2 - university of hawaiʻi

Vol. XII. No: 1797 HONOLULU, II. I., WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 23. 1387. SUBSCRIPTION SO GENTS PER MONTH Professionals. THE DAILY BULLETIN Insurance. GEORGE LUCAS, Beaver Saloon Dress Goods, Dress Goods ! -- AT POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE 104 Fort Street. Honolulu, J. . H.A.OJJ, - Cashmeres, Tricots In Fancy Stripes SSIlIc uiitl WorHted Mixed JPlnid! Just the thing for Suiting. FINE DRESS ALPACAS, STRIPED AND PLAID! in Brown, Olive and Steel Mixed, Camel Hair Striped Something New. ECRU BROCADED PONGEE SILK! in Dress Patterns. A large assortment of Stylish Striped Satins and Fancy Silks! Suitable for evening and street wear. ELEGANT BLACK For Dresses, Latest Patterns. LADIES' BOX SUITS, in White, Cream and Colored. at very low prices. As we make a specialty of .LACES AND it will pay the Indies to cull and have HAY HAY AND -- GRAIN GRAIN. Largest Stocks, Choicest UNION FEED CO.. Telephones 175. Corner TIIE- - - Proprietor. ! Dress Flannels ! and Solid Colors. Combination Snits LACE FLOUNCES! KMIUfOTnKRTF.S ! a look before purchasing elsewhere. Quality, Lowest Prices. Edinburgh & Queen Streets. Stree t Q RUBBER HOSE COPPER AND and Lock Company. - Fort Street. opposite Spreckels & Co.'s Bank. SPEAR, AND JEWELER. . M. THOMPSON, Attorn9y-ullA- Ollice lu Campbell's iilock, tor. Fort & JMercnaul Honolulu, U. I. PRACTICES IN THE COURTS. tW" When desind, will xive the law In a written opinion, as to the probable re- sult of the contention upon the fact laioa. l.r8lv f M. MONSARRAT. O ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Heal Estate in any part oi the Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans ncgott ted, Luxal Documents Drawn. No. 8' Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Island 1 91 ft ECU, BROWN. Attoiuer and Counsellor at Law Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac knowledgments of Instruments for the island ol Oahu. Merchant street, Ilono- - U1U. , l F ALFRED MAOOON. O AT l OKNE Y AT LAW. 173 42 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly TOHN A. HASSINOER, tf Agent to take Acknowledgments to ContracU for Labor. Interior Jmce, nimoiuia. Doctor Tucker's Office Hours will, hereafter, be from 8 to 10 A. M from 1 to 3 P. M and from 6 to 7$ p. m. Ofllce and Jtvuldence, 18S Fort St. 1)0 nu D b. Emerson. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Residence and Office, 196 Fort St i s to 10 A.M., Okpice Hours i I Vt to IX Evening. Telephone (Bell and Mutual), No. 149. 177 tl T P. GRAY. M. D.. X PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, first door west of Library Build ing. Hours, from U to 11 a m., and 2 to 4 and 7 to 0 p.m. Sundays, tf to 11 a.m. tST Hesideuce. No. 40 Alakea. near uoiui street. DR. IWAI, Japanese. Physician and Surgeon. taking the place of Dr. G ito, Will treatsLeprosy alter Dr. Goto't Method. Will visit patients at their residence. uy request. AH other diseases treated nt his office corner ot Punchbowl and Beretania streets. Office hours 1 to 5 p. m.: On Sundays o to u a. ui. Belt Telenhoue No. 837. 09 6m M AX HAEDICKE, M. D i'liyslolan ana Huriteon. ( 8 to 10 a. m. Offick Hours 1 1 to 3 p. m. ( 7 to 8 p. m. Office ard residence: Cor. of Adams' Lane and Uuijn S ieet. 88 Mutual Telephone 45H. lm J. H. SOPEB, M. D. Consulting Physician and Surgeon. S. W. Comer Sixth and Market treets, opposite Uawau JNul AliiUuery iictalj- - lishmenl, San Francisco. 23 A. II. BKNSOH. O. W. SMITH. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 116 Fort Street, . - Honolulu. Depot for Boericke & Scechlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES. Stcksecker's Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, i2y HOLLISTER & CO. Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 09 Fo- -t Street, William's Block, Hono- - 316 Honolulu, H. I. WENNER & CO. manufacturing; Jeweller, , NO. OS TOUT STREET, Constantly on hand a large assortmen of every descriptionof Jewelry, Watches uoid and silver Jflawd ware, ex. 958 ly HAWAIIAN HOTEL CARRIAGE CO. Carriasres at all hours, dsv and nieht. Raddle Horses. Bueriries. Wauonettes and Village Carts will stylish and gentle norses lo let. FOR SALE. A few Horses, guaranteed. Second hund Hacks, Open and Top Buggiej, varis ana Harness. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Ring up Telephone 32, or apply to MILES & HAYJLEY. 1574 ly and Builder,.T3C Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla- nade, Honolulu. Manufacture)) all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work finish. Tnnilng, Scroll and Band Sawing. AH kinds of Sawing and Pinn- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from the other Is-- ands solicited 1. McliEIVZIli:, Contractor nnd Ituildcr. S'ores and offices lilted up, Estimates given on an kinds ot hricK and wooden buildings. Plan and Specifications JIT Office, 110 Heretanla St.; Mutual Telephone, it?i: Postotlice Box, io. rssaiv . f NTERPRIS PLANING MILL. Alakea, near Queen tit. Telephone 53. F. RUPPRECHT, Fresco Iniiiter. 126 Nuuauu St, Honolulu, H L f8 dm JOHN MAGOON. Office 42 Merchant St, Honolulu- - Collector & Real state Agent. lShr fl Honolultj iron Works, AiTti7H'""'" en irines.suL'ar mills, boil era, coolers; iron, brans and lead cast ings; machinery of every description made to order. Part icular attention naiil to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- - cuieu ai snort notice. 1 LAIfJE & CO. Have a Largo Stock of the VERY BEST HAY. Oralu, Etc., Which is offered at Lowest Market Prices AND Delivered Free to any part of the City AGENTS FOR THE Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co-O- CALIFORNIA. Agents for the Hoover Telephone. CommissionerofDeedsfor California Telephone No. J47. 7flfl ALVIN1I. RASEMANN, Book-Bind- er PAPEU-RULE- and BLANK-BOO- K Manufacturer. Uook Binding of all description neatly nnu nromni v execiiieii. Campbell Block, Rooms 10 and 11. Mer. J chaut street. fly TAHITI LEMONADE WORKS. HIGH CLASS AERATED WATERS. Lemon Soda and Ginser .Al of nil in. ferior duality. In bottles, nn r. tailed by Chinamen at Five cents a hot. tie, are not aud will not be made ai this esiaoiitntnent. 1750 A. M. HEWETT, Stationer & Newsdealer, Merchant Street, Honolulu, H. I Mutual Tel. 371. Ilell Tel. 302. Law Books & Lawyers' Stationery a Spocialty. Orders lakf n for NowsnaDers. Puriodi. cals, Books, Music, etc., I rom any part of the world, having made all arrange- - iii ems mereior wuiisi in Ban jriancuco. Red Rubber S tam pit to Order. 71 rlustace& Robertson DUAY i m tj . ALnl!iak,promptly.oU attention pamtottte Storing & Shipping 01 goods in transit to the other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in Quantities to suit at lowest rtrices. Office, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'s auction room. 982 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19. NOTICE. HfESSRS J. E. BROWN &CO. JLVL Are authorised to collect lor tlie bUI.LKTItf Honolulu June 8th. 1887. 157 TF YOU WANT A SITUATION X advertise in the Daily Bcuatih. 1 I p rioted and published at the office, uoen btreet, Honolulu, II. I., every afternoon (Sunday excepted). Subscription, 60 cent pet Month. Address all Communications Dailt Bullktin. Advertisements, tc ensure Insertion, should be handed in before one o cjock P. M. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor W. A. S.Beali Shipping Reporter 1 Collector JAS. G. CLEVIOR, Manager. Bulletin Steam Printing; Office. Newspaper, Book and Job Printing of all kinds douo on the moht favorable terms. Bell Telephone No. 256 Mutual Telephone No. 858 Commission Mftionants. TT IIAGIEtfl2JL.l X& Co JJL General Commission Agents. 