28 meade memorial 'chain i nears completion b. · 2017. 12. 25. · tttf tvfvtvc st.ut. vta...

TTTF TVFVTVC ST.UT. VT A t.VGTOT. Ti. T. TTERD’VT. OCTOBER '4. 1927/ MEADE MEMORIAL NEARS COMPLETION Statue in Botanic Garden, Contrasting Older Types, to Be Unveiled Oct. 19. Th® <to®ds ~f valnr of Mn j. Gen Georg® > ;<»r<ion wlv* led th® Union Arim in the 1' »t! 1»> of Getivs hors. will i>® cxi'miilifloi for future c enern I inns in striking manner in th® i io him about to he unveiled in the N'n< ions I Capital Th® monimw’iii to this nnlslatuEni: rhanirK'r of i it" Civil \\ nr. started in in - '', tins just been nompleled in th® northwest rorn'T of Mi* s Bolani® Carden. Third «t reef and Pennsvi- x m:a avenue. and will l>® dedicated in th® prosotirp of a dist in-ruislv'd gath- erin'.: “n the afternoon of Oct niter 1!*. After that date it nil! take it® plai® a toon a th® many other stamps in \Va*hinctnn that preserve memories es men who hiv® played important roles in 11to history of their country. Placed within tin* shadow of thp «*: ip i - to] dome, it win viewed hv t)ip thousands of Amor-cans who visit tit® jip.i* of government each vfai. Slat tip Is Mlegnrical. Th® State of Pennsylvania. whi« h T>vov tried the funds for thr memorial, ha® invited President Conlidge to take paid in thr dedicatory exercises, which w ill hr al l Pnrlrd hy memhers of <'on (pros® high Gnvei nnient officials and leaders from various putts of Pennsyl- Va n ia. Most of th ° statues erected in Wash- ington io those who distinguished t opnise] ves in thp time of war have been of the equestrian type. The Meade monument presents a contrast ?rt these older statues. It is an al- legorical scene, revealing not only the sterling military qualities pos- sessed hy On. Mcade. but exempliiy- jng also his hope sot pear e and pi og- ress when the war was over. From the top of a round pedestal Gen. Meade is shown in uniform, with the cloak of hattie dropping from his shoulder.- as he looks for- ward with hope for a future peace and progress. Rack oT him and facing »rt th® opposite direction is a formid- able figure symbolizing war. Grouped around the hero of Gettysburg are six other symbolic figures representing Courage. Chivalry. Royalty. Fame, Knergy and Progress. These figures ate turning away from war and balk- ing toward the future with Meade. The figures that make tip the group are approximately 9 feet in height and the pedestal on which they are mounted rests on a base 50 feet square. Mad® of Tennessee Marble. Workmen now are engaged in the last, step of cleaning the monument, which is of Tennessee marble, and Frederick Owen, who has acted for the office of public buildings and grounds in supervising the unveiling of many memorials in the parks of the city over a long period of years, is having a pavilion erected in front of the monument for the dedication exer- cise*. The date selected for the ceremonies 1s the anniversary of the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown in the Revolutionary Wat. That event, like the hattie of Gettysburg, in which Mead® took part, was a decisive niili- ta”>- engagement in American history. For the time being the Meade Memorial will he surrounded by the tare plants and shrubs that adorn the Botanic Garden. Congress, however, has already authorized relocation of the Rotanic Garden on the two I squares extending south from Mai.v- •land avenue, and the funds to acquire j the new site and begin the removal *are expected to l*e appropriated at l the coming session. 1 When the Botanic Garden has theen relocated it is proposed to give .the extisting garden an attractive ¦ landscape treatment as part of the •Mall vista from the Capitol to the ! Monument. The Meaile Memorial and the Grant Monument, which also Is in the existing Botanic Garden, will stand out more prominently when theso changes are effected in their ¦surroundings. State Paid $200,000. . The Grand Army of the Republic jtook part in making the first sue- | "gestion for the Meade Memorial in i ; Washington and the survivors of the Philadelphia Brigade of the Armv of ;the Potomac supported the. move- :ment. The State of Pennsylvania re -rponded to the suggestion bv appro -printing *200,000 sot- its erection. 2 Congress sanctioned the plan by passing a resolution in 11115 and the 'movement proceeded under the Na- tional Meade Memorial Commission Jtnd the Mead® Memorial Commission 2r>f Pennsylvania. I The sculptor of th® memorial is <Tmrles Grafly and the architects Jtimon <?