l-llK WATKUroiJ l) NEWS ¦ -• ¦ •;•¦//¦ . -/ erf rii rndu i j hrenimj at -i' . ) n iili) street i' , . , .•- Hi the I' r.ivini ial H:ir.!;.l ' ¦ ' .; ¦ .- . r. 111 ¦ ! ••¦ •'¦ I' I . NCI:; YI' . MU.Y (IX ADV A NC E; K) S. S;. V.:IT . », 1*1.; Y I . AUI . Y , 17 S. lei. or KVEiiY HKSiM!llTION K.'R ITUI . IC r.onir. s , i'lUVATK INDIVIDUALS , MERCHANTS , AND TltADKRS IN KYKRY WAHK iMincn «i:;i T.ISTE , HASTE , AVI) 'RICKS ASTON IS] 11X01.Y LOW , i ' !" •, Qn t 'ilii nf II,,- MW: Omshlcrcl), AT The Itfews Book and Job Printing, M . UMUXK r.n.iNi; , AM) IiOOK-HI N'DINO KST.Uil.lSlIMK NT , W? S uf . 1!' & " iO Kiwi Street , tl' alrrford. BUTLER'S CATECHISM TO CATHOLIC ' - 'LKCCV, HOOKS LI.EUS , ic. On Su. ' r at The Sen s Oj/i c, (W' : hf IJ.voin iul.i!i.Mi of 111. - liMinpiif Watt-rfnrJ aiiJ l.i-m..i.\ tin- Ki- lit Ki-v. Dr. O'U KIKX ,) A Catechism for the Instruction of Childre n , nr Titr. 1\ I OST llcv Dr. IAMKS HUTLKR , Arclilii.-liopol iM r.isiiol !i"'i I' m'y. Printed on gnml Papi-r, an.l in \:\rzv cli-ar Tj;.c. i: r.ct)MMr.M»ATins. " I approve nf this I' .iii iion of llie Hijlit Lev. Or. J .\ MI : S lirTi.Ki' . ' s Catechism , :iml rci"ouinu'n»l il to the tVilht ' ul of these Dioceses. " » S « I). O'hRlKN , R.C.IS. " Watori ' onl June 2 , If. ' )!). " ' ; " . " ' Onlors from any part of iho l>ioci'sc. sotit in nil ! litci 'tcil to I' . I' I K IIMOND , l'r ' mtcr :nnl Publisher t' iitn t ' iinl \>ic. «lll!icp , 4' .l King-slrei't , promptl y nt- tcii'loil to. The Tni'lc supplied on ni'i-leratc terms. May lie lrnl Retail from every Catholic Bookseller in lie Diocese . JUST PUBLISHED , "\T '--A'i'liY HOl'Xl) , *-. -.> . IV-M . (iilt l'J-cs tlie i_\ •' I . I IT. of sis i i.i: ltosAi.i K, <>!' tt.f on ¦ •I ' CHARITY , " tr.insl:.!. - .! IV.>m tin- Kreiiell "f '•¦' Yi«'oini. ' ili - Mflnn , l>y I" . T. I' . mmi . Ksii , A.M. Cm do lui.l at 77,, II " ./ / II / ' ¦>/ </ Ai ic. v Ulliiv, Kin; , '- .tr.-.t. " Cf Stt 'O " /A" r/. vo rmu r.isr Cadiz , Oporto , and Li ght Wfne Association , ii.i.Miri:i)). IMII ) ii' CAPITA i. -- . ei. - .iymn . Head Ulliccs un.l Stores—Kimr " * llf.n l Yard , Tooley - StlL' lt , Ll'll<|ull. At; I : XT AT \v .\ T i; i :rDi: i> ¦ I . C. IIKXN'KSSY. ::! Manur-st , Clerk Waterf-inl 1' nion JC 1M-:XXK>SY , lwviiiir accjitTil tin- A jreney e for til. . ' J- :ile of WINKS itii|i .irt<-.I '•> " the ;ih.>vi .' \<=p. 'i.T.i'>n . Mi r'-nli-leutl y ri'i oimm'ii'l tin 1 same a* l», -!ii" Pl'UK an.! CKN I INi: KOISKICN W1XKS , at ti.o Mm.- tiim- ittiiv -<> i'i:it t:i-:xr. ni:i.ow ti». n-ii:,! ri;ici:s. Cf.AKIiTS fioni ... ... ... Ms. I'tT dor SIIKKHIKS ... .. ... Hi- . 1'iiUTS ,. •• •• ll! = 1'OIM'S nM ;i!nl rrii-ii-d. Yii:t:mc 1^4 1 and IS47. HHKK A am! ITALIAN WINI« All Si'\I!KMXU WIXKs lii,m -• *¦>* ¦ .. KAKKaii .] ( l."i:l<Ts WINKS . 1'iiUi' - a::.i Sl!i:Hi:li:s in \\ .¦(.:. at \ vy ^ .m> I' lict- l. iln i il u-riu* t" ilit Tiadi' and lari;. ' CUIIMIIIICT - l' i;r.- i i-!- . :ii"'l » 'd |':lltii-lll:ir- "U ;.|i!ilirat:uli a< a lniVr THE WATERFORD COACH FACTORY (It . I. .1 ir I. o it' s ). !;. I . !w» l.liw Oil SI111.V :it lii< KslulilMlliiOMi , C< A T !!I : KI N!. - S I iir.ii.v r,i:i:i>roiti- STKKK !' , / \V.iKr | , ti.i f.ill-i.vinu New 'A ork :— Full-!- ' '/'- 1! ' ri.i.!i-.i I1K Vtill \MS ; Miniature ililtii . imly (<] V KX . . \XiwI: .-: - . -ii ii f r.KOCtil ' lAM ' 'AH, ..r Small 'Ill' s , willi Ciiru ' .ar I' mi.! ami llmiml 11-j 'if , t" cany >v\vn T(iv..i . v i:i- ' .i]i- nnd "I \v(. u'it. \ i '\Mjl. l;.\l:llL' < III. ; Mk . Ai' oi.ri .. - .iiil Yicturia , ll.KTON - ; . i-M . »i.y tin. WAil'iON I' .TII'. s , »i'!; MIIM- I I I ' .C i:nni< ; Vl!.V. riiNl' 'II'i' .S. nun 1'i-i'iii; I a-hiiiiriulr DOC t 'Alt r. - : M.iikd cr Whitcili ii-c l Cart> - . SOCIAl.l.l-^ , lOYKUKi. 1 CAIIs , OL' i'. -llJi: . ' .iito ii; yif.M v.ri'lv . A II -: HI 1. I - I ..f Siv'.ii.!-han.| l'H.KTOXS , WA(j- I ;CM:: I i:s , m:: . - IUK CAI ;. ~ , . VC . Nr iv a:.d . - (o \V.,ik l . i u dou l with iij.lioii cf ]' i.r. !i.i. -' i" 1 ' Yi.u- ' c. ' i^i'L'Um'nt i'i\ili uitli all litw \V,,.k. jl^/- |{i ].aii> nrail y IMCU IC-:! , and :n tin: cl.iaj-cst 1ll:illllt r. (j> l-"( THE TURKISH DIVAN , iOll.UTO , fKi .Mi , AM) K1S111NG TACKI-K WAllKllOUSi ;. p irSH M' f.nXKSsY \V .\ r.Ui:i.l , ln:joiler o( \^j ' 1VTC :; ' II and Uiili-h ( iurirs ; Wili ^ ' Vii- !! «ii:i H.U':i- " . I' .ri-i'd Itird' ^ , 'Ira^-cnt ; Foreign , II it. t . u ' Ca\»" .di-h. :ili d ollii'r l' . -llicy Tul:aci"O>. A choice M':>'i:(ioii of Mtcrschauni ainl Clay l'ijics. ; J. AMUKIN ". - ( "rk SiinlV. t?, v" >ulc A^i'i.tfnr Srui.ANK ' s I ' cli hrnted Limerick Sni"iiihtr<.|i. o- ' u-«'d l<y the Kildaro reel Club. yHf- Ural l.inurirk Kiic. -am! lioolo. Lumloti 1'ir furatry, and O.ii'i'rtinas. oiwrvo :•' IJI A v. w \i!.;:i'"i;i). f"ii-t | INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION , 1862. I IIAVKncw .,n Sal, . M.- M . J . C KHKI . I : Snfii A Cn .N IIUAXD Y , ,,l th,. ?,„ „. . .|ii;,liiy a< ¦¦l.taim-d lln- l'i;l/. K. Men:, at Hi,. li, < ...r!ia <i<iuaf l'Miil <iti< . 'ii , IHlii , nnd wliv li I " ' .V.-r on lt«i«.-,n;ilil.. T.-rius . DAVID I.KCKI ]-; , Win. -and Spirit M^-rcliant , Ac., Dircit Iiiii..,rteis i.f i'ut:N<:n liKA. Miv. t' .ii " >!"r. - - -- V.\i HA\' .>. .Siitm.r. (j :itl- ' .O Messrs. GABRIEL , riir: oi.n DsiAHi.isnr. i) nr.Niisis , ¦ ± ~ . II. \i-.i.»:\- . -Ti:r»: i , CUKM'IMI. MJUU ., an.l :\\\ , I. i . AH: lln.i . l. i.x iiiis- : l.ivKiEi' iuii.: i:' ,i , DIKI . . MI;KM : lilltMI. M.II AM : li. " > , X Ktt MI:KKr. G \i:lMl'L> ' 1!'IY\!. TOOTH I'nWDKU , pri-iup- l IV- MII a i;. >- .|.t , a- 1JSKD I1Y HKU M\JKS I Y, Is. I- and - - , 'id , per Iv/x. ^old at ihc iiUe i,i ' lliir l' ;i\>'-r , an.l h y ull Ulicm:. -:!.s throu^mut tin-KiiiS 1 '"'!'- ., , , <j»l i::irl.s ' ASTI-KITS C. I' MITII I' A STK. ti ll- lit^t ti r. -ii -u- iii-'ii f^tanl. f-r W I I ITHNIM: the T KMII , willinut 11.iurv ioti1c K1r.1ifl , is . Cd :ml OV \rr V.<,x. S.-I.l at iC i ' i|i:-:f ':f thi. -i 1'a- a-r , ati-l by a:I » l:>-m.stf tlirou^houl i !»• Kiiiid-m. . (Jvtiiin. - ' I ' III : MII . M. IV I' ni;iAUKt . Wnm; (H-TTA ' I ' rucii* K XA M I. I . i- tin; r-to|i|.Intr i-M itit t..r d.-civfl ln-lii. or 'J' oi.lhaclie. and no waltw lmw lar !i.-i-i\«- !, li n i'-i- t!. ' itijurfd iiii-iiilurr a^iin --mud and n-!ii' , iin-1 ., i o-ithai-he. Tlii > - pn p. inili'in is ¦ - ¦n 'ur.V tn i- liriin any iui:t-il<ic -uli>tiin«-cs, and , a- it- n;.uii. - sit '!i:ru- , i-. >iu-c:all jr pri p-iiLd l»r lliu purp-isi- . 1' i ici- !- . '¦! [r r li'ix , with iliircii n* fjr "-.e. T. t ih.: <:: " ev -if l ! 'i- I' .pvr , ari l liy all i 'lii- mi-> ' o tiir ii" " i nir the l\iiii-'dijia. ' . AIIIIU. IS ' W HIII : K XAMKI . C I- MEN T, fir j- ' mnl Teciii , i- an iiiv-ilinbli' -t"p|iins. and h..> ao|iiin- .l n »«.J «¦.],. ri-|.'it it ' .jii ; ' i- . pr JJ MJC . Mdd at tlic ''fc o: t!,\ I'.i j-r, and l.y all ' lic:nis!s t!ir..iig liout «!» Kin-l -m. '¦«> I K I.- ' <'ii'ixr*i.cmi"K K-< KM «; K , an a^irliicrnl fttil re. ' ri' . ' iinj lo liuii I ' .u ' .irdi-niiia ll'C <!iiii:!s , oa ami " : s. Cil. pir r. '.tlii- . Sol' 1 . :it tii« (lite <¦! ' this Taper, or '' . "li Clii-iiiis 1 - ll.roii^iiutit iln- Kin^il-mi M Esut. O ACKII ' . I . -' I' .iri.xr IX UKJ IBI tTiut.i. MINI:- "A I . TCETII mid IU- ' M II ^ C iiinis wiihoul | M !. I I I ¦?. spiinj: - Of wirts. and wiil.-mt any O.ii- set la-: .s a lifi'iimc , ' tiiid w.ur.iiil:- rl lur cvciy piurj ». -c ¦•( ni:i-ti-: - t.on nr ariicuKiU'i 'i , cv-n w!n-!i all ullicrs t ' lil. J' liri-' . tilttt-riaU ,:u i liiM-r.iji- «.irk!irin>h:j\. at half the u-u:il tu't , American Miner.! Toi-tli , be*! in Kurnjn 1 . 4 10 7 , and 1 "I to 1.1 puiurai |i(-r Ki- t . uniTaulcd ; unc visit onl y required trum country jiriliint^. l' ariial . -cts in propnrJi'in. The »bove preparations arc sent on recrip! of I'o<!- »Se Stamps , with full dirrctiiins for use l' artics at a distance , who cunncit conveniently cot»a to London , <nay have ]nitiil orcomplelc setssujip lii 'l on Messra . G AIMKLS ' new system (mlentrd), on MIII '1- mg particulars of their case, wiih a remittance of .O-. liy return . for which , the necessary nppamtus will t-r foiwonleA "^ jeio-ly) SHIPPING M A 1! I' II , 1 S li .1 XTK.IU CUMMUMC. rnoX Between Glasgow, Cork , and Waterford , ('uriy ill j: (iiWl^ls til I.IMRKICK , TlPPLRARY , Cl.OX. MVI. t ' AKtMCK-os-Svin , KiLKi' .xxv , and CAIIKK , at Tlnouj;li iiatis . * l .v f *I* V.V. Now nnd Powerful Screw SliM- . ' ;o )i'» v: i'* \ .JL mers "SAl/rKK ," .lons (. ' r.AWFPnn, ' "^• ¦njUJV^. Coininander . "TUSKAl{ ,"STH'm;x A XPI :K- ¦ '¦ - rtrrj^^-is^. . sox' , Cimimaud.'r , nr i.tlier l-'iist-class Ves- si'K me inti'iiiliil in Sail as ntnK-r (unlijs pirvcnlcil l.y any iniliinveen rirrnmstanc), with or without Pilots , and witti lilii-rty to Tow Vis-rls and lo imiiKr As;isiancp to Wssuls in Ifctrcss:— I' K 0 J! (i L A S li O \V (I.anci tiiId IJuay) to Waleiioul anil (. '»lar . Tni- >ilay. -Mh 1-Vh., l'J noon l>v Kuil In , . ' i * ' . ' oik aial Watiif,.: .) —S.dlii- , Satimlay, I' .h Mar., 10 noon !iy lail In (livenurli , . " > p.m. \V:il.- rru:il ami ('. ,ik—Tii-kar , Tiii-il. ny, 7th, !• _ ' nonn I'V Kail tn (irri'tiMik , 5 p.m. I' ri: :md ' .Vat. -rf.n.l— SJI II . C. Salnulay, 11 tit Mar.. VJ noon lt;iil In CJiri-iini-k , o p.m. Waterforil and t. ' ork— '1' osknr, Wcd n'day, Mill .Mar. , 1-J noun —hv 1' ail to (iri-cnnck , o p.m. fork and U' ati-rford S.iltrv , .Monday, 2(lth .Mar., 12 iwoii —I' . v U.iil to CitTonoi . -k , 5 p.m. tt' alei foul and Cuik—Tovkur, Fiid.iy, - 'I'll Mar., I. * noon I'. v Hail to.(!rpcnnck. . " » p.m. ( ' ork .—Saltcr , Tiuvdny, -Sth Mar., lj noon —hy Hail to (in-cnock , 5 p.m. FItO.M COKK TO lil.i<2o\v (diieit) Tn<kir , S.ilnr.lay, l l!i Mar., 7 Walciford A Illas^ow ... Saltcr . Tucv-iay, 7th ,. 1 p.m (tl:i<£.nr (ilim-l) Tn»liar , Salunliiy, Hill ., :! |i .m. Wali -iiinil A ti!.i<s,m- S.dioe, Tni'fihiyi ll'h ,. I |i.m. ( ihi< i*nw (ilirrrl) Tii-kar , Momlay, *Jnih ., II Wali-if.iril ,t tili-^ow.... S.diiv, riiinsday, -J:lid ., 1 p.m. (ila.-gmv (.linvi) IVlar , W id'day, 'JOili ., . ' , p.m Wa crtord \- (ila-L- i'iv Salii-.- . l'rid.iv . ' :ll»t ' ., il ii.m FKOM WATKIM 'Oi:!) TO Cork and (^nw Tu-kui . Tlmrsilav, _ ' nd Mar., 1, lili^L'iiw (dirrct) Salii-p. Wi -ihii-. -day Hth ., ;( p.m. t. ' iTli and (il.i> -.i w Ti^ku ' r, ThurMlay, !Uli 1 p.m. lihi-^nu' (liiu'rt) Sallw , >\ " i'd\lay, 1.1th .. ;l p ill. fork ami lila«£..w 'IVkar , Friday , 17th ., 1 p.m. (ilj^-mv (ilim ' -l) Sall.-i- , S.ituiilay, 23:li :i j' .ni. (' .•rli mid lila-i^inv Tin-liar , Mon Uiyj 'Jitli 1 p.m. lilasijow (di-.i'Ct) Saltpp , .Salunlav , 1st Apr., ;< p.m. FA lll'S :— i;i.i- . - ..w t.i \V.,tpi f,ir.l in- c:oik... fal'!ii , 17- . tul. ; Dci-k , 10s I' .'ik to Watcrtind Cabin , t^. (Hi. : link. Is Krtnru TirHits ac« Hi<ble f <ir One Mouth , nut Intusfirutilv. Cl.i- . ' i.iv lo C.ik nr Wali-il ' .in! ... , _ '" .< . I i-l. Wni. 'rinrd lo Cabin , l'J<. li.l. ; l). -ck , r-i. f " CV?' Thi sis ths l 'hiapist Uuii ' .r lor Cnuds to Kiiki-uiiy, Killarni'v. Tr.ilir , Xi-iv I loss (. ' aniik-uii-Siiir , fl..imnl , Calirr , Ti pppiary, Mallow , Krnnny, t'lo^liccn , and thi- Smth of ln-l:llid ^rlu-riillv. Fur l!.il«"i of Fi.i^bi , Ai\, appply to the Acrnts :— I' AII .WAY Ot tin: , K' llliiini . r : C ' IM : K STKAVMIIP CO., IV N - ri-i- tjuay. t' .'ik; III: AIIAM I!I: V >IXI.B , Uri'Piiock ; Tllo. MAS Wnvn: , -, (l-wald Siuvt . Cl.i-j.m ; MiniAKI. DOWXKY , |at ^-V:n ~ Custom House Quay, Waterford . STKA.M from I.IVl- ' .IU'OOL. nr QUKKNSTOWX TO NEW YORK. ,j~ O8*MKJ r I^ 11 !' ¦ Liv erpool , X ew York , ' v/ >- H ~i- •*- i "" 1 I'hiladi-lphia Sl.Mm Shi p V^^Jj Ll ^jA /^ 1 (' o.iipany i nli'iid d. --palrhin^ tln-ir f-ci^'Sriisii JiES Full.piiwi-ri-d Cly di ' -bnilt lion Screw Sle:imslii p> , rallying the L'uiti -d Stales MaiN , I' rom QL'i:i:X.STO\VX (COKK) to NEW YORK a- I ' ul low : KDINlU'lMill Tlmr-.lay, :|n|!i Mairb. CITY OF I.I.MKHIC IC .M.iinl.iy, :iid A piil. CITY OF ISAI/I 'IMUUK ... Thursday, I MI ., Aii'l rvi ' .v Tliiu-ilay, and I - VITV altrrnate Momlay. Cabin !*a-*:ii:" by tin- Mail Steamers rvcry Wednesday, lo . 17 , and I 'l liuiiii-iis , ai -ri'idin^ to the ai -i-oiiiinoilatiun. Cabin PI--;IJ. - by S::tnid-iv- ' Stranii -:- . l. 'i (inilu-as . Fovwai-t! Pa—unp , . " » (luiiH-as itu-hnliiif; all Provisions c..i.k.-d. P.i--i -iii'i'i- fi-r Canad.i. lin- t'nil. -d Ptatcs. and I' .ritish Columbia b-'t.l;,..! tlinn:i:li <n, vrrv ii'lvaiita-iiNiu- terms. i i ..riiirtbirp:iiiiriibii>:i i.|.!yii! ' ;j. //;i.«n...ioiixMcKi:i: ) at lb- •Ciini|-.aiiy ' s(itrnv-, In:! YUm-ia-i-tri-i'l ; in Q'ici iiatvn-ii , |.. C. .V; W. 1) . SKVMiUM: .V C. ; and in T.ircrftnl lo Wll.MA.M 1XM A X , ; L > , Wutcr-Mivi-t ; liKOItti[-: i'KTll- Ki;sr UX. (Vo)i iiicf ; in to fall.Vtf. , 1'. S. JIAUYF.Y, Quay, Wati-rf.inl . •*i i'riiJt?ORD STEAM COMPANY. IXTF.XDED OliVEl! nf SA TUXU—MAHCIl , 1805 ... . N V^OTICK. —Thi- Waterford Sleanishi p j^jiJ^J-c. ii Coinpatiy reri-ivp (ioikls for Shipment ^/? - fj \ 1 N*%S-.. II tlu- l..!l..uiiiL- T. rms only :—Tlii-y n«i-rvc xSji tfuSs-ic. the ri^lit t" i-arrv In mm, not hv parlirular V,- M-U . with bU-ity to T.iivShi p-. and rail at iillw- r Purls , and uitl nut be arti-uutal- ii- fur injtirirs or h»><i 'S arising from :blay, anid.-nls nf tht- S. - .i- , Kivi- . - , l-'ire , the Queen ' s mir- , di -l.vlive X. -ivi^a - .i'in. or aivid.-nN Iroin any ollirr i-au-e, IK I I I ' -irany ii.<s wbiih niiudil have lurn roveivd by Insurance , unr fur Leakage , lireaka^e . C<iiidiliuii , (Quality, or eonti-nls of any I' areels or 1'aekaL-e-, iinb 1 -jii-eiall y entered and ad ru- In. -rm Kivifil.l fn-J. (;.««U nut ivmuvpil t.i liu Slur :d at tin- ri-k am! expi-iw nf tin* I' uu-ijmvs . All C.nils will lie i.iii-idi i. -d a- siilij. -i -i tu a ceueral lien, nil.) b.-i.l ii..: uiij y i ",, r Fu-i^lil of tin- saini- . lint fi.r all An<-ni> nl l' n-i;:lii , Stuia-e , ur olli-r rhai^i- < due hy the Importer , Owner. i>r Cnn>ii;iiees tu the C.uiipaiij' . WAT F. llFOUD AX I) II IMSTOL. C/i ' y.v . v a nd Jli'ittin. ! !:¦¦ ¦: WAI I !.|.||:n IHia.iT. i K <1 M II ' ¦ ' ¦ I S T O L , (iifs./ at..I llritnn. (li p>u, divert. F/iilay, .Mar. :i ... I J I Anu 'ii In -lav , M ir. :i. ... I" Mom l' il-s.:,y, .. T ... 3i A'ln -i I' riil.y, " I", ... ' . Altu 'n V.' ' :i> . ' ,. Ml ... T Aim ' ii t "r..1i.y, " 17 , ... f . j Tu•»!»¦. - ., 11 ... vl M..111 I' ri-l.iy, " - 'I , ... :i! Allu ' ii Kri.laV ,. |7 ... :n M.. vn Kriilnv , " 31 . ... ti .M- lii "IVi-.!ny ., ;l ... - . ' Alm ' ii l lf i t u u , ealliir. ' at lVmbiuke rr. .lnv , ,. v1 ... 4 Al l n ' ii I).,, ); ¦ T.,.-.,l;,y, ., - . - ... ..; Morn |. |lrt4l( , Mal . 7 , " ... -j Af in ' u •¦ ¦¦• !=¦}- . ,. >! ... !o M..HI -i- ,.,., ,!.,,- , - li ,. .. 7 M.. . II l iful. -iv , " Jl . ... II M'-rn Tu. -i l- i> " , " ' - '". ... 7 Mi.rn P.-ml.ri .i.i- I).» -k lo W.i ' .erfi.rd , iVuin ' tla-Smuli Wai.- Kail- way Tern.inn- , .i- s«,n alter arrival I ' nnn |»i->ihle. &< ' ¦ " <ln K' ail y .Mniuiii' . ' Sailing"- , tin- 1' uf tin- Sleaul- er- «i!l be Open ' ;,, ic-.-iv.- I'a-selr. '. r- ai riving ll.jin London by t!. .- Xi-. -lil Mail Trair.. C.ii'in Fare , 17< . c,|. ; S.-ivuiU- and Cbil.lreu , 1( N . i ' rl. l!- . -ti:in do., -J7- . ; ur with liln-rty t.. ivluni frum Dublin Cork , ur Wi-s 'i. nl , :\\< . r-d., Siew ' avd ' > lee iiidudi -il ; Deck 7s. ti .l. Feiuaiis altmil Ihe Ladies ' Cabin. w ATF . i: Fo i: i) AX i) L i v i: it POOL . CinniUf i , ]' t st<t , tt n-l Zff tiur. ll:'iM \v\Tl.l:i' 'ilil<: VIU J M I.IVI.IM -OUI.: Kri.l .v , Man li a, ... :| Afln ' i. I' u Im , Alar. . "I , ... 'J Afln ' n Tu—.!:,y, I . ... :. .M..,a 'Tin-Mluy. ., 7, ... : M.iii T' .ilay, ., In , ... in M.,,,1 i| - n.lay, ,, In . ... :i .Morn Tn.s'Hy, ,, li , ... \j \,, II 'I'ut-.ljy, ,, II , ... 1! M..111 FrulHjr . ,, 17 . ... - . ' A t. - i. 'l' ri.lai , ' 17 , ... 1 AlH. ' n Tllifclay , ., -Ji i Atlli ' i.|'rneh.Jay, ., 'Jl. ... 4 Altn 'n I' ri-l-i y. ., u, ... - \I,, MI !rii.luy, ,. 21 , ... « M»rn lur-liiv , - . -, ... 1 a N |T.i<:-.i.iy, - •', ... II M. 111 l-' fii!a . v , .. Ill , ... J Alln 'iJl' n.lav .. ¦!• ... 1 Altn ' li Cabin Fare , 1." ,,. ; Servanis and Children. 10- .; link , " s. Ud. : I 'hildn-u. |s . Female, a - .t.nd tho Ladies ' Cabin (iuod- reeeind at I ' ll.,ek. W AT Ki: I" 01: li AXll LOXDOX. Auram. llcln . Citizen , nr ulher i-liiril.le Ves-i Is. H' .fiM UAIKUFullli : n:njl I.oxnox : Fri.iay, M»r. :i ... a Alm ' i, \V.-.!i., s,l.,y Mar. I . ... > .Mini I-' riiiay. ., lo ... -J AIlu ' ii W.-.hi.- v.luy ,, s. ... s .Morn Krnlai , ,. 17 ... - AII II 'TI We.In. >il;.v ,, ]:, , ... Mi.rn |. ' n.!n ' v ,, - •! ... ' . ' Af- ' nii W.-.lup..lav ,, - . - . ', ... » «,.in Fn i.i V .. -I ... J A'lii - n W,.li.e-ilav ., " i , ... » Mmn CaUli Fair . L'"- .: D. -fk , 1"- . l.ii\ hi>o Hi:in 11-:— l.uielon British am. Fi-rriu'ii Ste.uu Whail , Lower L' a-t Smillifu-ld , nnd Wi-l Kent Wharf. Soiilb..aik. PaiieU ree-ived al l.)7 Li-adi -ulialUlrii-t , K.C. WATKUFOl: H A XI) I'LVMOI'TII. DM' m Ci/ , l t a n i/ n : Aurora , or other eli gible Vt-sels. I |:..M WMlKI'.ltn: ri:O. M l t.VMOLl II : Kriliv Mar I , . 2 Alm ' n Tliiir»ilii)' , Mar. - ' , ... s Altn 'a rii.l.i ' v ., 1'- , ... -J Alln 'ii liiursili), ¦ ' . . .. « A i m ' " Ci i. 'av ,. K . ... a Al 1 . " ii - 'a y, .. IC , ... * Allu 'li I' li.Ur . ,. Vl . ... ' . ' .All'i 'll Iliuivhv , ., 'ii . ... - Allu 'n Fn-la ' i . :l. ... - . ' ACn n U. '11-I.. ' y, ,. H", ... - A fm ' n ' , UWm Fale. -Jiis.; Dee' . , l'i ,. Taking <iu"d> lur Faiiilollth ; Sonihsmilon , l'..H-oi...ali. and pla. es adj icelit. WATKUFOKI) AXD liKLKAST. ; Anriiru , A' or.t . nr ullnr ilijiblc \' es>el^ . j Vlt'lM WATF.I -.fuKli : FKuM 1U.1.FA-I : S:| llr.i:;>, M..r 4 , ... |-J X,,.. n T,,.. ' !,, M^i 7 , ... I S.H..1.l.y ,, ll , ... l-. . x. ,,,,, x,,. . .,!„ ¦ , ,, n, . ! Slli.i.iav , 1^ , ... 12 - S.,,,,, T,,e-,1,V , 21 , ... Sai-u.!..y, - ¦:. , ... 12 N.,.,,, iu.,,:aV , ,. i- , ... 1 Cabin Fare , ... 15- . !).., .!;, ... 7. ill. ( " lildr eu '• W AT I! I! KOI! 1) AND X I ' W ItOSS . Fl:0M WA TI.KK.KI I Dail y, Sundays exci-ptcd , at :l.l. " i P.M. F KOM X I / . V—Daily, Smi'laj -. IXIII . tnl , at h.:l'J A .M WAT F. I! F'l l: D AND hl'Ni'A X X O N . Fllfi . M WATI I IOII ODail y. S-.i:iday, exnplul , al .1.15 F.H. l- ' i:o .\l Df. NC' .NNON Dail y, jM.iida\s e\;epteil , at b.lo A.M. lierlbs si -uiiil and every iuloiaialioii ^ivi-n by the A^-i nts. Ilrixtnl—TUf 4 M- IKT. I 1 Sl.ain Pa.kit Oilier- . Lirrr/nmt— Walerioul Ship Company, _ *;!, Ilinn-uiik- . - .lnit , Wa-bin^t"ii lliiddii ;-. -. 7. u,i./.i(i AMII II > V. li . Konix-ox , o.iMaik Lane; llrili-li ami l' uiei.:n Stiain Wharf , Lower Ka-t Sinilhlii'id , and \Ve»l K. lit Wharl , Soiith.valk ; I'ur- cels iweiviil al 1:I7 l.ea.blihall Street , K.C. I'lnmnnth II K . VUY J. WAHIXI. . thi-Wharf , Milbay . J U If a s t — I!. Uix- nH-sn . N ,v SUNS , D.uiejial Quay ; Li"-' .! II] And at ' the Company ' s OHUc , the MALL , WATKUFOKD Irish Frieze 'Woollen Factory, CAnKICK-OX.SL'IK. N ICH OLAS KKXXY , Pr ojiri.tur , p li-ii fis liimsi-lf lint ii'imati'i-ial is u«'-J ' "> niakinjr his l-'KIK/.K, T\VI : I : D, -loniM-: I > YK FI . AXNKI . , SKIICK IILAXKKTS , A.:., Ac., l.»t I'l'liK WOOL. Siiuie diiiilits lii-iiii! i-xpr. ssed in i-ertjin quarters to tin- C.KXI'IXIISS nf th..r.- arli.:li H, from the l»w ¦ ,ri. -'sat whieli tin y aiv ollered .anil also as I D lvhelher ih.'V wmlil In- Lrnnsrht the FIXI SI1 here, thereby insi ' iiualiiiL' that tli ' uv may lie Kng lisli-imul c (Jood« sold as Irish , 1 feel callid " upon to state , that I SKI .I. NO (liions 111:1 MY OWN M AKI : , all ma le and finished in iny KACTOUY , at MILLVALK The Work in the U\ K-|[( IL-SK ia carefull y al'enJeJ to nnd nil colour* donein Flannel , a-s well as LADIKS' DKK.SSE.S , in SCAKI . KT, MAfiKN TA , Ruin , BLUE , 4JKF.K N , Hl.ACK , YKII.0W , Ac , Ac. Millvalc Jlill. " , Carrick-ou-Suir, 1801. (uS/.tf) WATKRFOUI ) AND MILFOIID HAVEN ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS DAILY COMMUNICATION f Sundays Excepteil,) ISKTWKK K TI1K SOUTH OK IRF.LAND , SOUTH WALKS AXD KXGLAXD Via Watcrl ' ovdnnd Milfonl Haven , in connection with Kxjiress Trtins on the Gr-vit Western , South Wales Waterford and Limerick , Wntcrford nnd Kilkenny, nnd other Trains in the South of Ireland, •i ''V ¦*. T'HKSK l' ast and Well-appointed Steam- K ijjiX*^. J. ers, ciirry inu Her Majesty ' s Mails , Sail ¦ ¦X. -^Mv ' ."^- N^Dail y (Sudavs exeeptcd), sT~?S<353Si- Fno.M WATI : BFORU Kroin the Adel phi Wharf iinimiliiitel y after th" nrrival of the Liincrii:k Train al Three o ' Cloik in the Afternoon , reaching Milfonl Haven (wind and weather pi-imi!tinjr) in time to enable Passengers to proceed by the ' .) h a.m. Impress Train to London , reach- iiis Paddiiiilon al li o Tliird Class Passengers will lie forwarded by tho Tluoiijih 7 5 a.m. train to London.Passengers iirriviti!: sil Milfonl Haven on Sunday iimruiiigs will leave per the II 15 a.m. Train. From M II .FOIIU II AVKX , from the Railway Pier Dail y, at 7 Jo p.m, Sundays exreptpd , after tliearrival of the i) In, Kxpriss Train from Paddinnton Station , London , reacliiiiK Walerl ' iiid (wind and weather pennittiii!;) so as to secure the departure of Hie I! a.m. Tr.iir. to Limerick , Cork , and tho South of I reland ; and the 11 45 a.m. Train to Kilkenny and Dublin. Passengers by the (i a.m. Third Class Train from raddington will also be conveyed h y these Steamers at He- duecd It.ites . KAICKS . 1st Clais nud 2ml Class Cabin. and Saloon Wnterfimi io PaiMington •• O'H. dOs. I.iinericlt to do. ... (il)s. 47s. Kilkenny - to do. ¦¦• 5f«. 44s. 3rd Class and Deck, Wntcrford to London , 24s. Cd. I. ' KTUIIN TICK i:rs—From Waten ' ord to Ixindon , Ox- ford , or Heading, 1st class «ud saloon , 7os.; 'Jnd Class and cabin , (iOv, 1AKKS 1JV STKAMKR . l' .KTUnX TICKETS . Cabin , Deck , Cabin Deck. Waleiford to Milford...lSii. <«l . 7s. lid. ISs. 0.1. lKHd. rav-eir. 'ei-s wilh ' _ ' ud Cl.iss 'liikets can exchange from tlie Cabin to the Saloon on payment of'Js. Gil. each. Thiouir h Ticb-t- allowius Passcnsrere to break Ilie joiirney, uia . i l>« had at Piidditi^tou Itnilway Station , and at the Pirst- Cla ' -s Stations i.f the Creat Western and South Wales, Water, ford and Limerick , and Waterlbrd and Kilkenny Kailways - al-o , at the Oiliees of Messrs . J ACKSON' & ( . ' "., -HI, Caiinoii- stirei . Lmidoii , and Milfonl Haven Railway Station ; or o( Mr. M. DOH' NKV, Quay and Adelphi Wharf , Waterlord. II KTI ' IIX Tirkets , available for , 'iildiys , at a Fare and a half Hi, - the Douhle .louriiey . are issiiL-il at Walei ford , Lime- rick , Tipperary, Kilkenny, Aie. Tlir Sin /'OII / I ' is IIII I / I Svrenli/ Mill's. Cattle mid Live stock of nil kinds Kent by these Vessels meat Shi pper ' s lli-k. s and Caltle , Parcels , l- 'ish , .Vc, will lie i-nnveyiil by these Si.Miners at Low ltates , which can he learned on application ai anyol the llnibvay Stations , or to Messrs. 'KsuN A' Cn.. l!;ii!way Staiiou , Milionl llaviti , aud MICIIAI CL DOWNEY , Ad"l|ilii Wbarl . and Ciislom-lioos., Quay, Waterford HOTELS. Mil.lVIU) HAVES. THE SOUTH WALES HOTEL, A UJOIXIXU the Teiniiuus of the .South Wales XJL Railway (. ' ompany al Xi-w Millord , and the Land- iuji Stajxc of the Wiitcrford and Cork Hoyal Mail Packets, The Public arc respect fully informed thai the abovi e\.i-nsive Msiablishuiciit i^ replete with every accommo- dation. Collee , Commercial, and Sitliii£ Koonis ; Bil liard and Sniokini; liooius . The Kootns are lar . ne , lofty, and airy, heauiirull y decoraled , elegantly fumislied , and are othi rwi-e lilted up wilh every regard to comfort and conveuienei' . This Hotel is situated mi the banks of the far-famed Milfonl Haven , ami commands ainost extensile view uf her Majesty ' s Dockyard , aiiJ of Ihe romantic and piclu re. -i|uc Scenerv of the nei^hl-ourliooii . \ iMtors , loiirisls . Commercial Genth nien , nnd l' ' a- milies will iiud tliis l*!. -lablisliui(.nt , for -iliiMinu ami eoii;fort , roinbilicil witb moderate charges , surpassed by no other in the IVinci palily. Xi ^ ht l'uiter meets the li'iats . Hot , Oild , and Shower liallis , All eoinmimicaliiins should he addressed to (jy25-lf K. WILLIAMS , Manager. " THE EUROPEAN . " 1'AMII.Y AND COMMERCIAL IIOTKI- (Lute " LimJowUny, " ) 5, &• (i IiOLTOX STREET, DUISL1N. J. M01.0X Y ,(successor to WAI .SII i (jossc:: } Proprietor " ' S-55" TKHMS V I :I: V M OHKIIATK fallO-l v I CITY MANSION HOTEL , SO, I.OWKIl lilUDCU " . STIJKI' .r , DUhi.IN , ADMITTKDLY one n{ the HF.ST SITt. ' ATK , CIIKAPKST , and MOST COMTOHTAI1LK 1' AMll.V mil (!o\l .M|.UCIAL IIOTKI.S in *c 0:TY. Bed , Is; lireaklast , Is .; Dinner (Ordinary), Is . li-l , Uitiin^ and Silling Itnom-', set apni for Ladles ami Fmnilies I' ree uf Charge. Accuiiiiiiudation for Seventy- five Persons. l&y A Ni^ lit PoricT always in all^iidnnce. |ia 'J-Iy] PATHK. K S. CAUMY , Proprietor. KELLY'S CROWN HOTEL, M0XCK STlt lClCT , II KXFORD. spills is a Cential and Ccinfortahle House , in v.hich JL c-vcij tiling ean Li-had on tie nitiM Moderate terms. t^} '' lies! Dublin and Wcsford Spirits; also 1' rauilit-s , Wines , Purler , Ale . >Vc. |aul" »-tfj Curs ull Hire at the sltorti -x t wilier . I'llF. INVALID'S riU K.XI ) HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. ^' i:i;vot' s l)|3oi;ni!iis .What is more fearfu l than a I breaking down of ihe nervous sjstem? To be excitable or nervous in a small <lc>rri e i- iiio-st distie-i-s- in-i. for where c-'i: a vemedy he found? IKrc is one : lliink Ian little wit:t - . beer , or sp irits , or far better , abstain from them altogether ; do not takecolfce ^vc. ¦lk t'-a is prelerablc ; (;t. 't all tin: fresh air you can ; tike Ihrei . -or four nf the i'ills i very nissht ; eat plenty of soli-ls . asid avoid the use of slops. Iflhcse golden rules are lollowed , you will be happy in mind , stroiii; in bedy, and turret vnu li ive any nerves. ASO DAUGHIKUS . —Ir ' there is one thing more Ibati another for wbich those I'ills are so famous. it is tlieir purifying propi'i-tic-', especiall y their puwcr of clean-in^ tin; lilood fi'uui all impurities , and rcioov in^ d,:tineioiis , and reticwli;^ suspendeil secrelinns. L' nivi.|- »:i!:y a-lopied as tin; one grand renii-d y for teuiale complaints, the-e Tills never fail , never weaken I ' ll' -y-nni. and a.ways l.riii'^ alout what is rei|iiired. li is.iiiin:i:- 1.1 TIN : K IUNI -.V - - , In all ili-eu . -rrsnlfect- 1 in^ ihi-e .ir^- iii ", they -ccn-ti- ton much or t«i ' 1 i• 11 •— water ; or win they be allliclcd with stone or | ur.ivel , or with aches and paius -:clt!ed in the loins 1 over the ri- . 'i.iu of U P - kidneys , these I'ills should lie- j taken according lo the primed directions , and the j IJiutiiic' -t . -liouid be well rnblieil into the small of the back at bid time. I Us Irmtnic -t will bo alluobl imini'diale relief allor all other inealis have failed. ! in: STOMACH m*i UF OIIIJ LU.—Noniediuiue will so ificcluall y improve the tone of the stomach as these I'ills ; Ihey remove all neidily, oecasioncl cither by or improper diet. They reach the- liver , ! IXI. d reduce il to a bi-alib y action ; ihey ar<; wonderfully itlicaeious in cases of spasm—in fact they never fail in | curing all disorders of the liver nnd stomach. ! lillUNCIIITIS , Im-TIIIMA, t'-JliCllS AND I' ol.HS —No | diseases are m iro fi i-.iiiciit , few more dangerous , than I nty.itioiis of tin: re-p ii.itory organs. The firs t sytup- j loins of disordered action uiay always he removed by | llnlloivay ' s renowned I' llls. They quickl y rcinod j any j liiuioiary staftnation of blood , relieve nny ovcrijorged I vein- , modi-Mlc the hurriid breathing, and i-unblu the j wiudp i )<e ami liings to perlnrm ihcir functions with ease ! and icgularity. 1 hesn rills , by their purifying powers , ' cleanse the blond from ull impurities , nnd thus fortify the system ng-iinsl coiisumpiioii , nstlnna , and other ¦ pulmoniry comp laints. ' I!|. . UILITATKI > CoN.iTITl'Tioss. In cases of del.ility, | hiii^uor , and nervou-nes- , (;e.inrnted by excess of any i kind , whether mental or physical , the effect of these ¦ Pii:. - is in the lii ghc-l decree briciiii;, renovating ami I r-steiaine. ' 1 hey drive from the fjstcm Ihe morbid j cause uf ,iisia-e , re-establish the digestion , regulate | all ilu- -(. -act ions, biacc the nervous sy-um, raise the ! 1'atieiif .s spirits , and briug back the frame to its pris- : line health :M i vigour. ; .iiitousNi:ss , Loss or A II - KTITI : , II I: AUACIIK , AND ! I. O »\ K. SSI ,u- Si-iuiTS.^-Tliese Pills effect n trul y wun- ! dirul chaiigi' in debilitated constitutions us they i-rciii|. a bealih y ftppiti'c, corn-ct indi gestion , remove 1 rxite-H cif b;le , nnd ovetcoiiit: uiddiuess , headache , and palpitation ui the heart. Uuthiciiy 't l'illt are the best remed y known in Iliewo rlJ fvr the J' ollmcimj diseases : A- _ 'iirt Il. l.iiity Jfi/t.tiiitualiu/i 2»«r.- 'J'JJ J ,».il.- A- *!n;ia 111t *j . -j- Jaundice Stoln- anil (i ravel Bil.l'-n- Con. ¦ Djseiit.ry Liv.-r (>-lil- . s.-cuuilaiy .Synipl' . 'liii plaints Ktysi|ieiti . s plaints Tic Dmiluulciix llloti-lier-in tVlliair II- I I aeo TllllK'lirs Ilir Nkiu r. ^'iil.iiin.-s I'd,.. riri-u Uoivel Com- tVvi -iKiifaii HVum.iliMii Vinerral Aircctiom )>lailil> kimU lu-l,:iilii.ii uf Wurnibiif all kind. Olios Vils Urine Weukn. - s*, frum Cnnstipati.. II ./f <;..i .l Sor..ful« , <,r wli«l. -ver i-aust , the ll.iw. -U Ilea-l ocl..- Kina 'sKiit i;. .\c. Coitsoiii] >li<ui lii'lic'-stiuu Sotd at the Establishment of l'rolessor II OLLOIVAT , 214 . Strand , (nea r Temple Uar .) London ; also , at The Se ws Oilier , No . 40 King street , vVaterford, nnd by all respectable Dru^g i-slFand Ucalurs in Medicines through- out thccivilised woild j atthc followingpriccs: —Is. Hd , 'ii. 9d., 4s. Od., 1 Is., 'i'is. nnd 33s. each box. There * is a considcrnble saving by tnking the larger sixes. X.U. —Directions for the guidance of pntk-uta inevcry ibQrder urc allixcd tocucb box. ON ST. PATRICK'S DAY AND F0LLL0W1NG DAYS , A TREMENDOUS CHEAP SALE OF DRAPERY GOODS. IIAZLETON , 0 'ITONNELL & CO. HAVING purchased ,Crj , tlOO worth of GOODS , under such peculiar circumst.incC3 that the Owner ' s nanio cannot transp ire, they will dispose of the same on St. Patrick' s Day and following Days , without tho least reserve. They arc tumble, within tho limit of an Advcrtisouient , to enter more full y into details, and would therefore advise an . Earl y Inspection. TIIK STOCK CONSIST! OF : ULACIC SILKS , PIIINTS , COLOUI ; :-: I ) no., TWEEDS . FANCY DKKSSI-;-! . CLOTHS , COIintOS AXI) CASH- MUSLIXS , JlEKK- i . IIOSIEKY , WINCKY-! (i LOVES , HOXXETS LACES , lumioxs . SHAWLS , I'LDWKilS . MANTLES , CAKPKTri , I H1LK HANDKKHCIIF'S A T.OV OF SA DIES' HOOTS AND SHOES , AT HALF PRICE. ;rT=" Sale to coinmenco encli day at Ten o'Clock. The entire Stock will bo marked in Plain Figures 4-7 QUAY, WATERFORD. l?3" OBSERVE OPPOSIT E THE MA11KET-H0USE. X.U. —WAXTKD , a YOUTH as an APPRENTICE. JAMES WALPOLE 1>K0S to inform tlie Nobility, Gentry, nnd Inhabitants of Wnterford nnd its Vicinity, that he hai -^* j nat received a Choice Selection of BOHEMIAN GLASS VASES AND OTHER ORNAMENTS ' Suitable for tlie Season. Also, a Large Variety oj IMNNKK , DK SS ERT , B REAKFA S T , TEA , & TOILET SERVICES. TOGETHER WITH A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF CUT AND FRKSSED TABLE GLASS. KIT An Excellent Lot of GAS MOONS on FIGURE SHADES ALWAYS IN STOCK. MATCIIIN 'GS GOT TO ORDliK. tS3T WARR IIIKF.D ON REASONABLE TERMS 8®- CHINA HALL , GO, QUAY, WATERFORD. W. MASON , TX Addition to his GENERAL UKST SE- LECTE1) STOCK , lias now on hand a FIU' .SU ASSORTMENT of Varieties , to which he asks the attention of his Friends: PltlMH WESTPHALIA HAMS , about 1 lib each. AXCIIOVIKS , IX GLASS HAKBKLS. PUKSEHVMl ) GIXGHH. POTTED I.OH.STEK. INDIAN CIIUTXKV. .IELI.IKS , JAMS , and .MARMALADES , in Variety. l-'IIEXCII OLIVKS and SARDINES. CIIOCOI.AT-MKNIKK. rJIXGER and OltAXGE WIXES . CUXXKSS'S STOUT and MASS 'S ALK , war. r.mted the Best and Genuine , .//' 10 , MERCHANTS ' QUA Y, AMI) W No, 6 , MALL , JSJ1 W'ATl' .lil-'OUD. [illtil M' CLEAN AND M' INTOSH . PLCMI1EKS and GAPI'ITTERS , :i, LITTLE GI-IOIiGH'S-STUKKI-T , WATEBI ' OUII , liey leave to iiiform the Xnbilitv and Geiilrv nf tl.o Counties of Waterl ' ord nnd Kilkenny that they have OPENED a HHA. NCII KSTAHLISHMENT at ' Xo. 1 , HOSE INN- .STIiKKT , KILKENNY. :\ ' j z ' All Orders punctuall y attended to. (f:j - ' .f " ROOM- PAPE R WAREHOUSE, !«i , CUS T0M-U0US E QUA Y. E DAWS0N is now SUPPLIED with a LARGE ASSOKTMKNT of li 0 0 M nnd JIALL PAPKItS , in Great Variotv , which lie ofl' ers for SALE at LOW PRICKS. C : ,V H OI . 'SE PAINTINU , D KCOIIATINO and PAI ' I : K llAMiiNT. executed with Xeatiies!", and at Moderate CharKvp. . (ml.'t-tO CASSELL'S COFFEES, SOLD HY NEARLY TWO THOUSAND AGENTS TllliOL'GIIOI'T THE KIXGDOM. ''piIKSE CHOICE COl'KKKS have niainlaine.l their X hi^h rrc-eminence over a period of nearly Seventeen Years, nnd continue to b' . ' used as the regular lireakfast Hevcrage by Families in all part? o( the King dom. Fine full flavour and grea t strength chaiaclerise these Colfees ; and bein^ packed rush from the mill in Canisters and air-ti ght Packages , ¦miforin freshness and quality cm at all times be relied on. CASSKI . I. ' S COI KEI :, NO. I , Is. per lb. ; CASSJELL' S flomsti , No. 'J , Is. -d per lb. j CASSKI .L' S COKFKE , Xo. 3 , Is 4.1. per lb .; ' . ' .\sii' .i.i. ' .H COFFF.!' ., No. -I . Is. Sd. per Hi. Sold in CanUtui's of 'Jibs., lib , and Jib each ; nud ill air-ii(jht Packages of 4 oz., '2 oz., and 1 oz. each , by the appoinu- .l A gents throug hout the King dom. ictMi is mis IIISTUICT : Casselt's Coffees can be obltiinetl in this District , oj the liiiliiieimj tipp iiinteil .-/ gents :Waterfonl W . M. M ASHS , 40 Merchants ' Quay. Cmk , .). LANcr.AMi ' s i: Co , II , Urid gc-strect. (UoHtnct DATIS \' Co ., Tea Dealers. *Uirrtch A gent Wmitc'l. Cnllan Do. Clonminei fo. Diimjurrnn.• • ¦] ' >. W A L- H , (iroccr. Kitiiirn:tl;uiiias.\g:ul Wautcd. lin ' j c k t i ij i l o r . I'o AV«i Uuxs Do Thtj iiinsttiH 'n.. I'o. Wexford J 1:11 A HIS , lirotiivrs. A ^ent- wanted in every District not yet occupied , For Terms apply to CAS - EI .L, S MITH & Co., HU , Fi nehurch strict , London , ami G. OLUIIAM , & Co ., Ii4 , Duinc-slrcct , Dubliu. (s- 23-liui) CHOCOLAT-MENIER. (MAM'FACTL'BKII OM.Y IN IKA.NCi:) ANNUAL IIOXSUMPI 'IOX EXCEEDS -&,f JUO,0IJI I1I JS . rillllC lleallhiis! , lirst , and most. Delicious Aliiu--:' .t 1 Iti 'i-akf.isl known since 1 H' l' i ; defies all honest competition ; unadulterated , highl y nutritious and pure. Sold in 1-lb. Packets . Also i-speci-illy nianulaciurcd for eating as ordinary sweetmeats , nr at dessert . Whole-ale , M KNIKII , i:l llenrietta-strcel , (Jiivent Garden , Luiuhm. Hetail by (M7-1 . V) WOODWAIM ) MASOX , (iUOCER . WATERFOHD. Starch Manufactures tu II. It. 11. the Princess of Wales. THE GLENFIELD STARCH, 1 awarded the PRIZE MEDAL , 1802. This Unrivalled STAKCI! is used in the Royal Uun- dry , iinj pronounced by Her MAJESTY'S LAUN- DKKSS to be the FINEST STARCH she eve r used. Her M A J ESTY'S LACE-DRKSSEH declares it to be the iSEST she has tried , nnd the above Award by BomiMif the most eminent scientific men of ' .he age confirms its superiority. W()Tlll-:il>;ronX & Co. Olnssnw and London IMPOIU' AXT TO ALL. —Xew Work by the Au- thor of " The Peop le' s Guide lo Henltli , " &c. Ur. SMITH , whu has had 2M Years ' practical experience in Ihe treatment aud Cure of Nervous and Physical Debility, Loss of Appetite, Pains in the Back , Indi ges - tion , Errors of Youth , !Spcrmatorrlnca , ,1c., has just published a N EW EDITION or lU . tlOil copies of the Warning Voice; or Private Medical Friend (138 Pages) This wnrk contains hi* hi ghly successful mid 011) 7 safe treatment , and i-j illustrated with hundreds of cases and testimonials from patients , with plain directions for perfect restoration to health. Sent post free to any ad- dress , secure from obseivation , ou recei pt of two post- age stamps . Address , Dr. SMITH , H, Iiurton Crescent , London, \Y.C Dr. SMITH may be consulted personally or by letter ut his residence , in nil private nud confi- dc111i.1l cases. Letters with details of case promptl y answered. Address , Dr. Sunn , t>, Iiurtou Crescent , Tnvislock Siomie, London , ll'.C. (UU-tf.) 'P II E N I" . W FRENCH REMEDY 1 is mi Infallible cur» for NERVOUS , MENTAL , and PHYSICAL DEBILITY ; is the. discovery of an cmiueut French Physiciuo , and has been used on Ihc Confluent for the last fivo years wilh unvary ing suc- cess ; being chemicall y prepared iu tho form of a lozenge , maj be tnken without the fair of detection , mid speedily restores tone and manl y vi gor to tho most impaired conitiiution. Sent throug h the Post to any a.lilrc-3 , prepaid , on recei pt of 11s. or stamps. Each packet contains all the medical advice required in these cases. Si-le A gent in this country, Monsieur A. DUVAI ., Patent Medicine A gent , No. 13, New Market-street , ISirtningham. HEALTH AND MANLY VIGOR. -A Medical Man of iO years ' experience in the treatment of NERVOUS DEI1IL1TY , Spermatorrhce, and other af- fections which are often acquired in earl y life, and un6t sufiVrers lor marriage, ond other social du ies , has pub- lished a l' .ook , Kiving the full bene6t of his longexpe rience gratis, with pUin directions for the recovery of Health nnd Strength. A sing le copy sent to nny ad- ¦Iress on receipt of on? Stamp. Address to the Secre- tary , luatituit- 01 A niitomy, Birmingham. (jylO-tf PARASOLS , LINENS , UMISRELLAS , RLANKETS , RUGS, FLANNELS, DOESKINS , QUILTS , SHIRTS AUD TIES, CALICO, COLLARS , HATS AND CAPS, STAYS, BRACES , SKIRTS , HAHERDASHEUV , SHEETINGS, &e., &c. TOWELLINGS. hands , which will be disposed of at Moderate Prices F OH || VUBABILITF, COMFORT , F.C0X0ZIY , in Feet Wear , go to the NEW GUTTA PERCH A SHOP, For ROOTS & SHOES of First Quality. K K PAIRS DONE. DAVIS & SMITH , 8 I! K I X (J - S T R K I! T , \Y A T E IlfOBU ( XKAI : Tin: I- OST- OFFICK ). U^r-trj MICHAEL HARTIGAN BEOS lo call the attention of Ho'ise-keepers ami Families lo Hie following LIST of PRICES. The Quality of each will be found second to none other in tho Trade, viz . : .1. Jameson ' s O1.11 MAI . T W IIISKKV , Iris, per Gallon ; IJcorgo Sayer and (Vs. O1.11 CoiiXAC BiiANii r , Is. tid to os, per Flask ; HOLLAND Cits , . 'is. per Bottle. W I N E S . Por.T , 21.1., ii ' if ., and UUs. per Dozen ; SIIER UV , 2 Is., 2lis., 'il)s. per Uoxen. (iuiuness ' H XX POICTKK warranted genuine , 2s, per Dozen ; Itass and CO' H. EAST I NDIAN P. M. E A I.K, 2H . lid. per Dozen. All Bottled under his own superintend- ence. The Trade Supplied on liberal terms. lievvloy and Draper' s M I . NI :KAI . W ATKIIS ; Luncheon and C' oll' ec at the shortest notice ; Ci gars in variety ; (¦ , Lemon and C' o' s' P L 'UE SwKKTfl . Agent for John Casaell and Co' s. celebrated TKAS and UOFFKES , London. JI. II. also directs special attention to his superior Confectionary. X.I! . —An APPRENTICE wanted ; a person i ' rom the Country preferred ; fee nnd security required. FURNISHED LODWNCiS—A vacancy for .1 few Respectable Young Gentlemen as Hoarders. THE WATEUF0RD CONFECTIONARY AXD REFRESHMENT ROOMS , 27 liAIUtONSTRAND-SritEKT . UNDERTAKING ESTABLISHMENT , 37, MICHAEL STREET. rrUlOMAS LAWLOR begs to inform the Clergy, JL Gentry, and Inhabitants of Wnterford , and the surrounding Counties, that behti s nuccceded his Father- in-l-iw (the late Mr. J OHN F LAIIAVAN ) iu tho above business. [Cr 1 Funerals supplied with every requisite . AH Orders addressed us above , promptly attended to . _ IIA/I. WA Y TIME TABLES for MARCH. WATERFORI) AXD LIMERICK RAILWAY. Up Trains from Waterfori. j TltAINS OS WKKK HAYS. HBMIATS. WATERIOB D : , , .,, ¦ ', 3 ; 4. , 5 - j-" , 4 . " TO ;12.V S 1 kill k 2 \k'i ! l2i3 12&3 ' l 2 in LIMKK1CK. Cla»s crmi ,;ciais : Cl.iu|Clau. Clam; Clasa : *•". *. «. : r.M. T P. M. I A .M . A.11. j r.M. , Ii in li til I li m : h n h n li 111 I h m Walcrronl...X)f ;i 6 II 0 45; 2 4s 8 3') 7 20 . 8 30 Cnrrirli ' li 4(1 10 211 " 3 IS i II 15 I 7 55 I 9 IS Clonmcl 7 15 10 r,1 3 55 !lO 0 i , 10 II Junction Dtp. 8 45 VI 21 5 35 12 IS ' . |12 15 Limerick..MWrl 9 45 1 2U 0 4u 1 SO 1 I 1 20 Down Trains from Limerick. TRAIN'S OS WKKK OATB. yL'SIIATS. L1MEBICK '" i ' j ' -2» "V " 3 " ' ; '%'« i 5 " i " 1 2* " TO ' l2A: :i ! li'a 12,S:3il 4; 2 1 2 43 12.V 3 1'J .V.3 WATKItl'OR D. ! cla ^lass Class. Clan Clusa. Class Clais A.M. M. M. r.M. ; r.M. A.M. A.M. \ r.M. . Ii m Ii m ! Ii 10 i li in h in li m ¦ ' b in Limerick Dtp 7 SO 11: 0 ; 4 (I 10 45 —I HI -1 5 Juncliu J)rp . -I 4j 12 22 ; 5 23 ' 12 15 ¦ 12 15 Clonmcl , 11) -jo I Hi 6 50 I 2 15 i 2 U Carnck II) 5:1 4 .1 7 30 12 &5 s 30 i 2 »¦ Wnlerfori l...< ri 7ll 3-i 8 3-i g 10 ! 3 43 » iu i 3 i % Mall Trains murke-l with an atteriik. ? Ooodi Fan:—First Clnns Kinprlc Tlikct , 14t2d ; Second 1I0., 10> Pd; Tliinldo , Os 5J ; Itclilin—Pirsl Class , 21s TJ ; Hccond .lo., lfm. Tlie Irani lietw^en WalnrCnrd anil Carrlck onl y cow runs OD Mumlay, WcJocmlay, anil Saturdny, in ench week. WATEKFOKI) AND KILKKXNY UAltWAY. U p Trains from ll ' aterfont. TIIAINS IIS WKt. K IIAVS. KCSBA V Th A INS. ii I a* " .1 i 4 " 1 1 -i 1 3 STATI ONS. 1- . >t: 3 1 tc•.! lic - . 'liai.iiajj. -) . ia*n , i2S3 Clusa Crusa. Ula.-s Cl..^. Class.ICIass. Class A .M. A.M. r.M. r. M r.M. { I li in It m Ii in h tn h tn ! 11 in h in W; 7 13 Iz 0 5 II 4 II ' _ Kilkemi r ttrl V 0 I -111 : il 3U . - , . in _ _ L. ' arlow(I.SI-;)/J/i £ &i:7 3.i 7 II _ llnlilinlllSkWU 4 .V, '10 III !l .10 Down Trains from Kilkenny I TRAINS OS WV.V.K l, . \ VS. _ SV SD AT THAI SS. ; li " ; ' 2* ¦ :i 4 " TT'" j " '""f STATIONS. ;i'J Jc3Iic 2 Il-J I 4 £3 1S Ai 3M •> 4. -31 2 /c 3 .Ulan* CI1ns .CI11.1s. Class. Clnsi. Class Class . 1 A.M. \ A.M. > r.M. T.V . A.M. ! r.M. r.M. Ii in ! h in ; li m h m h m 1 li m h ra Diihlin(CSW)nj, ; P 5 14 30 . S 0 ¦ ! Curl.m-tl-ii:) .... 1 jltl DS 3 0 ' 10 20 ! Kilkenny .... Btf 7 15 III 45 \ I 10 : I! 0 : ' - Waterfurd .... ^r/ , 0 U ! I 511 I 5 50 ¦ 7 30pm' . I intuit conveyed hvTraitu marked t ; Mail Troink * I'AIIK ro U UBLI . -. :—Fint Claw Simile Ticket , 211. ; Secon do., 15s 6J ; Third do , Oi 3d; Return—Fira t Clasa , 31s Od ; Se- cond do , 23s ti.l. FARM TO KILHISM :—First Clasa Slaj-leTicket, Si ; Second ilo . Js Id; Third tin , 2* 7.1 ; Keiurn-Kinsi Class , Us :Sd do, Gt lid WATKKFOKD AND TUAMOKK KA T LWA Y T^ Week Dat/ Trains. 7^» ' '* ~ - < a 1 4 5 i ° i 7 ' " i " a 111 : a in i p in , p 111 , p in 1 p in p m 1 p m ! p 111 li m j Ii m : li in ' li m 1 li in I li m ; li 111 ; h iu J h in W'f.l «S 0 I1U 45 , U! 0 !«2 15 ! 4 0 5 30j 8 45 I : T'ore -9 U ill 15 1 1 II I 3 U I 4 3d i»0 0 9 15 ¦ Sunday Trams. * I , 2 3 4 I 5 0 1 7 j » ' 9 lo B ni _ ' p in p m p in 1 p m p in j p m , p m I p m . p m h 111 K~ m li lit li til h in h in I h tn ' li in I h in h m •9 0 12 15 1 311 2 30 | 4 30 P 45 ! ' 1 _ 9 30 12 45 2 0 I 4 0 1 !«5 3019 15 | I ' ¦ _ Those markrd thus * are mail trains. I' AIIKS :— First Clata Single Ticket , IOd. ; Return Ticket , Is. Second Clan* Single Ticket , 7d.; Return Ticket, 9d. SOUTH AVAI.ES ItAII.WAY. g wi.Ex uiia—urTKimii . ¦i 8TATIOX8. ¦ Ejp. \iri73 ' Bxp ''nii \Tri , ' 3 ' MaU "ri^a a 1 4 2 ^lass I Ic2 clayj cl mi l <c 2 cl««. Mis Starting . a in u in am a m 1 a m p m p m, 11 New Milford _ 7 15 9 0 111 0 b 0 9 43 00 t.lanelly ' 1 9 47 10 54 1 1 39 7 8 9 8 72 . sjwsnaci ; ill) 10 11 13 - I] 9 ill t 45 lHj Cardiff . 15 45 1133 12 49 I 4 34 » t l-JOilNewnort j e 14 I 1 25 1 20 _ la 10 024 171 Glouc 'ler(dp) , a 15 i 4 5 2 4} | 7 IS 12 40 285 Paddinulon..!!! 15 I « 0 0 111 III « 4 35 J _ WICK DA _ »I—DOWII _ lBAIlli. •J BTATIOSS. 1,2 , 3X2, 3, 1, 2, 3, Bsp 142 Bxji. 112 5 clana.l class , claas. I I'2 clasa. 1 A2 class Mia Stinting pit) a m am am aim pm pm. II I'mldlnifton - - 6 n 0 15 II 43 4 SO 8 10 114 Glouc ' ter(dp « 35 11 15 12 55 3 .10 8 20 12 50 1531 Newport - « 411 1 8 2 27 S i5 D 44 2 21 1701 Cardiff 0 S 1 33 2 S SO 10 4 4 43 210 Swansea - 11 0 4 5 4 0 7 45 11 34 4 2o 226 Llanellr : - 11 « 4 60 4 40 « 33 _ 4 45 2751 Hav 'fordw't 1 40 6 47 « 15 | e 23 3B5 Ne<rMil fordl - 2 15 I 7 II < 38 - ' - JJ8 The 6 0 a.m Train from Padduigton t&kesThird Claaa Passen- gers Tor the South Wales Railway only. aUKDAT TI»l»i. Sown Trains from Paddlnjton , 1st, 2nd, & 3rd, 10 0 1. m. Arrival at New Milford , .. 11 16 p.m. Up from New Mllford, .„ 10 40 a. m. l' addington, arilval 11 15 p. ro. FABKS :—For Fares see Waterford aod Milford Haven Rojal Sttaui SljIpAiliertlicmenl.l D another column. MONEYS*;- . . Waterford and; XJmei^yliuilway. 7 7 MILES: OPSf.tnC. ¦ Tho Company ' s Inoomo for Year 1864wj« „. £53^30 liarncd at cORt of .i. ' ! i ' ! ' .]. ' ' 27, 948 And— i' 40 , 582 Bonded Debt and Debenture Intercrttook.;. 14 021 Left— ¦ ' < ¦ . 1 Surplus for Dividends : ' ' ¦ ' . ¦ .. 26, 561 . ^.^—^^ ^.- ' ¦ THE above Company is open to accep t offers of LOANS in replacement of Soaii paid off, and those likel y to be shortly. ' ¦ . . . . The Company ' s present terms are tLt toUfirra : 5 per Cent. Interest, for Three or Five . Tears ' Bonds. 4j per Cent. Interest for longer terttt Bonas, up to Ten Years. ' ... . 4} per Cent , for Loan Debenture (Perpelual). Interest Coupons will be issued whb tho Bonds, made payabl e half-yearl y, at BANK of S ELAXU , Dub- lin or Waterford. ¦ ' A pplications to be addressed to anderil gned. (B y order), <m3-tf). THOMAS AINSWORTH , . Secretory . Head Office, Watorford Terminns, Keb., 1S65. Union Bank of Ireland (lii^ted) TEMPOIiAUY OFFICES, 11 , WRSTMORELAND-STREET, DUBLIN. ¦OEMITTANCES to QUEENSLAND. —Letters of JLL) Credit on tho Bank of Queensland, limited, Brisbane, can bn obtained on the most favourable trrma, at the Branches of tho UNION BANK OF IRELAND, viz., Dublin , Cork, Limerick, Bray, Char- lcville, KcIIs , Fethard, and Tipperary. l' resent rate of interest on Deposits of 0110 month's standing, 3J per Cent, per annum. By order of the Directors , (ja20-tf.) JOHN QUAIN, Jtanaper. B0NA FIDE MONEY SPECULATION .£8,000, (100 Sterling, guaranteed by Government arc annually divided in Monlhlj allotments in variotf sums upwards , to £2.0 1)00 sterling. An Investment o £1 may secure X" ' - . r ' ,000 sterling. For Prospectus (which will be sent gratis), appl y to FHEDEHICK SINTZ , Hanker, Frankfort-oii-lhc-jlaine ; or Letters addressed to him, at 8, Three Kins; Court , Lombard-street , London , E.C, will be immediately forwarded. fl8-3m *J MONEY WITHOUT SURETIES -\TAT!ONAL DISCOUNTS LOAN FUND , © Adam i^l Street , Adelp hi , Strand , LONDON - Established IC Ycnrs .—Loans from £f> to ,£0(10 without Sureties , at ex- tra risk , Loans from jCo to jC500 with Sureties. Bills discounted. Loans advanced in full in three<laj », with- out deduction for interest X'C. Office hour*, from ten to four. Forms 2d. (ml/- 0 fj . LAWHENCK. Mannncr. WATEIU'ORD AND LIMERICK RAILWAY MONEY ON DEPOSIT- rpiIK WATEKF0RU and LI.MKIUCK RAILWAY JL COMPANY are open to receive , to a limited extent , Voucy on temporary Deposit , for which the following Katca of Interest will , umil further notice , be allowed on sums of £2U and upwards, viz - . —• 4J per Cent, per Annum, subject to repayment after the first Month , on the expiration of a Fortni ght ' s notice , given at any timu. Or SJ per Cent, if left for Twelve Montis, subject to revision thereafter on like notice. The Princi pal or Interest will be paid as desired by Depositors. Further Information can be obtained from the uinler- si gneo , ami nlso fro m the following Agents:—A. STE - FIIKNS , Duncannon, County Woxford ; TiioMta S. HAII - VKT , Little Gcorgo ' a-street , Waterford ; J OHK GRUDB , OirricU-on-Suir J P. K. IUNFIELD , Clonmel ; SAMUEL J F .I.1. ICO , C' ahir ; DAVID COLEMAN , Tipperary j DAVID FITZCKRALD & Son , Limerick. (B y Order), T. AINSWORT H , Secretary, Board Room , Waterlbrd Terminus, 8th Oct., 18fi4. (n-27-tf) LOANS ON M0ETGAGE DEBENTUEES KILKENNY JUNCTION RAILWAY COMPANY. rpiIK DIKECTORS of the Kilkcuny Junction Hail- JL way Company, which is uudcr arrangements lor working by the Waterford and Limerick Railway Com- pany, will receive proposals lor LOANS oa MORT- GAGE DEHENTUUES for such periods as may bo agreed upon , bcariag Interest at the rate of SIX per Cent, per Annum, payable Half-yearly (15y Onlcr), HENRY SARGEN T, Secretary. Company ' s Office , 2, Bauk-jilace , Waterford. (aull)-tf.) LOANS ON CALL OR DEPOSIT. SIX I'ER CENT. INTEREST. rpiIE DIRECTORS of the Waterford and Kilkenny JL Railway arc prepared to accept TENDERS for LOANS on MORTGAGE BONDS , at 5 per Cent., pay- able upon cither One or Two Months ' Notice, to be always increased to (3 per Cent, whenever and during the time the Irish Banks arc allowing 4 per Cent, on Deposit Recei pts. They will also accept Tenders for like Bonds, at G per Cent., for Three , or Five Years, and for the Debenture Stock , bearing interes t at 0 per Cent, for Three Years , and 5 per Cent, in perpetuity afterwards. The Line is worked by the Waterford and Limerick Company, and for the year ending the 25th March , 1801, the Traffic Recei pts were £19, 954 10a. Id., the Working and other expenses being £0,399 Ss. 10d., leaving a Balance of £10,205 13s . 3d., for Interest on Loans , after the payment of which there is a consider- able surplus , and the opening of the Xew Line from Kilkenny to Mary borough , now constructing (a distance of If) Miles from Kilkenny to Abbcyleix being com- pleted), will materiall y increase the Recei pts. Applications lo bo addressed to the undersi gned at the Company ' s Offices , 2 Bank Place , Mall , Wuterford. By Order , WILLIAM WILLIAMS , Secretary. Woterford , fob. 14 , 1805 . (jalO-tf.) GAME NOTICE. '¦pilE following LANDS in the HAKONY or IDA 1 nnd COUNTY of KILKENNY , urn strictl y Pre- served : HALI J YNAMONA , HAfiLYKEOCJHAN , KILLASI'Y. Also tho I-ANDS or MOUNT SION, in Iho BARONY of KILCL "LLIHKKX and COUNTY ot WATKRKORI). SAMUEL T. GKUBR. Killaspy House , Au/in t , lSii l . I :itl4-tf] GAME NOTICE THE undermentioned Townlands in the BARONY of IDA ami COUNTY or KILKENNY, are preserved :— HATHPATUICK , 1 CiORTEENS. i.UFKAXY , and | All persona SPORTING ou theao Lands will bo prosocutcd. (au2C-tf GAME milE following Townlands , in the BARONY of IDA 1 COUNTY of KILKENNY, are atrictly PBE. SERVED :— PARKSTOWN , MKLVILLK , ATATEKMORK , : RAUILLAKEEN , NICHO J ASTO V VW, : BALLINAMORAHAN , AIRMOUNT . BALLY KILL A BOY, UP- SLIKVERUUor , PERAND LOWER, KILMURRY , MILTOWN BALLINCRKA , FAHY , T1NVANCOOSII , HALLINCURRAGH , CHARLESTOWN , BISHOP'S HALL, BALLYMOUNTAIN , NEWTOWN , MOANROE , i CAPPA H , I5ALLYH0MUCK , GAULSTOWN. BAUNNAGELOGE , ' Also the following lands in the COUNTY of the CITY ol WATERFORD :— CHRISTENDOM UPPER NEWTOWN and AND LOWER , ' NliWRATH. ANNEMOUNT, All persons trespassing on any of these lands after this Notice aroliablo to legal prosecution . Ballymountain , Nov. 7th , 18Gt. nf THE MAILS I'ROM WATERFORD. The hours up to which letters aud paper* may^be posted at th< Waterford Office are as follow:— Box Clooea. Dtspatcbed Clooroel . Cork , Limerick , 4c , 9 15 a-ra 8 li a,m Dublin (earl y English Halls) Ac , II 3D a.ra ill 4( a.m DungarTan , ... . «. 1 3U p.m 2 0 p.ra Tramore (1st Mail), ... ... T I) ajn 7 40 IA Do (2nd do), ... ... 1 30 a.m 2 0 p.m Passage Kast , ... .., 4 0 a.ra 6 0 a.m Dunraore ... .„ ... 4 0 a.m 6 0 a.m Kerryblnk (lit Mail), ... ... 4 Oa>m « 0 a.m 1)0 (2nd do) ... ... 11 II a.m 11 30 a.m Do (3rd do) .~ ... 2 23 p.m S 20 p.m Kilkunnr, Thomutouro, New Rota, Wex/ord, Ac., on week djja ... 8 30 p.m 6 46 p.m Do. do., on Sundays ... 3 45 p.m 4 0 p.m Dublin (law English Hails) Ac, ... 7 45 p.ra 8 15 D.m Clonmel. Cork , limerick, to. .- 7 4] p.m 8 !5 p.m The mails arrive and are delivered as under :— ArriTal . Deliver/ Dublin (late Eog. Malls) *c, ... 4 0 a.m 7 0 a, in Olounel , Cork, Limerick, Ac, ... « 0 a.m 7 0 a.m KlaTennr, Tbomsstown, New Roa, Wexford , 4o.,oo weekdays ... 4 0 a.m 7 0 a.m Do. do., on 8ond»js ... 1 30 p.m n»t moraine Dublin (tally Engllah Haila) 4o, ... I 30 pm t Op m Dangartan. CappoquIp.Liamore . Ac, 11 Un 1 0 p.m Olonmel . Oork, limerick, 4c, 2 so p.m nextmornlnr, Tramore (1st Mail) ... ._ 10 0 p.m 2 0 p.ra Do (Snd do) ._ .. 6 30 p.m next morning. Dunraore .„ „. ~ 7 0 p.m do Patsafe ... ..7 0 p.m do Ferrybink (lnt mall) ... -. 11 0 vm 1 0 p,m (Jod rio) ._ ^ a ao a. m next morning (Jrd do) ... ,., »30 pm do . ¦ ¦ SALES THE AUCTION ROOM , NO. 101' QUAY , it now . fitted up for the reception of Furniture , &c. for Sale. Persons not wishing to have Property disposed of on their own Premise! will find it their interest tb make use of this Establishment , aa the Room Is both spacious and lofty, and admirabl y adap ted for Furniture Saks. THOMAS WALSH , Proprietor. AUCTION OF HORSES, Travelling Machines, Furming Implements , Stock, £«• MR. THOMAS WALSH'S next Auotion of Homes, Travelling Vehicles, &o . &o., will take placi ON MONDAY , 3 KD OF APRIL, 1865. At MR LAURENCE DOBBYN'S VETERINARY Establishment , BeresforJ-street, Waterford , ORDER or saLB : Travelling Vehicles , Harness, Game Dogs, &c , » Twelve o'Clock precisely. Hunters , Riding and Famil y H jfses, at One o'Clock Colts, Draught and Farm Horses immediately after. B3f Persons intending properly for this Sale will be required to have it entered at Mr DOBBIN ' S, or at Mr. WILSH ' S Office , inn Custom-house Quay, on orbefor* Nine o'Clock the morning of Sale. Fee for entry , 2s.0di Purchasers to pay Auctioneer ' s Fees of Fiva per Cent. THOMAS WALS H , Auctioneer Auctions attended in any part of Couutry or Town. 100 Custom-house Quay, Wnterlbrd, 1865. tf TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, AT WALSH'S MART . mi . CUSTOMFIOUSE QUAY IN THE CITY OF WATERFORD , ON MONDAY , the 27th of MARCH , 1805 , at 12 o'Clock , noon . the LESSEE'S INTEREST in the PREMISES known as No. 44 PATRICK STREET, and in PREMISES in NEW ST., both in the CITY of > ATEItFORD , held under a Fcc-furm Grant , at the Yearly Rent of £G 3s Id., .producing a clear Profit- rent ot £29 9s. lid. per annum, and held by two hi ghly respectable Tenants , under subsisting Leases. For Rental , particulars of Title , &c., apply to EowiitD ELLIOTT , Solicitor , Colbcck-strect , Waterford ; or to THOMAS WALSH , Auctioneer. 101 , Custom-bonse , Quay, Water ord. (m!7-2t). Auction of Leasehold Interest. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION on MONDAY , 27th M ARCH , at t' NE o'Clock , AT MY SALEROOM , 101 , QUAT , WATKRFOKD , the INTEREST in the LKASEofTIIE HOUSE No. 42 BARRONSTRAND- STREET, WATEiiFuRD , held for an unexpircd term of 37 years, at the low rent of £11 per annum. His ut preseut let to a yearl y tenant at £28. This II. nso is situntcil in one of the best business localities in iho City, an'I is a most desirable investment. For further particulars apply to THOMAS WALSH , Auctioneer. Waterford March 11th , 1805. [ml7-2tl. IMPERIAL HOTEL , SQUARE , DUXUAJI VAX. J. BUCKLEY , Pr.ut-RiEToii, RESPECTFULLY iufornn his Friends and tlu Public, that he has taken the extensive LtV Bni STABLES , COACH HOUSES, and Y ARU , fbimcrl y attached to tho Devons-liiro Arms ' Hotel , where he intends hold- in-; .1 MONTHLY SALEIJY AUCTION , on tho FAIR DAIS of this Town (the SrcnsD WEDNESDAY of every Monlu), of Horses, Carriages , C.irs, Harness, nnd all other descri ption of Property that may bo entrusted to him , which sliall receive his best care and attention. (Sgr The next MONTHLY SALE will take place on WEDNESDAY , tho Uth JANUARY , I 8G0 ; and nil Horsi-3 anil Property should be entered the day pre- vious or earl y on tho morning of Sale. Fes for Entry of Horses , Is . (id. each. Livery Moderate. Buyers to pay Auction Fees of Five per cent . Sale at One o'Clouk , p-m. J. BUCII.ET also wishes to apprise the Gentry and Commercial Gentlemen that the I MPERIAL is situate in the most centra l part of tho Town . The Coaches and Cars start from opposite the door for Waterford , Youghal , Clonmcl , Cappon , uiu, and l.isnwre . The I MPERIAL will bo found replete with every comfort and attention, at Moderate Charges Dungarvun , 20lh December, 1801 . (d23-2 WILLIAM S M ITU , AUCTIONEER ANT> VALUATOR •13, -MICHAEL.STREET (Corner of Lady-lane), IS now ready to receive ORDERS for the DISPOSAL of all kinds of GOODS nnd PROPERTY b y PUBLIC AUCTION, or to make VALUATION S of PROPERTY for SALE or other purposes. (nll-tf HYAM'S UNIVERSAL COATS, in a variety of Materials , 15s. and 20a. HYAM'S NEW GRANVILLE COAT, in Pilots , Witneys , Ac., 20a. to 45s. HYAM'S INVERNESS CAPES , in Meltons , Witncys A-c , 20s to 35s. HYAM'S VENETIAN CLOTH COATS, 25s. to 45s. TT YAM'S EMIGRANTS' SUITS, 30s. 4 . 5s. 52s. TJ YAM'S ROYAL RIBBED SUITS, 32s. Od. HYAM'S SCOTCH TWEED SUITS , Mi., 4os., 52s. TTYAM'S ARCHERY SUITS, 42s. TTYAM'S LOUNGE SUITS, 32s., 42i. TTYAM'S CHILDREN'S SUITS , are the best. TTYAM'S LIVERY SUITS , from 55s. TJ YAM'S OSBORNE SUITS, 17s. Gd. to 30s. HYAM'S TRUE FITTING TROUSERS , U'i , arc unequalled. XT-YAM'S HARROW SUITS , I JS . to Ms. TTYAM'S IMPERIAL SUITS , 15s. to 25?. HYAM'S NEW WAISTCOATS , in Plain and I- ' ancy Mntcr ' uils. TTYAM'S GORDON CAPE , for Littl e Boys. Albert Over Cuutf , Mi. to -15< , : Frock Coals, 28s. to GOJ . ; Bluck'IJoe Trousers, IR to 2R; liluck Cloth Vest , BJ . to 10s. (id.; Scotch Tweed Trousers , 10s. ; Zouave Knickerbocker, .Soitj , from 12H. ; om 12J . ;NEW STYLE RIDING HABIT, 80s., 90s., nud 100s. The ORDERED DEPARTMENT contains a most varied nnd beautiful display of PIECE GOODS, tuitibla for every kind of GENTLEMEN'S and .1UVENILE Drew, and the Prices will be found equally moderate. Servants' Liveries , Iteady Made, or made to Order. A Clmrt of Fashions and Price List will be sent free, opon application. On SATURDAYS the Establishment Closed , untl Dusk , when Business is rciumed until 10 o'Clock. B . HV A M , TAILOR , CLOTHIER , HATTER, HOSIER , AND OUTFITTER, 30 . DAME STREET, DUBLIN, Pianoforte and Music Warehouse , 93 . QUAT , WATERFORD . FT . HOWARD begs to call attention to the very large and superior Stock of PIANOFORTES now iu his Warerooma , all b y first Clasa MaVorn , and whioh he offers at prices that will enable the purchaser to obtain a REAL GOOD PIANOFORTE for what in usuall y paid for instrumenta of inferior class , that are merel y finished on the exterior to catch the eye , want- ing all the necessary qualities of good workmanshi p and sound material in the interior meohanism. Old Instruments taken in Exchange. ALEXANDBX' S Harmoniums In variety. tjij" New Music, and every article connected with the Mtuio Trade, always in stock. (au26-tf). MASCULINE VIGOUR GUARANTEED , - . without tho pos»ibility »i fsiloiT, by tbouie ol Dr. BRIGHT^ REMEDY, prepared jn the form of i Lowjge , to ensure scency. ..Invaluable in dicates of Generative and Physical Debility, S permstorrtioj , 4c Price Us., on appli- cation, - , or sent arefoll y pacled. tfte by post; for 12a, ' , for Stampi or Fostyf&ee Order; 'tLiif ta Mran. BBISBT, and Co., 29. georgfritrert; HtBoter^qnttt , Lnndao , W ' HE SILptfT ' , fcRflJMD on MARRIAGE , with wgravjnis ^prica 1«. ( pott free l4 «t«BD« , : , ' »c»Ied 20. for self tpre. ou r Ui» «rrors or wneMa of Tooth , infection , loss of natdral feww afld vijwir ' ; all feaitle irregolaritlei and btiretmcsi , - -AdaretlV'Mean. PIBBT A Co., 19, Ikrpm-strM^ord4£^'1( bb(loii>W^wWre may M liadlhe-lfHr Ittnch- 'IM«a»i«r, (-TlUiSKMAR LOZ8NGK8 ,.no. 1, fcrctei^ik^tr ' ttdfc^ooo. t^piUng mirriafe l j *a«ridf fO^MMtowiL ^h health , -«rren|tb , -and v>»^. -TRIBgfaiA6-Ko ; S^'or Oonbitlkta; ^OlN>, 'Or Tlratltril-Affultuft , •ftrfctOT , Jus. ¦ Tnnmimntr Tfn r \i thi mm riiimiuivti»\^jm , : I^^^I !UA *ak^*l 43^k^L^kAka^B^a\aBHB\^ «^KaB^a4^^K^Ba^^^&^i i 0 V^k^X^^ak ' fiSaJ A*^aMBk^.^a^a^Mfl^^^A ' fe - \* swn ill nf ¦¦IU^BV . ^kf^aVsaiHaVVai ^^^BV^p^V4flas^BaVwaVaSkf tf ~Ji^i^B^BiiV^ai^BB^B^BV%fVVaa. ^^Bs^pBai4Eij^^ ' "* "

