15thinfantry.org · 2016-07-27 · american forces in china. no. 34 tientsin, august 22, 1924, vol....

TlENTSIN. No. 34. VOLUME VI. AUGUST 22, 1924 . ... ..., ...... ,..+, • ,..+, ft ,..+, ..... ,..., ,..+, ft ,+, ft .... ,.+, ....... ,,,+,,, • , .... - ,.., ...... ,,,+,, ....... ft ......... .,,,,. GEN. PERSHING LA YING COHNER STONE OF INFANTRY STADIUM AT FORT BENNING, GA. -- ....:::..:..J ......... ......... ...................................

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Page 1: 15thinfantry.org · 2016-07-27 · American Forces in China. No. 34 Tientsin, August 22, 1924, Vol. VI. CURRENT POLITICAL HAPPENINGS Convention which has not. yet beien I N C H I


AUGUST 22, 1924 .

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Page 2: 15thinfantry.org · 2016-07-27 · American Forces in China. No. 34 Tientsin, August 22, 1924, Vol. VI. CURRENT POLITICAL HAPPENINGS Convention which has not. yet beien I N C H I

American Forces in China.

No. 34 Tientsin, August 22, 1924, Vol. VI.

CURRENT POLITICAL HAPPENINGS Convention which has not. yet beien I N C H I NA. · caUe~. . Until tha.t time Sorvie·t

p . . Russia, is bound by all t.he former EK~NG: • <l~ssol vf Pa~'1iament and his th1·ea.ts I treahes and as such will accept the

. T t is _now ~1most six weeks since of such ~chon ha.vei heretofoTe ha.d Le~a.tio·~ property .on a.n eq. ual he res1gnatrnn of Mr. Sun Pao- :<ome dff'ct upon the proc~urei. basi s with all the· o•the1• Protocol

r-bi as Premie-1' and thei a.ppoiiniJ- Now howeve:r the Pa.rliamenta.rians Signa.to•1-y Porwers•. The questinn :nent of J?r. Wellington Koo, Act- seem lo 1:·eahze tha.t they even have rwturally arises regarding what ~n~ Premier. The President sho·rt- thei Pres1dent's hands· bound and as will happen i'f a.fte'f the• Snvieit -' thereafte·r sent the nomina.tion a matter of fact the-y ha.ve. T'sao Legatio•n is turn:ed over fo the• Am--::i Dr. W.W. Yen for the Premier- Kun could ha.rdly a,fford to loo·se bassa.dor, the Sovie1t in the subse· ~hip to the House nf Represent.a.- upon the• Prorvinces this ha.nd of \ quent Convention reno·unces the -i,es, for a.pproval. Whilei. cast~ng p1opagan?izing ~nemie~ as. they


1 P.r ·o~ocol as Ka~a1:a.n ha.s .• a.greed tq ~!Ound for some• scheme 0£ makmg wculd be then, smce1. his rise fo do m the prehmmary_ agr·e~ment. _ on.ey O!\lt of the change in the pcwer ~as bought ~hrectly from 'The pmperty however has not been rabmet, the P~.rliamentacrians hit them with. so much. s1l".e1r and other tun1ed ovm· and it. is, i;epmteid ' tha.t -.:pon the expedrnnt of deno·uncing ren:une.ra.hon. It is difficult to· see all the Ministers' have cabled fm~ ·'.:i.e temporary· appo·inlmen.t. o•£ Dr. a.~y wa.y ~u~ of the• mu?dle an~l instructions. The· generr·a.l opmrnn ~ (}() . Acccrrding to thei1• view, it "'.1th no v~M?le change Jn cond1- is that tlrn Sovi:E:1t Representative ~a3 unconstituticma.l for thei Presi- trnns, pred1chons become most un· must make &ufficieu.t guara.nte1es fo :.":?nt to makei tempm·a1-y appoint· rnlia ble guesses. the other Signa.tories of the Pro;.. _,.ents while the August legislature On the mo•rning o•f July. 31st tocol tha.t the provisions governing - a;: actually in session a.nd oppor- Ambaf'sarlor Leion :M:ikhailovitch administration, eitc., of the Lega.­""':. ity could be ta.ken to· perm~n-1 Ka.raliau prese'Ilted . his cr:dentia.ls tion Quarter will be binding upo·n -=- y fill the vacan,cy. H wa,s the to P1•eslrrent Tsao Kun am1d-appro:. him beifor·e any trans.fer will be _ 7e~ident's duty therefore to le1a.ve pria,te ce1emouies.. These ceire- enn;pleted. ~,:na without e·ve·n a pretense nf monies were• littlei diifer·ent. horn

Government until Parliament those atttmding the1 presentation e£ MANCHURIA : .::..-d been induced by bribery er a. Minister but as Karahan is the Much has appea.red in . the press -:.._r meithods to· accept Dr. Yen's first Ambassador his rece:ption 0f a ~epara.te1 Sirw-:Russian: Cnnfor-

- :nination. As a. result. fo date necessa.rily establi'shes a, precedent. ence in Mukden and o.flicia.l r'elpre-_:na would ha.ve heoen without a 'f'be next iiem of moist impor1ance sentaiives 0£ the1 Soviet Mission "'· :nd for six weeks as everv for the Snviet A'mba.ssado'l' a.fter have be.en in a.ttenda.nce but ,so far -<on so far ha.s ended in disorde;. the conclusion of the ceremo•nials nothing of a. de.finite naf.ure ha,s

::- i :o quite· possible tha,t weeks if waR the pro-blem of the transferal be~n published! In a recent - months will elapse while· the of the Russia.n Lega.tio·n property "Reuters" report the1 rumor 0£ a• Ps. continue to wta.nglei over in Peking which is still under con. brrnk has beel1 dispelled and lheir

• .:..:: echnical question nf whether trol of. the Diplomatic Bo·dy. M:r. version 01f the meeting is tha.t it is - A.ding Prem:ieor ought not be• Ka.rahan's a.ttitude has mello•wed merely a prelimina.ry discussion to -- :nted betwoon the resigna.tinn to· quite an e·xtent om: this point and obtain the· vie1ws· nf Marshal Chang : ::ne Ca.binet a.nd the appoint- h~ now ~eclar~s that · ~he S<Y1_7iet I before the conf~reince~ in Peking.

:-=:.- of another. The• fuhltt.y of shll considers it.self a. s1gna.tory' of !' The Marshal's. vrnws a.re a.ppa.r'ent-..:.= rn-called Chinese ParliamE.nt is ihe Pmtocol and bound by its pm- ly fixed rega.rding· the Manchurian

_,, illustrated and distinctly de- vi~ions. He explains thaLalthough· 1 questio1ns but he1 has no objection •:rates the hopeless situation the a.greement. signed by the Sovie.t r to putting into effect any results

· h ean develope under the al- aTJd Ohina. prorvided for the annul- I obtai11ed frnm the1 Peking-Moscow _::i Repu?lican form of_ Govern- ling oJ all Tsaris~ t.rea.ties., . this

1. negotia~ions that are not injurio:us

_: of Chma;. The President has was to be accomphshe·d a,t the re-. to thc-1 mt.erests of the Three East­- ?J:Wer under the co1nstitution to gularly convened .Sino-Russian em Provinces.

Page 3: 15thinfantry.org · 2016-07-27 · American Forces in China. No. 34 Tientsin, August 22, 1924, Vol. VI. CURRENT POLITICAL HAPPENINGS Convention which has not. yet beien I N C H I


Revolutiorn may be, re;sult oif Action of Spain's Directorate. Rumors of organized attempt to 'lverthmw milita.ry pow6•r hea.rd on every side. Defeats in Morroco added to the exile of P1·0.£essnr D. Miguel de Unamuno, might easily bring revelution, Confo"Illa-

FRIDAY. . tion of the reported fear in Govern. Bets T~talm15 $10,000_,000 on ment citcles that a. Revolution

~.S. PresidEl'nbal Camp~ig·n pre- 1 might come', is corntained in the d1cte~ by . N.-Y. . Fmanmers. I a.nnouncement that Direcfora.te is Rea.vies beitmg m History. , / lraming a constit,ution whi.ch will

General John L. Hine's to succeed ' mJake it possible for a civil govern­Pershing who retires automaJica.Jly m@t to replace• the milita.ry gmr· Septembe,r 12th'. En'nment.

Famoius Siamese Twins, at last liberated. Successful operation in N. Y . has se.pamted ihe twins after being joined since1 birth hv an ex-tra,neous, form'ation. ·

Canton refuseis. fo alloow estab. lishment 0£ Sovie•t. Consulate. This does not ave1r unfriendliness and th'e reason' for this pos0ition is that Canfon Goivernment hasr not recog­nized the Sinoi-Soiviet Agreem'ent signed on Ma.y 31st.

. . . . , J a,pan to file second pr'ntes l _ ]>rmce' of Wa.les wil~ v.1sit U.S. against enactment of i:he· new im~ this' Seiptember to witness' Polo i migra.i:ioin' law o,f America. ma.tc~' at Meadow. ~r'?°'k between I 'Amel'lca.n and British T'eams for I SUNDAY. the! Interna.tiorna.l Challenge Cup. Republicans wo1"ried a.bout Bob

Merr'cury can be turned info gold 1 La. FoUettei. American Federati'o'll 'pmves Be·rlin chemist. Scientific : 0£ Labo'l1r pledges suppmt tor T,a i:mlporrtancei 0£ discover'y is very 1 FoUeUe, the independent candida.te ·great, but !ias nor immedia.te econo'-

1 tor pr'esident.

mio importance oin account or£ the enormoius cost of thei proce:;.s.

Hankow Chinese Bodies· demand r'emoivaJ of Japan's Consul Gener­al on' gr01Und that h~ has obstructed many ouhtanding problems be­tween Chinese and .T apan'.ese Mer­chants, including ther murde1' of on'e Chinaman at the hands 01f a 'J apaneser.

Anothe:r white man lurns co-al hlack. The1 se'cornd myst,erious and incurable ca.se' has heen discoivered at Hull. England. First victim', a Dane has become> almost a. neg-ro and is suiffering unbea.ra.ble skin i1ritatiorn'. '

Henry Ford a.sh U.S. Army to\ :woid future wars·. BeEeves U .S.

SA TURD A y. ~:an prevent war by a.rming her1;el£ Anti-lm'peria.Iism Moivemenl JD greafor strengt~ than, th: wo·~·ld

~pre~ds ov.er toi Ha.nkow.,. Or.~ginat-/ hna,s ev. ~r se,en« W1eld1 Hie hi~ , she~~ mg- m Pe,kmg the· doctr'me is now a. d develope _Muscle Sh?als fo1 be:ing preached in almost every in1 j mtra.tes and high explosives, he 'J)nrtanl city. De-'mG·nstration ·to be , urges. held in' stre'et8 of Chfr1esei City , "I MONDAY Hankow, SeptHmbe-r 7th. · - . · ·. . .

. . . . Liang Sh1h-yu, le0dmg financier

August 22, 1924.

Attem~f fo, murder Gen'. Wu Pei-fu; frustrated. While the: Lo,_ yang War Lord was returning home- in his auto assassins made attempt but were captured by gua.rds a.nd confess they were hired for $3,000 with promise of more if they had suceeeded.

Turkish Gove1'n:Iilent intends to cleport White Russians in spite nf the profactfon re!prese•ntative oi League> of Nations is trying to e.x. tend toi them.

Y oshiwa,l'a closes on September first as memori'al . fo the 600 caged women: who we,re burned to dHath in Ea,rthquake last September. This will be the second tim'e in history that. Y oshiwa,ra has taken holida,~r the last occasion being the dHath of the emperorr in 1912.

Late census gives 340,000 Red men on U.S. Indian Reservations.

T'UESDAY. Woma.n fo b'e· candidate for Texas

Govemor. With Ku Kluxism1 the main issue Mrs. Muri1ei Fe·rg-uson has· a. fighting chance: a.ga.i nst Judge Da.Jla,s:, who has not repudiated sympa.thy with the Klan. l£ suc­_ceissful , she will be the first woman sta fe govenwr in A'm,erica1.

Peking gatets to1 be1 o'Pen at. 5 a.m. and close1 a.t 9 p.m:. a.fte.r August. 21st wHh the exceiption O'f the Shih Chih- Men which' will rnmafo. oipen until 10 a.t night.

To· facilita.te1 Americanization and £rustra.te smuggling of im­migrants Secrefary Da.vis' would register all aliens annuaUy with the Depa.rtment orf La.hour. I ssue to. be taken up neoct reassembling< of Congress. . Failure to' registe1' would be punrnhahle· by a small fine and a, larg·e orne· for subsequent offenses. A fina.l check-up would be ma.de1 when foi'e,ignN" a.pp.lied for his citizenship papers.

.Austmlian Blacks lnd;n~P white of China. now in N.Y. hopes to wo·m~n. ~!'l'scu6t Exped1hon now become Chin 's next. president. Hawa.iian Japanese unable to pre•ssrng mto1 t,rackless ~rush ta , Denies i'lmrnurs that he is ra.isinO' enter U .S. rules Secretary Davis. Rtrm:i~ho.Jd of black a.bducfors who I foan . · '"' When a.sked wba.t effect the new <'arrrnd a number of women from immigration law would ha,ve upon i:he1 S(,hoon. er Douglas M:a,wson after I Os:bnrn 'V nod make:s a.nother the comi'ng o,f Orie,nfals t°' the murdering- the men and sinking th5 clean up on Stock Excha,nge. U.S. from H a.waii stated "N 0 ef­ship. ']'his happened some months/ Opera.ti'ng by cable from Biarritz feet, the act i'ncludes Ha,waii as a agd. Frnm listed a~ Missit1g the according to: his mysterious system part of the U.S. and only applies ~~hooner's true• fate has _i~rnt ~e~n I he re~lizes ano·ther 300,000 doHars. to aliens coming ~o this country d1scoiVered but the< erxpeditwn i·s m 1 Police dogs uneaJ-th decomposed . from a1 place• o•uts1dei U.S. How­hope· that some of the- white women body 01f SociaHst Deputy Signor eve•r, he1 adds, Ta.H's exclusion are st.ill alive', pe•rhaps prisoneirs in Ma.tteotti near Rome'. Fascisti are Grde'r uf F 'e1b. 24, 1913, is held t.b'e harem o! some aboriginaJ accused of kidnapping and murder. effective and is sufficient authority chief. ling the si'gMr. to bar J apan,ese la.bourers froon

-- --·---

Page 4: 15thinfantry.org · 2016-07-27 · American Forces in China. No. 34 Tientsin, August 22, 1924, Vol. VI. CURRENT POLITICAL HAPPENINGS Convention which has not. yet beien I N C H I

J..ugust 22, 1924.

:iming to the ma,inland of the ..-. ··. from Ha.waii, "detriment oif _.,.hour conditions then~in." It is '.!!lderstood, however, that Japan­=-~ in Ra,wa.ii who can present

'""idence that they a.re profossionaJ · ·tors, sin.gel's" nurses, professors, . ~killed laborers if la.bour of a

.:...::c kind canno•t be found in U.S., _ _,n be granted permission to enter.




Standing Orders No. 3 recently issued by Hqs. U.S.A.F.C., clea.r­ly defines the foreign seI"Vice tom1 in th.is command. In part and as applicable to the individual it. reads as follows :

1\EDNESDA Y - J a.pan Army . . ....'.:odemization Pl::tn is approved j . To1;1r: The for:eign service tour · :.d provide's. for the abolition: 0 ,£ Ill this command is thrEe yearrs ~.nd : Ju r army divisions, the money comflumce~ on the da.te of arr~val . - ~ed thereby to be devoted to foe at, the Ohma port of de.barka.t10n. .\ ir Forces. Likewise calls for a j ·

:.robing ba.ttalion a11d an a.rtillery Ad.ditional C~·ed~t to be give.n in • · ool for N.C.O's a.n.d scient.ific I certa.m cases: When an enlisted ":·seaTches. j m.an is t!'ansf~ned to dut.y with

, thest1 forces from the Philippine 1'eking family of 11 wiped oiut I Department, he will he allowed an

· - foo<l poisoning. Caibbage that i additio'1laJ credit of 50% on his lad been. sp1·a.yed aga.inst insects / foreign service for such time as ~:rectly responsible for their <lea.th he se•rved in that De·partment, e.g., --:- poisonjng. I a soldieiT who servejl one year in

I the Philippine Department prio·r

}foi.ion Pictures of ne,ighbori'ng fo transfer to duty_ with these ::. d 0 re1!dya toi ~·e show~ in T'ie~- \ ~orces wo~1ld have: 18 m?·nths cr~d­-,_n. Now hemgi "titled" m 11ted to h1m on his fornign service ~hangha.i by the B.A. T·. in this command.

Chinese rei.'l'idence in Moscow I How computed when transfened -1:Il1 her 32, 000 ca.re·fully estimates from other foretign service com­. :..i nese Diploma.tic representative mands: When an enlisted man is

· ::.2re. transfe1Ted to this command from a foreign !'lflrvice command other

Turkish women at Constantinople than thEi Philippine Department, • :.-mand new marriag·ei laws. Re- he will he requfred to serve the full

.:.lt to a.bolish Polygamy. Insist three years, minus such time as = _,r,ernment confine: number o.£ was !'pent in such other- foreign ~>es to four; Raisei legal age· of service command, In case lrn re­......arriage for ma.les: from 11 to 18 e;nlisted for service in this com-

·-<·ns and from 9 to 17 yea.rs· for. mand be:for·e departing from the --=-males; Marria.ge for pmvis.ional I :old st.ation no deduction will be -=!"Ill. to he forbidden; T'?' register j1 made, and the enlii-:ted man will bEi _ ":rnages. so as to ~bohsh frau- required to serve a full three; yea.r~ : :nt .umons.; Submit· before .. ma_:I'-1 i~. the same manner .as th~se en­- ~-=e to -m~d1ca.l e!Xam as d1sea.se Ii·sted mEm who enlisted m the · :pecia.ll;v: prevelent in Turk1iy. United State for China. · ·

TRU~rnD~Y ~ Largest Areo- I , . . . :!'Orne .m Asia will soon he com- Re1tum to the Umted State111.

""ed in Mrukden. Spacious to. All enlistk'.d -men will he ~et.urned -omodate for 50 machines to the Umted State!S for discharge

· upon e<xpiratlO'n of term ol enlist-Bryan Democra.tic candidate for ment or for re-assignment upon ..:·president strikes populaJ' note expiration o.f term oi enlistment

. :.h farmer la.bo•r elements in his or for re-assignment up01n expira­eptance spe~h.

