24 oktober / october 2013 jr / yr 11 no: 42

24 Oktober / October 2013 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: [email protected] J 11 No: 42 r / Yr 4u 76 Viljoen Street Lydenburg Tel: 013 235 1486/96 e-mail:[email protected] www.on24.co.za THE MEC for Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Mr Simon Skhosana has led a government delegation to meet Eskom to resolve the debt problem that nearly led to an electricity cut off in the Thaba Chweu Local municipality. The delegation included the Executive Mayor of Thaba Chweu Cllr Michael Ncongwane and officials from both the Provincial Government and the municipality. The meeting agreed that there will no electricity cut off and the municipality will pay off its current account of R11.8 million. Thereafter the municipality will continue to service its current account. The meeting further agreed that Thaba Chweu Municipality and Eskom will work together to develop a repayment plan for the outstanding debt of R163 million. The repayment plan will be for a period of 12 months. Eskom will conduct a cable audit to be able to determine all illegal electricity connections and they will also assist the municipality to ensure that its billing system is accurate. Continues on page 3

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24 Oktober / October 2013 Jr / Yr 11 No: 42


  • 24 Oktober / October 2013 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: [email protected] 11 No: 42r / Yr

    4u76 Viljoen Street LydenburgTel: 013 235 1486/96e-mail:[email protected]

    THE MEC for Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Mr Simon Skhosana has led a government delegation to meet Eskom to resolve the debt problem that nearly led to an electricity cut off in the Thaba Chweu Local municipality. The delegation included the Executive Mayor of Thaba Chweu

    Cllr Michael Ncongwane and officials from both the Provincial Government and the municipality.The meeting agreed that there will no electricity cut off and the municipality will pay off its current account of R11.8 million. Thereafter the municipality will continue to service its current account. The meeting further agreed that Thaba Chweu

    Municipality and Eskom will work together to develop a repayment plan for the outstanding debt of R163 million. The repayment plan will be for a period of 12 months.Eskom will conduct a cable audit to be able to determine all illegal electricity connections and they will also assist the municipality to ensure that its billing system is accurate.Continues on page 3

  • Speech-, Language Therapist & Audiologist

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    Lydenburg, Steelpoort, Burgersfort, DullstroomGarage Doors: Accredited Installer

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  • Rusoord bedank me. Non Mulder en Me. Annie Winterbach vir die pragtige

    tuine. Rusoord verneem graag van persone wat vir hulle plantjies, rose en struike kan skenk. Rusoord sal dit self oplaai. Dit sal wonderlik wees as die

    tuine vir die inwoners nog meer kleur kan oplewer. Skakel me. Jeanetta

    Kruger by 013 235 2146.

    Spogtuineby Rusoord,nog plante,

    rose ofstruike iswelkom

    From page 1The MEC for Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Mr Simon Skhosana has led a government delegation to meet Eskom to resolve the debt problem that nearly led to an electricity cut off in the Thaba Chweu Local municipality. The delegation included the Executive Mayor of Thaba Chweu Cllr Michael Ncongwane and officials from both the Provincial Government and the municipality.The meeting agreed that there will no electricity cut off and the municipality will pay off its current account of R11.8 million. Thereafter the municipality will continue to service its current account. The meeting further agreed that Thaba Chweu Municipality and Eskom will work together to develop a repayment plan for the outstanding debt of R163 million. The repayment plan will be for a period of 12 months.Eskom will conduct a cable audit to be able to determine all illegal electricity connections and they will also assist the municipality to ensure that its billing system is accurate.The administrative team dispatched to the municipality is yielding positive results. It has been able to put systems in place that have enabled the municpality to be able to increase the electricity payment rate. MEC Skhosana would like to assure residents that there will be no electricity cut off. Our meeting with Eskom has yielded positive results. I would like to appeal to all residents and business to also play their part by paying for their electricity accounts said Skhosana.Leon de Jager, Chairman of the Afriforum Lydenburg Branch, commented as follows on the press release of 21 October 2013, released by COGTA, in this regard:Firstly, we would like to commend Eskom, Cogta and the Thaba Chweu Municipality on the agreement reached. We are gladdened by the fact that at last somebody in government has taken the responsibility to address this outstanding account of over R163M and that the parties could agree on the period of settlement. We are also grateful that Eskom will work with, and assist TCM to conduct cable audits to determine illegal electricity connections and assist TCM to ensure that its billing system is accurate.Secondly, we cannot help but wonder why none of these agreements could not be reached without:-Eskom having to threaten TCM in the media of its intention to disconnect the power supply.- Afriforum had to go to the extent of obtaining an urgent High Court order to prevent Eskom from doing so.We have noted that the repayment plan is for a period of twelve months, this will mean that apart from the monthly current accounts of R 11.8M, TCM will have to pay an additional R 13.58M

    per month for a period of twelve months, starting from when the agreement becomes effective. We are seriously concerned as to how TCM will manage these very stiff instalments out of its available cash flow. This press release does not clarify the following:- What is the start (effective) date of this agreement?- Will there be an interest cost on the R163M? A quick calculation shows that over twelve months at a conservative 6.5% interest, this cost will be in excess of R10.5M- What would the punitive consequence to TCM be, should they not uphold their part of the agreement?About a week or so ago there was an article in the Lowvelder where the Premier, Mr. Mabuza, was quoted as saying, that an ive TCM a anonymous donor will step in and give TCM a grant to settle the Eskom account what has since happened to t h i s d o n o r M r. Premier ?

    Afriforum comments on electricity saga

    Highlands Panorama

    Nuus 10 jaar deel van die gemeenskap

  • vir Gemeenskapsjoernalisteof Community Journalists


    Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies /Highlands Panorama Nuus is n geakkredi-teerde lid van die volgende organisa-sies:

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    Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writers name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is

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    Die OutoppieBejaarde sorgVIR die afgelope twee jaar, het ek die ongelooflike voorreg gehad om te dien as Voorsitter van die Rusoord Tehuis vir Bejaardes se Beheerraad. En dit was baie aangename tye. Min mense weet hoe aangenaam die kuiertjies by Rusoord is en hoeveel empatie

    die personeel van Rusoord met hulle inwoners het. Ek wil dus langs hierdie weg my dank uitspreek teenoor almal met wie ek in die tyd in aanraking gekom het. Die vriendelikheid van die inwoners, hulle kinders en die Beheerraadslede wat so baie van hulle tyd (en geld) in Rusoord bel, baie dankie aan almal van julle. My termyn van twee jaar is nou oor, maar ek bly aan as gewone lid van die Raad.Aan Roelf Castelyn van R&P

    Autobody, wat onbestrede deur die Raad verkies is as nuwe Voorsitter, baie geluk Roelf. Ek kan inwoners, hulle kinders en die personeel die versekering gee dat julle nuwe Voorsitter sy bes sal doen om julle belange op die hart te dra.Aan al Rusoord se vriende, die baie donateurs wat so onbaatsugtig groente, vleis en elke ding skenk, nogmaals baie dankie. Mag ons Hemelse Vader iedereen van u sen vir u pragtige diens en u oop hand ter wille van ons bejaardes in hierdie gemeenskap. Onthou, Rusoord se Kersete vir donateurs, lede en inwoners en familie, vind DV op 22 November plaas. Sien U daar!

    1 Petrus 5:5 En julle wat jonger is, moet aan die ouer mense onderdanig wees. Almal moet trouens teenoor mekaar nederig wees en mekaar help, want God weerstaan die hoogmoediges, maar aan die nederiges gee Hy genade.Ons Hemelse Vader, gee dat ons onderdanig sal wees aan die ouer mense en dat ons hulle sal respekteer - Amen.

    VIR n fraksie van n sekonde oorweeg ek dit om met n glaslepel daaruit te skep. Die glas kon tog nie met die hele inhoud gemeng het nie. Maar dan tik ek myself op die vingers en besef die absurdheid daarvan. Die nuwe blatjang bottel l in skerwe op die tels. En die bruinerige-konfytagtige-taaierige-gemors is pragtig uitgesprei op my skoon vloer. Ek het net klaar opgeskep en soos baie mense weet n skeppie blatjang kan die meeste wegneemgeregte tuisgemaak laat proe. Dis altans my opinie. Dit is baie rampspoedig hoe goed net op die verkeerde tyd wil breek. Of vice versa. Soos n sleutel wat in n toegesluite pallisadeslot afbreek. Verbeel jou, vasgekeer in jou eie tronk!As mens al die gebreekte bottels, panne, bakke, blompotte, glase, karre, Tvs, ketels, gedoentes en allerlei wat al gebreek het in jou lewe bymekaar sit sal n aansienlike stapel verrys. Soms skud ek net my kop oor goed wat kan verkeerdgaan en breek, selfs vloekwoorde beskryf soms nie die ware gevoel daaroor nie. Te midde van padwoede wat hoogty vier ry ek doodluiters in n besige straat in Lydenburg af. Vir so n ou klein dorpie kan die mense darem baie verkeersrels oortree. My toeter begin ongenadiglik en buite beheer alarm maak. Motoriste kyk verergd na die motor wat hulle so ongeskik vermaan. Ek is nie bang om my toeter te gebruik nie. Saterdagaand stuur ek n skietgebed op terwyl ek al die pad Gethlane Lodge toe moet ry om fotos te gaan neem. Asseblief, laat ek tog nie my toeter-maniere op die Watervalsrivierpad uithaal nie. Maar die eerste trop skape het met behulp van die toeter netjies teruggestap na die gras en gaan wei, nie op die teer nie. Wie kan nou s skape het nie ore nie. En toe bly my ma elke vyf minute van die gevaarlike koedoes praat langs die pad. Ja-waarlik. Toe is daar elke vyf minute n gevaarlike koedoe. Let wel, eintlik koedoes wat gevaar veroorsaak en nie boosaardige koedoes wat jou wil aanval nie. Dit moes nogal n eienaardige prentjie gewees het... die rooikop in die klein wit motortjie met haar een hand in die lug en die ander volstoom op die toeter wat onophoudelik amok maak. Maar die koedoes, skape en ape het eerder agter die bosse gaan wegkruip toe ek verby is. Ten minste doen ek nie stil iets nie. Van die boosaardige koedoes wat ons gaan aanval tot die taai blatjanggemors met glasstukke tussenin... haal net diep asem.