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Page 1: WATKUroiJ l) NEWS ¦ - • ¦ • •;•¦//¦ .-/ erf rii rnduij hrenimj at -i'.)

l - l lK WATK U roi J l) NEWS¦ - •¦• •;•¦//¦ .-/ erf r i i rndu ij hrenimj at -i'.) n iili) street

i ', ., .•- Hi the I' r. ivini ial H:ir.!;.l

'¦' .;¦.-. r. 1 1 1

¦!•• ¦•'¦• I' I .N C I : ; YI'.MU.Y (IX ADV A NCE; K) S.

S;.V.:IT.», 1*1.; Y I . A U I .Y , 17 S. lei.

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ITUI .IC r .onir.s,i ' lUVATK I N D I V I D U A L S ,


i M i n c n « i : ; iT.ISTE ,


•' R I C K S ASTON IS ] 11X01 .Y LOW ,

i '!"•, • Qn t 'ilii nf II , ,- MW: Omshlcrcl),AT

The Itfews Book and Job Printing,M .U M U X K r.n.iNi ;,

AM ) I i OOK-HI N 'DINO KST.Uil.lSlIMK NT ,W? Suf . 1!' & "iO Kiwi Street , tl 'alrrford.


On Su.'r at The Sen s Oj/ic,(W ' i : hf IJ.voin iul.i!i .Mi of 111. - l iMinpi i f Watt-rfnrJ aiiJ

l.i-m..i.\ tin- Ki- lit Ki-v. Dr. O'U KIKX ,)

A Catechism for the Instruction of Childre n ,nr Titr.

1\ I OST llcv Dr. I A M K S H UTLKR , Arclilii.-liopoliM r.isiiol !i"'i I' m'y.

Printed on gnml Papi-r, an.l in \:\rzv cli-ar Tj;.c.i: r.ct) MMr.M»ATins.

" I approve nf this I'.iii iion of llie Hij lit Lev. Or.J .\ M I :S l irTi.Ki'. 's Catechism, :iml rci"ouinu'n»l il to thetVilht'ul of these Dioceses.

" »S« I) . O'hRlKN , R.C.IS." Watori 'onl June 2 , If .')!)."'; " ."' Onlors from any part of iho l>ioci'sc. sotit in

nil ! l it ci 't ci l to I'. I'I K I I M ON D , l'r'mtcr :nnl Publishert' i i tn t 'iinl \>ic.«lll!icp , 4'.l King-slrei't , promptly nt-tc ii 'loil to. The Tni'lc supplied on ni'i-leratc terms.

May lie lrnl Retail from every Catholic Bookseller inlie Diocese .

JUST PUBLISHED,"\T '--A 'i'liY HOl'Xl) , *-.-.> . IV-M . ( i i l t l'J-cs t l i e

i_\ •' I.I IT. of sis i i.i: ltosAi.i K, <>!' tt.f on¦ •I ' C H A R I T Y ," tr.insl :.!. -.! IV.>m tin- Kreiiell "f '•¦'Yi«'oini. ' ili - M f l n n , l>y I " . T. I'.mmi. Ksii , A . M .Cm do lui.l at 77,, II "./ / I I / '¦>/ •</ Ai ic.v Ulliiv, Kin;,'

" Cf S t t 'O

" /A" r/.vo rmu r.isr

Cadiz , Oporto , and Light Wfne Association ,i i . i . M i r i : i ) ) .

I M I I ) i i ' C A P I T A i. -- .ei.-.iymn.Head Ulliccs un.l Stores—Kimr "* l lf .nl Yard , Tooley -

S t l L'l t , Ll'l l<|ull .

At ; I:X T A T \v .\ T i;i:rDi: i> ¦•I . C. I I K X N ' K S S Y .::! Manur-st , Clerk Waterf- inl 1' nion

J C 1M- :XXK>SY , lwviii ir accjitTil tin - A jreney

e for til. .' J- :ile of W I N K S itii|i .irt <- .I '•>" the ;ih.>vi .'\<=p. 'i.T.i'>n. Mi r'-nli-leutl y ri'i oimm'ii'l tin 1 same a*

l», -!ii" P l 'UK an.! CKN I INi : K O I SK I C N W1XK S , atti.o Mm.- ti i m- itt i iv -< > i ' i:it t:i-:xr. ni:i.ow ti».n-ii :,! ri;ici:s.Cf .AKIiTS fioni ... ... ... Ms. I'tT dorS I I K K H I K S „ ... . . ... Hi- .1'iiUTS ,. • • • • — ll!=1'OIM'S nM ;i!nl rrii-ii-d. Yii:t:mc 1^4 1 and IS47.H H K K A am! I T A L I A N W I N I «All S i ' \ I ! K M X U WIXKs lii,m -• *¦>*¦ ..K A K K a i i . ] ( l."i : l<T s W I N K S .1'i iU i ' - a::.i S l ! i :Hi : l i : s in \\ . ¦(.:. at \ vy ^ .m> I' l i c t -

l.i ln i il u-riu* t" ilit Tiadi' and lari;. ' CU IIMIII ICT -l'i;r.- i i-!-. :ii"'l » 'd |': l l t i i-l l l : ir- "U ;.|i!ilirat:uli a< a lniVr

THE WATERFORD COACH FACTORY( I t . I. .1 ir I. o i t ' s ) .

!;. I . !w» l . liw Oil SI111.V :it l i i< K s l u l i l M l li i O M i ,

C<A T!!I :KI N!. - S I i i r . i i . v r ,i : i : i>roiti- STKKK !',

/ \V.iKr |. .nl , ti . i f .ill - i.vinu New 'A ork :—Full-!- ''/ '- 1 - !'ri.i .!i-.i I 1K V t i l l \M S ; Miniature

i l i l t i i . imly (<] V K X ..\ X i w I : .-: -.-ii ii f r .KOCt i l'l A M ''AH, ..r Small 'Il l' s,

w i l l i Ciiru '.ar I'mi.! ami llmiml 11-j 'if , t" cany >v\vnT( iv . . i .v i:i- '.i]i- nnd "I \v(. u'it.

\ i '\ Mj l . l ; . \ l : l lL'< I I I . ; M k . Ai 'oi.ri . .-.iiil Yicturia, l l .KTON - ; . i-M . »i.y tin.

W A i l ' i O N I '. T I I '.s, »i'!; M I I M- I I I '.C i:nni< ;Vl!.V. riiNl''I I 'i '.S. nun 1'i-i'iii; I a-hiiiiriulr DOC

t 'Alt r.- : M .i ikd cr W h i t c i l i ii-c l Cart> -.SOCIAl.l . l - ^ , l O Y K U K i . 1 CAI I s , OL' i'.-llJi: .'.iito

ii; y i f .M v .ri 'lv .A II -:HI 1. I - I ..f Siv'.ii.!-han.| l 'H.KTOXS , WA (j-

I ;CM:: I i:s , m:: .- IU K CAI ;.~ , .VC .Nr iv a:.d .- (o i l . i i- h u T . i l \V . , ik l . i u do u l w i t h i i j. l i o i i cf

]'i.r. !i.i.-' • i " 1 ' Y i . u -' c.'i^i'L'Um'nt i ' i \ i l i u i t l i a l l litw

\V ,, . k.jl /- |{i ] .ai i> nrail y I M C U IC-:!, and :n tin: cl.iaj-cst

1ll:illllt r. (j> l-"(

THE TURKISH DIVAN,iOll .UTO , f K i .Mi , AM) K 1 S 1 1 1 N G T A C K I - K

W A l l K l l O U S i ; .p irSH M' f .nXKSsY \V .\ r.Ui :i.l , ln:joiler o(\ j ' 1VTC:;'II and Ui i l i -h ( iurirs ; Wil i ^ ' Vii - !!«ii:i

H.U ':i- ". I'.ri-i'd Itird ', 'Ira ^-cnt ; Foreign , I I it .t . u ' C a \ » " .di-h. :ili d ollii'r l'.-llicy Tul:aci"O>.

A choice M':>'i:(ioii of Mtcrschauni ainl Clay l'ijics. ;J. A M U K I N ".- ( "rk SiinlV.

t?,v" >ulc A ^i ' nr Srui.ANK 's I 'cli hrnted LimerickSni"iiihtr<.|i. o-' u-«'d l<y the Kildaro reel Club.

y Hf- Ural l .inurirk Kiic.-am! lioolo. Lumloti 1'irfuratry, and O.ii 'i 'rtinas.

oiwrvo :•' • IJI A v . w \i!.;:i '"i;i). f " i i- t |


II I A V K n c w .,n Sal, . M . - M .J . C KHKI . I : Snfii A Cn.N

I I U A X D Y , ,,l th,. ?,„ „. . . |ii;,liiy a< ¦¦l.taim-d lln-l'i ;l/.K. Men:, at Hi,. li, <...r!ia < i< iuaf l'Miil < iti < .'ii , IHl i i ,nnd wliv li I "'.V.-r on lt«i«.-,n ;ilil. . T.-rius .

D A V I D I .KCKI ] - ;,Win. - a n d Spirit M^-rcliant, Ac., Dircit Iii i i . . , rtei s i.f

i'ut:N <:n l i K A. Miv.t'.ii" >!"r.-- -- V.\i HA \ ' .>. .Si it m.r . (j :i t l- '.O

Messrs. GABRIEL,r i ir : oi.n D siAHi . i snr . i ) n r . N i i s i s ,¦±

~. I I . \ i-. i .» : \- .-Ti:r» : i , CUK M 'I M I . MJUU ., an.l :\\\,I . i i« . AH: l l n . i . l.i.x i i i is- : l . i v K i E i 'iu i i . : i:', i , D I K I ..M I ; K M : l i l l t M I . M . I I A M : li."> , X Ktt M I : K K r .

G\ i : l M l 'L > ' 1 ! ' IY \ ! . TOOTH I 'nWDKU ,

pri-iup- l IV- MII a i;. >-.|.t , a- 1J SKD I1Y H K U

M \ J K S I Y, I s . < ¦ I- and --, 'id , per Iv/x. ^old at ihc

i iU e i, i ' l l i i r l' ;i \> '-r , an.l hy ull Ulicm:.-:!.s throu^mut

t i n - K i i i S 1'"'!'- ., , ,< j » l i::irl.s' A S T I - K I TS C. I ' M I T I I I' A S T K . ti ll- l it ^t

tir.- i i -u- iii- 'ii f ^t a n l . f-r WII ITHNIM: the T KMII , wi l l inut

11.iurv i o t i 1 c K1r.1ifl , is . Cd :ml OV \rr V.<,x. S.-I .l at

iC i 'i|i:-:f ':f thi.-i 1'a- a-r, at i - l by a:I » l:>- f tlirou^houl

i !»• K i i i i d-m. .( J v t i i i n . -' I 'I I I :M I I .M.I V I'n i ; i A U K t . Wnm; ( H- T T A

'I'r u c i i * K X A M I. I . i- tin; r-to|i|.In tr i-M itit t..r

d.-c ivf l l n- l i i . or 'J'oi.lhaclie. and no wal tw lmw lar

!i.- i-i\«- !, l i n i'- i - t!.' itijurfd iii i - i i i lurr a^iin --mud and

n-! i i ' , iin-1 ., i o-ithai-he. Tlii >- pn p.inil i ' in is¦-¦n 'ur.V tn i- liriin any iui :t- i l<ic -uli>tiin«-cs, and , a- i t -

n;.uii.- sit'!i:ru-, i-. >iu-c:all jr pri p- i iLd l»r lliu purp-isi- .1 ' i ici- !-. '¦! [r r li'ix , wi th i l i i rc i i n* fjr "-.e.

T.t ih.: < : : "ev -if l !'i- I' .pvr, ari l liy all i 'lii- mi-> 'o

tiir ii"" i nir the l \ i i i i -'dij ia.

' . AII I I U .I S ' W H I I I : K X A M K I . C I- M EN T, fir j-'mnl

Teciii , i - an iiiv-ilinbli' -t"p|iins. and h..> ao|iiin- .l n

»«.J «¦.],. ri- |.'it it '.jii ; 'i- . p r J J MJC . Mdd at t l i c''fc o: t!,\ I'.i j-r, and l.y all ' lic:nis!s t!ir..iig liout«!» Kin-l -m.

'¦«> III K I.-' < 'i i ' i xr *i . cmi "K K-< KM «; K , an a^irliicrnlfttil re.'ri' .'i inj lo liuii I'.u ' • . irdi -nii i a ll 'C <!iiii:!s , oa ami

":s. Cil. pir r.'.t l i i - . Sol'1. :it t i i « (lite <¦!' this Taper , or''.'¦"li Clii-iiiis 1 - ll. roii^iiutit iln- Kin ^il-mi

M Esut. O A C K I I '. I .-' I' . iri .xr IX U KJ I B I tTiut.i . MINI:-"AI. TCETII mid IU-'M I I ^ C ii inis wi ihoul |M !.I I I ¦?. spiinj:-Of wirts . and wi il . -mt any . .p i i . l i . m . • O.ii- set la-:.s alifi'iimc,' tiiid w.ur.iiil: - rl lur cvciy piurj ».-c ¦•( ni:i-ti- : -t.on nr ariicuKiU 'i 'i , cv-n w!n-!i a l l ullicrs t' lil. J' liri-'.t i ltt t -ria U ,:u i liiM-r .ij i- «.irk!irin>h:j\ . at half the u-u:iltu't ,

American Miner.! Toi-tli , be*! in Kurnjn1. 4 10 7 , and1 "I to 1.1 puiurai |i(-r Ki- t . uniTaulcd ; unc visit onl yrequired trum country j iril i int ^. l'ari ia l .-cts inpropnrJi'in.

The »bove preparations arc sent on recrip! of I'o< !-»Se Stamps, with full dirrctiiins for use

l'artics at a distance , who cunncit conveniently cot»ato London, <nay have ]nitiil orcomp lelc setssuj ip lii 'lon Messra. G AIMKLS' new system (mlentrd), on MIII '1-mg particulars of their case, wiih a remittance of .O-.liy return .for which , the necessary nppamtus will t-rfoiwonleA " jeio- ly)

SHIPPINGM A 1! I' II , 1 S li .1

XT K .IU CUMMUMC. rnoXBetween Glasgow, Cork , and Waterford ,

('uriy ill j: (iiWl^ls til I . IMRKICK , TlPPLRARY , Cl.OX.MVI.t 'AKt MCK-os -Sv in , KiLK i '.xxv , and CA I I K K , at Tlnouj;liiiatis .

* l .v f*I* V.V. Now nnd Powerful Screw SliM-.';o)i'»v:i'*\ .JL mers "SAl/rKK ,".lons (.'r.AWFPnn,' " • ¦njUJV .Coininander. "TUSKAl{ ,"STH'm;x A X P I :K -¦'¦- rtrrj^ -is .. sox', Cimimaud.'r , nr i.tlier l-'iist-class Ves-si'K me inti 'iiiliil in Sail as ntnK-r (unlij s pirvcnlcil l.y anyiniliinveen rirrnmstanc), with or without Pilots , and witt ililii- rty to Tow Vis-rls and lo imiiKr As;isiancp to Wssulsin Ifctrcss:—

I' K 0 J! (i L A S li O \V (I.anci ti iId IJ uay) toWaleiioul anil (. '.. lk-Ta»lar. Tni->ilay. -Mh 1-Vh., l'J noon

— l>v Kuil In , .'i *

'.'oik aial Wat i i f , . : . ) —S.dli i - , Satimlay, I'.h Mar., 10 noon— !iy lail In (livenurli , ."> p.m.

\V:il.- rru:il ami ('., ik—Tii-kar , Tiii-il.ny, 7th, !•_' nonn— I'V Kail tn (irri 'tiMik , 5 p.m.

I' ri: :md '.Vat. -rf.n.l— SJI I I . C. Salnulay, 11 tit Mar.. VJ noon— !¦;¦ lt;iil In CJiri-iini-k , o p.m.

Waterforil and t.'ork— '1'osknr, Wcdn'day, Mill .Mar., 1-J noun—hv 1'ail to (iri-cnnck , o p.m.

fork and U'ati-rford — S.iltrv, .Monday, 2(lth .Mar., 12 iwoii—I '.v U.iil to CitTonoi .-k , 5 p.m.

tt'alei foul and Cuik—Tovk ur, Fiid.iy, -'I'll Mar., I.* noon— I'.v Hail to.(!rpcnnck. ."» p.m.

( 'ork—Saltcr, Tiuvdny, -Sth Mar., lj noon—hy Hail to (in-cnock , 5 p.m.

FItO.M COKK TOlil.i<2o\v (d i ie i t ) Tn<kir , S.ilnr.lay, l l!i Mar., 7 p.niWalciford A Illas^ow ...Saltcr . Tucv-iay, 7th ,. 1 p.m(tl:i<£.nr (i l im- l) Tn»liar , Salunliiy, Hi l l ., :! |i .m.Wali -iiinil A ti!.i<s,m- S.dioe, Tni'fihiyi l l ' h ,. I |i.m.( ihi< i*nw (ilirrrl) Tii-kar , Momlay, *Jnih ., II n.snWali-if.iril ,t t i l i - ^ow. . . . S.diiv, riiinsday, -J:l id ., 1 p.m.(ila.-gmv (.linvi) IVlar , W id'day, 'JOili ., .', p.mWa crtord \- (ila-L-i'iv Salii-.- . l'rid.iv . ' :ll»t '., il ii.m

FKOM WATKIM 'Oi:! ) TOCork and (^nw Tu-kui . Tlmrsilav, •_'nd Mar., 1,lili ^L'iiw (dirrct) Salii-p. Wi-ihii-.-day Hth ., ;( p.m.t.'iTli and (il.i > -.iw Ti^ku'r, ThurMlay, !Uli „ 1 p.m.lihi-^nu' (liiu'rt) Sallw , >\"i'd\lay, 1.1th .. ;l p ill.fork ami li la«£ . .w 'IVkar, Friday , 17th ., 1 p.m.(ilj ^-mv (ilim'- l ) Sall.-i-, S.ituiilay, 23:li „ :i j'.ni.('.•rli mid lila-i^inv Tin-liar, Mon Uiyj ' J i t l i „ 1 p.m.lilasijow (di-.i'Ct) Saltpp , .Salunlav , 1st Apr., ;< p.m.

FA lll'S :—i;i.i- .- ..w t.i \V.,tpi f,ir.l in- c:oik... fal'!ii , 17- . tul. ; Dci-k , 10sI'.'ik to Watcrtind Cabin , t . (Hi. : l ink. IsKrtnru T i rH i t s ac« Hi<ble f < i r One Mouth , nut In tusf i rut i lv .Cl.i- .'i.iv lo C.ik nr Wali-i l '.in!... , •_'".< . I i-l.Wni. 'rinrd lo Cabin , l 'J<. li.l. ; l).-ck , r-i.

f"CV?' Thi s i s ths l'hiapist Uuii '.r lor Cnuds to Kiiki - uiiy,Killarni 'v. Tr.ilir , Xi-iv I loss (.'aniik- uii-Siiir , fl..imnl ,Calirr , Ti pppiary, Mallow , Krnnny, t'lo^liccn, and thi- Smthof ln-l:llid ^rlu-riillv.

Fur l!.il«"i of Fi . i ^bi , Ai\, appply to the Acrnts :—I' A I I .W A Y Ot tin:, K'll l i i ini .r : C'IM :K STK A V M I I P CO., IV N -ri-i- tj uay. t '. ' ik ; I I I : A I I A M I!I: V > I X I . B , Uri'Piiock ; Tllo.MASWnvn:, -, (l -wald Siuvt . Cl.i-j.m ;

M i n i A K I . D O W X K Y ,|at -V:n~ Custom House Quay, Waterford .


,j~ O8*MKI»J r I^ 11 !'¦ Liv erpool , Xew York ,••'• v/ >- H ~ i- • •*- i""1 I'hiladi-lphia Sl.Mm Shi p

V^ JjLl jA/ 1 ('o.iipany i nli 'iid d.--palrhin^ tln- irf-ci 'Sriisii JiES Full.piiwi-ri-d Cly di'-bnilt lion ScrewSle:imslii p>, rallying the L'uiti -d Stales MaiN ,I'rom QL'i:i:X.STO\VX (COKK) to NEW YORK

a- I'ul low :K D I N l U ' l M i l l Tlmr-.lay, :|n|!i Mairb.CITY OF I . I . M K H I C I C .M.iinl.iy, :iid A pii l .C I T Y OF I SA I / I 'I M U U K ... Thursday, I MI .,

Aii 'l rvi '.v Tliiu-ilay, and I - VITV altrrnate Momlay.Cabin !*a-*:ii:" by tin- Mail Steamers rvcry Wednesday,

lo . 17 , and I'l liuiii i - i is , ai-ri 'idin^ to the ai-i-oiiiinoi latiun.Cabin P I-- ; IJ . - by S::tnid - iv- ' Stranii - :- . l.'i (inilu-as .Fovwai-t! Pa—unp, ."» (luiiH-as itu-hnliiif; all Provisions

c..i.k.-d.P.i--i -iii'i'i- fi-r Canad.i. lin- t'ni l . -d Ptatcs. and I'.ritish

Columbia b-'t.l;, ..! tlinn:i:li <n , vrrv ii 'lvaiita -i iNiu- terms.i i. .ri i irtbirp:ii i iri ibii>:i i . | . !yi i! ';j. // ; i .«n. . . ioi ixMcKi:i:)

at lb- •Ciini |-.aiiy 's(itrnv-, In:! YUm-ia-i-tri-i'l ; in Q'ici iiatvn-ii ,|.. C. .V; W. 1) . S K V M i U M : .V C. ; and in T.ircrf tnl loW l l . M A . M 1XM A X , ;L> , Wutcr-Mivi-t ; l iKOItt i [ - : i 'KTll-Ki;srUX. (Vo)i iiicf ; in to

fa l l .Vtf . , 1'. S. J I A U Y F . Y, Quay, Wati-rf.inl .

•*i i'riiJt?ORD STEAM COMPANY.I X T F . X D E D Ol iVEl! nf SA T U X U — M A H C I l , 1805

... .N V^OTICK.—Thi- Waterford Sleanishipj jiJ J-c. ii Coinpatiy reri-ivp (ioikls


Shipment/? - fj \ 1 N*%S-.. II t lu- l . .!l . .uiiiL- T. rms only :—Tlii-y n«i-rvc

xSji tfuSs-ic. the ri^lit t" i-arrv I n mm, not hv parlirularV,-M-U . with bU-ity to T.iivShi p-. and rail at iillw- r Purls ,and uit l nut be art i- uutal - ii- fur injtirir s or h»><i 'S arising from:blay, anid.-nls nf tht- S.-.i- , Kivi - . - , l-'ire , the Queen's, di-l.v live X.-ivi^a -.i'in. or aivid.-nN Iroin any ollirr i-au-e,IK II I'- irany ii.<s wbiih niiudil have lurn roveivd by Insurance ,unr fur Leakage , lireaka^e . C<iiidiliuii , (Quality, or eonti-nls ofany I'areels or 1'aekaL-e-, iinb 1— -j ii-eiall y entered and ad ru-In.-rm Kivifil.l fn-J. ( ;.««U nut ivmuvpil t.i liu Slur :d at tin-ri-k am! expi-iw nf tin* I 'uu-ijmvs .

All C.nils will lie i.iii- id i i. -d a- siilij . -i -i tu a ceueral lien,nil. ) b.-i.l ii..: uiij y i",, r Fu-i^lil of tin- saini- . lint fi.r all An<-ni>nl l'n-i;:lii , Stuia-e , ur olli-r rhai^i- < due hy the Importer ,Owner. i>r Cnn>ii;iiees tu the C.uiipaiij' .

W A T F.l l F O U D A X I ) II I M S T O L .C/i'y.v.v a nd Jl i ' it t in.

! !:¦¦ •¦: WAI I !.|.||:n IHia . iT . i K <1 M II '¦'¦ I S T O L ,(i if s . / at..I l lr itnn. (l i p > u, divert.

F/ iilay, .Mar. :i ... I J I A n u 'ii I n -lav , M ir. :i. ... I" Moml'il-s.:,y, .. T ... 3i A ' l n -i I 'r i i l . y , " I", ... '. A l t u 'nV. ' ' :i> .' ,. Ml ... T Aim 'ii t"r..1i.y, " 17 , ... f .j M.nuT u •» !» ¦.- ., 11 ... vl M..111 I ' ri-l.iy , " •-'I , ... :i! A l l u 'iiKri. l aV ,. |7 ... :n M.. vn Kri i lnv , " 31 . ... ti .M- lii"IV i-.!ny ., ;l ... -.' Alm ' ii l lf i t u u , ealliir.' at lVmbiukerr.. lnv , ,. v1 ... 4 Al l n'ii I). , , ); ¦

T.,.-.,l;,y, ., -.- ... ..; Morn |.|lrt4l( , Mal . 7 ," ... -j Af in 'u•¦ ¦¦• !=¦}- . ,. ••>! ... !o M..HI -i - ,.,., ,!.,,- , - l i , . .. 7 M .. . II

l iful.-iv , " Jl . ... II M'-rnTu.-i l- i> " , " '-'". ... 7 M i.rn

P.-ml.ri .i.i- I) . » -k lo W.i '.erfi.rd , iVuin 'tla-Smuli Wai.- Kai l -way Tern.inn- , .i- s«,n alter arrival I'nnn Hiist . i l a» |»i->ihle.

&<'¦" <ln K'ail y .Mniuiii'.' Sailing"-, tin- 1' uf tin- Sleaul-er- «i!l be Open ';,, ic-.-iv.- I'a-selr.'. r- ai riving ll.j in Londonby t!. .- Xi -.-li l Mail Trair..

