2/28/2013 theorist presentation 1 edit 704 – sonia palmer robert frank mager

2/28/2013 Theorist Presentation 1EDIT 704 – Sonia Palmer Robert Frank Robert Frank Mager Mager

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Page 1: 2/28/2013 Theorist Presentation 1 EDIT 704 – Sonia Palmer Robert Frank Mager




1 EDIT 704 – Sonia Palmer

Robert Frank Robert Frank


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The Person


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Mager’s Criterion Referenced Instruction

0 Criterion-Referenced Instruction (CRI)0 Goals/task analysis0 Performance objectives 0 Criterion referenced testing0 Objective-based learning modules

0 Based upon the ideas of mastery learning and performance-oriented instructions.

0 No Change = Not Effective


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Mager’s Learning Objectives

0 Analysis0 Design – Instructional Objectives

0 a collection of words and/or pictures or diagrams0 related to intended outcomes, not the process0 specific and measureable0 focus = student

0 Checklist0 condition(s)0 performance0 criteria


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Influential Theories/Similar or Related Theories

0 R. Gagne0 Learning hierarchies provide a basis for the sequencing of instruction.

0 M. Knowles0 Andragogy – an adult learning theory: more on self-directed process than lesson

content being taught (case studies, simulations are more useful)

0 C. Rodgers0 Experiential learning – applied knowledge that addresses the needs and wants of the adult



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Theory or Research-based?


Referred to as both:

• CRI is theory that involves a set of methods for designing and delivering training

• CRI is a model/methodology. The ideas, approaches, products, seminars, workshops, and books based on criterion-referenced instruction are based on science, research into the laws of human nature.

The Center for Effective Performance (CEP) and others conduct workshops that use this model.

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Contribution to Adult Learning


1. Widely used in the adult training world

2. Great emphasis is placed on the instructional materials to achieve this result. Poor performance = inadequate instruction

3. Self-paced, repeated practice (if needed) of skills net yet mastered that includes feedback about the quality of their performance

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CRI Points


1. Course description – tells what the course is about

2. Course objectives – describe what students are expected to be able to do.

o Provide sound basis for instructional materials/procedureso Creativity/Tools for guiding student effortso Measurable resultso Help determine instructional efficiency

3. Allow for training to be streamlined to student needs4. Allows for chunking of material/learner convenience

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Personal Thoughts


• He really cares about the learner, and knows what it is to be a learner.

• He is passionate about treating students with dignity and respect.

• He believes that education should be for all learners to acquire the skills that are being taught.

Bottom Line – Mager’s methodology is still relevant today in classroom and also in e-learning even though certain technologies didn’t exist.

Design training first – delivery method second.

• Instruction is the process; student competence is the result.

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Mager, Robert. F. (1997). Preparing Instructional Objectives. 3rd Ed. Atlanta, GA. CEP Press

Mager, Robert. F. (2003) . Life in the Pinball Machine: Careening from There to Here. Atlanta, GA. CEP Press

http://www.instructionaldesign.org/theories/adult-learning.html Retrieved 13 February 2013

http://www.lifecircles-inc.com/Learningtheories/Mager.html Retrieved 22 Feb 2013

http://mysdcc.sdccd.edu/Staff/Instructor_Development/Content/HTML/Adult_Learning_Page1.htm Retrieved 23 February 2013

http://ci484-learning-technologies.wikispaces.com/Criterion+Referenced+Instrub 2013ction Retrieved 23 Feb 2013