- Simon, all of Philadelphia. The work of erecting the memorial Jias been supervised hy Lieut. Col. Ir,1 r , S. Grant, lid. director of public •buildings and public parks. » Gen. Meade was horn December sl. I*ls, and was graduated front ! the United States Military Academy j Jo 1535. He resigned front the Army \ « year later to engage, in civil en- ' iripeeripg, hut in 1842 re-entered mil- itary service as a second lieutenant j rtf topographical engineers. In 1861 lie was made a brigadier general of Volunteers and was in command of the Union forces when they met the (Confederate Army of Gen. Lee in lhat fierce combat at Gettysburg. When he died in Philadelphia in 1872 he waa a major general in the Regu- lar Army. More than 2,000.000 tons of sugar Mil! It® produced in the Netherlands Fla' Indies this season. ANDIRONS FIREPLACE GOODS Fries, Beall & Sharp 734-736 10th St. N.W. r A.t i,n "APFCd’’ Velour Portiere* . i SoM byleading dept.rt ore* every* her# ' Guaranteed Sunfast and cost no more th-n interior goods. HCtUVftffT »•’** o AwrstrsN sue fabric CO. r Mill*. R*. JF j Collateral Loans You can borrow from us on Listed Securities under our Savings Loan Plan. This service available to all Washingtonians. ' * i ! i Departmental Rank “V our Run It" t vfVr A f'fOi ’nmf.nl ft fifri itwn ITIt PA. \YK. IV\V. »‘ F : i'e nn in-, tmuinta !j GEN. MEADE IN EASTING STONE i ' * JA. IS p- mSm Ontral figure is mriuorial lo tlie famous Civil War general which will be unveiled here Oc'ioher 19. Asks Limited Divorce. Mrs. Mury A. Ciockcr, 917 Twelfth j street southeast, has filed suit in the 1 District Stiptctue Court lor a limited j divorce ftom George S. ('rocket. They i were married October 22. 1915. and I i have two children. Cruelty is al- leged. Attorney Robert Hardison ap- -1 peats for the wife. ¦; - _ No death sentences have been issued i in Scotland in the past year. ALLEGED HAIR FELT j TRUST IS DISSOLVED! ! Consent Decree Entered in Suit Following Price-Fixing Charge. I ¦ ! fti the A**or>iatpd Pres*, j ' CHICAGO. October 4. - Art alleged {trust tnhinatinn of the Tanners Products Co. of Delaware and nearly 100 other similar concerns which con- trolled 9.". per cent of the hair felt j business throughout the Untied Stales; was dissolved today hy a, consent de- ! oree. signed Court, i A month-long trial yesterday was 1 obviated hv agreement of the defend- ants and Government. Th® defend ¦ j ants were enjoined perpetually from | carrying on a "contributing stock- holders’ plan.” tinder which the in- jdivtlnal concerns pooled their htisi- I ness with the Tanners Products Co. ;and received in part payment a di- ; vision of profits byway of added prices. * The Government charged t it F ! i comhinatiori fixed prices and was a 1 rnonopol.v in violation of the Sherman anti-trust law. i '"he output of the alleged trust, ar- i , cording to «uit instituted a year ago hy tit® Government, was 5tt.000.000 i pounds, against between 3,ooo.ooo'and 4.000.000 pounds of cattle and calf hair handled hv cot -* -titors. Defendants included: Tanners Prod nets Co.. Chicago: American Hair Kelt Co. of Delaware: the .lohns-Manville | Co., New York and Massachusetts: th® Newark Hair Felt Co.. Lonsdale. Pa.: Demster Hair ('<>.. Smith Peabody. Mass.: Keystone Insulator Co., New York: National Retarder Co.. Ohio. 1 and the Textile Fabric Corporation of New Jersey. 'CHAIN CLOTHING STORE | WILL OPEN OCTOBER 15 | Julian Goldman Concern to Start Establishment in Old Federal- American Bank Building i The .Itilian (Joblrnan Stores, Inc., op- i eratora of a rhain «»f 55 wearing ap- i t»arel stores, will open an establish- | ment hero ahotit October 15 at 1315-17 F street, as the tl*st step of a national ; exjntnsion program. j The paw store, which will handle* j I men's, woman's anti ehildren's apparel, - ; will ot’fttpy two flfMirs of tha old Hed- -1 eral-Aniarioan National Bank Build- ing. Tha building has been remodeled | at a cost, in excess of SIOO,OOO. and while the property is still owned by j the bank, the store space has been j leased for a Ihrig term to the Julian I : (loldman company. i Designed by Frederick F5. Pyle. ! Washington architect, the new store Is ! ;an attractive metro*®! tinnse. The walls of hoth th«* IrM and second 1 I floors have been paneled with polished i woods and ornate wood carving com- | prises the trim. An elaborate stair- way connects the first and second level i sales floor, and a promenade, from which a view of the entire store may be had. surrounds the well through which the staircase enters the second floor. I The new store is the fifty sixth es- tahlishment tinder the management of Julian Goldman. head of the corpora-, tion which hears his name. 1 W. C. Fields Hit by Truck. j llOl.l.VW'fKtl), Calif., October 4 ! 