2.3 indus valley

Indus Valley Indus Valley Civilization Civilization

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Post on 21-May-2015




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Indus ValleyIndus ValleyCivilizationCivilization

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Indus Valley

• Large area along the Indus River in what is modern-day Pakistan (it was part of India then – long story)

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• Civilization had large and well-planned cities that were laid out according to a grid

• In contrast, most Mesopotamian cities (and later European ones, for that matter) have confusing mazes of streets that developed from walking paths

• Had a good sewer system, complete with indoor toilets and baths. No other contemporary cities had this.

• First to cultivate cotton and weave cotton cloth

• Polytheistic religion

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Computer generated picture of what Mohenjo Daro may have looked


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Around 1900 BC, the Indus Valley Civilization declines and the cities are abandoned by 1700 BC. Several theories why:

1. Invasion

• There was an invasion of Aryans from the north (they weren’t blond, blue-eyed people – that’s a later connotation).

• They conquered the Indus Valley folk

2. Weather patterns

• It appears the area become cooler and drier around this time and this affected water flow and food sources

3. Combination

• Weather disruptions weakened the civ and left it open for conquering. Nobody knows for sure.