2012-13 vava efp

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  • 8/2/2019 2012-13 VAVA EFP


    Enrollment Forms Packet (EFP)Please review the information below. Based on your student(s) grade and applicable circumstances, you are required to

    submit documentation in order to complete this step in the enrollment process. You can fax, scan and email, or mail the

    required paperwork .

    Important Note: Please send copies, do not mail the original documents

    Fax (preferred): Scan and Email: Mail:

    1-877-843-5902 [email protected] Virginia Virtual Academy

    2300 Corporate Park DriveSuite 200Herndon, VA 20171

    Virginia Virtual Academy - A program o

    the Carroll County School District

    Enrollment Processing Center

    2300 Corporate Park Drive

    Suite 200

    Herndon, VA 20171

    Ph. 1.877.382.6514

    Fx. 1.877.843.5902


    Required For? Item Description Provided by?

    Required or all


    Proo o Age Ocial Birth Certifcate (not the hospital issued certifcate) Provided by you

    Proo o ResidencyDrivers License, Utility bill showing current address OR Mortgage Statement/

    Rental contract including signature page.Provided by you

    Hearing, Vision and


    Part 1. This section is flled out by the Parent/Guardian. Part 2. This orm is

    completed by your students physician. Part 3. This orm is completed by your

    students physician.

    Provided in this


    Notifcation o O-

    ense FormPlease complete and submit.

    Provided in this


    Family Income

    FormPlease complete and submit.

    Provided in this


    Home Language


    Please complete and submit.Provided in this

    packetSchool Ethnicity

    SurveyPlease complete and submit.

    Provided in


    Release o Records

    By flling out this orm, you are giving our school permission to request your

    students ocial records rom their previous school ater the approval process.

    I your child is enrolling in Kindergarten or was Homeschooled please indicate it

    on the orm, fll out the top portion and sign it.

    Provided in this


    Required or all

    students residing

    outside o the Car-

    roll County School


    Application or

    Admission as a


    Please complete and submit.Provided in this


    Required or

    student with anIEP or other Special

    Education needs


    A copy o your students current IEP (Individualized Education Plan). Because

    the IEP expires yearly, please submit the current IEP. Provided by you

    Evaluation ReportThe Evaluation Report is valid or 3 years. I you do not have a copy o your

    students ER, you can request a copy rom your students current school.Provided by you

    Required or stu-

    dents that have a

    504 plan

    504 Accommoda-

    tion Plan

    A copy o your students current 504 Accommodation Plan. Because the 504

    expires yearly, please submit the current 504.Provided by you

  • 8/2/2019 2012-13 VAVA EFP


    MCH 213 G r evised 10/2010 1


    Health Information Form/Comprehensive Physical Examination Report/Certification of Immunization


    State law (Ref. Code of Virginia 22.1-270) requires that your child is immunized and receives a comprehensive physical examination before entering public

    kindergarten or elementary school. The parent or guardian completes this page (Part I) of the form. The Medical Provider completes Part II and Part III of the

    form. This form must be completed no longer than one year before your childs entry into school.

    Name of School: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Current Grade: _______________________

    Students Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Last First Middle

    Students Date of Birth: _____/_____/_______ Sex: _______ State or Country of Birth: ________________________ Main Language Spoken: ______________

    Students Address: ______________________________________________________ City: ____________________ State: _______________ Zip: _______________

    Name of Mother or Legal Guardian: ______________________________________________ Phone: ______ -______-________ Work or Cell: _____-_____-______

    Name of Father or Legal Guardian: ______________________________________________ Phone: ______ -______-________ Work or Cell: _____-_____-______

    Emergency Contact: __________________________________________________________ Phone: ______ -______-________ Work or Cell: _____-_____-______

    Condition Yes Comments Condition Yes Comments

    Allergies (food, insects, drugs, latex) DiabetesAllergies (seasonal) Head injury, concussions

    Asthma or breathing problems Hearing problems or deafness

    Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Heart problems

    Behavioral problems Lead poisoning

    Developmental problems Muscle problems

    Bladder problem Seizures

    Bleeding problem Sickle Cell Disease (not trait

    Bowel problem Speech problems

    Cerebral Palsy Spinal injury

    Cystic fibrosis Surgery

    Dental problems Vision problems

    Describe any other important health-related information about your child (for example, feeding tube, hospitalizations , oxygen support, hearing aid, etc.):



