2/25/2015 the olc view: october 2014...olc blog events membership workshops journal survey reports...

2/25/2015 The OLC View: October 2014 https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1118775339024&format=html&printFrame=true 1/5 OLC News Inaugural Issue of Online Learning , the Official Journal of OLC The inaugural issue of Online Learning , the official journal of OLC, is now available for download. This issue marks the transition from our previous title, the Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks , and highlights our intentions to build on the nearly two decades of insight and wisdom collected in JALN. With the launch of our new name we retain our goal of bringing the most important developments in online education to our readers. This first issue demonstrates our commitment toward continuous improvement with eight new articles investigating crucial and timely topics in the field. See the full list of downloadable articles or download VOLUME 13, ISSUE 10, OCTOBER 2014 QUICK LINKS OLC Blog Events Membership Workshops Journal Survey Reports Publications News and Press Room Join us for the webinar "La Trobe University Online MBA: A Mobile First Design" October 23, 2PM ET. WORKSHOPS October Oct 24 ‐ 31: Designing a Flipped Classroom Oct 24 ‐ Oct 31: Introduction to Mobile Apps and Tablets

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OLC NewsInaugural Issue of Online Learning, the OfficialJournal of OLC


The inaugura l  issue of Onl ine Learn ing , the officia ljournal  o f OLC, is now avai lab le  for download. This issuemarks the transi tion from our previous ti tle , the Journal  o fAsynchronous Learn ing Networks, and h igh l ights ourin tentions to  bu i ld  on the nearly two decades of insightand wisdom col lected in  JALN. Wi th  the launch of our newname we reta in  our goal  o f bring ing the most importantdevelopments in  on l ine education to  our readers. Th is fi rstissue demonstrates our commitment toward continuousimprovement wi th  e ight new articles investigating crucia land timely top ics in  the fie ld . See the full list of downloadable artic les or  download





OLC BlogEventsMembersh ipWorkshopsJournalSurvey ReportsPubl icationsNews and Press Room

Join us for thewebinar "La Trobe

University Online MBA:A Mobi le First Design" October 23, 2PM ET.  


 Oct 24 ‐ 31:  Designing a F lipped Cla ssroom   Oct 24 ‐ Oct 31: Introduction to Mobile Appsand Tablets   

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the entire issue.


CFP Open: 8th Annual Emerging Technologiesfor Online Learning International Symposium(ET4Online)

April 22 ­ 24, 2015 Sheraton Dal las Hote lDal las, Texas 

OLC and MERLOT invi te  you to  submi t a  proposal  for The8th Annual  Emerg ing Technolog ies for Onl ine Learn ingInternational  Symposium (#et4onl ine). Th is conferenceprovides myriad opportun i ties for you to  share yourknowledge and expertise in  on l ine teaching and learn ing. Share and learn about the innovative and emerg ingpractices to  enhance your research, student support,teaching, and learn ing at your insti tu tion.

Call for  presentations open. There wi l l  be nodeadl ine extensions. Submi t by December 1.Keynote Speaker:  Mimi  Ito  on Connected Learn ing Two Plenaries:  Bonnie Stewart on Beyond Al t­metrics: Identi ties and In fluence Onl ine andGardner Campbel l  on Thought Vectors In  ConceptSpace 


2014 OLC Awards ‐ RecognizingAdvancements in Online Learning

Congratu la tions to  the recip ients o f the 2014 OLC Awardsand the 2014 Effective Practice Awards. These awardsrecognize outstanding achievements towards advancingonl ine learn ing and best practices that educators canapply in  the i r own courses and programs.  

OLC Conferences

Oct 24 ‐ Oct 31: New to Online: The Essentia ls 


   Nov 7 ‐ 14: MOOCs: Exploring Learning inOpen Courses    Nov 7 ‐ 14: New to Online: Qua lity CourseDesign F rameworks    Nov 7 ‐ 14: Supporting Your OnlineFaculty    Nov 11: Introduction to Copyright andFa ir Use 1/2 Day    Nov 14 ‐ 21: New to Online: TheEssentia ls    Nov 14 ‐ 21: Designing a F lippedClassroom    Nov 17 ‐ 19: F inding and Using OpenEducationa l Resources 

 A ll 2014 workshops

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Virtual Attendance: 20th Annual OnlineLearning Consortium International Conference

October 29 ­ 31, 2014 Walt Disney World  Swan AndDolphin ResortLake Buena Vista , FL

No travel  budget? Schedul ing confl ict?  Have theconference come to  you or your insti tu tion wi th  Ind ividualand Insti tu tional  Vi rtua l  Attendance options. 80+ sessionswill be live streamed including 3 keynote sessions,featured sessions, select information sessions, and keyvendor showcase sessions. On­demand access of a l lrecorded sessions is provided to  vi rtua l  a ttendees for oneyear post­conference. 


