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Welcome to the Open House Presented By: Selena Brown & Nick Hilley Diversity in Children’s Literature

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Post on 30-Jun-2015




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Diversity in Children's Literature


  • 1. Diversity in Childrens LiteraturePresented By: Selena Brown & Nick Hilley

2. FamiliesWelcome WelcomeFriends 3. Richard MichelsonPoet and Childrens Book Author 4. Born in July 1953 in Brooklyn Brooklyn was 90% African-American Writes about neighborhood fromchildhood Travels the world 5. Brewster has mixed emotionsabout Central Central is a desegregated whiteschool Brewster is starting a new school 6. Martin Luther King & AbrahamHeschels march toward freedom Dr. Kings fight for equal rights Heschels fight for Jewish rights 7. 2010 NY Times Notable Childrens Books 2011 Council for Social Studies TradeBookAs Good As Anybody: Awards 2008 National Parenting Publication Award 2009 Skipping Stones Multicultural Award 8. Nominated literature derives fromdifferent cultures Nominated books promote cultureand diversity awareness Award goes to multicultural, bilingual,international books Books come from different countries 9. http://richardmichelson.com/RM_Childrens.htmlBook Award http://www.skippingstones.org/