30 october- 03 november 2006 at the dragon hill lodge yongsan, south korea

The 56 The 56 th th Annual Annual 38 38 th th Parallel Medical And Nursing Society Parallel Medical And Nursing Society Fall Conference Fall Conference “Modern Medicine and Nursing: Yesterday, “Modern Medicine and Nursing: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” Today and Tomorrow” 30 October- 03 November 2006 30 October- 03 November 2006 at the at the Dragon Hill Lodge Dragon Hill Lodge Yongsan, South Korea Yongsan, South Korea Please register NLT 21 October 2006 Please register NLT 21 October 2006 ***See registration form for fees and other information*** ***See registration form for fees and other information*** [email protected] [email protected] Clinical Education Division Clinical Education Division DSN 737-5777 DSN 737-5777

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The 56 th Annual 38 th Parallel Medical And Nursing Society Fall Conference “Modern Medicine and Nursing: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”. 30 October- 03 November 2006 at the Dragon Hill Lodge Yongsan, South Korea Please register NLT 21 October 2006 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: 30 October- 03 November 2006 at the  Dragon Hill Lodge Yongsan, South Korea

The 56The 56thth Annual Annual

3838thth Parallel Medical And Nursing Society Parallel Medical And Nursing Society Fall ConferenceFall Conference

“Modern Medicine and Nursing: Yesterday, “Modern Medicine and Nursing: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”Today and Tomorrow”

30 October- 03 November 200630 October- 03 November 2006at the at the

Dragon Hill LodgeDragon Hill LodgeYongsan, South KoreaYongsan, South Korea

Please register NLT 21 October 2006Please register NLT 21 October 2006***See registration form for fees and other information*** ***See registration form for fees and other information***

[email protected]@kor.amedd.army.milClinical Education DivisionClinical Education Division

DSN 737-5777 DSN 737-5777