20151023 ventilation rate for battery room


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Based on BS EN 50272-2:2001,

Ventilation Air Flow Rate = v . q . s . n . Igas . Crt . 10-3 [m3/h]

Where, v= necessary dilution of hydrogen = (100% - 1%)/ 1% = 99

q= 0.42 x 10-3 m3/Ah generated hydrogens= 5, general safety factorn= Number of cells

Igas= Current producing gas in mA per Ah rated capacity for the the float chargecurrent Ifloat or the boost charge current Iboost (= Iboost x fg x fs mA/Ah)

Crt= Capacity C10 for lead acid cells (Ah), Uf=1.8 V/cell at 20oC

or capacity C5 for NiCd cells (Ah), Uf=1.0 V/cell at 20oC

Batteries for Solar System

Battery Type:- Lead Acid No. of Battery = 1Nos. of Cells for each Battery= 108Battery Rated Capacity = 800 AhIboost = 8 mA/Ah (according to Table-1 in BS EN 50272-2:2001)fg = 0.2 (according to Table-1 in BS EN 50272-2:2001)fs = 5 (according to Table-1 in BS EN 50272-2:2001)Igas = 8 x 0.2 x 5 = 8 mA/Ah

Minimum Ventilation Air Flow = 99 x 0.42 x 10-3 x 5 x 108 x 8 x 800 x 10-3

= 143.70 m3/hr= 84.58 cfm

Batteries for CCR DC System

Battery Type:- Lead Acid No. of Battery = 1Nos. of Cells for each Battery= 108Battery Rated Capacity = 1800 AhIboost = 8 mA/Ah (according to Table-1 in BS EN 50272-2:2001)fg = 0.2 (according to Table-1 in BS EN 50272-2:2001)fs = 5 (according to Table-1 in BS EN 50272-2:2001)Igas = 8 x 0.2 x 5 = 8 mA/Ah

Minimum Ventilation Air Flow = 99 x 0.42 x 10-3 x 5 x 108 x 8 x 800 x 10-3

= 323.33 m3/hr= 190.30 cfm