C.ii'in Fare , 17< . c,|.; S.-ivuiU- and Cbil.lreu , 1( N. i 'rl.l!- .- t i : in do., -J7-. ; ur with li ln- rty t.. ivluni frum DublinCork , ur Wi-s 'i. nl , :\\< . r-d., Siew'avd '> lee iiidudi-il ; Deck7s. ti .l. Feiuaiis altmil Ihe Ladies' Cabin.

w A T F. i: Fo i: i) A X i) L i v i: it P O O L .CinniUf i , ] ' t st<t , tt n-l Zf f t iur .

l l: 'iM \v\ Tl . l : i '' i l i l < : V IU J M I . IVI . IM - OUI . :Kri.l .v , Man li a, ... :| A f l n 'i. I'u Im , Alar . ."I, ... 'J A f l n 'nTu—.!:,y, „ I . ... :. .M.. , a 'Tin-Mluy . ., 7, ... : M . i i iT' .ilay, ., In , ... in M., , ,1 i | - n.lay, ,, In . ... :i .MornTn.s'Hy, ,, l i , ... \ j \ , , II 'I'ut-.ljy, ,, I I , ... 1! M..111FrulHj r . ,, 17 . ... -.' A t. - i. 'l ' ri.lai ,' „ 17 , ... 1 A l H . 'nT l l i f c l a y , ., -Ji i A t l l i 'i. |'rneh.Jay, ., 'J l. ... 4 A l t n 'nI' ri-l-i y. ., u, ... - \I, , MI !rii.luy, ,. 21 , ... « M»rnlur - l i iv , „ -.-, ... 1 a N |T.i<:-.i.iy, „ •-•', ... II M. 111l-'fii!a .v , .. Ill , ... J A l l n 'iJ l' n.lav .. ¦!• ... 1 A l t n 'li

Cabin Fare , 1.",,. ; Servanis and Children. 10-.; link , "s.Ud. : I 'hildn-u. |s . Female, a-.t.nd tho Ladies' Cabin

(iuod- reeeind at I ' -IMV ll.,ek.W A T K i : I " 01: li A X l l L O X D O X .

Auram. llcln . Citizen , nr ulher i- liiril.le Ves-i Is.H'.fiM U A I K U F u l l l i : n:njl I.oxnox :

Fri. iay, M»r. :i ... a A l m 'i, \V.-.!i., s,l.,y Mar. I . ... > .MiniI-'riiiay. ., lo ... -J A I lu 'ii W.-.hi.- v. luy ,, s. ... s .MornKrnlai , ,. 17 ... - A I I II 'TI We.In. >il;.v ,, ]:,, ... >¦ Mi.rn|.'n.!n'v ,, •-•! ... '.' Af - 'nii W.-.lup..lav ,, -.- .', ... » «,.inFn i.i V .. -I ... J A 'l i i - n W,.li .e-ilav ., "i, ... » M m n

CaUli Fair. L'"-.: D. -fk , 1"- .l . i i \ h i> o Hi:in 11-:— l.uielon — Brit ish am. Fi-rriu'ii Ste.uu

Wh a i l , Lower L'a-t Smillifu-ld , nnd Wi-l Kent Wharf.Soii lb. .aik. Pai ieU ree-ived al l.)7 Li-adi -ulialUlrii-t , K.C.

W A T K U F O l : H A X I ) I ' L V M O I ' T I I .D M 'm Ci/, ltani/ n: Aurora , or other eli gible

Vt-sels.I |:..M W M l K I ' . l t n : ri:O.M l t . V M O L l II :

K r i l i v Mar I , . 2 A lm 'n Tliiir»ilii) ' , Mar. -', ... s A l t n 'arii . l . i 'v ., 1 ' - , ... -J A l l n 'ii l i i u r s i l i ) , „ ¦'. . .. « A im '

"Ci i. 'av ,. K . ... a Al 1 ." ii - 'ay, .. I C , ... * Allu 'liI' l i.U r . ,. V l . ... '.' .All ' i 'll I l i u iv h v , ., ' i i. ... - Al lu 'nFn-la'i . „ :l. ... -.' ACn n U. '11-I..'y, ,. H", ... - A fm'n

', UWm Fale. -Ji is.; Dee'., l ' i ,. Taking <iu"d> lur Faiiilollth

; Sonihsmilon , l'..H-oi . . .al i . and pla. es adj icelit.

W A T K U F O K I ) A X D l i K L K A S T .; A nri i ru , A'or.t . nr u l l n r ilijiblc \'es>el^ .j Vlt' l M WATF.I -. fu K l i : FKuM 1U.1.FA -I :

S:|llr. i:;> , M..r 4 , ... |-J X,,.. n T,,.. '!,, M ^i 7 , ...I S .H . .1 . l . y ,, l l , ... l-.. x. ,,,,, x,,...,!„

¦, ,, n, .

! S l l i . i . i a v , „ 1^ , ... 12 -S.,,,,, T, ,e - ,1,V , „ 21 , ...Sai-u.!..y, „ •-¦:., ... 12 N.,.,,, iu. , , :aV , ,. i- , ...

1 Cabin Fare , ... 15- . !)..,.!;, . . . 7. ill . ( "lildreu '• •W A T I! I! K O I ! 1) A N D X I' W I t O S S .

Fl:0M W A T I . K K . K I I — Daily, Sundays exci-ptcd , at :l.l."i P.M.FKOM X I/.V ll i .ss—Daily, Smi'laj -. I X I I I .tnl , at h.:l'J A .M

W A T F. I! F ' l l: D A N D h l ' N i 'A X X O N .Fllfi .M W A T I I I O I I O — Dail y. S-.i:iday, exnplul , al .1.15 F.H.l-'i:o .\l Df.N C'. N N O N — Dail y, j M.iida\s e\ ;epteil , at b.lo A.M.

lierlbs si -uiiil and every iuloiaialioi i ^ivi -n by the A^-i nts.I l r ix tn l —TUf 4 M - IKT.I 1 Sl.ain Pa.kit Oilier- . Lirrr/ nmt—Walerioul SI .am Ship Company, •_*;!, Il inn-uiik- .-. lnit ,Wa-bin ^t "ii ll i iddii ;-.-. 7.u,i./ .i(i — A M I I II > V. li . Konix-ox ,o. i M a i k Lane; llril i- l i ami l'uiei.:n Stiain Wharf , LowerKa-t Sinilhlii'id , and \Ve»l K. lit Wharl , Soiith.valk ; I'ur-cels iweiviil al 1:I7 l.ea .blihall Street , K.C. I ' lnm nnth —I I K .V U Y J. W A H I XI . . thi -Whar f , Milbay . JUIfas t— I!. U i x -nH-sn .N ,v SU N S , D.uiejial Quay ; Li"-'.! II]And at ' the Company 's OHUc , the MALL , WATKUFOKD

Irish Frieze 'Woollen Factory,C A n K I CK - O X . S L 'I K .

NICH OLAS K K X X Y , Pr oj ir i . t u r , p li-ii f i s l i ims i - l f

lint ii'imati 'i -ial is u«'-J '"> niakinjr his l-'K I K / . K,T\VI :I:D, -loniM-: I > YK FI .A X N K I ., SKIICKI I L A X K K T S , A.:., Ac., l.»t I 'l ' l iK WOOL.

Siiuie di i i i l i ts lii- iiii! i-xpr. ssed in i-ertj in quarters a«

to tin- C . K X I ' I X I I S S nf th.. r.- arli.:li H , from the l»w¦ ,ri. - 'sat whieli tin y aiv ollered .an il also as I D lvhelherih. 'V wmlil In- Lrnnsrht t« the F I X I S I 1 here, therebyinsi'iiualiii L' that tli 'uv may lie Kng lisli-imul c (Jood«sold as Irish , 1 feel callid"upon to state , that I SKI .I.NO ( liions 111:1 MY O W N M A K I :, all ma le and finishedin iny KACTOUY , at MILLVALK

The Work in the U\ K- |[(IL-SK ia carefully al'enJeJto nnd nil colour* donein Flannel , a-s well as LADIKS'DKK.SSE.S, in SC A K I .KT, MAfiKN T A , Ruin , BLUE,4 J K F . K N, H l . AC K , YKII .0 W , Ac , Ac.

Millvalc Jlill.", Carrick-ou-Suir, 1801. (uS/.tf)


D A I L Y C O M M U N I C A T I O Nf Sundays Excepteil, )


Via Watcrl 'ovdnnd Milfonl Haven , in connection withKxjiress Trtins on the Gr-vit Western , South WalesW aterford and Limerick , Wntcrford nnd Kilkenny,nnd other Trains in the South of Ireland,

•i ''V ¦*. T'HKSK l'ast and Well-appointed Steam-KijjiX* . J. ers, ciirry inu Her Majesty 's Mails , Sail¦¦X.-^Mv '." -N^Dail y (Sudavs exeeptcd),sT~?S<353Si- Fno.M W ATI:BFORU — Kroin the Adel phiWharf iinimiliiitel y after th" nrrival of the Liincrii:k Trainal Three o'Cloik in the Afternoon , reaching Milfonl Haven(wind and weather pi-imi!tinjr) in time to enable Passengersto proceed by the '.) h a.m. Impress Train to London , reach-iiis Paddiiiilon al li o Tliird Class Passengers willlie forwarded by tho Tluoiijih 7 5 a.m. train to London.—Passengers iirrivi ti!: sil Milfonl Haven on Sunday iimruiiigswill leave per the II 15 a.m. Train.

From M II .FOIIU II AVKX , from the Railway Pier Daily, at7 Jo p.m, Sundays exreptpd , after tliearrival of the i) In,Kxpriss Train from Paddinnton Station , London, reacliiiiKWalerl'iiid (wind and weather pennittiii!;) so as to secure thedeparture of Hie I! a.m. Tr.iir. to Limerick , Cork , and thoSouth of I reland ; and the 11 45 a.m. Train to Kilkenny andDublin. Passengers by the (i a.m. Third Class Train fromraddington will also be conveyed hy these Steamers at He-duecd It.ites . KAICK S .

1st Clais nud 2ml ClassCabin. and Saloon

Wnterfimi io PaiMington •• O'H. dOs.I.iinericlt to do. ... (il)s. 47s.Ki lkenny - to do. ¦¦• 5f«. 44s.

3rd Class and Deck, Wntcrford to London, 24s. Cd.I.' KTUIIN TICK i:rs—From Waten'ord to Ixindon , Ox-

ford , or Heading, 1st class «ud saloon , 7os.; 'Jnd Classand cabin , (iOv,

1 A K K S 1JV STKAMKR . l'.KTUnX TICKETS .Cabin , Deck , Cabin Deck.

Waleiford to Milford...lSii. <«l . 7s. lid. ISs. 0.1. lKHd.rav-eir.'ei-s wi lh '_'ud Cl.iss 'liikets can exchange from tlie

Cabin to the Saloon on payment of'Js. Gil. each.Thiouirh Ticb-t- allowius Passcnsrere to break Ilie joiirney,

uia.i l>« had at Piidditi^tou Itnilway Station , and at the Pirst-Cla'-s Stations i.f the Creat Western and South Wales, Water,ford and Limerick , and Waterlbrd and Kilkenny Kailways -al-o , at the Oiliees of Messrs. J A C K S O N' & (.'"., -HI, Caiinoii-stirei . Lmidoii , and Milfonl Haven Railway Station ; or o(Mr. M. DOH'NKV, Quay and Adelphi Wharf, Waterlord.

II KTI'IIX Tirkets, available for ,'i i ldiys , at a Fare and ahalf Hi ,- the Douhle .louriiey . are issiiL-il at Walei ford , Lime-rick , Tipperary, Kilkenny, Aie.

Tlir S in / 'OI/«I/I' is II I I I/ I Svrenli/ Mill's.Cattle mid Live stock of nil kinds Kent by these Vessels

meat Shi pper's lli-k. C.mds and Caltle , Parcels, l-'ish , .Vc,will lie i-nnveyiil by these Si.Miners at Low ltates , which canhe learned on application ai anyol the llnibvay Stations , or toMessrs. J.v i'KsuN A' Cn.. l!;ii!way Staiiou , Mil ionl llaviti , aud

M I C I I A I C L DOWNEY ,Ad"l|ilii Wbarl . and Ciislom-lioos., Quay, Waterford


THE SOUTH WALES HOTEL,A U J O I X I X U the Teiniiuus of the .South Wales

XJL Railway (.'ompany al Xi-w Mil lord , and the Land-iuji Stajxc of the Wiitcrford and Cork Hoyal Mail Packets,

The Public arc respect fully informed thai the abovie\ .i-nsive Msiablishuiciit i^ replete with every accommo-dation. Collee , Commercial, and Sitl i i i £ Koonis ; Billiard and Sniokini; liooius. The Kootns are , lofty,and airy, heauiirull y decoraled , elegantly fumislied , andare othi rwi-e lilted up wi lh every regard to comfort andconveuienei'.

This Hotel is situated mi the banks of the far-famedMilfonl Haven , ami commands ainost extensi le view ufher Majesty 's Dockyard , aiiJ of Ihe romantic and piclure.-i|uc Scenerv of the nei^hl-ourliooii.

\ iMtors , loiirisls . Commercial Genth nien , nnd l''a-milies will iiud tliis l*!.-lablisliui (.nt , for -iliiMinu amieoii ;fort , roinbilicil witb moderate charges , surpassed byno other in the IVinci palily. Xi ^ht l'uiter meets theli'iats . Hot , Oild , and Shower liallis ,

All eoinmimicaliiins should he addressed to (jy25-lfK. W I L L I A M S , Mana ger.


(Lute " LimJowUny,")

5, &• (i IiOLTOX STREET, DUISL1N.J. M01.0X Y,(successor to WAI.SII i (jossc:: }

Proprietor "'S-55" TKH M S V I:I:V M O H K I I A T K fallO- l v I



1' A M l l . V mil (!o\l .M |. U CIAL IIOTKI.S in *c 0:TY.Bed , I s ; lireaklast , Is .; Dinner (Ordinary), Is . li- l ,Uitiin ^ and Silling Itnom-', set apni for Ladles amiFmnilies I'ree uf Charge. Accuiiii iiudation for Seventy-five Persons.

l&y A Ni^lit PoricT always in all^iidnnce. |ia 'J- Iy]PATHK. K S. C A U M Y , Proprietor.


spills is a Cential and Ccinfortahle House , in v.hichJL c-vcij tilin g ean Li-had on t i e nitiM Moderate terms.

t } '' lies! Dublin and Wcsford Spirits; also 1' rauilit - s ,Wines , Purler , Ale . >Vc. |aul"»-tfj

Curs ull Hire at the sltort i-x t wilier .

I 'l lF. I N V A L I D ' S riU K.XI )


i:i;vot's l) |3oi ;ni!iis .— What is more fearfu l than aI breaking down of ihe nervous sjstem? To be

excitable or nervous in a small <lc>rri e i- iiio-st distie -i-s-in-i. for where c- 'i: a vemedy he found? I K rc is one :— l l i ink Ian l i t t l e wit:t - . beer , or spirits , or far better ,abstain from them altogether ; do not takecolfce — vc.¦lkt'-a is prelerablc ; (;t.'t all tin: fresh air you can ; t i k eIhrei .-or four nf the i'ills i very nissht ; eat plenty ofsoli- ls . asid avoid the use of slops. I f lhcse golden rulesare lollowed , you will be happy in mind , stroiii; inbedy, and turret vnu li ive any nerves. ASO DAUGHIKUS .—Ir' there is one thingmore Ibati another for wbich those I'ills are so is tlieir purifying propi'i-tic-', especiall y their puwcrof clean-in^ tin; lilood fi'uui all impurities , and rcioovin^ d, :tineioi is , and reticwli ;^ suspendeil secrelinns.L'nivi. |- »:i!:y a- lop ied as tin; one grand renii-dy forteuiale complaints , the-e Tills never fail , never weakenI 'll' -y-nni. and a.ways l.riii '^ alout what is rei|iiired.

li is.iiiin:i:- 1.1 TIN : K IU N I -.V -- ,— In all ili-eu .-rrsnlfect-1 in^ ihi-e .ir^- i i i ", whit l .cr they -ccn-ti- ton much or t«i' 1 i• 11 •— water ; or win they be allliclcd with stone or| ur.ivel , or with aches and paius -:clt!ed in the loins1 over the ri-.'i.iu of U P - kidneys , these I'ills should lie-j taken according lo the primed directions , and thej IJiu tiii c ' -t .-liouid be well rnblieil into the small of the

back at bid time. I Us Irmtnic -t will bo alluoblimini 'diale relief allor all other inealis have failed.

! in: ST O M A C H m*i UF O IIIJ LU.—Noniediuiue will soificcluall y improve the tone of the stomach as these

[¦ I'ills ; Ihey remove all neidily, oecasioncl cither or improper diet. They reach the- liver ,

! IXI.d reduce il to a bi-aliby action ; ihey ar<; wonderfullyitlicaeious in cases of spasm—in fact they never fail in

| curing all disorders of the liver nnd stomach.! l i l l U N C I I I T I S , Im-TIIIMA, t'-Jl iCllS AND I' ol.HS —No| diseases are m iro fi i-.iiiciit , few more dangerous, thanI nty. i t ioi is of tin: re-pii.itory organs. The firs t sytup-j loins of disordered action uiay always he removed by| llnlloivay 's renowned I' llls. They quickl y rcinodj anyj l i iuioiary staftnation of blood , relieve nny ovcrijorgedI vein- , modi-Mlc the hurriid breathing, and i-unblu thej wiudp i )<e ami liings to perlnrm ihcir functions with ease! and icgulari ty. 1 hesn ril ls , by their purifying powers ,' cleanse the blond from ull impurit ies , nnd thus fortify

the system ng-i insl coiisumpiioii , nstlnna , and other¦ pulmoniry complaints.' I!|..U I L I T A T K I > CoN.iTITl 'Tioss. — In cases of del.ili ty,| hiii^uor , and nervou-nes- , (;e.inrnted by excess of anyi ki nd , whether mental or physical , the effect of these¦ Pii:.- is in the lii ghc-l decree briciiii;, renovating amiI r- steiaine. '1 hey drive from the fj stcm Ihe morbidj cause uf ,iisia-e , re-establish the digestion , regulate| all ilu- -(.-act ions, biacc the nervous sy-um, raise the! 1'atieiif .s spirits , and briug back the frame to its pris-: line health :M i vigour.; . i i i tousNi:ss , Loss or A I I - KTITI :, II I:A U A C I I K , A N D! I. O » \ K .SSI ,u- Si-iuiTS.^-Tliese Pills effect n trul y wun-! d i r u l chaiigi ' in debilitated constitutions us they

i-rciii |. a bealih y ftpp iti 'c, corn-ct indi gestion , remove1 rxite-H cif b;le , nnd ovetcoiiit: uiddiuess , headache , and

palpitation ui the heart.Uuthiciiy 't l'illt are the best remed y known in I lieworlJ

f v r the J 'ollmcimj diseases :A-_'iirt Il. l . i i i ty Jfi/t.tiiitualiu/i 2»«r.- 'J 'JJ J ,».il.-A- *!n;ia 111t *j .-j- Jaundice Stoln- anil (i ravelBil . l '-n- Con. ¦ D j s e i i t . r y Liv.-r (>-lil- .s.-cuuilaiy .Synipl'.'liii

plaints Ktysi | ie it i .s plaints Tic Dmiluulciixllloti- l i e r - i n tVlliair I I - I I aeo TllllK'lirs

Ilir Nkiu r. ^'iil. iiin.-s I'd,.. riri-uUoivel Com- tVvi - i K i i f a i i HVum.iliMii Vinerral Aircctiom

)>l ailil> kimU lu- l, :iilii.ii uf Wurnibiif all kind.Olios V i l s Urine Weukn. -s*, frumCnnstipati.. II ./f <;..i .l Sor..ful« , <,r wli«l. -ver i-aust ,

the ll.iw. -U Ilea-l ocl..- Kin a 'sK i i t i;. .\c.Coit soiii] >li<ui lii 'lic'- stiuu

Sotd at the Establishment of l'rolessor II OLLO IVAT ,214 .Strand , (nea r Temple Uar .) London ; also , at TheSe ws Oilier , No. 40 King street , vVaterford, nnd by allrespectable Dru^gi-slFand Ucalurs in Medicines through-out thccivilise d woild j atthc followingpriccs: —Is. Hd,'ii. 9d., 4s. Od., 1 Is., 'i'is. nnd 33s. each box. There* isa considcrnble saving by tnking the larger sixes.

X.U. —Directions for the guidance of pntk-uta inevcryibQrder urc allixcd tocucb box.


I I A Z L E T O N , 0 ' IT O N N E L L & C O .HAVING purchased ,Crj ,tlOO worth of GOODS, under such peculiar circumst.incC3 that the Owner's nanio

cannot transp ire, they will dispose of the same on St. Patrick's Day and following Days, without tholeast reserve. They arc tumble, within tho limit of an Advcrtisouient, to enter more fully into details, andwould therefore advise an .Early Inspection.



A T.OV OF SA DIES' HOOTS AND SHOES , AT HALF PRICE.;rT=" Sale to coinmenco encli day at Ten o'Clock. The entire Stock will bo marked in Plain Figures


J A M E S W A L P O L E1>K0S to inform tlie Nobility, Gentry, nnd Inhabitants of Wnterford nnd its Vicinity, that he hai-^* j nat received a Choice Selection of

BOHEMIAN GLASS VASES AND OTHER ORNAMENTS'Suitable for tlie Season. Also, a Large Variety oj



KI T An Excellent Lot of GAS MOONS on



W. M A S O N ,TX Addition to his GENERAL UKST SE-

LECTE1) STOCK , lias now on hand a

FIU'.SU ASSORTMENT of Varieties, to which

he asks the attention of his Friends:

P l t l M H WESTPHALIA HAM S , about 1 libeach.



r.mted the Best and Genuine,

. //' 10, M E R C H A N T S ' QUA Y,A M I )

W N o , 6 , M A L L , JSJ1W'ATl'.lil-'OUD. [illtil


GI- IOIiG H 'S - STUKKI - T , W A T E B I 'O U I I , liey leaveto iiiform the Xnbilitv and Geiilrv nf tl.o Counties ofWaterl 'ord nnd Kilkenny that they have OPENED aH H A . N CII KSTAHLISHMENT at'Xo. 1 , HOSE INN-.STI iKKT, K I L K E N N Y .

:\'j z' All Orders punctuall y attended to. (f:j -'.f"ROOM-PAPER WAREHOUSE,

!«i, CUS T0M- U0US E QUA Y.


• ASSOKTMKNT of li 0 0 M nnd JIALLPAPKItS , in Great Variotv, which lie ofl'ers for SALEat LOW PRICKS.

C:,V H OI .'SE PA I N T I N U , D KCOIIATINO and PA I 'I :Kl l A M i i N T . executed with Xeatiies!", and at ModerateCharKvp. . (ml .'t-tO


Tl l l iOL 'GIIOI'T THE KIXGDOM.''piIKSE CHOICE COl 'K KKS have niainlaine.l theirX hi^h rrc-eminence over a period of nearly

Seventeen Years , nnd continue to b'.' used as theregular lireakfast Hevcra ge by Families in all part? o(the King dom. Fine full flavour and great strengthchaiaclerise these Colfees ; and bein^ packed rushfrom the mill in Canisters and air-ti ght Packages ,¦miforin freshness and quality cm at all times berelied on.

CASSKI . I.'S COI K E I :, NO. I , Is. per lb. ; CAS SJ ELL'Sflomsti, No. 'J, Is. -d per lb. j CASSKI .L'S COKFKE ,Xo. 3, Is 4.1. per lb .; '.'.\sii'.i.i. '.H COFFF.!'., No. -I . Is. Sd.per Hi. Sold in CanUtui's of 'Jibs., l ib , and Jib each ;nud ill air-ii(j ht Packages of 4 oz., '2 oz., and 1 oz. each,by the appoinu-.l A gents throug hout the Kingdom.

ictMi is mis IIISTUICT :Casselt 's Coffees can be obltiinetl in this District , oj

the liiiliiieimj tipp iiinteil .-/ gents :—Waterfonl W .M . M ASHS , 40 Merchants ' Quay.Cmk ,.) . LANcr.AMi 's i: Co , I I , Urid gc-strect.(UoHtnc t DATIS \' Co., Tea Dealers.*Uirrtch A gent Wmitc'l.Cnllan Do.Clonminei fo.Diimjurrnn.•• ¦] ' >. W A L- H , (iroccr.Kitiiirn:tl ;uiiias.\g :ul Wautcd.lin 'j ckti ij i lo r . I'oAV«i Uuxs DoThtj iiinsttiH 'n.. I'o.Wexford J 1:11 A H I S , lirotiivrs.

A ^ent- wanted in every District not yet occupied ,For Terms apply to CAS - EI .L, SM I T H & Co., HU ,

Fi nehurch strict , London , ami G. O LUIIAM , & Co.,Ii4 , Duinc-slrcct, Dubliu. (s-23-liui)

C H O C O L A T - M EN I E R .( M A M ' F A C T L ' B K I I OM.Y IN I K A . N C i : )


rillllC lleallhiis! , lirst , and most. Delicious Aliiu --:'.t1 Iti 'i-akf.isl known since 1 H'l 'i ; defies all honest

competition ; unadulterated , highl y nutritious and pure.Sold in 1-lb. Packet s . Also i-speci-illy nianulaciurcdfor eating as ordinary sweetmeats , nr at dessert .

Whole-ale , M K N I K I I , i:l llenrietta-strcel , (J iiventGarden , Luiuhm. Hetail by (M7 -1 .V)


Starch Manuf a ctures tu I I . I t . 11. the Princess ofWales.

THE G LE N F I E L D STARCH,1 awarded the P R I Z E MEDAL , 1802.

This Unrivalled STAK CI! is used in the Royal Uun-dry , iinj pronounced by Her MAJESTY'S LAUN-DKKSS to be the FINEST STARCH she eve r used.Her M A J ESTY'S LACE-DRKSSEH declares it to bethe iSEST she has tried , nnd the above Award byBomiMif the most eminent scientific men of '.he ageconfirms its superiority.

W()Tlll- :i l>; ronX & Co. Olnssnw and London

IMPOIU'AXT TO ALL. —Xew Work by the Au-thor of " The People's Guide lo Henl t li ," &c.

Ur. SM I T H , whu has had 2M Years' practical experiencein Ihe treatment aud Cure of Nervous and PhysicalDebility, Loss of Appetite, Pains in the Back , Indi ges-tion , Errors of Youth , !Spcrmatorrlnca, ,1c., has justpublished a N EW EDITION or lU .tlOil copies of theWarning Voice; or Private Medical Friend (138 Pages)

This wnrk contains hi* highly successful mid 011) 7safe treatment , and i-j illustrated with hundreds of casesand testimonials from patients , with plain directions forperfect restoration to health. Sent post free to any ad-dress, secure from obseivation , ou recei pt of two post-age stamps . Address, Dr. SMITH , H, Iiurton Crescent ,London, \Y.C Dr. SMITH may be consulted personallyor by letter ut his residence, in nil private nud confi-dc111i.1l cases. Letters with details of case promptl yanswered. Address , Dr. Sunn , t>, Iiurtou Crescent ,Tnvislock Siomie, London , ll'.C. (UU - tf . )

'P II E N I ". W F R E N C H R E M E D Y1 is mi Infallible cur» for NERVOUS , MENTAL ,

and PHYSICAL DEBILITY ; is the. discovery of ancmiueut French Physiciuo , and has been used on IhcConfluent for the last fivo years wilh unvary ing suc-cess ; being chemicall y prepared iu tho form of alozenge, maj be tnken without the fair of detection ,mid speedily restores tone and manl y vi gor to tho mostimpaired coniti iution. Sent through the Post to anya.lilrc-3 , prepaid , on receipt of 11s. or stamps. Eachpacket contains all the medical advice required in thesecases. Si-le A gent in this country, Monsieur A. DUVAI .,Patent Medicine Agent , No. 13, New Market-street ,ISirtningham.

HEALTH AND MANLY VIGOR. -A MedicalMan of iO years' experience in the treatment ofNERVOU S DEI1IL1TY , Spermatorrhce, and other af-fections which are often acquired in early life, and un6tsufiVrers lor marriage, ond other social du ies, has pub-lished a l'.ook , Kiving the full bene6t of his longexperience gratis, with pUin directions for the recovery ofHealth nnd Strength. A single copy sent to nny ad-¦Iress on receipt of on? Stamp. Address to the Secre-tary , luatituit - 01 A niitomy, Birmingham. (jylO-tf


hands, which will be disposed of at Moderate Prices

F O H ||


in Feet Wear, go to the


K K P A I R S D O N E .

DAVIS & SMITH,8 I! K I X (J - S T R K I! T , \Y A T E I l f O B U

( X K A I : Tin: I- OST-OFFICK ).U^r-t rj

MICHAEL HARTIGANBEOS lo call the attention of Ho'ise-keepers ami

Families lo Hie following LIST of PRICES.The Quality of each will be found second to none otherin tho Trade, viz . :

.1. Jameson's O1.11 MAI .T W I I I S K K V , Iris, per Gallon ;IJcorgo Sayer and (Vs. O1.11 CoiiXAC BiiANii r , Is. tidto os, per Flask ; HOLLAND Cits, .'is. per Bottle.

W I N E S .Por.T, 21.1., ii 'if . , and UUs. per Dozen ; SI I E R UV , 2 Is.,

2lis., 'il)s. per Uoxen.(iuiuness 'H XX POICTKK warranted genuine , 2s, per

Dozen ; Itass and CO'H. EAST I N D I A N P.M.E A I.K , 2H . lid.per Dozen. Al l Bottled under his own superintend-ence. The Trade Supplied on liberal terms.

lievvloy and Draper's M I .N I :KAI . W ATKIIS ; Luncheonand C'oll'ec at the shortest notice ; Cigars in variety ;(¦ , Lemon and C'o's' P L'UE SwKKTfl . Agent forJohn Casaell and Co's. celebrated TKAS and UOFFKES ,London. JI. II. also directs special attention to hissuperior Confectionary.

X.I! .—An APPRENTICE wanted ; a person i'romthe Country preferred ; fee nnd security required.

F U R N I S H E D LODWNCiS—A vacancy for .1 fewRespectable Young Gentlemen as Hoarders.




rrUlOMAS LAWLOR begs to inform the Clergy,JL Gentry, and Inhabitants of Wnterford , and thesurrounding Counties, that behtis nuccceded his Father-in-l-iw (the late Mr. J OHN F L A I I A V A N ) iu tho abovebusiness. [Cr1 Funerals supplied with every requisite .

AH Orders addressed us above, promptly attended to .


Up Trains from Waterfori.j T l tAI N S OS W K K K HAYS. HBMIATS.

W A T E R I O B D : , , .,,¦ ', 3 ; 4. , 5 - j- ", 4."TO ;12 .V S 1 k i l l k 2 \k'i !l 2 i3 12&3 'l 2 in

L I M K K 1 C K . Cla»s crmi ,;ciais : Cl.iu|Clau. Clam; Clasa: *•". *.«. : r.M. T P.M. I A .M . A.11. j r.M.

, Ii in li til I li m : h n h n li 111 I h mWalcrronl...X)f;i 6 II 0 45; 2 4s 8 3') 7 20 — . 8 30Cnrrirli ' li 4(1 10 211" 3 IS i II 15 I 7 55 — I 9 ISClonmcl 7 15 10 r,1 3 55 !lO 0 i — — , 10 IIJunction Dtp. 8 45 VI 21 5 35 12 IS '. — — |12 15Limerick..MWrl 9 45 1 2U 0 4u 1 SO 1 — — I 1 20

Down Trains from Limerick.TRAIN'S OS W K K K OATB. yL'SIIATS.

L1MEBICK '" i ' j' -2»"V "3" ';'%'« i 5" i "1 2* "

TO ' l2A: :i!l i 'a 12,S:3il 4; 2 1 2 43 12.V 3 1'J .V.3WATKItl 'OR D . ! cla"» ^lass Class. Clan Clusa. Class Clais

A.M. M.M. r.M. ; r.M. A.M. A .M. \ r.M.

. Ii m Ii m ! Ii 10 i li in h in li m ¦' b inLimerick Dtp 7 SO 11: 0 ; 4 (I 10 45 — — I HI -15Juncliu J)rp .-I 4j 12 22 ; 5 23 '12 15 — — ¦ 12 15Clonmcl , 11) -jo I Hi 6 50 I 2 15 — i 2 UCarnck II) 5:1 4 .1 7 30 1 2 &5 s 30 — i 2 »¦Wnlerfori l...< ri7 l l 3-i 8 3-i g 10 ! 3 43 » iu — i 3 i %

Mall Trains murke-l with an at teriik. ? OoodiFan:—First Clnns Kinprlc Tlikct ,14t2d ; Second 1I0., 10> Pd;

Tliinldo , Os 5J ; Itclilin—Pirsl Class, 21s TJ ; Hccond .lo., lfm.Tlie Irani lietw^en WalnrCnrd anil Carrlck only cow runs OD

Mumlay, WcJocmlay, anil Saturdny, in ench week.

WATEKFOKI ) AND KILKKXNY UAltWAY.Up Trains from ll 'aterfont.

T I I A I N S IIS WK t . K IIAVS. KCSBA V Th A INS.i i I a* " .1 i 4 " 1 1 -i 1 3

STATI ONS. 1-.>t: 3 1 tc•.! lic -.'l iai .i iaj j .-). ia*n ,i 2 S 3Clusa Crusa. Ula.-s Cl.. . Class.ICIass. Class

A .M . A.M. r.M. r.M r.M. { I

li in It m Ii in h tn h tn ! 11 in h inW; 7 13 Iz 0 5 II — 4 II ' _ —Kilkemi r tt r l V 0 I -111 : il 3U — .-, .in _ _L.'arlow(I.SI - ;)/J/ i — £ & i : 7 3.i — 7 II — _llnl i l in l l lSkWU — 4 .V, '10 III — !l .10 — —

Down Trains from KilkennyI T R A I N S OS WV.V.K l, .\ VS. _ SV SD AT THAI SS.

; l i " ; ' 2* ¦ :i 4" TT'"j" '""fSTATIONS. ; i 'J J c 3 I i c 2 I l - J I 4 £3 1S Ai 3M •> 4.- 3 1 2 /c 3

.Ulan * CI1ns.CI11.1s. Class. Clnsi. Class Class .1 A.M. \ A.M. > r.M. T.V . A.M. ! r.M. r.M.

Ii in ! h in ; li m h m h m 1 li m h raDiihlin(CSW)nj, — ; P 5 14 30 . — S 0 ¦ — ! —Curl.m-t l-ii:) ....1 — j lt l DS 3 0 ' — 10 20 ! —Kilkenny ....Btf 7 15 III 45 \ I 10 : — I! 0 : — ' -Waterfurd ....^r/ , 0 U ! I 511 I 5 50 ¦ — 7 30pm' — . —

I intuit conveyed hvTraitu marked t ; Mail Troink *I'AIIK ro U U B L I .-. :—Fint Claw Simile Ticket , 211. ; Secon

do., 15s 6J ; Third do, Oi 3d; Return—Fira t Clasa , 31s Od ; Se-cond do, 23s ti.l.

FA R M TO K I LHI S M :—First Clasa Slaj-leTicket, Si ; Secondilo . Js Id; Third tin , 2* 7.1 ; Keiurn-Kinsi Class , Us :Sd do, Gt lid


7 » ' '*~-< a 1 4 5 i ° i 7 '• " i "a 111 : a in i p in , p 111 , p in 1 p in p m 1 p m ! p 111

li m j Ii m : li in ' li m 1 li in I li m ; li 111 ; h iu J h inW'f.l «S 0 I1U 45 ,U! 0 !«2 15 ! 4 0 5 30j 8 45 I — : —T'ore -9 U i l l 15 1 1 II I 3 U I 4 3d i» 0 0 9 15 — ¦ —

Sunday Trams.* I , 2 3 4 I 5 0 1 7 j » • '9 loB ni_ ' p in p m p in1 p m p in j p m , p m I p m . p mh 111 K~ m li lit li til h in h in I h tn ' li in I h in h m

•9 0 12 15 1 311 2 30 | 4 30 P 45 ! — ' — 1 — _9 30 12 45 2 0 I 4 01 !«5 30 19 15 | — I — ' — ¦ _

Those markrd thus * are mail trains.I'A I I K S :— First Clata Single Ticket , IOd. ; Return Ticket , Is.

Second Clan* Single Ticket, 7d.; Return Ticket, 9d.

SOUTH AVAI.ES ItAII.WAY.g wi.Ex uiia—urTKimii .¦i 8TATIOX8. ¦ Ejp. \iri73'Bxp ''nii \Tri,'3 'MaU "ri aa 1 4 2 lass I I c 2 clayj cl

mi l <c

2 cl««.Mis Starting . a in u in a m a m 1 a m p m p m,

11 New Milford _ 7 15 9 0 — 111 0 b 0 9 4300 t.lanelly ' — 1 9 47 10 54 — 1 1 39 7 8 9 872 .sjwsnaci ; — ill) 10 11 13 - I ] 9 ill t 45

lHj Cardiff . 1 5 45 1133 12 49 — I 4 34 » t —l-JOilNewnort j e 14 I 1 25 1 20 _ l a 10 024 —171 Glouc'ler(dp) , a 15 i 4 5 2 4} — | 7 IS 12 40 —285 Paddinulon..!!! 15 I « 0 0 111 — III « 4 35 —

J _ WICK DA_»I—DOWII_lBAIlli.•J BTATIOSS. 1 ,2 , 3X2, 3, 1, 2, 3, Bsp 1 4 2 Bxji . 1 1 25 clana.l class , claas. I I '2 clasa. 1 A2 class

Mia Stinting pit) a m a m a m a i m p m pm.II I'mldlnifton - - 6 n 0 15 II 43 4 SO 8 10

114 Glouc'ter(dp — « 35 11 15 12 55 3 .10 8 20 12 501531 Newport - « 411 1 8 2 27 S i5 D 44 2 211701 Cardiff — 0 S 1 33 2 4» S SO 10 4 4 43210 Swansea - 11 0 4 5 4 0 7 45 11 34 4 2o226 Llanellr : - 11 « 4 60 4 40 « 33 _ 4 452751 Hav 'fordw't — 1 40 6 47 « 15 — | — e 233B5 Ne<rMilfordl - 2 15 I 7 II < 38 - ' - JJ 8

The 6 0 a.m Train from Padduigton t&kesThird Claaa Passen-gers Tor the South Wales Railway only.

aUKDAT TI»l»i.Sown Trains from Paddlnjton , 1st, 2nd, & 3rd, 10 0 1. m.

Arrival at New Milford , .. 11 16 p.m.Up from New Mllford, .„ 10 40 a. m.

l'addington, arilval „ 11 15 p. ro.FABKS :—For Fares see Waterford aod Milford Haven Rojal

Sttaui SljIpAiliertlicmenl.lD another column.

MONEYS*;-..Waterford and; XJmei^yliuilway.

7 7 M I L E S : OPSf.tnC. ¦Tho Company's Inoomo for Year 1864wj« „. £53^30liarncd at cORt of .i.'!i'!'.].' ' 27,948

And— • i ' 40,582Bonded Debt and Debenture Intercrttook.;. 14 021

Left— ¦ '< ¦

. 1 Surplus for Dividends : ' '¦'.

¦.. 26,561

. . — ^.- ' ¦ •

THE above Company is open to accept offers ofLOANS in replacement of Soaii paid off, and

those likely to be shortly. ' ¦ . . . .

The Company's present terms are tLt toUfirra :5 per Cent. Interest, for Three or Five.Tears' Bonds.4j per Cent. Interest for longer terttt Bonas, up to

Ten Years. ' ... .4} per Cent , for Loan Debenture (Perpelual).Interest Coupons will be issued whb tho Bonds,

made payable half-yearly, at BANK of SELAXU, Dub-lin or Waterford. ¦'

Applications to be addressed to anderilgned.(By order), <m3-tf).

THOMAS AINSWORTH , .Secretory .Head Office, Watorford Terminns, Keb., 1S65.

Union Bank of Ireland (lii ted)TEMPOIiAUY OFFICES, •

11 , WRSTMORELAND-STREET, DUBLIN.¦OEMITTANCES to QUEENSLAND.—Letters ofJLL) Credit on tho Bank of Queensland, limited,Brisbane, can bn obtained on the most favourabletrrma, at the Branches of tho UNION BANK OFIRELAND, viz., Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Bray, Char-lcville, KcIIs , Fethard, and Tipperary.

l'resent rate of interest on Deposits of 0110 month'sstanding, 3J per Cent, per annum. By order of theDirectors,(ja20-tf.) JOHN QUAIN, Jtanaper.

B0NA FIDE MONEY SPECULATION.£8,000,(100 Sterling, guaranteed by Government

arc annually divided in Monlhlj allotments in variotfsums upwards , to £2.0 1)00 sterling. An Investment o£1 may secure X"'-.r',000 sterling. For Prospectus (whichwill be sent gratis), apply to FHEDEHICK SINTZ ,Hanker, Frankfort-oii-lhc-jlaine; or Letters addressedto him, at 8, Three Kins; Court, Lombard-street ,London , E.C, will be immediately forwarded. fl8-3m*J

MONEY WITHOUT SURETIES-\TAT!ONAL DISCOUNTS LOAN FUND,© Adami l Street ,Adelphi, Strand, LONDON-—Established ICYcnrs.—Loans from £f> to ,£0(10 without Sureties, at ex-tra risk , Loans from jCo to jC500 with Sureties. Billsdiscounted. Loans advanced in full in three<laj », with-out deduction for interest X'C. Office hour*, from tento four. Forms 2d. (ml / - 0

fj . LAWHENCK. Mannncr.


MONEY ON DEPOSIT-rp iIK WATEKF0RU and LI.MK IUCK RAILWAYJL COMPANY are open to receive, to a limited

extent , Voucy on temporary Deposit , for which thefollowing Katca of Interest will , umil further notice ,be allowed on sums of £2U and upwards, viz-.—•

4J per Cent, per Annum, subject to repaymentafter the first Month , on the expiration of a Fortnight 'snotice , given at any timu.

Or SJ per Cent, if left for Twelve Montis, subjectto revision thereafter on like notice.

The Princi pal or Interest will be paid as desired byDepositors.

Further Information can be obtained from the uinler-si gneo , ami nlso from the following Agents:—A. STE-FIIKNS , Duncannon, County Woxford ; TiioMta S. HAII -V K T , Little Gcorgo'a-street , Waterford ; J OHK GRUDB ,OirricU-on-Suir J P. K. IUNFIELD , Clonmel ; SAMUELJ F.I.1.ICO , C'ahir ; DA V I D CO L E M A N , Tipperary j DAVIDFI T Z C K R A L D & Son, Limerick. (B y Order),

T. AINSWORT H , Secretary,Board Room , Waterlbrd Terminus,

8th Oct., 18fi4. (n-27-tf)

LOANS ON M0ETGAGE DEBENTUEESKILKENNY JUNCTION RAILWAY COMPANY.rpiIK DIKECTORS of the Kilkcuny Junction Hail-JL way Company, which is uudcr arrangements lor

working by the Waterford and Limerick Railway Com-pany, will receive proposals lor LOANS oa MORT-GAGE DEHENTUUES for such periods as may boagreed upon, bcariag Interest at the rate of SIX perCent, per Annum, payable Half-yearly

(15y Onlcr), HENRY SARGEN T, Secretary.Company's Office , 2, Bauk-jilace , Waterford. (aull)-tf.)


rpiIE DIRECTORS of the Waterford and KilkennyJL Railway arc prepared to accept TENDERS for

LOANS on MORTGAGE BONDS, at 5 per Cent., pay-able upon cither One or Two Months' Notice, to bealways increased to (3 per Cent, whenever and duringthe time the Irish Banks arc allowing 4 per Cent, onDeposit Recei pts.

They will also accept Tenders for like Bonds, at Gper Cent., for Three , or Five Years, and for theDebenture Stock , bearing interest at 0 per Cent, forThree Years, and 5 per Cent, in perpetuity afterwards.

The Line is worked by the Waterford and LimerickCompany, and for the year ending the 25th March ,1801, the Traffic Recei pts were £19,954 10a. Id., theWorking and other expenses being £0,399 Ss. 10d.,leaving a Balance of £10,205 13s. 3d., for Interest onLoans, after the payment of which there is a consider-able surplus , and the opening of the Xew Line fromKilkenny to Maryborough , now constructing (a distanceof If) Miles from Kilkenny to Abbcyleix being com-pleted), will materially increase the Recei pts.

Applications lo bo addressed to the undersi gned at theCompany's Offices , 2 Bank Place, Mall , Wuterford.

By Order,WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Secretary.

Woterford, fob. 14 , 1805. (jalO-tf.)

GAME NOTICE.'¦pilE following LANDS in the HAKONY or IDA1 nnd COUNTY of KILKENNY, urn strictly Pre-


Killaspy House, Au/in t , lSii l. I :itl4-tf]

GAME NOTICETHE undermentioned Townlands in the BARONY

of IDA ami COUNTY or KILKENNY, arepreserved :—

HATHPATUICK , 1 CiORTEENS.i.UFKAXY , and |All persona SPORTING ou theao Lands will bo

prosocutcd. (au2C-tf

G A M EmilE following Townlands, in the BARONY of IDA1 COUNTY of KILKENNY, are atrictly PBE.SERVED :—



AND LOWER , ' NliWRATH.ANNEMOUNT,All persons trespassing on any of these lands after

this Notice aroliablo to legal prosecution.Ballymountain, Nov. 7th , 18Gt. nf

THE MAILS I'ROM WATERFORD.The hours up to which letters aud paper* may^be posted

at th< Waterford Office are as follow:—Box Clooea. Dtspatcbed

Clooroel. Cork, Limerick, 4c , 9 15 a-ra 8 li a,mDublin (early English Halls) Ac , II 3D a.ra ill 4( a.mDungarTan, ... . «. 1 3U p.m 2 0 p.raTramore (1st Mail), ... ... T I) ajn 7 40 IA

Do (2nd do), ... ... 1 30 a.m 2 0 p.mPassage Kast, ... .., 4 0 a.ra 6 0 a.mDunraore ... .„ ... 4 0 a.m 6 0 a.mKerryblnk (lit Mail), ... ... 4 O a > m « 0 a.m

1)0 (2nd do) ... ... 11 II a.m 11 30 a.mDo (3rd do) .~ ... 2 23 p.m S 20 p.m

Kilkunnr, Thomutouro, New Rota,Wex/ord, Ac., on week djja ... 8 30 p.m 6 46 p.m

Do. do., on Sundays ... 3 45 p.m 4 0 p.mDublin (law English Hails) Ac, ... 7 45 p.ra 8 15 D.mClonmel. Cork , limerick, to. .- 7 4] p.m 8 !5 p.mThe mails arrive and are delivered as under :—

ArriTal. Deliver/Dublin (late Eog. Malls) *c, ... 4 0 a.m 7 0 a, inOlounel, Cork, Limerick, Ac, ... « 0 a.m 7 0 a.mKlaTennr, Tbomsstown, New Roa,

Wexford, 4o.,oo weekdays ... 4 0 a.m 7 0 a.mDo. do., on 8ond»js ... 1 30 p.m n»t moraine

Dublin (tally Engllah Haila) 4o, ... I 30 pm t O p mDangartan. CappoquIp.Liamore.Ac, 11 Un 1 0 p.mOlonmel.Oork, limerick, 4c, „ 2 so p.m nextmornlnr,Tramore (1st Mail) ... ._ 10 0 p.m 2 0 p.ra

Do (Snd do) ._ .. 6 30 p.m next morning.Dunraore .„ „. ~ 7 0 p.m doPatsafe — ... . . 7 0 p.m doFerrybink (lnt mall) ... -. 11 0 vm 1 0 p,m

(Jod rio) ._ a ao a.m next morning(Jrd do) ... ,., » 3 0 pm do . ¦ ¦


NO. 101' QUAY, it now .fitted up for the receptionof Furniture, &c. for Sale.

Persons not wishing to have Property disposed of ontheir own Premise! will find it their interest tb make useof this Establishment, aa the Room Is both spacious andlofty, and admirably adapted for Furniture Saks.

THOMAS WALSH , Proprietor.

AUCTION OF HORSES,Travelling Machines, Furming Implements, Stock,

#«„ £«• •MR. THOMAS WALSH'S next Auotion of Homes,

Travelling Vehicles, &o . &o., will take placiON MONDAY , 3 KD OF APRIL, 1865.

At MR LAURENCE DOBBYN'S VETERINARYEstablishment, BeresforJ-street, Waterford,

ORDER or saLB :Travelling Vehicles, Harness, Game Dogs, &c, »

Twelve o'Clock precisely.Hunters, Riding and Family H jfses, at One o'Clock •Colts, Draught and Farm Horses immediately after.B3f Persons intending properly for this Sale will be

required to have it entered at Mr DOBBIN 'S, or at Mr.W ILSH'S Office , inn Custom-house Quay, on orbefor*Nine o'Clock the morning of Sale. Fee for entry , 2s.0diPurchasers to pay Auctioneer's Fees of Fiva per Cent.

THOMAS WALS H , AuctioneerAuctions attended in any part of Couutry or Town.100 Custom-house Quay, Wnterlbrd, 1865. tf



ON MONDAY , the 27th of MARCH , 1805 , at 12o'Clock , noon.the LESSEE'S INTEREST in the

PREMISES known as No. 44 PATRICK STREET,and in PREMISES in NEW ST., both in the CITY of• > ATEItFORD, held under a Fcc-furm Grant , at theYearly Rent of £G 3s Id., .producing a clear Profit-rent ot £29 9s. l id. per annum, and held by two highlyrespectable Tenants, under subsisting Leases.

For Rental , particulars of Title , &c., apply to EowiitDELLIOTT, Solicitor , Colbcck-strect, Waterford ; or to

THOMAS WALSH , Auctioneer.101 , Custom-bonse, Quay, Water ord. (m!7-2t).

Auction of Leasehold Interest.


101 , QUAT , WATKRFOKD , the INTEREST in theLKASEofTIIE HOUSE No. 42 BARRONSTRAND-STREET, WATEi iFuRD , held for an unexpircdterm of 37 years, at the low rent of £11 per annum.H i s ut preseut let to a yearly tenant at £28. ThisII. nso is situntcil in one of the best business localities iniho City, an'I is a most desirable investment. Forfurther particulars apply to

THOMAS WALSH , Auctioneer.Waterford March 11th , 1805. [ml7-2tl.


J . BUCKLEY , Pr.ut -RiEToii,RESPECTFULLY iufornn his Friends and tlu

Public, that he has taken the extensive LtV BniSTABLES , COACH HOUSES, and Y A R U , fbimcrly attachedto tho Devons-liiro Arms' Hotel , where he intends hold-in-; .1 MONTHLY S A L E I J Y AUCTION , on tho FA I RDAIS of this Town (the SrcnsD W EDNESDAY of everyMonlu), of Horses, Carriages , C.irs, Harness, nnd allother description of Property that may bo entrusted tohim, which sliall receive his best care and attention.

(Sgr The next MONTHLY SALE will take place onWEDNESDAY , tho Uth JANUARY , I 8G0 ; and nilHorsi-3 anil Property should be entered the day pre-vious or early on tho morning of Sale. Fes for Entryof Horses, Is. (id. each. Livery Moderate. Buyers topay Auction Fees of Five per cent. Sale at Oneo'Clouk, p-m.

J. BUCII.ET also wishes to apprise the Gentry andCommercial Gentlemen that the I MPERIAL is situate inthe most centra l part of tho Town . The Coaches andCars start from opposite the door for Waterford ,Youghal , Clonmcl , Cappon,uiu, and l.isnwre. TheIMPERIAL will bo found replete with every comfort andattention, at Moderate Charges

Dungarvun , 20lh December, 1801 . (d23-2


•13, -MICHAEL.STREET (Corner of Lady-lane),IS now ready to receive ORDERS for the DISPOSAL

of all kinds of GOODS nnd PROPERTY byPUBLIC AUCTION, or to make VALUATIONS ofPROPERTY for SALE or other purposes. (nll-tf

HYAM'S UNIVERSAL COATS, in a varietyof Materials , 15s. and 20a.

HYAM'S NEW GRANVILLE COAT, inPilots, Witneys , Ac., 20a. to 45s.

HYAM'S INVERNESS CAPES, in Meltons ,Witncys A-c, 20s to 35s.


TT YAM'S EMIGRANTS' SUITS, 30s. 4.5s. 52s.







TJ YAM'S OSBORNE SUITS, 17s. Gd. to 30s.

HYAM'S TRUE FITTING TROUSERS,U'i , arc unequalled.


TTYAM'S I M P E R I A L SUITS , 15s. to 25?.

HYAM'S NEW WAISTCOATS , in Plain andI-'ancy Mntcr 'uils.

TTYAM'S GORDON CAPE , for Littl e Boys.

Albert Over Cuutf , Mi. to -15< , : Frock Coals, 28s. to GOJ. ;Bluck'IJoe Trousers, IR to 2R; liluck Cloth Vest, BJ . to10s. (id.; Scotch Tweed Trousers,10s. ; Zouave Knickerbocker,.Soitj,from 12H . ; om 12J. ;NEW STYLERIDING HABIT, 80s., 90s., nud 100s.

The ORDERED DEPARTMENT contains a most variednnd beautiful display of PIECE GOODS, tuitibla for everykind of GENTLEMEN'S and .1UVENILE Drew, and thePrices will be found equally moderate.

Servants' Liveries, Iteady Made, or made to Order.A Clmrt of Fashions and Price List will be sent free, opon

application.On SATURDAYS the Establishment i« Closed, untl

Dusk, when Business is rciumed until 10 o'Clock.B . H V A M ,



Pianoforte and Music Warehouse,93 . Q U A T , W A T E R F O R D .

F T . HOWARD begs to call attention to the very• large and superior Stock of PIANOFORTES

now iu his Warerooma, all by first Clasa MaVorn, andwhioh he offers at prices that will enable the purchaserto obtain a REAL GOOD PIANOFORTE for what inusually paid for instrumenta of inferior class, that aremerely finished on the exterior to catch the eye, want-ing all the necessary qualities of good workmanshipand sound material in the interior meohanism.

Old Instruments taken in Exchange. ALEXANDBX'SHarmoniums In variety.

tjij" New Music, and every article connected withthe Mtuio Trade, always in stock. (au26-tf).

MASCULINE VIGOUR GUARANTEED,-. without tho pos»ibility»i fsiloiT, by tbouie ol Dr.

BRIGHT^ REMEDY, prepared jn the form of iLowjge,to ensure scency. ..Invaluable in dicates of Generative andPhysical Debility, Spermstorrtioj, 4c Price Us., on appli-cation, - ,or sent arefolly pacled. tf te by post; for 12a,', forStampi or Fostyf&ee Order; 'tLiif ta Mran. BBISBT, andCo., 29. georgfritrert; HtBoter^qnttt, Lnndao, W '

HE SILptfT', fcRflJMD on MARRIAGE,with wgravjnis prica 1«.( pott free l4 «t«BD«,:,'»c»Ied

20. for self tpre. our Ui» «rrors or wneMa of Tooth,infection, loss of natdral feww afld vijwir'; all feaitleirregolaritlei and btiretmcsi, - -AdaretlV'Mean. PIBBTA Co., 19, Ikrpm-strM ord4£ '1(bb(loii>W^wWremay M liadlhe-lfHr Ittnch-'IM«a»i«r,(-TlUiSKMARLOZ8NGK8,.no. 1, fcrctei ik tr'ttdfc^ooo.t^piUng mirriafelj*a«ridf fO^MMtowiL hhealth,-«rren|tb,-and v>» . -TRIBgfaiA6-Ko; S 'orOonbitlkta; OlN>, 'Or Tlratltril-Affultuft, •ftrfctOT, Jus. ¦Tnnmimntr Tfn r \i thi mm riiimiuivti»\ jm , :I^^ I !UA *ak^*l 43 k L kAka B^a\aBHB\ « KaB a4^^K^Ba ^^&^i i 0 V k X^ ak ' fiSaJ A* aMBk . a^a^Mfl^^ A ' fe - \ *swn ill nf ¦¦IU BV. kf aVsaiHaVVai^^ BV^p V4flas BaVwaVaSkftf~Ji i B BiiV ai BB B^BV%fVVaa.^^Bs^pBai4Eij^ ' "• *"

Page 2: WATKUroiJ l) NEWS ¦ - • ¦ • •;•¦//¦ .-/ erf rii rnduij hrenimj at -i'.)