    So kom ek om so kom ek om;Al is die lewe hoepelkrom.

    Charl en Phia Dorey skryf: Op Sondag 22 September het Sherilee Johnson in die Kranskloof omgewing tussen Lydenburg en Ohrigstad vermis geraak nadat sy die middag gaan stap het. Ons was uitstedig en het die bure se hulp gevra. 'n Soekgeselskap van omtrent 30 mense was

    Vermiste persoon spoedig gevindbinne 'n uur op die toneel en sy is 40 minute later gevind. Ons wil vir almal wat help soek het baie dankie s. Spesiaal vir die leiding wat mnr. Basie Language en mnr. Johan Klingbiel gegee het. Dit wys maar net in vandag se moeilike tye dat mense tog vir mekaar omgee.

    Bybelstudie op Sondaen Bybelstudie vind elke Sondagmiddag om 16:00 plaas by die ou-kerkie langs Wenakker in Kerkstraat, Lydenburg. Almal is welkom. Die Lewende Water Pinkster bied dit aan en dit sal gelei word deur past. Skeen. Skakel mnr. Philip du Plessis by 076 563 5892.

    The Constructive Critic writes:Shame on Thaba Chweu Local Municipality, you have degenerated into a home of secretive disclaimers and self-contradictions. Let me openly indicate that the election of party representatives in the TCLM Council is flawed by default. Why do I say this? Incompetent and illiterate people are forwarded by the ruling party into Governance and Administration (Cadre Development). You can't appoint either a councilor in governance or an official in administration who does not have a basic qualification and requirements and expect good Governance and Administration. Is there any visionary leadership in this? Zilch. Recruitment of staff is HRM basics and you can google or visit any nearest library and peruse, thereafter you will get positive results in getting TCLM on the right track. You can't appoint a Councilor into the Mayoral committee to be responsible for finance and technical services with a grade 10 certificate, that is a grievous folly. Hence the result is huge Eskom debt, fruitless expenditure on security guards who guard transformers, waste sites, community halls and police stations. Lack of service delivery, stagnant IDP and misuse of MIG funds and

    Mr J. Rogers writes:I have a farm in the Badfontein / Dullstroom district and come and visit every month. My neighbour keeps the Highlands Panorama News for me. It allows me to catch up on local news. Congratulations on your 10th birthday. Since the first edition I have followed the growth and your popularity within the community. Even my fr iends in Johannesburg know about the small newspaper that can compete with the best in the country. I had the pleasure to recently correspond with the editor, Michelle, via email on the towns history and she supplied me with a special photo where my great grandfathers shop was in Kantoor Street.She was so helpful. Thank you Panorama,although I am here only once a month, I feel like Im part of Lydenburg in every sense.

    Congratulations Panorama

    thereafter joyfully and with glee, you expect a clean audit. We are on the verge of collapse, like a boxer who is beaten to a pulp in a boxing ring and saved by the bell. Previously it was Grace Castle, followed by Mokale and now in a way it is a task team from COGTA and the Premiers Office. This is an explicit and evident sign that the people of the misty mountain cannot see the light through the mist, shame on you. The vision and the mission written in glossy letters and hung upon the walls in the council chamber and corridors of the council building area are meaningless.The current leadership of the municipality, both council and administration who are paid by indigents and pensioners money have failed to develop a turnaround strategy to collect revenue and raise funds for the institution for its sustainable development. They chose to sit back and feel the coziness of the seats in chamber and the offices waiting for a Messiah and the Province to do their jobs. Where is the value for money? Vivid violations of the Batho Pele Principles. Hence I reiterate that TCLM is a municipality with contradictions.

    TCLM is a municipality with contradictions

  • Shop 30 Morone CentreBurgersfortTel: 013 231 8008

    76 Viljoen StreetLydenburgT: 013 235 1486E: [email protected]

    i shop Danie l Kgomosotho Awarded Mr Doug Starling the Order of St Joseph the Worker on B

    Sunday the 13th of October 2013 at the St Paul's Church of the Parish of Mashishing. The Order of St Joseph the Worker is the highest recognition that a lay person (that is someone who is not a priest) can receive in our Diocese. He motivated the bestowing of this Order as follows: Mr Doug Starling was very involved in motivating the establishment of the Anglican Diocese of Mpumalanga over the many years that it took. He was a Synod Representative from St George's in White River for many years and went to at least two Synods where the new diocese was debated, prior to the one when it was agreed to multiply the Pretoria Diocese. At that Synod, he attended as a spectator, and Bishop Jo tasked him with raising money for the new diocese. He, with the assistance of Bill Blandon from St George's, set up the Diocese of Mpumalanga Anglican Trust, for which they raised R200 000. Mr Doug Starling was also the chairman of the Elective Assembly that appointed Les Walker as the first bishop of the Diocese. He served on the Finance Board of the Diocese for some years, and is still a Trustee of the Trust, along with Bill Blandon. He was on the Board of Uplands School for many years, and raised a lot of money for the development of new classrooms, labs,

    computers etc for the Prep School. Mr Starling also did quite a bit for the Shongwe area near Malelane where he helped Fr Abdullah in maintaining his church and community. He is still very actively involved in the life of the Parish of Mashishing. He is always ready

    to give his inputs and advice when requested. His generosity is unparalleled and he regularly utilise his personal resources and finances to help with the smooth running of the Parish without an expectation of acknowledgement or recognition. The well being and progress of the Anglican

    Church in Mpumalanga has always been very close to Doug's heart, and he protects it fiercely. Doug is one person I have no doubt is deserving of this honour even though he has repeatedly said he does not deserve it, said Rev Kgosi Hendricks, Rector: Parish of Mashishing.

    Mr Doug Starling received The Order of St Joseph The Worker.

  • Kalendervergadering vir dorpDIE dorp se jaarlikse kalendervergadering word op Donderdag 31 Oktober om 09H00 by die NG Suid-saal gehou. Alle groepe, kerke, skole en instansies wat belang het by hierdie belangrike vergadering, moet asseblief opdaag met hulle jaarbeplannings vir 2014. Die doel van hierdie vergadering, wat

    Esm Naud se Kunsuitstalling Woensdag 30 en Donderdag 31 OktoberKunsliefhebbers kan kies tussen landskapstonele, pragtige kinders, natuurtonele en ander pittige tonele op doek. Die plaaslike kunstenaar Esm Naud het haar kunsstyl al as impressionisties beskryf. Haar solo-uitstalling is reeds vir jare een van Lydenburg se sosiale geleenthede. Party gaste bewonder haar kuns en sommiges koop van haar pragtige skilderye. Esm kan gewoonlik nie voor bly op haar uitstallingsaande nie, bloot omdat haar kuns soveel bied vir ieder en elk. Die uitstalling vind op Woensdag 30 en Donderdag 31 Oktober plaas om 18:00 by Laske Nakke Lodge buite Lydenburg. Kaartjies is R60 en dit sluit n heerlike kaas-en-wyn in. Bespreek asseblief want Esm maak seker daar is meer as genoeg snoepgoed vir almal. Kaartjies kan by die deur ook gekoop word. Donderdag deur die dag is die uitstalling gratis. Vir meer inligting skakel Esm by 084 513 4791. Dis een geleentheid om nie mis te loop nie.

    lke jaar di tyd vaar die span van die Sakekamer die strate in om 'n Sakegids vir die dorp saam te stel. E

    Maar vanjaar het redakteur Gerda Whitehorn besluit om die dorp en sy mense by die proses te betrek. Met 'n foto-kompetisie in samewerking met die media en die Longtom Fotografieklub, wil die redaksie alle Lydenburgers en inwoners van Steelpoort en Burgersfort, die geleentheid gee om 'n mooi voorbladfoto vir die jaarlikse Geelbladsye vir die dorp te neem. Die tema van die kompetisie is: Lydenburg / Mashishing my Wreld.Die wenner van die kompetisie verdien 'n familie-wegbreek vir vier persone by Paardeplaats Nature Retreat op die Longtompas, en / of n kwartblad-advertensie in die Gids gesamentlik ter waarde van R8 000.Die pragtige voorbladfoto van die 2013-gids was die werk van Lydenburg se bekende fotograaf Des Jacobs. Ons gaan weer vir Des vra om in te skryf maar vir die nuwe jaar wil ons probeer om die hele gemeenskap deel te maak van die glans-publikasie wat nou al instelling geword het, s Whitehorn. Die gids word ook van 2014 af uitgebrei na Steelpoort en Burgersfort. Die redaksiespan vaar vandeesmaand die strate in met advertensielyste - en sal dit hoog op prys stel as besighede vinnig sal reageer, sodat die boek teen einde November persklaar gemaak kan word vir die nuwe jaar.