~-000 Liang of opium goes up: •. . . . , 3moke at Central St.a,tfon:, Tie·n.- 1 ~ ll'po. succeeds_ u1 po·stpomn.g .,_, Confiscated by local nmri- I order of ~e•pnrtahon .. Oha.rge, ~1s --= customs duringi first haH o·f' passport~ improperly visae:d. Will

, •ear · · I fight Wills Sept. 29th. · -- · · I Fortunes made by rise in Ger~ ,?t. Bailey, U .S. Marine, wins man Bonds. The 5 per cent Ger ....

- :·a Pistol Ch.a.mpion;ihip at J man fonds valued a.t $375,- for in-pic Gam.es. J sta.ncei changed ha;nds at _$87,400.


tion o.f foreign service tour, except those<: (1) Authorized to rt:­enlist in these forces. (2) Wha have been gra.nted a.n extensim;1. (3J Authorized to be d:tscharged ru China.

I In computi~g date Qf discha1·g0, all time loot under the 107t.h Artide of War must b~ ma.de up in . China., providing such retention

'I does not cause soldier's foreign service tour to expirs to said date

, of dischargei, in which event he t will he returned for re-assignment upon erxpiratiOIIl of four .

R.erduction and disrating prior to ret·urn : Pnrsuant to Hie provisions of A. R the following will be re­duced to the grade of Private prio.r to their return: (l) N.0.0.'s and Priva.teR first class being ret.lrrn.ed for medical treatment Qll account of disabilit·y incurred as the result of their own wilful misconduct. (2) Oorporals and Priva.tes First Olass being re.turned for re-a.ssign -memt or discharge for any cause exicept those being returned for discharge on aecount of disa.bility not the result o.f their own wilful misconduct.

j Disrating: The interesils of :the · Government requir(.'j that all en­! listed men holding specialist rat-ings ibe disrated prior to return to the United States for any cause as provjded in p:ar. 7io, A.R1. 615-10 .


The lucky holders of membership tickets to the Recre1a.tion :Pa.rk ha.:;e­ball season will have an opportunity to realize a neat income on thei1 investment this .coming week during the Waseda Chailllpionship series. Season ticket holders will attend all games at h!)..lf price., On account of the great expense · entailed on Mr. Mr. Ma.tsushima, the manager of the looa,l Japanese ball club .u b1ing­ing the W aseda Team to T'ientsin in order to give Tientsin the best pos­sible brand of ball ·that is ohtainabie ~ in the Orient, the price of admission is necess arily 'raised for this series . Admission to the IG'randstand for men will be $2 .00 Mex, ,Women's admission will of course be half of that price. In case you possess a season membership ticket it will entitle you to half price bringlng the price of a grandstand seat down to $1.00 for men and fifty cents for ladies. Don't miss this opportunity to turn your season ticket info good, hai'd casll.

Page 5: 15thinfantry.org · 2016-07-27 · American Forces in China. No. 34 Tientsin, August 22, 1924, Vol. VI. CURRENT POLITICAL HAPPENINGS Convention which has not. yet beien I N C H I


We havei been spending a fow da,ys in the hnspital this past week, just t,01 allow the "medicos" to get better acquainted with us. We think the1y will kno1w enough about us by the end of the week to let us loJ}S:e again.

So there will be Church Services in the Service Club at 11 o'clock Sunda,y morning. ;we caJ1't very well go t-01 e,ach of the barracks to hold a service so we ha,vei this, cen­tral pla,ce for you to come. Now for goodness' sake come!

iW e are· so1'ry S. S. Lesson 01ver­looked theJ International Sunda,y Schoo•l Le,sson la.st week for it was a good one, "Jesus Cleansing tlle Temple.'' The one, for this wee'k 'is, "Jes us Talks with N icodeim us ." ,fohn 3:1-3, 8-17.

"N 01w the,re wa,s a ma,n 0£ the Pharis.eies., named Nicodemus, a ruler of the1 Jews : the same came fo him by night,, and said to him, B,a,bbi, :we know that thou art a teacher• come from Go1d; for no• one can, do1 those signs that thou dnest, e1xce1pt God be with him. Jesus answe~ed and said unto him, ;v e:rily, versily, I say unto thee, Except on.e be boir'n anew (or from abo,ve) he cannnt se•e the king•dom (rf Go·cl .. •'· ...•....

The w~nd bloweth wheJ.'e it will, and thou he1atest the voice thereof, but kno1west no,j, whence it cometh,


Seeing a colored ma,n of his ac­quaini ance1 g·ofog off on a fishing excursion, a, gent1ema,n thought it an excellent time1 t.01 re1prove him for his la,ziness.

01r whither it go~h; so is everyone that is born of the Spirit. Nicode. mus ans.were-cl and said unto him, H O•W can these things be? Jesus auswe:red a.nd said unto him, Art thou the teacher of Israel, and understa,ndest not theise things? Verily, (truly) ve1ruly, I say unto the_e, We speak that we do knnw, and hear witness oif tha,t we have "Tom, you nld loafer," said he, seen: and ye receiive not our wit- "do you think it's right to leave uess. T£ I told you earthly things 'your wife at the wash-tub, while and ye believe not, how shall you I you pass your time fishing?"

"Ya.ssah, colonel; it's all right. bdie>e if I teU you hea,venly things? And no hath ascended in!,o hea,ven, hut he that descended

I out of .heaven, even the Son of

I Man, who is in heaven. And as Moses lifted up the1 sei"pent in ihe

Mah wife doan• nee,d any watchin'. She'll shol'e,ly work jes,' as hard as ei I was th~re."

j wilde,rneRs, eiven SOI must the Son 'rl1rrnght.s on Hai1'---Effie-

l of Man be lifted up; tha,t whoso- "Vi'hy ham't Daddy much hair?" e'rnr believe.th in him may have

I dernal life. For God so' loved the M:other-"Beca,use he things a wrold that he gave his only begnti- lot, darling." ten ~on. that whoosever believeth on him ~l10uld not perish, but have Effie, (pause)-"But why ha,ve eternal life. For God sent no{ the you g·ot such a lat, Mummie?"-

So·n into the wnrld to iudire the ·u· th , c.· J.tJ.C er "Ge1t-on-with-your-

lwor]d; dhuth. thaththh~ w~;'ld should I breakfast! ! ,, ie save t roug im. , ·


A THOUGHT OR TWO ON I The Re,v. Henry Howa.rd of Aus.

M- E ORY tralia tells a, story o,£ a, ship wr~-M · ed on a1 coral reef in Southern

".Memory is to be our book 0,£ 1

Seas. The crew g~t ashore ;:is they life, whic4 w.ei nust rea,d daily.


could,-some on, timbers, .s-0me on Ou1· life is be1ing writ.ten day by hen-coo,ps, some on nut-meig. gra­day, and we must 1•ead this manus- ters ! As~nrei, they. hugged t~e cript in the yea,rs to1 come1. We co~d, fearm8'.. t-0, g01 mlan~, lest, _it nni"st make th~ plot good, the story might p~·ove to be ;lJ can~1bal _1s­sweet and true, because time will I land. 'Ihey had noi speicrnl desne come whmi it will be too Ja,te to I fo be c~ubbed and e~ten. Presently change. one o,f them, ~oo:eJ adventurous

. . . . I t~an the rest! ~limbed . a, neal'~Y This rndir.a.tes that mem1~ry is to I h~llock. Ha,vmo ~on his ~umm1!,

be our heawen. Heaven, 111 part, his fello,.~vs sa.w hn~ "Y~'vmg his is t?' be a Ian~ of beautih.il me-1 arm~ e'x<?1ted,ly and ,i,n~1hi:.gly a,nd rnori es. 'l'hat is aU we can take hea1 d him shout,. Come along, thr"re. It really makes up our boys, we're, aU right. Here's a cha meter I church!" There wasn't one of

\ · \ that crew who didn't feel sa,fer be-And memory will be: our hell.

1 cau;se the· good news had btlen pr?""

'It might have been', will be the 1 c~a1med therei. But for tha:t t~e1r wail 0£ those who chonse the unholv j l1ves :would have beein of little

I a~nd irnp.ure, and :·efuse th. e s.alv;- , worth. Aga,ins!, sue~ a . backgr?un~ tiO'l'l of the In:fimfo, Father. To we ca,n see morn clearly the s1gm-

/ live with an ungodly past., to• re'call ~e~11ce1 o~ the Church. It is the I life mis.spent and unimpro,ved, will ~1gJlt, agams:t t,hei darkness, and men I be a part at least of our hell rn :q..e,ed thank God for the mercy , ' ' · · of tha,t li'ght,. I

! Aga.in, 1'1ernory enduring ma,ke,s


1 love enduring. What loves we "H is eiasy to sell cha,racter but have, and ho1w precious they a,re1. impossible to purchase it. I Thos~ wno1 lorved us once, will love

1 us there still, as well as heir~. We ne-ver lose our loveis."-

Don't turn the stone for a, iean w_h() ha,s a• aix to gri:ud.

I -

Page 6: 15thinfantry.org · 2016-07-27 · American Forces in China. No. 34 Tientsin, August 22, 1924, Vol. VI. CURRENT POLITICAL HAPPENINGS Convention which has not. yet beien I N C H I



by the


for the


Pu blished entirely without expense to · -e Government, and is in no wise an official : _tlication of the U. S. Army, or of the 1 :5 ; In fantry, in particular,


; a copy .... ................. . f.0. 1 0 U.S. :- u month ........... .......... .. .. 0 .30 ,, -'CI }·ear .... ..... ... ...... ... ..... 3.00

:=. · ~lail-Aaywhere ia the world Pu month ....... .. ...... 0 . 35



THE SENTINEL, American Barracks,

Tientsin China.

_ 'o. 34. August 22, t 924.



_\nnounces Itegular m~eting of ... f'l ub in the Ellub rooms , Sa.tur­

'l'HE SE1NT1IN:Eh 5

Com71any E: Sgt. ,Burlrn, ' Pv'ts . Black, O'Brien, Yomig, Doukie .

Company F: Pvts. Costilmv, Davis, Gihmn, Hastings, Stafford.

j Company G: Pvts . . Kane, Linnet Nolan, Lake, Nelson. ·

Company H: Pvt . Gbodrick

Company I: Pvts.. M.c Co,qJ;:ey, Moyer, Long, Sa.nche>z .

I Company K: P'vts . Green,

l-----==--.._.-...._ ...... ._.._ __ .. Griffith, Hartz, Pi.kn is .

WASEDA. Company I,: Pvts. Eigan, Lee,

Musslewhite, J orgenson" Scblofman, Relihan. WhiNrn.fski.

'l1he tenm from the University · C L' · . . I Company M : orpora\ mu . of \Vaseda will engag£:1 m tbe first · of the championship contests . to­morrow aHernoon at Recreation

I Park with thf! 15th Infantry.

j They have a good team and have had · a very successful season so far

j this year. '\Y.e hope their long ~tring of vidortes is at an end. But win lose or draw we can hei assured O!f one fact, that they will at least give a peirfect exhibl.tion

I ·nf pure sportmanship if not· of haseball. Manager Tobi.ta, the team's trainer and financial head, has jn~tilled the doctrine of sports­

, mnnship into his team until they I have •hecome, not only .Tapan's best I but also her most popular t'.eam among the ball fnns of the Im­pnial lshnd.

W e1lcome . 1\1 ased1t. vV e will matc.h von ('ourtesv with courtesy, hit for. hit, and " may our run columu exceed vourn both to­mo•l'l'OIW and W ed1~esO.ay.



He has arhie·ved surress, wh o ha ,~ lived well, laughed often, an!l loved mur h , who ha.s gaim·d the l'eSpPr t of intelligent men an.cl the lorve of little children ; who has· filled hiR niche and. accomplished his task , whether by a.u improved. popp:v, a perfect poem, or a l'escued ~ou l ; who has never lacked apprecfrd:ion of earth'fl beauty rjr failed fo ex­press it ; who has alwn:v~ looked for the best in others and given ' the best he had : wlw~e life was an inspirat.ion and whose · men1ory a benedication.



Orderly for Commanding Officer: · Aug. i4, Pvt. Hyrick, Hq·. Co. Aug . 15, Pvt. Bishop, Co. L

~ September 6th 1924, at 1.00 I 'rh .:l following officers and m8n c.f · the 15th United Sta.tes Infank\'

An~·. 16 , Pvt . • To1·dan, Co. F. An~. 17, Pvt. Smotherman, Co. I Aug-. 18, Pvt. W.ilson, Co. M. Aug. 19, Pvt. Rishop, Co. L. Aug. 20, Pvt. Mriier, Co. :F.

l&a.ve by Tmm:port on September 11 . Thi~ will be tlts fhst meeting · .

~ :. -..e 1fay and m_atters of impnrt- . Office~.'j,: Cnpt . _We~ss, n:c~hrystal, - 'e are toi be ?hscus.sed. 'L1-A1.1t. ba.ssdt·, h elly' Q11c11'cn, OrO.erl:v for Sergeant Major:

vVarmnt Of~:c er : Dcwine F'inanc1i Au~. i4, Pvt. C<rnrad, Hq. Go. _\Te you passing the buck to the Dc11t: Pvt. Nelson . A ] r; p 't JJ d'll C ·r - t i \.Ug'. ·>, .. v .. . a1 er, o . .. ,.

t>r ie l!ow, turn ottt, your voe' Q.M. Corps: Sgt. I~rollpfaif1~r , Au~. 16, Pvt. Coc·luan , Co. F. s ~ weighty as any other a.nd I Pvts .. Lindcmnwth, BobitJ;on. Ang. -17, Pvt. Long", Cb. I. '

- ·~ as much power. I . - ,

I Medical Corps: Sgt.. Sh ~1ver. Aug. 18, Pvt. Rarhre, Co. M.

?roper functioning of t_he Club P~ts .- Chrisholm, '!'li·cConncll, Aug'. 19, Pvj., .TorgE..rnien, Co. L. onlv be when you waive your \\'beelodL Au~. 20, Pvt Jordan, Co. F.

- • --, rti slikQfl and a.bide, by such I H eadqualttr.s Co: Pvts . 'Bicli~h. ---- _; and regula.tions as you , o·r I Bla.zeknvich, F enn , H ook, HH~h. You nan 't O.ream vcmrsel£ into n • nrnjoi<ity, iuaugurate. Janssens., J ones, Kures, '!'lfobie, c)wracter you must hammeir· and

. 11\foKe.nzie, Morton, Murray, Red- ' · · · t' s s· fmO'e1 one for vourseH. ,r-hen enthusiasm dies it is ime "I mond, Rettberg, exton , 1gman "' ·

tail th~ grave diggers. Buck Stoy, Twohey. j · --we succeed when we1 want to Service Co.. Pvts. Adams, G.erald , •r·he expert fault-fin?er. ha.s no

_ we waut to. I Han~en, Jordan , . WashmSiky , re:~ son to· be proud of lns accom-The Board of Governors. I Spooner. · phshment.. · ·

Page 7: 15thinfantry.org · 2016-07-27 · American Forces in China. No. 34 Tientsin, August 22, 1924, Vol. VI. CURRENT POLITICAL HAPPENINGS Convention which has not. yet beien I N C H I

· At~gu st 2.S', 1924. ·~~~!!'!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!'!!!!!!!!!!, .!'!!!'. ~- ~~~....; . .. r.!!:, ~~-. !!!!!!_~ .. !!'!"'!!!. '!!!:I .. !'!!. !!!.~. !'.!;i'. !!"!'!!~. ~~~'!:.~~~~

a·1oe1RAPH rHeAi"Re A'Dorrs ii A MATT:ER of e.nQuErrE ~~. I a ·H1NA TH~A~REs, ~T,D·


: NEW POL 1 C, Y · · . ' I 'm t old·) Jie·1:e ~~a ee~ta.~n Oxpr~s~- \ T 0 -· N f · G ·ff :rJ'

ElAU,J,Y EiYENING MATINEE. j ioris'-i"' ~:'.' ·:'./ .~· ·. '<.) ;..::'.'. I --· --~- ---------. I Tliat good. usage ha.:.;, laliell ed . \,f\hocJ. The Empi·re Th at

Be_lieving' tl:at a majority of _the · .. And li cn:(a;re:_ BOil,l e1 ' of_the,,' phr n""f~ ' ' ' ' e re Amr1ca~ Soldier~ would app_rec1ate I 'I'ha~ it ... ·s· ~~t.fri" .ljo ..... '-~\~v .a:fs c.)5clrnw. Satu:d~y, ~ugust 23rd, at ~.15 an earlier show m the evenmg- we . .... . ~ .,;,. , , :; , ..... ,>.'' .", .. ·" . ; : Mdt o P1ctures Corporat ion urn a:bout to inaugurate a SIX r. . ;;~ti' t.~;Ke<:Liot ;'1L· .f'litiutc( }:gfmili - Presents M: . M:aiineei. 'l"his ·will commence ·. '\' :(rle~'Jt" ,'· ,~j:, .. ~J'''.'.; <' ; ~: VIOLA DANA o~ September second, and the show ~otl\l/. !:>~t~1~· :· ' 1 ha~e .. sot'n e!Jbiiig t.o m will start at RIX P.M. SH~RIP. ' . ~.d.rmk . ' 'Dangerous . to Men'

And I , . . ~vourd'n:t. . per;form my Adapted by A. P. Younger from

Your Chow Call is ovetr, you hnve an.hour or two on your hands, you are tired of roaming the Bund 01· sitting- idle, so we have arrang­t-d this show for your benerfit.. And as it starts ea.rly- in the evening it is out in time for the Band Con, (•.urts or rluhs or any other activity.

We are going to make an ear­nest emdeavor t~ get all the b€tter pictures that go to t.he larger ancl more. eix1Jensive ho"usas, and o.ffer them to you through the medium uf the Orderlv Ilooms, and as we nre willing ~nd ready to pay a f;ub si:.antial commission vou .a.r e in reality benefiting yo·.Ul: co,mpany fond11 hy purchasing in this man~ ner.

Plain .~·~~!{1~~s:~· far better , I think ' Eliza Cornes to Stay' · , Also Showing >

''I1is better to " buv" th an to '' purchase. ' ' "

Don 't " retire" but · just " go to .bell " Arid "reques.t " and "I 'm plea.ed to

meet you ' ' :· · Are th~ng's th at must never he. said.

Don't " permit m er to a.ssist. -you". ' 'Let me help '' is the. plea to a.llow. · Though not by " nccord.ing per­

mission" , · Jti st say "yes" with a. Emil e and. a


1'111 ' suri;, that person cnlled , . · ~ ·brainy"

· B A. T. Town Topics' (Flood)

"The Man Who Heard Everything ---'>)-eee ••-<;'-' --

Empire Cinema (l{wang-Ming)

Saturday, August 23rd , at 9. 15 Daily Matinee at 3 p.m.


