2406 dallas morning news 1928-03-27 1-10

sTEN THE DAlfoAStMORNING 'NEWS, / TUESOAYfrMARCHI WfcifareMeet Opens at Waco Texas Conference Will Continue Through Wednesday. j WACO. Texas, March :6.—A n nual sessions of the Tosas Confer ence of Social Welfare began h ere Monday at the Hotel Italelgh. Th e meeting "HI continue for three •tars, "i 'h th e forenoon »f each day allotted to section nteellogs cenerol sessions to he held in the afti-rnoon an d evening. Officer;' of the Texas conference , ore: Fresldcnt. Dr. Henry l* f I Vlrdcn. Dallas: vice presidents. Mr * Klixahvth 31. ¥p»er. Austin, and Mrs. Grace C Hate. Waco secrelarv-treaxurer. . Mi.-is Gavell Hi Akin«. Dallas. Actional chair men are as follows:. Child welfare Miss Kate Dinsmore. Pallas: de- Ilncucncy, Dr. W. E. Getty*. Aus tin; family. Mrs. tlra ce I - . Hale Waco; health. Dr. Doyle I- liast- land. Waco; migration anil Immi gration. Dr. Max ?. Handman. Aus tin. ' I.iuvjoy 1- Speaker. During th e Mon.lay morning session. "The Child-I'l acing Agen cy " wa s discussed by Dr. Owen K. Lovejoy of the Children's AM So ciety. J-ew York. Miss Kshel Ctaxton. Harris County School for Girls. Bellaire. was the diseussion leader cf ""The Juvenile Delin quent. " "Mexic an lrnmi.i-rnii' 1 " and Migration'" wa s presented by Dr. Max S. Handman of Austin. In his annual report, presentetl at the Monday evening session. President Virden said in part: "The item of education must not he slighted. There is the obliga tion resting upon us which always res-,j cpon anyone who has light upcr. matters of vital Importance. It is the obligation of holding That light xzp where others may see it. "here there ar e needs: those needs must be shown to others. Just how to carry on publicity an d edu cational programs, with so small a hudget. with no conference work ers. Is one of our problems, as an organization. "Ne icr I.o~t Heart. "* •"While we have failed of accom plishment—sometimes it may s-.-em any apreciahle degree of accom plishment—those most \itally con cerned have never lost heart, an d new friends for the cause of righteousness have been made, ^onetimes the battle slow, the Almighty's and the AU-T.ov- •r.g's battles know no such thing as ultima te defeat. This is the faith that makes all of us love th e hard work which is soniviuut'S ours, an d makes us call it pleas ure. '"The time must come, as ii ha s cone in most States, when you and I and the business ma n must rec ognize that th e various wards of this Commonwea lth must be treat ed with eiiua! justice and common sense, and that regardless of QarlaUQ Wdiiihs Study Journiilism m m p H s &^ ^Draws' Denial Statute of :LimitBlioii8 Is Brought Up in Sherman Ca se*  Indigestion? rfonsenseTsaidi the Specialist 6 whether they live in the largest cly or th e most isolated hamlet, ranch or cotton farm. Ul timately we tnust have a Stale Hoanl of l v ub- lic Welfnre. with its Several de- partments dealing Willi th e varied needs of its words—correction an d reformation, child welfare, health, menial as well as physical, and all the various eleemosyna ry gro ups. The time will come, as one exam- pi*, when there will lie child wel fare legislation of one sort or an other." Make Resume til Talks. During the Monday afternoon session, at which Mrs. Klizabrtii Forrest of San Antonio, a past president, was in charge. ., resume of th e talks made in the sectional meetings during -Hie forenoon wa s clven. Th e first of these was a re : port on child welfare, presented by .Mrs. Kva Coodwin. field represe n tative of the Ited Cross! with h ead' quarters in San Antonio*. There are. she ' said, twenty-nine child- placing agencies in Texas, most of them not supervised. Th e point was made In th e child welfare sec tion by Dr. Owen Lovejoy of New fork, it was stated !.y Mrs. Good win, that State supervision of social welfare workers-may become neces sary to decrease baby bootlegging, or trafficking in children. " Deport for the delinquency sec tion wa s made by Dr. W. E. Getty* cf Auslin. "Jl is difficu! ." he as serted, "t o tell when a delinquent is delinquent, re gardless o: th e legal definition of what constitutes a de linquent. It was agreed, he said, that th e designation was not cov ered, legally, an d that th e legal definition must be modif ied. A de linquent ma y come from th e home of poverty or the house of great wealth. Society is largely responsi ble for the problem of delinquency. and it min t face that pr oblem." Discuss famil y Scrlinji. Thj- family section wa s discussed hy -Miss Gladys l'ittcnger of Kort Worth, wh o reported on the paper read by Miss Myrtle Xecly of 'Now-a-days we knozv thzl calcium carbcna'.e is the one sure, safe reliel let gas, 'sourness' aa d other s:o=ach d's Tablets of calcium carbonate £o not ba m ai d irruale like strong soda nor do ti -y disturb the normal action of the bowels and other organs. Best of all, they are iClerly kanrdess in any quantities- Smart Tablets are an ideal form of calriaa carbonate, blended with other soothing substances. That' s why we recommend them as safest for children —and best for men and women. The QgUtst Rrliefftr Gastric D M * 2Sc end 60c Evcrychcrc STUART'S TABt'l T G Hfcognliing that th e newspaper plays an Import ant part In lif* i Kid progress, a group of pupils organ- lied a j ournal ism club* In th o par- land High School to learn isow news is gathered and how newspa pers ar e made . Miss Hdnu Netsjn. active In organizing th e ciua. wa s elected president. JunuICi Coo.