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izedLiving Magazine

January - February 2014

Maximum Blessings,

Dr. Ben Lerner Co-Founder of Maximized Living









I had a bodybuilder friend in college who spent most of the day eating. One day I asked him if he was hungry and wanted to go out to lunch. He said, “Hungry? What’s that got to do with eatin’?”

People eat due to stress, for comfort, because it’s dinner time, and occasionally because a reduction in nutrients causes the brain to trigger hormones that indicate the need to feed—a.k.a hunger. Personally, one big reason I eat is that I’m bored, so I tend to agree with my old college buddy. For me, hunger has little to do with eatin’.

As someone who earned a degree in nutrition 22 years ago and has worked with thousands of people who were trying to lose weight, I can tell you that most—if not all—dietary mind games don’t work.

Rather than changing your mind about WHY you’re eating, it’s much easier to change WHAT you’re eating. The key for me is knowing that I can’t chow down on carbs without creating problems. That’s why you’ll find green apples, raw nuts and grain-free, stevia-sweetened desserts on my desk at work.

While carbs set off a terrifying cascade of negative hormonal events, focusing on low glycemic foods like berries (in the morning), the right fats, and natural plant and animal proteins won’t send hormones like insulin, leptin and their inflammatory biomarkers into orbit.

If you struggle to lose weight or look your best, it’s likely your hormones are working against you. The good news is that these non-carb-based foods can reboot your hormones over time.

Weight loss is about having a diet based on hormones, which is why the Maximized Living Nutrition Plans are centered on eating low glycemic items and the foods I keep at my desk.

So whether you’re eating because it’s noon, because you’re boyfriend or girlfriend left you, or because you’re actually experiencing hunger, you can still feel comforted while losing the pounds.



In view of the complex, individual nature of health and fitness problems, this magazine and the ideas, programs, procedures, and suggestions in it are not intended to replace the advice of trained medical professionals. All matters regarding one’s health require medical supervision. A physician should be consulted prior to adopting any program or programs described in this magazine, or any of the Maximized Living™ resources. The contents of this magazine are based upon the opinions of the authors. The authors and publisher disclaim any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of this magazine.

This magazine is not intended to make recommendations related to getting on or off prescription or over-the-counter medication. If you face any current health concerns, or are currently taking medication, it is always recommended to seek the advice of your physician before starting a new health care program. Only your medical doctor can prescribe drugs or tell you to get off of drugs. Our role is to make you aware of the hazards of poor lifestyle decisions while helping you to create optimum function and healing in your body. In time, you must begin to judge for yourself whether your medications are keeping you alive, merely palliating symptoms of an unhealthy body, or actually causing some of the ailments you suffer from. With the guidance of your prescribing physician, you need to make your own best decisions on medication. As you heal, work with your medical doctors to help you reduce or eliminate the drugs you’re on.

The information in this magazine is intended to be educational and should not replace consultation with a competent health care professional. This magazine is intended to be used as an adjunct to responsible health care supervised by a healthcare professional. The authors and Maximized Living™ are not liable for any misuse of the material contained in this magazine.

Contact us: Maximized Living1170 Celebration Blvd., Suite 100BCelebration, FL 34747P: (321) 939-3060

Creating a Weight-Loss



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1. I’ve seen the 5 Essentials™ change my life, but how have they affected you Dr. Loman?

Dr.Greg - The 5 Essentials affected my life as a child so much that they inspired me to make chiropractic my profession. Most people choose a job or a career due to an attraction or desire to it. My journey was different; the 5 Essentials saved my life as a child.

When I was young, I was constantly sick. I basically lived at my pediatrician’s office. For years, no doctor could find the cause of my health problems. I had croup, asthma, constant lung problems and was eventually diagnosed with scoliosis. When I had my spine corrected at 12 and started living the 5 Essentials lifestyle, my life changed forever. All of my health problems began to disappear.

For the first 12 years of my life, my mother simply didn't understand that the body knows how to heal itself as long we remove the interferences and give it what it needs. Give your child or grandchild the greatest gift of all: Get their spines checked at a Maximized Living office!

2. I’m trying to help my parents successfully lose weight like I did with Maximized Living. What would you say are the three best pointers I could give them?

GL- I love this question. Can I be brutally honest? Your parents probably will not listen to you! Remember, you are still their child so you are supposed to listen to them. (This answer comes from many years of wisdom, so make sure not to push them.) I do, however, have some suggestions if you’re really trying to help:

a) Get them to a Maximized Living doctor and team. They are highly trained and know how to properly lead your parents through the process of getting well through safe, reasonable weight loss.

b) Purchase them a copy of the Maximized Living Nutrition Plans! Typically, people will listen to authorities on a subject, and our nutrition plans simply work.

c) Invite them to one of the next talks in your Maximized Living Doctor’s office. Most people see greater fitness and weight loss results when they come to the conclusion themselves, as opposed to being told they need to lose weight.

