2011 itr4 specifice

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  • 8/13/2019 2011 itr4 specifice


    Click on the sheets below Schedules for filing Income Tax Return


    sheets below bychoosing Y/Nand Click on


    1 PART A - GENERAL Personal Info., Filing Status, Audit Info Y2 NATURE OF BUSINESS NatureOfBusiness Y3 PART BS PartA-BS Y4 PART PL PartA-P & L Y5 PART - A OI PartA -OI Y6 QUANTITATIVE_DETAILS PartA-QD Y7 PARTB - TI - TTI PartB-TI,PartB-TTI,Verification,Schedule S Y8 HOUSE_PROPERTY Schedule HP Y9 BP Schedule BP Y

    10 DPM_DOA Schedule DPM, Schedule DOA Y11 DEP_DCG Schedule DEP, Schedule DCG Y12 ESR Schedule ESR Y13 CG-OS Schedule CG, Schedule OS Y14 CYLA-BFLA Schedule CYLA, Schedule BFLA Y15 CFL ScheduleCFL Y16 10A Schedule 10A, 10AA, 10B,10BA Y17 80G Schedule 80G Y18 80_ Schedule80-IA,IB,IC,VIA Y19 SPI - SI - IF Schedule SPI, Schedule SI, Schedule IF Y20 EI Schedule EI Y

    21 IT Schedule IT Y

    22 TDS-TCS Schedule TDS, Schedule TCS Y23 Tax and Interest Computatio System Calculated Suggested Values24 Set off Losses System Calculated Suggested Values

  • 8/13/2019 2011 itr4 specifice


    Select sheets toprint and click






  • 8/13/2019 2011 itr4 specifice


    ScheduleName ApplicableYN

    GENERAL PartA_Gen1 Y NATURE OF BUSINESS Nature of business Y




    PartA-QD Y

    PART_B PartB-TI YPART_B PartB-TTI YHOUSE_PROPERTY ScheduleHP YBP ScheduleBP YDPM_DOA ScheduleDPM YDPM_DOA ScheduleDOA YDEP_DCG ScheduleDEP YDEP_DCG ScheduleDCG YESR ScheduleESR YCG_OS ScheduleCG YCG_OS ScheduleOS YCYLA BFLA ScheduleCYLA YCYLA BFLA ScheduleBFLA YCFL ScheduleCFL Y10A Schedule10A Y10A Schedule10AA Y10A Schedule10B Y

    10A Schedule10BA Y80G Schedule80G Y80_ Schedule80_IA Y80_ Schedule80_IB Y80_ Schedule80_IC Y80_ ScheduleVIA YSPI - SI - IF ScheduleSPI Y

    SPI - SI - IF ScheduleSI Y

    SPI - SI - IF ScheduleIF Y

    EI ScheduleEI YIT ScheduleIT YTDS_TCS ScheduleTDS1 YTDS_TCS ScheduleTDS2 YTDS_TCS ScheduleTCS Y

  • 8/13/2019 2011 itr4 specifice


    DescriptionClick on applicable links to navigate to the respective sheet / schedule.

    Click on any of the links on this page to navigate to the respective schedules. Nature of business or profession, if more than one tradenames please specify upto 3 tradenames

    BALANCE SHEET AS ON 31ST DAY OF MARCH, 2008(fill items 1 to 5 in a case where regular books ofaccounts are maintained, otherwise fill item 6)Profit and Loss Account for the previous year 2006-07(fill items 1 to 51 in a case where regular books ofaccounts are maintained, otherwise fill item 52)Other Information (optional in a case not liable for audit under section 44AB)Quantitative details (optional in a case not liable for audit under section 44AB)

    Computation of total incomeComputation of tax liability on total incomeDetails of Income from House PropertyComputation of income from business or professionDepreciation on Plant and MachineryDepreciation on other assetsSummary of depreciation on assetsDeemed Capital Gains on sale of depreciable assetsDeduction under section 35Capital GainsIncome from other sourcesDetails of Income after set-off of current years lossesDetails of Income after Set off of Brought Forward Losses of earlier yearsDetails of Losses to be carried forward to future YearsDeduction under section 10ADeduction under section 10AADeduction under section 10B

    Deduction under section 10BADetails of donations entitled for deduction under section 80GDeductions under section 80-IADeductions under section 80-IBDeductions under section 80-ICDeductions under Chapter VI-AIncome chargeable to Income tax at special rates IB [Please see instruction Number-9(iii) for section code andrate of tax]Income chargeable to Income tax at special rates IB [Please see instruction Number-9(iii) for section code andrate of tax]Income chargeable to Income tax at special rates IB [Please see instruction Number-9(iii) for section code andrate of tax]Details of Exempt Income (Income not to be included in Total Income)Details of Advance Tax and Self Assessment Tax Payments of Income-taxDetails of Tax Deducted at Source on Income [As per Form 16 A issued by Deductor(s)]Details of Tax Collected at Source [As per Form 27D issued by the Collector(s)]Details of Tax Collected at Source [As per Form 27D issued by the Collector(s)]

  • 8/13/2019 2011 itr4 specifice



    Receipt No


    (Please see Rule 12 of the Income Tax-Rules,1962)

    Middle Name

    Phone No Employer Category (if in e-


    Status (I-Individual,H-HUF)

    I - Individual

    Area / Locality Date of birth

    Pin Code Sex (Select)Town/City/District State

    2 0 1 1 - 1 2(Also see attached Instructions)

    Road / Street / Post Office(in case of individual)


    P E R S O N A L I N F O R M A T I O N

    Assessment Year



    Name of Premises / Building / Village

    First Name

    Flat / Door / Block No

    Email Address

    Designation of Assessing Officer (Ward / Circle)

    (Std code)

    Residential Status


    Last Name


    [For indls and HUFs having income from a proprietory business or

    If revised, enter Receipt no and Date offiling original return (DD/MM/YYYY)

    OTHReturn filed under section

    RES - Resident


    Address of the representativec



    F I L I N G S T A T U S

    [Pl see instruction no 9(i)] 11 - u/s 139(1)

    Whether original or revised return?

    Permanent Account Number (PAN) of the representative

    Name of the representative

    Whether this return is being filed by a representative assessee? If yes, please furnishfollowing information

    Mobile No

    b Membership no.of the auditor

    Are you liable for audit under section 44AB? (Select) If yes, furnish following information-

    a Name of the auditor signing the tax audit report


    For Office Use Only

    Seal and signature of receiving official

    For Office Use Only

    Permanent Account Number (PAN) of the proprietorship/ firm

    Date of audit report. (DD/MM/YYYY)

    Name of the auditor (proprietorship/ firm)

    Are you liable to maintain accounts as per section 44AA?



    d A U D I T I N F O R M A T I O N N-No

  • 8/13/2019 2011 itr4 specifice



    Code[Please seeinstruction


    Tradename Tradename Tradename


    N A T U R E O F B U S I N E S S Nature of business or profession, if more than one business or

    profession indicate the three main activities/ products

  • 8/13/2019 2011 itr4 specifice


    1a ab

    i biii bii

    iii biiiiv bivv bv 0

    c 1c 02

    ai aiii

    A From Banks iiAB From others iiBC Total iiA + iiB iiC 0

    iii aiii 0b

    i biii biiiii biii 0

    c 2c 03 34 4 01

    a 1ab 1bc 1c 0d 1de 1e 0


    i aiii aii

    iii aiii 0b

    i biii biiiii biiiiv biv 0

    c 2c 03


    A Stores/consumables including packingmaterial


    B Raw materials iBC Stock-in- rocess iC

    D Finished Goods/Traded Goods iDE iE 0

    ii aiiiii

    A Cash-in-hand iiiAB Balance with bank iiiBC iiiC 0

    iv aivv av 0

    S O U R C E S O F F U N D S

    T I O N O F F U N D S

    Total current assets (iE + aii + iiiC + aiv)

