· 2018-07-17 · curs without leaving...

l'HK WATERFORD NEWS. ' KSTiBUSBED—1N7. (Aldcmmn RSPUOMP , Proprietor.) LARUCST CIIUVL . MION IN THE SOUTH IRELAND. FuHisfccil ev.ry i-Yiitny Evening , at Ko. 49 King Street f»u K TIIIIKF . 1'ENCK ; Y EARLY ( IN A DVANCE ) 13a.; Bv 1' OST, Y KAIII . V, 15 S ., IN ADVAXCE . Agents for Sale of THE NEWS: WATEKKOKD—Mr.W. K ELLY , Littlu Gcorgo/o-street TKAMOUK—Mi>a CLANCY , Hcfreshmcnt Rooms, in Striuid-striTt. PASSAGE KAST—Tho Misses LOVE, Hotel , Sqtmre. CAURICK-OX-Sl'lK—Mr. J. 11. JU'Ri'iiY, New s Agent. LONDON (For Advts.) llr. WM. CAKIIOLL, 123, Loughboro'-road (Nortli), llrixton. DUBLIN— A LVKKTISIM ; A«:. \ TS : ilossrs. W. II. SMITH A SON , Abln'y si reel. PL'NGAKYAN—Mr. K I AK :> BRFNNAS , Stationer, Ac , Vost mill Telegraph Office , Tho Square. K1LKKXSY—Mr. J OHN JI VKIIIY , H OBO lmi-8treet. CASTLKCOilKU—Jlr. J. HOLOHAN , SlMb-Btreot. AMKHICAN LINK, •i UXITKl) STATES MAIL STEAMKHS. ^J—PT Liverpool to Philadelphia «9HLlS»- KVKl.Y WEUNEslMY. 4ft8SHb >* Culling ut Quetnstown every TUUKSDAT . fcir»t-cl»cs Full-powcrcd Irun Steamshi ps ire appointed to Sail :- •LORI ) CLIVK... Oct. 4 •CTTYo/NEWTOKK 35 OHI O ... Oct. U INDIANA NOT. 1 PENNSYLVANIA Octj 18 ILLINOIS NOT. 8 Ko interoH-dinte I' maengt-ra carried ou vojRRes marked thus* The onl y Trims-Atlantic Line nailiu if, uuder llie United Mutts i~\a\: , »nd carry ing tbe American Hafts for saving life , beside s tin- usunl r-cniplement of Lifeboat*, snd AH eitrn numbrr of Lite Prc-otter*. Tbe accommodation for nil clnuea of pnPSCDgers rqtinl lo tiny of tli e European Steamshi p Liue». Evrry Steamer e.irriesA Surgeon and Stewardess. P.wetigrrs mid fttotls me liuiilcd at Philadel phia on the Whiirl of tin 1 Pennsy lvania Kuilroad Company, which has th e ihom>t n- .id luu-tilmct route to all places in tbo West- •rn State-- . l' s-ieu*! rs l.v tin- iinr cull pass direct into tbo Knilro.iil Curs without leaving the Laiiriiui; Wharf , nud und er t h e •ame roof , there nte Kcfri-sbnieut itouiu , United States Lit- ter Box , Teli-Krup h OlSi-e , Exchange Qflice, and lloggage Iiprc-M Oftire. Cmm IVsAOB , £'15 15s . to X32 Is. Return Tickets at redoced rate- . SIBIKAUK I'AI^AC'S us low us by any other fast line , including an ttinp tc Mipp ly of good I' lovibious. Steerage FaiietiKors are forwarded to New York or Bo.ton without additional charge. TIRKX1 UATH l' i«"*Gr, incMing Beds , ltcdding, and all ncc'iMarr L' leusiU and separate Table , £8 8s. Apply m l'lhludrlphia to hull VV HIGIIX & S OUR , Ueuvral Apeuli. , 307. Wulnut-- ; iu Qurenstown , lo N. & J. CVMMISO & Urolliers ; and iu Liverpool , to KICIIAKDSfON , SPENCE & Co., tf 17 and 10 Water-street ; or JOHN DEVEREUX , Qnay, Waterford . NATIONAL LINE to NEW YORK LARGEST PASSENGER STEMSHIPS. Jlhipi. Tons Sliipi. Tom. EftYrT , Gro^mi V'.V. ENGLAND, Thompson 4!XW SPAIN , Crice 4H00 THE QVKEN , lSr* K U41 ITALY, Wtbalt r VXrl IIOIJLAND, Simpson 3S4J FHANXK . Altrii iS?l EllIN, Spencer 3956 CANAriA , Snran.r (SiXi nKI/VCTIA, Thomson.. 3»74 GllKKCK . AuarvwF 35uu DKN.VAKK . 'Williams.... 3723 From I.lvKurodL to N KW Y OKK every Wednesday. From QVEKNSTOUN , TIiUKSl)AY ; from LONDON to N MI YOKK every SATURDAY. Satoon K&r. ^ , 10, 12 , and 15 Ciuiut'Hs , according to nccoro - motion. Iti'inrn Tielct* , 21 and 22 gurnets. i-tcprnpe in Nrw Y.-rk , lio. "toii , and Philadel phia and Baltimore , LO. Sop« nor tircouiinod. ' iticii and abundance of Fri-fch Provisionf. Apl' . ' y to tLi Nalioh. - ii r~t. nu-Li|' Company (I.iunud), 23 , Wattr-btirrt , Liverpool. <-Cl.K Ar.KNT YOU WATtRPORD : JEREMIAH MURl'JIY , Ii.irronstraml Street. J. M. MLK1 IIV . Cui ck-. u-Suir ; KicnABii I. CNDV , Mull ;—irect , do. ; lllCIUIl D l'nfl.N^, Hrowu-ttiect , I'nrt- Uw ; W M . ruuiil'7Al.. ( . irwir , N IW )*c»* ; PATX . l.A5Oi5 , Bouu nhull ; Jc^Bl'li Mr.A>Y, <JtcCt -r t Duugnrvjiu ; or to N. i.nd J. CfMMl.'ss and IlBOs ., QueeiMoun. ENGLAND ANH Sl.fTII WALES , AJD THE SOUTH I'K IliKLANI ) . I MI " . IOVI :; I S KJ : VI .. K l.y G I :F .AT WESTEUK K AILWA T , V . '..I Mn.Foi:n HAVES . Its comiei ' .inn witli tho 1\' AI viiroKD ASK LIMKKICK and WATkkKOKI j AM* CK ^THAI. iKKI.AND Lines. SHORTEST ROUTE and REDUCED FARES ^ «rv> Erj.rrss Trail:! ami Xctc >' a. vt Hail jarti JB2ta 2. Stf ai.iers. j t a B s£ (Convtry iii- j /'iii*5tii;'r»^ aitd Cai '< jo onl y) every week day. Ko CATTLE , SIIEE1' , or PIGS , Carried by these- Uoate. D0"WN. L F . AVE LOSIJON tPucUlington) at 5.15 p.m., ui. i! Aia:iVK AT WATtioOUD (weather und i> permittinp) about clcTen a.m., in time for tho Trains on the Waterford and Limerick and Central Ireland Lined. t'P. —Leave WATEitfjiiD ut -i. ' .i'J p.m., on Arrival of 11.U" Train from Limerick , and 10.35 a.m. Trui:; ' rom Murj liorouyh , Altuivisu iu LONDON I». :i .! :(- SK .I ! cinmni.iliinec. - permitting) nt l'J.10 1. . .O1., folloK'inu; J:iy. Nii Curiu run l.c roreived on hoard after 1.15 p.m., whet the C' .UK ' I -. ' ' wi:! t.e removed, to c:mhle the Steamera U- ¦] ' ¦ , ur: i'l. Ni '1 I' AI.l.Y ut the up) ointid lime, tii" Si»:i'ial Un&ls will (weather a:;i] eireumstaiiecH nenrittinp) HII :1 with Lir.j St*w:k from Waterford to New Milfonl on -ch duys :ia muy ho required, i' or houra ot Sai' iiDi;^, i'- ., etc* sj.ireiul Uiils. FA I: K. S— WA TK U hO l U) AXD L0KD0H : SlSULKiavuilaiile tcr o buys)l rt (jlttr. -, and Saloon, MB M ,, ,, 2nd Class and .Saloon, . '&.s Gd ,, ,, " !•¦! Class und Fore Cabin , 20a <kl 1! KTI I :NS (avui!ul ]e fcr2nionthf)lst h Saloon, 70b ,, ,, ,, 2nd Cliu* i bu ' cion, . r i9s. ,. ,, :S. "d C1: I . -H and Fore Cabin , Xis OM. Further infcrwuiiu:. ian be ol/taioed from Mr. J. W. Do - .vM;r , l;.:iI«;iy Terminus , limerick ; MrW D MCNA - MAI : A , Adc! ;.hi Wl.arf , Wutcrford ; the R EDUCED VAI - . KS bftiv rcn ivi.i r ii:i)Kirtant St«tion!> , thn 'I'imc Tables, und Throuch laae> for OooUb , &e., can be obtained of Mr. W. J. lii' ^sLi.L, the Great Wcklcrn liailway CompanyV t):»trict A Ke;;t , 'Adt.!phi Wharf , Wuterford. J. GKIEIISON , General Maziafror. Pa'Wir.g- . "- -:: TiTiniiiUf. i7.lf TUE IRISH ISOAT* WI] ITE STA H LIKE. UyiTEU STA'l'K.S MAIL STEAMERS. h,f<<i Ti'iiv Kuril,m. a . OXJtlotse.iiOKft , ^^^^--l^^^-^A Liverpool for New York Pafwi;|itri. !" n ' .l parli. ¦! 'I'- Ull't.d>> :u. il Ciliada, l' .i 'uiiii'i- li""' Nm 1 Y.nk 'Tiiy S^lunU>. 11.* *ri;-kn»« n lnM M.m Sli-milm ut tlun line , nil ion- •ttuciid > iy .M> . «-r> . H AUIA MI *: Woirt , i, i IMi^-t , '«k,. ll.r Llil.r ltt.i. ' i- , lli..niU-. li-ii.l ' •) l. 'iu; . M A CKV , mi loth Oulnmr; ;. ml ll. I rfs--i^t* . '1 in\ - ;i» unili r :— Kt. .u. 1.! VKI :1'(. '. I , ''>¦' UfKVhM&wx : BRITANNKJ... Thursday, ... f)rt. 20lh GKIi.MANIC ... Thursday, ... Nov. Oih CELTIC . . Tlmr^ilay. ... Nov. ]fUI, HKI 'l A. N'NI'. ' ... Thur sday, ... Nov. :«)ih (iEIt.MANIC T!.nr-<lav , ... UL -C . 11th llni.M NtM \(iV.K : HKIT A N. VIC... Saturday, ... (Jci. 7tli I i.c -fl,. i\ ; I . •( , . I. !, ¦ : i |.., ' . .( r tli .- |i^.. -;.^r 1.. ll.f lUlI"! i - - . ¦ . I"- , :¦:. ! .it ' .i .ld :.. l' .i ^.l.ll. . l,.. -l..'l i,e:. r ..' ¦ ¦, f . f !.,!|,.- :• •• . .., I, ' .. .. .. .. . ,\»rt:ii: - I' . i-- ¦ ¦ ;• , n li .M.r , I-; il. .;- ; Wi , (l> i l ; ij t . K^ !. \ * > .-¦ I ¦- c o n- l r u i t i d 111 7 w ^ lc i- l i^ h l i. n .p . r ' n.riith . * Ii. - Si Li h A ' . ! 1 ^ ..I"' l . l l '.M .i l A s !'¦!. - . W.i| i ^l . t l d, T. ; ,;¦ ¦ « ¦¦ , .1. '! i\ IMi . •: , .:¦ i 1" . t ii-» r^ ¦ -I t ' . . -> n-tc.vt th*- r.lrr- - . v i. n ..I ¦¦ ' ¦ .-'!• h' - I . An ii-.. i-: -i.pp lv i>i G. 'l. "! I: ;> .! >. . ¦ •I'I I .I . ¦ i.l i:li;. " r^,- . S' I w«n! - II , M.i ::i. . 1" i tin: a i. i i C'uiidr i'll. St. -,,., . - . r . . 1 1- iur.ii K:.l.. I' - .: :i-.^ i: .,: ; 11.Mill |..!.iU.l it* , «M i l > ht 11.» Odil Is of -I .. C.u ,..ny, :!7. l'. r . ., ! » :iy, N. -w Y. ,ik , in QU- I- I .S. to« t , ' ¦. J i ^ SiT.Tr .^ ' <> ¦ ; 'T l. - - . \' . - V. \\ I. It A I n., 1" . U i ii . i -i i i . i , l. im|.(,iil , .. i- ;;•! . I. . . i i i. :. . -ii,i i , Li mi. u , I.. < . Jj«i ' I . - . ii . - .l;\ I i. l. .i!:. (i.i.iif.V-siiici . M JA. \.| . v Ii| - .;. M SS ) , (.: i..: Ci.rtf ' -'t , \V i,i,-i| ¦1 V. ^ I"I:I \l\. i:i . \, »-i:. i..- , (' 111111 k—n SUM . ¦1'ili. V A A 1 .1. . .Inn. . l',,r , M.»» . .1' i|i. \ I1OI. 1 1 i A N . l ' i-liiri,li. i-r . J A M i. r- W ATI - . !;- , m..l .... . ( .\ l:l:M F..f'N->TII: l- .MICIJATItiN (iKFICh GOVERNMENT EMIGRATION TO NKW Zr.. AI..\M> , ou.r.NSl.AND . ft CANADA ITMthK PA SSAUKS i. . NKW X.KALANl i pi-imt.-il ' i...-!: L .:l.|.. A i.|.hi ;, . ASSIM'KI) I'ASSACES Cn.iii'-ii I' . ' ANAI) .\. l' nriii i;l:,,K <,t wl.iel, can be bad M. :<| ! l-in" :n.i. :• .1 . M. Mn, •¦) . A(jfi.l. Sl<-!iN. <r. -i- - . Nf« Yi. il i«i.-i- 1 Wl .,K fro tn (Jiii . -i!M> . Uiwr. , Li»i- ip..i.l , l' 'i i;- . l' nl.In, , (..,,s K , . , w , 01..I Luiiilon. Fir.M-cla. - r ,M.i| s fn.iii I.IH I |.. K,I Lolului, lu AllH- tml :a ai 1 ' t, " .: t'riir!; (. I . L ** a 1- .IIII ^ II .: I <- II (illite-- -;:i N1W LANE , C A I ' J J I C K- ON-tSUIK. ialltf ¦VKKVOI S ni:i!IJ,I'l Y. -(il(A - l]S , uMi . iii- XI riil Wi.rV:. >!;i'"ii!>. ' -i.Ii- r<i> h"« tlu-y mny le enroll will. urit 1 h<- ui.l i.f < , 'u«<-ks . Kr<-.- ,.n r( H .i j.t; . .( )io«tnRO Mainp. Addresi. . SKI UKIAi.v , liihtitute o Aim- nmy Diruiin^ham. myU'.Iiiii * T IEIiKi COMPANY 'S E X T K A C I „( M E A 1 Fiont &lrat-l ' .^r<ii:i!n ir S-nrl- f»r Snii|.- , tllailc Ili-I.e nod S«ucr« , 1'Hutnn. —(irnumr "il y »'ilh tirmniln . B&roo Lteblg ' i ftiguftluiu aciubH Iftbi-l. dlU If SHIPPING. CLYDE SHIPPING COMPANY OCTOBER , 1876. Regular STEA M COMMUNICA TION between WATERFORD and LONDON, Via Sioutuumpton , nod London aud South We»tern Knilway, PLYHODTH and. SOUTHAMPTON, and SOUTH ol ENGLAND , C0UK , DUULIN , BELFAST, and GLASGOW. ^ \j r I lHE new nnd powerlul Screw Steamers «a*d^tV 1 COPELAND . TOWAKD , SANDA , ^SLJ^- COKSEWALL , SKEKKYVOHE , CUM- aS*#g**t UUAE , WICKLOW , ARKLOW . and PORTLAND , aro intended to Sail as under (wmthcr pcrmittitg, unless prc Tentud by aoy unforeneen circumstanceB), with liberty to low Vessi-U, and to call at an Port or Portt in anj order, in or out of the customary course, to recoive and discharge Cargo or for uny other purpose whatever. KHOM WATERF0KU TO GLASGOW, Tuesday, 3rd Oct. 1 p.m., via Dublin. Wednesday, 4th 1 p.m., fia Cork. Friday, 6th 1 p.m., »ia Cork «nd Belfast Saturday, 7th ,, 1 p.m., ria Belfast. Tuesday , 10th ,, 1 p.m., via Dublin- Wednesday, 11th ,, 1 p.m., via Cork. Friday, 13th 1 p.m., via Cork aud bellast Saturday, 14th 1 p.m., via Belfast TunJuy, 17th ,, 1 p.m., via Dublin. Wcdnceday, 18th 1 p.m., via Cotk. Friday, 20th 1 p.m., via fork and Belfast Saturday, 21st 1 p. m., via lldfatt Tursdar, X4lh 1 p.m., via Dublio. Wodneeday, 26th ,, 1 p.m., via Cork. Friday, 27tli 1 p.m., via Cork and Belfast Saturday, 28lh ,, I p.m., via Belfast. Tuesday, 31st ,, 1 p.m., via Dublin. FROM GLASGOW TO WATEKKOHD , Every MONDAY , WEDNESDAY , And FIUDAY , 2 p.m. ; Kail to Greenock , 8 p.m. N OTB. —Tbe Steamer on Friday goes via Cork. FROM WATEUF0UD TO BELFAST. Every FRIDA Y, viu Cork , - - nt 1 p.m. Every SATURDAY, direct , - - at 6 p.m, BELFAST TO WATERFOUI) , direct. Evory THURSDAY and MONDAY , 2ud , 10th , and 30th From WATEltFOKL' 0 TO DUBLIN , direct , Every TUESDAY. ... „. at 1 p.m. DUBLIN to WATERFORD , Via Cork. Every SATURDAY. FR01I WATERFORD TO CORK. Every WEDNESDAY , at 1 p.m, Every FRIDA Y, - - at 1 p.m. FROM CORK TO WATERFORD , direct , Every MONDAY. WATKKFOR.U TO LONDON , SU'ainrr to -Southampton , thence by London and Sonth IVenlini Kaiixiiy In Nine Kims Station , at Throug h Rates , Every SATURDAY nnd WEDNESDAYS , 4th and 18th October, at 4 p.m. LONDON TO WATERFORD-Evcry TUES DAY, Goods Received at auy of the Receiving House" of thr Loudou and South Wioicrn Railway Coru|>«Dy, aud at Nine Elms Statioa up to 6.30 p.m. WATERF011D TO PLYMOUTH , direct , Every SATURDAY and WEDNESDAYS , 4th and 18th October , at 4 p.m, PLYMOUTH TO WATEHFOKD , direct , Every FRIDAY , at 2 p.m. WATERKORD to SOUTHAMPTON , via Plymouth , Ev.ry SATURDAY and WEDNESDAYS, 4tb and 18th October , at 4 p.m. SOUTHAMPTON TO WAI ERKORD , via Pl ymouth , Every WEDNESDAY , at lOa.m These StrHuirrn bi\ve excellent accommodation tor passen- gers. PASSAGE-MONKY. Cabin. Return. Deck Waterlurd to Glasgow or lli-lfabt 17s. 6d. 26s lUs. Cork ... Pi 14> 6s Dublin, ... 10K. 15B. 6S Plymouth nud Southampton 20s. 30s. Ids. London , ... 2or. 16*. 8«JV NOTE.—Th e Cl j dc Shipping ("otnpnny lusure all Goods Shi pped by tli.te Lines of Steamers , at 3s4d. purceut to Trsderh having: ymrl y agrreiueuts , Hud 6s per cent to oc- casional tri ppers—vulrth to he declared at time of shi p- ment. Forma aud all information to he had at the Offices. For Ratis of Frei ght , ke., apply to —J. C. FISKEK- TON , Hi'lfast ; H KS RV J. WA KIKG , Pl ymouth 11. W. W I L L I AH S , Liiiidou and .Soulli-Wintirn Itailway Couipany, Ex.tir Ifuililing i* , Arihur-slit-i-1 , WI-M , and their Receiving HiiuM's tbruc^linut London ; Cly de-Shi pping Co., 40, U pper Ctcil-strrcl , Lmi^rirk; sjuullianiptull ; 'JT^'dt-n Quay, lJL*l}- Lix , »ud l'aliiii' s Quay Co UK. CLYDE SHIPPING COMPANY , Custom llousi- Quay, Wntirlord. Special Koiui b of iiills of I. BI I IIIK required by the Cl y de Shi pping Company, lobe hid hum the Agent*. WATERFORD STEAMSHIP COMPANY (LIMITED). ISTEXDED ORDER OF SAILING—OCT., 1870. BTEAMER8 , GIPSY, LARA , KEPI1YK , and APOLLO , or CLIO - . . VJ OT1CK .—ThcWaterfordSteamalii p tfasal^t' ^ IX Companyreccive Goodn for Shi pment V^^^J^^ on tlie followiuK Terms onl y :—They reserve vHBSSmSw^ the ri ght to enrry by any. Dot by particular Ve»:rlF , wilh liWrty lo Tow Shi ps and call at other Port* nnr! xill not be accountable for injuries orlosaeft arising frntn del^y, Accidents of the Seas , Rivers , Fire , the Queen ' s Ene- mirs , defi ctive Navipation ,oraccident*from auy uthercauie nor for any loss which might have been covered by lusurauc , ? or for Leakage , l)reaaage , Couditiou , Quality, or content* ol any I' l.nvU orPackageti , nulessspeciall y entered nnd adva- orcm Frei ght paid. Goods not removed to be . Slortd tit the risk and expense ot the Coubigntes. W A T KHKO R I) A N 1) H It I S T O L . Krr.ii> Wnlerford to BriMol : tiom Hri«t..l to Wnleiliud. MUKLT MRKCT. Tuesday, Oct. 3 ... 7 Horn Thurfdny, Oct. 5 ... 7 Jli.rn Tncjilav . Hi ... l\ Afl' njTliursrinv, 12 ... 1 Affn Tm-Filny, 17 ... 7 Mom Thursday, IU ... 7 Horn Tuivday, ii ... Hi MnruThursday, 2'i ...12 Nooo Tutvday, ,, 31 ... 7 Mom 'Thunsdaj. NOT 2 ... 6 Muru Al 'OL I. O or CLIO. r-.un. W' nt^rfotd tu llribtol , FruUi Ifristol to Waterford , Direct. calliue at Pembroke Dock. Kri.iay, Oct. n ... S\ Morn,Tuesday, Oct. 3 ... 5J Affn Friday 1:1 ... I AfL 'u TuoHlny, 10 ... 10 Mom Friday ,, ^'l ... HJ Jloru iTnisdjy, 17 ... SJ -Morn Friilay ^7 ... 1 Aft' iijTumlay, 2i ... 81 Morn r ' liduy, NOT . 3 ... 9 Muru Tuesday, 31 ... i\ All'n %^t On varl y Mm :.IIIK Sailings , tl.e Cabin ot the .Steam- ers will lir (Ipiu t>. receive Pas»eu(;e's arriving from Loudon li) the Nig ht MailTrmu. Cabin Fare , los ljd. ; Servauta and Children , 1U». Od. Return do., 26a. ; or with liberty to return from Dublin Cork , or Wei ford , . 'Us ( H., Steward'a fee included ; Deck 7 M. rid. Females attend tlie Ladien ' Cabin. Kxtcnsion ol time ifrnntcd on ull return tickets on the follow* ing terms : For a fortni ght—36. Cd. ;_ nnd for every subsequent wcck72s. W A T E KK0IUI AND LIVERPOOL. FEOM WAIBkPOKD. rROM LIVIHrOOL : Mouiliiy, Oct. - 1 ...12 Koon Moudiiy , Oct , 2 9 Mora WMi.i Ml.i y ,, 4 l\ Affn tt' eUuc«daj- , t —11 Morn Friday 6 —la h' oou l Friday, 6 —11 Morn MonrliiT, 9 ... 3\ Aft 'n'Mou'lay, !> 2 Arfn WtttntKlny, II :i\ Aft 'u.Wulnuday, 11—3 Affn Friiluy, ,, 1.1 H Jloru 'Fri.liiy, 13—7 Morn Mui.ilay, 10 —V2 NomrMouiliiy, 16 9 Morn W«lne«iay 18 1 Aft ' uiWedocMlay 18 —10 Moru Friday .. ' - ') —i2 KonnlFriday, 20 —11 Morn Mumlny, ' . '3 3J Alt ' ulMondny, ' £i 1 Aff n Wednesday, ,, 'Ji 3t Aft ' tiiWudneday, »5 3 Aft 'u Friilay, i!7 b Morn , Friday, 27 0 Morn lluii .lay, ,, :(" —11 Mom .Monday , ' JJ a Moru Cabin Kaie , 17- . tlii ; Scruuit. - ( 'travelling wnh laiiulie>) sn.l I 'lnldren , H> > ; 1). cl , )U> . ; Children , 6K. Frmnlrs a\- tui'l tnr I.mli.i- 'C.' aliin (i...,ils reCeivid at Clar.-nrt- Dmli , Livcrp' -nl. WATEKrOUD AND DL'NGARVAN. I I:• ¦ M "AlKKfclKll . I K0J1 HtNUAKVilK., ,, ", 10 rr.orijlTuewliiy, Oct 3, 0 morn Wi-iliiet-diiy. ,, 1 , 11 nioriilTliurH(i:iy, ,, 5, 7 morn Friday, '< , 11 mom .Saturday, 7, h morn Mnii'liiy, ,, !l , 1 at L' II Tuesday, 10, ti moru W.'.lh.schy, 11 , a i.l t'n Thursday, VZ , U tnorn Friday, ,, IU , 'J moru Saturday, ,, 11 , 11 moru Moii-luy, ,, ll> , 10 morn Tuesday, 17, U alV u Wedne. -iliiy, ,, Is , 11 moru Tl.urnday, ,, IU , G mom Friday, -" , 11' nn.rii Saturday, ,, 21 , 7 moru H oliday, ,, 23 , 1 uii ' u Tucaduy, ,, ^4, 7 morn Weclnesilay, 25 , 2 hli ' nlThurfidi.y, ^(i , *J morn Fri dny, ^7, 2 nfl ' ii i -jaturciuy, 28, 11 morn Friday, 30, 10 mornlTuesday, ,, 31, 1 aft ' n W A T K R F (j R I) A N D N E W U (J S S. F KOU WiTturoBb—Dail y, Suuda)a exceptid , at 3.15 p.m F UUM N KW 1:< eo—I.- .tiij ^ur.i<«j» i jni.ud, «i b 45 a.m. W A T E It F U K ]i AND D L' N CAN N O N. FUI.M \V*i i i!t,.ui^ —l>uil y t , suiiti R) i. incepted, ut 3.2'J p.m. K HOM ].u>CAk>o.^— Diii lv ,^j > i-xii 111 d , »t a.m. I'.i til. - M.uii.l and HMJ LIV . n l.y i<k> lilt at Itiii-ii.|. 'l h,. li|.|i,.| H | Mi S,n,ji:tckil (JI) KI - , ' SI Prim:. •«! .; I' V . NC .AIIVAS Mr. I. D..H.,>- \ , .MAiii.>trr .t ; Livtm-oot— W..l.i|.,i,l M KI IH,!,,,, Cun,pKiji , £i )liuii>v.iik-ilrret , Waiili. iiiK'.'i. llu. ' .i n.^> , ai.d M the I. ' - lupany ' a Ollitis, tbe M ALI., W AI Kit ru in. . EJ'ILKI'SV i,r KITS . —A sure cure for this ilihLri;t;i.iii(, ' voui|ilitiiit in now known in a Tnnti-e inf 1H oetjivo pa^e. -) on >' orci (rn and Nntivc H. rbnl Preparations , published by PROF. O. PHELPS JtR'AS N. The preseri ptiim »a« diweovered by him iu c _ n<-li a provident ij.i manner tlmt he eiinnot conseien- tioiisl y refuse tu umke it known , an it I IUM cured thou- sands who have used it for Fit*. The ingredient* luny le obtained from any (JhemiHt , or Sumplo Uottlon of thu .Midi. iiic "ill U- win f ri(; t o uny addrenfl ou application to (J. P. HROWW , U Kin. . ' .Street , Covent Uurden , Lon- don. [inyiffi-Dm * ONK liOX U\' Cf.AUKK'S li 41 PILLS is w.iiKii ti-d lii run. all ili> (liaiw >.« limn the Urinary On' ,,.- , in r.Hii r -i i , nniuiird nr r'jn-i ituti'Hi.'l. (irnvel , or I'HIH . in II,.' I' .-ik. . -,,1.1 in 1,'iiv , 4s. lid. ruch, by all Clun.isis Am! Patent .Mt.l.t.ur Vriiilm* ; or >ent tu any ;. d ir. - . - f.n rn ,1,11(1. |,j- il,, Muki-r , r. J. CLARKE , Con- MI I III ,. . ( li. n,,-! , II- . .|. ..n«.i , Lincoln. <Vh. | r<..h- Agents , liAUCLir 4 So. "!*, l.oi.dcin , and nil the Wholt^le llnunet. RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR OCTOBE R \VArt^ r 6lCu ^ ASl> C^N 'niAl^THhLASl^Am) KILKENNY JUNCTION RAILWAYS. The shortest route from Waterford and Kilkenny to Dublin , A thlona , P. itumra , Pariornlown.or Naoagb , Is via Marlboro ' . t3~ Improved quick and tbroupb ilally comraunioiUon be- wean Mar/ boroDsH and otber stations to Waiotf'.rd , tbencs TliNaw Milford to Loodon and all stations on tbo ijieal West- ern railwAjof EoaUod. Tho 8.30 a.m. Down and 6.50 p.m. Up Excursion Trains dis- eontinnod. /ROM WATESroBD. I TRA1M On WKgK DAI B. 8P NPATB l-i a, m IN i lusiiTi T2 i3 i v *3 '"'""'• Ct«>Olasa- Clast. .Claai. .Clau Cla.b. A . M. r.u. I r.M. *.M. nuun p m h m h m li ni II m h m h m Watertord.- rffporlxr 7 16 1 0 4 0 13 0 ... Kilmoco* -... 7 V5 1 111 4 li 12 13 ... Mulllnavnt ...._ 7 35 4 r'o 1- il> ... Gall yhale _ 7 85 1 35 4 40 1- i" .. Thomasiown _ _ ! Ill 1 ill < jl - 1 » ...>brid|!e 8 '25 2 5 5 0 _ 1 20 ... Kilkenny .....arrival 8 40 2 2C 5 511 1 4i. ... Do. , dtparturt 8S1 !10 i] 'So ... BallyraKftet.. .__ t IS ilo Jit 2 lu .., Att&nagh _..._... 9 a 3 0 e 0 - 18 ... Abbeyleix 8 51) 3 It j Is 2 30 ... Mariboro ' .-.^arrivnl 111 10 D 35 C 15 3 0 ... M».jtxiraugb o«p_«j> Itil 11 3 24 ... Poriarliogton Ju.ioi ' c II 11 4 17 8 7 3 43 ... Dublin arrival 1 15 i 40 10 0 5 «5 ... Alhlone Jaoctioa arrl 4 45 8 30* Maryboro '_rf<j> dotcn 10 30 ' J 11 9 52 ... Balljbropby™ 10 56 7 45 10 lii ... Eooctca _ I1 34 _ 83 _ Faraocstawn 12 I 90 Partomna _ 12 44 9 40 Nenagh 13 33 8 20 Templcmoro _ 8 II 10 H ... Tourlei arrltal 1 30 8 35 II 13 ... TO WATIEPOED l >AIIt» t.t « ,. k l .W . RUNDATB 1 2 &3 1 -i k3 1 4 -i I i 2 CI5.1. Olasa. Class. Clan. 1 2ti3,\ii3 L .U. A .M. A.M. r.M. Class . ClakB STlTIOHIi Ii m h m h m h m 11 ni |. in 7 10 - 1 65 J 2 7 23 2 la 2 20 7 59 _ 9 4.) 2 47 - 6 30 1 0 6 (I _ - 8 40 _ 1 20 - 7 13 1 45 » 38 3 19 3 24 Tlmrlcs .... dtparturt _ 7 u , 1 65 J 2 Templeniore _ _ 7 5,3 _ j la _ 2 20 U.lljbroph, _ 7 59 _ 9 4:1 2 47 ttcnagh... - 6 30 1 0 1' ortuni'i a _..__ ... | _ e u _ Pnrsonitovtn _ 8 40 1 20 Bojcrea 7 13 1 45 - Sinrjlioro ...nrfl...uji » 3a 3 19 3 21 Atbluae Juoctiuu ...„[ s 15 Dublin ^ .... dtparture 6 0 9 0 1 0 9 30 l' urtarHngton J ODCI ' I ) 8 3 111 13 2 45 11 13 Maryliuro ' ..<ir>i K Jrt> _ 8 ii 10 3u 3 0 11 52 now* IRAINB . Mall 443 Mnryboro ' ... rfrj.arrurt 8 40 ID SS !! 30 ^ 4 0 Abbeyleix 9 0 lu 56 3 50 ... 4 'JO AtlonaKh ~ 9 15 4 5 ... < 35 BallyroKKCt _ 0 26 11 15 4 15 ... 4 45 Kilkenny .... arrival U 45 11 40 4 38 ... S 10 "O -dtparturc 7 30 10 (. 114. ' , 4 50 6 21) BaunetBl.rldii 7 45 10 12 S3 . 5 3J Tbomaiitoivn .„ 8 i 10 !] 12 t 5 20 ... 5 44 Mll ylmle 8 25 HMO 12 16 5 3'J ... Ii 0 Mullinnmt . 8 60 ,1 0 60 0 25 K|m «i)W 'J 6 11 10 12 45 O il) ... CM Waterlunl .^...arrival 9 30 11 30 10 6 30 ... 7 0 bpscial i' areaare charged to Firet and Second tlaiB I' tsain- Ben booking 10 traiel by the Expiesn Mail Traioi on Uicat Boatbern and Western Lint. Tickew issued /or Single Jonrney ore available only lor the Train bj vhich they art issued. ilarket Tickets to Wateifurd and back will be lnuiJ at Maryoorungb , Abbeyleii , Attunagb , and lialiyragjet , by tbo 8.40 a.m. down T.ain , available lor return by llio 4 ,0 p.m. u|> traiD un da.6 ot iaano. K»re«— bii.t CliH, 12J.( Second Gl.n 9s ., anil Third Class , 6s. Kelurn Tltieu. are lsiued between «oy l»o Stations atailabli Jor the date cl issue and daj following ; lliosc issued lor aoj distance nceediog SO miles , will Lxj an.irblo lor rolurn OD tb< cay of issue and the two fullowicg da)S i r.nd lor dihtanctft ex- ceeding lou miles , tbej me a>i,|l»blu . * ur return an the daj ol istue and the thrse loIHmint ua>s—M.nbjk no. rtcknutd. itetur-a Tickets .BnueU oil Saturday itru rcturnabltt 00 Smuiuajr , Su nday, or Monday. W. W ILLIAMS , Krcretitry. WA'iEKi'ORD AND HilElUCK RAILWAY. U p trains fr vi Walerford. Ta/1NM OM WKRK 1IAYH. .Silt I . Mall Mail .Mail " •.TiHroHD UlUll l ii 4.3 1243 Ika 1^ , 3 10 LIMSBIUK. ciaa. UI BU J CUBS Cl»»b Cb». Class. Cian A.. M A x I -. M . r.v. r.ts. r.a. lCaterfcnl ... dcp. 4 15 S 50 |11 |j 2 ' . ' 8 SO ._ 8 30 Carrick-oli-Suir. 5 M B 4U |1J 17 3' 9 16 ... U 16 Clonmol ».» 7 5 10 2u ill! 45 4 ' .11 u ... 10 0 Tipnerary a 15 II 27 1 511 5 li ill 35 _ 11 1' , Junction... arrivl 8 ' Jl 11 4u 2 10 5 Uu 111 65 ... 11 J5 1'CBLIA^. uniTul 1 15 ) 13 5 4<i lu 0 4 0 ... 4 ^ Com ..^.art.ol 1 au a >i ¦» 3i si. - .! 5 ... a n Hulilln ilcp. ... V 0 10 3u 1 745 „, 745 Coik ... b y ... J 4 . , U 0 ... 10 0 Junction,. i 30 l:! lj 2 25 0 4, 2 V3 ... |-. '2J Limerick...orn<l I 9 37 |l2 52 3 15 G i>. . 1 30 ... I 30 Down Trains from Liminok TRAiyj b. N WII.R UAT H. ISdj ' 8 r-mmiCK ia4312t3 142 1243142 I 4 2 l ^ -i 3 io -w^ti-Kt'ouncinsa. Clans. Class Class. CI SBI Giass Cluss . A.M. ».». A . M. r.M. r.M. r.M. l.ilnrrlck ...—it) ' CO 7 0 11 if] 4 I) ]U 40 ... Ill 40 Junction 7 10 ; S 25 13 20 S 15 11 5J ... n 55 Cork _. 1 30 2 (I 8 15 2 ti ... i V Hublin ,, ... ! 1 IS 5 13 111 0 4 5 ,.. 4 5 II VULLS ^* deji « . ... U u 1 O 7 45 tOUK.„.,.«... ,, ... 1 ... 0 0 2 45 IU 6 J UUU.GU..- 7 50 0 0 14 30 5 35 12 23 ... 12 S3 'l'inncrary 7 30 'll IS 12 4li 5 -45 18 50 ... 12 su Cloninrl 8 65 I ... : 40 I, 55 0 311 ... . ' 20 C«rnck » U I ... 12 5 7 3S | 3 ( ... 3 0 \ ...Britl|10 25 | ... I i| 46 HIS ]IS ... 3 45 ^ r AhEk--. Flr»t Clai*. >n»t le '1 itkcl , I1» 0.1 ; ^ct¦on. | rio, II?. .; Vl.ud tlu,, i:k. 50. Kelurn —Kirn t'lm.«t *^l« 3d ; >pcon<! ro., 16h, fd. Jons ItolitKTs , TiHfflc Wana t cr. WATEKKUlllJ AKU TKAiVoUE ' KAUTWA ' y 'r '" (feet han Traini. ,,,„, " » 1 * ¦ •> ; 1 ~ ;, 5 ¦ "' « T~ ~ ' _. . " . . ". m :. a . '" .. - r _ ln ' P '" , i 1 \v _ >>> ' vm 1. 111 ; i. m; ' I, 11. I h in li ui . ' Ii m h 111 j h iii ! I. rii li in h 111 " ; Wl<«l!»» 0 ;ll 11 12 15 | * 2 11 I 4 0 I . ' , 30 I 7 15 B oj -. Tin ' rul !i I.I , # ll W I 11 I .1 II I 4 3u .«r. 1, ' , 7 « tt 311I _ Sunday Trains. ,, 0M I ~ - ' ' •> ! ? I * i I 7 I 8 , ~ __ !. -. ' J^1" I' '" , 1' "' ! V 111 i p _ nilp in I pro n in li I" li 111 . Ii iu li 111 : li 111 li mi li in I b rr. I I, m Word' ti 0 11 15 Il8 15 1 .111 2 30 I 30 5 3d j 6 31 H 0 Tmorel li 15 II V j U it,' 2 a \ 4 I , 5 n 1 7 4al 0 .1" •Mniltralm G. N . RAXEX , .Secretary SOLOMONS' SPECTACLES. OustiiVt:-]' . ' , NASSAU STJtKET, DUBLIN. iFrom hilt- SI0-1 Uuvd . lir.U'Unisx , lti>ho|. of \V;,U.l..i.l). 11IAYE u->.l Mr. S.Ji.oxr.Nb ' hpr.t.iclCM with nrrnl M \. \Mi Uf \-\o iny bi ^ lit , i lii-.r coulmc nnd ctmitnrtiui; |ini- pcrtiia |.rnvim most iivtival-le mid beneficial, ffficta H Inch 1 never vi|K-riiiuril limn iiuy mbci kind nf glass ur pehlilc. "t 1'. O'H U IBN, llml.op ul Wateif.nd. " (From Mint Ucv . Dr.l. OKW AY . Lord Hishnp ol Kilh.ln). " The t. 'jpnii-tice ! Imve Imd lur some lime ul ,>h. E. Solomons' Spi-r.tnclm eimi.lo init to stule thry ;. .i« the onl y lenses which nfT' rd UII : the c«sf aud comfort tu hr" drsircd in rending, writing, &c., I nin , indred, glad 1 procured tlif»e I. HD.J ti g ht [nerFrtvri. , for the u-n; ol other Rlas-es nnd pi-bbli-a had iHused me to iuing inc that such sa.isfacnon could nut t»» Kfcutt'd. " + II LOH C O. NWAT, liishop of KHI.1I1 , ltnllin.i." [Krotn Moil Hrv. Ur Di'OfJAW, Loid l!ihln p nf Chi:ifritj '* 1 h»ve to cxpreis my nil it c Harislaclinn with the spec- tacles you i-i]|.jiluJ , ai.J which 1 hnvg iioiil null trrr« t IJ.UI- fort fjr ninny vr;it!. . I t.nve notchitu^e-1 the dt'^rr.-ut |.owi * 1 procured orii.Miu.lly Iroin you. " t l' tTim. 'K I JUOGAS , lSislic.i. ol Clnnfcrt , l.on^lnca. "Tn Mr. Si.liiiuini' , O . ' liciiiii , llulilin. " (K II . 111 thr V.iy lt.v. Drun tJ 'HldKX , I'.inndtr ol Hit- Cailiolic Yi.unj ! Men ' s ^uci. '.it^). " 1 frel pha-lll.- iu lifitcina; li-limony ml lie Ul.nll l-IH.- ul the (il.isMe with which 1 Imvu Mlpp linl by 11 r. S,,lu- . HIIVIII^ li.t.l ua.i. -io:. tu rtup luy >.h< in bcth by ,i.,y and m^lil li.r Milne jn.i^ 1 Ci.u s.iy M' lth ti rl.iihly the iciirl which llicj iiffr 1 tl aij.l lh, .1. • • .ir.c- \i liirli m.-\ givi- .ur ijui' r to'iiiK I., - A irnilri or wrili " 11. li . O'lii:iKN , U.U., Ili iin ol , Nr«r.i-:lr , Co. Liim-iii -lt ." (From thr K.v . 1'ATKICI : LAVKI . I. K , I'.I 1 .) " 1>KAK .S IK —I have I I'rtl tur Mum- li n^up \,,iu Sp. c tailed , is|irci.ill ) at nic l.t , and Kin happy .u mini 111 you , «nh the |i M. .>trat I'l-ni'lil , mid tvi'ii cull.I. it. linu- l.iul j irul with tl.cii. lui tlnec houts uiiiiilri rupU-- t i.i^ l.t , w.ll.out th>-^li^ htenl iiitoiitciiicu. -.' u. di. -tle^^^¦ , l ,t. I inn, y..ur » liuiy, "' 1'A TI IICK LAVUKLH , l' .l' ., I .OIIK- , CO. M.. JO . 11 lu Mr. S^'luiuui.t. , Up:it- *ii.ii , Jjublin. " '• An:l.d. nion U ' . - IIKA , l' .l 1 ., i-. h.i|.,. tu ii:f.,r... Air. K. SOI MI .U I IH tlmt flit: . *" peclHflr * bllpp lii.l 1.. hull suine Iru JI - HIM bin..- I.^ VL - be. t. t'tniiiei.ti y 3... ct-rMlnl i ff..rd..i^ Int.. tane HIII I fuiiiluri , which he had nut ciprrituce . fioin thr K I HSM H HIII I pehl'ltn In: l.ud been using prev,uuil y, ArLbdeiio 11 , lVSln » hamiow mjiiyinmt 111 reading ami writmj; b y ilny 01 inf ill , HIIU Ins bi ghl H|.pr»r>i to have breu streu<lh>nru mid [iuipiuvrd. llu cnniJfi. s tlmt lie is indebted to.Mr. Soloiiuin a jSnrciHcles fur runili ot the h. iirlil di-iiveil,H. I II J IIH I I . , CO. :Kilke iiii> ." The Hev. I'AIBICK liKBT , IM'., pro.ural Mr. Solomon!. 1 Spectacles mn y yems »inr.- , und Icuml limn lo be mo»t cuilnrlalile mid brn, tiiial. He Mill we.trnMr . Solou.ulis ' l.nsis , u-l.icli ciiliv.y » iw.liirf- , eu-v , and H.lvautHif. ' lie cnuld b(cuio tii.m uu oilier K lii>>eB rind Lebble^, bev.rHl in.u.busof the Mi. Ktnl ' a tiiiiiil y, v\ he h;ive av.iiled tin itirHvi- of Mr r-ulumul.s ' ^j ,< Llacl. f , have alsu druvi-d ti.ucl' Iri.inllii'ir U6r. —St. 1'atiick' a, WalrrlinU. Mr. ]0. SoLOMOKa ' t-pi-ctaclrh I I «» H I1...11 used bv rlillliellt ol OIK r- ' .icuiiy. ih^ Nnlnhty, Origyiftc , IIIC I UI I IUK the UU' l.iml t. 'hlel Ju-lKI: ul lr. l , llie M..ll|Ulk ul Chill- ricHtili' , l.itr Kttrl cl l. ' uilrn , l.iiiil. ^ \' ;iux ..I ll,triuiv..rn ,<Jlun- brock , ilunli.iyi.r , Alhlun.i.n , his l.i.m- the Mu-l Itrr. Dr. M'tie 'lHIIIll , Arclib' jliopul AlMHi ^li ; hi- ( .Most Kei . Ur. L. al.y, Arcliln<l.ii|i ul Csl.t-l ; lilitl.l li, v. Dr. .Mu- li.rly, ul Kt'iiy; II IK I I I I:, V . In. I.. I.I.\ , 1 l.nlio [> ..I I' r.iui. ri- : Ki* lil ll'V. li..lluri»i. , Hi-hup ul ll.iwn nud l. ' ou- n,,i ; lii . hl K.v . Hi. I . .I .. -U.. I , , I;.—S. .. ul CL. 11l.n l ; III . K.v ):il, , lli»h|.|, ul Kill 1 111 . Kljflil K.T . I ;. . IO 'U'I , ll'shl.p ul W' - .il. iloirl , ^i- ., \c. * # * l' fl>ou^ 11, I In- full II11 1 r.1, 1 he r.|||>|.|lrd u 111. ^ prctHrht. &r ., l.v I'u.t. KrpmlK |.|i.llipllj I Ili -'lucu 1 J. lilipiuViil IVlerCip. > , t J|'ri a , tirtir , and 1' I. Itl ».. 1.»>*.¦», , rt.n . .^l.c^u^c>'|,e.s H t 11..let tiiu.ler.ili- IHK-i- . - ; llaiomel.-l^ , ' 1 I.el i.,uinH.-i» , M..^ c LlllttTllv ,Vc . i NlXKTKK S , iVA>SAU-.Vri;KhT, 1/Ulil.lN , Kulr..!)!- !' by llilll-l)',..! J, Wil lnii ui... ¦ . .... ,, I Il .iUM.i.-M' .it rt , lll/hl.lN ; he ittits mil vi*ii (lie l' roviiu-n ; ha* no connexion with any i-tlier tmitxe nr j f -rnun 11J snin e, timilar or iithtr navir , and llml hi¦ Jimy lmt NU Ali l'iXl.s ur l'UAVKLI.KK.-. t.ti.eov, .l j : NIMiTEEN NASSAU SI KEtl . IJUIILIN. OIILV . C3- K,E-A. T S £3IO^7^ AUTUMN AND WINTER NOVELTIES ! M. POWER & SONS, H AVE mnoh pleasure in informing thoir Customora and tho Public ROnorall y, thai thoy will bo prepared tD show AN IMMENSE STOCK OF AUTUMN AND WINTER NOVELTIES ON THIS AND FOLLOWING DAYS , CONSISTING OF : WOOLLENS , PLAIN and FANCY DRESS MATERIALS , SHAWLS , SKIKTS, GREY and WHITE CALICOS , BLANKETS , QCJILTS, HOSIERY and GLOVES, TIES, SHIRTS, COLLARS , BRACES , HATS nud CAPS. M. P. & S. respeotfoll y nrrit« particular nttontion to sororal LOTS whioh havo boon purchaaod from a rotiring Manohestor Firm, for Cash, At LARGE DISCOUNTS OFF COST PRICES ! 2. and 3, BROAD STREET . s22 PHOSPHO THE PHOSPHO GUANO COMPANY, Limited, GIVE NOTICE TIIAT THE LAWSON SEED AND NURSERY COMPANY, Limited HAVE CEASED TO REPRESENT THEM , AXD AKE NO LONGER AGENTS FOR TLIE SALE OF THEIR MANURES. THE PHOSPHO GUANO COMPANY, LIMITED, ARE PREPARED TO SUPPLY THE ORIGINAL PHOSPHO GUANO , AS MANUFACTUllED BY TILE31 0NL\ (Anal ysis of which ie MR. DENIS W. KILRUSH MILLS, IS WHOLESALE AGENT for tho Countios or WATEHFOHD , TIIM'ERAKY, KILKENNY , nnd QUEEN'S COUNTY, and to him all app lioationa for Agoticiui sliould bo made. Phospha.Guano Compauy, Limited, Soaoombo, 1st Sept. , 1870. In connootion with tho abore arrangomont, DENIS W. KAVANAGII b^i to intimato tlint ho will now bo enablod to anpply his Cuatomors diroot , instoad of throug h tho LAWSON SEED and NURSERY COMPANY. Tho P1IOSPIIO.GUANO COIU'ANY :iro tho otil y authorisud importurs of this JIatiuro in its natural stato into Great Hritaiti. Soo Comrxiiiy' s Trado Mark on oacu Hag, without which no othor Hanaro, sold and or tho samo uarao, is gorraiuo. Kilrnsh Mills , Froshford, 5th Septombor, 1S7G. SAYERS' CKLEBKATED B11ANDIES , AWAUDEU THE JI KUAL, LOKUON , 1&62—Acknowledged the Finest. SAYEir S CKLEHRATKU DKAKU1ES , UOITI. ED AT COONA C. FULL S17.KD OKU. Purit y and Qualit y ]>re-ominciit. SA Y E 11' S CELKBIU T £ U U RAKDIES , LABELLED ACCORDING - TO A GE . " Fine Old ," " Choice Old , ' Very Old. " SAYKK'S C Eh 10 ]i li A T E U BKAKD1 E S , A VOID INFKUIOK QUALITIES . NDW lur^ ' y Imi'orUd. SA Y E li ' S C E L E U « A T E 1J 1! HAND I K S , Trade Sli!pi>iii|; ( . irdcrs lor Casks or Cases , to fyt-ly WM . WIGHT & CO., 23, EUSTACE-STKEET DUBLIN. TO E iNT GaTTIPLEPL S ' ESTABLISII1IE>" :'8—KILKENNY AUD CAllLOW. j^8-T W& A GILBEY'S WINES & SPIRITS—The undermentioned WmiS & SPIKITS , bottled by W & A GILBEY, and bearing their Seals and Labels , can be obtained from their Agents at the same prices as at Head Establishments. o From W & A GILBEY ' S List of 200 varieties two descri ptions of each class of WINES and SPIJUTS are quoted below, one on account of its moderate price , and the second for its fine quality combined with greater age. AQZNT E. W. JEROME, 7 Little Georges Street , WATERFORD WINtS _ . SPIRITS IS* T% Dottlo Doses CutJe 1A POET/wof P c r f uf a l A good-) bodied Win. with excellent fl»vor, well { 1/9 SV matured. 4 ycari old at time of bottling J Cutlc B' POBT /nm Portugal A fine) rull-flarored fruity Wine, well matured. V 2/4 28/ 8 yean old at time of bottllne .. ¦•) SPARKLING CHAMPAGNES AT REDUCED PRICES Caitle i OHAKPAONB A pure auuo ) 2/3 26/ II ClllI« '?. OHAMPAONEAclan <>„«,) 8/6 413) Sno»lcl;n» Wine for ordbary uM. %T7 [ ' . ' of CnampaRne uiually told under «" ! "(»> «i« froin lh« Clumpjgnc diltriw .. mu ) 1/3 15/ | special brandf and« hi gh price* " «• ) l/U tl , £11 fc«U«« (uMpt Mr IpuUlif WU««) «n ckartwl li. iul, wblch U allowad «n<a rtrem.d. (JUINNESfj'S DOUBLE HTOUT , us li-om Die liicwoiy, Jnmus ' .s (!nte , mid is tho onl y Stout hottlcd by tho Afrcnt fcr AV. A A. CilUSKV. It is fi- iriuun d ptnu XX , tuid in liorfcct condition. J' er doz. p ints , 2s. ; jicr half Barrel , 1C Gallons , 22s. HASS & GO'S liUH'J ON J'ALE AI.H , Jiotllotl in biiilinnt condition mid perfectl y n uturcd by Storing. Per dozen i'iin '. < , \ls. v,d. ; jur Kilileil.iv , IS Galhvs , 31s. SOLE AGENT FOll CADE & SONS' MIN E UAL WATEUS. HfcALTH LOST AND KEGAINED. —A (iuiile to the Homn TrenuncDt ot IN t'll' .M 1TIKS of YOUTH mill .MANHOOD . eitlirr llf-rudiuryor Acquirid. Uv IBHHT SUITH, M.I )., ol the liniverhity of Jcun , An tlinr of " TUe Volunlrer ' n Monua ', " :l VVoiuan ," &c. UEAI. 'III LOST ANU HEOAINEI) tives lh. SMITII ' B 1' ieatmoiit (llis rr.iih of rweniy i>ii yt-.W special pructicv) f<r the Cure ofoll Iiit«:m 6 ofllicN' -rvoUb Sjcteiu , Nervous Uiliilitj, Mental nud PLjsicnl Depression , I' ul |iitKiiou cf tlie Iliarl , NOIKPS in tlie Head nnd HUM , imli-Cblon , In, tvd ^i g ht aud Memory, Indi gestion , I. ' BH nl Kiifriiy. l' aiiih in (In? Hack , L' oiuii imliuu , lilu>llili|{, H yultrhi , I tnidity, .Si-lf-I)iMiu-l lliziinti> , l.uve ol Suhludf , GrounilK>« 1-unr^. M l-cular KtUiJli. n, Ac , reiulliun liolu Kibuustiuu ol .\eivf i' uuii , ihc tflcct (it (htr-mnol Km-igiM , Mcurv.innj; IUI,ila , iii il uthi 'r UIJ USK . " ol llic »yslnii. OIVKii INsTHUl. 'llONS AND I'lil^iMUI'TIOXS Illuslmlcd with ¦J' M I IIUUUIII U I IOIII Ki^u,lnl pnlimtH ; uilh uitunii ul Curu ti>til in elicit CHV . HL- II I frrt by 1' i^t 011 re* ceiiit ol Two rmniy Stiiiiiii> . Alwi liy tin- juiiir Author , pott trr * in ;n IMIVC I. |«- , l,^r 13 Stninr,* , WOMAN: her Ilutn-s , Hcl.ili iin< , I' usiltun , ^nujfcts ticnvil:—(iirllmuil , .M>nil> 'iil,o-iit l CnnrUllip, M»r- ringr , Motliprlmoil , Krinalc Ktlucaliun , Priuula lit nil ti . !•>- mull! llj'gicnp , Duin^ln: Meiluiiin- , Ac , Ac. Tins u 11 wink 011 ktil'jt-uttt ol vital iulviL-hL I,, ivttiiiau. l',-iiulLlu,l y l llti-- tr.i l nl li|' Kfi^r.iVinBH on Wun. l . Hi. ||. S MITH. 8, lluilim Urwenil , I. IIIII UMI , W. C , [icIJI-ll lMrOBIAS-ntlCoUhXKV I'jTlfM). - 1)| .'II. hMI rll , ill,' eiiiiiu-iit.S |wciali*t , wlm urij he ciiunnltiil uilh tlm nfrutrht coiiuilei-t.0 tut llie L' uru ul 11 " IVoiliutm.! atnl toiiliiginus I) I5I'UM '» , w i ll , ' or llicbtnitU 01 ttiunlry p.ilionti who can- not cunonlt l:im pi-iiloUMlly, ,*u rtri:eiTin^ a debcriptlutl uf Ilieir ca>« , M-ml lii<>op inion , Milli .uUiie mi'l dnrctiunii for ill* II1O.M BUCCt ^S.u l ll-b ' Otalloll lu llrit.lli Mil VtgUT. AH> dr»> llr. II. »M1T11 , U Uatluu (Jretivul. Luudcu , NV .C. WK AEE KOT AWAKE OF ANY LARGE A STOCK OF SO MANY VARIETIES TO SELECT FKOM—WI IIJKE ALL CLASSES CAN BE SUITED, <£T And PRICES so Moderate , as at M. SMYTH'S , THE 39 , BAKRONSTRAND STREET , WATERFORD Oulle 1 SPANISH POBT A fruity) Wine of good body, from the north-cut J. 1/3 16/ of Spain, j ycjtrs old at time of boliling j Cutle 3 SPANISH POBT The finut) Red Wine produced in the oorth-«ut of I 1/9 61/ Spain. 5 ye«n old at time of bottling ..J Cutl« 1A Pelt SHERRY /rom SM '* Ax pure Spiniih Sherry uiiuble for Luncheon I jyg jg/ or Dinner. 3 years old at time of bottling J Castle C fot BHEERT>mf/ji« A, good type of nutty Spanish Sherrv. mode- 1 2/4 28/ rately dry. 6 years old at time of bottling J Caille VP Pali If ARSAJiA /nwr Sicify) A delicate flavored Luncheon or Dinner 1 114 jgi Wine 3 years old at time of bottling .. f Castle C PO U H A SSA I AA from Sicily\ ,,_ „„, The now dry and dclicau Wineproduced V Vo , 80/ in Stdly. 7 years old at timo 01 bottling I C»xl« A OIiABET/nwf Fraiut A pure ) sound Mcdoc Wine ; an excellent bererue ( 17 ' 12/ at aJ! meals. Upwards of a yew in sotue) Castle C OLABET frtm Pnuut A-fine-) flanred and will-matured Mtdoc Wine , | VQ 18/ possessing bottle characttr .. ' .. .) ' Castla SATJHtni Sihur Ml n ^, ) 2/1 26/ tS&^SSS^TT 1^ "-"I 1" w ^ A ^fvSWcha ^gff^ *£} *"> 3W On. flavor, great d«lic*C7 wl f •> >"> Ml Q-TJ A. 3STO Guatuiiteuil). KAVANAGH FRESHFORD, i' or tlie Bkod is the Life. " —. ' ' te J 'etttermumy, chap xii , verse 23. Clarke ' s World Famed Blood Mixture. FOK CLEANSING mid CI.EAIUNG the BLOOD from ALL IMPUUITIKS , whi-thiT »r,Mni» Iroui youthful itulisciI'tion or any oiL'or riinsc , ciinno: ho too hig hl y ri'cotn- inendi-d. It cures OM Sores i cnrp» Uiopintnl Sorpa in tho Niik t'lccraleil Sore Livt, ; Kincklivuil-H nr Pimp les on th" Face ; Scurvy iW '; CIHCIHUH Ulu'in; llloo l) HIK I Skin I)i«- i-nKcs , Ulmidnlar Swellings , nnd clears ' .he Blood from all Impure M it tin , from nb.itoei ciu.a irining. As tins mixture in [ill a^ml to Iho ta. -ile , and H-arraulul Int from mercury—which all p ills untl inii't inediiiuen »old for tbe Aovu di-.u,i»t o cuht.iin iln- i'topiiclur solicitsbutterera lo g ivv .t » li ml to ittl ito m' . ui;. IllOUU.V. Mia O! Tf-TlilOMiLS IhOX ALL 1'ARTt. Sol.I in b.tll,-,, - J, . V.I. null , mid in CUM;. ", 0 liullli-* , ll v L' .,tl> , sufliciiut lo tflcct u iiciiuiintiit cuic in loli^'-tHlitlinx ci. -is , I.) ni; Climi-ls mill Tamil Muiirinu \Vniloi> i or nut lo any adiliiMi on trcotpl i/l 30 or 132 tUmp 1. , liy K. J. l. 'I.AUKK , (.Mii-mint , lli >ih-stnil , Liucoln. WHULIt HALt: ACKHTF : Iliiiclny & y.iiif , i.i.iul.m 1 ..II Iho Whnli'-nlc llnusm . HOUSi! WIJEllK T1IKKK IS SU BOOTS AND SHOFS GLASGOW HOUSE Tm * Bactte DOCM C«U. UP IBISH WHISKBY) DistilledfromnneMalr . andmaturedinour V 2/8 27/ own Donded Stores. 33 per cent under pf. ) Castle DO IRISH "WHISKEY) The fioest old Dublin Whiskey, matured in \ 8/1 871 our own Hooded Stores. Strength, proof J Cattle UP SCOTCH -WHISKEY ) Uistillodfrom Rno Malt , and matured inour V 1V8 87/ own Hooded Stores. 31 per cent, under / Cutle SO SCOTCH WHISKHYl The finest old Scotch Whiskey, matured in > 8/1 87' our own Bonded Stores. Strength, proof J Cutle UP QIN Distilled from tht best ) unmalted Com , and highly rtctintd at our f SI 84> own Distillery. 33 per cent, usdar proof> Castle PROOT QIN Distilled from lie best ) uumalted Com, and highly rectified at osr I SAO S4) own Distillery. Strength, proof .. ..) Caitle UP - BHANDT Possessing the) wholtsome quilities and much of the fin* f 3/3 87/ flavor of Cognac. 33 per cent, under proof J Castle PROOF BBAKDY Possessing the ) wholesomt^uahtiea and much of Iha fin« V $1 80/ flavor of Cognac Strength, proof . * I Castle D COGNAC An excellent) Brandy of fine flavor , from the Champagne [8/ 80? districts of Cognac 33 per cent, under pf. ) Castle FO COONAO The finest Cham- ) figne Brandy, well matured by great age r 4/8 07/ trength, proof ) CasUe UP JAMAICA RUM A well. ) matured Jamaica Kum. and of asoft mellow I 2/3 97/ flavor. Strength, 33 per cent, under preof ) Cattle JO JAMAICA BTJM The) fuieit Jamaica Rum, well maturtdbr great > 8/8 88* ^ »uc Strength, proof ) DUBLIN. Commercial and Private Lodging House, 4U M AHIi liOKOUG U KTttEKT. PAHTIKfi Vis-ting Dublin mn Wo nccotnmoduted, with or without Honrd , nml nil tliu comforts of a. homo, on Moderate Terms. [o '25-tf] 822" Silimtion ccntrul , close to Suckvillo-strcot. O" For EYELCT LAIIKI .S , of every descri ption and aiao, printed to ordi-r , conio to THE N KV. S 0muc,;49 King etroot. HOTELS. The European Hotel "VTISITERS to DUBLIN will find at tho EUROPEAN , y BOLTON-STHEET, first-olaes aooommodatiorj, with modernto charges and asuiduoaa attention. Lnrgu and elegantl y-npnointed LADIES' COFFBE ROOM. IB2T Grnnd BAXQU 3T UALL for Publio Dioncre, Wedding BreakfnstB, Balls , Suppers , &c. Keataurants—Billiard n. Beds, 2a. 6d., 2s., and Is, 6d. [ J . MOLOXY , Proprietor. BRAZEN HEAD HOTEL, 20, LOWER BRIDGE STREET, DUBLIN, UNDER now lnnnngemcnt, thoroug hly renovated , oontral and convenient , combining Cleanliness ktid Comfort with Cheapness. Beds , Is. to) s. Gd. per ri ght j Breakfast, la. to Is. Gd.; Dinner from In. 6d.; Tea, lOd, Jameson' s fivo year old Malt , guaranteed , <d. per glass. Table d'Uoto at 4.30, Is. Sd. , W.C. and Bath-rooms recently added on each land'ng. Night Portur in attendance. JS5" Within five minutes walk of King ' s Brid ge Terminus. ji8-ly. KELLY'S CROWN HOTEL, MO ' NCK STREET, 'WEXFOrHO. (CLOSK TO TIIE BAILWAT STATION). H|' 1 HIS is a Central nud Comfortable Hotel in -L wliicli every th ng can bo had on tho most modorato terms. liest DnWj n and AYcxford Spirits ; also , Urandica , Wines, 1' ortor , George Youngor and Sou's celebrated Alloa AIca , &c. (aul5-tf) Cars on Hire at tho shortest noilco. CITY MANSION HOTEL 30 LOWKK BUIDG15 STREET, DUBLIN. I beg to inform my numerous FriendK imtl tho Public that , through elision of time, I havo become l' l-oi.riotor of the above old-establWied HotcL I Imve completel y and most comfortabl y re-furnislicd it , iiud havu considerabl y enlarged it , filling it up throufreont in l>ef,t modern sty le. I trust by careful and constant altentioit to (he wants and comforts of my visitor. -* to merit the patronage so libera 'l y bostowed on my Into father , and respectfull y bolicit au early trial. MICHAKL COFFKY , Proprietor. Son of lato MAURICE COVFF .Y . Please n»to Ac 'droHs—30 LOWER UllIDCi E STKKET- DU11LIN. dll-:lm THE GREAT GLOBE HOTEL, DUUI.lS (Kntalilishcd 40 Year? , I , 5, C, and 7, LOWKK liltnx.E-.STKl' ET, KICUAltD CUI FEV , l' roptictor. THE above FiiiST-Cr.Ass HOTKI . lias been newly Painted , Papered , aiirl re-Docor.itcd, ccvcral ailili- tional Kooms adil< . -d , and fitted up with all modern im- provements in a superior sty le of comfort and clcganw , anil continues to receive the undivided personal attention of Sir. mid Mrs. C' OFKKV. From its cen- tral position it will he fonii'l most ronvisninut for thu visitor , hoing in the inimi'diatc vicinity of thu Law Courts , fivo to ten minutes' drive from any City Kailway Terminus, and afi:\v doors from Kinjj ' H jirid^uTrumwiiy Line. iju|)|)lies of <|ii:ility. Notwithstanding pre. -fii t high nttrs , the terms will w found most inutln- ruto. .Urcakfasts from Is. oil. Tal»l« d'Hote , tis. ; on week days at threu o ' clock ; on Sundays at five o 'eloi'k. Hods , . 's. Gd. each. Cien!lciiicn ' rt Cuffi'C and Smoking I' oomn. I-adics 1 CofTce aud Private Sitting K' noms. Accrinimrjilation for Ibu person*. A Nijrh l t' orfer in attendance , and all Servants paid by the Proprietor. fiii .lv l' .iiiw ill lilt: I ' j t'k , <T:avt-l , l.i:in 1>- II *I > , KlirmulillMil , Outll) I). I.II 4I .. i, t tin- Ki'ln'v- , Anil Hladiler , Slrictun' , .l-c. DK. I)E JIUOS' COMPOUND UliNAL 1*11.1.. - . :n.-c: i:i.i.|.ilr.l :.ll tiv.rllic >>. iM , :.- I ¦ ui.-t pa. ' i-aml -1.»-. -<ly n- ir.i'ly I ' thf :ilmv -l-im:t tuu^ c. - inj-'a:nt< , !)i.>clifii|;i!- "I :my kni 'l , Srm>- ui iln> l i l . i . l di r , ;u.i! l i i v : i -- > of llu kiJlitj^. nml I' liliaiy Oi^niis «. :ii-r..lli. 1'..--^- i\f t-ilnt y\n\" Itii-' , tin y Iijl-.- with t 'lf lil-i; * . *l< l.r:lti? ' -l >tr>'ii^ll. .- ii tin; iliji-t:v -j IM « , inci.M-i- tin• :i|.| !: ¦ ¦ . .111- piuvi- tliu 11T.1 ! hr.iltli , ami 111 ttirei: i!..\-. trdi i . - ilic .1 Clll»' , u l. i-u i: .j ' .rlM , iili 1 l. s , iitri ;ill 1! it,;;; 11 1. - 11 1 il 1 .;. .-¦ I tlml cla-^ l i-iVr utl.-il)- fililf.1 . l' lliv 1- . 1 ' ¦¦ ' .. , - - , *»¦' , -1 - . HI., li* . mill ;ia>. p'l - ii» .t. TIIL-*O Cfk-ljr:\ii-.l l'ills ;iro at) ililalhblc ru-mt-dy i: i tho most o ij >liii:ili- r:i-c^. l!y llu-ir ii' -e :t!-ii;e u:aiiy tl:(i ti . - .i: . 'l- li:ivo hi-in alihtlall y rotureJ l ii;iillli , \ v l n- n i v i i \ i,:t.ii nu-dici iiL- lu^ laiii'l. Ti. ' . ir vast ^ U|n r.outy dvi . - LI viliii:t clsu in the cm t: of :ln* ab ivi- complaints ^ univ. -i>.il \ iicknowlni ^ 'i- ' , aii.i tin- 1 \trauulillai y ilciiiauJ tur tlli. -ii.ivri binci: 1hi. *i i lii> [ iiiti'iiluchon is withuut \avc. tlct;:. lii nu iiist..iu tf h- .v i- tin y t-viT been knuwn to l.iil , or jr. lim- tliuat- il.iiii:i uius ^yiuptiiin^ . so oflen r- isullilij; :tuji rii;' .i' * 'a , cuk i-li i , iui|ii-iitiiii' , ami wl icr tmdicinc-. HMi.di y u-surtiil I". Tht-y ri-'|uif l lititli- . -r rdiifin.-in-jnt n»r ch UIZJ ot ili.: , ; may ju-tl y l. i- c'nisidi-p'il tin- onl y >.ilr , •lliiarli.ti- i i i n. i l y for n l l >tii^t' s ol tlnitf iliMirdtT-i for w!i:i'b Ili- -y aif rtci'in. tnt:iitl'. ' il. TDK MOST U O.N1JKKKUI. 1'll.l.S IM the WOKI.H. DK. DE KUUS" PILULE VITJi , or V KGE - T AIII.K I.IFi: I' ll.I. -. -Ah .sullrli-la tlulil rft ll. -ial net rollout- . 1 " an J inMbiM i , f l i nu*s , low >p r l- or ;i.nn--iiii; ilrf.illl-^ , ll' ill. -i f- it ¦: liars , m.lit.ll i i n' a l ; i i : !\ , l.i !li:< . : till 1 nml t.i.ilii- . |" tt'n - . , ' .i. - ..k:iis- nt lln " 11.-1 v«. - , ;..• .=.!- ntlf , im > in I:- - ' liL til , . . .tLliit. -?~ , -i- 'l v- r .. 'li , 111 . t.i;. . a i u . |. t t u i .> i.l t 'in ni! '1 -MM , w ili li.n l ttjlli j.,i th. -.:i M':i. rv li ' l !' r. Hi li.i t> 1 I.M' I' :, > , «l.. l-l. . -|ilil:l\ ;il.i: . .!ll.l'«l lll.i- [jic.ili y ii-iiMiv. - |I-III .I il ili.-i-a>f , w ' l tltver n.ilii'i- , rt- ...iic ch.rrl ' ulnv-i m Hit- >y i.i> , vuour in tin: l. ..l y, ami nii-njtli- lti[.lll the iili. *a' . ' ili vi lucli il' c illlll tlr.illi tlt-|iL*Mii . *ri..*v <iu 11.. 1 c< lit.nil a ] ' a ' u.t-:ri.iy, I-: .; a ir putviy vr^.-l.ili e, iiinl 1.1 - :ill.rti..i. - ..: tin- i :nr. flillilt n>-> , lni.- , s irk li ., l..t:l. - , iiiziflllt :•> , i'-'-n ul api-Ltilt- lo\v. .f>s < I >...IIt.- , -fll^ . i . l o l i' ut hlil,-. ii: tin' I'll '. ' II I. ' >lull.nrli ,'l I"-' ' .». I 'll lli.i >ln U ' ll- l-l- , ::n.l tin: il -lit-. a l l - HK liuul ill.l'u' .' u-l u ft':-, lal lU-iiiiin , llit-y uii! lit- I.inn.I •>! iiu.'X.tuip l L'il t-lli.raL-y ; an.I it is no - ..;] .tiv.tii^i . -i- sin y ctii IM lalrh at i.ny Minn u illii.iU . ' in^- t : •¦ ¦ I. ': u. u. «!•: nr mlil , tu iit-n-rity * t-r rt. >[r.iilit li-.ui liil-liit' -s 01 plL-ii>uri' . 'Ill y .tcl lailitlv It.t: bo Wl-l. -- , Ultll. ti: |..4L!l >: Ul:plll. ' , jil-ptlt S ll lll^ t ll 10 t III' . li , ptoviili; i inaMl.y HcMiin ul tin: l . r. r , ll il.s p: t-v.-nt- ini: , u; * whfii pti x iit , cuno ^ ' t in- j'iiiiil:i. - i; nml th.'p-i , cIc . ' U i . s i hR III" >k II , r>inov:rj ,{ lh" - SHlluw ln- .ss ili^d p liip!*". , ptnit )UU tbf liio'-. ', In:.! l l lj ti.' H IM V > , .411,1 n.ntVflio.isly illVigi>l->l!>.>: tilt: » .Hi. ?}. slttl:. l' ' t l l . - i t> l f ..II il^S ll 'lJ flhil thttn iliv.Mualttf , ^ .should ln;tiT be williuul tlitm. Price 1«. 1 iJ., 'J- . Uii., t- . J.I ., 1U , ;in.i :W> . per liux , 5W Suld iil TiiK N KWS lirpit-K, Wiittrlurd. Tlie ino>t asimiii'lnii: Cun-s mn ilaih b- - n$ i-fl.t:ii'd iu cas.'-t nf Ni-ivuus Drlii ' nty, lii.puniy ul ilic liai. tl , I)elt. - n.. Circulation , l...l^uu| - , La-ailmlt ' , Depie.sslou ut Sp:rit . - , Ilullgt-Mluu , I'mii itiitl l' - al pit.itiuu in liie Sid.- , llar,i-s:n^ Dreillll>., &0., by uiean.s nl DU DK KOOS" wiirltl.fati.pii CUTT.-K VIT^, or Ve- B.tuVc 1- 1 KK liUOl'S , «I II .S - l-llVi-ls aiv i .-ill' .)- i na- (tira l in ii-it'ivin_' I'.^l tone 10 I In: ^stt'iii (arisint; Ir >tn vvbatf vtr latisi ), I'c-inviKiii.iiiiii: mid i-ulifi nine 'I' 1 ' « I. UIB corporeal Irsi iUt *, nml ur.uiu.ill y, ' out rtluclivi'l y, builJiiif up the ino. -t i.h.tlleif.1 ctiii-tiluli.,11. A.lhuu. 'b tin* Uuly \\uiitlei ful leLuper.ittvo Uui- .u is n t pul h.iuaiil a* nupiit lie uiiit..>rlal. iy, il i> nut t.o iu-;t* h tu any by Us n. i.n i- N.w l. ile l> , :ls il IVB I' , lo.p.iliil to tht- urtvuii. - a inl .l.!)i!i * .at > .I , wliu tveie tvnlt-iitl y Miikm* iuto an I'.nl y srav< :; «i,;i-t in ih.i-f .il in itiin-r JP .II -. it w ill gently n i tl r i u- i i f iv I'l .lrafl llie C1..M: ul lilt '. Tl.n li- Bantl-i nl itiiti.iri 'iitU b.-p.- .t^s IMMS -jiMii t:p hy the lar i;.i\ , art- how in tlif t llji.y li. 'ht nt h-illth (life ' - ill.:..! >t liii 's-u' i" J , a bvill^ |.-l.u:.'liy !>> 1 it- ti 'i-l'. -.ik .. .l>- v t!ui: ut lli:d I 1 - II . -i - k- nllli: initilCllle. lIlii 'I ' luia ol ll -t UH'.H .il- , In." mm ¦• I tils lo publ is h , may lie s .:.. ;<y ... . \ >¦:.«. 1 he preptiMliu - .x- truujely pi.-a ftjl.l tu tak. , ai-.l none i,ft-il Mill -: whils t Mich ll Ihll.u u i u l it ill' >il. .n en 1 . :s ill rW.e;.t:.' . 1'IIMHI > nl ntuliotis ml.. ' , I- - . ' ..l.i ¦ ¦ i ftiiiali' - , nml tl io <.- « IIW | I . . IU lie licit nml ti i ..1 \: ' -< :s ti. ' i - ' .iili:!! !; tu tell , illOlllll p' -r- i V. I" stl .i.l. ' .y w ith ' .l is h' i- •¦ V . VKII I tnn li: Inr .-I:.' n.nnlh , i.n.l tlmy w ill lw a-'.•»":••• ai i : s i iM i l ; s . All lt » ho h,\. - trii-J till'ri III . I ! ¦ , . ilv.iu t- a. 'tl t-it-rtlit: apphai.ei '. -. , \e., w ithutit any lifiuhc.ii i. - iu' , .n- tarneslly UD ...I. .1 to make I..11 tllai nt lh^ III. tj c h>* . u I.It'll , h. in*; cri.. k t>. !t.l un tt ie hv ' iiaL sciiniilit: , iiiv.tuably «iivci'i> . The ^ti-iit -m-tiss all. tin Ihi.s ».MiJt-tiul illacufrry I IIH li- .l iu a l'J = : t/ ' l.u iiib .' i.i.J ¦ . . .. llhlf. -s lil.llatiuns. I' uiJ ll s ai»l . '!:) l"i li .ttl. Th.: . 'e s ize c ilita iiH sulliciriiL fur luur wei'ks. Injiortaut A' otice tu the Vublic.KriM y pNiks^c ul I)i. 1)e ivt^n * pii-paratioiH W' .n^ ihu Uuvt-rnuuui ^Uiiip, with tbe wottls , " Walttr lie Kuu-, ' , 1..union , " in While Letifi>> ou u l' »'d IJrouiitl , l.y mder ul Ilrr Muji-st) ' » llonuut.iblt. Cuiuinissiunt-r> , wt'.huut which noue-o.iti pu>biljly l.v m-uu- ilie. Dl. lJu ' wotItl-liiiueil .MeilleiliCs uie »ul>l hy .Mi. Ketim-y, The U' uUrfvrJ Hews Ullii-c ; Mr. White , Obstrvir Olliii', ll.ill yiniii i ; anJ tlii-y tuny le obtained nl IVI-IJ l'airiit.Malitiiie Veu.lui in llie wor|j ,nti'l ol mos t (.licinisl- ; or ahotihl tin- leasl ilill' n:lllly t-ccur , will he lurwarJcl to >uy p^rt ol the L' littril Kni|;<liiiii Irittriiu'o free ', per l-ttil'i , on receipt of thu auiuitnl , hy llr. Ue Hous , 43 , llollunl b| ti.ire ' Loodo i W.C Ikbililal.' I anil .sudt- 'riTi shoulJ rcail llie " cat A-l Vl>er , " by iJr. l'v Uno- , on thu ktcrt-t c.tu-t-s ut nei- rutli iltbiiily, unhappy anJ utilruilUtt iuaui. i gi. s , liLuu ' .i'tn:y , depi.»»ion ol spitils , iiud cohfiitntil tiii'laiichuly, toul.r- qiuntl y Iracfabh: to C' rtain j l-t tlleituts habits ai' .inire.l In early Me. S- 'iit jnst Irn' nil rtci-ipl nl twflvt- . -l^u.p> ) by Mr. Law-en , tn. ' .iii' .il publish r, 11, lUud-cnmt , Hulboni , I.ondun , W. i;. A jtn.ill rtliliuil m.iy b; h:i I |usl Inc lul two atainp- . THKH ATKIOX , Ihc new Fmiclt icmcil y fur N' rir. - ius - ness , IMi-i' y, anil all tli.fasis lot nl.k-li ni.r- curv , >ai!tuparil!:i , Ac , nre neneially [irt-ti ibe,! . iJ.-vuiJ i.f nil iipppatiinc"! ol iniilidni' , il muy he CU'MIHI MI Iho pin-ki'l , or l.-lt ainwhrre , without . xc'tine; i.ii>p iciun . Prices 2- 0.1., it . Uii., Hi mil M- ., ol all I' aleni Metiitiiic Vi'inlor-, i r post in' .- Iroui .Mr. II. I h. i:i.a- , lMieii i-i , 7. " )i . Marli'i ' s-Un.- , Lull.Ion , W.C, ur Mr. ll.ivi- .s , l 'heilll>l , Cullllli.'iiiil KIIH I . LoiiJuh, K. •lllKltAl'KION ii in lime ililfeiuil fut.r- , Nus. 1 , -, ..ll. 1 . '! ,^ lu the lot wliic 'i . ; inttnJt' d li.r full p.ntirnl.irs i.f winch read Ihe J.''ttipf .ve pimp hli' l Ji'iit Ir v lor Ihrin almiip' 1 , by .Mr. Joln:>ltin , Hrokr. 'ller , 27 V. ni '.iin stnei , l.ontlo.. , K.C. -:i|.7 $3$° For l'Ki.Mi.NQ , of overy descri ption , cheaj) and good, giro your orders at laa News offico , King at. BUTLER'S CATECHISM TO THE CATHOLIC CLEIiGY , BOOKSELLEKS , &c On Sa le al The Hews Ofiicc, With the Recommendation of the Bishop of Waterford and Lismore, the Ki ght Kev. Dr. POWEH ; A Cathechism for the Instruction of Children UT THE MOST HOT. Dr. JAMES BUTLER, Arch- bishop of CaBhel and Eml y. RECOMMENDATION : " I approvc of of this Edition of tho Eight Rov. Di J AMES BUTLE-K' S Cateclifcm, and rcconiinend it totl.o Faithful of these Dioceses. ?Ji " JOHN POWEK , K.C.15. " Waterford , Sept. lb' lh, 1875. " Printctl on Good Paper, and in large clear Type. OKDF .HS from any part of the Diocese , sent in and directed to C. K KUMOND , J' rinter untl I' liblishiT, Wnleri ' ord Xeu.s Ullit:e , 111 Jviiife' -irtrect , promptl y al- tended to. The Trade supp lied on moderate terms. May be had ltcluil from every Catholic JJooW-lk-r in the Diocese. PEP. 'KU' .S QUIXIXK imd IK0X TOXIC : purifies nml enriches tbo UluiiJ ; slr. 'i.jtht ns Ihu Ncive. '! ami Alu<.cular Sy»ttm ; pioiiioli-s A pp. -tit- , untl nnpri'Vp* iJipc. 1 - tioti : nnitiiHtu s the Spirit* ami Mental Fitcultiea ; thoroug hl y recruits the gcnr-M 1 . bxilil y health , n:itl iii'l ures a propel healthy cundttion of the Nerrous ami 1'bysical Forces. liotlles cootaiuitig 32 meiisored doses, 41. Ul. Iu the preparation ot this Tonic thu gte.itust care is exer* cited. It is u faithful compuhd ol Quinim 1 , Ibe . cttve prra* ci plo of Yellow Cinchona , or Peruvi .n Baik , blended with a reHneii tmsfwoithy prepar.ition of lion , produci'd in a form iFliicl! the i'xnerienrt.' of mniiy i c;iii has provt-il th« best. This Toiilc offers a rc.-ii y ui.' .n^ ot ^'ainin/ tin: strength ami other licnfrfits all' tirtlfil l.y (^it-niii * 1 an-1 Iru:i , without itii} tear of ill cuntrqiitnci' x , as ii» c.iiii;ii.s -tii)ii is lh it apprntril ot hy llie grrul tiia}.jii:y o! ui"ti ti r.MiRhout the Country . IJKITKU'S Qt;iXIXK iin.i IKON TdXIl . 1 . - lioitU, Cilittuiiinkr . 'J2 m.-a^urcl .Io-t- > t Is. ( ' ,; . 'l'ouie trea '- ineiil will rtuiove iiuHk;e.stioti , l-'l ttulvi.e.s L' onst int Il. . -art- bum, Wrakln. 'Ss ol ' the Stnuiith , S-nkuii; S^]i^..l:on- ill that Organ , Xausi'.i , f ie. Th-r whol- .l j.stive inactions an 1 p..werlully .i«»i. !.-.l by Q limn. - HI I Ii,, -, . PKI'l'Kll 'S QIIXINK a,, l IllDX TONIC. -CJ.ut.iiie au.J Iron lonu lint in -.: .-lire:: v•• Irrattu-tit in Mil coin- p. ' iitils nii-iti^' dti-Mijtin' -ni of Hi. ' X-if.iu Srsli'in. In ll.t' we.ikflitil . <i..It- ol Hit: X. rvt's , a cmV-e of Qui nine iintl Irun Is Mir- :.i j.-iKli;. A. -i. , ~ tri..t e i , \V,-,.k- i.f tin- Limb- , l'loali.tlii.i. , Ii.c-p:. -nt l'.ir.ilysi« , St. Vuu-. ' I) nice , Kt vtis , . Vf. 1) l-:ri'KU' .S qUlXlM-: and IKOX TU XIC , Mr.,ii . '!y reconinH'ii'l.d .is a ih'siiab!.' , -i lf , icoiiotnu 1 il , and atl- Viintiui'ouo moil.: ol taking -.n. -nj : li. -tiin. - iii. - .l:t:ine. Tin 1< . 0-1 . llutlh' C'lMUiiik :j'J iii. 'ifiiii' .l il">r> , ivlucli , if Uki .ll dail y, la-t- If. JayK. Th. m-x! s 7- b. ttl.' :s lls . T sutlici-rnt to ],i-t iJ .I..}',. Tbe- St. ne .l.,r- , s. ..,| .,.. yj. _ u.,^!, , cunt.tlii l,. -ar! y . six ul tin- 1>. Ul. Howl.- . 'TARAXACUM .t l'UWn'llVI.I.IN , n Stiinal.inl to i |i c l. iv. r. A ilo-i-ol this L - o K i l i i i i . t i io i i is reiuuiipcniled to any nn >- cntnp ianiiu^ ol Liver lJeiau^eiiitnt , more , par- tunl.iri y w l.m uriHJ..^ from sir^ l.t ronj-stimi. M y ^cntlv >V'inii. - lime thr i.iv.T nli-1 » : i^11:1\- tu .vin: tli.r i-nw N , tin: l.i av) .inw-i fi-.-l i.^ :,u I ll.- .i.|. .n " l..- , w :|i , j. ' ii,-i .,i:v , I' AI . - ill :h. - Lot- -: d>.¦ I W..L-k , . si'.rt.illy a.I, i- ., :::,:• , <• 'li-i|"!"il. r.v lt.v . \At 'l. - l IM) I'ol M.l.llYI.LIN i- -lnil.:i. ; il- r "II I 's - ¦<: I - I :I th.ui l . ' . iioin.-. oi U.u>- I' li , .n i i ci'ila:nlv .prl'i in powrr 111 ri'innViin: Mil- o.l.'ii ili-li.s-.iu, ' incoi.v.-li flic- .ilnl pain Hi- fil l-.lit "li l)r~p";.-.a . U ¦'¦:.- . -J-. SI 1. .atll. 1j i-;i'i'i:i; ' s ' .vinii- . I ' oi. ' iiii .i.xruui-:. - A Illi. iii.Vfii.e- 't ..II ( .,U. . II >l HI ..- . I- p s- t -.,'< n p. - c u l l a. h > " o : n n .t - rlf. .: - llj...ii I' ll- or t . 1 i,1.1..<i.s winch an I ' . ..- .v.i ill l- '.ujl.llli' , ili-:.i c.-.l.j ll' l'n-.- . -in Hi'l at' .u- i.".l..tii.l.- , »>th. ill f ; ;,. y ... .i - ,, .. . k i i -s - . Tm-r q.i . 'i. . - n. .k ¦ i; .r -.- .v:- . - . ' . ' . . -: t . . . .m : . \ . : h- i:..ue All. -CtiniiS IV..If In: .r.l' i:,! , i,i|:l; ii; ; :; ., .; flir-, A 'in I n.c W IIIIK I . " I . C I :II M IMI ' UI; mil .n.itii tli. Si:lhr. r li"if lii's.- ,- ..,.., . .,,;,.. - , , ,. - ,: .„ . , :, . ., ' . :. , - . I', ;.:, 1^ . 1. ' . !. an . ¦• ¦ . '¦! . .,. h OUI. I'lIDI.IXi: l. dTIOX. -Ai, ¦> . ¦ ,¦::,* ,. .„„!,• I, r 0 Skill !)i-r.l-f. Mi. . n;.| !„• . ;. ;• ; . . I . i.iiii i-i.t j,. .!, ,,. r i:. .ln i; to hi- .!; t' .!i- n !s u-v i- ; . - .- . - ¦ ¦ v t\. i. l. -i 'iil r.-li.:l . Thu lli' ot niv. -:, i., - , ; I,. i:n . .- I- .; U p, .. . . . :. . -n |, :!,, nJ |, v Sulpliolim- , a:i-i .. . , . . -i: , :.. r;,.; . -kn . : i- - ..i I . l..'lir< - . vh , Mill-i Iron. Hi..;- - , :, .,,: . . , : ' ¦ . ' . - : i . H ,|, , ,ve Lit- .il Cjtiil.'il an.I I'.- .ili; ; r. - .;, . - . - f i . i- n ij . .i \:: L.ttoN. It ii.av :.l... I. -|- . . ' :-. ih- - ,. :, ., t iMiihlr.-n , whoti l " |i ; till , w. .!i . - . :- . .. !.: ,^. - . . - ii : :.,, :,,. . In. p.nurfuli y cti- 'i- . - . ':.. . ..n ..:, I!. - - -k . 1- . < ¦ ¦; .; >¦* - 2 . 111 . .. ., c |i. 1 \Kl.l.AU ' S i.V\U. .< i I.AM 'ri-:i;S , t.. - ,-unu* liunion, \J ,::.l :. ;i:. o' _ - : ;., . - ./. •; tl .III.I: L- 1 to-.: i-miH. liux.-t 1- . P. i. a i..l -J>. Ul.e...::i. D l-:i.l,.\l:\-s cni;x i'!..\-l i.l;- . -j- . v- . 1- . l' .l. .m.i J- .ll i . 11 1. I ' -.:. I' ;. ;- ' - ::- in- .I r. : ¦ : r : . -: ;:,- o. li.,;.| ¦ I- .ft ' - I .II , '!:•}' '•• ¦<¦; !. .l. '!y '!¦ - . ¦;- u. i . 1.1 ;n i;.- pi:i,;n: IHIII- ; 111- l: .l. .. . I l' l- ' -.- .l ; : ¦ I- I I - I : fl j I..; - llt:lllul:< . ¦.: ¦! ¦ nl. ii' . - '.l t. i'. - ii ' - . : .! ¦! - - . ; [ i l. ' ii. ni; !• . l . ' i: carrlui 1/. -II.. I 1 -l '! .-.i j. ' . -il. CI. 'AClJ'U-TS .\::K' . ' A .M. 'T lun 'lll I'A.-I I-;. -l:y ll-ii..: I.! - - .]¦ ¦: - .- .-II- .\ :,,.:l; : :- . -. .:. ' :., . , ¦ I. . . ,, ui. /l ol I!..' l i- ih :-o.:, .. »¦!.! , - ¦:. .. I , ,1, i i .l i. ' . ,| -i;-.. n- ..i r. Il > l-xe.- i i .i : L ' l y Ir : . -r-i. r , ..::'t - ¦ .-: i!! y M-. .:;: : .i I -UI - T - it ., ' u:t. i i i -ta t ; " i i - o! I :. -¦¦ ¦: . !:¦ _ -!., . ,! t..:... -o il l.r :i!i L' ll i in:-:- . I' o' - . 1- . ao.i "J- . 1 ' . : . .- - . -i:. uj-: v ' i. ii-r.-tl ' s . D I-:AI -'XIS- ,. \. . - . -. -: I ::. .-i:. ' . .t- . n-;;,. . I->-KX I: K KUl: I > K A I X l >- , i..i- :n 1..1 ,. .,: ,-iT: ...nlmni ) l.-in . lv . ! . r-.v .\- :. ' .v- - .. - :;- ..:. n. - , ;i. ' . :. - ¦ i ini . -ii i' .v ti..i .h.l-:l :•; I:-..,. :. :. .»- ¦ . ¦ ¦ ,. . , - <. , :¦ ¦ ::• . I: , ' . I ' V ' . ('!- . - ¦ - . 7 ot 'iivi- .!; 1 - . -;;i.! ,:n: IIAU: ..;- . - .IHI:I- . I ; «... JU ,:,,!:.•,. .;,, ,- !!. .„ . .,: .., - , . :. ., .,,.,. ,;. . „.;, ., t i-ly lli - l.ill.r.i r..!. ::: - . t\ :.t . »:.. ; :i: . - ' I. , ll.i, Hi. ,.|- . . | .'i ci'liitir i: i- ii-. lii, :..:¦ :.¦ ,- ; i-' :,.- . , . ,. '. 1., -i,. -: 1 . |;. - . sUiint hi. ;.''«i-i!i:l t-;. - III -:I; _ ' i.u. . .¦: t - .-* . r- : .: '¦ r n i; a ilt .il - li.iir I- - .U..I . I... . . il ' . :i . , l- . il, L IA:K I I-: K " . I . -ri.nii. -K IIAII : i;i:-r'ii;i-: u «- -:i :l ., k- i. , I., :!., I. I : I . - .: ., . .. , :., . , il ,..: ; . .,i... .:u:. ; i Will! I- ill Al.o-i: It :i <i..t s ; I t;T - A ::.i.r L-. . \ I.-.. - t; i . .MI .; HI the Ilo ijl ai. <l ;t-iii|. ' i- , ;i;. r-ti . ' ' .i:. - \V . . i. i- n'|.ll- . c- :ou:> , u-ii li-in: ; :: I ::I-II- - i._- ti -t. .:. .. : .,.:.; ;!...( t\ n til I. . i.-.; . •hai.c.'l. -l.i Kf . •; : ... . 1- . ¦; ; ,- ., i . I.OCKYKK' . - - <L'Ll'lll " K IIAII i KKSTuKKli. C U It K !• ' U 11 ALL! HOLLO WAY'S OINTMENT. rj^JlK K i ; . \ li V AMI Ul . l . l . Mi l . l . Jli.jj l- .lii.— A l l l ll - l l JL with li.i> l' ..» i:li, an: .:..!.: ;.. .i:-i «-. , f\, 'i) in.,n i, bis mill l a i u i l) pL j. -a-ian. 1 i.r lii-i I! >\, .:A > u i is n . u * u.litiit its liiipaia' .lei. .1 ; iitl i.i- .i n_ - \ II ; III .. l*oiei ^ -n l! i>- v.-inii-ei.l> I. it- ii. -t- it. il v..i ami ii.ihi.iiv ^- .'IVUfs , an il In..).kit,.! I h:. -l . -l.t.t .t :l . tM.ll.l |.-| t i.f U'll:'l>! l'.. |:tiih l. f. Ill II - I til i! r.,- [:.;.: 1-. . . IJOl'T , lill KUM.M OM . AM- I " .:• -r.-V. ~ I I.' -•¦ an- . - . I m . l i it tl. f tin.-I mill I. - ttl.ll at ' ti .> ll. - il M'j.ih I Him I, I l.i- him an I lauil' I. -iil. , .-i-t : \.: iii ll.i.i . - . -:-: :- in- . i..i t\hi-n -. in- i l'jl y 11:1 111 . .hi.- , 'h-y il l- .. I [i i I :II -:.- I :i |.i- -. t. : - ^ a| |.l ta- tioli "I r li ir s-'li.-l.^ ; i;. j nilltli Oii. rn. ; ' , II str.l t !- |. !:•! ' . . -!: . ; I :. i • - .tun f. - . .. :..|.j i- .l l*lrh pot . SDI:I : T i u a i Ai . l l i i- i : ;. - . ' i.. . i ;i I . \- M .. ' .; i j: i'> , AMI A U. I). l 'll .«. V(il.. MKMS ''I llll I li. : .. .M- I I IKAI' .It , on III. ' i i|ip.-ii..iM- .- i.l . . M il::.- . .' , : . l ' .him. ni lie mil rill.l' i'il , at l i .t . t ll.ri i Ul. ¦ ¦ - : :i , l: , ., ,l. -:.. -k uppt r p::lt ..lll .f c-l. i-l , - . ; I,. .I. :!.- ^. . . i n l s - l l , ,. worm i;. *> \- tu,! vi.-l.i in .i .. n }..: , - .t. l\ -I;, r: tin..- j- .il 111 t. " ;i: 1-. if II ..:.«.. } ¦ - !' ::i . - :. ! i. . :: .i, |] ., 'r ih,s. , ' to pin - .'i 11 ,, !¦: ' . II .Ml l.r.ri* . il \ :. I -1. I V- Ir I ' i t 1 I. i S -nlti-J a v n I 1. i. H AH l.r.n' , 1:\:. ri. i \^r- , 1 ... i i;. . s -< < UK *, AM> U I . V \ V o i- . \ i"i .\ .iii.j ii. i. . . . , ., - : II ., I - II . t he a h nv e t o l i .| -l ;.n:s b.\- .. .ii: : :. , . .,:.,.; .. . ' ¦::; j.i .i t . , 1 , !, . ; l.ut 111 ll'll t.wal ' . - Uil.ll,.. ., - I. ' . ,- ! .;. .. - . ¦,- . .., - :,!,!: > i....:,, d U1-.. 1I l l t i- l ihr piii ' .s ..I!.. - ..! , . ' . ' . ,:.; , , '.., :.) j . -: . ti:. ' i- lu ll.f . -. lilt t.l III. ,\:i : •-:¦- . n. . ! , ¦ .. ' . ,) . ,, , . -, |,tl i!:- iM-r .lii.i-n 'u : . •;. •;- . ..- . N. -| i- , .,i, l,c i, ,,, c . Hlu.p i i- i-r fat. i- ll.; .. il;. i, .i i. , 'i. i,!, , I. i. ,. i,|,|.|:,J I..;:.::. e I. . ir -a:,:. j.\ ¦: ,.. ., , ;. . ., . . - .., . :; ., . \- H \ , Uth I in. . ' ". ' 1 ill :-. ' !' . ¦:> :, -¦ ¦ i.; . l-i - ,. ,- n , ,\ v i;ti 1 'i r i i:t: A -i l. M' .v i- i: .v: . t - .ti\ i: : :i . . i .: l.i ..tls , I' .I' , ' '- . •- I-I-. '' ' >'• . ¦, :- . ¦: ¦: . . :. . . ),., ,_ . . V 11 , i.l i.l Si i. l- 1.1- Hi ' .t - fi.. , _ t ¦ . .. .. u . ,; . ,. , v ., . ,l j|, | - ,, ;u Uui ' l ilfl.l , 1-I.H..I. -1 111.. W i .. :::. -f.- :.l- UI..I 11 1- i . l ltc l t d p.nts :- .».. .,! lint- -:.. . .. ,:,, . :;.; ¦;, . I' ,!,- Lu l a kt l l fie. " i vl- n . in :. - j in.: i .1 .. .1. i. .,:,;. , A C i :: ¦ v t > l l l. i: I'uii I' IL :- A :. ;. 1- I - ri l . v?. — T ho u - 3,111. :> u' p. : -t ns M i l l- . . x,in. - . . .,.i,j .- u.) :., y e at . flout alit- u li -i.iiuli - |.l..iult - ,l,r \ijli :als,: tl. - ' .- i ary. An)Ol>« ^ Mlflfiii ig slKitil ! at I . , ,, , . p i . i v h ., . ,. a r..t i ' .i l|.,l' i w:u . Ol ill , iiii ;] i l l ,- ,!" ,. .:,n,. wh:,li .„ ¦(- .„,.pmi ¦ - , ili'-in tu li.f l.-!i.i ,an 1 In: wi.l , w.iin'ii: '' ¦¦ ' - . . ., Obliterating t-vi-l) Vt-tl ^ ' - - .it ll.t : ¦ I: .: . . ... s. ti'itli lite Oinfi. 'ioiu tind l i!l.i ahouhl U li-i-i ... .nc /olluu:: my Complaint/.. HaJ l.t p ' a t'ortls j. -Sotl J Su.l. ' il» l !"l l!iti.-U 1' is. uii. > :. - Ihrti.ts Hum. (I'.'il Si. 'ii Ili-e.isis linin,.:is li:.:ii.!ll! .l; - ... \\ i;<« . - . -Invj IMiilhlnt.. I.illtl.-:^., H tl- 11, Cli.ipp.-.| ll.t:..i. l'.l, > Tuimiim ami Slill Ul,eum.ili-m U' I CITH .I U: II I> - s. II - >>i| i"ia Wi.uula Ihe IJnilm.-i.t i.l.d 1'ilis a.i- >t.i. l il l' tul. -s ^or II OI. UI WAV ' S ts!al,hsl.mtlll , :.3J, l)»loi.l- . s ti.i-I , I...11. I. .H ; also hy m-ni -ly BWei) le-p. -clable. Vtllilul nl, u.e li.iuujli.iul the Civ:)/. - .i w.ii.i , u. I- ..! . - i. i ;;..- x.. , ., - , i- . IM ., 2s. UJ ., ¦i- OJ ., n- .a i- ., ami a;N. .. ¦ . :.. i :.. ,i,,.,:i. ., t Vm ui o.nt. 111, -nt c.ilta i iis . i.l- .Hint ; ;.i. . ' . ii,.j -,,i,. .l,»--t lit,! uf 1'i' lli fotll* ilo/'-l: . hull 1 1n. t. .i .' ..,, t,,:i;. :.., . -IV. -t.-ii !, - , t- .icli l' .i t and Dus , nul ran I ¦ I... I ;n ... \ li.t.^uaj,. , i-v. n iu Turkia' j , Arab i c, A: iui-:!'a- . I' t -isi.iii , o: I 'l.-.i. f-. . The Syrup of American Wild Cherries. C JAIIIS S yrup is eminentl y calculated to relieve -U- all forms ol i' wtuntl Coiu|ilaiiit» ; it alluys Cough , und lcs. -L'iis Si>a»m , i.roiuott. 'S ijtiicctomtion , und its tonic uii'l itrout'thL-ninj, ' proiiurtied romovotho KU IMIC- tliiL-nt delicate couditton of tho mucous mcnibniuo of the lung. Sold In bottles , Is., 2s. Cd., to -la. Cd each. 1' It El' A ll ED BY il. S A V A G E , At the il K D IC AL Ji S T A ll L IS HM ENT , (LATK MACKKS J ' S), 4, THE MALL, WATEitPOliD.

