2004- july and aug. epa fax- public notice of pine view draft permit

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Faxes to/from EPA (Eric Byous) and Victoria Crump re: Pine View's UIC permit, which will run in the legal notices section of the Nevada Appeal and Record Courier.First fax sent on July 20, 2004; last fax sent on August 3, 2004.


  • 37/26./2~4 13:17



    Thank you,Vicki Crump

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    77588~4~8 CL~SSIFIEDS,. PAGE ~1

    580 MALLORY WAYCARSON CITY, NV 89701PHONE 775-881-1201FAX 775-887-2408legals @t-can~org





    EPA Ground Water From: Victoria Crump, Legal ClerkAttn; Eric Byous Pages:fax 415-947-3549 Date: ~26i~Q~4 ~Re: Underground injection CC:D Urgent X For Revh~w El Please Comment U Pleasa Reply El Ploase Recycle


    Here is a proof of the ad to run. Please check the appropriate box andfax back to me. The corrections did add a little to the ads. To run in theRecord Courier the cost is $176~5O: Nevada Appeal the cost is $28L88.

    _____ ad is okas is.

    ______ ad is ok with attached corrections

  • P-16E 8~a7/26/2504 13:17 7758879488 CLASSIFIEDS,


    ppQ~OPU~LLQ~LQII~The purpose of the public notice is to ~oliclt public com

    ments on the proposal by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to issue a UIC permitto inject fluids underground through two (2) Class Vinjection wells. The permit is for PTP~ Incorporated(injection well operator) and Leon Mark Kizer (landowner).

    Leon Mark Kizerc/c 8ureaU of Indian AffairsWestern Nevada Agency311 E. Washington StreetCarson City, NV 89701

    The Draft Permit only allows the injection of treatedsanitary waste produced at the homes within Pi~yj~LSubdivision, which is located on 149 N. bliejhway 395~Gardnerville, NV 89410.

    The proposed wells wilj,ini~~ treated sanitary wastefour (4) to five (5) fe9tundergrOUfld through a subsurface wastewat.eJ ~flltration system (commonly knownas a drainfield)tBaSed on the review of the proposedwell construction modifications, op3ratiOfl and mainte~nance standards, monitoring requirements, and theexistin9 9eologio setting, it is believed that such a pro-

    posed Inleotion operation is protective of UndergroundSources of Drinking Water as required under the SafeDrinking Water Act.

    EPA has made a preliminary determination to approvethis permit application. This action is being taken asprovided by Part C of the Safe Drinking Water Act andpursuant to Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 124, 144, 146, and 147.

    ~J BLI QJ~QMM~NfL~All non-proprietary data submitted by the applicant, as

    well as the Draft Permit are contained in thetrative Record for this proposed injection well.jl3j.~in-formation is available for public in~pection at the location listed below:

    u.s Environmental Protection Agency, Region IXGround Water Office (WTR-9)75 Hawthorne StreetSan Francisco, CA 94105AttentiOfl Eric Byoustelephone (415) [email protected] copy of the Draft Permit and~ Fact Sheet are also

    available at the following locations:Minden Public Library Carson City Public Library1625 Library Lane 900 North Reap StreetMinden, NV 89423 Carson City, NV 89701Phone: 775-782-9841 Phone: 775-887-2244The Draft Permit and Fact Sheet are also available on-

    PTP, IncorporatedP0 Box 188Minden, NV 89423


  • 07/26/2804 13:17 7758872408/


    yj~L~htI. Comments are encouraged and will be accepted in writihg (eriiail is acceptable), at the SanFrancisco office for a period of 30 days after pubilcation of this notice. ~, community~goy~eanoortnifPJ:Jh~P~b~ toa~~QflS on ~he~

    Inca~ver~bpl Qomm~flt$ concewirig the p~ edpermit~. Arequest for a community workshop and/or public hearin~ must be made in writing (email is acceptable~ toEnc Byous within a period of 30 days of this noticeThe request should state the nature of the issues proposed to be raised- A COMMUNITY WORKSHOPAND/OR PUBLIC HEARING WiLL BE HELD ONLY IFSIGNIFiCANT INTEREST IS SHOWN OR IF THEREIS A NEED TO CLARIFY ISSUES.

