2016 mobile trends by azetone

2016 Mobile Trends by Getting Ready For A New World Of Opportunities

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2016 Mobile Trendsby

Getting Ready For A New World Of Opportunities

Mobile IS the Internet1

• Mobile in 2016 should no longer be perceived as a second-class citizen or a subset of the

Internet but the new definition of what Internet is and should be…

• Who wants of an Internet that is not always with you, that doesn’t know where or who you

are, or that is not touch-first anyway?

• This is a huge shift for Marketers! We need to realize that users start considering the

Desktop Web as a downgraded version of the true (Mobile) User experience!

1 Key Take-Away: Sure, PCs will still be around for a while but within a couple

of years, there will be 6 times more Smartphones and Tablets than PCs… (IDC)

So, on which side do you want to be?

Mobile IS the Internet

Apps Everywhere2

• Apps started on Smartphones but they are now… everywhere! From Tablets to watches

and consoles and all the way up to PCs, TVs, cars and beyond!

• While many forces may have tried to stop or slow down the rush to Apps, their benefits

are simply too appealing for consumers (customization, quality of experience…), for brands

(own a piece of user homepage real-estate, re-engage with customers…) and for Stores

(monetization of user base, platform control and security…) to ignore!

• Apple App Store generated over $20B in revenue in 2015 alone

Apps Everywhere

Key Take-Away: The question is not anymore whether you should have an

App. The question is what App should you have that delivers real value to your

customers! Hint: It is NOT a native iOS or Android version of your website!2

Customer & User Experience 3

• Mobile is the ultimate lever for creating an outstanding Customer Experience (CX), by

either accompanying, augmenting or facilitating Customer Journeys

• (Mobile) User Experience (UX) is the new enabler of Customer Satisfaction. By investing in

delivering an exceptional User Experience, brands are securing stronger engagement,

higher App ratings, wider App distribution and better conversions

• Look beyond your traditional competition. Facebook, Uber, AirBnB, and others are the

ones setting the bar which your App (or Mobile Website) will be judged by!

Customer & User Experience

3 Key Take-Away: Find ways to ensure your Mobile properties are delivering the

highest quality experience possible. We are talking about one of your top

strategic assets for 2016 and beyond!

Everyone is… a Software House!4

• Brands may have not realized it yet but since they released their first App, they effectively

became a software vendor –with all strings attached!

• They now have to care about User Experience, updates and upgrades, development cycles

and technology choices, architectures and platforms…

• Apps are no longer just a bit of code running on a Mobile OS. They are a complex mix of

services, cloud-based processes, SDKs, APIs and interconnections with third-party solutions.

Now, what value can you actually deliver to customers? (or someone else will!)

Everyone is… a Software House!

Key Take-Away: Most brands think that an App is just another window to

their business… But customers are expecting a full-blown value-adding service

platform. The question is how can you reinvent your business through Mobile?4

Test & Learn, And Test & Learn…5

• It is only through a never-ending iterative process, that you will get better at improving

you mobile assets and achieving your (business) objectives

• “At least 50% of your assumptions will not lead to the expected results” says Håkan Forss,

Agile Coach at King, the developers of Candy Crush

• Never trust your guts, your colleagues, your partners or even the best Mobile experts.

Only trust direct, unbiased, representative customer data.

Test & Learn, And Test & Learn…

5 Key Take-Away: You can’t improve what you are not accurately measuring.

Track your Mobile User Experience, try different approaches to your critical

customer moments in your App and monitor the impact to your KPIs

Monetizing Mobile Now!6

• Most marketers consider as a fate that Mobile will monetize less than the web and

therefore treat Mobile as lower priority. But Criteo’s latest surveys demonstrate that

optimized Mobile Apps can deliver up to 2x the conversion rates of websites!

• The key is not to look at monetizing Mobile in exactly the same ways as the web. Check

how Starbucks now generates over 20% of their total US revenue on Mobile!

• Payment experience on Mobile needs to ultimately feel even more secure and much

easier than on the web!

Monetizing Mobile Now!

6 Key Take-Away: Whether it is for in-store, drive-through, or from home,

payment services need to be redesigned bottom-up for Mobile! And why not

take advantage of new ways to monetize Mobile?

Make It Relevant And Personal7

• Highly personalized Mobile User Experiences are not only what brands want but also what

customers expect. Not because it is cool but because it is more efficient, for both the

business and the user.

• The highest transparency in how user data is collected, handled and used is paramount.

Leaders in this space will escape impeding customer backlash!

• Apps are increasingly feature-rich and complex. So let’s deliver "not one App for all customers

but the right App for each customer” says Yvan Delègue, Director of Mobile Apps @Orange

Make It Relevant And Personal

7 Key Take-Away: Sure, customers are omni-channel but they are more and

more Mobile-centric. Mobile is also where the largest set of customer data sits,

so any personalization strategy needs to start (and not to end) with Mobile!

Making Mobile Agile & Predictive8

• While Mobile is all about real time, nothing is less agile than an App. While abiding to App

Store rules, marketers need to enable instant change capabilities to their Apps

• As we learn more and more about users and behaviors, Apps need to be able to morph in

real time to proactively address customers needs & wants. This is predictive marketing in

action, leveraging User Experience data and Machine Learning algorithms.

• The key question is what is the right experience (you should dynamically deliver) for the

right user at the right time, at the right location and in the right context?

8 Key Take-Away: Mobile presents huge opportunities to gain unprecedented

insights into what customers do and expect! By leveraging User Experience

data and Machine Learning, predictive marketing will become a reality

Making Mobile Agile & Predictive