14*).— VV. O. Fields, stage actor and ! film comedian, received serious inju- ries yesterday at the Paramount Stu- dio. when the bicycle lie was riding was struck by a motor truck. His physician said it would be sev- eral weeks before could return to work. Jolson Compromises Suit. NEW YORK. October 4 (4*).— SM, tlement out of coort of a $2110,000 m/f against At Jolson. stage comedian, h. j A I’. Kelly, motion picture scenarist for his services in obtaining a motiot ; picture contract for Jolson, was an noonced yesterday when the case wm called for retrial. The terms of thi settlement were not disclosed. Th* trial of the suit resulted in a die 1 agreement. J DON’T j Buy »n op heater tinttl you eee the new R.ilterd I Jr. S demonstration wdl mnvirvp run nt It* «il- j neriontv J *p*r»' free ¦erviee. BALLARD Oil. HEATING CO. 1817 <t ST.—North HAS | i | «stnrd)MM Fabrics As as I heir Styled and tailored by Society Brand. Ati imported exclusivity that remains fresh and sturdy long after the average fabric breaks down. Stripes, plaids and mixtures, in gray, brown lj ' a,,( l blue. —are sold in Washington exclti- v\ s I Ai f sively by The Uecht (o. They \ ! j j es | are shown here in many other ls . | ; fi \ cloths besides tlie Sturdvman ¦ rM 3 Fabrics, but no matter what the ' (i' ¦ ! m 1 fabric or price, they all have the 25 1 hand tailored features that dis- Uj f \yJ f to tiuguish Society Brand clothes ; \ft~ FT. 1 3 from the average run of men’s y : ? U, ¦ v|[ r ready-to-wear. tl Klff- -J g Other models priced at {Mp *- I i i, Vt. Sciond floor, j j ¦ " ¦ ¦ —' ¦ —¦¦¦ —— ¦¦ ¦ - For the Big Bundle “Its Great!"' 10c Everything Ironed | For the home where there is a large family bundle | and especiallv where there are children— Fverything Ironed i- a wonderful service, Fvery piece is washed clean a= a pin and ironed—hut not by hand. Kvery thing Ironed is <»ne of our most popular Services. Shirts 12c Hand Ironed apiece j extra ! i | Whenever von want vour shirts hand ironed, ! \ wrap them separately and put them inside your j I \ver\ thing Ironed Bundle. The Home Laundry A Modern Laundry Lincoln 8386 Lincoln 8387 1101-1109 Raum St. N.K. I; ft e Also (.nil in A rarhy I irginia i . y r_ - Make It a Point to Open a Charge Account. When ) ou Make ) our Next Purchase at The Jfecht Co. The Hecht Co.T Street i ? B. Children- —Thurston Anagram Contest! ! / If Thurston. the Magician, playing at Poll's this week, will meet little / / 'fA Vi friends of The llecht to. here on Friday at 4 P.M. and give them little v| / \\ \ I^.\-V {jkTY / live pets as prizes for the most words made from these letter,: \ T-H-IR-S-T-O-N. Mail answers by Wednesday night to Tov De- V, partrnent. The Hecht t o. Dresser Sets *l4* to *25 Grades ‘Beautiful It), 12. 14 and IS Piece Sets in Lovely s Colorings and Contrasts; Attractively Designed. f Imitation pearl-on-amber, in pink, blue and white. A1 o, amber, dei li-amber, shell amber, ivory amber and i ivory. Included are mirrors, brushes, combs, clocks, hair re- ceivers, puff boxes, files, cuticle knives, hook, cream jars, etc. Really charming pieces from the standpoints of design, col- ors and quality. Just what you’ll want for a bridal gift or A Sale of 2.~>()0 Pieces of Costume Jewelry $ 1 to $ 2 Usually jk K,o<f m UMT £jgc^§. Prom “lines” to linings these m o d e l s exhibit su• "V- --peuof q a j t,y *f iey An Assortment of Novelty Necklaces , be marked $1 ..>() to $ 9.5 . Bracelets , Chokers , Brooches , Earrings. Bar Pins. Hat Ornaments. 60-inch Vou’ll see at once that they are under- Mfg. Pearl Necklaces and Other Pieces. . priced—these smart, serviceable tweeds, plaids and mixtures in colorful tones. Single ordou- The enormous vogue for costume jewelry prompts us ble breasted: tailored or trimmed with blend- to offer these exceptionally attractive values in the wanted insr or contrasting furs. Lined with silk crepe novelty effects. Including brilliant stone set and spar- -o,•' line silk and cotton fabrics, plain or figured. pieces to match or contrast with every Fall costume. , . . So manv designs and colors that we cannot begin to dc- Splendid lor travel, motormg, sports, business. t]icm J <ill|e an(| cnjov , ooking the ,„ over. Si7.eS 14 t<> Pi }]/l' (Main H’»nnr.» * (Thud I'bior.l V . i' ¦ 11 A 28