    Total investments (aiii + biv)Current assets, loans and advances

    Current assetsInventories

    Total (iA + iB + iC + iD)

    Total (iiiA + iiiB)Other Current Assets

    Total (ai + aii)Short-Term investments

    Equity Shares, (incl share application moneyPreference SharesDebentureTotal (bi + bii + biii)

    Unsecured loans

    Total (bi + bii)Total Loan Funds (aiii + biii)

    Deferred tax liabilitySources of funds (1c + 2c +3)Fixed assets

    Gross: Block DepreciationNet Block (a b)

    From othersFrom Banks

    Capital work-in-progressTotal (1c + 1d)

    InvestmentsLong-term investments

    Government and other Securities - QuotedGovernment and other Securities Unquoted

    Part A-BSBALANCE SHEET AS ON 31ST DAY OF MARCH, 2011 OF THE PROPRIETORY BUSINESS(fill items 1 to 5 in a case where regular books of accounts are maintained, otherwise fill item 6)

    Capital Reserve

    Statutory Reserve

    Proprietors fundProprietors capital

    Revaluation ReserveReserves and Surplus

    Total proprietors fund (a + bv)Total (bi + bii + biii + biv)

    Total (ai + aiiC)

    Any other Reserve

    Loan fundsSecured loans

    Foreign Currency LoansRupee Loans

    Sundry DebtorsCash and Bank Balances

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    bi bi

    ii bii

    iii biiiiv biv 0

    c 3c 0d

    iA Sundr Creditors iAB Liability for Leased Assets iBC Interest Accrued on above iCD Interest accrued but not due on loans iDE Total iA + iB + iC + iD iE 0

    iiA Provision for Income Tax iiAB Provision for Wealth Tax iiBC Provision for Leave


    D Other Provisions iiD

    E Total (iiA + iiB + iiC + iiD ) iiE 0iii diii 0

    e 3e 04 a 4a

    b 4bc 4cd 4d 0

    5 5 0

    6a 6ab 6b

    c 6cd 6d

    Total, application of funds (1e + 2c + 3e +4d)

    A P P L I C A

    Total (4a + 4b + 4c)

    Miscellaneous expenditure not written off oradjusted

    Deferred tax assetProfit and loss account / Accumulated balance

    Total of current assets, loans and advances (av + biv)Current liabilities and provisions

    Advances recoverable in cash or in kind or forvalue to be receivedDeposits, loans and advances to corporates andothersBalance with Revenue AuthoritiesTotal (bi + bii + biii)

    In a case where regular books of account of business or profession are notmaintained -furnish the following information as on 31st day of March, 2011, inrespect of business or profession)

    Current liabilities


    N O

    A C C O U N T

    C A S E

    Amount of total sundry debtorsAmount of total sundry creditors

    Amount of total stock-in-tradeAmount of the cash balance

    Loans and advances

    Total (iE + iiE)Net current assets (3c diii)

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    1 1


    a 2ab 2bc 2cd 2de 2e 0

    3a 3ab 3bc 3cd 3de 3ef 3f

    3h 3hi 3i

    3k 3k 0

    4 45 5 06 67 78

    a 8ab 8bc 8cd 8d

    e 8ef 8f g 8gh 8h 0

    9 910 1011 1112 1213 1314 1415

    a 15ab 15bc 15cd 15de 15ef 15f

    15h 15hi 15i

    j 15j

    Total of other income [3(a) to 3(j)]

    Custom dutyCounter vailing dutySpecial additional dutyUnion excise duty

    Service taxVAT/ Sales taxAny other tax, paid or payable

    RentCommissionDividendInterestProfit on sale of fixed assets

    Profit on sale of other investmentProfit on account of currency fluctuationAgriculture incomeAny other income

    Opening Stock

    Salaries and wagesBonus

    Union Excise dutiesService taxVAT/ Sales taxAny other duty, tax and cess

    Other income

    Profit on sale of investment being securitieschargeableto Securities Transaction Tax (STT)

    Totals of credits to profit and loss account (1+2e+3k+4)Closing Stock

    Sales/ Gross receipts of business or profession (Net of returns and refunds andduty or tax, if any)

    N T

    Power and fuelRents

    Total (8a+8b+8c+8d+8e+8f+8g)Freight

    Purchases (net of refunds and duty or tax, if any)

    Consumption of stores and spare parts

    Duties and taxes, paid or payable, in respect of goods and services purchased

    Part A-P& L

    Profit and Loss Account for the previous year 2010-11 of the proprietory business(fill items 1 to 50 in a case where regular books of accounts are maintained, otherwise fill item 51)

    C R E D I T S T O P R O F I T A N D L O S S A C C O U N T

    Duties, taxes and cess, received or receivable, in respect of goods and services soldor supplied

    Total of duties, taxes and cess, received or receivable(2a+2b+2c+2d)

    Repairs to building

    Contribution to recognised provident fundContribution to recognised gratuity fundContribution to any other fund

    Repairs to machineryCompensation to employees

    Any other benefit to employees in respect of whichan expenditure has been incurred

    Reimbursement of medical expensesLeave encashmentLeave travel benefitsContribution to approved superannuation fund

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    k 15k 0

    16a 16ab 16bc 16cd 16de 16e 0

    17 1718 1819 1920 2021 2122 2223 2324 2425 2526 2627 2728 2829 29

    30 3031 3132 3233 3334

    a 34ab 34bc 34cd 34de 34ef 34f 0

    35 3536 36

    37 3738 3839 3940 40 0

    41 4142 4243 43 044 4445 4546 46 047 4748 48 049 49

    50 50 051

    a 51ab 51bc 51cd 51d 0

    Other expenses

    Bad debts

    Union excise duty

    Any other rate, tax, duty or cess incl. STT paid

    Medical InsuranceLife InsuranceKeymans InsuranceOther InsuranceTotal expenditure on insurance (16a+16b+16c+16d)

    Audit fee

    D E B I T S T O P R O F I T A

    N D L O S S A C C O U

    Profit before taxes (40-41-42)Depreciation


    Sales promotion including publicity (other than advertisement)Advertisement


    Provision for bad and doubtful debts

    Profit before interest, depreciation and taxes [5 (6 + 7 + 8h + 9 to 14 + 15k + 16e+ 17 to 33 + 34f + 35 to 39)]

    Total rates and taxes paid or payable (34a+34b+34c+34d+34e)

    Telephone expensesGuest House expensesClub expenses

    Festival celebration expenses


    Service taxVAT/ Sales tax

    Rates and taxes, paid or payable to Government or any local body (excludingtaxes on income)

    CommissionHotel, boarding and LodgingTraveling expenses including foreign travelingConveyance expenses




    Total compensation to employees(15a+15b+15c+15d+15e+15f+15g+15h+15i+15j)

    EntertainmentWorkmen and staff welfare expenses

    Transferred to reserves and surplus

    Balance carried to balance sheet in proprietors account (48 49)