    El~After the close of the public comment period, EPA will

    issue a response to comments, a final permit decision,and will notify all commenters regarding this decision.The final decision shall be to either Issue or,Deny thepermit. The final decision shall become effective thirty(30) days after the close of the public comment period, unless no commenters request a substantialchange in the Draft Permit and no substantial changesare made from the Draft Permit to the Final Permit, inwhich case the permit shall become effective immediately upon issuance- Within thirty (30) days after thefinal permit decision has been iSSUSd, any person whofiled comments on the Draft Permit, participated in thePublic Hearing, or takes issUe with any changes in theDraft Permit, may petition the Director to review thepermit decision. Comments are referred to 40 CFRSections 124.15 through 124.20 for procedural requirements of the appeal process.

    Pub~ ~uqtr~~ 2004 Ad#0361 5008


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  • O7,21/2~a4 16:~3 77555: ~8 CLASSIFIEDS / PAGE 51

    580 MALLORY WAYCARSON CITY, NV 89701PHONE 775-881~1201FAX 775-881-2408legals c~t-can.org






    Toe. EPA Ground Water - From~ Victoria CrumpAttn: Eric Byous Pages: 3fax 415-947-3549 Date: 7/21/04Re; . Underground Injection cc:L1 Urgent X For R~vh~w l~ Please Comment II Please R~pIy 0 Please Rncycle

    Here is a proof of the ad to run.. To run one week (which is Wed.~ 7/28 and Fri. 7/30) inthe Record Courier the cost would be $303.44. to run on a Sat. and a Sun. in theNevada Appeal the coat would be $528.74, or to run in the Appeal on the Same Wed.and Fri. as the Record Courier the cost would be $506.92. It would be very costly torun this size of an ad for an entire week in the Nevada Appeal. Please check theappropriate box and fax back to me, and let me know if you need more priceinformation~

    _____ ad is ok as is

    ______ ad is ok with attached corrections

    Thank you,Vicki Crump

  • 07/21/2004 16:03 77588 ~B CLASSIFIEDS PAGE ~2


    SUBDIVISIONPURPOSE OF PVBLLQ NOTICEThe purpose of the public notice is to solicit public com

    ments on the proposal by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (E )~~tp~ssue a UICto inject fluids underQround ~6~1W~T (2) Class Vtion wells. The permit is for PTP, Incorporatedtion well operator) and Leon Mark Kizer (landowner).The EPA is currently revie~ing th~dnjection well~the disposal of tned sanitary waste pEQduced at the homes within Firview Subdivision, whiOMs_tQc~~~n 149 N. Higi395, Gardnerville, NV 89410,

    The proposed wells will be~ injeot~ four (4) to fivefeet underground through a subsurface wastewaterfiltration system (commonly known as a drainfield).Based on the review of the proposed well constructionmodifications, operation and maintenance standards,monitoring requirements, and the existing 9eOlogiosetting, it is believed that such a proposed injectionoperation is protective of Underground Sources ofDrinking Water as required under the Safe DrinkingWater Act.

    EPA has made a preliminary determination to approvethis permit application. This action is being taken asprovided by Part C of the Safe Drinking Water Act andpursuant to Title 40 of the Code of Federal F~egu)ations (CFR) Parts 124, 144, 1~, and 147

    E~JBLIC COK1M~NTSAll non-proprietary data sj~mitted l:~y the applicant, aswell as the Draft Permitre contained in the Adminis~trative Record for this proposed injection well. This information is available for public inspection at the location listed below:

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region IXGround Water Office (WTR~9)75 Hawthorne StreetSan Francisco, CA 94105 r1J~Attention: Eric Byoustelephone: (415) [email protected] copy of the Draft Permit and Fact Sheet are also

    available at the following locations: \ L) , ~ ~

    The Draft Permit and Fact Sheet are also available online at hftp://www. ena.gov/re~ion9/Water~ Commentsare encourag~ and will be accepted in writing (emailis acceptable)~ the San Francisco office for a periodof 30 days after publication of this notice Acommun:ity workshop can be requestedjo i2LQYLc1~~I1~P~t1tk-ntty_tos the p~biic tp_a~sk oues Qr~ on the proposednermit, In addition, a oublic hearirto can be requestec4


    -~ I


    Minden Public Library1625 Library LaneMinden, NV 89423Phone: 775-782-9841

    Carson City Public Library900 North Roop StreetCarson City, NV 89701Phone: 775-867-2244

    ~oprovide written and/or verbal comments concern incL-,.-.-.~.-.,-.,-,-J,..,,.,.......1. A ....,.4. i..~. ,-.