Trails Mark : "W ATERFOIID AKMS .

P A T R I C K K E I L Y & S O N S

53OLTCIT uttcntion to tbe good Qualify,

Color, and brilliancy of tlicir



AL10X X A N D M E D I U M S T O U T S ,

produced from the Finest Malt And Hops,and the matchless r.atcr of their Brew.ety , anil invito trial aril comparison withany other drink manufactured.

The abovo can bo obtained in CaBlcs of0, 18, 3G , and 54 Gallons.

t?3" EAST I NDIA 1'M.R 'AI.K , in Nine GallonCasks, for Housekeepers, 13n. Oil.



C.K., GALWAY ),BEGS to announce to the Gentry of Waterfowl and

neit;hbouriiii? Comities, that he him Ol'KXKDan OFFICE in thin CITY for Cmi. EM-.t sKKiilKn ,SCRTkYls'G, and A R C I H T K C T U K E , and ifl prepared toundertake (I10 S I - RVI :T, DHAI .VACK :md Improvement cfESTATES , 4c. Mr. K ELLY being iu connection witha First-claes Architect , will also undertake DESIGNS

for Ulii .UI .Mis ol'cvvry descri ption.Mr. K ELLY can refer to ^A M C E I . I,'. K O IKC KT*, 1!BI |.,

C.E., Ciilwav , and to K I IWAKH UO I I K K I P , K SI J ., ofthis Cit y.

tRl* Lease Maps, Ac, done with accuracy anil ties-

1 "Nil. 17, HKr.K Sl 'i)KU.>TUKKT, WATEllFOKP.iUth January, ISilS. (If.)

Coffla Factory & Undertaking EstablishmentSo. 1 Af cr t i inUr street , H 'uUrf 'orJ.

KICriAUl) KmOKltAI-D lu't'o to inform hisnnmorous Friends, and the I'nblic generall y,

that he is now prepared to receive orders in the Undo*,talntii Husiness.



ON an.l after t l ie Ut nf A P I ! 11. , tin' Train* or. t i e

above R.iilwayi= will run as undcr, between

WateriVirJ and Kilkenny :—L- iv. ' \VuM' 7 3U :rin. Arrive iCiikont iy 0 1"> n.ui.

I) . . 1!... 12 .-.i> p.m. I).; . ,l.j. i: -JO p.m.I) . .. .!.> , C » I'.ni . !)¦¦. il :i. » u" I'.ni.

L - i v Ki'.k '-n- y 7 3o ..m. Airiw W.iteifoiu '.' 15 ".»>•I ) . . ,!... ' 11 4A „.„,. 1) . . d.i. 1 -JD p.m.'.) .: >l: ;> 45 I- 1"- •' ¦• dn. ii 3i p.m.

SII IH';I U- a* heretofore:.

H ".- in en bticj l-ix and K i lke nny. 'Sundays rxcepted.)ly - vf A'* '-"* lr -«\ 1:

¦ (1 > .IM . A f i r e K t l k rt w y 7 *j ~> H .W .Vo. do. lc 4.n a.m. Do. do. ' 11 35 a.m.Do. Jo. 2 45 11.11 . I ) : . dn. a JO p.m.

1. n»e K*ll .Miiiy 1* liu a.m. Arrive <ll»!i''_t le.:x 10 15 a.m.D.i. ilu. I 0 p.m. I l.i. do. 1 »">

~ ,l.\i. d«. 0 35 p.m. Da. do. 7 30 p.m.Tor in!"r".'edi.ite Arriv.ilj iinj Departures, .Set

Tiisif Tables ( U v Order) ,H f c X R Y . IACUH , Superintendent.

Lim^ri^k , 20th March , ISlla . [It '


rpO UK S-'OM", I he lNTKHi :ST in .1 I'A W S B - OKIXI .I Ci 'NCKi: > , in a in ".ghliouriiii: County. Tu a per-

son wish a Capiul ol' Ocl v.een '£2<IU or ,tll)0 , th ifwill 1... r.. ••¦ > 1 < ¦- .-;.• pay'.-s ^inari:. Kvnl '~.v. i!•ccuri d, a ii>cl:on of the puniiaae money may run-.aiuuii;uid for <omo time. ( I t )

Addrtsi " I'.uvnlirAer," OI"= I- 01 t 'ni* IV HT.


wore found in Knij} street , opposite Mr. Itisiioi-'sHakerv. Aiip lv to J AM CS K KIIOE, -10 King-st.. ( I t ,


COLLINS A COM TAN Y beg to call the atlenlxnof Jlouse-keejirri) and Fauiilies to the following

rKICKH . vi?.:—•1> I) LO.V V, best Quality ... ... ... 5d.2II ) d.\ do. * ... ... — 2Jd.."5d. CHUSTY LOAVES , particularly roeummended?-!r 1'A S L V IintAi i in variety. N.B.—No Second

Quality kept. d!)- U\I11PEUIJ.L J iA K K J I Y . 27 l iSRIiOXSTR.- lXlJ -ST.

MISS DAWS ON,(La le of Caunuck .V While 's, DM 'oi) ,

BEOS li'ave to ucquaiut the Gentry and In'nabii.i':'.?of Dungarvati an-l Vieinity, that jihe hatj

Ol 'r.NKI) Tin: MIL I . INKI ;Y , si 'UAW I5ONNKT ,.A.V IJ KANCY U'AKKIIOL '.-'B l.l'SI.NX-S,

In BL.VCKl'OO Li (within 1 hrec Vow* of the Square).M. U. truaU , that by strict attention to any Order?

ahe may bo favoured with , tu merit a share of publicPatronage.

Duniraivan , Auirusl 23rd, ISO I. (a2 rt- tf)

A C A R D .J O S EP H M U R P H Y ,

l:vs:ll"NT CHIHO I'OIIIST , Ac ,4:1, L . I D YI . I SE , WA T E H I OM i .

Jy i's t reatment for the removal ol* COKN S ,

s lii' .vioN s , ond W KI . IS , on the feet is entirel yj iv in les ", :-nd 110KS XoT IIEQI HtK crTTINU. On it'stjrj t applieafinn the existing pain i- alleviated , and ifbin instruction* l.e carried out by tip ' nullerer , thoseanuovani es will not return. Fee for a ainjjle Corn ,5-* "l' ;:n;~"« an>I UV!t: on o^aiiunafi 'tn , :M :nay I10S'jru'J '"'ii. J- M- 'ias operated > 1 :ce«»l"ull y for over i\iroirs , ;.ii'l for the past three years in Waterford , and) .n i n-ner known a »inpl 2 inetam:e of i'::ilure.

_V j {. ].:i>|irs and l.'itntlemcn attended at 'heir ownh'juie r.:i llie sMorti ^l notice.

f .) LA Or t.l .V/i , WA TEkrO liD.¦

k o. fi. '. lnwin ^ arp .iiiion;: the mi .-iy Tr^!::nuti :..iV> rec<-i. . - ; i .y Mi . M en\ir:—

1 ;> . I.I .'•.¦• I t . l i iC Dr. O 'Brien . R. C.IS , of ll 'attrtor.l

". I . . .1, , - j - ll l l li n , I....U 1UU. - , C!!i-v. ;i i«li . < , Ii.-.. n.

(, .,.'. ,

'.; •¦ v • •• ' •• •• • ¦"! V.n:> wi t l tut t ' ruatin.' tl.«

.'¦.!,^r .-' p i :l. "| sl i i f - .V- l HUH' ': l"r —t» -.l! V. .1' - lr>: i l l l '< - l


', in'! ai 'J ihr- ' " |-!fc-ii« 0' I'V 1' <•'•»'" ' ;"" -•" O:ir0j. - -'l'ii' *i;ii"ii ' *•¦• • ct- .-.- . I ¦'»»••

¦ tt'-dk ¦¦vuli gie..t

ra-.- , .I. .! l i-l quitf e--:: '.irt.i!.!- ; n:i'l 1«'^ I" '• eoniii.ini! Air ,

"n'-?i'Y 'a •nrtl: i»l • i l < » l . a ' 'li-iti »• '¦- ': ) .• "-'>" vjixi.4 fill.¦L

+ I ) . O 'Hi . iKS , K.C.!!.(Frn m thr Ver.v It 'c- l>r. /"'>.«. J'.P , T>- i»itji Without ,

I". l7., f l ioCkS 'Kif II a l t r f 'i r j PH.! Li >- .7i:lr).I li :iv. i ririi l ini - in 'i i i i M - . i r . ' l » .u i V- r. -i rp. l i— t-ra-

diiM 'i i i i ('"ti i « . lm 1 '¦ '•" i »' ili- it uj .M ii-d l..v

Mr. J '> sri"il Mi 'Ki 'i iv , i :- « i ! i ' i . t (,'i;::..; - I i -.: , l.rl> - l , i i i< ,

\V:l1"'i'"i.l . «!'<>:'.. In* t. .! 'U ) l r hi v r . l 11.. 1 1 tl:l»" tr- . l l-

bl. snin" ¦o 'l.p.niii'ii ''. 1 i l ie- '-'SnT rurncail y uoinincnd .ill

(h- .> - ' i;(i..n it •• ¦¦i\ ro- r'rll. t'i l». *v. - ivru'.. -- In l . iu' , a< t h 'V

n i iv c..!i-ui ;u>- "ii -i lf«i'- f'l porni.ii.eiit nrlicl from these to:-

in*iiti . i> . >o?i in i 'V!!>Jr »ir' [ iii.'f "il.Airnimi" 1 Ki- '... n. l^U. M. Ktv.vs.

( ) l t ,M i'.\<"""'/ tUt 'l i *. l// f .U./ l l*>i t .hru I

" Mr. .\nir|.'iv i'ii» a*li«l ni i ' inaiv ' liim a i«ii'.ucatpr.t tu),ii. .<i,iirc • ¦ n i 'liiiopHh- :. 1 c:m sr.y that . li:iv::-z •ufT i-ii ' i l{,-,.-,-. '"in II', r.v-ll till.' I'll inn- '. . . i . i lut tt-lMlilu 'i/ lit ixKilF ,a'li'l

' kurii havu'fc l"ii lr«il«l MI Lnmliin and i-'.spwhcre byvm ' J- lir»t.cla> «ani»'s I t"»>i*' i-r. lij 'i, trealinrntll'c most tntdivf 1 ever im-1. I di 1 imt think it poi-ilile toeiHuidte when dnp-seatcil , but Jlr. Mr.rpliy wil l(.-('rtainiy do it. ''"'¦ H« H K -

" .ihneaiin AWin". I.isinoir , Nov. Hi , lSUt. "( K/v m Wr. St. (if i rgc t 'rteman , Su-.ptim Dmti tt.)

Mr. J M KPII M UKPH T , fc! 40, Liidy-l;;iio, Wns.rlmd ,Cuin'- .O'li-! , lias r»>np li- ;>ly er.nlirat 'd from n:y rishl f<i i ' :iverv trotilil '

'i""ne t'iirii , witlionnauiinf l i t tin.-> ! i ^hu>t jj .tin

in lii-i v.- ,y rkillu 1. uperatioii.n,.,T.t..i.l-i.liM . June 15, ISIM. ,rjfl"-.'t'" ;


" I WJ< K.»nl l> AS1> I ™ I'OVBBKB Mi:."-.V««.Mr. V. r.rpilH iiuLi i.T V ov Si. V INCENT IJ K I'A I :L resj ieet.I fnllv asks •'"¦¦ (-'Iiaritabli'PoliIir forilonaiions ol"

OLD Cl.OTHKS , snitalilc for Men , Women , or Chil-dren as it i» a painful fact of constant occurrence towitn 's

's M"ii and Women unable to «.i to j [asM on

Sunday!-, or out of doors ot. week days to seek fo ;

™ployi!ient , owing to the want of decent appnnl.Children arc also prevented from pointf to School fnimthe same > Any (Jirmoiitx «ivon will be receivedwifli thaukp, and distributed with discriniinaliug careIiy the Member? of the Society.

tr?f The Sac-ristan of the CatholicCatheara l , C IIA H-I f s McKi«)<i» s', will take charge of any precis sc;il to1 he n


'mo (if t he Conference. [in 1 T-3t j


AS Klf "an'. rhrcliin, willi uu pzecllent Younc Horfi.'and"ilver-moniited llarucaa £c suit , or iViO. -\

New Ei«ht-dfly Clock , in carred Irish Oak Frame, byMr Doner^an, or £:10. A Gentlei"an'8 CJhronometf rWatch, with m»«»ive Gold Chain , or £20. A (k.l.lKepeatrr Watch , vnluc £2U. An elegant Cameo, t(-tin the purest Gold, and *e>.t by Il'm ilolinr»s tno To),.-for the occasion. A Miniature or the Madonna , r,uIvory, alau sent by the Sacriatan of Ui; Holmes.-., 'v:» !i503 otli^. J'rizcc, wy'mit 10 ™l»e f'0"1 •"• to .i'15,will be disposed of at the DRAWING in the ItOTuK-JDO in nid of thcNEW ClIURCIl , John-street , Dul .lit• ,ou tho Cth of Neit J 0N E. Ticket", M. each

sCJ0 Tickets to bo had at the Office of Una Paper ,and at all Cthnlic BooksellerB in town.

A Complimentary Free Ticket, entitling the Heller crprjTchaser of 20 Tickets to a chance of any of U..?

Prize*, i* "resented in each Book. ,'dl3-t.)

y ew Bead), pott fret 14 ulampi , teattd 2P.AGUfUE to M A K K I A G E : ii» Da'ies am) I T -

ueJinieiit.-'. Showing how llie »i(!oarof ye«!l> iin j>^ r».lo«<l »wl retained to au advauced a«e. 8»o.. 16'Z£. Aii 'm* M«ir.. B*r0BT, & Co.. 29, OconMtmiwgaro l/«»Jp". w'-



WE, tho undersigned FISHEltMB NofTIIO.MAS-TOWN, in the Csuuty of Kilkenny, called on

Mr. THOMAS DOUAN , of Jerpoint, and requested himto take down part of his Weir. Ho not only gave unlil.crty to Remove the Objectionable parts , but Assistedus to do BO. We hope all other Owners of Weira andMill-damn will do likewise, open a fair QUCCU'H Gap,nnd give fair play to Fishermen. We further hopethat all other Fishorruca will call on the Owners ofof snch Weirn, and obligo them by law or otherwiseto regulate their Weirs according to law.



HKAD OFFICE, 76, COlvNHILL , LONDON.Subscribed capital £1,716, (100"uid-up capital .. ai'I .Ofi'tReserve lund 1(1 ,000Unappropriated profit , nist Pcci-mhor last 3,073

Chairman. — CCAKLBS GILMN . ES<|., M.P.General i\f annger.—3<mn PAI.RTM FLB I ' I R M G I B , E?q.

•Sub-Manager .—J OHN H. G LANTIU ., Eaij .Sccretaiy.—J. 1'OPB COX, E^q.

nriANCi iEfl:—Sfi . Oxford.street, London — .Vhiiiager . C II. IIuirE .Esq.Hammersmith—Muunp'r, J. II. Ltwu , Use) .Woolwich — Mnnajici". J. T. DR A K K , Ksq.Maccleafield—Van.-iger, B. PIEKFOINT , Ksq

Ti-.UMS (IK BUSINESS,CURRENT ACCOUN TS. —Iii t ci csl allowed at the

rate of £i per cent, per MII .U .II on the miniinuiiimonily baliinoe , if not diiuvu uelow XViuU ; anil of t! 1per cent , per annum , if drairu below .£500 and not bc-luw £-roo.

Sums of X'lOond upwards received on Depej it. »tintt're-it to tc agreed on, repayable lit seven day 'suulici' . or to call.

Apiirovcd Hills discounted.Circular ,Vo!<« aiid Letters of Credit , pnyablc in "li

pnrts of *!:c world , i??ucd tree of charge.I'urchr. " is and Sales effected in lin 'iKh and Forei gn

•Stocks and Shares witfio u' any c' i.-g", except tho Iro-l;crb * usual commission.

The Aiieuey of I 'urci Ri -H : 1" . .u-y Ranks under-tufcen , ftml (he i.iMi 'lnn l';i - . .Uvii '-ss of Cummer-eial K i i t i w iu iln- I'iMinrr y v> '.i : ¦ :¦• I .

I N T KR K ^T ALLt tvrcD O N t»t i'o-iTs received fromIreland aud Scotlaii'l , and Arrttuwu BILLS frau> thenceDiscounted at London Kates.

J '!?N DALRY J U'LB C ' U N K O I B ,Oemral Mnnaster.

linkers / or Dublin: Messrs. M AXL T & Df B F.DAT ,D.ime .¦'licet. Ini lO - l t l .

SPl '.Cl.U. .11) VAA"T.IGEStrill be secured by As *wing before the Aypro achinj

¦2\ith . 1SSU.1L l i . lLAS' CK.One l 'cor'j .IthUtiunal Participati on in Prof i ts

Ki l l thus be olt.iim 'ii' nrcr till later Entrants.



duecd as low as is compatible with full Security,by means of

ALLOCATION 'S OF TIJK I'HO h 'lT K V K K V YKAKto :ill l'urticipatine l'olic-y.hnlder* ->f five years' stand-ing at DIP |iieerdii>£ Anrunl linl.ince. TIic profit thusannu.i'l y allocated to the PoIicy-hold i 'M is

lllMU'li TO IIIKM IN Ml'NKton the Payment ot their next Annual Premiums. Acoiifideral'le reduction of the Premium in thereby cfleet-•KI, coinniu.icin^ with those due at tho end of the .siilhyear The Annual IU-ti. rn of Profit tli Ui * made in Pc-licy-l'.oIJvrf oi" a sl.itulir. fr prcfiJus !o 135."/, has noivattained to -'I/} per ctnt. on their premiums,—that if ,.1 J'oliry-hohier whose Premium is i'.">t> , obiainx thisyear a return from the Profit * n>' -LM8, I.",-?.; nnd ann.ther wl.iwu prouiiuin i* .tio, OI J V II IM £J , Ids—the yth'.:"» j i-iv onlv

]2<. 0-i . (i>>ri;.u> CK -JOS.) P,:I: ii 1 r TiiKii: I'mtaiCM *.The Premiums, altl ^oujj h originally moderate, havethus been reduced to Un than tivo-thirt/t of theiramount. Tlie la ''r I'olicy 'ioldcrs h.ivo alrea dy ob-tained d'.'duetioiis of 2.'i and 27} per cent.—that is,Jiii'y are this year requi red to p.iy only 15s., or Mi".("¦.I per .11, nccording to their at iiiiuing.TA» I ' lic.v-MJc rs have , in this vaj/ , rtaircl 7JV CASH

dttriny their utcu tires , more than 4;-J3U,lMI.A CONSilJKKA '.SLK 1'OUTiON or tin; PAYMENTS

re'juired for a Policy lor tiie first cix years may alsoK K M A I N I Ni '.Mii ?o lone: as the As>ured plcaees, with-out at all atTectin<; the Assurance otherwise.

Dublin , -10, l) .\xr. SruKbT .A l i K N lS : -

Wulerfanl—ilr. TI I U M AS WAI .SU , .Auctioneer , 101 ,tho Quay.

Aeic Uv>3 —Mr. PATI ;:CK J. Kci l tK , Com MerchantDuwjarrtm—il r. P. \V. firuitii .vi.n , ilerchaut.

bipiare.Tuiloio— Mr. W. 11 . PA K K E K , Sulicitor , Koseville.

(fU Iit.)

AI.LIANCKLifa ^nd Fire assurance Company.

UA U THOLKM IIW !..\ N i:, ' .OND'JN.

( A 1 M T A T .— F I V K - i :. 1. ¦:," •; t ;TEPJ,lNG.\j 1 «»-.- • . . - :Si .MCf I. f i l-RV|;T. IN- ( : - Ai'l .VTEFI 'lRK, Dart.

itaic ui ji;^urjii':e » ::-i cv-i— ' .ltormatio.i cwy lieh!»d of

Mil. K I C I I A K D I I A U R I S ,\'>. yueen-sfreel , Watevford.

M A U 1 S K A.S. SL 'IJ ASCK.('sr .io-' pev bUnr.itr aui Snilin;; Vrael (0 uny

per; in the lr!sli . liriMo 1., a:i<l Kngli^li Clmu .cls , In.iurcd on very .V U D K I I A T L T E I I M ! ) . (tf )


Ml). J O H N II INT0N , Auctioneer , We lbrd ,»l:o

li.i s b'.'rn aij '. intt,; A ja'.:l t" tl": above uoin-p'.ny—tir.e of ?1. » la-f ;e>t in itio world—seiicits \hvmrpnrt of l'is I' lifn'it and .iir.-n s.( i . l - i - t) I>.. . ( ; i i f > l ' .».:.L . .Mi-lici! Kpfi rpp. Wii 'c.-d.

NOTICE 10 BUTCHEttS AND JOBBERS.rilO J3K SOLD, :.t .MOUNT ( ON U H K V K , TW ELVE± Ull AD of lli stUv-niiii-hed VAT CATTLE. ( I t

HGUSKS TO LET,J *l TT^l'IiNISIlKI i nnd U N F I J U N I S M K I ) . App lyB3.JD to J. W . M AIIKII , Trainoro . [ml / .St]

GRA25ING LAND.Q t ACKES PIJI.V. K ( I K A Z I N G LAND , within SixMO Miles of Waterford, with n constant supply ofWnUr , TO UK LET, f"r S:i .Months, t>o:n 1st May.

App ly io Mr- - ]{v.i .\", Scurt Uonsc , near Mullinavat.'in2-l- 2i « ",


In the Matter r,r 1 f T <> H E I. K T . fromH - V. FKANC 'i ItKlsi ni;, i 2'lth KIM' I' . iu.«t., fnr

1'e t it iw : I Scr. n Yer rs. prn-l 'ii^ theseI' iMxcKs A N N K N i r i i o l - J M i i l u : . , the DWKI. *,lN( i .

.»-V , / .'i'/ 'Ondeni , j HorSK ami GHOCNDSAnd

'niiotlivr Matter. I "f HKLL'. VH lEIi i : , with

) thc CAKDK.V, .STAHLK-Sand OKFICES thercc u, late in occupation of (ii:»K(i RU. Pt:.\ unhi :, Esi|.

'Hie Pn'imJM ::rc situate on N'ewlowu Uoad, in thu"'iromjh <ii " Walerf 'ird , adjoining and coiuiiiMidiug n1 ca'.;ti'*ai view of the Kiver Snir.

Propiisals will be received by " IEKSB N E« 1'OKTitAitao.v , K.-;.]., i\w ltceeivcr, Hi l!ere:;ford-Strt-et,Watcriord, or by Mpfsrs. DoniiVN and TAN 1>» , hisSolicit"*"*.—Si" pt."ml'cr 311, 1X04. 'II "

HOUSKS, STORES, «ec.TO III-: LET. 01! Ti l l : PIW I l ' l t lCTOIfS 1NTKUKST

.¦iOI.I ) , 1 1)1! I. 11XC PKKIODS ,£~£, rniI.\T Sii|.,.ri. -,.- DH I 'H WW I.'nurc, No. 112,itasaL J>- TAP. \l > ;- ; yi' . -.Y , to 'ivr l i tln< Houseadj'.inii:^, '.n. '.d «, , ..!, r ,„, ,. L. .!U.,. lVom tl.e Dei.n andUi iuy U- r, for r, I X. per .\1nm111.

Til. - Hou.ii.' mxt liios. - , with (! it:v.ay, I.arye StoreYard , ie., Ac., hei.l [,, r "'ill Y. MI -J , at £ 11 Is- fl-l . JHTAnnum.

Tiiti.»e Premises may "iie Mxii on '.Veil, Days from 10tr, 12 n'Clo'.-k , aud ii..ini'1'ate Powession can be ({ivenif r.- cj nireil. ( t f )

': OUGHAL -TO E2 LET,=SV j-<'-I rT<lX J I ') i :sK : b.- aulil ".ii!y situated

/ B * B l °" ""! f5lM •"''••"•, iinmr-dial-i'ly adjoin-¦IZJJD i n i i i h t - <o»:i ; tW II . .K », ,8 l urK C aud c«mw>-diouit , allbrdii!!; imiplo ari iiiiiiiiiiilatin ii , with (iarden ,(.'ons. rvatnry , <Vn h.l . IN •, ••n.l Stables ; Lense for 11term imt i-xuvJiii!; Isir co liivs <.r -'I I yours, can be fiven.

A j ij il y t» Tli' MA i SMITH , K.-^., C:ip|>oi|iiin. | inlt)-H]

TO BE L E T ,Jfc& m'iK ll C l i / S i : , wi t l i StaMi.,;;, Ooacli- Iiouao,,££> •"£. -E. li:.rdi '!i iind l'ie!0 , oi'(ii<AN'ii: , nn,ioi iN 'iHii.i.. 'i l.i- dcsiriil .I '.- KcsiiluiiM; is in perfect order . ALeas" cull be !{iv:: .

A pply t.i Hn:il..ii ;' W KKK I - S S FABBOW , Uarronstraudstreet". (<'.2-t f)

T O 2JE S O L D ,ASi m" : !N1 i:i:t-T in n mirttdesirnl.'-. D A I R Y

uViiiiiL - - ''AiC>I, 1 ii.lainiuii 4-> Aim :;, 1 K0011, 01) 1i <j7'cf!-u ' vift i . v."i;l: a ft ibs! :ir:tivl Il '.vi'lling Iluii*cau-1 'ioo-l ' /U t "u"'>", wiO. tn 10 minute-*' ivaik of tiieC".i) of V.'olcifu-.d in O U AN J .E , in ihu i'mruiiy

¦ of'-iiiiilnVr.Tiie I..11! 1 i< 'U :{O'ii| r.nriin^ order. irc!| ."n.inurcu,

, hiving a ymiJ sn|ifi!yof fpliuy wuti-r, unu Cip-Wo ofkcep in-; --' .Milchii.f ; Coils.

•i r,r.|;cali"r- to he made O Mr. MA U U I C C 1'I.VX S ,' M.ivoV's.wa lW. (iil3-0io )


MICHAEL HAKTK5AN respectfully annnuncetto his Friends and the Public that ho hr.s

HKMOVHD from his lato COS FKCT IONAB I KSTA BWSH-MEKT, 9 liarronslrand Street, to his IMPBRIALU.AKEUY (lats COLLINS A Co)., and begs to return bissincere thanks for the kind support he has received inboth Establishments for the last two years.




JAMES LYNCH, Proprietor or the EAOLE IIOTIL,begs to inform his Friends and the Public iu

goncral , thst he intends to HEMOVE from this Houseto tho Old lk'tcl , better known as the DEVONSHIREARMS , during tnc lirst week in April. (m24-tfj

Knglo Hotel , Dungarva n, March 24, 1SB5. _^



«ST74 Q UAY , WA TE Jtl 'OlW , 71j8 3

V. J. SULLIVAN , PHOI 'KI ETOB ,"O ESPECTFUIiLY iuvites attention to hii-fC*J present W ELL Su.F.CTtn STOCK ofSOI'KRFINK DLACK CLOTHS and DOE-SKINS, also the 11 LACK , 1IH0WN , BU J(iltKY .MELTONS, suited fur the

NKW STY E OF FIJOCK COAT !now Worn in tho tnoft Faiibiouable Promc-liadea of Paris. London, aud Dublin. It isa form of Garment , which, from its gontle-maiiiikc appearance, will b,i sure to provothe I 'avouriU Coal of tho Season.

MY SPRIN G TR0USEMNGSI IJIVP been very carefully Selected. I lm»c,I think , chosen only thoBe of which tho uiOBtfactidious will approve.



WANTS A SITUATION.WANTED, by u Young Man , aged about 17, a

Situation ns liiTr.Rit or llvmiiE SKHTANI .Can write a good hand. Would take a situation in nnAttoruey 's or any other Office. Served ul Snow HillHouse, from which he can be well recommended.

A pply ut this Ollico. [ml"-3t]


F I R S T D K I, I V i: R V !


Straw Bonnets, Ribbons, & Flower*.


A T M R S . K E L L Y ' S ,


March lfi:h. lft'->.

T> 1 C l l A K D S O N , H l f O T J I K K S , A- C O ,

XSJ A'iBICi :i.Tl.:!AI. «:|IKM ISTS AMI OIL CI l lS l lKK i ,BELFAST ,

Prepare Special Manuzes for e?oh Crop.POTATO M A S L l t K . ' (i l;A ^> .Ui\.M "lti " ..'11 hill' J iANUR l '.. ' OK/. i lN M A N U K K .HONK COMPOUND. | FLAX MANUKK.


Of suuerit'r quality, and iv .irranteil jfenuine.Aiuhves, Pria: Lists , and reports on uiiplication.

A (i K .\ T 1:J. P. GRAVKS , <t Co., Waterford. .ja2 rt.fim.)A i l R A I I A M STEPHENS,, Duncanno:i , Co. Wcxlbrd.


n'id Extra-Picked , Eaglo U randNEW KICA FLAN-SKED , shi pped by (j EOK iiK W. ScanoiiLK <t Co.Also , Dutch D. & V., and other brands of superiorquality.

The above have been very carefull y selected , andare ?.U guaranteed gcnuiiv: and the m'owth of loli-1.

ArrariKi 'tni'ii t.-f may be made with la dlorda andagents for an extended credit .

RICUAUDSON , HROS., .t Co.,(j-.i -Jr- l -'U- 2«i UoiiP i-al J'lnci .', iicllast.

Peruvian Government Guano.


SOLE CONSIGNEES and AGENTS for Sale inGrc». Britain and Ireland.

A pply to ROBEUT F. GLADSTONE , IS Trinit y-street ,Dublin.

DepoU have bi> i:n established at the followingPorts, viz. :—Dublin , Wutcrlor -I , Cork, Limerick , Gal-war , S'i"f> , Loii<Vinl - rr; , nnd liellVist. <jn2/-I .'it).

rn ' A 1.1. WHO SUFFER FltOM NERVOUSNES SJL OK l.a>>S 0F Mt 'SOULA li 1'OVVE:!.—The Ad-vritiser is in posse.">irn of an infallible Remed y, bywhich ineann those Milferiu;! from the above maladymay <ib(ain a mesas <if sc-if-cuM, ti-licrcby llify way bequickly rcilnred to health at a trifling ci;st. I hu par-ticul .r» will he forwarded Gratis, on the rece ipt of astmiipud a'liirtsscl envelope. —AuMress, D. UOCCLA SIEMI ., 1 , Hulknd »t., lirijtnii , Surrey. |mh24-Gl *]


Puor*fnnv "l En;li»l) %»bput t "-d;iy. Trade firm. .Mondav'ipricn well bi:ppniitil. Imporin of f- 'ici^n wh«»t only CG.i qutr-lern ; th"w nl i»anip i-i .athrr cxt<n*i»e . Go- d and fine i|aat::(riIllOTril 1 tr ftej. Ei y, m full currencies. L"W Mini ilBlll j t qualitie*hravv , nt <t e rut^s. Flim'iii K c«ru"cfl of grMn nil FI I U.OQDI

» I . a-)/. »!i loimrri^rmi. The 'ic*h itipplv.-.fbo'li Enftliih nndfori't^ii liarlcv' i- l. >*nir« . Itowever , priiR reaied slUM- ly. ol;j]j-<ut *U!i»oary pnci ¦. .Mnit in fHir :ivera< :< - supp ly, nrtil >lu^,'-C.sli rfqil'M , B' r ..- lult il-.'riiiic In VM I- IC . Wr hiitif to rfnorl at. ,r >u!e (ur ..„:,, 1,1 ia-,c occk's i^M '.iti'.na. Ii: l'eai.i \er,Ii: i le wa« di'injc- Peal *ere allow mrj ui-y, but not cheaper .Tiie tj -iur tf j d v waf f-te-i'l y. A ^i i n uHur a l tetds wrre tolerablytiln t . In cake* ten lilt ie wait duiny .

mniv A LS Tiiin wr . i t .Wli-a'.. I llarwj . i M ill. I ( lulu. Flour.

Eii'li.ti »i«! Scotcl' 5su I i:iu 1 iu:ln Wn 710l 7 :: -• -- ' - :'.<\a -Korfl^,

«M 3fll ¦ — 7J7U 630U.ll" u»rre:i ...| — — I — — —

LONDON CATTLE MARKET—YrsrRRDAY.UcHttc . 1,310 ; cm-«. Vltl i »!ltfp, tf .lrii ; ml.e», 2I2 : pim. 177.

Vricei : • H- 'tf l..'!» 4d ln^9 O-l i inBltt'ii. 3» tvl toCa 2.1 ; v.-« I ,1 nj m 5. i,,) ; p,,rV , 3s 4.1 to 4< ^1. Ilua rf l ir«d'*. dull ami in.a. tlv o (ioou Mipplv (.ruliecpi witn »i ' .i-«iBh tniJe , at Ju l..werlimn .Monday. t'oiT^»-l iood inquiry ut piovinua rates. I'igi

LONI I .'I N PRODUCE MARKEr-Yi s srKRi iAi .P.-L'ar (piiel: vulne unelrif. _'rd : t\rv *n!e f)l ; blown.

|rlll|.< , <i* *d. i < l C « -. I r t l l I.>ll«'..|-J ; lu..j ...III , ...'llL.tlR..*Unri- -'l «unniy. T'"U u- -- 'tcro- l. Kir' ¦.u'm , -and li^'lil iuvfor furinv r U-iliu. £j .i|>i:lre g'.Oa, %ou fine Calcuuu kui cu toUVt.

LONDON TALLOW MARKET—YHsimni.Tall -w quiet; lit" l'.V.C , 40« C.I to 4111 9d.

Ll VEItP OOL CA I TI.E M A i i K l M ' -Miii icii i!l.Tin; *upp!y ofcaltle wns much li 'si" limn • n 1-i^t M UU .'N; ; tut

ol •!¦ >p i' w0" l»'R»r. A iliiw i'fni»i. 'l l . ir bolli cutllc hud>) r c p a t rat fa>r b. tter ptirea lor t i e 1 u i i ' i ; »tiecp inclinnnttl .! lici-i-Ue'l. Cj'l U 7J'J pfr lb , ini:lton, 7il ir> S>}U per Ib.SUIII- IV— l .WU cmile; 6,a<!) atiep.

LlVEP.PO OI. PRODUCE MARKET—Y MTKBIIAT .Tlierc i» 11" ctianiftf to announce.

LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKKT-Y MTKIUUT.y - rkrt dull , at rallier uailer rale*. Satei Jirobalil jr hl>out


ilier'" w-'» an nverayR altnuliuce of ICiipllfb whrst ht niar-Kct in improved ron.H 1 Ion \shirli b«ld for an udvence of In p.-r'iiiarU'i ; tlii* ":¦> fac tircoly .-uuine I tiud only for choiceii,R'i."ltf*> : foreign WHS 111 moilerat? request at ¦iinil»r improvelllt ,ii . pr'.ntJ iimlcR i-f Hour liftd fur flj por HUC L n.;iuncc ,winch rlirekt-'l itale i, u-hile "'lier »'>rl.s wrre p.lirr Io onil, but11..t d- 'ar ci . Oiil« iri'l ualn.ial the turn ill I iviiut of m-iler<.llean fii :". li.ilian corn 'J'l to U )i .'r '|u:iil' ' liljher.

CLAStiO iV CATTLE MAR I CE P— V K STK P H AT .TlrMf wai a larul-r mipply ol filll.' Ili iu "Ii 'I hur',l iy l« it ;

I I I. - ilrm'II.i »*' il--"*"i '""I |'l""' )'"- 'll y ln«iillai!i » il . will, n fewI rv uu' .Id. lii' 1'Uiuii.T ol »h-«p wur >nuller ; inlei dull, nnilM ic r.. ¦ nh'r lower. Toj. f""c..;c/i "i< n «..Mnt C » (,. 7<it perr .i i - ie<"'u-lHiv , '.lii to 0*.» ; m-.ildla iinJ infeiior , 6j>, 10 J61 ; wtlr . S5i to Oil : iiml I'll , 7J' l to iid per IU.

DUI1I.I N NEW CATTI.K MAHKKT— J'W I K K U A V .¦ The •tlmumifi: or cJt'.le »t market to-d iv i« hnr.Ky a» IvK'nt li«i we- ' "ti er "I fiii cattle, Horns , or »hicp. .Saleamanf r'i,,, „., :, .|,,,t mi,., WI - I i' aluw'i r Ulan luit week , but about ll.n1 ,„¦I ir ir e» A lot ol SpnnU' i cattle averted £tU i bead.V . I .nit Mini" uinllfrwl. I'rlreB—l lccr , .'Oi Io 61» to Oil ;tn

'iilinn '¦ »'l H-" «M ; "••'• ** '" UJ •" la"""' S5» "•"•"•" ««''•At Sriii''lili'M PU i«.-.iket ilicre «"u« a dull market at 40« to

Sl< »«r cwt. on loot.D L ' R I I N ' PH OVIS1 ON MAIIKKTS .— YKSTKBHAT .A I Si.i'irillirM a Ucon inaikrl , "n yuHerday. llier.i w«s a

mo.l'er a-np !v oi. W..lni-»'Jij wu-k-buylriK wi.not.o ac-" "' liui «"c re| eul Hi'- I'flc: •¦' cvry .irtide us naitir . Da.wn-

•l. i. 'i , '#¦> io 6: < • mid. 'Irs . CI, i» r.7a : Anir rle in . 5 l i lo»r ,» ;¦ i." !•> . 1° « • ilioaWM*. 3=1- f> V>' - »»m: SOs i., I *,.

lini'n»-Slwil bain> , 50» t" M* : ">¦<« '"", K» '•' «>«•

CORK MAUK BTS— V M T K I I I I A V .It riT rn -Fimt.i IU* : •«-on.l». iaj» ; * , l'Wj ; fourll u.

M !""fi "i 0«s""ui li.». •¦-.*• M«J c..r. .J_Klr.t« .O-.M.'« : aeeondj ,niin.' . ihir . l- His Nmnlirr in innikci , i*-8.

(•or,! - WliilV «l.«l , "' I'M '<" » '¦•' "¦ '«> . .V °'' V- 0> '"1 ;

'..arlr) ". 8. 0 I to Hi (id ". black nan. 0< 1,1 In 6J ,i i while oats ,«« 10.1 tu 7> tJ.

H OU.OV. AV '-> OI N T M I:\ T.— Hud I/Ppi, Wounrli,VlrerF . nn'l all drpcri pllolis «'f «o.-es, arc cuieJ by the properand tiilit reti t vse ot tins ineitunabk iireparation. Tu attemptto c uf biid U- RS br ptfi tturiQ R lllu e-lx es of the ivooad together ,is a lolly ; lor auoul'l tin; kki'i uiiito . n t»yi:V -oudi.lion rfmains unilcrnealli In break out with twok.ld fury in a lewilayn The L.-1I7 rational and permanent tientmellt .aa indicatedby iiaturt ,l9 tu reduce the inflaimnoti'ioinand aboat the wound,Io siiolfic the orlslibourinf( nerves, ro eo"! the hea'e hlonri atit COUISCH nlonj -•» vei>seU , ond to tender the thin, \valeiy, Icli-Ol'i tift dikdiar^e, consistent ami lm;t ltliy. lloHnway 'it l'i|||slioulrl he laktio at the same tune , in order to pnrifj thr hlaotland expel tht ohnoxinoi liurtjor |'om the syilem, gold at 49Ki>I Itrrel.

€he ff lnvkctf itt'alerford , Friday, March 24, 18f.i.

Weather tcry dry and cold.Supplies tl all klnda of NATIVE GRAIN »«1T Iriflioj.

WIIBAT. O4T3, aod UARDEr tho tarn d«aMr.

POREIG.V \VHrjAT.-Pom.%nil «low ; Mluf nncll .">rj»«d.

I .V D IAX C'OItX. -De.-njnil alcal/, lit an ad»>noo of 61. t" 9dper Barrel.


P R I O R S c O R R 13 N T.

IRISH. j Sow . | Old.

WiIKAl ", n.-rlmrrelor "25lfllli«. ! n. i . s. n|t . J. «. d— Wiite - - - 51 3 io 21 852 « i" 2.1 n— Red . - - 19 a jn\0 31 o il «— Shipp inrrfn, -! Ill) o 00 0 00 0 no o

BARI.F.V, prr lmrrel .ol »lll>» |— GNruliiiE - - -I in rl II «13 o 13 «— Mnlling - - { i t IS <' ."o 0 lit n

OATS , per barrel nr ipr-,|h«. I— Blnck . - n 4 11 3.11 S 11 A— White . - II 0 '.1 I> 1 < 3 '2 9— Grey - on 0 00 0 uo 0 00 0

FI.OCK , iicr SRek, of'Jffl lni !— Superfines . -! on 0 on ";no o 10 «— Infrrinr a . . .| on 0 00 "no 0 00 0

O A T M K A I , , per Sack . .' i T « Z t t i t 0 88 «ll l tAN. pi'rl.nrrel. oi «lll,,. . .( * « 9 . 0 0 0 0


WHKAT. pcnmrrel .or'jani:,,. \i. d. «. A— American , SprioK and WinUr - - |M I In Jl "— Mnriannplu . - - 123 8 23 8— )Wdianski - - - 31 » 81 «— Ghirka - - 0" 0 00 0 . . . no 0 on 0I N D I A N CORN , Yellow. O.les.i.. Jk Gabiti , jl « 0 18 «

— Jlirnli». *F<.*(.ni<in - - ' !¦» » '* »— American , .(10 II "0 0

— — Krrneh nnd American While on 0 no «— - i-Vyimnii, - - - - 'on n on o— - Dnmnetri . . . 113 0 IS 0

Fl .() i:it , A"u-rlr»n ,prr linrrrl . of" IPOII.s . - "Oil " CO 0— Krnir.h , pprimck , nfjufllln. - • »" « VU 0

IK D M N M K A I . , Aimrii-niM ier l.rl. »r I'WIln. dO 0 mi 0( Home Manufacture , ) ,r , .» ,\~ > ner »«rk , ur -i-f lilun. J , ' "

RVK M K A I . . - " " (10 0 (I!) 0

tmp nrlA awl Exp ort * for the Week ending Thursday,the 23r(Z inst.

IMrWlTS. I EXPORTS.Wheat - i.ijll Quarter.".! Wl>/-ii . . . ICO Jlarrr lsfnJinn Corn JSS'l il". ' O^r« . . . I!«3 rlo.Iiari . . . . — rlo. Baric.? . .. do.Flarley,. do. Indian Corn - do., ., ( Sack". Hour . . . J9t Sscks.l-lnur j rVirrch. Oalmexl - - — do.Meal . . . Pack'. . Indian meal - dn.

Butter KX.iTket.Xumler of f irkins weighni at the YnhH e. Batter if arki '

f c .r the Week ending Friday (this day) , tht 2Vh inst.No. f t firkins for ... ... ¦ ... ... 1431'rico from ... ... ... 120* 1" l.T?l Mr curt.

Corrected this Day for the Waterford News.PROVISIONS.

BACON PIOI > , per cwt 53s rid to alls odOrrii. do ... ._ ... <8. Od — tl . OdPUT do _ lls Od V2i OdH«\rm iln .10a Od — j'A ndTA'.l-rm" An „ Ida od — 4l)a OrlLA U I I (chandlcrii) ... ... ... 41 B Od — i ln Od

Bij iTiiircns1 Mi-:.\r.Hr.r . t, rit rur ._ 'in to M I Vr.AI., do ... d 10 ldO

Pn. prr;o:nl 7d Io «d Pom ... Jl.l lo OidMrrrns, p»r Ib. 7'". to s.1 i

POTATO KP.Arcraie iTicc ... ... ... ... <ij. to 413.

UriKAD.WtliTl! , |*r<ib .. M | IlouA llt.r> ,pr4 lb4 J d

WIIISKKY.Drai.iy , pnriral ... 17t lid I Ol.o , Oork , jal ,._ !*» «d0'iKK ,puncl.Don ... 1.1s «ld I

»-" .prrwl Ms to 21s I Soi.r , ... M In «<!llr.iiitisr is, pr bil UA to .1-lfc | flalmon ... fi 9d to ns

rowi, A N D ICONS.I'mrt.. p»r mir Hi Or! n 3» od I Emu, por .ipten , 0- 7.1TVj iVi, do ... it Od |

SOAP ANM CAVIU.KS .V:< 'TC , rorc nt ... 3f.» 0.1 | Mniri.o prrlb... fls 8<dIU '»j , do ... I5< u.l I DirT. ilo ... 0« Sji

TIMfiKR. •Jir.n Vtsr . , p?r ton. as*. 7Ps J N-MTr.» , \\er ln"n r.ti nr,sVi- l . i 'v . .'. 'i l ' , ." I I. I T I . IWI I . I II H^,!!

(.•OAI.S .CO M (.ire.-' :.-i If-.' V IO ) C,<- (W I fnKt , :.::¦ ton ... Si's

Formi'ii A\n I;IU:I:N CHOI 'S.n.iTpor lon . i l » tn 5;i l Miinot.nj , ... IM 20sSTR .VW , '»hn(en 41* — 47i I ."rnN lf .^, ... 14* ,, l5tPn. '-.ilr-nt .. ."*•*• — 4r-«. ' I**4 | I K O TS. ... 15 .. :t5*

Htttft g, iwuvtizixe$f & ©aatftsI I I R T I I 8 .

On t^e !?th Mnrch, at {Irwr Qfr t z t '* street , io this «itj, th#wife of Mvtiicw pBV<Tt«nt, K*Q., T.O , of a snn.

M.irch 15, at 11. KlifV * Qusiy, Pablin , Iho wife of D. O'Cui-tag 'ian , itolicUor. of ;i <>on , who aarrifod his birth' bat a aborteime.

At Tower Hill , Umorick. on the iTth Inatant , the «ifo «f Mr.Wiil inm Xfii^.avn. nf a .l:n«»iier.

March 14 , at C-Tk , tlio w fe of Major Hariljr , 84th regiment,of a s"n.

March ".3. M Woolwich , Mie wife of CapUin Henrj W. Brinco^,Royal Arti l lery , of » Uangliter .

Af P.illjiilonoiis'i . the wifi* of Patrick MulMh.r, V>(j., of A Don.At ¦i-udoirsUuflt , Ennii, Iho wife of John Fotty. Keq , O.K. , of

& rt.uclitfr.Mrf icii 17. at St. .Tohn'n Parade. KUkeno;, the wifo of T. R.

Rt.tW.uid , 1**1.. nf a *?n.

M A II II I A O K KMarch 16 at f .'amberwft!l , Richani (Joff Koa-^h. K«i.. nf \>«

!» "*» . t.» M.iry, fouitd «i;i"tghier of t l s ory Simm-, Esq., of Oam-licrwcl '-^riiTO.

Decotubrr 31, at Brisbane, Qurennianrl , Jnlm Taylor. l->a Mehies i son ot Amircm T-> or. wrichunt , Ktltnfjiir x'i. to Eliz *,fourth daughter of tbo Into D. UenneMy, Kvj, , of Hah ten , en.Curk.

Utcembor 21- , at Brisbane, Queennlaa.!. M. O, Gollsy. E«jSpring Hill I n t f ot Dublin, ton at M. Gnf tey. Kr-q., C.K.. Jkt -of th" Genoral Valuatiun o? Ireland , to Janet Maria , youngest<.ua,.it«r of Otd late John Black Carmicbeol . twj , of Syduey.

D K A T l f S . On Ibe ?).*t fn« * .. »t Chrrl* Point , atari adrancc/. use. MM.

J at lies Ryan , a t, ooi. wife , an effect i'ln^to renther, am] an hom-aiffipn-I , an.) tti '* ill". I**r*'. * ' -1. Mi; "he? re,: fn pi-jc.-.

On tht 17 th in*!.., at her reHJiloncc , Cathorinc-streC, Mrs.Vf e c t , relict of tho lato If. Myco., Esq , Bank of IroUnd ,.f'ntcrford.

O n t h e l l t h intt .. M Xice . .Ifarjrarei. (ho bclorcd wiY-of CaptHoVrt W;.ttn, Retired U»l Ma-lran Army, and aidett daughternf Willnuxhby Itarcourt C^'Jer, or New I'aik, cu. nt Dublin , E**q.

M.ircJ) 2n, at brr /.¦•ther 'a TtvAeneo , Carrici-on S'lir, Anno,tlio belotcl *iic (if Mr. lviw ,ir« l ?.!'!/iushlio, of Crher , after a»h-rt UlnrfH, rtcsorrcily r2srclta<l by lier sorrowing family audfri'j n.l«. -R.t.|\

At his resWeocf , C'arrici-o/i-.Suir, o' foror, Mr ToomaJ ReaJ/,pawohroker.

At KilniRrange , on WcJnesJay. Mra. Power, ap«<l 75, wifo ofMr. Wm. Power.

At Anmojlo Hou"C, c-> T>t>pc.*arr, Harriet Janp, second asir-rhinc d.fiicbter of Jawpb Hiebardiwin Bejvs'oy, J s-j.

March 16 , in Weiford , of rapid C'>Q«urap *i'<n , IT the 23ni jrarat hir* .IRG, Mr. Ri> H>OtVmow Murpb/, tut several yean cruelcl(-rk in White 's Hotel.

March 22, at 7, Richmond Hill , R,vhin!n", after a wock'iill not*, of bronchitis. Fanny, fho belofc-1 wifo nf Stephen A,MicNor , 1'.H (] . , and d^ushtcr of thu J^io C'utleton Maw, Esq.,M.P . of Sa iTiew. Ciorry. c. Wcxford.

Mnrch l'( , S.rjVi . tbinl dauK htcr nf tbe late Usher Clarke,E-q^ of Carrick-on-Suir , co. Tijuvrarj, and 3, Lovor Bucking-bam ntrfpt . Dub'in.

M-ircli 2( , At Kiltown Houw , CaBt.ccomar, KHza , wife of Joh nSQl 'l lll r*, K-'j.

On the Ifith inst., at South Peron Terrace, Plymouth, JobnJacob, ton nf Mr. RlcharJ V.'ii«on , merchant, of Limerick.

fn New Voi* City Fib. M, Mr. Matthew Undy . of Ballydine,r;aiiini'jn9n*'M . county Tipperary : Feb. 2l , in her 70ib year,Brnl nff, wife nf Thomas M*'nre, of Castlecomer, co. K'.'.k nny.

Feb. 4. it Vaoshan, York county, Canada Hast, Mr. MichaelCrannpy, a^M fiO yfaM. a native of Bj«na]stoirn, t-». C»rloir ,Ircl-nd, whormUrra'ed to Canada W >ears ago. Mr. Cranney[catf^ a I.irae family to inourD uU l')be.

A' Sydney, New Sooth Vfalcn . Ellen , wife of Frtncls M'AoiitTe,Ksrj., ar.J yourjest dnsbter of Mr Thonrni Mutin , MilWew ,Itfl 'tr iftl 'kbrirls'*. ICCkrnnr .

A R U I V E D . 'IRtli-Ve.ti (s" ,"'Do-a'l . Literpiinl.eci.I^-n I y, Rtirl-it

HnjunAl. . r.irirpiol, volluu ; Mi !is>ik , Ha lior l, Wewporl ,Af'"' rn^U.

l!'lll—Kii '0i Up'".' i ijonil-m, K C ; Cou.;., («), A.lwini,Milforii. t o ; St.CMl'i'rine , C -ain«r Clondore. Lircrp •"'. c- -inn ; J»ne. Kelly. Lancwler, LUnccI!/, bal.jjt ; Spray, Neill ,fl imnvtrii Wexfonl , manure .

'iOth -bi.iia , Newport , Waxfor.I . coals ; M«rcSnnt , LlrdriMOl,S'crr.t I f>n6.

2!«t-"-itj of Paris (s) . P*»rn . Milf/irJ . i o : Jane "."per ,Ncwpoit. irnn ; Ccr«s. ?.ewl». N'cwporl. MilwAt i,oa ; W»»eUjj. Nevmri , railway Iron ; Syulrs , Griffith , Lltorpocl. LUhon ,ohent; Rubj, (s tugl . Ultk«. IVaxrord, off Pjnts^c j Nurmin ,.Mot'.inscn, Kerson. lloss. herringn.

22nd M>laVo(T (») . Ajrloard. Mllforrl, g c ; Krin, Connollj.Ne»|Klit , Weifotd.coals; Marenrot , Jnncs, lordan, A rthun-totvn manure ; Cunilla (s), CatTej, Lfverrtnot. j c ; Aurora (s!.K»lfc , I II .'IUII , g c ; Urilon (s). I)»vil , Bristol, I c.

*J3rit~ r 'tjuricr Is) , Aj lward. Miiford , g u ; Minnif , Runcnro ,limn, co.ils ; .1. M. Vornan. OalilKT , Rit *», ctals t Mar/ nieimr ,co;.l5 ; Suit:, Air . cuala ; Slanojr , Dublin , Wciford, nhut ;Ilerlbs. Ucruen , liorritir».

S A I L E D .T»ili-f:!ty of l'arij («), Vewa, Mlllord , E C.20M. -Ktnpsr ts) , Mi»/ninl , I^nrlnn, g c ; V.r.\ (si , Upton ,

Pelfr- - c o ; M llkolT (B), Aylward , Milfonl , p c.I!1M — TemiwraiiTC, Uoik , p«l« ; Pearl of O tn. Souunnipu.n ,

imin : .I.ivr-n .Inw>, I.irerponl , colton ; liosum Packet , Bannnw ,r-als; Tall y Ho , CJvdiff , Mlsrt ; Kn'»rprl»c, i ardifl", balUsi ;, Ilayl o. oats : Emma. Hayle. oals ; <!ip.y Is), Unrn",Urdu . R e ; Vn«ia(6) , O'DonaW , tttapaol , se ; Courier (.),Ajlwar.1. , K c.

•A.11I -.l;inr , I/liinoll;. Kelly, billait . Ronnwn , Oeorceton ,Nrupirt , hillait ; llrisli , Culfrr , Llannelly. ballast. ; liubr .(s lily), Hiako , WVxforrl —M onro •'•foal , Jij t ltro, Cardiff btllata —Dolnon , Ki jrnn , Sjulliamiiton , oau CilJ of l'»ru (t), PoirnMilfrml. i 0 -Kennclt , Soinliamploil , oat ".

Mrrl-DnMin (»), Oafls, Neirrjorl, g c— Ilannih, l.ifrrpnn! ,oiU— St. Catlierlne , Urf-rpool, colton—M klc-i lm, Swansea , haUIsst— l)arr, Wexfonl . rrnln.

IIUN TINO A1TOINT5JKNTS.Ticr T»A«nnr ll*«llll!«8 (Mr P. W. Po»er ",«) , will raff I at

the 'ireat llu '.cl , Traraore , eterj Wcdocuds;. At half-pastl«i>!fe o'cI.'Ck.

l'*rriil.rnn l lAR«lt l>» — Mondar, 27lh , Uwellau—Tbundsr35th , Bri'ri Klk". A' l l ;- 'cUcl(.

Tn« KII.K IN K T II CST.—Monilny 27tb , JenLin,to«n ; Wed-••¦atlBj aai 'i , I.uke'n Well: KrWaj3l«, Cwtlecoraer : Ji.mdv.3rd A^ril . Rilljueale : \Veiinc;:lny 6th , Kiliuih Houu, at 11 JO ;Kri.l.iy Jih. lljllykeefl'. At H o'clock.

Tut Uxio.i IU I K I K.KS will men fur March , 1805 -Tutfilaj,jetli . C.'ishmori! ; FriJay, alat Diilijr lrni'.n. A t V j .,"clofk.