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Page 1: · 2018-07-17 · Curs without leaving the Laiiriiui; Wharf, nud und er t h •ame roof , there nte Kcfri-sbnieut itouiu,



FuHisfccil ev.ry i-Yiitny Evening , at Ko. 49 King Street

f»u K TI I I I K F . 1'EN CK ; YEARLY ( IN ADVANCE) 13a.;Bv 1'OST, Y K A I I I .V , 15S., IN ADVAXCE.

Agents for Sale of THE NEWS:WATEKKOKD—Mr.W. K ELLY , Littlu Gcorgo/o-streetTKAMO U K—Mi > a C L A N C Y , Hcfreshmcnt Rooms, in


PASSAGE KAST—Tho Misses LOVE, Hotel , Sqtmre.CAURICK-OX-Sl 'lK—Mr. J. 11. JU'Ri 'iiY, New s Agent.LONDON — (For Advts.) llr. WM. CAKIIOLL, 123,

Loughboro'-road (Nortli), llrixton.DUBLIN— A LV K K T I S I M ; A«:.\TS : ilossrs. W. II.

SMITH A SON , Abln'y si reel.PL 'NGAKYAN—Mr. K I >» AK :> BR F N N A S , Stationer,

Ac, Vost mill Telegraph Office, Tho Square.K1LKKXSY—Mr. J OHN JI V K I I I Y , H OBO lmi-8treet.CASTLKCOilKU—Jlr. J. HOLOHAN , SlMb-Btreot.


J—PT Liverpool to Philadelphia«9HLlS»- KVKl.Y WEUNEslMY.4ft8SHb>* Culling ut Quetnstown every TUUKSDAT.fcir»t -cl»cs Full-powcrcd Irun Steamshi ps ire appointed to

Sail :-•LORI) CLIVK... Oct. 4 •CTTYo/NEWTOKK „ 35OHI O ... Oct. U INDIANA NOT. 1PENNSYLVANIA Octj 18 ILLINOIS NOT. 8Ko interoH-dinte I'maengt-ra carried ou vojRRes marked thus*

The only Trims-Atlantic Line nailiu if, uuder llie UnitedMutts i~\a\:, »nd carry ing tbe American Hafts for savinglife , beside s tin- usunl r-cniplement of Lifeboat*, snd AH eitrnnumbrr of Lite Prc-otter*. Tbe accommodation for nil clnueaof pnPSCDgers i« rqtinl lo tiny of tli e European SteamshipLiue». Evrry Steamer e.irriesA Surgeon and Stewardess.

P.wetigrrs mid ft to tls me liuiilcd at Philadel phia on theWhiirl of tin 1 Pennsy lvania Kuilroad Company, which hasth e ihom>t luu-t i lmct route to all places in tbo West-•rn State-- .

l's-ieu*! rs l.v tin- iinr cull pass direct into tbo Knilro.iilCurs without leaving the Laiiriiui; Wharf , nud und er t he•ame roof , there nte Kcfri-sbnieut itouiu , United States Lit-ter Box , Teli-Krup h OlSi-e , Exchange Qflice, and lloggageIiprc-M Oftire.

Cmm IVsAOB , £'15 15s. to X32 Is. Return Tickets atredoced rate- .

SI B I K A U K I'AI^AC'S us low us by any other fast line ,including an ttinp tc Mipp ly of good I'lovibiou s. SteerageFaiietiKors are forwarded to New York or Bo.ton withoutadditional charge.

1«TIRKX1UATH l'i«"*Gr, incMing Beds, ltcdding, andall ncc'iMarr L'leusiU and separate Table, £8 8s.

Apply m l'lhludrlphia to hull VV HIGIIX & SOUR ,Ueuvral Apeuli. , 307. ; iu Qurenstown , lo N.& J. CV M M I S O & Urolliers ; and iu Liverpool , to

KICIIAKDSfON , SPENCE & Co.,tf 17 and 10 Water-street ; or

JOHN DEVEREUX , Qnay, Waterford .


Jlhipi. Tons Sliipi. Tom.EftYrT, Gro^mi V'.V. ENGLAND, Thompson 4!XWSPAIN , Crice 4H00 THE QVKEN , lSr*K U41ITALY, Wtbalt r VXrl IIOIJLAND, Simpson 3S4JFHANXK.Altrii iS?l EllIN, Spencer 3956CANAriA , Snran.r (SiXi nKI/VCTIA, Thomson.. 3»74GllKKCK . AuarvwF 35uu DKN .VAKK.'Williams.... 3723

From I.lvKurodL to N KW YOKK every Wednesday.From QVE KN STOU N , TIiUKSl)AY ; from LONDON to

N MI YOKK every SATURDAY.Satoon K&r. ^, 10, 12, and 15 Ciuiut 'Hs , according to nccoro -

motion. Iti 'inrn Tielct* , 21 and 22 gurnets.i-tcprnpe in Nrw Y.- rk , lio."toii , and Philadel phia and

Baltimore , LO.Sop« nor tircouiinod.'itici i and abundance of Fri-fch Provisionf.

Apl' .'y to tLi Nalioh.-ii r~ t. nu-Li|' Company (I.iunud),23 , Wattr-btirrt , Liverpool.

<- Cl.K A r . K N T YOU W A T tRPORD :J E R E M I A H M U R l ' J I Y , Ii.irronstraml Street.

J. M. M L K 1 I I V . Cui ck- . u-Suir ; KicnABii I. CNDV,Mul l ;—irec t , do. ; l l lCIU I l D l'nfl.N^, Hrowu-ttiect , I'nrt-Uw ; W M . ruuiil'7Al.. (.i rwir , N I W )*c»* ; PATX . l .A5Oi5 ,Bouu nhull ; Jc^Bl'li M r . A > Y, <JtcCt -rt Duugnrvj iu ; or to

N. i.nd J. C f M M l .'ss and IlBOs ., QueeiMoun.


IMI ".IOVI :; I S KJ :VI .. K l.y G I:F.AT WESTEUK K AILWA T,V .'..I Mn.Foi:n HAVES.

Its comiei '.inn witli tho 1\'AI v i iroKD ASK LI M K K I C K andWATkkKOKI j AM * CK ^THAI. iKKI.A N D Lines.


«rv> Erj.rrss Trail:! ami Xc tc >'a.vt Hail j a r t i

JB2ta2. Stf ai.iers. j t a B s£(Convtry iii-j /'iii*5tii;'r»^ aitd Cai'<j o onl y ) every week day.Ko CATTLE, SIIEE1', or PIGS , Carried by these- Uoate.

D0"WN.— LF.A V E LOSIJON tPucUlington) at 5.15 p.m.,ui.i! Aia:iVK AT WATtioOUD (weather undi> permittinp) about clcTen a.m., intime for tho Trains on the Waterford andLimerick and Central Ireland Lined.

t'P.—Leave WATEitfjiiD ut -i. '.i 'J p.m., on Arrival of11.U" Train from Limerick, and 10.35 a.m.Trui:; 'rom Murj liorouyh , Altuivisu iu LONDONI» . :i •.!:(- SK .I! cinmni.iliinec.- permitting) nt l'J.101.. .O1., folloK'inu; J:iy.

Nii Curiu run l.c roreived on hoard after 1.15 p.m.,whet the C'.UK'I-.'' wi:! t.e removed, to c:mhle the SteameraU- ¦] ' ¦, ur: i'l.Ni '1 I'AI. l .Y ut the up) ointid lime,tii" Si»:i'ial Un&ls will (weather a:;i] eireumstaiiecH

nenrittinp) HII :1 with Lir.j St*w:k from Waterford to NewMilfonl on -ch duys :ia muy ho required, i'or houraot Sai'iiDi;^, i'-., etc* sj .ireiul Uiils.

F A I: K.S— WA TK UhOlU) A X D L0KD0H :SlSULKiavuilaii le tcr o buys)l rt (jlttr.-, and Saloon, MB M

,, ,, 2nd Class and .Saloon, .'&.s Gd,, ,, "!•¦! Class und Fore Cabin , 20a <kl

1!KTI I :NS (avui!ul ]e fcr2nionthf)lst h Saloon, 70b,, ,, ,, 2nd Cliu* i bu'cion, .ri9s.,. ,, :S."d C1:I.-H and Fore Cabin, Xis OM.

Further infcrwuiiu :. ian be ol/taioed from Mr. J. W.Do -.vM;r ,l;.:iI« ;iy Terminus , limerick ; MrW D M CNA -M A I :A , Adc!;.hi Wl.arf , Wutcrford ; the R EDUCED VA I -.KSbftiv rcn ivi .i r ii:i)Kirtant St«tion!> , thn 'I'imc Tables, undThrouch laae> for OooUb , &e., can be obtained of Mr.W. J. lii'^sLi.L, the Great Wcklcrn liailway CompanyVt):»trict A Ke;;t ,'Adt.!phi Wharf , Wuterford.

J. GKIEIISON , General Maziafror.Pa'Wir.g-."- -:: TiTiniiiUf. i7.lf



h,f<<i Ti'iiv Kuril ,m. a.OXJ tlot se . i iOKft ,

^^^^--l^^^-^A Liverpool for New York

Pafwi;|itri. !" n'.l parl i. ¦! ' I '- Ul l ' t.d St . i t>> Ciliada,l'.i ' u i i i i ' i - li""' Nm1 Y.nk ' T i i y S^lunU>.

11.* *ri;-kn»« n lnM M.m Sli-milm ut t lun l ine , nil ion-•t t u c i i d >iy .M > .«-r> . H A U I A M I *: W o i r t , i, i IMi^-t , '«k,.ll.r Llil.r ltt.i. 'i- , l l i . . n i U - . l i - i i . l '• ) l.'iu; . M A C K V , mi lothOulnmr; ;. ml l l . i i n w . i d I r f s - - i ^t * . '1 i n \ - ;i» unili r :—

K t . .u. 1.! V K I :1'(. '. I , ''>¦' U f K V h M & w x : —B R I T A N N K J . . . Thursday, . . . f)rt. 20lhG K I i . M A N I C ... Thursday, . . . Nov. OihCELTIC . . Tlmr^ilay. ... Nov. ]fUI,H K I 'l A .N ' N I '.'... Thursday, ... Nov. :«)ih( i E I t . M A N I C T! .nr-<lav , . . . UL-C . 1 1 t h

llni.M NtM \(iV.K :H K I T A N.V I C . . . Saturday, . . . (Jci. 7tli

I i.c -fl,. i\ ; I . •( ,. I. !,¦: i |..,'..( r tli .- |i ..-;. r 1.. ll.flUlI"! i • -- . ¦ . I " - , :¦:. ! .it '.i . l d :.. l'.i ^ . l .l l . . l , ..- l .. ' l

i,e:.r ..' ¦ ¦, f .f !.,!|,.- • :• •• ...., I,'.. .... .. ..., \ » rt : i i : - I ' . i- - ¦

¦;• , n > ¦ l i . M . r , I- ; i l ..;- ; W i i . li - i ,

( l> i l ; ij t .

K^ !. \* > . - ¦ I ¦- c o n- l r u i t i d 111 7 w ^ lc i- l i^h l i . n .p . r 'n . r ii th .

*I i . - S i Li h A ' .!1 . . I " ' l . l l '.M .i l A s l . t l !'¦!. - . W . i | i ^l . t l d,

T . ; • , ; ¦¦

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th*- r.l r r - - • . v i. n . . I ¦¦'¦ . - ' ! • h' - II . A n ii -.. - l i . i t i-: - i.p plv i> i

G.' l ."! I : ; > .! >. .¦•• I ' I I .I . n i ii f . i l ¦

i . l i :l i ; ."r^,- .

S' I w « n ! - I I , M . i ::i. . 1" i i M . m l t i n : W i l i . t l . a i. i i C'u iid r i ' l l .

S t .- , , . , .-. r . :¦ • . 1 1- i ur . i i K:.l..I' - .: : i - . ^ i : . , : ; 1 1 . M i l l |. . ! . i U.l i t* , «M i l > ht 11 .» Odil I s

of - I .. C . u ,. . n y , :!7. l'. r . ., ! » :iy, N.-w Y. , i k , in Q U - I- I .S.

to« t , '¦. J *« i SiT.Tr . ' <> ¦ ; 'T

l.-- .\' . - V . \\ I . I t A I n., 1". U i ii . i -i i i . i, l. im|.(,iil,.. i - ;;•! . I . . • . i i i. :. .- i i , i i , Li mi. u , I.. < . J j« i '. .tl

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J A .\ . | .v I i | - .;. M SS ) , ( . : i . . : C i . r t f'- 't , \V i , i,- i |. . i d .