-.u" is vice president. Jessie Cbloe A' " )en secretary nn treasurer, P.ii'h MeCallum reporter anil -Mrs. II. B. Phillips English teach er in tlw school, sponsor. .Members of the club shown In the picture art', le't to right: l-'rnnt row: Mary Catherine Tucker. Davis liachman. Ogle Kane. James Alexander. John Pa ce. Dick ltnmsey, A. V. Morrison an d VVilii e Kate AFctl. Second row: Hllen Lyons, Ten- nle Tarter. Mary Kate James. Wi nona' Wilson. Lorcna Hol ford and Vivian llowen. Third row: Xeva Lou Tarker. Floy Cooper. Jennie Lou Jackson. Jessie Chloe Allen, Marian Owens and Alma Nelson. Hack row: l-'ae Thomson. Mrs. 11. It. Phillips. Louise Williams an d Juanlla Coomer. BAUME BE.VGUE (pro:ou;ced Btn- Gay) is a saf e aad sure rc= cdy for that throbbing, split-Jag piia !- the head. Ap-Iied f.-ceiyto tie forehead and back of the neck, rubbing ia thorongnly, it hric j prompt and b!essed relief with- oat the depressing erTcct cf most ia- tera»l remeflies. It is more effective than other extcrail agent! aad wOIr.ot bum or blister. SAUMESEM6UE ANALGESIQUE Wichita Palls, whose topi c was, •Prom Charity Organization to So cial Work." h e point wa s stressed by Miss l'ittenger that it Is incum bent ori social workers, vl-.o give attention to the family, that "it is necessary to get away from th e bread nn d butter side of the ques tion nnd do some real research The migration an d immigration section wa s submitted by Miss Mar garet P.enkin of Houston, wh o quoted at lengt h from state ments made to the section by Prof. Knox, assistant school superintendent. Sa n Antonio. It was contended by Miss Ucnkin that "the Mexican likes to deal with some wearing badge. He is willing to follow In- e.lructions piven. or to seek advice. The Mexican Is no t peculiar, except in so far as he bas his own psychnl- osy. There is no necessity for seg regating them, except as the Mex ican children ma y have their par ticular needs. Sta ndard mental lests are now being transl ated into Spanish, to sec whether th e Mexi ca n is capable of attaining that de gree of education which he should possess. Th e .Mexican would not migrate, if encouraged to remain in one place." ' Musical ProsraiH Ghon. Violin numbers were given by- Misses Margare t Tyler an d Melha Wilh.tusen. Baylor pupils, with Miss Byrdis Walk er, also '.a. .Baylor stu dent, as piano accompanist. Invitations were extended th e visitors to Inspect .the Met hodist Orphanage and the State Home for Neglected an d Dependent Children by th e Waco suj-erintendehts of those institutions. J. \ \ . Harnett and Miss Jenni e Burleson, respec tively. They were also 'urged to visit th e State Juvenile Training School. Gatesville, hy the chaplain. the P.ev. II . K. Luck. At the noon luncheon at the Hotel P.aleigh. Dr. W. P . Mcroncy. head of the socio logical department of Baylor, wa s the- toastmaster. The. chief speaker was Mrs. Jessie D.-.niel Ames. Georg etown , She discussed • child welfare an d expressed th e belief that a constitutional amendment for child welfare wa s needed. School at Rcinharth Helps Efficiency kx Transfer of Pupils "A large saving in instruction Costs'lias been effected tMs year by the Board of Trustees of Bernhardt School by sending tho eight pupils In th e h-.Ii school above th e eighth grade lo Garland High School an paying their tuition there." Da n Thompson, principal of the Itel har dt School, said Monda y. "A t th e same time the pupils are setting much better instruction than It wa s possible to give them here with th e limited., amount of equipment a sinall school could afford lo have. Another factor for greater efflcency In the school this year Is (h e fact that th e teachers are able to give more of their time to th e pupils of the remaining, grade s being taught here. Ktflcien. cy of instruction wa s greatly Im paired by the. teachers having to teach such small classes In some grade s, takin g th at much tU from th e large classes. "Ou r school building; seven years old. is amply large with th e upper grades sent away'. It is s two-story build ing with four class rooms and an auditorium with 601 scats. There arc 13S pupils en rolled in lh c eight grad es being taught. Mr. Thompson and tho other teachers ar e all serving their thi rd year In th e P.einhardt School. Th e regular teachers are Mr. and Mr s Dan J. Thompson. Mrs. Maude G, Sew ell and Mrs . Mary K. Tatom. .Mrs. A. It. Carroll is the expres sion teacher. Trustees arc E. F. Spurlock, G. C. Minor and J. W. Ilart. Contests Promised in Election at Dalwortli Airs. Miller Will Be Buried in Waxahaclnc TH E LARGEST SELLING ASPIRIN IN THE WORLD FOR ASc0!tte/A'S MONEY CAN BUY F=PHIuUP5 Foe Trembles to Acid HClOiTO ; JtecIiic£ t h e Acid Ins ick stomachs^ -rinst antiy jStck,stornacb3. sour stomachs an<i ^Indigestion r.sually mean excess acid. The stomach nerves are over-stlmu- ;U.te<L. .Too much, acid makes' .the i*tomach an d intestines sour^' ' JjUkall kilin acid Instantly.- Tn« .MMCform Is rnH nps 'Ji ll k cf Mag- Costa, becaafe one harmless. \tsst«* l4sa dose neutral izes rconyrtLm*s »t* .volume tn acid.••;Since.(ts-tnventioir; 60 years ago;, it has remained th-5 '-;-st andard- wit h' chystcfans- ;every - =) J-Takr«»i>obnful*iD vat er an d your ^ttaht^py.condmon.wUIprobably end 11 ' ate*, -Then ypu will al- sake. It'iany.sav* a great i»r v dis- agreenble hours, ' J> r-jre to get ttie genuine' Ptiif- I'ps. Milk.or Magnesia.prescribed by physieians -f'-r.So yesr* In correc ting cxrc>s acldr. : J5c anjl SOc a bot tle auy-flr-JBisters- ..." r ' -* >' •• . "Mill, of MiKBes!a~..h*c.beenV(iie' tJ-S Reelsi*red.Trade-Mark'r<'."':--.