3. How does spinal correction help my body detoxify? GL - If you told most people that getting your spine

healthy can help with detoxification, they might look at you like you need a straitjacket—because they were never taught how the body was designed to function and heal naturally. Understanding the connection between the nerve system and the rest of the body can be the answer to all health issues. The spine is directly related to detoxification through the nerve system. Our vital organs and processes—including our liver, kidneys and metabolism—are directly controlled by our nerve system. If your spine is experiencing unhealthy pressure, then irritation occurs. This ultimately causes malfunction to the organs directly related to detoxification. By getting your spine corrected, you boost your body’s ability to function which equals better detoxification and overall health improvement.


SOURCEEach issue, we will look to Maximized Living co-founder Dr. Greg Loman to answer some of the burning questions we receive from our readers. If you want to ask Dr. Loman a question, you can email him at [email protected].

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izedLiving Magazine

January - February 2014

I have heard many New Year’s resolutions

throughout my 17-year chiropractic career. The most

common resolutions are based around a single statement: “I want to get


Often, when people say they want to get healthy, what they really want is to lose weight and get fit. Here at Maximized Living, we are dedicated to healthy weight loss and lifelong fitness.

First, let’s fully understand how Essential #3: Maximized Quality Nutrition relates to weight loss.

Food for FunctionThere are lots of things you can do nutrition-wise to lose weight, but they don’t necessarily produce more health in your body.

For instance, fad dieting and severely restricting the amount of food you eat can cause a bit of weight loss, but each of these options usually leaves your body craving nutrients it needs for very basic functions (hormone production, metabolism, etc.).

The Maximized Living Nutrition plans are specifically designed to not only get your body burning fat, but also provide you with the right nutrients so your body can begin to function at higher level.

What I have seen over my years of practice is that when patients start our Advanced Plan, they have great success with health and weight loss. However, I do see some common obstacles.

• Not planning to be hungry. 1. I teach my patients that you have to plan to be hungry. 2. You have to know what you are going to eat before you get hungry, because if you don’t, you will grab something that isn’t on the plan.

• Succumbing to negativity. 1. It never fails. When someone is trying to change to make themselves healthier, many of the

people around them will try to talk them out of it. For example, while making your Perfect Protein shake at work, coworkers may try to talk you into eating fast food. 2. It is their justification for their actions—not yours. You have to learn to tune out the naysayers.

Fit and FirmWe address lifelong fitness with Essential #4: Maximized Oxygen and Lean Muscle.

The vast majority of people know that working out is great for their health, but they are prone to avoid it because it can be seen as difficult. The number one excuse that I hear is: “I don’t have the time.”

Our Max T3 program is amazing for delivering a strong cardiovascular and strength workout in as few as 12 minutes a day. By combining these types of workouts, you get more oxygen into your system and develop more lean tissue. The more lean tissue you have, the higher your resting metabolism (this means you burn more calories while you are not exercising).

Resolutions without ResolveIf everyone wants to get healthy with New Year’s resolutions, why do so few people actually stick to their goals?

Recent research has been very clear on this.

In fact, a 2012 study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology stated that, within the first week, 25 percent of people have already given up on their resolutions. By the end of January, 36 percent will have quit, and at the six-month mark that number jumps to 54 percent. Tally the results at the year’s end and you’ll find that a whopping 92 percent of New Year’s resolutions have been abandoned.

This leads me to believe that most people are failing to see encouraging results.

If more people are recognizing that they look and feel better after starting a resolution, then wouldn’t that be motivation enough for them to stick with it for more than a month or two?

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What I believe is happening is that almost everyone starts off eating better and exercising more, but if they don’t see any immediate improvements to their overall health they quit.

This is where “common knowledge” can be somewhat misleading. I know what you’re thinking: Shouldn’t I get healthier if I eat better and exercise?

Truthfully, that isn't always true, and the best example I can give you with this is professional athletes.

Professional athletes can be some of the fittest, leanest people on the planet. If lean and fit meant healthy, they would be the healthiest people on the planet as well.

Unfortunately, the opposite is true. The NFL players union and Harvard University released a study stating average life expectancy of professional football player is mid-to late-50s, as opposed to mid-and late-70s for the average person.

Throughout my career, I have seen many people who were incredibly lean and fit, yet very sick.

What were they missing? The other 3 Essentials. Especially with athletes, Essential #2 Maximized Nerve Supply is absolutely critical.

Without proper nerve supply, your body’s cells, organs and systems cannot function properly no matter how well you eat or how often you exercise. So when you start your New Year’s resolution, be extra careful with your spine during your exercise program.

The great thing is that our Max T3 program was developed by a Maximized Living doctor and fitness expert who fully understands the importance of the 5 Essentials—so extra care to your spine was taken into consideration as the program was developed.