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Contrasting Older Types,

to Be Unveiled Oct. 19.

Th® <to®ds ~f valnr of Mn j. GenGeorg® > ;<»r<ion wlv* led th®Union Arim in the 1' »t! 1»> of Getivshors. will i>® cxi'miilifloi for futurec enern Iinns in striking manner in th®

i io him about to he unveiledin the N'n< ions I Capital

Th® monimw’iii to this nnlslatuEni:rhanirK'r of i it" Civil \\ nr. startedin in -'', tins just been nompleled inth® northwest rorn'T of Mi*s Bolani®Carden. Third «t reef and Pennsvi-x m:a avenue. and will l>® dedicated inth® prosotirp of a dist in-ruislv'd gath-

erin'.: “n the afternoon of Oct niter 1!*.After that date it nil! take it® plai®a toon a th® many other stamps in

\Va*hinctnn that preserve memorieses men who hiv® played importantroles in 11to history of their country.Placed within tin* shadow of thp «*: ip i -to] dome, it win h® viewed hv t)ip

thousands of Amor-cans who visit tit®jip.i* of government each vfai.

Slat tip Is Mlegnrical.

Th® State of Pennsylvania. whi« hT>vov tried the funds for thr memorial,ha® invited President Conlidge to takepaid in thr dedicatory exercises, whichw ill hr al l Pnrlrd hy memhers of <'on(pros® high Gnvei nnient officials andleaders from various putts of Pennsyl-Va n ia.

Most of th ° statues erected in Wash-ington io those who distinguishedt opnise] ves in thp time of war havebeen of the equestrian type. TheMeade monument presents a contrast?rt these older statues. It is an al-legorical scene, revealing not only

the sterling military qualities pos-sessed hy On. Mcade. but exempliiy-

jng also his hope sot pear e and pi og-

ress when the war was over.From the top of a round pedestal

Gen. Meade is shown in uniform,

with the cloak of hattie droppingfrom his shoulder.- as he looks for-ward with hope for a future peaceand progress. Rack oT him and facing

»rt th® opposite direction is a formid-able figure symbolizing war. Groupedaround the hero of Gettysburg are sixother symbolic figures representingCourage. Chivalry. Royalty. Fame,Knergy and Progress. These figuresate turning away from war and balk-ing toward the future with Meade.

