205635856 master plumber

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  • 8/11/2019 205635856 Master Plumber


  • 8/11/2019 205635856 Master Plumber


  • 8/11/2019 205635856 Master Plumber


    In 1935, seventeen Master Plumbers resolved to uniteall practitioners in order to modernize the practice ofplumbing and to provide clients with professionalized

    plumbing services. he! organized the "#MP#P and hadit registered with the $ecurities and %&change'ommission.

    $ubse(uentl!, the #ssociation was accredited b! the

    P)' on *ctober +, 195 as the fourteenth accreditedprofessional organization.

    he "#MP#P pioneered in e-orts leading towards thecreation of the epartment of Public $ervices in the 'it!

    of Manila and the passage of 'it! *rdinance +/11, 0hePlumbing 'ode for the 'it! of Manila. It also initiatedthe formulation of the "ational Plumbing 'ode of thePhilippines which was promulgated on 2anuar! +,1959.

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  • 8/11/2019 205635856 Master Plumber


    In 19;;

  • 8/11/2019 205635856 Master Plumber


    In 199, "#MP#P President 2aime M.'abase spearheaded the drafting of the)evised Plumbing 'ode. ?inall!, in

    *ctober 1999, "#MP#P submitted thesame to the 4oard of %&aminers forMaster Plumbers. #fter careful review,the Professional )egulation 'ommissionadopted the )evised Plumbing 'ode of1999 which President 2oseph %stradaapproved pursuant to $ection / of)epublic #ct "o. 13 last ecember1999.

    In 1999, "#MP#P initiated the >ling of a

    legislative proposal to upgrade the tradeof Master Plumbers to the profession ofPlumbing %ngineers.

  • 8/11/2019 205635856 Master Plumber


    Aomes and businesses re(uire the s6ills of a master plumber toinstall and repair pipes, appliances, and >&tures.

    # plumber usuall! follows blueprints and building codeswhen

    installing various >&tures, such as sin6s and bathtubs.

    hen a pipe or appliance stops functioning properl!, a plumberwill inspect the s!stem, diagnose the problem, and perform an!necessar! replacements or repairs.

  • 8/11/2019 205635856 Master Plumber


    # master plumberis a licensed professional who installs

    and repairs various commercial and residential plumbings!stems.

    Ae or she might specialize in designing new s!stems,la!ing or >tting pipes, or performing repairs andmaintenance on appliances and >&tures.Master plumbers are often self

  • 8/11/2019 205635856 Master Plumber


    They connect pipes between sewers or watermains to to diferent acilities. Master pipetters

    usually specialize in working with pressurizedwater systems, such as those used inmanuacturing rms and power plants.

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    Man! plumbers begin their careers as apprentices,where the! assist e&perienced plumbers for four to >ve!ears to learn the trade >rsthand.#fter completion of an apprenticeship, a plumber canbegin practicing independentl! and prepare for a state< orcountr!c licensing e&am.ritten e&ams test a personBs general plumbing6nowledge as well as his or her understanding of local

    plumbing codes and regulations.

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    There is generally a strong demand orlicensed master plumbers to implement newwater systems and maintain existing ones.Urbanization and population growth result in

    the need or experienced proessionals in bothresidential and industrial acilities.Technological adances in waste watertreatment plants and municipal water systemspresent new opportunities or plumbers

    working in all specialties.

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  • 8/11/2019 205635856 Master Plumber


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    !*%+T"+& M. M*+$"%*


    -((" M. M*#"*+&Member

  • 8/11/2019 205635856 Master Plumber


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  • 8/11/2019 205635856 Master Plumber


    he topic deals with the basic 6nowledge of generalguidelines of character, rules and regulations as covenant in theplumbing practice. his includes moral obligation andrelationship with clients and benefactors.

    ocumentation of re(uisites to the activitiesunderta6en in the plumbing proCect such as applications,

    applicants and general conditions to be observed.

  • 8/11/2019 205635856 Master Plumber


    e>nitions of various plumbing terms, phrases andwords used to de>ne and interpret activities in plumbing.

    #pplication of alignment and pitch of pipe withinspection of the horizontal and vertical elevation above andbelow ground lines, pipe protection and wor6manship

    including studies of prohibited >ttings and dead end in pipeinstallation.

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    $tud! of di-erent materials and their (ualit! such aspipe, metal sheet lead and ferrules used in plumbing.