Make sure to get your spine checked with your Maximized Living doctor before starting any new exercise routine. And if you’re currently on a spinal correction or maintenance program, be sure to follow your doctor’s recommendations for spinal adjustments and exercises.

Here at Maximized Living we see greater long term success with patient’s resolutions. We believe our 5 Essentials, simple programs and unique culture give patients the resolve they need to start their own personal health revolution.

At A Glance...Clinically, I have noticed associated injuries common to certain forms of exercise.

Activity Affected Spinal Area

RunningLumbar spine, Mostly L5

Weight Lifting Thoracic Spine

Bike Riding Lumbar Spine

Swimming Neck

Tennis Neck

Golf Neck

Cross FitNeck and Lumbar spine

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izedLiving Magazine

January - February 2014

A Cure From an Incurable DiseaseBy Sister Monica Mary,Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of the Church

Back in 2009, I had to be removed from my teaching assignment because I was having difficulty holding my arm up to write on the chalkboard. I was also

losing my balance, losing my voice, and I had trouble staying awake in the classroom.

I was transferred to the infirmary at our Motherhouse in Baltic, Conn., and started going to a wide variety of specialists to discover what was wrong with my body. Shortly after that, I ended up in the emergency room and was admitted to the hospital. It turned out that my diaphragm had stopped working, my blood pressure was extremely high, and my cholesterol levels climbed to over 800 mg/dL. While in the hospital I was tested all hours of the day for a week to determine what was wrong. Then the diagnosis came—myasthenia gravis. MG is an incurable autoimmune neuromuscular disease that would require treatment for the rest of my life. Wow!

So my life of infusions began. I was receiving IVIG Gammagard infusions (which contain human plasma, blood platelets, antibodies and more) five days a week, every three to four weeks. Since my veins did not like the infusions, I had to have a port placed in my chest in January of 2010.

I just couldn’t accept that I was going to spend the rest of my life living this way and decided to get a second opinion. I went to several more neurologists and experts, and with every test they took, my results were getting worse. I went to an acupuncturist and after a month of needles, she told me she couldn’t help me. I also visited a naturopathic doctor, but that didn’t help either. I tried an eye therapist for four weeks where I would follow her hand movements and think about happy things but that had its limits, too.

I saw a total of eight different doctors on a regular basis for different issues, and each confirmed that this was indeed a lifetime diagnosis that would require lifetime treatment.

At that point, I had problems swallowing. My digestive system was getting worse. My kidneys and liver were

beginning to shut down, and I was falling into my walker when moving about. I had a three-page list of medications. I often got discouraged because I would miss out on community gatherings at the convent. I couldn’t teach or do anything productive to help my religious family. Exercising was completely out of the question, I couldn’t eat most foods, and most of my time was spent either resting in my room or in prayer at the chapel. At the time it seemed that the only good thing that could come out of all my suffering was that my friendship with my Divine Spouse grew deeper.

One day my prayers for healing were answered.

It started with one of my Sisters receiving care at PROHealth Chiropractic Center, a Maximized Living clinic in Connecticut. She experienced amazing results and that inspired several of us to attend an annual event at the clinic. That event was the “Cancer Killer Makeover” and I made it a priority to attend since I already had breast cancer back in 1991. It was important for me to do everything possible to avoid another diagnosis, especially with everything else I had going on. During the workshop, Dr. Valov and Dr. Sousa were teaching us the exact same thing the neurologists had been telling me: The brain is the control center of the body, sending messages through the nerves to all of the organs. It made complete sense that if a subluxation is blocking the nerve pathways, then my body parts cannot get the proper messages and would cause disease to develop. The only difference is that the Maximized

* This is the testimonial from a real Maximized Living patient. If you would like to contribute your story to this series, please contact us at: [email protected]. Results may vary. Consult your physician before beginning any new health or fitness program.

Changed Lives

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Living doctors didn’t prescribe medications, use infusions, or do surgery. They used their hands to adjust the vertebrae of the spine and allow the power that God put in our bodies to heal our bodies.

I scheduled my appointment for the first available time and the X-rays showed that my spine was going zigzag in several different places. That explained why my body was developing disease long before any of my symptoms surfaced.

Now, for the first time, I actually knew the cause of my disease process.

I began getting adjusted to correct my spine. With the very first adjustment I noticed a difference in how my body felt and how it was functioning. I felt lighter, my breathing was better and I was walking somewhat better.

Because of the myasthenia gravis diagnosis, every time I used to go to the neurologists or any other medical doctor’s appointment, they had me fill out a review of systems checklist with 36 common symptoms and I pretty much had all 36. When I started getting adjusted however, it seemed that every time I went to the Maximized Living clinic, another symptom was disappearing. The doctors would just tell me to lie down on the adjusting table so they can “turn the power on” and my body can heal some more.

What happened next was nothing short of a miracle.