    List all prescription, over-the-counter, and herbal medications your child takes regularly:


    Check here if you want to discuss confidential information with the school nurse or other school authority. Yes No

    Please provide the following information:

    Name Phone Date of Last Appointment

    Pediatrician/primary care provider



    Case Worker (if applicable)

    Childs Health Insurance: ____ None ____ FAMIS Plus (Medicaid) _____ FAMIS _____ Private/Commercial/Employer sponsored

    I, ______________________________________ (do___) (do not___) authorize my childs health care provider and designated provider of health care in theschool setting to discuss my childs health concerns and/or exchange information pertaining to this form. This authorization will be in place until or unless you

    withdraw it. You may withdraw your authorization at any t ime by contacting your childs school. When information is released from your childs record,documentation of the disclosure is maintained in your childs health or scholastic record.

    Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian: ______________________________________________________________________Date: _______/________/ __________

    Signature of person completing this form: ____________________________________________________________________Date:_______/________/___________

    Signature of Interpreter: ____________________________________________________________________ ______________Date: ______/_____/_______

  • 8/2/2019 2012-13 VAVA EFP


    MCH 213 G r evised 10/2010 2



    Part II - Certification of Immunization

    Section I

    To be completed by a physician or his designee, registered nurse, or health department official.

    See Section II for conditional enrollment and exemptions.

    A copy of the immunization record signed or stamped by a physician or designee, registered nurse, or health department

    official indicating the dates of administration including month, day, and year of the required vaccines shall be acceptable

    in lieu of recording these dates on this form as long as the record is attached to this form.

    Only vaccines marked with an asterisk are currently required for school entry. Form must be signed and dated by the

    Medical Provider or Health Department Official in the appropriate box.

    Certification of Immunization 11/06

    Students Name: Date of Birth: |____|____|____|

    Last First Middle Mo.Day Yr.


    *Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTP, DTaP) 1 2 3 4 5

    *Diphtheria, Tetanus (DT) or Td (given after 7

    years of age) 1 2 3 4 5

    *Tdap booster (6th grade entry) 1

    *Poliomyelitis (IPV, OPV) 1 2 3 4

    *Haemophilus influenzae Type b

    (Hib conjugate)

    *only for children

  • 8/2/2019 2012-13 VAVA EFP


    MCH 213 G r evised 10/2010 3

    Students Name: Date of Birth: |____ |_ ___|___ _|

    Section IIConditional Enrollment and Exemptions

    Complete the medical exemption or conditional enrollment section as appropriate to include signature and date.

    Certification of Immunization 10/2010

    MEDICAL EXEMPTION: As specified in the Code of Virginia 22.1-271.2, C (ii), I certify that administration of the vaccine(s) designated below would bedetrimental to this students health. The vaccine(s) is (are) specifically contraindicated because (please specify):




    DTP/DTaP/Tdap:[ ]; DT/Td:[ ]; OPV/IPV:[ ]; Hib:[ ]; Pneum:[ ]; Measles:[ ]; Rubella:[ ]; Mumps:[ ]; HBV:[ ]; Varicella:[ ]

    This contraindication is permanent: [ ], or temporary [ ] and expected to preclude immunizations until: Date (Mo., Day, Yr.): |___|___|___|.

    Signature of Medical Provider or Health Department Official: Date (Mo., Day, Yr.):|___|___|___|

    RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION: The Code of Virginia allows a child an exemption from receiving immunizations required for school attendance if the student or the

    students parent/guardian submits an affidavit to the schools admitting official stating that the administration of immunizi ng agents conflicts with the students religio

    tenets or practices. Any student entering school must submit this affidavit on a CERTIFICATE OF RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION (Form CRE-1), which may be obtaineany local health department, school division superintendents office or local department of social services. Ref. Code of Virginia 22.1-271.2, C (i).

    CONDITIONAL ENROLLMENT: As specified in the Code of Virginia 22.1-271.2, B, I certify that this child has received at least one dose of each of the vaccine

    required by the State Board of Health for attending school and that this child has a plan for the completion of his/her requirements within the next 90 calendar days. N

    immunization due on __________________.