    4asic 6nowledge of Coints and connections ondi-erent pipes use in plumbing.

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    'hoices and di-erent trap t!pes and sizes of theirprotection, re(uirements for various plumbing >&tures,classi>cation of clean out, e(uivalent, location and itsconstruction along pipe installation.

    4asic 6nowledge on the (ualit! and redeems ofpotable water to meet standards of purit! including sources,storage and distribution to the building from the water main

    through underwater into independent pipes networ6 to thedi-erent >&tures.

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    Dnowledge of all 6inds of receptacles used such aswater closets, urinal, bathtub, wash basin, wash tra! bidet, slopsin6, and similar >&tures. e>nition of locations, conductors,ventilation including re(uirements on swimming pool and roofe&tensions.

    he topic deals with the basic 6nowledge ofventilation re(uirements of rooms in all establishments with

    water closets and urinals.

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    he stud! of di-erent plumbing >&tures as presented intable form with the corresponding nominal size of trap andwaste pipe re(uired and e(uivalent >&ture unit valuesassignment for eas! reference of practitioners.

    he topic deals with the soil and waste stac6installation and its connections, size re(uirements for eacht!pe of plumbing >&tures and their root terminal and below

    ground installation.

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    4asic 6nowledge of the waste disposal s!stem of abuilding and the general >&tures of a septic tan6, wor6ingperformance.

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    4asic theor! of real numbers, e(uation functions andgraph, e(uation functions and graph, e&ponent and e&ponentialfractions.

    4asic concepts in trigonometric functions, solutionof triangles, vectors, trigonometric functions of sum anddi-erences.

  • 8/11/2019 205635856 Master Plumber


    4asic concepts in the theor! and applications of planecoordinate s!stem, e(uation and their loci, straight lines, conicsections, plane and spherical surfaces.

    @nderstanding of the science of ph!sics, languageof ph!sics, matter, theor! of forces and motion, vector,velocit! and acceleration, matter and energ!, 6inetic theor!

    of matter speci>call! the behavior of li(uids, solids, air andother gases. Aeat and temperature, e&pansion,change of state and its transferance.

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    4asic concept of >nancial facts such as simple interestand simple discount, compound interest, simple annuities,amortization and sin6ing fund, depreciation and generalannuities.

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  • 8/11/2019 205635856 Master Plumber


    )eading and interpretation of plans, s!mbols and legends andspeci>cations.

    $hapes, sizes, dimensions, (ualities and uses ofdi-erent 6inds and classes of pipes, >ttings, gauge, valvesand regulators.

  • 8/11/2019 205635856 Master Plumber


    $hapes, sizes, dimensions, (ualities and uses ofdi-erent 6inds and classes of plumbing >&tures and appliancesEsizes, dimension, heights and location of water suppl! anddischarge drains.

    i-erent 6inds of hand and machine tools and theiruses for cutting, reaming, threading, caul6ing, Faring andbrazing, welding Coints and connections of di-erent pipes

    and >ttingsE hand and machine for removing stoppages ofdrains, and repair of lea6s and rusted pipes.

  • 8/11/2019 205635856 Master Plumber


    Periodic and regular inspection and serving of pipes and>ttings, controls, valves, regulators, plumbing >&tures,appliances, pumps and similar e(uipmentE repair of lea6s andrusted pipes.

    Guantit! ta6ecation.

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    *bligations and contracts documentations, proCecttechnical reporting, inspection and acceptance of materials andwor6manship.

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  • 8/11/2019 205635856 Master Plumber


    etermine the amount and (ualit! of water, developsource and provide sanitar! measures against contaminationand pollution.

    Method of sewage treatment and disposal, designand construction of septic tan6, priv!, cesspool, seepage.

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    Planning and design of water suppl!, distribution,branch and all pipings to >&tures, appliances, appurtenancewithin the building and premises.

    Planning and design of house drains, house sewers,horizontal branches, stac6s, vents, drains, traps, cleanouts,special waste, manhole and appurtenance within the

    building and premises.

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    Planning and design of ground and sub

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    Planning and design of dr! and wet standpipes, >re for>re protection within the building and premises.

    $izing the capacit! of elevated and h!dropneumatictan6s, cistern, sewage and scum pits and appurtenances

    within the building and premises.