After three weeks of implementing the 5 Essentials into my daily lifestyle, I woke up in the middle of the night with a feeling that something was different. It took a while for me to realize that it was my breathing that was different, and that the feeling I experienced was actually my diaphragm working on its own again! Progressively, every system in my body was getting healthier.

Due to the cancer diagnosis in 1991 and having large cysts in both breasts, every six months I was scheduled to receive MRI mammograms and MRI-guided biopsies whenever it was needed. After following the Maximized Living program for a month, I went in for my next appointment. The only difference was that this time I did not need the MRI biopsy because the cysts were completely gone and all the scar tissue from the previous biopsies was actually disappearing.

When it came time for my December infusion—after only two months of adjustments—I was told that I no longer needed any infusions because my blood test results were improving! A month later, I was getting better and better, and I went to the surgeon to have my port removed. When he questioned me what I did to heal from my “incurable disease,” he probably expected me to say I went for healing to Lourdes or something like that. He said that no one ever gets cured from myasthenia gravis and was shocked when I mentioned chiropractic and the 5 Essentials of Maximized Living. I didn’t think much of it though, I had that port in my body since January of 2010 and the results spoke loud and clear.

My journey to health continues and today I am down 41 pounds and off every medication I was taking. That's 32 prescriptions and over the counter medications! At 65 years of age, I am healthier than I have been in decades.

I now have a new life, working out in the missions of the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of the Church, and I now have a new assignment in Footville, Wisc. I drive about an hour to get my adjustments at Dr. Jared Erdmier’s clinic, Chiropractic First of Rockford, Ill., because I have found the same caring, compassionate doctors and team as I found in Connecticut. It is amazing that the Maximized Living program, doctors and team provide the same awesome experience all over the world!

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izedLiving Magazine

January - February 2014

Is a Little Cold Ruining Your Routine?• The harsh winter cold can take a big nasty bite out of

your training regimen. Below-freezing temperatures can dissuade even the fittest people you know. Add the bitter chill to the stress of your already jam-packed daily schedule and the sniffles are always just one step away.

• While you may be able to overcome the urge to weather the early morning cold from the comfort of your toasty bed, waiting to get over a cold is another story. A cold can derail even the most dedicated fitness routine.

• Maximized Living’s Vitamin D3 Complex promotes enhanced immunity that neutralizes the stresses of daily workouts and frigid temperatures, which can otherwise leave you vulnerable to illness.

• If you’re under the weather, bounce back better than ever with Vitamin D3 Complex.

Too Tired to Fight through a Training Plateau?• We all need protein to keep our bodies functioning in

top shape, no matter our level of athletic ability. From Olympians to your next door neighbors, everyone needs protein for muscle enhancement, especially when pushing through a training “plateau.”

• Why? Because healthy protein activates a neuropeptide called orexin that helps you stay alert and energetic. The amino acids found in protein are the building blocks of life, and they excite orexin neurons at the cellular level.

• Maximized Living’s Perfect Protein is an excellent source of clean, energizing protein, as it is derived from 100-percent grass-fed cattle. It is delicately filtered at a low temperature, which leaves the orexin-activating amino acids intact and ready to work for you.

• When you hit a weight loss wall that seems to stifle your resolution, keep pushing with Perfect Protein.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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Plenty of obstacles await those who resolve to get fit in the new year. From the wintry wind chill to sickness and soreness, you will have to persist through challenges both inside and out.

But don’t go it alone.

Utilize the Maximized Living tools that are at your disposal. In addition to the life-giving adjustments you get here in our clinic, you can use the resources we provide to sidestep some of the most common problems staring back at your New Year’s goal.

Stuck on the Sidelines Nursing Sore Joints and Muscles?• Stress and sore muscles are the top two deterrents of new fitness

regimens.• After a long layoff, even moderate exercise can leave you feeling

winded. A steady dose of good, healthy fats can keep cells healthy during workouts.

• Omega fatty acids are particularly helpful. Known for reducing joint pain and inflammation, omega-3s can be the difference between a joyous night on the town and an evening of icing your aching knees.

• Omegas are often grossly out of balance in the average American diet, which can wreak havoc on your health. The ideal ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids is 2:1, yet the average American’s can be as high as 20:1!

• Maximized Living’s Perfect Ratio Omega can help lessen the inflammation that accompanies a fitness routine, and will also restore your body’s ratio of omega fatty acids.

• Don’t fight through the pain; eliminate it with Perfect Ratio Omega.

Talk to your Maximized Living doctor about these resolution-reaching resources TODAY!




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izedLiving Magazine

January - February 2014

On Mother’s Day, I came home from a weekend of teaching to an incredible organic dinner, which included an organic lasagna and a raw vegan

super food key lime pie for dessert—all prepared by my amazing four children!

I put a photo of this on Facebook with the caption “My healthy raw organic super food key lime pie...made by my 17-year-old...who said eating healthy isn’t delicious!”