Tur. Clxivmti. HnirSDF. —Mmnlay, 81th, Senkln Quto ; Thurs-day, J-llii , lW..i!Kk.i. At 11. "JO o'-l.-cl:.

U'ltxrumi lloc.sor «l" '»c:t on To;».l.i.r 53, Ballj rodock ;FrWiy 31. Wilton. A111 o'cljcW.

" LOCAL RAILWAY TKAKFICl'or the week Hiding Fridny, Murtb 17lli , 1864.

Watcrford '. Watrcfotd Limerick! Llra.nckand j &mt and 1 and

I.i intrick I Kilkenny Foynen ! Knuls(77 miles ¦ (31 miles (lit) railea (24{ inilei

I r.pcn) i npen) open) ¦ open)

I £ >. d. j JC 1. d. j £ t~ d. ! C s. d.P a s s e n g e r s , ! : i

Paresis, lc, ; <0» « 0, I;« ' J ' •" IJ " « l » 4Goods A Catile, ¦ ins 16 ll| :S1 19 s- 1 M j lm j )

Total....- 'iant> « ll| a:u '1 in 63 3 II 167 1 IICorrccbttondioc t ' j

wceklMt jw,' »U T 3' 343 II »\ Oi V 0 103 14 I


dull , and fractionally declined. COUBOK stcaly , n"« »"•changed. Railways a little , «tron«er ; Great \\ e§t«n otC«II»<1II firm xt nn iidfaDee. • Bnnis idle; A'linnM (tonrt.Foreign Stockt firm ; C«imM good rit un »dfi>nc» : Certm-catei »cry firm. After official- bonrt Consols 80J to t.M«rk«li firm. York A and Gnat Emtern Slock good.

Rif cni 'i Tro* Trait Circular reports to-dny that thedispnta in tlic iron trada is approximating towards a uttli-ment l>7 iiiiihin) renre-eiorj.

l'Anis. THURSDAY Evr.sino.—Tl»e Boane n«« beensteady. R,-titrs cl'isul at 0750.

LONDON .STOCK EXCHANGE—TnuTtsi>»T.OPK5I SQ- PRICKS —Connols for Money, 88J ; Consult

for Account ,89JJ J New 3 per Cents, 87if.Cr.osiFio PRICES —Consols for Miinny, 89i ; Conioli

f»t Account , 89 Jt ; New 3 per Cent*, 84J j.


S per Ceiif-Coiinol. 88H —Xew S perCotitStock 87,1 6711ftmk oMrnUml 100 — —Hibernian Rink 25 — —Prori-.triM R«:!: 1f< 87 —.''a'.ionul Hank 30 95 —>"alii)nal of Liverpool (limited) 10 — —Union limit (limited) 22 — —Mining Co. of Ireland 7 32J —Uity of Dulilin Stcniu C'ntnpnny 100 101 101Royal Atlan. Steam Navi gation Co. 10 -• —United General Gns 50 — —

RAtLWAT B .Great Southern nnrl Western 100 88 —WBterford nml Limerick 60 — —Watcrforil & '.im. fi per ct. rd 50 — —Watc.-fnnl * Kilkenny 100 — —

Do. 6 per cent, red 100 — —Wnterforrl nnd Trainorn 10 — —

Cij e aHatetforU §L?x\%" HE /U3T, ANO FEAR NOT. "


Tho netti , tip to the 12th instant , is again of aliiif lilv iinpor lnnt character, bringing, as it dons ,uuiiitiulc of a gv.-at victory nehievci! over Kirly, in wiiicli tho latter lmd cap-tured bis staff', 87 officers , 1,100 men, and 7 ennnan ,100 wnpeon? , ..nd also a train of artillery stores pre-pared for transportation. General Early escaped.The Federal loss wn« ten men. The engngi'ir.'.ii loccurred between Stsnton and Chnrlo t tesvUIc.Slieridan was reported tu be pursuing the remnantsof hit army. Four reg iments had left Richmondto reinforce Early. Fniir brigades hnd been sent int i e direction of Lynchburi; to endeavour to reachthere before Sheridan. Sheridan will not returnto Winchester, but will co-opprate with Sherman.

The reports rcspectiiif; Sliorman nre conflicting,and consist almost entirel y nf conjectures. TheTribune considers the new» nfSlierman vague andunsatisfactory. The only thinp certain it , that liewas at Columbia on tbe 17th ult. [1 is movementssince arc lost in obscurity. It had been reportedthat Sherman bad been reinforced by Schofield.Thin latter statement, which was for a lime believed,has finall y been positivel y contradicted. No junc-tion of the forces of Sherman and Schofield couldh-ivo possibly taken pUce, Latest advices fromWilmington state thrtt Schofi.'M'a forces bad onlygone about ten n:i' i'« above Wilmington , and hadhad frequent skirmishes with (he enemy. It trusrumoured that Sherman had reached the Cape Feurriver, at a point about sixty miles above Wilming-ton. It would appear that Sherman on tbe 24thFebruary was at Camden, S.C., on the Watereeriver , 11( 1 miles from Favcltville . N.C. From indi-cation.' .'.t th.i! time it vras thuu;_ !,t lie would move!o Kmjrstcin and Ci/!d»bnro'/g li . It ira< e.oi)»i')predprobabls that t!-.e Cn'ifedo-ate* wo'j'. 'l c?>t lii n|/.issai>o of i!if P d>-e rivj r , but mulling cnnct'iiinntho «lisp'"«iil nf f iP'i . jDiinstc 's trnop^ is said by theConfederate jnurnnls , many of which profess to haveinformation "!.-t Jobnston 'ii plaun will secure the..• teal of hin Hdxrtacv. Johnston i.i stippoied tohsvo rilt.- i ckfl Sliermau in front , but is said to bavsbeen delealed. The Hdility of the battle it not;.iven ; it i3 reported to be in the north of SouthCarolina.

Hefu-rei 's fmm Nenbern report that Sheniian oc-cup ied F.iyetttville last week , and was within 4Umiles of f tn l e i g b. Scouts reported tbitl Sherman in-tcrcepti'd and crushed Cl'.eatharr's corp« , which wasmoving frnui Alabama to reinfurce Hirdee. llardeewan not up in t:::ie nml rli l nut give battle?. Grantii* reported to be awuili njj fine wealbcr for anotherattack nu the South si'l e railroad. Lee is strong lyfnrlify iiifj hi.i line on th" Konnoke river lo securethe possible rctrP ut of Jolinntou.

A FediT'il nnvai oxpfrlition captured Fort Whiteand 15 guns below Georgetown , South Carolina.The marines a:id sailo.'S afterwards landed and oc-cii|iicd Geor getown. The Confederate cavalryci.urged thrm in the streets , but were r»pu!-n'd.Admiral UahlBren 's flag-shi p, (lie Hartett Moon ,WHS sunk on her way down by a torpedo ; nil baudswere sjved . Alter the cntittin.' of GeorgetownCommander Creighten proceeded tip the Blackriver , nnd prcpaml to ouen communications , byarmy signal;, ..ilh Sherman , who was reported to bttwe lve mik'S distant.

Th" negroes »e largel y enli sting at Charleston.Tiiu lmiei s.iys 'hut thoSuruii'iii!] ^Jirriion i.aj Lenireduced to the smallest number compatible with thesafety of the town , and attributei this to the plant-ers not respc.i 'ing to Sherman 's invitation to bringin produce.

Great indignation lias been aroused at Kic)::i:uudby the execution of Captain BeaU , the Canadianraider , at New York. Threats have been made toLynch some paroled Federal ofKccrs. The Vir-ginia Senate lias adopted resolutions recommendingretaliation for Bcalta 's execution. Richmond pa-pers to the 9th inst. rcpo;c the news Irom the Caro-linas highl y encourag ing, though still suppressed.They intimate that Sherman is retreating.

The bill fur aru.inj; the slave.1*, slightly amended ,has passed the Confederate Sennit; by a majority ofone. A joint resolution has been reported to theConfederate House of Representative *, and referredlo the military committee, approving Lee 'a appoint-ment us communder-in-chit'f , and recommendingthat he be clothed with power to I rent for peace.

A man has been arrested in Philadel phia , chargedwith planning Lincoln 's assassination ou the inaug-uration day. lie is believed to have been eitherinsane or intoxicated.

The recent victories were celebrated on Mondayat Ne>r York with great enthusiasm. A militaryparade , 11 procession oi the trades , and a disp lay offireworks in the evening took place. An enormousconcourse of citizens assembled in Union-square ,w' ere addresses were delivered. General Dix saidthat European syii.pathv was given to the. South iuorder to wnik.n Ainericun power oy a disruption ofthp Union.

San Fruiicinco ."•• ':•!?« ftate 'hat riO ,COC" ;s. f>|ri»iH'lve been •bi pp<"J friii- Hoi. " K'>ng, hull for NewYi.rk U .-.TI V'lf fir San fra:u,»co.

Ntw Y ORK , M A R C H 11. —Refugees from Neu-bt-m report i!.>it Sherir.un occupied Fayettcville,,i»t uc-k, mid w.11 vithin forty miles of Raleigh.The Confederates were deserting by companies ai.Jgoinj; home. The people were not heeding theoovernor 'e call , ai.d in many casts were welcomingShc-ninn. A panic prevailed among the negroessince the announcement that they were to be con-scri pted into the Confederate army. The conserva-tive slaveowners were arming their slaves. Theresult of the conscri ption was th- t numbers of sltveswere flocking to Sherman 's nrmy, with the assist-ance of their masters, promising to return lo workfor wages as soon as safe.

The Itichmoml Enquirer says that a plan existedto fnrcc r.-csidint bsvis tu rrsfjn in favour ofIl t i i i lcr . It !io|!<;» Hie plan bus miscarried. "Lee,"il says , " «ith the consent of the army and people,will grasp tlic sceptre , if vcrenched from D.IVI S .T!:e Congress Is a fuikre, and the power should beentrusted to Davis and Lee alone."

The ii 'ashington llcpublican of yesterday s..ys :" Gtnerril Thomas has telegrap hed to the govern-ment scouts had arrived with information ctSherman having intercepted tmd crushed Chcat-hani 's corpf , which was moving from Alabama toreinforce Hardtc. "

C0HMEKCM1.. —Rumours from Washington of avictory by Sherman bos caused gold to decline to-•Jny t" 18GJ. It b»« «¦»« rnllied lo 189J. TheJ/rralu (Wu>hiii)!ton dcspuich) ta^ t it is cxi -teiedby the new Secretary of the Treasury that from thelarge proceeds of larg e amounts of Southern productscaptured , a ' i< d will soon be accumulated that willenable the government (o resume specie payment(ooner than expected. Mr. M'Clellan , ihe Secretaryof the Treasury, hii9 announced ibat he will mak« an•(Tort to resume early specie payments. Siocki•li ghtly firmer. Cotton very dull ; middling uplands ,73c. Flour, wheat , and corn dull. Provision! slightlyfirmer. Sugar quiet. Mola~scs dull. Petroleumheavy ; crude ,' -10c, refined G.Sc.

CANADA.Not'.inithslandiiig ihe defeat of (be Confederation

cur.didnt es in N'eu Drunswick , llie Canadian Parlia-ment adopted the scheme for the Confederation ofall the provinces. Parliament was to adjourn im-niediAtel y, and members of the Government wouldthen proceed to England to confer with the HomeGovernment regarding the question of defence, andother pressing matters, The result of tho million will

be submitted lo Parliament in an extra summer¦etsion. .

MF-XICO.N EW YORI;, M ARCH II. —Advices from "Mexico

state that General Mejin, in accordance with instruc-tions from the Emperor Maximilian, ordered theAmerican consul at MaUmorns to close the conju-lute nn the 9th March , and sent him pnssporls onthe 10th. It ia reported that the non-recognition ofthe empire was the cause of the proceeding. Mr.Scarlett , the English minister , on presenting hiscredentials to tbe Emperor, handed to the Empress«ti aulogrep h letter f rom Queen Victoria, expressingher Majesty 's unchangeable consideration andaffection.


It i« scarcel y to be wondered at. that after a fouryears' struggle, against what wa« daily becomingfar greater odds, notwithstanding vast external aid,the Southern ipeop le, or those left of them, shouldnow evince a spirit of despondency which causeithem «o seek only tor peraona) atf ely, oil else butlife and , we will add , honor being lost. The unin-terrupted marches of SHERMAN 'S army to tbe mostimportant , and happily, almost bloodless victories ,show that the people of the South , like the Irishrace from their fatherland , are " gone with a ven-geance ," and. those that remain are heartil y wearyof a strife which bitter experience has taught th-mthat the heat of their Southern blood ought neverhave led them into , for it should be rememberedthat tbe object, separation , for whirjfc they preci pi-tatel y rushed into a bloody war was far more f i'iul ytu lmre been attained by peaceful iifcociatinn tbnnby the di'idl y strife which I M I swept from th it pros-perous region hundreds of thousands of brave anJgenerous live*, and l.iid waste the homes of a happypeop le and (he fair free of a genial .toil. Evenwhen South Carolina led the way in secession , nndtbe news of the first gun being fired on FortSumter had boen received at the North , there wasa spirit there to " cut the painter " and " let tbeSouth go" amount the most hot-headed of aboli-tionists; but her continued assaults ou Nartbernauthority provoked at length a spirit which couldfind »ent onl y in the unsheathing of the sword..Mr. SEW ^

RO said at New York , » few days afterthe secession of South Carolina , that the Unionist!had only to be " calm and kind ;" for " what wasthe good of a fraternity that was compelled ?" Mr.LINCOLN , in bis inaugural address four years ago.said to the South , "The Government will not assail11 you ; you can have no conflict without being your-" selves the aggressors." The Areio York Tribune,lli e organ of the Republican party , advised that theSouthern States should be allowed to " go in peace;"an J W ENDELL PHILLIPS , the mosl insane of abolitionorators , declared at the same time at Boston , onhearing the news from Charleston, " A large body" of people, sufficient to make a nation , have come" to the conclusion that they will havn a govern-"tr.cnt of a. certain form. Who denies them the" the right? . . . . I maintain that, on the prin-" ciples of 1770, A BIMIMM LINCOLN bos no right to"a soldier in Fort Sumter." It was with sucha feeling as this animating the North , that the hot-brained inhabitants of the chief city of SouthCarolina fli\v to arms, and after a bombardment ofFort Sumter , .Major (now General) A NDEIISON wasobliged to lower thr flic on the 17th A pii',lHt i l . It wa:> tiiui Sou'" Carolina secedei '.. and theSmiili rush'-ti .nto a fratricidal war , the extent nfwhich they urver ontici pa:-d , and the horrors ofwhich they would now , no doubt , Avoid, could it bepossible their slain were restored to them. *'ieir pro-petty brought bnck to them as it was , and formerprosperity again Itjrlit up their once happy homrsBut the truth of Scri pture is verified in their cn«e ,as we read that they who draw the sworrl SIIH II perit'hby the sirord ; and Charleston , which exulted overthe defea t of a handful of iron in Fort Sumtrr—Charleston , the. "Queen Cily of the South , " thepride of Southern chivalry, and of far more impor-tance than Richmond itself , has fallen an easy preyto the bati'd fop—a charred mass, to be sore, butnevertheless , a vita! artery in the existence of rcbel-dom. The Confederates, under the Icndi-rsliin ofH A R D r-c. cnndueted the evacuation with consid-T ibled"lil»Tation. They carried off with ih^n every-thing maveable , nd then carefully set about de<-truving sll things else the possession of which theythoug ht would afford any gratification to the enc.ny.The guns were most of them catefully spiked ; tbeironclads were blown up; severa l vessels on th»ttocks were destroyed ; a quantity of cotton , esti-mated at from two to six thousand bales, was burn-id ; and an arsenal , containing two or three hun-dred kegs of powder , was exploded a: the expenseof one or two hundred lives of the v-Itizen a. Thepoorer population remained behind , we are told , butnn index of tbe despondency of tbe Southerners isafforded by the fuct that many of the impressed sol-diery, feeling that the thne had come for ,1 deliver-ance from the hardshi ps which they were enduringtook refuge in the huuses at the end of the townwhich tbe fire from the Federal fleet had long agocaused to be abandoned , and bailed " the foe " with(xclamations of joy for deliverance.

Following close upon the surrender of Charleston ,with its historical associations , came the capture ofWilmington , for which the previous reduction of itsprincipal Fort , Fisher , had prepared us. Wilming-ton always afforded a »afely to blockade runnen,and has proved to many an English speculator asource of large income, ai it is now has, and will , bedisastrous to the fortunes of many who had em-barked in the hazardous enterprise. When theplace itself surrendered to the combined attack ofthe Federal navy and military forces, with theinsignificant loss of only three killed and firewounded , Admiral PORTER found in Fort AndersonArmstrong guns, with the broad arro w, the sxclu-five property of tbe British Government , and whichfact be has not been slow to adduce as an evidenceof Knglish sympathy for a rebellion , wjgred with theDl.'«ri. uf iV *'* . MOM rfprrpntinc (he DOwer of nolj-ei. of (3! '• ' .,,, nml decreasing the power of «great country. The Forti of Wilsnington, as indeedoil the Forts Ihe Southern s Held, wrrt well situatedfor df fence, but it in an another proof of the decayingspirit of their defender*, » f«» of whom would I:sufficient for the work , to see with what an alacitythey retreated on the sound of the approaching cap-tors. Gen. H OKE, the commander of the garrison ,imitating the example of H ARDEE at Savannah andCharleston, escaped from Fort Anderson before theUnion lines haa surrounded him, but uttempting 0stand at Wilmington , waa soon put to flight withthe loss of 300 prisoners and one run. .

The turning point in this unhappy strugg le isentirely due to the t>p lcndid soldierly qualities nfGen. Siiti t MAN , as evinced in bis admirable strale-getic movements. For years , and at the Hss ofmany lives , tvillt a tremendous cost for wastematerial , the Forts of Ch i.lesion nuil' othcr placeshdi) been f ruilles f 'iy bombarded , wdiJjt ihe blockadeof Wilmington , employ ing twenty or more of thabest Federal ships, wad admitted to be a failure, andsupplies from abroad, even though purchased atfabulous pr'ues, were nevertheless of incalculablevalue lo the besieged. A few men, behind well-devised and well-built forts, can hold at bay an im-mensely superior attacking force; and such was thecase at the Southern porti. Prepared for attackfrom the sea, the secessionist kept just sufficient¦nen wi'.hin their forls to man their guns, whilst allrie army t,'iey cnutd muster was concentrated forthe defence of Richmond from the Fedeial landforces, and t.'.air wefthness i»ns never really believedin until tbe bold ixpedition of SHERV \N, SO little con-templated , and pronounced 10 be insane, went forthto tap the couulry, and, finding the assailable point ,attacked and captured bis enemy 's citadels throughthe back door before it was well known what he wasabout. His triumphant march from Chattanoogathroug h the heart of Georgia, along up throughSouth Carolina, taking Savannah , Columbia, Char-leston in his way, either by the direct , resistlessadvance of his forces, or as the result of his un-equalled strategy, will stand in history alone-

side tbe most splendid military uc!iijvi::ae:i;i ihuthave been recorded since Ihe world bewan , nndtre now admitted by even those British critics, who ,with little experience but tlut gleaned from ihepage* of history, and with t!:e characteristic audacitywhich depreciate* all things else other than Eng lish ,wrote him down us the wild dupe of folly and in-experience. He went , however , like an avalanche ,and conquered, and his victories bate been none theless great that they bavc been almost bloodless.The influence of hit ncJiic rfinenta spread diimnrthrough the South, and whilst the despondency ofwearineu is at every step visible, in the North it hasbeen equally exhilirating—so that thousands of men ,suddenly imbued with military ardor, and othersbelieving in the approaching termination of the war ,rush to the recruiting offices in New York for Ibrbounty,wbereby the demand has been of that mngn t-tude which exhausted the greenbacks of the Govern-ment ngenU.

Tbe next movo on the cli-.-ss-board will be one oftbe most important since the strugg le commenced ,and may be the decisive one. S.IERNU ;; |1M „„.-»!„gone forth, no one kno« whit her ; l.i, enemies

" as-

sirt he u " stuck in the mud ," but it ii certain bewill , as he haj done b-fore, co.ns out in an awkwardpi ice. LEE is reported to be massing his troops ,wi rli a view to abandoning Richmond, the famouscapital of the Confederacy, and retiring farther Westto Lynchbur--, at the rere of which there aremountainous districts where , it is r.i\<\, if driven tothe. last resort , he might carry on a guerille warf.trefor twent y years to com'.- . But for what ohjesttSuppose , however , that SH E I I M A S has gone before himto Lyuchb'.irg, with his vimoriom ar ny, and thatLEC hnd made up hi) mind to s t i t t from Richmond ,n r i »ery warm , he would find himself between th*overwhelming forces of G R A N T in his rcre andS I E R M A N in his front—so tlmt capture or surrenderw mid alone be open to him then. Stranger th'njjshave happened in the changes and manoeuvres ofwar , and a little ti ne will decide the point .


A majority of this R'Mrd have long jincc earnedlot this b'rlv the unenruble rrpuuti.m of forfeitedpublic confidence The presi and the people out ofdoors hive emp haticall y expressed their unmeasureddissatisfaction with most of their actions , nnd yetthey proceed in their career in utter defiance of thelarge majority of the citizens. Indeed , one of themajority, .it a lute meeting, when detected in defeat-ing, by underiiam! work , an express wish of thsBoard to have an official called befors thorn whosoappointment was then under discussion , declared" I did it!" and rather g loried in an act which wouldput most other men to the blush. The costl y job nfdredging the Ford seemed from the first to presenta fruitful source of contention , and as the pre-liminaries progress—for after several months wehave only got to the " preliminaries" yet—the cloudthickens ; aud on eacb question which arises, reasonand discussion are useleis , as the division can bsforetold from tbe opening. In this deplorable slat*,of affairi", the remedy lies alone outside the Board ,and if the minority be determined in accomplishingtheir good purposes , public opinion should bearoused , and Parliament should be appealed to toabate the evil. The Hj i b c v . r A *t , which consti-tutes lii<it irresponsible bod y, should be repealed ,and one would send iu representative msn ,amenable to public contro l , would not b: refused bjra Liberal Government. The present Board is com-posed of seven representatives from the TownCouncil , twelve members from the Chamber ofCommerce-, and five from the town of Clonmel.The minority from the Town Council the will of the public , who may canvastheir acts at least once a year ; twelve from IheChamber of Commerce ii a number which such anirresponsible body should nol be allowed to elect ;whilst the five from Clonmel , self-elected wheneverthey please , form such au clement as no othsrboard in the King dom is blessed with. If the upperwaters of the Suir are to hnve n voice in lli e expen-diture of mono) raised from shi pping, one of whichnever goeK within their vicx , whj; was C.irrick-on-Suir oasxed over? If Clnnmel Im.a claim fo ,represeniaiion in th» Waterford Harbour Bo.'irdTi ppcrary b-"s a better , for the export trade of thslatter in bu'ter is said to be the largest in Ireland , a:idif that commerce goei in tbe ri ght channel , Water-ford is its natural outlet , and we must be largelybenefiting by that trade. In ordinary evenK , adecision on the Harbour Hoard is decided , ore wayor other , by a majority of one or two , but whennotice ui" «ri ii::pj :c.:: 1. q_.s:it:i is L/ .VCII, ''"•(: Clon-tnel contingent are summoned to the rescue, and bytheir unanimity on one side , the minority an liter-all y swamped. Such a stale of things should notbe allowed in any public body having the disposalof a large fund, and the remedy, we say , lies alon:in Parliamentary interference.

In the discussion on Monday last , we think tinChairman (Mr. K ENT ) was hardl y juit , though, wearc sure , not intentionall y iu error, in tits referenceto the disposal of the contract. When tender! "ersinvited for the deepening of th« Ford, thatof the Messrs. Ryan w&s found to be tbelowest in the gross sum, according to thoadvertisement , but the majority of the Board,who now wish to ignore Mr. COODL 'S pro-visions , insisted on sending the tenders to thatgentleman for his decision , and by some revisedmethod of bis own , he made out that by tbe pricesfor quantities—which in the first instance were onlyto bo applied to deductions b/ the I) jard—Messrs.M OORE 'S tender was £300 under that nf Mr.RYAN ; Mr. M ITCHEL 'I next, and that of tbeMessrs. Rr*K next. A portion of the Board believedand the general public coincided with them, tlmt asthe local firm , the M essrs. RYAN , were the lowest in(he gross sain , the contract shouM be ofTe.-J tothem,nt Mr. COODE 'S amended scale , in preferenceto Mr. MOORE , but the nmjority decided otherwise.A very general impression , however , prevailed atthe time, thai a section of the Board desired to bareno eontr.-.ctor at all , but to let the wort remain inthe hands of the Board itself , and indeed there artsigns that thii last link in " the job" may yet btcompleted , for the actioni of the Commissionersseem to have bewildered the contractor, and madihim powerless lo move. Tbe dredge-boat, whichwas built with a special view to this, work , we weretold , and was off-red as a boon to the contractor, islay ing up in a hopeless state , from which there is arumor of £1,600 being necessary to remove her, andsix months wanted to complete this new job. Thecontractor , however , seems determined to extrica.lihimself, it possible, from the Inb yrinth , and a part ofthe desig'- may thus be frustrated .

FIBE INSURANCE DUTIES.Tho Government snstainud a defeat on Tuesday

evening, iu tl.c llouae of Commons, when Mr. SlltatDismoved to equalise tbe rites of insurance on furnitureand stock-in-trade. In the laat session, it will btremembered, the insurance duty on stock-in-trade wasreduced to Is .CJ.per cent., whilst the doty on householdfurniture, for instance, remained at 8s., which ' waimanifestly an injustice. Mr. SHBK U>AV moved thatin future there should be a nniform rate of Is. 6d. on allineurable property ; tho Chancellor of the Exchequermoved " tho previous question," and on a divisionMr. SIHBIUAN 'S motion waa carried by a vote of 137 io65—majority, 72. After so emphatio an e*prosiioD,the Chancellor must introduce the redaction into hiscoming budget. ;

KMLWAT TRAVELLING ON SUNDITS —On Wednesday,Sir Colman O'Loghlon'e bill in favor of publiowii.«nicnce, by Sunday ¦ travelling, waa reje«t«d:.1w¦'•small majority of three, the Scotch members opposingit, fearing a. like measure wonld be passed for Sco*iid,whersby healthful recreation would be prerentediaisdtho pious observance of getting drunk in GuuwoVoB' ':the Sabbath would be considej ly'dimiiaah , ffnV ¦: 'measure ha* gained such way sinoe last sesiiwL«ll«t •' '¦ '.we trnrt Sir Colman will .ail V ^ M^Tax CosiTABijrjjtT.—Conitaili tHis abUijam^^transfsmd from tbs Old Brilni :Qaati&:t}I&Z tm?&'iH.ii city, in room of n ^ff^'.'l ffi MjfflM^tg

Page 3: WATKUroiJ l) NEWS ¦ - • ¦ • •;•¦//¦ .-/ erf rii rnduij hrenimj at -i'.)

KI JKCTION RUMOUR?.H"*TKKt ".'i:n.—Tho rel-rement of tho Hr>:i. W. C.

Talhot will , it i« reported , l>rini» Sir Richard Mn^iruve,Barl ., iuto the ficKl. Sir Ificliard's father was an oldaud patriotic Liberal when Liberalism in Ireland wasin it* infancy. In the city, there is sure to-be a changeat the forthcoming election in .Inly.

Yo iv iHAi.. — The <*ork lixumliier announces " thatMr. Joseph NValo M'Keuua will oll'er himself as a can.iliduio tor Tou^hal at the mat election. 5Ir. M'Kennaif well known in the borough, boing a proprietor nearthe toivn , wlsero his family reside a portion of everyyear, l-'rom what we an' informed, we find that the•npp>>rl promised to Mr. M'Kenna is extensive and , ami tlipro is no doubt that he would laaken cre.litalde ami highly useful representative. He hasjeeured the professional services of Mr. John George.MacCarthv , of this ci'y, a» hi^ conducting n^cnl. Henil! ais:> receive the support of the most eminent andrespected local solicitor:1."

TiiTKit uiT — It 19 announced that Sir Jolm CravenCarden , Hart., Teiiiplemorii Abbey, ha? fiffnilied hi;intention of contesting this county at the next election.Capt. Otway, U.S., will also be in the field.

i lr Nr . t KVA y .—A lmdy, calling itself " tlie Conser-vative Association ," i.i said to have adopted ViscountHasting a.« its candidate for this borough.

l'dKT i i.'i i .vc.T.iN. — It U afjaiii announced that theRi^lit II»u. Anthony Lawson, Attorney-Ciencral forIreland , will contest the boroug h of Portarliugton atthe next general election.

Til l: WKATHKK—UALK—SHIP NEWS.On Saturday, Sunday, end Monday , particularly

^uudaj, a very Meterc i<ale of wind was experiencedthroughout tin- most part of the United Kingdom, bjw::ich much obstruction has heen wrought to life andproperty on HO .I . The wind blow particularl y from tinK.r»t an.l N .K. and the temperature has been very liir,fr.>-t ea.-h night destroy ing everything that had shownliisns of budding, and the t?rass-lnnds are particularly{lurched an.l Imre , with i.-o prospect of revival whilalthe 'dting N V.. wind continue.*. From the WerfordIndepend ent we lean; thai since Sunday morning a

l::rf;e liri g ha« been at anchor in a .l.ngerous positioninside the l'.i:>h II U IIK , but a. ti.e iviuthcr moderut. tfhe i> i.« expected to get out. On Monday, a schoonerb.v.irm- dangerously involved intiile the UluckwaterKant;, ami carn e to anchor oft' JJally nesker, but one oflier anchor cables parting, ?ho was obliged to run forWe-il'ord , where she grounded, not having utrnck onthe channel . Ai 'ler snnie time tho cre w , coinusling offiti> men. and two women, one of tlu-m the captain 'swif. ., tr..,!; • .. th- Wt , which was ;,li,...=t imm.-diatol yup; •:, ami lnelaiiehnl y to say all , excepting one seamanwho liack to the wreck , |ierislu-i. The. schoonerproves to be the IVus t i; of (loole , Captain LongsU-r,bound from Dunkirk to Harm , with a cargo of flour.The lole survivor was taken ull' ou Momlav evening livBitenui-tl lL'.

AnKi.ow , MoMitT. —About noon to day a scVooner ,li'l.'ii with «<*. froii" Liverpool to Cork , wont agrounda little t« the north of.lrkloiv riv.'r , a hurricane blow-ing ut the time from the eastward , and :i tremendoussea runniui; on the har. The lifeboat of the HoyalNational'elioat Institution was launched, but ongoing over the bar she was driven with such voilenccon ill'1 no-. l i i pier that her port flide and al'ter-airf. wereci.n:;>l' '*> ly -*.-v.» in , :MI .I -he «> totall y di:-aMcil. Tin'crew I'^c^i-i ' .i irii) : d:uicn.:y, arid rue wa- severely in-juteJ. The iTrw, live in number , were Mihsenueutly savedby M.i!il>y V life apparatus , throw n u?cr her by ibe- coast-giia;.!:..

COLKSIXG.The sixth meeting of tho 8ea«on of the Walerford

«ud Kilkenny Coursing Club took plnce on yesterdayit Koulk'i Mill , Kosegarlaud, county Wexford, theproperty of Francis Leigh, Ksq., one of the most esti-mable of our landed proprietors, who wan himiclf onthe crouml—one of the finest places iu Ireland for thetime honorrc" and health y cport of coursing—and byhi-: presence , encouragement , and the admirable orderhe caused to be kept , a-'lOedimmensel y to the plea9ureaof the day. The weather was superb for the day'awork , ami the attendance most numerous of thomember* of thi*. very successfu l club. Hare? , it is•oarcelv n *sarv to add, when the character of Hosc-(•uriand for the " varmin" in remembered, wereabundant , but tho March weather did not seem to have¦el them Ti-ry mad, contrary to the genera l idea, eothev died easy , and therefore the trials were not a«satisfactory as could he wished, l'eirse Harron , K KJ .,acted a» judge, and in the oneroiu jiost of nli pper,wliicli sevcro duty was un>lcrt.ikcn by •)¦ K. Curtis ,EFII ., than whom none would bo better, the utmostMti.'facfion wan given in all. On thia occasion, the¦iptft wat to contest for " the Rosegarland Stakes," forillicit there were n-' less thau eighteen entries, andwere run off as follows :—Mr. Hrwtta. 'ii 'H Ik . (1. l'mto beat Mr. P. 1). Walsh's r. h.

SpeCil.M r. J. OX. I'. w i r't w. i. Cilij rJ beat -Mr. J. A. O'Kecfc'>

r. h. Oy-tpr <!irl.Mr. t'ommiii!.' 1 !>. il. Stn>sru.i heat Mr. Junes' r. il. Spring.II: . rmniiiitiV f. <1. Oj iti-i b'-.-.l Mr. M'Doiiiirirn f. d. Curio

Mil .Mi . ( ''K e. fi- 's bk. h. O:bi- l«at Mr. HHn.tsnu 's M. li. Kan.Mr. r""i:«il) '» '¦ J- I'"l l-i- .it Mr. L'liero °s r. fi. Liml.1.Mr l l« k ir "5 r. d. Wli! |> l'«i! Mr. 1'imvrV r. b. Minrmiac.M'

'.I (rX. 'i'uwi-r i v. I> . K!.i.» Mr. U.lluii .- r. b. My

MinnieMr. ll-iivl* .n 's l i . il. K :i iit - . li- :i: Mr. 1'iiwer 's 1.1. b. Kate.

SrcoMi Tti>. — iJ illjul U. .! r'u:o : >!UVI -JII Wat (h-liit ;lhiil Oy>:rr ; Flua- l.i .n W I .IJ , ; .ni l lt iniu- r.ui a by.

O*no W \\x U'.euoi i'f Iliv hi i i l i , ¦I 'liti: .-i c-iinjt in {a<t ,tl.. wali-li wii- liM.u^bt I'i an nnl , it li.- .iu tieciiled tbnl tin-¦take; *\MI M b-: diviJci ! Utwu-n the wii.iur» »f tlic itcuu 1ties.


IJC I I I I .N . T Y KSU A Y .—Th« ileinoii»ir.i ti 'iii in Dublin onvwt,r .|.,y—fust m tli« City Hall , wi'l m-n in tlif C ;-tl»—ii-s« » ! i:il i-u.-i-v-i , ri-tl^liii .' v.-iy a. -.:A rr.-Jit miS.r J oll-l l i .*v a..-l t i l- 1 dl-lunuWi'' ! • -••ri» ..r.t - intl »-ll-ipiT.mi.K'l li . V» r.iii-M-l !:>•: ••• ¦ri I. .. H .'- II - II . i.ny ii.iioth'-u^I.t of il.c iii«v "iiii - iit U-tur.-, lie r'jiil l si-jirviy have bttupvn.ui < i) iu furl -.> l.ii (ti: aii'l uii a*M !nn<,»il pKr:»of the ciiuntry, i" wliicli appmirnl lu-Uirv himo-i t'r.s OCM-U.1I . At oil" o"cli«k tlf ilfput.itK ius rntcii 'il tbcl're«ii.o- riiaiii!«r, a^leii'li'l n|i.irtiu-iil , wlu-'e they touiulthe Vicfiuv , us als'i !:is sccretaiy, ainl .several olbi-r "fStt-r? ,waitim: toVwa-ivi 'tlk-in. l l i» Kii-ellcucy was altiri d in hUc(lici:il costuwr, uearinv n m.-m.ificeiilly bri'lant st^r en bidb-lt l>re:i« . A- •si.- li'i;.!'->< •'* a >ta ;ue lie fl<««l l i te niwlclime. II- is a fin-. |i"it |> l"i-- .kini fan. in the lur'ii.-th yi-ari,l hi- uf.-'. very l:» », i" ••>« a"1' a|i;n.-ai:uici- 1 simul.l say, tbriii «.— vi.t Lied C.ii> 'v . K !.>- II tliat po| Kulilenian was «l:ttl- vi vi.i '- T th-«4 !•'• i* a: p:rii-nt. All tin- nuyuni amilii-'i i': i. f tl.i ' irt.-inhrr- f.f tiie ir.imie:paHi- .(liis, wuietheir '.fiiri:.! n-b. s. Tl.- l.'.i'l May.r -f D-i '-lin , B very fi-u

P > r t iv '.. «' ki:i/ in- :i , a^nl atnvu t fi'ly, opt-neil t!:t- proreevliuj*iy r.iliia ^ u:) r* r .b-i:ii tiuiy, wi, - . , as a viticd auti ready¦i[ i\'ik -r. h-is. i*l ni\ i.j niii m, I-.M rival ill In-lauJ , and niil ywjn-iilrl i:i Kn.ii.iii'! hy I'^J.'1'I' , tilI 'i.i lmi", ISr«bt , or uno nriwi i i . th i rs . I t i- 'itii y whvii S-r Julj ii is rr1 i->s« il , -.r m.-ets(¦;., j-::i ¦!:, tl :a '. 1- ¦ i- i '> h'** tn:e rV- i i-n» . Kveiy iuii» , thrre-f.T'.. •«.-«.« 1.. fi- .-i il i« a tnst lo<- to out country thatfueh a ti 'j p. -liu iiM !;¦¦ mi! ot" I'.iiliaau-nt. 'Hie Miyni >. ot

C"r!.. <•'• ].Mi:i-: iek , L'lniiiin-I, Kilkenny, Wulvrfoid , Weit irJ ,as als'i t it '- chairmi.-'i of th" T'nvn Commissioners . i iHuiliiiKtint i.f Knni-i- 'irtby, .i!i -|...kc well , Inii fly, and thf i i lo ic totla- |r-ti. ' . t 'i-. -.iu.e! a ial U'ati rLrd h. d th*1 most miiV.f-riius

i-|.i:!a!:' n« . Tin- deputatiuii f 'on Waterfinl coini-tt-il ufCa|ituin J<i '.iii- i)i i. .1.1'., AliliTui.r.1 LV.x, AMcrmun K'-iJ , I>r .l%<*iu M«cki-«y, .?.!'., N T. Cruiili , J .I '., I'. .1. D . v l i -y, un-!C Uwimon-l. 1 m-iT-au- Caj.t. Ji>lin>u:i loul'iti^ hir!tvi- , or»;.i-»ls«i:r si w«ll. In )ii> nMrii-1 vi' i . , In- ;-ppi'.ire- l tv . iy:i.rli .i mayor. ll< - it 1 iu;-.n* y nr-;.ii-iii- the \,',x\I.; ..L:t :.i:i,t , \.uUi-.-.2 in b:< ri.-l.i I.ami the :iJiin-»<. ol hi* nwnJ.t-iy, vrtid ', i.i, coiirls- liic l i - liiie f \ml ruip !i.ilic speix-l'.lie li- iiii .ed to l i- Kio.-llency. Thf- ccntleinai:ly t.l:'¦.• I' i.ian. cvvlnitly s,tiracttil tin " r .ttt - t i t i< j ii i.f the Viceroy,:¦- wel. :.- i:i.Uiy M'.-.trs in ntti<ii - l.:i i ci> . i '.ie mam-., r .UiJ t.'i-e.," i.:- h\v. Ili -u-y - t rukit ^ n-i!ei.:ly > that hi> wa*«.:h ll i- ii.dviioi - i.t , and a/.i:,, .t (i,(/i.i;|«, |.i,i.i r uml u-e!e-J ¦

,,v\,~. I nxsr «.liuit tU»i ib; con '.-.ct at Mr. Hir i.ui' .:. , ¦V r.! M.iy i.r , ' 'hiy, gax c very griii-al •;iti-l.ieliui ; > and ,i, » wuuti'l \- \< t'.e «'i"lc |irott2i]°ini(« l.y invitin g il.c lit-putirsto •''i'.C W ' "'" '"'"' K '- 1'11 '"'- l'l :l"C<: Of W UIM »• uM to.lit tO .tiiwn !b- is a wealt hy merchant , _ud » umnWr nf theS .cii-tv "' Friend- . He it a vcr) iu»r rtlatiieof the Me«»i « . !"v >'f " . «o". <• ' >'- :" «¦""«»«> " !"<"> city. ]¦ • " '

H A N <|CKT AI fill: JOII S (l im'r\t riirht o'lij ik. Oil fame creuiup, Sir Jjl,n and l.iJ r

i - ' ir«v »r -i n-!t.n«SiJ am! sv:i!iitu. ,u» liaiiqu^t to tl>«in<:inl ii.-ia'• tl ,,: .Vrrnt ci<i po:.>:iiins, ami utlier k'"-.-itF , at Cluileville '

li If t!,ii. ;ni- :¦ I-"--1 at"' bftulilul residence, rn-rnll> ;

. iTl'v "

T J"'' » ' = "•>¦ 1"":"!l- AI")Ut "nl> l'""'.ie '1 •*'- 1

ill W I I 'to Jii'ixr i« '¦"• -'I 1"--"'"'' .:i»iii -- -I"Ortl , whicli KUJ ,

• *

,- Iv d .'.:.i'i-.l •¦••"I «>il«- ":!y Us''"-"1 »"]' *«• .' ]

"' ¦ i i • . - V ' i 1 -!* "' •'•'¦' "partinent u iiiitifinfi-Hit testi-¦"'''" t v

' i U ( l !'r«i li't ., ilt df the cit 'm-iin In Sii .lobn

"TV '¦ !' his ntlMOlilinaiy «xer t,o i .~ on Hie Dublin wateri '

Tie '•1 |i..i-i- iiien!= of the bai.( |f..t were, m rven

" , • • i.. ' -.-..(liiah'e In th" taste m.-l jml K inint of I..ulj

i- r'i Tl,- el.»;r was ., hy the l..»-|.it..l.l- ll..*t l.l.n-

li i I ' II t in-- (in !.i* ruht sit the M iynr M l.u»-

;!\:ui ^,j »»» i;- ; f i!; i:}'Vv i . ¦> ( in l i i * K-'!, i ••' Mayr «l C.- .L , tne ¦••} »• v

te,.r' l '1... .1.V «»yor <\ Wj f« M^. ''^• i— .l.-i. l i nhi.lie l."i.iviisity ; the- M:i>«r f.l W exlo.,1 , Ac.

Vl.'r i III JS' delig htfu l eteuinif V pr.teitain.nent the wlu-le|..i.v sipat.t^il shortl y al-.rr t w i i v e i/dxl.' I 'l A 1.1 AN OITICA S.

I Hi ¦:.-¦¦ iM- :.i.'? «''- ".^.^fici.t q..ra of i'...i« .¦•«

fi ir::''':,t 'tn'' The U; • ami I.oi.I Li«, nl --

•'-i.-ii '

' '- 'ii 1 . n l i ' i r ent'Tinx tlic M e h-u , t iny met > '• ¦»<

ili, - ,-o.U" three Leafy <-h«is imnwJiately tollnwcl -ij ;",«,!V HiorHur Sir Juhn C...V. 'Ji. e 4 ,.»'t of Mr. Warn*. .

il* in.!v»iiii-ri.r«i:.i uiai ajii , m I'lisatfiuir -« dsstiii KBi sh ""

» T O I I'"

I V i- i l — t he n::mnei- in wbicli the " are put

<.u IW nw, it', --rve the l.«ii'*t I-"-'1''" I'"'*'-

Il lK 5F*' «*.riTt« «• ''A'?*- jAt pri -.-n tl. e Mi .Vnst-r pi |...-s I..r nmi., in: the wiilei n. ,

W cton-. a.e hcinu- l . i l .l«wn ... the si ,-ee.t. I Inp.'t jday ia not distant wl. -« me eit ;z ii. of 'A t.- .or.l will I.. .

'"SWta <n H similar wort. whev,< ii is even mure mi»r,4 ;ll»*u iu the nu-trt-p'.Ii*.

— - — >.Tnz 3'57! i:r(.iME>T. —This fine rcfjimcnl , which was t ,

hive Wt"

thii w«k . their o-.Jeis cuui.tcr.unMdcd til . .

Moada- ax: , when they «ill! to the l-'urniR li , where ,

a Dsmiwr of troops .ue :o be ma^e.l , |..r the firpn^e of pi't--

piring for a gnna review during the v.y it of his UMJ-.I I ;

Higbne.5 the Prince of Wate ii: M»y nost , mi the occa-n-m !

of bin eoiuine ovtr to opeu the rjuhli!i Kxhiliitio ii. Oa

Tnwday evening the memben of the haml we. e culerUii:e ilat a lea pirty iu thc rruustaiit!. U» tt <il»«-'il.v > • ' ¦-the lait time, the »pl«udid band of tho rtTiment iiU\- il » ;(trend wlectioii of moguificcnt music in the Town Hall , an" ¦»urpa«»ed ull of their Ir.rincr efforn : the audience , too, .icini'the l»rj«t and most fa»hion»bl» whidi has yet assembU iltliere on a tioiibr occuion. Tbe regiment, dnrisz their slaylierr, «u zetnarktblo for the excelleut and orderly conduct«( tb« m*n,*od 1*TM with tht rtgrtt of thf public.

lUKBOUIt l i OAl tD-MosDAT

t 'li Mr. ii i '. iy l.-ss :, - i:-<i;:i:it to requisition , n specialini-i'ling (-r' thi-i hmlv ¦-.::« !iel-l to coiiiii ler a millionof Mr. S!:i!icry '« in reference to the .lection ofMr . A. Stephen.-; ;is ensiurer to the. Foul Channelcontract. There « we present: —

J AMK * K KN T, Ksq., iu tbo chair.AM . I\ Kelly, AM. A. D.nny, J.P., AM. V. Murphy,

Messrs. Wiu. .Malc-oinsmi, Tlniuir.s \V. .I.uou . S. H.-ii-rin ,H. V. Sl.itt.ty, II. N. Xe,i,,,, T. C. Gruhb, 1'. Ii. li.mfi.-ld,.1. Clihlnn-n , .1. Mmiih v, T. C. Sp.-ieer, 1>. Caiow . E. Clib-born, T. It. White , T. It . P-ns«nr, J.P., P. A. Puwer.

AN AfOI. liUT.Mr. Kevins saiil he wished before the mcetinij

went into any business, to make a few remarks uponn innttei- uersonnl to himself. With respect to themessago to (he encinecr , last day, it was his (Mr.Nevins 1) net to tell him thnt he was not required ;therefor?, the blame of it should fall on him , andthi.' engineer should bo exonerated. He was ac-countable for Mr. Step hens not coming to 1 lie hoard ,nnil lie wi«l ied to take the blame of it .ipiin himself.With rcpurd to his own net , lie wished most particu-larl y to apologise personall y to Mr. Kent , the chair-man on the occasion , and to the board for the stepwhich he had taken without due deliberation (hear).

Aid. Keil y—I don 't think wo can expect any-thing more from Mr. Nevino . He acted , no Hnubt ,rather imprudentl y, but he has apologised , and I forone will accept it.

The subject here dropped.THE r.Not M ccii or Ttii: ronn C I I A N X U . W O R K .

Mr. Slnltery viid that he would now , in accor-dance with the requisition cnHing the meeting, movelint Mr. Step hen*':. rc«i |;tialinn he accrplnl.

Mr. Malcomsnn — We. bad bv itcr have Mr. Stc-phens's letter read for the information of the board.

Chairman—Fo r tbe information of the gentlemenwho wen1 not hero last diy, littler let it be rc;id.

Mr. Malcomson —I think we should go on withthe special business fur which tlie ineclii ig was culled—the consideration of Mr. Step hens '* letter andhave it read first.

Mr. Slat lerv—I think yon are quite out of order.I have risen lo ndrlrcss the chair , mid am movingn reirrlution in reference to the. object of this nieetinj ;.

The Chairman re-i:! !l-.e summon* for the meeting,and said be considered Mr. Slcp hcns 'i letter jboiiJdbe rend.

The letter , which was published last day, washere read bv the secrct::rv.

Mr. Sl.itlcry th.-n sail , lnokin" at the manner inwhich ibis mi-elinj w.-s composed , be felt it n'.mustuseless to bring forward any such motion as the unohe at present moved , were it. not that he consideredrverv one present was anxious to act in as straight-forward a manner us himself (bear). The resolu-tion which appointed Mr. Step hens was upon thetent's of bis own proposal , coup led with Mr. CnodcVletter , specify ing the duties which be thoti!»lu neces-•ary. Amongst the other du 'ies, therein mentioned ,was dail y attendance ::nd supervision , and suchwei ght did Mr. Coode attach to thnt essential that ,as a iiecesi.-irv qualification , he cautioned the boirdagainst appointing any pprsnn unless he was satisfiedand quite prepared to give dail y supervision andsuperintendence. Tbe j ustice should be dorn: Mr.Step hens to state , that when he found be could notdo this he came most honorably forward and said ,"no, it is not in niv power. " Under these circum-stunces he (Mr. Slnltery) thought there was noalternative left but to accept Mr. Step hens ' resi gna-Mini now , and fill up the otlice on a future day. At!he time of the appointment , when daily attendancebad been laid down as necessary, great itress wasput upon the fact that Mr. Step hens lived in theneighbourhood of the Ford , and that it would be notrouble for him to give that supervision. lie (Mr.Slallcry) could not see why any deviation should bemade from Mr. Coode 's regulation in favor of Mr.Step hens more than that of nny one else. If thisollice be not opened , the board will stand in a veryaukwnrd position. To re-open il would do no injus-tice to Mr. Step hens , because they would have himngnin , but if it be not , a great injustice will be dimeto the iitbcr five ciuuiitlates , whose testimonialsshowed them to he perfectly qualified to c.rry outthe contract. He (Mr. Slatiery J did not wish toadvocate in particular any one of these other gen-tlemen , hut i'e thnu^ht they should have been in-formed of the duties to be pu-rlorined, and that tlu-irtestimonials as to qualification should have beeninquired into. The effect of tbe appointment ofMr. Abmoani Stephens , as contemplated , wouldbe tn have two engineers in chief, l ie looks for-ward for a man to take the tide marks, &c, whilehis rimy will be to clic k thnt man—the duty ofMr. Conde. If Mr. Step hens was a civil eng in er,mid competent to fulfil these duties , and the board'¦nil confidence in him, necesiiiv was there at• I I for Mr. Cnode as engineer in chief? We oug htto ask Mr. Coode to send over « mini here himself ,to t,-ike the mni'kt'-t :s ntid measurement* and chi-cktl e work. Mr. Cuode is receiving JC2.10, and if hodill that , then there was an end altogether to Mr.Stephens '* office. In conclu-inn , Mr. Slallcrymoml Mr. Stephens '* resignation , be havingdeclined to accept the- ollice <- 1) the terms offeredhim , be nccepted.

Aid. K"ily—I believe such a resolution was pro-posed at tbe liist meeting.

Mr. Grubb —Was dail y attendance stated to benece>siiry in the ndreit isei i icut?

The advertisement was read , from uliich it didnot appear that (here was mention mude of dnil ysupervision. The advertisement further stated thatthe duties shall be performed without dqiuty.

Mr. C'ire .v secoti 'l. d the .notion.Aid. l)-.- : . : i e—I I'Mictt. then. !i«« been a recent

letter liom -Mr. Cootie ; if so, 1 think i: siionld beread.

Mr. Sl.ittcry — I ubj eel distinctl y to its b^iugbrought in.

Aid. l l ' i iuy— TI IMI 1 iiinve , ns an a:ne:i (linont ,l'n*t Mr. Cuudc 'a letter , recei-Ttl to-d.iy, be readpreviousl y to deciding this inuliun.

Mr. Jacob—I certainl y ilon 't think fliere. shouldbe any objection to having i.ny document readthat may throw any ii pht on the subject.

11.c Chairman ruieti liiat the I tier be rei ;l .The Srcretaty read the letter as follows : —

" Wrymoutli , 17tb March , ISC'i." MT DEA R H I E — On -Jl- i ult. 1 unite to Mr. St i-nlii -n",

ri 'iUkstt tn ; I D knuw aiuouiit tit ' ti'.ui' anil alU-uii.iu lieW.H | l av i v e :.. '. ':.e SUJJI rvi-Mi t i uf tbis nmk. Hehtatid in rep ly, i.n 2!nl , it iv;u uin/eiilno l liy !|IL- K.»rJCiKi. aiiMti ' lliat halt 1:U lime (say tl ic 1 iw water springtidi-s fit * ejeh liUiitl l i) ivouM l<e rcquiti-d in silp. -rvi-i<m ,nivasnrt'in piits, an I c.ilcul.i '.iiiui of ( |U.intitii'» ot tbe .luik.He HI-I- ilifuriu.d me tbu! if 1 -liuuld !l.i:lk turlln -r siipel-vi-i..» nranxary, ).t- \v..u!d make cue of bis assist: uts attendin bis ab-ence.

" Mr. St.-pt ien* win iiit'i.nnHl by nip, oi. UHb in^t. , thai i!will be iipri->-ary lor him * tn nive such Miji -rvisi iui tu thewnrks as will assure that the i- .uit iaetur deals with Ibu-difT-rPiit»i-- ot itiatpi 'ml- in sm-li a ni.iuiii r as to t i l ice•.nth ila-=s iir kitul in tbe uuiJ c IHII L S, A<*., ns nquiit i l bytlic sptrificiiii-iii, ¦Hid nl.-u tb.i t a tli-u-i iii i-'li l y • llitiiiit checkle kept U)>"ij tl if iib.nbiis ainl c.i.'.-iio «l tin- I'lir 'i-s, ofnnt.-ri.ils r.ii-f il !rnin d.iy t.i diy. as a currii i |'ir.itiuu or i.tlici-nisi* »if the monthly nieastirruienti by soundinc*.

'• It is tu be uiuiiTs o>l that tliu wj-.kiiw ot tbis il to be subject to my , ari a matter ot course.— 1 urn, tr.y drar jir , yuurs t;ii *. iilull y, "Juits CoobE."

Mr. M alcoinfi"! snH , before the resolution wnipii - , lie would wish l» WU Ktr a few re.uiHrk i in jus-lil i .ation of ihe vote .v l i ic l i hi intended ni;inc.l ie iiad it gund dcul experience nf , and very muchto do with eoiitrdCtur* , public boards and the ir in;.-iiageiuent , and he had never before knoirn anyhoard to li ii tid over its appointments and arrange-ments to the dicta of an eng ineer from Lotnlun orany one else (hear). Tlic b-.ard oug ht Iu be proudof * having the advantage of such a man us Mr.Step hen* to give his supcivisiun nt such a chc»|irate. In entrusting the duty "f tupemsiun to himnoihiii " will be m-glccled that is necessary to bedone Ly n pcrmui in that situation (hear) —nothi ngthai is necessary t- be done it. cariy ii.i; out such nl irpe and iuip in liitil wo ik (hear;. He did notthink it was nvce»-iry tl iHl the j .iij .eiiiileiidiug cu-giu. er sliuuld t :e \i every four and t-ienly buiir« ,thiiii j- li Mr. CHOI '. :- may hav e inadvertantl y t-xprcssi-dhiinsi -l r that wuy, but the harbour hoard inusl , fromi's knonled gc of Mr. Step hen", leel cotilidcnl thatevervlhiug requisil 1.- would be dtne by that gentle-man (hear). There bud nt-vi-r been a charge ofneg lect of duly ugainsl him ; on ti.e contrary, theboard owed much to Mr. Stephens (hear). He (Mr.Miilcomson) as the representative of a ir.rge amount

• of shi pping intcrist , Celt I.e was onl y iniiug juslice; to that in fay ing that ilnr. bo'.ril and the' public oug ht (o itel satisfied (lint in .\lr. S.ep I.E t isI they bud a man '••)• whnm ibis contract wil l be fuitb-; fully canied out (h.-ar , hear).I Mr. Jacob observed that there »ill be a J;OIM !

deal of the ti i j <t - that dail y attendance wi l l nut bej necrtssnry, hut il was under.-lnod by tbe Kurd com-i mittrr , ..i . ! Mr. SU'i.i'.vU- had made tlie ubservnt itiiiI to liiein. liiat at such l imes :.s would be neccssarv ,i as al low water , he i-ould give liaily attfiid,uice.. This uii t.iliie i.f very f.-reat importance , anili they iu"l. ' to l'e.l lhat il i.1 of the very lust conse-¦ dial a propel in in should he aeh-cled to fill

it , and Mr. Sle|.hei.s , l.u (Mr. Jacob) tieliev.J was'¦ one in whom this li«aiii . coulJ lila-e H.<-' fullest tun-

fi:. nee ( i ,ear ). II J d.d not mean to impute;myof the other cnilidal-s were not men in whom theb«.ir^l <- .nW ;i!-u-o i.mJi ii-suv , '.ut Mr. Slrp beiw wai kiu.Tfiito t i c bi.Tl-one w'in-i! tirmiicss , iut -; . ii> - , and s.icial posi-linn i.Ui-i him »!«.<e tbe hie.Ul. of sL.pwiou (lifii r, l the lji.A:d K .I < H iiiuii who. fiMin any cause, nenlecleil l.H

dutv, a tuy i»r/e piriioti of the moii.-y iiiy ht be p.n.l ;'«¦•»bofJre nn adiqu .U am.unt of wuil- was pctloliuel . \v i i cu

lii>t l '-'.i vorli lias iu ebulmuplaliuu it was bi'lttvi-d thatJEW)000 would b. tlu . rvlwblL- .ost. The first step uat-.ralljrt-tken l.v ti .t t'ord .oinioitt itc «-..» ;.. refer it to their cn .Miii.-cr,Mr. Siipheii', tocximiuelli '! *-lmlo work mid report uponit Mr, Stephens did so, und any ouo tint had read In*report must feel convinced that they we.« iu th«b»od. olIB* who thoioug lily uudeibtocd tbo lobjtct (h««r). ills

¦stimate n-a* nt £19,800, wliirb hirhnleil it c.-rtam sum furci)ntuiKencie<—an r>t in i i t» lh.\ t ditVeK'l only by » f.'WhuuJrisl pounds from th« siibsi'iiiieut calculation made byMr.