670 1 y . Honolulu Q. W. MACZAE1ANE & Co. MPORTERB AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Queen street, Honolulu. H. I. 1618 (1 BBEWKR (Limiwd.) COMPANY, UENB1U.L MKHOAHTILB AMD Commission Agents. list or oFrirEBs: P. C. J onus, Jr. , .President & Manager J. O. Cahtku.. Treasurer & Secretary diuectoks: Hon. C. R. Bishop. S. C. Allen, H. V ATKKUOU8B. UM ly I OHN T. WATERHOUSE, J Importer aud Dealer in General .Merchandise, tjueen it., Honolulu. 6. N. Castle.-- J. B. Athertoa-- G. P. Castle StASTLB Af OOOKE. J Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in tbu6..l ir..i'Aiuid)SC, Nq. 00.. King St., Honolulu. ' Clans Spreckols. Win. Q. Irwin. T Q. DJWIN S5 COMPANY. IT Sugar Factors and Commissios Agents, Honolulu. l AT S. GRINBAUM & CO., iXL Importers of General Mer- - onaudise aiU Uoinuimalou Merchants, Honolulu, and 1U4 California street. 1 San Francisco, Cal. TTTtt ntfiD Mm t1r VV Dealers' in Lumber, Paints, Oils. Nails. Sal', and Buildinir Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. l B. Lewers, F. J. Lowrey, O. M. Cooko. EWERS ft OOOKK, L (successors to Lewers & Dickson,) Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all kinds ol Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 CS-onsalv- Sc Co., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants 289 Beaver Block, Honolulu. Notice of Removal! THOMAS LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Has removed to one of the New Stores in the Thomas Block, King Street, Three doors from Castle & Cookes', Where he is prepared to manufacture all kinds f Jewelry. 66 THE ONLY PRACTICAL 1 On the Islands is WM. TURNER, No. 82 King Street If you want your watch Well repaired, or your clock put in order, go and see him. 97 ly riBR. GERTZ. J No. 80 Fort street, Honolul, Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladies' and Children's boots, shoes and slippers. Foiled tos Stocl FOR SALE. Bull Calves from 10 to 13 months old. Heiler Calves from 1 0 to 13 months old. APPLY TO J. I. D0WSETT. Honolulu, June 84, 1887. 70 EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society OF THE UNITED STATES. Assets Jan. 1, 1887 $75,610,472.76 Surplus New York Stato Standard . . . . 20,495,175.76 New Inturancs written in 1886 111,640,203.00 The Free Tontine Return Pre- mium Policy Contuius all the latest concessions, the most liberal form of Policy extant 1st. No restrictions whatever upon travel, renidenre or occupa- tion alter 1 year. 2nd. Indisputable at law, or otherwise after it years). 3rd. Non forfeiUible after 3 yeura. 4lh. The Society guarantees to pRy not only the lace of the policy in case of do th dining the Tontine period chosen, but to return all premiums paid a ttell. 5th If aHMired survives the Tontine lieriod Six varied and attractive op- tions are ottered him three of which td.ow him to terminate the contract, and three allow him to continue the tame. I'jf A Built till is issued munthlv nt I eaili Uain.s aid in all parts of the world. Claims puid immediately upon receipt of satisfactory proof ot death, uud not alter 1.0 days. t'No law suiu. tar No delays For further particulars consult ALEX. J. CARTW1UGI1T, General Agent Hawaiian Islands. 1U10 FIIIE, LIFE, AND MARINE INSUKANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Assets, $5,055,000 Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire and Marine) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation (Fire aud Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Fire and Marine Ins. Co Capita; $10,000,000 New York Life Insurance Co. Assets, $75,000,000 C. O. J3EKGEJR HONOLULU. General Agent, Haw'n Islands. 