The response highlighted the need to help get information to people regarding food amidst a plethora of endless and confusing information about healthy eating that, more often than not, seems to be contradictory. In my opinion, the best way to approach eating, weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight to consider the role of thinking as it relates to eating.

We are thinking beings made in the image of a thinking God. We are thinking, choosing and building thoughts all day long, and at night time we are sorting out our thoughts when we sleep. Research shows that 75-98 percent of physical, mental, emotional and behavioral illnesses come from toxic thinking.

What we think actually affects our physical bodies and spiritual development and feeds back in to our minds in a continually.

Our large and small intestines are lined with neurons, neuropeptides and receptors enabling them to respond to how we are thinking. The pancreas releases more than 20 different emotionally laden neuropeptides that regulate the assimilation and storage of nutrients and whose function is affected by our thinking. A structure in the brain called the insula is very important in the translation of information between the mind and the body, as well as between thoughts (memories) of the past moving into the present. The insula literally translates our thinking into physical reactions in our bodies.

Eating is a highly emotional and cognitive event, so what we are currently thinking about as well as what memories

have popped up from the past will not only affect our food choices, but also how our digestive system actually processes the food. Therefore, it is not a good idea to eat when you are angry, dealing with a major issue or trying to bury a toxic thought (the latter is never a good idea anyway!) because the toxins generated by toxic thoughts interfere with the proper workings of the digestive system.

The act of eating, and the choices involved in eating, come first from our minds. If we make unhealthy decisions concerning food, these choices reflect our current state of mind. Unhealthy minds open up the door for many more problems to develop, thus it is essential to keep our minds healthy and junk food-free.

Eating is an emotional event. The two most extreme cases of the unhealthy mind-body connection—gluttony and anorexia—start in the mind.

The mind is in a unique position between the spirit and the physical. It is through the mind that we choose to harness the neuroplasticity of our brains, and choose to rewire—or renew—our mind.

Make an effort to tune into your thoughts. Stand outside of yourself and observe your words, actions and emotions but, most importantly, use your mind to develop an ongoing internal conversation with God about everything. And this conversation must include what your body needs to eat and when, as well as how much it needs.

The mind controls the brain, and the brain controls the body. To lose that excess weight and get healthier, we must first detox our minds.

Superthinking Plus Super Food Helps Maintain a

Super Brain!

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About Dr. Caroline Leaf

Since 1985, Dr Caroline Leaf, a communication pathologist and audiologist, has worked in the area of cognitive neuroscience. She specialized in traumatic brain injury (TBI) and learning disabilities focusing specifically on the science of thought as it pertains to thinking and learning. A large part of her research in recent years has been to link scientific principles with scripture showing how science is catching up with the Bible. She has also developed a program to help her patients improve emotional issues, learning, trauma, anxiety, health and more. To learn more about this new program, visit www.21daybraindetox.com. Dr. Leaf and her husband, Mac, live in Dallas with their four children.

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izedLiving Magazine

January - February 2014

In 2013, Jo-Ann Rizzo was preoccupied with Sochi, Russia. This Maximized Living patient was focused on maximizing her

performance to give her the best chance possible to represent Team Canada in the 2014 Winter Olympics.

Rizzo is an expert curler hailing from a nation that excels in the sport. Canada has been dominant at the Winter Olympics in the sport of curling for many years, and anything less than a gold medal is considered a poor showing.

Rizzo trains as hard as any athlete in any sport and has incorporated the 5 Essentials of Maximized Living into her training regimen. She is currently the vice for Team Sherry Middaugh of Ontario.

At the rink, Jo-Ann practices by throwing approximately 200 curling rocks per day along the ice (each rock weighs 40 pounds!). Rizzo is also strict with her nutrition and trains with a personal trainer who incorporates many MaxT3 exercises as part of her workout routine.

She receives regular chiropractic corrective adjustments from Maximized Living’s Dr. Colin Elkin (Brantford, Ontario) to ensure she can recover with ease.

After a strong showing at Tim Horton’s Roar of the Rings in Winnipeg—the Olympic qualifying tournament for curlers hoping to represent Team Canada—Rizzo and her team fell just shy of their goal.

Rizzo and and the rest of Team Middaugh clawed their way into the tournament championship by squeaking out a tiebreaker victory to earn a playoff spot. Once there, the team overwhelmed their semifinal opponents.

Unfortunately, Rizzo and Team Middaugh were bested in the finals, leaving them just one match short of the Sochi Olympics. The competition did prove, however, that Rizzo and her teammates are neck-and-neck with the who’s-who of Canadian curling.

Congratulations to Jo-Ann and the rest of Team Middaugh!

Maximized Living patient Jo-Ann Rizzo receives regular chiropractic corrective adjustments from Maximized Living’s Dr. Colin Elkin (Brantford, Ontario) to ensure she can recover with ease.