¦1 V . I " I : I \ l \ . i:i .\ , » - i : . i . . - , ( '1 1 1 1 1 1 k — n SUM .

¦ 1 'i l i .V A A 1 . 1 . . . I n n . . l',,r ,M.»»..1' i | i .\ I 1 O I . 1 1 i A N . l ' i - l i i r i , l i . i-r .J A M i . r- W ATI - . !;- , m..l .... .

( .\ l : l : M F.. f 'N - > T I I : l- . M I C I J A T I t i N ( i K F I C h

GOVERNMENT E M I G R A T I O NTO NKW Z r . . A I . . \ M > , ou.r .N Sl .AND . ft CANADAITMthK PA S S A U K S i. . N K W X .K A L A N li pi-imt.-il' i . . . - ! : L. : l. | .. A i. |.hi ; , i .i s . A S S IM 'K I) I 'ASSACES

Cn.iii'-ii I' . ' A N A I) .\. l'nriii i ; l : , ,K <, t wl.iel, can bebad M . :< | ! l - in " : n. i . :• .1 . M. M n , •¦) . A(j f i .l .

S l<- !iN. < r . - i - - . N f « Yi . i l i « i . - i - 1 W l . , K fro tn (J i i i .-i!M> .Uiwr. , L i » i - ip . . i . l , l ' ' i i ;- . l ' n l . I n , , ( .. , , s K ,.,w , 01..I Luiiilon.F ir .M-c la .- r ,M. i | s f n . i i i I . I H I |.. K,I Lolului, lu A l l H -tml :a ai 1 ' t,".:t'riir!; (. I . L ** a

1-.I I I I^

I I .:I

< - II ( il l i te - - -;:i N 1 W L AN E , C A I ' J J I C K-ON - tSUIK. i a l l t f

¦V K K V OI S n i : i ! I J , I ' l Y. - ( i l ( A -l]S , u M i . iii-XI riil Wi.rV :. > !;i '"i i !>.' -i.Ii - r<i> h"« tlu-y mny l eenroll will. urit 1 h<- ui.l i.f < ,'u«<-ks . Kr<-. - ,.n r(H . i j.t ; ..()io«tnRO Mainp. Addresi. . SKI U K I A i . v , liihtitute o Aim-nmy Diruiin^ham. myU'.Iiiii *


Fiont &lrat-l '.^r<ii:i!n ir S-nrl- f»r Snii |.- , tllailc I l i - I . enod S«ucr« , 1'Hutnn. — (irnumr "i l y »'i lh tirmniln .B&roo Lteblg 'i ftiguftluiu aciubH Iftbi -l. dlU If

S H I P P I N G . C L Y D E S H I P P I N G C O M P A N Y

OCTOBER, 1876.Regular STEA M C O M M U N I C A TION between

W A T E R F O R D and L O N D O N ,Via Sioutuumpton , nod London aud South We»tern Knilway,PLYHODTH and. SOUTHAMPTON, and SOUTH ol


\j r I lHE new nnd powerlul Screw Steamers



intended to Sail as under (wmthcr pcrmittitg, unless prcTentud by aoy unforeneen circumstanceB), with liberty to lowVessi-U, and to call at an Port or Portt in anj order, in orout of the customary course, to recoive and discharge Cargoor for uny other purpose whatever.

KHOM WATERF0KU TO GLASGOW,Tuesday, 3rd Oct. 1 p.m., via Dublin.Wednesday, 4th „ 1 p.m., fia Cork.Friday, 6th „ 1 p.m., »ia Cork «nd BelfastSaturday, 7th ,, 1 p.m., ria Belfast.Tuesday , 10th ,, 1 p.m., via Dublin-Wednesday, 11th ,, 1 p.m., via Cork.Friday, 13th „ 1 p.m., via Cork aud bellastSaturday, 14th „ 1 p.m., via BelfastTunJuy, 17th ,, 1 p.m., via Dublin.Wcdnceday, 18th „ 1 p.m., via Cotk.Friday, 20th „ 1 p.m., via fork and BelfastSaturday, 21st „ 1 p.m., via lldfattTursdar, X4lh „ 1 p.m., via Dublio.Wodneeday, 26th ,, 1 p.m., via Cork.Friday, 27tli „ 1 p.m., via Cork and BelfastSaturday, 28lh ,, I p.m., via Belfast.Tuesday, 31st ,, 1 p.m., via Dublin.


2 p.m. ; Kail to Greenock , 8 p.m.N OTB.—Tbe Steamer on Friday goes via Cork.

FROM WATEUF0UD TO BELFAST.Every FRIDA Y, viu Cork, - - nt 1 p.m.Every SATURDAY, direct , - - at 6 p.m,

BELFAST TO WATERFOUI) , direct.Evory THURSDAY and MONDAY , 2ud, 10th , and 30th


TO DUBLIN , direct ,Every TUESDAY. ... „. at 1 p.m.


FR01I WATERFORD TO CORK.Every WEDNESDAY , • • at 1 p.m,Every FRIDA Y, - - at 1 p.m.


WATKKFOR.U TO LONDON ,SU'ainrr to -Southampton, thence by London and Sonth

IVenlini Kaiixiiy In Nine Kims Station , at Through Rates ,Every SATURDAY nnd WEDNESDAYS, 4th and 18th

October, at 4 p.m.LONDON TO WATERFORD-Evcry TUESDAY,

Goods Received at auy of the Receiving House" of thrLoudou and South Wio icrn Railway Coru|>«Dy, aud atNine Elms Statioa up to 6.30 p.m.

WATERF011D TO PLYMOUTH , direct ,Every SATURDAY and WEDNESDAYS, 4th and 18th

October , at 4 p.m,PLYMOUTH TO WATEHFOKD , direct ,

Every FRIDAY , at 2 p.m.WATERKORD to SOUTHAMPTON , via Plymouth ,

Ev.ry SATURDAY and WEDNESDAYS, 4tb and 18thOctober, at 4 p.m.


These StrHuirrn bi\ve excellen t accommodation tor passen-gers. PASSAGE-MONKY.

Cabin. Return. DeckWaterlurd to Glasgow or lli- lfabt 17s. 6d. 26s lUs.

Cork ... Pi 14> 6sDublin, ... 10K. 15B. 6S

Plymouth nud Southampton 20s. 30s. Ids.London , ... 2or. — 16*.

8«JV NOTE.—Th e Cljdc Shipping ("otnpnny lusure allGoods Shi pped by tli.te Lines of Steamers , at 3s4d. purceutto Trsderh having: ymrly agrreiueuts, Hud 6s per cent to oc-casional trippers—vulrth to he declared at time of ship-ment. Forma aud all information to he had at the Offices.

For Ratis of Frei ght , ke., apply to — J . C. FISKEK-TON , Hi'lfast ; H KS RV J. W A KIKG , Plymouth 11. W.W I L L I AH S , Liiiidou and .Soulli-Wintirn Itailway Couipany,Ex.t ir Ifuil i l ing i * , Arihur-slit-i- 1, W I-M , and their ReceivingHiiuM 's tbruc^linut London ; Cly de-Shipping Co., 40, U pperCtcil-strrcl , Lmi^rirk; sjuullianiptull ; 'JT^'dt-n Quay, lJL*l}-Lix , »ud l'aliiii's Quay Co UK.

CLYDE S H I P P I N G COMPANY ,Custom llousi - Quay, Wnt irlord.

Special Koiui b of iiills of I. BI I IIIK required by the Cly deShi pping Company, lobe hid hum the Agent *.



GIPSY, LARA , KEPI1YK, and APOLLO, or CLIO-. . VJ OT1CK .—ThcWaterfordSteamalii p

tfasal t' IX Companyreccive Goodn for ShipmentV^ ^J^ on tlie

followiuK Terms onl y :—They reserve

vHBSSmSw the ri ght to enrry by any. Dot by particularVe»:rlF , wilh liWrty lo Tow Shi ps and call at other Port*nnr! xill not be accountable for injuries orlosaeft arising frntndel^y, Accidents of the Seas, Rivers , Fire , the Queen 's Ene-mirs , defi ctive Navipation ,oraccident *from auy uthercauienor for any loss which might have been covered by lusurauc ,? or for Leakage, l)reaaage,Couditiou , Quality, or content* olany I' l.nvU orPackageti , nulessspeciall y entered nnd adva-orcm Freight paid. Goods not removed to be .Slortd tit the

risk and expense ot the Coubigntes.W A T K H K O R I) A N 1) H It I S T O L .

Krr.ii> Wnlerford to BriMol : t iom Hri«t. . l to Wnleiliud.MUKLT MRKCT.

Tuesday, Oct. 3 ... 7 Horn Thurfdny, Oct. 5 ... 7 Jli.rnTncji lav . „ Hi ... l \ Afl' njTliursrinv, „ 12 ... 1 AffnTm-Filny, „ 17 ... 7 Mom Thursday, „ IU ... 7 HornTuivday, „ i i ... H i MnruThursday, „ 2'i ...12 NoooTutvday, ,, 31 ... 7 Mom 'Thunsdaj. NOT 2 ... 6 Muru

Al 'OLI. O or CLIO.r- .un. W' nt^rfotd tu llribtol , FruUi Ifristol to Waterford ,

Direct. calliue at Pembroke Dock.Kri.iay, Oct. n ... S\ Morn,Tuesday, Oct. 3 ... 5J AffnFriday 1:1 ... I AfL 'u TuoHlny, 10 ... 10 MomFriday ,, 'l ... HJ Jloru iTnisdjy, 17 ... SJ -MornFriilay „ 7 ... 1 Aft 'iijTumlay, „ 2i ... 81 Mornr'liduy, NOT. 3 ... 9 Muru Tuesday, „ 31 ... i\ All'n

% t On varl y Mm :.I I I K Sailings , tl.e Cabin ot the .Steam-ers w i l l lir (Ipiu t>. receive Pas»eu(;e's arriving from Loudonli) the Nig ht MailTrmu.

Cabin Fare , los ljd. ; Servauta and Children , 1U». Od.Return do., 26a. ; or with liberty to return from DublinCork , or Wei ford , .'Us ( H., Steward'a fee included ; Deck7 M . rid. Females attend tlie Ladien' Cabin.

Kxtcnsion ol time ifrnntcd on ull return tickets on the follow*ing terms :

For a fortnight—36. Cd. ;_nnd for every subsequentwcck72s.


Mouiliiy, Oct. -1 ...12 Koon Moudiiy , Oct , 2 — 9 MoraWMi.i Ml.iy ,, 4 — l\ Affn tt'eUuc«daj-, „ t —11 MornFriday „ 6 —la h'oou l Friday, „ 6 —11 MornMonrliiT, „ 9 ... 3\ Aft 'n'Mou'lay, „ !> — 2 ArfnWtttntKlny, „ II — :i\ Aft 'u.Wulnuday, „ 1 1 — 3 AffnFriiluy, ,, 1.1 — H Jloru 'Fri.liiy, „ 1 3 — 7 MornMui.ilay, „ 10 —V2 NomrMouiliiy, „ 16 — 9 MornW«lne«iay „ 18 — 1 Aft 'uiWedocMlay „ 18 —10 MoruFriday .. '-') —i2 KonnlFriday, „ 20 —11 MornMumlny, „ '.'3 — 3J Alt'ulMondny, „ '£i — 1 Aff nWednesday, ,, 'Ji — 3t Aft 'tiiWudneday, „ »5 — 3 Aft 'uFriilay, „ i!7 — b Morn , Friday, „ 27 — 0 Mornlluii .lay, ,, :(" —11 Mom .Monday, „ 'JJ — a Moru

Cabin Kaie , 17- . tlii ; Scruuit.- ( 'travell ing w n h laiiulie>)sn.l I 'lnldren , H> > ; 1). cl , )U> . ; Children , 6K . Frmnlrs a\-tui'l t n r I.mli. i- 'C.'ali in

(i. . . , ils reCeivid at Clar.-nrt- Dmli, Livcrp' -nl.WATEKrOUD AND DL'NGARVAN.

I I:• ¦ M "AlKKfclKll . I K0J1 H t N U A K V i l K .Mdi. il . iy, ,, ", 10 rr.orijlTuewliiy, Oct 3, 0 mornWi- il i ie t- d iiy. ,, 1 , 11 nioriilTliurH(i:iy, ,, 5, 7 mornFriday, „ '< , 11 mom .Saturday, „ 7, h mornMnii 'l i iy, ,, !l, 1 at L'II Tuesday, „ 10, ti moruW. '.lh.schy, „ 1 1 , a i.l t'n Thursday, „ VZ, U tnornFriday, ,, IU , 'J moru Saturday, ,, 11, 11 moruMoii-luy, ,, l l> , 10 morn Tuesday, „ 17, U alV uWedne.-i l i iy , ,, Is, 11 moru Tl.urnday, ,, IU , G momFriday, „ -", 11'nn.rii Saturday, ,, 21 , 7 moruH oliday, ,, 23, 1 uii'u Tucaduy, ,, 4 , 7 mornWeclnesilay, „ 25, 2 hli 'nlThurfidi.y, „ (i, *J mornFridny, „ ^7, 2 nfl 'ii i -ja turciuy, „ 28, 11 mornFriday, „ 30, 10 mornlTuesday, ,, 31, 1 aft'n

W A T K R F (j R I) A N D N E W U (J S S.F KOU WiTturoBb—Dai l y, Suuda)a exceptid , at 3.15 p.mF U U M N K W 1:< eo—I.-.t iij ^ur.i<«j» i jni.ud, «i b 45 a.m.

W A T E It F U K ]i A N D D L' N C A N N O N .FUI.M \V *i i i ! t , .ui ^ —l>ui l y t ,suiiti R) i. incepted, ut 3.2'J p.m.K HOM ] . u > C A k > o .^— Diii lv , j > i-xii 1 1 1 d , »t a.m.

I'.i t i l . - M . u i i . l and H MJ i i . t i . i i in i t i i . i l L I V . n l.y i < k> lilt atI t i i i - i i . | . — 'l h,. li|.|i,.| H | Mi S,n,ji:tckil (J I) K I - , 'SI Prim:. •«! . ;I ' V .N C .A I I V A S — Mr. I . D ..H., >- \ , . M A i i i .> t r r . t ; Livtm-oot—W.. l . i | . , i , l M KI IH,!,,,, Cun, pKij i , £i ) l i u i i > v . i i k - i l r r e t ,Waiili .i i iK ' . 'i . llu. '.i n. ^> , ai.d M the I.'- lupany 'a Ollitis, tbe M A L I.,W A I Kit ru in..

EJ ' ILKI 'SV i,r KITS .—A sure cure for thisilihLri;t;i.iii(,' voui|ilitiiit in now known in a

Tnnti-e inf 1H oetjivo pa^e.-) on >'orci (rn and NntivcH. rbnl Preparations , published by PROF. O. PHELPSJtR 'AS N. The preseri ptiim »a« diweovered by him iuc_n<-li a provident ij.i manner tlmt he eiinnot conseien-tioiisly refuse tu umke it known , an it I IUM cured thou-sands who have used it for Fit*. The ingredient* lunyl e obtained from any (Jh emiHt , or Sumplo Uottlon of thu.Midi . iiic "ill U- win fri(; t o uny addrenfl ou applicationto (J. P. HROWW , U Kin . .' .Street, Covent Uurden , Lon-don. [inyiffi-Dm *

ONK liOX U\' C f .AU KK'S li 41 PILLS isw . i i K i i t i - d l i i run. a l l i l i > ( l i a i w > . « l imn the Ur inary

On',,.- , in r.Hi i r -i i , nniuiird nr r'jn-i ituti 'Hi. 'l . (irnvel , orI'HIH . in II,.' I'.-ik. .-,,1.1 in 1,'iiv , 4s. lid. ruch, by allClun. is is Am! Patent .Mt . l . t .ur Vriiilm* ; or >ent tu any;.d ir. - .- f.n rn ,1,11(1. |,j- i l , , Mu ki -r , r . J. C L A R K E , Con-MI I I I I ,.. ( li . n,,-! , I I - ..|. ..n«.i , Lincoln. <Vh . |r<..h- Agents,l iAUC L i r 4 So."!*, l.oi.dcin , and nil the Wholt^le llnunet.



The shortest route from Waterford and Kilkenny to Dublin,A thlona , P. itumra, Pariornlown.or Naoagb , Is via Marlboro'.

t3~ Improved quick and tbroupb ilally comraunioiUon be-wean Mar/ boroDsH and otber stations to Waiotf '.rd , tbencsTliNaw Milford to Loodon and all stations on tbo ij ieal West-ern railwAjof EoaUod.

Tho 8.30 a.m. Down and 6.50 p.m. Up Excursion Trains dis-eontinnod.


ITRA 1M On WK gK DAI B. 8P NPATBl - i a, m IN i lu s i iT i T2 i3 i v*3

'"'""'• Ct«>Olasa- Clast. .Claai. .Clau Cla.b.A .M . r.u. I r.M. *.M. nuun p mh m h m li ni II m h m h m

Watertord.- rffporlxr 7 16 1 0 4 0 • 13 0 ...Kilmoco* -... 7 V5 1 111 4 li — 12 13 ...Mulllnavnt ...._ 7 35 — 4 r'o — 1- il> ...Gall yhale _ 7 85 1 35 4 40 — 1- i" ..Thomasiown _ _ ! Ill 1 ill < jl - 1 »>brid|!e „ 8 '25 2 5 5 0 _ 1 20 ...Kilkenny .....arrival 8 40 2 2C 5 511 — 1 4i. ...

Do. , dtpa rturt 8S1 !10 i] — 'So ...BallyraKftet.. .__ t IS i lo J i t — 2 lu ..,Att&nagh _..._... 9 a 3 0 e 0 — - 18 ...Abbeyleix 8 51) 3 It j Is — 2 30 ...Mariboro' .-. ^arrivnl 111 10 D 35 C 15 — 3 0 ...M».jtxiraugb o«p_«j> Itil 1 1 ;« — 3 24 ...Poriarliogton Ju.ioi 'c II 11 4 17 8 7 — 3 43 ...Dublin arrival 1 15 i 40 10 0 — 5 «5 ...Alhlone Jaoctioa arrl 4 45 8 30* — — Maryboro '_rf<j> dotcn 10 30 — ' J 11 — 9 52 ...Balljbropby™ 10 56 — 7 45 — 10 lii ...Eooctca _ I1 34 _ 8 3 _ Faraocstawn 12 I — 9 0 — Partomna _ 12 44 — 9 40 — Nenagh 13 33 — 8 20 — Templcmoro _ — — 8 II — 10 H ...Tourlei arrltal 1 30 — 8 35 — II 13 ...

TO WATIEPOEDl> A I I t » t . t « ,. k l .W . R U N DAT B

1 2 &3 1 -i k3 1 4 -i I i 2CI5.1. Olasa. Class. Clan. 1 2 t i 3 , \ i i 3

L .U. A .M . A.M. r.M. Class. Cla kBSTlTIOH Ii

Ii m h m h m h m 11 ni |. in— 7 10 - 1 65 — J 2— 7 23 — 2 la — 2 20— 7 59 _ 9 4.) — 2 47- 6 30 — 1 0 — —— 6 (I _ - — —— 8 40 _ 1 20 — -— 7 13 — 1 45 — —— » 38 — 3 19 — 3 24

Tlmrlcs.... dtparturt _ 7 u , 1 65 — J 2Templeniore _ _ 7 5,3 _ j la _ 2 20U.lljbroph, _ 7 59 _ 9 4:1 — 2 47ttcnagh... - 6 30 — 1 0 — —1'ortuni'i a _..__ ...| _ e u _ — — —Pnrsonitovtn _ 8 40 — 1 20 — —Bojcrea — 7 13 — 1 45 — -Sinrjlioro ...nrfl...uji — » 3a — 3 19 — 3 21Atbluae Juoctiuu ...„[ s 15 — Dublin ....dtparture — 6 0 9 0 1 0 — 9 30l'urtarHngton J ODCI 'I) 8 3 111 13 2 45 — 11 13Maryliuro '..<ir>i K Jrt> _ 8 ii 10 3u 3 0 — 11 52

now* I R A I N B . — Mall 443 —Mnryboro ' ...rfrj.arrurt — 8 40 ID SS !! 30 4 0Abbeyleix 9 0 lu 56 3 50 ... 4 'JOAtlona Kh ~ — 9 15 — 4 5 ... < 35Ballyro KK Ct _ 0 26 11 15 4 15 ... 4 45Kilkenny . . . .arrival — U 45 11 40 4 38 ... S 10

"O -dtparturc 7 30 10 (. 1 1 4 . ', 4 50 6 21)BaunetBl.rldii 7 45 10 12 — S 3 . 5 3JTbomaiitoivn .„ 8 i 10!] 12 t 5 20 ... 5 44Mll ylmle 8 25 HMO 12 16 5 3'J ... Ii 0Mullinnmt . 8 60 ,1 0 — 6 0 0 25K|m «i)W 'J 6 11 10 12 45 O il) ... C MWaterlunl . ...arrival 9 30 11 30 1 0 6 30 ... 7 0

bpscial i'areaare charged to Firet and Second tlaiB I'tsain-Ben booking 10 traiel by the Expiesn Mail Traioi on UicatBoatbern and Western Lint.

Tickew issued /or Single Jonrney ore available only lor theTrain bj vhich they art issued.

ilarket Tickets to Wateifurd and back will be lnuiJ atMaryoorungb , Abbeyleii , Attunagb , and lialiyragjet , by tbo8.40 a.m. down T.ain , available lor return by llio 4 ,0 p.m. u|>traiD un da.6 ot iaano. K»re«— bii.t CliH, 12J.( Second Gl.n9s., anil Third Class, 6s.

Kelurn Tltieu. are lsiued between «oy l»o Stations atailabliJor the date cl issue and daj following ; lliosc issued lor aojdistance nceediog SO miles, will Lxj an.irblo lor rolurn OD tb<cay of issue and the two fullowicg da)S i r.nd lor dihtanctft ex-ceeding lou miles , tbej me a>i , | l»blu .*ur return an the daj olistue and the thrse loIHmint ua>s—M.nbjk no. rtcknutd.itetur-a Tickets .BnueU oil Saturday itru rcturnabltt 00 Smuiuajr ,Su nday, or Monday.

W. W I L L I A M S, Krcreti try.

WA'iEKi'ORD AND HilElUCK RAILWAY.Up trains f r vi Walerford.

Ta/1NM OM WKRK 1IAYH. .SiltI . Mall Mail .Mail

"•.TiHroHD U l U l l l ii 4.3 1 2 4 3 I k a 1^ , 310 LIMS B IUK. ciaa. UI BU J CUBS Cl»»b Cb». Class. CianA..M A x I-.M . r.v. r.ts. r.a. p »

lCaterfcnl ... dcp. 4 15 S 50 |11 |j 2 ' . ' 8 SO ._ 8 30Carrick-oli-Suir. 5 M B 4U |1J 17 3 ' 9 16 ... U 16Clonmol ».» 7 5 10 2u ill! 45 4 ' .11 u ... 10 0Tipnerary a 15 II 27 1 511 5 li i l l 35 _ 11 1',Junction... arriv l 8 'Jl 11 4u 2 10 5 Uu 111 65 ... 11 J51'CBLIA^. uniTul 1 15 ) 13 5 4<i lu 0 4 0 ... 4 ^Com ..^.art.ol 1 au a >i ¦» 3i s i . -.! 5 ... a nHulilln ilcp. ... V 0 10 3u 1 7 4 5 „, 7 4 5Coik „ ... b y ... J 4 . , U 0 ... 10 0Junction,. i 30 l:! l j 2 25 0 4, 2 V3 ... |-.'2JLimerick...orn<l I 9 37 |l2 52 3 15 G i>. . 1 30 ... I 30

Down Trains from LiminokTRAiyj b.N WII .R UAT H. ISdj'8

r-mmiCK i a 4 3 1 2 t 3 1 4 2 1 2 4 3 14 2 I 4 2 l -i 3io -w^ti-Kt 'ouncinsa. Clans. Class Class. CI SBI Giass Cluss. A . M . ».». A .M. r.M. r.M. r.M.

l.ilnrrlck ...—it) ' C O 7 0 11 if ] 4 I) ]U 40 ... Ill 40Junction 7 10 ; S 25 13 20 S 15 11 5J ... n 55Cork „ _. 1 30 2 (I 8 15 2 ti ... i VHublin ,, ... ! 1 IS 5 13 111 0 4 5 ,.. 4 5II VU LLS * dej i « . ... U u 1 O 7 45tOUK.„. , .«. . . ,, ... 1 ... 0 0 2 45 IU 6J UUU.GU. . - 7 50 0 0 14 30 5 35 12 23 ... 12 S3'l'inncrary 7 30 'll IS 12 4li 5 -45 18 50 ... 12 suCloninrl 8 65 I ... : 40 I, 55 0 311 ... •.' 20C«rnck » U I ... 1 2 5 7 3S | 3 ( ... 3 0\Vaieil ...Britl|10 25 | ... I i| 46 H I S ]IS ... 3 45

^r AhEk - - . Flr»t Clai*. > n» t le '1 i tkcl , I1» 0.1 ; ^ct¦on.| rio, II?. . ;Vl.ud tlu,, i:k. 50. Kelurn — K i r n t'lm.«t *^l« 3d ; >pcon<! ro., 16h,

fd. Jons ItolitKTs , TiHfflc Wana tcr.

WATEKKUlllJ AKU TKAiVoU E'KAU TWA'y'r'"(feet han Traini.

,,,„, "» 1 * ¦ •> ; 1

~;, 5 ¦"'

« ! » T~ ~

'_. ." . . ".m :.a. '".. - r _ ln ' P '" , i1 "¦ \ v _ >>> ' v m 1. 111 ; i. m;' I, 11. I h in li ui .' Ii m h 111 j h iii ! I. rii li in h 111";

Wl<«l !» » 0 ;ll 11 12 15 |* 2 11 I 4 0 I .', 30I 7 15 B oj -.Tin 'rul !i I.I ,# l l W I 11 I .1 II I 4 3u .«r. 1, ', 7 « tt 311I _

Sunday Trains.,,0M I

~ - ' '•> ! ? I * i I 7 I 8 ,

~__ !.• -.' J^1"

I' '" , 1' "' ! V 111 i p_n i l p in I p r o n in

li I" li 111 . Ii iu li 111 : li 111 li m i li in I b rr. I I, mWord' ti 0 11 15 I l8 15 1 .111 2 30 I 30 5 3d j 6 31 H 0Tmorel li 15 I I Vj U it,' 2 a \ 4 I , 5 n 1 7 4al 0 .1"

• M n i l t r a l m G. N . R A X E X , .Secretary

SOLOMONS' SPECTACLES.OustiiVt:-]'.', NASSAU STJtKET, DUBLIN.iFrom hilt- SI0-1 Uuvd . lir.U'Unisx , lti>ho |. of \V;,U.l..i.l).11 I A Y E u-> .l Mr. S.Ji .oxr .Nb ' hp r.t. i clCM with nrrnl M \.

\Mi Uf \ - \ o iny bi ^ lit , i lii-.r coulmc nnd ctmitnrtiui ; |ini-pcrt i ia |.rnvim most i iv t ival - le mid beneficial, fff ict a H Inch1 never vi|K-riiiuril limn iiuy mbci kind nf glass ur pehlilc.

"t 1'. O'H U IBN, llml.op ul Wateif .nd . "(From Mint Ucv . Dr.l. OKW AY . Lord Hishnp ol Kilh.ln )."The t.'jpnii-tice ! Imve Imd lur some lime ul ,>h. E.

Solomons' Spi-r.tnclm eimi.lo init to stule thry ;..i« the onlylenses which nfT' rd UII : the c«sf aud comfort tu hr" drsircd inrending, writing , &c., I nin, indred, glad 1 procuredtlif»e I.H D . J tight [nerFrtvri . , for the u-n; ol other Rlas-es nndpi-bbli-a had iHused me to iuing inc that such sa.isfacnoncould nut t»» Kfcutt 'd.

" + II LOH CO.NWAT, liishop of KHI.1I1 , ltnllin.i."[Krotn Moil Hrv. Ur Di'OfJAW, Loid l!ihln p nf Chi:ifritj

'* 1 h»ve to cxpreis my nil it c Harislaclinn with the spec-tacles you i-i] |.j iluJ , ai.J which 1 hnvg iioiil null trrr« t IJ.UI-fort fjr ninny vr;it!.. I t.nve notchitu^e-1 the dt'^rr.-ut |.owi *1 procured orii.Miu.lly Iroin you.

" t l' tTim.'K I J U O G A S , lSislic.i. ol Clnnfcrt , l.on^lnca."Tn Mr. Si.l iiiuini ' , O.'l ici i i i i , l lul i l in. "

(K I I . 111 thr V . i y l t .v . Drun tJ 'HldKX , I'.inndtr ol Hit-Cailiolic Yi.unj ! Men 's ^uci.'.it^).

" 1 frel pha - l l l . - iu l i fitc i na ; l i- l imony m l lie Ul.nll l- IH.- ulthe ( i l . i sMe with which 1 Imvu Mlpp linl by 11 r. S,, . H I I V I I I ^ li.t.l ua.i.-io:. tu rtup luy >.h< in bcth by ,i.,yand m^lil li.r Milne j n. i^ 1 Ci.u s.iy M'l th ti r l . i ih l y ln. i lthe ic i i r l which llicj iiffr 1 tl aij .l lh, .1. • • .ir.c- \i liirli m.-\givi- .ur ijui' r to ' i i iK I. , -A irni lri or wril i

" 11. li . O'lii:iKN , U.U., Ili iin ol l . i i ,Nr«r.i-:lr, Co. Liim-ii i -lt ."

(From thr K.v . 1'A T K I C I : LA V K I .I.K , I'.I 1.)" 1>KAK .SIK — I have I I'rtl tur Mum- li n^up \ , , iu Sp. c

tailed , is|irci.ill) at nic l.t , and Kin happy .u mini 111 you , « n hthe |i M. .>trat I'l-ni'lil , mid tvi'ii cul l . I . i t . linu- l . iul j i ru lw i t h tl.cii. lui t lnec houts u i i i i i l r i rupU-- t i. i^ l.t , w. l l.outt h > - ^ l i ^ htenl i i i t o i i t c i i i cu. -.' u. di.- t l e ^^^ ¦ ,l , t . — I inn, y..ur»l iu iy , "' 1'A TI I I C K L A V U K L H , l' .l' ., I .OIIK -, CO. M.. J O .11 lu Mr. S^'luiuui.t. , Up:it-*ii.ii , Jj ublin. "

'• An:l.d. nion U'.-I I K A , l'.l 1., i-. h.i|.,. tu ii:f.,r... Air. K.SO I MI .U I IH tlmt flit: .*" peclHflr * bllpp lii.l 1.. hull suine Iru J I - H I Mbin..- I.^ VL- be. t. t 'tni i iei . ti y 3... ct-rMlnl i ff..rd..i^ Int.. tan eH I I I I fuiiiluri , which he had nut ciprrituce . f ioin thr K I HSM HH I I I I pehl'ltn In: l.ud been using prev,uuil y, ArLbdeiio 11

,lVSln » hamiow mjiiyinmt 111 reading ami writmj; by ilny 01inf ill , H I I U Ins bi ghl H|.pr»r>i to have breu streu< lh>nru mid

[iuipiuvrd. l lu cnniJfi.s tlmt lie is indebted to.Mr. Soloiiuin ajSnrciHcle s fur runili ot the h. iirlil di- iiveil,— H.I II J IIH I I., CO.:Ki lke i i i i> ."

The Hev. I'AIBICK liKBT , IM'., pro.ural Mr. Solomon!.1

Spectacles mn y yems »inr.-, und Icuml limn lo be mo»tcuilnrlalile mid brn, tiiial. He Mil l w e . t r n M r . Solou.ulis 'l .nsi s , u-l .icli ciiliv.y » iw.liirf- , eu-v , and H.lvautHif. ' liecnuld b(cuio tii.m uu oilier K lii>>eB rind Lebble^, bev.rHlin.u .busof the Mi. Ktnl 'a tii iiiil y, v\ he h;ive av.iiledtin itirHvi- of Mr r-ulumul.s' j ,< Llacl. f , have alsu druvi-dti.ucl' Iri . inl l i i ' ir U6r. — S t . 1'at iick' a, WalrrlinU.

Mr. ]0. SoLOMOKa ' t-pi -ctaclrh I I «» H I1. ..11 used bv ol OIK r-'.icuiiy. ih^ Nnlnhty, Origyif tc, I I I C I UI I I U Kthe UU' l.iml t.'hlel Ju- lKI : ul lr. l , llie M..ll|Ulk ul Chill-ricHtili' , l.itr Kttrl cl l.'uilrn , l.iiiil. ^ \';iux ..I ll, triuiv..rn ,<Jlun-brock , ilunli.iyi .r , Alhlun. i .n , his l .i .m- the Mu-l Itrr. Dr.M'tie 'lH I II l l , Arclib' j l iop ul A l M H i ^ l i ; hi- ( i l i i l T t l l c l . l l c .MostKei . Ur. L. al.y, Arcliln<l.ii|i ul Csl.t-l ; l i l itl . l li , v. Dr. .Mu-l i . r l y , l l i-l .np ul K t ' i i y ; II IK I I I I: , V . In. I.. I . I . \ , 1 l.nlio [> ..II 'r.iui. ri- : Ki* lil ll 'V. l i . . l luri»i . , Hi-hup ul l l . iwn nud l.'ou-n,,i ; l i i .hl K . v . Hi. I ..I ..-U.. I , , I ; . —S. . . 1» ul CL. 11l.n l ; II I . K . vl l l . l t ) :il , , lli»h|. |, ul K i l l 1 111 . Klj f l i l K.T . I ;. . I O 'U'I , ll'shl.pul W' i l o i r l , ^i- ., \c.

*# * l'f l> ou ^ 11, I In- full II11 1 r.1, 1 he r.|||>|.|lrd u 111. ^prctHrht.&r., l.v I'u.t. KrpmlK |. | i . l l ipl l j I I l i -'lucu 1 J. l i l ip iuVi i lIVlerCip. > , t J |'ri a , tirtir , and 1' I. Itl ».. 1.»> *. ¦», , rt .n . .^l.c^u^c>'|,e.s

H t 11..let tiiu.ler.ili- IHK -i- .- ; llaiomel.-l ^ , '1 I.el i.,uinH.-i» , M..^ cLlllttTll v ,Vc .

i N l X K T K K S , iVA>SAU-.Vri;KhT, 1 /Ul i l . l N ,Kulr..!)!-!' by llilll-l)',..! J, Wi l lnii ui... ¦.....,, I Il .iUM.i.-M'.itrt ,l l l / h l . l N ; he ittits mil vi*ii (lie l' roviiu-n ; ha* noconnex ion with any i-tli er tmitxe nr j f - rn un 11J snin e, timilaror iithtr navir , and llml hi¦ Jimy lmt NU Ali l ' iXl.s url 'U A V K L I . K K .-. t.ti.eov, .lj: NIMiTEEN NASSAU SI KEtl . IJUIILI N. OIILV .

C3-K,E-A. T S£3IO^7^



AVE mnoh pleasure in informing thoir Customora and tho Public ROnorally, thai thoy will boprepared tD show



H A T S nud C A P S .

M. P. & S. respeotfolly nrrit« particular nttontion to sororal LOTS whioh havo boon purchaaodfrom a rotiring Manohestor Firm, for Cash,


2. and 3, BROAD STREET. s22








IS WHOLESALE AGENT for tho Countios or WATEHFOHD, TIIM'ERAKY, KILKENNY , nndQUEEN'S COUNTY, and to him all applioationa for Agoticiui sliould bo made.

Phospha.Guano Compauy, Limited, Soaoombo, 1st Sept., 1870.

In connootion with tho abore arrangomont, DENIS W. KAVANAGII b i to intimato tlint ho willnow bo enablod to anpply his Cuatomors diroot, instoad of throug h tho LAWSON SEED and NURSERYCOMPANY. Tho P1IOSPIIO.GUANO COIU'ANY :iro tho otil y authorisud importurs of this JIatiuroin its natural stato into Great Hritaiti. Soo Comrxiiiy's Trado Mark on oacu Hag, without which noothor Hanaro, sold and or tho samo uarao, is gorraiuo.

Kilrnsh Mills, Froshford, 5th Septombor, 1S7G.


SA Y E i r S C K L E H R A T K U D K A K U 1 E S ,UOITI.ED AT COONA C. FULL S17.KD OKU. Purity and Quality ]>re-ominciit.

SA Y E 11' S C E L K B I U T £ U U R A K D I E S ,LABELLED ACCORDING- TO A GE. " Fine Old ," " Choice Old , ' Very Old."

S A Y K K ' S C E h 10 ]i li A T E U B K A K D 1 E S ,A VOID INFKUIOK QUALITIES . NDW lur^'y Imi'orUd.

SA Y E li ' S C E L E U « A T E 1J 1! H A N D I K S ,Trade Sli!pi>iii|; (.irdcrs lor Casks or Cases, to fyt- ly




W & A GILBEY'S WINES & SPIRITS—The undermentionedWmiS & SPIKITS, bottled by W & A GILBEY, and bearing their Seals and Labels, can

be obtained from their Agents at the same prices as at Head Establishments. oFrom W & A GILBEY'S List of 200 varieties two descriptions of each class of WINES

and SPIJUTS are quoted below, one on account of its moderate price, and the second for its finequality combined with greater age.

AQZNT—E. W. JEROME, 7 Little Georges Street, WATERFORD

W I N t S _ . S P I R I T SIS* T%Dottlo Doses

CutJe 1A POET/wof Pcrfufal A good-)bodied Win. with excellent fl»vor, well { 1/9 S Vmatured. 4 ycari old at time of bottling J

Cutlc B' POBT /nm Portugal A fine)rull-flarored fruity Wine, well matured. V 2/4 28/8 yean old at time of bottllne .. ¦•)

SPARKLING CHAMPAGNES AT REDUCED PRICESCaitle i OHAKPAONB A pure auuo) 2/3 26/ II ClllI« '?. OHAMPAONEAclan <>„«,) 8/6 413)

Sno»lcl;n» Wine for ordbary uM. %T7 [ ' . ' of CnampaRne uiually told under «"! "(»> «i«froin lh« Clumpjgnc diltriw .. mu ) 1/3 15/ || special brandf and« high price* "«•) l/U tl,

£11 fc«U«« (uMpt Mr IpuUlif WU««) «n ckartwl li. iul, wblch U allowad «n<a rtrem.d.

(JUINNESfj 'S DOUBLE HTOUT, us li-om Die l i icw oiy, Jnmus'.s (!nte, mid is thoonly Stout hottlcd by tho Afrcnt fcr AV. A A. CilU SKV. It is fi- iriuun d ptnu XX , tuid inliorfcct condition. J'er doz. p ints, 2s. ; jicr half Barrel , 1C Gallons , 22s.

HASS & GO'S liUH'J ON J'ALE A I . H , Jiotllotl in bii i l innt condition mid perfectlyn uturcd by Storing. Per dozen i'iin'.< , \ls. v,d. ; j u r Kil i le i l . iv , IS Galhvs , 31s.


HfcALTH LOST AND KEGAINED.—A(iuiile to the Homn TrenuncDt ot IN t'll'.M 1TIKS

of YOUTH mill . M A N H O O D. eitlirr llf-rudiuryor Acquirid.Uv IIBHHT SUITH, M.I )., ol the liniverhity of Jcun , An tlinrof " TUe Volunlrer'n Monua '," :l VVoiuan ," &c. UEAI . 'IIILOST ANU HEOAINEI) tives lh. SMITII 'B 1' ieatmoi it(llis rr.iih of rweniy i>ii yt-.W special pructicv) f < r theCure ofol l Iiit«:m 6 o f l l i cN '-rvoUb Sjcteiu , Nervous Ui l i i l i t j ,Mental nud PLjs icnl Depression , I'ul |iitKiiou cf tl ie I l i a r l ,NOIKP S in tlie Head nnd HUM , imli-Cblon , In, tvd i ghtaud Memory, Indi gestion , I.' BH nl Kii friiy. l'aiiih in (In? Hack ,L'oiuii imliuu , lilu>llili| {, H yult rhi , I tnidity , .S i - l f - I ) iMiu - llliziinti> , l.uve ol Suhludf , GrounilK>« 1-unr^. M l-cularKtUiJl i. n, Ac, reiulliun liolu Kibuustiuu ol . \ eivf i'uui i ,ihc tflcct (it (htr-mnol Km-igiM , Mcurv .innj ; IUI ,i l a , iii iluthi'r U IJ USK ." ol llic »yslnii.

OIVK i i INsTHUl .'l l O N S A N D I ' l i l ^iM U I 'T I OX SIlluslmlcd wi th ¦J'M I I I U U U I I I U I I O I I I Ki ^u,l nl pnl imtH ; u i l huitunii ul Curu ti>til in elicit CHV . H L- II I frrt by 1'i^t 011 re*ceiiit ol Two rmniy Stiiiii i i> .

Alwi liy tin- juiii r Author , pott trr * in ;n IMIV C I. |«- , l ,^r 13Stninr,* , W O M A N : her Ilutn-s , Hcl.ili iin< , I'usil tun ,^nujfcts t icnv i l :— (i ir l lmui l , .M>nil> 'iil,o-iitl CnnrUllip, M»r-ringr , Motliprlmoil , Krinalc Ktlucaliun , Priuula lit nil ti . !•>-mull! l lj 'gicnp, Duin^ln: Meilu i iin- , Ac , Ac. Tins u 11 wink011 ktil'jt -uttt ol vital iu lv iL-hL I,, ivttiiiau. l',-iiulLlu ,l y l l l t i - -tr.i l nl li|' Kfi ^r.iVin BH on Wun.l . Hi . ||. SMITH. 8, l lui l imUrwenil , I. IIIII UMI , W.C, [ i c I J I - l l

lM rOBIAS - nt lCoU hX KV I'jTlfM).- 1)| .'I I . hMI rll , ill, 'eiiii iu- iit. S|wciali*t , wlm urij he ciiunnlti il u i lh tlm nfrutrhtcoiiuilei-t.0 tut llie L'uru ul 11" IVoiliutm.! atnl toiiliiginusI)I5I'UM '» , w ill , 'or l l i cbtn i tU 01 tt iunlry p.ilionti who can-not cunonlt l:im pi- ii loUMlly, ,*u rtri:eiTin^ a debcriptlutl ufIlieir ca>« , M-ml li i <> o p inion , M i l l i .uUiie mi'l dnrctiunii forill* II1O.M BUCCt ^S.u l ll-b 'Otalloll lu llrit. lli M i l Vt gU T. AH>dr»> llr. II . »M1T11 , U Uatluu (Jretivul. Luudcu , NV .C.



<£T And PRICES so Moderate , as atM. SMYTH'S, THE


Oulle 1 SPANISH POBT A fruity)Wine of good body, from the north-cut J. 1/3 16/of Spain, j ycjtrs old at time of boliling j

Cutle 3 SPANISH POBT The finut)Red Wine produced in the oorth-«ut of I 1/9 61/Spain. 5 ye«n old at time of bottling ..J

Cutl« 1A Pelt SHERRY /rom SM '* Axpure Spiniih Sherry uiiuble for Luncheon I jyg jg/or Dinner. 3 years old at time of bottling J

Castle C fot BHEERT>mf/ji« A,good type of nutty Spanish Sherrv. mode- 1 2/4 28/rately dry. 6 years old at time of bottling J

Caille VP Pali If ARSAJiA /nwr Sicify)A delicate flavored Luncheon or Dinner 1 114 jgiWine 3 years old at time of bottling .. f

Castle C POU H A SSA IAA from Sicily\ ,,_ „„,The now dry and dclicau Wineproduced V Vo , 80/in Stdly. 7 years old at timo 01 bottling I

C»xl« A OIiABET/nwf Fraiut A pure)sound Mcdoc Wine ; an excellent bererue ( 17 ' 12/at aJ! meals. Upwards of a yew in sotue)

Castle C OLABET f r t m Pnuut A-fine-) „flanred and will-matured Mtdoc Wine, | VQ 18/possessing bottle characttr.. ' .. . ) '

Castla SATJHtni Sihur Ml n , ) 2/1 26/

tS& SSS^TT1 "-"I

1" wA ^fvSWchagff^ *£} *"> 3WOn. flavor, great d«lic*C7 wl f •> >"> Ml




i'or tlie Bkod is the Life."—.'•'te J 'etttermu my, chapxii , verse 23.

Clarke's World Famed Blood Mixture.FOK CLEANSING mid CI .EAIUNG the BLOOD from

A L L I M P U U I T I K S , whi- thiT »r,Mni» Iroui youthfulitulisciI 'tion or any oiL'or riinsc, ciinno: ho too hig hly ri'cotn-inendi-d. It cures OM Sores i cnrp» Uiopintnl Sorpa in thoNiik t'lccraleil Sore Livt, ; Ki nckli v ui l-H nr Pimp les on th"Face ; Scurvy iW '; CI H C I H U H Ulu'in; lllool) HIK I Skin I)i«-i-nKcs , Ulmidnlar Swellings , nnd clears '.he Blood from allImpure M it tin, from nb.itoei ciu.a irining.

As tins mixture in [ill a^ml to Iho ta.-ile , and H-arraulul Intfrom mercury—which all p i l l s untl inii't inediiiuen »old fortbe Aovu di-.u,i»t o cuht.iin — iln- i'topiiclur solicitsbuttereralo g ivv .t » li ml to i t t l ito m'.ui;.

I l lOUU.V.Mia O! Tf-Tli lOMiLS IhOX ALL 1'ARTt.Sol.I in b.tll,-, , -J, . V.I. null , mid in CUM;.", 0

liulll i- *, ll v L'.,tl> , suflic i iut lo tflcct u iici iuiint iit cuic inloli ^ '-tHlitl inx ci.- is , I.) ni; C l i m i - l s mill Tamil Muiirinu\Vniloi> i or nut lo any adiliiMi on trcotpl i/l 30 or 132tUmp 1., liy

K. J. l.' I . A U K K , (.Mii -mint , l l i >ih-stni l , Liucoln.WHULIt H ALt: ACKHTF :

Il i i ic lny & y .iii f , i.i.iul.m 1 ..II Iho Whnli '-nlc llnusm .





DistilledfromnneMalr. andmaturedinour V 2/8 27/own Donded Stores. 33 per cent under pf. )

Castle DO I R I S H "WHISKEY)The fioest old Dublin Whiskey, matured in \ 8/1 871our own Hooded Stores. Strength, proof J

Cattle UP SCOTCH -WHISKEY )Uistillodfrom Rno Malt , and matured inour V 1V8 87/own Hooded Stores. 31 per cent, under p£ /

Cutle SO SCOTCH WHISKHYlThe finest old Scotch Whiskey, matured in > 8/1 87'our own Bonded Stores. Strength, proof J

Cutle UP QIN Distilled from tht best )unmalted Com, and highly rtctintd at our f SI 84>own Distillery. 33 per cent, usdar proof>

Castle PROOT QIN Distilled from lie best )uumalted Com, and highly rectified at osr I SAO S4)own Distillery. Strength, proof .. . . )

Caitle UP - BHANDT Possessing the)wholtsome quilities and much of the fin* f 3/3 87/flavor of Cognac. 33 per cent, under proof J

Castle PROOF BBAKDY Possessing the )wholesomt^uahtiea and much of Iha fin« V $1 80/flavor of Cognac Strength, proof . * I

Castle D COGNAC An excellent)Brandy of fine flavor, from the Champagne [8/ 80?districts of Cognac 33 per cent, under pf. )

Castle FO COONAO The finest Cham-)figne Brandy, well matured by great age r 4/8 07/

trength, proof )

CasUe UP JAMAICA RUM A well.)matured Jamaica Kum. and of asoft mellow I 2/3 97/flavor. Strength, 33 per cent, under preof )

Cattle JO JAMAICA BTJM The)fuieit Jamaica Rum, well maturtdbr great > 8/8 88*

»uc Strength, proof )

D U B L I N .Commercial and Private Lodging House,

4U M A H I i l i O K O U G U K T t t E K T .PAHTIKf i Vis-ting Dublin mn Wo nccotnmoduted,

with or without Honrd , nml nil tliu comforts ofa. homo, on Moderate Terms. [o'25-tf]

822" Silimtion ccntrul , close to Suckvillo-strcot.

O" For EYELCT LAIIKI .S , of every description andaiao, printed to ordi-r, conio to THE N KV. S 0muc,;49King etroot.

H O T E L S .The European Hotel

"VTISITERS to DUBLIN will find at tho EUROPEAN ,y BOLTON-STHEET, first-olaes aooommodatiorj,

with modernto charges and asuiduoaa attention.Lnrgu and elegantl y-npnointed LADIES' COFFBE

ROOM.IB2T Grnnd BAXQU 3T UALL for Publio Dioncre,

Wedding BreakfnstB, Balls , Suppers, &c.Keataurants—Billiard n. Beds, 2a. 6d., 2s., and Is,

6d. [tu31.trJ . M O L O X Y , Proprietor.


UNDER now lnnnngemcnt, thoroughly renovated ,oontral and convenient, combining Cleanliness

ktid Comfort with Cheapness.Beds, Is. to) s. Gd. per right j Breakfast, la. to Is. Gd.;

Dinner from In. 6d.; Tea, lOd, Jameson's fivo yearold Malt , guaranteed , <d. per glass. Table d'Uoto at4.30, Is. Sd. ,

W.C. and Bath-rooms recently added on eachland'ng. Night Portur in attendance.

JS5" Within five minutes walk of King's BridgeTerminus. ji8-ly.


(CLOSK TO TIIE BAILWAT STATION).H|'1 HIS is a Central nud Comfortable Hotel in-L wliicli every th ng can bo had on tho most modorato

terms.liest DnWjn and AYcxford Spirits ; also, Urandica ,

Wines, 1'ortor, George Youngor and Sou's celebratedAlloa AIca, &c. (aul5-tf)

Cars on Hire at tho shortest noilco.


I beg to inform my numerous FriendK imtl thoPublic that , through elision of time, I havo becomel'l-oi.riotor of the above old-establWied HotcL

I Imve completely and most comfortably re-furnislicdit, iiud havu considerably enlarged it , filling it upthroufreont in l>ef,t modern style.

I trust by careful and constant altentioit to (he wantsand comforts of my visitor.-* to merit the patronage solibera'ly bostowed on my Into father, and respectfullybolicit au early trial.

MICHAKL COFFKY , Proprietor.Son of lato M AURICE COVFF.Y .

Please n»to Ac'droHs—30 LOWER UllIDCi E STKKET-DU11LIN. dll-:lm

THE GREAT GLOBE HOTEL,DU UI.lS (Kntalilishcd 40 Year? ,

I , 5, C, and 7, LOWKK liltnx.E-.STKl'ET,KICUAltD CUI FEV , l'roptictor.

THE above FiiiST-Cr.Ass HOTKI . lias been newlyPainted, Papered, aiirlre-Docor.itcd, ccvcral ailili-

tional Kooms adil< .-d , and fitted up with all modern im-provements in a superior sty le of comfort and clcganw,anil continues to receive the undivided personalattention of Sir. mid Mrs. C'OFKKV. From its cen-tral position it will he fonii'l most ronvisninut for thuvisitor, hoing in the inimi'diatc vicinity of thu LawCourts, fivo to ten minutes' drive from any City KailwayTerminus, and afi:\v doors from Kinjj'H jirid^uTrumwiiyLine. iju|)|)lies of <|ii:ility. Notwithstandingpre.-fii t high nttrs , the terms will w found most inutln-ruto. .Urcakfasts from Is. oil. Tal»l« d'Hote , tis. ; onweek days at threu o'clock ; on Sundays at five o'eloi'k.Hods , .'s. Gd. each.

Cien!lciiicn 'rt Cuffi'C and Smoking I'oomn. I-adics 1

CofTce aud Private Sitting K'noms.Accrinimrjilation for Ibu person*. A Nijrhl t'orfer in

attendance , and all Servants paid by the Proprietor.fiii . lv

l'. i i iw ill lilt: I 'jt'k , < T : a v t - l , l.i:in 1>- II * I > , Klirmuli l lMil , O u t l l)I). .« I.II 4 I .. i, t tin- Ki 'ln 'v - , Anil Hladiler , Slrictun' , .l-c.

DK. I) E JIUO S' COMPOUND UliNAL1*11.1 . .-. :n.- c : i : i . i . | .i l r . l :.ll t i v . r l l i c > > . iM , :.- • I ¦• ui.-t

pa.'i -a m l - 1.»- . -<ly n- ir.i'ly I ' thf :ilmv -l-im:t tuu^ c.- inj - 'a :nt< ,

!)i.>clifii|;i !- "I :my k n i 'l , Srm > - ui i l n > lil . i . l di r , ;u.i! l i iv : i -- >

of l lu k i J l i t j^. nml I' l i l i a i y Oi^ni i s «. : i i- r . . l l i . 1'..--^- i \ f

t- i lnt y\ n\" I t ii - ' , t i n y Ii j l -. - w i t h t 'lf lil-i;*. *l< l . r : l t i? '-l

>t r > ' i i ^l l . .- ii t i n; i l i j i - t : v -j I M « , i n c i . M- i- t i n • :i|.| • !:¦¦ . .111-

piuvi- t l i u 11T.1 ! h r .i l t l i , ami 111 tt i r ei : i!. .\-. trdi i .- i l i c .1

Clll» ' , u l. i-u i: .j ' . rlM , i i l i 1 l. s , i i tr i ; i l l 1! i t , ; ; ; 11 1. - 11 1 i l 1 . ; . . - ¦ I

t lml cla-^ l i- i V r u t l . - i l ) - f i l i l f .1 . l' l l i v 1- . 1 '¦¦'.., --, *» ¦' , -1 - . H I . ,

l i* . mil l ;ia>. p'l - ii» .t.

TIIL-*O Cfk-ljr:\ii-.l l ' i l ls ;iro at) i l i lalhb l c ru-mt-dy i: i t h o

most oij > l i i i : i l i - r:i-c^. l!y llu-ir ii'-e :t!-ii;e u:aiiy tl:(i ti .- .i:. 'l -

l i : ivo hi- in a l i h tla l l y rotureJ l » l i i ; i i l l l i , \ v l n- n i v i i \ i , : t . i i

nu-dici i i L - lu^ l a i i i' l . Ti.'. ir vast ^U|n r .outy dvi .- e» LI v i l i i i : t

clsu i n t h e cm t: of :ln* ab ivi- c o mpl a i n t s u n i v .- i > . i l \

ii cknowlni ^'i- ' , a i i. i t in- 1 \ t r a u u l i l l a iy i lc i i iauJ tur tlli .- i i . i v r i

binci: 1hi.* i i lii> [ i i i t i ' ii lu c h o n is w i t h u u t \avc. tlct;:. l i i nu

i i i s t . . iu tf h- .v i- tin y t-viT been k n u w n to l . i i l , or j r . lim -

tl iuat- i l . i i i i : i uius ^y iupt ii in^ .so o fle n r-i su ll i l ij ; : t u j i rii;'.i'*'a ,

cuk i- l i i , i u i |i i - i i t i i i i ', ami wl icr tmdicinc-. HMi.di y u-surt i i l I".

Tht-y ri-'|uif l l i t i t l i - .-r rd i i f in .- in-jnt n»r ch U IZJ ot i l i . : , ;

may ju-t l y l. i- c'nisidi-p'il tin- only >. i l r , •l l iia r li . t i - i i i n. i l y

for n l l >ti i ^t' s ol t ln i t f iliMirdtT-i for w!i:i'b I l i - -y aif rtci ' in.

tnt:iitl'.'il .

TDK MOST U O . N 1J K K K U I . 1'll.l.S I M the WOKI.H.

DK. DE KUUS" PILULE VITJi , or V K GE -T A I I I . K I . I F i : I' l l . I . -. - A h . s u l l r l i - l a t lu l i l r ft l l . - i a l

net rol lout- .1" an J i n Mb i M i , f l i nu*s , low >p r l - or ; i .nn- - i i i i ;

ilr f . i l l l -^ , l l ' i l l . -i f- it ¦: l i a r s , m . l it . l l i i n' al ; i i : !\ , l.i ! l i :< . : t i l l 1

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ntlf , im -¦ > in I : - - ' l iL t i l , .. . t L l i i t . -?~ , - i - 'l v-r .. 'li , 111 . t . i ; . .