- Charles, fl" rhilli ps irhemical fom-: pa n' on d H» predecessor Charlea H; Phillips since 1S75; '- - TheXclu. WAXAHACHIE. Texas. March :c.—Funeral services for Mrs. Estelle Cross Miller, S7, Trho died at he r home lo Dallas, will be held here at 10 a. m. Tuesday at th e home of her son, E. D.-Miller. Dr . fc: L. Joekel of Austin, former p.,>. to r of the. First I'resbylerian Church her?, will be in charge ot the funeral. Burial will f ollo w- in the City Cemetery^ " Born in 'Alabama, Mrs'. Miller, came to .Texas In early life an d for.about: forty.lyears .had been a" resident of Waxahaehle. She was a member of the First Presbyterian Church an d the. United Dau ghter s of th e Confederacy. A fe w years ag o She went to Dallas to make her- horae ^wher c a daughter,- Miss Harlan, is teacher in", the, Miss Hock ada y School for- Girls.: . Surviving are the following chil dren: Ed Miller. Wa xahachie; .11 in -Miller'of. Fort Worth an d Miss Ha rla n, d Mille r of -"Dalla.«: lhre» step-children. Mrs. O..B. Dunaivay. of: Waxahachie and G. )•: . .Mili.-r of Granger. Miss Ora.Milk-r. Waxa- hachi e; four brothers , O. H. Cross of Waco. 'E. c: Cross of Italy, WalU-r Cross of San'.Antonio an d John Cross, of - Tuscaloosa, Ala: a lialt brother," Flynn Cross of Ala bama;; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Colo- .man. of 'Eutaw.^Ala., and Mrs' Oner. Meredith of Tuscaloosa.-Ala. Ollie O^Neal Case/ .' 'GetsCondhuance EiiKlal.UTliaXnn.'- SUKItMAX; Texas. March ^G— Ti-.c- case; of oi llc O'X'eal, charged by lndictmvnfwit h murder.in con nection, with th e killing of Sa m Inylor. Atkins nearjJIowe about: a' year-ago. Mill;-;, v.a.s set for Mon da y in the- Fifty-Ni nth',. District coitrt. was. continued until 'Apr il 16 by. JudgeTranl;:E..V,"ilcoi Mon- daj-j norning and the special i I•:••- crcuscd >ntlt that date, •-Theconllnuance: \ras granted "ije^ - - use? or- the. .Illness. or-the small n.of •-.Judge ;j.-^D.".rtuster' : attor- f;. for-t&ejdefcnilant.. . , - ; ••- Mm 1 •%* Opposition is promised for each office in the city election lo be held at Dalwortli Tark on Tues day. April 3. Mayor T. J. Fergu son ha s been nominated for re election hy a committee of citizens of Dalworth Park an d another group ar e backing J. H. BWlttcr for Mayor. Four candidates ar e already In the field for the two oftices of ciiiniiiissioner to be filled. They ar e Paul Spikes. J. S. Seal, J. W. Elk- ington. and P. E. Chcnault. Build ing of a new city hall and the Is suing of bonds for takins over by the city of a privately owned sewer and water system ar e said to be is sues in th e campaign. Mesijiiite For County Bond Issue County-wido highway an d bridge Improvements lo be financed by th e propose d JC.D50.000 roa d bonds to. he. voted on Tuesday, April 3. will be explained and de scribed Tuesday night at Mesquite by Judge W. M. Holland an d Judge Hiram F. Lively of Dallas, mem bers- of tho county-wide load bond educational committ ee. Charles Tosch, president of' the First National Bank of Mesquite and member- of the educational committee, said Monday. Mr. Tosch stated that he be lieved Mesquite would vote for the lionds by a-large majority. Th e speaking Is to acquaint th e citizens of thi s visiting precinc t with th e bf-npfits tlir-y niny expected lo de rive from the. bond issue and re sultant Improvement program, he said. Itw-rlit In fl»- Xei".-. , , .8HEUMAN. Texo"., March,_:C;Specific denial .of, th o claim 'act forth In n petit ion;fli ed hy Jockey; Jone» In th e United _ Stale* ;'l»!»- trlct. ciourt' that he Is n son .find heir .of Wiliion N.'ijonen. ileceo iw-d, and naklng Ihnt probnllng of lie wlll left by Jonrn,.under-the IcrmV of whlcl i.fund won creat ed for tliu acquirement by. purchnac-or other wise of a' rionpltnl 'lo. bo kno wn uii ''the: Wilson N.. JoncK Hospltnl."V la contained In th e reply to th e pelillon filed Monday In tho office of Iho clerk of the sourt by Han- dnlph Ilryant. . nttoriu>y for C. H. Dorrheeler et nl., trustees ot lhi estafo. nn d nnmed i as'defe ndants .In tho petition filed by Jones. Wilson >•. ?J oni-jiiVdlf H-In 1901 of it r»^ »M*. tlencc- of several yt-arB In.f horniati nnd 'alt iho'pr ovis ions .oOhi s .'Wiij hayn-:lieenrurrled-,ouV:pxcepl.thai provldlnir fo r iho'eatabllyhmcnt of tho hospltBl.;! ' .* • • Kay Acllon li snn l. Fol low lne ii>.hf- nrlnjr In I ho !'\'.' ; .(ocnth District Court a nd Urn -t-n- lerlng of an order '6y Judge 1. K Wilcox .granting a- peJ»*S",' l H2 the trustees of the " , "1 , ';A'!"h' n h ' 1 5 bo: iiormllled lo expend * lori.BOo of a fund of approximately 1141,00V iiviilbil-.H- "for- th e purpose in t •< rurchnso of OuStturmn HOSP 1Mb nllo rneys for Jnckvy Jon es fUe.i Iho petition answered Monday in Iho offlco of Iho cle rk ot Ifiit United Stoics Court at Texnrknnu. It W M forwarde d from Ti-xnrkiinn to th c clerk, nt-Hhermnn for riling. Prio r liilJ uJkntlon s. thciro Incliidlng thu ronrinnliiR or will after U- had.heen probated In Iho.HMwnlH District Court nn d the upholding of this finding by llio. Court of Civil Appeals at AMorlll* nil -plea d, ed by defendants lis r. ba r (o fur ther nctlon by . plaintiff. It btlnjr 'wiserlrtt' that th e Federal courts hnvo neither Jurisdiction no r nu - thorlly.to Intencne ns rcganU nc tlon taken by" Statu courts In ton- iH-cileu with' probate mail ers or In the-,probating of wills,-. , It is further se t rortli .that 1 Hi" statute of llmllnllons operate to put plaintiff out'o f court bec ause A THREE DAYS COUGH IS YOUR DANGER SIGNAL Tertiitent cougbi and eeldi leadta lerious trouble. Youcan Hop them now wlth.CreorauliioB, an emuicified creo- sota that it pleaunt to take. Creomul- •ion i« a new medical discovery with two-fold action; "it tootbes and hejl j Iho inflsmed oeiabriaes and inhibit) Ccrm growth. Of all known drugs, creosote li rec ognized by high medical authorities as Bee of tho grealeat healing agenciesfor f ersister.t coughs and coldi and ether onns cf throat troubles. Creoruuljioa contain), in addition to creosote, other he di at elements which sootheta d heal the infectei merabtane innd 'ntop'ths. Irritation and inflammation, v/huVt!.a creoiole goe> on lo the itomach, I) a!)