    Other provisions

    Amount available for appropriation (46 + 47)Balance brought forward from previous yearProfit after tax (43 44 45)Provision for Deferred TaxProvision for current tax

    In a case where regular books of account of business or profession are notmaintained, furnish the following information for previous year 2010-11 inrespect of business or profession

    P R O V I S I O N S

    F O R T A X A N D

    A P P R O P R I A T I O

    N O A C C O U N T

    C A S E

    Gross receiptsGross profitExpensesNet profit

  • 8/13/2019 2011 itr4 specifice


    1 1 mercantile2 2 No

    3 3



    4bc 4cd 4d

    5a 5ab 5b

    c 5cd 5de 5ef

    5f 0

    6a 6a

    b 6b

    c 6c

    d 6d

    e 6ef 6f

    g 6g

    h 6hi 6i

    6jk 6k

    l 6lm 6m

    n 6n

    o 6o

    Amount transferred to any special reserve

    Amount of discount on a zero-coupon bondAmount of contributions to a recognised provident

    Amount of bad and doubtful debtsProvision for bad and doubtful debts

    Amount of contributions to an approved gratuityAmount of contributions to any other fund

    Other Information (optional in a case not liable for audit under section 44AB) Where applicable, allfields with Serial nos marked in red, are compulsory and blank numeric fields will be treated as zeroes.Part A- OI

    Method of valuation of closing stock employed in the previous year (If applicable,fill all serial nos in red, since blank will be treated as zeroes)

    Method of accounting employed in the previous yearIs there any change in method of accounting

    Effect on the profit or loss because of deviation, if any, from the method ofvaluation prescribed under section 145A

    The proforma credits, drawbacks, refund of duty ofcustoms or excise or service tax, or refund of sales taxor value added tax, where such credits, drawbacks orrefunds are admitted as due by the authoritiesconcerned

    Effect on the profit because of deviation, if any, in the method of accountingemployed in the previous year from accounting standards prescribed under section


    Is there any change in stock valuation method (Select)

    Raw Material (if at cost or market rates whichever is less write 1, if at costwrite 2, if at market rate write 3)

    Finished goods (if at cost or market rates whichever is less write 1, if at costwrite 2, if at market rate write 3)

    Premium paid for insurance against risk of damage ordestruction of stocks or store

    the items falling within the scope of section 28

    Any other item of incomeCapital receipt, if anyTotal of amounts not credited to profit and loss account (5a+5b+5c+5d+5e)

    mounts e te to t e pro t an oss account, to t e extent sa owa e un ersection 36:-

    Amounts not credited to the profit and loss account, being

    escalation claims accepted during the previous year

    Premium paid for insurance on the health of

    Any sum paid to an employee as bonus or commissionfor services rendered, where such sum was otherwisepayable to him as profits or dividend.Any amount of interest paid in respect of borrowedcapital

    Amount of contributions to an approvedsuperannuation fund

    Expenditure for the purposes of promoting familyplanning amongst employees

    Any other disallowance

    Any sum received from employees as contribution toany provident fund or superannuation fund or anyfund set up under ESI Act or any other fund for thewelfare of employees to the extent credited to theemployees account on or before the due date

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  • 8/13/2019 2011 itr4 specifice


    c 10c

    d 10d

    e 10e

    f 10f g 10g 0


    a 11a

    b 11b

    c 11c

    d 11d

    e 11e

    f 11f g 11g 0

    12a 12ab 12bc 12cd 12de 12e 0

    13 1314 1415 15

    Total amount allowable under section 43B (total of 10a to 10f)

    Any sum payable to an employee as bonus orcommission for services rendered

    Any sum payable as interest on any loan or borrowingfrom any scheduled bank Any sum payable towards leave encashment

    Any sum payable as interest on any loan or borrowingfrom any public financial institution or a Statefinancial corporation or a State Industrial investmentcorporation

    Total amount disallowable under Section 43B(total of 11a to 11f)

    Any sum in the nature of tax, duty, cess or fee underany lawAny sum payable by way of contribution to anyprovident fund or superannuation fund or gratuityfund or any other fund for the welfare of employeesAny sum payable to an employee as bonus orcommission for services renderedAny sum payable as interest on any loan or borrowing

    from any public financial institution or a Statefinancial corporation or a State Industrial investmentcorporationAny sum payable as interest on any loan or borrowingfrom any scheduled bank Any sum payable towards leave encashment

    Any amount debited to profit and loss account of the previous year but disallowableunder section 43B:-

    Amount of income or expenditure of prior period credited or debited to the profitand loss account (net)

    Union Excise DutyAmount of credit outstanding in the accounts in respect of

    Service taxVAT/sales taxAny other taxTotal amount outstanding (total of 12a to 12d)

    Amounts deemed to be profits and gains under section 33AB or 33ABA or 33ACAny amount of profit chargeable to tax under section 41

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    Part A QD(a) In the case of a trading concern

    Item Name Unit Openingstock

    Purchase Sales Qty Closing stock Shortage/excess, if any

    1 2 3 4 7 8 9

    (b) In the case of a manufacturing concern - Raw MaterialsItem Name Unit of


    stock Purchase Consumption Sales Closing stock Yield


    %age of yield Shortage/excess, if

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Quantitative details (optional in a case not liable for audit under section 44AB) (Note :Numeric values not filled will default to zero)

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    (C) In the case of a manufacturing concern - Finished GoodsItem Name Unit Opening

    stock Purchase Finished


    Sales Closing stock Shortage/excess, if any

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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  • 8/13/2019 2011 itr4 specifice


    1 1 0

    2 2 03

    i 3i 0

    ii 3ii 0

    iii 3iii 04

    ai 4ai 0

    ii 4aii 0

    iii 4aiii


    b 4b 0c 4c 0

    5a 5a 0

    b 5b 0

    c 5c 06 6 07 7 0

    8 8 09 9 0

    10 10 011 11 012 12 013 13 014 14 015 15 0

    Computation of tax liability on totalincome

    1a 1a 0

    b 1b 0c 1c 0d 1d 0

    2 2 03 3 04 4 05 5 06

    a 7a

    Computation of total income PLEASE NOTE THAT CALCULATED FI ELDS (INWHI TE) ARE PICKED UP FROM OTH ER SCHEDUL ES AND ARE NOT TO BEENT ERED . For ex : The In come fi gures below wil l get fil led up when the Schedulesli nked to them are fi ll ed.