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c h . r r l'ulnv-i m Hit - >y i . i> ,vuour in t in : l. ..l y, ami ni i- nj t l i -

l t i [. l l l t h e i i l i .*a' . ' i l i vi lucl i i l ' c i l l l l l t l r . il l i t l t - |i L *M i i . *ri..*v <iu

11.. 1 c< l i t . n i l a ] : . i i l . c l .' a ' u .t- : r i . iy , I-: .; a ir putviy vr^.-l. ili e,

i i in l 1.1 - : i l l . r t i . . i . - ..: t i n - i : n r . f l i l l i l t n> -> , lni .- , sirk li ., l..t:l. - ,i i izif ll l t :•> , i'-'-n ul a p i - L t i l t - lo\v. .f>s < I > . . . I I t .- , - f l l^ . i . lo l i' ut

h l i l , - . ii: t i n ' I ' l l '.' I I I. ' > lul l .nr l i , p . i l ' l I"- ' '.» . I ' l l l l i . i >ln U 'll-

l- l - , ::n.l t in: il - l i t - . a l l - HK l i u u l i l l. l 'u '.'st u . t l u-l u ft':-, l a l

l U- i i i i in , l l i t- y u i i ! lit- I . inn . I •>! i iu. 'X.tuip l L'il t-lli.raL-y ; an.I it

is no - ..;] . t i v . t i i ^ i .- i - i h . i t s i n y ctii IM l a lrh at i.ny Minn

u il l i i. i U .'• in^-t : •¦ ¦ I. ' : u . u. «!•: nr mlil , tu i i t- n - r i t y * t- r

rt.> [ r . ii l i t l i- . u i l ii l - l i i t ' -s 01 plL-i i>uri'. 'I l l y .tcl l a i l i t l v i. li It . t :

bo Wl- l .-- , U l t l l . t i : | . .4L!l > : U l :p l l l .', j i l - p t l t S ll l l l^ t ll 10 t III '

Hto i t l . i t. li , ptov ii l i ; i in a M l . y H c M i i n ul t in : l . r. r , ll il .s p: t-v . -n t -

ini:, u;* whfii pti x iit , cuno ' t in- j'iiiiil:i.-i; nml th.'p-i ,

cIc .'Ui .s ihR I I I" >k II , r> i n o v: r j ,{ lh" -S H l l u w ln- .ss i l i^d p liip!*". ,p tni t )U U tbf liio'-. ', In:.! l l lj t i . ' H IM V > , .411,1 n . n t V f l i o . is l y

i l l V i g i > l - > l ! > . > : tilt: » .Hi. • ?}.sl t tl : . l''t l l . - i t> l f . . II il^S ll'lJ

f l hil t h ttn i l i v . M u al tt f, ^t . it . should ln;tiT be wi ll iuul tlitm.

Price 1«. 1 iJ., 'J-. Uii., t- . J.I ., 1U , ;in.i :W> . per liux ,5W Suld iil Ti iK N K W S l i r p i t - K, Wi ittrlurd.

Tlie ino>t asimiii'lnii: Cun-s mn ilaih b- - n$ i- fl .t: ii'd iu cas.'-tnf Ni-ivuus Drlii 'nty, l i i.puniy ul i l ic liai. tl , I) e l t . - n..Circulation , l...l^uu|- , La-ailmlt ', Depie.sslou ut Sp:rit .- ,Ilullgt-Mluu , I'mii itiitl l'-al pit. it iuu in l i ie Sid.- , llar,i-s:n^Dreillll>., &0., by uiean.s nl

DU DK KOOS" wiirl tl .fati.pi i CUTT.-K VIT^, or Ve-B.tuVc 1- 1 KK liUOl'S , «I II .S - l- llVi-ls aiv i .-ill'.)- i na-

(tira l in ii-it 'ivin_' I'.^l tone 10 I In: ^stt 'iii (arisint; Ir >tnvvbatf vtr latisi ), I'c-inviKiii.iiiiii: mid i-ulifi nine 'I'1' « I.UIB

corporeal Irsi iUt *, nml ur.uiu.ill y, 'out rtluclivi'l y, builJiiif upthe ino.-t i.h.tlleif.1 c t i i i - t i lu l i . , 11 .

A.lhuu.'b tin* Uuly \\uiit lei ful leLuper .it tvo Uui-.u is n tpul h. iua i i l a* n u p i i t l i e u i i i t .. > r l a l .iy , i l i> nut t . o iu-;t* h

tu any lb . i t by U s n.i .n i- N . w l.ile l> , :ls i l IVB I', l o . p . i l i i l

to t h t- u r t v u i i .- a inl . l .!) i ! i *.a t > .I , w l i u tve i e t v nl t - i i t ly M ii k m*

iuto an I'.nl y srav< : ; « i , ; i - t in ih. i-f .il in i t i i n-r J P .I I -. i t

w i l l gently n i tl r i u- i i f iv I'l . l ra f l l l ie C 1..M: ul l i l t '. Tl.nli-

Bantl-i nl it i i t i . ir i 'i i tU b.-p.- .t^s IM MS - ji M i i t:p hy th e lar i ; . i \ ,

art- how in t l i f t llji.y l i . 'ht nt h- i l l t h ( l i f e'- ill.:..! >t l i ii 's-u' i" J ,

a bvi l l^ | .- l .u:. 'l iy ! > > 1 i t- ti 'i-l'. -.ik .. . l > - v t !ui: u t l l i :d I 1 - I I . -i - k -

nllli: i nit i l C l l l e . l I l i i ' I ' lui a ol ll -t U H ' .H . i l - , In." mm ¦• I t i l s l o

publ is h , may lie s .:.. ; <y ... . \ >¦:.«. 1 he p rept i M l i u - . x-

truujely pi.-a ftjl . l tu t a k. , a i- . l none i,ft-il Mill -: w h i l s t Mich

ll I h l l . u uiulit i l l ' > i l . .n en 1. :s ill rW.e;.t:.'. 1'I I M H I > nlnt ul i ot i s ml..' , I- !¦-.'..l.i'¦¦¦ i ftiiiali'- , nml tlio <.- « I I W |I ..I U l i e

licit nml ti i . .1 \: '- < :s ti . 'i- '. i ili:!!!; tu t e l l , il lOll l l l p'-r- i V. I"

stl . i. l . '.y w i t h '.l i s h' i- • ¦ V . V K I II t n n li: Inr .-I:.' n . n n l h, i.n . l

t lmy w i l l lw a-'.•» ":••• • ai i : s i iM i l ; s. A l l l t » ho h , \ . -

tr i i-J t il l ' r i I I I . I ! ¦, . ilv . iu t- a. 'tl t- it-rtl it : apphai.ei'.-., \e.,w ithutit any l i f i u h c . i i i. - iu' , .n- ta r n esl l y U D i i . im ...I. .1

to make I. .11 t l l a i nt l h^ I I I . tj c h>* . u I.It'll , h. in*; cri.. k t> . !t .l

un t t ie hv 'i iaL sc iinii l i t : pr . n i: .p l Ld , i i i v . t u a b l y « i i v c i ' i> .

The ^t i- i i t -m-tiss a l l . n . I .ml tin I h i . s » . M i Jt -t i u l i l lacufrry I I I H

li- .l i u a l ' J = : t/ ' l .u i i i b .' i.i .J ¦.. .. l l h l f .-s l i l .ll a t i u n s. I' u i J

ll s ai»l .'!:) • l " i li . t t l . Th.: .'e size c i l i t a iiH sul l ic ir i iL

fur luur wei 'ks.Injiortaut A 'otice tu the Vublic.— KriM y pNiks^c ul I ) i .

1)e ivt^n * pii -para tioiH W'.n^ ihu Uuvt-rnuuui ^Uiiip, w i t htbe wott ls , " Walt t r l ie Kuu-,', 1..union ," in While Letifi>>ou u l'»'d IJrouiitl , l.y mder ul Ilrr Muji-st) '» llonuut.iblt.Cuiuinissiunt-r> , wt '.huut which noue-o.iti pu>bilj ly l.v m-uu-ilie. Dl. lJu ' wotItl - liiiueil .MeilleiliCs uie »ul > l hy .Mi.Ketim-y, The U'u U r f v r J Hews Ullii-c ; Mr. White , ObstrvirOlliii', l y in i i i i ; anJ tlii-y tuny l e obtained nl I V I - I J

l'airi it .Malit i i ie Veu.lui in l l ie wor |j,nti'l ol most (.licinisl- ;or ahotihl tin- leasl ilill 'n:lllly t-ccur , wil l he lurwarJcl to >uyp^rt ol the L'li t tril Kni|;<liiiii Iritt riiu'o free ', per l-ttil'ii , onreceipt of thu auiuitnl , hy l l r . Ue Hous , 43, llollunl b| ti.ire 'Loodo i W.C

Ik bi l i la l . ' I anil i i t iv . .us .sudt-'riTi shoulJ rcail llie " M . . l i -cat A-l Vl>er ," by iJ r. l'v Uno- , on thu ktcrt- t c.tu-t-s ut nei-rutli i l tbi i i ly , unhappy anJ uti lrui lU tt iuaui.i gi.s, liLuu '.i'tn:y ,depi.»»ion ol spit i l s , iiud cohfiitntil tiii'laiichuly, t o u l . r -qiuntl y Iracfabh: to C' r ta in j l-t tllei tuts habits ai'.inire.l Inearly Me. S- 'iit j n st Irn' nil rtci- ipl nl twflvt- .-l ^u.p> )by Mr. Law-en , tn.'.iii'.il publish r, 11, lUud-cnmt , Hulboni ,I.ondun , W.i;. A j l rtli l iuil m.iy b; h:i I |usl Inc lultwo atainp- .

THKH A TKIOX , Ihc new Fmiclt icmcil y fur N'rir.-ius -ness , IMi- i ' y, anil all tli .fasis lot nl.k- li ni.r-

curv , >ai !tuparil!:i , Ac , nre neneially [irt-ti ibe,! . iJ .-vuiJ i.fnil iipppat i inc "! ol iniilidni' , il muy he CU'MIHI MI Iho pin-ki'l ,or l. - lt ainwhrre , without . xc'tine ; i.ii>p iciun . Prices 2- 0.1.,it . Uii., Hi m i l M - ., ol all I'aleni Metii t iiic Vi'inlor-, i rpost in'.- I rou i .M r. I I . I h. i:i.a- ,lMieii i-i , 7.")i . Marli' i 's-Un.- ,Lull.Ion , W.C, ur Mr. ll . ivi - .s, l 'heilll>l , Cullll l i . ' i i i i l K I I H I .LoiiJuh, K.

• l l l K l t A l ' K I O N ii p:tp . ir . . l in l ime ililfeiuil fut .r- ,Nus. 1 , -, ..ll. 1 .'!,^ lu the lot wliic 'i . ; i»inttnJt' d — li.r full p.ntirnl.irs i.f winch read Ihe J.''ttipf.vepimphli' l Ji'iit Ir v lor I h r i n almiip'1, by .M r. Joln:>ltin ,Hrokr. 'ller , 27 V. ni '.iin s t n e i , l.ontlo.. , K.C. -:i|.7

$3$° For l'Ki.Mi.NQ, of overy description, cheaj) andgood, giro your orders at laa News offico, King at.


On Sa le al The Hews Ofiicc,With the Recommendation of the Bishop of Waterford

and Lismore, the Kight Kev. Dr. POWEH ;A Cathechism for the Instruction of Children


bishop of CaBhel and Emly.RECOMMENDATION :

" I approvc of of this Edition of tho Eight Rov. DiJ AMES BUTLE-K'S Cateclifcm, and rcconiinend it totl.oFaithful of these Dioceses.

?Ji " JOHN POWEK , K.C.15." Waterford , Sept. lb'lh, 1875."Printctl on Good Paper, and in large clear Type.OKDF.HS from any part of the Diocese, sent in and

directed to C. K K U M O N D , J' rinter untl I'liblishiT,Wnleri 'ord Xeu.s Ullit:e, 111 Jv iii fe '-irtrect , promptly al-tended to. The Trade supplied on moderate terms.

May be had ltcluil from every Catholic JJooW-lk-r inthe Diocese.

PEP. 'KU' .S QUIXIXK imd IK0X TOXIC : purifiesnml enriches tbo UluiiJ ; slr. 'i .jt ht ns Ihu Ncive.'! ami

Alu<.cular Sy» tt m ; pioiiiol i-s A pp.- t i t - , untl nnpri 'V p* iJipc. 1-tioti : nnitiiHtu s the Spirit * ami Mental Fitcultiea ; thoroug hl yrecruits the gcnr-M1. bxilil y health , n:itl iii'lures a propelhealthy cundttion of the Nerrous ami 1'bysical Forces.

liotlles cootaiuitig 32 meiisored doses, 41. U l .Iu the preparation ot this Tonic thu gte.itust care is exer*

cited. It is u faithful compuhd ol Quinim1, Ibe . cttve prra*ciplo of Yellow Cinchona , or Peruvi .n Baik , blended with areHneii tmsfwoithy prepar.ition of l ion , produci'd in a formiFliicl! the i'xnerienrt.' of mniiy i c;iii has provt-il th« best.This Toiilc offers a rc.-iiy ui.' .n^ ot ^'ainin/ tin: strength amiother licnfrfits all'tirt lfil l.y (^ i t -niii *1 an- 1 Iru:i , without itii}tear of ill cuntrqiitnci'x, as i i» c.iiii;ii.s -tii )i i is lh it apprntrilot hy llie grrul tiia} .jii:y o! ui"ti t i r.MiRhout theCountry .

IJKITKU'S Q t ; i X I X K iin.i IKON TdXIl .1.- lioitU,Ci l i t tu i i inkr .'J2 m.-a^urcl .Io-t- > t Is. (', ; . 'l'ouie trea '-

ineiil wi l l rtuiove iiuHk;e.stioti, l-'l ttulvi.e. s L'onst int I l . .-art -bum, Wrakln.'Ss ol' the Stnuiith , S-nkui i; S^]i ^..l:on - ill thatOrgan , Xausi '.i , f i e . Th-r whol- .l j . s t i v e inactions an 1p..werlully .i«»i. !.- .l by Q limn. - HI I I i , , -, .

PKI'l'Kll'S Q I I X I N K a,, l I l l D X TONIC. -CJ .ut.iiieau.J Iron lonu lint in -.: .-l ire:: v •• I r ra t t u- t i t in Mil coin-

p.' i i t i l s nii-iti ^' dt i - Mi j t in ' -ni of Hi. ' X-if. iu Srsli ' in.In ll.t' we . ikf l i t i l .< i . . I t - ol Hit: X. rvt's , a cmV-e ofQui nine iintl Irun Is Mir- :.i j . - iK l i ; . A.-i. • , ~ tri..t e i , \V, - , i.f tin- Limb- , l'loa l i . t l i i . i . , I i .c-p: . -nt l'.ir.ilysi« , St.Vuu-.' I) nice , Kt v t i s , .Vf.

1)l- :ri 'KU '.S qUlXlM- : and IKOX TU XIC , Mr. , ii .'!yreconinH'ii'l.d .is a ih'siiab!.', - i lf , icoiiotnu1 il , and atl-

Viintiui'ouo moil.: ol takin g -.n.-nj : li. - t i in .- iii . - .l:t:ine. Tin1< . 0-1 . llutlh' C' lMUi i ik :j'J iii. ' ifiii i ' .l il">r> , ivlucli , if Uki .lldail y, la-t- If. JayK. Th. m-x ! s 7- b. ttl . ' :s l l s .T sutlici-rntto ],i-t iJ .I..}',. Tbe- St. ne .l.,r- , s. ..,| . , .. y j ._ u.,^!, , cunt. tliil,. -ar! y .six ul tin- 1>. U l . Howl.- .

' T A R A X A C U M .t l 'UWn ' l lVI . I . IN , n Stiinal.inl toi |i c l . iv. r. — A i lo - i- o l t h i s L-o K i l i i i i . t i io i i is re iuui ipcni led

to any nn >- cntnpianiiu^ ol Liver l J e i a u^e i i i t n t , more, par-t un l .ir i y w l.m u r i HJ .. ^ from sir l.t ronj-st im i . My ^c n t l v

>V ' i n i i . - l ime t h r i.iv.T nl i - 1 » :i ^11:1 \- tu .vin: t l i . r i-nw N , tin:l.i a v) . i n w - i fi- .- l i.^ :,u I l l .- . i . | . .n

"l. .- , w :|i , j . ' i i , - i . , i : v , I' A I . -

i l l :h.- Lot- -: d > . ¦ I W. .L-k , . si '. rt. il ly a . I , i- ,¦., : : : , : •, <• ' l i-i |"!"il.

r.v lt.v .\ At 'l.- .«l IM) I'olM . l . l l Y I . L I N i-- l n i l. : i . ; i l - r " I I I 's - ¦<: I - I :I

th.ui l .'.i io in . - . oi U.u>- I ' l i , .n i i c i' i la :n lv .prl'i in

powrr 111 ri ' innViin: Mil - o . l . ' i i i l i - l i . s - . i u,' incoi .v .- l i f l i c - .ilnlpain H i - f i l l - . l i t "li l ) r~ p " ;. -. a . U ¦'¦:.- . -J-. SI 1. . at l l .

1ji- ;i'i 'i:i;'s '. v i n i i-. I 'oi.' i i i i . i . x r uu i- : .-A c i . a t

I l l i . i i i . V f i i .e - 't ..II ( .,U.. I I >l H I ..- . I - p s-t-. ,'< n p. -

cu l la.h >"o:nn.t- rlf. .:- l l j . . . i i I ' ll- o r t . 1 i , 1 . 1 . . < i . s winchan I '. ..- .v.i il l l- '. uj l .l l l i', i l i - : .i c .- . l . j ll' l'n-.- .- in Hi'l a t'.u-i .". l . . t i i . l . -, » > t h . i l l f ; ;,. y ... .i - ,, .. . k i i -s - . Tm-rq.i . 'i. . - n. .k ¦ i; .r -.- . v : - . - . '. '. . - : t . . . .m : . \ . :h- i:..ueAl l. -Ctini iS IV. . I f In: .r . l' i : , ! , i,i | : l ; i i; ; :; ., .; . -c . t l . f l i r -,

A 'in I n.c W I I I I K I ."I . C I :I I M I M I ' UI; mil . n . i t i i t l i .Si : lhr . r l i " i f l i i ' s . - ,- . . , . ., . . , , ; ,.. - , , , .- , : .„ ., :, . ., '. :. ,- . I' , ;.:,

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i:. .ln i; to hi- . ! ; t'. ! i - n !s u -v i- ; . -.-.- ¦ ¦ v t \ . i. l . -i 'i i l r.-li.:l .

Thu lli'ot niv. - :, i . , - , ; I, . i:n . .- I- .; U p, .. . . . :. . -n |, :!,,nJ |,v

Sulpliolim-, a:i-i . . . ,..-i: , :.. r;,.; .- k n . :i- -..i I . l . .'lir< -.vh ,Mi l l - i Iron. H i . . ; - - , :, . , , : . . , :

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1 \ K l . l . A U'S i . V \ U ..< i I . A M 'ri- :i;S, t.. - ,-unu* l i u n i o n ,\J ,::.l :. ;i:. o' _- : ;., .• - ./.•; t l . I I I . I :L - 1 to -.: i-miH. liux.-t1- . P. i. a i.. l -J > . U l .e . . . : : i .

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bis mill l a i u i l) pL j .-a-ian. 1 i.r l i i - i I ! >\, . : A > u i isn . u *u. l it i i t i ts l i i i p a i a'.lei . .1 ; i it l i . i- .i n_- \ I I ; I I I .. l* oi e i -n l! i > -v . - i n i i- e i . l> sa . i t : . . I. i t - ii.-t- i t . i l v . . i ami i i . i h i . i i v

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IJOl'T , l il l K U M . M OM . A M - I ".:• -r.-V . ~ I I.' -•¦ an- .-. Im. l i itt l . f t in.-I m i l l I. - t t l . l l at'ti .> l l .- il M'j.ih I H i m I, I l . i- him anI lauil' I. - i i l . , .-i-t : \ . : ii i l l . i . i .-. - : - : :- i n - . i. . i t \h i -n -. • in -

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l*lrh pot .

SDI:I: TiuaiAi . l l i i- i : ; .- .' i . . . i ;i I .\ - M . .'.; i j: i'> , AMI A U.I ) .l'll .« .V ( i l . .M K M S ''I l l l l I l i . : .. .M- I I I K A I ' .— I t , on I I I . 'ii|ip.-ii..iM- .- i.l ..M i l : : . -. .' , : . l '.him. ni lie milr i ll . l' i'il , at l i .t . t l l . r i i U l . ¦ ¦ - : :i , l:, . , , l . - : . .-k .t . i l uppt r

p::lt . . l l l. f c- l. i - l , -. ; I , . . I . : ! . - ^. . . i n l s - l l ,,.

w o r m i; .*> \- tu,! v i .- l . i i n .i . . n }. . : , - . t . l\ - I ; , r: t i n . . -

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'.i l | . , l' i w:u .

Ol i l l , i i i i ;] i l l ,- ,!", . . : , n , . w h : , l i .„¦(-. „ ,.pm i ¦-,

ili'-in tu li.f l.-!i.i , an 1 In: wi.l, w.iin'ii: ' '¦¦ • '- . . .,

Obliterating t- v i - l) V t - t l^'- - .it l l. t :¦ I: .: . . . . . s.

ti 'itli l i t e Oi nf i .'ioiu t i n d l i!l.i ahouhl U l i - i - i ... . nc / o l l u u : :

my Complaint/..HaJ l.t p'a t'ortls j.-Sotl J Su.l.'il»l !"l l! it i .-U 1' is. u i i . > :. - I h r t i . t sHum. (I ' . ' i l Si. 'ii I l i -e . is islinin,.:is li:.:ii .!ll! .l; •- . . . \\ i;<« .- .-InvjI M i i l h l n t . . I.illtl. - :^., H tl- 11, -a.lsCli.ipp.-.| ll.t:..i. l'.l, > ami Slill Ul, i-m U'I CITH

.I U :II I > -s. I I - >> i | i"ia Wi.u ulaIhe IJnilm.-i.t i.l.d 1'ilis a.i- >t . i. l il l'tu l . -s ^or II O I. UI W A V 'S

ts !al,hsl.mtlll , :.3J, l) » lo i . l - .s t i . i - I , I...11. I. .H ; also hy m-ni-lyB W e i ) le-p.-clable. Vtl l i lul nl A i i . i l , u.e l i . iuuj l i . iul theCiv:) / .- .i w . i i . i , u. I - ..! .- i . i ;;..- x . . , .,-, i-. IM ., 2s. UJ .,¦i- OJ ., n- . a i- ., ami a;N. . . ¦. :.. i :.. ,i,,.,:i. .,t Vm ui o.nt.111 ,-nt c.i lta i iis . i.l- . H i n t ; ;.i. . '. i i , . j -, ,i ,. . l , » - - t l it, ! uf 1'i'llifotll* ilo/'-l: .

h u l l 1 1n. t . .i .' . . , , t,,:i;. : . . , . -IV. -t.-ii !,-, t-.icli l'.i t and Dus ,n ul ran I ¦¦ I . . . I ;n . . . \ l i . t. ^uaj,. , i-v. n iu Turkia'j, Arab ic ,A: iui- :!'a- . I' t- i s i . i i i , o: I 'l . -. i . f-..

The Syrup of American Wild Cherries.C J A I I I S Syrup is eminentl y calculated to relieve-U- all forms ol i'wtuntl Coiu|ilaiiit» ; it alluys Cough,und lcs.-L'iis Si>a»m , i.roiuott.'S ijtiicctomtion, und itstonic uii'l itrout'thL-ninj,' proiiurtied romovotho KU IMIC-tliiL-nt delicate couditton of tho mucous mcnibniuo of thelung. Sold In bottles, Is., 2s. Cd., to -la. Cd each.

1' It El' A ll ED BY il. S A V A G E ,At the il K D I C A L Ji S T A ll L I S H M E N T ,


Page 2: · 2018-07-17 · Curs without leaving the Laiiriiui; Wharf, nud und er t h •ame roof , there nte Kcfri-sbnieut itouiu,


In (•¦¦¦• M i l l , ; - of f fc < Trust Esiat* of Afwjrj. JOHN

nurf JjJMlV lKD MAHER.

Sale of a Highly Valuable FreeholdEstate,

S-.iii:ii i > in 1I10 Karon; of IVKRK and County of KIL-K K X X V , called P0M5R0NE, oonUioiug abontL'::O.I lr. 3] p., Statute Meaauro, bo the same moreIT I I 'SH , of clii>ici> Uind, prodnoiDg at present akVmnl of £1-15 6H. 3d. per Annum , nod which will

EK SOLD HY l'TJBLIC AUCTION, in Five sepa.r.itr I.OIF , or (ho entire in Ono Lot, in the


•»t t li. ' lionr of TWL I VO o'Clock , noou, by Mr. JoH!<l'EM 't'.it , Auctioneer.

I. "I' 1. — Part of tho Lands of PoLERONE, containing(> 'J:i. 'Jr. 2^p., stntulo mensuro, held in fee, producing,al 'irr ih 'duuiioii ui )Jc,ii] Jtoot and Titho Rent Charge,amutintintr to £'M i«. 10d., n not yearl y rental of £63l'J • - <M. OiQiili 's Valuation of tho Lot is £94 10s.

l."i li. -Ochi r pun of naiu Londn of rolerono, con-I I I J I I HK i;i:i. "r. 2\\\\, Htatuto mcusuro, hold in foe,pn .< J ni - .:i,ir n m-t yo«rl y rent of £C5 8s. lOd. Griffith'sV:i 'n:i ' :< >n I ' l t l i i * lot is £.",7 5n. :!. --( H I MT P.iri of f - nui Lamls of Volorono, con.'• • ¦ ""' "- '. '.i . t ' r. l:'.p., Mnlutn mensuro, hold in feo,] . i .»i ucini; 11 m-t yt'lirly rent of £«7 In. 3d. Griffith'sV . t .' ii.'i i i im of i l r i s Kit is .L'7!) (is. 2(1.

I. . I 1.- -Hih i r I' nrt of wiiil Lands of Po'erono , con.i M i i ri; - ^ ,"l.'a. < lr. :i^p., statute nirn.«»re , licld in fco,j i .- i 'liiciii^ a MM yearly rout of Cfili 7n. lOd. Griflith'eVii i'n.' i i i ' i i i nf i l i i - s tut is JL I 'I 'I 5.1.

l.'- f it. - t n ) t < r p .-irt of tiu 'ui l inut ln of l'olerono, con-::I : I .1 1: .'ra , :ir. '.']> ., s t i i t u t i i ini'iisiirc , held in fco, pro.

l i i . i-j . ^'a I . I - I \ i -any rent (if I'l l Us. Gd. CirillUh'aV a l i i a t i i . n . ,1 t i i i s l..,t U tr.7, )S.1. Kid .

'I l i i > v:ilu.ilj! ' . I 't- r Simp lt ! Property, lit pre sent pro.lim- ii.g a n i;(al i,f .(."M", .>. .'I<l. , l>ut which can bot - i . : > l i _v i i , ( i e : i n i l 1. 1, thi! exp iration of tho prcocnt'i\ 'i. :ii; c- : «- ~ , w l i i c l i are al! from tear to yoar, HI\VO ' .n ol I ...I f> , I' i ' i i 'ai i i i i i ); la. l!r. ID p. , which is heldl.y l. -at.. , . lair .! | ,a Jm.v, lMM i , for thu term of UUUy \ : i t r . w l i i c l . w i l l l.e Kul.i w i l l , a Titlu , c.imnuiricin^\\ . '\\ ;v | t - « - . t n ia - l i - it . lsr»fi, uu.t purporting to bo n( ¦ t ivr _\ ;.I. rr ii . I ', e Sit t .J i le l»y two of tho CouiniiBHion-. i - !¦¦!• ^air ut I 'T.-.l KMntt - H in Irol&lld.

I ! S' .i M ih M p:u:ii.. |,i,n , ay prorided by tho con-1 : 1 . ..!. ¦- "I >• ¦.:. • , 1 l :i. |.inrl'a-er of Lot 1 Khali indemnify• i I ' I . H I J M I . I¦ j . i .n l , : , (e i - >.( tin- nllifr I. I IH ftgrtilll.1:.¦- ¦ H - .1 -1 !!¦¦!.1 t . < i Unit (*h;nyi», i,niounting, an bfore.... i . to i l i . - -mo ..t r:ti ¦'«. lud.

I U ;M I :I P T I V I ; P A II T I CU L A R S .'I ¦ •¦ l/ . i '1 ¦ :ii|j i. i ;j on tho lliver .Suir, which ia nayi.

:• .. ! . . - . nr. 'l l ! - l : i ! J . , r m^i iV mile* lii yllLT up, Mid RO,v. . < : : !• • - , 'i .'a/ . ii.nj f f(iny, alf'/riliiif; jicculiar facilitiesl- .t c.^i 1 ir. :.*r ol u .ahi i i . - , arul al) oilier agricultural pro-r.\irr . 'Mm (iranp- .Siation of thci Wnu-rford andI , ; r n » r ift. l.'.\ i i \va\ (,'otnpahy l* H w i t l i in onii milo of thol .ai .d- . 'I ).. • l .ai:ils air of |iriniiM|imlity ; tho tcunn tsii ' ! n> t r i . w , c : < . i n M i i » M r and iiicwt punctual in pay ing

M. e .r ll r i. i - ; i.n.l t in: Kd t i i tu in «»cry renpect in do..¦¦ : v . i . r t. - t i - i . t h i n as a »af« and judicious pvrmanont!!:V. .~! K i r - l i l _

K "i ISn.! » !.", I '.nih T pnrlicularri, nud conditions of.-• ... -, aj .p.'y 1..

M.- .-i* . l i d l l l i Y N * A TAXDY , Solicitors,- , It. - r. ^'.I I I -.I . J .I HC.1 , Uubtic atid Watorford.

Mw»r *. C I J A U i A GAKDNER , Public Ac' '¦ -' eoUhiai.ts , Trinity (J '9nmbore, Dublin.



[ I I 'K uiilu from tho City).'j 'H K Suli .srrib»ra have rocciTflil instructions fromi y . I i . y r.ij,, nnKi, i,t E<.;., J.P., to nul l, by por.

/r . t h i; .\l !hSi ;i(V 'KJJ AUCTION ', at N'KWPARK,i ) . n t l / U S l i A r, I'.i ih '/ C T U I I K H ncit , at I o'clock ,

;:> ' 1.1. .;. ' .trained COWS , full y finished.^ ¦ : ; . i u . r! »•.•!!.I,in] two-yen r old HEli'ERS and

l i i : i . I , (Jt 'KS.; ;« ¦ yr -.r old Slioitliorn HULL , pedigree nt Bnlo,! l i v i ' -v ..r o '.l M A K E , and ) Both well known1 - '.¦¦ ;, -\ , ol.l C iKLDINCi S with tho Wator.

1 : 1 :.a i Ki lkenny Hound*, up to 1-t stono.I I K i .MAS WALS I t .t SOX , Auctioneers,

r ¦ y . . : , '.\ ai.Tf.ii'.i , suiii . -a, !;><(). -i



iv . ! i ' i i ; |- . l ! ( i i ; - .s :it M C L L I X A KH O', one milo¦ 1 l': i . in t in: City of Wa iPi l n rd .

• • ', . i i - i' r- i-eivi'd in . i fruui ions from ¦'"

¦• : • . i- :-|., ILL ., t - . s - ;i »v A C C M O X ,'¦ . 1 / . •> / ' .-1 >', : i ! . ! i j C T t i l l K I t , I b 'i't ,

.\' t t u t - o'CIut-'k precisely ,:l - l l ' i i : T l l d i l X COiVH, I I K I K K U S , and HULLS.

C . • : . " . . . II - - aa-i u i u.| I'.» M to bi: had fro m J.I f . .'• M - . i: .;- , J l ! ; : i i i . : i l i io ,, or

" < I I I i .M.\ > W A I . S i t .'.- S( )N , AuelH-i irer-. .': : ; . :¦: . . . \w- , > ! . .. i , s. pi . -JH , I N;I ;. H

1 i ; v i :P n"ATf;iiKoi;u.


. :; ' - I . : . - : ; I I J .N f 1 i; KK , the I i K K I .'ST in a'. - ¦ : • \ : v •.» .»- U ' l l ' SK , :n.d :il)'. rj|. I' .w l Vurdii. . 1 :."" i l ! ,

¦• . . . \ h : S . A Y , Wr.h 1." ' T 'j U K l l , Ib7f..

; . A V i > '( ; I- . c-i/ i vi 'd instriu'ti .iiis from Mr. P. '.I I I A N I ,J; i I .. .¦!! .- K l . L I . / I ' U U L I C A U C T I O N , ill hisI!- .- : ¦ : • • - , K 'li .- v t ie . i , in cl i i .s Citv , t l iu K X T l l i El i n l - ! . : ';( i | . | i I I l I N I IL ' l i r :, eon.-iiliiii; ,,f ;_

!¦ . I ' H ;. H . ; A '.Vi .ViJ l i ' > i > . \I. '- .Six .MaUo^any Chairs ,[. i . : ' .'.. , '' - * 1 •; : i- t 1, , >. '.- :-r;iiire , .Sofa, Mirror , Carpet ,1 . :. r :.:. I K. • |ro:;- . ( .'l ii i ihev Ornain.-iits , etc.

:. , . % l \ 'i l'n'i .M. Ch i:'- , 'ialile , Sul'a , Carpet -i-ve-r-.: I ' m- - , an-! ¦• • !:• r ar.iele.-

Ti." Kl .') :NH". i: i : in tin: He ln>.mis inelmles Chf r ,\i . . ¦ M I A II• ¦ •¦- .. -;id.- , wi th i .'" lain? , Iron lli'dsti-uils,i! .. . . . .: ."i- , l'.-:.' i . .-r liv.U , Holsters and fillows ,I . . . -:- . > < ; ¦¦ . - . i '.i : iTi . .-rp:iii < :.- , < _'aiii:- .-ea t<:<t Chairs ,i . .. • - . > ¦ - . i ¦• ... : 'I al.!.- - , Toi' rt i. ila^r .- , Cummodes,1 . . « u i ¦• ¦;- . ¦ ¦;. - .

: I . : - : V A - . l i . .- ¦¦v. r.d loi.- ..f i;s,.fr ' Articles ,! . :.; . - . i .ar: .- ';- . ele .

i s I' n *¦: . S l l w l * -Abuiit l'«i yards of liluck and Col-1. .r.-l > ;.. - |i- . i;. - .rl y n, Clothes , Se.KO and othery . ¦¦ ;• u'.- i i- , i i i i ' . i i ' l la ^ ui) t-xeeUcnt ^cwinu M^chitio ,- . • :- '.- I a!!-i : '.!.v' '.\orli , al--.o a very (food shop Mirror.I . , ¦ . 'i . -i -.v 1 i: I,.: - i M in lois to suit purchasers ; ttlno

; ) ¦ : .M ;: 1 1> I - ' I " I I l i ; II U USK. This llouae should1 .:. ..;. ., . . •: u'. ' i . '. i. ii , liriuj ; .-i tuate.l in ono of the ;irin-• . - ' . ' : ¦* - 1. W;.1 rft.r. l , and suiUr<l for any busineKK.I v . :\ .•.:-.- i- r.i 1.' I ordi:r \s '.th a good ahoji and ac-

¦ . ¦ . . '. . •. - a l .r^r faini 'y. 'flu; LCUHC in maiio toM ¦• • - ' . . '. '- • • ' , :. i 'i .t l ip- nominal rent of i!10 yearly.

I ' '. ¦ : ¦ : • - < :: ¦¦ > '¦„• llou-e w'l l l i e Sold at Two o'clock ,: . -. ¦ ¦ • . • • ; • . a v . I .-In. -, , lioo.l- iiiinuliatcl y after. Sale to'¦ ¦ ¦.: : i . - : . •¦ a: l- . . i \ r i i o C!o»:k. Auction FceH. fiv op er. : . ' . - i . .. |.a:d In j.iiri -ha- i-r.-.

.l- .-r K i 'll ' 1. AM PKTI , Auctioneer A Valuator.

V. A TI- . 1 J I i J l i i ) A L i ; n O N ilAKT,CV z ^ , H E N R I E T T A S T R E E T .

JOSl - .l'll C I . A . Ml'K'n',¦ . . -- . . I - . ¦. . '- .1 , /f... .s.: .uey t.aud A j t h t .

I : .\ > i .Mj i - i i i sii'^eii my I ' l f ini .ics in Hctirioltn-A l • ' : < i i , luv .Mart in now readv to receive1 : ,. :. , i 1 I . I . •• ! >;V l- ;i;V bKriCUirnuN for imme-

.:::.!.- ..r.lrf.-rrud HALES.\ A ' . ¦ ^ ¦ ¦ 1 . - n.'.rusted ti> my care , in Town or

1 . . • _ . . ... . . . !.:. ¦. . - my prompt mid careful attention ,. , . . ¦. .. . . ; ¦ - ¦ -. ". i i il for 0:1 the day sueceuiiiK Sale.

i . ¦ . . - . . . : ...:. ni l l i my .Mart, 1 huv e lurB« STORK|' . . - 1 .'.. .-. t i . r t i . . - r"i.v.-/j i(.-;, '-i.. til Parties who inuy desire: . . ¦ ¦:. . i i 1 l- ' nri:iliiri: stored. I ul.-o liold 11 tloiting}¦ : ;. ¦ : I i . nr.ui' i: to eover ull jjoods sent in lor Sulu

: - . . \ ..- >:..'k of l-'urniture always ou liandw for'.- .. ' . - . aim.

; i ! ' . | ! L V ATTRACTI VE A X I . IMPORTANTL.zig e Auction of Household Furniture

; i , l'. . i , i . . , t , l;.( invtjod , und Mahogany ;* . .: . ~ ; . . M - I' M -. . / I OI:I K , in Jtosu'wood Ca^u (by. r. . -. . . . - . ¦¦.¦. i . ,;, latel y t:o»t 2'AI guineas ; Jaryo

1 . : . ..1. . .1. 1 oti.rr Mu.-ical l i ihlriuiieii lH ; Indian and. • ; ¦ • :. H .. ; 1. trt ;. - t.'ui:rel. .oii of beat plated Waro ;:.i - t .: ; - .\. - .\ r r i i - i i i . -...nd Voluim a of lluoks ; Gun,*,.' ;¦ t ¦:. *• I - , '>.! i'.imtjU L^, Kl^Taving-l, CulTl'ages,i ;inii.::^ I l i i J i. - l iul l l .-, JiC, Ac.

'f i l l ! : SI . li .-l I t l l i K U r i liave km honoured withB l i t - * Mil - - 101 H from t lio AdininistralorH of tho

;,. ¦•• .l .v .: is < ." 11 A 1:1.f ¦> K KUI .V M , Ktn. , in SKLL byA I 1 1 i ' > N . on

u 1 ; / ¦:. / >: \v , IM /. o c nj i ih u , i.h7(i ,..1. -I fol lowing ]JuyH ,

A i l , i . . \ :\ . i l V I I . L K HUC hK , D C N H E L L ,\\ . . , - , I . 1 1 1 - ol t in' K l l f c f i . ny l t . . l l«l iy S l i i l i . i l . ,, . '. o' . < ', . > . . . . V I O ^ I . I I . Ra i lway .Sl.ilion, l l iu hLove,., ...... .. P, . . |. . , 1 . .

i t p . i u. \ . l 11 n >> ¦' ¦ rulure adverl isemeii lBund lar^ep. . . : . . . ,

:¦ r i n r . o' * •¦: > ¦ '.'...- l i . ]'uref . :.h.:i H to pay hre porV 1.1 . A . . . - 1 . . . . I ¦ .. . .

T . lu . M A .- I ) |.M L i N .V. ,S(JN, Aui:liouivrn]¦ :.u.| Valuator!. , Kilkenny.

\ -.1 . . M.I. I- . l ) i > ( . i ,\ Ki (Y M I H T I I K II A I K !— i f your1, . I - : '; I I 'a1 .- . i - -r u l . i i e, or tnl loi rf '-IT, u*'* " I "r u.-x-

<- . . ' • ' I ' "-r,' - •¦' 11 ui l l i«i *itirrtf 'citnrc in retry-,< .. l i r. i ; t.r II i - i h A,II ,.|II 11-1.11^1 mil woi. iur , wishi.iii l>-i.v -i...-. l!- -.i- > - 1- - ¦.'. ;.¦ ¦> '.- 1 i - J ! t.,-.>t " Il-Atnr. r- ." 11 in ¦!..¦• it..(, ;l , I , . . M . 1 -• ) in . .!l l' .'..l , ... »• ¦) «- {.r'lili. 'l.l.^.' ll.r .:lu»'tU

of t l . ! ;. 1 ¦;'• - ' l - l -l . - ' l - , i v h . i n 1 Ii,. ^;^.ii |. A H : u-.t lice >> rd.

/> . . v . ,u: « l - u r i > ! l"i ' l l l« l i h X I C A .1 i l * I K l lB.Ht.WMI ,"

p. .; , M . |!» :.I I I I I ' . ( i » M . rp . i!ij U11..1.I <lrr. t , 1... U-

ll . . . . .1 ' ¦ •' y C.' Hi:- '- .ll '-l ("'I lu iU . *iH ^V*T) wl, ^. .- .. I 31- .

H)] ...r x . . l > l ^.

K l . M l U l . I N r . ! — K'ir tl lu 'I' K KTII ill ll D l E A T I I . —A(. .„ : ... | . ..I Hi.- lnj iiiil F'"ri''in', «r' i"* 1"1 '"< * •« ' • "• t l|ir , , ( , , . , , . :<- ;. [.|p:--:. i.f 'a ' ll^r , .11.«- » . f h ,r,.u . I, ) )- .-1, h> '» *-»

t l i . - 1 > ' ¦ !'""i ¦» '! p ir- '-l .'^ "T in'iniritt .- ", ^.-iu t l ie j i i tun

i. i . .- . n is 'ir!n, •|.» p- i l . r . V , «I V I - « 10 t l> » l'r< t l . • |^t-.ili.. I

J . . - .I -I ) » ! i l l . - i ir* , ai. i a .l - i « i i l l u l lr«ur».\« in tl.e Im-ntl. .

J l , . |i, ,vi > all liii) . ',<j.wt .. I.. -..I i r i. l im l iMi li ' l xra y nl t l i t f t t

, , : ,i . ... . . -i. oV.- . T. . - b'rayrant F online I.tll .K c..lit|>u»rtl,,: ' d liv i.ey :u.J ¦-«'• ' iu'il* , it diaiciuiin to tl iK tn n t . ,

. .- ,¦.-.• ,- ¦;'. l'..i l.' - .:.-covery ol the i *t. I'ricf i~ . flj .",,

' . , . ," . I - I - I I I . I IVifni i '< T» . VrepHrnl by I I . C. U J LLI i-,y:).i >/»H/ n l Street , LOH J UD .



Haying pnrchased the Interest and PldDt of tha lateFirm of

M c L E A N ANB J f c I N T O S H ,I b«g Ieare to atats that I am t on carrying on tbobnBinoes as usual of PLDMBEB, BRASS FOUNDER,and GAS.PITT1NG in all its branches, aiid all ordoraentrasted to mo shall ha?o the tamo oaro and atten-tion ae were hitherto giren to th >m.

Soliciting for myself a continuance of the kindpublio partronage and support ro loojf extendod totho late Firm, I beg to remain, rsspeotfully,

HUGH McLEAN,3, Little aeorgo's-strect, Watcrford ,

N.B.—Groen.honses, Conservatories, and PabliaBuildings heated on tho most improred principleby tho circulation of hot wator. (mblO-tf




(23* Wo havo no hesitation in say ing, that thovalue oflforod in thoBO Goods cannot hoHurpassed.

Pnttorim, with l'rico per Yard, will bn tmnton applicutiou.

P. TOBIN & SONS,58 and 59, QUAY , WATEKJ-OUI) .—I.adieu' French Glovos of snporiormatiufiicturo. ap21.t!


%i£r Ksto.hli.ihnL fur the Correct und KJf icicnt CompouTvlin ij nj JYpacn'pti'JTis, und/or the Retail of I frwj suit 'l Chcmicnls 0/ the f reshest and Vurest descrip tion.

ri MI K most unremiUiii f ; attention is puid to thoJL dispciiHinf; of I'liyHieians' i>n. Su-,'seorit ' I'rOBcrip-

tionn, with tho,., ponn'ble C'.n>.(;e"i, conbinteni withDie.Snpply of tho (J m u i S K C' ISK of . :o.c,nKH forwhich HUB old Establinhmcpt htiii n'woyn hold nuch Ahigh reputation. my 11!

NO. 4, THK hi A L L , WA TK llr'OIll) .M . S A V A G E , LfCKNTIATL' AI'OTHKCAltY.


' • F" Have Analyzed a Spcoimcn of MonBrB. A lL tsxt iJL 4 Co.'s WHISKEY , forwarded to me for

that purporo by Mr. Cnaisioi-nKK WOODS. It is agood old Whinkey, froo from Fneol Oil and other im-purities , and poBBeasod of ciu excollent Saror and goodaroma.

" CUARLES A. CAMERON , M.D., Profosaorin tho Roynl College of Surgcous; MedicalOfficer of Ilcalth , and Analyst for Dublin.

" To Mr. CiiKiBioimi.B WOODS,Wino Jforcliant, 3, Cook-atroet, Cork." ml2



Offices and Shots Room : No. 10 LADY LANK.GR E E N-H O USES, CONSERVATORIES, and

PUBLIC BUILDINGS HEATED by Hot Wa-ter , on tho most npproTed prinoiplo.

Testimonials, too numerous for insortion, from tholcuding Gentry of Waterford and surrounding Conn,ties, whose places I bare heated, may bo Been at myoffices.

P.S.—Having purchased at tho Salo at LittleGeorge's street tho ontire Stock of Brass, Wood, andLi nd Patterns connected with tho Foundry, for limesCnntingB , I am unabltd to executo all orders for Cast-ing at tho shortes t uotice, nnd on reasonable terms.

$25" Entrance 'o Works from Peter street. [mhlO

BOTTLE LABELSOF all kinds, executed vri'.h neatness aud on

tho shortcut notice, at I'riccH astonishingly low.¦Vi, Kiug-streot , Watcrford.

P O R T R A I T SrilAKKN DAIIi V hy WIXTKH , nnd FinishedJL the best sty le of A KT, at his opproTed

PiioToouAriiio STUDIO :Bi? 62 , QUAY (Suit KMUAKCE ) WATERFORD

ia28.1yImproved White Soft Soap,

171KKK from smell , tor the Laundry mid House-l-o'd purposes. It ruinlers l.'ienbcaulifull y white

ek-anscis '..eiier , and is cheaper tl'au any o-^er Soap. ItIKM ! e.-sn> .lei.e^(,'eiit f, .ialitie.s, and is a disii' *ce Ji'Jit whenUr ccl tor c'^'and pnri yin^ W;1.11 . r *oor«, Ledilinff ,,S:.:., :u"i iw reeonH.-ndcd ils a Vo'.r ^-.l l \- l'e' . 'lhe SUJKdi^'i. 'cet Drains , »S:e. i-lunufuc^uit .. urdso'cPa Lcntces ,'.' K'Kaiid Co., by appoinimeni to tire i> :l" .ary mid\aval i«uinili-K s,Carlton Works, I'ecl-liam ,London , S'.£.

AKcnt lor Waifrford—Mr. THOMAS 1'OKCEM,, Uar-Ton^tnin.l-str.x't. 11SI

In this U. partinent lioyH of A This

...'1 .\ ({«a«!iiii bot-uitcd OH //N .- jjraLCU ;,

tl.e ii.slaut with overy / UIU|ur t,Hi.

Ani i le of Attire. / t,icnt mBUilgr.Special intention / VJ - meilt| B|1(1 now

ii .viml t.i "our ./ embraces, togotbor

Srli.iol Xuit a" / /y ¦ wilh JuTcnilo require/* >ol liaidiTorii / ^> . incntp, a«olectnsTOrtment

/A. /Tweed. A / of Adalt Clothing.

A/ jlG-tfP. TOBIN & SONS, 58 & 59 Quay, Waterford

HALFPENNY POSTAGE CARDS.All descriptions of Printing on such Card

f i) ~ Kreculed at THE WA T Z S / OHD N KWJ Ofict.


8-J QUAY , <u«d Uoi-cor or CONDUIT LANE ,} VATii UFO» U.

W I L J i l A M 1 ' O W E RBepe ropecully to ir .'ma.o to h\i Friends aud the

I'jblic gore'ttl'v, that he hasNO A ' 01'li.S, li'O above bTORES, wl-ero ho hup«s,

In" strict uituu Lion to bjsiue&u, and iceupiugtho very BKST rt'jNES nrd dl'liUTS morit aul iu i t i ur |iHtrui'U(;e.

I lo t akKKt i- KKS will tiud il their intertill, to putron-irio iho abovo BtabliHhniei t.

S*j" I'mii jliaervu the address :No. SO THE t^UAY ,

{Corner 0/ Conduit Lane),f XH WATKUF01W.


It . M 0 lt ll I S H K YBK(iS res|>ccilully to inform tho Nobility nnd

Cientry ot Watcrford nud surrounding Couutien,that having purehasud iho Iutercst and Ktock-iu-Trudo uf thu utiovu well - kuown Establishment, he innow lully prepared to execute any orduru he tuny befavoied uit l i in H manner not to bo faurputisetl hy unyin thu .South of lrelunJ.

K. M. be^H alKO to return hitt beat thauks fur theTery largo i.roouiit of p.itronogu ho has hitherto re-ceived, aud Irubls, by uure uiilting caru aud perronulBtteut iou, to merit a coulinuuticc of tho sumu in alltho various bruueheu of his exteutiro business.

XOCT l'leusu ii>>\M —All commui.icutioua ia thu Puat-ing uud Cudortakitig buHioeH a to be addressed to H.M O K K I S S K V , Proprietor , Wulerford Cuuch Factory,Calherinu-Sireia.


i XI 'Vl l ' l 'K l) dirrct /rom iho iVin.ufaclurerB, bicbme

CoLLAIII . &. Col.I.*KII , KlI ^K S I A .S, DA I.MAI.NK , lilll.NK-M>. A I>, i'--, iVc, -t

C. A. JUNES' MUSIC DEl'OT.i 2 u , v ii A y , W A T K n y 0 11 u.

II A R Jl 0 N 1 V Al d in gn.-ut variety, Kiig linhnndKrcncli make ; V I »I IIIK , Cori.etH , Col.eurtiuus, DruniH,t'tuies, llamnv ', ilwiu ) luxc.i, &c. <tc.,

AT C. A. JtJNKS'.WL SIC L K N 1 J L \U L l l l U A t l Y, WATEUFOKlK

SU.UOO NKW SONto and 1'IECKS , jkl (J NK Tl i iu i illiti llaiLi.l l'liee lor Cuxh , thu vutiro STOCK now


C. A . J O S K S ,L V r O l l T K H "J 1- 1AKUF CHTKS , l l A H U O K W i l S , f r c,


Begs to cull special attention to hU oitotisiveTUNING and RKL 'AIRING bnsinnss. JI J H Tunersvisa all the Southern and Midland Cuuutiu* uf Quarterly.

%JjS~ i'ianolortrs nnd Harmoniums hired by theMuuth or Year, with option to purchase, and on theThree Years' Hyuuim.

C. A. JttiNKS' MUSIC WA11E110USE.Crickmuiig, Archery, Cro<juet , and other Uamen,

at uiiuciiiill; Low Prices. fmy4-tl]


«J -A(j . 18, HEN 111 ETTA STHKET.Terms, on application. [dl.3ui]


M. P H E L A NBEGS to inform hia Frionda and ths Fablio, that

ho has added tba aboro Department to hisMILLINERY and FANCY WAfiEHOUSE,

And has just returned from the leading English andSooth markets with a


Mrs. PHELAN haa also returned from London, withthe LatoBt Novelties in


Which Bhe will bo propared to showON SATURDAY NEXT, Urn INSTANT.

N E W G O O D S IN E W G O O D S .

MR. and MRS. KELLYI >KG to inform their numorous customers

ciistomora that-, having

RETURNED from tho LKADING M AThoy aro now propurud to show a LA H O K

nnd VA R I K I J A SSOIITMKNT of tho






t£T CoHtumoB can bo copie<l to ordor.KELLY'S,


76 , Q U A Y , W A T K R F O U D .Sept. 29tb, 1876. m24

SPKCIALITE SHIRTS and COLLARS_,, . . "S' TT. • nmdo to order in a superiorShirts and Honery. IBIl ,llIBr b_1it wari11IlU!ar

f.->rj} Worthy of notice, our SoftE.-, » T w i l l N I G U T S H I R T S,¦:l

^j/ rendy for use.

iljj gp!-; S. N.B.—Tho moBt flattoriogS ~*~C " i*^ - approvul

ban been accorded:'. -.* 'J \\ • X W: to onr BELTED RIDING'/ y J \ ' I Wl?<. !i1 EK8' wnicn aro eqoallj

'>'"/ fj \ I vH invaluable to Pedestrians,¦*1 \f v i i V / J i'M^

and to Gentlcrnon inclined

>Ts' I'ff rfi S il' t0 corPu'ouoe» a psrfco' In*"^¦A'AM K IT M I F

Patterns, Prices, and in."VLv p f i w|f sti-uclious for Self.Measure-

tUl5 if 1 meut ou application toP. TOBIN & SONS,

Q U A Y , W A T K R F O R D .



MANUFACTORY,49 & 50 KING STREET (opposite Provincial Bank)


In a manner that will not, wa feel conlidunt, fail tok'ivcsatisiatlioii,


SAUIKS , nt l'ricei in The Aetcj PrinttJ List , which mavhe had on «;>i.lic:ition.

Watorford , Dungarvan, and LismoroRAILWAY.

37th and U8th Victoria , Cap. 132.

NOTfCE IS HBKEUY (UVE.V, that tho Arbitra-tors appoimi-il hy tho Boanl 1,1 Trade, and by

the Grand Juries of tin: County and City of Watorford,will meet ut dm OFFICES of tho WAI KKFUKU , DUN .(• AKVA N , and L ISMOKK Rnilwjy Coinj iauy in WATF.K .fOKii . on WEDNESDAY , tho I.Stli OCTOBEH , 187t>,at 10 o'Clock, a.m., to uppurtiun III'; uniount of Divi.(lend duo 10 Iho BJjnrcholdcru of tbu »;iid Company,to tho 30th J UNK lant , over tho bevoru l Baronios oftho County and City of Waterford,

(jt'O. WILLIS , Soeretury to the Company.Cathodral Square, Watorford ,

7th Ootobcr. 187C.

Waterford and Central Irelard Railway.HiUe of A'eiu Ceafra t Ir eland Rai lway Stock , with

receip ts secured to pay from dale of issut a dividendof ojicr t'eut ]icr annum.THE DIKECTOHS of tlto Waterford and Contral

hclai.'d iiiilway Coniiiany are prepared to issue NowCental Iroland Railway htock , upon which will be paida'eud of 5 per Cei',. per annnin from rocciptn HO-cured for that nuriiose ur dec ugrcetntnts muictioncd by1'urliuuicnt between t'.'C Coat Western Railway Com-p;my of iin.'fl.irid ,ii«d the AVaCerforJ ami Ccntail Irelandand Kilkcuuy Junet'on Railway Companion, the full par-ticulam of which ean be obtained on uj.plicution to thotjecrcretary.LOAX s un. 1 - X J l E X T U H K S . HEll i -NTVRK STOCK

i/r DEru SlT.f l \ II K I) I l< (•: (J T O Its also, for tho pur-X i«.,u o( UKI'LACIKG (he INSVALSIENTS of tho

U oVK i'XAlEXT LOAN and BONDS falling due, arcIirr':aie.l , uj.' 1 further Notice, to accept LOANS ONAltJ i -i'\j AG B UOSp b at 11 per Cent, pavable upon OnoYear rt utilise , or or such term of Yearn as may boiiied ; and ,'or the Debenture Stock, having equalp-:o.-i .y wijh the toorlgdgo iionds, bearing In^rcst at¦Ij pe.- Can., in perpeiniLy.

ihey wi'.! u'->o atcep i LOANS on DEPOSIT, bearingIutercn a/ J PiiK CENT., payable on Six Months'notice;and : - 3 per Cenc,payable on Ono MOI ^II'M noi.:ee.

For thu oading Ho.h Uarcn, 13,0 , the l'rafiiuItoceipts wo-ro X38,3a3 19s. fid.—U10 VVorWu^ and otherKi.iciiKCd be' i£ U.' 1 ,80j 153. Od.—leurin? a Dalanco 0'~ 't} , ly;; i . Dd., being moro than doub'e tho amojotreqji'wi (or the In^ereht oa Loaua, alter the paymentt.i whieU there is , thercforo, a conHiderab'o surplus* to rfluirelio'dcra.

'I hey wi'l , every Half-year , send to each Creditor aSta^cuieul Mhowia'f the full particulars and Amount ofthe deveral Loiuiri.,40 by the Company.

Aup'uv a) 00 adilreaHod to the undcrsi{picd, althe v.oji oany h t^flieei Wu^erlord 'i crmmub.

(Cy Order) ,W J - . - ,lAll WILLIAMS , Sccrutary.

UVlcrford , A ugatsb 18th , 1870. (ai}i8-l-tl)

Bishop & Sons' Quinine Winer i M U S INVIGORATING WINE, so stronglyJL recommended by the liHiebt Medical aulhoriticn

for it* Tonio and HintoraLivc yuaHtioa , is prepared withthi: moxt careful attuutiou to thu purity of ita ingre-dients , and i.-ouUiiuH One Ucain or (.{uuiiuu, each UUU>B.