  • 57/21/2504 16:03 775~E~~~ CL~SSIFIEDS ~ ~


    ~rit pwpy~y pL~t1II1. M r~q~t fur ~ ~uriitfiuIiiLyworkshop and/or public hearing~ must be made in writ~ing (email is acceptable) toEric ByOus Within a periodof 30 days of this notice. / The request should statethe nature of the issues proposed to be raised. ACOMMUNITY WORKSHOP AND/CR PUBLIC HEAR-ING WILL BE HELD ONLY IF SIGNIFICANT INTER- ~1 ~w~-~EST IS SHOWN. -~--~~

    FINALPER~flQgQ1SIQN AND APPEALS PROCESSAfter the yltse of the public comment period, EPA will

    issue a final permit decision and will notify all cornmenters regarding this decision. The final decisionshall be to either issue or Deny this permit. The finaldecision shall become effective thirty (30) days afterthe close of the public comment period, unless nocommenters request a substantial change in the DraftPermit and no substantial changes are made from theDraft Permit to the Final Permit, in which case the permit shall become effective immediately upon issuance. Within thirty (30) days after the final permit decision has been issued, any person who filed comments on the Draft Permit, participated in the PublicHearing, or takes issue with any changes in the DraftPermit, may petition the Director to review the permitdecision. Comments are referred to 40 CFR Sections124.15 through 124.20 for procedural requirements ofthe appeal process.

    Pub~ July 28, 30, 2004 Ad#03515008

  • ~726/20~4 1~:44 77588T98 CLASSIFIEDS PAGE ~1

    580 MALLORY WAYCARSON CITY, NV 89701PHONE 775-881-1201FAX 775-887-2408iegals@t-oafl~Org






    To~ EPA Ground Water From: Victoria Crump, Legal ClerkAttn~ Eric Byous Pages: 3fax 415-947-3549 Date: 7/26/04Re~ Underground Injection CC:U Urgent X For Rev~w ~1 Please Comment 0 Please Reply D Please Recycle


    Here is a proof of the ad to run. Please check the appropriate box andfax back to me, I do have these set to run in both papers on 8/04,however they are on hold pending your ok to run. I will need to hear fromyou by 4:00 pm. in order to release the ads. To run in the RecordCourier the cost is $173.04; Nevada Appeal the cost is $282.92.

    ______ ad is Ok as is

    ______ ad is ok with attached corrections

    Thank you,Vicki Crump

  • ~ United States of America~ E ~ Enviromenta~ Protection Agency~ A FAX FROM: Region 9~ FAX NO:Victoria Crump

    ~ 775-887-2408~

    ~:3UBJECT~; Legal Ad #03515008, Underground Injection Control Permit Revision~ROM PHONE NOrEric Byous& 415-972-3531L~QFFICE: FAX NO. FOR:Ground Water 415-947-3549

    ~OMMENTS~~e1lo Again,

    , I apologize, but there is one mo~,,cJi~nge I failed to put into the revision I sent earlier today~1he internet site (URL) to ac~%ess the draft permit (located at the beginning of the second page I~ent this morning) shou~9,h~:

    L~ http://www.epa.gov~gionO9/water/undergrOUnd/PineVieW.htm1~ ~ ~~Lc ~ ~~ . . A ii

    :~ Thanks again, Eric L~ aiU?ic~ &~ f~1~o~T~

    ~ATE and TIME:n7/)ccnnnzl 111~ AT~4


  • 07/26/2504 10:44 7758S7~~ 58 CLASSIFIEDS PAGE 02


    E.~EEQSE OEPLJBLIC NQT1Q~The purpose of the public notice is to solicit public com

    ments on the proposal by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 10 issue a UIC permitto inject fluids underground through two (2) Class Vinjection wells. The permit is for PTP, Incorporated(injection well operator) and Leon Mark Kizer (landowner).

    PIR~, IncorporatedP0 Box 188Minden, NV 89423

    Leon Mark Kizerdo Bureau of Indian AffairsWestern Nevada Agency311 E. Washington StreetCarson City, NV 89701

    The Draft Permit only allows the injection of treatedsanitary waste produced at the homes within PinevieWSubdivision, which is located on 149 N. Highway 395,Gardnervill~, NV 89410.