AM. Keily — Whv not ni'.!<e him cn::ia'\^f-in chief?Mr. .lac .b—A :;i. - i t .lilikully wmiM h.i plai-e.l iii our way

in tf fttini : Ihe loan !.i .-a i ry "li the -.voiks ivitli.m! cuiploviaican euifiuci-r, sn< :li a< Mr. C mile, nil'- >. f tbe -.p.<-t einini-utin Kinil.uid , prrii.r.s i i *'¦¦. w . i i l l . Tiirre ivas -i -in in '.:;1

i.-ninciili -iici; in tbt; Inv t^ii .D.itc s , .l;jicii:i ' only liy a I-- .7humlre.l pouuil-*.

AM. Keily—Hut ivAsn 'l tliero n mi-t^.ko still ?Mr. ,I.ii-i;'i— '1'ii.r. - .i ilifn-'iente uf .ipiniim upon a

a p.'int ^luc!l u. ver ea.i b.- el. - nvd up till the »""iks u.iforward. Her.1 «¦:¦ find this L'l-iitleman inakiiu the samee-liiuate as Mr. (.'mule, beluro Mr. Condi! was ever thmi iclitot ; of the ability .iiul i'lte^rity, 1, of Mr. S;opli|i|i »,the ii. i.u.l ciiil.l l"i.ii -« mi doubt * (I HMI -). Tl.i-.-i • nv.-« bis (.Mr.Jacob's) lvasims I'm- opp.isiu^ .Mr. Slattery 's moti ia ('..'car).

A l l . Keily said bo iv^relte.1 lo see thine who wfni formerlyfor bi-in^r snidiil by Mr. Ou'tlu iu cfciyti i inj , miw wi.-li tuthroiv liitu aside and act for themselves (heir). There mightI KITI * been, he did not doubt , sonic good iu liavini; done so ifit WHS so icsrlved at first. It n-as now the- tactics of certainKent I -men to do untiling that Mr. Coode recommended. Mr.fao.b had Bivi-i; .Mr, Stcpbcmi great credit for his ability.Look at the Q.iay.

Mr. .I ic 'b—Ho desrrvi s great credit for it.Aid. Ki-ily — lie deserves erralit for it—docs he? I want

to see is lie the carelul engineer that lie is represented , lio-foii! we ijnt liiui tils .]i|:>}-4 wer.i linn fir tilty year* to myoivn knowledge—now- tln-y are brills repaired ever since theilnilt-o bnat cunt! mmr II K- III . Head his lust report , Mr.Kurell.

Tlie Socrclary read a report from Mr. Stephens, in whichIn: s:iid I hat a;? pnrti.m of the Quay, near tho _ Market.hoi:-:', and :i!-»i i.i;!n r pnrtions of it , would require to bopiled , and ton!; credit to himself for saving the hnanl t-'l ,203.

Al.leriii'i ti Keil y —II . ; saved i.'l,0l!J bccmsi! lie did not l-.-ttb« quay no il.i '.vn (biiybt.T). If iinythilU wi'll lKI - IIII .' iviih tin; bri.l .-e it uiwht cost a c.uiple of tlioiHan .lpounds lo pi.ip it , and if III . - whole bri.Uc wei.t I IMIVII itwould piv.hal .ly c.i.-i £*.,0U') to put it up, aul tln-relorethe pi-iMiu til it pi\ippt.-d vu'od tlic proprieto-.'-f iI2StU'.J')(luiul.ter). TIIM is Hie. m.-iniici - Mr. Siepbens \:\a cn-dilto bunsell f..r piliiij; llieipi.iy. I Ibiuk it was bunsli:. ! byIctlin: the dr.-d^ii bunt :aku away thirfnud at the lioltnui ,and tliron- duwu llio (luiy, and 1 don't KCO why Mr. .Iac::bB1IOII 1-.1 take *ui'h pridu out ul Mr. Step hcus .

Mr..I.icob—I do.Aldi -rinui Keily—I I I O J I 'I , and I think I have proved il —

nt k-ast bis eii-inci-fiiii qualities in keeping up tin* quays.One UL'utli>ii)i i u, n native ot VVatcr 'brd, offeicd to irc biiservices at tCO a yea:, It should b..- b irm- iu mind that weArc dealing iu public money, and I cannot sit here as a te-preseiitativp of the eiti/t'ti- ot WtttcrforJ iu MpiauiU-rin^ it(ob, oh). If you ¦•ivi- £200 ayear to one man, while nnutberI'fl'irs to do it ti r LC(I a year—a man declared qualified byC-ii nle, your jrui.l-, —if v.ilt- is carried here 1 will enlermy ptote.-t ac.iiiist it as -ipiandeiiuic tbe public fuinU («il i , nb).

Mr. Jacob —I think AM. Kelly I. is put it very unfairly.Iu ju-iiHc.ilion I uiuv stat i- what did actually occur. Thequ ./ fell i)?wn fur of nu eii^iucvr to have it protected(bear), und ivo very fuolisbly in Ibr.niilL' a graving bank,dioLx'l u-illiiii 'ivelre an-1 filu-eii fi-ct of I lie bunk.• AM. Keily— Thirty feet Mr. White sti pulated.

Mr. Jacob—Twelve or fifteen fed.AM. K. -il y—Thirty leet ; I was un the committed .Mr. Jac.ib —I a--rrt it was lifioiiii: and tho ciinseqiiniice

iva-», ivc. pulled dotf'Ii a lai^e p.-.rl of the quay, and went tou cost ol £6M ; and it was only n-ben he inischief was donethat we a;ip.imlcd an engineer (bear). Siucu that time \tcnever die.lued witli iu sixty feet. In tlieir eii^iiiw-iiiic;ivis-luu., our ani- .-stor.-i buill the i]uays uii mud, ntid uutbingbut mud (Luuiiter).

AM. K.-ily— Hut how Ions did they slimd rMr. J.ic b—Tiiey sleod lor l l i ir :yor Imty years, lull they

showed MVI.S ot decay loni previously, the same as the p.u tnear the bridge where. I lie ilredgn boat never went. ThenJlr. Stephens |>i'o]iusrd to us to remedy it hy sheet piliu,-,¦aoiL'as he had executed the works in Dublin , li'i.ird ; mid I think lie is entitled to bay that he hasconsiderably sati-d your pockets (bear, bear). Mr. ftcp licnibus Fpokeu to me, and he expn-vscs himself most anxiousthai everything dune b; him for this board should beinvestigated by a prnprr :md competent etig inet-r (hear).\o p.T-nii is uioie antiuus for inquiry than hiiusclf. WhenMi . C>to<le is over hcie lie is willin g to submit it to hisopinion. It was not lair to be uiaUiij; attacks upon himbehind his hack——

Aid. Keily—Do you mean to n.iy that I n-onld utleranything behind his b.ick that I would not say hcfnro biifHcc ? Let him come, before the boird. Hi: offered aninsult to tin; hoard by his ab-ence. He had no iii;!it tutnlie a message froat any one ivhru Ri -nt tor hi* the chairman.If b-Mvere here , I sav I would say tliRsimie th i l I have.

Mr. flattery said he bad listened attentively to the obser-vations tlmt bad txllcu from the c^ntteuien on tile oppo-iteside to learn from them what tcMiiuonials of ability ur capa- 'city could be produced for Mr. Stephens that they shouldappoint him at a salary of £1"IO a, but all be could I>|.MII

from them was that liis positinn was such that he could notcive his cervices for a lessor stun. Mr. Malc.nin«nti did notbriu;,' fonv.nd anylbin^ to .-bow his capacity to fill the office.He (Mr. Sl.ittery ) wished , at tin. licgiiitiiu sr , tu have couhuedbiiusnll ftriclly to Ihe subp'Ct h.'lnre the chair , and be hadnot nicnli'ini-d a word about tbe qmy. lie was not. theperson to hrin; thf matter up, but as the matti-r bad beeniinportt'd into tlie di-cussion lie should sny he did not feelsltifuv-d with the work , for it In* were an eii«in. .-i-r tl i . it under-stood bis business, be would have lot I tlie hoard that it waslik ely to f.ill j'o. llc .i l-> understood Mr. Stephens didnot approve of tbo work as pl.iuued fur tbe b'ord , and Ibiswas a reasun that the boaid should not be anxious to appointhim. To end tlie matter be now prupo-i-d that Mr. Stephensb'e si-iit for and be asked will be lake it on tbe terms l.tuldown.

Mr. (irulib read Mr. Code's last letter , and said lhat itdis'.iuci l y hid tbe noik did not rupiire daily al-trudim-e. ( sumiiiotiid In r.* under tdu iuipri-ssiou thatMr. Sti-p liens bad tc si ,;iieil , but 1 cauliut find any such tilingin his letter.

Aid. Ki. lv — It it stated dist incil y th.i t tbe. work cannotbe done by deputy.

Mr (iiubb—li would appear to me that Mr. Stt-p bcniwas appointed tur hi< merits , and I don 't sec mirt l i in x hastransp ired since Unit np)>oiiiluu-iit lo fuifL -il tl-ut contidencc(lie.i i ). Air. Step hens ulfers to jive that HipciiuU-iidciicewhich Mr. Coode think* requisite , mid 1 will tbetelorc moveas mi amendment , that Mr. Istt-p lirus continue in otlice uponagreeing to carry fiut the r.-qui-ite superintendence as specifiediu Mr. Coode's lettur ot the 17lh iiist.

Mr. Spi-ncer said in such nn important matter nnisol.itr.l case could not be taken . Hi- bad always, the utmostcoiiri.l.-lice iu Mr. Coode, and miles* Mr. Siep bens iravcdaily atli- iidain-e, as uii- iitioin -d iu Mr. Coode's correspondenceus In-ill ^ ueiK Ss.iry, he (Mv. Spencer) would vote against bis•ppoiiitinent— 1 •< • could not c .nscienliously do otberwise.(j. -nlh-nieli opiio-ite u-.-d al.vays- s.iy, "I will iro hy Mr.Condi-, whatever bcsiiir^r-ts must b*1 rij lit ," but nuiv whenMr. Ci.-ad.- is t.ot , it i- i.ii . 1 , " w..- do not want .Mr.Cuodi', .vi: will ib» :is Mr. Stephi-us s*ys."

.Mr. Cuviv— U II VW tb» motion i, canied I will biiii ff iton Wft-k alter w. ik , and have d-.wu U IL- Cl iiitntl ^eiilb-ineu.The w-oiks ;ir:ir.t hk. -l y to pr.u-.-i.- l . s.i we nueJ u.: iu iuhurry ( i l-iu.-n) I will that .\lr. Sti-p beus In: soul lur.

Alderinin l)-nny si-coiided tlie a.m-odiiuiit ol Mr. (irulib ..Mr. Sl.iil.-r\ iil. i- -i-led to t in- :. iii-ii lin- .-ti t , ;ii it w.u ri--.i p-

poiutiiu Mr. Mip bi'iis , which could u> ; he done witboulnotice ami a spi-cial m.-i'tin^.

Cii.iirill. ill — I don 't consider lhi> rtbjc:!i';)l .1 V.lli I tui:'. 1think the amendment i- m'.muMv conm.'Ctnl .vith l l i t ' i i s o l u -tion is-If. Tim (,'li.iii-uian added that lH.-h.i-e putting tberf-oioiio:! he iiiuiit oe'd lo say (.lie wur.l in n-plv toAid. Keily. He did not uhal Aid. K.-ily meantbv Mpianderius tbe puMic uuniii-s (l. "ar, b.-ai). If l tliun.-lit ti ^.j t f..r the b.-n.-li t ot ibe public tu aive auappoiii .nirnl to one ratb.-r tl t-i n aiio th«r, was it lur thatreason t- » b l accused of Sfplandi -ring tin- public money (li.::.r, F He ivoul I bi-^

to remiu.1 Mr. Kody at u formernin'liii.', ivln-ii tins huurd to enlir into a cuiilractfor III • Kurd work , he (Aid. Kell y) ur^ed , wi tb all tliu uio-qu.Mice of whii-l i be is toa-ler , iiu-l that suinetiuies is verylorcibleaiid' (a l.iu^li), tli .it Mr. lt yau bbould i;cl ll iecuiitia-t at .L'3'0 more than tbo iirer.i-nt coiitraetor (b.-a r,bear). Il Mr. Keily bad Miccivde.l in the first instance , iuwhich be was MI t-ne.i ( !i-tii - , iii givi i i f r Mr. Ityau JL'iJtiO IUOI M

than the piwut coiitr.ii:tur was to «et , he (the n.-ver have slid thai be s(|uaiidered the public inohic*,nor w aild he liavi- held him up its duiu^

HO (li t-n r, hear).He would hrg t•» lvmiud Aid. Ki-ily that theie w i i e ineoi.Ii i? at tbis bn.ud ju-t as r<.--peclable and jll-t .is independentAS Mr. K.-il y t aod it sc-b-ctiu^ one ^entU-inan in prelerence toaootij er suu;im!i.-iiii ^ tin; jmblic iiiooies , all he would s.iywas Mr- Ki-i l y li.i t u >h>p.-ra;e attcmpl to squan-der them (liipl - .usi-).

Mr. .1. Tob oru snid I.e also wt.uld pn.liii t ii;.iiiibl Aid.Kell y 's icui .irlc- . Tii ( - Ciouiuel IUI-IIIIKT.S ol (lie b^anJ art!iharui-d wit lK . i i i i ini i down here tu peip. -tr.ue a j ib j but Inwould indig nantl y lfpudiate the app licdnlilv ot that.usei ¦ ion — be cair.f down to do a pub ic uuud , mid his pub-lic duty (bear). No one could d»)i > ¦ that t'SO a year wasth.- v.-ry MiiAllt- al .-uol fur which .1 boat could I N : pit , and it£oO rteie ib-duct.-d tnim tbe .salary proposed by 000 ol' tbecaudidaU-- , hit wiMid be !<-ft ibe uuiiiilireut sdary ol CIO ayi-ui - to >-u|ieiiot inl an outlay of *17,0UU (hear and laughter)—i.10 a , a s.ihu y ul which a coimi.oti tinker cuuld notU' vruvidi*d (luu^bter). As one ot the Clomuel represent.*,lin-s , be bad to i iil.-r bi« protest Ixilurc tliu board and beforetin- puldis * n^uiii-t Ilie iii-iouaii 'fti t|nvMi-:i out. Tlie ^entlt1-men of Cloinm-1 were nun of honour and respectability(I UMI -, bear), tin. - ieprosi 'ii t .ilivcs of the very gentlemen thaicot the act tor their incorporation parsed.

Aid. Keily F.iid he did not mean to say menibcvssquandered the public 111 jney by putting it ilit i their ownpi.ekt'ln (rf bi.l^b) j be dt'l u , t Want tu ^:iy al iylbin^ otl- 'lisivt- to any mall , but when the buatd could £.-t thework don" i-. |U:illj- i l l iri iutly fur a less •uin , lie r-it ild not Rttl id of the idea of hrjiMiideriu ^, mill he was not £¦>•¦¦;: tu apolo-j:i»e for th.* i-xptes-iou. When hi* inuvcd . to yivc tbecontriu'l to Messrs . It yan , be pioposiil to do M> rtduc-in n- ibr price fiotn t 'lO.Ono to jUlj,700, the ptice votedto Mr. They had a civil engineer , a gcnlle-loan full y q-iaiiricd todu the woik , and one of those selectedbv Mr.', and if he was appointed there would Imvebien a savins of 1110 a year. lie tliouit lit , and lime tenthsuf the people outside the chaiulier concurred iu bis view , thatappointing Mr. Su-plicus at £luU a was sqiuuderiii).',It was very rarely Ibe board had the advantHt ,'c o- Mr. Clib-b.-riiV presence—that representative of thu unrient uriato.craey i.t (. 'l.aiuifl (a lau -li)— wb 1' ivan lieru since Mr.S;i.itb's tra.isaL'li. 'it iu the lbG2 till tbis appuiiituieiitwas tlioicbl u!. It Ibe-fi ueti l h-inen cauit.' down lieteii ndil'L-li'lul at llie ruiiiinilt.rK/ .beu be should not objecl U Hi. - HI ,nut ill they did MI he thought the ri'sulutioo cim-.e. to bybiiii 'ell (Ai ¦ I. K i i l \ ) , ami Mi-^ms. Spenor uud C.ueiv , wutIhe piop- r one. l ie bad never, previously t» tb i< tiansac-ti'.u , spi.ken to Mr. ll iopby, but il th.i t £cnlleinuu WIS IIH I to\v ik tin' oil cut of bis boii.s fur Ihe board fur a MM ,ill b.dnry,they .sliuuld not i bjec.t, on the pl.-a thai lie wu» gflliug toohill- .

Tli.-Cbaiiin. ;n re:nl Mr. .S lat l t iy's ri aolutioii as follows :'" /J(.w/t-c,/-T|,at He nc.ipl Mr. Sti-p belis's lisiiiuatiou ,

a? be lii -ebni., li, i..Ii.- thr r'.-r.l sup l i i i l i li. linc i-n^ineershi pupon tlnMciisstati- l ,„ M , . (j,N id.- '» l.- lttrol- 10:li Kbruary,an-! uut re-ibiti,, ,, nl :l,i- ); )il, ,,| Keb."

l lea lv i :: 4d .Mr. UiuW* .iiueiidnulil :" Bcsuhcd— Tbit Mr . Stepbeus contimiis to he our

*U[u i i i i ( i i : i i - i , ( t- ii^iiic. r of tin- l-'orl , provul. d lie given thei- inonat i.f aMcndaiice llaiu iibt i.ecessary by Mr. Coode."

The. ioaid u - n t tu a division on the amendment , when tlieli.ll»»iu|! was tin- voting ; _

>"i.r-Mc'»:>. Wli i;.-, Urnny, Malconi<oii. Harris , (iiubh,Chbhorn (Kl., i'msscr, Cln.lurn (J.) : Jncul-, >ie«ins,M u i p l.y (l;), aiid llaiifield—1'.'.

Againit -Jlrwu. drew, Murphy (Aid). Spencer, 1'owr,h'lily, and SUtte ty—tl .

¦; ' i* niinurily then entired a protest against tba pro-Cdediiig?.

f Ul. tOMU CUA R N EL W0EIS .The bocidnry ainiuuncul that the Ford contractor ex-

pected the ariivid of a powerful dredge boat , and that bewutild soon comuiEiito eicnvntioDs by manual labour.Adjourned

WATEllFORD UNION-M ONDAT.The board met on Mundny to receive tenders for

the half-yearl y supplies, and to declare contracts.Thi! following wore present : —

All . 1!TAX , D.V.C., in the chair ; Messic . P. Manning,M. O'SI LM . \V. Hall y, A. Maeliey, .T. L. Conn. F. Slieelmu,¦M. I '.'ivoian. J. Carroll , N'. l'on-er, Ciipt. Power, J . Hudtoii ,K. Wal-b . W. I' .. .t , |'. ilurr.m.

S'.r.iw , .IiJm I'o.vir , at 12s a ton : Kugnv, Mary Mauniii jC,soft , 3i p.-r ll> : .'oaf, do. oi per do; port wiue, K. Wall , at2ils n di«f ;i ; 6o..p, B. I'ieldinp, £2310-! a Inn ; whole pepper,K. I'i^liliii R, at lirjd per Ib ; candles, V. Kinabau , Mt oA perlb ilip '.s: w. soda, Mary Alanuii u at oi 6d n ewt; unit ,James Uoherty, at 2s a cwt j bops at 2s tW a cwt , and malt at3< . Ii I ., I-:. Walsh ; barm, .1. Doherty, at 3d per gallon ; "muff,l.'yan mal I'heUn , at Is per Ib ; whiskey, ;Abisail I'belan, atMs l ldaj:ai: ni ; , T. l'mc.ll , 'J< -J.l a pallon ; prinlhnr ,K. S. Kennev, at )u ins enclosed j ndvcrli»iii::, .lniues M'fi ratb ,at £1: cnftiii« . T. I.awlor ; arro w rnnt. E. Fiiildinir. at 101 perIh; lea , T. Murp hy, E. l'iil.liu?, I), heckie, and B. liyau,.it2s 8.1 per Ib; sbroudimj calico , ltolwi tsou and Iiedlio at 3dper Ib ; tlue.-ul, Ihizluton nm! O'Dnnuoll .it 2s n Ib for black jwhile ilo, is Ud j tapo , ltobrrtson and Lcdlie, J< 01 wide ;narrow at 2s 8d jicr do7.en : shirting, Messrs Campbell & Co,(it 1 Id a y.ird : sliretin?, Mnry Tower nt Is 1 Jd per yard ; doliniu -,- linen at 6$'d prr do ; frieze—srey Irie/.c, Mary I'uwcrat 2s a ynr.l; while do, Messrs J and K Mahcr .it Is 0.1 ayard : (weed , .Messrs Campbell at 2s od n yard ; RiiieliH in ,I> Hidden at lOd a yard ; corduroy, I) lloldcu lis t'.d do;while fhiniid , do at Is 4d ; ticken , Mary Tower at Is a yard ;wincey, I Inilcto.i and O'DonucIl at Stl n yanl ; Jiuscy wolsey,ill I s ) ', d a yard ; striped check, do at lOjd it yard ; bcngalsM-ip-, do at Is Id ii y;ird : sol» le.illn r, James Power ; Knj-lish bellies , do; English kip, K Walsh and Sou j calf skin,do at 2i U ; basil , do; hemp, .I Power; liuuiaii hairs, KWalsh : calico repairs, I) llolihli at 3Jd a y»rd ; ivou heols,•James Power ill I s ."ul a i;ross.

Tin.- board adjoirnril at lour o'clock .

WKDXESDAY.Aid . K r.iN, D.V.C., iu tiiechaii - ,

AI M» prc s-ut— Tim llubt Worship ful Ihe Maror. AidKeily, ,!. O Dwyev , M. Clftiry. A. Maekcv , X. Power, JCarroll , .1. Hud-un , .1. I,. Cmii, W. Peel. M. O'She.i , dpiP.m-.r , P. Cuir T. W. Jacob , F. <? . Mnoinfictd . J.T :W. jHspaid, J.T. : T. L. M:..:ke..y, M.D., .I.T. CaptainHamilton , P.L.I., was in atteiul .uii-e.

t;i.i:rT;:t) «rAitnt *ss F.'K irtlW-fl.

Wnrili .1 DiTisions I of iiuanliaos I Kcsiiloncc. 1s,"*'u'r|t',"'.oI rlecfp. l. .

T „.„, \v i ( iWrn. Pcct ... Koek Villa ... IjO'Haiu.T.mer W aid L ciampett Will iam-st . ..j\v ,r>. ISIsiin.

Cnstoiu-hou-c i I' ": ""V"1 • TI'° t!uay -!>'• fur™.!.( |M. OSIiPA . ..7fi (iuay ...If,.

St Pnfr- L 's J ]T. W. Jacob 39 Maiy-st... ,'K. A.ihuh."-k I |J. AmbriLC... Tramore, ... II. Anlaali.\Vc,t Jl - I .<l«nii 33 .!T. \V..fai:ob

I .1. Strongman Kerry lnnk ...|T. \V. .I.irobSouth 5 A - I!vi1'1 -JKiinekhnmo :T. K. Power

t f . Ifndsou ...iManor-strcct P. V. PowerA ",Vsl1 K. Walsh ... OrRniiiiL 'Ii ...IP. Carrisan¦dhn akdl 1. Power ...|n:1lli, iakiU ... .1. Pnivrr.

pimkilt IM. deary ...lNe.vtoi.-n . . .)T. I.'v.ii..l-ai 'lilec a !E. Iioherls ...|\Vc,tnn ... ',=:. Kent.Ulanii . . . l i t . M't iratli Cnninacoppo'eiM. Clioasty¦"¦ku El. P.oberls.. .X L.wtowii ...!l'. PIielan.

Kiliiieadin ... .1. Xorwood...Cnol-idden ' I . Nnrwond.Newcastle M, Itnhcns...!jlal | ... I.HnveiidnnPoi-lnascully ... l |> . iiii>!r...lHp ri,sror,l-st. 'E. Keene.P.'ohono !0. Itedninnd: \] Q Kiii"-st. !». ili|i.-iiriel- IT. C- . Spencer 'Kiliniirry ...TX'.Spcucfrj'eisk M. Cbeasty... Kom,ov ... .1. Kirwan.Knssinati \I. Ciiem-au |{Oisinan .. M.' CrcoiinI,™"!"" |W. ll ally ... TIKIUOI -O ... J. HudJ.VWioilstnw n ...|Vaeant IH.illliniinea and ) |, , ,, ! . . .

Kilcolluuib I '• L- Con " - -"'ounl- Ma ... •'• "'• < ¦>»> "¦Uruincaiinou & ? '.. _ -I . ., ,,

Killiaixy , , N. Power . j Qinlha ... .\. Power.

KuKoii".". j |l'. Slicehy ... Farnocue. ... .I. Carroll.Kilbride mid 1

Kihiincavo'iiuc \

1>-'"°P11 ¦•• Wcathcrsto'n I,. Mullius.Killot trau and 7 ,„ „ „,, ,Penibrokest 'u J " • Bwron... Ivdrumn ... F. 0 daily.

Killaliey and 1 . ,. , „., , „ ,Ullii l I A. Juckcy... Kilm.icon: . A. M.ickcr.

Kihnaclcacuo A l '„ .. ., ... . . | „lialhinoylim J , ' • Kcll l' - "aterfunl .. ., T. Power.

CONTRACT.*.The following tenders were accepted this niorninp :Hacked . J. Sinners ; nails, J. Hushes : limn mid brick ,

J. Doherty ; spades, C. Dunn ; brushes, T. l'urccll.SLTEKAXNUATION.

Mr . I'lrinmfield moved that they f»ct the petitionprinted which the committee bad drawn up to par-liament in reference to superannuation , nnd for-warded to n|| the other unions in Ireland.

Mr. Ciinn seconded (br> motion , which wasagreed to. TIIC N E W BATE .

The Clerk read the following report , drawn up byhim in connection with the. striking of a new rate.

" Wnterford Union , 22nd March , 180.")." (in?tTi.!: Ml.N—III sulmiitliui; an estimate for a new

rate fur the ciisuiiiz year, I rciret tu slate that thn last rainwill not r.uvpr tho expenses up lo the 25th inst . There is adeficiency of about £1,870. This, in a croal measure, iscaun-d by the reduction madn by tliu £uanliaus iu my esti-mate of la-t, althoug h I distinctly told theiu llit.t thee-itimate was lather low , and that it would not be safe todiinini-h it in tbe slightest degree. Notwitb st.iudiii ? myremonstrance , the estimate , was reduced hy ClM-'l : t'-c- ej-penditurc. has exceeded tho original cstimato by .t'o"»7 ;nmouiit of last rate uucollcclaide £223 ; amount due. 251 b ofMnrcl ] ,]H(H,al>o y rtlic sum estimated last year, £W ; total de-ficiency, £1871. Althou gh tho average nuinber of iuinalis inthe li.itisc. duringtlin past twelve mouth* lias been 3- less thanthe yearpvevious tbe expenditure fur maintenance and clothing;has increased by »sum ofJL'Wil; one-third nf which may (airlylm set down lo the number relieved Iu tho feverho-pital during tbe past 3'car, and about .C-C0 increase in thoprirc of new milk and meat. Tim expenditure, under theniedii-il charities ' art has ndvaiii-ul from €1 ,1 1 L In JUI relief has J.wre.i.ed from . Cl;M?i to i'l, lfil. Tbofollowin g will five a Efiieral view of tbe expeudiluic mi.lrrtho various I IP .-U I S for Ihe pn?t Uvo ye.irs : —

" To 'JuTU M AKCII , IHU5. — Maintenance , £'B,+I'I2 : Lliilliin Bnnil brilduiz , i'liWl; out-relicl . iJi .l l i t ; usyhuus , ,U2u ; i-s-lablisliaienl , X_',.'luS; collection , J.-JS2 ; eiui gra'.inii , JJl i ;burial.i'JS ; election , Ae.,ejpen-fS , JU 1UI ; nuistratioii , tlU ii :Wali-rfoid dispensai v, i,-o5S; ITIlid do., XjDii ; Kihn.iraviuui.'do., X-.'3i; Woodstown do.. C176 ; Traiuoru do., i'lSj : Kil-nieidrn , 1I.1 ., i;i»; tot il , £12,8U.

"To 'JoTit MAl ien , 1-J HI.— , JC6 ,-J«) ; 1 lotbin ^and beddinc 11.447 ; uiit-r-li .- f , £l.S8o ; a-ylum.<, t'18 ;oVahliihineut , I2,'IO3 ; colk-clion, X'210; emigration , JC.*i3tJ ;burial , I'SO ; tl.-cnun , Ae., i-xprii <i-« , t 102 ; rr-giatMtiiMi jt 'lv l ;Waterford dis|.ens:iry, t30i ; L'llid do., t'147 ; KilniacavoRite ,i'L'17 ; U'(«i.|5t«»-ii , .L'lrlC; 'IVauiun , i'101 ; ICiliiiiiadcu i.'J')7;total , iTJ,c:j'...

" If ihe i->n cxpetivi I.. -omitted from tin " above , ilwill be - e n that the espiinl.tur. .- for last yenr is t'7iKI iuejcessnf for ti.e \tai- i nd«d -.'.'j lli March , lRiil , andthis iii- ie.i .u is confided to t l iu dispensaries iiini woikhou-e•• aiiiteinnco and clulbin^. Tb» arerasi 1 liuinher 1. lirttiliu the w..ikbiiu-e duii i iL ' Ibe year i-n.led 25th March , lbM,was 1 ,0t i t , at i> c..,i uf .£.'. •_'-. ft I. for maintenance, and£1 M< . i l l . fur clothiii -.', ii.aliiu ^ n total areriore cost id £fll ls . ltd. per head per 'fbe average number re)irv.-ddoling I I.e past year lias bei-u llftl. nl 11 com of £0 Us. III .fur uiaii it i -liaiice , and tl H< . 3d. for clotlliui;. rrioal to i'7us. .11. pin- brad , In-iiii! l l « . :|J. bi-yund the cost uf the prc-vij li-* year. This iucreasu 1 accuuiit lur a« folluwa : Adviui-ciii elutbin^, fi- . fl.l. ; increase causcil by additional iiumb riin lever liubp ital , 3s. ltd. ; ililt n causnl hy price of milk lieinjt3 of a pinny per tallou in excess uf price last ye»r , Ds.;iiici'Msv in juice »!' nii-al , ]». itj. ; ditto in j,undry iu-mj,81. ; lotnl , lls. a-1.

" I pi-npoi-e to rslnnate not year s expenditure in tbe -ame as la<t , vi?.. . — .CI2 .S1 J, tn which is to 'joadded Ibe d.-licicncy at tho 2*ilh inst., tl ,x"I. Total required . £l l ,li8o. In tivel»e ditisiom the rate will bu lets ;iu four it will he same, and in fourteen the amount will behigher than tbo last. Tho only divisions in which a largeincii-isc lakes place are Kihnaclcju'ue and Waterfnrd . TheWiner is Wl in debl , au advance bavin:; lake.11 place in thenumber uf inmates , an.l as tbo valuatinu (L'l,7oO) in low ,Ibis sum of i-31 is equal In .1 poundage rate of lid. , the nuinber nhuved al«i increased , and thin ,coiip li'd with thu advance in the average cost, will )i.:countfor £400, and the esp.-nse under th.i Mi-dical Chariti- .-VAct has risen from £250 lo £1C "I. It must bo also burntiu mind that Waleif.ird bus to maintain Ml per cent, of theciiliie. inmate?, besitlf-i its proportion of union paupers ,while ilt valuation is duly 33 per cent, of tbo entire union:

" The annexed papers will ibow Urn »tnlt of each electoraldivision , and I tJ.all be happy tu afl'oid any further iulurnia -tii - u iu my puiv.T.—I nn> , (ii-ntlruien , your fait !iful servant ,

" J. C rlEsxi :nBV , Clerk of 1,'niun." To the Guardian? , Water ford Union."The; estimate was next laid on thu table, mid ac-

cording to rule , held nvcr for a fortni ght forconsideration. The rnto proposed un Waterford isUs. Gd.

In reference to the levy of ratca ,Mr. Hloomfield suggested that , for the future ,

they agree to n half-yearl y rating.Mr. Oespard objected , on the ground lhat such

plan would be inconvenient all(j he expensive.The Ch-rk n.nned sever .;! items of expense which

would bu entailed by the reidisiug of such ii proposi-tion.

Mr. Jacob said (;,ipl. Hamilton ivns of opinion th.itn half-yearl y rali t i " wi.-uld bo very convenient forthe city of Waterford .

Mr. O'Dwyer ndvncalcd thi su^gestiun 30 made ,and then the subject dropped for the present .

coRar.sFONDO'CK.The ouiy corrcspoudeuce waft a li'ltrr fiom the coiniuis-

.•ioiu-is siui-.Moinii K the payment nf £10 to Mr. I). Carroll ,H.O., ffir h'n usetnl services during Ibe piivalrucu of leverin his district.

THE IlOUSt C0M5IIITF.E.Mr. .farnb nunoiincrd that tlic committee l u wlium IIH ' 1

bora u-fri lln- euiisidirntion of ccitain niattin in disputein the bciise, hud one tbiou^b their Lihuurs, with the execp-liuti of inipiiriui; into the origin of the recent fire iu thefchnulmastcr's room. They propusnl sittim; on Saturdaynext fur that, and would rcmre their full ruportuntil they bad done 50.—Adjourned.

TI l 'PKKAKT UNION-Ti K.-tnv .Joiin Miyj tv , ¥.<<].. .I .I 1., in the chaii.

Also iirncut — Messrs. It. M. Manser^)), J.P. ; II , Unkui-,D.I.. ; K. H. l'urtf.iy, J.P. ; I-. Cust , .1.1'. ; W. Massuy,J.P. ; I*, llowdreu , M. J lyaii . J. 1|. Hewitnoii , U. Kirby, J.Dwyer , T. Hynn , JHUII -S Cleary, T. Power, Jameo Dalton ,J. Cleary, J. Moron.y, J. llstlow , 11. Condon, W. Corbclt.

ADMISSIONS.The board IVBS occup ied for a considerable por-

tion of the day in considering applications for in-door relief. The parties so app lying were chieflyfiiii ales , nnd their statements were the usual taleiof destitution. Having disposed of these poorpeople the board prucecded to adjudicate on the

TENDERS.They were allotted as follows:—T Sl.rcbnn , meat at 4}d per Ib; A J Pain, coals at 22« 3J

a Ion ; Wilkinson , wines (port aud sherry) at 20j and 27s adozcu ; .1 KJ- HII , lei at 2* od per Ib , coffrt U 4d, aiiow root10.1, sugar (soft ) 4d, aud loaf do alfld per Ib; Tbomai Quitle,spirits at K< a gnllou ; It. Shasahau , TCubing soda at Oi 2da cwt j pepper Is a Ib ; malt 4« a cwt.

The further consideration of tender* was post-poned to Tuesday nesl.

1 ifltisgV

. _ COltREJrOMDENCE.There was no letter from the commisiioneri and

nothing of nionicnt from other parties.The board adjourned nt half-past three.

STATE or TIIE'HOUSE.noinaini.ijr at last report, B08 ; admitted dining the wpek,

42 j born do., 6; discharged do., 50; died do., 3; remainingon Hbove date, 502 : du. corresponding week last year, 198 ;ntciease, 1; number i0 iuflrmary hospital , 89; do. in feverlio.ipit.-il , «: cost of proeisiont and neccssariaf received, £t8Us. 3d.; do. consumed, £110 13i. Od.; general averago cost,2*. 3Jd.; do. in inGrmary, 3s. 3J. : do. in fever hospital, -i*.Bd. ; amount paid during week, £21) if. Sd.j b.ilancc acaiiistguanliaus, £003 14s. 'JJ.; rates outstandiug, £5,10O 14«. 31.;cost, £3 Mi. 8d.

THE nousB, &c.Tbe condition of tho bouse, iu its various departmcuU, rc-

flocfii vory Rro'al credit , iudped, ou the eflicicnt master andmatron, Mr. Itiordnn and Jliss Looby. Xealness andre-nl.irity prevail tlirouKbuut its cnttre eitcnt. -Mr. W. I!.Kiordan, tbo clerk of the union , is a most efficient officer,Btid deservedly esteemed by tlio guardians.

CARIUCK-ON-SUia UNION-SATunn.n -.II. W. DniBCOK, ESQ., J.I 1., V.C., in tho chair.

Also prnseut—('oloucl Stuart, Messrs. J. llicb.inlson ,DAM.1., mid T. «. Wilson , J .P. »r. Purccll , M.I., aud Dr.O'Kymi, SJ.O., were, also present.

FEVER IIOSrlTAL rATUINTS.The case of a young girl , the child of comfortable

purents, who is at present in the fever hospital ,having conic before the board ,

Dr. O'llyau said he wished to brine underattention these cases. A. good deal of importancehad been attached to their arrangements , and muchnddilinnal labour had been imposed on medicalolliccrs without any compensation to thrtn. Hethought it hardl y fair.

Mr. ftich.-ird.iun s«id such was the nature of fever ,it was the interest of every person that such caseishould he pot into hosp ital , and it would not be ad-visable 10 do nnyliiing ivonld prevent it beingdone.

Chairman—Hut will you put additional duty onhim without any compensation?

Mr. Wilson—I think he may -be able to qcl itwithout our iiiierferencc at all.

Dr. O'ltj-i'ii—You merel y make them piy for theactual expenses. It is no greedy spirit thatprompts me.

Dr. Purcell—You should call on the pr.tients tocover all ihe expenses.

Dr. O'Uvati—The oniy way von do is , locharge each of them .1 sum , say ,-Cl in each case.

It was resolved lo ask the commissioners' opinion0:1 ihe subject.

VACCINATION -."Ponr-I/iw Commission Oflke, March USlh , lSii.1.

" Sin—Advcriinic Iu the minutes of the bo.u.l of guard-ians of Carrick-nn-Sttir. on the l l t h inst ., the commissionersve.pios t. to be inforniei 'whether the guardiaui' solicitor lastaken any steps with reference, to llie proseculion of pcrsonifor neslretinc; lo i:oinply u-ilh the. provisions of the Compul-lory Vaccination Act iu the liathx'iruiack dispensary district ,ami if not , the commissioners rcipics'. that the guardianiw ill , without any further delay, direct the clerk of Iho union ,up reliovin^ ofliccr in tin- districr , to take tlio iiore'sary pro-ceedings? Thecoinmissiouers at the saniu time request to beiiiforinod wbclbci- the several mndicd olliccrs in llie unionluvo (uruislinl tho zuaniiaus .vitb lists nf the dafaultersunder the above Act in their |-e.-p.xtivc districts. —IJv order,

" li. liAMiS , Chief Clerk."'The .-elievin n oliicer , Mr. Lawrence , was directed

lo institute proceedings against all persons failingto comply with the provisions of the act.

SL- |- |:!tAXNUATll>S TO UNION Orl lCEItS.The commissioners sent down a copy of the bill

now bciorc parliament for the above oh ) :ct, audasked the guardians ' opinion.

Chiirniiin (tbe bill being read)—Wo wi l l havenothing- tu do with it.

Mr. Uicltardsoii—We are satisfied if they jj iitit from the Consolidated J'tuid , but we object givingit out of the poor 's rale.

Adjourned.STATt : OF I H E lUl l'Mi.

Cairick-nii-Suir , "J'il ; ICilir.uirv , H i ; .VDK-U. IVI . , t(¦arraiig il.l ioii , 1!' : lJ.Kdyg l.i-s, 0 : 'J'lill .ilt-i.ii fl.f. :i; While-rl iurcli , I'i : Kiddown ; i ; lluckalce , ,'l; I'iltoiv n, 4 : Tcm-pleoiuin; ( I ; Tuhbrid, 3; liallydurn , I ; C.irrickbej:. oU:i.'lonea , » ; ]°cuuou):b, I I ; I lien , Id ; Motbell , 8: Koss, ";ItatliRurmuck , :i; Kilmiadcu , .1; Portlaw, I-': Union utlarge, KK> . Total , .V.U. CorrcspondiugperiiKl last ynar, «."I3.decrease, II. Hall average Is. ».l. : ccueial average, 2s. l.'d ;infirmary avei.i^e , -5. 3d.; fever hospital average, -Is. \U\.

TI Uiitl iKS UXIOX— M A RCH " J l .(J KOT.i.r. I! T*X , Ksq., IXI J., in the r.liair. Olbor •ruar-

di.\nspre-enl :—l-'rancis O'lii ien , J.P., Juhn W. l.'ooke, .1 P.,Solomon I,. C.1111. ie. J.P., John T. lioin sr , J.P. , Sainiwl M.Ooing, J.P,, J». II. (iwiie , .f.l'., Lieut-Col. Knoi , Capt. P.Lidur, .1.1*., James Leuigan , J.P .. J uhn T. Lloyd, J.P. , JohnTrant , .11'., .Minos .Mason, J.I'., C J) . II . Webb, .J .P.,Win. linyton , J.P., C.T.C., l!iclianl Cbadivick ,.F nlinCoiinolly,Samuel Cooke, Win. (.'oimully, Tiiiiinas L. Cauibic, JoiinKogarly, Kdniond Hayes , Patrick llarncy, Patrick Sweeney,W in. Max , llcnin Mackey, lJ.iniel Muher, James O'Conncll.Thuinas U'Mear.n, Darby Quinanc, Andrew Uyan. Win!I.yau , James Ityan and P. trik Mackey. Win. P. U'llrien.Ksq., P.L.I., was also in altcndarco.

SHTK OP Tin: I'otm:.—Keniaiwiinr l.i«l ri'linii , :!7l;:ndinitteil since, 111 : br.rn , 1 ; dischaiKCil since, 'Jll : died, -J ,remaining 011 Salui'day, lMtli March , ilt.O ; iu tbo infirmary;8:1 ; in the fever hospital , 11: general average cost , Is. I ljd ;in llie infirmary, -s. old. ; iu the fever hospital , Us. lid. ,cn<t of provisions and liecessarii .-s received diirinz the week£'\" 18s. llj il. ; do. cotiiunied .E.'lli 17s. Sjd. ; number on relii-f , 1 : admitted this day, o : amount to credit of tlioguardian*, i"2,(l77 <i>.

Kt.KC TION 01 Cl Kim. .The hoard neit |,roci:uilod lo tin; election of ciui k,

in the room i f tho late Mr. l-'ogarty, wbn held thatoflieo F.iiwi: the formation of Ihe union. A pplication*were read from tbo following persons :—Mr. Joh nCookc, of llrnntistown ; Mr. C. Walsh , orThinles ; Mr.Kdivard I'. -Mabcr, of Templemore ; Mr. J) . Iliiirgati ,Af^istaul-clerk , Limerick union; Mr. I". Hughes, ofUrurco Mills ; Mr . King, of Dublin ; Mr. Nevi ti , «fBubliii.

On the l.oaid goiiif,' lolbe pull , the following was theresult :—Mr. Cooko, I» ; Mr. Walsh , 111 : Mr. Malu r,7 ; Mr. Duggan, \; Mr. llug hw, 1 ; Mr. King and Mr .Nevin none.

Ou .1 second jioll being taken, the voting was as fol-lows :-Mr. Cooke, 15; Mr. Walsh , II ) ; and Mr. Mnlu-r,7. The conteel now lav between Mr. Cooke and Mr.WaUh , with Ihe lollowiii K result :—Mr. Ci.oke 111 , andMr. Walsh I I . The Chairman did not vote , and Mi- ,f.'noko was declared dulv clcctcl.

IA i : UASTKH.f)» motion ol' Mr . It. Cha.lwick , su'coiidcil l.y Mr. S.

Cooke , it was unaniinou.c ly lvrfolvcd Ibal the mapter '."wife In: allowed to reside-with him in I be workhouse.¦—Adjourned

TKUMOY UNION '-Wnu5ESi.- ( T .KicirAicf I ' A U H O I .I,, K.--q., .1.1'., chairman of the board ,

presided. Otherpuardi.iiisj j i'e&eiit—Michael liourkt 1, (ieorjifK. llourko , Joiin It . Cnlhs , Charles l-'iirlou^. James Kent ,Janus AlorroKb , Join: C. N.ison, .1.1'., V.( ' ., Wm.O'Conuell ,John Peurd, D.V.C.

STATE OF TIIK :. — Ki>m.iiuiii 7 last week , ,'(7.-<; ad-luittnl Mine , .Tl; disbarred. 17 ; , ".; remaining. X 'l .

FlNA N CK. —Tile oxtaiicc in bank to the crcdil uf the unionnas X,-.',Wl()c. i« l.

--o. .D UN l iAl lVAN' ( il 'Al SDIAXS—VE -.1 - KM IAT .

Picunt —In tbo eliiiir , J. Qi'i:;i.»N. ]-:-.|., D.V.C. : S. li.Filz^n-ald , .1.1'.. M. ,1. Byrne, Siinmi O'liriin , P. M'Cartb y,M. Lf-auiy, aed K. Walsh. The board was chiefly occupiediu Iho consideration uf tcniTer- . Mr. Hudson was 'declaredcontractor for milk ; Mr. John Williams for bread : Mrs,Olden for tea, .te. Tlio whole of (be. lenders IVIM O nut consi-dered ; when they are, we shall publish a full list.

POLICK OI-'KICK.SA I U H I'VY. — Uiforc tiio Mayor. Capt. Newport. D.L.. Mr.

('. Xewpoit , and Mr. dould , K..M.— A Gnodlii Arr t i j/ .—This inomini; thero was a very large supply of flic* lu mar-ket , and the salesmen wore assiduous in inhibiting theirlevelal (.(.eciniuu- . Large orders appeared to have Iwnconsigned to sonic of the green dealers , and in this wise thosubjects were disposed of : Thomas Whelm and JosephKnox were brought up by Constable O'tlrndy for threshingeach otbrr uud.-r the shado uf the illuminated clock ou tbrQuay. From an exainiuutiou ol' the details it appeared thaiWlielau was bi- 'nig castigated by several operators , and turn,iug round after getting a blinder, he out ivilh bis tUt , .mill- iivo Knoi tw6 nr nioro knock s quite tbe reverse of sat :s-faclory. WheU n was fined -'. lid., and Knox was dis-rbnriciHt. A Flourish— ISich. ird Qnau , lor having inudahimself llie centre of an admiring ciowd iu Lumbard-strcclon Friday evening, was called ou (0 contribute five sbil-lings to the consolidated fund , or to quarter himself onMr. Tri pbook for IS hour.-!. Qlcnmorc in Viso, -do-—VA-ward und James Hartley, Murp hy aud Midj.-.tlWalsh were broujbt forward by Conslablo O'Orady f..r hav-ing been very disorderly in tho public strct-ts tbe uigbt before,and eiu'h nf them was iiucd: half-a-croivn and costs. Urmik~John l-'olcy, drunk iu Broad-street the nighl U-fore, wasunlit to prison for IS hours. William Hares and .lamesGaffney, disorderly in Cai rigecu-laue, were fined each oneshilling and costs. Tbis mitigated penalty was owing to thebtcvtereni'O uf Mr. Doberly, ill whose, service tlic. manIlnjrswas omployed. Thomas Donovan and Michael l)ug-iran , drunk iu Peter-street , were sent to prison for 18 hours ;James Liney, a similar oft'ence, got a similar , aidid also K'luard Lynch for liko inisrondtict. There wereno hf i Ihau tivmt y.three cases this morning foi adjiij ic.ilii.n.


J > r A H Sis—If tho guardians of the Waterford l;iiiuu an-dikirous of provciiting tboir bouse from being supplieil wilbmilk from gunol-fwl caltle, as allodcJ to in a late numberby your correspondent " Fair Play," I wuuld recommendllicill lo adopt tbe fulloivinz provision, which I nee iusorledin the advcrlisemcnt of tbo B.ilrotbcry Uuion in last Gcmral.idi<tr li>cr •¦— "The millc must bo pure, and uf the verybest descri ption , and to lie tested, at all times, far any pro-cers or direction given by the guardians, who also resoiv.:to tbcmseWos (and their officers duly authorised by them forthat pnrposa) tbe power nf entering on the contractor's prc-misei to impect tbe milking of the cown, or for any otherinvestigation they may deem neccusiiry to iiuuro R duosupply of pure new milk." Pure now milk is rooslcuscntialfor poorly-fed paupcrt,particularly children, who are to form,iu timo to come, tbo "iboue aud sinow " of tho land, nndshould be jealouily guarded. A visit to tbo l'atrick-stwtdairy would , I am sure,, afford vory useful information lofarmen as to botr uiitcb cattle may bo profitably kept with-out gr.its. A Poou IUIEPATKB .

KAIIW FOB NEXT WEEK".SiTOBBAV, MARCU 26.—Ballyhack, Blackwater, Foroi,

Monejbore, co. Weiford ; Orange, Niue-mile II OUM, Killen-aule, Newport, and Itoocrea, co. Tipptrary.

M on DAT, 27»— Kilkenny ; Nowtowub.irry,co. Weiford.

TVSSDIT, 38.—Kilkenny city.THUJWDiTi 30,—Carriclr..on-Sair and Teraplemorc, coi

Tinpwary. •

HOUSE OF C0UMONS-M ARC« 18UKI0K OtriCIBl (IBII.1SD) •tTPIUHSDl.TIOS ITLli.Un tbt motiou for the second reading of.tbii billl, bruogbt

iu by tba Cbiaf Secretary for Ireland,Mr. G IOBOI aaid its patting at tbe»out tiue »wuld

Iw most inopportune, for tereml reasons. Wbaterer mightbe tbe opinion of Englilb memben, every Irish reprotaati-five, concurred in laying' tbjt Ireland wai verr heavilytaxed—too heavily for her abilities tu meet Ctcal burdens,For tho last three years then bad been even more than tbaordinary dutrats iu tbat country, and, such being tbe taw,parliament ought to bo very alonr iu giving its sanetion toany bill which wouldir.creiio local taxation in Ireland (hoar,bear). In England tbe salaries of medical officer* and theschoolmasters of unions were paid ont of tbe ConsolidatedFund. A committee wbicb bad sat » few years njo recom-mended that the oorretponding charges in Irish uniontshould be defrayed in a similar manner ; but ou a very re-cent occasion the government bad divided tbe bouse againitthat recunitncttdnlion. It was said that it was unjust to theuiticcn of the Iris 'j unions not to give them tnperannuationalloiviinccF, as such allowances were uoiv granted to all offi-cials iu thu civil service ; but it mast be borne in mind thatnone of the r.n-uier officers bad taken their situation* witbIhe rxpex-laliou of receiving superannuation, as the civil ter-vb: ullicers did (bear, beat). He supposed he would bttold by the right honourable baronet that tbe bill nia—perrr.issifc as regards the will of tho poor law %u*r-di.iiis and the unction of the jiuor law comtniisionen. Xiutthey lud bad sad cspuricocc of optional acts iu Ireland(bear, hear). Under au act Ipassed within the last two orthree yea's, giaud juries had raised the salaries of comitysurveyors and oilier ollicsr.< , in a jump, from £300 lo 2600a year, throug h a itooil-uitured yielding to persons wuoTTcre craving to have their income increased from tbe localrated. Ho had nu doubt it vvojld be the tauie in tbis case.He objected to the bill as inopportune—bn objected to addi-tional charges being placed on the local rates in Ireland, andhe objected to the form of the bill. If the government, hadagreed to pay the salaries of MhonlnKUtere and medical offi-cers of Irish unions, they might then , with » bitter fac«,bate asked the Irish union's to piy a moiety of the expensewhich this bill .rould create. Under all Ihe circumstanceshe must oppfte the second trading at tbis period (bear.bear).

Mr. PoLMKn -UltQUUiRT hoped the Secretary for l rc-lind would postpone tlic second reading of ttji.-t bill, a* th»wa-i not a time for increasing the locsl expenses uf theunions iu Ireland. He, however , would not offer any factiousopposition to ir.

Mr. IUotTBLi. said if the right lion , baronet rally knewthe feelings of tbe people :if Ireland upiu the subject of taxa-tion , he would pause before he broug ht in any more l.illt ofthis nature. The lion, and tc.irucJ gciitlcunui Iho memberfor Wexford had uliowu the tendency ol taxation lo increaseiu Ireland , and had mentioned (bo case ul the county sur-veyors. Tbo salaries of these gentlemen had been doubledof late , and any one conversant with Irish roads knew that(lipy iicre not a bit belter repaired Of attended to ¦»>* thanthey were when tbe salaries referred to worn only half theirpresent amount. Persons who accepted situation* underpoor-law guardians in Ireland took without any ex-pccUtion of receiving superannuation allowances. Theywould , ot course, take anything in the shapo of superannua-tion Iber could get , but thr- ratt-piycra did not bvand ouslit not to be l.ivrl 0:1 tba ". gretnnt. If the bill werepassed a', all. fi - .- tfion j lif ti i.-y oti^lit t.i pa-.s ic tu -ucli ashape that 110 -.n.n would In. cutiiled lo a pension who badnot served -" yc.i:-.s in Il.e - uue union, a'a.l even thenthe pcn.iion sh i;ild lie rii lin- lr a! tin- di.-i:retiou of Iheguardian--- .

Mr. |[nsNK- - v . i ::-i -rv«i! l 'i:i'. I lw .^pi- L':'.: of (h.: hou L"»ntlc -man who .spok^ l.i-t ;n> |i • v:-\\ to him t 1 l;u cxti'c-.Ui iy iiit-.m-sistent , bccau-i! he admil'.-.M lint .irticci'-. of u:iions would Inentitled lo rctirhux prusi-ins ai!tr serving -¦' year- iu :li - .same union . The bill under consideration was (r ir -ly p.'.-missivo, ai .- l in ii'i t- isc woui-1 any pr.-.i>i:i b? "i.titled to apension unless ll.e gu.'.tdiaus -.ver.: disp.js. -.l to L'ivi; it ,:ud tb.poor luiv commissioners to saiM:lioa it. l-'or bis o.v u par! , 11lie had ,iuy fault In li.i.l ii'ith the bill at all , it -.v.u tli . it itdid not go fjr enoug h. Tlio hill ti.ovido.l that there sliutt *. 1be -il years' service before .1 man was e.utitl-.d iu rcCi-:ve *pension and that he limit also oe r.:t years' of age.