- eorbed into the blood, attacks tin te at' of tho trouble and checks the Etowtb of lbs germs. Crcociuliioa i> guaranteed latUfae- tory ia the treatment of pei«i«tect coughs end colds, bronchi:! tilhrsa, bronchitia acd other forms of respira tory i's;:ie3, and is'eiccllent for Luild- in?; up the system after, colds or da . Money refunded if any cough or cold is not relieved after taking cccording to directions. Ask jou r drngsist-' (aof.) ot't he Mcf.that during t»n:yesrs wh> h hurt) elapsed since ili^de slh of -.-Wilson N. Jones,- linvlinji ha d full kno«leilBo of etpry.'Stcp.tnkcii In.cni-ncclloii 'wllh lils'esintD.- and, further; th at -ho-.wBM'.i ben ii kMr y nnnied In tho ilocumtiilt. nnd no .'1,-tci! tlw I.cur-;- from. Hi" cvi-c i. tors; this ncilng- to *top- Ida rlsh t lo maUe:«n/. further claim* o«nl the «r>tiitc'.."'rtie>-e(isci'.wlll hcisrt-for .n,-'hearing, on 11^' docket st lhe rrj uhir trri n pf iho court. / Ifnrn nt'.(lHniCT'lliirnsi Tiu.Mr.iu Upshur Co;. f«as, Mncth 2«I-—Ifit barn of D. A. Young nndJilsniilowcre dcirtroyid by fire. . . . ' " r^Thi M Italpit K uMA ?5« eflnipirsiitr „( , | h , rl ! T i l l U Oii«'e,hl(n- Hlvcr fth.n U . ' wrvatten depariment i», i ? «*ploded;«n lhc- nlghi« uI'IV: "" " r.-cpvrrcd early <%/£& imtm KOHLER. ANTlDot D M S P O T S B E F O R E E Y E S - , 1 lhc nierl how lie ha d known of meri t .of Thed ford's niack -' Draught slnce-'hc wa s a hoy, Mr. Alber t Gar land of -fiorheract, Ky.« recently said; . "I used to work In tho mines,,'<ut inst riulte -n-hit .01 ,t lm« on acco unt of lhe"'iYek.' spells' I lii>d - would Ket to linylnK a Mil, lasle In my ihoulh'.. and a very dull, tired fwl- Inir an d ache, 1 would have dark upolK In front of my eyes,, and I would In. to. illKty I would «taBS«r like I wo» dnink. "I tonic medicine-, huctfidn'r aeern lo K't nny belter. "My mother told mo to try HlAck-Draufsht. which 1 did. an d nfler n few doses I felt much bet ter. Now I tskc it as soon I feel the: least b ad. and 1 don't ce t down. I certainly enn sa y that It has done more for me Ihf.n any' other medicine 1 have ever taken. . "I. -never rei »| prn uch t If I Kr, ,,„ » pacVwre oi„ n? ln My heal th la b - Ji»«,l»*en In y«.-» n , , ,,--n 7 * n did . H/ Thousands Wom*n' find '••>.'. rri t help In ,*<:-.,„' J"'"^ 1 all r.r,m,n«n »u „,» , M *'«£ sllpntlon, Mllcu- -, , , «y '<>"*. lion; t-'or several n-ell known Drnu»;hi, ln a i bee n a farnllh tnedlefne chesii Klack-Drau;.'! modlelnal root, est ivaDty, ra-- packagrid by :. I'or rale r> dOlM-H ; t c (let a pan-km «M I«ii * : "•-?!k,„. Ih Wekaj, Item UaSf "ntjrin g CREOMULSI© fOR THE COUGH OR COLD THAT HANGS Of J mmm , - Indigestion, Biliousness ¥ write uou f -meek, mother ewm Safe and §80 Are Taken From McKinney Store McKlXXET", Texas.-XIarch S6.— The; grocery : stofe'ef\V'.B.: Kindle was burglarized and the safe con taining abput: $S0 and the store ac counts-was carried away. Burgla rs Balncd cntrcn cc' into th e store using.a crowbar to-open th e front Prevent Flu- Check All Go lds ; theModernWa y Families in Dallas Urged to Be Careful. "While gri p:a nd Infliienta ar e go prevalent.local people are-.ureed to use this modern way of checking little colds before they become big: -Have a Jar of Vicks .VapoKub on hand, ready for- instant: use :at th e first; sign of every cold. When'r ub bed on throat and'ehest orsnufted up. the n ose. Vicks releases Its Ini gredients'ln the form-ol medicated vapors which are - breat hed In' di rect to the';infected:parts.' ..„ In additi on.; "Vicks "acta; like, 'a poultice and:-thus'helps the:;Tapora -nholed; to break lip the'congestion; 'To'pr event, colds lowering th e vitality;and thusfpatrlns'.th«-;way for flu' and pneumonia .- they shoul d fc ny-tr eated- direct :'and- instant ly—ax youvw oulda n' infected l i n g er . —- {Advertl»enjent.>.-" ? * . , i S OON she would be gone . . . of F to college .for" the first time. A . .Mother's heart is full of sorrow and gladness. Sorrow. . . a t losing her daughter's companionship. Gladness '.'... at givingher daughter the advan tages of a college education. What confidence this mothe r places in the. college they have selected be cause they have compared ^one with another. In life's great events, compar ison is so important.. .i n everyday affairs, so helpful. " Comparison is ' helpful also in selecting the one coffeeypu-h'ke best. ;Because each grain of coffee in Folger's is the highest grade, highest tj-pc and highest priced coffee that the world produces in its respective countries of gnrwth, Folger's Coffee has a rich, mar- velous, unmat ched flavor. Compare FdlgcrVby making the famous -Folger Coffee Test. ; The Folger Coffee.Tcst: Drink Folger's Coffee tomorrow morning; th e next morning drink the coffee you have been/using; the third morn ing drink Folger's again. You Trill..decidedly favor one brand or, th e other. Th e Best Coffee Wins. That's fair, isn't it? - '9he first thought in th morning FOAC E R ' B established 1S50 ^ v '& & FDLGER'5 COWFEH B1W.J.A.F