    Rebate on Agricultural income

    O F T A X L I A B I L I T Y

    Aggregate income (12 + 13)

    Tax payable on total income

    Balance Tax Payable (1 -2)

    Tax Payable on Total Income (1a + 1b-1c)

    Tax at normal rates

    Part B - TTI

    Section 89

    Rebate under section 88E (4 of Schedule-STTR)

    Education Cess, including secondary and higher education cess on 3

    Tax reliefGross tax liability (3 + 4 )

    Brought forward losses to be set off against 8 (total of 2vii, 3vii and 4vii of ScheduleBFLA)

    Total (1 + 2c + 3iii + 4c + 5c)

    Income from other sourcesfrom sources other than from owning race horses (3of Schedule OS)

    Capital gainsShort term

    from owning race horses (4c of Schedule OS)

    Balance after set off current year losses (6 7)

    Part B - TI

    Profit and gains from speculative business (B41 ofSchedule-BP)

    Short-term (under section 111A) (A7 of Schedule -CG)Short-term (others) (A8 of Schedule-CG)

    Profit and gains from business other than speculativebusiness (A37 of Schedule-BP)

    T O T A L I N C O M E

    Total income (10 11)

    Losses of current year to be carried forward (total of xi of Schedule CFL)

    Gross Total income (8 9)

    Income from house property (C of Schedule-HP)

    Net agricultural income/ any other income for rate purpose (4 of Schedule EI)

    Long-term (B6 of Schedule-CG)

    Profits and gains from business or profession

    Total (3i + 3ii)

    Total short-term (4ai + 4aii)

    Total (5a + 5b)

    Deductions under Chapter VI-A (l of Schedule VIA)

    Total capital gains (4aiii + 4b)

    Losses of current year to be set off against 6 (total of 2vii,3vii and 4vii of ScheduleCYLA)

    Salaries (6 of Schedule S)

    Tax at special rates (11 of Schedule-SI)

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    b 7bc 7cd 6d 0

    7 7 08

    a 9a 0b 9b 0c 9c 0d 8d 0

    9 9 010

    a 11a 0b 11b 0

    c 11c 0

    d 11d 0

    e 10e 0

    11 11 012 12 013 Enter your bank account number (mandatory)

    1415 In case of direct deposit to your bank account give additional details

    Type of account(select)


    Sign here (Date)

    This will be 01/08/2011 for Non 44AB andit will be 30/09/2011 for 44AB

    17Counter Signature

    of TRP

    18Schedule S Details of Income from Salary (Fields marked in RED must not be left Blank. Empty numeric values treat

    Name of Employer PAN of Employer (optional)Address of employer Town/City Pin codeState

    1 Salary (Excluding all allowances, perquisites & profit in lieu of salary).. 12 Allowances exempt under section 10 23 Allowances not exempt 34 Value of perquisites 45 Profits in lieu of salary 56 Income chargeable under the Head Salaries (1+3+4+5) 6 0


    solemnly declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information given in the return and the schedules

    thereto is is correct and complete and that the amount of total income/ fringe benefits and other particulars showntherein are truly stated and are in accordance with the the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961, in respect ofincome and fringe benefits chargeable to income-tax for the previous year relevant to the Assessment Year 2011-12

    Self Assessment Tax (from Schedule-IT)

    son/ daughter of

    T A X E S P A I D

    C O M P U T A T I O N

    Total Interest Payable (8a+8b+8c)

    TDS (total from Schedule-TDS1 and Schedule-TDS2)

    Total (6a + 6b + 6c)

    R E F U N D

    Net tax liability (5 6d)

    Do you want your refund by cheque, or deposited directly into your bank account?tick as a licable

    Amount payable (Enter if 9 is greater than 10e, else enter 0)

    Taxes Paid

    For default in furnishing the return (section 234A)

    For deferment of advance tax (section 234C)

    Total Taxes Paid (10a+10b+10c + 10d)

    Aggregate liability (7 + 8d)

    Interest payable

    TCS (from Schedule-TCS)

    Advance Tax (from Schedule-IT)

    Section 91

    Identification No. ofTRP

    For default in payment of advance tax (section 234B)

    Section 90

    Refund(If 10e is greater than 9), also give the bank account details in Schedule-BA

    MICR Code

    VERIFICATIONI, (full name in block


    Alternate Due Date


    If TRP is entitled for any reimbursement from the Government,amount thereof

    Name of TRP

    If the return has been prepared by a Tax Return Preparer (TRP) give further details below:

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    Total 0

  • 8/13/2019 2011 itr4 specifice


    Address of property Town/ City State PIN Code

    Is the property let out ? Name of TenantPAN of Tenant(optional)

    Ya Annual letable value/ rent received or receivable ab The amount of rent which cannot be realized bc Tax paid to local authorities cd Total (b + c) d 0e Balance (a d) e 0f 30% of e f 0g Interest payable on borrowed capital Cannot exceed

    1.5 lacs if notlet out


    h Total (f + g) b 0i Income from house property (e h) i 0

    Address of property Town/ City State PIN Code

    Is the property let out ? Name of TenantPAN of Tenant(optional)

    a Annual letable value/ rent received or receivable a 0b The amount of rent which cannot be realized b 0c Tax paid to local authorities cd Total (b + c) d 0e Balance (a d) e 0f 30% of e f 0g Interest payable on borrowed capital Cannot exceed

    1.5 lacs if notlet out

    g 0

    h Total (f + g) b 0

    i Income from house property (e h) i 0Address of property Town/ City State PIN Code

    Is the property let out ? Name of TenantPAN of Tenant(optional)

    a Annual letable value/ rent received or receivable ab The amount of rent which cannot be realized bc Tax paid to local authorities cd Total (b + c) d 0e Balance (a d) e 0f 30% of e f 0g Interest payable on borrowed capital Cannot exceed

    1.5 lacs if notlet out


    h Total (f + g) b 0i Income from house property (e h) i 0Income under the head Income from house propertyA Rent of earlier years realized under section 25A/AA AB Arrears of rent received during the year under section 25B after deducting 30% BC Total (A + B + Total of (i) for all properties above) C 0

    Schedule HP Details of Income from House Property (Fields marked in RED must not be left Blank)

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    Schedule BPA

    1 1 0

    2 23 3

    4 4 0

    5a share of income from firm(s) 5ab Share of income from AOP/ BOI 5bc Any other exempt income 5cd Total exempt income 5d 0

    6 6 07 7

    8 8

    9 9 010 10 011 11 0

    i Depreciation allowable under section 32(1)(ii)(column 6 of Schedule-DEP)

    12i 0

    ii Depreciation allowable under section 32(1)(i) (Makeyour own computation refer Appendix IA ofIncomeTax Rules)

    12ii 0

    iii 12iii 0

    13 13 0

    14 14

    015 15 0

    16 16 0

    17 17 0

    18 18 0

    19 19

    20 20

    R P R O F E S S I O N

    Amounts debited to the profit and loss account, to theextent disallowable under section 40A (9f of Part-OI)

    Any amount debited to profit and loss account of theprevious year but disallowable under section 43B (11g ofPart-OI)Interest disallowable under section 23 of the Micro,Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act,2006

    Deemed income under section 41

    Profit or loss after adjustment for depreciation (10 +11 - 12iii)

    Amounts debited to the profit and loss account, to theextent disallowable under section 36 (6p of Part-OI)

    Amounts debited to the profit and loss account, to theextent disallowable under section 37 (7i of Part-OI)

    Amounts debited to the profit and loss account, to theextent disallowable under section 40 (8Ah of Part-OI)

    Computation of income from business or professionFrom business or profession other than speculative business

    Net profit or loss from speculative business included in 1Income/ receipts credited to profit and loss accountconsidered under other heads of income

    Profit before tax as per profit and loss account (item 43or item 51d of Part A-P&L )

    12 Depreciation allowable under Income-tax Act

    Total (12i + 12ii)

    Profit or loss included in 1, which is referred to in S.44AD/ 44AE/44AF/44B/ 44BB/ 44BBA/ 44BBB/ 44D/44DA Chapter-XII-G/ First Schedule of Incometax Act(From 33(xii))

    Income credited to Profit and Loss account (included in 1)which is exempt

    Balance (1 2 3 4 5d)Expenses debited to profit and loss account consideredunder other heads of income