1653 ly CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire & Marine Insur'ce Agents. AOkMTS FOB ' The Xew England MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMP'Y, of Boston. The .ZEtna Tire Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn., The Colon J Ire sad Marine Insurance Co. of Ban Fianchico, Cala. 191 ly Prussian National Insurance Comp'v ESTABLISHED 1845, Capital 9.000.000 Reichimsrks TUfi Mdenlgned, having been an pointed agent of the aboveCompany fur the Huwuii.n I.l.mln I. Mills etc., on the mobt Favorable Tern. Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable Is Honolulu. H. RIEMENSOHNT.Trilru 670 ly at Wilder JfcCo's. The Inter-Islan- d stmim Navigation Co., Limited, Keep constantly on band for sale Steam Family and Blacksmith Cca and a general assortment of 415. Bar Iron. IF YOU LOSE ANYTHING. X advertise it ia the Daily Bcix-t- uu The Best Lunch in Town, Tea and Coffee at Ml Hours The lnetBiacdoi Cigars & Tobacco always on band. H. 3. NOLTE, Proprietor. T II 13 dab House Dicing1 Rooms u Lincoln Block, King; tMrret, Will rtpoen for businehs on 8ATU 11 DAY, August 27th. The upMalrs t ution of th limine will he conducted as a PRIVATF niNI- - ING ROOM, wheie amort attractive iii i'i ia e wui ue served up. I(at per week, ... SO.OO SJiugla Meals, ... as Cento Down Stairs will be Drovided with me uesi vaiue in town. Rate pr week. 4.60 tUogle Heals, . . S Cents TEltSIB CASH. A fhare . of the public ratronaee " is 11 . Ui.UK(iK CAVENAGH, 22tf Manager. A Now offers to im pi ova the breed of island i'nultn I Two Hundred Fine Eens and Roosters ex Australia, now on view at the CALIFORNIA FRUIT MARKET. -- OIY ICE Also a variety of Fresh Pears, Apples, urapes, quinces, etc. Mutual Telephone 878. ant WM. McCANDLESS, No. 6 Queen street, Fish Market, ucaier in cuoicest Beef, Teal, Mutton, Fish, Ac, A Family and Shipping Orders carefullv attended to. Live Block furnished to vessels at sho.t notice, and Vegetables 'u n Hinnn Hiiprtneri m oroftr. H4H ly THE Mptrnnnlitan .'A Meat Company 81 King Street, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager. Wholesale & Retail Butchers ASD NAVY CONTRACTOES. 1717 ly PIOJNJEEK STEAM CANDY FACTORY A.IN L UAK12KY, F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- BUST Telephone 74 J. HOPP & CO. 74 King Street. Manufacturers and Importers of all Kinds or Furniture & Upholstery Goods FINE BEDDING A SPECIALTY. AI! kinds of Jobbing promptly attended to. CHAIRS TO RENT For Balls or Paities in small or large 89 quantities. ly. Wolfe & Company, Grocery and Feed Store, 67 and 69 Hotel street, Fresh Groceries aud Provisions received by every Steamer. P. O. Box 130, Bell Telephone No. 319 Mutual Telephone No. 194. 5H1 m Richard Cayford, Late F.irricr to H R H. Prince of Vaie' 12th Royal Lauceis. VETERINARY, Shoeing- - Fore, FORT STREET, OPPOSITE HOPPERS. Horses and Cattle Treated for all Diseases. Residence: 31 Alakea Street, p. o. box 40s. sotf OB DDI Bell Telephone Q ' mu itt, 1.8 mm GO br.r-- $ :? " 7z'rh; 4 2" Granite, Iron and Tin Ware I Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns, WATER PIPE and House Keeping Goods, PLUMBING, TIN, 993 SHEET TT?.OTST WORTr GEO, ENGELHARDT, (Formerly with Samuel Nott). Importer and Dealer in STOVES, CHANDELIERS, LAPS, CliOCKERY, GLASSWAKE, HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE, AGATE IRON AND TINWARE. Agent Hall's Safe Beaver Block, - - tW Store formerly occupied by S. NoTT, 166 JOHN A. WATCHMAKER 7 Can be found at J. Hubash's, Fort Street, next to Shooting Gallery, until Mclnerny's building is completed. THE STOCK OF" JEWEHIY. Will be offered for the mxt ninety days at 10 per cent, less than cost. KUKUI JEWELRY of new designs constantly on hand and made to order. All kinds of npiiring neatly and promptly don. Also, Watches repaired and woik guaranteed. ENGRAVING of all kinds done in first-elas- s style. 88 8m