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Opens at Waco


Continue T h r o u g h

W e d n e s d a y .

WACO. Texas, March :6.—A n

of the Tosas Confer

of Social Welfare began h ere

at the Hotel Italelgh. Th e

for three

"i 'h th e forenoon »f each

to section nteellogs

to he held in the

an d evening.Officer;' of the Texas conference ,

Fres ldcnt. Dr. Henry l* f IDallas: vice presidents.

* Klixahvth 31. ¥p»er. Austin,C Hate. Waco

. Mi.-is GavellAkin«. Dallas. Actional chair

are as follows:. Child welfareKate Dinsmore. Pallas: de-

Dr. W. E. Getty*. AusMrs. tlra ce I

-. Hale

Dr. Doyle I- l ias t-

Dr. Max ?. Handman. Aus'

I.iuvjoy 1- Speaker .

During th e Mon.lay morning"The Child-I'l acing Agen

" wa s discussed by Dr. Owen K.of the Children 's AM So

J-ew York. Miss Kshelfor

was the diseussioncf ""The Juvenile Delin

" "Mexic an lrnmi.i-rnii'1"wa s presented by

Max S. Handman of Austin.

In his annual report, presentetlthe Monday evening session.

Virden said in par t:

"The item of education must notslighted. There i s the obliga

us which alwayswho has l ight

m a t t e r s of vital Importance.is the obligation of holding That

xzp where others may see it.ar e needs: those needs

be shown to others . Jus tto carry on publicity an d edu

so small ano conference work

Is one of our problems, as an

"Ne icr I.o~t Heart."*

•"While we have failed of accomi t may s-.-em

of accom\i tally con

an dfor the cause of

is slow, bu tand the AU-T.ov-

no such thingultima te defeat. This is the

all of us love th eis soniviuut'S

an d makes us call it pleas

'"The time must come, as ii ha sin most States, when you and

and the business ma n must recth e various wards of

Commonwea lth must be treatand common

and that regardless of

QarlaUQ Wdiiihs Study Journiilism


p H s & ^

^Draws' Denia l

Statute of :LimitBlioii8

I s B r o u g h t Up in

Sherman Case*• 

Indigest ion?rfonsenseTsaidithe Spec ia l i s t


whether they live in the largest clyor th e most isolated hamlet, ranchor cotton farm. Ul timately wetnust have a Stale Hoanl of l


lic Welfnre. with its Several de-partments dealing Willi th e variedneeds of its words—correction an dreformation, child welfare, health,menial as well as physical, and allthe various eleemosyna ry gro ups.The time will come, as one exam-pi*, when there will lie child welfare legislation of one sort or an o th e r . "

Make Resume til Talks.

During the Monday afternoonsession, at which Mrs. KlizabrtiiForres t of San Antonio, a pastpres ident, was in charge. ., resumeof th e talks made in the sectionalmeetings dur ing -Hie forenoon wa sclven. Th e first of these was a re :

port on child welfare, presented by.Mrs. Kva Coodwin. field represe ntative of the Ited Cross! with h ead'quar ters in San Antonio*. Therea r e . she ' said, twenty-nine child-placing agencies in Texas, most ofthem not supervised. Th e pointwas made In th e child welfare section by Dr. Owen Lovejoy of Newf o r k , it was s tated !.y Mrs. Goodwin, that State supervision of socialwelfare workers-may become necessary to decrease baby bootlegging,or trafficking in children. "

Deport for the delinquency section wa s made by Dr. W. E. Getty*cf Auslin. "Jl is difficu! ." he asser ted, "t o tell when a delinquentis delinquent, re gardless o: th e legaldefinition of what cons ti tutes a delinquent. It was agreed, he said,that th e des ignation was not covered, legally, an d that th e legaldefinition must be modified. A delinquent ma y come from th e homeof poverty or the house of greatwealth. Society is largely responsible for the problem of delinquency.and it min t face that pr oblem."

Discuss famil y Scrlinji.Thj- family section wa s discussed

hy -Miss Gladys l'ittcnger of KortWorth , wh o reported on the paperread by Miss Myrtle Xecly of

'Now-a-days we knozv thzl calcium

is the one sure, safe reliel let

'sourness' aa d other s:o=ach d's

Tablets of calcium carbonate £o not

m ai d irruale like strong soda nor do

y disturb the normal action of the

Best of all, they

iClerly kanrdess in any quantities-

Smart Tablets are an ideal form of

substances. That' s why we

as safest for children

and women.

QgUtst Rrliefftr Gastric D M *

2Sc end 60c Evcrychcrc

S T U A R T ' S

T A B t ' l T G

Hfcognli ing that th e newspaperplays an Import ant p art In lif*i Kidprogress , a group of pupils organ-lied a j ournal ism club* In th o p a r -land High School to learn isownews is gathered and how newspapers ar e made . Miss Hdnu Netsjn.active In organizing th e c i u a . wa selected president. JunuICi Coo.-.u"is vice president. Jessie Cbloe A' ")en secretary nn d treasurer , P .i i 'hMeCallum reporter anil -Mrs. II. B.

Phillips English teach er in tlwschool, sponsor.

.Members of the club shown Inthe picture ar t ' , le ' t to r ight:

l-'rnnt ro w: Mary Cather ineTucker . Davis l iachman. OgleKane. James Alexander . John Pa ce.Dick ltnmsey, A. V. Morrison an dVViliie Kate AFctl.

Second ro w: Hllen Lyons, Ten-nle Tar ter . Mary Kate James . Wi nona' Wilson. Lorcna Hol ford andVivian llowen.

Third ro w: Xeva Lou Tarker .Floy Cooper. Jennie Lou Jackson.Jessie Chloe Allen, Marian Owensand Alma Nelson.

Hack ro w: l-'ae Thomson. Mrs.11. It. Phillips. Louise Williams an dJuanlla Coomer .

BAUME BE.VGUE (pro:ou;ced Btn-

Gay) is a safe aad sure rc= cdy for that

throbbing, split-Jag piia !- the head.

Ap-Iied f.-ceiy to tie forehead and back

of the neck, rubbing ia thorongnly, ithric j prompt and b!essed relief with-

oat the depressing erTcct cf most ia-

tera»l remeflies. It is more effective

than other extcrail agent! aad wOIr.ot

bum or blister.