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    Methods and techni(ues of pipe la!ing and installation,Coints and connections, pipe hangers and supports, storage andprotection from damages, inspection and acceptance ofwor6manship.

    Preparation of orthographic wor6ing drawings,isometric, schematic diagrams, riser diagrams, details,

    s!mbols and legends and speci>cations.

  • 8/11/2019 205635856 Master Plumber


    #ll applicants shall, prior to the date of thee&amination, establish to the satisfaction of the


    a. Ae is at least twent! one +1: !ears of age.b. Ae is a citizen of the Philippines.c. Ae is of good moral character.d. Ae is at least a high school graduate.

    e. Ae has at least >ve !ears of e&perience in actualplumbing wor6 under the supervision of a registeredmaster plumber.

    Identi>cation $heet #ns er $heet

  • 8/11/2019 205635856 Master Plumber


    Identi>cation $heet, #nswer $heet

    andling o xaminee "dentication (heet/*nswer (heets

    0heck i the (erial +umber o xaminee "dentication (heet/*nswer

    (heets are the same or all the sheets. " there is any discrepancy,return the set to your #oom 1atchers or replacement. The (erial+umber is +&T the examination number. "t has nothing to do withyour examination.0heck i there are deects or unnecessary marks on your xaminee"dentication (heet/*nswer (heets.0heck i the number o *nswer (heets corresponds to the numbero examination sub2ects.'o not old or mutilate, take extra care and keep clean yourxaminee "dentication (heet/*nswer (heets.)eore detaching an answer sheet, check i the brown enelope isyours and the set inside belongs to you.

    ow to Mark 3our xaminee "dentication (heet/*nswer(heets

    oUse standard +o. 4 pencil onlyo'o not use too much pressureoMark like this not like theseoMake the mark dark and straighto(trictly no erasures allowed

    Aow o #ppl! ?or he %&amination

  • 8/11/2019 205635856 Master Plumber


    Aow o #ppl! ?or he %&amination

    (T5 6(ecure *pplication 7orm rom the 5#0 0ustomer (erice 0enter 80(09

    and accomplish the same.

    (T5 4(ubmit the *pplication 7orm or processing and ealuation at any othe 5rocessing 1indows together with the ollowing:

    ;&riginal and photocopies o Transcript o #ecords with (pecial &rderand 'ate o $raduation with (0*++' 5"0TU#( *+' 1"T #M*#

  • 8/11/2019 205635856 Master Plumber


    Aow o #ppl! ?or he %&amination

    +&T: (ecure the ollowing rom the processor upon approal oyour application:

    ;5ermanent xamination and #egistration #ecord card 85##09

    'ownload sample 5##0;+otice o *dmission 8+&*9

    (T5 F5ay examination ee at any 0ashier 1indow. $et &Gcial #eceipt.

    ;)accalaureate 'egree B 5HII.II;+onB)accalaureate 'egree B 5JII.II

    ;#emoal B 5DKI.II

    (T5 D5ay or metered documentary stamps and mailing enelope withmetered documentary stamps at the 0(0.

    (T5 K

    *ccomplish the 5##0 and +&*. "ndicate the *pplication +umber,&Gcial #eceipt number, date, and amount on the +otice o *dmission.

    (T5 J5roceed to any o the "ssuance 1indows 81indow H, 6I, 66, 649 or nalreiew o Eualications and documents and issuance o +&*, 5rogramo xamination, xamineeLs

  • 8/11/2019 205635856 Master Plumber


    Aow o #ppl! ?or he %&amination


  • 8/11/2019 205635856 Master Plumber


    How To Apply

    For The


    )oom #ssignments

  • 8/11/2019 205635856 Master Plumber


    )oom #ssignmentsI"$)@'I*"$H

    6. xaminees should report beore J:FI in the morning eeryexamination day. %*T >*M"+( 1"%% +&T ) *'M"TT'.

    4. )ring the ollowing: +otice o *dmission 8+&*9, &Gcial#eceipt, pencils no. 6 or 4, black ball pens, meteredB

    stamped window mailing enelope, long brown and longplastic enelopes.

    F. 0%%U%*# 5&+( *+' &T# %0T#&+"0 $*'$T(*# (T#"0T%3 5#&")"T'.

    D. 1ear the prescribed dress code.

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  • 8/11/2019 205635856 Master Plumber