    Signature of Medical Provider or Health Department Official: Date (Mo., Day, Yr.):|___|___|___|

    For Minimum Immunization Requirements for Entry into School and

    Day Care, consult the Division of Immunization web site at


    Children shall be immunized in accordance with the Immunization Schedule developed and published bthe Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), the

    American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP),

    otherwise known as ACIP recommendations (Ref. Code of Virginia 32.1-46(a)).

    (requirements are subject to change.)

    Section III


  • 8/2/2019 2012-13 VAVA EFP


    MCH 213 G r evised 10/2010 4


    A qualified licensed physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant must complete Part III . The exam must be done no longer than one year before entry

    into kindergarten or elementary school (Ref. Code of Virginia 22.1-270). Instructions for completing this form can be found at www.vahealth.org/schoolhealth

    Students Name: _______________________________________________ Date of Birth: _____/_____/__________ Sex: M F


    Date of Assessment: _____/_____/_______

    Weight: ________lbs. Height: _______ ft. ______ in.

    Body Mass Index (BMI): ___________ BP____________

    Age / gender appropriate history completed

    Anticipatory guidance provided

    TB Risk Assessment: No Risk Positive/ReferredMantoux results: __________________mm

    Physical Examination

    1 = Within normal 2 = Abnormal finding 3 = Referred for evaluation or treatment

    1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

    HEENT Neurological Skin

    Lungs Abdomen Genital

    Heart Extremities Urinary

    EPSDT Screens Required for Head Startinclude specific results and date:Blood Lead:___________________________________________ Hct/Hgb ____________________________________________



    Assessed for: Assessment Method: Within normal Concern identified: Referred for Evaluation


    Problem Solving


    Fine Motor Skills

    Gross Motor Skills



    Screened at 20dB: Indicate Pass (P) or Refer (R) in each box.

    1000 2000 4000



    Screened by OAE (Otoacoustic Emissions): Pass Refer

    Referred to Audiologist/ENT Unable to testneeds rescreen

    Permanent Hearing Loss Previously identified: ___Left ___Right

    Hearing aid or other assistive device



    With Corrective Lenses (check if yes)

    Stereopsis Pass Fail Not tested

    Distance Both R L Test used:

    20/ 20/ 20/

    Pass Referred to eye doctor Unable to testneeds rescreen



    Problem Identified: Referred for treatment

    No Problem: Referred for prevention

    No Referral: Already receiving dental care
















    Summary of Findings (check one):

    Well child; no conditions identified of concern to school program activities

    Conditions identified that are important to schooling or physical activity (complete sections below and/or explain here): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




    ___ Allergy food: _____________________ insect: _____________________ medicine: _____________________ other: _________________Type of allergic reaction: anaphylaxis local reaction Response required: none epi pen other: _______________________________

    ___Individualized Health Care Plan needed (e.g., asthma, diabetes, seizure disorder, severe allergy, etc)

    ___ Restricted Activity Specify: _________________________________________________________________________________________________

    ___ Developmental Evaluation Has IEP Further evaluation needed for: ___________________________________________________________

    ___ Medication. Child takes medicine for specific health condition(s). Medication must be given and/or available at school.

    ___ Special Diet Specify: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

    ___ Special Needs Specify: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Other Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Health Care Professionals Certification (Write legibly or stamp):

    Name : _____________________________________ Signature:________________________________________ Date: ____/_____/______

    Practice/Clinic Name: __________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________

    Phone: _______-_______-____________________ Fax: _______-_______-_____________________ Email: _________________________________________

  • 8/2/2019 2012-13 VAVA EFP


    Virginia Virtual Academy - A program o

    the Carroll County School District

    Enrollment Processing Center

    2300 Corporate Park Drive

    Suite 200

    Herndon, VA 20171

    Ph. 1.866.654.8297

    Fx. 1.877.843.5902


    Notification of Offense Form

    Parental Registration Statement:

    Student Name:

    Date o Birth: Grade:

    Please choose one o the ollowing options and sign:

    1. I, __________________________, arm that my student, _________________________, was NOT previously suspended or ex-

    pelled rom any public or private school o this Commonwealth or any other State or an act or oense involving weapons, alcoho

    or drugs, or or the willul infiction o injury to another person or any act o violence committed on school property.