    Expenses debited to profit and loss account which relateto exempt income

    Total (7 + 8)Adjusted profit or loss (6+9)Depreciation debited to profit and loss account included in 9

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    21 21

    22 22

    23 23

    24 24 025 2526 26 0

    27 27 0

    28 28 0


    a Amount, if any, debited to profit and loss account 29ab Amount allowable as deduction 29bc Excess amount allowable as deduction (29b 29a) 29c 0

    30 3031 31 032 32 033

    i Section 44AD 33iii Section 44AE 33iiiii Section 44AF 33iii 0iv Section 44B 33ivv Section 44BB 33vvi Section 44BBA 33vi

    vii Section 44BBB 33viiviii Section 44D 33viiiix Section 44DA 33ixx Chapter-XII-G 33xxi First Schedule of Income-tax Act 33xixii 33xii 0

    34 34 0

    35i 10A (6 of Schedule-10A) 35i 0ii 10AA (d of Schedule-10AA) 35ii 0iii 10B (f of Schedule-10B) 35iii 0iv 10BA (f of Schedule-10BA) 35iv 0v Total (35i + 35ii +35iii + 35iv) 35v 0

    36 36 0

    37 A37 0 A37 0

    B38 38 039 39

    I N C O M E F R O M B U S I N E S S

    Computation of income from speculative businessNet profit or loss from speculative business as per profit or loss accountAdditions in accordance with section 28 to 44DA

    Net profit or loss from business or profession other than speculative business (34 35v)

    Profit or loss before deduction under section 10A/10AA/10B/10BA (32 + 33xii)

    Deductions under sectioni

    Deduction allowable under section 32(1)(iii)Amount of deduction under section 35 in excess of theamount debited to profit and loss account (item vii(4) ofSchedule ESR)Any amount disallowed under section 40 in anypreceding previous year but allowable during theprevious year(8Bof Part-OI)

    Any amount disallowed under section 43B in anypreceding previous year but allowable during theprevious year(10g of Part-OI)Deduction under section 35AC

    Total (33i to 33xi)

    Income (13 + 24 31)Profits and gains of business or profession deemed to be under -

    Any other amount allowable as deductionTotal (25 + 26 + 27+28 +29c +30)

    Total (14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18 + 19 + 20 + 21+22 +23)

    Deemed income under section 33AB/33ABA/35ABB/72A/80HHD/80-IAAny other item or items of addition under section 28 to44DAAny other income (including income from salaary,commission, bonus and interest from firms in which anindividual/ HUF/ Prop. concern is a partner) not includedin rofit and loss account

    Net Profit or loss from business or profession (same asabove in 36 except in case of special business, afterapplying rule 7A, 7B or 7C)

  • 8/13/2019 2011 itr4 specifice


    40 40 041 B41 0

    C c 0NO Please include the income of the specified persons referred to in Schedule SPI while computing the income under this head

    Deductions in accordance with section 28 to 44DAProfit or loss from speculative business (38+39-40)

    Income chargeable under the head Profits and gains (A37+B41)

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    1. Block of assets2. Rate (%) 15. 30. 40. 50. 60. 80 100

    (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii)

    3.r tten own va ue on t e rst ay o

    previous year

    4.t ons or a per o o ays or

    more in the previous year

    5.Consideration or other realizationduring the previous year out of 3 or 4

    6.mount on w c eprec at on at u

    rate to be allowed (3 + 4 -5) 0 0 0 0 0 0

    7.Additions for a period of less than 180da s in the revious ear

    8.Consideration or other realizationsduring the year out of 7

    9.mount on w c eprec at on at a

    rate to be allowed (7 8) 0 0 0 0 0 010. Depreciation on 6 at full rate 0 0 0 0 0 011. Depreciation on 9 at half rate 0 0 0 0 0 012. Additional depreciation, if any, on 4 0 013. Additional depreciation, if any, on 7 0 0

    14. Total depreciation (10+11+12+13) 0 0 0 0 0 015.

    xpen ture ncurre n connect on w ttransfer of asset/ assets

    16.Capital gains/ loss under section 50 (5 +8 -3-4 -7 -15) (Enter negative only ifblock ceases to exist)

    17.r tten own va ue on t e ast ay o

    previous year* (6+ 9 -14) 0 0 0 0 0 0

    Schedule DPM

    D E P R E C I A T I O N O N P L A N T A N D M A C H I N E R Y

    Plant and machineryDepreciation on Plant and Machinery

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  • 8/13/2019 2011 itr4 specifice



    aBlock entitled for depreciation @ 15 percent Schedule DPM - 14 i

    1a 0

    bBlock entitled for depreciation @ 30 percent ( Schedule DPM - 14 ii)

    1b 0

    cBlock entitled for depreciation @ 40 percent ( Schedule DPM - 14 iii) 1c 0

    dBlock entitled for depreciation @ 50 percent Schedule DPM - 14 iv

    1d 0

    eBlock entitled for depreciation @ 60 percent Schedule DPM - 14 v

    1e 0

    fBlock entitled for depreciation @ 80 percent ( Schedule DPM 14 vi)

    1f 0

    gBlock entitled for depreciation @ 100 percent Schedule DPM - 14 vii

    1g 0h 1h 0


    aBlock entitled for depreciation @ 5 percent (Schedule DOA- 14i)

    2a 0

    bBlock entitled for depreciation @ 10 per

    cent DOA- 14ii)2b


    cBlock entitled for depreciation @ 100 percent (Schedule DOA- 14iii)


    d 2d 03. 3 04. 4 05. 5 06. 6 0


    aBlock entitled for depreciation @ 15 percent (Schedule DPM - 16i)

    1a 0

    bBlock entitled for depreciation @ 30 percent (Schedule DPM 16ii)

    1b 0

    cBlock entitled for depreciation @ 40 percent (Schedule DPM - 16iii)

    1c 0

    dBlock entitled for depreciation @ 50 percent (Schedule DPM - 16iv)

    1d 0

    eBlock entitled for depreciation @ 60 percent (Schedule DPM 16v)

    1e 0

    fBlock entitled for depreciation @ 80 percent (Schedule DPM 16vi)

    1f 0

    g Block depn @ 100 % (Sch DPM16vii) 1g 0h 1h 0


    aBlock entitled for depreciation @ 5 percent (Schedule DOA- 16i)


    b Block entitled for depreciation @ 10 percent (Schedule DOA- 16ii)


    cBlock entitled for depreciation @ 100 percent (Schedule DOA- 16iii)


    d 2d 03 3 04 4 05 5 06 6 0

    Ships (Schedule DOA- 16vi)Total ( 1h+2d+3+4+5)

    Total ( 2a + 2b + 2c)Furniture and fittings ( Schedule DOA- 16iv)Intangible assets (Schedule DOA- 16v)

    Intangible assets (Schedule DOA- 14 v)Ships (Schedule DOA- 14 vi)Total depreciation ( 1h+2d+3+4+5)

    Sch DCG

    Total ( 1a +1b + 1c + 1d + 1e + 1f + 1g)Building

    Plant and machineryDeemed Capital Gains on sale of depreciable assets

    Sch DEP Summary of depreciation on assets

    S U M M A R Y O F D E P R E C I A T I O N O N A S S E T S

    Plant and machinery

    Total depreciation - plant and machinery ( 1a+1b+1c+1d+1e+1f+1g)Building

    Total depreciation on building (2a+2b+2c)Furniture and fittings (Schedule DOA- 14 iv)