'Salome' The Mo~ t unusual picture of thG

c~1rrent s eason. Do not mi ss " Salome ", whatever

you do. \.Voui'd · rather be "brilliant " or 6 Parts 6 Parts

" bright ". Also Showing - And Would "dres.9 wel'I' or wear

' ' ' lovely clothing". " a, stylish dcssei"s · not right. T'ickets purchased at the Cbmc ,I For

poun<l will he h,onor~ at any show I at t?e Biogra.ph and it will be yo':ll' I You s~ould " talk", not " conver~e"

'B. A. T. Town Topics ' Admission: 40 and 30 Cents

(Small Money)

r·hcnce 0£ a seat at no advanoo In . with !ill pe1rson . THE BIOGRAPH Ill'ice . Tickefti at. your orderly l "Tel'ephane.", and never jus,t · ]foom for 30 cents. " phone." Ex-Germq.n Concession

And .if you 'd be thought to poss-e~s Saturday, August 23l'd, at 9.15 The_ Six P.M. ' Uritin ee will be lt. . ~ "' ANNETTE KEGL.ERMAN

J'epeate<l at Nine-fifteen so i£ you IJeave "culture,, seYerely· aloiie. In Her Mile-A-Minute , Comedy-miss the earlieT performance you fl om er ]] . ll'l'onson. j . .. ' Drama. ' . " . still have time to view the piieture - . I ' What \;Vomen Love' lriter in t.he evenmg. ' A n · l --- ' I A Tale of Tumultuous C~urtship

·n · . h . . .ea One.- B:rst.ander-.''I THRILi Sen 1 d _, d " n' e are gouig to ea one~p.r1ced obsen e that ,.. t . t · th 1 . 1 ' · . ..,L an , Ltnuer sea an , 111

Rhow ·:for the R,i:;',R.VICr,1 -.. .[E«N' I . . ... ou f . .i ella a. gent e- th e high heaven. Th e Mo ;:.; t Re-. . . · .. r_.. JCJ .i.

1 · · man very r espect u y. " I ·l I U d ' , · ·

hol<hng he. kets purc.·hased at · the . •. · ma t <ab e 11 er\\ ~te1 Comedy a nd Compo~md, and should we have a I Garageman- ") es , he.'s one of · Fight Ever Pnot~gra ph ed : ·, larger pidme and find it advisable . our eml~ settlerG:" . ., . - . Also Showing ; ' lo raise our prices fot a p~.rforrn, Bysi ander _ " Ebrly settler? The Ba/loonaf JC :mce 01· two, remember. your ticket ·why, he's nil t. mor e t han forty (Buster_I<eaton) . STILI' GOOD veaJ.·s of arre " • (Comedy tn 2 reels) 1~ • ' ' . · I'.") • ADMISSION : ·-80 and 40 Cents.

H increased aUemlance1 permit Garagrnuri n- "T-hat may be trua --->--•-~--it th8 New :Management intend~ to. bu t he pays his bills or{ foe fi rs i-. Peking Pavilion in ~titute c:ertaill improvements, of f'Ve\ry month."- M otO'/' A .17 e. another machine being- .one of • · e e Saturday, August 231'd , at 9.1 5

- D · ~ 1 t T " C Thomas H. Ince Presents fhem, ,:o that the pe1formance r·an . escn nef 0 a. .-· an you1 ht' ironhnuous, a 'ifiiferent. SE:ia ting giye me a good tl f' ~ cripti on ot your CHAR~ES RAY al'rnngement for vour comfor t .. be- ab~couding . _cashier ?" suav~ly •A v·11· in ing a~othe'I' . In ~fa ~t with the as- 3Sked ihe det<?ctiYe . . 1 age Sleuth ' ilistaJ1ce of the attendance of the "\Ve-ell," "•' lSW"'.I'e<l A Paramount Picture. '"' "' t he hotel Also Showing · serv ice nrnn the management in- propri et.:xr, "I heh eve he's a.bout ' A: T ·lVO Parts lnrama ' iends to make the BIOGRAPH , fivei £et:>it. five iu ches tall and abmit J

"'l'IIE SER,VICB UErN'S OWN SE.Yen i.housa,nrl dollan~ short ." .:_ ' It Mad<~ a JJ.Jonkey T'HBATRE." . American L eoio,;,, Week ly . Of fiinf' ' .

! ' .1 • :

Page 8: 15thinfantry.org · 2016-07-27 · American Forces in China. No. 34 Tientsin, August 22, 1924, Vol. VI. CURRENT POLITICAL HAPPENINGS Convention which has not. yet beien I N C H I

8 I

'l'HE S.E:N'f1INEL. August 2'?, 1924.

1\ @<."> @@®®®®@®®®®®®@®®C~®~ I my fighting lrunks al}d wl1u.t ,g9,.Y,QU @ ® I tlunh-u lot µ livti guys thouglit I was

I ~ ~ · J uck 1De.mpsey \\;ell <lnyway one ® . ® I sweet mama told me i bettor take

· S-ILE-N-T- -OLD BOY. ;~ ~ -\~

T ' -~' .... -:~

~alt Lake City, Utah,

April; 10, 1Q24·. @ ch. ® that j.D. of my trunk:; :b.11~ Jenny ,, ~ . 1 n 0 ~ heard her popping off aµd said lissen Howse life in the little old'· villege ® {) ® fair one take the ({ool and balm-,y,

; of slipper shod slant · .eyes, squaw- ® @


that J.D. dont stew.cl for nothing i m en and brown bottles. • 1'~ 1very ® ch . ,@ but jennys c!.&ddy and_ you can bet i time I go out at . pight and look ~ on 0 ~ i ,YOUI' httl (";l old collapsible bath tub !. at the stars it makes me ' think of ® {) ® its going to stick right where it is...:_ ;\ China_ . .. you S<tvvy kid ... ihe stars. ® ® so it did . Anyway what do i cure-r But laving all kidding aside, little ® ® mube it does stand for that big bum ' .J ~ @ ® ~ one , how is all the bunch in the ® Gentlem!tn' S Tailor <!l Jack Dempsey bat i ::;hould h,t ve n ~ old ·burg . I 'm having u swell time ® ® lot a worry for i dont think big ::;titl

: and beliern me bo this hear bunk @ and Woolen ~.ferchant ~ has got anything on me-on the quiet f about "I aint nobodies darling and ~ ® now a friend of ·mine who nos ~ i 'm going _. back to the farm is , @ ® clempse.Y told me he knu i could Jick -~ eerktinly a lifil sister to .a fire plug ® ,, @ him- 1 knew it too put i wift ju~t ~ there aint no suchf fl:iing: Xno ·matter .; ~ , ·I am prepared to meet ~- stick around and one of 'the::;e day{.; '. where you go there wi.ll alw:;iys ,be ® ® i 'll step up and you oan bet yoJr :; sweet mammus around ~ Of course ® tne requirements of the ® little old foot locker thcarll be a t if you are a hamandegger like a fot @ ~ , k.o . They wanted me to go il'l the : of those eludes in ''.J.ille he1(.vcnly . (i) new uniform specifications. @ movies to but i got sore arnl quit. ~ st.inkpot-howse that for <l keep n11me ~ ® I when i was stunin_ g for Tom Mince ; for the old dump-guess i 'rn good eh! ® ® i was doing fourteen rnunds with · i"J l tell t,he old world i" ani_:_but as ® t"' I S ~

1. 1\. . 0 . Bill brennan and believe me

'; i. was t elling you ~iP ~\_ji'.am~nde~ger ~- et me P an_ your pring ® id a. coldcocked him only the guy , .. like a pack of those bums it nnglil; 0 Wardrobe. ® J what runs the movie dump kep1 ; ~Je different but when you c;an _-.;lep @ ®


. telling me to go easy and h. e wante(!. ~- m . n:al class why say littl e one - i I ~ ~ me to stay away from him. I gd.t ~: gue::;s we c;an knoek tbem of cant ® ZSB l "" aku Road @ I sore and made a pass at Bill Lut it ~ we huh. \\"hy listen 1bo-i was hard ® ® \missed Jij.rn and the movie ginlt ! ly aft-e r blowin me farewell .kiss ~o I ~ ~ . wan lied to kpow it the J . D. on 111,Y -~ t.lie little old rock out thoar m i ~ 0 trunks stood for just cl unb or just } Frisco be,r when i meets me- i forgot I <!>©@© ©®@®'®©@@@©@®© ®® 0 © died . of course i knew .h e. was jokin~ ~ what it was that guy Napoleon met . . so I said it was for ·just dum an:l [: but just the same thats wat i runs leave it \vith her but i bet ::;hell eat he apoligizecl for thinlCTng it was for

into-ifme mind aint crone m1 the it - all. \\'ell i thought we better just died and said if h{J. had lookeci 'r. fritz i tinks her nam~ was Loo. be going so i i:;aid so and we leH at _ m~ face he -would ' ha ve knf1W

I' Seems to ma this d'l'i'.me ' 'used · to hit about half of .the finals with the withou\ a&]<ing . But i couldnt b~ the water pretty 1-i~rcl and . the old swe.et- lady behind the window ,vhat bothered with t hat bunch of sap -,; so Naps time o-ave he'r .the name' of says "Pay Here" and highballed. I took the gate and that g~ng wiU tvater Loo. bBeleive me that was ·. a \Vhon we got outside i gave. h'ct Mio have to come clean wit,h n pack uf

~ good one on tlrs ·'-o)d gi:dhow nbo1it gate because she sa id sh Gh ad to jack before i'ld go b~c,k thetu agai~. ; it. I know a jane thE\y ought to call look for a job. Us been like that Sometimes i want 'to g.o back to th~ ,; whi,;ky Annie b'ht '. j - forgot. i was every clay since that clay, i left little Janel of junks a.nd riclrnha coolies b ~t i telling you about the real oarb i I old '11.hornes. I had t hree fights but i guess id better sta-y.., in the goojl i run info. _Boy she _was swell . ~had th_e gazooks they had me lined up I old U.S.A. I would ~robably _haw f n. tough tune makm her see 1 was with were such a bunch a bums 1 to clean hows_e db a bunch of bu:ys ~ t he cats ;~nkles but i gue'i>s she mu~t ne,'.e t· ~orric_dhwh~ worry an~va;y- I over there if 'i did go ~for I guess _i 'i a looked m my ,eyes because she <lid besides 1 believe id rather tram on wouldnt nock off a lot a swell pneF. '[ i:;often u;p -a.fter a' while~boy it just love anyway. Since i came .fo this they nint v<iy many .though and ·j

J lik~ the;· _po,ets. write _about when I burg i got a hole billlch of_ sweet I bet id . have them all '- even .though ~ :-< prmg 0or~s\ c11dnt no i wa~ ,11 poet . ma:rnas-you know about tlus guy I they might be some pretty good guya ? didja ,

8;vell i am kid__: take it . from I D1~ern1 . . Ydourf1_g ,~r IG'ettem

11 Yt'hount. g or 1 left ov

1er the

1,re . 'I


1ey ·tell r

1ne the;y

~ me. . ut any way we goes to a SO{nu nn o .1.oung we a guy · got a ot a rnen c ~c es; on t 1e bnse: f swell dump and i sets up a classy had a lot a dolls strutting about but I ball team. . Somebody, wii:s telling r feed. Little one you shoud a seen he clidnt have anything on me . . I I me about a bloke i forgot his natn~ r. that doll scoff up on the cnlories-i got it over that o_lcl boy like smoke what was a prancing ' fool on the ~- was just rending about them in over the city of Pittsburg-They tell i diamond nnd all the babys feJl for

physical culture and i kno"- my stuff me ihat its nwful. I got a real j liim -well I know id make him _look now-retnbere ho:w old Ji<1 Ulri·ch ·swell bunch n clollR Hn<'l oh rittle one I sfok but i gl!ess i'll not go back, used to sfage a. ifreesout-, wit1h the 1---.youcl aught. a see .Tenny-hot '"ell nnyway give my regnrfls tc n ;! chow in the old mess hall Hbout r.~kcty-sorne bobb0d h:u·pd bandi t- of U1c gnng and .take a tJp from three t imes, ,·-o . dny-boy-t.his lndy 1\helcive rne ki cl .i ' ll whisper she cnn me-dont let any of .them _ telL ~·oi

, .. wonlcl .!11_ ake the guy wl~ o erits more Rt.ea] .into my Hrn1s any time she I' the1:e going hack to tha r,o_ ,~,s_· nn~ ~ than )ld Jo .. o.- 1.c like n piker-she wHs. 1\w'.1nts t:o~youcl antha hearcl her_ the olucken:'l do.wn on. the far-m--its the · ,,so ungry 1 even bought oor a box . mgh.t i was k.o.d the fao;t tnne. bunk--1t cant be chd . ! - to take with hs'r-she gnve me the You know a lot a h.icks thought i 1 , • • ••.

chaUer that she was_ going_ to drop l wa~ Battling Siki and i. wantecl them_! Yours ~11 the Gooks Get F ree Ru e. v. roupd to see h er little sister and to know I was not so 1 put J .D . on (Jo01t DAvrs .}

Page 9: 15thinfantry.org · 2016-07-27 · American Forces in China. No. 34 Tientsin, August 22, 1924, Vol. VI. CURRENT POLITICAL HAPPENINGS Convention which has not. yet beien I N C H I



Answering the quest.ion "Wh~ \\·ou ld yo·u vote· for, for President•·• is no triva.l ma.t.ter , a.nd l'equires n rv ca.refull· conside•ra.tio·n. To put your reasons in black and white requires even morei.

eo·nsider all questions aind ma.ke his d~isions fairly--beyond the power of eveu influence o·i the all powerful "cash ."

Fo·mthly ; H e possesses the required amount of gTay-ma.:tter; perso11ali ty and force-aU thi s has been demons.t.ra.ted.

Afte1 sa.t.is fyjp.g myself that he is qualified and has passed the a.liove ' acid test' my next cnn­si<lera.tinn wo·uld bei the man , per­smially. In this regards I'd ask mysel f the· folfowh1g questinns !

It is ~y belief tb.a.t the bes.t man for President to-da.y would be ,­g'Uf' ~ R it. Y ou're ri1ght-HEN R Y F OR.D .


Those are the reasons for my ch() ice.

sme die, "D.A."

"MY VOTE." If you werei to· ask m'ei tha.t q ues­

t ion personally' about the only reaso11 I could g·ive would be "Be­C' ~use ," hut: in this case because ln this the twentieith centurv-, a w 1 ll ~1. :J:. su~ce, . so .here go~-8 : is. \ cenh.ny of historical e.vents "a._.nd . Fnstly ' H~nry Ford to da.y deve1opnrnnts, wel"e> I, as a. ;;oldrnr,

oue of the· r1che!lt men of the , permi.tted to vote ; my fh"st action l wo•rld Why? Because h e st art- 11 b ·£ £ a ·1 bl l d · O' d ~ · · . ·th 11 f ·s wou c 1e, l LUn s werei ava.1 a e, e p~u"?-,...,1 , u,,., in wi · a d . ouI i' t o employ the en tire force of . an11 wit i an e·nerg-y an zea. p· ] ' D · · A


th ·t ld ,

1 . th. . b' t 111 {rrton s etech ver g·ency. I

a cou spe1 110 . rn g u . sue- -cess has climbed to the t o·p i"lmg' j . T~us armed, m'y forces would be of the ladder of success- ch stnbuted thruout thei wo•rld and \ through his own tireless e·nergy , instructed to1 glea.n all info.rm.a.hon hi 8 own abilities have ma.de him in regards to my prospective can­what he is to-day . He has didate-whorm. I desi.re1 to cast my PURRED forward, 1•e!ga.rdless of vote1 fo1•.

"Do·es· he seem fo possess t.he required. amount of gra.y mat­t.er?

Do·es his principles a.nd ideas cc-incide with yo•urs?

I s his persona.lity such tha.t he- could hold his own as he s1im1ld in such an office:, amongst othell' grea.t mein?

Does he seem! to he mentally a11d physically a.lert?

Do· you, regardless of aU pre­vious fi.ndi'ngs , Believe him fo .hei morally st.raight?

Do you believe h e is qualified as the man to .take· the helm and guide our ship of state?

Do• you believe . hei could up­hold the traidition.s of our Presi­dents of the1 pa.st?

obstacfos that " '.ere in his way. j After turning over all scandal Tsn ' t that the. k;1nd o·i a ma.n we i stones : dE:'lving· _into my victims \ Judging by all these methods, ne1:'·d for President ? A ma.n · proverbal "fannly closet for anY ' 1. t lf I ld b ·th t' . · l h I , · , · · · i pecu lar n myse , wou pro -:"1 un umg zea •. a m~n w 0 I pn,;sib1e lingering skeletons" and 1 ahl then hie m seli to the a.Us l >' capable of ma.kmO' his own b . . th d .d t . I y . .Y p

d. : .; d h · 0 •

11 RU JflC,tmg e can i a e m every and a fteT spendmg three or fonl'

hecunonst at_.n tht elntt wi Acany pMsible method to every form of 1 more or less valuable• hou rs o.f

t em ou o e e er. man ' t • • .i c s t • ,, thru· tl1e · · · · · d + · . .1. ... roas ing anu a .cu a ion . · · 1-rntm o re-wr1hn0' a.n ,ea.rrnn· l :P

who· has demonstrated his abi rty medium o.f th e ever-rearlv newf<- f ( bl bl k t 1 t fill . · to1 do all theise thi1ws t ime and . ' . . · - .f t ll

0 va u a. e a.~ S--~· as lll ~

Cl' • y o pap.e·r s·, magazines, in ac a ·· one to my sat.1sfa.chon, probahl:v a.,,mn? es. per10<l1cals o·f flrn C'nuntrv; keep- : w1th ''VU-PI-FU's nam'e1 on i t ,

REcondl~ ; Perhaps some will ing rn:v candid~t-0 .mt pins and '1 (Fm· h e'd probably com~ as closfl say : "He should not hold office needles, hot-footmg it to: <'l~·ar lus · a,; anymiP to passing my e·xaminn.­because o-£ the1 great manufa c- goo1d name-and then-1 £ he tio·n) T' d o·et cold feet a.nd cl ecidP turing interests ' h e owns,"-! prnvc-il himself i1mo<'ent of all m>' i not . io vo te for iea.r leiss I rn.fl h That is the very rea??n h e1 would \ r:harg''."' I h :E eve I mi g-l1_t heg·in.

