24 april 2016 - clover sitesstorage.cloversites.com/goldcoastnorthanglicanparish...patsima —prayer...

1 24 April 2016 Welcome to Gold Coast North Anglican Church. Were so glad that you have joined us today and we invite you to parcipate in our worship as freely and fully as you feel comfortable to. Please join us for a cuppa and a chat aſter the service. From Bishop Len Eaco, AM…. Rered Army Chaplain/Bishop to the Defence Force, and Parishioner of GCNAC Blessed are the eyes that see The things that you have seen, Blessed are the feet that walk The ways where you have been. Blessed are the eyes that see The agony of God, Blessed are the feet that tread The paths His feet have trod. Blessed are the souls that solve The paradox of Pain, And find the path that, piercing it, Leads through to peace again. This prayer-poem, my peace I give unto you”, was wrien by WW1 Army Padre Studdert Kennedy and is an offering for those young men who died or survived the horror that is war. The repeated blessings focus on the eyes”, the feet”, and the souls”, and the words tenderly gather up the broken bodies and shaered spirits alike in prayer. Yet, rather than invoking God s blessings on these things, the prayer asserts emphacally that these things are blessed: not blessed be…” but rather blessed ARE the eyes that see the things you have seenand what horrors they were. Lest We Forget!

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24 April 2016 Welcome to Gold Coast North Anglican Church. We’re so glad that you have joined us today and we invite you to participate in our worship as freely and fully as you feel comfortable to. Please join us for a cuppa and a chat after the service.

From Bishop Len Eacott, AM…. Retired Army Chaplain/Bishop to the Defence Force, and Parishioner of GCNAC

Blessed are the eyes that see The things that you have seen, Blessed are the feet that walk The ways where you have been. Blessed are the eyes that see The agony of God, Blessed are the feet that tread The paths His feet have trod. Blessed are the souls that solve The paradox of Pain, And find the path that, piercing it, Leads through to peace again.

This prayer-poem, “my peace I give unto you”, was written by WW1 Army Padre Studdert Kennedy and is an offering for those young men who died or survived the horror that is war. The repeated blessings focus on “the eyes”, “the feet”, and “the souls”, and the words tenderly gather up the broken bodies and shattered spirits alike in prayer. Yet, rather than invoking God’s blessings on these things, the prayer asserts emphatically that these things are blessed: not “blessed be…” but rather “blessed ARE the eyes that see the things you have seen” – and what horrors they were.

Lest We Forget!

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For your study and prayers….

Daily Bible Readings for next week…. Monday: Exodus 2 Tuesday: Exodus 3 Wednesday: Exodus 4 Thursday: Exodus 5 Friday: Exodus 6 Saturday: Exodus 7

Prayer of the Week: Saving God, who called your Church to witness that you

were in Christ reconciling the world to yourself: help us so to proclaim the good news of your love, that all who hear it may be reconciled to you; through him who died for us and rose again and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Daily Prayers: Brett, Denise & Ray Eolkin, Antoinette Brennan, Lance &

Daphne Best, Betty Power, Chris Brice, Jan Wood, Gillian McNamee, Matt (George & Judy Osborne’s son), Caitlin Moorhouse, Philip Jones, Octavia Whitney, John Devine, Lindsay & Carolyn Whybrow (BCA), Alita Ticehurst, the Costin family, Simon Voller, Tim Jefferson and family and Peter Finlay.

Beyond the Parish: Beyond the Parish giving for April will go to PATSIMAC.

BtP giving for May will go to Bush Church Australia (BCA).

CMS Link Missionaries: Please pray for Adam & Helene Ramsay and their

children Leo, Ellie and baby Albert as they learn the language and culture in Chiba Kanto, Japan—so they can be effective in their ministry for CMS.

Prayers please: for the Parish Nominators and Wardens as they continue the

process of working with the Diocese to find a suitable Priest-in-Charge—a long and involved process. It is extremely important that this be an ongoing prayer point for the entire Gold Coast North community for the weeks and months ahead.

Prayer: Prayer gatherings—simple format, no chatting, no singing, just prayer—

silent or out loud. Held weekly at St Matthews, Tuesdays 8am-8.45am and Thursdays 6.00-6.45am; and at St James Wednesdays 8.30-9.00am.