Sir It. 1'KKI .— I poslponed Ihe second rc.idiug of ibis billli.r a week, but I think it ought t-.uiv to proovd. and 1 "ballgo en will, it , if tbe house support inc. The princi ple oilupcrauuuation is now universally admitted , and thcpaoilaw unions uf 11 claim arc the uul y doparttucnts of the publicicrvicc into which it bas bjei. iutroilucnl. Tim boo. andlearned )ncniU-i- for Wcxlord is wrong in supjiosin^ that thepensions can be granted on light groi-.nds. The c.w mu-tbs one uf an officer who has devoted Ibe whole ul his limetu a particular union before , he cm receive compensa-tion, llcsidos, the power does nol rest tinally willi Ibeguardiaes ; the case must be submitted to the poor lavr coni-iniisioncrs, and their sancliou must be obtained beforo thesuperannuation allowance can h-i granted. Tlic questionwhether half tlic sitaries of tlie iiic.lic-.-tI ollicei-s and school -masters ill tlie Irish unions sliuuld bo paid out uf the; Con-tolidatcd l-'niid is quite a diffeicut one from that uuder dis-cussion ; and I cannot .sic what it bas to do with tho pas-sing of Ibis bill (bear, hear), r'rom almost every poor-lawunion iu Ireland I have received letters requesting toe topress this bill. As 1 before observed , I have already post-poned it for a week to meet llie convenience of llie hou. andl.\irn?d member ; but I think tlic time has mrue ivlien thebill fh.iid.l .10 longer he delayed, .ind, if the house sttpporLme, I w ill pass il. 1 shall put <M the committee 1,11 thebill lo such a lime as may enable tbe bun. and learned mem-ber In pvopnsi! any amendments he may think proper.

Lord J UIIS HKOWSK thought Ihcie was good policy ingiving compensation to uuiuii otHcers, but was also of opinionIliac the plan proposed by thiM'i;bt bun. haroucl in 1802iv:is % much better one than that ou which Il.c present billnu kutJ 1 >n jc~ '« "s would folc for the second reading, liehad heard 110 sound argument against the bill.

Colonel DtwsK would not oppose tbe second reading, butbr thought that lime should be given for a matin 0 conside-i-.iti.ui of thn vai-i.ius clauses bcfure tho measure was diicusscdiu coumullee.

Mr. Ill ill: did not i:ou-ider thai there was any point inIhe rhicf ai-^umcut urged by ti.e lion, and Icji'.ied memberfor Wexfoul (Mr. lieorge) against proceeding with the billat present , I'm- il the Sclecl Committee ou Irish Taxationshould rrpi'nt that the whole of tbis cbaigc should be paidout uf the Consolidated I' uml. tbcre would be no harmdone.

.Mr. Mj i tMu: . iiuli.'d ITIJ- -'!«d)y snpporl UII . «jandreading ot the bill , btcaiis.: la- was pcisuadini ^if itsiiice-sity.

Culouel ll i '.'SM. wishi.-i! lo kimu what class ..f ofliccis tin-ri ght linn. Inrouet thu Cbiuf Stcn-tary Ireland intendedto pension by I lie hill '1

M r. II MliI il wonl.i I.. - coMt' eliii .lit . if Siv I.'.Pcol nollld exp lain what it 'viis plop-isfil Hint tl.c hill shoulddo. ll'hnt . for instance, iva-i the. t.leaning of tlie woid« ,the wlioli ; of whose timo;

.-sir It. I' KKL said tbat the six ultict'l-s ivl;o dcvoli-.! tlu-irwhule thin: to their ilutie- , ai.d irliom it was pi.jpuscd top"lisiou , wure the master and Ibe illation, the .-clioohnastei-and ." stiTss , aial Ibe purler and the iiur.-e. The billdid unt coiili-uiplatc pciiMiiiui ;.' 'lie cUrk of a union , iinh-'sbe devotr-d the whule of bis time 1.. tbe tiulii- s i.f hi" iilliei.1.

Tbe bill WHS tben a -econd lime , and ..ldi-rtil to beCi. ininiltcd uu Titc-day.

1 U K I I A I 11^ uL't ;sri (iN .Mm. 11 L' l—Mr. MoXM 1.1. i.iov.d , iiic.;iiiiuitl.ei>l ' wl.olr

II nise , that leave be iriicu to bring a bill lo -ulHtilntc anoath fur tbe ealb i.-.|r.iied to be taken and subscribed J.y the-•tatuti: of the truth year of the rci^n of lleorgc IV., fi.r llierelii't' i.t' his Majesty 's Woman I 'litholic subjects. It badfrequentl y Icon said in former dt-baU-s 011 this quc5li.n1 tbatyomc compact was m-ub- b<-t\vc. .-ii tli.- ltnioau l .'atholics andII13 (iovcrnuinit uf tbe 1 i.ik. ; nt Wi-llinptvii licforo lliepawing ol the Catholic Kiuanci patinn Hill, That idea, how-tver , bad been entirely dissi pated by tin- statement of KarlKi Hiill , that 110 conmiunicatii.u tuuk placet betwei u theKoiuaii Catl.olio and tlie (•ovciuuitiil bcfuie the |.assiug bill , and there oiild have been u-i compact inthe matter, lie had been urjed by many gentlemen in thathome, as well as out of it , tu extend Ihu se.,i]n; ot his motion,mid instead ol' dealing simply ivitli (lie Kuiuau Catholic propose to substitute lor all tlm oaths nmv talitn a simpleuntil 01 allegiaiiL O (bear). Ilo Liitirel y .igreetl with tbe fecliiiRexpressed by tbe bun. ceutleniau who said "bear, hear" tolhat proposition. He should vc iy much desire lu liave adimple. 0:1th «, f allei,-iaucv (.» t.tkc ; hut tber--- were icasot.swhy be did not think it expedient himself lo m'roih-..;esuch a bill. U was obvious that lln: o.ilb still im-po»ed un aivat I'linclionaiies ul State, which dealt sobar-bly ni lh llie Koinau (' .illiolic rcli giij ii , should begol lid ol I b-.-ar, bear). What could be inure degrading thanto nuke, l.uld Wodelioiwc. when suriouildcd by ItusnnnCatholic law advisei s and privy cnuiicill.irs , lake an uuth dc-claring the I.' Callio lii: rili .-i'm to be il.inuialilc andidnla '.ruiis (bear, benr) ': He would uuw idlii-Je to the uatlitaken by u.caibei'a vvl. i did not belong to the Ito.nauCatholic religion, in which every one swore that " no foreignprince , prelate , or potenl.ile has auy authority in this realm."He would givo Lord Plunkelt 's viciv of those words. Thatnoble learned lord said, " my idea of the oath of supre-may i*, 1 eoufess, tint iirthe strict and literal interpretationof the words il is impussiblc to be taken by any one ; for it11.1t only denies that any foreign power ougbt to have eccle-siastical ur spiritual authority n' tbis realm, but it de-nies even that any foreign power has such authority. Sow,if u-c- admit that there arc Itoman Catholics in the couutiv ,tlic Pupe must have spiritual jiower bcre." lie (hen went011 to say that " what is intended by tliu oalh is , that 110forei gn power has any authority over tbecst.iblisbrd church."That was the interrelation given by Lord Pluukett of theoath taken by Protestant members of that bouse. He re-collected that tbe present Wd Chehnsfonl , when SirFrederick Tbcsiger, bad given another interpretation. Ilosaid that tba until lucant Hint , " Legally, uu foreignpower Imd any aulhuiily '" fhear. hoar). Mut whentwo jucli euiinLiit nulliui'ilics ditfercd in opinion , it washigh time lln.t the oath should be alxdished. He pro-pi»(d tu abolish the clauses iu the present oath IT-imuiicii.g, 1-i'iectiiis, and ftbduting tbe ductrine tbatPrinces excommunicated nr deposed by tbe Pope, or unyauthority uf (be See cf Kouie, might be deposed or mur-dered by tbeir subjects, or by auy jwrson whatever, disclaim-ing, disiivuwiug, and abdurinjr any intention to subvert ,the Kstablished Cburcb, and swearing never to disturb orivcalen the religion, or tbe religion of the Pro-lesuut (joverumeut of the United King dom.

Sir li. ( iBKV saitl her Majesty's (loverntneut gave a readya«cnl to tin motiuu (bat had been made an far as regardedllie preliminary al'P 'or l''e bringing iu or the bill whichil wan proposed lo lay before the House. It Wiu impossibleto deny that the subject was .mo winch demauded coustdcM-liun. lie could nut help expressing bin opinion that thi-iedee laratiuits were individuall y ufleu»ir« to some, not beewsethey could not conscientiously male the declarations they con-tained , but becitusc thiTo were , eiptessious imputiug to theinopinions which they were supposed to be capable ot etite.t'.ain-ing. How far thai might apply lu oaths imposed uponK111111111 t'lithulic members c.l lluuso might be tho sub-jeel of niter discuisiou . but as thin e WIM no objlcliou to thebringiiu iu of tlic bill , it would bu Irettcr. lit thought , lo iwsi.punu diicussiun until it came to u second readiug, nlieu tber.-would he au opportunity uf lunsidcring tbe position of theProlctliiul religion as well us the claims subinitted by KoiumiCatholic raeinbcis.

Mr. N EWDEOITE aud Mr. \YiivuKT protested ujuinslthe pioposeil charge.

The House tben weut into t'owiuitlw, ;i«J INve u«igiven lo bung in tho liill.

IHE FOBTiPiCATioxs OF cimm, YuIFK,u o

T;r l"r Maiq l"is ol 'fcrtington , in propusinitbo vote of £811,121 for norke ind buildings, including t'oO -000 for the fortificntons 6f Quebec, for wbicb tbo tutaltUiinate t"30O,O0O, onterod into an cjpluualion of the iutcu-tions of the government with respect to tho defence of Canada

Tlic vote was agreed to by a majority of 276 to W.

KOBBSBT.—On Wedutsday morning, Uridget Uolgcr alia'.' Hoscrea," was brought up before tho Major, Mr. C. New.port, and Captain Newport , U.L., ou a charge, by a aailor.ot'btviog ttoleu bis watch Irora him tbt previous uigbt iu3argentVlanc. The pnrloiuer wai giveu into tbe bandi ultbi police almost immediately, bat tho natch could not btpand. lbs accused was reminded to pttty Kisionj.

THE MAQ18TKACYWe leiira 'with pleisore"," tbif the' Lord' Lienltoiht, od

tbe recomineudation'of tb» Right Bqtwi Lord.'Statrt daDeciet, Lord Lieutenant of the county, bu beeu plated tuapprove of tbff appointment" of Napoleon Bonapsrte Wyte,Esq., of tbe Manor of St. John, to be » Deputy Lieutenantfor the county of Waterford, in tbe room of Pierco Hely,Etq, deceased. ,

Tkomu Loouard Loader, Esq., of Athgrove IIOUM, hatbeen appointed to the lommiuion of tbe peace for tbe comityof C»rt,

Nrw CntiRsBS. — Consequent ou tbe re<iguition ofSergeant Howley—whose retirement from a post lie fille.1with such ability aud satisfaction fur 35 yean 11 a source ofilecp regrdt—Mr. Cb«rUs Ujlleatone, Q.C, will au»««d totbe vacant cliair iu Tipperarj, a dirisiou of which county, webelieve, was never contemplated br government. Mr. Gitauutrill be removed to Donegal, in room of Ur. liolletton, andwill be autcttded in the Q iecn's County by Mr. Jo.buiClarke. The vacant chairmautbi p will be filled by Mr.Hewitt Poole Jsllett, Q.C.

LONDON AND BOilHAY UAN'KThe directors of tbe Londou and Uorabay Biuk hare just

appointed Mr. Peter Henry Howlctt as geucral manager uftbeir bant at Bombay. -

Mr. Howlett wits formerly connected with the NationalDank, and in securing bit serviced, the Ljiidou and lijtutuyBank is certain to become a prutitibl.) institution luitt tbare-holderj, aud a beueBt to tbe locality in wliiuh he is a mauager.Ele proceeds to Uotnbjy early in April. Mr. Howlett ii 1native of Xew Koss, where his name it well known andrespected, and where bis appoiutuicut will , we are sure, cams* very considerable degree of pleasure.

FASHIONABLE NEWSSir Thomas Esmonde, Bart , D.L., and Lady

KunoinJe and suite havo left tbe liresliu Koyal Mariat Hotel ,l!ray, fur Johnstown Caslle.The Marchioness of Ely entertained the following

select circle at dinner on Wednesday evening:, at her rcsideucr,I'rtures-gute:— Their Serene Highnesses Prince aud PrincesslCd'.vurd of Saxa Weimar, his Excellency tlio ltustiauAmbassador aud Harmless Brunow , the Imke and Duchess ufKi>xburlige ,Lord Wa1den,Lucd Wesi , Sir Koderick Muidiison ,Major Jocelyn, 4c.

S. T. Grubb, K«j ., J . I 1., Rev . T. Alcoclc , andfauiil j , has arrived at ICilhupy Iluuse, from Dublin.I b e Karl and Countess of liessboroug h received

a -L-U'Ct p*rty at dinner ou Tuesday evening, jit their lious.:iu I'liar le.-t-stieet, Berkeley-square.Richard Wall Morris , Kirj. , and f.uuil y have

ai r vei l at Dcnbigh-strfct , Belgravc Ko,id , L.iudou , Iruin(lu- ir residence at Ki)e.keill i.iinr near this city.It is said (bat tin: 1 Ju ke of Devonshire wil l

pre-ide uver the Uoyal Commission on lUihvjyn which i*ab) it to In .- appointed.

v.mi one cnuttcn' 'o.xvt 'Ksiu.v .—It is now positively .innouaeed 1 t;-<L l .ulv -

Herbert , of I.i-.-i, u-liu is now at liuuie ui t l i sun, theIvirl nt' Pi-'rubrokc, |)ubb»-l i* 1:mfjnDed to tin l' illi.; , it Ijoiug well understood that for two yea rs past Ji..-wa- a Cdlholic m privacy. Her husband was Ion:: kuinvii asSydney Herbert , befoie lie went to the Hoit-e. ul Limit, andu-.i* on.: ot' those, few I'rofc-t.iul lueinbeis ot parliament the. memorable ISol , opposed tin: Kcclcsiasli.:.dTi:l»s |!il|, fur which he. n ith some ulhers of tbe IVlilep-n ty, Jrnecived tlie thanks nf it ic as-?u.l.led ( 'atbuliej o!l.-i- la.-id in August that year, it i« added by s.mjc that li.-rs-iii , tbe i'ouug lvirl of Pembroke, now about lifted., is al«- iabiut. to become a C-illiolic , but I. '.id!l.jr Westbu-.yis t. i lie Culisultcil ull lhat point whilst l i ie Karl is a uliliur.

.*>r. PA'I K I C K 'S DA Y I N Loxi 'ON- —i'':i-lay inurnini; beingIV aiii i ivi .-ijary of the I-V'.stival nf St. P.r.rick, llie p.itro:i.-.iiul i- f Ireland. ul all cl.isie-i might he seen*.v, -.niitg iu t l n ir intts aud ImUon-uolcs tiic liauirock , whichi- iliu national einblem. At St. Patrick's , Suliu.uo,rate eercuioiiy was jj ril'M-:ii->I , u lar^c number olticcl'.-stastic* and di-Mii^ui-be.l laymen of tbe Uomaii Catbotii:LMiiiiuuuitv attciuliug tu do boiiuur lo Ibe uicuinrv uf tlius. ii l l t .

TIIK CA K I I I N A L \V I 51. MA > M KJIOK . A I ..—The cumiuitter.c i.uposcd of ltoiiiau Catholic uuUiliiy .geutiy and ecclesiastics,appuiutcd lo tnke uieastiiT.- lor creeling a cathedral iuVVestinimlci - in lucuiorr uf t.'.irdinal Wiseman , bavo resolvedto call a public na-eliiig uu thu -'itli May at the Hanover-Hpi.ire Rooms.

THANKS.I'liu Vuiuiif Men 's Shirty of deili'i: to record

Ilitir treli/igs of gratitude to Patrick .Stqiliciisuu. Ksq., otl-'aiilnuok , for his munitict'iit .siibsL-riplion uf J." , and alvito .losep ll Kislixr , Ksq., fur cuntiuuil.g lo supply them gra -tuitously with the Minist er 7i'.rj)rc.v.v, trom wiiicb tbeydeiivi:iiiuel. usclul and interesting intormatioii.

The .Sitters ut tlie (Juoil Shepherd gratefully aikuonlcili.-"having received JU:J from the Loan L-'uie! Society, per Ui.Coudell , and one guinea from a special jury, per T. \V.t'oudou, Ksq., lur the Magdalen Asylum.

Mary Sbaiiabau , liarrulistrand-strcct , whoie husband , asbip-carp'titer, was recently drowned by falling fiom tbebanpic Science, at the docfc-yar.l , as iccordcd iu The Sentat the time , thankfully acknowledges having received Irumthe Itev. Patrick Kent , I',P. of St. Patrick's, Waterford , thethe sum uf i-'U os., cullcctci! fiuin the public by A kind andimkuowu friend.

The Ucv. Mr. Muuucj, P.P., Cabir , begs to acknowledge,with liuccresi thauks, the I'ulluwiug doualioi iM from tlmllun. Charles Moore, M.P. for co. Tippcr.iry :— JL 'IM fur theunemployed puor of Cahir, and J-'-'i lor tliu new schools furSisters ul' Mercy, Cahir.

Tbe Sistcr.s of Mercy, Cihir, Am btg to relnrn theirbest thanks 10 her Kxceilency LuJy for £1, furrelief of tbe poor ; Jb'l from It. Thuinpsuu , l>q., Kngland, and10«. from a kind lady friend, per hiii».l.t ol' the mui.-iblt! Mit.Dr. Slalfoid, Xew Castle.

WATKin-'U K l ) U.VIOX—ELKCTIOX 01 l iL'Al iDlA.VS'The Kelnruin^ DHie.'r attended at the hoard yesterday 1to cast up Ibe. rotes in the contested divisions , which were

as follow :—CUSTOM H O I S I. W A U U.— Patrick Cm-ran , 2-J1 ; Mic'uacl

O'Slwa, 1'iW : Joseph Kiilier, 1«J ; H. M. Dillon , 136,KII.BBIDB 'AND KiL.MACk 'BVontK.—l 'ntrick HoOaii , IVJ :

Joseph O'Divver , IL1.

Slurs I N l lAKIin t 'K—Ol K P '>Ki .- -W|. jieruuivu thaiour riwr, at llie railway torniiui , Nuwraih , is liku aiin-ther port, r-'or llie past lew d-ayn there has ijcctt ofanchor at this railway 110 fewer than , on an average ,thirty vesti.-ls. This .Iocs uul ineliid.- the shi p.-? at our,-evcral '|Uay.<, uf which there is now an inindunli ylarge tiumlier. W it It the complete ii |i'..ui uj; of thvKilk enny extu.ti.-i nn line to Jiary lioiouyh , and the nwrlioiiK of th.-cucrjje .ti.- dircelor." and ;n.-t iv.- .jllicviv of tin'lillcrcnt railuay.- '.-.iiii tni^ into V.'alert'oril. w'i .- are in.dined l>> l i r l iowih .it they, a- well ti^ th'1 i-ily gcii'.1 -rally, ar. - .111 t in- str.ii._'ht road lo proisre.-v. Thu fir- !e\cui-.-ioii tri p l' Aliheyleix lo Walurfoi-il , m:PalricL's- Hay, wa. : voiy .¦.¦u.>-slul , uniifidorin .!; tl«state of t in- weather and linn: .>!' year. The arraii:.''"-nien'.s were, very i.i- rl 'e.-;. and rctlecl in- il i l mi nil I IniilfiCOr.S cutlOOTfle il.

Wk-»r t 'oKK ll .iu. U A V . —A v.ry sueces-fo! ti !ii p !....-I K-CII made over Ibe p.ivLj.j u ol* tin- 1 line cuni]iUt?d bclwten(l ldlu near Il.uiilou. and Duumatiway, a dista.ii .vof seii-n-tren miles, l.y the chairman. Sir C-.ts.ick Kuucy, and thrsu-rrlary, Mr. II . Williams Wimd. The country which tlmline will cfrcti op is ricli .mil A- i-[iIe : *>u( tlie t.e-c of iiis that we?t of Skibbert-en. to wbit-li Ibe railway will be e.T-teiulcd without delay. Tlie total extent of tlic H UB nowconstructed is tweiity- lwo miles, uut ol' tliiiiy-tlnw , tlic d'--tj inee Iruin riiiiduutoSkibbereeu—»i/., souietliin gever.-eviu-tceu miles fiom l!:tudon to Duiunauwuy, and four aud a hailat IlieSkibbeicen end. Uldtuvv.i , where tl.c track coimuctuv-nl piesenl , is over a mile from ISaudou. Th; Cork Keomim rsiitiouuces that the managership of the line has been eutrusted to Mr. W. Parsons, known iu Wateil urd iu thatcapacity at tliu Tiauiuiu Knihvay. and lately at llie Curk and!Vuugbal l» .iili% * .iy—a gcntleuian whusc. obliging dispi^itiunas 111. utlicial si-cure.1 for liiai Ibe approbation and estenn otall , and ol whwc M.-leiti.i n tlie public will cordial ly approii.

SALMON .—The scarcity of <;dinou .it tbis season, and threnurir.uu.1 juice at wliidi (be suiull IIUIH I. LT caught are suld ,are I I IK strungest cuiidenm.itiuu which cuuld be piuse.lou tlieillusory IIU|K'- hi-l- l out to thu fisbermeu ul abumlauce d *.tlie precious food wlicn tlic weiis would be abolisheilThe number ul luals have beeu doubled Him,-* the.passiug of the i-oiiKscatiui. act , and yet , in tbo luonlh idFebruary, ot the piesenl year , the entire, number of fislitaken wa-i only 1 1:J, ot a very p.wi descri ption, which sold atiis. (Id. a lo., whilst in r'ebmuty, lSlfct , when the weirs werr-in existence, the nuiobcr taken was 800, which were broughtto our city in flue condition , und suM at from Is. 3d. to It. M.per Hi. Tbese arc facts which tbe public should koep iu mindTIIKEE TIMES o.x 1'RI AI . :—The Ooveruuient have ailength deemed it right to liberate Frauds Bradley, cliarge.1

at Lilfjul with murderiug a land stuirard, u.nned Adamlirienon. Bradley bad beeu twice tried for the ciime , and uneach occasion the jury disagreed. At tbe present assizes hewas , fur the third time, pe.i upon his trial before .fud-eHaje«, and Ibe Attorney and Solicitor tieueral conducted(lie prosecution, Tlic sole evidence was tlie declaration afl mha bad beeu .hot , uf (.iiiersoii , that Bradley, whom tliedeceased lielieved owed him spite, did it , hut there wm>trong rebutting evidence, at:,] on tin- present occasion tlicjury again , after beiug locked in all night , were discharged onWeilnesd.iy lnorumg without 11 verdict , when tba cruwu iu-tunated that they would not prucced fuither, aud BradJevwas discharged.

A H IM To TUI . LADIES — If you want your Laces andLiuen* dressed in a superior style (aud who does uot) ? youshould use only tbo (ilentield Starch, and you will btdelighted witb 111-: elasticity aud beautiful fiuisb it gives lothose articles. The (ileufie ld Starch is exclusively used in.tbe Uoyal Laundry, and UerMajesty'a Laundress pronuuuee*il to be tbe finest starch she ever used. It was awarded tnuPrize Medals for its superiority, and tbe manufacturers hattleccivcd uunierous tettiiuouials from all classes, all agreeingas to its cxwlleot qualities, We would respectfully cautionour fan- renders when buying tbe UlcjRold Starch to see thatthey get il , as inferior kinds are oftcu subttituted. IVmanufacture^ \,»ve much pleasure in staliug tbat they bavebeen, an-jo'inted Starch Purveyors to I1.U.1I., the I'riona o5'Wales! Sold at V9 Kiug-street . Vi '.ifford.

Yov'iiiMi KcKcttox,—We understand that » committctof tbe elector* of tbis borough arc at present cauiassiug forMr. .1. N- M'KeiMia , with e»ery prospect of success. Mr.ilutt , Q.C, i« the sitling candidaU'.

DUXOARVAX UKIOS.— On yesterday Ibe publisher otT/ie Neiei was dcclate.1 contractor for the books aud forintuf this uuion.

TAXATION CosusmsK.—Tha following is the newI cuiumittcc, named by Col. Dunne, ou tbe t.nation' of1 Ireland—Colonel Dauue, Sir V. Grogau, Mr. Lungfitld, The! O'CoDor Dou, .Mr. Htaanry, Sir F. llcygate, Sir G. Col-! thnrtt, Sir If. Peel, Sir S. Northcote, Mr. Howes, .Mr.! Hankey, Mr. Lowe, aud Ur. Staoliopc.i Too FiST.—Mr. Darid Leopold Lewis, uf Lutidun.j contractor for tbo Cork and Yoagbal railway, who has bveu. named, ou uiasy occasion*, as tbe future M.P. lurj Youglial, has just filed a petition in baukruptcv, in order, as1 b» says, to protect his estate from a creditor Vbo }iu: obtained a jadgcncutagaiu5t it. JJr. Lewis wis alto'ttoentlrj defendentin the celebrated case of iart/«(( ¦ v. Z«rf», tried• in Dublin, where ho obtained a verdict .; . - . '. , ., LIBOB SALMON.—The Liwurick Meperler - meotionsi Uut on Thursday last, Mr., Daniel Dpil»,.:»oUcitor, tvaghtI with • rod, in the Sbauooo, at Partecn,. » ttlroou wcisbiug :'SBlbs. of tlio following dimentions :—Ltugth! from oou tu - i

! t»il, four fc«t; round tlic-girth UiW f«Vgw^urJ';»tjd Rl. ' ;> .:ji tb» juriowMtpMtof thi.t^eifbtjnelWift^^&' J y-.rti^

Page 4: WATKUroiJ l) NEWS ¦ - • ¦ • •;•¦//¦ .-/ erf rii rnduij hrenimj at -i'.)

©vtatnal ^oetrtiL I N E S .

I lore thee '.—yet I know not whj—Of ill that e'er I fon.llr knew

There i' no> o"« for whom a stsfaCoal ) tare this lonely heart hut ;on.

Onf smile of thine was worth them all—Thy sUnce wat sweater , far moro bright

One word from tliep , hower nmaU ,Ua.l music more for my deligtiL

I love thee ret , an'l love ai wellAs when with theo I Urried litre :

Ah I ref , though absent , Mill you dwellWithin this heart for ever Hear ;

and uriv'hter though thin lite may beThan now it seems with me to shine,

Mr ihnothu shall be the simc for thee,Mr !ora pliatl slill be rrcr thine.

Kj rewctl! il'n 't thinV it ill nf me —Of ononho loved thef , Imn thee ret'

With lo?fc as true a* I OTU can be,That I through .'ife cia c'or forget ;

No, eren should mr life grow sad,Should anguish rest upoo mr brow,

The though t al.ina shall mike me slad ,That I will tote Ihcc still as novr.

THOUGHTS OK HOMEA.Z the bright riter flows to the ocean'.* wide breast ,As tho newly-flctlgeil bird to its »-hclterini; nc t .So away from ror kindred my trtouglits- do ther roam,Awtkeoed br anme slight sweet memoir nf home.

Oh 1 how the soul lingers o'er clcli Ijallowcl spot—The bright little garden ami neat litt le cot,W1O1 it« wall*, whera the nightingales lay.Vies wi:h tho souud of tlio waterfall 's spray.

Anu lo! in the distance , mrthink* that I gaicOn the antnmnal tints nf the Ban's setting ray?.At they lcod their red lustre to the ocean's white foam ,And shine liko a halo round the KCCOC of tny home.

My father, hmr fon.lly 1 think of him now,With bin RWifi piercing glaut:i>, and lush stern brow ,That ne'er in il* pri>le relaxed in its tono,tave to one of the circle he fondly called nun.

Hut dearer than all is mr mother 's »wcct fica .As her ljre-lUhted ejri> .spoke the. soul's inwarl crace ;Her memory .still shed* o'er my sa.l soul a light ,I.iko the calm gentle ir.oon in the darkness of night.

J . 51; M

iR tjstcltancKA IUTTU -.-FIEL II . — A battle-field is a sail and

•ickeninp si ght. The contest of tlie day isnow robbed of all its ^lory and chivalry. Themarching hosts in hostile array, <hc wild tumult ofbattle, ibe din and roar of musketry and artiller yhave died away. Its pomp mid strange attraction shave now departed , ami fail to »i'd the painted sep-ulchre , leaving nothing behind but its gli. istlv liar-vest of dend and maimed fellow-creatures. It wasjust night , the rain was pniiri t iL ' down , and the dinand roar of battle bad ceased. Still rose in the dis-tance the cheer nnd .shout of our men as they dashedafter tin1 retreating f oet initia led with the deep Iwomof our gun.", which were still tending a parting shotafter the enemy. I was stnndiu<; on the hill uponwhich wns emitted the bloodiest drama of tlie fi j>bt.It was the bill of slaughter. The dead and d'y inslav thickly strenn round in all conceivable shape?.In one place were piled lojielher the hiulies of twowhite soldiers and three coloured. They must haviclunp together for shelter , and were mowed <lownturjetlier. Black and whlii- lay side by silk-justunder the rebel wurk « ; there was no distinctionnow—brot hers in the fi"fj' storm of battle , they slepttogether in death. The hill ;.r<'senlc-d a gli.istlvpicture of the wreck and debris of iMttle. JJent andbroken musk- ts piled beside the dead bodies of thus-who bad used them—frapuien 's of shell and roundshot irntti red in every direction , w ith broken artil-lery nnd exploded caissons —the ground furrowedand plcius li icl ami sciiicrei! over wii l t loppetlbranches o! tnM-s. '¦'•ori: some of the realities thaimade up the <-hastl y picture ; add to this the piercing groan- of the wounded , whose mang led botlie«writhed in torturing ABOIIV . and you have iOinu ideaof t!ie horrors <if a bat ll-' li. Id when stripped of allits pomp nnd tinsel. Beliind the entrenchments laythe rebel dend and v uuuded , sonic crushed ami tornin On; most unsightl y manner by our shot and shell?.So accurate was our arl'llcry practice that our shuttore otTthe heads of some with tlie top of the para-pet. I was attending one poor fellow whose armhad hern dreadfull y shattered, giving him a drinkof whiskey and of morp hine , when Surgeon Ii. A.Jeiuster , 5tb Ohio , came over to dress his wounds."Ah ! gentlemen ," exclaimed the poor fellow , "1have a wife and five children in Georgia , whom Ibad to leave hel pless when I was conscri pted. Savemy arm for their sake." Dr. Jcinster cuiild holdout no hopes for him , but thoug ht be could suvc hislife. I remarked the. kind doctor 's Christian atten-tion to the unfortunate rebel wounded ; but , then , ourdoctors make m> distinction between friend and foewhen they arc stricken down. Near htm lavnn officer with'his leg shattered and his arm torn offfrom the shoulder. Though we made a bed withblankets for him he was rather sullen , and wouldnot allow us to move him out of the trench wherelie lay dmibled tip. It mattered little , for a fewhours terminated bis earthl y pain. As 1 rode awayfrom this hill , over which the charnel-house smell ofdeut'.i was alread y breathing, I saw n huge Ken-tuckian weep ing bitterl y over a (lead rebel. " Sir,"I exclaimed , " look at your dead comrades ly ing allround. " "True," be said , as be wi ped his eyesandpointed to a dead Union otlicer , " there is mybrother , shot by this man ; I shot him in return.He is my cousin and boy hood companion. I weepfor mv brother and bosom friend ." This is but oneof the many ad'ecting scenes I have witnessed onthe battle-fie ld.— AYH > York Herald.

A D I'.ATH— In one 01 >»y visits to tbeGhetto 1 L-oiild not resist entering a shop, a cave-likedt'n , in which a Jew bad uicumulatud a greatnumber of curiosities. Anti ques ail , he would haveyou believe, but even my uneducated archii'logicaleye detected that fully une lialf nl the arlicl.-s weremodem forgeries. Tlie ancient lUbtv w had , bow-ever , nianv curious things , mostl y metal work , forwl ie'b be 'demanded outrageous pi ices, giving youtn understand , at the same ti ne, that be was, to usea tra- linr phrase, " (.pen to all offer." Althoug haeeumpiinied by a Human gentlemnn who ua<billing to do the talking, I could not effect asatiiilaetnry purchase. Among the articles was acurious ring, whether ancient or not I cannot say,which the crafty Hebrew called a " death ring, "and stated thnt , althoug h common in Ital y duringthe middle ages , they are niuv extremel y rare. Itconsisted of two hoopt o( i>iU, In which wereattached two pieces of steel shaped iiki " a cat 's clatf ,but not so much curved , und deep l y grooved. Inthe«r grooTes n subtle poison wu< introduced , and«hen the p«n»es»nr of tlie riii« di-reniiincd to ki l lnnvonc , under 'he guise of a friendly shake of thi -luind a puncture WHS given by the wrarrr of therinir, "hicli was qtiirkl y fulin wvd by death. — LastWinter in Home , by C. It . ll 'eld.

Tilt W*^ or Tin: UoKt.i>. — Mr IJickson , a

colnured liarbrr in n large New Kng luid town , wasshaving ''lie «-'f »'¦> customer? , a p spectabie citiz >- n,OIK- inotniiig, tvlii 'ii » cmiv. isatio t i occurred betweent\\rm respecting" Mr- Uickson 's .former connectionwith 1 coloured cliuich in that place :— • I believeyou ate eoiiiierlcd ffi ih the church in Khn-slr.-et ,are von not , Mr. I) icks-.ii ?' said the customer. -• No sab , not at all. ' ' Why did j-ou leave yourconnection , Mr. Dicksnn , if I may be percHtlrd 10ask ?' ' Well 1* 11 tell yon , salt , ' said Mr. Dicksnii ,• it U'JK just l ike dis ; j j ined the church in goodfait ; I gave t.-n dollar* towards do Hated gospel drf.i.' yiar , and dc church people call me Jlruddrr

Dick'sun, th« secuinl year my business »!u jiot «>good and I "ib only live dollar!. Dat year peoplecalled me Mr Uickto.i. Dit rnzor hurt you, lah.'1

. jCo, the rnzor goe» tolerabl y wvll. 1 ' Well , «nh ,«he third yar I fell very poor ; had sickness in myfamilv; aiid ditln 'l g ive notliii i 'fiir prcacliin. Well ,tab, arter dut dey call me ' dat ol« nigger Dickion ;and I left 'em.'

'J he sunlight that follows a shi pwreck is not lessbeautiful thoug h it shines upon the remains of abrofcett barque ; what is saved is so nnich more pre-cious than that which hn« been lost. Tlie domesliccircle is always too small to allow of rupture ; it isal\»»ys too precious tn make excusable any neglectto prevent «;r heal disturbance. Tlirre are enoug hto milliner, l>y f'»its and report*, to i)«nif»tic un-fcimlncrs ; and unfortunately the best , under tuolicircumstances, aie much prone to mistake , and thuimisrepresent motives; and trifles , which with nodirect object, ore magnified into mountain* of unin-tentional offeiico. It is the same in sqc.ii) life. Letus guard against it. DeliiMlc regulitiuu ere likethe polish of cosily cutlery—dampness Corrodes,and nut, though removed, leaves a spot.

PRIDE ASD VANITY. —The virtues are economist--,bat gome nf the vicei are aliu. Thus, next tohumility, I have noticed that pride is a pretty goodhusband.' Pride is handsome , economical ; prideeradicate! w> many vices, letting none tubt 'ui hutitself , that it tecmi ai if it were a great gain to ex-'change vanity fur pride. Pride can go withoutdomeiticF, miihout fine clothes, can live in a housewith t»0 roomi, can eat potatoes, purselane , beans,lyed corn, can work on the soil, can travel afoul ,can talk with poor nten , or ait silent , well contentedin fine talooni. But vanity costs money, labour ,horses, men, women, health , and peace , and u.atitinothing at . last , a long way leading nowjjere.Only one dra w back ; proud people arc intolerably.f lfisb, «nd the Tain are gentle and giving. —Etrenan's Conduct of Lif e.


THE WATERFORD CORPORATION.A3 already reported , a meeting of the Town

Council was "held on Friday last to adopt a petitionand appoint a deputation to wait on (he Lord Lieu-tenant , in conjunction with other deputations , re-questing him to use h's influence as a member ofthe government to effectuate, this object. At twon'rlnrk the chair wns taken by

TV H'slit Wnmliipfnl tlio Mayer, J OHN I.A W LKR , Ksq.Amonjst the oilier WMII I MM II juv»wit were AliUnnrn H.

C.wile, 1*. C-x , nn.i 1* K. l{>'iil ; C'dimcillnrs W. Joluisiin ,I P., H . F. Sl.itlery, .1. W. lliclnirilson , Dr. Mitckesy, 1*. •'•IWIoy T. PorrMli W. Currnll , M. I) ., Coinolius Redmond,T. P. Strmice, II. K iilKH-ay, T. W. Jacol), 1>. A. Power, andIidtieltlitt Fri"etnan.

The. Mnyor said he had called that meeting toconsider and tRkc action in reference lo n communi-cation he had received from the Corporation i>rDublin on the subject of obnoxious oaths , requiredhy lt>* to be taken by Catholii -s and Protestants.It concerned Catholics nnd I'rotesiants , nod allother creeds alike ; and it concerned the countrycenerallv , that the law .liottld not continue to en-force unfair and offensive distinctions -, which werecalculated to create i l l-wil l and dissension (hear,hear). Evcrv Catholic knew it to be his conscien-tious dtttv to Vive an unreserved and uncondi iiotialalleg iance to the Sovereign , without having the de-claration of-that alleg iance saddled with needlessand insulting assertions (hear, hear). A Protcstnmmember nf the corporation of \\ aterford (CaptainJahnron) hroushl the subject forward in that bod yon more than one occasion , and was one of the firstto denounce a state of the law unjust and offensiveto his Catlmlic fellow member..". Upon the motionof Captain Johnson , that corporation sent forwardpetitions to pnrliiment , two years ago, praying forthe removal of those disabilities under which Ct illio -lies still suffered (hear , hear). He (the Mayor) fell ,therefore , (lie more pleasure in calling them IngeIher on tint occasion in order that they might co-operate with the ether munici palities of Ireland inthe "encral movement so nhl y commenced by theenrp'oration of Publin ; and he hoped this combinedexpression of opinion would ho attended with speed yand complete success , by the repeal of all those dis-abilities , which were a disgrace to imperial leg isla-tion (hear , hear).

Captain Johnson said that , as lite mayor hadmentioned his nam**, he wished to make a few re-marks upon the matter. It was true that in ISG'J,when he filled lhp oflicc of mayor , be was struckwith the very objectionable nature of the onlhawhich came under his cognizance In his ollicialrapacity, ntrl lie did bring the matter before thecouncil. They unanimousl y resolved tn petitionparliament fur the abolition of those, objectionableoaths , and they go! tlieir representative's lo presentthe petition. That corporat ion communicated withthe munici palities in Ireland on the subject ut thatlime. In 18C3 liu again had the honour of movinga similar resolution , wh eh was seconded by Mr.Jacob , a member of tlio Society of Frit-mis , andthey again unanimousl y resolved lo petition parlia-ment . He was happy to see that the subject hadbeen so abl y taken up in the Corporation ol Dublin ,and was being pusln d forward with so much energy(hear). There could be no second opinion that theoaths now heit iK administered were uf a must objec-tionable character , and lie was aware they were fre-qtn-mly taken as mere mi.tier <•! form by gentlemenwho could not avail themselves of the ri ghts olcitizenshi p bv emeriti" upon the discharge of publicduties until they complied with the la * by takingthose oaths (hear). The Corporation of Waterford ,from the course it had lien-ti 'liiii ' taken nn the sub-ject , could not hefilate to join in the general move-ment commenced by t i e Corporation of Dublin ,and be hoped they would resolve to co-nperate withthat movement , anil al*o to be represented alongwith the Irish corporations on Monday ne .\t beforethe Lord Lieutenant (bear , bear), l i e nvived thairi c 'ltomittee be appointed to prepare a resolution tot> < - submitted lo the council (hear , hear).

Mr. \V. Cam.II , M.I ) . , seconded the motion ,which was ndopleil .

Mr. Ptirci'll moved that Captain Johnson , Mr.Jacob , and Dr. Carroll do constitute the comoiitlte.

Mr. Dowlev seconded the motion , which wasadopted.

The cDtnmitlee retired , and after a short timereturned.

Captain Juhnstm said he had jjrt'at pleasure inmoving the adoption of the resolut ion prepared by:he committee , and which he was sure would me-i tthe views of the whole, tody. It was as lollows : —"That a petition be presented to bulb bousi-a ofparliament pray ing that the present ofieii cive oathsnow taken hy persons entering tt|.on immu-i pn! ant!other uflices hi- abolishec., and that a simple oath , ordeclaration of alleg iance , which may be taken hyall classes of her Maj esty 's subjects , be substitutedin their stead , and for Hie removal ol " all disabilitiesthat still affect her Majesty 's Catholic siibjects"(bi'ar).hear).

Dr. Carroll seconded the motion.Mr. Jicob said he wished , before the motion was

put , lo make an observation in relefelic 1 to il. Hi 1

objected no reli g ious princi ples to tlictakin<; of oallis ,and he would prefe r that no mention was made ofan oath at all in the motion , but he felt hound toacknowl ed ge that , in t'eferenco to his views , theother members of ihe coiii inittK- had introduced th*alternati ve word " declaration " alter the word oath(hear , hear). He full y admitted that a declaration01 affirmation of alleg iance was due to the Soverei gnfrom every subject, and mi tin - »ne nr two occasionsthat he made such iillirnnlinn he did s i withpleasure. Uc most cordi all y concurred in the latterport of the resolution , thai all disabilities affl'dint;members of any church should he at once abolished(app lause) , l i e <!id i.ot think any man 's religion*opinions should subj ect him lo any disability what-ever. He was therefore glad to see the presentgeneral movcmi't.t on tl e part of tlio Irish munici palbodies on the subject , and he hoped it would bwsuccessful (, hear;.

Mr. J . S. Richardum , another member of theSociety of Friends , said he went to the fulle st extentwith the resolution , that all disabili ties af(' ctiii |> themembers of any cburc 1 shuuld he abulisln d ; butlielivving. as a me tib c r of the Society of 1'ii it i 'ls ,that it was wrong to take a:> oath , he fi -ll someilillicully in sopporlini! ihe portion of the resolutionwhich aski-d for the enactnii -ut of a general oath ofallegiance. He wishvd bis brother nu-atbcrs , how-ever , to distinctly undtrstaii 'l that , cxcvpl as to thispoint , he cordiall y supported the whole of the reso-lution (hear , hear). No one cotiUi be more d.siromthan lie wa< In see i- ivi l and reli ^ liberty In thefullest extent established all over the world , for hebelieved it was the surest foundation anil bill nark ofnational prosperity and greatness (hear , hear). Hehoped to see the day when all oaths would be abol-ished , and when truth .sneaking would io prevailas to render any form of confirmation unnecessary.

The Mayor , in putling Ihe motion , said he wassure it would meet with the approbation of every(;ood man not onl y ii: Waleifor d but in the whnlekiii f.'Ium (bear, iiear). He was convi nced tiiat be¦ xp'rrssed the fet-lin " nf every Catholic in Wali-rfordwhen he said if any of their fellow citizens ,diflerinc from them in creed , stifFen-d tinder miydisabilities because uf their creed ihe Catholics nouldcheerfull y make every effort to relieve tliein lro:iitho^e disabilities (hear ", hear). He was glad , there-fore , to see their dis- riiiins! brelhien animated by asimilar spii it , and assisting to remove disabilitiesfrom off the Catholics of this country (hear).

Tin. resriliiiiun was unanimously adopted .Mr. Cornelius Red uoud moved thai the form of

petition of the corporation of Dublin be adupled bythe IVali -r^ord covpo'alini:. In ittuvit .g il he saitl—The powerfu l spceeh ot Sir John ^ray, in theDublin Corporation , which nearly evei y one liasread , Ins so exhausted the subject of the oaths , thatit would be onl y g ildioi; refined gold to attempt toadd mi;'(,':jn£ lutiv: tn it {J'eaj ", bpiir) . However , injustice to oursel'.es, this much at all evmts may besaid , that althoug h the Dublin corporation dcj lt outthe reall y heavy blow , and massed togethe r publicopinion , Ihe Waterford corporation were the veryfir.« t to move in the trailer. Three limes we got upp-.'titioiis to l'iir!i:un( nt against the obnoxious oaths ,hut we .hoald get them up every month ill the yearif that wer e- iiE;r;;a:y to carry out I lie tli'siraub 1

object we all have , in vivti>—namel y, the removal of(host- hati-fol oaths fur ever liom the stiiltitc book.I was very sorry to observe iluit in the Dublin cor-nurati'"! there vas a division on this subject , onwhich there .should l-c no divi. stuu -a subject whichalike ci.ines home to th- - conscience of 1 very citizenof evi 'rj- persuasion (hear, iiuar , and cheers). Inthe W.iterleril itoipt.ralion , on tin- contrary, I amhaupy to say there t«'fl£ and is »•> divisis. n «f iijii nimi ,ev?iy man, both PrCte al.i t it , Cal i i oi ic , and Oissciii-rf.ei it ig a l ike; in Mel , we all vied with each other inenr hatred of tho.v- most obnoxious oaths . ForinsllillM. l\ shnrl whi le since , the very last time ibisquestion was broug ht before l!ie council , CnptninJuhnson i> I' 1'''-" •'"! e"1'?1"1" 1"'11 Protestant ,moved a peiii ioii to pnvlia iiic.i: "faying to gel lid of

Hiota oaths, nliicl) uclili"" Wi.i ;c:o>ided byMr. Jiuol) , nn inlelli gent miniucr pf tin- f>oj .'t;y

of Friends, btilli gcmlemen expressing lllfimelvcawarml y on the subject. It is .surprising that anypovernment pielendiug to liberal and enli ghtenedviews—it is astonishing that ;uy povernineiit orpntliament in thii «|;e of advancuicnl mid prugrrss ,would for a in'omcn ". tnleinte such oaths to he taJa-iiby «ny otif of her Majesty 's subjects. Only thinkof the f.util I.iputeniuit of IrelnmJ, who comtm fromr.nglaqd .to gqvern us , obliged to swear llir.t tb*overwhelming tn»jority of the peop le over whotn he11 sti['Pnscd lo rule villi eveu-hauded justice arc

given to superstition nnd idolutry. Onl y think ofcorporat ors and others beine obliged to lake upGod's holy book , tlie sacred Scri pture s, to sirear byits contents that the Pope, (he hea I and chief of theCatholic world , has no power or authority, spiritualor ecclesiastical , within this Catholic country, whenwe all know—when ihe whole universe knows —Hint siicfi is not Ilie funt: when tre«!l Inoir C-iibnliralnvn Jiiin with the drerivst alTittinii—Hint by his will ourKUlmps (ire cnnweriiteil , our priests niilniin'ii , and all theiii '.il.Ts nnd oilier orditi.nires of tlio church carried out(lip-ir lirnr). I am alad to sec* tin- tiin'-linnonrrd ' andpatriotic eorpnr.ition of the nld Urbs Intacta nhimt to Tormi(« itppntntiiin , in "'''or to join tlie oilier corporations inDublin on Monday iii-xt , to meet the vepresi'titalivc nf herMajrstT, I be'l Lipiiiciiinit , at tliu vicereiral residence,wit "i Hin rifiv of piwsiittr tin-» iil ij >'ct nf llu'sc Oilths on liisinn«t e.i riK-sf .itten'f'iti -oallis wliieli I neter kueiv 11 man totnke eserpt nn-ii'ist liis Rrain—nat lw whiili bolonir only lo *hvimno me, nmi wliirb ar" quite untit the present— ontliswliieli .ii'f. tlie I.Kt reiiiaiiiiiii vtisl .v links of the dctestaMfpenal rn l/> (limtr , tienr , nnd :iptilause).

Mr. P. A. Power s.Ti»id-il the motion.Alderman C"nko said tlirrp was a clause of the 10th

Genree Ilie -I'll , ininnsitii: a penalty of t'50 1 nnnn any rhieftnairtstrnte who brought nny of \m iiisi^nia nf i>IFce into aCatlinlic nl:ic» of worship. This lie considered tn lv uscro<:<lv orTi'nsive. as lUiyfli inir in the obnn.\inus n.itlis , Rinl liewMicd to dirrrt .iltentinn to it , <n the hope that tin)rorprtmtinns iTnnld n«e their most shenuims excrlions tohave this p-ual entirtinenl vepi-iilnl. Hn saw that the matter»*.is relTrpi] lo in Il'e Dalilin pi'tilioti :is n ^rcat injustice ,lint he did tint pec iU rnpenl was demnndrd. He Impedthat, wli-itevr drrulation wont to llublin would call theattention nf the nllier di>putations ti tin* inatt<>r.

Till" Mayor said flint tho concluding pinur.ipli of thoDntiliti Coi'piriilion petition sppeificall y prnytd for the repealof rfj .it mn«t »ffp»sin- ennrtim-nt (hear).

Th.< pi'tition was ilieii aclnplol.The M.uoi eaiil tliny shnuld now appoint a deputation to

proroi-d to Duhlin nnd wait- upon the Lord nutnnday next . lVi'«on:dl y ho w:is inost anxious to attend ,

liul owiiii: to his state of health his m>>dii:at attendant hadprr.liiliitcd him from undorlakinc the jimrni'y (hear).

l) r. .f. Marktsy mnvfil tlmt Captain Jnliusnu ln> nppnintct!locum f cnci t * to ropp'snit tlm innynv on tho deputalii-ll.

Alderman Coj semndi'd I'm million , wliieli \va< iidnp'eil.On mntinn »f Mr. Kiilmoud , seomdi'd by AM, Conke, a

dopulatioiiof five w.s ai pniniiil loiiccinipniv CipLjolinson ,who were mmi'd ns follows: -Messrs , 1*. ( J I X , I)r . JuhnMai Ice-v , Cornelius ltnimnnd, I', .f. Djwlcy, .unl P. K. Keid.

The council then adjourned.


A special nicelinr r of the Dublin corporation , con-vened on requisition , was held on Saturday last , todispose of a motion lo adopt a petition to parlia-ment for the abolition of offensive and obnoxiousoaths , same In be read and the city seal attachedthereto. There was a Inrge attendance of citizens ,who manifested a warm interest in the proceedings.The Lord Ma}or presided , and there were also pre-sent "2 oilier members of the council. The Toryobstructionists , however , bid themselves in an ad-joining room, and fearing to present themselvespersonall y in tho council , sent in by the Lord Mayora lithograp hed protest against the adoption of thepetition , which the Lord .Mayor proposed to read atIhe slart , but against this unjustifiable proceeding,there was loud dissent from the council , and anangry discussion between the Lord Mnyor and somemembers of that hodv ensued.

Sir John f i tay protested against reading a docu-ment which hail been adopted outside 111 •• council ,by a Consi'rv .-iliv e meeting in .Skinner's Alley, anilmoved that A id . Unnsall ami his t'lmfederates, whowere in an adjoining room listening, should come inand .iay whatever they had to siv.

Aid. M'Swine y seconded the resolution , hut theLord May or declined to put the motion , and rulinghimself in order , proceeded lo read the pr.tte ^t , notone word of which was heard in the uproir.

T!ie Town Cierk , on being appealpd lo , decidedthat the Lord Mavnr was nut nf oilier in not putlingthe motion of Sir John (irav

Aldi- rman M'Sniucy expressed his regret that ilwas not open to him 011 that oc.-asion to do thatwhich be would be happy lo do under oilier cireum-s!.»nces, namel y to comp liment his loi'dshiu on thecourse he Irid pursued in (he chair. Then , speak-ing tn the motion for the adoption of Ihe pnilimi ,ho said—To their liuii' -r In; il slated Ihe i'ro'.esiantn-enihers of many iif the muniri ji alit ics nf Irelandhad not onl y j oined th " movement , but had! takenthe lead in the que>lion. Too much praise couldnot be given to the ex-Mai or of W.iterford , Cap!.Johnson , for the able and ellicieut support and co-operation rendered by him during' hU mayoralty inth'* effort to .set ast'/ie nil o'/iuus Wtsabiiiiii '.s underhis presidency. I'wn years ago the question ofthose insulting oaths had been di^eiissed in Water-ford , ami petitions for their removal had been for-warded to parliament (hear , hear). The movementin Waierfnrd bail hceu taken up by other munici palbodies , and on Monday next they would witnessthe largest munici pal deputation , or nillier deputa-tions , that probabl y ever wailed on a Lnrd Lieuten-ant of Ireland (eln crs). I t was gratif ying lo wit-ness this almost unanimous expression of op inion infavour of the removal of those insulting oaths andirrit a ting disabilitie s. For the honour of humannature — for conscience sake—let lliem hope andprav that the opponents of that movement were fewand far between , ami that ihe Conservative gentle-men nf that council may yet see the error ol' theirways , and do penance for the selfish , sectari m, millundi gnified alt i tude they had assumed , by joininghis Inrdshi p and the other members of the council in11 generous effort in favour nf civil and relig iousliberty (cheer*), iiul in appealing to the other bideof the bouse , he (Alderman M'Swinev) perceivedthat he was speaking to empty benches (hear, hear).How came that desertion ? Were the upholders olhard .swearing afraid to meet their opponents house, ( , hear) ? Did they believ u thaiChurch and State were endangered by the removalnf the last l inks in the chain of persecution whichfor centuries oppressed the Catholic peop le of thisold Catholic laud (app lause) ? If they did , wh y notremain lo defend their cbciishcd inslitulio:is (cheer s) INo; they decided to protest and run away, andforeseeing 'h G awkwardness of their po.silion , theyexclaimed : —

I!, t lnr from tli i- rvils woll hirr-mi In runThan pi'i ish in the dain;t*r we may shun,

(app lause). Kilt have they shunned the danger IDo they not find the ground crumbling under theirfei't , and arc they not their own executioners (bear ,hear) ? Alas! that bi gotry and iulol rjnee shouldlead men (in nllier respects fair <in il jus t) In perse-cute and insult their tellow -nji - n for the sake of anelf - 'le asoi 'hdaney or to conserve a tottering estab-lishment (app lause). Kven now , thirty-six yearsafter the passing of Ivnauei palinii , men are found tooppose lilt ' rc'iioval of those inequalitie s which arethe fruitful source of all the hillernes -s, ''iseord , anddisunion wi th which this country is afflicted (bear ,bear). Hut happ il y public opinion not only in thatcountry, but in Iiiig land anil in Scotland , had pro-jioDncfd in Javour nf their abolition , ntr! the daywas not far distant when even the semblance ol'ascendancy would disappear , and Catholic , I'roUstuii i ,and Dissenter would he placed upon the saute footing.

Aid , Campbell seconded the motion.Mi . Itcdmoml said that it was a happy feature , in

connection with this question , that all the other cor-porations of Ireland , with the exception of the c i tyol' Dublin , appealed to be nmninmin in •) ,eir desirelo see iliese obnoxious mtlis abolislieil . He regrettedthai such a feeliii;; did not exist in the Dublin cor-poration. He wa-> deli ghted to find that two mostrespectable centleineii , members uf the Society nfFriends , had , in the corporation of W.iterford, laketia most active part in reference to this question.