    Die gids sal oudergewoonte ook waardevolle lyste van skole, kerke, sportklubs en instansies bevat. Stuur gidsinligting en inskrywings vir die kompetisie na [email protected] of skakel Gerda by 079 515 7799 of ds Willie Botha van die Longtom Fotografieklub by 082 7863458 vir meer inligting. Verdienstelike inskrywings sal in die media gepubliseer word. Foto's moet nie kleiner as 1mB en nie groter as 3mB wees nie en moet ons voor 30 November 2013 bereik.Om te kyk hoe die prys lyk, besoek www.paardeplaats.co.za

    Paardeplaats Nature Retreat, 12km buite Lydenburg op die Longtompas, bied 770 ha van ongerepte natuur met staproetes, bergstrome en

    twee watervalle. Die Paardeplaats opstal is 'n gerestoureerde goudmyn met vier en suite

    kamers, elk met pragtige uitsig oor die berge en valleie. Die selfsorg-gastehuis is met sonkrag en gas toegerus en dus totaal onafhanklik van Eskom-krag (maar ook sonder TV en selfoon-

    ontvangs) Daar is 'n gemeenskaplike kombuis met houtstoof en groot kaggel. Die

    braai-vertrek en groot kuier-stoep kyk uit op 'n foreldam. Natuurliefhebbers is mal oor die


    Kiek ons dorp en wen n wegbreek!

    gefasiliteer word deur die Lydenburg / Mashishing Sakekamer, is om botsende datums te voorkom. Restaurante wat kunstenaars rel vir optredes, is ook welkom. Vir meer inligting, skakel Gerda Whitehorn by 079 515 7799 of epos haar by [email protected].

    Gorgeous hou weer hul gewilde mark op 25 en 26 Oktober. Soos in die verlede beloof dit weer om 'n gesellige twee dae van kuier te wees.Heelwat meer nuwe uitstallers met gehalte produkte gaan te sien wees. Van klere, juwele, dekor items, houtwerk, ens, tot heelwat vir die kleingoed gaan beskikbaar wees.Die splinternuwe teetuin bied 'n verskeidenheid watertand eetgoed vir groot en klein.Wyn en bier sal ook beskikbaar wees. I'klektic Splinters loot 'n koffietafel ter waarde van R2200 uit teen R50 per kaartjie. Kom geniet 'n rustige dag in 'n lieflike tuin te Lydenburgstraat 4. Tye - 9h00 tot 16h00. Toegang gratis. Kaartfasiliteite beskikbaar. Gaan "Like" ons op Facebook by Gorgeous Handmade Gift Fair. Die fees is in Lydenburgstraat, Lydenburg.

    Gorgeous Handmade Gift Fair

    24 Oktober / October 2013

  • Marie Vermeulen hard aan die werk langs die pad. Dankie vir al haar vriendskap deur die jare aan die Highlands Panorama Nuus.

    Fotos deur Marie Vermeulen.

    Employees at Glencore were ready bright and early on the road near the plant on Friday. A number of road side services, ambulance services and R&P Panel Beaters were involved to offer a road safety campaign to the workers that use the road daily.

    This part of the road, close to Steelpoort and Burgersfort, is one of the busiest roads in Limpopo and thousands of workers use it to reach their work at mainly mines in the

    area. They work long hours and it was definitely a big surprise for them to get support from the side of the road.

  • Hilda Snyder het die koedoe (bo) in Marloth Park afgeneem en die visvangertjie (middel bo) op n brug in die wildtuin. Die

    voltjie het nog n vissie in sy bek. Nicoleen Pienaar van Lydenburg het

    hierdie foto geneem.

    Elsje Engelbrecht het hierdie foto geneem in die Kruger Wildtuin.

    This photo was taken by Pamela Pieters.

    The Photo of the Month Competition is based on nature and animal photos. Something that catches the photographers eye of South Africas wildlife. Send entries to

    [email protected] The competion ends on 29 November.

    Lydenburg Spar Center now has their own public rest rooms. The high quality, clean facilities were built by Barko Developments for the

    center's clients. From left are: Prosperity Nemiah from Nyati SecurityDean van Staden from Barko Developments, Marietjie Erlank from

    Longtom Super Spar and Maryke Engelbrecht from Barko Developments

    On 29 and 30 November Roossenekal and surroundings will be full of wild arum lilies. These are also the dates for the Arum Lily Festival. The Arum Lily is one of the most sought after indoor plants in Europe, but is locally on the

    brink of extinction due to illegal harvesting. The festival takes place annually with the main event on Saturday 30 November. There will be stalls, Mampoer tasting, Ndebele bead work, crafts and other items manufactured by locals from Draaikraal. The festival is always a buzz with live entertainment. This year Marius Carstens, Du Preez, Ursula Viviers, David Fours and many more will be bringing live entertainment to the event.Legally grown lilies from surrounding nurseries will be on sale on the day. The festival bus will also be taking visitors to view the flowers in their natural habitat.

    To book a stall or get more information contact Karin on 083 732 6332 or Christine at 082 550 6896.

  • SOMS byt 'n mens se goeie daad jou in die agterstewe. Dit het die uwe vandeesweek met groot skok besef. En na sewe jaar in die eiendomsbedryf, was dit 'n skuins byt en 'n splinternuwe les om te leer.Dit het so gebeur: Maande gelede heel vroeg in die jaar, as ek reg onthou, stap Verkoper Kom-ons-noem-hom-Neels, by my Pam Golding-kantoor in. Hy wil verkoop. Nie haastig nie, maar dit het tyd geword om aan te beweeg na sy aftrede.Ons praat prys. Ek waarsku hom teen shop soiling 'n nie-markverwante prys, honderde borde buite wat jou laat desperaat lyk, 'n verskeidenheid pryse in die mark. Ek verduidelik dat die prys hoofsaaklik deur twee faktore bepaal word wat in die mark is, en wat in die afgelope jaar in sy area betaal is.Ons skud hand op 'n vennootskap en die pad wat ons saam gaan loop om by die regte prys uit te kom en die verkoopproses glad te laat verloop. Hy sal 'n paar agente van sy keuse nader en met n verkoopprys in die mark uitgaan en van hier af ophou praat van soveel-in-my-sak-sit- jou-kommissie- by. Ek verduidelik dat tandartse en motorverkopers en die meeste ander sakebedrywighede met 'n markprys werk soos dit hoort in enige professionele bedryf. En ons gaan akkoord dat ons oor 'n maand weer sal praat.Maand na maand bekyk ons die mark en sy prys. In die proses pas hyself sy prys aan tot realistiese markwaarde. Tot op 'n dag toe my voorspelling waar word en hy die gatvol-streep bereik. Sy pragtige tuin is aan't verwaarloos en hy het eenvoudig nie meer die tyd of energie vir afstandbeheer nie. Hy waardeer my moeite, gee my 'n alleenmandaat en bring die prys af na onder markwaarde.Ek kontak al my kopers met die goeie nuus. Teen hierdie lae prys, gee ons onsself 'n week om die eiendom te skuif. Adverteer die skou-huis, gaan koop koeksisters en gaan sit op die huis se mooi stoep.Die tweede koper wat instap, kom ons noem hom Klaas, besef dat die huis effe bokant sy beursie se bult is, maar dat hy nie hierdie kans kan laat gaan nie. Hy vra of hy durf waag om onder die prys in te kom. Ek s, gee m y 'n kans ek sal oop kaarte speel met die Verkoper. Neels daag na 'n nag en 'n dag se vlieg en ry, in Lydenburg op. Tot laat-aand praat ons. Ek verduidelik dat hy nie die aanbod hoef te aanvaar nie omdat sy prys reeds laag genoeg is maar dat Klaas 'n koper met 'n stewige deposito is, wat verseker finansiering sal kry. Wat die einde van die verkoop-pad sou beteken. Ons bespreek een of twee kompromie en Neels teken met vrede in sy gemoed.Ek verduidelik aan die Koper dat hy die winskoop van die jaar inge-oes het en onderhandel 'n vroe intrekdatum. Binne twee maande is die proses afgehandel met 'n tevrede Neels en baie gelukkige Klaas hy het byna halfmiljoen rand onder markwaarde vir sy nuwe huis betaal. Net omdat Neels vrygewig was, dit kon bekostig en die proses vinnig wou afhandel .Intussen wil Klaas se vriende hul netjiese huis verkoop om iets groters aan te skaf. Hul huis word teen billike markwaarde geadverteer. In puik toestand, uitstekend gele, loopafstand van die skool af. By 'n gekuier van ma's noem ek dat die mooi huis nou te koop is. Hy's heeltemal te duur! s een van die Moeder Mafia as jy kyk na wat Klaas betaal het.My bek val oop. My weldaad het my kom hap. Hoe gaan ek die boodskap deurkry dat een se winskoop nie 'n vuishou vir die hele dorp se eiendomme kan wees nie. Elke huis, elke koop en verkoop, is 'n nuwe skaakspel en 'n splinternuwe som. Met sy eie plusse en minusse. Koper en verkoper moet bly lewe na die deal. En hierdie Eiendom-Sendeling moet weet dat regverdigheid en relatiewe geluk deel gaan wees van die happily ever after na okkupasieGerda Whitehorn