    The proposed wells wilt inject treated sanitary wastefour (4) to five (5) feet underground through a subsurface wastewater infiltration system (commonly knownas a drainfield. Based on the review of the proposedwell construction modifications, operation and maintenance standards, monitoring reqLlirements, and theexisting 9eologic setting, it is believed that such a proposed injection operation is protective of UndergroundSources of Drinking Water as required under the SafeDrinking Water Act.

    EPA has made a preliminary determination to approvethis permit application. This action is being taken asprovided by Part C of the Safe Drinking Water Act andpursuant to Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 124, 144, 146, arid 147.P~Qi~MENI~All non-proprietary data submitted by the applicant, as

    well as the Draft Permit are contained in the Administrative Record for this proposed injection well. This information is available for public inspection at the location listed below:

    U.S. Environmental Protection Ag~ncy, Region IXGround Water Office (WTR-9)75 Hawthorne StreetSan Francisco, CA 94105Attention: Eric Byoustelephone: (415) 972-3531byous.eric @ epa.gov.A copy of the Draft Permit and Fact Sheet are also

    available at the following locations:Carson City Public Library.900 North Roop StreetCarson City, NV 89701Phone: 775-887-2244

    Minden Public Library1625 Library LaneMinden, NV 89423Phone: 775-782-9841The~


    .~ :/~~ ~& ~ ~ //

  • s726/2~54 1~:44 7758S7T~58 CL~SSIFIEDS PAGE 53

    ~ue I~UU~1~U ~tflU WUI U~ ~UI.)WU ill WflLU1~J L~t~iIi~tI.is acceptable)1 at the San Francisco office for a periodof 30 days after publication of this notice. A&Qrnifl!lfl:~

    ~ for, tt~ publio to~p~~JJ~1~ddition,.&pJlichearinq~~COmIJfl~&~fl0eflIfl~je p~ _rrni. A request for a communityworkshop and/or public hearing must be made in writing (email is acceptable) to Eric Byous within a periodof 30 days of this notice. The request should statethe nature of the issues proposed to be raised~ ACOMMUNITY WORKSHOP AND/OR PUBUC HEARiNG WILL BE HELD ONLY IF SIGNIFICANT INTEREST IS SHOWN. ~. ~ -~ LS A i~j~ ~~-~~

    FINAL MI DECISJON DAPEEALS~ PROCESSAfter the close of the public comment period, EPA will

    issue a response to comments, a final permit decisioj~and will notify all commenters regarding this decision..The final decision shall be to either Issue or Deny thepermit The final decision shall become effective thirty(30) days after the close of the public comment period, unless no commenters request a substantialchange in the Draft Permit and no substantial changesare made from the Draft Permit to I:he Final Permit, inwhich case the permit shall become effective immediately upon issuance. Within thirty (30) days after thefinal permit decision has been issued, any person whoTiled comments on the Draft Permit, participated in thePublic Hearing, or takes issue with any changes in theDraft Permit, may petition the Director to review thepermit decision, Comments are referred to 40 CFRSections 124.15 through 124.20 for procedural requirements of the appeal process.

    Pub: August 4, 2004 Ad#035150~J~

  • ~ United States of America~ ~ Environmental Protection Agency

    A FAX FROM: Region 9TO: FAX NO:

    , Victoria Crump. 775-887-+~&l

    ~SUBJECT:j Legal Ad # 03515008, Underground Injection Control Permit RevisionFROM: PHONE NO:~ Eric Byous~ 415-972-3531

    Ci FFICE: FAX NO. FOR:~ Groufld Water 415-947-3549

    COMMENTS:~Good Morning Vicki,

    ~. I put in some revisions and circled the edited areas so you could change your proof w/o havin~g~:.to re-type the whole thing. We would tentatively like to run the ad in the Legal section of bothi~he Carson City Nevada Appeal and Minden Record Courier on Wednesday, August 4, 2004. I;~ ~Aould like a cost estimate for the two papers for that day so I can prepare the payment and Ulj~ call you on Monday, August 2 (two days lead time, per your request) with our final decision to~ run the ad.