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    Expenditure of thenature referred to in

    section (1)

    Amount, if any, debitedto profit and loss account


    Amount of deductionallowable (3)

    Amount of deduction inexcess of the amount

    debited to profit and lossaccount 4 = 3 - 2

    i 35(1)(i) 0ii 35(1)(ii) 0iii 35(1)(iii) 0iv 35(1)(iv) 0v 35(2AA) 0vi 35(2AB) 0

    vii Total 0 0 0

    Deduction under section 35Schedule ESR

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    a 1ab 1bc 1c 0d 1de 1e 0

    2. 2 03.

    a 3ab

    i Cost of acquisition bi 0ii Cost of Improvement bii 0iii Expenditure on transfer biii 0iv Total ( bi + bii + biii) biv 0

    c 3c 0

    d 3d 0

    e 3e 0f 3f 0

    4. 4 0

    5. 5 06. 6 07. 78. A8 0


    a 1a 0b 1bc 1c 0

    d 1de 1e 0

    2. 2 03.

    a 3ab

    i Cost of acquisition after indexation biii Cost of improvement after indexation biiiii Expenditure on transfer biiiiv Total (bi + bii +biii) biv 0

    c 3c 0

    d 3d

    e 3e 04.a Full value of consideration 4ab

    i Cost of acquisition without indexation biii Cost of improvement without indexation biiiii Expenditure on transfer biiiiv Total (bi + bii +biii) biv 0

    c 4c 0

    Other assets for which option under proviso to section 112(1) exercised

    Deductions under section 48

    Balance (4a biv)

    Other assets for which option under proviso to section 112(1) not exercisedFull value of considerationDeductions under section 48

    Balance (3a biv)Deduction under sections 54B/54D/54EC/54F/54G/54GA

    Net balance (3c 3d)

    Short term capital gain other than referred to in section 111A (6 7)Long term capital gain

    From slump saleFull value of considerationNet worth of the under taking or divisionLong term capital gains from slump saleExemption under sections 54B/54D/54EC/54F/54G/54GANet long term capital gain from slump sale (1c 1d)

    Asset in case of non-resident to which first proviso to section 48 applicable

    Exemption under sections 54B/54DShort-term capital gain (3c + 3d 3e)

    Deemed short capital gain on depreciable assets (6 of Schedule-DCG)Amount deemed to be short term capital gains under sections54B/54D/54EC/54ED/54G/ 54GATotal short term capital gain (1e + 2 +3f+4 +5)Short term capital gain under section 111A included in 6

    From assets in case of non-resident to which f irst proviso to section 48 applicable

    From other assetsFull value of considerationDeductions under section 48

    Balance (3a biv)Loss, if any, to be ignored under section 94(7) or 94(8)(enter positive values only)

    Capital GainsShort-term capital gain

    From slump saleFull value of considerationNet worth of the under taking or divisionShort term capital gains from slump sale (1a-1b)Exemption under sections 54B/54DNet short term capital gains from slum sale (1c 1d)

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    d 4d

    e 4e 0

    5. 5

    6 Total long term capital gain (1e + 2 + 3e + 4e + 5) B6 0C Income chargeable under the head CAPITAL GAINS (A6 + B6) C 0D Information about accrual/receipt of capital gain

    LTCG w. Proviso LTCG w/o Proviso i 16/6 to 15/9 (i)ii 16/9 to 15/12 (ii)iii 16/12 to 15/3 (iii)iv

    STCG 111A STCG oth than111A

    i Upto 15/9 (i)ii 16/9 to 15/12 (ii)iii 16/12 to 15/3 (iii)


    Lottery u/s 115bb i Upto 15/9 (i)ii 16/9 to 15/12 (ii)iii 16/12 to 15/3 (iii)iv


    a 1ab 1bc 1cd 1de 1e 0f

    i fiii Depreciation fiiiii fiii 0

    g 1g 02 2

    3 3 04a 4ab 4bc 4c 0

    5 5 0

    Deductions under section 57 in relation to (4)Balance (4a 4b)


    16/3 to 31/3 (iv)


    16/3 to 31/3 (iv)


    TotalBalance (1e fiii)

    Please include the income of the specified persons referred to in Schedule SPI while computing the income under thishead

    Income chargeable under the head Income from other sources (3 + 4c)

    Winnings from lotteries, crossword puzzles, races, etc.

    Income from other sources (other than from owning race horses) (1g + 2)Income from owning and maintaining race horsesReceipts

    Income other than from owning race horse(s):-Dividends, GrossInterest, GrossRental income from machinery, plants, buildings, etc.,Others, Gross (including income from owning race horses)Total (1a + 1b + 1c + 1d)Deductions under section 57:-

    Amount deemed to be long term capital gains under sections54B/54D/54EC/54ED/54G/ 54GA


    16/3 to 31/3 (iv)

    Income from other sources

    Exemption under sections 54B/54D/54EC/ 54F.54G/54GANet balance

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    Sl.N Head/ Source of Income

    Income ofcurrent year

    (Fill thiscolumn onlyif income is

    zero orpositive)


    loss of thecurrent year

    set off

    BusinessLoss (other

    thanspeculationloss) of the

    current yearset off

    Othersources loss

    (otherthan loss

    from racehorses) of

    the currentear set off



    after set off

    Total loss(4c of

    Schedule HP)

    Total loss(A37 of


    Total loss(3 of


    Loss to be adjusted 0 0 01 2 3 4 5=1-2-3-4

    i Salaries 0 0 0 0ii House property 0 0 0 0

    iiiBusiness (includingspeculation profit) 0 0 0 0

    iv Short-term capital gain 0 0 0 0 0

    v Long term capital gain 0 0 0 0 0


    Other sources (incl profitfrom owning race horses,winnings from lotteriesadded later) 0 0 0 0

    vii Total loss set-off 0 0 0viii 0 0 0

    Income afterset off, if any, ofcurrent

    yearslosses as per

    5 of ScheduleCYLA


    forward lossset off


    depreciationset off



    35(4) set off



    after set off

    1 2 3 4 5i Salaries 0 0ii House property 0 0 0 0 0

    iiiBusiness (includingspeculation profit) 0 0 0 0 0

    iv Short-term capital gain 0 0 0 0 0v Long-term capital gain 0 0 0 0 0

    viOther sources (includingprofit from owning racehorses) 0 0 0 0 0

    vii 0 0 0viii 0

    Total of brought forward loss set off

    Schedule CYLA Details of Income af ter set-off of current years losses

    C U R R E N T Y E A R L O S S A D J U S T M E N T

    Loss remaining after set-off

    Current years income remaining after set off Total (i5 + ii5 + iii5 + iv5+v5+vi5)

    B R O U G H T F O R W A R D L O S S A D J U S T M E N T


    Head/ Source of Income

    Details of Income after Set off of Brought Forward Losses of earlieryearsSchedule BFLA

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  • 8/13/2019 2011 itr4 specifice