1 a m i~ t ake for which I'd br ~on ., .

be even mme quahtied ta hold to thrnk sen ously of vO>t.rng- fo1 , later. office·. Re' is to-day one of the \:him. . i riehest. men ?'f the wo1J.·lr1--- }J C' l'h ~ .ps you will ask 'Yhy all \ "If You Could Vote". prnbably the l'l~heis.t. He ~as the tTouble? W ell ' its tlm way-: \ Here's Second Contribution. already accomplished. tha.t. which If he cl oefm 't go through it be.fore Can You Beat Him For $10. is the ~·oa.l of practically every his fl c:ct ion , ]ie 'll gradually meet , Contest Closes Sept. -10th. ma.n-r1ches. He has enough to them from time to time while wnrrant his ~ot using hi~ holdimr 0.ffiee, h e'll 1-·e kept busy I do: not know how to answe1 p~wers ns ~resident to further defeniling h im~elf and war<ling- o,ff que·stions of a· verisimilitude nntm e his own mterests. H e. l~as

1 these nr.cusations nfte r election, for to my mind there can be· n G

proven. more than once hi s m - i when hi s mind ~110uld be bu:-iy and \ such answer . · For this reason f tPrest rn the welfal'e of th e peo- hi s tim e takeon up with hi s OWN 1 who. am a soberly young ma.11 , calm ple. · DUTTER O'F RTATE. Thei•efore I cool and collective , oi a, worldl >·

Tbfrdly; R H is a po·werfol I plan to place·. all these obstacles, ; gooc1 disposition , selective iu m y man ; powet·iul and inde,vendent. et~. , before h im prior to his clec-I thoughts and doings being car e.fol ~nough that he i s beyond foe 1 tion-:thu~ maki ng· the road <~ e11 1' in_ this re.spect that right preceed m:fl.u¢nce tha.t woru.ld be held I for him Jl1 orrl er fhnt h r. - nu ght nught, would go to the polls a nd ow r one of lessel' impo•rta.nce spen.d some time a.fter elect.ion] vote for John Dummy head who beior'e hand . In.dependent. with his dutie>R tha.t re1quire all hi.a dc .. e8 not exist . · enough tha.t he could carefully i af;tention. S . B.

Page 10: 15thinfantry.org · 2016-07-27 · American Forces in China. No. 34 Tientsin, August 22, 1924, Vol. VI. CURRENT POLITICAL HAPPENINGS Convention which has not. yet beien I N C H I

TIU~ HE.N'PINElJ. A11g·ust 2Z, 19.24 .

.......,.,,,,.,._....,~ ........... _f HALL & H LT , LIMITED.

"FLJH~EE" Phone 1236, s. Victoria Road.

SUTTON'S SEEDS Vegetable and Flower

UL ES ) icom.pany tailor how many ya.rds it It j,; announced that Senator ACM IN E -r.3 U t'-1 1 takes to make a silk shirt · like Brown }ms wil;hdra"·1i his nomi.na-E N Mal~cmen's. The tailor rnplied, tio·n for vice-preRid eni- ill favour of

"Oh he allee same gei his ·out one I Andy Gump . Tlrn Sena.for stated i yanl last night." . J that until h e solved the great pro-\ * * · * bilem: o.f dE:·epen ing the Ba.b bling

CIRGUMR'l''ANTIAL Brook and inventing a Non-EVIDE·NCIE'. E'.mptving· Five 8hii· Bottle h e

N m;y· we know why P'£:1te has would have· to re1main in Ghin [I voluntarly imprisoned himseH in regardleRs of how the po1litiral

"Nothing new under th e sun," I the compound the last six months.' wo.rld wai:: missing his eloquen:<'e. ?'he eagle eye. who . ponnetl those ,. Peepsi,s>»h t awaits outside the: gates r " * nmnortal wor<ls was rig·ht and :for a bald one which is' nt Pet~ \Vho waR the bus:v driller from that's . all .I'm going to hand the I bl~t th en is'nt Pete bald also? . . th~ tlll'eE:I :M's tlmt suhmit.ted this : company notes this ·week. H~iving * * * . . ru.n. out. o:f insp .. irntion. I'll h a,veo to I R.ed Smith is now taking 1E:1ason. s I :M: :n~y h ad 1<0 d.arned much, clunk await payday when I mtend to b~- from Gauky C'ame~ron on the art It bnlge~ her coH?n soriL. (•ome a. suicide ·.by comit~. i .ng a: 0£ :flirtation. ''T:se. any niean~ to 1. Rl1 r- ~·ave it to ~n 011-well ,grnk poem hilled '"l'he Sho10t111g 0£ start a conversation," advrned. F01 watered ml-well stod. l)a,n gerous :Mac ]\f,e.Lo.ud ." T11is Ga.u.ky. "For instance! dro1} :vour-1 . . . , will he hot shdf no ki(ldingo. T'ellR hat in front of ther:n and while · T1wi:v (hilled hy power, they drill ei. all about . the Friskyou Jhr and I nicking· it up beg their most, hum- hy han~. "ln Stumbled · Sinopolos, fresh ble pardon then at'ter they a.nswer Tlie.v rlr1 ll f.1d all nights a 111 from tht:j Y: v nur no1itness the rest will he Aundays. Dog-Dirt.y and loaded .for 'l'ea" ~asy."~---Has anyone an exhra At. la:.:t. they struck ·fl. Q'ushe1': an· , .- 'And to be up to date I have! hat to loan Red. The first time 1 Now ~fary wears silk undies. ::i lso changeid Ser:vice.'s lines, urrhe be followed Gauky ' s instructi&nS I The BiO' Gamble .-P'reaehe !~dy, th~t was kno'In as _Lou" to ~is G.I. Stetson wa s kicked 9ut I (~0,Jemnly)-:"n:astus, do you t rh•

Tbe Victroh., tha.t. waR 1-nown to mtn the streets . . · dis lrnrei woman £o.r ,beit.ter o•r fo: he h'ot.'' * ·* "' . worse?'' . ' · .

'i' 'i' 'i' Gordon Gin H arrison remarked · TJENTSIN ·vv ATCH YOURi that he wouldn't mind g·oing· up Rastus (from force or habit)-

YARDS ! the polti if they'd brin g the da.rn "~ahson, Ah shoots it iill."-11..,.,.,,i,i:,h.1·fl Shiek :Ward ask th'e thi11 g into the Holei in ih'e ;Wall .

1 B?Son.

~---· -·.

Page 11: 15thinfantry.org · 2016-07-27 · American Forces in China. No. 34 Tientsin, August 22, 1924, Vol. VI. CURRENT POLITICAL HAPPENINGS Convention which has not. yet beien I N C H I


-Well , the hot -weather is still ~n vogue, the only icha.Itge is the frequent outbursts of Jupiter Pluvius.

Sgt. V ea.tch and Pfo. Moore re­turne·d last week from Nan 'l'a Ssu whe1•e tlwy helped the compa.ny average along a bit. Sgt. V e:atch came out/ with a grand ~eta.I of 311 and .Moor(l knocked out 287. Not so <lusty. -

"S'h. ,_ ,, 11,r · . · 11muu J.¥-l.1orr1son JOurne'Yed to Shan Ha.i Kwan on the 13th. Ins1J. on a well desell'ved furlough. Hope you have a good time, "Doc''

One thing we uotice about Head­quarters dope sh eel is the absence of Annanias. Has he al1eady (hopped dood Ol' has Baron ~1u;­C·ha1useit j ut;t gotten the Le~ t o.f him? Cheerio Baron ! keep u~ the good works . By the way, in what Training Ouide do you find the novel ''Guanl. ~Io·unt"?

After holding hands with ills favorite lady friend fw a. couple o,f how's and consuming several "ginger ales" our e•s.teem,ed com­pany de<rk, lVIr. Day H. Orton b'Y nam.e went into a trance and when he a,wokei heJ found himself wand~r~ ing iuto the de1pths of Chinese City. It seems as though he1 had a good :following, but his lady love is inst.ituting· breach of promise: charge$, or criminal negligence1 as some would call it. Get her out from hPhind that nose and she can se~ the o:ame way yo·u do, kid!

l?urw,y ~ l 11d strange things do happen in Uhina,. ~fajor Martin came_ ai·ound the o:t-her day and all that he was looking for was laun- Henderson being in charge of dry number sixty. Gee! mine was quartel's foll asleep. -when he ~mly two numbE.1rs away. A miss awok~ the Officer 01f the d~,y wa3 is as good as a mile. standing ove.i' him demanding e·x-

pla.nations. Th& first thing he saw Among the troope;rs due to re. I was the cooks clock and he at onicei

turn to the States on the next boat: told the O.D. that the clock ha.d is "Ham." He is g1vmg up his not gone o·ff. T'he 0.D, looked the life saving' job and is going intQ dock over and decided that the the crow business. We learned clock was not due fo go off untiL this on the last "Ma1aria Feiver" about threei hours later. Anyway like. he took check and reported.

If you ·waJlt to know the til"Ue I 'Vho was the young ma.ii who me1aning of "Oriental Perfume·" after preseubng his Lady Fair just fake a hike out to "L" com- with a. number or Gheny Brandies pany's defense sector via TaJrn in order to make he;r smile1, ("tso Ro.ad. It's rare boys, rare. she would show her pretty teeth"),

ii·ied to clim!h the foe escape on the Hospit.al?

\Vhy is our Supply Se1rgea.nt looking foi· new worlds to conquer -or mahy loves-Eh! Dooki'

Noticing some -conlies ·carrying off garb;igc from the company kitchen'> someone asked, "vVha~t do t.hey do with that stuff?" A certain brilliant one replied that "They stuff those shellaced chick- Why does that Red Headed &ns with it." It's a cinch they ~:orp., fro·m Company ''.M" con-dont wa~te it on hogs. · 1 hnually try to be1at my time? He

. '1 g''Oles back on the neixt boat, aftei~ By the way! one o.f 01ur wayward that I hopei I have clear sailing.

or prodigal sons returned la.<jt · . weeik. After nn ahseuce of about I A ;number. 01f 0~1r ·b!oys. a.fter forty five clavs he returned ibut not ~ipendmg a mce quiet evenmg at to the fatted calf. Guess 'his wel~ the Parks, The·atres and otheii come will he a special occasion. places. of amusemr nt gert lonely

:rnd wish to re:l:.ur:i lo "FRISOO." .we understand. that w~ have ! ~--Why? Oh! i\Yihy?

still anothe'l" prodigal an his way I Yours I 1:i e1nallv to thei fold. His travdlling' in-

1 "G1~' Fizz" dinations got the best 0£ him a.t

i 1000000000000000000000 ,o 0

I 8 SENTINEL MOVIES. 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 " Signal Tower" 8 0 0 0

with 0 0 0 0 0 8 Virginia Valli g 0 0 o at o 0 0 8 8 p.m. To-morrow Night. g 0 0 000000000000000000000

_A _Standing Threat.-" Alfred, " ~,l'.J _cl his T?,01t,her iu a low, tense vote, _1£ ~ou disobey me, I will spa;nk you

ngJ1 u hem on the s.tree1t.." " The l'.~itle . fell?·w looked up .

Mo1ther, he mqmred with int<>i·eo '· ''.where. would you sit '?"-B~st~~~ '1 ranscnpf.. _

I - The Right _S,pirit.- ," Do .YOU think th~ new s.henff can stop gambling in

I Gnmson Gulch : ' '

"Shoulan't be surprized," Rl1bw er­ed Cactus Joe.. "First< thiner he did was to bet $500 he c~uH '·-W a.shinglon Sta.r. . .




(Moyler Powell & Co.)

94-96-98, Rue de France, Nan 'Ta Ssu, hut his love for the 1£ thei ceilino· uf a. ma,n's life is hriny deeip is bringing· him back . lower than hea;eIJ , he1 needs more j to Asiatic waters. I roum.



Page 12: 15thinfantry.org · 2016-07-27 · American Forces in China. No. 34 Tientsin, August 22, 1924, Vol. VI. CURRENT POLITICAL HAPPENINGS Convention which has not. yet beien I N C H I

August 22, 1924.




1 S·harphoote,l'' s badge in good nondition ; not used Yery mu.ch aml well taken care of. Present o·wner has no mon>1 use for same will sell n ;1y cheap or else trade for a good puir of glasses or telescopic sight. This badge has a histo·ric value; was worn by owner during many engagements, including the fam­ous battle of San Ta Ssu. Due to fi nan:cial rnverses, including the loss of a watch, this badge will he ~acrificed. Anyone wishing to see same apply in person to Little H mn py c.f o Post E!xcha nge.

Musician Patterson is back on


(N 0 F 0 0 L I N G)

vVaslow says it wont inte1fore with him walking up lh~ gang­plank on :the next hoa.t;.

. One of 0111· new men iH quite a furniture maker. He has con­structed for use in j:he sub barracks u lounge or sat; in fact I don't know just what this article of fur­niture should be called :beca.use the design is taken from the King TuT period.

Not Quit.e'.--The1 Press :Man (interviewin1g notorious. p6ll'souage recently released fro-m prison)­'' And then shall I sa.y tha.t you -walked £oath from the grim g·ates y·f prison a free man?"

'l'he Notorieitry-"No, no, you can't say that. I had the wife with mf01!"-London H.iimoristi.

1 G01ing Easy.-"You look like a

A veis is get.ting g1,ey heiaded. ci t ·Id h. th t b d g'ood risk, .Mrs. Mafo.ne, hut will •:iome one o im . a . some o y k · dl t 11 h t pla.yed a game .of pool and didn't 'f·'0t1h1 -idn. ·dy f·:,, me w a yo·ur . f" • d Al . . h I a , er ie o .. sJ gn or It :-tlli now ves IS in t e

d~.y room until 1~.00 P.M'. every "O.i can't rio·htly remimher as nwht "' . 0 • to thot, sur, hut. sure It was

thti old job making the trQmbone All Made Olmr.-Teiache:I'~ moan. After moaning at the jar- " Johnny, what are the two gen­heads for severa.l months this ver- ders ?"

no·thing 'i?>erious. "-Life.

-!(· * *

"atile young man should •bie in good . . j' Queered .-La.wyer-"Weill, what condition for hand practice, be- . ;Tohnn~-"Mascu.lme a.nd _f~ID.- shall we ask for-trial by judge cause he has plenty of air. I ~nine. 'Ihe ma~culme.s .a1·e divided I or jury?"

\\' e have had se,veral new men joi u the organization during· the last coup.le o•f weeks ; \Varren of Co., I, Barfow and So·roka of Cb. L. and Morgan _from the Quarter• master Corps. All o.£ these men -E8lll t:o he pretty well satisfied as ; ar as they have gone, and :61 in

icely .

\Yie regret to announ:ce that the Tiegiment is about to loise one of · :s best kMw.n mEln. J orda.n leaves I

n the next transpGrt. This quiet =-= llow has made many friends · "rnong the men of the 15th and -re all will be sorry when Wei- ean ~n longer· h€:1ar him.

rnto tempera.ta and mtennpna.te, a.nd the £eminine1 into £rigid and I C'Lient-"Take the judge Doc.. torrid . "-American Legwn ·week. I've done plumbing for 'nearly ly. everybody m this town."-Colone.Z.





1\-aslow F. ~ashinsky ju.st can't I -·a:- out of prmt. One day last ~~ek he kicked a mule or a mule 1

· :r·ked him we dont k~ow which, \ OPPOSITE GORDON HALL.

d no·w waslow has a sore toe! but: j ·---------------------R--------.J

Page 13: 15thinfantry.org · 2016-07-27 · American Forces in China. No. 34 Tientsin, August 22, 1924, Vol. VI. CURRENT POLITICAL HAPPENINGS Convention which has not. yet beien I N C H I

14. August 22, 192.f.

for a boat au<l everything wiil t:onw out all right--''.

Shively and J\larcley who about

I this time ''ere well on their way

1 to the shore lhecame played out atilt

J :Shi>ely began t-0 give ·up the ship ·1 but then and there 1·emeun;bere<l

that he sLi.11 had a~out three )>e<e1· I t:hib; left. ov~r at this tent..' deic1,ded

rl not to give it up after all. .E1b.1-. hart by this time had alr_e•acly Te­l ached the shore and seeing that the

i·-.. ·~-~--~ ,. I raft . wus finall;y coming .iu "ith ...-""' • 'lTu-..,· <U:JJ~\}~ L'a Grange au.cl ~abe.lrntte on hoa_rd . {'v "':£;, .~~~~\\)\\\\~~ I :.warn ou:t to 8hively to help him

, "?:~:·,"~~~(t\,:_:_ lC.~ ~;~\ \~~II along . . After this they all collect-""' "")_.rv..."" ~-~ '-~?'~ -= eel on the beach and started to re-1-'-"'"',,. ,. "l:...:::.- l I ... ' ~~ '. .--.. .r-;-, ~ ~ , ~~ hearse the entire thing but were

~d~":,:v~., -~Y(I / ~{l\ if\\ \\\\ 1' prevented from doing so because ·-' 1< ' ~~ W~·' . at tliat mome1nt chow c,all blew

r ,, . . • _ . _ . 1 and they all made a lbee line fo1~ lhe followmgi uamecl men hare 'l LLe rnft went hut:li: to the shore asi. the me,ss hall.

~uorcid the highest points in the. :-ioon as they hit tl1e deep ·waler. I Last Monday the ellltire company L'om1;<1JlY H, 15th Infantry Pistol 1 'l'he i•emuincler of ihe nwn stuck celebrated the closing of the target Teiwt Com.petitiOIIl. with th€1 ra.H and pi·etty ;;oon they season. Commening 3 P.M. in the Carter .............................. 400 Legau i.o realize llte fact that every afternoon the cefobration lasted Goodrick .......................... 376 minute brought them :huthe'l' and u_ntil 10: 30 P.M. During this Ehrhart ........................ . .. 350 fmiher away from the ;;hore. hme! eivery _one. wa~ singing and 1\"illiams .......................... 343 Jla,bekotle who was i be fo·st one special ment.wn rn given to 'l'ubby :-:kott 339 to ren.lizei thi;; stated Jw 11 as going }i'ulton Lla. Grange, Johnny '\Val-

....... · ...................... · (o FnYim h~1ck to fhe ~hore . Ile keir and last but not lea.st Barnett. Eac·h 0£ t.he above nameJ men ·

ha.Ye rereinid from· 1st. Lt. S:nod-d01ve into the >nt1er <llltl after They all sang vario11,s sele•c.tions s1Yimming a ±ew minutes decided which wa~ er.t1joiyeJ by the entire

gra8s a cash prize totaling $25 to come ,back whi_ch he di<l. (In ·command. Capt. Newton and Lt. U.S. Curren:ry. Quite a gTatuitou.s c• d ~ lhe meantime swallowirnr a feiw ono grass were present as were 1 hiug· io do. an cl these men desire ~ , t

1 tl · .t t t] ik mouthfuls of water). They Shive- Major Ha1•ding and Lt. Basset.

