23rd march

A DAY. A RESOLUTION. A VISION. A SPIRIT 23 rd March, 1940...A day that laid down the foundation of a nation, to which millions of hopes, spirits and sacrifices were attached. There were no individual benefits. There was no ethnic discrimination. This day symbolizes the transformation of the Muslim minority in British India into a nation with its distinguishing socio-cultural and political features Our ignorance of or ambivalence towards history is evident in our national behavior. The youth that sacrificed their future, dreams, blood and lives in 1940’s for the sake of this country is replaced by a youth that is demotivated. The day that symbolizes the sacrifice of millions of Muslims shouldn’t be celebrated like a festival, with dance and music all around. Pakistan is facing a lot of problems, and lack of awareness of true ideology of the creation of this nation is not only the biggest threat but also a shameful aspect of our country. There is a need of us! Young individuals who are energetic and who believe in the rightfulness of justice, harmony and liberty. This day should be celebrated in its true spirit. Let us remember the sacrifices and pains of our ancestors and founding father and remember why the Muslims demanded a separate homeland, and let aim to meet the expectations of our great leaders. Let us protect our country with the same fervor it was demanded with. And one day we’ll celebrate this day not with blood, but with flowers. Long live Pakistan

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Post on 10-Feb-2017




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Page 1: 23rd march


23rd March, 1940...A day that laid down the foundation of a nation, to which millions of hopes, spirits and sacrifices were attached. There were no individual benefits. There was no ethnic discrimination. This day symbolizes the transformation of the Muslim minority in British India into a nation with its distinguishing socio-cultural and political features

Our ignorance of or ambivalence towards history is evident in our national behavior.

The youth that sacrificed their future, dreams, blood and lives in 1940’s for the sake of this country is replaced by a youth that is demotivated. The day that symbolizes the sacrifice of millions of Muslims shouldn’t be celebrated like a festival, with dance and music all around. Pakistan is facing a lot of problems, and lack of awareness of true ideology of the creation of this nation is not only the biggest threat but also a shameful aspect of our country. There is a need of us! Young individuals who are energetic and who believe in the rightfulness of justice, harmony and liberty. This day should be celebrated in its true spirit.

Let us remember the sacrifices and pains of our ancestors and founding father and remember why the Muslims demanded a separate homeland, and let aim to meet the expectations of our great leaders. Let us protect our country with the same fervor it was demanded with.

And one day we’ll celebrate this day not with blood, but with flowers. Long live Pakistan

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