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If you struggle to lose weight, you likely have an imbalance of hormones caused by prolonged toxicity. You can overcome your

resistance to weight loss by balancing your hormones with a safe, natural detoxification system.

The hormone insulin controls sugar and fat storage, while leptin is needed to burn fat. If toxicity is allowed to increase in your body, these two hormones become far less effective. Maximized Living Detox System is a two-part system that revives both insulin and leptin, while comfortably cleansing your entire body down to the cellular level.

Detox System features several all-natural compounds that are essential to removing waste and promoting proper digestion—the key components of natural, safe detoxification.

CHLORELLA. Classified as a superfood, chlorella improves the function of the intestines while removing waste from the liver, gallbladder and colon. It also protects your body from free radical damage.

ACTIVATED CHARCOAL. A well-known detoxifier, activated carbon naturally absorbs and binds to toxins to help remove them from the body. Unlike many cleanses, Detox System makes this process comfortable.

MAGNESIUM. Derived from alfalfa, magnesium mirrors the benefits of its chlorophyll-rich source, including the removal of excess body fluid, improving digestion and improving kidney, bladder and prostate disorders. Made using our nutrient-dense matrix of whole food ingredients, Detox System removes harmful toxins that cause your body to resist its natural ability to manage weight.

Ask your doctor about ML Detox System® today. * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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izedLiving Magazine

January - February 2014

Because New Year’s resolutions are far too well known as great ideas from once upon a time, Maximized Living developed an all-natural supplement to support your health and fitness goals.

Max Fit™ was designed specifically to help boost your energy levels and gain control of your weight. Containing clinically studied botanical ingredients like decaffeinated green coffee bean extract and the Indian Ayurvedic herb known as ashwagandha, Max Fit can also help increase athletic performance.

Max Fit is not made solely for athletes. People of all ages, backgrounds and levels of athletic ability can utilize Max Fit to lose weight, building muscle and boost endurance.

Max Fit can also aid:• Metabolism• Stress management• Cortisol regulation• Healthy weight management

Made from 100-percent whole food ingredients, Max Fit is the perfect energy-boosting complement to fat-burning MaxT3 workouts.

Don’t let your 2014 resolution slip through your grasp.

Talk to your doctor about Max Fit today!


* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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Tried and


New to


Spicy Cinnamon Smoothie Servings: 1-2• 1⁄2 Bunch of Kale• 1 Banana• 1⁄4 Cup Red Grapes• 1 Teaspoon Vanilla• 1 Teaspoon Cinnamon• 1 Dash of Cayenne Pepper (to

taste)• 1⁄2 Cup of Ice• 1⁄2 Cup Water or Until Desired

Consistency is Reached

Apple-Almond Smoothie Servings: 1• Handful of Greens (Swiss

Chard, Spinach, Kale)• 1⁄4-1⁄2 Cup Coconut Milk• 1 Frozen Banana, Sliced• Spoonful Almond Butter• 1 Apple, Peeled

Mint Choco-nut Dream Soothie Servings: 1• 1-2 Scoops chocolate whey

protein powder• 1⁄4 -1⁄2 can coconut milk• 1⁄2 - 1 Teaspoon spoonable

Stevia• 1 tablespoon hemp seed oil

(optional)• 1 teaspoon almond butter

(optional)• 1 tablespoons mint flavored

greens powder• 1 teaspoon organic cocoa

Chocolate Cappuccino Smoothie Servings: 1• 1/2 can organic coconut milk• 1/2 teaspoon vanilla• 1-2 tablespoons organic cocoa

powder• 2 packets stevia (or adjust to

your taste)• 3-5 organic coffee beans (if you

have a powerful blender like a Vitamix, you can just throw them in…otherwise grind with a coffee grinder or small spice grinder)

• 1/2 cup ice**OPTIONAL: for an extra healthy boost, you can add greens powder, fresh greens, or cabbage

Pistachio SmoothieServings: 1• 1 1/2 cups full fat coconut milk• Large handful organic spinach• Handful shelled pistachios• 1/2 avocado• 2 -3 scoops Perfect Protein• 2 cups ice• More stevia to taste

Amaretto Cappuccino Smoothie Servings: 1• 3/4 cup unsweetened almond

milk• 1/4 cup coconut milk• 1 scoop chocolate Perfect Protein• 1 teaspoon instant espresso

powder• 1 tablespoon stevia to taste• 1 teaspoon raw almond butter• 4 strong coffee ice cubes

Prepare an ice cube tray with strong coffee and freeze. I use approximately 10 oz. of water to 3 teaspoons of instant espresso powder, and mix the coffee in a drinking glass before pouring it into the ice cube tray. Adjust the strength of the coffee to your taste. Once frozen, keep the coffee ice cubes in a re-sealable plastic bag in the freezer

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izedLiving Magazine

January - February 2014

Most Americans are unaware of the chronic disease and pain caused by inflammation and toxicity.