Thank you: Thanks to all who supported us with condolences, and to Rev Don &

Rev Stephen and everyone else who travelled to St Paul’s, Ipswich for Dad’s funeral. It was wonderful to have all the support—which just keeps coming. Glenda & Miles Murrell.

Please pray for Abel PEARCE, his family and godparents as they celebrate his baptism today at St Matthew’s—12 noon—with Reverend Stephen Hooper.

For first time Bible readers we suggest you allow 10 minutes at the same time each day: 3 minutes to make coffee, 1 minute for silent prayer, 3 minutes to read the Bible passage and 3 minutes to pray about your day. If want some help or further suggestions please contact Revd Don Campbell on 0417 190 817 or by email [email protected]

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From the Parish Office….

SPACC: Surfers Paradise Anglican Crisis Care are desperate for any non-perishable

food items again. This is an ongoing need—so please if you are able bring some supplies in and leave in the baskets at the church—or else go on line to make a donation or organise delivery of some groceries. http://www.spacc.org.au/donations/

Cards for signature… There will be “It’s a Boy” baby cards at

each centre this Sunday for those who wish to put a little note of congratulations and support to Adam & Helene Ramsay (and Leo & Ellie) on the birth of little Bertie. Although the cards will be a little late, we feel that it is important for this lovely missionary family to know that we at GCNAC have been holding them in our prayers.

Don’t miss these sessions… Last Wednesday evening each month at St

Matthews will be a time to gather to enjoy a meal and fellowship with the Baptismal families (only $5 each for the meal—Baptism families no charge), and then take part in a series of sessions on marriage and relationships, tackling such topics as “The Tale of Two Brains”, and “Why Does He/She Do That”….. Great teaching wrapped up in good humour! Join us and “Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage” (a series created by Pastor Mark Gungor). First session on this Wednesday 27 April—6.30pm for the meal and 7.30pm (approx. start) for the group session. Contact Stephen Hooper for more info. RSVP for catering purposes to the Parish Office via phone or email.

Rosters... Printed rosters for May are available at the Welcome Desks today.

Remember to log in to your Elvanto account by the 20th of each month to mark your “unavailability” for the following month. If you don’t know your log in, call the office and we will send you the details. (Please don’t create a new account—you will already be in the system.)

Watch this space… Keep your eye out for more info on the Kids Holiday Club—

coming again to St James during the mid-year break (June/July school holidays). Planning is underway and details will be available soon!

Thought for the Week

And when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left, your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30: 21

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What’s Going On … in and around the Parish

Bring & Buy Stalls: Bring and Buy Stalls TODAY (4th Sunday of month) at St

James and Holy Rood. Thank you to those who have “brought” and those who will “buy”.

MU Quiet Day... “The Heartbeat of Divine Love”, led by Rev’d Lyn Dunn and

hosted by GCNAC MU. At St James Hall on Thursday 28 April—9am for 9.30am start, with lunch following. $2 gold coin donation would be appreciated. RSVP Irene Daniel (0418 725 397) or Marjory Fieldus (5571 6532) See flyers at the Welcome Desks.

Motivating Mary, Managing Martha… “Getting the balance right” - an

Encouragement Day for women of all ages. Saturday 21 May 2016 at Emmanuel College, UQ, St Lucia. See flyers on Welcome Desks—or contact Lurline Campbell for more information (0412 277 737)

World Vision Raffle… Many thanks to all who bought tickets in our Easter

World Vision Children’s Club raffle. Thanks also to those who sold tickets and donated the prizes. The winners (drawn out by Don Campbell and Rosie Stower at Holy Rood) are as follows: 1st: Peter Finlay (in his absence Rosie chose the basket of bathrobe and accessories for Julie!); 2nd: Lyn Dunn (in her absence Rosie chose the bottle of red wine); 3rd: Rebecca Howard (Sue Hamilton’s daughter—bottle of white wine); 4th: Linda Liebold (portable radio); 5th: Reg Casey (tea chest); Linda Miles (“Care Flight Angel” bear—complete with halo and wings!). The total raised was $240—which just happens to be the amount needed to sponsor our five children for one month! Thanks again to you all for the support you give to our World Vision children. Watch out for the posters with the latest photos of these beautiful children. Peter Burt.