The figures that make tip the groupare approximately 9 feet in heightand the pedestal on which they aremounted rests on a base 50 feet square.

Mad® of Tennessee Marble.

Workmen now are engaged in thelast, step of cleaning the monument,

which is of Tennessee marble, andFrederick Owen, who has acted forthe office of public buildings andgrounds in supervising the unveilingof many memorials in the parks of thecity over a long period of years, ishaving a pavilion erected in front ofthe monument for the dedication exer-cise*.

The date selected for the ceremonies1s the anniversary of the surrenderof Cornwallis at Yorktown in theRevolutionary Wat. That event, likethe hattie of Gettysburg, in whichMead® took part, was a decisive niili-ta”>- engagement in American history.

For the time being the MeadeMemorial will he surrounded by thetare plants and shrubs that adorn theBotanic Garden. Congress, however,has already authorized relocation ofthe Rotanic Garden on the two

I squares extending south from Mai.v-•land avenue, and the funds to acquire

j the new site and begin the removal*are expected to l*e appropriated atl the coming session.

1 When the Botanic Garden hastheen relocated it is proposed to give.the extisting garden an attractive¦ landscape treatment as part of the•Mall vista from the Capitol to the

! Monument. The Meaile Memorialand the Grant Monument, which alsoIs in the existing Botanic Garden,will stand out more prominently when

• theso changes are effected in their¦surroundings.

State Paid $200,000.. The Grand Army of the Republicjtook part in making the first sue- |"gestion for the Meade Memorial in i; Washington and the survivors of thePhiladelphia Brigade of the Armv of;the Potomac supported the. move-:ment. The State of Pennsylvania re-rponded to the suggestion bv appro-printing *200,000 sot- its erection.2 Congress sanctioned the plan bypassing a resolution in 11115 and the'movement proceeded under the Na-tional Meade Memorial CommissionJtnd the Mead® Memorial Commission2r>f Pennsylvania.

I The sculptor of th® memorial is<Tmrles Grafly and the architectsJtimon <?- Simon, all of Philadelphia.The work of erecting the memorialJias been supervised hy Lieut. Col.Ir,1 r , S. Grant, lid. director of public•buildings and public parks.» Gen. Meade was horn Decembersl. I*ls, and was graduated front !the United States Military Academy jJo 1535. He resigned front the Army \« year later to engage, in civil en- 'iripeeripg, hut in 1842 re-entered mil-itary service as a second lieutenant jrtf topographical engineers. In 1861lie was made a brigadier general ofVolunteers and was in command ofthe Union forces when they met the(Confederate Army of Gen. Lee inlhat fierce combat at Gettysburg.When he died in Philadelphia in 1872he waa a major general in the Regu-lar Army.

More than 2,000.000 tons of sugar

Mil! It® produced in the NetherlandsFla' Indies this season.


Fries, Beall & Sharp734-736 10th St. N.W.

r A.t i,n "APFCd’’Velour Portiere*

. i SoM byleading dept.rt ore* every* her#

' Guaranteed Sunfast and cost nomore th-n interior goods.


o AwrstrsN sue fabric CO. rMill*. R*. JF

j CollateralLoans

You can borrow from uson Listed Securities underour Savings Loan Plan.

This service availableto all Washingtonians.


* i ! iDepartmental Rank

“V our Run It"t vfVr A f'fOi ’nmf.nl ft fifri itwn


»‘ F:v» i'e nn in-, tmuinta !j


i ' * -¦ JA. IS

p- mSm

Ontral figure is mriuorial lo tlie famous Civil War general which willbe unveiled here Oc'ioher 19.