    ROMANZ, one of South Africas most popular groups, is world renowned and will be in Lydenburg on 9 November at 18:00. Winning every prestigious music awards since their inception, they have been awarded Best Newcomers, Best Video, Best Song, and Best Group at the SAMAs. Romanz inject a fresh, unique sound to their original songs as well as some classic standards. Coupling boy band good looks and musical versatility, they are all classically trained, offering a full, rich,

    romantic blend of impeccable vocals and lush harmonies. Romanz were invited to sing at the Wedding of Prince Albert and Charlene Wittstock in Monaco, alongside Andrea Bocelli. They have toured extensively, including supporting Katherine Jenkins. The performance will take place at the Lewende Woord Centre, outside Lydenburg on the Dullstroom Road. It is in aid of the Klopkloppie Nursery School. Tickets are available at Klopkloppie, R150 per person. Or phone the school at 013 235 3061.

    Die Gemeentes van Christus het hierdie jaar hulself oortref met die organisering vir n baie spesiale dag vir Wenakker Nasorgsentrum. Verskeie besighede, individue en gemeentelede het

    bygedra om geskenkpakkies vir Wenakker inwoners in te samel. Dit het bestaan uit n tandeborsel, tandepaste, sepie, waslap en ander lekkergoedjies. Die Gemeentes van Christus het voor die uittog na Wenakker n spesiale diens vir motorfietsryers gehou. Die bikers se aankoms by Wenakker het groot opgewondenheid onder die inwoners verskaf. Dankie aan pastoor Neels Barnardo wat die hele dag gerel het. Dankie aan: Bokkie se Vleismark, Neels van Autohausen, Amanda van Heerden, Christa, Highlands Panorama Nuus, Margeret Potgieter, dr. G. de Kock,

    Marina Visser, Lydenburg Dierekliniek, Martie van The Gold Shop, Thea van PostNet,

    Lydenburg Mediese Sentrum, Martins Funeral Services, The Sign Shop, Legends, Kokkenys Slaghuis/

    Wegneemetes, Gemeentes van Christus Lydenburg, Toyota,

    Volkswagen, Yillies Water, Two Rivers Mine, Jacobs Prokureurs,

    God's Home, Willie van CheckOut en al die 'biker vriende.

    n Gebaar van liefde aan Wenakker

  • Laerskool LydenburgNelstraat 1LYDENBURG

    013 235 2077

    [email protected]

    ONDERWYSPOSKwalifikasies: Erkende Onderwys Kwalifikasiessoos deur MOD vereis.

    Medium van Onderrig: Afrikaans/ Engels

    Vereistes van Pos: Rekenaargeletterdheid, Rekenaarsentrum Graad R - 7

    Sluitingsdatum: 04 November 2013

    Handig CV in by skool.Diensaanvaarding: 13 Januarie 2014

    EIENDOMSAGENTE en huiseienaars moet weet van die wetgewing wat geboue ouer as sestig jaar beskerm anders kan hulle aan die verkeerde kant van die wet beland.Dit was die raad van Lydenburg Museum-kurator J.P. Celliers by 'n onlangse vergadering wat deur Nedbank vir plaaslike agente aangebied is. Celliers het by die vergadering gepraat oor die Nasionale

    JP Celliers, Gerda Olivier, Lynette Smith,Yvonne Lindeque, Shimane Leso

    Lydenburg Museum vat hande met eienaars van huise ouer as 60 jaar

    Erfenisbronne-wet 25 van 1999 wat enige veranderings aan geboue ouer as sestig jaar reguleer.Hierdie wet bepaal dat eienaars van sulke eiendomme by die Provinsiale Owerheid vir Erfenisbronne vir 'n permit moet aansoek doen voordat hulle enige veranderinge of die sloping van strukture oorweeg.

    In Lydenburg hanteer JP hierdie aansoeke vanuit sy kantoor by die Museum.Hoe weet 'n mens of jou huis ouer as sestig jaar is? Die meeste ou huise en geboue is in die geskiedkunidge ou dorp tussen Breytenbach-, Buhrman-, en Fourie-strate gele, met Klein Kowynspas as die ander grens. So 'n kaart is by die Museum beskikbaar. Lugfoto's uit die vroe jare Sestig, ou dorpsplanne, die dorp se oumense en geskiedeniskenners en selfs bank-rekords is ander bronne wat help met die navorsing, het JP verduidelik.Dis belangrik om vrae te vra oor die erfenis-status van 'n gebou, en voornemende kopers in te lig oor die implikasies van die proses om veranderings wettig aan te bring. Hy het agente aangemoedig om te help met die bewaring van ons dorp se geskiedkundige styl en erfenis en om ook waghonde te wees. Ter illustrasie het hy die foto-verhaal van Briana Davis se geskiedkundige huis onder in Langestraat (langs die huidige Shoprite) vertel. Die huis kon nie gered word nie maar is toe stuk-stuk, met behoorlike dokumentasie, afgebreek en gebruik vir die restourasie van die Kruger-Huis in Waterval-Onder.Nedbank se Areabestuurder, Steven Mudzunga, het agente genooi om die bank by hul aktiwiteite te betrek. Sy kollegas Shimane Leso van die Sekhukune-area en Lynette Smith, Lydenburg takbestuurder, was mede-gashere.

    Steven Mudzunga (Nedbank Area Manager), Henry Smith (Deo Volente),

    Jolandie Joubert (PGP)

    Die dames van VLU Hibiscus tak in Lydenburg, bedank graag haarkapster, me.

    Michelle van Heerden en haar assistent, me. Tarryn Weber, van Alter Image

    Haarsalon in Ohrigstad. Michelle het wreldwyd ondervinding opgedoen. Sy het die takvoorsitter, me. Elona Potgieter, se

    hare gesny en stileer. Haarstyle moet by jou gesigsvorm en leefstyl pas en n sjampoo met die korrekte pH balans was deel van haar advies. Me. Sharn Tolmay was die

    wenner van 'n geskenkbewys vir 'n haarsny en kleur by Michelle. Eetgoed is verskaf

    deur me. Ansie Botes en me. Nora Myburg. Die tak se volgende vergadering is op 13

    November om 09:30 by die NG Kerk Suid Lydenburg.

  • e b s ew rW uy & ell n o used vehicles

    for CASH(T es id)op pric pa

    08 778 6 30/ 083 7 8 4993 4 7 6


    [email protected] 626 6305

    "BIKER born, biker bred. When I die, Ill be biker dead." Wheels24 reader SCHALK COETZEE shares his advice and experiences for SA road users."Biker born, Biker bred. When I die, Ill be biker dead Thats the creed that all bikers live by and Ive added to those words my own philosophy: When I wake up in the morning and it is not raining, I put on a helmet and ride (be it for work or play).In order to not dwell on past matters and / or the stigma attached to bikers, I thought Id share my story.I was not part of a biker fraternity before and actually started riding three years ago. To many this will mean that I am a novice, but I can prove all the skeptics wrong as I have had my fair share of close shaves on the road and still experience this daily. I have some safety advice for road users:Please if you drive a car, don't text or answer phone calls until you have come to a stop at your destination or youre in a safe place. By calling and / or texting youre not paying attention to your side mirrors and only look ahead for traffic or policing of the area. This can have a disastrous effect on bikers, whether theyre riding a scooter or sports bike, since passing becomes extremely dangerous as the rider is invisible.Please use your side mirrors and watch your blind spots. I am not an educator (yet) but isnt this one of the crucial parts of a learners test? All of this doesnt mean that bikers are innocent: To those bikers that believe the road is a raceway, especially those travelling above the speed limit, slow down! You dont give yourself, nor other road users enough time to react when youre travelling above the speed limit. Its not only illegal but the faster you travel, especially on a bike, the more your peripheral vision is reduced when youre dodging traffic. It doesnt make sense.Once again, I am not an educator but plead as a fellow road user that we look out for each other.The stigma that bikers face every day is unfair and therefore this is a plea to ensure that like me, all road users can look out for each other. To sum it all up in the smallest nut shell possible - Safe motoring, no matter how many wheels you are turning. Author: SCHALK COETZEE - Wheels24.co.za

