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  • 8/14/2019 22Fibonacci-2.pdf


    C Calling Convention

    ; main code

    ; ---------

    ; Pushes 5 onto the stack and calls Fib. Note that the 5 is never

    ; popped off the stack, even though it seems like it should be.

    ; The reason for this is that the unlk comes right after the jump

    ; to Fib and the compiler realized that unlinking clears the stack

    ; anyway.

    00000000: 4E56 0000 link a6,#0

    00000004: 4878 0005 pea 0x00000005

    00000008: 4EB9 0000 0000 jsr Fib

    0000000E: 4E5E unlk a6

    00000010: 4E75 rts

    ; Fib code

    ; --------

    ; This version of Fib first sets up the stack and loads the; parameter (n) into D3 for quick and easy access. It then

    ; handles the base case. If the base case doesnt apply,

    ; the code calls Fib(n-2) and stores the result into a temporary

    ; local variable (-4 off A6). Finally, the code makes the Fib(n-1)

    ; call, adds the results, and returns.


    ; This function is not completely optimized, as it was automatically

    ; generated. However, it does show the calling conventions.


    ; Note: to save stack cleaning, this function doesnt clean off the

    ; stack until the end of the routine, when it adds 8 to the stack

    ; pointer.

    00000000: 4E56 FFFC link a6,#-4

    00000004: 2F03 move.l d3,-(a7)

    00000006: 262E 0008 move.l 8(a6),d3

    0000000A: 7002 moveq #2,d0

    0000000C: B680 cmp.l d0,d3

    0000000E: 6E04 bgt.s *+6 ; 0x00000014

    00000010: 7001 moveq #1,d0

    00000012: 601E bra.s *+32 ; 0x00000032

    00000014: 2003 move.l d3,d0

    00000016: 5580 subq.l #2,d0

    00000018: 2F00 move.l d0,-(a7)

    0000001A: 4EAD 0000 jsr Fib0000001E: 2D40 FFFC move.l d0,-4(a6)

    00000022: 2003 move.l d3,d0

    00000024: 5380 subq.l #1,d0

    00000026: 2F00 move.l d0,-(a7)

    00000028: 4EAD 0000 jsr Fib

    0000002C: D0AE FFFC add.l -4(a6),d0

    00000030: 504F addq.w #8,a7

    00000032: 261F move.l (a7)+,d3

    00000034: 4E5E unlk a6

    00000036: 4E75 rts

  • 8/14/2019 22Fibonacci-2.pdf


    Pascal Calling Convention

    ; main code

    ; ---------

    ; This code works much like the main code with the C calling

    ; convention. The main difference is that the return value must

    ; be retrieved from the stack.

    00000000: 4E56 0000 link a6,#0

    00000004: 594F subq.w #4,a7

    00000006: 4878 0005 pea 0x00000005

    0000000A: 4EB9 0000 0000 jsr FIB

    00000010: 201F move.l (a7)+,d0

    00000012: 4E5E unlk a6

    00000014: 4E75 rts

    ; Fib code

    ; --------

    ; The Fib code works much like the Fib code with the C calling; convention. One difference is that memory must be accessed and

    ; allocated for return values.

    00000000: 4E56 FFFC link a6,#-4

    00000004: 2F03 move.l d3,-(a7)

    00000006: 262E 0008 move.l 8(a6),d3

    0000000A: 7002 moveq #2,d0

    0000000C: B680 cmp.l d0,d3

    0000000E: 6E0A bgt.s *+12 ; 0x0000001a

    00000010: 2F7C 0000 0001 move.l #1,20(a7)


    00000018: 6028 bra.s *+42 ; 0x00000042

    0000001A: 594F subq.w #4,a7

    0000001C: 2003 move.l d3,d0

    0000001E: 5580 subq.l #2,d0

    00000020: 2F00 move.l d0,-(a7)

    00000022: 4EAD 0000 jsr FIB

    00000026: 201F move.l (a7)+,d0

    00000028: 2D40 FFFC move.l d0,-4(a6)

    0000002C: 594F subq.w #4,a7

    0000002E: 2003 move.l d3,d0

    00000030: 5380 subq.l #1,d0

    00000032: 2F00 move.l d0,-(a7)

    00000034: 4EAD 0000 jsr FIB

    00000038: 201F move.l (a7)+,d00000003A: D0AE FFFC add.l -4(a6),d0

    0000003E: 2F40 0014 move.l d0,20(a7)

    00000042: 261F move.l (a7)+,d3

    00000044: 4E5E unlk a6

    00000046: 4E74 0004 rtd #0x4

  • 8/14/2019 22Fibonacci-2.pdf


    C Calling Convention (A6 frames disabled)

    ; main code

    ; ---------

    ; Similar to the other main codes, but no LINK.