Asks Limited Divorce.Mrs. Mury A. Ciockcr, 917 Twelfth

j street southeast, has filed suit in the1 District Stiptctue Court lor a limitedj divorce ftom George S. ('rocket. They

i were married October 22. 1915. and

Ii have two children. Cruelty is al-leged. Attorney Robert Hardison ap-

-1 peats for the wife.¦; - _

No death sentences have been issuedi in Scotland in the past year.


! Consent Decree Entered in Suit

Following Price-Fixing

Charge.I ¦! fti the A**or>iatpd Pres*,j '

CHICAGO. October 4. - Art alleged

{trust tnhinatinn of the TannersProducts Co. of Delaware and nearly

100 other similar concerns which con-

trolled 9.". per cent of the hair felt jbusiness throughout the Untied Stales;was dissolved today hy a, consent de-

! oree. signed Court,

i A month-long trial yesterday was1 obviated hv agreement of the defend-ants and Government. Th® defend


j ants were enjoined perpetually from| carrying on a "contributing stock-holders’ plan.” tinder which the in-jdivtlnal concerns pooled their htisi-I ness with the Tanners Products Co.;and received in part payment a di-; vision of profits byway of addedprices. *

The Government charged t it F ’!

i comhinatiori fixed prices and was a

1 rnonopol.v in violation of the Shermananti-trust law.

i '"he output of the alleged trust, ar- i, cording to «uit instituted a year agohy tit® Government, was 5tt.000.000 ipounds, against between 3,ooo.ooo'and4.000.000 pounds of cattle and calfhair handled hv cot -* -titors.

Defendants included: Tanners Prodnets Co.. Chicago: American Hair KeltCo. of Delaware: the .lohns-Manville

| Co., New York and Massachusetts:th® Newark Hair Felt Co.. Lonsdale.Pa.: Demster Hair ('<>.. Smith Peabody.

Mass.: Keystone Insulator Co., New ‘York: National Retarder Co.. Ohio. 1and the Textile Fabric Corporation ofNew Jersey.



Julian Goldman Concern to Start

Establishment in Old Federal-

American Bank Building

i The .Itilian (Joblrnan Stores, Inc., op-i eratora of a rhain «»f 55 wearing ap- i

t»arel stores, will open an establish-| ment hero ahotit October 15 at 1315-17

F street, as the tl*st step of a national; exjntnsion program.j The paw store, which will handle* jI men's, woman's anti ehildren's apparel, -

; will ot’fttpy two flfMirs of tha old Hed--1 eral-Aniarioan National Bank Build-

ing. Tha building has been remodeled |at a cost, in excess of SIOO,OOO. andwhile the property is still owned by jthe bank, the store space has been

j leased for a Ihrig term to the Julian I: (loldman company.i Designed by Frederick F5. Pyle.

! Washington architect, the new store Is !;an attractive metro*®! tinnse. Thewalls of hoth th«* IrM and second 1

I floors have been paneled with polished

i woods and ornate wood carving com-| prises the trim. An elaborate stair-way connects the first and second level

i sales floor, and a promenade, fromwhich a view of the entire store maybe had. surrounds the well throughwhich the staircase enters the secondfloor.

I The new store is the fifty sixth es-tahlishment tinder the management ofJulian Goldman. head of the corpora-,tion which hears his name.

1 W. C. Fields Hit by Truck. jllOl.l.VW'fKtl), Calif., October 4 !

14*).— VV. O. Fields, stage actor and !film comedian, received serious inju-ries yesterday at the Paramount Stu-dio. when the bicycle lie was ridingwas struck by a motor truck.

His physician said it would be sev-eral weeks before h° could return towork.

Jolson Compromises Suit.NEW YORK. October 4 (4*).—SM,

tlement out of coort of a $2110,000 m/fagainst At Jolson. stage comedian, h.

j A I’. Kelly, motion picture scenaristfor his services in obtaining a motiot

; picture contract for Jolson, was annoonced yesterday when the case wmcalled for retrial. The terms of thisettlement were not disclosed. Th*trial of the suit resulted in a die

1 agreement.

J DON’T jBuy »n op heater tinttlyou eee the new R.ilterd IJr. S demonstration wdlmnvirvp run nt It* «il- jneriontv J *p*r»' free¦erviee.