    Deduction under section 10A

    1 Deduction in respect of units located in Software Technology Park Undertaking No.1

    Total 1 0

    2 Deductions in respect of units located in Electronic Hardware Technology ParkUndertaking No.1Total 2 0

    3 Deductions in respect of units located in Free Trade ZoneUndertaking No.1Total 3 0

    4 Deductions in respect of units located in Export Processing Zone

    Undertaking No.1Total 4 0

    5 Deductions in respect of units located in Special Economic ZoneUndertaking No.1Total 5 0

    6 Total 6 0

    Schedule 10AA Deduction under section 10AADEDUCTION U/S 10AA 1 Deductions in respect of units located in Special Economic Zone

    Undertaking No.1 aTotal 0

    Schedule 10B Deduction under section 10BDEDUCTION U/S 10B Deduction in respect of hundred percent Export Oriented units

    Undertaking No.1 aTotal k 0

    Schedule 10BA Deduction under section 10BADEDUCTION U/S 10BA Deduction in respect of exports of hand-made wooden articles

    Undertaking No.1 aTotal k 0

    Schedule 10A

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    Deductions under section 80-IA

    a a

    b b

    c c

    d d

    e e

    f f 0

    Deductions under section 80-IB

    a a0

    b b

    c c

    d d

    e e

    f f

    g g

    h h

    i i

    j j

    k k

    l l

    m m

    n n 0

    Deduction in the case of an undertaking operating acold chain facility [Section 80-IB(11)]Deduction in the case of an undertaking engaged inprocessing, preservation and packaging of fruitsand vegetables [Section 80-IB(11A)]Deduction in the case of an undertaking engaged inintegrated business of handling, storage andtransportation of foodgrains [Section 80-IB(11A)]Deduction in the case of an undertaking engaged inoperating and maintaining a rural hospital [Section80-IB(11B)]Total deduction under section 80-IB (Total of a to m)

    D E D U C T I O N U / S

    8 0 - I


    Deduction in respect of industrial undertakingreferred to in section 80-IB(3)Deduction in respect of industrial undertakinglocated in Jammu & Kashmir [Section 80-IB(4)]Deduction in respect of industrial undertakinglocated in industrially backward states specified inEighth Schedule [Section 80-IB(4)]Deduction in respect of industrial undertakinglocated in industrially backward districts [Section80-IB(5)]Deduction in the case of multiplex theatre [Section80-IB(7A)]Deduction in the case of convention centre [Section80-IB(7B)]Deduction in the case of company carrying onscientific research [Section 80-IB(8A)]Deduction in the case of undertaking which beginscommercial production or refining of mineral oil[Section 80-IB(9)]Deduction in the case of an undertaking developingand building housing projects [Section 80-IB(10)]

    Schedule 80-IB

    Schedule 80-IA

    D E D U C T I O N U / S 8 0 - I A

    Deduction in respect of profits of an enterprisereferred to in section 80-IA(4)(i) [Infrastructurefacility]

    Deduction in respect of profits of an undertakingreferred to in section 80-IA(4)(ii)

    [Telecommunication services]Deduction in respect of profits of an undertakingreferred to in section 80-IA(4)(iii) [Industrial parkand SEZs]Deduction in respect of profits of an undertakingreferred to in section 80-IA(4)(iv) [Power]Deduction in respect of profits of an undertakingreferred to in section 80-IA(4)(v) [Revival of powergenerating plant] and deduction in respect ofprofits of an undertaking referred to in Section 80-IA 4 vi Cross-countr natural as distributionTotal deductions under section 80-IA (a + b + c + d + e)

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    1 Deduction in respect of industrial undertaking located in Sikkim 12 23 34

    a 4ab 4bc 4cd 4de 4ef 4f g 4gh 4h

    05 5 0

    Deductions under Chapter VI-A System Calculateda a 0b b 0 0

    c c 0 0d d 0 0e e 0 0f f 0 0g g 0 0h h 0 0I I 0 0 j j 0 0k k 0 0l l 0 0

    m m 0 0n n 0 0o o 0 0p p 0 0

    p p 0 0r r 0 0s s 0 0t Total Deductions under Chapter VI-A t 0 0


    Schedule VI-A

    T O T A L

    D E D U C T I O N S

    80GG - GGA80GGC80IA (f of Schedule80-IA)80IAB80IB (n of Schedule 80-IB

    80ID/ 80JJA


    NagalandTripuraTotal of deduction for undertakings located in North-east (Total of 4ato 4g)

    Total deduction under section 80-IC (1 + 2 + 3 + 4h)



    80G (Eligible Amount)

    80IC / 80-IE (5 of Schedule 80-IC/ 80-IE)



    D E D U C T I O N U / S 8 0 - I


    Deduction in respect of industrial undertaking located in Himachal PradeshDeduction in respect of industrial undertaking located in UttaranchalDeduction in respect of industrial undertaking located in North-East

    AssamArunachal PradeshManipurMizoramMeghalaya

    Schedule 80-IC Deductions under section 80-IC

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    Details of donations entitled for deduction under section 80G

    A Donations entitled for 100% deduction

    Name of donee AddressDetail CityOrTown StateCode PinCode Amount of donation12


    Total Total A 0

    B Donations entitled for 50% deduction where donee not required to be approved under section 80G(5) (vi)

    Name of donee AddressDetail CityOrTown StateCode PinCode Amount of donation1

    Total Total B 0

    C Donations entitled for 50% deduction where donee is required to be approved under section 80G(5) (vi)

    Name of donee PAN of donee AddressDetai CityOrTownOr StateCode Pincode Amount of donation1 C

    Total Total C

    D Total donations (A + B + C) Total D

    Schedule 80G

  • 8/13/2019 2011 itr4 specifice


    Income of specified persons(spouse, minor child etc) includable in income of the assesseeSl No Name of person PAN of person (opt Relationship Nature of Income Amount (Rs)





    code Sr nos 1 to 4 areauto filled from SchCG. Enter rates for

    Special rate(%)


    Taxable Income afteradjusting for MinChargeable to Tax

    Systemcalculatedtax thereon

    1 21 20 0 0 02 1A 15 0 0 03 22 10 0 0 04 5BB 30 0 0 0

    5 1 10 0 0 06 DTAA 10 0 0 07 4A1 30 0 08 5A1b2 20 0 0 09 7A 30 0 0

    10 5Eb 10 0 011 Total (1ii to 10 ii) 0 0

    Sch SPI

    Please clilck on Recalculate initially, and also subsequently if Gender, Date of Birth , ResidentialIncome chargeable to Income tax at special rates IB [Please see instruction Number-9(iii) for section code and rate of tax]

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    Amount of share

    in the profiti

    1 12 23 34 45 56 0

    PAN of the firm PercentageShare in theprofitof the firm

    Schedule I Information regarding partnership firms in which you are partner


    Number of firms in which you are partner

    Sl no Name of the Firm

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  • 8/13/2019 2011 itr4 specifice


    Capital balanceon 31st March in

    the firmii


  • 8/13/2019 2011 itr4 specifice


    Details of Exempt Income (Income not to be included in Total Income)1 12 23 34 45 56 67 7 0Total (1+2+3+4+5+6)

    Schedule EI

    E X E M P T

    I N C O M E

    Interest incomeDividend incomeLong-term capital gains on which Securities Transaction Tax is paidNet Agriculture income(other than income to be excluded under rule 7, 7A, 7B or 8)Share in the profit of firm/AOP etc.Others, (including exempt income of minor child)

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    BSR CodeDate of Deposit


    Serial Numberof

    ChallanAmount (Rs)

    1 2 3 4 5123456

    NOTE Enter the totals of Advance tax and Self Assessment tax in Sl No. 10a & 10d of PartB-TTI