Sir John Gray then proceeded to dissect theTory protest , which he dill in a clever and masterl ymilliner, nnd in 'he course of his able and uiuuiswcr-nbli ' in^iimenls , said — I t has bei 11 pointed out toyou that in Cork , Limerick , Wateiford , Clnnmel , mnloilier corporate towns , men ol nil creeds and parties ,linvv been Hiiauiuious iti deoiauilin ^ ihe rcmovnl otthese disabilities , and i l i son l y in Duhlin ilisscn-siuii has ::riseii oil the subject (cllrcrs). Addressingthe Lurd Mayor .lic said- 1 believe the gentlemen*hnarc the minister * of your church , who are attached(a t fie reli g ion to wfiicli yon IJC IMII /.', IIIK ; (lie gentle-man who , in the south of Ireland , occup ies a positionwliieli i? not by name identical , but which is byollice identical with that of chief paslu r of thechurch lo which you belong — that gentleman is soconvinced of the propriety of the coursi.1 ive nretaking that he , whom I may call your pontiff , yourPope—I won 't s:iy your " papul delegate , " as thtprotest says , but your Pope himself, a iiii in who is illthe bead ol your church , spoke publicl y in the Cor-p->rali» 'i of VV.iierfunl in favor of the total abolition ofthose disgracef ul cursings mid shearings: (app lause).

It was finall y resolved " that the Lord Mayor ,with Ihe corporation and odicers , do proceed inslate to the Castle to present ihe memorial , anil thatthe Lord May or, when proceeding lo the bar of IheHouse of Commons to present ihe petition , do go infull state wi lh the ofliceis ."

•I UK lii'.l'i TATinX TO TIIIC L O I I D L I K L T K N A N T .On Mu'n(lay last , l|ij F.xcelleiicy t i ie Lord

Lieuteuiitil , net ived tit the Castle tiie deputationsfrom the corporation of Dublin , and the other cur-rmrate cities and touiis ill Ireland , who have co-operated in the movement for ihe total abolition ofall obnoxious oaths nnd disabilities affecting theI'cinnu Catholic subjects of the Queen. The depu-l'a(ii, i ,i. ,,;.ci;;bled nt the City Hall , where a largemiEiil/CT of citizens iiat} "lliered on the occasion ,to vi it lit SJ the imposing spectacle. On no |:reviotnocc-iBion perhaps , had so larg e, so influential , midso imposing a representation of (lie corporations ofIreland be. ti seen in Dublin , and if was no wonderthat as each provincial body entered the chamber ,adding to the throng, and to the interest of thescene, the feelings of the citizens should give wayin a burst of warm applause. Tlie Lord Mayorand upwards of thirty members of the munici pal

body representfd the Dublin corporation , and therewere also present deputations from the town councilsaf Limerick , Cork , Wnterford , Clonmel , Wexford,Kilkenny, and Drngheda ; and from the Town Com-missioners of Tetnplemore, Cnrlow, Enniscorthy,Kingstown , Dalltey, Nenach , Nnas , and Tlmrlej.

CORK ConrORATiox. —Tli " Bulit Worship ful J. Cantillon,Xlnvnr ; Aide.]man Jameson, Mr. Cssfy, T.C., AlesanderM'Carth y, jun , Town Clerk ; Mr. Geore« Hump hrey*,Treasurer ; and Mr. Joint Franklin , Mayor 's Swrvinry.

WxTRnponn COR PORATION .— Cnp'ain J ilinsnn, DfipotyMayor ; Alderman C u, Aid. It-id , Dr. J.ilm Mncbis v, T.C.,Mr. S. T. Otiihli . .1.1'., T.O., Mr. Cornelius Kulwond, T.U.,and Mr. P. J. Dnwley, T.U.

CLON M U I . CO R P O R A T I O N".—The Rtilit Wirflhij iful Aldsr-inan William Wriulit , Mayor ; AliWinan Cieni , Mr. Wm.1.. Ilarkvtl, T.O , Mr. Tlimnsi-t O.iiitwcll , T.C., Mr. I'atrickC''i«»v , T.C., and Mr. Jiniis Jltvrn, T.C.

KtLKRNNT ConvoitATio». —TIK Kisbt Worsliip ful Aider-man Kilnmnd Smithwirk , J.t '.. Miiyor , nnd AMfrinaii llavt.

Tnw.v Co.MMis sioNKt is OK KsxisconTirT. —Dr. O I Urki-,cli.iirmau "f the cmninissinucrs, nail Mr . J . D.-vi-n-ux , l.C

The Ri ght Hon. tlie Lord Mayor , wearing ihefull robes of state , including the gold collar of SS ,arrived at the City Hall , in his state carriage, at aquarter pnst twelve , and , having entered the councilchamber, took the chair . The list of deputationsbeing railed over , and all preliminaries arranged ,the deputations proceeded in order lo the Castle ,and were conducted to the Presence Chamber , whereMr. Will is , Gentleman Usher , introduced the LordMayor and deputations to his ICxcellency. Thisbeing a state reception , bis Kxcclleney, who woretlie Windsor uniform of the Chief Governor of Ire-land , was surrounded by the officers of the house-hold. The Lord Mayor briefly staled the object ofthe deputation , and called on Sir John Grey, wl.ofull y entered into the subject, in the course of whichlie said —I wish to state that I take this question upas a Protestant , sympatliisiii!! strong ly no doubt inpol itics with my Catholic fellow-countrymen , buttlui it is as a Protestan t , I ask that I shall beliberated from the necessity of doing tlmt whichf could not conscientiously do , and which I wascompelled bv a sense of truth not (0 do. Irefused peremptoril y to take the oath which was putto mo on a certnin occasion as a Protestant , ntul Itook the Catholic oath , because , however disagree-able some parts of that mi ght be, ibere was nothingill it that my conscience could revolt against , anil Irefused to take the Protestant oath because I couldnot with truth lake it. We appeal to your Excel-lency for the purpose of asking yon to use yourposition as Chief Governor of Ire land—to use yourposition as one having large influenc e with thegovernment of the country — to use your position asa member at the House of Lords, for the purposeof pressing upon the legislature and the cabinet ofwhich , thoug h not practicall y a member, substan-tially and in fact you are a member, being part ofthe government , tilts great tact , that you see hererepresented before you men of all and of allopinions.

The Mayor of Clonmel , .is th.-> j unior corporation ,next addressed his Kxe.ellei icy , and was followed bythe chairman of Ncnngh.

Captain Johnson , locum lencus for the Mayor ofWalerford , said — May it please your Kxcvlleucy, Iam directed hy 'be corporation of Waterford to»iale lo your lO.vcellency their unanimous feeling,expressed on three different occasions in full council ,respecting these oaths. The corporation of Water-ford represents a population of 2"> ,00t> , and it iscomposed of 10 members, who , I may mention , re-present all slmdes of reli gion and tmlitic.i. O;ie-third of the council is composed of Protestants , ofwhich I :im one—a sineere one , I hope—and onthose three occasions to which I bavi- referred theon.iniimm- ; wis h of Pro teslanli nud Dissenters was ,iv il l i their fel low Catholics, that these obnoxiousoaths should he repealed. There was not a secondop inion in the council on the subj ect. CaptainJohnson piespnted the memui'ial adopted by theWalerford corporation , which was as follows : —" 'Co His K.mllenrii John Bamu Woile 'imur, Lord I,icn-

tennnt . Gt'iirnO Gavtrnor nf Ii'clu il 'l.'"Thn tni 'iii' irial ol' tlu' Ma\or , Aldrrnu-n , and LVuinrillor.s

nf II 1 *.1 city of W.-tl'-rford , in I'ul) round] assembled , hinnhlvshow Ih Hint w», the .Mayor. AMenni'ti , an.l Councillors'iiftin- nii'ii 'iil and l.iysd ril y i.f W;,te.rf.ird, haviiia Ionic Ml thattin' (i ."i( l is .in>) dt -claratinns al jin-.v-ni adin 'nii-> li-roj to ll . »Catholics and I'rotfstauls nn taking inuiiii ripAl and otlh-rnlliivs ari> most nflVusivi < to tlu-ir trrliu^c , -md uumrfssary ini- vpiy (mini of vii 'iv, I'.irn.stly pr iy thai your Kxri'lleney willIn? uraeioiisly pleasi-d lo exorcist, y.iur powerful mHui'iicu withtlie L'mvrnnipiit i" havini; I I IIMI I removed from Hie ^'atutrh ».!>. .on) AMI ? fciinpln oatli or dtrl irjtiun lie sulntitutt'd ihi'ie-f..r , whieh all sul.'jrcts of her Most tirai:iniis Majesty 111 tytak i- ivilhout viol.itiu ^ cunst-ii'llco or piiui'i pl.*.

'* A n i ] y.iur nii'in. 'ralidts , :m jn duty h nniil , wil l ever pray," W ILLI A M .1.HIN » O X, M. IV . I , ;IJ -O tun.

'• SL'tieil on lii .li.df ¦>( ihe ( .'uipnration of W.itcrfurd this]7th ihiyof M:ndi , 1SI1S."

Dr. O'ltmirki' , ('uainnan of tin.1 Town Commis-sionery , said — Your Kxcellency, the Town Commis-siouets of Kiiniscorth y, nearl y half of whom arcProtestants , adopted a resolution in favour uf theabolition of these obnoxious oaths. We alsoadopted the lollinving resolution , which I beg tohand your F.xcelleucy :

"TJial we consider lival disaljiliti is , on accnuil of religiouslii'lk-l , an iHtolcralili; insult to tlnr nu'll who slitl '.-r lllidiT1 I I .- III , and a dis<*r;ice to the cnventuieut who ji ripi-tu;ilestin-in. W< >, tliiaTloi 'i 1, i:ive our hi'.nly adhesion to tin; iiiovi - .unl i t at |,r.-i'"l oil fool tor t¦ !<• ali'dition of tin- ivlns of li\!;di'arliari<in whii-h an.1 known ai tin * Calholn; oath-- . That wv]i.- tit<on li 'ith liuusi-s ul parh.itn.'nt t l ie ali<dition ot nll'rii-sivc olticial oaths , and thai th<? form of pi 'titiou liniv Mih.initli -d lo ili i ! iiici-lini hi: adopted , I'liirros sril , and f.irw.itdi sllo Lord ('ar- 'iv and Mr . M'Mahou for prt si- ntatiu n to thelloiisrs of Lor.U nnd L'otniiinns , and that .Mr. (ror^e , Mr.It iilti i onil , illl'l ('oloui'l Totl.-nhaiil lit* v.-qui'stird ;t.i slippoi-tthe ptavrr uf Ihe pelitinu. That tin: ln-st thanks of thisnii'.-tiu^ he eiinvi.yi-d In Sir Juhii (iray for his ener/y and[¦ersirviraiicc in tlie aquation nf this qui-stimi. "

1'. O ' l ioUKKK, M .D., (.'liii i riiiail.All the deputations having been presented , and

addressed ihe Lord Lieutenant ,I l l s Kjtccllt 'iiey said — M y Lord Mayor t>f Dublin

and gentlemen , the subject which you have broug htbefore me is one certainl y well worth y of deliberateconsideration , not onl y for its own sake , but alsobecause it is presented to me. by a very inflt l '-'i itialbody of gentlemen ; and it is undoubtedl y the moredeserving of attention became the deputation swi.ich utteiided here to-day, arc composed , not ofone special cluss of the community .is regards theirreli gious op inions , hut comprise , I am happy to say,boih Catholics and Protestants. I say I am happyto observe that , because uf course it is nf (j reat im-portance in considering leg islative chanfes whichinvolve relig ious questions that there should not hean exclusive feeling manifested by one portion ofth. ' community, but that those who hold differentreli gious opinions should be in accord on thatkuhject. At the same time I U'li bound to noticewhat has been alluded to by Sir John ('My,that I have received a protest w i t h nliich no do'ihtthe gentlemen of the Corporation of Dublin arealread y acquainted , from certain members ofthe Corporation against the resolutions. Withreg.trd lo my self it in (J ii ) i.ips not out of placethat I should mention that 1 have one or tv. ice,once, certainl y , been in charge in the 1 lulls.; of Lordsof a bill , which , to a certain extent , touched onsome of the questii-ns to which your resolution*iillude. It was a bill which would have placed thosewho ar>. not of the Kstablislu' d Church in linglaiid,and I think it ulsn extended to Ireland , upon thesame footing as members of the Kst.iblislu'd Churchat present are wilh regard to the outlis taken bvmembers of corporations , became, as yti u are , nodoubt , aware , owing to the p irticular form whichihe law app lies to gentlemen elected to munici palbodies , they nre compelled to tnke nit oatli 011 tlicirentering into ullice , and consequentl y cannot availthemselves uf the indemnity act , which relievespersons as to the oaths which they urc obli ged totake. On s very recent ocoitsion I was in charg eof (hat hill , which passed the l lou *e ot Commons ;bill 1 regret to say that I did not siiceed in inducingthe Hoiue of l.unU to assent to it . Tint , of course ,touches only a very sinull part ol' tli; question; st i l l Ithink it ri ^lit that 1 should mention the view I ton 1,;on a former occasion ill public upon a portion of thisquestion. But 119 regards my individual opinion upontlie mailer , I should nut feel at liberty to express anywlliluve r , because I must g ive my op inion us theorgan of the government. And il so happens , thatto-morr ow , I believe , leave will be asked for by Mr.Mousell to bring in a bill upon this very subject ,and it w ill he necessary that the government shouldthen state the view tli ry take with regard! to it . Itwould nut , theie fore , he proper that I should ant ici-pate, the declaration they may desite to make hy ex.pi'es.iitig miy opinion here on the subject, mid I11 ust tlmt the deputatio ns feel that in so abstaining,ami in slating that the subject will receive thu fu;]consideration uf the government , as I am Mire it will ,and that I shall be most read y lo for.lard the reso-lutions to the government , I do nut , by any means,imp ly any adverse opinions on my part lw the opinj.011s expressed , nor do I wish , in taking llii.i course,that it should bs supposed that I wish in miy Wll yto slimy Ilie slight'tt discourtesy to tlie Kintlniion of thedeputations , who, very naturally and piorn ily, [ tl i ,,,k > |I I V I ,brought ucli'i'c uiii tlio views uf the ilillVrait bodies whirlitin:)- it^r.sciit . With llww 0l1scrv.1tions 1 must conduUe,resting uiy 1e.1s.uu fur nut giving H diilim-i .'itisirer, esjieriallyill.i>:i tlu tart [hy, the inaltrr ini' st h!u,ti!y I10 disaisai-d inparliament , wlii eli , I t hink , is tliu piopi .'i' jdao: for tla! en-vri iinieiit to exprcM uuy oiiiniuii lliey may li.uc funned ontbe Mil .je iM.

The iiiniibets of the deputation th'ii withdrew.Cu.VFf.SE.VCE OF THE .MUMCIP.IMT IKS.

IiniueilMli 'ly al ltr having tint C.isllo the l,oid Mayor andcorporation ol Duhlin , with the provincial mayors, towncouuciljm---, and toiv n cvuiiuu&iiuni'r.s p niccdcij 10 the Ci tvHull. 'Ihey weri! loudly clitiired hy Ih o ciowils which h.iilii ^HM.I, : t..i idui'.i; the rout"1. «nd hirje innnb.jr> of resuwlnhlecitizens u lin luj waited with aiiiiuly to lii'.ir Hie result ol" thodipiitntiun , nccoinpaiiicd them in the council chamber, whichwns thronged to excess in every part.

Tlie Iti^lit Hun. the LORD AUt'oi! took Hit chair.Sir John Gray said—With yonr perinisriuii , my Lord

M a)*or, 1 buiii hly suzitest—peilnips it would coino u-.-ttrrfrom somt of our provincial krctliien—tkut we now tesolvi:ourselves iuto a cunfercucu tu ndont aV uuee » petitiou aud

forirard it this day us the. petition of a conference at winchin irmny monicipMities were represented, prayioe ItwMnjwty's icinistCM and tlie lef Mnture to tnke tins lotitterinto MieirxriaiM CiMisiilerntinn , and to frte us now mid forever from theso rlis^rai-eful nnd obnoxious ontlis (heir, hear).

Tho Mayor of Limerick moved the adoption of th- : sUKgw-tion of Sir John Gray, and in doing so said—I may any, lotmyself, that I had to leave my home lost ninlit , nt eleveno'clock , to come here this day for tho purpose of (joiuf: withIlio corporation of ttuMin to assist in tliis important ques-tion. There is no train runuinix from Limerick to Dublinon Sundays—Hie motives for which I shall not RO into. Itmay bo from conscientious motive*, but it is not conscien-tious to the public to compel them to travel all ni'xut , inOlder to !>• nhl.i to attend 11 meeting like this.

The Mny»T of Wntcrford s«M —\Ve take to ourselves of bavin? fir»t originated this subject. In tlio 3'esr1802, when I had the honour of lillinp: tho office of Mayor olthe city of Waterford, these oaths came undrr my notice inmy nfficinl capacity, and I then moved a resolution in therouncil to petition Ihe iinpm d parliament to do away wilhthese OiitliH (appium?). At til? sam» tune >ve onniininica 'wiwith every other corporation iD fieland and made it reqii'-stthat they would srnd forward petitions to tlio smne i ff.-ct(applause)! I will tukf tbc liherty of pirsmninz , in yuurcity, tu sreond the motion, which I do with pleasure (loudnptdansn).

The resolution harinrr bwn adopted , a committee, consist-inir of the seven Mayors , with AM. Dillon and .SirJcbn Gray, was appointed tu draw up a petition , which theydid, and it having liei-n unanimously adopted,

The Mayor of Ifeig lieila inovcl— " That the markedtlinnts of tiiis confpienc" lie jriven to Sir Julin firay for theability and creat exertion lie has displayeil in briuj riiiir for-wind "and in.Unrin» this sabjoct , and conducliiu i: to such apromisiiu; position."

The motion havine henn adopted by acclamation ,Sir John Gray returned thanks.Tin; Mnyor of Wuti'rfnrd then proposed ihat tlie Lord

Ma .v»r il» leave the chair, nnd Iho Mayor of Limerick hecalled thi-ri*ln. Iln would not feel jusiiuVi] in doio^

so ifthis wore nut n general tm'ctinfr of uilliUL-i pal r.'picsetitii .tiv i -s from the whole country, and nut a iiU'etin^ of Ihe cor-poration of Dnlih'n (hear , heir.)

Mr. C. Kfiluainil ,. ol Waterford , said ho Impid ill" sne-rrssl'ul pioci'rdiujK of this day wi'i'e a forerunin.'r of suine-tliin ^ greater for the prosprrity

of the omntry (h.'*:-).The Mayor of Limerick then touk iho chair amid loud ap-

plause.Tin: 3fnyor of Walerford — I nm to siv.' one of the

oldest corporations ill Iielnud reprifseiitcil in the rivu: chairnl Dublin , and I nm sl.«l to si'o Hie Miiyor of Limerirkin tl ,n |iositiou he now occup ies*, that ivc taay havp .-m *<p-portiinity of pavi a trihute of just mriit lo tin* L-nd.Mayor of Duhlin for Ihe manner in wluirh he bus pre-,tde.lovpt us to-day (applause). 1 move .1 vole of thank* lo Imlordship for tlin di- iiiificd nl.inner iu which he has dis-charged the business of to-day (loud applause.).

Air. A. M. Sullivan seconded the umtiini , which ivasuniohr.nusly iidopted.

The Lord Mayor , in ix'spondius, said — It was a pleasureto nil! to have to introiluri! so man}' It iends liom other tor-poriilions (applause"). Holding the position 1 do, ivpiesent-ins two parties—I consider lhat my course with ri'Kiird tothis nicetiui; was 0110 of perfect iiculraliij'. f h-ive i;ivon noopinion 011 tho movement. Xo one kuowti my politics whileI sil in tbcehair. I re'rtt that |iei:nliar cirtuinstancs , andin smne respi'ds' other en^at'eiuents prevented me as r.hielniiii!i-> !r.itK ol the city fi'uiii eiilertniiiiin: those seiillciii i 'iilhat I see arnn*n] mo in A manner hccomitii; tht * city otDublin in the Mansion House. Cieiilli'ineii, nc arc abonlbavins in Dublin a u'riind Iii leiuational I'Aliiliilion , and Ipui'P'.s.! niviii-jr an ifittertainmeut coiineeti-d with thu open-ing of that K-Jiihitinu , to ivliicli it iril) afford me irreal plea-sin*.' to iuvito you (applause). I will take, care our worthyTown Clerk shall hand inc> a list of those ci'iitloineu who arupres.'tit , iitid tny secretary shall .--end them invitation*.With r-'frard to weaving the chain of ollicn at pl.iced of wnr-ship, to tell you the trut l i 1 havu utver looltud into themailer al all. I belontr to the S irfely ol Friends, mid wbeaI s° 'o worshi p I lay aside, my t-fHdal ^arh, and appear thuieus a priviite individual.

Tin: members of the various deputations t!ieij .sh.'ni?d Ihe]inti!ious nnd, aud tlie Hireling si'p.iratc>l . Theineiuhers of the deputation were loudly checrrd on h'iiviu';the city-hal! hy the Urje crowds nho asscnihled.

In thu rvoilitli; Sir .John :iud Lady (Jra y etitcrtaiued , atdinner , .it their residence, Charlevi llL* House, the mayors umlother deputii's to Ihe Lord, to-felher with a nu:n -brr of distiiignishud citiz'-tis , invited to nii''!t the pi'iviucialdi-piitations <ui the occ.i^toii. C.ivers were laid for nearly onehundred. Sir John tJr.iy occupied llu- clnir. A seiies oltoasts was uivt'it and tespiiuded to, aud the ^ut-sts rxpresscdIhenisrli'i's Inslily wilh the spltndid hospitality oft l ieir piitcrt-iiufrs.

si;si>i::vsioN OK SPOOMCUS ».\.VK .On Friday , .March 111, at lour o'clock , a iiotifiratiou '«ti

the window in Hiitniu ^ liain told that the Hank 01 Missis .Altwoods , >'pooner, Marslialls ' «t c«., had that day transactedits last bii«ine-.s , after a i existenec ol tlinv quarters nf acentury. The bank was foundi-d in the sprnu; of IT'.M.,The iui-4iiiiil piirtneis were Me^rs. N.iai: Sjuutiu-r . J.i .ues.Matlhi.H , and Aaron Atttvuwl , and 'I' AynsuortliTin Messrs. >larsli.ill were subsequently j .lniitliil into ihepartm'r>lli p. and , after various cbau-ji'S , the propriotuin ayear ;i-:o wen! .Me.s-rs. INchard Spo.iner, M.V. . ifeniyMi.r shall , mid Thom.u Anreluis A l i w m d . Tlie first andlast ol these ueiillcuieu have recentl y died, and Mr. MarshallIVKS Mi the jiuls n.'1'i.imi'ii; pr»pr 'p> inr. hi A p ril lulni'^'olia'.iims were opened for .iuulnii; thS wilhI hi! liinuiililliaiu Hank (l.iinite<l ). TI1.1I amal-Cii iUiititiu was recently .- iiiii <iUMi :i.'d as li:ivin^ h. ea ile linit .-Iyurr.ui'^ed, iii.d was to have been confirmed ;lt ;n 111'elin- of shiiieliiililer * of ihe Jiii'.il-S:oek I l inkheli] Toesil:,y, the loth Snbsni'ieiit imj uiry ren-dered that aiu .ilj illiiati in inipossible owiiii: to tin! deuVieneyol eip ilal , rausrd hy liiri;i! withdrawals leu j ear-, or 1110:1!li'/o In* tin.' Altivooils*. The i-ouiii 'i.'tiou is uiaiuly ii / i icuUura ) ,¦iltho'ljli ond.iul.:e.lly Ihit lo<- ivill f i l l 0:1 in any il-i-se. .lieu, tit sneit'lies far and near wiil sull'-'r—the Ai p ieut Ord-T01 Foresters L'l .SJ ii .mil , the U.ld Fellows to as Luve ann'liouutas 10.11'HI. Tlie whole l i ibiluies are IHMI I .V if imtquite a million, about. .t7uU,iKj<l lieiu-r in dep i-its andi.':|.<)l.1'l) ili dr.iii in.' aeivlllils. The total ainoulit u" n ." •¦<i l i e i iui l l . l t l .n l H. .IV I"! pill , il l I'UUIld I l l l l l lbe l .. at l-Jl l .M H I .

All d ij- Ihu ri'oivd cnnlillueil to u'a?.-.' nt the b u i l l i n .' as ii itha I been ¦.•lilted ),y lire, and many I des were luld of thisiind t '.iat d.'' i- i -. il - ir wlui-e wlnile loillll i " e in l i l l k e j in ll.c(-'¦iiivin—ol ii uiei.*h.iliiL' who had , bl i! a s!ioit t iule . t j o ,.l.-|».-iHil ii bundled i.ll.1 siv ty panels in sovelei.-n. b.-ior-doiu^ to seek vroik iu Ln'idon ; ol .1 \v.- .i!t!iiei- i l i i 11: nhoh:id biirely been in lime tn open a lar^e a.oiui i l h- fore th "doors elusnl lhat faliil aft. l'uooii ; ol a j <iek. y who hidinvested all his e.irnili'.'s there ; an-l -o I .nth . Thed- - |iii-iilur-i alone mi-iil' -T- 'd nearl y -1 ,1 11 11 1, '1 here w. iv 1..'»'«]I'ur/vnt accuiijts ; thi! U-') tin|iJ of not.!, an! in an infinitenuinW of hands. Ihe assets am stilted tu be larn'e,I'olisistiuu it is -laid, first ol U'J."ill ,IMI ol adv luce- nude IurilslooiL'ls, ii-.'ilill«r which the b-ink , in niiiiiv eases, holdssecurity. Ill addition tu iliese ll.d.un'es owili ^ to the bank,there is SMinethiuc liko ITd.i K X ) of or diiuh:ful debts ,.i^iiinsl. which there a:'e securities and probable dividendsthat will realise , say one-third of thi! ai iMiuut . A lar:*;*?estate near Hal- »'ll , lu'bili ^iii ^ to

the tir.11 , is V uilrd at

£lll7,l">". Then- are also two ¦¦<tate< ) one near Wnro -ler ,and a small one in Ilerefoidshiiv, worth .t'Ji,l«>J ; andpropeili eH ill New-street and lhoid. street I'slnuated toreah-c i:i7,H.' <<) . l'be bill- , of exduniro. :tud cash amount tonboiit f_'i » l ,iK > l l, nud tin rc iiic a f.-iv shari's iu publiccompanies. Thesi! iissnts icpreseat ii total of s:ay Cl'itJ fJ .iJUO,or nlioul l'Js in tlii! pound. .M-ikiiii!, thentloie , an alluniiuciifor roiituii;eiiirie.s, there is some probiibility that the estate ,if taken out of the lianktupley ('unit , may pay 1U3 in theliouiel.

i i t isi i H A N K * or is-u;i-:.An A ccount pui-i ii.iui lo the Art rt -i f> Viet., cap. :17, of II"!

'¦mount of Hank Notes authorised hy law tube i.sMied hyIhc several Iliiuks of Issun iti Ireland , and average. Atnoutitof Hank Notes in (,'irculatiou , and of 1 'nin held dtirin-; the.four weeks eiidiii;; Saturday, the Hh daynf March . lRliS -.

: .\v-!r.iKe ,ir- , Av ''""!."!. !""!'Ciicnlalinn ¦ culsitiun ilu- •'¦ <"'''¦ an"

Nome. l,y nnB -1 Weeks; ,','. , , ',, '¦'!","Cerldieate . e^n. n, ™} ««™£

nits nliiiv.:

ft i iukol 'fielatiil.. . .t:j,".-W, t 'JR .t'2, M.i,.-!"<l j £'.'..'!t.tVSIIVovineiiil Kaiik.. ' !> :!7,tSi!7 ! .1«7,n-W :17ii .«7Belfast Hank ' 2-> l ,c i l ; Ho. |i:s I 'Jii.-Ji ilNnrthcru li.iiik.... 1 L't-'l. l l ' l 1 :lill ,H!)| ! ixS.^MUlster Hank . ...! :ill ,ll7!l I7."','.'l") | l'.W . l l lNational Hank.... i 8o2.2l'.n i l , 12i,i;-i"i 1 375, 111!)

O K H . I N O I- T H I : TEH J I W I I .I I Goosr. CII AS I:.—\\ ildpoose chase was .1 term used to express a soil ofracins "» horseback , formerl y prarllsed , reseiiibliiigthe flvinp on wild »eesc ; those birds I'ener.ill y poiu train one after .mother, not in confuted fl.) ck.« asother birds do. In this sort of race the two horses ,after running twelvc- ;corc yards , hail l iberty, whichhorse soever could get the lead , to take whatground the jockey pleased , the hinilermust horsebein;> bound t» follow him wilhin n certain distanceiiR re i d on by the articles , or else to he whi pped iuby the triers and jud«es who rode by ; and which-ever horse could distance the other won tho race.This sort of racing was not long in common use ,for i: win found inhuman , am! destructive of pondhorses when two such were matched together ; foriu this case neither was able to distance the othertill they were both read y tn sink under their riders ;and often Uo very good hoises were both spoiled ,nnd the wj i»*rs forced to he drawn nt Insi . Themischief of this sort of rncius soon broug ht in themt'lhod now in use , of onl y running over ft certainquantity of ground , aud determining ihe ulalo orwager by coining in first at the winning post. 1 hephrase '' wild goose ch'iFe " i» now emp loyed todentile a fruitless attempt or an enterprise under-taken with l i t t le probability of success.

TR . II » I ;< " U NION or Dvuus.— At ihe usual meelingof the trades uf Duhlin , on Tuesday, ihe secretaryannoiineed that a deputation of members had waitedon the different railway companies of that city, ask-ing them to enip loy Irish artisans and m inufaclurers ,also lo give facilitie s for them to (ravel on excursionsduring the summer season. All the I'lirecto is agreedlo their pro;)osi|uini, the Dublin ot idWieklow in par-ticular , wiieic Mr. Darenn nsscted them evcrvfaci l i ty should be given the Irish inlisan , so as toenable him to compete with the Knj >li» h une. Thesecretary also informed the tneetin ^ that Messrs.John .Martin and Son , of ihe Norih Will , w i r ebuilding railway curriiifren for severa l cf cur Irislirai lway compmiii i) , thus givin y ninch enip lovmenlto carpenters. The princi pal limber used is of Irishgrowth.

Tnr. ST V L L or " You it M A JI -.STV ." — U p lo thetime of the Knipcror Clinrlej V., when a king ofFrance , lCng land , ur Spain , was addressed , he wassty led " Your Grace ;" hut Charlen , wishing toplace himself in a hi gher rank than other monarch:,tlem indcd the title of " Miijesty ;" a distinctionwhich did 1101 lone continue , for tlie other sovereignsof Kuiope quickl y followed his example ; nnd inour day nil kings , whether rulers of tmall or grtutstates , nre equall y sty led " Your Majesty. "

StNSUAt. t ry . — I f sensuality were happiness , beastswere happier than mcii ; but human happiness islodged in tlie aoul, not in the flesh.


BOARD OF GUARDIANS -M ARCH 17.SA M U E I, H. FITZGERALD, J.P., in tbo chair, and subse-

quently Jonx QUIICLAK , Esq., D.V C.Also present—^lesjrs. Richard J.

Usslier, .T.P., &I. A.Anthony, S. O'Rrien, John A. O'Keeffe, J.P., V. Uonayne,J. O'Brien, A. Keouedy, P. Wnlsli , and E. Kennefick.

ADMISSIONS.A \arge nnmber applied for admission this day,

owing tn the severity nf the weather for the last fewdays, nmo:igst whom the fishermen formed a consi-derable portion , but they were rejected by theCuardinns. on n rule laid down the previous day,that they were a class of idlers , and not willing to

Co to nea while there wa* the sli ghtest chunce foradmission. The testing of app licants not being overwhen Mr. Aathony presented hi-nself , he remarkedthat the board had refused n number of applicantsImt day, whom Dr. Anthony was subsequentlycalled on 'o visit , nnd in some of ;heir bouses hefound q number of children in measles without amorsel of food to put in their mouths, or in those oftheir parents. Perhaps these people were not soprudent os they ought to b?, but the relief theyasked was onl y for a short period , simpl y to putihem past that part of the year when there was nofishing, which wns the case at present. Mr. Bren-nan, R.O. : I know they went out the niyht theywere rejected, nnd got no fish. Some of the partiessaid they went out nine miles, cot no fish, nndwoul d wear Ilie coats oft their back sooner thancome into the house , but what could they do whenthere was no Ifisli to be got? Mr. Anthony : Therelieving officer states that they nre reall ydestitute , and upon this ground they onglit to beadmitted. Mr. Kennefick : They .Ire able-bodied.Mr . Anthony : Even if they be able-bodied , if theyset no sustenance , hnve no work , and nothing tosupport them, they will soon become weak n d ex-hausted, f move that they be admitted until the !stnf April. Mr. Walsh : I know there is no fish to bejot ; I am sure il there wis any probability ofget-linr it at present , they would go to sea. Mr.O'KecfTe : I know you can 't buy any in market ;thoug h the wind is favorable it appears lltere U nofish on the ground. Mr. Anthony :They arc a classof men trained lo no business but tint alone offisbinc, and when they have no work , what are theyto do tn maintain themselves? Mr. Ussher : It isabsurd In admit those peop le; it would be onl yencniirng ing idleness. After some further discussion,they were admitted for a fortni ght.

MBASI. l'.s.The Chairman hrntisht under notice the circum-

stance of a number of paupers nupraring beforethem with certificates from Dr. Anthony, showingthey were sufleriug from measles, whereas , whenthe parties presented themselves , Dr. Hunt , theirmedical ollicer , found they were not sufl'ering fromfifty such disease, l'cliaps thev were nol visited ,or carefull y examined. Dr. Hunt : It docs notfollow that -they had no measles previous to theircoining to me; there nre also cases of bronchitissent here which nre not fit for admission. Mr.Kennofiek : If llio parties had measles shortly before ,they would have the appearance of it . Mr. Anthony :I am sure Dr. Anthony would not , under miy cir-cumstance , put his name to a document unless tlieyreall y had measles. Dr. Hunt : Certainl y not.After some further remarks the subject dropped.

CONSUMPTION OF I.IO. UOUS .Mv. Anthony called the attention "f the guar-

dians to the manner in which li quors, when orderedn<! stimulants , in fever hospital , were dispensed.He said there were unpaid assistant nurses , inmatesof the house, throug h whose hands those .stimulantsbad to puss , nnd he was led lo believe it wns hut asmall portion nf these reached (lie pnlicntJ forwhom they were intended. The same was the casein reference to meat , tea , and even milk. Thesenurses having children in the house , by some meansor other , get them into the hosp ital , hut ns soon anDr. Hunt , or the master, or any other ollicer is seenapproaching, they are put under the beds, afterhaving consumed , perhaps , a considerable portionof what was intended for the poor patients. Thepractice was . lo a considerable extent , the same iuthe infirmai -r , but it w,n tlie fever hosp ital thatcalled for immediate attention. The course hewould rt'co'iimeud was the appointment of a paidnurse , without any connection whatever in thehouse , or to call on ihe present nurse to see in per-son the sii ini l iiDls given to the patients ns directedby the doctor. That lliey were not geitin .* tl jeirdui! was well known tn the patients , because theygr>t considerably more when it was given to client bythe nurse herself than when given by the assistantnurses. These statements he had from a man whowas ,1 length nf lime an inmate of the hospital , uponwhose word he would place full reliance. Chair-man : I don 't Icno.v if you were present n-Jicji Dr.Hunt broug ht forward the same .subject nt a formerineelina of the board ? Mr. Anlhonv said he wasnot present on that occasion. Dr . f lnt i t now saidhe had introduced it to the board , and his onlyr a-oti f or not milking a formal app lication In have;t paid nnr«e was it mi^ht be looked upon us iucrt 'aR-ine the rales. Mr . Anthony was of opinion thattill! union was a lii "er by the present arrangement.Mr. l'iizjerald : Thnni'li there would be an increasein far as salary «m concerned , there would be asaving i.f rations. There are two paupers at presentgelling superior rnlions us unpaid nurses .

After a few other remarks it was finall y resolvedthat Dr. Hunt should, at a future meeting, sugj esiwhat appeared to him a proper course to carry outthu views i.f the hoard.

S C S K I N A N i : DISPENSARY I 1ISTRICT.The board had under consideration tiie corres-

pondence between the above dispensary committeenud poor-law commissioners , in reference lo the re-sidence of Dr. I'l ynn being removed from tint dis-tr ic t to , his present residence , whichappeared in The Setrs of week.

Mr. Amhony commented at considerable lengthon the remonstrance of the committee in referenceto Midi removal , ami said he regarded it as mostextraordinar y it shuuld be therein staled lhat1I11 " cninin itttf c was not aware of thu names of theguardians by whom the statement of this board wasdrawn up, when there were Ino of its membersactuall y present nt lhat very meeting. In thesecond place; he could not understand wh y theynrrived at the conclusion that a doctor bein^ nbnuteij iht or nine miles distant from one particular dis-trict was a gtea! inconvenience , while his beingabsent ei ghteen or nineteen mile from anotherwould be r.o inconvenience. It struck him very fnr-cibly the Seskinnne committee , having fallen into anerror al fii at iu stating that the peop le of the poordivision of Itnhtdoon , though nearest to Ou. ngr.rv had to send ns frequentl y as those of ihe larger andwealthier division of Seskiuanc, hail determined tunilliero to error, while if lliey only took up theirown books , which we have before us, they wouldshow them at a glance what tlu-y h ive said was , touse a mild expression , nol borne out l/y their oir nbooks. The fact wns , that insti ad of such being thecase , ll iey had twenty-five tickets in Seskiuani toeight in M. idelign . The memorial was so devoid offacts that we oug ht not to take the ."li ghtest noticenf i f ; we hnve alread y pla?ed ihe /acts and figuresin the hands of the commissioners, nnd figures nrestubborn things (hear). This board has ratified thenppoin inie nt of Dr. l-'lvnn at a certain salary, andone of the conditions upon which that ratification wasgivm , iwi s that he should live within a certain di--trict , or at least where he then resided. The salary«as subsequentl y raised , nnd many of the genlle-meu who then supported it would nof , under anycircumstance , sanction such increase unless tiieyunderstood that Dr. Kl ynn wnt to remain -.vh, re bethen resided , nnd he Imped the board would notFign a cheque for bis salary until Dr. I'l ynn fulf i lshis compact , and takes up his abode where do iabound tn reside.

Cliniruiou — Tilia hoard has been treated wit h greatdiscourtesy by tht ciimmisiinncis , and I dmibi verymuch if they have not acted illegall y. I haw yetto le.irn, us Mr. Anthon y says, that they have tliepower to break through lh.' agreements entered intohy Ihe board of guardians.

Mr. Anthony — Do you think that the board wouldsii ictioii Ihe elect ion of ibis gentleman if he were toroidp in Dnnparvmi (hear) ?

Mr. l'ilzj ieralj moved and Mr. Anthony secondedthe following resolution ; —

"Resolved, iu ri'iYren-e lo the letter from the com-missioners of the Sth Miir. 'h, hist., ettc!»*;r£ ,1 copy uf aeoiiiiiiuuic:ili i.ii whiith they ritvivcd. ihe ouuiuittte o!uiiiiiiu'eiiii'iit of tin* Se»I;iiii',i:e di!*jM.'iis:iry di.s'riet ut' the 3rdMnrcli , iiM. . i n 1 lifcri'iice lo ihe change of reiiuenco of Dr.Klyuu, this iKiiiid is utterly di5j |) |jooiti-il with the silence olthecoiruriis-sii. iiL'rs upon a vuliJLtt of vital importance to tin*nuur of so hnvc n district of the union , and which culled forna emphatic cit.reBiiou uf npiuion upon the part ol thecoiniiiissijni'rs, cspecinlly a* the first ftf'iteiiient of Ibc i•Seskiiiane dispensary cuinmittefi tip-in w!:ic!i ll.'^tiuu Wftslin>ei l ,WHSequall y iucnir»Uteiit with th?tacts n* ali.u- n iby Ihe statement of tho commute,) uf this board formal lo jconsider suoh c'&l?nicot of llic committee, Hud n-t to the iui'ot'.d jtr.tcu cut put hy the committee which is equall y un- |supported liy tact. Thit t this board SJlirliolled the paymentof n certain salaiy to Dr. Klynn , nud subsequently increased Isuch Hilary, upjn certain condition? , nnionx others that he jshould reside ill*(! proximity to his dii»pt:iisary, and thu !lnritett and most important portion of bis disttii:) , XI, -4t ij,; 4 \condition beiii£ now dfertxrfrded, flic board u itl take into {consideration tlio propriety of declining to tijrn the chequefor the payment of Dr. ttytm'ii salaiy, when smne shall bepresented " Cnsstd tioiuiiinouslv.

S U P E R A N N U A T I O N TO U N I O N OFFICERS .The commissioners transmitted n copy of a b.Ul

now before parliament , the object of which, w, tintprovision be made lo enable superannuation allow-ances to union ofliccrs iu Ireland who become dis-abled by infirmity, or old age, to discharge thedotki of Ihcir office. .. . .- ,. . ¦

The Chairman having remarked «n the ttiifaucyto increased taxation in late legislation, the bill HIS

ordered to lie on tli« table_. .INCREASE' OP S AH B Y .

Mr. Usih?r, iu accordance with a notice of motionto increase the salary of Dr. HartUnd, from £90 to£100 per annum, said the commissioners had de-clined to accede to a former resolution of the boardlo the same eff ect , because at that time there ws«not sufficient experience ns to the amount of dutyto be done, but now this opportunity waj given toascertain the facts. In the two districts of Ard-more and Clashmore , the medical officers got £100a year. There were three tests ns to the amount ofduty—area , population , and tickets. Adoptingthese tests the following rosnlt wns seen:—Area Ardinore, 13,7.15 acres ; Clashmore, 12.740; White-church , 17.672. Population-Ardinore , 4.3G9 •Clashmore, 5,439 ; Wbitecburch , 8,035 ; tickets—, o nT

te' °16 ; Cla3lllnore. 805 ; Wlii.'echurcli ,1 ,208. When these facts were laid before Ilie com-missioners lie hoped they would alter their formerdetermination .

Mr. J. O'Brien seconded the motion, whichpassed.

CORRES P ONDEXCl;— KLUCT10N Of GU.UIDIAN3.The Clerk (Mr. D. Filz-erald) read the folloiv-

in<r:—" 1'oor Law Commission Oflwe , Dublin , (lib March , 1BHS .".V'I I :,—The nnirunissioiiew acknowledge the receipt ofyour letter of the Slh in«l , rcqiwrtin" to he iuformi' l whether ,niidei' tho circuuntanrm therein ilcuribiil , you would \n

justified in ifjfeliiis the nomination of Mr. Kiuliard Hvnn-nnd Mr. D.ivid I'ower, for the office of gUHrdiiin fur D.ui.'.o -van elrctonl division of DuntMrvan union, and in lep ly tiiec .niuiissinner* do.siiv to state, that thry concur W'th v.m,that il the nomination paper w.i» blink m the lime* tlieiioiiiiu.itor nlfixwl lii» siiiia'iire, and WM subsequentl y lil ieiiup iy another person without liis kii 'iwlnl ge or consent , iiwould be void. It unpin s, however, from ynui statement .I hat there U n i rc i ilili evi I it ice 'o s i iinv this s, ,and the fact that the notniirilor iioivst; 'testh;it he was und Tthe iiillncnrc of drink , when he siiiKnl the paper, and di inot know what he was doiii'-', would not jus :ily you in i i -jeetiuE: tin' nomination , .is it iipp -iir-l he wan uiiiili 'e to s».iypositivel y that tlio paper was when he signed i:.

" IS . H A X KS Clnel Cleik. "" Piw l.nur Comtiiis ^i 'in OtHcc , //oo.'iu. /.'it /i .1/are/i , / M .'J,"S IR —The commissioners triinsnu'l to yon the aoeniiipnuy.

iiiir letter , v.'iih its eiii:losities, winch they hiivc reeoivd fromMi. .1 olios Hyrne of Diun;:u v.tu , reliilintj *i> ilia qii iilifteat iunfor ill" oflisiii nt' l'..r tii e Diiu^.in'.tn u.ii'.n. Theronnnis^ioner-i nre aw-uv tint Ibis is tin: c-tse. uoliei'niinjjwhieh they have nlremly had some cnrrespoiiileaee iviih you ,btH Ibey think it a'lviiihle never!lteltss lo »\Xn& you anopportunity of in ikin; miy '>li*>rviiiiii :is you uuf u-uli onMr. liyi ne's s( itemeiit bvrurc replying t i him.— By im!-r,'• Ii. H A N K - , (,'ni. | Cl.-it .

Alao a letter was read fro'n Mr. i. IJ yriU ', coin-plaiuiii K that the returning oflicer had refused tutake from him a verbal obj ection to one of ihe can.didatrs proposed for Dtingnrvan , whose name badbeen publicl y posted up for three week*, at thepolice barrack , by order of the grand jury, h.ivin -Tbe. ii three times delected using unl.iir ivci ghts , &c.

The board then adjourned.SI.ITK OV TUK IIOL dK.

Xiinib.?r in the house. .'U7 : .ulinitted during Ilio weekMil; discharged during the week . 17 ; jver.njecost ill " ii p.iuper2- . -VI .: .!o. in ioli . ui.iry, 3-.D\d . ; do. in lin.p , o;01. : bnlauce in lavor of un.'r.lioi- , fl ,"".' !'*. Id.

ST. I'ATUK'K'S H A L L S'K'IT Y SKSSION 'S-SATi-RnAYli. fore Mr. ('. Xewiiort , ch.iinu.iu ; Mr. Kjunev , an I \ l-

Gonl.l , li .M.TKHSPA-S. — Kichii-.l L- IW '.PSS, tro<jia«s ofhii ass on the

rond ;it Xewnith , Wiis lined (M. iiad cos'.s; John M ickev,trespiiss of a ijl jr iu s:une phtre, titi"d Is. liJ . iuul o.sts.

STK A I .IS <;. — Patrick iind M.iry I'Myiiu , Ihu Iir-l to:- s'.e.i 1.-in^, au-i the bitter l'..r reeeiviii^ u'ooiK, the propeity ot the£U:il 'di;lns of tbc '»V;:t.jrlord Union , W.- l'u* Svtlt In piis ill , thumale, piisouer for thtec nioutlis , and thu woiniu lo twomonths, at haul hthaur.— Adjourned .

AUSTRALIA AND N'liW ZEALAND.M K L U O U K N T., J AN . 2<i.— The to; .il revenue of the

colony for the coming year i^ estimated by thetreasurer, at over three millions. Of this sum it isproposed to expend ;fc'10G,000 on public works inexcess of the miiount disbursed in former year?,miking a total amount to be thus spent of t'.'lL'.') 000.A loan of £-150,01)0 wil l be required to comp lete therailways of the colony. Tlie t-ixis on sold , lea ,susrar, and opiu n have been reduced. Seldoiii iuthe history of this colony have ill? lalieuriti!; clafKcsbeen so thorou «hl y prnspcrnus ; and , wilh workabiindiint and provisions low , Victoria is surel y t\working man 's paradis?. Certainl y, wa<ji:s are notnuw so hioh as thev were a few years back ; butthen , on the other hand , everv article of daily con-sumption is proj ioriionabl y lower. The wa^es ofarti sans , such as those cmp l m e l in the buildingtndc , will average fully (5s, to o 'x. per week , andthiil for days of ei«l>t Iu)t ir3. With the exception ufh .use-rent , alcoholic lii|Uors , and clothing, cverC-thini! is as cheap, and in most cases ch-japer, than inKn^land. Joints of meat are purchasable at from3d. to ,)d. per pound ; fresh butter at JOd. to l i d . ;fruits equall y reasonable ; and tea and su^ar it lessthan hiriie r;itcs. Of all classes , however , domesticS'.TV.inls seein to be the best ofl', for their wages mein no way diminished from the hi h standard pre-vailing in former years. A £ond plain cook con-siders hrr services worth £.'Ji» to i'lo per auuuni ; a liousr-mili.l reciv.-s i^Z.j to H'-iii : aii'l otln-i' >erv.iut- * [.io;iorti -ni- .!tfMies. Anil such servants !—ll. 'iveu -nve tb« in uk '. — lii-hivetu'hes Iroui the wil.Is ol* Tippemry, whose solo knowledgei-nnsisls in hnilinir a potato, would turn up their mwi-s at inij- -.thilur less than the sums ineiitioiird.

At this moment a very biilliant comet is ni .'Iitlv to I».><vn in tin.1 vnitlii'iii lie.ireiis. It ii knoivii as liie!o :<, iindniiil;''s its .ippeainnre at iiiti -rvals ot six yenrs and eiclitm..nibs . It was nn'icc.l in 1S.T.', 1S33, 1»U"', Is-")-, and lS-ii>.The present uiiliiUii 'dy dry s. iisdu is heli-vnl to tic uUcctnlby tb- iijipenranee ol ibis biilliaiit strnuui r.

I l i ' V K i n .v. X LW" X K A L A X D , J A .V . 7.— Tho U'aug-iiaiiCln'ini ictc says i—Up the liver all is quiet , .mil likrly to n--nia'ii -.ii. Hilt at tb« W.iitiu-a l l ie i e feeols lo be smne j,re-pimtion f.-r lesistanc- -. The lV ;nt(» ro.i pah, on ibis siib: ofI lie river , has hern in nip smaller find su'en^theneil . Tberflare .sii.l i., b.' j(i) in il , headed by Tuti Tewajn.On Thnrsdiiy fresh rpitifori'i.nients arriveil of 17 otnivis audI'.UI rank and l°i|e of the SUth r.'^iinnit , anil one ortic r andjn ui. 'ti of the linyi! Artillery, with two li-pounder Ann-R I I O I I suns, and .I I NIU I 71^1 of the "»7th. Tiie)* will proi-cei)noiLh.vai.1 on Tn.s.lay. under lliciMininiinil of CM. W.uldy.Th.' governor i;.u.s witb lliem. lie has- disembarked iron:the K>k in C'.tiseqiieiice of the threatening ntalo ot' nativeaffair-, nnd instea d of i;nins to Dunediu , desp,»4<:hed tb«ste.mier to Tiuiiiins-i for iiitelliitence respecting the reportedo ik tiler*. O.i, lie loiu.l that Mr. Clarke, of tl:«Native, llep-irtuient , :ind soui.t friendly chiefs, hiid iuduerdthe Ivist Const natives to return to thu settlement , andalf.iii.s there now look quite stilled.


Wo .it the Anlt|in .lr« are, iu the miluk of tlio homespi.rls,,,eo, entirely without amusement^ p.utiL'u;.irly uilLri"giiru to shtioliui: ; but , frnni iny owr, experience , [ cansny that there is iilw.iys Mi.uuihunr to he h:id for a inuiCiirry inj a ^un. There is il'jel* shooting almost alwaysto he l.iid—piiriidise , \I\M, urcy, iimtton liinl , spiKiubills , ands -veral Viir 'o'iit-*. Wi.l , teal , snipe, r.--lbill» , bittei'ti , hii t,e-kii , ai.-l ,|iiail :ue niiiueruus—Ihe latter are, like at Jiome,i;tftiiu-.; st'iirce, princi pally from burniii'? the land wheu thoueitliu-'s nre quite )('""?; this is tin: only way I can gc-count f«r the rapid denvnse. The inka, a Inr^e bird ol

theparrot species, .the parson bird, natim pise-'ii , paroquets,kin/lUheis , and sovend oilier birds iibium.l in thu bush,nhii'ii quietly till a U;,'. Tho hulcelca is a tine bird, blui shcolour, with n horny knob un the top ut* the hcii<) , icseiuli-\uiz the co.'k plie;is:in: ; they nb.iund iu swamps, and firstclass fipoi t may be had with a good retriever: they fly withit " whirr " iu a stiaisht line for ahuut a hundred yards, andthen scllle airitin till disturlieil : they aiu wiy distructive toth.. potato plantations of the Maories. Tlie r.ika resemblesa hflivk ; is ioaiL 'ed i-u the head like the urey p.irrot , andwhen oiiu is wimuu'tril it is an i.'ii y in.itter to " biig *' tbcwhole tl >ek. The pi 'Lon is almost :is feai'loss—a much,ttiu'r bird tiinii the home wi.otlque*!, nnd in some plncesvery iiunierous ; several can be shot sm^ly from a treebefor*the flnrk leaves . I'arrnqut'ts are numerous, small, wary, audthus atfotil i;ond thiiii: shots. They may be taught tohuit.v.e n..i*« , ami to ulk artieubiuly. The Maori heu i»much like the home luielr.iil , but turner, uuil canuot fly ;lliey i<re not ^<n«l eaiiiii, but tlie. ilicRcri male soup fromtliet u . W.len puiriiuil tbo > * run very &wtftly, and poke theirheads in '.be ueaicst holt: ; aru e:isily tmneJ, und serre BScats in t iiiinv huus, s, scarcely ever failing in a dart at n rnt ortuotiM'. Wild pi^s are lutfays nccea iblo, from tfie liufre boatt-.i the young vui.iii); piir, but lietler spesrt may be h<d withI hem with nood d. /s thin with tbu pun. Tlie boar ofteniK.i i .v> a dthperate r. sistance, strtuigliuit tho dogs in ninnyiii ^tiiiici 'S . The most peculiar leature in them is tile >km,whieh varies fn.iu half an inch tn two in thickness.

S> you we, Mr. Kditor, that although in the laud ot theMaori , we have still ample scopo for the gratification of outgreat love of sj iort.

I fea r 1 am trespassing too far on your spuco, but sbunUyi.ii give iii>er>iou to the above prelimiiiiivy remarks, theymay be interesting: to soino of your spoiling readers, and Imay, nl sonic future mail, forwiiii *, you some more of IDJXew Zealand sportiin; mid ulher expcrienciii.—I am, «r,yours, &.-., Ktm-ABD TEKBT,

Duueilin , New Zeal.iiii), Dec. ls°b , 1SUI.

Ins EsMoxnE FAMILY .—The famil y of the Es-moiide*, it i.5 well known , is one of the old Irithrace wlio .iiifiercd tlie paitu and jn-aultiei of beingtrue to reli gion nnd country. In ihe Dublin Journal,of Jul y 4, 179S, ii is recorded "-that Dr. Esniondewns executed on the Catlule Bridge on Saturday.Lieutenant Ksmondc wasniKcerin Cnptain Griffith's)corps of yoeiuauty ut U'cxford He was a man ofel?£iuit tuiuiners and respectable connections—hisbrother. Sir Thomas Esmonde, being the head of avery old lloinau Catholic family in the co. Wexford.Just as the execution was about lo take place a pri-soner was broug ht into gool. Two dragoons w|,ohad just arrived from tho county of Kildare saw thefello.v , nud one of lliem in a At of unreatrainablepa.isiun, shot him dead, declaring that be was thenuuderer ot' hit ofhcer, Capuiu Erikiue, at Kil-culleu bridge, about a week ago. Tho dragoontwere immediately taken into custody,"

With this year th*. British Parliament has beenin existence six hundred year?, out of which LordPnlmerstou h&s had a tenth us bis share.

WiSESWUD.—Printed and Publia'iitd by EUWAKITSKESHET, at Tke B'aUrford Xe tct Qeneral Printing, BooV.binding and llochine Itulin; Establishment, <9 King-itrerlriu tbc V«ri«hof Trin>ty Within. ' ¦ ;

SOBSCRIPIIOM—Ye»rTy (io adfnoce), 13s. ; half-yearly '¦'¦6».6d.:if notpva in advance, 15ayiailr. StauiLedjJdjttut = iyenrljvia ndinuce, 17i.4d. ; iif uot raid ill adiinnr.'JSi, I'd • :-«<AdvertMBmtuts f« I/n, if , Ui , viU^Wirrcind lW'*o* ,- -SMpectable Ntwi Agent in the VtulATxsipM, W&sy-:-:[m