    Some pictures on this

    and other pages

    supplied by Tar

    Mohamed Essack

  • WITH the summer holidays around the corner, getting your body in shape is top of mind for many South Africans at the moment. But while you're busy watching your figure, spare a thought for your vehicle and especially your tyres, which need to be kept in shape too. Here are some tyre safety basics to look out for, thanks to Tiger Wheel & Tyre:1. Take note of your treadWe all have a favourite pair of shoes that we wear until the soles have eroded beyond recognition of their former glory. Just like the soles of your shoes, tyres have tread that wears down with driving. The more worn your tyres, the less traction and grip you will have on the road, meaning your braking distance will increase and you are more likely to skid when driving in the rain. In fact, the legal tread depth limit in South Africa is a minimum of 1mm across the entire circumference of the tyre. Not sure whether you are legal, ask a wheel and tyre professional to point out the tread wear indicators on your tyres. 2. Under pressureWearing shoes that are too tight or too loose can be fashion suicide or just plain unpleasant. The right tyre pressure can also be the difference between life and death. Don't assume the pressure is two bars which a lot of people do when we chant two please to the friendly petrol attendant. Each car comes with recommended pressures which you will find in the sill of the driver's door or inside the fuel cap. Rather take the time to check these and make sure the pressure is just right. Over inflated tyres erode quickly at their centre, while under inflated tyres wear on the outsides quicker. Under inflated tyres overheat easily and can cause tyre bursts which is notorious for road fatalities.3. The other tyreBefore you get on your way, also check that you have a spare tyre and that it is inflated to the right pressure, and has the right amount of tread at least 1mm for a safe journey. If your car is fitted with run-flat tyres you won't have a spare, see Run-flats vs Normal below.4. Balancing actStaying in your lane is a basic rule, but neglecting the balancing and alignment of your wheels can make you lose your step. If your car is shaking or pulling to one side while driving, you need to get your wheels balanced and aligned. Sometimes it's very subtle so make sure you check your wheel balancing and alignment every 10 000 kms or before every major trip. This not only improves the handling of your car but also extends the tread life of your tyres. The more care you take to look after your tyres, the longer they will last which means you have more money to spend on your summer holiday.These are just some of the basics for keeping your tyres in check and staying safe on the roads. Now, Tiger Wheel & Tyre makes it easy to keep both your car and yourself in shape with a new promotion that offers benefits for both. From now until 9 November, when you buy any four Hankook or Yokohama tyres, size 15 or larger, you'll get a free George Foreman In-Shape Griller. While your new tyres keep your car in shape, the fat-reducing In-Shape griller will help you get in shape too.For more on this and other promotions, visit www.twt.toKnow the difference:Nitrogen vs AirTyres run cooler which means they last longer. Tyres running on nitrogen don't lose pressure as quickly as tyres inflated with air. Inflating your tyres with nitrogen can extend tyre life by up to 20%.Run-flat vs NormalRun-flat tyres are designed to continue driving after the tyre has been punctured so that you don't have to stop at the side of the road and put on a spare. Run flat tyres should not be repaired.Heavy load vs Light loadHeavy loads put extra strain on your tyres, so if your car is jam-packed with luggage make sure you adjust the tyre pressure. Tyre failure can occur due to overloading, so check your owner's manual for recommended tyre pressures for heavy loads before you pack everything but the kitchen sink. By email

    This is the stunning concept Honda NSX. Photo: Tar Mohamed Essack

  • ONS het di week bietjie by die plaaslike Hyundai agentskap se werkswinkel gaan kuier. Baie lesers wil graag weet wat agter die skerms by die motorhandelaars gebeur en ons sal dit dalk n gereelde ding maak, om oor die verskillende handelaars te skryf.Hyundai is nou twee jaar in Lydenburg aan die gang en beskik dus oor n ultra moderne, goed toegeruste werkswinkel met genoeg spasie, veilige parkering vir klinte se voertuie en n span vriendelike en goed gekwalifiseerde personeel in die werkswinkel. Handelaarshoof Hein Viljoen is baie trots op die span en noem dat Albert De Wet bv. gekwalifiseer is as n Meester Tegnikus. Die werkswinkel kan enige werk op Hyundai voertuie hanteer, sowel as die meeste basiese dienste en herstelwerk op enige ander fabrikaat.Hyundai Lydenburg bied juis nou voor die vakansieseisoen n gratis Safety Check om te verseker dat jou voertuig reg is vir die groot vakansie uittog in Desember. Hulle sal jou ook kwoteer op n basiese smeringsdiens of enige herstelwerk. Elke twintigste klint wat sy / haar motor inbring vir die gratis veiligheidstoets, sal ook n lekker vakansiepakkie of holiday hamper wen, so besoek hulle gerus.Indien u n bespreking vir u motor by Hyundai se werkwinkel wil doen, skakel gerus met die Handelaarshoof Hein Viljoen, of met die vriendelike Diensadviseur, Helena Van Vuuren. Hulle is gele in Viljoenstraat, regoor Supa Quick.Andre Coetzee

    Die vriendelike span by Hyundai Lydenburg is van links na regs: Hein Viljoen, Martin Williams, Helena Van Vuuren, Sonja Bloem

    en Albert De Wet.

  • FORDs new Fusion (read Mondeo) is destined for South African shores. The sedan is currently on display at the Johannesburg International Motor Show and will be returning to the South African D segment in the next year under the Fusion nameplate after the Mondeo left us in the early 2000s.According to Ford, the Fusion is characterised by new technologies and premium quality, while high-efficinecy EcoBoost powertrains will be available alongside the Blue Ovals double-clutch Powershift transmission. It is not clear at this stage specifically which engines we will be receiving, but that will be confirmed closer to the cars local launch.The stylish sedan shows off the latest evolution of Fords kinetic design language and is sure to appeal to many a trendy potential buyer. It has a dynamic appearance to it, no doubt, and Ford promises that it will deliver in this area, offering high levels of both driver enjoyment and occupant comfort. This stance is accentuated by the strong lines and angles that define the Fusion up front, along with the LED DRLs that give the car a premium air.Inside, a high level of quality and sophistication is promised and features such as ambient lighting are sure to add to the premium atmosphere. You can look forward to a top-notch craftsmanship and design, including jewel detailing on the switches and vents finished in satin chrome.Safety, of course, is a priority, and the Fusion promises that it will deliver high levels of confidence in this regard. The design, technology and quality advancements delivered with the new Fusion demonstrate the key role this model will play when introduced in South Africa, says Jeff Nemeth, president and CEO of Ford Motor Company South Africa. The progress Fords engineers have achieved in fuel economy and emissions through the EcoBoost petrol engines will allow customers the opportunity to drive a large car without feeling the need to sacrifice on space, performance, driving enjoyment or the selection of driver assistance technologies, he concluded.Also attracting attention on the Ford stand will be the Evos concept, which first debuted at the Frankfurt Motor Show in 2011. This concept demonstrates the future of Fords smart mobility and its striking appearance is sure to attract plenty of stares.topcar.co.za

    Above: Ford Evos

    Above: Lexus LFA

    Above: Hyundai Veloster Turbo

    Above: MB E-Class Cabriolet

    Above: New Toyota Corolla

    Above: Kia Cerato Koup

    Above: Corsa OPC Nurburgring

    Above: Nissan Esflow

    Above: Isuzu KBAbove: Isuzu KB

    Above: Chev Sonic RS

    Above: VW Cross Coupe Hybrid

    We will publish more pics as and when they become

    available. We have omitted pics of electric cars and cars

    that we are unlikely to see around here, with the

    exception of the beautiful Lexus LFA and the stunning

    concept Nissan Esflow pictured on this page.