Wichita Palls, whose topi c was,•Prom Charity Organization to So

cial Work." Th e point wa s s tressedby Miss l'ittenger that it Is incumbent ori social workers, vl-.o giveattention to the family, that "it isnecessary to get away from th ebread nn d butter side of the ques tion nnd do some real research

The migration an d immigrationsection wa s submitted by Miss Margaret P.enkin of Hous ton, wh oquoted at lengt h from state mentsmade to the section by Prof. Knox,ass is tant school super intendent. Sa nAntonio. It was contended by MissUcnkin that " t h e Mexican likes todeal with some -one wearing abadge. He is willing to follow In-e.lructions piven. or to seek advice.The Mexican Is no t peculiar , exceptin so far as he bas his own psychnl-osy. There is no necessity for segregating them, except as the Mexican children ma y have their particular needs . S ta ndard mentallests are now being transl ated intoSpanish, to sec wh e th e r th e Mexica n is capable of attaining that de gree of education which he shouldpossess. Th e .Mexican would notmigrate, if encouraged to remainin one place." '

Musical ProsraiH Ghon.

Violin numbers were given by-Misses Margare t Tyler an d MelhaWilh.tusen. Baylor pupils, with MissByrdis Walk er , also '.a. .Baylor student, as piano accompanis t .

Invitations were extended th evisitors to Inspect .the Met hodistOrphanage and the State Home forNeglected an d Dependent Childrenby th e Waco suj-er intendehts ofthose institutions. J. \ \ . Harnettand Miss Jenni e Burleson, respectively. They were also 'urged tovisit th e State Juvenile TrainingSchool. Gatesville, hy the chaplain .the P.ev. II . K. Luck. At the noonluncheon at the Hotel P.aleigh. Dr.W. P . Mcroncy. head of the sociological depar tment of Baylor , wa sthe- toas tmas ter . The. chief speakerwas Mrs. Jessie D.-.niel Ames.Georg etown , She discussed • childwelfare an d expressed th e beliefth a t a cons ti tutional amendmentfor child welfare wa s needed.

School at Rcinharth

Helps Efficiency kx

Transfer of Pupils

"A large saving in ins truction

Costs'lias been effected tMs year by

the Board of Trus tees of B e r n h a r d t

School by sending tho eight pupils

In th e  h- .I i school above th e eighth

grade lo Garland High School an d

paying their tuit ion there." Da n

Thompson, principal of the Itel

har dt School, said Monda y.

"A t th e same time the pupilsare sett ing much better ins tructionthan It wa s possible to give them

here with th e l imited., amount ofequipment a sinall school couldafford lo have. Another factor forgreater efflcency In the school thisyear Is (h e fact that th e teachersare able to give more of their t imeto th e pupils of the remaining,grade s being taught here. Ktflcien.cy of ins truction wa s greatly Impaired by the. teachers having toteach such small classes In somegrade s, takin g th at much tUfrom th e large classes.

"Ou r school building; sevenyears old. is amply large with th eupper grades sent away'. It is stwo-story build ing with four classr o o m s and an auditorium with 601scats . There arc 13S pupils enrolled in lh c eight grad es beingtaught.

Mr. Thompson and tho otherteachers ar e all serving their thi rdyear In th e P.einhardt School. Th eregular teachers are Mr. and Mr sDan J. Thompson. Mrs. Maude G,Sew ell and Mrs . Mary K. Tatom..Mrs. A. It . Carroll is the expres s ion teacher . Trus tees arc E. F.Spurlock, G. C. Minor and J. W.I lar t .

C o n t e s ts P r o m i s e d in

E l e c t i o n at Dalwortl i

A i r s . M i l l e r Will B e

B u r i e d in Wax ah ac ln c






F= PHI u U P5

Foe Trembles

to Acid



the A c i dInsick stomachs -̂rinstantiy

sour stomachs an<i

. .Too much, acid makes' .thean d intestines sour^'

m Is rnH nps 'Ji ll k cf Mag-becaafe one harmless. \tsst«*

izes rconyrtLm*s »t*tn acid.••;Since.(ts-tnventioir;

has remained th-5andard- wit h' chystcfans- ;every -

i>obnful*iD vat er an d yourprobably end


ate*, -Then ypu will al-

sake. It'iany.sav* a great i»r v dis-agreenble hours, '

J> r-jre to get ttie genuine' Ptiif-I'ps. Milk.or Magnesia.prescribed byphysieians-f'-r.So yesr* In correc tingcxrc>s acldr. : J5c anjl SOc a bot tle —auy-flr-JBisters- . . . " r ' -* > ' ••. "Mill, of MiKBes!a~..h*c.beenV(iie'tJ-S Reelsi*red.Trade-Mark'r<'."':--.-Charles, fl" rhilli ps irhemical fom-:pa n' on d H» predecessor Charlea H;Phillips since 1S75; • '- -


WAXAHACHIE. Texas . March:c.—Funeral services for Mrs.Estelle Cross Miller, S7, Trho diedat he r home lo Dallas, will be heldhere at 10 a. m. Tuesday at th ehome of her son, E. D.-Miller. Dr .fc: L. Joekel of Austin, former p.,>.to r of the. F irs t I ' resbyler ianChurch her?, will be in charge otthe funeral. Burial will follow- inthe City Cemetery^ "

Born in 'Alabama, Mrs'. Miller,c a m e to .Texas In early life an dfor .about: for ty .lyears .had been a"res ident of Waxahaehle. She wasa member of the Firs t P resbyter ianChurch an d the. United Dau ghter sof th e Confederacy. A fe w yearsag o She went to Dallas to makeher- horae ^wher c a daughter,- MissHarlan, is teacher in", the , MissHock ada y School for- Girls.: .

Surviving are the following children: Ed Miller. Wa xahac hie; .11 in-Miller'of. For t Worth an d MissHa rla n, d Mille r of -"Dalla.«: lhre»s tep-children. M rs . O..B. Dunaivay.of: Waxahachie and G. )•:. .Mili.-rof Granger. Miss Ora.Milk-r. Waxa-hachi e; four brothers , O. H. Crossof Waco. 'E. c: Cross of Italy,WalU-r Cross of San'.Antonio an dJohn Cross, of - Tuscaloosa, Ala: alialt brother," Flynn Cross of Alabama;; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Colo-

.man. of 'Eutaw.^Ala., and Mrs 'Oner . Meredith of Tuscaloosa.-Ala.