    2. I, __________________________, arm that my student, _________________________, WAS previously suspended or expelled

    rom any public or private school o this Commonwealth or any other State or an act or oense involving weapons, alcohol or

    drugs, or or the willul infiction o injury to another person or any act o violence committed on school property. My student was

    suspended or expelled rom the ollowing school(s):

    My student was (check one o the ollowing)o suspended or o expelled rom the ollowing school(s):

    School Name: ______________________________________________________________

    Address: __________________________________________________________________

    Telephone Number: _________________________________________________________

    Expulsion/Suspension Start Date_________________

    Expulsion/Suspension End Date__________________

    My student was suspended or expelled or the ollowing reason(s):

    (Please check all that apply)

    o oense involving weapons

    o oense involving alcohol

    o oense involving drugs

    owillul infiction o injury to another person


    an act o violence committed on school propertyo other (please note below)

    Additional comments: _________________________________________________________

    Signature ______________________________________________Date _______________

    Students Name: Students Home Phone:1

  • 8/2/2019 2012-13 VAVA EFP


  • 8/2/2019 2012-13 VAVA EFP


  • 8/2/2019 2012-13 VAVA EFP


    Carroll County Public Schools

    Student Home Language Survey

    Students Name: __________________________________________ Date: _____________________________

    Grade: _____________ Teacher: __________________________ School: _____________________________

    Relationship of Person Completing Survey:

    Mother Father Guardian Other (specify): _______________________________

    Check the best answer to each question:

    1. Was the first language learned by the student English? Yes No

    2. Can the student speak languages other than English? Yes No

    Which other languages? __________________________________________

    3. Which language does the student use most often when speaking to friends?

    English Other language: ___________________________

    4. Which language does the student use most often when speaking to his/her parents?

    English Other language: ___________________________

    5. Does anyone in your home speak a language other than English? Yes No

    Which other language? ___________________________________________

    6. Have you moved in order to obtain agriculture work in the past 36 months? Yes No

    7. In what country was the student born? ___________________________________

    8. Is the student: US Citizen Immigrant Refugee

    _________________________________________________ _____________________________________

    Parent Name Print Date

    _________________________________________________ _____________________________________

    Parent or Guardian Signature Date

    Office use only:

    o If the answer to Number 2 is yes, and other languages are given as answers to numbers 3, 4, or 5,the students English abilities should be tested even if the students oral ability is good. In this case, a

    copy of this form should be given to the schools ESL teacher and the divisions ESL coordinator.

    o One copy of this form should be kept in the students permanent record.

  • 8/2/2019 2012-13 VAVA EFP


    Carroll County Public Schools Ethnicity Survey

    Please Print

    Students Last Name

    Students First Name

    Students Middle Name

    Students Current Grade

    Students Current School

    Part A and Part B must be completed

    Part A. Is this student Hispanic/Latino?(Choose only one)

    No, Not Hispanic/Latino

    Yes, Hispanic/Latino (A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American,or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.)

    The above part of the question is about ethnicity, not race. No matter what you selected above,

    please continue to answer the following by marking one or more boxes to indicate what you

    consider your students race to be.

    Part B. What is the students race? (Choose one or more)

    American Indian or Alaska Native(A person having origins in any of the original peoples ofNorth and South America (including Central America), and who maintains tribal affiliation or

    community attachment.)

    Asian (A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, orIndian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia,

    Pakistan, the Philippne Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.)

    Black or African American (A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa)

    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander(A person having origins in any of the originalpeoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Isalnds.)

    White (A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or

    North Africa.)

  • 8/2/2019 2012-13 VAVA EFP


    Virginia Virtual Academy - A program of

    the Carroll County School District

    Enrollment Processing Center

    2300 Corporate Park Drive

    Suite 200

    Herndon, VA 20171

    Ph. 1.866.654.8297

    Fx. 1.877.843.5902


    Student Information

    Students Full Name:first middle last

    Students Date of Birth: Students Social Security Number:

    Students Legal Address:street apt #

    city county state zip

    Home Phone:

    Check below if applicable:

    o Student was always previously homeschooled

    o Student is enrolling in Kindergarten

    Name of Prior School:

    Schools Address:street

    city county state zip

    Schools Phone: Schools Fax:

    Name of Parent or Legal Guardian:first last

    Parent/Guardians Signature: Date:

    Release of Student Records

    Please accept this document as formal approval for the release of all official school records (including the record of transcripts, testing information,special education, health and immunization records).