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Professionals.THE DAILY BULLETIN Insurance.GEORGE LUCAS,Beaver Saloon Dress Goods, Dress Goods !

-- AT

POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE104 Fort Street. Honolulu,

J. . H.A.OJJ, -

Cashmeres, TricotsIn Fancy Stripes

SSIlIc uiitl WorHted Mixed JPlnid!Just the thing for Suiting.


in Brown, Olive and Steel Mixed,

Camel Hair StripedSomething New.

ECRU BROCADED PONGEE SILK!in Dress Patterns. A large assortment of

Stylish Striped Satins and Fancy Silks!Suitable for evening and street wear.

ELEGANT BLACKFor Dresses, Latest Patterns.

LADIES' BOX SUITS, in White, Cream and Colored.at very low prices. As we make a specialty of

.LACES ANDit will pay the Indies to cull and have


GRAIN.Largest Stocks,


UNION FEED CO..Telephones 175. Corner


- Proprietor.! Dress Flannels !

and Solid Colors.

Combination Snits



a look before purchasing elsewhere.

Quality,Lowest Prices.

Edinburgh & Queen Streets.

Stree t




and Lock Company.- Fort Street.

opposite Spreckels & Co.'s Bank.


. M. THOMPSON,Attorn9y-ullA-

Ollice lu Campbell's iilock, tor. Fort &JMercnaul Honolulu, U. I.


tW" When desind, will xive the law Ina written opinion, as to the probable re-

sult of the contention upon the factlaioa. l.r8lv

f M. MONSARRAT.O ATTORNEY AT LAWand Notary Public. Heal Estate in anypart oi the Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans ncgottted, Luxal Documents Drawn. No. 8'Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Island 1 91

ftECU, BROWN.Attoiuer and Counsellor at Law

Notary Public, and Agent for taking Acknowledgments of Instruments for theisland ol Oahu. Merchant street, Ilono- -

U1U. , l

F ALFRED MAOOON.O AT l OKNE Y AT LAW.173 42 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly

TOHN A. HASSINOER,tf Agent to take Acknowledgmentsto ContracU for Labor. Interior Jmce,nimoiuia.

Doctor Tucker's Office Hours

will, hereafter, be from8 to 10 A. M from 1 to 3 P. M and

from 6 to 7$ p. m.Ofllce and Jtvuldence, 18S Fort St.

1)0 nu


Residence and Office, 196 Fort Sti s to 10 A.M.,

Okpice Hours iI Vt to IX Evening.

Telephone (Bell and Mutual), No. 149.177 tl


Office, first door west of Library Building. Hours, from U to 11 a m., and 2 to 4and 7 to 0 p.m. Sundays, tf to 11 a.m.

tST Hesideuce. No. 40 Alakea. nearuoiui street.

DR. IWAI,Japanese.

Physician and Surgeon.taking the place of Dr. G ito,

Will treatsLeprosy alter Dr. Goto't Method.

Will visit patients at their residence.uy request.

AH other diseases treated nt his officecorner ot Punchbowl and Beretaniastreets.

Office hours 1 to 5 p. m.: On Sundayso to u a. ui.

Belt Telenhoue No. 837. 09 6m

M AX HAEDICKE, M. Di'liyslolan ana Huriteon.

( 8 to 10 a. m.Offick Hours 1 1 to 3 p. m.

( 7 to 8 p. m.Office ard residence: Cor. of Adams'

Lane and Uuijn S ieet.88 Mutual Telephone 45H. lm

J. H. SOPEB, M. D.

Consulting Physician and Surgeon.S. W. Comer Sixth and Market treets,opposite Uawau JNul AliiUuery iictalj- -lishmenl, San Francisco. 23



Manufacturing and DispensingPharmacists,

113 & 116 Fort Street, . - Honolulu.