Ollie O^NealCase/

.' 'GetsCondhuance


SUKItMAX; Texas. March ^G—

Ti-.c- case; of oi llc O'X'eal, charged

by lndictmvnfwit h murder .in con

nection, with th e killing of Sa m

Inylor . Atkins near jJ Iowe about: a'

year-ago. Mill;-;, v.a.s set for Mon

da y in the- Fifty-Ni nth',. District

coitr t . wa s . continued until 'April

16 by. JudgeTranl;:E..V,"ilcoi Mon-

daj- j norning and the special i I•:••- •

crcuscd >ntlt that date,

• - T h e c o n l ln u a n c e: \ ras granted "ije^

- - use? or- t h e . .I l lness . or- t he small

n.of •-.Judge ;j.-^D.".rtuster':attor-

f;. for- t&ejdefcnilant. . . , - ;

••- Mm 1•%*

Opposition is promised for e a c h

office in the city election lo be

held at Dalwortli Tark on Tues

day. April 3. Ma y o r T. J. Fergu

son ha s been nominated for re

election hy a committee of citizens

of Dalworth Park an d a n o th e r

group ar e backing J. H. BWlttcr

for Mayor.

Four candidates ar e a l r e a d y In

the field for the two oftices of

ciiiniiiissioner to be filled. They ar e

Paul Spikes. J. S. Seal, J. W. Elk-

ington. and P. E. Chcnault . Build

ing of a new city hall and the Is

suing of bonds for tak ins over by

the city of a privately owned sewer

and water system ar e said to be is

sues in th e campaign.

Mesijiiite to Hold Rally

For County Bond Issue

County-wido highway an d

bridge Improvements lo be financed

by th e propose d JC.D50.000 roa d

bonds to. he. voted on Tuesday,

April 3. will be explained and de

scribed Tuesday night at Mesquite

by Judge W. M. Holland an d Judge

Hiram F. Lively of Dallas, mem

bers- of tho county-wide load

bond educational committ ee.

Charles Tosch, president of' the

Firs t National Bank of Mesquite

and member- of the educational

committee, said Monday.

Mr. Tosch stated that he be

lieved Mesquite would vote for the

lionds by a- large major ity . Th e

speaking Is to acquaint th e citizens

of thi s visiting precinc t with th e

bf-npfits tlir-y niny expected lo de

rive from the. bond issue and re

sultant Improvement program, he


Itw-rlit In fl»- Xei".-. , ,

.8HEUMAN. Texo"., March,_:C ;—

Specific denial .of, th o claim 'act

forth In n petit ion;fli ed hy Jockey;

Jone» In th e United _ Stale* ;'l»!»-

tr lct . ciour t ' that he Is n son .find

heir .of Wiliion N.'ijonen. ileceoiw-d,

and naklng Ihnt probnllng of t l ie

wlll left by J o n r n , .u n d e r - th e I c r m V

of whlcl i.fund won creat ed for t l iu

acquirement by. purchnac-or o ther

wise of a' rionpltnl 'lo. bo kno wn uii

''the: Wilson N.. JoncK Hospltnl."V

la contained In th e r e p ly to th e

pelillon filed Monday In tho office

of Iho clerk of the sour t by Han-dnlph Ilryant. . nttoriu>y for C. H.

Dorrheeler et nl . , trus tees o t lh i

estafo. nn d nnmed i as 'defe ndants .In

tho petition filed by Jones. Wilson

>•. ?J oni-jiiVdlf H -In 1901 of it r»^ »M*.tlencc- of several yt-arB In.f horniatinnd 'alt iho'pr ovis ions .oOhi s .'Wiijhayn-:l ieenrurr led- ,ouV:pxcepl.thaiprovldlnir fo r i h o ' e a t a b l ly h m c n t oftho hospltBl.;! ' .* • •

Kay Acllon li snn l.

Fol low lne ii>.hf-nrlnjr In I ho ! ' \ ' . ' ;.(ocnth District Court a nd Urn -t-n-ler lng of an order '6y Judge 1. KWilcox .granting a- p e J » * S " , '


the trus tees of the "," 1

,' ;A ' ! " h ' n


bo: iiormllled lo expend * lori.BO o ofa fund of approximately 1141,00Viiviilbil-.H- "for- th e purpose in t •<•rurchnso of OuStturmn H O S P 1Mbnllo rneys for Jnckvy Jon es fUe.iIho peti t ion answered Monday inIho offlco of Iho cle rk ot IfiitUnited Stoics Court at Texnrknnu.It W M forwarde d from Ti-xnrkiinnto th c clerk , nt-Hhermnn for r i l ing.Prio r liilJ uJkntlon s. thciro Incliidlngthu ronr innli iR or th e will after U-had.heen probated I n I h o .HMwn lHDis tr ict Court nn d the upholdingof this finding by llio. Court ofCivil Appeals at AMorlll* nil -p lea d,ed by defendants lis r. ba r (o further nctlon by . plaintiff. It btlnjr'wiserlrtt' that th e Federal cour tshnvo neither Jur isdiction no r nu -th o r l l y . t o I n t e n c n e ns rcganU nctlon taken by" Statu courts In t o n -iH-cileu with' proba te mail ers or Inthe- ,probating of wills,-. ,

I t is fur ther se t rortli .that1

Hi"s t a tu t e of l lmllnllons operate toput plaintiff out'o f court bec ause


Tertiitent cougbi and eeldi leadta

lerious trouble. You can Hop them now

wlth.CreorauliioB, an emuicified creo-

sota that it pleaunt to take. Creomul-

•ion i« a new medical discovery with

two-fold action; "it tootbes and hejl j

Iho inflsmed oeiabriaes and inhibit)

Ccrm growth.

Of all known drugs, creosote li rec

ognized by high medical authorities as

Bee of tho grealeat healing agencies for

f ersister.t coughs and coldi and ether

onns cf throat troubles. Creoruuljioa

contain), in addition to creosote, other

he di at elements which soothe ta d heal

the infectei merabtane innd 'ntop'ths.

Irritation and inflammation, v/huVt!.a

creoiole goe> on lo the itomach, I) a!)-

eorbed into the blood, attacks tin te at'

of tho trouble and checks the Etowtb

of lbs germs.

Crcociuliioa i> guaranteed latUfae-

tory ia the treatment of pei«i«tect

coughs end colds, bronchi:! tilhrsa,

bronchitia acd other forms of respira

tory i's;:ie3, and is 'eiccllent for Luild-

in?; up the system after, colds or da .

