24 hop edición español - sql server 2014 backup encryption - percy reyes

SQL Server 2014 Backup Encryption Performance and security Expositor: Percy Reyes (MCITP DBA, MCITP Dev, MCTS, MCP) www.percyreyes.com Moderador: Carlos Ulate

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Veremos la mejora en seguridad que significa usar Backup Encryption en SQL Server 2014 así como también su impacto en el rendimiento y sus escenarios de usos.


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SQL Server 2014 Backup

EncryptionPerformance and security

Expositor: Percy Reyes (MCITP DBA, MCITP Dev, MCTS, MCP) – www.percyreyes.com

Moderador: Carlos Ulate

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Percy Reyes

Bachelor in Systems Engineering and Senior Database Administrator focused

on Microsoft SQL Server Internals with over 10+ years of extensive experience

managing database servers on SQL Server 6.5, 7.0, 2000, 2005, 2008, 2008

R2, 2012 and 2014. I am experienced working for all sizes of companies in

Peru and USA which are running on mission critical database servers. I am a

frequent Speaker about SQL Server technologies for over 9 years at Local User

Group Meetings, Webcasts, and National Conferences. I am currently the

SQLPASS Peru Chapter Leader http://peru.sqlpass.org . I am a contributor and

author at MSSQLTips.com.


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Planning a Database Backup Strategy

Backing Up a User Database (with encryption)

Restoring User Databases (from backup encrypted)

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Lesson 1: Planning a Database Backup Strategy

• Overview of Microsoft SQL Server Backup Types

• What Are Recovery Models?

• What Is a Database Backup Strategy?

• Considerations for Backup Operators and Media

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Overview of Microsoft SQL Server Backup Types

Backup Types Description

Full All data files and part of the transaction log

Differential The parts of the database that have changed since the last full database backup

Partial The primary filegroup, every read/write filegroup, and any specified read-only filegroups

Transaction Log Any database changes recorded in the log files

Tail-Log Backup Log backup taken of the tail of the log just before a restore operation

File/File Group Specified files or filegroups

Copy Only The database or log (without affecting the backup sequence)

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What Are Recovery Models?

Recovery Model Description

Simple •No log backups•Automatically reclaims log space to keep space requirements


Full • Requires log backups•No work is lost due to a lost or damaged data file• Can recover to an arbitrary point in time

Bulk Logged • Requires log backups• An adjunct of the full recovery model that permits high-

performance bulk copy operations• Reduces log space usage by using minimal logging for most bulk


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What Is a Database Backup Strategy?

A Database Backup Strategy:

May Involve Performing Regular Full + Diff + Log Backups

Is appropriate for small/large databases (depends on your business)

Restore following an order, always the first to be restoredis Full Backup, then Diff and finally Log Backup.

Sunday Monday Tuesday

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Considerations for Backup Operators and Media

SQL Server Backups:

Are written to a backup device

Can be written to tape or disk but not simultaneously to both

Are written to media sets and media families

Database Backups can be performed by:

Sysadmin Server Role Members

Db_owner fixed database Role Members

Db_backupoperator Role Members

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Lesson 2: Backing Up User Databases

• Performing a Full Database Backup

• Performing a Differential Backup

• Performing a Transaction Log Backup

•What Is Backup Compression?

•What Is Encryption Compression?

•What Is Backup Compression?

•Options for Ensuring Backup Integrity

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Performing a Full Database Backup

T-SQL Syntax:

BACKUP DATABASE databaseTO backup_device [ ,...n ][ WITH with_options [ ,...o ] ] ;

Performs the following actions:

• Backups up the specified database

• Specifies the backup device

• Specifies options i.e. { COMPRESSION | NO_COMPRESSION }

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Performing a Differential Backup

T-SQL Syntax:

BACKUP DATABASE database_name TO <backup_device> WITH DIFFERENTIAL

Important: You cannot create a differential database backup unless the database has been backed up first

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Performing a Transaction Log Backup

T-SQL Syntax:

BACKUP LOG database_name TO <backup_device>

Performs the following actions:

• Specifies a backup of the transaction log only

• Backs up log from the last successfully executed log backup to the current end of the log

• Truncates inactive log records unless {NO_TRUNCATE or COPY_ONLY} is specified

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What Is Backup Compression? (new feature since SQL Server 2008)

Backup Compression:


Can not co-exists on same media as uncompressed backups

Can not be read by earlier versions of SQL Server

Can not share a tape with NT Backups

Compresses backup size on device

New in SQL Server 2008

Increases I/O performance, increases CPU usage

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What Is Backup Encryption?(new feature since SQL Server 2014)

Backup Encryption:


SQL Server Express and SQL Server Web do not support backup encryption

Can not be read by earlier versions of SQL Server

Appending to an existing backup set is not supported for encrypted backups

Encrypt the data while creating a backup

New in SQL Server 2014

Encryption Algorithm: AES 128, AES 192, AES 256, and Triple DES

Encryptor: A certificate or asymmetric Key

All storage destinations: on-premises and Window Azure storage

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Performing a Encrypted Backup

Backup to disk with encryption

• Create a Database Master Key of the master database

• Create a Backup Certificate

• Backup the database

Backup to Windows Azure Storage with Encryption

• Create SQL Server Credential

• Create a Database Master Key

• Create a Backup Certificate

• Backup the database

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Options for Ensuring Backup Integrity


Mirrored Media Sets

Backup Verification


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Demonstration: Backing Up a Database

In this demonstration we will:

Backup the database by using Encryption Feature

Enable backup compression

Verify the backup

Perform a checksum

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Lesson 3: Restoring User Databases

•How the Restore Process Works

• Types of Restores

•Restoring a Database

•Restoring a Transaction Log

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How the Restore Process Works

The restore process consists of three distinct phases:

The Data Copy Phase1.

The Redo Phase2.

The Undo Phase3.

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Types of RestoresRestore Types:

Complete Database Restore

File Restore

Page Restore

Piecemeal Restore

Online Restore

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Restoring a Database

Steps to Restore a Database:

Perform a Tail-Log Backup

Determine the Target Recovery Point(full or bulk-logged recovery models only)2.

Determine the Type of Restore to Apply3.


Identify Which Backups You Require4.

Begin the Restore Sequence5.

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Restoring a Transaction Log

Steps to Restore the Transaction Log:

Full or Differential Database Restore

Restore Transaction Logs in Order W/ NORECOVERY2.

Restore Latest Log WITH RECOVERY3.


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Performing a Restore from Encrypted Backup

1. Backup to disk the master key and certificate used to create the encrypted backup

2. Then restore them on SQL Server Instance Destination

• Restore Master Key

• Open Master Key before restore/create the certificate

• Create/Restore the certificate

3. Restore Database from Encrypted Backup

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Demonstration: Restoring a Database

In this demonstration, you will restore the database from encrypted backup

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SSAS multidimensional mejoresprácticas

Ahias Portilo

A continuación …

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