SO'.D Kvt':)«'IIMB.Uii 'ifi'.i—Who'cnale by OO 'LKAU & BOVD , M' .MABTKK ,

HOD..SON *c ( .'o . ; Uuo. i .\ioo<cc: & Co. ; ALEXANDERK'N O I . A I O c . '. 1.0. ; 1'"A W C :HTT k Co. j CANTREI.L amiCociaci. lleiii ,y I l - ;N".y Toui.v, JdiltM FULXA.CAS , J^

1-<>.< n« • '¦ < ".DilAbi , and othern .i;ircfcr.H-l;— > . V U .- IIAI IOSO .N- .Cor.. —'I 'UMIC'* K.III tkiu, Woooro itn , UOCKNK , <t

Co. ; ll. iio "."B , . vio tuAM Sari'ji.lii- 'jas —W' l.'.'A . i Du... .< & Co. ; CUA.UK &.M 'Mui ,-

I,AN ; J mill J. lfAhi.K.T , , lli;.,ll W I II TK , W. EAKIN *Co., ami L-:A 'i iAM , COUL.HII, ami HowAitu , and W.Ull.MDRK &. Co.

L«(ii/o»iil«rry —Os bOitNt k. I'ATTKN , J AMES THOMP -SON and !Sox.

anutiK.lii rcil und Bottled by M C.-HM . JJISHOP andSONS , KiNsuuiit D IKI .II .LEKY , LONUO.V. an-i.7ni

The Poor Man's Cough Drops,17VJ K Coughs, Ct>lds , and ulluciiuiiD of the

? C', accompanied with di/nuolty of Ilrealhi ag,Honrxen;HH Or Wheezing.

A lea Bixwiiiiul taken oecaHiouullv is found to allay themost troutilccoinc Coujfh ; it pro.nolcs Expectoration,rcmnrcH diflieulty of Ureiithinj;, and reliovefi the sorenessand upprcrtnion of the d'eo, /1> t.h usnully accompanyl'ulinonarycornphv'ntH. K omiU nature,it may be givento Children with perfect BU< c.y. Hold in bottles, Is.*"' P H K P A K E D BY M. S A V A G E ,

(LiTK Ml ( 'KKHT).At the Medica l tola lili t l tmcnt , 4, The M A L L ,

W A T K H F O l t l i . U.t(


AFKKS1I ASKOHTAIKAT of tho fallowing

Plry4l. .tl llU» » - |ll»' lirm i rci-ivrd »l 1 ut fi mriOrtic, Kiug-itrtet , \\' , ¦ • • ¦• >- l ..II- KI.LB , );K K OOS

t Co., L.mdoD:—Uuttu Vila ;, ur Vi,;.uui e I.IVJ Drupi, th«great remedy lor Nervuu>ur», do:.

Dr. Ul Hooi' ('•impouod I'ilU , lor I'aini in thebad, <ra*rl , iheutuntiitu. gout , &e. l'nc« If. H i . to 33tpar IM.I. ec adverlueuient elsewhere for particulars.

Dr. Da Koos' V«gctable Lite PilU , lot regulating tbe•ti.tuach nri.l {-I. -Aiitiing; th« blond.

M»diniK CI > UPELL»'8 Iliu-Kntoring Klaid , whi ch hubf^n tuuiul w.miii-rlull; erKciiciuui in bring iii|{ tbe Lair to

origiuKlcolor; alto , Corjrit.Ll's UairDyc.


"O EQUESTS the inspection of bis varied, new, and-L«J extensive Pnrohases in

W I N T E R G O O D S IMarked at tmh Low PRICES aa to oommaod n brisk

and ready Sale.Cheapest Home in Watarford for


In all the Newest aud most Fashionable Shapes."CatAr FKATHKR8, FLOWERS, LACKS, BIBBOK S.

%&" BAB7 LINEN tn jreot rarirfy.'Special attention called to LiDixs' UNDU-CLOTBINO.

Fanoy, Plain, SDd Wincey DRESSES.

His General Drapery Stock merits the attentionof tbe Poblio, baring; been seleotcd with taste, oare,&nd experience, and marked at tbo lowest romnnera-tire Profit. o6.4t


Good Shepherd Convent

THE SISTERS of the Good Shepherd Con-vent earnestly appeal for help to enable them to

Eroct their New Industrial School. .'Tho House inwhich, under many difficulties , they havo boon trying,for the last four years, to labour efflcieu Jy for the wel-fare of tho Childron cntrnstod to their caro, thoy havobeen obb'ged to level to tho ffround, aa not only too o'd,too small.and altogether unfit for their purposes, but asabsolutely and imminently dangerous to life

They are now about to erect larger and moro snitablobnildingn. Tho School , it is true, in in a mcannro snp-portod by money grants from Government, but no aidwhatever is givon for such an undertaking an tbe prc-Bcnt. It is, thoroforo, hoped that tho charitablo publicshall help on tho good work. Thero aro at all timesOno Hundred and Twonty Children in tho Establish-ment, but tho number often rises to ono hundred andfifty, as girls sometimes roturn from tho situations theyroceivo on leaving, and aro kept under tho caro of thoNuns till again provided for. Each Child is educatedand carefully trained for tho variouR branchos of indus-try suitable to hor Btatc in life, and whon allowed to goforth into tho ¦ world, is fully competent to corn a ro-Bpectablo livelihood.

Tho Sisters of the Good Shophcrd Convont mako thisappeal all the moro confidently, an it i« tlio first timothoy havo callod upon tho pnblic for aid in this groatwork , and also becauso thoy fool suro that whon snitablobuildings aro orcctcd, with God's bidding, much goodcan bo offoctcd , and St. Dominick'B Industrial Schoolwill becomo a moBC flourishing establishment. Dona-tions will bo thankfully roccivod by his Lordship thoMost Rev. Dr. POWER, by any of tho CHor^y, or thoSnnorioress of tho Convent. all.If


Conducted by thu Ruv. Fathurs of tho Iloly Ghost ,nnd tho Immaoalato Uoart of Mary.

THIS College is mtuatcd in a healthful andpicturesque locality, within throe miloB of

CaHhel and fivo of Cahir. Its spaciouB buildings stand intho centre of an oxtensiro domenso of -100 aoron, thusaffording tho amplest space for tho oot-door exorciseand recroation of tho students. A(?dit:onnl and su-perior accommodal'on has boon recontly pio?idee1.

Thoconrso of instruction ej"bracos the G.'cok , Latin,and most of tho nrodcrn languagos; roacbematien,physical and natural seiceccs , fci ocuJon , Mus<c , Draw-ing, and tho various oibcr o .inches of a 1'boral odu-cation.

The Classical Siud-es , wnich include the RhotoricCourse road in Kco'csiasl;icalCo"egcB, embraco also thoentranco and unde'grat'uale courses required for anyof the Universities.

French and Goiman, being tho nativo languages ofseveral of the teaching staff , can hero be acquired ¦withthe same facjl'iy as on tho Continent.

The English Lansnogo and Literature, to whichospocial care is devoted, aro taught by first-clasBEnglish Professors.

This College, thoroforo, combines the advantages of» native with a Continental odncation.

Thero is a special conreo for stcdentB destined formercantilo pursuits, or for Civil Service Appointments.Tho number of candidates who havo successfully, andwith distinction eompoted at bank and other examina-tions, attest tho efficiency with which thin course isconducted. Preparatory classes for junior pupils un-der the charge of experienced teachers arc attachedto this department. The.junior pupils, forming a quitodistinct department, aro now most comfortably es jiii-lished in the very beautiful wing formerly occupied byecclesiastical students.

Music and Drawing arc taught by resident masters.Every attention is given by tl<o Fathers to tha hoalth,

comfort, and moral and phys'cal training of tho youthentrusted to thoir charge.

TERMS —Twenty-ei ght guineas per annum. A reduc-tion is made in favour of Ki:rlesiusu; Students.

Studies will ho resumed on the 12.h SEiTEJiDE't.For Prospectus uin! further particulars apply to the


Walorford , Oct. 13th, 1870.

WE beg to mlviso tho ARRIVAL of tho Brigan-tino " D A H L I A ," Captain ll.\ttor.n ST K W A K C ,

from St. John's, Nnwfoundland , witb 1,500 Quintalsrriine Now NEWFOUNDLAND COD FISH , ami 793Barrels Primo Now LABRADOR HERRIN GS.H JAMES KENT & SON.

TO BE S O L DBY PRIVATE SALE, as sho now lie.i, with all her

StoroH , &c,TIIK nit lGANTIN? ; " MAUD ," of '*TEitH)tti. ,

1(!8 Tons Kegisier, huilt at Tntamayoucho, N.S., intho year 18C(i.

Tin's vessel ^ug IJC OU lately strongtliooc X in'tii ncivIron Knees on both sides, a pitch piuo hoy piecis foroand uft, two bilgo pieces, &c. Sho ."ails well , carriesa HOC I cargo, and shifts without ballast.

For furl hor particulars aud inventory upply toKICU&KD FAItUELL, Ship Aijent,

41, Quay, "AYatorford.Waterford, 9lh October, 1870. ol3 -U

West of England Pire and Life InsuranceCompany,


LIFE INSURANCE effected, payiiblo during life,at 50, 55, or 00 yours , or at death , whichever

shall first happen.LOANS—Advances mado on unencumbered Pnli.

cioa, whiob hare been in foroo for threo years ; uUv ,npon Personal Seourity, in oonneotion rrith Lifo In-¦urance.

FIRK INSURANCE—Renewal Promiunn, fallingdue on 29th of SEIT., should bo Renewed within 15daya. o6.2t


TRAMORB.HOUSES, fully Furnished, TO BE LET, by tho

Jfoolb, for tbe Season or by tbe year, it ST.L KOKK TKKKACE , Tramoro. Apply to Mr. T. POWER , atNo. 2 , on tho Premises. tf

TO BE LET,FROM tbe 29th SEPT., tho HOUSE, 4c., in King-

sireot , Watorford at present occupied by thuPost Ofliuo Authorities., Apply o J. ii. DoBUVN ,Li-arliu.

TO BE LET,EHOM 1st of NOVEMBER noit, the Promises now

used as a Postal and Telegraph Offico , situate-on the ilall, adjoining the Imperial liotol.

Also , to bo Sold, tho R WVKRII ON of . tho iondoiiTimes to be delivered the day.aftor arri val in Water-fold. Apply at iho Bar of tbe Imperial Uotul. u2t>


ACHOVDEN TAX, nearly now, by a first-claaa

builder. AddreuB "Croy dou," JI<tws ofTico.




Charitable Bequests.r i Vt K K NOTICE, that UIC IIARU DU S S , furmorly ofX No. 127 JumoB1-street , Dublin , nnd lata of Koy-

tor-stroet , Walerlord , a Gunner of tbo Royal Artil-lery, deceased (who died Ulh April , 1U7G) did; by hislast Will aud lYstamout, dated tho iUb April, 187(5,b i|uouth £60 unto Mussrg. TlluMis J USEPII H KIKN ,H I C I U K U A NTHONY M AXWELL , ami J OHN STANISLAUS

O'F LA .N I G A N , for tbu gratuitous Education of PoorIJuys attending the Poor Schools in U'uterford, undortho care of tho Christian Urothers ; £50 unto tho Rov.J OHN J A C K W A N , R.C.C. , Waterford, for Masses ; und£51) unto iho Rov. PATWCK M ULLIN G, R.C.C., Water,ford , for Masses.

And Probato of said Will was, en tho 11th SKIT.,1870, grunted forth of tbe Waterlord District Rogis-try of her Majesty's Court of Probate to Mr. J OHN"R IAN , of Tbomas-streef , Watorford, Mutchaot, ouo oftho ExeoutorB therein uumed.

Dated lath September, 187C.JOHN RYAN, Eieontor.

PEIRSE KELLY , Solicitor fur laid Executor,oG.3t 2, Littlo Qeorge-at., Waterford.

To tbe Commissioners of Charitable Donations andBequeats for Iroland, and all whom it may concer/i.


THE Quardiana of the abovo Union will , onTUESDAY, 17th OCTOBER, 187C, proceed to

elect a competent Person to flit the Office ofA8SI8TANT NURSE in the FEVEIi HOSPITAL,

At a Salary of £9 per Annum, Rations aud Apart-manti.

Sealed Tenders, addressed, to the Chairman, will bereceived by me up to 12 o'OlocW, noou, ou the above-mentioned day. By order,o6.2i WM. HUNT, Clerk of Union.



Meurs. J. and M. GUNN , Gaiety Theatre, Dublin,have tbe honour to announoe that they will pre-sent, for FOUB NIGHT ONLY, Mr. P. WIL.IINSON'S Celebrated



and Threa following Nights, in OtltntkCB's oele-brated Opera Bonffe,

"THE PRINCESS OF TBEBIZONDE."Supported by Miss Tillio Wright, Mies Carrie BrabamiMiss Mary Pitt, and Miss Jullia 8t. George; Mr. E,Cotto, Mr. R. Brough, Mr. John Chester, augmentedBand and powerful Chorus.

The Company aro appearing this week With tbemost marked gnccesB at tbe Gaiety Theatre, Dublin.Soe opinions of tbo Iriih Times and Freeman of Tues-day, the 10th inst.

ADSIISSION :Dress Circlo (Bonnots Optional), 3s. ; Orchestra Stalls,

2s. 6d. ; Pit. Is ; Gallory, 6d ; Privato Boxoa, Ss. achair. Doors opon at 7.30 ; CnrUin rises at 8 pucetnnlly. Carriages at 10.45.(JgT Plau of tho Soats at WALS U <t POWEE'S, Qaay ,

wbero tickets may bo bad, and ooata socared.


COKPOKA TJO.V Or WATKKfOHD. ,jf ^\ ENTLEMEN—In compliance with the wish of\JC a large immbor of friends, I beg to solicit atyonr bauds tho honour of Election to tho Mayoraltyfur tho eoiiuing yoar, 1877, Having now boon a mom.ber of your body for nearly thirty.four years, duringwhich longthoned poriod I always endeavoured to dis-charge tho duties of ray position with zoal and impar-tiality, I think I am ontitlod to a recognition of longand faithlul serviooa. Tbo honour 1 seek is a greatone ; but I can promise you that, if you soloct mo asMayor, tho position will loeo nothing of weight ordignity iu tho hands of ,

Gontlemon,Your obodicut Borvnnt,

THOMAS PURCELL.Burronstrand-Htroot , 20th Sopt., 187fi.

St. Vincent'B Hospital and Dispensary.STEPHEN'S GRKKN , DUBLIN.

WINTER SESSION , 1870-7.Tho Hospital i« visitod Daily at Nine o'Clock, a.m.

nnHE Hospital is connected (by itB Modical OfJiJL cors) with leading Modical Schools, situated inits immediate vicinity.

Medical and Surgical Clinical Lectures will bo fpventwico a wcok .and oporotions, admitting of delay, will boperformed on Fridays, at 10.30 A.M.

At tho beffinning of each Winter Session two ResidentPopiln will bo Beloctcd from among tho roost deservingmembers of the provious claBBos.

The introductory Lecture will bo dolivcred upon the30th of OCTOBER, by Dr. QCINI .AK .


L. (K. 4, Q.) C.P., L.R.CS.I., Profossor of Materialledica, Catholic University ; ono of tho ModicalOfficers of tbo Govcrnmont Prisons, Ei-Eiaminor IDMateria Medica, Queen's University.

EOBKRT CRTA K, Fellow (K. 4 Q.) C.P. L.R.C.S.I.,Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, Catholic Uni-versity.

SURGEONS :EDWARD D. M AI'OTHKK , M.D., Profossor of Anatomy

and Physiology, and Member of Conncil Royal Collegeof Snrgeons ; Ei-Examiner in Surgery, Queen's Uni-

WIIXIAM H. O'LEABT, M.P., Fellow and Examiner,Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland.

GYNAECOLOGIST -.J OHN A. BTRNK , B.A., M.B. , Trin. Coll. Dublin, L. (K.

& Q.) C.P., L.R.CS.I., Professor of Midwifery and thoDiseases of Women and Childron, to tho Catholic Uni-versity ; Ex-Assistant Master to the RotundaLying-inHospital ; Ex-Examiner in Midwifory to the Quoen'sUniversity.



Winter and Summer Sessions, EifjhtGnincaB; AVintcrSojwion , Six Guineas ; Summer Session, Throo Guineas.Porpotual Vnpils, Twenty Guineas.

Practical Instruction in Compounding Medicines willbo given in the Pharmacy of tho Hospital.

Further particulars may be learned on application toDr. QU I N L A N , 2U , Lower Fitzwilliam-strect ; Dr. MAI/O-THER , (J , Mcrrion-squaro , North ; Dr. O'LEABT, 08,York-street ; Dr. CttYA.v, 54 , Kutland-squarc, West ; orat tho Hospital- 829-6'

Catholic University School of MedicineCECILIA-STREET, DUBLIN.

THE WINTER SESSION, 1876-77, com-menced with Di.'scotiona on MONDAY , tho 2nd

OCTOBER.Tho Lectures will bo comtnencod on FRIDAY , Nov.

the 3rd , at Threo o'Clock , p.m., by tho Inaugural Ad-dress from the Dean of the Faculty, Dr. CASIVBELL.

The several conrses will be as follows :—Anatomy and Physiology—Dr. HAYDKN , Dr. CRTAN.Anatomical Demonstrations—The Professors of Ana-

tomy and Physiology.Chemistry—Dr. CA M P B K L I ..Theory and Practice of Surgery—Dr. TYKRKI .I..UTicory and Practice of Medicine—Dr. LTONS.Theory and Practice of Midwifery—Dr. BTRHE.Practical Chemistry—Dr. CAMPBELL.Matoria Medica—Dr. QUISLAN.Medical J urisprudence—Dr. MACSWINKY .Pathology—Dr. Lro.vs.Botany—Dr. SIUEHSOS .Opthalmolopry—Dr. HATEH .Logic—Dr. DUNNE .Natural Philosophy—Kov. Dr. MOLLOY.

Dissections—Dr. HATKS , Dr. N IXON , Dr. CorrisoEB,Dr. KILOARRIFF , Dr Cox, and Dr. W. J. CARROLL.The Dissecting Kooms are opeu in tho evening for

tho spoci'ai convenience of industrious Studonts.Further particulars may bo learned from any o{ tho

Profoasors ; from tho Medical Registrar , Dr. 11AYE8, 29Wcstland-row, or on application at the School. o6.4t

Tostimonial to Mr. D. W, DAVIDGE.

L'ST OF SUBSCRIBERS.Tlic J.'ayor of Watcrford ... ... i2 0 0Tnomas F. Keily, Esrj ., T.C. .. . ... 3 0 0Mensr.i. P. Tobin &. Sons, Quay ... 3 0 0David Kcot'U, KMI ., T.C. ... ... 3 0 0Richard Mahony, Esq., T.C., ... ... a 0 0J. J. Fcely, Esq., Sol;citor ... ... 2 0 0Joseph W. Howard , Esq., Solicitor ... 3 0 0William E. Keily, Esq. ... ... 1 0 0John Wall , Esq., S'o'V.tor ... ... 2 0 0Edward Courlenay, Esq. ... ... 3 0 0William Courtuiiay, Eiq. ... ... 1 0 0Harry Courtenay, Esq. ... ... 1 0 0P. D. Walsh, E-q., J.I\ ... ... 1 0 0W. James, Esq., ... ... 1 0 0James Power, Esq., J.P., Tramoro ... 3 0 oCongrovo Rogers, teq., J.P. ... ... 1 0 0Messrs. J. aDd M. Slattery ... ... 3 0 0Captain .lamos Davics, Williara-strcct ... 1 0 0P. F. Power, Esq. Broad-slrcct ... 1 0 0DavidCulUnnno, Esu., Micbaolatroct ... 1 0 0Pcirso Kellj, Ksq., Solk-itor ... 2 0i0James Walloco, Esq., Bridgo-htreot, ... 2 0 0L. Frcoman, Knq., 'I.C., Berc«ford Htroct 1 0 0Edward Do'ahunty, Esq., Lombard street 1 0 0Kobort H. llyau, Esq., tho Mall ... 1 0 0Francis Shortis , Esq., the Mall ... 1 0 0Vhomas power , Esq., Shanacluno ... 1 0 0Will-am Power ... ... ... 1 0 0Wil'iam Sloan ... ... ... 1 0 0John Egan ... - ... 1 0 0Gcorgo Milward ... ... ... 1 0 0Michael 1'owor ... ... ... 1 0 0Miehacl O'Brien ... ... ... 1 0 0Cornelius Sheehan... ... ... 0 10 0Mcs.irs. Owen Power & Son ... ... 1 0 0Major M iMinitr.ll . J. l« .. Trn.moro ... 1 0 0¦William Power , King street .. . ... 1 0 0M. J. Walsh, Kilmacthomoa ... ... 1 0 0Michael Power , Barronstrund-Hlreot ... 1 0 0

ggy As this Subscription Lint will close next woek ,parties intcudiug to joiu in iho Tustiruonial willplease send in thoir narnos at ooco.

JAMKS T. RYAN , Mayor, lion. TreasurerEDWARD S. KESNEY, Hon. Secretary.

Mayor 's Otlice , Walerford , O'-.t. 13, 187G.

To Wine Merchants , Claret, Ale, and Porter,and Family Bottlers.

IliEG io Ultimate, that lam now in a positionto turn out, iu tho highest ntj 'o of workmanship,

Fotm aud Si:: f i r v H O N H u DuAWiNu-Oi-T MACUINI.S,siweially debyued for the Trade by mysolf.

Also, my jusUy-uoleunited and larifoly-patronincdEXUKI .SH.IU MACUJNK ,

which is now , buyuud doubt, acknowledged to bo thoonly Jterfcct Corking Mivchiuo in exUtonco. HundredsofTentiuionialri from thu largest Bottling Firms through-out thu thrwi Kingdoms an be hud ou application atmy Workd, M) , UKKAT PATUICK -BTKEKT, BELFAST.H:»,'.1Y » J- F1KLU1NG SMYTH.

Auvit ;r. TO M OTIIKKS !—Arc you brokonin yourr»i liy •¦ > ill i-l"U Mill. riMii w i l h Ihr |M'll (if cutlmn trrlh ?On ill iiuci' tu a rlM-Hlml mill i; il * linl l le iif .Mr«. W i « surw'iiS.II » T I I I > O siu u r . It « i l l rcli. vi- I I IL- p< <ir suHuifi uu*jip-ih.^iy. I l |p.|MTlrrtl ) l m> i n l f l i > dl l l l |'l' l>41lt Iu lu- lH. (Iuri» 'lui:ef iMtur«l iiun-l »|f i> l,y ri 'lhifi iu l i i f c tn l> l (roiu |»»in ,ami lite nLii«f • i .fruli :i« i ik>- i i» " as bri jc Ut KM H inii l i»n .J M I.I,I In » I lie L - I I - I I I . it »ui l i - i i - llit; y i i i i i> , allay s Ail puin. re*|irvt:i> » lli't , i»;i;»»t.iU- llic l,.m.-i> , Hiui l . \ i l n - tjcst kuuA i i reun-.i) lu> il j M U i l i i y .ml .li.u i.¦.»;. , wlu-l l irr .ir MIM I inn.teL'U.'Ug oi * i t l -< r cmi^t !i. Air - . Wi n-*!-.* 1

!* 2i.HtM>it, {f .v.rupIH -.»l« l tiv M-i1u:iilf ilfa li-T-. i v. r) vi-L'-rr , i I K 1 ^il (.- r Ii . , i» l i> ,M;lli'lf»ctlircit in New Y.irk , mnl :il 41)3 I l i lnnl Str»H , l.nn-d..n .

'1'llKOAT ArKECTlOX S ANU IIOAIUSKNKSS.—AllsU!-/Vri'n T'tm irri i - i i t i u i "1 i l ie thriml mul ii«i:imrii ^i.> , vt \\\be jum-liiy "tirpr .Mril in Itu: iilum>t l i inm rilMl ,- t>t l i >.| nrturdetli. \ inv u-«.- .»i "' l > i - 'H n * lliiniiriiMl I * I I H :I I ,-«." rii««n U U I O I I **• I WI RM " itn* II ..» i, .UI It) lu.*«l le *itect4\A r c\n lui-l n Iuthe oiuii.iy »i 1- H >i \K ' b.u. 1'iup le I rouble.I with ** b.ickii iM *:«tu/ !i ,'* M *' nli^ lit c./l l ,

1 ' ur ¦• TKUC I I .A I ^Uculimik ,cum t nj ikrm »• ¦> , II » M I I I I I r Irouljlo, i| alluwiird lopriv'*-!)11. i> '!"<li ui H.HIUII -I ruii i i iM,uy mid A»t limuti>: sffee* .-rr 'h i t i l l "1 wnnl. "'n ltr»m:|ii»l Trixbn1'»r«t im Ilie *.i.l»t-ii,in«iil SlAinp ariMin J . »vti tin.— MMt uifcr-tiir<-il I'V Juhii I. ltro»n . i hun^, lli>, iou , Uuiled Swiii ,Vvuol.iV'i Uiluiil SUtol Luuuvu.

ftZRftttrfoi* i«arnct?sWattrjo ri , Odaier 13, 1876.

Wo»th.r fHU <xmUanei wrt and it«nnj.NATIVE WHKiT-f»»" £?$' m * oont ol """

wot wether. IPrio* w«U aulntained.OATS-I-nrw iBanU*/ o««ing thli weo^

and loMat

an advance • ¦ S<>- V*r barrel.FOREIGN WHKAT-K<xJer»te*maad, at a farther tl-

ran ot Ii. per barrel.MAEB-Not moeh iolag, at • deollae of M. per bar.til.FLOTja-Onaeooont rf to Uj* prto» fl« . Wtaat. Hoar

b heldfot SLTOII. more mowr/i wb'.on OIUMIU Sauna.J. A S. PHSLAN.

P R I C E S O Tj T t e R E N T .'iRiaH. y,w._ ; oid


WOB^pjr^oi 2801b.- _ •- <{ ^%'n "o to « 0

Z Ihipolng do - - S» 0 21 000 0 00 0

" gffTT -.s i sis s a sOATS.per o,

- ¦ „ ,

- Grey • ¦ • » ° W 600 0 00 0FWl't> ^perfr?!

iB0Ib°: ¦ 38 0 39 000 0 00 0Z ?#o?o'i • - 3 * 0 35 0C0 0 0.1 0

OATMR» Cpor Sack - 36 0 37 000 fl 00 0DRAN, pt^ Owt. • 6 0 « 6 0 0 0 6POIiLARD do - _ £ 8 7 0 0 0 0 °

FOREIGN. F«?l _WHEAT, p«r oaVre'of 2301 rt. »• a. !• *

— J*«-o» Spri^.ud Wintor - -3 »• 8— M»r»pop'o J w T— EorfilanuM 27 « 28 «

i «*;{•.*« ««..»»« .Otar : :S °o SS 8IND'iN CORN . Ycllon. Mcwtt ar.l Oaiptx -00 0 00 0

— - Ibrnil and >'oioniAn (old). - 00 0 00 0— — Amorica-i, • - - -'I* ° 15 9— — French airl AmcnCTn Wh'tc -/» 0 00 0— — Dannbuul - - -|15 6 19 8— - Danmifcd • - - - ,'« <> "0 0

FLOUR, Ame-ionn por barrel of lMlrm. - - ,0) 0 00 0— Frtnch.poraa^k , of 280'lu. - - -fio '• 00 0

INDIAN MEAL, A-aorican, w »»ck 00 0 00 0C Home I>o"ofnet.irp, pi>r > ll7 n 1y K

Imporl t If Exports for Week enrffnj Tf. JI v.nj, 27tAIM POUTS. I EXPORTS.

Indian Cora 12000 Qun'tom. Indian Corn QunrU nWroat 87 do. jWhcat 100 Darre!*,0»'j • do. 1O»U - - 3200 do.Uar.oj . 8ack«. iHar 'rj - - do... „_ I 331 ilo. Hour- - 31 D SooVjflonr j Barrolf . 'Oatmeal - d-»..Meal - Baclca. ' '.Iud'\HU rocal do.

WATERFOUD BDTTBR MiKKBTNumber of Firltitu weighed ot the Public Hat ler Market

for wetk ending Friday (this day), and prices.Satoolar, — 4'W — 1W«. 0:1. to 1.VI.1. t lMondar, — 21 — 13S». 0J . W.N. OilTucudaj, — 0 — (l»li . 1X1 . <XXI.!. OlWcdnomlaj — 158 — 1-Wl. "d. l-'8«. I .TburwUr, — an — 1«J . U>1. 1-Wn. t •Friday, — 0 — 000K. Oil . Vtlt. <!¦!

No. of nrklnt corronponilinn week lait rear — l'- 'WPrico per cwt. — 135«. 0<l. lo li.'u. 0-1

IMPORTS OF FOREIGN GRAINTrident Munro, Solina, 12000 quarU;r« maizo, Whito nrothors

4 Co.

\Oirrcctcl tliis *L:j . ur Tnr. Waterfard W«wi.)I'ltOVlSlONH.

DICOK THIS, per cwt. — — 5«». 01. to Mi. dl.STKAIS do. — — 61a. Cd. 'J ti. Od.Fi« do. — — 13s. Uil. 13j. od.)|tipj rlo. — — Vh. rt.i. «!. od.Scnirs do. — — 4l«. Od. 4l». i|<i.Ll»o (chandlcrO — — 40a. Od. ft. Od.

BUTCHERS1 MKATBrr.r, per lb., 7ld Od to 8H ; LIMD, per qr., 0« 0.1 to OH 0d

Do. roaet, M to lid VEAL, per lb. Od to od.Hunos, per lb 31 to lOd I POM, por Ib. id to 0.1

POiATOES.Old Od. to Od. I New lid to Oi 6d per rtono

BKEAO.WIIITI , por -Ub— M. to 6d | H OVSHOLD, por 41b 0.1 to o,]

WHISKEY.DU B L I N , per gallon, 20a. M. j OLD Com, gallon, 18s. OdCom, imnclioon, 15B. 3d. )

F I S H .N'THDI .KH , i>r cwt, 27t. to 28«. p EilA — 0i Od. to Un odHK KKftf Gff, per hrl, 24*. to 2S *. SOLE, — 03 ]0il. to 05 udSALJIOH , |icr lb. Oi Od to Oi . Od TuituoT, — C. 10>. to 0A 0.1

FOWL, AND EOQ8.FOWL y pair, 3s Ml to ia Od I Koos.per t'JO, 7s W to 85 0.1DUCKS , SsGd to 3* Od connle. | GlESE, 12H to U I ptr i i t i r

SOAP AND CANiiuES.W UITT, per cwt. 20s. to Ha. I MOULD, per dozlbs S< Od to CdU ROWH . do. 20s. Od toSTIs. I D.lT, do. S.<. *•!. to i> Cd.

WOUL AND H IDES.UoiidET TN'OOL.IB. 3<1 to I - . M IIIU RS, I81. 8d to OO.'. percrtW KTLKB & K WK ,1I !M to Os. 3d Kll'3 , 2d. to Oil. ,IL" MISKIK WOOL, IB Oil to 0« . 0.1 CALF, Z * Od to 0 ia. wr .lot

1' 1 M I B K .E. PIKK per ton, 80s 0.1 00s Od I STAVES, per I'"/', ATOYCLLOW l'JKE , do 0> 0i\ to OOk I L»iU8 , per do 13j. to 16. Od

C O A L S .COILS, per ton, Ils. 0d to 15s Oil. f Cote, per ton.lU. to OOj Oil

i'ODDKR AND CilKKN OKOPS.H AT, iwr toa, 00A to 00a. TuitNlrs , por ton , 0)n tol 1,

Do. (Self) 803 to 9Oi- MA.VUOLUS.PUI tun, Wj LO 0..S TK /. W, irlicntco, GSs. to 70. J Ciu»or9, pur wu, OUJ to uti

: Do. oaten. 00a to 05s. Od. 1

l l tn t u n c z m t n l t o l B i T l h l,i t i tr iagti ls Dcothi, must lie p re-p i il

B 1 K T H S .On tbe 10th inat,, at uer roaidenco, 66, Qaay, tlio w :*o 0^

A)d. W. K- Ooinuiiua, of a Bi>n,OcUibcr 8, at Cutlc lijdc, i'crao;, Ladj Emily IlixcUer, ot

& d^ughwe.At Montcnotto, Cork, tbo wife of James LambV:u, Kvi . ,

J. P., of a daughter.7th ioat., at St. Ifcorgo'a-squarc, London, thu Hod. MrB .

Maaricc Ponaonbj, of a Bon.On thu lulu inst. , at (Vojt View, Sundaj'n We'', Cork , tlio

wife of 31. D. Daij, of a ton.On tho Vth inst., at Cexhgalinc, tho wife ot John J. Edgworth

tsq., C.P.S., of a son. ,On the 27tti September, at Cad'tacamcr, tbo w "o of Mr

Jeremiah King:, 0' a ion.

M A K l t i A U E S .October 0, at St. Kerin'0, Uanl^frton-ftrr t, Dabb'n, John,

cldcit aon of tho lato Mr. Patrick O'i'ai c . Ki":cnny, to KolaMurii , eldest daughter of Mr. William Carr, Lcjibard-itruetWelt, Dublin,

Oct. 5, at St. Mark's Calbndral, Limerick, John Shuttlcworth,Esq., Captain RoTal Artillerj, IDIT SOU ot tbu late Lientenant-Ot-ueral A. A. Shuttlowurth, Koja.1 Artillorj, to EUubethEllen, seo^nd daughcer Of the Ut« Edrnond Gabbett , E^q., vtltivervtow, Corbally, Limeriok .

On tho 5th inst., at tbe Friend*' Meeting Home, CorV,Utchanl Henry, wn of ttobert Jamw Qoodb 7, Tullatnore, JHanuaU ltid^wa/, second doutf litar ot Bcnjamtu U aughtoo, ofCork.

On tho 5th inat., at the Catholic Church, Y0ugh.1l. M.-.ur 1F. l'helan, Eau... tlio Frcnoh Hotel , LMmoro, couuty Watcrfon:,to Anno, eldest daughter of tbe lata Lanroccs Murphy, Esq.,Devouihire Arias' Hotel, Yonghal

5th indt., Quorxo Strathairn, Eaq., UniTereity, K^'iabunrti ,r^JulU Fannj, oldest daughtor of Thomi*^ Ii. Scottf Esq.Clonuii'l.

+thimt., at Castlelown Church, Qu-:5n's County, Francis Y.MacOowu1', Esq., M.D., of PrxjTidencu Court, Quceii'ri County,to Mar/ Jo:ephiuo , eldcat dangbtor of Ju5cph Fiihbonrne.K»l., J.P., Aslllicld Hall.

On thu iuat., at Ouernncy Church, Albort Fr Jeriok ,oldest aon of IT. M. Spojg, Kaq. , to Trypboua Qodfrey, oalyd:imih< jr of Ueorga Smitli, EHI ., li*.«i Villn, Oueraioy.

D K A T 1 1 8 .Ou 9th infit., at Ual':oaiuultina, count*' Waterford, af* r a

Ion;; itlncxa homo with great patience,, andj Christian resig-nation, Fraucia Alexander, tooond .son of thu la* Fi-aucsKuunedj, K«i., J.P., d oply and dcaetTclly regretted. — u.i.p ,

tithinst., at Oonjn£, couuty Kilkenny, Thomas Itowcru, Esq.,in hit 93rd year.

5th inat.. at Hi father's rciktenc.i, Albert Ijodzu, Limcriok.Ituburt A. jur Berual. M.D., ll.iV., aifc.l 'W yearj.

At the i«idcn« of W. Fenolon,, Coolhrow, Oraiglc.KUicvutiy, I'atriek tfaUTao, E<rj .. a 'ed ot years.

Al his, Tipporary, Thouuu Harno.r, E<q., drnplyregretted by oin family, aud a lar^c circle of friimda.—U.I P .

Id lViodsor, aa tbe Itb iuit., CHii 'hnt, wifoof H. I.. Lithiin,r «d 38 years

\ioa iletofl—llaciitagcA II II 1 V K I) .

Octob r Sth—lUpid, Roonoy, Canliff, Watcrford , coals ;l'rvridcnc , Htrooi;. Cardiff, WnWrfnrd, coiufs ; Limeriok, «-,H1 *crd, W'a^rfonl, go; Helena, Lamluy, Yuu^biil, Wste.'Hird-,bricka; Eioal, Lecnon, Cardiff, WaUri rd, coaLl j MalakolT, sGay, Milturd, W.-iU;..*ord, go; Milo, bavi*-, Swunsca, Now Kus.4'cial - '

9tli—O. W. Uetan , Tindo, Chester, Wat«rford, britk» ;Mnrgarut Anne. Ke"'y, Newport, Wateiford , ooaU.

llltli—Jlford, », Milford , Waterford , WaUrford, n c ; frin ,n, Writ)) , Duugarvau, Wat rtord. Be; Copoland, «, (tla.«^ow ,i:urk., Uubllu, ana Wa.teu'0'd, a c ; ltewanl . Ituekluy, Ki'wiH irtCorka c«ala ; Jf.-lliikuS, », Our, Milfon], Wat:. ,'ord, K c.

llLh—Wute-.ord, a, MiUurd, Waterford, c e.l-.'..i—SkcrryTOre , u, tila-'.:ow, Waterford . r c.

S A 1 L IS U7tli— Milfunl , 6, Mi lord, « c. ; Wicklow, «, Plymouth and

S,iiittiampiA,u , ^'c; Ark-low, a, U-LiA^owr, j» c.!ftli—Uillikuut , Portmr 00, Edwjrds .l |billait ; ;Lil»'r,itor.

Cainbun, ballas"!; L: *y Lor' a, Swansea, Dunn , oaU ; RachidAuu«.', Hridto * , Uubiiu , oala ; Anno Co *ua , Cardiff. MaswoH ,liilwiiod ; Uea:i!o, Swanjei , Lloyd , ballast ; lWsult, Swausea,EHnt'aud, cariru.

lirth—(tipsy, H,!.-tol , Du K, (,'C ; f aurick, «, Milford, g c ;Malukoff , t> , Milf'ini Our , cittlu.

11th—CoiKluiid . s, l)ub ' ¦ auil Ula'jow , g e ; Milforl , .1Millurd, g c, "' , , , ,1-ilU—Kriu, ;» , Ounsa , au, Wnuh, i» 0.

l iOUAU l 'AH.WAY TIIAKFIC.F 'ir I/i f HVek vnJm-j Friday, Del. Ii, 1H7G.

Watllf.i"! Al'leury WaturfM Kilk i nl and aud Kil- ! Junction

I.ilmricV , Knuii , kviiuy (:ll ' It-i'lnnj( l l l i i u i l f H .'111 nules ' lnifi !! ¦ JSJ in'lu

niM 'ii). upl-ll. oiM>n. 1 uneQ.

t a. d. L •• 't. i- J . d. .- «. d.piu.t>euv, i-r?, '.'•;,i-c J.. ,Vi:. IU II 4 03 2 !) IT* 18 1 i l.M 1!) J

li ii>»:. < , Cnltlr2£ M H 'J I"1* 7 '• V t) 7 9 ¦ V l:l 1

•rout ... -an 3 l; -m i" :i : 7U7 6 11 ; im 11 3corrufliiMiui; | .wtok liMt y'r. S3W W 3. ill 16 0 I 858 17 9 1 27 * 11 I

FITS—EPILEPTIC FITS OK FALLIN G SICKNESS .--A Oeitain metliral nt Curr I M -I iliM;,ivtrrd for tbi. di« -lTe*.Biilff complaint hy H Ptiysic 'Hti , wbn is tUairoon «M«nir,'n-r« insy I'miefit Irnm ihi« priiTid'Uiml rli'C"*"'}' ; " '*rirTi-r kmiwn >r> fail , slid wll cure thr mail b"P-lc^ "•'¦Rriemll other tneaiM li«»e Wen irir<l. Kull ptrlicaUr.i « i l lhe n«ur in Kny pimnn lr« ot dur/f. Aildrr-i — M r . W11 .L l » « s, lO .Oilord Ttrrncfl, llj-Je J'mk , l^>ndon. aolS.G-n

TUK HAIK.—For 40 years Mr*. S. A. ALLK.N'»W O B LD'I II A I U K I.T O B KU IIM receited tlra ciin>ii»iii)-u i -11kud lu»or ol tin- puul.c ll 1M- Htquirrd the hi ghm' |iUrfI L H l UMii lrt: ujlainnl lor uny uindeMie «.|iterpri*e, An-I c « .i.tribal«i U> tbe adomintriil ut trim ol thonrmiU •¦( |"r»"ii* ,who li«v» tin 1 proof ol it- a-mcuul.1 character. It wi l l ,.tir^ly rrui-w and re»lur>' thr or-muifsii.l natural col .iir ..IKre> , wbit< ", and failxl Ii iir. Il will il rt-iutlicn ond iijv j . , .rale the tUir, »Io|. its allm.- , and . inrture « hmlth) ,,.,!ln>nri<ni growth. Sn II II IIT prcparHliuu d«u pntduer "h. .ssinr. l^urficial result. SJ II I by all cliemistx ami IVr/un.i-r-in UrKe littles, 6». Dvpol, 114 and 110, Soullunipt-.,,How, livntioD.

TO C0RREBPOHDENTB¦ SC7* AdTertuemen ; aJte -a jona, exd notices of with.drawal, Bhonld reach v/;8 o5ce as early *a poaaiblo onThnrsc'ay, to ensure atteation ume weeV. If corre*.pandents will eoafiane to <?a!aj- uni'I Fridays comma.aicatjoDa which aight be in several dsyi) previously,tney need not be dtsappoLniedat tbe:r omiesion.

MOON'S CHANGES.FirntQnarter...Mond»y, Sept. 2ath 0 3 p.m.Foil Moon Tuesday, Oct. 3rd 10 56 a.m.Last Quarter...Tuesday, 10th 10 19 a.mNow Moon Tuesday, 17th 9 57 a.m.


Three per Cent. Consols — 9SI —New3»er Ceri Stoct — 94H —Esji'toa.-olard '00 310* —Na.-orrI ran'i SO 74}i —D.UDsiei:-Eanb. Lim!led — 9 —H-'-ornUnB/ar.- - 62| —Pi-orrcW OivDt — 84 —Nai'ou** o"i-:?orvoo ' ('..tD'^ ;') '5 — )8}C yo'Dno1'-! 3-eam Coi- ».r.y...iCH 106 —

BAIL.V7A- b.Great Sor^he-.a & Wojie.ii. TOO paid... 1C1 —Wa-or'o J anu .Tjimcric': 34J —Drbl:n. AY'c'f 'o.T. ard 'Vvej 'oTd 128J —Watei 'ord ar>d O. .a>noro 8t —

^he MnUxf oxb &tiax" BE JUST, AND *KAll NOT."



our last issue between the Turkn and SerTiam,with varying fort,uno.f; and whilst the contend-ing rorce.i thus nlay each other, and Turkish bar-burianB invent aud executo horrible deaths onunoffending Christiana, diplomacy is at worktrying to palcli up a peace that, without greatreforms iu tlio Turkish constitution, cannot b«lasting. Austria having rafuacd to join withKuHsia in a mililhry occupation of Turkish terri-tory—Bosnia by the Austro-llungarian Empireand Bulgoria by tlio Kuamans, with a demonstration before Constantinople by tho combinerflocts of Buropo—Husaia foil back npon ho:general agreement with the I'ovron, and thiEnglish Govcrnmont once mure rosumed thiinitiative at Constantinople. Sir Henry Klliotpressed porBonally upon tho Hulton—with tlsupport of tho ropreacntativcH of tho aignatorPowors—tho ncccHsity for an armistice of not lesthan ono month's duration. The armiitice,was Htated, would be followod by a Conferencfor tho purpoaoof settling tho plans of reform 0tho baacs already agroud (o by tho Powors, annot entirely rejected by the Porto ; and the Sutan was informed that if his Oovcrnment did magree to this plan, diplomatically England wouhave to withdraw from tho negociations, sinceappeared to her that, iu view of tho most roceie other courae would produce peace andsatisfactory re-adjustment of tho internal affaiof the Turkish Umpire. In assenting to tlproposition, the Sultau ia said, in the first pis/to stipulate that the trace must BLSO be bindiiou Serviu, and that while It is in force, the inflof Russian officers and troops, aa well as muttions of war, shall be absolutely stayed. Ausfaagrees to the Conference, whilst Germany pifosses not to be concerned enough to interfere.

There is some reason to fear tbat the Serviawill roject the proposition,particularly as it is «that during the armistico, Turkey proposesoccupy p to/ orma the Sorrian territory ; and Kilia raises objection to tho proposal to haviTurkish representative at the Conference, whitiervia and Montenegro are to be left out ia tcold. Judging by the tone of the London preEngland would not bo willing to havo her Tn ¦iah ally oscluded from the Conference, andwl )tho conditions of the armistico como to be dcmscd , it is ezpocted that difficulties will ar iin tho diplomatic circles.

So far as the war goes, it appears that »Montenegrins are operating with remarks ivigour against the armies of the two Pashas, £ 1Genoral TchernayeflT has asked tho Sorvian V rOffico to call out all able-bodied . men betwi 1eighteen and fifty. The moreraent of Russi 1into Servia is going on upon au increased sc ).Hundreds of Cossacks aro now crossing throt 1Roumania in companies, with their horses < Iarms, and it is a highly significant fact that 1effort is made by the Roumanian Govornment >interfere with thoir progress. A Slanaard U -gram says '-he Russians are making great J <•parations, having 16.000 men orgauised on a' rfootifjg in Uos8arabia. Fifty thousand are < .-contrated botwean Bender and the Moldav afrontier. The Russian Government has p '-chased 35.000 breechloaders at Vionna.

RAGDSA , WEDNESDAY.— According to inte -gonco received here Bukovich has not only bt ttLjubinje but several other villages in tho disti '..The Turks are said to have lost 1,400 men in erecent fighting, and the Monetenegrins 2.Moukhar Pasha avers that the truce agrccc .0on tho 7th instant was not, notified to him.


Wo are glad to perceive that a practical D vehas been started by the Wexford and Wic orrCompany to extend the liuo from Ballywil Mnto New Ross ; but we regret to observe tha' Asproposal, as made to them in person by tho ?a-pected and intelligent traffic manager , Mr (V.L . P AYNE , was not received in a very iibert' orconciliatory spirit by the Now Roas Town f m-missionera, who, ou hearing Mr. PAT.VE'S a; <o-inent, resolved " that an extension to Rosbe on" would be detrimental to tho beat interei of" New Ross, and consequently deserves our ' ost" 8trennons opposition ; while on the other 1 nd" a scheme for bringing tho railway into .'ew"Ross, with a terminus in the town , wou) bo" entitled to our hearty support." To carr^ .horailway over tho river on a bridge, and maki atunnel under tho hill at Kasemount, trouldo nilan additional cost of £75,000, and by insistit onthis idea, we fear the Commissioners iraper therealisation of the project. Tho Dublin Cora mypropose to havo the terminus at Rosberro onthe county Kilkenny side of the river, yrher thaground is level and suitable in every *fty« , Wecould understand the objection, of tho OoiT ais-sioncra if a toll-bridgo obitructed thoir fror" otnof action, as il does iu Watorford; bu". Ros» vndRosborcon being united by a noble free bi ige,we seo no reason for the opposition of tbe im-miasioners to Imvingtbe terminus at Rosbe on,nor any grounds for fearing that " it wou bo"tlctrimentQi to tbe boat interests ot tbo ti "a."Ou tho contrary, if this project for oxtenst i isnot encouraged , tho best interests of the ' "iwo.must continue to suffer. Had we in Wa&er< 'd»free bridge, like that of Ross, wo could «ef Wlyhavo tlio railway terminusi in a moro suitalr ' orconvenient placo than where it iu at presoi . »tthe Killcenny sido of the Suir. We trnst hattho Commissioners will sco the prndonce ' re-considering their decision.

THE CORPORATIONA quorum was tit last secured for a meet)- g oi

thin body on Tuesday, but owing to the fcialwearisome twaddle of tho obstructionists, ittlewiis gut throug h but talk, tho notice 'pnpf nothaving been reached. The charge of pecti ,tionag-.unst a member of tho Waterworks' Co' 'mit-leu, who , it was alleged, possessed tho pri Jeg»of signing cheques and getting tbe bank t pay--au accttsntion which the propagator mus haveknown was not a fact—was agai n darkly ! Qtedlit , but- w:ia quickly shown t-o be a fabrii iion.The Uiiiiy-lams CiiKsTEKr'fEi.i) assumed ac iraoteristiu ijjuorauco of the fact that the- ' *W'works' Committee, composed of ono - Sirthof tliu Council , pass accounts and issue ch {ass,whilst it is a fact that he himself has bad tomeof them and cashed them in paymont for : *ver>tisiiifl. Tho princi |>al payments aro to C irao-tors, made only ou the certificates of th' chiefengineer, and if those paymonts had to > de-ferred for meetings of the Council , tho c «noe«aro that instead of two, ten years would b' "ipontin completing tlie works—a consumroati', {. "Bbelieve , dovoatl y wislicd for by the oppori ts ofcl'-an and wh.ilo.-iomo renter. . •

Tlio V. TJ- |{..T. Union Sliocbaii , of St. ¦' -bad'1Clmruh M*n«:tit-..-.i.-;r, ti.u b.-ou nppoia lu i i V'r -Q*IH'riil of tlte diociia 1) uf S.ilfonl. Tliii now? f t U*ulvvil 'urn nl' tin: rer. (jentloruin.wh • U & iiatir' >X 'Mciiunr.v W»terfi>rd ,^ill ba renil witli muoh iwti' *auoohy I,i-i nmny friomln throughout the diocese. r~%

K KTUIIS or FATUEB JI ATHK WI I-KO« KOSIE. , ..'«U«rMuthair x, >rh» wa.-i prumiuunily connucted'- '* WcuiifHiu caiM) , Snurin v. «¦"•, li'H wtur \t M

Ui-u^in-11 *rt,« r ;-.••<» y> ; >r M " 4-.j.j« '-ii in n -it* anHmj.:ci;*.il"iill y robotiod c!nri{i!< nwl' .iiai(irtb !. Bt

«:»j tulliusi istio;ill y rcuciTOil.

Page 3: · 2018-07-17 · Curs without leaving the Laiiriiui; Wharf, nud und er t h •ame roof , there nte Kcfri-sbnieut itouiu,

L O C A L I T E M SCHIHASC; Lc:'«.—Throe Tory beautiful spco mens

of tho jewollcc'sortR'ooQ show :a one of the windowsof Mr. Jamoa Mosloy, tho eminent jeweller, CustomHouso QUIT, and aro attract ing general attention.One is a two.handled starting silver cap, wi'h "orer ,bearing tho following insoiipiion :—•' Presented toHook and WexforU Coursing Club, by the Marquis ofEly, to bo won throo years in succession by tho stiraobolder, lat Sept., 187G." The othor portions of thecap aro moat artistically ornamented. Tho secondcop if tho silver cup o." tho Waterford rivor idgatta,won by tho Messrs. Locko, Watorford. On ono aideifl BI engraving of the Quay, and on the river twogigs, in n close contest. On tho opposite aide is asuitable inscri ption. Tho third ia tboTramora rognttaOup, won by Mr. Coabonrne. It is ogg.shaped, Btandson three oars, wi'.h a wreath snrronnding them. Itis inscribed— " Tratuoi o Kcgatta, 187G. Amal >urPact Knee. 1st prizo. Won by Wm. R. Coubourno."Ae we bavo faid , ibis group is ono of tho most attrao-tire of tbo very ma ly inhibited lrom tlrao to timo nthe show windows of llr. Slosley.fl»iEuroit o SKAT ;.\I; H: SK —Wo notice with pleasnro

that sevural alteni.iuns and improremonis or a bono.fici .il char;- .-tur luivo b .u mauo iu this rink, calcula* 1to mako it '.-jiuforiuulo to tbo pleaaurc-seekers duringtho Lours of r .Tojvti .u iu tho w iser months. ThoriDf , which, h '• upevi 1 iu FUIU O pic -a during thovery hot weather ot I K- ,t:ust snnimcr, baa been madeperfectly w:i* r-ti ght ; ine entr. 'ice door is p-ntectcdby green ba:-.o cart 'us, eo that tbo danger of draltsBid colds throu.h that o| '.-l- 'jg is avoid.' 1 ; and in thoevenini:, tbo ouU< r, or nnc jver 1 » -rtiou of tho link ,ia bliui ofl' by aiid' -ig d i,v , wli ;ch in?1; 1 tbo iunoi-rink inosi 1 m-fur' .lile. u -\ y erday ihoro w i i avery fa.°bioi'.'iblo ;¦• d nmneruud 1 ssernblngo on thorink , the :¦ Ur *iin»j3 1 -:uiL IV.JIJ over two huudr. .1p:rtuiis. T'10 b.uii ol' iho Wa . rford Aiii 'loi/ \v; t(. 'Osuul, nud pla\ • 1 a Choi .' pro0 ofin nic,under the lo: ip u,' lie.' .' Zi'ic.wl , nud a voryenjorublo alt :i':ii'."i u.-s i>i lit. Auiuu;,9<, tho I";, )comp;i y jir scut were l(:C folfow.Y'j:—iliss O'Gor-m&ti and p -ty, from Spr.'n^fiultl ; Hess.' . Straogmin,thoMibf s LV rrou, i!r. uud Misi Ge )'d, Miss Bunbui / ,tho llii : Ilobei .s, l!'<s Wall , Miss Barrou. MissWaring, Abbey lion: •; Mr., AI-s., and the Af-'ssosParkor; ibo Misies Cooko, T amoro ; Mr. Pope, Mrs.V. 11. Doboe're, Misj All-ig ham, Miss Tooiu, MisaJohnson, tho llifs Blojnifiold , lie s.rf. L. and C.Strang.rmu ; Mr. , Miss, i-nd Mov.;r Denny ; Dr.Dalandie, Afr. end Mrs. Wall, Mr. U:u d, Mi« s Crow-ther, li '-sa Power, Mi'a MotriB, Mr. C. aud MrB.Doiny, Mrs. Douovat , Mr. R. C- iko, Tev. 1'r. Bnrke ,Hisses t'onofea'.hcr, the Jl !'vi Pope, Miss Stovcnsou,JliM Boltou , Mrs. ]\ D. Wn »b, Mies Sberli k,Mr, Murp hy, Mias l.lord , Mr. and 3)r<\ Lloyd, Mr.Pot o, Air. Morris, ITss Bvcher, Mr' K.G. Ridgway,Mr. W. Ailing ham, £l,-s. and M : s le lmond, \-rs.Murphy, Mr. MilwarJ , &?. On ' >-nioi row aftern< nwe nndei'31 'id a t,-"i" of aiiiuis , by experts, wi 'l boplay J in tho outer 1 >jk , weiuber pe. in tting.

TnK C U K K A C I I M O K E II U .NT H ACES .—Thnrtday andFi iday, the 5ih and Gib of April , bave L.un cok il.dfor ihi- i im, <r it, in aiog. Two more unsuil-.blodaji luuld .ri'dl y be found, b;iug : 1 lato " i thoweek ; n -id ii •¦< b:i a .0 U'jderitond why Fuday bagt JO su > e{. t:ai Jl y fallen on in lb'.:o fiituros. Wotrnst tliBio is yet tiuio 13 cbpugo tbo vonue t J thoesrly pr t of I 'IO loMow'ug wcik, o~ cvou Hter stillin tho aeasou.

HESCUES / ROM D ROWXI .NO .—At eight o'cli i-k onSunday night , 8th irsl., a young woman, nunirdLynch, Ml iuu tbo rirer t.elow tho foomain clcu!i.Jc.epb Keatioj ;, of ibo quay fid liver wa'eb, onhe&riog tho Lcrcain in tho watjr, ri>n to hor a«sist :tnceimmediately, and su — . i!'d in catching her with hisbe jk, prov.ded for euchpurpa' s, and thereby sovingher life. On W: Ju- day night, 11th inst., a resp DIUD, nnrei i McLoau, wbtUt under tbo iniluoncoof drink , fell iu. , the rivor at DIDO o'clc 'k, and, in allprobability, would bare been drowned wore it notfor iho timely o;sieiuuru of the same Joseph Keating,who, on hearing ;ho aploh iu tue water, ran immtdi-amly auii caught him with bia hcok , boldiog himuntil a Ij st wi. "? pujur: d, and theroby BavcJ his life.

THE FISUERY CONBEKVATOKS .—An adjouraod meet,ing of il'u Kishe./ Couiur 711' it*—the last of tho oldboard—was held on Saturday , for tho purpose of ro-ceiiiLg a ttaiumenl of 0" ouuta from ibo Becrotary,Mr. John Wall. Tnt> only members present woreMciSre. J. L. Cou';, A. N. O'Neill , aud Aid. Manning.It havitg appc1:. 1 c;i that thu moneys r .jivid fromlicenbLS were !• lyin iu bank , 1 1 tho crodit of thesecretary, on ik;. ).:it recei pt , ; a iatuicst is not allowedon current account. , ii was uriiurud to b:\vu tbo sumto tho cicdit of liif cunderva JTU lodged iu tbo Bankof livlnud iu their uiiiiic, aud tlio ucconut of li. ;usesrates haTing h :u i- , . v I ull y 1:0110 iuto, tho et iLotucutof m coniiT WJJI - dei nic I thoioughl y taiibfi'ctory.