Inflammation is now linked to heart disease, stroke, arthritis, fibromyalgia, type II diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, various cancers and a vast array of other chronic health conditions. Toxicity, on the other hand, is an inescapable part of modern life. From environmental hazards like contaminated tap water and mercury poisoned fish to household threats like cleaners, solvents and food additives, toxins must be proactively diffused or they can wreak havoc on health.

Surprisingly, genetic predisposition only accounts for a small percentage of these maladies. The rest is due to inflammation caused by stress, an over exposure to environmental toxins and nutrient poor diets. And unfortunately, too few North Americans take the necessary steps to combat these ill effects.

Typical American ResponseAs a society, synthetic drugs tend to be our main response to health threatening inflammation. The most common solution is to rely on nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, naproxen or aspirin. Prescriptions for generic ibuprofen and naproxen exceed 500 million per year. Over-the-counter formulas are consumed in similar quantities. These will reduce inflammation, but at considerable risk.

All NSAIDs carry a warning on the label about the risks of potential heart attack, stroke and stomach bleeding. Even WebMD cautions you to never use an over-the-counter NSAID continuously for more than 10 days without checking with your doctor. Common side effects of NSAIDs include: stomach pain and heartburn, stomach ulcers, increased bleeding risk, headaches and dizziness,

ringing in the ears, allergic reactions, liver or kidney problems, high blood pressure and leg swelling.

It’s well worth asking the question: Are there less risky options when it comes to fighting inflammation?

A Much Better AlternativeThree nutrients go a long way toward decreasing inflammation and the organic degeneration it causes: turmeric, Indian gooseberry and superoxide dismutase. Let’s examine each one more closely.

TurmericThe golden color of turmeric is due to a bioactive component called curcumin. Curcumin has been identified as the primary healing component in turmeric. Curcumin’s antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties can help prevent numerous diseases, especially those triggered by inflammation.

The curcumin in turmeric, for instance, has been shown by several studies to help reduce malignancies, including prostate, pancreatic, breast and colon cancers. In one instance, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Texas studied the effects of curcumin on gemcitabine, the primary chemotherapy drug for pancreatic cancer. This drug often loses effectiveness during treatment as cancer cells develop resistance. The study—which was conducted on both cultured pancreatic cancer cells and in live animal subjects—showed that curcumin enhances treatment efficacy by preventing the cancer cells from developing resistance.

Another study of rheumatoid arthritis patients showed curcumin to be more effective than the commonly used synthetic drug, diclofenac sodium. Research suggests that obesity and type II diabetes are also positively affected by curcumin. One study showed better glycemic control among male mice given curcumin, while another study found a reversal in inflammatory responses associated with obesity.

Due to curcumin’s ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and bind to amyloid-beta plaques in the brain, curcumin may also help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Its ability to help clear these damaging plaques has been demonstrated in animal studies.


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GooseberryIndian gooseberry, also called amla, is an edible fruit which also exhibits strong anti-inflammatory properties. It has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for more than 3,000 years, but was first acknowledged in Western medicine in the 1930s. Today it is most lauded for its ability to heal and possibly prevent atherosclerosis and heart disease.

In a study with rats, supplementation with Indian gooseberry for 14 days prevented oxidant damage to the cardiovascular system by preventing the inflammation associated with blood cells attaching to the endothelial linings of blood vessels.

A similar benefit was suggested by a New Delhi study, in which Indian gooseberry was shown to help maintain healthy cholesterol levels. For 28 days, researchers administered gooseberry to a group of men between the ages of 35 and 55, who had normal or elevated cholesterol levels. Not only did total cholesterol levels decrease in all the subjects, but the cholesterol levels returned to original levels two weeks after supplementation ceased.

Bottom line: Indian gooseberry extract seems to have the ability to help prevent the arterial plaque associated with oxidation, inflammation and high cholesterol.

Superoxide DismutaseAnother consequence of high inflammation is high acidity. Not only does an acidic body make you more vulnerable to disease, but, without adequate nutrition, your body will extract alkalizing minerals from bones and other areas to attain a proper pH balance. To avoid such damage, your body needs both anti-inflammatory nutrients and ample supplies of alkalizing minerals.

Cantaloupe is one such food. Its anti-inflammatory properties come from the nutrient superoxide dismutase. Here’s why superoxide dismutase is so important.

Oxygen is necessary for life, but also damaging over the long term. Reactive forms of oxygen, such as superoxide (oxygen with an extra electron), leak from respiratory enzymes and wreak havoc on cells by causing mutations in DNA. It has been theorized that damage to cell DNA is a primary cause of aging. Superoxide dismutase gets its name from its ability to “dis-mutate” superoxide, thereby limiting its damaging effects.