Holy Land tour... Are you interested in taking part in a Christian Pilgrimage

organised by Anglican Tours—Feb/March 2017 for 19 days in Israel, The Holy Land? Or perhaps a relaxing break of 23 days in Vietnam and Cambodia sounds appealing—Sept/October 2017. See flyers at the Welcome Desk. You could contact Anglican Tours a number of ways: by email on [email protected]; check out their web page at www.anglicantours.com.au; or by phone on 0409 411 246. (This information has come courtesy of Rev’d Lyn Dunn.)

Miniature Poodles... If you are interested in purchasing a mini

poodle, there are four black female poodle puppies looking for a good home. Call Angela on 0414 579 859 for more information.

Community Notices

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Pat & Barry Schmidt 5529 3802

Home Study Group Biggera Waters

Mondays 6.55pm

Don Campbell 0417 190 817

Prayer Meeting St Matthew’s Church Upper Coomera

Tuesdays 8.00-8.45am

Parish Office 5580 5814

Social Craft Group Upper Coomera

Tuesdays 9am—12noon Fortnightly during school terms

Pam Wain 5501 5302

Home Study Group Hollywell

Tuesdays 10.00-11.30am

Rod & Lesley Dunlop 5668 5717

Home Study Group Coomera Waters

Tuesdays 7.00-9.00pm

Ruth Bradley 0452 511 321

Home Study Group Coomera Waters

Tuesdays 7.30pm

George Osborne 5577 3738

Prayer Meeting @ St James Biggera Waters

Wednesdays 8.30-9.00am

Debbie Sketcher 5591 4480 / 0466 446 607

Home Study Group Southport

Wednesdays 7.00pm

Ian Boniface 0414 279 088

Prayer Meeting St Matthew’s Church Upper Coomera

Thursdays 6.00-6.45am

Pat Grant 0412 730 979 George Osborne 5577 3738

Home Study Group Biggera Waters

Thursdays 7.00-9.00pm

Glenda Murrell 0405 470 528

Mainly Music Holy Rood Family Centre

2 Sessions Thursdays 9.15am & 10.45am

Bev & Ian Huguenin 5573 6211

PATSIMAC—Prayer for Aboriginal & TSI Ministry & concerns.


2nd Thursday monthly 1.30-2.30pm

Pat Grant 0412 730 979

Social Craft Group St James Church Hall

Fridays 9.30am—12noon

Lyn Martin 5537 2024

Ladies’ Prayer Group Biggera Waters

1st Saturday of month 8.00am

Gail Beattie 5563 7170

Cursillista’s Group St James Church Hall

Biggera Waters

Last Sunday monthly (after 9.00am service)

Group Gatherings…..

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Parish Diary Dates….

Now at 5.30pm Sunday nights

Contemporary Worship... Biblical teaching...

“Hope, freedom, new life” - Abba Father

(Galatians 3: 23—4: 7)

After the service—Hot Dogs (gold coin donation). Everyone welcome!!


Thursday 28 April


MU Deanery Quiet Day—Led by Rev’d Lyn Dunn “The Heartbeat of Divine Love”

St James’ Church/Hall Contact: Irene Daniel / Marjory Fieldus

0418 725 397 / 5571 6532

Wednesday 27 April

6.00pm **6.30pm**

7.00pm St Matthew’s Church

Baptism Information Evening **Complimentary Dinner**

Promises Workshop

Wednesday 27 April

6.30pm (meal)

7.30pm (group session)

St Matthew’s Church

Meal & Fellowship with Baptismal families followed by Mark Gungor’s

“Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage” sessions

Wednesday 27 April

6:30pm St Mathew’s Church

“THE CHERISH Gatherings” Pregnancy & Baby Bereavement Support

Group Contact: Karen Jefferson

0437 633 737

Sunday 1 May

10am-1pm Botanical Café

152 Mt Coot-tha Rd Toowong

International Bereaved Mum’s Day High Tea 2016

Tickets on sale now $55 pp Contact: Karen Jefferson

0437 633 737

Tuesday 3 May

6pm for 630pm Start

St James Hall Cursillo Pot Luck Dinner Contact: Barry Cathcart

040 070 8909

Sunday 15 May

7.30am St Matthew’s Church Men’s Breakfast

Contact: Ian Boniface 0414 279 088

Monday 16 May

6pm St Matthew’s Church Parish Council Meeting Contact: Don Campbell

0417 190 817

Saturday 21 May


St Andrew’s Encouragement Day A day conference for women of all ages.