    Schedule IT Details of Advance Tax and Self Assessment Tax Payments of Income-tax

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    Schedule TDS1


    Tax DeductionAccountNumber (TAN) oftheDeductor

    Name ofDeductor


    Total taxdeducted

    1 2 3 4 5


    Schedule TDS2


    Tax Deduction

    AccountNumber (TAN) oftheDeductor

    Name ofDeductor

    Total taxdeducted

    Amount out

    of (4) claimedforthis ear

    1 2 3 4 512

    NOTEEnter the total of (5) in =10b of PartB-TTI

    Details of Tax Deducted at Source from SALARY [As per FORM16 issued by Employer(s)]

    Details of Tax Deducted at Source on Income OTHER THANSALARY [As per Form 16 A issued by Deductor(s)]

  • 8/13/2019 2011 itr4 specifice


    Schedule TCS Details of Tax Collected at Source [As per Form 27D issued by the Collector(s)]TCSONINCOME


    Tax Deduction andTaxCollection Account

    Numberof the Collector

    Name of theCollector

    Total taxdeducted

    Amount outof (4) to beallowed

    as creditduringthe year

    1 2 3 4 512

    NOTE Enter the total of column (5) in Sl No. 10cof PartB-TTI

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  • 8/13/2019 2011 itr4 specifice


    Instructions to f ill up Excel Utility

    i Overviewii Before you beginiii Structure of the utility for ITR5iv Customisation of the utilityv Filling up the sections of the form using the utilityvi Validating the sheetsvii Generating the XMLviii Printingix Importing

    Configure the utilityFill up applicable schedulesValidate each sheetGenerate XMLValidate SummaryUpload the XML

    i OverviewThe excel utility can be used for creating the XML file for efiling of your returns.

    ii Before you beginRead the general instructions for filling up the form.

    The following elements are available on every sheeta) The navigate buttons for navigating to the various schedules.

    b) Home Button which allows a user to navigate to the customisation home page.c) Validate Sheet button , which allows the user to check for errors / omissions if any, per sheet.

    e) Print button which will print all the sheets selected for printing on the Customization page.

    f) Help button providing context specific help.


    The ITR5 Excel Utility is an Excel Workbook that consists of a number of individual, integratethe sheets contains one or more schedules for data entry. Initially, all the sheets are visible to thethese sheets are o

    The XML file generated will be placed in the same folder as the Excel utility, and will carry a nPAN number followed by the file extension.

    The validation page shows the error free entries that the utility will convert into XML format wPublish XML button.

    Once, the data to be submitted for filing your returns is entered into the utility, the Generate XMto a validation page.

    d) Generate XML button, which will be clicked by the user to generate the XML and validate al

    Structure of the utility for ITR5

    The excel utility provides all the sections and schedules required to be submitted as a part of the

    The name of each sheet displays in the tab at the bottom of the workbook.The various sheets and the schedules covered per sheet is as below.

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    iv Customisation of the utility by clicking on the Home button shown here ---->

    vFilling up the sections of the form using the utility.Every section / schedule is color coded to facilitate the user to enter data.There are following different types of cells in the sheet.

    d) Data entry cells for optional fields have a black font and a green background color.

    Adding more rows : Schedules such as Subsidiary Details, 10A, TDS2, TCS etc allow users toThe utility provides an option to add more rows in these schedules than provided in the base util

    Each sheet is identified by the sheet tabs located at the bottom of the Excel window. These tabsabbreviation forms of the schedules of the sheet.

    Each sheet includes a number of distinct, titled sections / schedules. These titles are displayed i background with white text.

    The print options are also stored on clicking Customize button. These options include user selecneed to be printed.

    Note : If, on a sheet, there are more than one schedules, you should disable the sheet by selectinschedules on that sheet are not relevant to you.

    To customize the utility, one needs to go to the Home page / Customization sheet by clicking on button.

    You can move to a specific sheet by either choosing the sheet tab from the bottom, or by navigatschedule (and sheet) using the right panel.

    Depending on the various optional schedules that you need to leave out of the filing, you can cushow you only relevant sheets.

    This sheet has embedded in it the Version number, buttons to access the "General instructions tform". "Customize" button which when clicked will apply the customization inputs for hiding uutility.

    f) Linked fields, where no data entry is done by the user, but a value is picked up from ancell elsewhere in the sheet. These have a blue font for the labels and a white background.All green cells are areas where the user input is expected.Refer to the navigation buttons shown on the left for Next, Previous and Index. The user cthe various sheets and schedules by either clicking on next or previous buttons to move to the ne

    previous tab, or by clicking on Index to moveMoving through the cells : After the user has reached the desired schedule, the user can clickke board button. On clickin tab, the user is taken to the next reen cell of the schedule.

    IMPORTANT : To add more rows, the user must place the cursor in the last row that is alreadyschedule. Thereafter, the user can click on the button provided to add more rows. The user can ethan or equal to 1. On clicWarning : Rows once added, cannot be deleted. However, if rows are not filled up, they will notgenerated XML.Note while filling tabular data : When filling tabular data, ensure that all rows are filled one askip a row blank. Do not use 2 rows for entering value for a particular entry. Example : If addreavailable space,

    c) Data entry cells for fields which may be mandatory based on the value of some otherOnly in the case of revised return are the dates of original return and receipt no to be fillelabels are either partially red, or , if they ha

    a) Data entry cells for mandatory fields which are required to be compulsorily entered bThese have a red font and a green background color.b) Data entry cells for mandatory fields which , if left empty by the user, will default topredefined value. These have a red font and a green background color.

    e) Formula fields where no data entry is done by the user but a value is calculated based oavailable values. These have a blue font for the labels and a white background color. Theare not changeable by the user but are calculated by th

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    DPM_DOAFor sake of convenience, computation of depreciation allowable under the Income-tax Act [otheundertaking generating electricity which may at its option claim deprecation on straight line met32(1)(i)], has been divided into two parts i.e. in schedules DPM (depreciation on plant and mac(depreciation on other assets). The summery of depreciation as per these schedules has to be shDeemed short term capital gain, if any as computed in schedule DPM and DOA has to be entere




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    Schedule BFLA










    General Instructions for f illing in the form

    Instructions for f illing up ITR-5 are available in the PDF form

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    worksheets. Each ofuser. A number of

    me ending with your

    en the user clicks on

    L button will take you

    l the sheets. The

    eFiling process.

  • 8/13/2019 2011 itr4 specifice


    enter data in tabular format. ity.

    are labeled with

    black color

    ted list of sheets that

    g "N" only if all the

    the Home

    ing to the required

    stomize the utility to

    fill the utility andnecessary sheets, to the


    n navigatext or the

    n the tab

    filled up in thenter a number greater

    be reflected in the

    fter another. Do nots is longer than the

    ield. Ex :in. Such

    y the user.

    n alreadyormulas

  • 8/13/2019 2011 itr4 specifice


    e generated.

    ages thereafter

    to finally save thef the file saved.

    ll stop generating XMLrs, which must be filled

    , FBT where the totalsomplete. All rows

    to confirm that the

    on. This will validatechedules listed showing

    the downloaded utility

    the homepage, the

    e data from the

    is aware of the location

  • 8/13/2019 2011 itr4 specifice


    r than in case of anhod under sectioninery )and DOAwn in schedule DEP.d into schedule DCG.