TE A X O B I . i'l.i 1 Jii.j sio.NS.—Tlsoso BORMons wtroLelrt OD JUiiid:<v , bo.ore M UH ^

IJ . E. l'owet' (ebairmr 1),C. Koger^, and .V U. Wy^y. Thero w^ro but Beveucases for', the only oui; of import:'icu being uchar f. u man. uftu Cah<ll } for ulic^ed throw-ing of ibe carcase of a horse iu' o the mine bolo ontbe JJotiera.iu Wul!;. It wr s dialjj , however , that bohad tLrov. 11 li'nu < '\er n, auU tuiitd'cu wnu do.erredfor the pit f i t . 1 I :CI -J was but ono ciisoof dru ikeu-ECbs, u tin 1 ;n^ pr .1 of ihu Lcnelicunt effects ol ihomisbi'in thiiu.

V . nUa i i . M. i ci.—(Ju>-d uy la; l a pi 'vm.oio'd:vr , naui J M'Lvoy, celun^iu^ t • the 9jth dej-j t,in 1L.3 city, w;'a seul to p'ison for tbrro months, ntbard labour, for iud• vtul uzposvo ;n tho bui .ackscjUuru btiuro a little tz \> - [.

JVI LECHON or CON S KH V A I O C B .—On Monday, an clco-tion of CouBerva '-.irs for the A El' :loral Division ofthe Wat ci lord Di»irjct wus held at Callabai, at the1'etty Se*sionb Court , whcD tho following gent'emenweru- elect: i :—Sir II. J. Paul, Bart. A. N\ O'Neill ,Luq., Cupt. Gu'-dy, J. L. Conn, Ksq.; P. M. Bairon ,K BU ., J.l'., D.L., and CaptU'n Koll y.

LAKI .K G K A I N lai'OkTAi - uN.—On Friday, the steam.abip Juii .t ,, icabiti', from Snlina, urrin J intLis ; >rt consignee la tho ilc.-srB. White, Bros., hav-ing on board J2 .GUI qrs., or about 2,500 tons ofIodise corn , probably tbo largest cargo erer importedInto tbid city .

TilF. fc'TKAUEB " EDITH ,"—In reference to the nc-couiit which appeared in our leyt , relative to thinvessel having put iu Jjfira, tbroacli atreaa of weather,whmt on Ler voyage from Limeiick to Liveipool ,we Lave been faion d with a loiter from tbe owner,ilr. Samuel iJoug li, Water-street , Liverpool, in whichthm gentleman btates, " that it was well known inWater.ord tncie were only Un head of cattle killed ,and that iudirad of the auimais being at Boa dayswithout fen J , there was euQicient bay, &.C., 00 boardf > f * them fur four day u, aud wbon ubo put intoWwortonl , ouly bi-en oat two days." Wo orefcnppv 10 fcaie th.'a iufo.mation from the respoctcdowijer , and feel much pleauuro in pnbl'sbing tbeflmo.

N EW PGM -O I'N CE.—A now poBt-offico will ahorti/be o{.cn> d iu Lower Tbomaa-atreet , in this city . Thia• Tuiy much i< q(med, rs the chief ofE' a on thequay, isf J far away from tho west , or mercantilecad, o." the city. A pilla r bj x is already placed attbe oid 1 ..m-oiK' e.

JluRr. L'cnr. — Three or fonr 'imps aio fidlyceded at Sion 1'yw aud Ferry ba-jk, all within tbetorough.

N KW J. A M I -3.—Mr. Ororgo Anderson, the leaaoo oftbu Wa'D ilo d (Jas Worku, hi"! kindly offer'd t > plrcotwo hendsumu lamp-- i'i Pula' 1 1'iue outsido tho piti 'id a".;,o dej irfof the Thealio , to bo lighted OVeiyi> :

^hl vrheu that plu ; of amuacmeat in HPj KA Tt Ntw Ilot'SES.—Mr. John Keating, buil-

der, ' < pr o.'uf> :'ig very fitvo. >bly with tho 17 latour-ti 'a hoi -:< s ; 'i (irieii 'b- l'ine, liully brickon.

S.W. K of l'jioi' —The auction ut Woc llanda forl)r. thl ., wl icii CMII O ofi' on the 5th iust., notwith.E1 ';d ; g the hi .\y dowu.} >u r of taiu , piovcd veryUB c;fcS4i' 1 . 'I v:e alt .:id in' j WJS largo and resput.ahlo ; ev ci j ii '-ug hold , and brought umarkably highp.. .- . il l- . Win. Smith, juj r., u usual , oonducted* ''iC 1 ii 'e ' * tLu Keue; u ; . 'a:1)!: lion of all concoiui J.

ii.\:j 1'ih/i .—Jol • -j L r. ii'.-uiuey i ad tbo miaibrtnne,for the fi a tiiio sin jeho went into Gsbing batinees,1 . l are 1 ul b: i "b. -.;1 on S iton '- iy. Sbe couldn't' sca(. -- tbt Ij rs. uyo c ,r Hi gh CouuUiblo Mahony, who,cu j ro^ . -; r,K,iu m the p, lico office on Monday,l. . 'id-y >:ia! 1 '.Lai llro. Keaiuey novor offended b. -Iu. .. r""j(d 1 .1. and fi ¦ ¦

D u i i c <yi xr t K LA.NiJ TEilCEaiNCt UCAUV... _ . ^uud ¦ 'lui .m ally attcudiJ conlerencu ot tho tiouth oflt>. ' - > .d Tuapsi-ve L'jyuo wci held on Monday iuthu l.'.u^i.:! Chamber, City l.'all , 1U0 Uigbt Worshi p-ii ¦¦' J»m 1 T. Hyao , Mayor, iu the chair. Resolutionsfc.roi- ij ly ctindeinrii! jiy of iucreaaing public bouao1. i-iii' ) ireru piiii.M'd, aud a deputation app-)intcd tov., a on thu licensing justices at reasions yeoterday<,r. ''.cMibj'.-ct. A very 'iirga meotiog, also pn- . -id' 1orir by 1 :m Mayor , iw held in the largo room, CityH-j '! , 111 the evening, wbero tho proceodiuga wereunbniu*ous mid ('iitbu^i'ibtic.


BCTTKI -.—Tho Knpply thin week «tti fair , with tho

?iua Hy murh itninovej both :u flavor t.nd colour ; andurme * oevor bi.<\ moro g.ass lua'i ai. present at ib 1*

timo 01* a.'! y.-ar, so .hv meko rauht be 4,ood. \\ e(l .'C3«day pr.' .•» wo -i; 11' ' . lo I V ) . ; vfcitonluy, IM H. to !4Va.,and about -') fi .k tn. of mild hailed Vjnttor brons,bl lo-».to i;.;- .

W11t.11. — 'I hi' i-upi'l y thi" week from farmers wnsUr^'e, n >1 .Ue i|uali y good, tost Wbilo Whcal , "5".1; . o2'i'. ; 1; . , as. lo 'Jls. td ; infuior and smu^y,•J. . 10 21-i ; Kore ' i;.!, 2G^. to 27H.

OATK —'ihn supply is fair from farmers! and by bo d.Kaiuicr.-s' 15ki-U <mts , 12H Kjd. to i::>. 2d. ; boat Dlackn ,13s. 3d. ; trreys, \U.

BARLEY — Multin g in good demand, at 18a. to VJi. ;Grinding, 1 Z - . to lCs. per barrel.

I NDIAN C'OC .S.—Tlio demand l athor dull , uUhoughtbe oonnoioi)i.'on roust bo good, an furiae™ a>e uMUg itextensively for feeding pigd and cattle. Larj-o ai rivalsixpootcd dnring tho next threo months. ¦

BACOS .— Lean and Hzcablo pign , W« per twi. ; b <.Waterford siieabl e bacon at 7Ca. uomina1. Huuibro'ropply Htnal l , at 72s- for best light tunable. A ve.ydull wlo in fat and heavy of all ;Ot l«.

POTATOBS—<iood potatoes in town lo-day, at aid. to•per stone.FODDElv-Small eupply this week, owi'ig to the great

tains. Good hay reach 65t - per t°n on Wednesday .andwheaUn alraw was C0». per ditto, and Bcarco.

FlSH,—Arriva'3 of fish thin week to tholleasro. KentSon, Thomas-dtroct. A firm trado ttt uuoiai.ionb ia•r oolumn.


APrOlNTMINT—A TOIVKTIER !Alu. JACOB, J.P., in tbo ch&ir.

T- '"o ptwont—Aid. M» nning, Moss-a. D. Kent. T. P.KeJy, T.C., E. C oborn. J, S&W, J.P. , T. JB. Wh-ij,Capta 1 Ansel, 8. \n \e, Aid. ?. A. Power, J.P., L.Freeman, T.C.

tHB « 4VM(A."The SKCEITAEI atated that the day fixed on by

Mr. Dillon for the raising of the Avtna wa» BO verystoimy that the harbor master addressed a letter tohim (Mr. N.) to tho effect that the attempt would bounsafe to tbe vessels in the neighbourhood, aa shemight break looae, and do mischief. On tbe receiptof that letter he wrote to Mr. Dillon, who, »t onoe,postponed the attempt, ^nt' ho beliov 1 he wonldmake the effort in tho oontWof tho week.

TUE <JVAT COXMnntE—O1UTA0K ACC-^MMODiTION.The Quay Committee reported that they bad in.

apt stod the injury done to tho atago at Ferrybaukby tbo Bteamor Syracuse, and had resolved not tomake any olaitn. They added, thoy bad reoeivi 1 aletter from tbe Groat Weatern Railway C..npanyaBking for more, accommodation than they now pos-aeBaed for thoir veaaela at tbe quays, as they in-tended raaniag calllo boats from Wsiorford to Mil-ford from throe to six times weekly. They repliedthat thoy wore anxious to give the company everyfi> tility, and thoy thought thoy had done ao wbonthey gave them tho mooring buoys ot the other 8idoof the river. Further bulk accommodation wonldentail very considerable expenso, and the corsmitteoaaked tho company if tho proposed oattie boats wouldbo pormanent or toaiiorary.* In reply tho follow'iglotter was reieivod from Mr. BusBell , !• 3al managorfor tho comp^uy:—

" D ;AH SIR ,—I duly received your favor • of tho 12thnit., it'id am Tn y satisfied that tho Harmon- Commis-sioners aro r . - ¦ ' 12 to ^

"TO :ny company's steamers a'lthe accommoyulon they pos'siuly can, and I thereforobeg to ask tho favor *of yonr 'ay jig Ihe fo''oB 'ig bc-foro thoni at ":o" • next meoUnp. Tho Wa ' sKord Steam-sb"p Company have threo pontoons for lhoir largoBtcamern, and one sum" pontcon Tor tho'r t'.vcr boat*.When their slsamors sa:'ed between Walerford andLondon thoy doubtless reqr" -ed such,bnt now that theyhave no such Ben 'co, and bavo pontoon accommodauionfor the 'r BK3 1 0I, and Xtivorpool , aa we11 aa river boovB,I think tho Commiasione.n thoi-'d affd.'d onr s:r-mor8be -Ihago at wb'tt is cr"cd tho London ponioon. Dm Jigtho past two weoka wo h&ve been put ?¦> great extraexpenso, and considerable "tconvenienco and l'sk, byha\ 'nj lo keop one of onr BUaimora at anchor in thobight of vho river, aid alongside on" other boats, andwo for lomo dayshavo bcon uoprived of even the fouier,as a barqno haa occupied Lho placo wjeto or ¦ steamersanchored ; nnd . s otho: boats have ccupleu Iho buoysnear tho fo.'ry B' P for or ¦ "ooala, acd wo conld noli ob-t- ' 1 be. ' iiajo at tho London hr k, in cons (Uence ofboats ha\ ' lg bon placea thovo, wb'ch ahoold have li'nat tho L:vc pool 0.' Bristol r d river pontoons, the risk,czpenso, : :<1 > iconvcnicico havo been groatly ' icrc.Bed.I cannot a- pi-ccnt answer yoar enqnivy M to the dr a.tion of or present Borv.':e ; but a ' I am not now ap.ply" :g fo.' anych" ig waicii w " necess! '.tc outlay on thopa . J of tbo Ha 'bor .• Bo -rd, I tt jst tney \. " make Bncha i -an^emcJts as \ cnab'eus to have tho nso of thoLondou poaloon, wheneve : it is not re , y rcq. ' od forcroes-cha mcl boats.—Tor • obedionj ac.-va it,

"W. J. BnssiLL."Mr. N isviKB stat 1 that tho buoy referred tj waa

UBed during twenty-four hours by other vessels, whilothe buoy fclven tj the company was being pnt int3 itaproper pip \ from whio h it had got remov 1.

Tho lettur was referred to the Quay Comrr>ittc3.A COLLISION.

A letter received from Mr. A. Stophens, J.P., com.plaining that ouo of his lighters had boon run into bythe board's hoppx" barge, and damaged, wr i referrr 1to the eamo committee.

1IALL1ST, ic.Tho committee rccommondrJ that the stones at

Cromwell's Ilock bo blasted for ballast , and that tbeusual winter clothing for tbe wa'cbmen bo advertisedfor. Tboy fnrthor reporuJ that Mr, P. Keogb hadraise:! bis light or saoken at the bridge. In answerto tho board, tho secretary said that Mr. Kc3gh didthe work by moans of anothor lighter, and withoutcaasing any damage.

THE RIVEK LIOHTS.Tbo committee rorjrted a notification from the gaa

company that tho oost of lighting the ahoro lampswould bo £i a lamp, and £5 per lamp for tbe bnlklamps per annum. The Secretary stat I that theseprices would caueo n aaving to tho board of £29 the year (hear, herr) .

THE WATCHM K.V.Upon tho recommeudatiou of tho samo commitlco,Jamo3 Pholan was transferred from tho night to tbo

duy wai ;b, broauso being engaged in diving, and avery useful man, hij health woald not stand thoitruin of diving.with watching at night.

A NOVEL 1DKA.Tho Quay Committ:o reported that tho BC jrotory

bad been directed to uttend the Quarter Sessions, andoppose tho application of tho Messrs. Coonan, Bros.,King-Btreot , for a retail liconBo for drink.

Mr. SLATTERV — Wbat havo wo to do with it ?CHAIRMAN -It wan put before tho coramittoo that

a houso of tho kind would bo objectionable to near towhoro tho wntebmon am nightly innate, od [or duty,and that it, would bu » . closo to tho Chamber ofCommerce.

Mr. SLATTEKY— I must aay 1 think this a mostunusual pr iing. Those t l 'uga 1-0 eolely for thomo-j letrates.

Mr. CL'.UUOEN said ho thought tho 'ommiMionerBhad overytbiug t > say I j tho matter, and Mr. S.WHITE remarked thoy should do all thoy couia to keepup the reBpect -.bility of tbeir establishment.

Mr. KEILY said he wri quits opposed to ei iicreuscof pnbl>'o houses, bnt ho did think that tho UarbourCommissiouers had no busioesa to interfere in theway proposed. It was a mattei wholly for the magis-trates. The subject was allowed to drop.

TUE LATE COLLECrOB.Tho SECRETARY statod that the balance of r»lary

due to tbe late Mr. Soroder, the coll- jtor of ratoB, hadbeen accepted by hiu reproaentatives at £24 9s. 7(3.

Mr. K EILY then proposed that Mr. Edmojd Power,assistant collector, be appoint" J ooll jtor. It wastho arrangement of tho board that, when the vacancyoocanrJ, Mr. Power should be appointed t'. it.Aid. MANNING seconded tho motion.

Tbe CiuiBMAH ststi J ibat when Mr. Sorodor w»ilotiring from ill-heallb, tha board gave him £50 ayear,out of his salary of £150, giving Mr. Power £100for doing the work. In soino short time afterwardsMr. Power oamo to the commilti 1 and asked them tomako Mr. ScroJor's ullowanco £60 by takiug £10from bis (Mr. Power's) salary, and be (chairman) bo-lioved that tho addition contributed vory much to thocomfort of Mr. Soroler (hear, hear).

Tbo^ board were warm in piai«e of thia act of Mr.Power's, snd unanimously elcoled him collector, bis

Bal&i/ to be fixe 1 in romtnittf?.TBE BUOI3.

Mr. E. H. Aloock, pilot master, reported the buoyaabovo Passage in good ordor and 001 rcot position.Those below required to bo raised aud cleaned.

Mr. K HLJ said that bo and other members of tbePilot Committee, from personal inspection, had. cometo tbe conclusion that tho repairs of the buoys ro-quired stricter attention, and for that purpose hothongbt it would bo a good plan to assign the carry-iug out of the duty to tbo pilot officer at PaBsago.

The SECRETARY said the Pilot Committee were ofopinion that each buoy should get two coati of paintin tbe year. Mr. KEST : 1 hoard that two or thebuoys drifts. SiCBETAHr : Fonr of thorn got loose,and we hud much difficulty in keeping them in posi.tion duriog tbe late floods. Tho subject then endc il.

UAKHO H MASTER'S REPOKT.Captaiu Parle, harbor master, reported that 6,111

tons of mud, grave), &c., were raised by the dredgordaring the month at opposite tho railway termiuuBabovo bridge. Tbe dreJger would ba dono in thatlocality iu a fo.tuii 'ht.

SECRETARY —The next pltco at which sho will borequired are tho foreign berths below bridge. Shewill aleo be need'J at Furry bank , and I thiik thomatter might bu referred to tbe Qu&y Cowmitteo.Refericd accordingly.

TUK BALLABT SUPPLY.Mr. R. W. Cherry, solicitor, report \ tho issue of

tbo Bummona by tho I -j r -d against Mr. Stephen"for supply ing ball, it to vessels, and thg; ;p,-;"° waf"1 ^

r,u0.nul™c.'. .':':„. ?™?S- <¦** '• «-w |(1 uot boTjr"ii"3 Wnt'i? 'januHry)"?'s"'n5t?"o of appi •! was uotservctl in timo. Mr. Che. y suggesf A tho rot .io'ngor counsel to ar^ae a;, '< iat tho appeal, but astbo question is not » ¦ • >mo on boforo Jr luai/, ihoaaggi <tion was nl' owi d t j at id over.

A VC uUNTEKIt (!).Mr. Kr.lLr—Mr. N'e\ 'ns, p"o you going ' > verif y

your pro[ -d now bye-law about obstiuciiouR onthe quiys botoi j tbu ohnirm; n ?

Mr. CIIERRT —Oh ! yc i, wo aro qaito tc ly.CHAIRMAN —Tho Mayor and Council won't inter,

fero, and the only opp >nont it Mr. Fi-her, who corneaforwnrd >i a volun' or pat. !ot.

Tho b» ¦ i t bon. rose.



the Ountil Chpmbj r .Ciiy Hi ", on T.r :<< t ij , at whichtbe fllowing wore pr unt: -

Te H"jhi Wore' ipfr JAMES T. KVA .V, Mayor,' 1 Ihochov.Ale. Jon—T. Pur'-e , T. W. Jr ob, L. A. Kyati , W.

K. tor'.", C. Itolmontl , md St. U. Fu en-nn, J.P.,Hi? ohe. ' .T. Cmnci 1 -j .g : G. \Vi« o, H. C «ey,J.P J. McEnory, XV. Ke'!y, P. Mackey, I) . Krojrli , J.O'H" y, G. Waloole, J. C atnpo ., li. \S. Clio; „-, Holr. ,L..*'reon-au, J. Henncs8y, T. Phe'" 1, and J. yinher,»j MessiB. J. Do un /, Do.w;h Trc- ¦>. -er, /• id T.FJtrr ' iso, T.W auuni.

A ulSTI.VRL 'ISU Cn VISITO U .). T, Ciubb, EBIJ ., J.P., at ouo timo n d;stiu^j islic J

ember of tb'3 t jdy, now for some years on the • jn-tont with bia famMy, was present dr'Jng a { }Hiouc tho prcci c Jingd. Ho wo» vory wanrly re vivedI Bevbml mrmLji ii.

PATMIKT S.On the motion of Aid. CO M U I N S tho pu\ ucnta ro.

commendrd by the Finance Committee were passed.In tbo Wntorworka Committee report there were twopayments for pipes, ono for £1124 lla. 9d., and ono of£1203 17B., with one of £1220 paid on one ol tbecontracts.

Mr. FtanER complained of those moneys by tholatter committeo being paid without their comingfirst beforo the council , urging that at all events thoyshould all pass through the hands of the trensrrer.

Tho MAYOR stated it was well to put down injuri.ous reports sent into circulation, bnt be y was eurobelieved bat by a few on this eubjeot. A quorum offivo of tho commissioners, ont of ten, waa mado no.cassary to pass all their acoonnto, and thoy weronever dona otherwiso (hoar, hear).

Mr. FISHIR hero again interfered, proposing toallcoate a certain Bum to bo paid by tho committeefrom lime to time, whereon

Aid. COW MINS said tboy would not take the lawfrom the last speaker. They would have the opinionof thoir law agent (hrar, hear).

Mr. CLA VPEIT inquired if tboso fire members weroalways unanimous in deciding what came beforethem, and was answered by the MAYOR that the busi-ness at tho committee was conduotod in tbe ordinarymanner, and tho Town Clerk said ho never knew ofany division thore,

Mr. CLA M PETT—Tbo reason 1 a-,k Iho question isthat I bavo b' :n informed by a member of that com.mittc:—I do Dot mention names—that thore is nonso in attondiDg, as thoro wr - always a majority ofsix to four against what ho woald propose (ob, oh).

MAYOR—-I am sorry that any tnombor would mrkosuch a atatemont (he r, hear) .

Aid. CoMMiNS—A vory unmanly ono (hear, hear).Mr. STRANGE (law agent) hero stated that, in his

opinion, tbo committee had perfect power to makothe paymonts in tho way they had dono (hoar, hear) .If tho r lounts should havo to como up first boforethe council , tbo businoss rould never go on (hoar).

Aid. HVA .V said bo regarded tho committoo asalmost indopondoat of the coanoil, and it would bewoll if a resolution was passed t) that effect. Snob athing ni making paymonts independent of the councilwas uot done at tho atreot committee.

It was agreed to, on motion- of Mr. CLAMPE TT,seconded by A!d. COIIHINS, to f-ko counsol's opinio nas to whether or not a committee could mako pay-ments in tbe way referred to.

Tho nett and last payments woro thoso of thoSaoitf-y Committee, which wore likewise pcsBrd.

LEASES, AC.Tbo TOWN CLLRK brought np leases to Mrs. Grrnt,

Mr. M. Farrell, Mr. A. Proisor, and Mr. W. Doivnoy,with tho bond to Messrs. Micbael Tobin and JamesDonoboo of £5C0 for tho approval of the oounoil.They woro passed.

THE riBHERerrowN SLOU LANDS ,Tho TOWN CLERK read a letter from tho Lords of

tbe Treasury approving of tbo letting to Mr. JamosNeill of 200 osros of the slob Irnds at Fisuerstown,on tbo Barrow, at 7s. Ci . an ; ore.

A reforonto was mple by Mr. J , IIONNEBSY tothe difficulty which was fu.t originilly in thismatter ps to whether tho council hpd tbo power tomako tbe lotting, and iuquir*'i ;' counsel's opinionbad bren rr;oiv 1 upon tho anbj- it J

The MAYOR stat d tho getting of tbe opinion wasto remain over nntil the iroei pt of a letter lrom theTreasury. They approved of the lotting, rud ho(Mayor) bol'evrd thoir law adviser had an importantopinion in connection with thia sabjc jt.

Mr. STUANQE (law ngont) said be had no direotopinion ut >n this subjret, but ho had one involvingthe same question whioh was given by Mr. Words-worth, a chamber lawyer, in 1862. Mr. Strange heroread tbe Opinion, wbiob stated that undor tbe word-ing of tboir charters tho con option wero dearly thoowners of tho foreshores. Mr. Fisbbourno, tbovaluator, bad no diffioalty in putting tbe corporationdown as the ownors of tbe forosbore on which standsthe site of the graving bank.

Mr. H ENNESSY said under these oirenmstances howould now move the preparation of a lease to Mr.J. Neill.

Tbo motion was put and passed, with an additionsuggested that tbo leaso bo mado snbj' it to anyrights of easement to tbo rivor possessed ,by theholders of tho adjoining land.

EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS ACT.A pplications woro received from Mr. P. K. Roid ,

J.P., and Mr. II. Gallwey, J.P., to the corporation , astbo authority nndor this Act, for Hoensos to storeI iwder iu tho'r city stores. Thiy woro immediatel ygranted. THK KLECTBIC CLOCKS .

A letter was road from the seorotary of tho GenoralPost Office, stating that the Government agreed totho er: jtion of two ol J :tric clocks in thfa now PostOffice , ono inside and tho other outsido that building,on tbo torms sp;cifi' 1, the corporation pay ing forcaro of normal clock, and cost of wire conneotingtbo clocks with tho Clmmbur of Commerco clock audtho ono at tho City Hall , Government provid ;ng tbotimo despa' li from liroonwich. Tho letter was ro.forred to tho El' 2tric Clock: Committeo.

A TROPOSKn INCREASE OF SALARY.Tho noxt buainoag was tho reading of a lotter from

Mr. Willir-n Thomas, tho rosp'3ted sword bearer,asking for an increase of £5 to his salary.

Aid. PCKCELL proposed the motion to this effect,which 8' i on tho notico paper in the name- of Mr.Claropott, observing that Mr. Thomas was a mostdeBerving officer, to whom ho would voto such an in-crcaao because fully mortit 1.

Mr. CLAM PET C seconded his own motion, and saidthat Mr. Thomas had n better salary by £5 under thoold corporation than bo rsceived under tbp presentcorporation, and be (Mr. C.) could not BOO any reasonwhy thoro Buould bo a difference.

Aid. RYAN said ho bad como to tbo conclusion notto voto for theso increases of salary without ba\ Ingtho dntics of tho officers concerned denned. Mr.CLAMTEI T : It was not dono in tbo ono of tho otherofficers.

Aid. R IAN—l am vory so../ I did not act so inthat instance as woll. I movo, as an amendment,that tbe subject bo reforred to tho Finance Commit-teo for that purpose. Mr. T. PIIELAN B. xmdod tboamendment, which wci divided on as follow ;—

For — Messrs. Purcell , Keogh, Gallwoy , J: -ub,Ryan, McEnery, Wbito, Mi -koy, Redmond, lion-nessy, anil Pholan—11.

Ayainst —Messrs. Clampett, Choi, y, Walpolo,O'Reilly- !.

Declined—ilayor, aod Mr. Fishor—i.Tbo amendment was d: ;lar: 1 carri 1.

TUE WATER RAtLIFP 's PEF.S.A communication was rep i from Mr. Novins, sec-

retary of the Harbor Commissioners, stating bow itwas proposed to have tho water bailiffs fees '¦ ?countkept ia future by tho board, mni-ly under Boperatoheadings. Aid. K VA .V expressed uis disapproval ofthe pio|-08' d system, and moved that tbe commu-nication oe sent to tho Financo Committo. So.oondcJ, tbo motion passed.

COLLIDING WITU THE BRID OE.A form of memorial wi>s read by Mr. Fisher to bo

sent to tbo Admiralty in reference ' tbe rccout.sinking ol tbo lighter at the bridge, complaining ofthat strttoture aB an imped'ment to navigatio n, audsotting forth that tbe only pasango through it forvessels was entirely tco narrow.

Aid. J ACOB said that como timo ago thore was a pou.oullia iu tho bridge nearer to the city aide than thepresent ouo,and in ordor to : xommc lato tho increas-ing neceesities of tho shipping, the Bridge Commis-lionors, at a cost of £2,0C J, had the present portenllis- ..ootructed, forty feat wide, through which the larg-est steamer conld, and did pass with safety. If amemorial was to go forward it shonld state facts, andfacts onl y (bear, hear).

Aid. REOVONU said that, at all events, tbo memorialought to go to a commit! 3 (hoar, hear). Thoro werostatomofits in it which were Dot borne out, aud cou hinot go forward (hear, bear) . Tie waa not awure, asBtalod i'l the memorial , that I nu iu Watorford waronow built larger thm formorly, snd certainl y with nportcullis of tho inoroased width mentiont 1 by Aid.Jacob, be did not ECU how tbe ata* •mont in tbomemorial conld bo borne out. Ho wai nlway B, andalway» .• . . . . • ..„. <i !.„.» v,nfhe would also always bo for facts, and for that reasonuu would voto for having this memorial eont to arnmmittte.

Mr. K EOGH also strongly support 1 tho reference toa commiltoo upon tbo aamo ground, and ultiniBto lytbo memorial was tent to a special committeo.

F.XI 'LOBIVE UYK-LAW8.The TOWN CLERK brought up tbo byo-laws drafted

undor this net by tbo couucil as tbo " Harbourauthority ." Aid. R VAN movod their adoption, andtheir boiug Beut to tbn Boiird of Trado for confirma-tion. The motion was sreondod by Mr, II EN .VKSSV ,and puKect).

"A .V rHritovi.vo rROJEcr."A ro| ort waa read from tbo Street Committeo in

reforeuro to a proji3f^d widouing of Quay.lane, bycourtesy called Excbungo.slr it, BOtting out that Mr.D. Leckio, who was tho tonant of a portion of tboproporty required, was re.- ly to Boll his interoiittberoin for £150, aud Mr. Delahunty, tho ownor infee, would surrender his in. ..e»>t for £80. It wasexplained that Mr. Lrckio bold a leaso from Mr. J.Dolflhunly of these preiniHea at i!15 a yoar.

Mr. JfKx.N' opposed thocauyingout ofnny suchproject , whero they had such aa improvement us thewideu 'ig of Great G^orge'e-str it lying on hands, andfarther, uj la the ground that the > wi suo immediutcurcesslty for such a work.

Tho M AYOR ojplain 1 thnt thof, 'eatvaluontt' hiugto tbo proj Jt was tho !¦ 't that it world give them asito for HID < int"mpla' d now markets. 11 not ob-tainrd now, tho amount wonld bo donbl 1 when theymight find them: elv • for" 1 ' porch: •.

Aid. R KIIUONII Kuid thero wr ¦ 110 doubt that tbeamount nukccl for was nut inrgc, bnt ho 'Uld nothelp Bj, .eoiny w i lh Mr. UoiinCKHy in tbirkiiig thatwith fr^ mo; j inir.oi «mt impiovemcntA n hands thoyonght not to engage in th's proj t (h •, bear).There was no use ' » tr 'r'ng up anotbor work boforethe prior one would bo even ;TimoDC 1, and 1 foriti bi'ig u sito foi the markets, wby tho now mr--kets ir '

^ht uot bo tbcro at all (hor -, br.r) . Tbof lancil should remember they hr. I a resolution onthei- I iks that )'f a strcot wri ' 1 ba widened thooi! iration woro not t > move u'ltil half tbo "Wtwou 'd bo anbscrib J by tho: 1 more immediately in-terested, and where was t'lat dono :n 0 ia c e (hr :,tear) t lie ooald point to Firo AJlejr-kne, whioh

retrained for yonra without being widened beonnsa ; rision over tho bonce as he had stated. Constablehalf the amount waa not aubsoribed, and it wouldhavo remained «o only that, through the exertions oftho !ate lamented Very Rev. Dr. Flynn, and others,tbe requisite subscriptions were sent in for the pur-pose (hear, hear).

Aid. FREESIAN snpportcd the carrying ont of theproposod work , and movod tbe adoption of the report.

Aid. REDMOND moved an amendment, that the workbo not gone on with nntil half the oost woald besubscribed.

Mr. CUMPETT seconded the araondment, stating hisopinion to be that the work was not roqairod atpresent.

MAYOR One gentleman doing business there toldme ho wonld subscribe aa mnoh as anyone else livingthero for tho carrying out of tho work. Aid. RED-MOND : Name, name. M AYOR : Mr. Sheeban was thogentleman who told me 10.

Aid. REDMOND —But perhaps the others would notgive anything (hoax, haar, and groat laughter).

The MAYOR stated that just about four feet of theend wall of Mr. Wash's publio bouse at the cornerwould bo required for tho pnrpeno, and that portioncould bo taken without any injury whatever to hiahouse. Mr. Walsh, who was a tenant alco to Mr.Dolahunty, had eight years of his loace to ran, aDdfor that interest he asked £300, ai d Mr. Selahnntyrequired tbe eight yoars' rout (oh, ob). He regardedtho improvement as ft very desirable one.

Aid FREEMAN Baid tho sito would bo most valuablofor tbe markets, and as aa improvement to tho cityho thonght it Bhould not bo opposed.

The amendment waa divided on as follows !—For—Messrs. CHmpelii, ".Koogh, Jacob, McEnory,

Whits, Hcdmond, and Honncasy—7..dgai'nsi—Messrs. St. George Freoman, Cho: y, Wal-

polo, PurceU, Ryan (Mayor), Fisher, O'Roily, Pho'an-«.Tbo amendmout was declared lost by ono. Tho

original motion lo 11 v!ortako tho work was thon putand passed.

MTqrr.T.l.ANEOUs.A bill of costs, £16 is. 2d,, to Mr. P. Kolly, aolr.,

for Borvioes in roforenco to a proposed loan by thoNational Bank to tho C01 [ oration, and other mono,tary nrrangomonts, was pass I despite determinedopposition from Quay.Ions, tbo payment boing movedby Mr. IIENNESSY, and strongly snpportcd by Aid.REDMOND and others, tho TOWN CLERK, stating thattho services woro ronder' d under tho full authorityof a resolution of tbo connoil. Tho Mayor was author-ised to ; jeedo rs a request of tho Po9t-ofEco to allowa lottor receiver to bo placed in tho doad wall noxtReginald's Towor. At tbrco o'clock the Counoil roso,leaving tho notice paper nntouohed.



Chairman, G. WATERS, Esq., Q.C. His worship Batfirst iu tbo County Court, at half-past uiue, and wentthroug h a revision of the jurors' list and parliamentaryvoters' liatB, in which duty thtro was nothing of pub-lic inrorost. The samo duty was repeated iu tho CityCourt, and ia both courts his worship had tbo attond-nnco of Mr. John Mackey, clork of the nniou ; Mr. J.W. Howard, Bolioitor , Town Clerk ; Mr. W. J.Dennoby, and Mr. R. Coako, olorks of tbe peace, withtbo soveral rato collectors. Tbe remainder of theday's sitting was devoted to the hearing of nndo-fondi i civil bills..

WEDNESDAY.At twelve o'olock the following magistrates Bat

with his worshi p : —Lord Carew, SU R. J. Panl, Bart., D.L. j Messrs. E.

Robe is, P. Ban-on Nowoll, S. T. Grubb, J. Anthony, C.Bog:.s, Oapt. Armstrong, Major Mannse", E. Power,J. O'Neill Power, D.L. ; Kov. J. T. Medlycott, and J. T.Medlycolt.

The following woro impannellcd by W. J. Donnehy,Esq., Clork of tho Peace, upon

THE 0KAND JURY :Messrs. JOSEPH WATERS, Bawnfune, foreman ;Thorn: i Commins, Coolnacappogao ;John Dwyor, Portnaboe;James Moonoy, Lishcen ;Michr ol Powor, Wnilficld ;Thomas H. Curtis , C'oolroo ;W 'V'im Morriasoy, Bally uagurtha ;James Jlullonjoy, Ballyclogh ;Patrick Mullownoy, Clogh ;Owen Powor , Killowon ;Pierso Murphy, Ba"yhcadon ;Patrick Power, Kilbrack South ;Patrick Power, Ba '.yg.-'incr CaBtlo ;Thomas Power, Dnnmore ;'iiiomas Power, Park ;Thomas Powor, Gurtr. j''la ;Patrick Power, Whitostor. j ;Michael Kahor, Knock 'oo ;David Shanuhan, Wh" ';sto 1;Peter Wall , Br.llyfrntruer; andOwen Cp'Vian , Ca .iekbc?.

The Chnitman , addressing tbe grand jury , informedthem there we.e but two billB to go buforo thorn—inreality but ono caso, aa they wero against ono and tboBiimo party for brceny—and thoir basinoss would boof a very light naturo. His Worship then atatod howould tako that op; irluuity of Bay ing a few words tothem, and through thorn, to the publio in general, uponthe Jurors' Aot pawod in tbe last session of Parlia-ment. Formerly it was ;i_ the power of tho sheriffto summon whom ho pleased to aot as jurors, but nowall that syetom was alter i, and tbo duty of thosheriff now waa t > bavo an alphabetical list of tbejuror9 of tbo county, and to tako a namo from erihlotter of tho alphabet don J to a certain name to actas jurora at sessions rid ass'zee, resuming tbo noxttime at tbo lottor at whioh be B* ipped on the firstoccasion, and ao on * ) the end of the list. By thefourth i -ction of thia Aot tho shor'T ia bound tobricg his panel into con; t ; the Clerk of the Peacemust read it all through, rnd er )h man not rusweringto biB uamo must I 3 fin< 1 not less than two pounds,lie (Cha'rman) Bhould impress on thorn that in thismatter of finos ho bad no option—he should 6no—and the fue could only be tomoved on sufficientgrounds 00 affidavit. In tl'it way the injudtioooomplainod of of havog ODO man to attend moro thanooco out of bis turn waa remov J, aud theaimiuistra-tion of justice much fr :ilitated. Anothor cbaogomade in the law was tbo giriDg 'o a judge tbe die-orction of allowing firo and " reasonable" refreahnicLtt > a jury whon cooside. ."n~ their verdict. Formerlywhen a jury wei-o lcskod up thoy got nothing what-ever, aud if thoy could not agree wore brought onhurdles to tbe < "jufinoa of tbe oouaty and there dis-charged (laughter) ; but now that was all altered,and juries wbon boing U tked up, would bo por-mitted to have refreshment. Ho woald just add thattho impannelling of a jury in criminal cases woaldnow be by ballot , PI in civil cases, and by that modotbe chrrgo would be removed 01 p'leging anythinglike a packed jury, lie woald not trouble themfarther, and wonld bo obliged to thorn to disposo oftbo bilia as soon as possible so that bo ir<ght dis-charge them.

'.'.broo constables who had served summonses ontho gtand jurora were awoiaas to tbeir performanceof that duty , and on their evidence four absenteeswero eaob fined £2,

LICENSIt.Mrs. Mary Anne Fleas/, the Store, Tramore.—Mr.

Tborntou appeared for the applicant, and stated abewaa a married woman, but an arrangement had beenmado whereby her husband's rights to the place hadbeen removed ,, and she was put into these ooncernsaa touaut by tho landlord.

Tbe Chairman Baid ho was afraid tbe applicantshould buvo a prolectiou ordor vesting tbe propertyia her own person before sho oould make a olaim fora license, in the sbsonco 0/ such order, her husbandmight ("jmo in aud deprive bur of all. He bad nodoubt of tbo claims of tbo applicant, and that bis re-fusal now would bo tho cause of some disappointment,but it would be only for a time, for sho coald applyfor ibo license when tbo protection order would beobtained. At tho request of Mr. Thornton his wor-ship allowed Mrs. FJeury ' 1 be sworn, and her evi-dence sustained tho statement made by her attorney,1—»¦ Wm worship adher i to bin deciaivu, «•-* ?*¦•• Tplication wus retuaou. m,. »»rar,0<. '.IM opposed, aaho stuted , on tbo part of tho husband, Mr. CtosarFleury, now an inmate ol" the Fanuine's Institute.

Richard Gaffnny, Check point. This was an appli-cation to change a six days' licenso iato soven days,but it wus peremptorily rofuscd almost as soon asmado.

John Hauloy, Kill , applied for a confirmation ofhis license , obtain 1 nt Hilary Sossions, aud obtaiuudit, as did also Richard Haunigiiu, of Tramoro.

Andrew Hurley, Dromiua. Applicunt sought uBpiritliconso in addition to tho beer liconso bo holdsfor tbo past four yearn. Mr. Strange appeared forMr. Hurley, who has been a ropes ted but uusuccoss-fa) applicunt , mid stated that his clieut had, at 11 coatof £410. built his ureaent house with tho intention ofmaking it a hotel. Ho obtained a beer licenso for it ,bnt could not got ouo for spirits, althoug h his laud-lord. Captain Coghlau, J.P., was in favor of it.Woodstowu wafl a plu-*:o much frequented by pooplufrom Watorford iu tho summer to enjoy a t'uy uponthe Btrand , aud tbo want of n plnco thero iu whichto obtain rofrcahoiout wii3 much^olt by cxcurMiutiislB,Mr. Straugo urged tbe bench to decidu tho applica-tion Bolo 'y upon its merits, and quotoil a ruliug ofChiof Justice Wbitosido, iu a similar caso, in whichhis lordsh'p said tbo law made it imperntiro upon amagistrate adrcrao to a liconso to Btalo iu public bis

oaBOU for voting against itIhe applicuut then deposed lo tho wuut of such n

Jiconso at Woodstown, and added that bis bouso wuiisix miles from. Waterford ; tbo nearest publio Jiouaewas two miloa and a half from him.

Mr. G. G. Ulack, ti.I, Buid tbo applicant WII B opposedby the police, rud put up Constable S. llickoy, whodeposed he wa in chargo of tho l'uasugo station inwhich this m;iu's houBo waa silu.'ited ; it wus two unda J ".If miloa frym bis Btutiou ; cannot havo full nupor-v."uion ovor tlio houso, being that dietauec from him ;a large number of peop!u came to this ploj o iu thosummer ; thinks that such a liconso would be ncces-r-'T in that placo ; there was ono conviction againsttbiB mau, and ho waa filed firo ahilliuga andcosta ;for tho post twolve months tbia houso waa well con-ducted ; has Beut mon thcro in uuiform and in plainolothes, and nover foand anything of whioh lo com-plain. To Mr. Strange : Exorcised that maob. snpor-

Quilfoyle deposed th:it I10 hud been in ohargo of thisstation before Conatabln Hickey ; he found nothingwrong in it, but he did not think that such & licensewaa required. Mr. Struuge : I believe you do notconsider a pnbb'o house required any wr ore ? Witness :Well, I do not ; I am a teeto'iller, and against pub-lio-honses altogotber.

Mr. Roberts, J.F., saia ho had nothing to urgeagainst Mr. Hnrley, whom be knew to be a very re-¦protable man, but he waa opposed to this application,bosaase he -was wholly against giving any newlicense nt all. He felt that the magistrates weronow called npon to do all in their power to pnt a stopto the growing evil of intemperance in this oountry,and one of the means to do so was to rofnso all ap-plications for new licenses. It was on that gronndhe oppox-J this application.

Lo. 1 <"\ row said be know this man vory well, as arespectable pernon, and one who aa a tonaDt gave fallsatisl'p.ction to hitnaelf and to hia agont , bnt bo (LordCarew) WPB fully convinced that suoh a license aa theapplicant sought waa not required at WoodBtown, andho should oppoie it. Along with that reason he op-posed it bevanse be was against an increase to theexisting nnmbor of liconaes, and hrd opposed similarapplications from Hurloy f or many years back, com-ing to Waterford to cJo so often at much porsonal in-convenience.

Sir R. Paul snid he was opposed to tbe application,because ho was rgaiDSt an incroaso of license"!. Theparish prieBt h&d called on him to aik him to opposeit. Chairman : Yon cannot g'vo as evidenco whatwas said to yon, Sir Robert , except yon aro going tostato it upon oath. Sir R. Paul : Than, Bir, I have toBtato thnt my opposition to this applieation is thattho Iicenpa is not nccossary. Messrs, Mcdl ycott andAnthony said the'r opposition was on tbo samogrounds.

Mr. E. Powor said bo vot'd for tbiB application bo-foro, and would do eo now, b .uao ho felt it wasrequired.

Tho bench divided on tbo application as follows:—For—Messrs. Rogers, J. O'Noill Powor, E. Power,

Major Maunsell ,. S. T. Grubb, and N. B. Wysc-6.Against —Meesra. Roberts, Lord Carow, 8ir R. J.

Paul, J. T. Medlyoott, P. Bai/on Nowcll , J. Authony,aud Capt. Armstrong—7.

Declined— Rev. J. T. Medlycott—1.The application waa rej-^t-1.Philip Mornssey , Main-str' it , Tramoro ; Mary

Murphy, Quoon-Btreot , ditto, and N. O'Neill , Nowrath,transfers, granted for six day 8. E. Powor, Killottoran ,a butlor at Mount Congrovo, applied for a nowHcenBo, and waa refused .

John Powor, Kilmp-juib; Alico Shelly, Knockboy ;Thomas H. Curtis, Portlaw, o-ad Margarot Horlon,Tramore, for conS-mation, woro all passed.

Tho court tbon went into tho hoaring ofCRIMINAL BUBINE8B.

LARCENY .—James McCarthy was indicted for having,on 24th Sept., nt Kill , from ono Mary Carroll, stolen£1 lls. and a hat. Tho following jury was sworn :—MossrB. William J. Butler (foromau); Edraond Hearno,Patrick Kiorsoy, Patrick M'Gratb, Jamos Power,Patrick M'Namara, Denis Fognrty, Edward Hearne,Michaol Connolly, John Ilearno, Hiohaol Danpby, andJohn Connors.

Patriok Crr.-oll (examimed by Mr. P. Kelly, orownBolioitor)— 1B ganger on the railway at KH1; was in acouple of public bouses in Kill that day : was in thohoUBO of tbo prisonor that evening ; sont out for halfa gallon of beer; wont away about toven; was undortho iDfluenco of di -nk at tho timo ; tho pr'roner camoout after him ;: iw hi" wife on tho ri *.d, and wait- 1with her whilst Bho was iu a fit , lo which Bhe wassnbjcct; whon Bho got well she wont home, and pro-s- out ir was t ken off bis 'irnbs with a tri p ; bis bati-nd wa' -h wore taken ; got a vory sevoro boat'ug, andcould not aay what tc >k pi: 1 aft -rwards j foaod bishat noxt morning at the p. 'sonei 's house.

To .Mr. Strango (for r us- 1)—Got a hat at tbe sideof his hr -d wbon ho mo < > his 1 ?nBe3; this is thobat which bo for id, r id it belong 1 ' • ibo prieonor,he I 3liovd.

Mary Carroll , wifo * > complainant, doj jr X sbesaw tho prisoner on tht rc id that night, and whensho camo up ? > him ho caught her und put her onhor km J3 ; in tho struggle; tbo he )ks of hor dressburst, nud out camo a purso with £1 lls. in it ; tboprisono.' ;• 'ok it j hor bi'sband wi 1 ly ing ii tboditch a. iiio timo.

Tho Chairman (rea<"ug tbo informations) said benover saw informations BO disgracefully taken. Nota partiolo of tliin caso was told iu them.

Mr. Kelly—1 wiBh , Bir , your opiniou was convoyedby somo ono to tbe 1 ;tty sessions clerk.

Chairman—One of tho mug iatralcs who ti ik themI sco was born, but they all loft when tho licou;oswero ovor.

Duriog tho cross- jxanr'aation tho poor woman felloff in a tit.

Evidouce waB given for tbo dofenco that tho pro -secutor and bis wifo had first charged two mennamed McCart hy, with tho prisoDor, as having beontho parties who committ i tbo offenco, nud that whenthey made tbiB complaint to tho polico both husbaudand wife wero under tbo indueoco of drink.

Tho jr'-y returned a verdict of acquittal , ond hisworship discharged tbe t reused , tailing him bo budhad a vory narrow escape.

With this caeo the criminal business coucludod.

CITY COURT—YESTERDAY.The Chairman openedltho City Sessions yesterday

morning at tea o'clock. His worshi p was accom.paniod by tho Ri<;ht Worabiptul James T, Ryan ,Mayor , who nat ;n hia robea wealing the " intiota"chain, and carao to cinrt attended by Mr. Thomas,sword boaror ; Mr. Mabony, High Constablo j Pbelun, and the other members of theborough force in fnll uniform. The following magis-trates also sat with tbeir worahipa :—

Aid. T. W. Jacob, Captain Johuaon ,- Captain P. P.Brenan, Mr, P. K. Keid , Mr. N. B. Wyno, D.L., DrScott, and Mr. P. D. WalBh.

Tbe following were impannelled onTHE QRAND JURY :

MeBBTS, F)DEBT LOCSE, Quay, foromau ;Henry Bell, the Quay ;Honry Denny, Anne-street ;Peter Mackey, Kiag-Btieet ;Thomaa F. Keily, Great Georgo'B-streat ;Michaol O'Meara, Bi-.dge.strcet ;John A. Tobin, tho Quay ;Joseph Clampett, Wi' iam-streot ;Jamos Devorecx, Broad-streot ;John Fowler, Nen own ;David Krogh, the Mr '.;P. Mann:ng, tho Quay ;James O'Neill, King-strcot ;Patrick F. Power, B oad-atreot ;John Ryan, Broad-street;John Su/on, tho Quay;George Walpole, the Quay.

Hia Worship informed ths grand jury that, asusual, their baaiaeBa at these eoas 'ons woald be of avery light character. There were but t< o bills to gobeforo them, one cba.g iog tho robbery of a post officeorder, and none of them r. juirioj'obucrvation fromhim. His Worship then re_ catcd tho explanation bohud given tho county grand jury tbo day before ofthe nev.- Juron' Aot, cud atatcd that under that Acthe waa oonnd to fine 1 baen -ig ^rand jnrors not leasthan two pounds.

It was Btatcd by t!ie Clerk of tho Poaco thateleven o.and jurors out of t!.s cjmber cummoned badnot a. teodecl, tnd his Worship order d that caoh ofthem bo Bnod forty shillings.

LICENSES.His Worship said ho had beon apprised that a do.

putalion bad been appointed to corns boforo tho bunchin reference to licenses, and this would be tbepropor timo to boar that dopjtation.

M-. G jrgo Walpolo, T.C., horo camo forward andsaid thnt ac a largely and influentially attondedmeetiug of the South of Ireland Tomporanco League,held at t:-o City Hull on Monday, it waa resolved toappoint a deputation to wait on tbo benoli at thesosessions to present a resolution to the effect (readsit) that tbe conference, having find knowledge fromofficial returns that drnnkeDncsB was on tho inoroasoiu tho councy an,d oity of Waterford, would ask tbelicensing m giatratea to rofueo all nuw licenses, andas far aa possible to rej< it applications for transfers.Ho (Mr. W.) desired to add that the Rev. Mr. Commiuaand Mr. Whito, who woro appoint 1 on tlrs deputa-tion with him, woro prevented attending on thopresent occasion. Thanking tho bench for hoar-ing him, Mr. Wal polo rotireil. The first applicationwas thnt of

Patrick Colemau, ilniior-slro'jt , tnumfor from Mrs.O'Meara, 011 purciiaeo. This houso W.IH oiigiuall yunder a BOVUU days' licjuse , but the upp licuut wusnow left tho alternutivu of eilher hiking ono for S'Xdays or uono. Tho applieau t took 0110 lormx days.

Messrs. Coonan, Ilrolhcr.', Little (ioorgo's-btreet,applied for B. Tetnil license, but wero rufnsed on tho¦tatoment of what was required.

Mary Condy, Patrick.street , holding uix days' li-oonso, und originally having ouo for soven days, aukedto have one for tho longer term, but was rclused.

John Colcman, Mull-luuo, traunfer, got cotitirmedfor six days, na d.d a\ao Laurunco D»l»!iuuly, Bally-bricken. DenU Doolin , the lileu ; John Uarvoy,Johnstown ; John Ulee8on , )!ally bricken ; Joh n Hauty ,Milk-lane ; AnastiiBia Murphy, Uroad-at. ; Ai.asUuiaManning, M ichucl-Hl. ; Mitry llcOuire, Jiully bnckru ;Martin O'Hrieu , Yello»-roid ; Putrick O'Couuoll ,Mcpbon-atri L't ; Eilwurd Power, Dully brickuu ; W.1'hshui , Manor.Blreet ; William Kahur, Johu-nlreot ;Catberiuo Sheridu i , j Cuiherine Vuhey,Ferry bauk , aud Miuiiu Wulsli , Miclmel-Blrecl.

Tlio proprietor of the " Viciorin Hotul ," Culbeck-Btreet , reoeived a transfer of tho licenac, on the uu-dcrtuk:ng tliut ] , ia stuio adjuining Bhould bu shut onSundayB,

Juhn Jvull y, " Kuiopeuu Hotel ," Hailey 's New-«t.,who bus 11 BIX days' liccubc , upplieii Iu I J .I V U hia liceusoto extended as lo admit ol bix giving refreslimeut tohis lodgers oil Suuduys. Aid. Jacob said be was un-der tho iuiprestiiou that n puhlicun could supply hialodgers on Ihu tjubbalh. Ou rolereuce heing niudo toUeud Constablo Courtney , who conducted for thepolice, be paid that a publican with a six days' licensewbo WBB found supplying any ouo, lodjjors or otherx,with this refreshment ou a Suuduy, was open to tbeoperation of tho Act.

Mr. Thuculou, wbo appealed for tbo applicant, amoat reapectablo man, nuid tbnt bis client desired to

I have hia buiiness conduoted in the best manner, andthat was his ohief oonsideratioo in tho matter. Someof the inagistratas expressed thoir surprise at hearingthis was tbe state of the law as regarded giving re.freshment to those living ia a hotel, 'but the law, aslaid down, was acted on, and Mr. Kelly got what beBought.

Mrs. Kate Josephine Murray wan adjudged thotransfer of the lioenno of tbe " Imperial Hotel" (longknown aa " Dobbyn's") on transfer from the formerproprietress, His* Flavan.

Margaret Meyers, Peter-street, got a transfer for aseven days' license from her deceased husband, theterm of the h'oense not having ohanged ; and EdwardPower, Johu-strjet, wbo sought a transfer for sevendays, put tbe benoh to a poll, and was beaten. Asthe resnlt lost him his lioense, an appeal waa made tothe Chariman to let him have a six days' license, andwith bis well-known and jostly-osteomed kindness ,his worship allowe d the appeal, the license beinggranted.bat with a strong observation from the Chair-man not to allow such a thiog to oconr again.

Four applications for new licenses were refused.CRIMINAL BUSINESS.

The bnaineas next after the discharge of the grandjory was the

CRIMINAL BUSINESS.The petty jury panel was called right through by

Mr. John Wall , solr., for the Clerk of tho Peace,rnd 34 out of 55 answered. Tho nbsenteos weroordered to bo fined each forty shillings.

FELONY.—Josep h O 'Neill waa indicted for having,on tbo 11th of May, whilst in tbo employment of horMajesty the Qreon , to wit in the post-office at Wa.terfod, embozzlud tbo sum ot £5 0s. 5d., amount ofan order Bent from America to a man named Curran,in tho county of Kerry, whioh order, by a misdireo.tion , camo to this city. Mr. Kelly, Crown Solicitor,prosecuted, with Mr. Gage, Bolioitor, for tho generalpost-office Mr. Straogo appeared for tho prisoner.

Upon the question being pat, the prisoner's solici-tor, Mr. T. F. Stt&nge, said that after tho mo3t care-ful consideration they had como to the conclusionthat tho proper courso to tako was to plead guilty .Having put ia such a plea be (Mr. S.) was ready, atthe propor timo, to give evidence of obaracter, audhe waa confident thoso witnesses would receivedue weight from the court,. Mr. Strango tbou saidhe hod a certificate of oharf'.ter of tbe prisoner fromMr. Roy, the lato post-master ot Waterford, and wasabout reading it, wheu

Tbo Chairman said ho could not givo any attentionto such oertiGcatea, when put beforo him ouly oupaper. If any suoh uvidenou wos to avail, that evi-dence should be on oath.

Mr. Carstto, tbo present post-master at Waterford ,came forward aud deposed that ho was post-masterat Waterford for the past twolve months; tho pri-soner was in the office under him for that timo, andhe had had the highest confidence in bins; thia traus-action bad como upon him with tho very greatestnurpriao ; ho nover had any reason to suspect any-thing wrong on the part of tho prisoner, ilo wanawaro from tho ofGoial records of tho post-oQico thattho prisoner bore tho highest cbarr :tor whilo ho wasin tho sorvico of tbu poHt-oQice.

Mayor—What was his salary, Mr. Carotto, at thotimo of thia occurrence) ?

Mr. Caretto—His salury, sir, was oigbteeu BbilliiigHa week.

Mayor—After a Bervico of thirteen years !Mr. Carotto—Hut, sir , it must not lk> forgotton that

tho prisonor entered iho ofBco in a vory aubordiuatoposition—bo w it in as a mcstiongcr , and bo had agood prosp :t boforo him.

Chairman—Ho ha 1 tlrrt' -jn y:.i - o of good sei?.co,and at tho end of that porii 1 ho bad uightcun shillingsa weok rspi la iy . I really did not thiuk you couldgot a labourer to work for such wages ; bnt , howovor ,this qaeation ia not for us; wo aro not silling iu judg-ment on tbo PoBt-oQieo.

Mr. W. Koll y, 'P.O., Littlo G >rgo'n-street , deposedto hie knowledge of tho prisouer'a high churactur, uudMr. R, Mabony, T.C., also giivo evidence ol tho highcharacter ho was uwaro of boing borno by prisouor'sfamily, and by himsull'.

A couBultatiou then took pi' 'O amongst, tha benohas to tho pr'iisbmcnt, and at its conclusion.

