DEFINITION: A piece or part of machinery.

megabyte DEFINITION: A unit of measurement of computer memory size.

megastructure DEFINITION: A very large building, usually a high-rise or complex, such as apartments, offices, stores.

melancholy DEFINITION: A gloomy, sad state of mind.

mezzanine DEFINITION: The lowest balcony level in a theater, hotel, or offce building, usually between the first and second floors.

microprocessor DEFINITION: One of the most important electronic chips in a computer.

millennium DEFINITION: A period of 1,000 years.

minuscule DEFINITION: Tiny, very small.

molasses DEFINITION: A thick, brown, sweet liquid cooked from raw sugar.

monotonous DEFINITION: Boring, repetitive, tiresomely lacking in variety.

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Morocco DEFINITION: A country north-west Africa bordering on the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.(THIS WORD IS CAPITALIZED BECAUSE IT’S A SPECIFIC COUNTRY’S NAME.)


multiplicand DEFINITION: A number to be multiplied by another.

municipality DEFINITION: A district, such as a town, which has its own local government.

narcissismDEFINITION: Excessive self-love; vanity, and sense of superiority over others.

naughty DEFINITION: Disobedient or mischievous.

nebulousDEFINITION: Hazy, vague, unclear, or indistinct.

nexus DEFINITION: A means of connection; a tie; a link.

novice DEFINITION: A person who is new to something.

nuisance DEFINITION: Someone or something that is very annoying.

nuptial DEFINITION: Pertaining to a marriage, or to the ceremony.

nurture DEFINITION: To take care of, feed and protect.

nutritious DEFINITION: Food providing a high degree of nourishment.

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obeliskDEFINITION: A tapering, usually tall, four-sided shaft of stone, with a pyramidal top.

obnoxious DEFINITION: Something or soemone highly objectionable or offensive.

obsequious DEFINITION: Showing servile deference; fawning on someone, looking for approval.

omission DEFINITION: Leaving out or eliminating something.

omniscience DEFINITION: Infinite knowledge, one who knows an extreme amount of information.

orchid DEFINITION: A flower of a plant of temperate and tropical regions.

orphanage DEFINITION: An institution where children without family or parents can live and be cared for.

pachyderm DEFINITION: Technical term for an elephant.

pamphlet DEFINITION: A short booklet wih information describing or explaining something.

paraplegia DEFINITION: Paralysis of the upper and /or lower parts of the body, or a body missing limbs.

patriarch DEFINITION: The male head of a family or tribal line.

pauper DEFINITION: An extremely poor person.

penitentiary DEFINITION: A prison maintained for serious offenders.

perceptive DEFINITION: Having or showing keenness of insight, understanding or intuition.

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permeable DEFINITION: Something that allows a liquid or gas to be passed through its surface.

perplex DEFINITION: Is to cause to be puzzled over what is not understood, a mystery.

personnel DEFINITION: A body of persons employed by an organization.

petroleum DEFINITION: An oily liquid, usually obtained from under the ground, used to make petrol and other fuels.

physiotherapy DEFINITION: The treatment of disease and injuries by physical means such as massage and exercise.

piranhaDEFINITION: A type of predatory fish with sharp, knife-like biting teeth, found mainly in many South American rivers

pirouette DEFINITION: Type of spinning turn, used in ballet or other dances.

platypus DEFINITION: An Australian animal with webbed feet and a bill like a duck, lays eggs, and feeds its young with its own milk.

pneumonia DEFINITION: An inflammation of the lungs, including congestion, fever, and coughing.

poinsettia DEFINITION: A red tall flower, growing on bushes, sometimes called the “Christmas Flower” because it often blooms in December.

politicize DEFINITION: Is to bring a political focus to an event or idea.

porcupine DEFINITION: A small, nocturnal animal covered with stiff, sharp spines, found in Europe, Africa, and North America.

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potpourri DEFINITION: Any mixture of unrelated objects or subjects.

precarious DEFINITION: A situation involving danger.

prestigious DEFINITION: Having a highly-regarded reputation.

prohibitive DEFINITION: Something not allowed, or of a price too high for you to afford.

projectionist DEFINITION: Someone who operates a film projector.

proportionate DEFINITION: Two or more objects in balance or about the same size as each other.

purge DEFINITION: To cleanse or to purify, or to eliminate totally what is unwanted.

quadriceps DEFINITION: A large muscle in front of the thigh.

questionnaire DEFINITION: A list of questions submitted for people to give their responses to questions.

quinella DEFINITION: A type of bet on horse races.

quintuplets DEFINITION: Five babies born at the same time from the same mother.

rabble DEFINITION: A disorderly crowd or mob.

ramble DEFINITION: To wander around in an aimless manner.