    Pics pages 11, 12 & 14 obtained from various

    sources. Andre Coetzee

  • Vrydag van 11:00 tot 14:00 en Saterdag van 13:00 15:00 ~As veiligheid, elegansie en maklike onderhoud hoog op

    jou lys is, is hierdie gesinshuis vir jou en jou gesin. Gele in een van Lydenburg se mooiste komplekse, twee blokke

    van Lydenburg Laerskool af, is Tuscan Villas 3, spinternuut opgeknap! Ekstra grootte dubbel-garage, ruim oopplan

    moderne kombuis, eet- en sitkamer met kaggel, 3 slaap- en 2 badkamers, gesellige braaikamer met vou-deure wat

    uitloop op netjiese, praktiese tuin,

    700m erf. Net 14 huise in die

    kompleks, elektries omhein huise

    gebou met privaatheid as

    prioriteit. [email protected]

    079 515 7799. Prys verlaag na

    R1 500 000

    Lydenburg R1 400 000

    Bianca Coetzee : 078 235 0999 Schasta Hennop : 083 693 7525

    Lydenburg R990 000

    Marietjie Ramsey: 071 513 4299Martin Coetzee: 061 019 2167


    Spacious 3 bedroom house with 2 bathrooms, kitchen, laundry and scullery, lounge, dining room and Study 1 bedroom FLAT with kitchen & bathroom (shower)Large Garden with Lapa - Built-in Braai, Double Garage and a Wendy House


    Kontak: 013 235 2653


    This lovely home has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 carports, Lovely garden, seperate laundry, animal friendly


    : DOUBLE STOREY HOUSE: 3 bed, 2.5 bath and Double Garage : FLATS : 2 bed, 1 bath, 1 Garage. Water and Lights included, 23km on Ohrighstad rd : DOUBLE STOREY HOUSE: Open-plan Kitchen. 3 bed, 2.5 bath, Double Garage, Linen cupboard, Ceiling fans, Gas Stove, Built-in braai. SECURITY COMPLEX : HOUSE IN A SECURITY COMPLEX: Open-plan Kitchen, 3 bed, 2 bath. 2 Garages : HOUSE WITH FLAT: 3 bed / 2 baths / 3 Carports. Built-in braai - Bar, Storeroom Flat: 2 bed, 2 baths, kitchen, dining room, lounge. Pre-paid - Animal Friendly : LOVELY NEWLY BUILT Double- Storey House: Open-plan kitchen / 3 bed / 2,5 bath / Inside Braai / Double Garage : FLAT: 1 bed,Shower/basin/ toilet / Fireplace/Carport water & lights incl. : STUNNING Double-Storey House: Lots of cupboard space: Open-plan kitchen / 4 bed / 2,5 bath / Inside Braai / Double Garage

    KANTOOR SPASIE: 240 m 8 kantore met baie ekstra. WINKELSPASIE: 96 m winkelspasie te huur teen per maand STOORKAMER: 45m Groot en veilig. per maand

    R9 300

    R3 850

    R9 900

    R8 950


    R8 800

    R3 300



    R3 000

    R2 200

    Vir top diens!!!

    The Property Shop

    Tel: (013) 235-1102, [email protected],

    * 3 Slaapkamers , 2 badkamers en motorhuis R5 500/mnd*3 Slaapkamer huis, met 2 woonstelle R11 200/mnd*2 Slaapkamer woonstel, water ingesl R4 500/mnd*4 Slaapkamer huis met 2 badkamers en groot erf R8 200/mnd*3 Slaapkamer huis,2 badkamers, 2 motorhuise Sterkspruit R8 600/mnd*1 Slaapkamer woonstel, water ingesluit R3 300/mnd*Kantoor en winkel spasie beskikbaar

    RENTALS : Anton082 898 5272


    074 589 0204Henry SmithVERKOPE

    R1 290 0003 slaapkamers, lock up and go eenheid. 2 badkamers met 2 motorhuise. Water tenk ingesluit.Lae onderhoud.

    Erich Venter : 082 904 8587Bcom Regte(UP) NQF 5

    Ona Venter : 082 898 5272

    R1 495 500Dubbel verdieping huis in Sterkspruit.3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, 2 motorhuise

    R591 000 2 Slaapkamer woonstel met afdak

    R940 0003 Slaapkamer meenthuise met enkel motorhuise koop vanaf bouplan

    Thank you to all our clients and partners - we appreciate your support


    Tel: (013) 235 2005

    More than 3500 offices in 36 countries and in excess of 40 000 sales associates worldwide

    FANIE DU TOIT 072 317 3959

    SINDY NAGEL 082 373 9745

    Lydenburg R998 500

    Lydenburg R925 000



    HOUSES 1 x 1 Bedroom Flat 2 x 1 Bedroom Flats 3 Bedrooms , 2 Bathrooms , 1 Carport 3 Bedrooms , 2 Bathrooms , 1 Garage 3 Bedrooms , 2 Bathrooms , Double Garage 3 Bedrooms , 2 Bathrooms , 1 Garage 3 Bedrooms , 1 Bathroom , Double Carport 3 Bedrooms , 2 Bathrooms , Double Garage 3 Bedrooms , 2 Bathrooms , Study , Built in braai , Double Garage

    OHRIGSTAD 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom R3 200

    WORKSHOPS & INDUSTRIAL 1000 m Workshop and offices 100m Workshop Offices in Viljoenstreet

    R3 300R3 750

    R5 720R6 500

    R7 000 R7 000

    R7 200

    R8 800

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    R40 000R11 500

    R10 400


    Zerelda Pretorius 079 269 8521 / 013 235 2005

    Another tempting buy!

    3 Bedrooms with on - suite

    bathrooms.A MUST VIEW!

  • Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg


    n Pragtige vierslaapkamer woning met unieke boustyl. Alle vertrekke is groot en die hele huis is nuut oorgedoen. Lieflike woonareas wat uitloop op die swembad,

    oopplan kombuis, gimnasium wat uitkyk op die tuin en swembad, ekstra woonstel, baie groot boomryke tuin en lapa. Hierdie eiendom is enig in sy soort,

    baie sentraal gele en die erf is baie groot. Skakel Du-Nel Eiendomme vir meer inligting by 013 235 2622


  • Kenny Labuschagne, Chris Jankowitz (Direkteur van Wenakker) en Jaco van

    der Merwe

    Embrich Cilliers, Chris Jankowitz (Wenakker) en Andor Esbach van Tubatse.

    Oud en jonk het gespeel. (Van links na regs) Bets Jacobs, Jerry Coetzer en Japie Jacobs.

    WENAKKER se gholfdag was suksesvol en sou nie moontlik gewees het sonder die borge, spelers en donateurs nie. Dankie aan die Lydenburg Gholf Klub vir hulle hulp en die mooi kondisie waarin die gholfbaan is. Remax het gat 5 geborg en gesorg vir

    Adriaan de Beer van Tweeriviere in aksie.

    Baie dankie aan Jacques van Balen

    (middel agter op die foto) en sy span vir elkeen se bydrae.

    heerlike vermaak en pret op die baan. Dankie aan Highlands Panorama Nuus, 4 U Office, Ocean Basket, Adrie van den Heever, Pick & Pay, Amajaybee, Pionier Slaghuis, Amani Boutique Hotel, Precrete, Bakgat Biltong, Remax, Bearing Services, Roete 37 Outdoor Clothing, Beauty Box, Samancor ECM, Beauty from Home, Selco Business Services, Bistro Restaurant, Sh'zen (T Parker), C + F Printers, Silver Oaks, Creative Nails, The Barber Shop, Die Smul Hoekie, Thorburn

    Security, DIY Depot, Toyota, Duet Health Spa , Tuba tse , Endecon Nelspru i t , Tweeriviere, Francois Reinecke, Tyre Corporation, Fraser Alexander, Venter Konstruksie, Gawie Grobler Makelaars, Verlorenkloof, Gert & Andre Elektries, Volkswagen Highlands, Glencore: Lydenburg Smelter, Wimpy, Imbali Garden Centre, Westvaal, Kenchington's, Xco Sport, Laramie Spur, Zizwe, Legends Lydenburg, Limpopo Ready Mix, LS Promotions en Maliflora.

    Dorp slaan stokke vir Wenakker

  • Tel: 013 235 1986

    www.lydenburgprop.co.zaKerkstraat 41

    Verkope & Verhuring

    013 235 1335Viljoenstraat 89



    G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774

    KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424.

    AK JEWELS 013 235 1075

    A 1 D R O O G S K O O N -MAKERS & wassery. 013 235 3976.

    A 1 L O C K & K E Y. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976.

    J.CS TRAILER HIRE 079 171 1109 / 082 434 0026

    DA VISSER PLUMBERS R e g : B Z 2 7 8 8 B u r s t geysers, maintenance etc. 072 598 6532

    GARDEN SERVICES AND LANDSCAPING For professional and timely cleaning of all types of gardens, cutt ing and pruning of plants, removal of refuse and waste as well as creating new gardens, please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181 /082 426 3144

    PEST CONTROL For p r o f e s s i o n a l a n d k n o w l e d g e a b l e p e s t control services to apply and treat various areas w i t h P e s t i c i d e a n d H e r b i c i d e w h i c h i s Environment Friendly, please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181/ 082 426 3144

    R E M O V A L O F DOMESTIC waste & garden refuse. Please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181/ 082 426 3144

    ALLE HERSTELWERK, v e r f w e r k , t e e l w e r k , dakseel, watersisteme, plafonne & bouwerk. Kontak Adriaan by 082 488 0181/ 082 426 3144

    S T A A L W E R K , VEILIGHEIDSHEKKE, palisades, skuifhekke, diefwering. Kontak Adriaan by 082 488 0181/ 082 426 3144

    TREE DOCTOR: tree felling, firewood, building & installation of cupboards. 082 706 1875

    N C L E L E C T R I C A L S O L U T I O N S - A l l electrical installations & maintenance. Pieter 071 078 9721

    PALISADES, any gates, security doors, carports, any automation, any steelwork. Louis 082 746 5328