1' 0

1 a ~e

1118 oppfortunhi_y 0 mi • ly and Uarcley started on into the l<;ach of. the ruhove mentioned offic-

, • .-,11 O( oTa'>s or is O'enerous h Eh .1 h · cl t ·b t'"' "' Is ore. · rhart, Habekotte au·d La ers ma.ue a speec and commen -l'U~ n ~~ 10ds. tl t. t Gl'ange stuck it out. All of theise e:d the company for their splendid

. n_,J ~.t.ohn_ ay 16 e~ -ibre .eamdrel~ rneu decide,cl io do something so' showing. The entire incci.dent 1..;e1Vfeu . en' case O.L ·e.er an v1 h · · · ·

t . i . · 'h ·. d t h ll' art saHl he 'YOUld swi111 tOJ the, closed Uy a signal of J•he ha.nJ.

Ytlll -.ul"e ·o sav t. ere is no nee 0 1 1 b · · f h • f th · -d t s wre, get a oat after the raft ancl Immecbately the men started oft mti ;o~ e['e ~1Y a th et inci en s then ernryt.hing would be all we11. for lheii· tents and let the rest of t-~C 1 · a.ppene ds~_ve ·. a e·veryone. Ahout tlnee quartern 01f foe wa.YI thei world go by in peace. u:i'I' a 't'ery gAoo · timleG.


I from the raft.. Bh1'1rni:t met S·hivel~ Rumoi" hav~ it that. we will he uesc ayl, t u~·hus · ' cl~ ' -,;~~ and ;iJaTdey. Shively -n-as weil c'D our wav the 26th or the 28th.

uti:i _ compA· e e · 8 r~10

1°11' . pis 0 iilayed out and he urged him on. ! A£te:r a st~Y of ahout two months

nno· summary .LO ow;:; : "' · 1 · · ' 0 • · ... •larsa ek ~·ho w~s st.ill on the; I down here, we ,shall be< glad to go

E,xpP.rts ......................... 10 i;bo1·e ;:JaTted runnntg up and dow11 ·j b8d:. 8harpshooters ................. 22 , th~ beach, _and hollering «Jiery f

1 Meution ueed;:; be given here to

Marksmen ...................... 24 I '\l1lsm1, Rluvely nucl Marcley are r: 1he meu of thir:; t:Ommand who won Percent qualified ............. '11.79 drowning." Of •C-Olll'Ret t·his ·was j' ;'l'ario-u:,: prizes for g·ood marksman-

• * * not triw. These hrn men swim- ;,;hip 11·ilh rhe machine gun and Pvts. Ehrhart, Habekotte, Wil- ming WE'I'(> still (1'1jjp a clicdarn~e I vistol and ili.G.n d.unate:d same for

i;oin, l\Ia:rsalek, Shively, Marcley from the shore aud thNefor roulid I the bee·r party mentioned above. and Lia GTa.nge proceeclercl to the hardly be Reen by Marsalek, at <Mi:y I Quite an UJJU>'ual ex11ectance but leach lo go in swim:g:iing. Upon n1te that was bis imprerssion,. ; i..hen afte1· all it ~ho·w1-t the pr01pei· their Rll'ival there, theiy saw a raft Along about thi~ iime, one of thie I ~PilHT. The~L men are: near the Rest Gamp. Someone baneh; became loose from under- : J.sL Sgt. 'l'innnon:; ....... $10 G nm.de a suggestion that. they get neath the raft. Hnbekotte and La '.. Pvt. 1lla1salek .. . .. .. . .. .. 10 G hold of it fake it. out in ihe water Grunge fell of with a couple of i Pvt. Anglin .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. 5 G for a go~cl time. After a ferw mouthfnls of water to iRt>ir erediL :j Pvt. Jobllslon, ,l. 'r. .... 5 G rninuiet> work il1e:y towed it ~llllt in- \Vhen they got a;Loanl the raft \ .Pvt. Ryl vest . . .. .. .. . . .. . . 5 G to the oceau. When passing the ngai11, 1Ia1ekotte clicl the St. Y\tus' C0111'. Scott ...... :..... ... .. G l\rcx :fhst sand ba.r, the raft was caught dance hollering' "Get ;:i. boat, ge.t; ! Gorp. Rigg'ti Gnu Squad clonar­in a strouo· current and pretty soon a hoa.t !'' L'a Grange. who. wasi j Pel hvO' c~ses of beer ·which ~he,y it shirted in a general direic.t.ion to (;alm cool and .collechve said to• I won as c1id the men o.f the Pistol the 1.' uilell States. ::M arsalek and ITuhekoHe "I~ ~vei get ~-o 9hin-: Team Um~1peti lion who donatet1 \\~ihou who had helped shove off wangtaa or Pe1.ta1ho we will sigual\ ene custi of Leen.

Page 14: 15thinfantry.org · 2016-07-27 · American Forces in China. No. 34 Tientsin, August 22, 1924, Vol. VI. CURRENT POLITICAL HAPPENINGS Convention which has not. yet beien I N C H I

August 22, 1924. · T'HR ~E:NTINEIJ. 15 ,:!--~,.~RL~~r0:~r"""'~~!!!!-~~~-~!!:""'~---~n!!!• !!!'!!!~~~!!!'!!~!!!!-~. ~~·:$!!;!1"s~~~~-~s~~~!!!'!:.i;~!!!::!:'~~-~~- ~-~t-.~,:::·:~~~1

I • I COMPANY "I" I smn~ ,-id9t was al~·-ays sweeip!ng I

• . , J the lwn;m11 ur s«•nm11 g the, pb111R. Don Carter's version or a late o· 1 U l · 11 - 'n y OJ'[N.11·:1 ,; w1 . be requi.r·e:ll

popular song-: to drill . This (hill will consist of 'rhe Sher'iff run me awa-v from · · · h

J trymg• to expJam to eac;h ot e1r ji1 s ~ Dixie, TH E W 0 R L D TU R N ED o·v ER . w h:v tlw.y are Corpora k

So no more Dixie for mei. To. show our . appreciation to I li'ATIGUEi.'

Prov1de111ce or .1111pe Plnvius or - w110ever 01· wha.te•ver was merciful Ba.tl nli on AdjutantF: nncle!r Hi e

I know l ,€B a.nd Hay are sailors for enciu.gh to deliver us from .Jhe rei. I 1'11!pervision o~ theil' . BattaJion they wore . a sailor's bat. I cent dang'ers of __ the mjghty fl?od, I ('.'~rnmm:dei~R. "·11~ ':~e,ep t.~e. p~dP

why not 'f>et as1d('J one day ~ aml 'gl o1.mcJ in.y1ep Ft l,1t.rrn fo1 n paracl0 celelhrate in a fitting manner. I the followrng day.

YUKON BII.L'. Th!ej following plFtn is submit. GiUAR;C-1S.

~d= I Yukon Bill was a trapper of old, "Dl-FFERENT D·AY." MAIN .

He cared .not for copper; He I · · ca.red not for gold. . I Guard ~founh11g- wilF be held at

H d d d tl h CAI.1H3 . , 2 .00 a.m. . ·· Sei·vants will 1w required t o-.e t:mppe up- an own , iroug I

the scrub pine beilt. Ou this date no hug-le icalls will 1 perform foe· trurii'd dut:v on thi s He'd trade his do-gs ; shirt and be sounded during th e twenty four .1 date . . -

parka for a blue fox pelt. hours: Buglers ':'ill he sent to t~1e J . . ~

H .b .1 h" b" - d fill d 't celme1tery and '_v1ll blow calls m I _ M IL1TAH1' POLiIOE!. e iu1 t un a ca. in. an e i h . . . th -. th . k , each ot ers ears, so . ey .may i·e7 . T'h p t fl a .11 ·b<'

_wi JUn_~ .. ~ / alize what it sou,nds .like'. . e rovo-s . TllaJ' wi. He kept his 1.ra.pped a.nimals I


cha:mecl to te-legTaph pole<R m 1he: under his . bunk. . ME8R OAJ;L. vicinit:v of the CompCii1in<l <luring

He sold many hides of the mink ! . 1 the 24 ho'llrf!. . a.nd the skunk, Breakfast , 8.00 a.m. ,to 11.00 a.m. \

And speint all his m9ney for Dinner 12.00 noo·n to' 4.00 p .m. M!S~ELl:-ANEOIJS . hootch. I Supper . 5 OQ, p.m. to 9.00 p .m . 1,.

PRIRONER8 .. 0 1we Bill ran. afoul o-f a wounded 1 O:fficf'lJ'S will he requiretl to cook

bull moose , and do kitchen poli ce o·n the dafo . Prisonen~ will be marrh ed around

the citv hv the Provost Sergeant . haHe<l in fronl 0£ e,nch Ra)oon and

All Mess R€'rg·en nfa will he re- lectured r.n thE' clang·e1•s of "Fi-.:0 quired fo eat the "mess" prepnreid Star" hncl oth101r exploRiveis in orCler b:v the co-oks on. this "date. . I that fl1ese i~ en may 11e . r-ilrnwn tl11~

He fought lrnrf1, with his life got away,

En'J' Rinee N1en Bill's beetn sortel' ' looRe,

And he's in the Army today.

I Prl"Ol' of th ell' wav~. ·

Medical officers will he placer! · -I mt liquicl cliet and. \(rill he give11 I ' . FJH"RT s' ERGEIANTS.

(' d t f th nlem tv or RnH.s. F' c• J ·11 b . 1 ,--,om:e of our stu en s o - e ' · 1 1rst oergearu;s wi. e req1ure.r P.ayone t. Class seem to be pro·nd 0£ I to remain i~. the o·rdtirly room dur-1 d d b . . d STABLES. . th ')A h d +· 1 .1 e1 wo-un s an ru1sei1 r:~cel ve 1ng . e - "1· · 0111 ·~ an prac .ice ~t pmcticei. . Sort of !hadge o-f At 8 ()O 11 ·n: 1 w·i'll be maJ>.ing out .Dut.y Ro,sters. "E _ G _ ·d _ , , , a..rn. a a111 . ia s bonol' , as it were. 1 n aI .e-a- · turned loose in the sta~11les to take . b -Smith." 1! l ~ · "I "iJ t .• care Ot t iemse11ve1s, _,eave l _ 0 I C1 l .

the_ rn.ules-. '' · 1 R.1 _?ed,or · OM of our bright lights when I

ask the title o! n mo-vie picture, At 9.00 a.:in. all soldiers w.ill he Y~llow "bown in the Compound some time tn1·ned loose t.o take rare of t,hem- Blue hnPk, :mswerecl "The ~HDNIG HT 1 "T - ·+ i ( 1 so-l:d_1'ei.·s." White

d se ve~, ,1e1ave1 l , ·a- -- H)

:Jf AR SAG R" w hi.ch cause tho RE; Black

PASSES .. Class. ·; F'irAt P.e•con·n 'I"hin1 NO-ti · much N "l r-Ja:ss

in tlw virini.tv to ree1l and film TRAINING-. Po>ere cl their · eyes. It happens A.pp1·oved f or ·ha t. the title o-f the picture was Th e 't'ra-ins and Planning Office /All nig~t ' ·'I'HB MTDNIUHT MESSAGE." will ne nholiRhe<d on this date (and I Half mgl:t

Pigiro-n knows aU about " race wrses and horse.i ea.t-ers.

lei.'s hope .it is no-t re-established.) , Quart~r mght One eighth nig'ht

Dm·a l:?:on. -1'2 hours 6 . . horn·s 3 hours. l} hours

H Qllle cm1ld believe the fiction . The Bayone,t Ola,~s will have 6 "':\Ti ters o-f wEJstern stories, the }iours continuous drill ·with- broad­? ;oneers 0.-f rn~ old days must· hav('j swords from. 6.00 a .rn. ~o 12.00 ··ep t the WeRt, migMy clean. a_.'l I noon.

Ona sixteen.th night

·45 ' minutes.

NOTEi: --The ·above · Plan a.R , outlined ought to sta.t:b sonrnthing, I a Ii.cl i-f a,pproved , , so,.w ~J11Qdy' s ('razy,

Page 15: 15thinfantry.org · 2016-07-27 · American Forces in China. No. 34 Tientsin, August 22, 1924, Vol. VI. CURRENT POLITICAL HAPPENINGS Convention which has not. yet beien I N C H I

l ti

YORT5 ~· •

~~ ~~~'"\:-. if · \ '12 111,A_!~ . 6:.f,

\if~ llii..._111iiilltlilli!lifa11111iiiilliii .. lliii'1iilllltlrillinllr!ll!IBllilll~Bl1i~~~~~~~~BB~''"~

I took third on .a. pasMd ha.11. Wil-11 'M:eCluy~tal singled awl m1R ALL-TIENTSIN

SCORE 8-1. Iiams fanned. thrown out trying fo stea.l. 8mith

s~ tripled down the left field fonl _ RUNS Z HITS. 1. I d . l d S me. ,ystn smg e scoring .. rniih

'rhe Anny found Possnecke easy and stole second. Grant fanned. picking and drove him from the 2nd Inning. Hinckley singled scoring L yRta.<l. mnund · in Sa.turda,y' s smme. His w ·11 · E · h 11 " l . Iaffif; out to nr1g t un , vVi iams singled. Enright g'l'OH11d-finish came in tlrn fifth when they assisted. Shirai flew out to Britt .. ed to Inouye· who· touched the bnse hit him for five hi ts and sco•re<l Ko's?-ka. flew out to Lystad. forcing vVilliams a.t seco·nd two run~. Rumpf \Yho succeeded · 1

him was slightly more effe ctive but 0 RUNS 0 HITS. ] '2 .l=tUNS 5 HITS . <lllmved another Dfli'r of ruIIB in I l ·. !he ~ighth. T'he 15th Rtar~ed scm'- Em·ight a.nd Britt both fanned . , Bth Innmg. mg m thei .flw;t whe1u w1t_h two I Linnet walked. McChrystal dou- Fukanaga . wa.lke:d. T'ucker down and none· on Lystad s~ng-led, bled sending Linnet to third. g:roun~ed out to ~nr1ght un_4ssist­

· ~ra11t dre~v ~· pass and H~n~k~ey I Smith singled scoring both run- ed. :F ukanaga !r1~d for third on srngled brrng:rng them . both m. ners. Smith stole Recond. Lysta.d the play and Ennght o·vedhrew Again ~n the· second after two1 were out Tucker to. Foley. · · third base scor~n~ :Fukanaga., . Pos-out Lmnet wa1ked, ifcGhrysta.l "~· S H T'" snecke out Williams to Enright.. doubled and Rmith singled. a.gain RUN1e 2 I '"" · \Vi'lliaans out by the same com-accounting- £er· two sC'OT'es. Linnet, hinatfon. thouncrh wild pifohed very effective

1 3rd Innin.g. TN E.

h 1 R1J ~ 0 .IT'S.

ball. H e was relieved in t e , Inonye1 walked and was out at- ®®®®©®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®(!) seventl1 by C11nning·hami a.s lle1 com_ : tempting to stea.l. Rhinoirniya plained of a. sme arm. T'he1 C!ivil- j walked and took second on a. passed ian's lo·ne tally came in. the s.ixth haU. Foley fanned and Fulrnnaga when Fukana.ga. walked. T'ucker g-rnunded out to. Linnet.

@ ®

~ Ken Isawa & Co. ~ ® @ ® ®

,~acrificed nnd Fukanaga. tried for o RUNS O H1T8. ® 130 Victoria Road, ® @ ® third on the play. ·Tbmmy o.ve1'­

threw third i11 his a.tterrnpi to- nab him and nm rnmletJ' trol·i('d home.


Foley hit to· Smith :who threw I wide to first. Fnkanaga a.ttempt­ed a. s.ac1·if1c<-. bnt Enrig-M grabbed his bunt and threw Fcley o·ut a.t second. Tucke1· o.u t J,inn~t to En'­right. Possnecke fann;ed.


Grant flew out. to Kosaka .. Hinckley · flew to Shira.i and Wil­lia.ms flew to. center.


® T TIENTSIN. ® ® ® ® @ ® ® ® Tel. No. 678, South. ® ® ® @ ' @ ® Silks, Embroideries ®

I ® ® 4th Inning-. ® and Curios. ®

T'ucker singleil. Po·ssnecke I ~ ~ ;;;houlcl hnve J1it into n double pla.y ; ® _ Ladies Tailor. ® but WillinmR_dropped his hit.I~ ® 'l~ucker took thud on a, passed ball. I ® Dyeing and Cleaning. ~ 'Willia.ms and Shirai be.th fanned: ® ®

:M:cChrystai flew o.ut t0i .Shirai.1

an<l ri:ucker was out a.t the· plate on ! ~ Man1,1facturer and Dealer of ~ 8mit.h out by the air route to a <larmg- attempt to ste1al horn ~ . ® ® T~wker. I,ystad single.d and stnle I o RUNS 1 HIT. ~ PE KING RUG S, ® h1' wa.y atound to third. Grant ®. ~ walke~ and stole'. second . Hinck- Ent·i~h i out '{'uclrnr to Fo.1ey. I ~ Specialities. ® ley ;nngle? 'corrng' Lystad a.nd Britt famwd. T:inneit fanrn>cl . I ® ~ Grant . Hmckle1y ' to.Je, second and ® ®

- o HUNS o H1'11K ~ Kimonos, Harris Underwear. ®®·:


' With patent Air Cushion Mounts and brass dieplate or cheap wood • · mounts for rough work • .

TIENTSIN PRESS, LTD. [l'jents •.

5th Inning,

Kosalm fanned. Inuuye Shinomiva walked and fanned ...


® L D d ® 1

1 0 acquer, amascene an 0

£ d ® St W ® anne , 1 0 a suma ares, ®

F~eyl® ® I

® etc., etc. ® @ ®

I ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®

Page 16: 15thinfantry.org · 2016-07-27 · American Forces in China. No. 34 Tientsin, August 22, 1924, Vol. VI. CURRENT POLITICAL HAPPENINGS Convention which has not. yet beien I N C H I

August. 22, 1924. 17 :!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:~~!!!!!~~!!'!!!!~!!!;!!.'!!!~!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!i·~ ~=:: ! = ! ?£ i _S:! g:\ • £ (§ ¥!: : § 3

! ! =. Rumpf. 11ow pitching. for 'l'ien-1,­

t ·m. Bntt walked. Lrnne•t Rafe wbe11 Shirai drnppe.d his. fly. ~It:- I Chrystal out 011 an infield fly, bot11 ! runners adva.ncing. Smith and/ Lptad both fanned. ·' .

1 0 RUNS" 0 HI'PS'. ' I

7th Inning. - I Shirai walked. Koaa.ka. hit into II

a double1, Smith to McChry8tal tO" Emight.. Inouye walked and 8tole ~cond. With three and no.thrng· 1 on Shinomiya, Cumiinglrnm I"e­placed Linne•t. Gra.bber adm'inis­tered the· fomth ball. '.Foley fa nned.

O RUNS 0 HI'f'S. I I

Grant flew out to Williams. lj

Hinck lev flew out to· Kosalrn. \Tillia~s out Shi'nomiya. to · ~'o•ley. i

0 RUNS 0 HITS. I !

8th Iniiing.