BALLARD Oil. HEATING CO.1817 <t ST.—North HAS |

i |

«stnrd)MMFabricsAs as I heir

Styled and tailored bySociety Brand. Ati importedexclusivity that remainsfresh and sturdy long afterthe average fabric breaksdown. Stripes, plaids andmixtures, in gray, brown


a,,( l blue.

—are sold in Washington exclti-v\ s I Ai f sively by The Uecht (o. They\ ! j j es | are shown here in many other

ls. | ; fi \ cloths besides tlie Sturdvman¦ rM 3 Fabrics, but no matter what the

' (i' • ¦ !

m 1 fabric or price, they all have the25 1 hand tailored features that dis-

Uj f \yJ f to tiuguish Society Brand clothes ;\ft~ FT. 1 3 from the average run of men’sy : ? U, ¦ v|[ '¦ r ready-to-wear.

tl Klff--J g Other models priced at{Mp*- I i i, Vt. Sciond floor,

j j

¦ " ¦ ¦ —' ¦ —¦¦¦ ——¦¦ ¦ -

For the Big Bundle“Its Great!"'

10cEverything Ironed

|For the home where there is a large family bundle

| and especiallv where there are children— FverythingIroned i- a wonderful service, Fvery piece is washedclean a= a pin and ironed—hut not by hand. Kvery thingIroned is <»ne of our most popular Services.

Shirts 12cHand Ironed apiece j

extra! i |

Whenever von want vour shirts hand ironed,

! \ wrap them separately and put them inside yourj I \ver\ thing Ironed Bundle.

The Home LaundryA Modern Laundry

Lincoln 8386 Lincoln 8387

1101-1109 Raum St. N.K.I;

ft e Also (.nil in A rarhy I irginia

i . yr_ -

Make It a Point to Open a Charge Account. When ) ou Make ) our Next Purchase at The Jfecht Co.

The Hecht Co.T Streeti


B.Children- —Thurston Anagram Contest!

! / If Thurston. the Magician, playing at Poll's this week, will meet little/ / 'fA Vi friends of The llecht to. here on Friday at 4 P.M. and give them littlev| / \ \ \ I^.\-V {jkTY / live pets as prizes for the most words made from these letter,:

\ T-H-IR-S-T-O-N. Mail answers by Wednesday night to Tov De-

V,partrnent. The Hecht t o.

Dresser Sets*l4* to *25 Grades

‘Beautiful It), 12. 14 and IS PieceSets in Lovely

sColorings and

Contrasts; Attractively Designed. fImitation pearl-on-amber, in pink, blue and white.

A1 o, amber, dei li-amber, shell amber, ivory amber and i

ivory. Included are mirrors, brushes, combs, clocks, hair re-ceivers, puff boxes, files, cuticle knives, hook, cream jars, etc.Really charming pieces from the standpoints of design, col-ors and quality. Just what you’ll want for a bridal gift or

A Sale of 2.~>()0 Pieces of

Costume Jewelry$ 1 to $ 2 Usually

jk K,o<f mUMT £jgc^§.

Prom “lines” to linings

these m o d e l s exhibit su• "V-

--peuof q“a jt,y *fieyAn Assortment of Novelty Necklaces ,

be marked $1 ..>() to $ 9.5 . Bracelets , Chokers , Brooches , Earrings.

Bar Pins. Hat Ornaments. 60-inchVou’ll see at once that they are under-

Mfg. Pearl Necklaces and Other Pieces..

priced—these smart, serviceable tweeds, plaidsand mixtures in colorful tones. Single ordou- The enormous vogue for costume jewelry prompts us

ble breasted: tailored or trimmed with blend- to offer these exceptionally attractive values in the wanted

insr or contrasting furs. Lined with silk crepe novelty effects. Including brilliant stone set and spar-

-o,•' line silk and cotton fabrics, plain or figured. pieces to match or contrast with every Fall costume.

,. . So manv designs and colors that we cannot begin to dc-

Splendid lor travel, motormg, sports, business.t]icmJ <ill|e an(| cnjov , ooking the ,„ over.

Si7.eS 14 t<> Pi }]/l' (Main H’»nnr.»* (Thud I'bior.l V .

i' ¦ 11 A