Depot for Boericke & Scechlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES.Stcksecker's Perfumes and Toilet

Requisites, i2y


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

09 Fo- -t Street, William's Block, Hono- -

316 Honolulu, H. I.

WENNER & CO.manufacturing; Jeweller, ,

NO. OS TOUT STREET,Constantly on hand a large assortmen

of every descriptionof Jewelry, Watchesuoid and silver Jflawd ware, ex.

958 ly


CARRIAGE CO.Carriasres at all hours, dsv and nieht.

Raddle Horses. Bueriries. Wauonettes andVillage Carts will stylish and gentlenorses lo let.

FOR SALE.A few Horses, guaranteed. Second

hund Hacks, Open and Top Buggiej,varis ana Harness.

PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES.Ring up Telephone 32, or apply to


and Builder,.T3CHonolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-

nade, Honolulu.Manufacture)) all kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Tnnilng, Scroll and BandSawing. AH kinds of Sawing and Pinn-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from the other Is--ands solicited

1. McliEIVZIli:,Contractor nnd Ituildcr.

S'ores and offices lilted up, Estimatesgiven on an kinds ot hricK and woodenbuildings. Plan and Specifications

JIT Office, 110 Heretanla St.;Mutual Telephone, it?i: Postotlice Box,io. rssaiv. f


Alakea, near Queen tit.Telephone 53.

F. RUPPRECHT,Fresco Iniiiter.

126 Nuuauu St, Honolulu, H Lf8 dm

JOHN MAGOON.Office 42 Merchant St, Honolulu- -

Collector & Real state Agent.


fl Honolultj iron Works,AiTti7H'""'" en irines.suL'ar mills, boilera, coolers; iron, brans and lead castings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Part icular attention naiilto ship's black smithing. Job work exe- -

cuieu ai snort notice. 1

LAIfJE & CO.Have a Largo Stock of the

VERY BEST HAY.Oralu, Etc.,

Which is offered at Lowest Market PricesAND

Delivered Free to any part of the City

AGENTS FOR THEPacific Mutual Life Insurance Co-O-


Agents for the Hoover Telephone.

CommissionerofDeedsfor CaliforniaTelephone No. J47. 7flfl



Manufacturer.Uook Binding of all description neatly

nnu nromni v execiiieii.Campbell Block, Rooms 10 and 11. Mer.

J chaut street. fly


HIGH CLASS AERATED WATERS.Lemon Soda and Ginser .Al of nil in.

ferior duality. In bottles, nn r.tailed by Chinamen at Five cents a hot.tie, are not aud will not be made ai thisesiaoiitntnent. 1750

A. M. HEWETT,Stationer & Newsdealer,

Merchant Street, Honolulu, H. IMutual Tel. 371. Ilell Tel. 302.

Law Books & Lawyers' Stationery a Spocialty.

Orders lakf n for NowsnaDers. Puriodi.cals, Books, Music, etc., I rom any partof the world, having made all arrange- -

iii ems mereior wuiisi in Ban jriancuco.Red Rubber S tam pit to Order.


rlustace& Robertson

DUAY i m tj .


Storing & Shipping01 goods in transit to the other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin Quantities to suit at lowest rtrices.

Office, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'sauction room.982 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19.

NOTICE.HfESSRS J. E. BROWN &CO.JLVL Are authorised to collect lor tliebUI.LKTItf

Honolulu June 8th. 1887. 157

TF YOU WANT A SITUATIONX advertise in the Daily Bcuatih. 1

I prioted and published at the office,uoen btreet, Honolulu, II. I., every

afternoon (Sunday excepted).Subscription, 60 cent pet Month.

Address all Communications DailtBullktin.

Advertisements, tc ensure Insertion,should be handed in before one o cjockP. M.

WALTER HILL Editor and ProprietorW. A. S.Beali Shipping Reporter 1 Collector

JAS. G. CLEVIOR, Manager.

Bulletin Steam Printing; Office.

Newspaper, Book and Job Printing ofall kinds douo on the moht favorableterms.Bell Telephone No. 256

Mutual Telephone No. 858

Commission Mftionants.