Though all animals are born with adequate amounts of superoxide dismutase, levels decrease as we get older. Consequently, oxidative damage and associated inflammatory diseases also increase as we age. It makes sense for adults to increase their intake of superoxide dismutase. But how? Though fruits like cantaloupe provide a significant source of this anti-inflammatory antioxidant, stomach acids and intestinal enzymes can quickly destroy it. The best way to increase levels is by supplementing with formulas that contain concentrated amounts.

The VerdictDue to dangerous side effects, prescription drugs are not always the best solution when there are natural alternatives that can work just as well, if not better. Fighting inflammation is a good example. Why risk the side effects of synthetic drugs like NSAIDs when natural anti-inflammatory nutrients like curcumin, gooseberry and superoxide dismutase may be equally or more effective?

As always, keep in mind not all supplements are created equal. When possible, choose highly absorbent, whole food based supplements that are free from synthetic chemicals and fillers. Maximized Living’s Daily Defense formula, which contains all three of the nutrients described above, is an excellent choice.

Talk to Your Doctor about Daily Defense TODAY!

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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izedLiving Magazine

January - February 2014

We live in a much different era regarding the life of a typical child.

With the wonderful advances in technology, educating today’s child is a growing challenge. More and more children are turning to the internet and devices for their information and entertainment.

This has led to a troubling dependence on technology and the internet.

Gaming, texting and social media have started to steal every minute of time available. While our children become increasingly affixed to handheld devices and the many forms of multimedia, a different—and more concerning—challenge has also popped up.

The headline reads, “Long Island Middle School Bans Footballs, Other Recreational Items .”

Yes, you read that correctly. Now our children’s fitness and recreation are being challenged in the nebulous name of safety, likely due to insurance costs or society’s lawsuit-happy nature. The school officials cite playground injuries as the reason for this change.

As a parent and natural health doctor, I find this troubling.With a generation of children struggling with obesity and poor health, I find it hard to fathom why our educational system would make it even more difficult to get exercise (working around video games is hard enough).

It’s absolutely critical that we take ownership of our family’s health, especially for our children. It’s more important than ever to implement structure and fun into an exercise program for your child. Below are some quick tips and ideas to make this work for your family:

BY: Dr. Renee LopezDr. Ashly Ochsner

Maximized Living Doctors

• Schedule it. If it’s not in the schedule, it usually won’t happen. Schedule regular exercise and recreation time for your children. One hour per day of physical play and activity will do wonders for your child’s fitness and overall health.

• Limit video gaming. Most home gaming systems have a function in their settings in which you can place time limits on game playing. Limit your child’s time to create another opportunity for physical play.

• Organized activities. Your local park district has a wealth of opportunity for physical play at prices that typically are very affordable.

• Be a leader. There are programs out there that empowered parents can get involved in helping to implement at their schools. The NFL for instance has their ‘Play 60’ movement. Through a partnership with the American Heart Association, their 4-6 week ‘Play 60 challenge’ provides easy ways to get your school more active and healthy throughout the school day. They have built fun ways to incorporate short, 3-5 minute activity breaks into the curriculum the school is already teaching their students. (It does take a motivated parent to bring this program to their local school’s attention and get it in place, but maybe that parent is you!)

As you can see, there are many options out there, and rather than allow schools to limit our children’s play, recreation, and physical activity, you can find creative ways to take responsibility for this in your child’s life.

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Regardless of your personal stance, social media has transformed the way we use the Internet and how we talk to each other. This fledgling form of media is

continually evolving, and many of its most powerful uses come in the form of support and encouragement.

This can prove especially helpful during a season of weight-loss resolutions.

It was not too long ago that, if you wanted support for weight loss, you had to physically drive to a weekly meeting to talk about your challenges and progress; or you had to attend classes to learn about proper eating and exercising habits. These days, social media platforms let you flaunt your successes and seek help for your hurdles.

When you're online, social media can lead you to millions of others who have fought the same battles and overcome

the same adversities.

Here are three platforms you can use to connect with fellow Maximized Living members, and how each platform can support your weight-

loss efforts:

1. Facebook — Most people use Facebook to share their personal activities with friends. Document your journey by taking photos of your Maximized Living appointments and events. Let your friends know that you're on a journey and need their support. You'll be surprised how willing they are to be there for you.

2. Pinterest — Looking for a great place to share your favorite recipes and motivational quotes? Then Pinterest is your home. You'll also find a great collection of Maximized Living-approved recipes and tips on our Pinterest page.

3. YouTube — True, lasting weight loss requires integration of all 5 Essentials. You'll find supportive videos to give you a boost throughout your journey on the Maximized Living YouTube channel. As an added bonus, you can also use YouTube to document your progress.

Whether you’re trying to lose weight, get fit or just feel better in 2014, know that—with social media—you have an entire community at your side, no matter where you are.

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izedLiving Magazine

January - February 2014