    ~ ihanks! Eric


    ~DATE and TIME:fl7/t)tc/)flflzIfl7.~ A1~s1


  • PUBLIC NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE AN U~T~ERGROUND INJECTIONCONTROL (UIC) CLASS V PERMIT FOR PINEVIEW SUBDIVISIONPURPOSE OF PUBLIC NOTICEThe purpose of the public notice is to solicit public comments on the proposal by the UnitedStates Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to issue a UIC permit to inject fluidsundergroun~~~wo (2) Class V injection wells. The permit is for PTP, Incorporated(injection well operator) and Leon Mark Kizer (landowner).

    ,,/~ PTP, Incorporated Leon Mark KizerP.O. Box 188 do Bureau of Indian Affairs-Western Nevada Agency

    ~ Ivlinden, NV89111East Washington Street

    7The Draft Permit only allows the injection of treated sanitary waste produced at the homes ~hin ~L Pineview Subdivision which is located on 149 N._Highway 395, Gardnerville, NV 89410. ~~waste f~i i~5~T~Tiii~rgrou oh )~T( a subsurface wastewater infiltration system (commonly known as a~~stand~ds,

    monitoring requirements, and the existing geologic setting, it is believed that such a proposedinjection operation is protective of Underground Sources of Drinking Water as required under theSafe Drinking Water Act.

    EPA has made a preliminary determination to approve this permit application. This action isbeing taken as provided by Part C of the Safe Drinking Water Act and pursuant to Title 40 of theCode of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 124, 144, 146, and 147.

    PUBLIC COMMENTSAll non-proprietary data submitted by the applicant, as well as the Draft Permit are contained inthe Administrative Record for this proposed injection well. This information is available forpublic inspection at the location listed below:

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region IXGround Water Office (WTR-9)75 Hawthorne StreetSan Francisco, CA 94105Attention: Eric Byoustelephone: (415) [email protected]

    A copy of the Draft Permit and Fact Sheet are also available at the following locations:

    Minden Public Library Carson City Public Library1625 Library Lane 900 North Roop StreetMinden,NV 89423 Carson City, NV 89701Phone: 775-782-9841 Phone: 775-887-2244

  • The Draft Permit and Fact Sheet are also available online at http:Ilwww.epa.govlregion9lwater.Comments are encouraged and will be accepted in writing (email is acceptable)/~~the SanFrancisco office for a period of 30 days after publication of this notice. A community workshopcan be requested to provide an opportunity for the public to ask questions on the proposedpermit. In addition, a public hearing can be requested to provide written and/or verbal commentsconcerning the proposed permit. A request for a community workshop and/or public hearingmust be made in writing (email is acceptable) to Eric Byous within a period of 3 days of this~thenature of the issues proposed to be raise . COMMIJNIT


    FINAL PERMIT DECISION~After the cl~~? ~e public comment period, EPA will issue a response to comm~,ijr~ ~permit decision, and will notif all commenters regarding this de~ /The final decision shallbe to either Issue or Deny the permit. ~ final decision sEaTh~come effective thirty (30) daysafter the close of the public comment period, unless no commenters request a substantial changein the Draft Permit and no substantial changes are made from the Draft Permit to the FinalPermit, in which case the permit shall become effective immediately upon issuance. Withinthirty (30) days after the final permit decision has been issued, any person who filed commentson the Draft Permit, participated in the Public Hearing, or takes issue with any changes in theDraft Permit, may petition the Director to review the permit decision. Commenters are referredto 40 CFR Sections 124.15 through 124.20 for procedural requirements of the appeal process.

  • United States of America~ E )~t\ Environmental Protection Agency

    A FAX FROM: Region 9TO: FAX NO:Legal Advertisement Personnel

    . 775-887-2408

    SUBJECT:Notice to be placed in Legal Notice sectionFROM: PHONE NO:Eric Byous~ 415-972-3531

    ~ E~yFFlCE FAX NO. FOR:~Ground Water 415-947-3549

    COMMENTS:~was hoping to get a quote for placing this ad in both the Minden and Carson City papers. Ifray run the ad in the Legal Notice section for a week (both papers), but could I get a quote per~usjness day, Saturday, Sunday, and also a whole week? Thank you and please give me a call

    ~ if you have any questions My email is byous eric@epa gov if that is easier Thanks - Eric


    DATE and TIME: NO. OF PAGESfl7flflflflflzt 1Y~dQ PT~/1