General Commission Agents.670 1 y . Honolulu




Queen street, Honolulu. H. I.1618

(1 BBEWKR(Limiwd.)



Commission Agents.

list or oFrirEBs:P. C. J onus, Jr. , .President & ManagerJ. O. Cahtku.. Treasurer & Secretary

diuectoks:Hon. C. R. Bishop. S. C. Allen,


I OHN T. WATERHOUSE,J Importer aud Dealer in General

.Merchandise, tjueen it., Honolulu.

6. N. Castle.-- J. B. Athertoa-- G. P. CastleStASTLB Af OOOKE.J Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers and Dealers intbu6..l ir..i'Aiuid)SC, Nq. 00.. King St.,Honolulu. '

Clans Spreckols. Win. Q. Irwin.

T Q. DJWIN S5 COMPANY.IT Sugar Factors and Commissios

Agents, Honolulu. l

AT S. GRINBAUM & CO.,iXL Importers of General Mer- -

onaudise aiU Uoinuimalou Merchants,Honolulu, and

1U4 California street.1 San Francisco, Cal.

TTTtt ntfiD Mm t1rVV Dealers' in Lumber, Paints,

Oils. Nails. Sal', and Buildinir Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. l

B. Lewers, F. J. Lowrey, O. M. Cooko.

EWERS ft OOOKK,L (successors to Lewers & Dickson,)Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allkinds ol Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1

CS-onsalv- Sc Co.,

Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants

289 Beaver Block, Honolulu.

Notice of Removal!


Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Has removed to one of the NewStores in the

Thomas Block, King Street,Three doors from Castle & Cookes',

Where he is prepared to manufactureall kinds f Jewelry. 66


On the Islands isWM. TURNER, No. 82 King Street

If you want your watch Well repaired,or your clock put in order, go and seehim. 97 ly

riBR. GERTZ.J No. 80 Fort street, Honolul,

Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladies'and Children's boots, shoes and slippers.

Foiled tos Stocl

FOR SALE.Bull Calves from 10 to 13 months old.

Heiler Calves from 1 0 to 13 months old.


J. I. D0WSETT.Honolulu, June 84, 1887. 70


Assurance SocietyOF THE


Assets Jan. 1, 1887 $75,610,472.76Surplus New York Stato

Standard . . . . 20,495,175.76New Inturancs written in

1886 111,640,203.00

The Free Tontine Return Pre-

mium PolicyContuius all the latest concessions, the

most liberal form of Policy extant1st. No restrictions whatever upon

travel, renidenre or occupa-tion alter 1 year.

2nd. Indisputable at law, or otherwiseafter it years).

3rd. Non forfeiUible after 3 yeura.4lh. The Society guarantees to pRy not

only the lace of the policy in case ofdo th dining the Tontine periodchosen, but to return all premiumspaid a ttell.

5th If aHMired survives the Tontinelieriod Six varied and attractive op-tions are ottered him three of whichtd.ow him to terminate the contract,and three allow him to continue thetame.I'jf A Built till is issued munthlv nt

I eaili Uain.s aid in all parts of theworld. Claims puid immediately uponreceipt of satisfactory proof ot death,uud not alter 1.0 days.t'No law suiu. tar No delays

For further particulars consult

ALEX. J. CARTW1UGI1T,General Agent Hawaiian Islands.



MARINEINSUKANCE.Hartford Fire Insurance Co.

Assets, $5,055,000

Commercial Insurance Co.

(Fire and Marine)

Assets, $450,000Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation

(Fire aud Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

South British Fire and Marine Ins. Co

Capita; $10,000,000

New York Life Insurance Co.

Assets, $75,000,000


General Agent, Haw'n Islands.

1653 ly

CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Fire & Marine Insur'ce Agents.

AOkMTS FOB' The Xew England


The .ZEtna Tire Insurance Co.of Hartford, Conn.,

The Colon J Ire sadMarine Insurance Co.

of Ban Fianchico, Cala.191 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'v


Capital 9.000.000 Reichimsrks

TUfi Mdenlgned, having been anpointed agent of the aboveCompany

fur the Huwuii.n I.l.mln I.