The Chairman said that tho prUunor had pleadedguilty to a very serious otTenco, that of stealingmoney, tho pracr jdK ol a post-olnco order sont to Ire-lrnd from America. In a general aspuct tho oueucuwaa a heavy one, and one subjecting tho offuuelur toa punishment of tivo years' ponal eervitudo ; but inhis opiuiou it was f;T more ^erions :T its naturo fromtbo faot of its having lr ':un pl:u 1 in tbo po.',through which cbuuuol many pior Irish iu America ,and in all the wide world bc. ido. with their well-known affection , sent homo money to their people.Ho could not ' jnceivo uuy position iu which a personcould commit u greater iujury, particularly upon thupoor, and even taking into a ;ount tbo high charactergiven of tho pilsouer, tbo bench, whilo regrettingdeeply, that Ihe p sas I should havo H: jrificod hismany years' gco I sorvico by falling into this onotomptatiou, folk they could uot pass a leaa aeutoncothan twulvo calendar mouths , with hard labour.

rriaonor—May I bavo from tho date ut my comaul-tal, your worshi p.

Chairman—When was ho committed ?Mr. Andrews (deputy governor of tl, 0 prisons)—In

Jul y, your worship. Tho Chuirmao tbou suiu" lhuft';ntenco was twelve mouthB* imprisonment from tho datoof his committal.

Thomas Leary pleaded eailt7 to utoaling a watchand sbaiu and 10s., on tho 24th of September, fromono David Keuny, aud was seutonced to threo months 'at bard labor, und there eudetl tho criminal business.

APPEAL.There was ouo appeal , Thomaa Fleming, publican,

appellant ; Owen O'Brien, heud-conatublu, and Sub-constable E. Brown, respondents. The appeal wasagaiust a conviction by the magistrates upon tho ovi-denco of Sub-constablo Brown, that oa Sunday, Auj.24rh , parties woro iouDd drinking at a quarter-pastono. It was uot denied that I hero woro parties in ihohouBO at tho time, but it was denied thero was auysale of diink. There was a bottlo of porter giveu toone young man, who was a [riond to defendant's sou,but given to him as a friend, aa bo waited for biscompaaion to come in , but it was positively sworn bytho police that thero wero sir pernona from tho townou the premises at tlio timo,two ol thorn with u bottloof porter eaoh at tho counter ; auJ tbu Chairman saidthu bench wore unanimous in affirming thoconviclioD.

Mr. Mnthewaon , B.L., inutrnctcd by Mr. Strange,supported tho appoal, and Mr. P. Kolly, sossionalcrown solicitor, sustained the ruling below.

A PROPOSED BYE-LAW.Mr. R. W. Cherry, solicitor to tho Harbor Commis-

siooor, submitted for approval, a bye-luw proposedby that board, giving thum power to provont tho do-positing of rubbish upon the "quays, dooks, &c,"with a penalty not exceeding £5. Mr. Fiaher ob-jeotod npon the ground that the commissioners askedfor powors over property which did not beloDg tothem, aa the qua/a were built by tho corporation,and were undor tho control of that body, and like-wise upon tbe ground that tbero was no suoh thingas a dock in Watorford. Mr. Cherry asked the courtto Btrike ont the word " dock," but ibo ohairman Baidho had no power to amend, and thou added, after abrief consultation with tho magintrates, that it wasdesirable to prevent rubbish beiog placed upon tbequays, but the bench waa of opinion tho applicationshould not pass. Rule ecooro'iogly.

His worship theu resatned. ciTil business in thocounty.

A LLEGED SEDUCTION.—In tho processes heard oilWednesday oveuiug was ono by a girl named Bricn,Peter-street, Tramore, against ono Micbael Power,for alleged seduction. Damages wero laid at £40.Mr. Sargont, li.h., matruoted by MV. Strarjge, /orplaintiff; Mr. Thornton for defendant. The plaintiffsworo to having b;cn seduced by the defendant, audthat tho suduotiou resulted in tho tirth of a child, iuJuly of tbia yoar ; told the defendant the stato sboaaa in, ani bo admitted wbst he had done. On cross-examination pla'ntiff so:d that defendant hid covergiven hor any money, bnt ahe lent him some;.de-fendi ng I'B a farmer, and waB frequently in hetfatber'shouuo. riainuTTd .father deposed _that ho oftoncautioned defoudnnt to keep away from his daughter.that bo had no fortuuo to give with her ; from thesnapiojons which he entertained for some timo of whatwas going, ho wus uot surprised whou ho hoard whathud ocoarred. Jouicti lluulou deposed ttiat ho heardtho defoudnnt, uuy ho would marry the girl, ono timobo waa iu )UB (defcuduiit'B) house. Tho (lflleiico wan,that plniutiff was a couseutiug party to the seJuctiou ,in fuel that ho met bur us a prostitute ; ho sometimoegave her tnouoy , uud ul utbor times did not givu burany ; bo denied entirel y that ho was Iho lather ot' burchild. IIU Woiabip said thu else was onu which budid not liku to decidu hastily. Ho did not, at ullByuipmbiso wilb tho dulendunt, but bo thought thebest Courso would bo to allow it lo Btund, to neo if asettlement cjuld bo arranged. Postpnued frccurdiuglT

THIS DAY.Thu Chuimiru continued civil bills this moru 'wg.Flynn v. l l a . t y .—Thia was an Ration for £2.2,

nuiount claimed by Thomas Flyuu, buildor, lleu-nosay 'a Road , aguiust Mr. John llarty, Manor, forertra work duuo to cotlugtm iu Newport'a-luiii'. ThoreWUH a cross cuso for £12 fur alleged nou-portbrmaucoof work. Wbeu thu caiiu was about hall beard, ihopurtiua ngreeii to leavu thu isbuu to the arbitration orMessrs. JauuM Jlorun aud John llcaiue, builders.

t 'ly tm v. A'iM-ii r.—Tliia was a suit lor £25, forbreach of agruuun-u. in tbu saiu of a hordr. RichardFlynn , from near liuinoiv , dejiuaed tbiki iu August-last bu bought a btimu lor £25 liuiu tbf > del'oudaut attho fair ot Cuuuiul , ou condition tt 'ut ubu wouldplough ; ho tiKd her on turni p J.iud, aud sbu wouldmil draw ihu pluugh. Michael Power nworo ho wasprcaoni at thu naif , aud heard Keanu'eugigu the uiarolo pluu^h. Jtihn Fiyuu Uepused lie saw tho mitrutriuU 111 a ploug h, >.hu would uul draw theponj h.Thu di'teuco WHS iberu waa uo «i iguguinuui , »»uu it'iboro hud been that sho was bblo to do tbo work-David Kvutiu, doiunUuul, dupo^utl bo told tin- plain,tiff ul thoBult) Ihalhhu wuulu plougli quieiaud houealjbu hod tho luuio lor eigbiu m luouiua, uud ho loundher to do tbu work ; pUiu *iff 'brought her back tohim, and Baid d—1 may OHIO , I will not, havu herwhether ahu ploughed or .not. Nicuolas Forau, dc.feudant 't,' plou^luuatj, ywurti be I'ruqdeutJy uaw hot'ploughiag, and bho did her work well ; Jly nil uninoto Bee the horBO tried, \&A when the was tackled he

went away, and woald not wait to see her work ; showas a bit awkward at the headland at first, andFlynn took her at the hop and went away. The cuawas dismisaod, , the Chairman suying ho conld notrale against the defendant's evidence. Mr. Thornton•"or plaintiff ; Mr. T. F. Strange for defendant.

Hayden v. Power.—This was a process by plaint'T,a man living at Cashel, against William Power, ofthe Manor, for £7 10s., arising out of a partnershipaccount, on a dealing in horses. In tbe progresa ofthe case, tho chairman found tha accounts were notprepared, and the case waa adjourned to have themprepared for tho purpose. At twelve o'clock thoChaiaman had 34 oaaes on his list.

PETTY SESSIONS—THIB DAT.Before tbo Mayor, Aid. Jacob, and Capt. Johnson.CRUELTY TO ANIMALS .—Three prosecutions wore

brought by High Constable Mahony, tho BUivo in-spector of the local branch of tbo aocioty for theprove'ntion of cruelty to animals, for breaches of thoact as follow :—Ono waB against a young, respectablolad, named Farguson, in a large concorns in Water-ford, for having furnished a cat with oookles for hereyes, and her feet , and thns accoutrod Bonding h:through tne bouse at night as n guost. On an ex-pression of contrition, the young experimentalist wasallowed off on paying <*03ts. Tho second was againstJohn M'Gratb , wbo, finding two dogs fighting, wentto separate them by means of a crowbar, with whichinstrument ho broke one of their backs. Fined tenshillings, or a weok' Tho court could go as high aa£5. The third waa at thu request of tho City HighSheriff, who saw an old man named Hartley on theMall iuuito two dogs to fi ght, and he was fined 2s. Gi ,and promiBed to bc- a good boy ia future, ilr. J.Ambrose, solicitor, roprosonted the society.

KILKENNY UNION— YKSTKRDAY .At the Kilkenny lioard of Guardians, on yes-

terday, P. Mea-j licr, Esq., in the chair, the Mar-ejuis of Ormonde elected chairman of thounion, over Counsellor Loughlin , by n, majorityof 17 to H. On same day the noblo Marquispresided at the Callan board, of which he ischairman. Thu late Lord Ormondo was, up tothe time of his death, which took placo at Ko-thnrd, county Wcxford, many years ago, the able,and attentive chairman of tho Kilkenny boarei.The presont Marquis, as also the Marchioness ,aro now residing at Die beautiful and historicOrmonde Castle, in Kilkenny, where, it is be-lioved, the new appointment will induco themmoro constantly to live.

I NCREASE ot POUNDAGE .—Tho motion for un in.oreaso of poundage to thu city collectors—from 6d. to8d—was lost, by a majority of IB to 12.

7!0AUn OF GUAIIUIANS— W K I I N K S D A T .AM. T. W. JACOU , J.P., Chairman of tiio Union ,

in th« cha'r.Also present—Sir R. J. Paul , Lart., Capt. Armstrong,

J.P., P. l i . Newell , J.I'., Joseph O'Neill Power , .I.P.,N. li. Wyse , D.L., J.P. ; K. T. Carew, D.I... J.P..Major O'Gorman , M.P. , Major Mann.-icll , J.P. , CaptainPower , Dr. Scott , J.P. Messrs. Leamy, Morrissey,Connolly, Lawless, Kolly, Vcale, Meade, JIally . Clam-pott , Fitzgerald, Aid. Pedmond.

Kdward Cleary, Stuphou-slroot , was declared con-tractor for shoes, at la. Gd. por pair.

Ou llie motion of Mr. Clampett , accou-.led by Aid.Uedmoud, Mr. J. Murphy, I5irker-str. ;t, was electedassistant schoolmaster, at £1J a year, withont rations.

A LITTLK M OSK TEA you THK SICK .—Mr. Leamymoved an increase of half an ounco of tea, aud twoonnces of sugar to tho gallou of wator, the proBentHcalu of erne, ouuco of tea and feiur of sugar por gallonboing insufficient for hospital diot. Capt&in Poweraecondotl tho motion , which passed.

Two PA I D XUIISKS .—Mr. Darron Ncwoll movod tboappointment of two paid nurses—ono malo and ouofemale—to take chargo of tho hoepital wrrd* duringtho nig htly absouoo of tbo nuns; nnd that tbo salariesof these officers be £20 yearly, of :h, with first-classrations and apartmonts. Dr. Scott seconded thomotion, which was carrie' l by a majority of 15 to 6.

D K L I C A T K CHILDREN .—Aid. Redmond gavo noticothat tho delicatu children iu tbu houso, bo sent out tonursn, at tho cost usnally paid iu other unions.

N AMES OP ADMISSIONS .—Major O'Gorman moved ,se ;ondcd by Mr. Kell y, the tollowing :— " 1 move thenaitva of all persona admi' KI to this honso , betweontin- houra of 9 o'clock , p.m., anil -t o'clock, a.m., bosubmitted to ibis board, on tl"3 day Bix weeks."Passed unanimously.

PROTESTANT INMATES. — A letter wag read fr )mAcbelep-on Alcock,asking that tho Protc-sUnt inmatesbo attonded by a mombor of their own, uudertho supervision of thojmnstcr. Agreed to, on motionof Mr. O'Shca, seconded by Capt. l'owor.

Kates outstanding, JEll .OOU. Duo to NationalBmk, £3,75-1'.


J .1> .—On yesterday the aui'.iversr-y offico for tho latohighly resp' tecl Aid. Potter, J, P., took placo in thoCatholic Cathedral of Kilkenny, Host. Kev. Dr. Moran ,Lord Bishop of Osaoiy, presiding. Hi gh priest—PovP. Doy le, 6. C, St. Mary 's. Dccun—llov. T. KellyAdm., do. Sub-de. -ou—ltev. E. Callanan , C. C, doMasior of ceremonies— Vory 1!DV . E. M'Donald , D.D..V. G. In tbo cboi-—Vory Ibv . Dr. M'Douald , P.P.,St. Caniccs's j Rev. M. Daltoa , C. C, do; Rev. E.Breunu , Adm. St. John's ; Kev. W. Walsh , C.C., do ;Rov. W. Power , C. C, St. I'atiick's j Kev. M. How-ley, C.C., do ; l'.ov. Wm. Cn 'lci , C.C. (nephow to tholato Aid. Cullon , J. P., Kilkenny) ; as also tho clergyof the Fraoci-.can and Dominican onlrrs in the city jtogether with a largo number of tvie rolativos audfriends of decease J.

SISTERS OF M KRCV IN CA I I I K .—On Sumlay week aneloquent and successful appeal was delivered afterSolemn High Muss, in tho Catholio Church , Cahir,by tbo Very Uev. Timothy Duwloy, P.P., C'ouea, inaid of tbe funds of tbu Sisters of Mercy in thatParish. In tho conrse of his most effective sorroou,tbo oloqueot. advoc .te paid a graceful comp liment, toLady Cbarteris , of Cahir Abbey, who has 'atelvgranted a suitable situ for u new couvent for thoSisterB of Morcy in the neut ami rising town of Cahir ,Co. Tipperury. Tho very rev. pru iclior will not bosurprisi 1 to bear of such acts of kindlino's <inthe part of somo of tho noblo proprietors of ihugreat co. Tippcrary . Ho was uot unacqi'aintnd withsimilar acta of somo landlords in thu co. Watorford .lie had himself from timo to time received substantialproofs of liberality nnd kindness towards his C.itholictonautB , from the noble Marejuis of Watcrfurd. Horemembered having called on th- noblo lord , to thunkhim for generous grants and donations ' wards thunew Catholic church aod school* ot Clouea , and thuanawer of tho noble Marquis is worth 1* -ordiug. llusaid :—" I do not think 1 deservo so much praiso. 1consider I havo uot done moro thau my duty iu afford,iog my tenauts an opportQuit.y ol practising theirreligion according to their convictions , and of givingtheir children a good education." Father DowloyS'jid thno sentiments did honour to Lord Waterford.Ho wisbcl tboy wuro Bhnred by all landlords. Ilorejoic: i ' > find thum ahari 1 by tlio good Lady Char-tiria of Cabir Abboy.

FLOODS IN COUNTY KILK ENNY.Tho Black Rivor has become vory swollen by tho

recent rains, no much so that tbo mills bavo cor 1 !work in the neighborhood of Kilmacow. The variousstopping-paths over tho liver aro quito impaaaiblo,acd, in short, such heavy 8. la havo not been knownat this season for many year past. Wo noticed asolid pi: ;o of masonry at ono part of iho river'sbank almost entirely washed away, and an immensetree, uprooted by tho waf rn, floated down tho streamuutil stopped by Mr. Parker'a weir , where it romairslodged at present. It baa breu fretfull y objectedagainst this weir , by Bomo fow partr-i of grc .t localfame, that salmon cannot ascoud over it. We can nowsay neither can largo erf i descend over it—so muchtor the weir. A woman named Donovan had a narrowescape from drowning at Kilmacow on We' lesdaymorning, owing tj thu sudden riFiog of tho waters ;Bho was happil y roianed by tho oonstubulary. In thodirection of Mulliuavu tt , tbo low-lying fields tear tberiver aro sheeted with water, uud prestjut tho aspectof a vast lako.— C»> respond: ni.

F A S H I O N A B L E N E W S .Lord Arthur Butler , 1st Lifo Guards, is stay

at Kilkenny Castle.Colonel Chaplin , '1th Royal Irish Dragoon

Guards, the new muster of the Kilkenny Ham., hastaken np his rcsidon?i! in that city, for the winter,

'Tho Manjuis a;id Marchioness of Ormondehavo arrived at tho Castle, Ki'kcnuy, for tbi; .«• • ¦ ¦ ¦• ¦• .a'.'ter a protracted yachting cruise about the <•¦. . ... . ... iislands of Scotland.

Sir James Power, Bart., and Jaraci Talbol,Power , iJsq., arrived at Wciford on Sunday from Kder-mino Uouso, Enniscorthy.

Leonard Leexon, Esq., office of the Local Gov-ernmout Board , arrived in Wcxford on Saturday oven-ing.

Juh n Marcus Barron , Esq., J.P., and Mra.Barren, havo arrivod nt GcorRCR }wn from tho continent.

Captain T. A. (Jough, lloyal .Middlesex klili-tia, und Lieutenant Hnjh Goui»h, H.N., of tho Royalyacht Osborno (lately returnee! from India), aro at pre-sent Rtaying at Salmbury, (Jloninel, tho residence oftheir father, Percy Uough, Esq., J.P.

1 bo Officers of tho D'JiU Hegiment, those of62nd depot, and of ilu;or Humphries' Ualtory of thoRoyal Artillery, havo issued inviuitions to a dancingparty to bo held on tliis ovoniiij;, Friday, tho 13th inst.,n thu Athouocum, Kilkenny.

Lady Alicu Lungwort hy, daughter of the lateand nhux of thu present Karl of Limerick, died at sea,ou bou'.d ibo Ci' ij of iJuinbtiy , on -iio ISt'i of Juno last.She hi1 .! been t.iivollin ^ with ilr. Lan^ivorthy in Ind'a,aud by medical advice n-as reinrning to England by thelong sea route.

This world is nothiug bat a sceno at a theatre,wbu re we comu to play our part, tbe actors of amoment, who disappear direotly the curtun falld. Tnsonly thing good io use, tho ouhf ouo wbioh doei nobdiu is our soul , aud yut that i^hejonly thing aixintwhich we do not occupy oursolvej in Che least.—Si- John Orvsosiom.

Page 4: · 2018-07-17 · Curs without leaving the Laiiriiui; Wharf, nud und er t h •ame roof , there nte Kcfri-sbnieut itouiu,

Original )Joctvu.l .KGKND OF LIMERICK

bw itt lv ply thy far?, jjootl rower?,Ami b.-ar mo to thy vcnlant phorcs— tin* i* ^hauuiui 'a nublc tide,1{. « li: t . lie th y I-Ym's yriilo '.l'i nr Invriv t;init . tliou Inist rnlfcrcu long,'III * : \\ i ;ik aw'.iinst the crushingstrong.A- *.,u tiir ii ' J l-ij ivii i t; wnL-ra roic,II- :ir, lucir tin- M Italian 's woe."X. -:.ll\ i\imillcs- Kki<-R ol Miirn blu-i,1 w - u 'ii inn- contli- , lovi'ly, tnic ;l:l nk tlowtM hir hnir nf midni |,-bt s gloom,Uri .-lit vlmvril her cUcck of wiM-ruso bloom jW i t h - t v r r v ryes of Intent light, .Wliu-ii Hash would V'IMI m«ko iUrkim« brightAn.l n.i-lc winch clenuie.1 like »w»n ou Uk«,An-I vniiv IU swot ivs bird in br.ike.Hut unt llix- lovii of colilor dime,S-.1 . tint f nob lore as thluu was romo.'I«j. like the crater's burning stream,Hut |iur< A* .-XHR I -I S' 1'lircet clrenm.o!i , mv ! uiy loved, liwl spouse IKVn il'ivv thy ii:uu« sweet tUuuKht* ixrouso,A:i.i f i t icv briu ^A i.gtiiu to uieM y h .m.O.r I'muii'* tank* iritli tln-0,Aroim.l \\ ) i",*r liorcU vin.s.t<>mlrUs urew ,Wi ih rlu-t 'ruii: fruil of vmrnlu Iiuo.Hut yi t uiiollitT luve bud IHIM it l i lt:ilia '> Kl-nviui; aky.'¦I'w.o, !..». > uf Mia' cli-^r nilvury cbimos.Which sj ii -ki ' to 1110 iu sweet wi-iril rhymes,A 11:1 o 'irij u tun rut a toiulyr boy,T!n » I -II.- .I HIT In art with bournling JoyWh .'-i tr. !iilili:i«- I'll t ll i 'i-Tvtliu:/ btvl'-'J"' II KI I I I I L - Ihni ' tin: pi -rfuinul tri1.*.» l r miii i r l i t i '..' "illi thi- lliumlor 'rt m>i,*l'l ,i M i i i i .-in .'oN . i r thru " -li:u |iv-of night.A' l i l l:i!i-r "11 ill llirMllKKxl ' i. JirillH!A li. ¦]>. ¦ t.. r.iiiinl l !n ir chiini-.s was mine,Alc - I :i;. -Ii i ll. !¦• • «:l> :l Clll-r.lull fVirI !i:il 1M.11M !¦ «.ir.l all t.'il ami '""•>'•IV 1- my 1. •.i . i . r.-i 'i plii.-lil.-l >> "r>l

Ttnl ..;, ':/,. ¦ .l . i i - l l . i i re l i i i in - .' m'lv liranlS I.T. -ii I.I i- ::.l l i t . ' w.llll .l liill 'l luffl'lbir1 i ;;i- h .111- . »!iu-h ili :it!i alirac cuulil serer.Ai. i l!;.v. mv inv wa« quit'- cml'l' teV. !n 11 wr - . -i '-i i t ainl hum:, my lielU MM . l. 'i-li. l. i -.m.- I'f - ll« f lir ,'!¦ . v 1 ; I .T -! .1 t i !<» ' ti le vii-Uim.* air ;!¦:. i r . i . 1 il .mr. L-.M ¦-•!..«•¦ I tl ic amTn . - .!' ¦. I :..v >« .-I l.i."i win ,A.- .! !- 'i ;,..< • • a.i-r . l . in<l i i i i.- liri.l i ''I -i !i -me < E I ¦*- • l.y » .'0l si -» 'r ,-nU' ,U'h.r. fr- . . !'!¦ l ii-i^hb-'liii;: ri -nv .-llt H *!»¦¦M v In IN t..|l..| .'..rth , ni .irn , eve, anil niir lit ,l:i * '.m-- . I.. i -r. .v,ii .inr i-artbly b l i-^ ,I ' m i - rhililr i ' l i f l i r i.f Krelimr ".I lim- -l lV. i*m:<\i . bvit oui- lliv nvirii—'Tna < ^i-iiUi- -1-vi^ l I.inuoro..-!ii'h ,l hiTiii "t l i iT '5 ii>> Mi->Ainl u i t r l i i n - mule of l.uili:r '.THCe.Ilin , :ili : my Mi.-- t.-j i | i i iikly .1 m I..- .r,..r. V <:!.. ¦ k '!¦¦• p llusheil the red ;K IT v - v i ? -rtw ln i -_'bti -r still ,'i '.-1: :,-k."' i j L'l.ii'C IO ln- :ir Hi " Will.l.i'K. ' l. '.l' .l Wi!!, ILlt it< tHlnllT lOTI' ,.~ ' i !'¦ I in.- li ri l n ' l w . l lab '.i rit' ¦¦'¦ :. .1- *. (. •¦ '¦ :A * * 'iioilh Anluniu '-i bla>t ,

1' .¦ .-iM-rii ' ,.' 'ir "i"''! aii'l frnni earth pa*r-ed1 . ... w,.- ,k. ;.-. iiniv tn t e l l ' f urii 't.

\ 1' . . in:. ' -1 ¦ '.'. ¦¦ ui'Yr brought relief ;

' -: . -i . I. ¦!¦¦:¦¦ , ami cliiUl'en reft ,! , I. 'U vt ' .t 1 v.- w i i 1,'ft.! . • ;: ..- r.l!,.| .. .'I » .'! :i.-n r i ' l -wi 1 p,A .- , i I. • ¦• •!-¦!.! my ).. . i l i l- !:i-l y .n ler i r f .*' ' .' i ¦•, ' I -' II ' -I *. a 1 ivii f ' l l ' l ,

v. ¦ . ¦;. - . , ,,,y i . , ir laii' l ' -v la i i i' i iul ' i ii i l

> ¦ ,.- ; v. t - . ,.'i li r!iuii ' !i aii-1 c-u iv r l i t hul l<:\ ; ; i ' - • .;.!¦.¦; - - f t iM ii in lh'lv ,A '' .'!. : ¦

¦ . - ;:.- -* 1 ' - Li'l lliy i-yi -,V v l , : - w . ; . - I . TII . - > \ i t ! i t h ' ir prize,i . . - -;.|.¦ lA iin l »- i « I ,' :. • i : , -.. ¦: I V . . . - I I , . »i!l t . . . l i. '.; -. A ¦ : , i ¦ ..- I - . I '. I ! it:-! ami main ,V ¦ • . ! .:¦ ,ny l»-ll«.r/ : i i l l,\ : . • , \ :. . • I :'- : II t!ty u-r.i-i i i-.!"

•I 1.1 :v- - . u ; i ! i ^ imi iy .-m ill- ,¦ . , .. . . f 1:;- w.ui- i ' r.".in li.- ll.<v . . . :. i :.-. :;• s;.:iiiii..n .-wriu .

! v : i . ,v . ! '.'. . i fu r a m l wi.ln: - .¦:.. i I t i i -.- l .i - . i . l 's «iJf ,V .. . ; L - ..l,t!- iiiTlmet tells. . :- U .LV , 1 il h..,r my bells ;I' . i !. n i ' .- i - ! ;-- .! llii: Virgin "fair ,V. :. . :, ' .-r .l.'iij .-i t tn' itinm-r 'i prayr,'T . • ' ¦ M- ii > i i ll i C"iu»is the rtoimi of ni"n

I - .- v: l i i - .r ml nTY chinu R ft^aill ,.\ . ; : : . . :...^ ;.¦; my prajer 11* wt in ,I •¦¦ ¦' ' 'm i l lii- 'i-re 'sink*; th .» Fim !I -. .. . S!.. .thr. . l il . i i ,i .-su[ Hii* liOAi-tI :- .. .. . ¦.ni l 1 f.i- 1 I M » UI sl iii l lpart iA ¦ .1. :,•¦.-;,. il. 'W In ili't nipiue llower ,'I' .. '.:.- -h ,il In- lira huppy Imiir:'i 1- >i!ii m:tll c-aseil his tale uf wi)C'* N > I ' I I - i v .in.* /-ii n-i-l '-i erim-ou plow;I :,- I .! ..'-.. .• II « l i i' .-i .f May 'H yualli; bloom

1 1 . 1 - . 1' .11. .11 w:ift.-.I f;iint pcrfnm",A ' i I !u. i' . : i i r i/ w i l d tliu pl:e-h of lar1 .:.i- 1 .. ...i. -I - .IIII.I- from it^ ^reen shore,,\ . : ¦' . :¦.¦- lu l i i iy , waiuli-rin^ air7 ' . -...< '! t 'J- l hi ' b^.i/J^'J pnjer .1 * -t r ; . ' :i . i n ! H tmr-t nf pilvery ?nuuil.- .v- : . - ." ir ;.:i.i n-- :ir , f rom l.allnwi^l Krmloil 1:- . - ¦ ¦¦ .- :n. - i.f l . im, riek' < f :lr- f:imed bells,

A .-.. 'i : !' -iyi l- r l n i r 1 rim tf !l«..'¦!.¦. ... .:-:* my b"!l-i ! I' vi- lu:i nl orlOi'luore !

.Vi;. i ; . . 1 :ny i - l . i h ln i i ! my Li-oL-un1 !' I n ' ,..:. ij v l i - n t r seirri- h-.':inl hi^ moan ,'p. . ' : Iv . l i i i . '- lwith h i'l tl ' iwii ;C • i. ' ¦ !; l- .vi-.l •; ¦> Innv , Ml \e.»ll,.". > . . . -. i. - s »:.<!¦ t . ' l l . . l f,.rtli his knel l .''I . .' .:. -!. .:.: f . i - I.i« l..ii,l ..f Jiirtli .'i '..¦ ¦¦¦ 1 ...i-. i Li ' i i i.- "tly 'n i- i i th t l i i ' u r t l i ;" I' .:. '••• :¦¦ li !i !-.»l" \ras waft i i l hi '.'lli i- :u i' .!¦ . t i -.1 ¦ hearts " Heath Kr inV hky..',¦. ! .¦:: - .!... li: . I. ;!,i t a l i i* lu'.il

- ..-I. 1 1 1 i .' - i' l i- . h i - I I I I M I ; O . > I s pri i l - -,.\. i ¦¦;. :i. . i lv i-y .-ii. inn.); t i l iui ;"..r.l. B. O'U

SA 'I l ' lX.M, H A N K

^ > ¦ : :. '. . ' b^ ¦ ¦¦ i . i i nl l y Mi |i |i ' i i 'i l i vu l i :i pnuipl i l i ' t

. ¦:¦ !•-; i ! . '- : ! • ! ¦ : "I ' : I :I ,n ! i l i- ,>s in t i n .- Slmri:-• i- - :- - r. ' i . i " < I ' l i r '- r - " nl ' : !»• N'.-i !inna l liaiik ul''¦r. -i . l i i ¦•¦_":- 'l " ,\ IV u ik i ' i' ," and is pnlj-. "! ii - ;

¦> . - ¦ :! i. - - . .r \hr hi tlt litmk.r. li

i: . i -• - •: •:•¦

:: ¦:: . •! :: _"¦ ¦ M ^i i 'i - l t in : i l irec:nr- ¦•! '

• !' i - . k . :i :, 'l : , lu l l j n - ' J I I I ' I l iuin' -t, t lmt l l i oJ M - i ; i i . 'i! '- .-- s v , . ¦;; | J i l i i u v ul l f l l l l ' l- t l l i .Ti; IS .' I I I Vii iu l ;

¦. .: • : ! . I - - I : • .. 'i fn i ' .s. As id the s ta lcmcnl

i ' li n : Na: i ' i i a i ] i . i i : i < inn invnlvud tii thy ex-it el L''J'. ','"" . ' i n t i io I l i ' l u - i t li it ihv ny , w i: lu ivuII I i n - e:l'iMl i : i i ' i i. | i l :- i> - i - i l IJV ihu l l i lX'ClOI'.-i I n

l l n- i r i n ; i> i : i ^i T * in K!ii> ! : iml anil liX'l.'iiul ,j i l i a t . I . M ' I S i i "i i '. ! h _' I I M ! t i i . : l i iiuk l iail CVI.T.- !¦¦ •: . ! • • • : ; • ' ! , e . ,M i l i : i i C"in|i:iny, ilirt'fll}'iiri i i ' i - : . i _v . I ¦¦•::- « - |> l i ' ) M U - I I a c ji i i in t, anil in:vcr¦ I; '- i i .- l i c h a i . aci -o t i i i t in i l > Ij uuk- , and l l i c:.! ; h a - ' ¦ ¦. ' ! a i ;\ a n c r i l oiib |i..'iiny, i 'i t ! . e i- U J l l i ui ip . ih;. . '.r '-ui ' ij ; r i . -n i i nr |)fi > ' i i i .s on account.i l . .- c in ; l i n y . I ii " " UuT iki-r . '' in l ii.i- | 'a:ii|ililut ,¦ .• - i" " ; . . • • < ¦ ¦ ¦- ' . v ,'I M I i l i . - .-KM- ' .n.s l i i i a i iun "

i i i i i - '. ¦ ¦: a - v i : i i - a ! l y ( i i ' < - j i | i - i | in such stninj f111. - l : .a: ' . . ¦ - ': :i" i , ' '''l'T.-. w i l l '¦i i '-pccl h'3 mu.<!

v i ' a •.¦¦ . - ; : I I L ; i : I ¦ !' >t in ( !: ¦• n.- .- u l l . 'I 'l ia! ,

l i - i i - .; . y \ I . " \ - -i-y .- '¦¦¦¦¦11 knwn. I S i i r , 11 t l i t -

i > - : 1 ¦ . . ! - . ' .\ i *. i : i ! \ ' r. as 110 .- inn - lu i r i -! . :\ . - :. - : • . .-. '; y i . " a 'i ' l i - > " I l i e OH'IL- I.T--, '¦

i • .¦

. . . ' . : ; . ¦ ., : : - : ; ^ i < il ij | |i c ia l> ut ° ll i(i lank ,

ic i-H i - . r.' .'. : f ) i , "l CO III 'M', i i i i i i j to i i t io i in ll y, teuiJ•t- < - .-i t • I I I : I - . I . L'.- ~ l l i "i ; i di.-;-:at.i.ifiictioiit and even• l i i i i i M . ! . . . : . •:: . i - very sti-anye. Tliu pamphlet¦ i'- i. ' i ' . a ' I . I I I I I : . -! lu ( M I I I I L 'C I. t l iu JS alionalMr: *\ : ' •' . .' ¦• " .v> aniyi?i " aiiil J / la inn J roa Works,: l i . 'ir .: ij a i i w a y Coinpiiiiy, utid ol-hur com-:¦¦- .- . ¦¦!' - MI " ni which il r. .Masscy mid Mr.:!i:"t. - - :.!¦ •• "r w.- ri! ilircctor.--. Wo are happyh. - i i . L - :. ; . ¦• :¦¦ - l a t i " . l 'ir tin.' satisfaction of thoi n li ' 'i ¦ . " r. i ' ¦ ul!iiM:rs ." mid tho public, thnt

c ::: 1: i ¦ .'i' it in the pamphlet were, I - I - i : . ' : - ¦! .r-- l ' ¦< t!:'.1 public undcrtnc auspices

: \ f : ¦ . : . : . , a:. 1 l iavu iiovor had, directly, orl i i v s . . , ' .' . • .- i - < 'i ' V aiKam-e from the bank.' . -¦ ¦ I . 1 . : : . . : i . " i i i>ui i i luni is not involved lo¦ \ . ¦¦: ' a .lin.i;!'' rarlhiii{i with nnyono of

:, : . ' ¦:' ' ¦: ••¦ , Mr. Ma.-.iey, .\fr. Einmons, or.In- ' : i: - i . : i - :tn unduiilj iud rit ^lvl . iiifk personal

r u i i i . : • • in-c-up i a r' :ai at l!n: boards of otheru».ai ¦ - . i ' .< '- i l i ' .'V have no rii 'lit whatever to.. e - .a ¦ ¦¦! ¦ ¦• -nn '.-ci L J KJ National Hank with these; i ; : r : • ¦ - . I 11" pi' :- ' : i i t Ijijanl iissuraod ofllCCon: i l i • , ! . '• : i i i . ii ' r . -!.aiMiinj,', and to it the pr'.Hetl (,M !. V. a- - 1 ¦¦ ¦n- i- 'l ,ha.s riu' i i l ly adhoroiL [ni^cd• ¦' : K - !' "'• '" ll ": ""ll1 (%s" ¦p ,'hen some¦

¦ ¦¦ • • ¦ • ' ' '!"tak,Mj .M «oroinlrr ,lncctl t0 lhe:. . - . - " :.. :¦ .- U." aii .-pi fros of the Xmional•¦¦ ' ¦¦" ' ' •

¦ • ' - ! - i""h'»li | .:rs l .H _ V|J ,.,..,, .„„ ,0 rc.. ;, ! , . : ,. 1 : . . ! , . • . •; s l . i . t M •

nr. Ulnl ( ly Gran i te: •: ¦'

¦¦¦¦• ',' •

¦¦ .

l :.'l;!':z '

.. l l i iry (.''.mp iiriy, tho-•"• ; :' :;1 " ": :

¦ ' ' ¦'¦

, . any, and the Marseilles:. .H 1.:; . ; . ! . ;. . i lie iV| .j lol . (l |' iliuloiU'ruviduntly¦

' . ' ; ' ; '1' 'I I . ' ll" .\ , , . . , , . ... || I , I }.,. |, l |l

' '¦ :' :' !n- ' :' - -< :_ '" ,,,11,,!. of lr is l ici t p itKl is invested• '¦ ' ' • ' '• ¦ , , , , in l i i n t i i . n i 0 tlic tn-aniiry for

' ¦' a i i i - ,u." , !- . , . , , . . , . , .| V |li;|, l | i i r i | i< ; ii )Ci iar i (a l i lo; ¦

••¦'»• •' '¦

|. , i: l l i i ,i"i- ani l .-! nl fariniirs [ilace' •' . . : ¦ _¦.- i .n i l " | in-JL ; i t s dividi .'i id^ nir<inl

::i \ i. '.i an <- .\- :raviit;:i'ii. bin a " ri.-l (Tib!u"

. , . . - ' 1 , 1 . ; . : 1 ( !i' i .- i s , \ \ i i l . .\ vt- , j ^uv''nir'.- - i : , and; a: . ' I M i - a ; • • ma i iV t imid p'.T.-'ui is in the

' ,. . , ; . . - : . . i - .. -. .- . ". ' i i } ;- : thi: cla^s which has, . , , - , . - ' ¦ , ; . . .: :. •! we ( ¦;.- ! l iu i ind in ilu.- ir• 1 , , . - ¦, . . ', | . ¦. '.Lt l l i " |- ; iMi |,h l "l . .-rut In us I",, . . :.,.¦ • < v. • ' . i i inn- k i iuir lcd r:. Kvcry tner-n. ' i " i : . - i i : : i i | i - "l:i in i can undi:r.-tand ihat 1'.j . i . - . ., I L - , : u- .;.. -. a l l ' i l . V l l H - l l .-l y, is lint U.-ual1 - I , i : |. , . | - c i i . i i ' " i r i a ! n u n or " lisnkcr.s."—

- t ./ i I l l l i t ' .

, |,. , , |i 1) ' :n\ — Th" ril ' iM ' iactililir liroollrli '- -,1 . ' i' - - I »- '"fe V :>ii' , .i 11 ,!.• -• '..I Uiip lill ii llli.'l y

, , _ . , , .. , ; -,¦ ¦ i- i i r i "' , '< a i' i l i l i' l i f n 'i i l>yn l n u n -

\ . . » . .-. - ' v -v ". ;. h . l' l- i - :II .I ! n r i j a i- s t i c j i ii i tt l y


'.¦ .. - . , , : • ¦• ].a i l i' ! i' .f. - i i i i inV'l Lnnl ] ) up

' .. 1 : • ,' ! . A :¦ ¦!¦' •-" !' »n^' v i a r - i t l( i

n* u a w

. ,'¦ ... . 1 . . | i . .t , , l i n l.:iv.-l ) i' i t i an u i i l iM|i |iy'¦'- ; . , ,

'. I . _- M . . .'

¦'I..'.' i i i - mt l :!1 tig '>, Mr. l l i i b-rt

. ' ,, .. , . ."

.« . 1 .' ! l l . ".- i l i vi . n- ' - i l b< i i i t i :y l a in in

.'' ,. . , .. ,, i - .. ¦ ¦' i 1-t .i i r n l' - l i i r n'.( | Ua n t u n c c a t n

. ., ' ., .- . i ' .\ 1 1 . 1 , . i t . - .oi n '"I i l l * ' Ki i ' -^ t H prrsont

i ' , 1 . , < ¦ V, ii . s. > I J l l H t - f ] I K ' l l l I 'VL' t l tS If'l",'

r r i ' <- ¦ • -: 'T- ' ;' • ^¦ '• 'i«:!' U: •' Cuur t , Mr.

.-¦ ,„ , . ; . 1. . .: . i ; - ¦"¦:• |.. I I I I ! I l.l , mill us niiiN a" "

v!lS ,..- .¦- . ,:. ' .- :, '" • pr i .i . i 111.1 I ' l i i l M . t ol t l l K llccreo

l]'. , , | i . . . , : ¦ i- 1 :¦ • !':'• l» :n- 1" fair MM .1 I I I.H wif i 1. A i-„.:. '. '. ': - . . • : . - t ' - i ' « ¦> iii ' .ntl is ' tii i irriaKO mi heir is

;. , . A !. .• I .. !:-• •• v. ,11 ir. i- i . i . - r—tl intof CiBorRe'•',%.-it i l ¦ ¦ Vi "-i'1'i 1'ii 'i ' l i i i , In ir-n| pnrt'nt to the

• ' lilnt ii ¦¦:' K i :.ii ' 'i' ' i "r t i . it nl lli " |'i:«<"int hulni iw"

•'. t r i i i i ' :•

' > I' ' ''-' i |lt "'''''•'i t VltiwiTS? Tho qncs.

",','„ 1- n- .- i i i v ist> iia«' ri- !!tii.« oui', aiiJ may bcoorae

'l'llitioi. i 'iy

'"' whi - i i the illu.«lriou< JO U UB Blrangcr,

'rriviiH '.'- I'-" }'«' '"-- <' f .i. !., - .rt . . . . . . .....l TioTring the

,n nil nri' . s of Kimiril e^.i.'s .n.i 'l.-i - nmmN ll.e preomo'i i i r oni.ilinu-' uf lii -t f iM K uIar s i tu at i 11.

W r i t Km l' vt rn:s.—Thru nre but 92 inmates m

h« I) 0i. Vu' w d.khi .a si ', y i'ttl.c wci-WI, coneump., f v i -1 ¦ y 1- a r-- 1 ¦¦» . •""' :tl11 c*t«H- We Bre

Z told l»»v >»»<:li wmc>, porter, io., i» ueed. Uow,,,.„ » poor i-utepuycra iatu ud well ?

agriculture(From the Irish Farmers' Oatette.J


In lato districts, during tho early part of tbo monthharrasi oporatious may still occupy the farmer's time,by tha baokwnrdueas of the suaaon or tho preralenooof uufnTourablo weather. Io »uoh ossos much exor-tion will bo nocessary to prer iint ths onsaicg opera-tious trcadiog on tho hools of tbo pust.

WINTER OATS.—Tawnoy o»ts auooeed well in thesouth of Ireland, nhon sown at this time. This do-oription of oata is frequently iown after a summorcrop of corn , but that oouren oannot be reoommen-ded. Tho tnwney or dun oats should be sown afterpotatoes. Same quantity of liood vrlll bo requirod »ain the case of spring oats. :

W INTER VETCUSS ASD RI E, and aUo ryo alono,when not already got in , rnmit bo sown immediatel y,aud if each c&anot be ucoompliahod, tho sowing ofvetches will reqairo to bo deferred autil spring.

H IKE , Hlion sown now, will ripon ubont tbo middloof July. It is BOWU after oarly-dug potatous or sum-mer Totchos , «ud twonty ston :s per Iriab acre (tweWonud u half atoucs por statute >cre) will bo suOioioutquantity of fioetl.

1'OTATO JtAisiso.—Vor this : operation dry wouthormust bo sdeuted. As tho pcunooB uro dug out , lotthem bo immuiliatuly cxnw 'iniHl , u»d a" diagaaedonca removed : thoso muy bo used ut ouco iu fuudiugpi K*. Tho sound poi;itoud w i l bu much tho butter oflyinjj in thu fluid lor a day or two after boiug raised,to dry tiicm thoroug hly before beiug storod ; butthey must bu covered at uiH bi with straw. 1'otatooBmay bu slorud in rarioua wn>'s. First , select a drypiece of bud, ami lay tho po .nloea on it ua if in nar-row ridgos, but so thut thej: H 1I»U not touch ouchother ; cover with about bix inches of earth, whichwill meservi) them till wanted in spriug ; or they maybu stored in dry lolia, cufoi' -d up with straw ; orupuii platfoi-ms mkdo ol' plnnl.d aud bi-ualnvyoJ. Wohavo seen them keep well wtuu stored iu tho follow-ing manner:—Thu north Bidj of an open, dry stonewall was solectod , and three loot from tho wall a rowof posts, abuut four foot high; wero dri?on in clono toeach othor—tho insiue was lined with straw, aud tbopotatoes being put into bbin place, were thatchedover. Potatoes storod in this manner kept well , thodisease did not spread, their quulity for tho till)Io ins|)ritiir wnti cxcellunt.

Sroiu.NU 1'A K B N I I 'S ASH CAIKOTS.—'loward s tho oudof the month tliu lopt of theao plants will show symp-toms uf deeny, indieatiug tliut thoy haro attuiucdthuir growth , aud uro ready for being raised undHtorod. Tho ruols are oaretully dug out, aud thotops wruuehed utl, takiug (are uot to injuro thocrowu of the ruut. They aro: then made up in ricks,thrcu lout widu ut the bum', it id gradually tuporiug toa [luiut. It dry, cieau rivur or rabbit baud cun bopmcuritd, let a layer of this Le placed betwoou urcrylayer of the roots -, but il .101, tho roots may bopiled up into heaps without siiud. In buildiug thesorieka, iho crowusi ol tUo root;i aro plauod outwards ;and when the whule is neatl y thatched over withdrawn straw , tho roots will keep found all wintor.In !) |iriii| > iho hoaps must bu 1 joked to, nud all youngslioui.i picked oU',thu ricks being again rebuilt. Purs-ni ps may contitiuu longer in grouud than carrots,witluiut beiug injured by frutjt . (AIU I for table uso theyaro best taken up fresh aud ; but wheuorcrthecrop appeals ready fur liltin g it will bo bust to raisoit at. once, BO that tbe n-lieu t rmy bu eunn , for whic ho.triuta and parsnips uro uu aduiirablo preparatorycrop.

W'HKAT SoWlNS—1'ierioua to eowiiiug seod wheatmust bu pickled, so us to pruvuut thu orup from beingnmutti'd. The piokio may cuusist of stalo ehamberley, salt , and water , strung el ougu to tioat an egg, ora solutiuu uf blue vitriol. 'J'ho vitriol may also boaddcil iu the salt and water picklo. Let the bluo-stouu bu dissulrod iu as much pieklo as will stsep tbowheat (1 lb. of bluealouo to 1 brl of whout) ; into(his put tbo seed, stir it well up, and skimoirall tboligiit pickled Uonliug uu tli3 surface. Wheu tho-ruughly bleeped, let thu seeu be taken out and putiniu baskets to drain ; spread it thinly on tho floor ,nti'l riihllo quicklime over it, so as to dry the soe.dcomp letel y, and allow the pickles to separate. ThoBeed aud lime must bu turned, uutil every picklo iscovered wall lime. No more sued should bu prcpurcdthan cun bu sown ut ouco ; for if allowed to lio fursumo time its vitality may bo duotroyed. Down's" Farmer's Frieud" is also exieuaivul y used as a dres-sing fur seed wheat. As such it is very useful iudcod,ami is easily applied just befo.'o sowing-. Auother ox>eelleat steep 13 curopuacd of chloride of lime 1 lb.,iitul 1 gn'.iua uf wiuur, to h) well mixuu uud koplEland 'mg fur ao hour, frequently stirring it, afterwhich it is lett standing ml thu Quid is perfectlyclear, and then drawn ulf fur use. Tho seed istl i 'fj i (I lur twu huurs iu this sulutiou , then taken outand dried with diy sand , aud suiva. This steep mayb" relied on as a period cleanser of sced.tvheat fromthe -S'-eds uf tho suiui ball*. Ar.-en:c in solution isuoM ^iv iialiy n.-ed lur aleeping ; but this is a (laugoruusarue!" in i.avi ; abuut a place , iiud thu steeps wo havei.u- i i l iutiu 1 ai" as i.-riit..iei 'ju.-s as any wo know. Seedwi i i .- .i - , i ik ir all ulht .T k i i uN u f M!ed grain , uui,'ht tu bevery c.iii .'l i . i ly <iii! ->i!<l , Until ly thu lanuers and sieve ,1-0 .i s l-» M -- p .» r. i t i - n i l li rf l-i. piel:li '--> an.I lliu .icuil uf auehwi .'.".ls as tn::y ii . ivn lj. -na t-eapi:.l aluny with the wheat.Tile quantity of scuti depeudi on the auil , and t ime,and manner of sowing. IT MO ,r 11 early, a to 10 stonewi i l suw an lri.-ii acri-, provided (do laud bo dry andir, guod condition ; but the longer thu Kuvviug is(I '- li - rri -d tin- inoro st-i.'d is rrqi ired. Iu such catics oru:i iii li 'i - iui- >o:U as much as I- or I I I .-,t>ju oi por aeroii't 'l > . ..r I , . , l i tt i I I I I I IT I I si 'i 'i l .

Sovtl wheat iiu^lil to be changed every <*ecun<l year.Il |!iowu nil une farm fur severa l yi .'ar.s,witlnmt liningcliaiigvil , it boi-oiinM vury lii .b io loamut. J 11 cliaii'j-in^ Si'ed il ^liuuld always bu ubserved tu bring tin:l ; i - .-*l i seed trnm an earlier district and a diflurentd'.- .sfi'ipti'iu uf soil than it i.s iiileuded 10 bo grown on.

1'i .u io i l lMi &u;nt ;LF.s.—An/ .ipuro tKno iluriug thismonth sho ild be devuted to niauuring and pluughiugKtiibbi t-K I 'M - enrol.*, pirsm is , potacoea, and beaiif ,y iwn i:: Kebniary . 'J' tiu- in.inunni ; lor tho.o cropsmi^t l>e liliera l , and tliepiuag liirig deep. Land in-teiule. i tin- '. jrni|i.i ur mangel wurx'j l , although it maybe pluugne'l now , need not. bu mauuriul. ^ubsoiliu|;iu iy :;i^n b • irarned on, il eu cuinitaucus allow of suchI> u 111 ji ilune al t i i i s t in iu .

1.1 VI; fcTO .'K.C/Anxt.— .Sued cattle ;IK am intcDded for being fat-

'.cued and sold early ouglvt to ho put up'lliis mouth.The feeding will commence, with rape ur glube tur-nips. (JalveH must als'j b) ti.kuu up from tbu grass,al least at night , and ullon eil a little linseed withthe turnips. Calves uro I aulo 10 bo carried oil"by inflammatory furer, ur I iackleg, us it U termed,at this season ; aud the xim of u liltle liniuud or cukowill tend to lessen the danger , by koopiugthe bowelsregularly open. Setona in the dewlap aro an ex*colluut preventive uf blackleg ; tuoy are easily in-serted , u-jd they ought to bi turuod ouoo or twice aweek , utid dix-iMcd with a lilllo Venice turpentino.After adopting this plan no did uut lose a aiugloauiniul from this falal disease. The Uso of salt in theirfood is also very b< Judicial , und ought not to bonmirr.i 'i l .

SHLKP .—Io low-lyuig dismcts tho rams will bo ad.milled. >.o tbo owes during th:a month ; bnt in moun-tuiii{vaa places this should bo deferred until November,8r, that thu Iambi may nut couio uutil April. Thouumber ufewe s allowed tu a ram depuuds on bis ageaud the nuturo of tho ground. On low-l ying landsBiitv ewts may be allowed lo a shearling, and fortyot lit 'iy to an aged tup. Cu high lamU, where thuowes are scattered over a considerable extont ofground , and where the tu JJ havo much tra»»l ,lifly ems wil l bo t-uIIicioLt for lhe shearling andthirty ewes fur the old tup. The older ewes shouldbu served lirst , reserving the shearlings tu tho lu^t , asthese m.iku but iudillereut nurses ; uud it it , there-fur, -, deiiiiable that thero be plenty of frosh grai.ibclmu l !-ey beg in to lamb.' Lambs ought never beput Lu tl.u rain, al'.huuy h the practice is fur fromb.-iiig uncuinmiin ; il imj iodi 0 tli eit- growth , anil it isalioi!i ther an injudicious custom.

A . this seaauu it it CI I I I I I I "a ainungshei-p l i i i n . -r<tu i l i i - rS tli:.*ir 3/jeep irith eertnili mixtures. I' liu ub-jt 'cl of i ln» is to ileslmy tin'- v i- i i inu whieli lin ed iutin) ll jece, '.o prevent or cure «cab, or any "llnirbi-at in tho skin. In sumu of tho mixiuien n^edur.iuuic I'di-ms a part ; but wo decidi-dly say Idal HimIK a tiub>l iiii:e which ought nevni he applied tu sh - i ' ,fur «e I.a-, u k nn\ 11 .-uiiiu wl . i e l l h.-ive been lire . 1 - 1n i i h a |.r. .-j .. . HI . on uf whieh ar.-i'.-iiic lurtned a partlem.mi in a ( lu. l , u i . ih i ivn i^ >iatu all the winter ;uud i-lierp which are in llns coaditiuii are very liableI. , lie e.irlied nil liy iliiejse iu i-pring. Tim vanoii'>uiessiugi prep-'i if i l by H.-;^«, li -mg, it-id , and other.-,hate ai»u i- .eli tln-irre.spi-ei ivu mWocatiM , us ellieaciuiiapioparaliua-i lur ihu previ-nt iun and euro of ecali.KeciipiM fur a vari '.ly uf pr. - pi i n t i u n a mod an ur-r t i i i . i i . - ili |i> , ur fur curinjj Mial yiro given in " I'U I - I I D I I 'H

Veterinary'.k ," puhlinhld ut tho olliec of ill'-f . t i- n-j i s' t l - i i - .tU , Dublin.

Si :niut !f f i i 'N A t ' i i i K . vr. — A ve ry Henciiis gun acci.I. 'i l l frurn lirr'u- iri 'io -di |)laco last werk nl Tlioinas.

ti .wn i-n. Ki !kcnnv . On the t'ti-ning ill i l in iibuve il iy ,Mr. liruwa , nci- 'iu i i ta i i t , l l ' l i ' - r i i ini i li.iiik, Thinnn-l. iwi i ai.-oompnnied liy a Mr. Shei 'lian , wlm had a •. ¦uul.i- r i -ccnt lv purcl.aa d ,priii d id alung tlm rivi-r to trythn i-i . -L-i'.

* It was deicriniii ' d thai. Mr. I l inw n nlmu 'illir^l lir" tin.' K U M , which hi- did , when ilnlurl unali - l y I i ',-barrel bur I and drea l lu l l y l . ici - rati - d une of his liai.d...Dr. S'. 'TJ'II^, t II <! luca 1 du'*t' r, WT* imtii"di in- l y in at.t-Midam:'- , :< n' l h*' calli .-d iu the aid of Ur. Juhnft 'iti , ofKilki -nnv , when it KM d -t i - r i i i in i - i l liy I ul l i Ki-ntkincathat amputation was iii;c»«nnrv , i in - l ihn npi'i'.-itinnwas accordiiif-'l y pi-rformed. It is st'iied that thaircntleman suffering is proi;ru»siiij< favuiirabl y.

Sick headache can generall y he rnlieved by Hoikingtho fert in very warm water , in which a spoonful ofpowderrd mustard hna been stirn-d. Sonic as luugas posBiblo, or til l the wate r gol*< c<>o l ; it flrnn-g U.oblood from the hind. Another quietening rumpil y i.<to Bcald «oui" milk till it whuyii ulf ; rmiitii n h ig ofthin muslin , and strain it off, not vnry dry , mid puttho cord in the bng npun tho heud n* wnnn unitcan bo borne ; it will reliove tho pain in a few mo-ments.

An undertaker ia one who undertakes tn take yonnnrinr.



in tho ohair, subsequently HICUARD J. USSHER , J.P.,V.C., Maurioo HaoWott, James M. Torry, Patk. Carran ,Edward Terry, Jf iohaol A. Anthony.

OUT-DOOR REMEP.—This roliof was continued toJohn Connera, of Seskinano divisioD, wife and throechildren. Three shillings a WODIC for throo monthB.There were several applications rejected, tbe boardbeing oppoBod to its continuanoo, oscopt- in verynrgont oases.

A PATIENT TOR THE INSTITUTION, DUBLIN.—Thos.Cronan and his father oame beforo the board withtho riow of having his son (Thomas Cronan) sent totho Dublin institution, ho being affected by the oapof his knee not being properly set by a bone setter.Chairman (to tho fathor of tho boy) : You aro bettorpay for him. Father : Well, gentlemen, I'll pay biBoxpenso down. Chairman : It h too bad that tharatepayers should rtofrny tho oxpouso of your aonwhilo you aro in a position to pay for him. Toomedical officer says it's only time that is required foran improvement to eot in. Futhor : Well , gentle-mou, I'll pay bis cxpenso. Tho boy was admitted tobo Bont on this ground.

COHRE SI'ONDKNCE—OUT.DOOK RELIEF 1." Local Government Board, Dublin, 27th Sopt., '70."SIR —Adverting to a ruinuto of the board of fruar-

dians of tho Dungurvan union of tho 21st inst., direct-ing tho discoantcuanco of out-door relief to a mannamed Alicarn, who appuara has a horso and cart and isomploycd at work , I am directed by the Local Govern-incut Board for Iroland to request that they may boinformed of the circumstances under which relief wasordered iu this case, and for so long a period as nixmonths.—Ey order of tho board,

" U, BANKS , SOO." To tho Clerk , Dungarvan union."Alter a short discussion ou tho above- letter, tho

following order was mado :—" That the Local Government ]3onrd be informod that

wboii tho application was maiio (of out-door relief,which was grauted, applicant had 110 jneau.s of support,and that ho oiuco obtained a horso and car by charit-ablo contributions from his friends."

Fruiu same, iu roforeoco to a minute of tho boardof tho 21st inst., stating that tho epccimuD leaves oftho medical ofncer'a woekly return aud diet bok didnot accompany tho guardians' miuuto. Tbo Clerksaid tho specimen leaves roferrcd to wero transmittedwith tho other corrcspondoncn. Uowovcr, bo wouldforward copios of samo fortwith.