    P E T A L S F L O R A L DECOR Affordable, for s p e c i a l o c c a s i o n s . Bekostigbaar blomme-d e k o r v i r s p e s i a l e geleenthede. Tel /sms: Lyn 082 294 0846, e:mail [email protected]


    ALL GARAGE DOORS, Centurion gate motors, electric fencing. Fanie G r o b l e r . P r e f e r r e d , Accredited Installer. 072 774 4339/ 013 235 4521

    JOVEL AUTOMATION Solar Geysers and Panels. Sales and Repairs of Gate & Garage Door Motors, Garage Doors, Electric F e n c i n g , B a t t e r i e s , Remotes. Wayne 079 490 9183/ 071 659 4374


    CREATIVE NAILS by Christelle - Training & Nails. 076 164 3565

    DIVINE NAILS & Beauty, 4S Slimming Pills. 076 677 6002

    HIGH PROTEIN diet & blood group. Lydenburg, Burgersfort, Steelpoort. 082 833 0323


    T R E A S U R E T I M E FOTOGRAFIE: troues, studio, alle geleentheede. Wil l ie 082 786 3458 www.treasuretimephotography.com


    S K O O N M A A K VA N MATTE, meubels, motors e n d r o o g s u i g v a n oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494

    CLEANING AND DEEP C L E A N I N G F o r professional and high quality and standard of General cleaning as well as Industrial cleaning please contact Adriaan at 082 488 0181/ 082 426 3144


    I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, callouts etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932


    A T L A S P A N E E L - K L O P P E R S - Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382


    EK KOOP BYNA alle

    motors, bakkies, combis & dubbel cabs vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te tel. Skakel Unis 082 959 9120 / Aflam 072 203 1614

    I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646 6735


    LYDENBURG VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780


    E N I G E K O N T A N T NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 9768 / 078 467 0954 / 076 483 1234 / 013 235 4843

    T O S W O P : P r i m e undeveloped stand on b e a c h N h a b a n g a , Bilene, Mozambique. For what you have? Value R75 000 - R300 000. 082 976 8254

    KUMATSU D65 bulldozer, C u m m i n s m a s j i e n , werkende toestand, R180 000. Skakel 074 916 8778


    L Y D E N B U R G HONDESALON - 072 320 9203.

    PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658



    K A N T O O R / WERKSWINKEL spasie te huur (ca. 300m gebou

    met groot erf) in Industrile gebied - Lydenburg. Kontak 078 893 5416

    2 & 3 SLAAPKAMER meenthuise. 083 230 3733

    GASTEHUIS OP PLAAS. 48km buite Lydenburg op Sekhukunepad, vanaf TweeRiviere Myn. Karen 078 950 7924

    S H O P S T O L E T Vo o r t r e k k e r s t r e e t , Lydenburg. Next to Bears. 084 467 8678

    BACHELOR woonstel. R2800 W+L ing. 082 850 0684

    3 SLK HUIS R6950. 079 624 9486

    2x SLK woonstel R3000 en groot rondavel R2000 op plaas. 074 330 3011

    NETJIESE RUIM bachelor woonstel. R3000pm krag ingesluit. 072 762 8562


    LOSIES- LYDENBURG 073 555 4840


    I K H A N D A GUESTHOUSE c/o Kerk & Johannes Coetzer sts, Lydenburg. Cel: 083 296 3300

    CIRCLE CATERING & A C C O M M O D AT I O N o f f e r s C o n t r a c t o r s accommoda t i on and cater ing fac i l i t ies in Steelpoort area. Contact Gustav on 082 827 1006 or Hentie on 079 887 0374

    KLITSGRAS CHALETS A C C O M M O D AT I O N C h a p e l , c o n f e r e n c e facilities, boma/braai. Tel 013 235 2758


    INDIEN die volgende voertuie nie binne 21 dae afgehaal en ten volle betaal is nie sal dit verkoop word om kostes te dek. Nissan Sentra Reg: CVS 824 MP, Toyota Hilux PKJ 822 GP Longtom Towing 013 235 4996

    Indien die volgende voertuig nie binne 21 dae afgehaal en ten volle betaal word nie sal dit verkoop word om kostes te dek. VW Golf Reg: FSG 503 MP; VW Golf CB 5 3 7 5 0 4 . L o n g t o m Towing. 013 235 4996


    A n g l i c a n C h u r c h Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919. G e r e f o r m e e r d e - k e r k Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. H e r v o r m d e - k e r k Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h Ly d e n b u r g : S u n d a y

    service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. Vol le Evangel ie-kerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom . D i e G e m e e n t e v a n Christus Rensburg-s t r . 4 1 , L y d e n b u r g . W o e . 1 9 : 0 0 Biduur,Vry.19:00 jeug Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo 079 814 4845 New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934. Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 ( k i n d e r k e r k ) , 1 8 : 0 0 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, jeugby kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:00. Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463. Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum ( P P K ) . W o . 1 0 : 0 0 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 l y d e n b u r g b a p t i s t e @ i s a t . c o . z a Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00.Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. A.G.S S t e e l p o o r t . Sondagoggend 09:00, a a n d e 1 8 : 0 0 , Woensdaeselgroep 18:30. P a s t B e u k e s : 0 8 3 2918005/ kerkkantoor:087 808 5604. Sewedag A d v e n t i s t e K e r k -S a t e r d a g o g g e n d e , M e t h o d i s t e K e r k , Burgerstraat Lydenburg.

    [email protected]

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    BEN 082 408 2798SOPHIA 076 677 7362

    Sement BousteneMaxi StenePlaveiselVloertelsMuurtels

    Stepping StonesVertoonlokaal byKuns vir Afrika Padstal 4km uit Lydenburg

    op Dullstroompad

    Skadunet- afdakke

    Verskillende Kleure en Groottes!

    Franz - 082 775 5134

    Ronel - 072 622 5333

    B y b e l s t u d i e 0 9 : 1 5 , erediens 11:00. Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049. Volle Evangelie Kerk - Burgersfort . Diens Ty e - 9 : 0 0 S o n d a e Oggende Aand Diens - Op A a n v r a a g K o n t a k - Pastoor Jurgens Olivier 084 9191 670 / 082 2131 383 Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. P a s t o o r L e o n Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. Lewende Waters P i n k s t e r B e d i e n i n g . Sondae, ou kerkie by Wenakker, Kerkstraat Lydenburg. Past . de Bruyn: 079 286 8234. Nuwe Lewe Christen Sentrum, multi-national, all welcome. Red & white tent, cnr Voortrekker & Joubert St 10h00. Past. Neels Lubbe 076 133 6 4 5 4 / P a s t . J a c o Thompson 079 526 5970. New Apostolic Church, Burgersfort. Sun 09:00, Wed 19:30. Preist Willie Els 083 860 5395.

    Stock Bricks Maxi Bricks Block Bricks Face Bricks Paving

    AVAILABLE IN CLAY AND CEMENT082 459 2361 / 082 857 5886 / 013 235 1488

    Joubert St 15, Lydenburg [email protected]

    EiendomInstandhouding & VerbeteringFanus Potgieter

    [email protected]

    Verf - Tel - Plavei - Bou


    LYDENBURGProfessional Architectural

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    Tel: 082 454 6555Fax: 013 235 4268

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    Gerrie082 898 0563

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    Notice is hereby given that:

    1) Ndala Stephen Mahabe being the applicant and the owner of the business, trading as Stephen's Liquor Restaurant. The applicant business is located at Shop No. 5 Doornosch Shopping Complex, Doornbosch Farm No. 294 KT, Lydenburg.

    Intends submitting an applications to the Limpopo Gambling Board on 30th of October 2013 for the Type B Site Operator License. The application will be open to the public inspection at the office of the Limpopo Gambling Board at 8 Hans Van Rensburg Street, Polokwane, Limpopo Province, South Africa from 1 November 2013The purpose of the application is to obtain a License to operate and keep limited payout machines on the site premises in the Province of Limpopo.Attention is directed to the provisions of Section 26 of the Limpopo Gambling Board Act 4 of 1996, as amended, which makes provision for the lodging of written objections in respect of the application.Such objections should be lodged with the Chief Executive Office of the Limpopo Gambling Board, 8 Hans Van Rensburg Street, Polokwane, or Private bag X 9520, 0700, within 30 days from 1 November 2013.