:Fn lrnnag·a. singled and stole sec­" nd. .Tebara replaced T'ucker at I hircl and fanned. Rumpf fanned

:i ncl \Villiams grounded out to• Mc ,,

( .. )(o•)•)++++•)•)•:O•>++•)•)•)•)•!••) (o)•!•+•!• •)+•!•++•!•.,.•)•! .. ~•)•!••:••)•)• ~ ' ~ ~ 6

~ S. MOUTRIE & Co~, Ltd. i + + + ~ i Pianoforte and Organ Manufacturers. i

· : Shanghai, Tientsin, Peking, Horgkong, Singapore, l\uala i + ~ ot.• Lumpur. ~

• • + ___ ,, .. _____ "--·----.. -·- ~ ~ ~ ~ + :~ Sole Agents for : + • i Victor Talking · Mach.ine Co. i . ~ + • ·:. New Victo1· Records Every Month. ~ + ~ ~ 6 ~ ~ + ~ . ' .

_ ~: Repairs a Speciallty.-Tunings by Contract.-Estimat~s Fne :!: + ~ ·:- PHONE". 1376 S. ·:· ~ + 6 - + ~~+·~~·~~~~~·~~+~·~~~····~·~····~~~+6~~*~4

Chrystal. . I 15th Infantry AB R H 0 A E o RUNS 1 Hl'l' . M:c~hrysta.I 2h 5 ~ 3 '2 . 3 0

. . 8m1th 3b . . . . . . . 4 "' '2 0 1 ·1


Elll'ight out Shinmniya. to Foley . I J;yRtad cf ... . .. 5 1 · 3 1 · 0 0 Britt fanned. Ounnin(J"ham sa.tei I Grant lf .. , . .... 3 1 0 0 0 o. n :r ebara.'s er~·or. !IcChrysta.l I Hinckley c .. .. : 4 · 0 2 11 1 0

~ i no-le·d. Smith walked fillirw t11e "Williams ss ... 4 0 1 1 2 l ha~~ s . Lystad 'Singled ,· sc~ring ! En:ight. lb ..... ~ 0 0 11 1 1 Cunningham a.nd ~IcCluystal. \ R~ itt rf ......... 3 0 0 1 0 0 ~mith took third. J_,y::;ta.d stole Lmn~t p . .... ... g 1 0 0 3 0 •ero·nd. Smith a,ttempted to; score J Cunnrngham p 1 1 CY 0 . 2 0 on a passed ' hall bu't was ca.ught at - -- - - - ---the plat€, Fukana.ga to Rumpi. j · 37 8 11 27 13 3

'2 RUNS 2 HIT~. _1 All-Tientsin 000001000-1 15th Inf. 2'2002002x-8


· The 15th made a clean ~. weep Qf the AlJ .'l'ientsin series and a lso made it 19 ont of 22 go.;mesr plan:d for the sea.son when they aga.!n def1Pa.ted tbe Civi lians in la.st Sundav's game. 'l'he sc:orc wa.s low and a.ltl;ough there were severnl miscues, tl).e g!ame wa~ an i,nterestin.g one to watch . Poi;:snecke nga.in took the mound fot• th EJ Cits and was n •good <lea.I more effeictive than he was the day · before.

9th Inning. ~J Shirai out McChrystal to· Eµ­

right . Kosak::ie ~nd . foo•uye bo·th _.tro unded out fo Cunningha.:in..


Summa.ry ~ Three base hit, .For the Army King an<lJ Cunningham Smith. Two hase hit, McOhrystal. did lhe twirling. King pitched , the . Stolen Bases, Lystad 4, Grant, fin:.t fi\'O ipnings !lnd <;lid splendid Hinckley 2, Smith, Fuka.naga. work. 'l'he only reason tha.t Cunning­Struck out by rossnecke 6, by II ham was put 1.·i: ,in the sixth was to Rumpf 3, by, Lin,net· 7, by .Cun- allow. a11l the p1t~he!l's to get q. w?t·k

BOX SCORE. ningham 3. Bases ·on ba.lls, off\ out m prepara.t1on for the 9ommg · ' H -

0 P(llssnecke 2, o·ff Rumpf 2, off Lin- Wased a ser1e.s. _ ,

All Tientsin AB R A T net 6, o·ff Cunning:ham 1. Passed The Cits stlwted str.ong in the, tl.r&t F oley lb ...... · · 4 0 0

1 ~ 0 0 ba11 Fuka.na.~a. , Hmckley 2. Dou- inning and fill ed the base•s. with O'lliy

Fukunaga. c .. .. 3 1 -v 2 0 ble play Smith to McChrystal to one down . · Possnecke · hit into a Tucker 3b ·· .... 3 0 1 1 2 0 Enrighl. Till;le• of game: 2 hrs. double and retired t·he ~jde. 'l'he

ebai'a.-· 3b.: JI L· ~O _0CY ~ (}0

·, :"0'0

1 40 min. Umpires Sonada and 15th ~ .cored first in the. second on a PG'<necke P '. .. 3 0

0 .1 0

0 'l'akahashi. Mc.Chrystal out . o.n triple by Hinckl ey and a snci"ifice by Rumpf P ....... 1 0 0 infie1d fly, <lo(JS not 8h0i\v jn , ho'l\ \Yillifl:lllR . Jn the ::;ixth l;he Cits " illiams cf' ... 4 0 0 2 0 0 ~core. c,vpne;cl np' mH1t.tor::; whrn rF'ulrnnaga

b irai rf ...... , . 3 0. 0 2 0 l --- singled sitole seCoJ2.d ancl took third E:o;;a ka lf .... i .. 4 0 0 2 0 0 Gonsolatfon, Anyhow. Me __, on an ove.rthww. H e score<l on a T nouye Rs . • . .. . • 2 0 0 1 0 0 "Dea:re5t., will you m an'y me'? u pa.ssed ba.11. The fina.l and winning -binomiya; 2h .. 0 0 1 0 0 0' She,........''Jolm, I can't ma.n'"V vo11, run came in the, ejghth. After two - - - -- - _;I but I .shaH .alw_ays re1>pec1t. yo~r good 1 were out G:1•an.t. s~ngled · and . 1:i tole

28 . 1 .. 2 23 .--4:, 2 taste'. '__,Witt.l ,• .. · I siecon,d. Hmck!ey, advanood hJm to

Page 17: 15thinfantry.org · 2016-07-27 · American Forces in China. No. 34 Tientsin, August 22, 1924, Vol. VI. CURRENT POLITICAL HAPPENINGS Convention which has not. yet beien I N C H I

18 Augu st 2~l , 1924. '~!!!!!'!"'!'!!!"!!~~!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!"!!!!!'! ·__;_~-~· !!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!~!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!· !!!!!!!!!· !!!!!!!!~- ~- ~-~'~· !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

t J,{rcl aiirl he scored when Inouye 'fucker · fanned . · FoiJe,y fa1inecl . 15th Infantry bobbled Williams grounde:r . Fukanaga singled and tock third M.cChryst.al 2b .

' AR ~ 0 2 0 4 0 4 1 4 1 3 0

HO ·1 6 0 Ci

A E 1 :.r

SCOHE Bv INWlNGS when Britt's throw to socon.d went. ~o Srrii~h 3b. . .... . . , ' · , . ',1- r ' i '. ·'· "


the ';ou_tfi:e. iiL :-]fo.kanaga· scored on a J,:yst·ad cf. 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 1 2 0 0 8 0 l () 0 0 0

0 0 0 o·

-:. ~- ,. ¥ ~f · pnss;ed .. baitl. ~ · ·,. · - ~ · Gr-ant lf. .... . .. .. 1st . Innmg. 1 R.UN 1 HIT. H' 11 £

0 ()

0 0 me t ey r .... .. . 1'ucker popped out t o nJcCbrystal. . Williams ss•., , . -:- .

Folcv singled. ·Fukrina.gti. ' fail ed to rvfoChrystal walked and took Enright lb . . .. .. . 2 0 0 0

get ot1t of the wrty of, one of King's second on Williams ' error. Smith Britt e, .. . , ... ... , in shoots ·and got a free base< .. Wil- walked. Lystad lined o\1t t o KosaJrn King p.

3 °' 3 0 '.?; 1 3 1 O· ()

0 . 0 l 0 1. 0 0 0

Ii ams dropped one in front oE the .\\'ho made a brilliant ca tch . Gr3·nt Cunningham p '. phi Le that. Bri Lt fajled to handle . grounded to 'l'udrnl' and forced IJ Angell l. · ... . : .. . .• P os·HH:cke g'rounded to .:\ [cGhrystul J\IcChry!\ltal at third. Smith stole . . " · --------~ for a double phy. third1. Hinckle·y fann ed. I .28 .2 6- '1:7 9 3

()RUNS 1 HIT. 0 R1UNS 0 H.ITS. I . . All-Tientsin

7th Inning. 15th, Infantry 000001000-1 01000001x-'.?,

.i\IcChryskd singled and advaf!.ced t o seccrqdj .on S.,rQit4 's .' sacrifice· b Wilhoit . .. LyHtad fann'ed and Grant

· fl ew out to Kosa.Ira.


Poisrie,eke fanned .. . · · Kos.a1,a, safe on l\Ie0hrysfo1 ·s eh-6.r ~nd was Summary-Three base hit; . Hin-thrown out at second at.tempting to ckley. Saorifice Hits, Smith, L. steal.. vVilhoit fanned . Wil_liams , Gunni1?-gham. Stolen bases ,

I. 6 R.UNS o HITS Srmth , Grant, H111cJdey Strnck out,

· - · · J by P ossnecke 6, by King 1, by CL·U-• 2nd Inning. \Yilli ams singled. Enrigh t singled ningham 7. B a.se& on b~!ls. , of Pc1s-'

. • ~\.os~lrn tl ev~. out to . .l\IcCbrystal . advancing 'Williams to fl.econcl . Britt ~ne.cke 2. Hi~. by , p1tclrnd ba.ll , \\· ilho1t out 1'.mg to , Ennght . Inouye fanned . Cunningham advanced both .l!'u~anaga by l\.mg . Pneecd . ball , out to Enright unassisted . itihners 0 11 a,' sacrifice to· P ossnecJ.:e. Br~t~. Double play,_ McChrystnl. t o

0 RUNS 0 HITS. . ),tcQhryst~l flew out to Inouyo ,\·ho W•lhams to Enright . Umpires I made· a ·beaut.iful running catch. . Bateman a1~d Sona?tt~ _Scofir:r l\lott.

Hinckley tripled and mored on Wil . 0


H.11'S . I Angell batted for h1r,, m t .. h Iiams ' . Pacrifice to .Shi.ncmiya, . I ----E1might singled. \Britt; fl ew out to I I\:entucky. Kid . "Di.uba i.Bu::~t "th:i.t Shinomiyft . . l\ing fanned :. Btl\ Inning.

1 RuN 2 HITS . f 1 or~ guy .' ' H e pa.ts you on the· back nouye iJe.w out to i\lcChl'ysthl before your face a,nd then hits you in

Shinomiya fanned. 'I:ucker . s::i.fe on the nose behind your bad . ., 3rd Inning an error by ,1vlcCh~ys Lal. F'oJe,y flew ' ·

Tucker out I<ing to ·Enright. F oiey ~ut to Grant . _ @®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®@©·©@ out Britt to Ew·ight. Fukunngn ! · . ,o R.UNS 0 HITS. . , ® grounded out to King . ; J ® ~

0 R1UNS . O HITS. . smith out Tucker to Wilhoit . ® Have You a little (o) I:ys.tad o_ut . Shinoiini;ya' t o Wilhoit. :1 c;i ®

J\foGhrystnl fouled out t o ·Willia.ms . Grant smgled . and s t·o;fo second . ~ . Ci'I

Smith out ShinominI.. to \Vilhoit. Hinc!dey grmrnclecl to Inouye. and I ® H' I G H l A .. N. 0 ~ Lystad out .'fucker t~o Wilhoit.. Wilhoit dropped the tbro\v. Hinckley ® , · . . . . · ®

O RUNS O HITS'. stole second. Williams grounded t o ~ (!)

Inouye w~o threw wi~le to fimt . @ ~ Grant scorecl and Hmcklcv was ® · · · · · · ® 4Lh Inning.

Williams · fanned . pc•l out to King. · t ( > MeChrystaL

thrown out 3,t the pla.te. by \vilho,rt ® · o· U E ·E N. 0 Possnec;kc· p•)p - a.Lt.ernpti.r1g to s9ore ,from seeo11d. ~ · ·: ., · ©

Kornka fkw out ·~ ® ® 0 ® ~

9th Inning I~· In Your Home.? P? ~ ' l HUN 1 HI1\

o R.UNS o HI'l'S. ~ 00 @

Grunt. tlew out to Inouye. Hin~kl ey ·Fu~·anag:a. grounded out '' to Cun- ® ·. · · ' ~ tk w· out to Sliinomiya. Williams ningl1am. Williams ·Qut to E;rnight ® ® grounded out to Possnecke. . unassisted. ,.Possneekc fanned. ® • ®

0 RUNS 0 HITS. I 0 n.uN~ 0 HITS·. ~ - A~K WARD ! I J ~ I

® . 0

. : . . 5th IW:ing. . BOX 'SCORE' . ® ® W 1lho1t fl ew out to Grant . . Ino~yc I All-Tients.iJi · · AB Ili H O A E ' ~. . , . ..~

fl ew out to :JicChry_st.al. Shmom1ya Tucker 3b. 4 Ci o 1 2 O ® ' ~ ® grounded out t~ W1ll1ams. !':Foley rf. 4' .o 1 0 0 0 ' ~ Geo. K'. Ward', 'i

0 HUN~ 0 HITS.. :F'u'kanaga ef.: ... 3 1 1 O o o:· ® ® William~ c. . . . . . . '4 O Cl 8 O 1 @ 4r Taku Road, ~

E,urigh t fanned . Brit>t. nut Inouye t o Wilhoit . AngPll ba,tt·ing fo1· . Ring fanu,cd.

0 RUNS O· HITS :', . 1 .

6th Inning. . .: , 3 .

Cmmi.ilgha1m p*ihing for! t he 15th

P ossnecke p . 4 0 0 () Z 0 ® @ 2 0 ( ® @ Kosalrn. lf. 3 O 0 . } @ TIENTSIN. Cil

Wilhoit lb . ... 1.. . 3 0 · 0 !l l 1 ® - @

Inouye s~; . ..... , 3 0 0 2 1 · 1 © p h · · ® • 0 0 2 3 0 ® , hone Sout 995. · ® Sh\nomiya: 2b . · 2J ·. ·· @ @

·--·-·------ ~ . @ 30 1 · 2 24 9 · 3 C•)®®@@@®~0@®@@®~0(i)@®@®

Page 18: 15thinfantry.org · 2016-07-27 · American Forces in China. No. 34 Tientsin, August 22, 1924, Vol. VI. CURRENT POLITICAL HAPPENINGS Convention which has not. yet beien I N C H I

Aug ust• 22, 1924. THE SE:NTINE!+.1. 19 ~!!!!:!~~!!!'!!~~~~~~!'!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:~~~ .~:::2;2 E =~- = !. j !C:_§ §! : !} ?!: g : : , Z! E SH ANG HAI WINS 'J1 HIRD GAl\l E KEIO'S REVENGE. . i 1,I asb i ~1 o t<:i , Y ~maoh. S t ~~cl,r out by

F RO:'.\f, EE.IO TEAJ\1 . Ke:io morn than made up for th eir Cl amc> 2, by Scot t 4, by hmgman l , ERRORLES1S· PLAY. defea.t at the hands of the G aJlopers Bases on ba ll s off Kingm an 3. E arn.

The Shanghai Gallopers came back in the third game when they ca me ed i·un~;,, Keio · 6 .. in the! third gam e of their series· with back nt them the: next day ond shu t t he Krio tl'mn after Urny had been them out with nothing '\Yhil c t hey hit ow r wbclmingly · defeated t wicB1 by eve:rything 'tha.t ,ms d~shecl fo them ·1 <he vis itors a.nd regained much of t.he :incl ;:,cored an even ha.!£ dozen runs. BHAKc.+HAl DB·F B<ATS KEIO . 'ost confi <l ence1 of their supporters b y Cl airs started orr ·the mound for th e turning in a 1-0 victory. It was grand hom e team and la.s teel fine t hrough t~ Jseb all from staJf; to finish , both the fir st inning, the coll egian s. getting ~ t: ams playing errorless hall and hits only one hit and no runs off of .him . a bout as scaJ.'CEo· a,s snowflakes . Tay lor


H owever , m the se.cond they were pj tching for the Gallopers . let t·~1e ll'J t . ·so courteous to his clelive,ry a.nd ~ 1pponese down with fo ur 111ts while landed three solid clouts , _ one for ~he Shanghai aggrega.tion managed to three hases thart netted two runs. ga ther only three .. H owever that was Scott then ~:1tered the fray t o try his

nough for they accounted for one luck and hung up three successive rnn , t he only one of the g1a.nie . They goose eggs . Cont.inuina th e n~1mbel' made f:his tall y in th e1 sixth inning three the I\e,io bovs aot°to him in the \\hen '!'hatch hit for two ha.ses into s ixth for three; runs"' on four clean ; he .crowd i.n centerr field . Kingman hit.s. Kingman th en took up the >'acr1ficed hnn to s~cond and . he I burden a.nd. held ' the visitors to. ?nc ~ ored . on a long sacrifice fl y to n,ght lone t ally m . the tlll'ee remammg : :,· Bristow . In the seventh h ew fram e.s . · n.ad a .chance to even things up. when H arna,saki pitching for Keio pitched I ama,oka dre1w a pas s, Naga~ fol- m astmful ball ,.ncl-held t he G a.llope.rs. luwed with a single. A force' out helplest'.. 'I'h e n earnst they cam e a t se<::ond placed a. runner on firs t and to a run was in the fifth when1 Clajre bird wit.h only one clown . Taylor 1 doubl ed ancl took third on an infie.Jcl

: i ~ht c~ecl ~-is belt and forced the ~ext\ out.. This happened with two clown ~~o batter,,; t o roll them ba-0k mto I and the n ext ba.tte1• ground ed out to 1 _is hands for the fiµa ,l two outs . th(' pitcher. Only two Gia.1Jorpers1 got 1,ha t waei t~ e. only rea.l sc;>ring cha~ce on ba.ses , C:la.ire· on his double and. :na t the v1s1tors had , 'Iaylor m am- , in t11e lat>t fram e Stark singled .

John Scott , veteran pitcher of the Shanghai Gallopers, was very effective aga inst the J apanese Col ­legians, · allowing but seven scattered hits and two · runs . Meanwhile .th~ Sh anghai Team nrnna.ged t o put foi;r across the plat e , mostly chie to the bea,vy hitting of Stark , the C:d1t.re ..

fi elder .