Money refunded if any cough or cold is

not relieved after taking cccording to

directions. Ask jou r drngsist-' (aof.)

o t ' t h e Mc f . t h a t d u r i ng t» n :y e s r swh> h hur t) elapsed s ince i l i^de s lhof -.-Wilson N. Jones,- linvlinji ha dfull kno«leilBo of etpry. 'S tcp .tnkciiIn.cni-ncclloii 'wllh lils 'esintD.- and,further; th at -ho-.wBM'.i ben ii kMr ynnnied In tho ilocumtiilt. nnd n o.'1,-tci! tlw I.cur-;- from. Hi" cvi-c i.

tors; this ncilng- to *top- Ida rlsh tlo maUe:«n/. fur ther claim* o«nl n«the «r>tiitc'.."'rtie>-e(isci'.wlll hcisrt-for

.n,-'hearing, on 1 1 ^ ' docket st lherr j uhir tr r i n pf iho cour t. /

Ifnrn nt'.(lHniCT'lliirnsi

Tiu.Mr.iu Upshur Co;. f « a s ,Mncth 2«I-—Ifit barn of D. A.Young nndJilsniilowcre dcirtroyidby f i re. . . . ' "

r^Thi M Italpit K uMA

?5« eflnipirsiitr „( , | h , rl ! T i l

l U Oii«'e,hl(n- Hlvcr fth.n U . 'wrvatten depariment i» , i ?«*ploded;«n lhc- nlghi« uI'IV:"" " r.-cpvrrcd early <%/£&



D M S P O T S B E F O R E E Y E S -

,1lhc nierl

how lie ha d known of

meri t .of Thed ford's niack -'

Draught s lnce- 'hc wa s a hoy, Mr.

Alber t Gar land of -fiorheract, Ky.«

recently said; .

"I used to work In tho mines,,'<ut

inst riulte -n-hit .01 ,t lm« on acco unt

of lhe"'iYek.' spells' I lii>d- . I would

Ket to linylnK a Mil, lasle In myihoulh'.. and a very dull , t i red fwl-Inir an d a c h e , 1 would have darkupolK In front of my eyes ,, and Iwould In. to. illKty I would «taBS«rlike I wo» dnink.

"I tonic medicine-, huctfidn'r aeernlo K't nny belter .

"My mother to ld mo to tryHlAck-Draufsht. which 1 did. an dnfler n few doses I felt much bet ter . Now I t s k c it as soon n» Ifeel the: least b ad. and 1 d o n ' t ce tdown. I cer tainly enn sa y t h a t Ithas done more for me Ihf.n any'o ther medicine 1 have ever taken.

. "I. -never rei »|

p r n u c h t I f I Kr, ,,„

» pacVwre oi„ n? ln

My heal th la b -

Ji»«,l»*en In y«.-» „ n , , , , - - n

7 *n

did . H/


Wom*n' find '••>.'.r r i t help In ,*<:-.,„'J"'"^ 1

all r.r,m,n«n »u „,» , M* ' « £

sllpntlon, Mllcu- -, , , «y '<>"*.

l ion;

t-'or severaln-ell knownDrnu»;hi, ln a ibee n a farnllh

tnedlefne chesii

Klack-Drau;.'!modlelnal root,est ivaDty, ra--packagrid by :.

I 'or rale r>dOlM-H ; t c

( let a pan-km

«M I«ii

*: "•-?!k,„. IhWekaj,


"ntjrin g


mmm, - I n d i g e s t i o n , B i l i o u s n e s s


write uou •f

-meek, motherewm

Safe and §80 Are T a k e n

From McKinney Store

McKlXXET", Texas.-XIarch S6.—T h e ; grocery

:s tofe 'ef \V '.B.: Kindle

was burglarized and the safe con

taining abput : $S0 and the s tore ac

counts-was carried away. Burgla rs

Balncd cntrcn cc' into th e s tore

us ing.a crowbar to-open th e front

Prevent Flu-

Check All Golds

; the Modern Way

Families in Dallas Urged toBe Careful.

"While gri p:a nd Infliienta ar e goprevalent.local people are- .ureed touse this modern way of checkingli t t le colds before they become big:

-Have a Jar of Vicks .VapoKub onhand, ready for- instant: use :at th efirst; sign of every cold. When'r ubbed on t h r o a t a n d ' e h e s t o r s n u f t e dup. the n ose. Vicks releases Its Inigredients ' ln the form-ol medicatedvapors which are - breat hed In' di rect to the ' ; infected:par ts . ' . .„

In additi on.; "Vicks "acta; like, 'apoultice and:-thus'helps the:;Tapora-nholed; to break lip the 'conges tion;

'To 'pr event, colds lowering th evitali ty;and thusfpatr lns ' . th«- ;wayfor flu' and pneumonia .- they shoul dfcny-treated- direct :'and- instant ly—axyouvw oulda n ' infected linger .—-

{Adver tl»enjent.>.-" ? * . , i

SOON she w o u l d be g o n e . . . ofF

to co l leg e .for" the first t i m e . A .

.Mother's heart is full of s o r r o w and

g l a d n e s s . S o r r o w . . . a t l o s i n g her

d a u g h t e r ' s c o m p a n i o n s h i p . G l a d n e s s

'.'... at givingher daughter the adv antag es of a co l leg e edu ca t ion .

What conf idence th is moth e r places

in the. college they h av e selected be

cause th ey have compared ^one w i t h

another. In life 's great e v e n t s , compar

ison is so important.. .i n everyday

affairs, so h elp fu l . ' "

C o m p a r i s o n is ' helpful a lso in se lec t ing

the one coffeeypu-h'ke best.

;Because each g ra in o f co f fee in Folger's

• is the highest g r a d e , h i g h e s t tj-pc and

h ig h es t p r iced co ffee that th e w o r l d

p r o d u c e s in its r e s p e c t i v e countries of

g nrwth , Fo lg er ' s Coffee h as a rich, mar-

v elou s , u nmat ch ed f lav or . Compare

FdlgcrV b y m a k i n g the famou s -Folger

Coffee Test. ;

T h e F o l g e r Coffee.Tcst: Drink Folg er ' s

Coffee tomorrow m o r n i n g ; th e next

m o r n i n g drink the coffee you h a v e

b e e n / u s i n g ; the t h i r d m o r n i n g d r i n k

Folg er ' s ag a in . You Trill..decidedly

f a v o r one brand or, th e o t h e r . Th e

Best Coffee W i n s . That's fa i r , i sn ' t it?

• - '9he first thought in the morning


established 1S50




i% k~ i-* m