From same, in roforonco to John Mooro who wassent somo short tiino ago to tho national oye and oarinfirmary in ohargo of tbo master. It appoarod fromtho raiuuto of iho board of guardiauB that tbo modicalofficer reported that Mooro was not a suitable oasofor trealmont in a public hospital , and tho LocalGoverumout Board rcquost to bo informed why thoguardians aont this patient to hospital contrary to thomedioal oflioor'a opinion. Tbo Local Government Hoardat tbo eamo time, WIB II to bo iuformed of tho numborof times tho master baa aocompauied inmates of ?¦howorkhouso to various institutions sinco the first ofJanuary laat, aud at what cost to tho uuiou.

' Ordered—That tho Local Ciovernmcnt Board boinformod tho board of guardians WUB induced to sendJohn Moore to a Dnblin hospital by his having contri-bnted a pound towards his oiponses, and that thoy havobeen informed that Dr. Wilson cousidorud tho caseought to have been 6cnt up to Dublin oooner, and thatit yot may bo treated there advantageously iu a fowmonths. Aiso, that tho master states he has uot beeuemployed in any case for accompanying initicucs to anhospital ninco tho lat January last."

M EMCAL FKKS.—Tho Local Govorumout Board bavosanctioned tbo paymout of £3 3s. to Dr. HenryAnthony for his attendauco at tho hospital dariug thoillness of tho medical officer of tho workhouse. Thoyalso sanctioned tho payraout of £5 each to Mr. Deonn'J Wr. John Uubony, relieving ollicors, for surviugnotices on defanltors under tho Compulsory Vaccina-tion Act in tho union.

THE QUESTION or EITIIAS A U R A N G E D .—This ques-tion was beforo tho board on two or three occasions,but it appeared that the medical officer did uut under-stand what tho board meant by tho extras ordered fortho hospital use. liis weekly return ouly showedwhat be urdered , ami for what bo gave iho return.Mr. Authouy aud tho clerk Bhowed thut was ?io( thowookl y return tho baard required lo be furnishedwith , but thu quantity of extras consumed in hosp italduring iho week. From this uxplannliun tho medicalofficer said ho clearl y understood what tho boardrequired. Thu bonrd then proceeded to considerteudera for thu half-yearl y supplies, and adjourned at•1- o'clock.

I'KTTV SKS SIOX.S—tiATfROAv.JIagistruli'H presiding—Sir .Vugunt llumblo , Bart,

(chairman) ; Jl . A. 1'ilzgoruld , F. ibheehau, aud JI .K. itedmoud , ]{..M.

Thu Chairman said thoro wus a matter which howished ihu presis to taku notice ul'. Tin.- sub-inspectorof pulice hero has no authority beyond liairaubawu althis side, while at the uther eidu ho has to go as faras iho Kud Furgu. If thu pulico arc required to goouui'lu Gairaubawu , the magistrates will havo toapply tu tbusub-iuspcclur uf l'uillaw , which requiresgreat expeiuv and truuble. It is certainl y a greatancmui y, uud 1 suppose it must boa mistake that auyollicial should make such a blunder.

LiuKNsi .Nii rtKssioxs, —Tho mag istrates had beforethem to-day tbu licenses of the several publicans iuDuugarvau. As the pulice had no complaint iu makeiu reference to auy uf them , they all pa-.nud.

A IIU S IVK LANUUA OK. —Uailiuriiiu I'u-.ver , marriedwomau, prosecuted John I J.ill on, fur having givenher itbuso. Cuinplaiiiant drpuaed ihii t ou Tuusduyn:ght dofuuduiit cume to her iluur , and uworo that hewuuld tuko her life away, al tho tamo limo holding aWMapuu over her bead, tihu tuuiight In.- wuuld du hernuino injury only »ho ran away from him. Defendantsaid ho uuvor saw the befuru nun'. Caairmau :Do you mean to say you were uot at her wedding(laug hter) ? Johanna Alolouoy was swurn , and saidD I IO uiil nut knuw who oummuueed the ruw , but beardtho defeudautsay, " Daltu u is my name, but whu aroyou ? Witness board defendant use ubusivu Ianguagu to complainanl. Tho doleudatit eutered into alung story abuui tiio matter, staling that bu was inbed at the time. Mr. Kedmond said it was probablesho brought it on horself. Tbu cuso was dismisaud.

Cump hiiuaiii 'slhusbaud bad two men, named l^uii '-Ian , diiuimuued , but ho nut appearing, his wife re-quested their worship to adjourn thu case, l i wasnui- ui'i iiiigly ailjourued lu thi.-. day week.

Al .Miki i Ai.-A i. - i r — A ij i'KAM,K Ci.->K. — JohannaU'lJunneil , a M - n ui:.ili:i , pruseeuted Wilnuiu M'Ciialh ,uf iln; ,-atnu i.-.i l i in ^, lot- iisi-aml , tuiciblo possessiuu ,M idi Mini ; : , u, ial.-.. ar.- .-iy iierij. iuy jitor. CompluiuauCik- j iii .-i -d i h i i tu n :iu- l i i t n ,Si'pn;nibur, dclondunt camein !!:¦! ln. i i . -i- , .urn wi -nt icnvaidd lhe lire-place , wl .u iei!he IH :B .i.mi: , i., .k up a hatchut, and raised it uplor l!..: purpi.s.. ¦¦: .-.triking hor ; Mrs. lieu came in ,and .-i-i 'iug tho ktato uf atfairs, rau for the police ;iivu ut l ie id then cumo in,' uud took the hatchet fromdefi-ndai. t .

Mr. H"i!mond—Why did he do this to yon ?Complainant—I suppose be wanted to loruo bis way

iu and lake my duughter with him,' because ho luokhor character before. ThiB in tho second timo withhim making an attempt to take hor away. (Jf courseit was my duty to keep my daughter (rum that muu.Tho mother, in order lo keep her socure her Jruuihim , cut her hair, uud chaiued her iu a loft OVOf herown huu*c. The girl ia about 20 yourd of aeo.

Tho Cuiiirman asked complainant how wus her legtied , and &hu stutod with clulh aud chaiu attuched.

Mr. Fitzgerald compared ;thom to tbo liaahi |ia-/.ouks. Sho had not been keeping company with thisman fur thu last twelve inuuihs.

Mr. Uedmund said if such wero tho state of thingsit was very naturul that tbu mother should try andkeep her I rum iiim.

Anaututia U'Dunucll was thon called , aud sho borean idiotic appcaruiico—her hair out pretty close. MrFitugerald : Is this girl right iu hor head ? Com-plainant : Sho is, sir.

Sho was ihuu sworn, and deposed—Dofendnutuumtilu wltn a paper in bi» naua -t uiutner toiu mm iugo out , and ih-u he tnado up lu her and caught her bythu h iir ol I he hea l, and almiped foil he huluhel, anddragged her u ruom aud out again. Mr. Ked-uioiiii : W'iial bruug ht him I., thu b'.uso i Wituens :1 don't knu-v , if it was not tu t.iku mo away . Mr.It idtiiiiinl : Wa,, it guiug after you hu wus ? X sup-pose MI , i-ir. Mr- Ucdmuiid : Vuu siri-ur yuu did nolw .nl . i , no w i ; h i iiu ? 1 did not , f i r ; i.o iu u :u«r.rum ni i L i i .

Liiis .,.i \aunui:i! l.y .Mr. .Mattery — Did you followlhe man in iV lu '( I > J i-1 not s ir; I w i- nt «- ii,li him ;he tol i m,: i . > iii -i - . him in Abbuy.-ii. lii ; Iiu g.ivi mohi s i. -i ' .'l an I .»- i. - .l ; 1 W.M UU the loft chum:.! then- ,und wieai I liear-1 :ho upruir 1 muved uut. Was itnu'. lu prv. V - MI I y.ii hum going wi th th is man Ihalyi,; w, iu eli..mi d ? Tu keep him from taking uui.iwuy. Air. fti.»tii -i-y oaid hu weal tu thu huuao lu »t:«why th> y »i - i> ! i l i ln.'Ulitig this girl.

Wi i l i . im Ale l i i Mi l i , CDinp laiuaiit , stated that In:went l l i e i e DJL'H U .SI ! Iho girl sent him word that shewas cruell y lu- .i i i - . l ; tho woman ntruck him with ahhlL - l i -- ; >\ a.-n In- went , iu uu the uight lhat s'.ie wonti n \\ a i - i l i - i - .l w i l d him bhe pa^M''d him at X i cNuiit'nl'x ; b" did nut know nh'j was ruining ; she hasbeen k i-ping cuiupi i iy with him Irum that tiino toI h i i ; iiut li ii ' lii"ii n'lii him tu tin: huusu thatni^hi oa-y lu rfi-e il t*L <: »v. *n chaim-d.

i;n .i. >>i i u—An) vim iii.ii- riod a uiiiu '/ — I am , \m\sf tt(l.iii^.- i i i - i ) . .Mr It"ilinmil : And irl, "ns is yuur wifnI .I I .V )- — S i m m in l . i iwt i .

C him man — I hat (.- i - 1 i« u!' weak i n t i - l l i c l , and thi"man has taken advui,t.ii;i: ¦¦! tlmt. Ai-ti i i g runstabloCuak.ey then gavo nvidi - i u, t l i o i-lfeet that whentin wont to Uui I I I. U - I - th.i cN- . i -mlant truces ofblut.d tin hin f.-tcn Hiid a W I M I I H I .. I , I |t ,i side ul his head ,bin thi i (Mii 'Mli ie bi - i i i - v i t i l i i i hi i i-uniluet In)de.-ii - i v d it K l m- i e l .\ l - n i i - . - . y ,li- ;iu-ii!.| that h«henrd the cry ing i n i u d - r , ami ii .a i. the man toldhim he would bo k.lled il hi: lei '. , i l n - haichel. I nanswer to thu chairman, witness said ili< -y wore bothcry ing murdur. Thoy both hud a hold of tho hatobet.

Mr . Slattery said, boforo they made up their miudsh« would l ikn to tay a few words. Thero aro im-portant facts boforo you that , I think , aro worthy ofconsideration. With referenda to tho trunsuclioubetween this woman aud the man, thoy have nothihgat all to nay to tho oasu. If this man boa seduced

this girl, there ia a tribunal whore striot justice canbe obtained. Bat, in point of law and In point of f»ot,they have nothing to say to tbe essanlfccaao. If it betrue that this woman was keoping company withthin man for three years, and this woman wag chainedin her fathor and mother's house, I do not think yoowill 8sy it was an unreasonable thing for this mao tolook after this girl, ood see whether sho wns ohaioedwith an iron chain in her own house. No doubt/hewas bonnd to loare the boaaa. There was no qnestionabout that. Sho had full right to eject him. Howdoes tbo case stand in referonoe to that transaction fCan you come to tbe conoluaion that, if this man tooknp a hatchet with the intention of itriking thiswoman—a powerful man like this, with only a weakwoman opposed to him—ho ooald not bnve acoom.plisbed his objoot without difficulty P

Mr. Redmond—Shn rmvnr iiaid he atruok her.Mr. Slattery—But , gracious God, is it possible that

ho conld not havostruok hor t Could a weak womanlike that reaist a strong man like him } No doabttbo woman was angry. But teat the evidenoe. Shohas not a scratch upon her. A policeman stated howtho man had a mark of being struok with something—that ho was corerod with blood when ho came in.Ono crios out murder, tho other cries for tbe neigh-boarfl , and ho takes the batobot out of her hand.This is all you have to try hero. You have to trytho CQBO apart from any Toolings whioh njay beovokod t»j tho man's proviouB connection with tho girl.For tbo assault you havo to try Magrath, and I amconfident you will dual with bis case in a fair andimpartial spirit , and give a dooision ia my favour.Tho court si'utonood WDJ. McGrath to QUO month'simpritfoumont,nnd after th-j expiration of the soutonco,to get bails iu £5 oach, and bimsolf in £10'to koop thoponco for six months, or iu default to ho imprisonedfor one month.

TKKSI 'ASS—Win. Slattory proaocutcd Patk. Byrno,Spring, for tho trospass of a cow. Defendant's wifoappeared and Bhowed hersolf to bo endowed withsurprising volubilit y of speech. At first sho was allpnlitoncss, say ing her husband was para lysed. ThoChairman : Well , ma'am, I hopo yon won't bo para-lysed yourself (laughter) .—Dooreo for Is, tho |aunouncomont of which soutonco drow from her somo 'uupolito remark as BUO loft Ibo court.

CRUELTY TO ANIMALS .—John Deoring was prosoouledby Constablo James Martin for working a horso whosoknocB wero complotoly lacerated. Tho bench in-formed tbo defendant that bo was liable to a penaltyof £3, and flood him Cs., or eovou days' imprisonment.IIo got ft wuok to pay tho fmo. Tho court then roso.

OCT. 7.—Magistrates present—Sir N UOKNT IIUMIILE ,Bart.(Chairman) ; IT. A. Fitzgerald , F. Shoehan , nndII. E. Itodmoud , R.M. Jamoa Fitzgerald , Esq., In-spector of National Schoois, occupied a socit on tbohniip.h.

Tho Chairman rear! a momorial nddrosscd to thoLord Lioutonnnt , by Bridget M"ooro, in roforeuco tu acoso of a bnltor, named ilooro, triud boforo tbo m.igis.tratos on this day fortnight, in whioh caso thoyinflicted an oggrogato punishmont for throo differentofTetcos of two months' imprisonment , with hardlabour. Tho memorial was signed by John Bainvicar, Dungnrvan ; Wm. Orr, Wm. Hualy, R. M'GrathM.D., and F,dward Kennofick-

After Bomo discussion, tho bunch decided in nothaviug tho full soverityof tho hard labouroarriedout ,but the term of impriuoumotit wan to romain nnaltored.

SnOOTING ON PllKbKUVKD LA .VI).— Thos. lllirty V.Nicholas Wall , JJal l y rjuivj .—l!r. Denial (for tho do-fence) asked tho bench, as tbo prosecutor did notappear, to dismiss tho case.

Mr, II, A. hitzgcrnld ennio off tho boncb, nnilopposed tho dismissal, say ing it wan a prosecution forshooting on preserved laud , and be held in his hand aluttor from llurty. Tho letter ran thos :—" I havogiven Henry A. Fitzgerald the preservation of myfarms, aud nulboriso him to prosecutes any personwhom ho may find thereon in pursuit ofu,umo, and toUSQ my name in tho prosucntion." lir. Redmondthoug ht the only objection to the beariug of tho casowin that Mr. Borual might wish to examine Ilarty asto his right to tbe land.

After somo diBCUBsion , Mr. Fitzgerald consented toan adjournment as a matter of* courteffy, but as amatter of right be hold tbo caso should be heard. Ur.Jicr/ial agreed to havo tbo Cftso adjourned , and itwas accordingly postponed.

A BUSIVE A N D THREATENING LAXGUACIE.—GoorgoPower charged John Quoaly, sonr., and John Queal y,junr., with using abusive aud threatening languagotowards him on Saturday ovening lust, suoh nw a" ruQian ot a bocough," &o., without giving thoslightest provocation. Tho court oakod him was boin bodily fear of them? Complainant said bo was,und wished to havo them bonud to tbo peace towardshim. Tfiosu partius oamo down to bis door with ihoview uf kicking up a quarrel with him, bat ho did notmind them , thoug h they continued t-j call him names.The ex pi.million of tho defendants not being satisfac-tory, they wero bound iu their own recoguizau<:e iuJK10 each, nud two sureties each iu tbo Bum of £5, tobo of good behaviour towards complainant for nperiod of twelve muuihs. The chairman remarkedthat thu Quoalys aro a fighting latnil y.

AssAi.'i.r. -—Johanna Daniel charged CalherinoM'Ciraih with assaulting her on Saturday , !!0lh nil.,by sinking her several blows on tha side of tho hoad.IJonuh : Did you givo her any provocation ? Com-plainant : So, your worshi p? ; I WUH only on my wayhomo with numo olovor when aho struck mo. (Heroa note wn.s handed to tho court in refcrenco to thncatiBO of tho assault) . Tbo Chairman declared hecould not read it, nnd n.sked tho could sheread it , to which she rep lied that sho could not read orwrite. Chairman : Who wrote it for you ? D-j -femlnnt: Mrs. Iliiycg. Chairman : Who is Mrs.Hayes ? Defendant : Paddy IlrtyiM, tho baililf 'H wifo( l i i i i gliler). Chnirman called for Mis. I 'ayes, but nonnu made rr-ply. lie then proceeded to rond theletter as folluwa ;—" Gentlemen , not Iwing well inhealth , and buing a fretted woman , my husband Win.M'Grath , now in prison , lived with this woman'sdaug hter, as I was told ; for tlm last three yearn lintook with her daug hter (linig hler) . 1 kuuw it attrue, but Iho day my huihand was going to thi-county prison, of courno I enmo to seo my husbandgoing nwny. After ho ivont away, 1 was comingliomi- , und near tho barrack Catherine M'Grath sanllu Johnnim Diiuiol , ' May bad luck to you , jou comelo sou my himband going away. Yonr daug hte r gavemo n bruken hourt , and 1 never coveted your daug h-ter."' This litera ry pioluclion by Mrs. Hayes oiici'.tdgroat amueement through tho wholo court. Mr.Fitzgerald (to defendant) : Have you any questionsto ask this woman ? Defendant : 1 have uot, yuurworohip. I only laid my hand on hor shoulder , andsaid to her, " Bad luck to yon , you camo here to hiemy busband taken away to Wnterford Gaol." Coin .phiiuiuit : Your worships, I didn't know who was attho police barrack. (Dofeinlant'g husband got twomonths' imprisonment , with hard labour, for assault-ing complainant; it further appeared at his trial thatho scduoed tho daug hter of complainant) . GarrettDaniel , husbuud of complainant , was going to b(;sworn as witness, whon thoro was tin objection raisednn to Ida boing competoti t to givo evidonco. Mr.Kuily, fur complainant , Baid tho mnn could beexamined in any court in tho land , when bo wai awitness for tho prosooution. Mr. Hedmond : Sup-posing io a murdor case. Mr, Koily : Vi-s ha could.Mr. Redmond Baid ho could not give evidenco for orugain9t his wifo. Mr. Koclmond rrel afterwnnlgunderstood to say that in a prosuoution tho husbandcould givo ovidonco for tho wifo. Dofeodant wasbound lu tin; peace, hersolf in £5, and two eurotioj in£2 lUs. each.

B K K A K I .VO A Wi.vnow.—Michael Currnn summonedMuster Joseph O'Brien , Black pool, charging him withbreuking six panes ol glass in his ek y-light on lastSaturday evening, and threatening that be wouldbreak down tho house on him. Complainant said hodid not knoiv tho reason of this boy 's conduct. Mr.Fitzgerald : What is tho valuo of tho glass ? Com-plainant : About (id . sr 8d. apane, sir. Mrs. Curran :Your worships, ho doesn't know tho valuo of thoglas.s; it's a shilling a piino (laug hter) . Court: Whois that woman ? Complainant: Sho is my wifo, to hasure (Krii^t Inua btor) . Mr. Kqilmnnil . -'i-i., - - charged this boy nomo tiino timo ago with poisoningil.i .ir pig, which they could not sustuin. Did yoa suuthe boy biuak tbo window ? Complainant: I did ,and I havo somo of iho clinkers iu my puckot (pullinguu", as largo us a smouthiug irou, out of his pockcl)(m.'irs of laughter through tho court). Mrs. Carran :Yuur wurshi ps, ho has dune us great injury. Court :Keep that woman siluut (renewed laughter) . Mr.Ciirmn : Indeed he has. (One of the greatest difli-euiii ' .'s in n iiiiro is to bridle a Wurain'.H tonifm1, andiu Llii s intanco it turuod up an impossibility). Mrs'Auoo O'Brien , mother uf tho ji tvuuilo dufeudant, do-posed that the parlies came into her Hhop and saidthat her fun , Joseph, broko their window ; sho wasaware that he was not in tbo house for two honrs be.furi! they camo in j nt onco H I IO went through thuI uuse uud called him several times, but ho was not\vi:hin. f f cumplaiuiiut stated tu me positively thatho saw my sun break the window in (lue.ition, I wouldpay for it. Court : Did you seo tho boy bre^kliie glusB? Complainant : 1 did ; bu shoved himsuliIhi' img h thu window , nnd throw iho largo clinkers atil , breaking it thereby . Mr* , (('[(don : Your wor-*hi pi', wo'er reall y annoyed by thuso parties, dayami night , und i fun informed Ihut thu sk y light withwhich my Suu is charged with having broken , wasbroken before, and they want to havo new glass putiniu il. Mrs. Currau : Wo want what is right tu beduuu, and that's all (a laugh). Court : Keep silent .Complainant : M y bedroom WMB lull of clinkers .M M. O'Brien : From the position in which my win-duw is pluoed , I don't think it could bo broken bymj son j in fact , ho was not within nt the limn theycamo to muke tho ohargo. The juvenile deleudantmost positivel y stated he never broke the window ,nud said ho wus not in his own house nt least ouohour and a half boforo it was broken. After eomo(urihor evidenco on both sides, the hoad-constablowas sent to examino tbo place. IIo reported thatfrom the position in which Mrp. O'Hrieu's windowwas placed it was impossible tu break it , except aperson throw a stone or cliukor bjckwnrds, mid byso placing himsolf in a position for thut purposo itwould bo must dangerous to life. Tho ehairnmu,nftcr hearing tho statemout of tho position of Mrs.O'Brien's window , and tbo open yards between tboparties, dismissed tho case (applause). Adjourned.

TOWN 00MMISSIONEES—HoNDATMr. P. FLOOD, chairman, presiding.

Other members I preasnt—Richard Phelan , ThomaBWilliams, John Williams, Thomas O'Connor , andCaptain W. Gibbons. i j. ¦

AH . ILLEOAI. RKSO&UTION.—With re aminute of the laat meeting, the dark explained that aresolution WM proposed by Mr. James Hannigan,sooooded by Mr. O'Connor, and unanimously sgreodto st last meeting, irhen Mr. Thomas Williams oo-oupied tbe ohair, in effeot ,. •' that, in consideration oftho depression in the finances of tho batter market,that no further sum should be expended on its im-provement for the present." The olerk Baid thatprevious to the passing, of this resolution, an orderwas recorded on the minutes, iuntiug tenders- forworks in oonneotiou with the market, aod thereforebo was of opinion that the resolution passed lastboard day IT&S illegal, the order referred to not hav-ing been resoindod by a fourteen days' notice in theusual waj . This only ooonrred to tho olerk whentbe meeting had adjourned. Mr. Thomas Williamssaid that when putting the resolution lost board day,it struok him that lor tbo reason stated by the clerk,it was illegal. Captain Gibbons : I suppoie it is toolate now to romody the matter. Mr. Phelan thonghtthat tbo order could bo rescinded in a legal way atthis meeting. Tho olerk said tho proper coursowould be to drop out tho resoultiou of last boardfrom the minutes beforo tho ohairman signed thorn ,and then to give a notice of motion for tbo rovision oftho ordor inviting tenders for tho works. Tho ohoir-mftn thon signed the minutes, tho resolution havingbeen aunullcd. No further action was taken in thomattor.

FitTiir STATE OF TUB STREET CROSSINGS .—Mr. J.WilliaraR said that ho was of opinion tbo crossingsBhould bo cleaned on Sunday mornings before oighto'olook. They woro in a disgraceful stalo last Sunday,particularly thoso leading to the places of worship.Mr. O'Connor: Tbo commissioners aro paying nscavsngor, and I do uot seo why ho should not bomado do his duty, Tho sauitnry inspoctor said howould caution him , aud tho Bubjec t dropped.

ENCROACHMENT OK THE COUNTY WATERFORD RAIL -WAY ON TUB GRAVING BANS..—A deputation ofmaster shipbuilders and shipowners, comprisingCaptains Shoohan, Snow, fJandy, aud Nugont, andMeBBM. Bonjamin Greon aud William Keily, waitodon tho board with the view of having tho neoossaryBtcp3 takon toprovent tho railway oompany cnoroaoh-ing on tho graving dook at Abboyeido. Mr. Greonsaid it was a oroat hardship on tho shipbuilders tohave tho dook interfered with. Thoy had no othorplace to onrry on thoir buniuogs , and consequentlynutnbors of poor peoplo would bo throwu out of em-ploymont if tho company persisted in adopting thelino aocording to tbo prosunt. plan. IIo banded in aletter which ho roooived Irom Mr. J. llodiictt , soli-citor, Youghal , ou the- Hubjeot, iu which it waa statedthat tbo railway company have a special Act of Par-liamont authorising thum to mako tbo lino, aud bo-foro obtaining that Aot they must hnvu given noticeto all occupiers of lauds throug h whioh it was pro-posed to run , as alHO public notico in tho nowspapem.Tho best timo to have petitioned for tho preservationof thi3 graving bank wai after service of theso notice? ,when tho railway was before l'uriaruent. Il wouldbo necessary to know , in order to ndviso what stepsshould bo now taken , to what extent tho railway , aaplauiied , wuuld encroach ou the bank , and prevont it*being used in tho manner hitherto oustomary. In

rdor to nscorUiu this, Mr. Iluduott advised thatroference be mndo by an onginuoor orsomocompotoutperson to tho plnns lodged with Iho clerk of tbounioo, aud if it were then found thut tho effect wouldbo to hinder tho publio from neiug it as bofore, thoTown Commissioners or Harbor Board wmi '-l Im thoproper authority to tf.ko tho matter up, and instructthoir solicitor to put tho caso beforo counsel , audunder his ndvioo to tnko stops for tho protection oftho rights of tho trade. In the mcantimo Mr. Uoduottrecommended that tho matter bo laid boforo tho TownCommissioners at thoir next mooting, and if tborights of iho trado wero threatened , public feelingought to be aroused by meotings n:vi pcaoeful agita-tion. Tho law agent of tho commidsioncrd was thoproper pcr sua to nci pro loBsionaUy in tho mattor.Mr. Groon mid that tbo line, according to tho stuto*rnont of ouo of tho ouginoors, would oncronh on thisbunk by 100 feet. Captain Shochan having mado afew observatiuo3 , the mattor was referred to Mr.

ohn Hunt, solicitor to tho board.PAYMENT or BILL .—Mr. Hutlur , contractor lor workB

at tho Town Hall , received payment of hiii bill to-day,after somo discussion on disputed items, but as thooontraotor appeared to ho inclinod to treat tho boardfairly, payment was ordered.

Two crossings wero ordered to bo placed at tho topof Williaiu-stroot , leading to tho outr&ucu of thoparish chipel , at tho request of tbo Very Uev. Dr.Cleary, P.I'., tho very rev . gentleman supply ing thogreater portion of the fiagR himself.

Er,K';rii)N OF Ci)MMi »sio. <Kiis.--Tho olection willLiko place on Monday, lUtb init. The enmraissiouersgoing out , if uut ro-eleeled , aro :—P. Flood (chair-rnnn), Capt. W. Gibbons, Richard Phulan, and l'atk.lleafoy. Capt. Fitzgerald was appointed returningodicer for tho Dungarvan ward, nud Mr. John Williamsfor tho Abbeyaide ward.

CoRitEni'DNUKSt 'K.—Mr. Denis M'Grath wroto statingthat at thrco o'clock last Tuesday morning tho publiclarapj wore quenched. It was not unusual to havoiho lamps quenched at two o'clock. Referred to tboKas company for an oxptanation.

Mr. l'hulan wrote oomplaiuiug of tbo ruiaous atntoof a store in thn nei ghbourhood of his yard, tbu pio-pony of Mr. .Richard Keily. The boroug h surveyor 'sintention wan called tu tho matter.

Afier disposing of a low other matters, with nnunusual amount uf sanitary business, of no publicimerest, the board udiuiirucd.

CITY PKTTY SKSSIOXS— F K I I I A Y .T H E H A I l l l I l K L ' U M M I S S I O N K I I S A X H T l l K St 1TI.V Of 11AI.-

1.ASV W H A T IS U M K o T U N K ?—IS IT CAUI'.U ?—IKITIIS1HKS Ul TU E U.L-KSt l l ,N — W H A T ml: M A U I S T K A r K S Ot'OI'K C1TV SAV.

liel 'uro ilin Hi gh', Worshi pful J. T. Uyan , Mayor , intin; chair j Alderman P. A. Pownr. Alderman T. W.Jacob , Mr. Slaitery , Dr. Scutt, Cipt. J U IUIKOU , P. K.Keid , and dipt. 1'. P. lSrouan.

•1 H E IIAT.I.ASI' bflTI.V.For win'1 t ime past , Mr. It. Hayes , contractor fur

tin; supp ly of b^lhht under tho llarbur Commission-er.-;, lias been cu/ iijiliiiij ing lo hi.-i princij i- ils thai hisri ghts anil prulils as MH -!I liuiilractur are beinij inter-fer. -d wi th by purliux su|.p !y ing liiii '.'Slonn tu Vess-.'isi i i i ih - r I In- guise of eargu, wii ich chuiil 'l unl y Im g ivenus b.ilUsi . and bv him nidi" . \l a discussion nn thumatl'-r at 'ho i larb- ir lluaiij rurently II was st. it i " !t i ia r. a legal .ip i i i iu i ha I IJ -I - M ¦ibinini .-il that when:i ia i - .-.iLuiiu was laki:- , a.i^u thn e'i :il:ilissiunefS hadno p'MV '-r tu in i ' -i - .'' -i - , u u i llio i .uini 'i i i w;is p- il bef'.u-olhe ui' .-etii 'g. M i . 11 iyi:s , h- iiv eV '-r , did not coincidein that iip iiiiuii , and bo furnished thu board with abill for JUW) udd, for losses so sustained. Tho PilotCummitteo recommended iho board, thereupon, totry tho question bu furo tho justices whother lime-stouo could or should uot bo considered cargo, nnd itnow camo beforu thuir worshi ps. Mr. R. W. Cherry ,solicitor to tho board, appeared to auitaiu a sum-mons issued at suit of tho commissioners againstJlr. A. Stephens , J.P., for having, on tho 1st Sopt.last , supplied forty tons of bullast to tho acboouurDoctor under tho name of cargo, Mr. T, F. StrangoauuearinK for tho defendant , who was in court.

Mr. Strange, at tho outBct , ransoil an objection toauy justice , being ft momber of tho Harbor Board ,Billing during thu adjudication of tho caso. IIo con-tended that a magistrate, having any interost in theissue of tho complaint , should not sit daring suchhouriug.

Aid. Jacob (uuo of tho Harbor Commissioners)—Wo bavo no interest iu tho case. Persouall y, I donot care how it is decided.

Mr. Strauge—Vo u arc ono of tho commissionerswho aro a goveriug body, and as such you havo aniutcrest in tbo decision of a caso which is brought fortho benefit of thu purt. On that irronrul *'•< • r / '."auuimu juu uufjuw »Fi>v I *I .I'* «« mo ncarintj of thiscase.

Dr. Scutt—Tho wholo thing seoms to mo a matu..of gouil tusie, and that aluuo. I do i:ot thiuk 'a um-gmiraic , aa u harbor commissioner, in disentitled tosit in thu case , but it might be better taste for himl l fi t I I I llu SO.

Aid. Jacob—I certainl y could not leavo tho boncb,because I fuul my doing so would establish A badprecedent. Mr. .Slauery : And 1 agree with you.Mr. Keid said hu would leave lhe question willrthosewho went uut members uf ihu Harbor Hoard.

Mr. Cherry quoted thu Harbor Hoard Act whichAlaiutu recited that a justice was not disqualifiedfro m Bitting iu such a caso by reason of his beingsuch llaibur Commissioner. Captain Johnson : ThutsellleB the question,

Mr. Slattury—It is because being suoh Harbor Com-missioner that 1 wuuld remain uu the bench, and I feelwu wuuld bo disgracing ourselves by retiring. Amagistrate in the execiuiuu uf his duty hhould beabove suspicion , and the best way to show tlmt is tciremain ou Iho bench. Tho objection wait overruled ,O l i l t

iir. Jherry proceeded to .state his case. In thelirst place, Mr. Cheiry informed thu court that hisclients , lhe Harbor Ciminiissioner.-i , wern incorporatedunder the !lih ar,d luih uf Victoria , und by the 71stsccliuu of thai Act they were bo'iud lu keep a ballastollice, with all ohu maehinory for Iho supp l ying ofballast to vessels leaving the purt uf Wuterfurd. Thosection gave the llurbur Cummisaiuiiers the <\rc{u.iii -tfri gh- tu supp ly " sand , gravel , mud, limestone," &c,as such Walla st , and auy master of a ves.v.'l takingsuch uallasi , ur any persuii , uthei^thau iho contractorbu appuiult .d under this Act by thu cuintnissiuiiur ? ,supply ing such ballast , shall bu liable tu a penaltynut exceeding .C2j. Su far back as 1SW this veryquesliuu was deeided upon appeal beluru ihu Chair-uiau ut (Quarter ^cssiun , where a simil.n* eump laiiitwud broug ht again-it a man mimed Mi-y ler , by tbedefendant being convicleJ , aud the matter was neverre-opened till uow. Mr. Cherry was pruceeiling tostatu iho facts uf thu case, when

Ur. bcolt observed that in tliu hreem un iho otherduy hu saw a quarry advertised fur sale, and 'Jim ofthu important feuturos uf lhe properly dwelt upuuwus thut thero was iu it uu ubuuduuco of liuiestouu.

He would Mk if a'iige 'tndijTOfWrg.TOr'1 Tff Zin that quarry, would Mrv .Cherry . ooptend that itcould only be purohued as ballast .?, . , ; ,

Mayor—I know., thai) shingle U .brongbt oyer neresa cargo. : V limestone.btooks were.bxpugbt .xverwould Ur. Cherry contend that thoy wero ballast, oaaballut only ? ¦ . • • ¦ ' ; '

Mr. Cherry replied that the word " liiaeitone w»»specially mentioned iri; tnh 'Abt:ia ballast, end undertbat section he sought for a cotfviottr/n.' -Mr. Cherrythen stated the faoU npon whioh' he Vetted; aa theyuppeared. in the following etidenbe i-i- '

Walter MoQratb, quay and riTflr 'watcti, examinedby Mr. Cherry—Knew the schooner Doctor ; saw hertaking in ballast on the lBt September ; Bhe took inabout thirty tons ; it wtw supplied by Mr. Stephensin his lighter ; it was Hmeitoae ballast.

Aid. Power—If the aeoretary to the Harbor Boardhad written to tho other side, to Cardiff , he wouldhave found that tho ressel would hare bad to payport dncs on this cargo whioh would ha*e been morethan tbo. difference between ballamt, and cargo.

Mr. Nevins (Beo.)said he had written to Cardiff.andfound that they did not ohargo more for one than theother. Mr. Novins now deposed that he was secre-tary to the Harbor Board sinoe 1869 ; MB board hadmide arrangements for tbe supplying of ballast, andainoo 1869 ho know of no infringment of those ar-rangemonta until now ; thoy snpplied 600 or 700tons of limostono ballast /or the past month . ToMayor : Tho 74th seotion of our Aot gives ns the ex-olusivo right to supply ballast ; there were differentprioes for the diSbrent kinds of ballast supplied ; inthis caso be was clea r tho limestone supplied wasballast ; extra pilotage was chargod whore a vesselcleared out in cargo, and that was not done hero.Witness boro read a dooumout , put into hia bandwhich , dated from " South Ballast Crane," Car-diff, purported to show that the vessel wont in incargo, and then added, if a veBsol took no more thanwould act oa bailaalj ho would say sho went in bal-last ; sho bad forty tons of ballast on board, and wasregistered 00 tons ; she bad about half hor tounagoof cargo.

Mr. Strango—My oliont contends ho had a perfectright to put this limeBtono on board as cargo.

Witness to Mr. Cherry—This Tessel was registeredninoty tons, but voaaola have generally a carry ingpower of half as much moro as their tonnage, andthat would givo this vossel about 120 or 130 tonsaltogether.

Mr. A. Kelson deposod ho was a coal merchant ofthe city of Watorford ; ho romombored tho master ofthe Doctor writing to him to got returned tho pricoof ten tons of ballast which were short of tbo quan-tity ho ordered, and for which ho paid ; deponentwent to tho ballast office- for tbo money ; ho was toldtboro that proceedings would bo taken in tho case.To Mr. Strango : Sold limostoue himsolf at Troon andnt Cardiff oi cargo. To Mr. Cherry : Believos thocaptain of tho Doctor was paid for this limestone aso/irgo, bnfc canrjot swear it pooitivoJy ; tfopononC putoutt in his own vesscfas ballast moro than onco. ToDr. Scott : lias taken limestono as ballast, which bobought from tho Harbor Commissioners, and soldat tho other sido as coriro. . -

Utcbard Cooko, Esq., clerk of tho peace for thecity , produced tho Quartor SossiooB book for 1848,and sbowod thorcin an entry of a decision in an ftp-peal by the Harbor Commissioners, thro' their secre-tary, Thomas AI. lions , in an appeal from tho magis-trates iu summonses against James Mey ler, MichaolPower, Mcbl . Suthcrlaud, and Ed. Knox, for a similarallogod infringmont of tbo law. Tho magistrates dis-missed the snmmonscB, and on appeal, Mr. Bes-sonetto, Q.C., reversed tbe decision referring toMoy lor,with 20s. fine, and 10s. costs, and also againstSnlhorlaml , affirming it as regarded the others.

Mr. Cherry said he conducted tho case, and thooffence wru Moy lor supplying tbe Ardrossan withthirty tons of limestone bullast. ITr. Cherry addodhe was uuablo to get tho petty sessions' book of thatdate,as thero woro nono further back than 1850. Mr.Uanruhan, C.P.S. : Than 1851. Mr. Cherry : Onthat occasion tbo Ardrossan also cloarod with lime*utono as cargo. Mr. Chorry was horo sworn, and do-posed to what he utatod us facts.

Tbo caso for tbe complainants hero closed , andMr. Stroago, iti reply, contended that limestone

could not bo considered ballast, as it was n raercan-tile commodity, and his oliont had a perfect right toshi p it aa cargo.

Mr. Cherry—Tho Act of Parliament, describingballast , defines " stono" undor that hoad.

ild. Power—M r. Strango, don't yon ' think limo-stono is atone ?

Mr. Strange—No, sir, I do not think so (greatlaughter). Tho following wero then examined fortho defonco:—

Mr. Thomas Cunningham deposed ho was collectoriu tho Customs; romembors that this vessel , TheDoctor , paid light dues hore ; they aro fees alwayspaid on oargo ; this vossol cleared out at tho CustomHouse with " sundry British goods" as her cargo ; tbodocument produced i9 tho " trnnsciro" under whichshe cleared out nt tho Custom Houao. To Mr.Strango : Vessels going ont in ballast do not clenr atiho Custom House. To Mr. Cherry : Cannot saywhat was thiB vessel's cargo beyond what was on thopaper produced.

Mr. W. U. Farrcll deposed that ho was o ship-broker in Waterford ; waa tho broker who acted fortho Doctor , and cleared hor out on this occasion joleared her ont with cargo ; sho paid light dues attho port of discharge, becauso she had cargo ; a vesselin ballaBt payB no light dues. To Aid. Jacob : Hercargo was limostone, and it was described on thod aiiscirc as "sundry British goodB." Aid. Jacob : Avery strango description. Mr. Farrell : It ia thousual ono, sir. I havo passed very many of them.To Mr. Strange : A vensol clearing in cargo pay»ahalf-penny a ton extra for pilotage ; tho Lector pajdthat extra balf-penny. Tho description " suulryBritish goods" would apply to bones or any othercommodity as well as to limestono. To Dr. Scott :Has known many euch cagf-R during the past twentyyears. To tho court: Has often ordered limentopofur ballast ; has urdered pitwood for ballast , nnd hassocn oats used as bullast. -

The case horo eluded on both sides,- and their wpr-shi ps retired to consult. Alter a brief absence theyruturned into court, whon jTbo Mayor stated tbo bench hold tho cnee proven,and gave a decree for 40a., with costs. '.

Mr. Stephens has since- intimated bis intention toappeal .

JOH N - S-hASK DISTILLERY , DC3MN ".Tho business of this old and popular establish-

ment , ao lung and favourably knuwn under tlioabuve familiar ii |>> ;eJliitk >u ,lia3 ao largely increasedduring the, low yuu r:, its. proprietors ), SirJainei Power and bon, have found it necessary torelinqui sh their ancient ollicei and erect largerand inure eommodioun buildings in connncMonwith iho distillery. They lmve, therefore, pur-chased a very considerable frontage in Thomas-street , and have built thereon n. most hanil.iomoand cosily suite.ol offices , 'furnished with everyapp liance of the best and most durable character.The front is of cut grailitu for the first story,whilst the two othor stories arc of red brick, sur-mounted by a grauite cornice,' string aud blockingcourse, uud granite quoin Tho entrance oilicomid m-irato residence Kates arc all in Thoina.s-slreut. Thu front, winilQwu ur.o. of . plate glass,and all tho woodnurk uf Xho oilicea, private ,;iu'dconsulting rooms, kitchens , lavatories , &c, inaristically varnished and finished. There is alarge asphalted yard at rcrc with racking store,and loading shed, weigh oIliceH , and other busi-ness departments. Additional stills , wash-backs,metal tanks , refri gerators, Ac., have nlso b^eufurnished to the distillery, and everything i.s nu\rat hand to meet the increasing demands for ihoJohn 's-lanc whiskey. The new buildings and dis-tillery works were designbd by ilr.tleury Angus,tlm dist iller ami manager ul tiie establishment ',and were carried out, by him and the distilleryartisans aad workmen , mid do credit lo their sllill ,iir'm^o' ' al"' attuuL '011- W" curdial y wish tho„ ' ol< James Power aud Sun cvury Micuc -rfMmill 11 pl-osi.-.s- ., ¦ . . ¦prij o and popularity.— Freeman 's Jounnl.

TilK CH1UST 1AK itROTHKUS IN FKAXCK .Sume statistics havn b.:en published with regard to

th : ulmii .-i unbrukeu progress lur lhe last 1.10 yc-iirsof the French idiicnliunid establishments iu »j> icbitiKU'iicti o ii ii given by lirolhers of the Q.iris iianSchools. At tho uud of tasl year iheru were A ,0i}l) oftheso schuuls in I'Yiineo and the colone.-i, with -SJ73Gteachers aud y.l:,510 scholars. Thu Brulheri <al.Mu [ha>llbi t-rhouls in oilier countrii 'S, with l ,UzS tenclu rsand ili» ,77:t pMpiU , fo ihni in all , this urdi-r c^ui IKJ .- ISIul 1 , 1'Jl KV'iiH tonchers , uud liJC.OS;) pup ils.In 17 IU , Iho " li.r.titutu uf lirulboi'S of lhe ChristianSi- li. -n ls " Iiud bill 17, -71 masfr.- , and i SSopup iis ; iu 17.11 then! »i»ri: U2 schouls , i '1'.i teaebers,and l:l ,'J7:i pup i l - ; in 17711 HIITB wprc 1 1 1 rchiiul.i,7CM t ,- ai - li. - i> , and .'!»,0!W Itiiliils ; mil in 1~ >J< > , VJlschool.", l .tli"' teacher-i , and ;ii. ,OO() pupls . In JSII3tho iiumbei.t di-elined , uwin ^ t.) tho rcruluti.m, tu8schoolH , aU leaci.ers , and l.tiOO pupij ; but thi-yu".tin increased tu 3S schools, 31!) tochers, and18,1)10 pup ils ; in 1S15 to 1!37 scbols 1,-I2 :i ,teachers, and 8U,9'J8 scholars in 1830 and to -I'JUfichouls , -1, 1 11) tCHcliei s , and 211,200 tebcare in lhtiBy tho year 1S37 the number of Rrothcs'of thi.-. i n-utitutiou had increased to 0,(ili2, whilett .tbe miiuudato thu other institutea of Urolhors, uch iis iheCongregation uf Ikolhcrs of Chriatian "utruciiunand thu Aoiioeintion of the Petit-Frorcs dellftri', liailonl y 5,031 munibers, who werodistributoAmoiix Slilcommunal (parish) schools, 157 privatoschi.ol.-i , I!agricultural flchools; 2 orplmn asylums, > nunn.ilHchool , aud 2U schools out of Franco.

'I'e consiiler it our July to Cnuliuu tlie I'du; JI .M I I M

« i)urinu.i iinitiiliiiu * >'f 'hi- (ileufield Slarcli . sl i'i^c- m :i,tl i>! murkel . Uruci-rj ami ntliers (ellinn the spoj sul.;- -. tt l i ^in- rlv . s io penally ul' -Clo,iJOO. Any coiiMlthil u,l, ,i .iii.iiiuii which wi l l li'-ul i- i cuufiction will be liniiAiu-lj u-whiilt -tl. ' "

WOTllKllHrOON 4Co., Kiouiug Turk , CiuoK.

. „ ,r ,B0MB.' . . . -JEtostB, S£Prnrl)*iir23, 1876.-H)n Shiiaay, the 17tb

of September, about 800, pilgrims from 'BaTbjr wereadmitted to an'dTenoe of the Pope in the great KMl oithe. Consistory at the Vatican. The Arohblahop o.Chsmbrey and the Bisnop of Anneoy, who hesdetthe Sayoj ard, deputation, had been previously reoeiTelin private audienoe, and bad presented to the HqljiFather tKe . offeriiJga 'of the faithful of their dfooege?On the ociJMionorthopubb'b aadiente two adirefietboth fa 'Frenoh, were read.

The Holy Father deliTererl a reply in tho Italialanguage, and in a clear and itrong voioo. It ma;bo tbas translated :—

" What a oonsol»tion to me is thig, my belor»children, to'uee yod assembled around me, under thguidance of St. Francis de Sales,tho Apostle of 8avojapd uniting your8Br»es with all the Oathollo world isharing, with me the afflictions whioh oppreiB thChnroh I

" Wheu God wished to punish the Hobrew peopl1for their ingratitude (Alas! ingratitude ia even noithe order of tho day !), ho sot upon them a mtiltitndof fiery and venomous serpents to surround onwound thom on every side. The people, nnder thweight of such a'chastisement, fled to Moses, and corfessing their Bins, prayed him to intorvene betweoithem and God, that ho might liberate them from eterrible a scourge. Thon Moaos, at God'a commancliftod np that famous sorpont of broDZO, ou whiothoso who lookod were inslantly hoaled of the poeonous bites thoy had recoirod.

" My friends, lot us do likowise. Alas ! how manbiting wounds has tho Chnrch in our days reooivetI will not repeat at length, I will meroly allude ithat which on other occasions I bavo been oonpolled to say. Bites of poison aro tbe spoliations ctho Chnrch, and such also at o tho hnmiliatioas iiflioted upon her, tho blowB lovelled at her, and thporveraion or removal of hor rights. Poiaououa bit"likowise aro thoso circulars or manuoatoos isaatrooontly, whoroin it iB tyrannical y commanded, thithere shall bo no more roh'gious procosaions, no mopious communities of monks and nuno, and no moidiatribulionB of charitioa by saoordotal bauds Aiwhile permission is givon to make a clamorous pr.cession to Bolemntzo a crimo, it is forbidden to ho*processions in honour of the Divine Redeemer, tbBleBsed Alary, and tho Saints, and tho faithful arprevented from celebrating tho triumphs of tbSaviour. All these things aro so many biting ampoisonous wounds inflicted on tho Churo h of JesuChrist. Let us, thorofore, raiso our oyoa unto thCross to obtain aid under such misery, and to'g&tstrotigth to reBirt thuso enimies. And let us nslc \God, either to punish or to convert them."

On tho 12th of September, fifty-four Frenoh p>grims of tho diocoBO of Tarbot arrived in HorniSeveral of tho Spanish pilgrims bavo also arriveTho reception of tho Spanish pilgrimB is arranged fthe 29th of Septombcr. Tboro was a very large rccption of gentlomon and ladieB, Romans aiforeigners, at tbo Vatican on tbo 19th of SeptembiTho health of tho Pope ia excellent. On Monday, tl18th of Soptembor, Moosi gnor Kirby, Rector ot t'Irish College, had audience of his Holiness and praerited him with tho sum of £250, boing the offerirof the Bishop, olorgy, aud faithful of the dioccsoDromoro, in Irolaud. Mgr. Kirby also presentedtho Holy Father tbo Hum of £152 , collected by t.Christian Brothers in Iroland from tho pupils w;froquent their auroral schools. His Holiness nmuch gratified, and moved at this oppressive dmonstration of the faith aod devotion of the hnmrcontributors, on whom aud tho zcidoua aud dovat*man who conseoralo their lives to tho cause of edcation, tho blessing of tho Vicar of Chriat cannot ftio draw down copiouB graces and consolations froHeavon.

The Bishop of Armadalo is staying on a visit to tl.Rector of tbo Irish Collogo at Tivoli.

COURT OF BANKRUPTCY—FEIDAT,/«. re Gcoffery Burke.—Tho bankrup t had carried i

business as a baker in Clonmel, county of TipperarTho sitting waa for tho examination of witnesses :referouco to tho alignment of thu premises by t)bankrupt for a sum of £60 to a young man asm'Swooney, who was an apprentice in tbo cstablisbmerOn a formor occasion Sweeney stated that he hiborrowod tho money from hii father to pay Bur1tbe amount required by him for hia osublishmeiand that for somo period after goting possession ,employed tho bankrupt , fi rst at 25s. a week , atsubsequently at IBs- a week. Tho bankrupt, who noattended , denied over having reoeivnd tho wagosfrcSweoney nntil aboat a fortnight or throo weeks ngIn referenco to a Hum of £70 which Iho bankrupt hdrawn out of tbe Provinic&l Bank beforo bis banrnptcy, bo stated that ho had given £20 of it to 1wife belonged to her, ai;d ho spent tbo rest of .'nionoy in maintaining himself aud seven of his famsinoo the bankruptcy inJJuuo , as ho could ucarcely yany work to do. Tho bankrupt's wifo, bowover, sta'that tho only money they received for tbe supportof herself and family waa the £20, and some litmonoy that her husband received wheuevorwould get a littlo work. The ovidoucc having be-taken, tho caao was adjourned.

TEKRinLE AcCff lE.VT AT Y01.T.IIA L.—A frightful C.astiophe ocurrud at i'oughal on Saturday oveni.At half-pant four o'clock the forry boot started iArdmoro side, with twenty two persona on boamostly farmers and tlmir wives returning homo frmarket. A considerable quantity of provisi '.and other goods belonging to tho passengers was ain tbo boat. It wna raining at the time, there *a Btrong breeze, and tho water wa» ucnsnaUjrou,A hundred yarda from tho nhoro tho boat, probabovorladon , was swamped nnd went down. 8eviboats put off at once to the reecuo from the forry s.but tho airoug current Bwopt moat of tho victims cof roach of aid. Only thirteon wero picked up, aof these four perished. Owing to tbo heavy sgroat difficulty was experienced in reeouing the ftsurvivors. The catastropho has produced qn.a feeling of dismay in tho district. Tho f-lowing nro tho names of tho survivors:—J»mBurke, Ldward Gorman , Hubert Gleeeon , HieliFitzgerald, Mrs. Fitzgerald (bin wife), Mary FoilMta M'Carth y, Mra. Whelan , and Jamus Lynch. Pieons .missing:—Patriot Keane, David Mahony, bot-man ; William Carthy, boatman ; Michael KeaiRichard Stuunton , Ellen Budds, John Treacy, aMargaret Voley . The following four woro pickedbut died from the efFost.s of their immersion :—Bob,Wynno, Mrs . Connery (his sister), Mrs Kean, aJohn Stantun. On .Sunday morning the bodyilurgnret Lincoln was picked up near Clay C»stand la."t night thn body of n woman named fouiirl at tho, t»-o milva beyond ClCastle. The majority of the pns-eugi:r» ware of tfarmiug class aud prici pally Iroui iho district of 1':town and Whitin g b-iy, and ha.l gone to Youghsltho market Tho two deceased bo»tmen, Mahony »'Caiih y, wero nativon of Youphal , thu former wit 'lathor nnd mother, wifo and fmnily of live child]depending on him , whilst the latter wns alsofather of a numi-rouH family. Must of tho dwoa.were fathers and mothers , Mrs. Connery leavingfamily of thirteen children la lamenl her loss. ' Friclast another body was washed nshoro on the Waiforti aide , opposite Yuuy iml , and cuiivoaiefit'to' '-ferry. Ir was identified ns that ol' Kllen Budds, iof tho ilt-fnted pnnscnger.1. Tho adjourned Jnquwai resumed on Friday, and on tho application ofprofessional men , was again adjournw l for a fortni g.Mr. Rico, crown pruaecutor , nt tended to watoh Iproceedings on behalf of thu crown ; Mr. for next of kin ; the Town Cotnmissionora werepresented by Mr. Hodnett; and Mr. Spratt repseated Connors, tho lesaco of tho forry.

A H F.AI .THT FH K F : LUNCH .—A tramp, while ou 1travels, noticed a placar-J in front uf a bar-room, tbbfire tho pleasing legend, " Free Lunch ," and hewtiu, walked unostentatiousl y up to a plate, acommenced operations with a saudwioh ; then tbar-ktoper waiked up to tho cadavorons wretob , »'fttnd : " Mou whu nat lire expected lo pay for thdrink. "- " I know it ," said Iho tramp, " Well, tbwh y don't you conform to the rule ?" " Canso I golor hoaith, and don'i drink till I am through eatingTlio • keeper turned his back for a momornnd tin, tramp sli pped three of four sandwiches in' - ,, - , ' , • -. ••:"» >"'•"•'.• ¦>----..r,-rl fonr: thenwa.keil to the bnr, and to tlm ditpenccr of stimuiathuskilywhisporoil : " Gimmo a glasji o' wstcr.will ye" What! water a'ftor (our sandwiches ?' bellowed'p-.T angrily. '* Yes water," repliod tho tran" l ,vo Urea n ilringin ' o1 it for nigh ontor forty yea'and it 's the healthiest *tnffa goin;" and he hrbled out ; but if bo had caught tho foot that flew afthim he wouldn 't havo boon sntisfiod with tho "boot'of hin vi«i>. *

K ITS S C' OCUA — CJ H .ITEPL'L ASD CoJtPOl '.i x i i — " Mv H tlioroug li lii uwli-iigo ot the ustnril h»- |,.,- ii ;ui.Nii lhe o|ii-rntioi:s "I digt,tion and nutrition, Iby .1 cu i lnl . , | .p lication ol the fins proptrtiun of well-wleCCJL-III > , Mr. K|i|u piovi -.u-d uur brwktiut tables wittk- -l .v lUvonil licvcriige whii 'j may save us many heiJnctiu/ l.i l l . o. ll is li)- the judicious me ot »uch.*rticWilut I IM I II e.jii»(itiiliiui uia) In; gra'luall y Dairt_»o ann -tcni k- ru/>u tfh t« ri- .-.iat i-v.Ty tcuilciii:) to disease. Httidrcul .-ii '.'llu nifilnilii -s are Huutiii ^ imnmj us ready to'-*tti;nl.,reivr ihirc is a u i-ji |,oiui . \Ve may etctp e. Ktnf *l.,t , , l .-.h.-iit uy lei piuK uuroelres we|l fortified wiUi par"l.l. ml nn.l .1 |iio[- i-rl y n-urnlud Iraine."— CitilSfX &Gazette. (ttf-ly)

Hoi.LO M AY s OI.STMK.NI AND PILLS.—Sore Tb«»W<"'li-l ». -""I l i is-Th-.-fe iniidicamenU boWly f"»I |, I- . - V I ., i:. - y |, i , , i»> s iu lemi-il) . Local relic t »n4l«a«»lpin I I I .MI 'on |, i i. ( ri- 9s loiceilier ; di-cuie i« curtd, while tb»wln .l. - 1 - y .t i . i i i iHtl.M iik.-il. Uollowi.y 't OintoieokniW)rf oBtl . i - in ' .,.: : i . i i- 1 ,¦!„,[ (.T, .rc ;SP1 ib e tnost beneficitlttflaentf>. v. -r «., <- I I , IV. I . ,, ,ii|,n,erij, hnd coagh , whetUrtrttultiafl i . i - u ri i t .ml . , , ,-ihum , or brunehii^. This oo(0nt »etfii i i i ucuii.ii .l y in ..noting t»-e rzieimooaof aaret, buliofu i . i i M - i . i i i - , curuii! >kni d.scams, aod completely:lt«;picf-*'• i l '« l i i ic i iv i - ihfljiauialiou , irreipectirs of ,iUu«icith>(i - ' i i - - , il:.,'.,r , situali '.u , duration, or ttiuAf A * HoU*1w i \ \ u iitu i ' iii , aiJnJ hy his I'du, givei mostjmmediimi I ii.o.t iilirtu il n-lml tu tliO^C irritating itcbtop'Atld ptV"li.l M\>II ' IU- S ol the thins ouasioued by mercury or IstAM i I ' l 'it i r vn II * / * . ¦

WArmtFoiiD : Printed and. Publishes bjKEDWAsrSILI 'H EN KEKNKT,' at The Waterford Jfeio^^anenlPrinting, Book-Binding, and Maohino-BoUugy^ftafrliilimcnt , '19 King street, n tho Pariah of TrinityWidiin, City of Waterford.