The Series now stands Keio 3, Sha.ngha1i 2. Owing to ' Hrnn~h a.i 's sudden bra.ce the fa.us nre now turn­ing out in full force to witness th e; games. The Gonllopers will play ·the P eking l\farines upon the completion of the Keio Series, and lat er on per haps (he 15th Infantry:

'Ihe Box Score :

Shanghai AB R H 1'0 A E C. Taylor. lf .... .. 4 0 0 1 1 0 '!'hatch, ~s ...... .... 4_ 0 0 1 3 1 Claire, rf . ...... .. .. , 4 . 1 1 1 0 O

•aming complete mastery the rem ain . I H am asaki went throuah th8 game uer of the t.ime.. without issuin!! any fre°e ticket s to t:r):!):():():():!!:o:r):(trtrtn:rnntrtrnuntr -· . ):( ~

BOX SCORE.. first and his f r, nmma.tes pla.yed per- ):( ....., 8ha.ngha'.i AB R H (j A E feet ball b( hind him. § HARLEY - fil

W1ley rf .. , .... .... 3 0 0 2 0 0 -BOX SCOR.E. ):( I ~batch ss1 ... .. .. ... 3 1 1 1 5 0 Keio. . ·AB R H 0 A E ):( DAVIDSON ni ngman lb ... ... , 2 0 0 9 1 0 Kirihari' ss .. .. .. , ., 5 0 0 0 . 4 0 ):(§ · · . Bristow c : . ........ 3 0 0 7 0 0 Ohkawa lb , ... 5 O 6 ·13 0 0 :;.cot t 3b .. . . .. _.... 3 0 0 1 1 0 I N aga.i t f ... . . , : . .. 5 1 2 1 O 0 §):( ·~ - . Taylor lf . .. . -.. . , 3 0 1 2 0 CJ ] H ashimoto H .. ... 5 l ' 3 1 0 0 -:'.ta rk cf . .. . .... . .. .. 2 0 0 0 0 0 Yarrioaka, lf ...... .. 5 2 2 1 0 0 A Taylor p . ..... 3 0 0 1 4 0 Hamasaki p .. -...... 4 1 2 _1 2 0 § l:l ' mi th 2b , .. .. .... : 3 0 1 2 1 a I Doy 3L· . ... . ......... 3 1 () . 2 2 0 ):::! J:l

- - - - - - I T akagi 2b 2 0 1 2 2 f) ):( J:r · 25 1 3 27 12· 0 1 Okada c . . . 4 O · 0 · 6 1 0 ):( § ~RHO A E ------~ n 4 0 0 3 4 0 38 . 6 11 27 11 0 g ):( 3 O 1 1 5 0 Shanghai. N B l1, H 0 A E , ):::! § 4 0 1 3 1 u


C. Tavlor lf . . . . .. 4 0 0 3 0 0 1 )::{ ):():(

4 0 0 0 0 0 Tha.tcii SS• • .. ... . .. 4 : 0 r 0 6 .· 3 u § 3 g ~ . ~ 0 0 Kinghan lb p · ... 3 0 0 6 1 0 § A new Alemi~e lubricating · fil i o o o g ~ ~r~~:~'~,c ·3~.I .'. '. '. '. '. : ~ : 3 ~ ~ g g

1 ):( system, a new aluminum §

3 0 0 3 2 0 ti cott 3b, p, lb ... 3 . O O, 2 3 21 ):( alloy piston motor and a ~ :::sda c ... . ... .. ... 3 0 1 4 1 0 Tavares, c .. .. ..... .. 3 0 0 3 0 0 ):( new color-n real outdnM ~

- - - - - Stark cf · · ..... .. 3 0 . 1 2 0 ,0 § Olive Green-are the three -}::{ 31 0 4 24 13 0 - - - :- :- - ):( }::{

~"'~·J .. . 1 . . . ......... .... : . 000000000'---0 Smith % ........ . 3 o o 1 Q o ):( notable new features of the J:1 '.::. ngha i ... .' .. .. .. , . .. .. 000000100- 1 29 0 2 26 11 ~ · )::{ 1924 Harley-Davidson m

SU.MMAR.Y. J\irih ari _out hit by bR.t te.d ball, ~oes § I :=1rn ed Runs , Sba,nglmi l~ 'I'wo not show >n total s. · ):( =c: hits , Thafoh , Hamasaki, Stolen Keio .. .. ...... ..... 020003iOO-B ):( E

Kirihar i. Sacrifice' hi ts, Shrmglmi .. ...... . .. .. . qoooooooo- o I g • W. FRAZAR & Co. - ·eh , Bristow . Struck out by . SUl\/LMARY. . J:1 'JIENTSIN , .· ·. PEKING $

- ::Ji 3, by Taylor 2.. Leift on base.s-, Stole.n base's'. Doy, Yamaroka1. 'I':Vo . ~ . , - - . n - .illghai _Ii , Keio 5. · ba,se hits:, Clam., Three base h~ts l r:niJ:O::O:tl:{}!O:{):():(l:O:{}:U;:(}:U:O;:U::{J:i):(l:t

Keio. _ - rihari ~s

-·kag i l b 3 ma,,aki rf ... .. .

shimoto If .... . -. mf!oka cf .. .. .. -- g~i p .... " .. " .. . _· .mu.ra 3b ... .. .. . ·'no 2b . .. .... . .. .

Page 19: 15thinfantry.org · 2016-07-27 · American Forces in China. No. 34 Tientsin, August 22, 1924, Vol. VI. CURRENT POLITICAL HAPPENINGS Convention which has not. yet beien I N C H I

THE HEN'fJNEL'. August 22:, 1924. : £? : ! ! ; -2.! j ! £!!'!?!!~

Maloney, 3b .. .... ., 4 1 0 0 2 0 Thr:.tch ss .. ·". ... . . 2 1 0 :!. I) 0 l Kingman, lb ..... 3 l 1 13 2 0 Stark d ,. .. . ....... . 3 1 2 5 0

00 !

American League. W . - L.

Stark, cf .. ... . ... .. 4 1 3 2 0 0 Maloney 3b ... . , . .. 4 0 0 1 3 Detroit ~mith, 2b .. . , . . .. . , 3 0 0 0 3 0 Clair lb . ... . ... .. ... 4 ·o 2 12 l 0 New Yori~ "· : ::1 : : : :: .

03 49 61 49

J.avares, c . .. . . .. .. 4 0 ;J, 8 0 0 Bristow rf , . .... ... .. 4 0 0 0 0 0 i \\'ashington 62 51 ~cott , p ... .... ...... 2 0 0 l 3 0 ,S'rnith 2b . .. ,. , .. .. . , 2 0 0 2 1 0 ; St. Louis ...... .. . · 58 53

- - ....,... - - - 'l'twa.res c ........ .. 1 3 0 0 '2 0 0 ' Cleveland ...... .. 53 59 Totals . ... ... , .. 32 4 () 24 14 l Scot.t p ..... , .. . ,, 3 0 0 0 0 0

1 Chicago .. . . .... . . ., 61 fiO

Keio - · - -- - -- - Boston ...... . .. . . . . 49 62 Okawa, lb .. .. . . . .. 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 27 4 5 27 11 0 1'hil~d elphia 50 l\Iimma, 3b .. .. .- 3 0 1 0 0 0 J\irihara, ss . : ... .. 4 0 2 0 1 0 Keio AB R H C A T National L·eague . Nagai, p, rf .. .... . 1 4 0 0 1 2 1 Kirihari ss ... ..... .. , 4 0 0 2 0 · l , Hashimoto, 1f . . . 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 Doy 3b . ... . . . . . . ,. . . 4 0 1 1 4 1 I W . Yamoaka, cf . . .. . . 4 0 0 2 0 . 0 Na.gai rf .. .. . ... .. . 4 1 1 0 0 O. l Now YOI"k. .. ., ... , 70 Doy, 2b .. ... .. . .. .. 1 4 0 0 2 2 0 Has.himoto lb .. . .. 4 0 2 ') 0 f! Pittsburg . . . .. . . . o2 'fugagi, lb .··+···· 4 l 1 8 0 0 Yam aoka cf .. .•. .. • 3 0 'l 2 l 0 Chicngo . . .. ....... . ., 60 Hamasaki, rf p . .. 3 1 2 2• 2 1 Hamasaki p .. . 1 . .. .. 4 0 1 0 4 (.i I Brooklyn • .. . .. .. HO Olrn<la, c .. . . . . .... 3 0 1 9 0 0 I Takngi 2b . .. . ... .. 3 0 0 3 1 0 Cincinna.ti . ..... , 59

- ~ - - - - Tajima. H . . . .. . ·.· .. 3 0 0 0 0 0 St. J~oui s . . . . . . . . . 45 34 2 7 24 · 7 2 Okada c . .. ... . .. .. 1 3 (J 1 8 0 0 Philiidelphia 4-1

By Innings : Mimura* .. ... . . . .• . 1 0 0 0 0 0 Boston . . .. .. . . .. . . 3\:1 S'lHflghai . . . .. 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0-4 I - ··- - - - -·~

J_,, 40 4!i 46 i'il 5i'i 53 65 69

1 Pct. .563 .555 .549 .5·23 .473 .459 .441 .4£5

I'ct. .630 . fr7 \) .fl66 .541 .fJ IR .417 .383 .3&1

Surnmary- E nrned runs , Shanghai . . Keio . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0-21· · 33 1 7 2::\ 10 2

4 , Kei_o 2 , L~ft on Bases, _1 S'hanghai ~B~tted for _Ya.rnnoka in ninth. BALLADE OF THE BENCH

;. Ke10 5 . . l'h~ee :ba~se h_1ts , S~ark ii Smith out hit by battoo ball , does ~ Hama,saki. Sa.ci;1fiee fli es, hmg- not show in total s. man . Hit by pitcher, Scott, Smith. I lnnings pitched, By Nagni, five and I Keio ...•. .. . ..... . . . . , . ... 00000100()--l t wo thirds , by Hamasaki , two and Shanghai ...... .. ·'·· · 200000020- - 1 o:irn .third Bases on bfl lls, off N aga~ l, off Hamflsaki l. Struck out ; by Summary-Earned runs, Shanghai Sicott 6, by Nagai H, by Hamasaki 3, J\eio 1. Left on bases , Shflnglifli l. Wild pitches, Nagai . Umpires, j 3, Keio 2. Three base hits, Stark , O'Brien at plflte, Japanese on ba"e~ .. 11'a1?ni.. . Two bflse hits, Clair.


t I have no wish to be a king,

I Thflt Furt of t.hing h a~ had its day , l have no fond de~ .. ire to sing

I Jn w h1-1t is called G. ra.J:!d Ope•ray. In the political affra.y

I I would not shinei for lack of bull ,

I But oh ! if I could onlv bit A homer with the ba~es full I

. I Donbl e Plays, Doy to · 'rakagi to . . ,. - . --. '· Hashimoto. . Struck out,, by 'SklotJ, 2, l do _not yearn _to h?.v:. my flmg, , .

. · ·· · · 1 by Hama.salr1 fi. Bases on ba,ll s•, off At Illght on Tient,sm s Great \\bite -SHANGHAI WIN.SI FiINAL. Scott none , off Hamasaki, 3. Wild \ _Way;

'l'he {~ 'allopers . ·perform~d the im- pitches. Hamasnki .]. Stolen ha-;es, No 1ewels do I long to bring possible ' when tJ1ey took the· s ixth I Taylor. Hit by pitcher, 'fnylor . : Be·fore some ~naid en fair to lay . and final game from the· fast Keio

1 Sacrifice hits, Thatch . I ~vould not m appflrel gay

team and ev.eneCP ·-tJp tl:i@ .. _,tJeries three, . Jom .the eljte- nnrl that 's no cinch , games apiec~ . S~tt' 't~~r the THE Al\1:E!1UCAN I ,EAGUE. I l'~e _onl y game _I wa,Il;ti to play · mound for Sn;:inghai ~nd 1"h1le the h hit n ·homer 111 a pmch ! collegians hit hillli fQr seven bingles_ Ty Cobb's rejmenate<l Tigers I . · . they were ~ble to score \)1,1t orte run. cl1twed their way into the lead ership i I do nol: pine within the ring T'erfect fielding coupled \vith . circ~s of t~e American L eague. ln st week, j A bout with Silent, to essay; cfltches headed off runs when it forcrng .the Yanks back mto second 1 About my brows Id not have cling appear~cl 'that only a u i'.fracle C<2\lld plflce. Ty and his cohorts won !"our The poet's laurel wren.th or ba.y. keep them from scoring . S:tarl~ Was and lost only two games dming the T'hough I am not 11ncommon clav the hero of the da& ... ·--f~ _'th8,: pftlL s.even day periocl, "·hile th e Kew I have my visfons ; and my drea.~s inning with · tw0 on !bases · and ·' none Yorks wers winning three nrnl dron- Al'e fliwflys sliding into home down he grabbed a line.r fo r over hill · ping two. Washington retains third And li stening to t he bl cecher 's h-0ad that was ticketed for the fence 'l"h c big snrp1·ise of the week, how- sr-:remns !

ENVOY. Both runners acl'vanc(J(} a b'!Jse . · The ever . was in tue National League, s_econd out was easy but agflin for in which the Pittsburgs forhed their j the .final out Stark made a r11nnmg wnv . to within striking distance of I one-handed catch of a sure hit . In '{0w York. The Pirates won si_x j Give ear to me all yon who pla.v baJI . ad•itiou to his work in centra field ancl 10F<t on1v on e gam e last w0ek, I I'm the most' mod e.st of you ail. he made two hits, one for_ three wit1ile t~ Giants were <'lropping fiv e i The only thng I c-are about bases in ..the first inning that ac- 'lnrl nicking 111) two. This spurt puts ! r~ to crack a four -plv circuit <il out ! counted for two runs. · In the eight· the Smoltv City ouUit within six nnil i - --· the Gallopers made two more runs fl _hnlf 1rnmes of th~ lend ers , still ! r:ro;t.1· a(;tio~ in. Extraction .-on a three bagger by Buck 'faylor , nu1te fl kmg way off , lint so n enr "What? Fifteen million marb n base on ball is to Tha.tch and. a thnt the MciGrawm en wil1 h ave to I to extract a toot.h ! I have to work single by Stairk. _ I k ee'p st.enning. an hour to earn that!"

The following tflble e-ives the posi- " , · . : \ t.ion of the ten ms on Friilnv . .A 11 gust j I£. you like. I will spend an

A 'I' j l!> , nnd includes gflmes plflye<l on . hour 1n extractmg the tooth!"-1 0 tbnt date :-- · ilf eggendorfe'fl Blaetter- (Mum.ch) .

BOY SCORE'. Shanghai AB R H U

C. Taylor lf .. . 1, .. 1 2 2 1 1

Page 20: 15thinfantry.org · 2016-07-27 · American Forces in China. No. 34 Tientsin, August 22, 1924, Vol. VI. CURRENT POLITICAL HAPPENINGS Convention which has not. yet beien I N C H I

3..l.lgust 22, 1924. THE SEiNTINEIJ.

If the,re aJ'e: .any other swimmers in the 15th who, wish a trial turn their names into· the Athletic Officer. T'he Tientsin Club has offered the use nf the1 pool ·from 9 to 10.00 a.m. · daily for the practice of our entries.

Admission to Jhei general public will be 1.00 dollar L.O. T'icket'l oLluinable at Jhe club the a,fter­noon o.f the' meet.

I::~;::: .:r:::NF:~:·


come when Nurmi, super-man from Finland, ente,red the arena and com ­pleted half a lap of the .track to the winning post, finishing as usual without any sign of distress . His fellow-countryman, R,itola, came next, looking rather ti:red.

Then at intervals follow~d a sua­cession of men in piti£ui stages of exhaustion.

A Spaniard leapt into the air at the entrance to the arena and col­lapsed into unconsciousness ; for anxious minutes a Manchester medical man, Dr. Moir, who has been acting as stru.i;er, worked to bring him back to life.


BACK UP THE SiWIM'MING A Frenchman and a third Finn MEET. I Men Half-Demented. reeled down the straight like drunken

p . J 1 17 I men, both half demented . The Finn

.:.JIB EN'J1E,RS IT'S BEST I T . ht th ;r.is, u Y · JI stopped, t. urned and began to run the · o-mg e 'cur am was rung wrong way but he was waved round

ne swimming and div1"ng cham' i dowl n bon tS~te d~lympi~thG[j,hmesfi i~hthef ·I. again and' finished. The Frenchman, . · · · · .


Go om es . a mm w1 t e ms o r . f 11 . h ; J...sh.i ps of North China1 will be the Marathon race. , after a va iant sprmt, . e. m a eap - -=-~ :ded at the Tientsin Swimmin"' · · · j ten ._yards from the pos~, and was

R t . p k · 3 00° . . 'earned away to the ril.ressmg room . . - . ec.rea ,ion ar , a.t : It w~s another trrnmph for Fm- I · next Sa.turday. I land, wP,ose wonderful runners lmve

1 E. Harper, the Englishman., am-

~ _ . . . been supreme ;:i.t all the long-distance 1 bled in fourth, weary but mentally _ .L :e. lo th havmg . be~n mv1ted to II events a. t these Gia .. mes. · . I sound .. A. N. S1ewe. ll collapsed at the _.. __ _ ~cipate the follo':'mg men ac-

1 Kolehamainen, the Olympic chrumr entrance tot.he IS\tadi~, and J .. C.

-- e<:I t he chaHeng~ · ! pion of 1920, did not run, though he : Henham ~as brought m •U'Ilc<;>nsc1ous • • • •

1 was here :with the rest of the ·team. I from outside. R\Yan, the Irishman, - a.pt~m M~leiy and Captam But a follow countryman, S.tenroos, and \Vide, the Swede, were others to

· .::kh1te;. Privates Dei Normand won by nearly six minutes from an fall by the way, stricken by the in­-:: Hofmeister of Hq. Company; Italian, Bertini. Then came P. R . tense heat--the worst of the year.

~ ~ -..,.a tes Walsh and Ba,rbre1 of M. De Mar, Amerioa,, and Halonen, --pany: a.nd Priiva.te, Fry of G. Finland. · ~pany.