    Tu b a t s e L a n d U s e S c h e m e , 2 0 0 6 Amendment Scheme No: 17 I, Mulaudzi FZ of Look As ide Env i r onmen ta l Consultants cc, being the authorized agent, of the registered owner of Erf 2305, 206 & 2307 (8347) Burgersfort Extension 21, hereby give notice in terms of section 56(1) (b) (1) of The Town Planning And Townships Ordinance, (Ordinance 15 of 1986), that I have made an application to the Greater Tubatse Local Municipality for the amendment of Land Use Scheme, known as Tubatse Land Use Scheme, 2006 by rezoning Erf 2305, 206 &2307 (8347) 8347 from Special to Business 1 for the purpose of erecting a Guest Lodge. Plans and particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal

    office hours at the office of town planner, 1 Kastania Street, Greater Tubatse Local Municipality for the period of 28 days from the first day of the publication. Ob jec t i ons and / o r c o m m e n t s o r representation in respect of the application must be lodge with or made in writing to the municipality at the above mentioned address or a t P.O. Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150 within 28 days from the date of first publication. Address of the applicant: Look Aside Environmental Consultants c c P. O . B o x 6 9 9 5 , Thohoyandou, 0980, Cell: 076 6640 493, Fax: 086 7298 684. Tubatse Land U s e S c h e m e , 2 0 0 6 Amendment Scheme No: 17 Nna, Mulaudzi F.Z of Look Aside Environmental C o n s u l t a n t s c c , kefilwemaatla go

    emelamong wa Erf 2303, 2305, 206 & 2307 (8347) Burgersfort Extension 21, kefa tsebiso mabapi le karolo 56(1) (b) (1) yaTown Planning le Township Ordinance, (Ordinance 15 of 1986), gore kedire k g o p e l o g o G r e a t e r Tubatse Local Municipality ya go fetoshaTubatse Land U s e S c h e m e , 2 0 0 6 . Kgopelo yeo e mabapi le go fe tosha tshomisoyaEr f 8347gotswa Special goya Business 1 mabapi le go aga Guest Lodge. Dipolane le tsedingwetseo e leng gore di e lana le tsweletso di kalekolwakanakoyamosomoga town p lanner, 1 Kastania Street, Greater Tubatse Local Municipality, lebaka la matsatsi a 28 go tloga go la mathomo la t s e b i s o . M o n g w e l e m o n g w e y o a bengtswelopeleyakgopelo

    a s w a n e t s e g o r e a t l i s e m a b a k a a o a b e n g k g a h l a n o n g l e tswelopele le Greater Tubatse Local Municipality, pelegamatsatsi a 28 go t loga lehono. Address yamoemedi: Look Aside Environmental Consultants c c P. O . B o x 6 9 9 5 , Thohoyandou, 0950, Cell: 076 6640 493 Fax: 086 7298 684.

    Tu b a t s e L a n d U s e S c h e m e , 2 0 0 6 Amendment Scheme No: 156 I, Mulaudzi FZ of Look As ide Env i r onmen ta l Consultants cc, being the authorised agent, of the registered owner of Erf 1566 Burgersfort Extension 16, hereby give notice in terms of section 56(1) (b) (1) of The Town Planning And Townships Ordinance, (Ordinance 15 of 1986),

    that I have made an application to the Greater Tubatse Local Municipality for the amendment of Land Use Scheme, known as Tubatse Land Use Scheme, 2006 by rezoning Erf 1566 from Business 3 to Business 1 for the purpose of erecting a Shops. Plans and particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of town planner, 1 Kastania Street, Greater Tubatse Local Municipality for the period of 28 days from the first day of the publication. O b j e c t i o n s a n d / o r c o m m e n t s o r representation in respect of the application must be lodge with or made in writing to the municipality at the above mentioned address or a t P.O. Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150 within 28

    days from the date of first publication. Address of the applicant: Look Aside Environmental Consultants c c P. O . B o x 6 9 9 5 , Thohoyandou, 0950, Cell: 076 6640 493, Fax: 086 7298 684.Tubatse Land U s e S c h e m e , 2 0 0 6 Amendment Scheme No: 156 Nna, Mulaudzi F.Z of Look Aside Environmental Consultants cc, ke filwe maatla go emela mong wa Er f 1566 Burgers fo r t Extension 16, ke fa tsebiso mabapi le karolo 56(1) (b) (1) ya Town Planning le Townsh ip Ord inance , (Ordinance 15 of 1986), gore ke dire kgopelo go Greater Tubatse Local Municipality ya go fetosha Tubatse Land Use Scheme, 2006. Kgopelo yeo e mabapi le go fetosha tshomiso ya Erf 1566 gotswa Business 3 goya

    Business 1 mabapi le go aga Dishopo. Dipolane le tse dingwe tseo e leng gore di e lana le tsweletso di ka l eko lwa ka nako ya mosomo ga town planner, 1 Kastania Street, Greater Tubatse Local Municipality, lebaka la matsatsi a 28 go tloga go la mathomo la t s e b i s o . M o n g w e l e m o n g w e y o a b e n g tswelopele ya kgopelo a swanetse gore a tlise m a b a k a a o a b e n g kgahlanong le tswelopele le Greater Tubatse Local Munic ipal i ty, pele ga matsatsi a 28 go tloga l e h o n o . A d d r e s s y a moemedi: Look Aside Environmental Consultants c c P. O . B o x 6 9 9 5 , Thohoyandou, 0950, Cell: 076 6640 493 Fax: 086 7298 684.

    Tubatse Land Use Management Scheme, 2 0 0 6 I , M a h o m e d Fatima Bibi, being the registered owner of Erf 1 5 7 0 B u r g e r s f o r t Extension 17, hereby give notice in terms of clause 21 of Greater Tubatse Land Use Management Scheme, 2006 that I have made an application to the Greater Tubatse Local Municipality for the amendment of Land Use Scheme, known as Greater Tubatse Land U s e M a n a g e m e n t S c h e m e , 2 0 0 6 b y applying for a Special Consent to use Erf 1570 for the additional of Place of Instruction. Plans and particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of town planner, 1 Kastania Street,Greater T u b a t s e L o c a l Municipality for the period of 28 days from the first day of the publication. Objections and / or comments or r e p r e s e n t a t i o n i n r e s p e c t o f t h e application must be lodge with or made in w r i t i n g t o t h e municipality at the above mentioned address or at P . O . B o x 2 0 6 , Burgersfort, 1150 within 28 days from the date of first publication.Address of the applicant: P.O.Box 1660, Burgersfort, 1150.

    Tell: 013 231 7910, 013 231 7017. Tubatse Land U s e M a n a g e m e n t Scheme, 2006 Nna, Mahomed Fatima Bibi, mong wa Erf 1570 Burgersfort Extension 17, ke fa tsebiso mabapi le karolo 21 ya Greater Tuba tse Land Use Management Scheme, 2006 ya go fetosha S c h e m e , G r e a t e r Tuba tse Land Use Management Scheme, 2006 ka go apolayela S p e c i a l C o n s e n t . Kgopelo yeo e mabapi le go fetosha tshomiso ya Erf 1570 ka go eketsa Place of Instruction mabap i l e go aga s h o p p i n g c e n t r e . Dipolane le tse dingwe tseo e leng gore di e lana le tsweletso di ka lekolwa ka nako ya mosomo ga town planner, 1 Kastania Street, Greater Tubatse Loca l Mun ic ipa l i t y, lebaka la matsatsi a 28 go tloga go la mathomo la tsebiso. Mongwe le mongwe yo a beng tswelopele ya kgopelo a swanetse gore a tlise mabaka ao a beng k g a h l a n o n g l e tswelopele le El ias M o t s o a l e d i L o c a l Municipality, pele ga matsatsi a 28 go tloga lehono. Address ya mong wa Erf 1570: P . O . B o x 1 6 6 0 , Burgersfort, 1150. Tell: 013 231 7910, 013 231 7017.

    Kennisgewings/ Notices

  • anaf 18 tot 20 Oktober is die jaarlikse Oefening Ramkat weer gehou. Die naweek het baie deursettingsvermo verlang van die junior. V

    Etes moes self in die bos voorberei word en die goeie ren het nuwe uitdagings gebring vir hulle. Skietvermo was die grootste uitdaging vir die juniors, windgewere en groot gewere het baie konsentrasie en vernuf getoets. Die lanternbekruip en die vlagkompetisie het die spanne laat saamwerk en planne in werking gebring om die kompetisie behoorlik plat te trek. NASP (Boogskiet) het soos gewoonlik deel uitgemaak van die naweek en vir baie juniors was dit die eerste keer gewees wat hulle n boog vasgehou het. Die Bosbok Bestuur wil elke junior dankie s vir die goeie gesindheid wat hulle na die kamp toe gedring het. Dankie aan die seniors wat uitgehelp het en PLM Boerdery vir die gebruik van die Boskampterrein. Dankie aan Corrie Kleyn van die Laramie Spur Lydenburg, die ribbetjies was heerlik, en het goed afgegaan.Dankie ook aan almal wat die naweek gerel het.

    Persone wat beste gevaar het om vyf sjokolade-teikens te skiet - Brand Oosthuizen, DC Fouche, Johan Verster

    en AD Mostert. Anja Mostert (die enigste meisies inskrywing) het ook sjokolade ontvang vir die

    uitdaging van die seuns se kant wat sy aanvaar het.

    Derde Plek Algehele Skiet - DC Fouch, Ramon Bell (links)

    Tweede Plek Algehele Skiet - J Verster

    Eerste Plek Algehele Skiet - Jannie Kasselman, Ramon Bell (links)

    Derde Plek Boogskiet - JP Antunes (regs)se prys word deur Kruger van Eck oorhandig Tweede Plek Boogskiet - JB Willers

    Eerste Plek Boogskiet - Andre Mostert