HBCU Leadership Summit for Online Learning

October 29, 2014 Walt Disney World  SwanAnd Dolphin ResortLake Buena Vista , FL

Breaking Barr iers to Expand the Legacy into OnlineLearning

 Keynote : "Reaching the ConnectedLearner Through DisruptiveInnovation" by Robert Bla ine,Jackson State Universi ty 

Two registration options available .Watch interviews with our Keynote Presenter andConference Chai r.


WEBINARS Oct 14:Sta rting Online Students on theRoad to Success with Skills,Tools and Resources...Destination Course Zero! Oct 14:Canvas, An LMS and Beyond Oct 14:Protect the Integrity of OnlineTests: LockDown Browser &Respondus Monitor Oct 20:New to Online ‐ OLC WorkshopSeries for Fundamenta l OnlineTeaching Skills Development   Nov 6:Online + : A Standards‐BasedApproach to Hybrid Learning   Nov 20:eCATs: E lectronic Cla ssroomAssessment Techniques "Takingthe temperature of lea rning inthe online cla ssroom"  


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OLC Institute 

Mastery Series ­ 3 Start Dates Left

Only 3 start dates remain to  specia l ize in  an area foronl ine teaching mastery. Successfu l  completion of th isprogram culminates in  a  Recogni tion of Mastery in  a  top ic. Social Media for  Online Education ­ October 17Leadership in Online Learning ­ November 7 Online Science Labs  ­ November 7  


OLC Teaching Certificates

Get a jump start on your 2015 resolutions wi th  the lastcerti ficate cohorts o f 2014. Whether you are fa i r ly new toonl ine learn ing and teaching or looking to  take your ski l lsto  the next leve l , OLC has a program to fi t your needs.  Online Teaching Certificate ­ Starts November 4 Advanced Teaching Certificate ­ Starts October 22    


Featured Webinars 

Webinars are compl imentary and recorded for fu tureviewing, but reg istra tion is l imi ted. Sign up today. October 14 ­ Starting Online Students on the Road toSuccess with Skills , Tools and Resources...DestinationCourse Zero!

The flexib i l i ty o f on l ine learn ing appeals to  studentsacross the spectrum wi th  d i fferent ab i l i ties: d ig i ta l  natives,non­trad i tional  students, and in ternational  students. Howcan facul ty and instructors ensure a l l  students are on alevel  p laying fie ld  wi th  such a large array of students?

October 14 ­ Protect the Integrity  of Online Tests:LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor

Chief Knowledge Officer  The CKO gathers, curates,and leverages theinte l lectua l  capi ta l  createdby and d isseminatedthrough OLC to create andenhance services andresources.

Director  of Sales We are looking for anaggressive Di rector o fSales/Advertising SalesExecutive to  se l l  ouronl ine learn ing productsand services in  theeducation and corporatemarket.



If you have any questionsor comments about theOLC view, please contactus.  

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Learn how to mainta in  the in tegri ty o f on l ine tests wi th inboth proctored and non­proctored settings. Reducecheating wi th  a  locked envi ronment during on l ine exams.Respondus Moni tor adds webcam and video technology toLockDown Browser to  address the core issues of studentidenti ty and exam in tegri ty.

October 14 ­ Canvas, An LMS and Beyond

Learn more about how Canvas can help you grade (wi thrubrics) more efficiently, easi ly engage students wi th  richmedia and mobi le  technology, co l laborate wi th  peerseasi ly and more.

October 23 ­ La Trobe University Online MBA: A MobileFirst Design

The Mobi le  Fi rst pro ject is an in i tia tive to  provide a fu l lyon l ine learn ing envi ronment for MBA students at La TrobeUniversi ty that wi l l  permi t them to learn what they want,where they want. Th is partnersh ip pro ject a ims to  createthe optimal  on l ine mobi le  student experience by uti l izingthe best ava i lab le  learn ing too ls.



Advertise your productsand services to OLC'scommunity of educatorswho are interested inqual i ty onl ine education.Detai l s.

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