·······~··········~·· None of -the runners finished un- •:• •:• 3..3 th is will be the- . first oppur- duly distressed, and there were no t •i•

-__::y the representatives of the unpleasant scenes such as marked •:• . TA FANG ::: - = ·:;, ha>e .had to show their style the dose of the. cross-country race . I ::: .; - :: :pe~ it is impossible to figure 'l'his was due, first , to the fact that •!• •!•

- "':r chances o'f taking a.ny of the the heat was tempered to-day hy a I °i° Official t - some cups orffered to the cooling breeze and second to the fact ::: ~. ~ers of each event. Especially that the race was put back an hour 1 ·:• Photographer <• • -· e Tientsin Club is reputed to to avoid the worst of- the sun's rays. •:• •i•

--= entries tha,t ba;r Mne, could It did not start till 5.20 p.m. ::: . for the ~= ~~~~- be be,aten badly in the The finish of the cross-count~ race :!: . ~=

-- "" · . yesterday had been an ex.traordmary, •!• Sentinel •!• °" - t f · t I ·11 be j and unlovely sight . The sun beat •:• . <• - ~e even. s, 1 ee s y e, w1 . . . . h b .


.... :. .. ·············•·'•············ •·-t·····•·•••"-•-t•<•+ ..: and seven lengths thirty yards l down p1t1lessly upan t e runners, ut • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • ., ., - -~ ; Diving cOilltest; UndeT- there was no hmt of what was to His Failing.-A Southern negro

-er swim; plunges; and many ++•>+•>•>•>•>•!••>•! .. !+•!••)•!++.•:••>+•!•'! I minister who was. give1rn to the use of -.::.=!' compet.itiona _ not yet an· : ::: i big words a.nd compli<;ated dis.course

-..::.ced. . • Ch• Q t• I •!• I was wa.ite.dupon by tihie church com-1 d . f th I b ·11 I I : mese p ma •!• I mi1t-tee arul told thati his style of prea-

- .:.<: a ies. o e c u w1 a. so ••• . l d · . h . t th" d A d : I oh1ng was not· au that cou d be es,Jr-.:.. e1rf mhe:~ . is t·';ty. nf : Company ::: lea..

- -: e o t e a,tt.~a,c iveness . fr + •!• --= e>ents there is a.n English •!• •!• "Don 't 1 a,raify and sputify? " in-- -ho if permitteid fo enter the + Refracting and Manufacturing ::: quired the micister.

- _ ! class c()uld e·asily take a •+ G .: •• \ Tung Ma Loo, East ate I Shei came in a close second + •i• "Yes, yo' don.e argify and sp!utify_. "

- ·.:.2 women's 100 Yd dash for + TIENTSIN •:• res;pouded a member of the com-- .nampionship oJ Grea,t Brit.ton : . ~: . . mittee, "bub yo, d?u't show wherein. ' - :;eal'. l •:••:••:••:••:••!• .. ;.<•O:••:••:••:o:••: .. :••:•..: .. :••:•.•;••:• I - -BoBton r.I'ransoript ,

Page 21: 15thinfantry.org · 2016-07-27 · American Forces in China. No. 34 Tientsin, August 22, 1924, Vol. VI. CURRENT POLITICAL HAPPENINGS Convention which has not. yet beien I N C H I

August 22:, 1924. /!!!!:!!!?!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,I__.'~· !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~



HITS HARD, SAYS l .. CH AM p I 0 N · I k~ow-I :w~s o•n the_ r·eceivrng • end of a, few of those rights! "

In size and weight its about

hit him six O•l' Seven in the second that werei the• most powerful short blo·ws I ever s.:wung in my lifetime.

The So·uth American :went down, yes. He hit the floor seven times. WILLS WILL HAVE BETTER



Six times he got up. Who will say 50-50. In strength-well, I've that Wills, hit as ha.rd a.s Firpo nerefer meit Wills, but if tha,t dark was hit, would get. up six time1S to boy is any stronger than Firpo he

t b H 1 P 1 be fla.ttened the seventh time?

BY JACK DEMPSEY . mus e a. e.rcu es. eo1p e say · -Wills is a, ma.rvel in strength, but Yes, I think FirpQ will beat

T'he pape•rs say that Luis Firpo a.nd Hauy Wills are go1ing to pile into each otheir August 30.

I'll nominate Firpo and if the test I Wills if they eve1r meet. I think is made, I think Firpo' will be I Firpo bits ha.rder a.n,d can stand_up elected. under m:o·re tha,n, Wills. Those two

If they do meet, I think Firpo In · the clinches-that's where will win. I'll a.gre6' that Wills is Wills would have the e:dge·. Re's more scientific, but I am not sure rega.rded a.s a master a,t in-fighting that he's faster on his foot or faster and the spcH·ting world knows he in punching. Once wills may hav~ has inflicted the most tEm·ible been exceedingly speedy, but tha,t punishment. when he has his men 1 in clo1se1.

f ay seems gone. I · . . , As rega.rds gameness and a.bility

qualities seem:, in my opinion:, to offset the greater skill of Wills.

I'm picking· Fil'poi:--but with the proviso that he must be1 in real shape when he fights Wills. l£ he. isn't-well, then its a· tossup.


Firpo· is re·garded as a. 'tele- , to taJrn it-grapher' with his punches. Maybe,, · · I To give a.n idea a.s to the: ti·~-he1 is-in a. ce~ta.in, way. He does Well, there I think Fil'po has mendous hold spor~, has on1 Amer1-dra.w back a little, but when that

1 the1 edge. I don't think, highly as I ca.ns, 6,000,000 witnessed footba.11

boy lets go he can .sho;ot j~st about I 'Yills count~d, thai.t her_ can ta_ker t .er-1 game.s, 20,000,000 sa,w the _ball as fast a.s a.n,y ma.nm the rrng game nfic poundrng, especia1ly m the ga1~es, 5,000,000 turned out fo1 t~e tod~·Y· Soi Firpo, in rapidity of body. He·' s. been i:m the floor quite boxrng shows and 18,000,000 sat rn dehvery, so.rt of offsets the "telei-- I often in his fio>htinO' lifetime-a.nd a.t the tl'ack and field meets la.st graphing." I lie!s been knocked ~t by non-cha.m- year. -

• • , . . j pious. l In addition, the· big goH tourne:ys Firpo isn t · clever-as is 'Vills. I drew immense cro1wds as· well a.s

He doesn't use· foe1 jah and he FIRPO IS GAME. millions a.t the races 'and various doesn't know haH the time that he other events has a left hand. But he is possessed· j Ffrpo is game. Don't eveir make · · · of a right that i8' one of the1 :inost , a mistake a.bout that. I hit that O Lo·~ TI M ER S D ID N 'T PAY crushing things. the· prize ring e:ver I boy .with. e.verythi~g I had a.t lea8t M·UCH ATTENTION TO WEliGiH'T has produced. i 20 times m tha.t wild fitst· round. I XXiODOUCXXXIIUCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXji(XXXXMXXXXXXXXX T'oda.y ihe avN'a,gei fan wants to JC · - - · X see boys of equa,1 we·ight in the X T 'L .:z N E "\.VT JC ring, brut if we goi back over the I r'"'.1. E .'VY · = records we :will find some mighty

JC E s s E x s x JC quee•r things in, regard to. this 1C - I JC weight question. They all said = . = Dempsey was too big and hea.vy b . · ! for Tommy Gibbons,, hut the fight JC ; proveid they were wrong and, as JC <MOTOR BUILT UNDER x light as Gibbons wa.s, he made a = HUDSON PA TENTS> X better fight with Dempsey than any JC ~ oither hea,vy. X Low initial cost combined with economy of operation. JC I = = I .Joe Walcott was ai weH~r a.nd he x A THIRTY MINUTE RIDE JC fought Fred Russell, whoi weighed

· JC JC , 230; poul).ds, . and YI alcqitt. knocked X · WILL WIN YOU X him. out. ~ v JIC ... . M Pa ·r. T d . g c I a J ofel Choynski weighed a.round = Cl IC ra In O., nc. x 1 the mo ma.rk and he fought Jim X Motor Car Dept. I Corbett th1'ee1 times and Corbett lC . 30 T k R d X we.ighed 180. Ghnynski weighed I a u oa • = l 15s pounds the, day he knooked out JC JC Billy ·Wilson, n.egro hea,vy, who JiS TEL s 1930 s

434 X we·ighed 190 pounds. He gavei Joe IJ • • ' • a Goddard, thei . Australian heavy~


Page 22: 15thinfantry.org · 2016-07-27 · American Forces in China. No. 34 Tientsin, August 22, 1924, Vol. VI. CURRENT POLITICAL HAPPENINGS Convention which has not. yet beien I N C H I

August 22, 1924. 23 ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~·

A NEW DRIVJNG RECORD. Goddail'd down' so many times that he wo·re< himself o.ut. Goddard weighed some· 40 o·dd pounds more NEIW YOR·K MAN AT WHEIEiL

pany. Maxwell and Chrysler, metropolitan distributers, and with full co-operation of city and police officials. · than C'hoynski. Ohoynski knocked

out Joe M'cAuliffo, who weighed CONTINUQUS:LY 100 HRS.

~25 pounds, giving awa.y 62 pounds Ilfr. I1ockwood then drove to the in weight. He• also fQIUght men Mr. Harold L. ~Daredevil) City 81~11, where Mr .. Firancis P . like Sharkev who outwei""hed him I Lockwood, owner of a score or more Bent, d1rectC'.r of the City Board of ~o to. 30 p~~nds · " of world's records in the perform· /Investigation, locked .the handcuff - · ance of hair-raising stunts extra- i which attached Lockwood's le.ft hand

Bob Fitzsimmo•ns, ""ave, a,wa.y ordinary, . est.ablished a new world I to the steering wheel of the car and rom 40 to 60 poundsi i: lots of hfs I mark in New York recently, in a that key never. left th.e possession of

fi ht d th . j' Maxwell car; he completed 100 Mr. Bent until he himself released g 8 an won em. hours and 30 minutes of continuous Lockwood from the wheel. The

Ch ·l ·u·•t h 11 f ·ht J h L driving. hood of the car that was sealed at a1 ey ro.1 c e ouo · 0 n ·· th t t t t"ll · d ·t 1

11. •th b l 0 kl d \ a s ar · s I carne I s sea un-,_ u IV'an WI ' Me muc es a.n Police and hospital attendants broken at a late hour S1a.turday night gave away 34 porunds. who a8sisted in removing him from , ~several hoqrs after the finish.

. . . the car into an ambulance at the I . Thmk o~ it, Joe< Choyn~ki fought end of the endurance run ·pronounced I E~ther M'r. Colt or Mr. 1Slt;ewart,

J im " J effrtes and Joe ~1ppe'o. t.h6 the event the most thrilling de- I along with one or more of their re-5eales a.t 160 an. d Jeff weighed m at I monstration of human stamina that presentatives, w. ere with Lockwood :?~5 pounds, a dilfor'ence of 65 they had ever witnessed. most of the last twenty-four Iiours of pounds. • _ the run. At the finish on Saturday

'l'he endurance stunt, which for , afternoon , Mr. Colt sa.id to the as­Weighl a.} time:& mea,ns little1 or thrills had probably never been : sembled reporters: "It is the most

nothing and some da.y a little1 good equalled in New York automobile i remarkable demonstration of human man· who we'ighs less than, 160 I cimles before, started a.t 1 o'clock stamina, grit. and 'Power of will that

unds is very apt to knock o,ut a. on 'I'uesday afternoon, June 10, at I have ever seen. Lockwood is the heavy champion who weighs around Broadway and 56th Street under the gamest man I have met. As for the _ "7 foT a loop the loop. auspices of the Colt-Stewart Com- j Maxwell-it speaks for itself."





SUMMER SALE During this month we are making Generous Offers in all Depts.

A visit will Repay yru. <pen 8.30 a.m. Till S.30 p.m. ~.-:.~~~~~~~-

Astounding Value The Genuine and Guaranteed London made ··VALET" Auto Strop Razor. Complete with

Strop and blade in serviceable case. Best Value ever offered in Tientsin.

As k for Model 99. Sale Price $1.50 each.

45 only Clauss American 11azors.

::sually $1.95 & 2.50 Sale Price $1.20, 1.50 each

Sheffield Razors. Usually $1.95 2.50 3.50 4.50 each Sale Price $1.75 2.20 2.95 3.95 "


Valet Auto Strop. "It's the stropping that


,Just slip the strop throueh the Razor Head and six to­and-fro strokes put a perfect shaving edge on the Blade every time. Have you seen

Model C. No, 101 ? Valet Razor . Three Tested Blades. Good Leather strop put together in Neat Metal


Sale Price $2. 95 each.


Model 77 Heavy Nickel Plate Razor Complete

with One Blade in Neat Box Worth $2.50 Sale Price $1.00 each

GILT MODEL GILLETTE Triple Nickel Plated Razor. With 2 Blades in Gilt Container. Put

together in strong Fitted Box Sale Price $2. 50


Sale Price 35c., 45c., 70c. each FINEST QUALITIES

Sale Price $1.95 $2.95 $3.95 each

Page 23: 15thinfantry.org · 2016-07-27 · American Forces in China. No. 34 Tientsin, August 22, 1924, Vol. VI. CURRENT POLITICAL HAPPENINGS Convention which has not. yet beien I N C H I




The game opened with Molasses at thei stick, and SmaH-porx ca.tch­ing ; Ciga.r was in the box with plenty orf sm:okei ; Horn pla.yed .first ba.se with J?iddle on second, with Cmn and Uahba,g'er in the field. They made1 it hot for the Umpire Apple who was rotten". Axe1 ca.into to the bat but chopped Cigar let Brick side-walk, but Shoe laced onei to second for a pa.ir, and Sa.w­d.ust filled the ba,gs. Laundry sent <nie into the bleache·rs and cleaned the base~. Ciga.r was knocked off the rubber and Ballovn started to


made a, mess of it; Po.ta.tor had a good eye and waited while Thief stole second; Ma.tch comei up but was fanned o•ut; Light wa.s also put out and Ga.te closed the inning with threie1 good healthy swings. In the ninth; Apple told Fiddle to take first .base, then Song made another hit; Trombone ma,de a slide for third and Mea.t was put out on' the pla.te>; Lightning finished the game• and struck out one ma.n. T'here wa~ a. lot of bet­ting on the game, but G. I. Soap cleaned up; th~ sco,re :was 13 to 9, and Door said : if he would have pitched, he would have shut them out.

-H. Y. •t h b t t t ' . ht th •••••••••••••••••••••

Cherry trie.d it but was wil<l. Ice :i: THE :~ Jtl c. 1

ll ' ~ren s ,Ja,1g' ' u. P'e . e 1 ································································

kept coul m the game. Cabbage •!• •!•

} \'flNlER

ICftf -~

' 6 0

.... ... IU .... ~ ::z: IU :z ... .... c

August 2Z, 1924.

-... fll .... :z: -ac: c:: :E Ill ::s: ... • 0 a= u.. ... -... _ -

had a, good head and Grass covered :i: AMERICAN EXPRESS :~ a, lot of i\eld. The: cmwd cheered .:. .:. A Profes.sional.-A camparigner when Spider caught a. fly. Song .) COMPANY, Inc. .:. was cons'tantly interrupted bv a man ma.de a. hit and Wheel beat out a •;· 173 Victoria Road. •i• in the crowd, who kept shouting out, ~low rnlle·r to1 first a.:nd Drum: beat I ::: ::;, I "Liar I" Aft.er about the tJwentieth it to third, while Twenty scored; •!• •!• repet~t\QI1, the speaker P'aused and Wood caught Nail's drive t.hru the . •i• Travelers Cheques •i• fixt· his eyes on his tormentor. "If box and Submarine made a dive ~= The International Currency. ::: trhe gentlema.n who pen,ists in inrter-for home · Bread loafed ()Ill second .:. Sold Everywhere. .:. rupting," he &a.id, "will be gwd and wa~ ~ut: o~t biy Organ who •i• Accepted Anywhere. i: enough to tel.l us h~s ~ame i.nstead of

1 ·d f t C' dl was •.• • merely shoutmcr outJ his calling I a.fn p ay~· a, as . game. an e •:••:••:••:••:••!••!••!••!••:·~!••!••)•!••!••!••!••!••!••!••!• h 1 °, h b ' nut out, and String tied the score. I sure We .s a 1 a.il. i e e. ,Ple~se~ . to Rubber was out stretching a single, Weeding Them Out.--"Thati nove- mak.e his aoquamtance. -Christian then Stoiver got hot, because Coal lis,t says he took hii; charaoters frum Register. was put in tOI waJ"Ill. Crown rea.l lif'e. '' Prince sacrificed Ma.nn and.. Kaiser . 000000000000000000000 went out, Pray to Gott . Ba.yonett . "He S·hould be cncour:i.ged to ke·~P 0 0 sta,bbed Hindenburg's drive! thru on taking them," replied Mr. Grow-


0 0 the box. "Wilson, a.fter· ca.refol cJ:rnr. "The fewe~.like them i~ re~l 8 18 waiting, smashed Subma,rine's fast lif~ . the better. --Boston Trans- 0 A. S. w atson "&) Co. 0 one aud sent setve'.I'al men acros~. cnpt. Jg . . 8 Aero:plalle' dropped Shra:pnel's fly 0 Chemists and Druggists. 0 and Ha.for was put out by Gregg. One Dra.wback.-MJus.\ciau (doing O O Get·many put War to run on for badl.v)-"Ah, gentlemen, if we all g 8 Ye:ar's but was caught :na.pping by 'ad ;ur rights, I should be ridin' in 0 Victoria Road, 0 Frnnce who pla.yed a stellar pa.rt, me own carriage a1s1 I 'a,ve done be· 0 TIENTSIN. O Peace' .scored on Allies' sacrifice to fore ." g 8 Freed()m; Berlin kicked on o 0 'Vorld's dt!cision at first but stayed SKEPTic-"Yus., but your P!Offi' old 0 0 in the1 ~ame ~.nd Bun:rpas. stole mobber couldn't push you now!• •- · l 000000000000000000000 home while Krip was light.mg a London Himwri8t. cigarette. In the fifth, Wind 000000000000000000000000000000000000000.0000 began tn blow, what he' could do, 1 0 0 a.nd H ammrnr began to knock, and 8 WAS E D A 8 the trees began to le0m~1 ; the way O O they roasted Umpire Peanuts wa,-, 0 VS 0

a fright.. Ship hit a linei· to left 8 ALL TIENTSIN 4 P.m. Saturday, August 21 8 and Adding Ma.chine eTTored on O 0 Crank' s short punch, Whiskery then g 15th INF. , 3.30 Sunday, August 24 8 drew a pa.s.si and the; bases were Io ALL TIENTSIN 4 15 T d A g t 26 0 ful. l. Chicken foule:d out to Roost o · ues ay, u us o 9nd Knife was out cutting first g 15th INF. 4.15 Wednesday, August 27 8 base; T'en Pins wa.s then up, bu.t '! o O went out by the strike1-out route; o AT REOREAT ION PARK. o In the sev.enth .with threer baUs on . 8 · 8 Jew, hei hi:t a. lmeir fo Lunch. who l 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000