    Homeschooled or Never Previously Enrolled in School (Fill out only if applicable)

    Prior School Information

    Sign and Date below


    Send student records to: Virginia Virtual Academy

    Enrollment Processing Center

    2300 Corporate Park Drive, Suite 200

    Herndon, VA 20171

    Students Name: Students Home Phone:7

  • 8/2/2019 2012-13 VAVA EFP



    605-9 PINE STREET


    (276) 728-3191

    (276) 236-8145


    For School Year ________________

    Students Name _________________________________________________________________


    Date of Birth _______________________________ Age ______ Male ____ Female ____


    Name of Parent(s) or Legal Guardian(s) __________________________________________________

    Current Legal Address (911) ___________________________________________________________

    Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________________

    Home Telephone ____________________ Work Telephone _____________ Cell ________________

    County or City of Residence ___________________

    Name, Address, and Telephone Number of School Last Attended By Student:



    Reason for Leaving Previous School:__________________________________________________________________________________

    If the Student Has Been Enrolled in Any Special Education Programs in the School(s) Last Attended,

    Please Specify: ______________________________________________________________________

    School Requesting to Attend: __________________________________ Grade: _________________

    Why Do You Wish to Enroll Your Child in Carroll County Public Schools?


    I certify that the information in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge

    and that I have been provided, read, understood, and signed the Student School Assignment


    ____________________ _______________________________________

    Date Signature of Parent/Guardian

    I affirm that the above name student has not been suspended or expelled from school attendance

    at a private or public school nor has been assigned to any correctional facility or placed on

    probation by the court system.

    ____________________ _______________________________________

    Date Signature of Parent/Guardian (OVER)

  • 8/2/2019 2012-13 VAVA EFP





    Consideration of a request to register a non-resident student from another school division in Virginia is contingent

    upon the following:

    1. Completion of an APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION AS A NON-RESIDENT STUDENT. Applications must be

    returned to the Office of the Division Superintendent.

    2. Availability of space in the grade level and/or program which is indicated by current placement. Acceptance and/or

    continued enrollment of a non-resident student will not require the initiation of a new program, the employment of additional

    personnel, the alteration of existing facilities, or the payment of special services beyond those provided in the Carroll County

    Public Schools. The approval of a non-resident student application will be subject to maintaining available space in a grade

    level/program for students who may move into the attendance area.

    3. Continued enrollment of a non-resident student is subject to annual review. All non-resident student applications

    will be subject to renewal on an annual basis. Continuation applications must be received in the Office of the Superintendent

    within the designated timeline otherwise the application will be processed as a new request. Continued placement in a Carroll

    County School by a non-resident student will be contingent upon available space, programs, discipline, and school attendance.

    Students are subject to all policies, regulations, and guidelines of the school division and the Carroll County Public Schools

    Student Handbook. Notification of approval will be on an annual basis.

    4. The superintendent will approve or deny non-resident student applications based upon a review of the application,

    recommendation by school principal or others as necessary, and the availability of space and/or programs.

    5. Approval of non-resident student status may be revoked. Non-resident students would be expected to return to the

    school division in which they reside when their enrollment creates any of the conditions described above in numbers two and

    three. Transfer to another school in Carroll County is subject to the same approval process.

    6. Transportation of non-resident students is the responsibility of the parent or guardian. Non-resident transfer

    students may board a bus at a bus stop that serves the school they have been approved to attend.

    7. Any transfer request that is received and/or approved based upon false or misleading information will be

    declared void and the transfer will be rescinded.

    8. The superintendent reserves the right to remove the privilege to attend Carroll County Public Schools.

    9. Failure to meet any of the above criteria will result in an immediate removal from Carroll County Public Schools.

    _____________________ ___________________________________

    DATE Signature Parent or Guardian


    Consideration of a request to register a non-resident student from another state is contingent upon the following:

    1. All criteria set forth in aforementioned non-resident guidelines of student school assignments.2.

    Payment of any applicable tuition charges prior to enrollment.

    3. If, for any reason, the parent does not remit tuition within the prescribed time limit, the approval for transfermay be rescinded. If payment is not made, determination for future enrollment as a transfer student will be


    _____________________ ___________________________________

    DATE Signature Parent or Guardian

    ADOPTED: 08/04/93