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rappel DEFINITION: To move down a surface of a cliff in mountaineering.

rapport DEFINITION: The relationship or connection between people.

raptureDEFINITION: Ecstatic joy or delight.

rebellious DEFINITION: Fighting against something, someone, or againts a government or other organised authority.

rehabilitate DEFINITION: To help people or things to return to normal activities or conditions, especially after an illness or accident, or after having been in prison.

rehearse DEFINITION: To practice.

rejuvenate DEFINITION: To feel young or energetic again.

remembrance DEFINITION: Something remembered, a memory.

requisition DEFINITION: Requiring or demanding, or asking for something.

rescindDEFINITION: To annul or repeal.

resurrection DEFINITION: Rising from the dead, or bringing back something that had been in effect before.

rheumatism DEFINITION: A disorder of the extremities or back, characterized by stiffness.

router DEFINITION: A device which provides connection between computers in a network and controls the network areas that each can access.

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saccharinDEFINITION: An artificial, chemical sweetener.

sacroiliacDEFINITION: The joint in the back where the sacrum and ilium meet

sashimi DEFINITION: A Japanese dish of fresh seafood fillets cut into bite-sized, oblong strips, and eaten raw.

schizophrenia DEFINITION: A severe mental disorder where patients do not always see realituy.


scruple DEFINITION: A moral standard that refers to one’s values and beliefs.

septuagenarian DEFINITION: A person whose age is between 70 and 79.

sequester DEFINITION: To keep a person or group apart from other people.

simile DEFINITION: A figure of speech, often used in literary works, in which two unlike things are compared.

siphon DEFINITION: Is a tube bent into legs of unequal length, for moving liquid from one container to another.

skeptic DEFINITION: A doubting person who questions the validity of something, who doesn’t believe things unless he/she can see them.

solidify DEFINITION: Something becoming solid or hard.

sovereignty DEFINITION: Supreme power, control, or authority.

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squadron DEFINITION: A military unit consisting of soldiers, ships, or aircraft.

succulentDEFINITION: Juicy.

summerhouse DEFINITION: A covered structure in a garden or park that is used as a resting place in summer; also can refer to a summer vacation home.

superintendent DEFINITION: Is a person who oversees or directs work, an agency, or employees.

tachymeter DEFINITION: An instrument to rapidly determine distances.

Taj Mahal DEFINITION: A white marble mausoleum in central India, built (1632-43) by the emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife. (THIS WORD IS CAPITALIZED BECAUSE IT’S A SPECIC NAME OF A BUILDING.)

talisman DEFINITION: Is an object that is supposed to possess magical, protective powers.

tambourine DEFINITION: Type of drum which has small, round pieces of metal set into a frame, and is played by hitting or shaking it.

tarantula DEFINITION: A large, hairy, sometimes poisonous spider, found in hot, dry climates.

tasteless DEFINITION: Not having much positive flavor.

telecommunication DEFINITION: The sending of information by line or radio waves.

telepathy DEFINITION: Communication between minds.

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tempestuous DEFINITION: Tumultuous, stormy, turbulent.

tetrahedron DEFINITION: A polyhedron that has four faces.

toboggan DEFINITION: A long, narrow, flat-bottomed sled, used usually on snow.

tombstone DEFINITION: A marker on a tomb or grave.

tongue-twister DEFINITION: A word, phrase, or sentence difficult to articulate because of a succession of similar consonantal sounds, useful and fun for oral fluency practice.

topography DEFINITION: The art and science of making maps that show the height, shape, of the land in a particular area.

tough DEFINITION: Strong and durable.

tumble-dry DEFINITION: To dry clothes, sheets, etc. in a machine.

turbine DEFINITION: A turning motor in which a wheel with blades is driven by a liquid or gas passing through it.

tuxedo DEFINITION: A formal suit for a man.

twilight DEFINITION: The light from the sky at the end of the day when night is just beginning.

ultraviolet DEFINITION: Relating to, producing, or employing ultraviolet radiation.

unattractive DEFINITION: Not attractive, ugly, not pretty or handsome.

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unconscionable DEFINITION: Extremely bad, unfair, or wrong, uncrupulous, not guided by conscience.

unidimensional DEFINITION: Having a single dimension.

unsophisticated DEFINITION: Someone who is simple, with few worldly experiences.

unwarranted DEFINITION: Not reasonable or justified.

unwholesome DEFINITION: Harmful to health or well-being.

vanquishment DEFINITION: The act of defeat or being conquered in battle.

velodrome DEFINITION: An arena with sloping sides used for cycling races.

vengeance DEFINITION: The act of doing something to hurt someone because that person did something that hurt you or someone else.

ventriloquist DEFINITION: Someone who can project his/her voice, speaking with little or no lip/ mouth movement, yet can be hard by others.

vertiginous DEFINITION: Whirling or spinning, causing dizziness.

wavelength DEFINITION: The length of the radio wave used by a particular radio station for broadcasting

wheat-bread DEFINITION: A type of bread made of a combination of white and whole wheat flours, distinguished from bread made entirely of white or whole wheat flour.

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wheelwright DEFINITION: A person whose trade is making wheels.

whisperDEFINITION: Something spoken in a very soft or quiet way.

wok DEFINITION: A type of shallow, rounded-bottom pan used to cook some Chinese food.

xenophobe DEFINITION: A person who fears, hates, and rejects foreigners.

xylose DEFINITION: A colorless crystalline sugar.

youngster DEFINITION: A young person.

zoological DEFINITION: Pertaining to zoology.

zucchini DEFINITION: A variety of summer squash.