“Getting the Balance Right—Motivating Mary, Managing Martha” To be held at Emmanuel College, University of Qld.

More information contact: Lurline Campbell—0412 277 737 or download the registration brochure from “Events” on the GCNAC


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Service Times

St James Anglican Church, 41 Brighton Street, Biggera Waters

Sunday 7.30am Sunday 9.00am (including Kids Church/Sunday School) Wednesday 9.30am Holy Rood Anglican Church, 192 Tamborine-Oxenford Road, Oxenford

Sunday 8am Sunday 5pm (Church Express) Wednesday 5.30pm St Matthew’s Anglican Church, 142 Billinghurst Crescent, Upper Coomera

Sunday 10am (including Kids Church/Sunday School) Sunday 5.30pm (Sunday Night Life)

Contact Details Priests Parish Office Rev Don Campbell—Locum (0417 190 817) 142 Billinghurst Crescent Rev Stephen Hooper (0411 579 954) Upper Coomera Qld 4209 Rev Peter Finlay (5529 9521) Office Hours: 9am-4pm Mon-Thur

Rev Dr Bev Jane—Mission Chaplain (0417 034 301)

Deacons/Spiritual Companions Phone: 5580 5814

Rev Lyn Dunn (0413 528 670) Fax: 5580 5876 Rev Rosanne Stower (0421 725 275) Email: [email protected] Wardens www.goldcoastnorth.org.au

Katrina Lyon (0439 735 391) Karen Jones (0403 952 262) Wayne Van Den Bos (0423 779935)

For further contact details of ministries and ministers within Gold Coast North Anglican Church please refer to www.goldcoastnorth.org.au or contact the Parish Office.

GIVING Direct Deposit into our bank account— Gold Coast North Anglican Psh—Easy Access BSB 704-901 Account # 00001100 ANFIN Parish Direct—forms available at the Welcome Desk or from the Parish Office Planned Giving envelopes are available upon request.

OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS Protection from Harm The Anglican Diocese of Brisbane takes allegations of abuse and harm seriously. The Professional Standards Canon and the Protocol for Dealing with Complaints of Abuse provide clear and transparent processes for the management of complaints of abuse. Persons who may have been harmed by a Church worker, or who know of someone else who has, are encouraged to come forward. All complaints will be treated sensitively and confidentially. The Director of Professional Standards will respond to all complaints and will assist you to understand the processes involved. Please contact Office of Professional Standards, St Martin’s House, 373 Ann Street, Brisbane 4000 (GPO Box 421, Brisbane 4001): Phone 1800 242 544; Fax 07 3831 9873; Email [email protected]

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ANZAC Day and 5th Sunday of Easter


ANZAC Day: “No one has greater love than this, than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends,” says the Lord, “if you do what I command you.” John14:13-14

5th Sunday of Easter: “I give you a new commandment,” says the Lord, “that you love one another. As I have loved you, you also should love one another.” John 13: 34


ANZAC Day: O God, our ruler and guide, in whose hands are the destinies of this and every nation, we give you thanks for the freedoms we enjoy in this land and for those who

laid down their lives to defend them: We pray that we and all the people of Australia, gratefully remembering their courage and their sacrifice, may have grace to live in a spirit of justice, of generosity, and of peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns

with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

5th Sunday of Easter: We behold your glory, O God, in the love shown by your Son, lifted up on the cross and exalted on high: be glorified anew in the love we have for one another as disciples of the risen Lord Jesus, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy

Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Baptised and communicant members of other Christian churches professing the Apostolic (or historic Christian) faith are invited to receive Holy Communion. All are welcome to come forward to receive a blessing, whether or not baptised or confirmed.

Worship with us today….

Next Sunday’s Readings: 6th Sunday of Easter

Reading: Acts 16:9 - 15 Psalm: 67 (p.287 of APBA)

2nd Reading: Revelation 21: 10 –14, 21: 22– 22: 5 Gospel: John 14: 23–29 or John 5: 1-9


ANZAC Day 5th Sunday of Easter

Reading: Micah 4: 1-4 Psalm: 46 (p.269 of APBA)

2nd Reading: Hebrews 10: 32 - 11: 1 Gospel: John 15: 9-17

Reading: Acts 11: 1-18 Psalm: 148 (p.378 of APBA)

2nd Reading: Revelation 21: 1-16 Gospel: John 13: 31-35