    00000000: 4878 0005 pea 0x0000000500000004: 61FF 0000 0000 bsr.l Fib

    0000000A: 584F addq.w #4,a7

    0000000C: 4E75 rts

    ; Fib code

    ; --------

    ; Similar to the other Fib codes, but no LINK. Note that this

    ; affects the code. The base case doesnt jump to the end to handle

    ; the common return code. Instead, it returns right in the middle

    ; of the function. Also note that the code does unconventional

    ; things, such as re-using the parameter space for the first call to

    ; Fib to store the result of the first call. To access this value; after the second call, it must add an additional 4 to get the,

    ; value, since the parameter for the second fib call is on the

    ; stack.

    00000000: 2F03 move.l d3,-(a7)

    00000002: 594F subq.w #4,a7

    00000004: 262F 000C move.l 12(a7),d3

    00000008: 7002 moveq #2,d0

    0000000A: B680 cmp.l d0,d3

    0000000C: 6E08 bgt.s *+10 ; 0x00000016

    0000000E: 7001 moveq #1,d0

    00000010: 584F addq.w #4,a7

    00000012: 261F move.l (a7)+,d3

    00000014: 4E75 rts

    00000016: 2003 move.l d3,d0

    00000018: 5580 subq.l #2,d0

    0000001A: 2F00 move.l d0,-(a7)

    0000001C: 4EAD 0000 jsr Fib

    00000020: 2F40 0004 move.l d0,4(a7)

    00000024: 2003 move.l d3,d0

    00000026: 5380 subq.l #1,d0

    00000028: 2F00 move.l d0,-(a7)

    0000002A: 4EAD 0000 jsr Fib

    0000002E: D0AF 0008 add.l 8(a7),d0

    00000032: 4FEF 000C lea 12(a7),a700000036: 261F move.l (a7)+,d3

    00000038: 4E75 rts

  • 8/14/2019 22Fibonacci-2.pdf


    Custom Calling Convention (Cder style assembly this time)

    FibProg MAIN

    MOVE.L #4, -(A7)

    JSR Fib

    ADDQ.L #fibParamSize, A7



    ; Function: Fib

    ; -------------

    ; This function wraps a recursive function to compute the nth

    ; Fibonacci number. The wrapping is done to allow the caller to

    ; use C calling conventions though we don't internally use them

    ; (it's faster not to). The C prototype is "int Fib (int n);".


    ; Note that LINK is used though it's not strictly required.; It just makes it a bit easier to get the parameter after we've

    ; saved the registers.


    ; See FibRecurse for more details...

    nOff EQU 8 ; A6 relative...

    fibParamSize EQU 4

    Fib PROC

    LINK A6, #0

    MOVEQ.L #2, D2

    MOVE.L nOff(A6), D1

    JSR FibRecurse

    UNLK A6



  • 8/14/2019 22Fibonacci-2.pdf


    ; Function: FibRecurse

    ; --------------------

    ; This is a recursive function to compute the nth Fibnacci number

    ; using Fib(n) = Fib (n-1) + Fib (n-2). Note that Fib(1) =

    ; Fib(2) = 1.


    ; The function doesn't use any standard calling convention in order; to get some extra speed. The function basically uses two registers

    ; as input and one register as output (see below). None of the

    ; registers are trashed, including the parameters (though D1 is

    ; temporarily changed, it is restored).


    ; Note that the stack is used as a holding place for D0 before

    ; the second call to recurse. The function treats D0 as

    ; caller saved (which all C does).


    ; Inputs

    ; D1 (.L) -- n (the paramater to fib)

    ; D2 (.L) -- The constant 2 (makes comparison faster)


    ; Outputs

    ; D0 (.L) -- The result of the fib.

    FibRecurse PROC

    MOVEQ.L #1, D0

    CMP.L D2, D1

    BLE @FibRecDone

    SUBQ.L #1, D1

    JSR FibRecurse

    MOVE.L D0, -(A7)

    SUBQ.L #1, D1

    JSR FibRecurse

    ADD.L (A7)+, D0

    ADDQ.L #2, D1

    @FibRecDone RTS