Mills etc., on the mobt Favorable Tern.Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable Is

Honolulu.H. RIEMENSOHNT.Trilru

670 ly at Wilder JfcCo's.

The Inter-Islan- d stmimNavigation Co., Limited,

Keep constantly on band for sale

Steam Family and Blacksmith Ccaand a general assortment of

415. Bar Iron.IF YOU LOSE ANYTHING.X advertise it ia the Daily Bcix-t-uu

The Best Lunch in Town,

Tea and Coffee at Ml Hours

The lnetBiacdoi

Cigars & Tobaccoalways on band.

H. 3. NOLTE, Proprietor.

T II 13

dab House Dicing1 Roomsu

Lincoln Block, King; tMrret,Will rtpoen for businehs on 8ATU 11

DAY, August 27th.

The upMalrs t ution of th limine willhe conducted as a PRIVATF niNI- -ING ROOM, wheie amort attractive

iii i'i ia e wui ue served up.I(at per week, ... SO.OOSJiugla Meals, ... as Cento

Down Stairs will be Drovided withme uesi vaiue in town.Rate pr week. 4.60tUogle Heals, . . S Cents

TEltSIB CASH.A fhare

.of the public ratronaee"

is1 1 .

Ui.UK(iK CAVENAGH,22tf Manager.


Now offers to im pi ova the breed ofisland i'nultn I

Two Hundred Fine Eens and Roosters

ex Australia, now on view at the


--OIY ICEAlso a variety of Fresh Pears, Apples,

urapes, quinces, etc.Mutual Telephone 878.ant

WM. McCANDLESS,No. 6 Queen street, Fish Market,

ucaier in cuoicestBeef, Teal, Mutton, Fish, Ac, A

Family and Shipping Orders carefullvattended to. Live Block furnished tovessels at sho.t notice, and Vegetables'u n Hinnn Hiiprtneri m oroftr. H4H ly

THEMptrnnnlitan .'A

Meat Company81 King Street,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager.Wholesale & Retail Butchers





F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

71 Hotel St. --BUST Telephone 74

J. HOPP & CO.74 King Street.

Manufacturers and Importers of allKinds or

Furniture & Upholstery Goods


AI! kinds of Jobbing promptly attended to.

CHAIRS TO RENTFor Balls or Paities in small or large

89 quantities. ly.

Wolfe & Company,Grocery and Feed Store,

67 and 69 Hotel street,Fresh Groceries aud Provisions received

by every Steamer.P. O. Box 130, Bell Telephone No.

319 Mutual Telephone No. 194.5H1 m

Richard Cayford,Late F.irricr to H R H. Prince of

Vaie' 12th Royal Lauceis.



Horses and Cattle Treated forall Diseases.

Residence: 31 Alakea Street,p. o. box 40s. sotfOB DDI

Bell Telephone Q '

mu itt, 1.8 mm

GO br.r-- $ :? " 7z'rh; 4

2"Granite, Iron and Tin Ware I

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and

House Keeping Goods,PLUMBING, TIN,993 SHEET TT?.OTST WORTr

GEO, ENGELHARDT,(Formerly with Samuel Nott).

Importer and Dealer in



Agent Hall's SafeBeaver Block, - -

tW Store formerly occupied by S. NoTT,166


7Can be found at J. Hubash's, Fort Street, next to Shooting Gallery, until

Mclnerny's building is completed.

THE STOCK OF" JEWEHIY.Will be offered for the mxt ninety days at 10 per cent, less than cost.

KUKUI JEWELRY of new designs constantly on hand and made to order.All kinds of npiiring neatly and promptly don. Also, Watches repaired

and woik guaranteed.

ENGRAVING of all kinds done in first-elas- s style. 88 8m

imwmw .juiiiiiiii II, niii l:gllP.J'"alMlllllOP I l KiNl

JI. A. Pkvic.h. P eidint;C. A. Cokkm, ;

K. 1. Oauhlld, secrcian

OH'M FHStP. A. Roi.tow, Tie r.-- ;

El. mi' miMi'MiN, Eli i trii lan j

K. J.lloisl'oK, Coi. gulling Kh-ctii- l.in.

Auction Sales by James F. Morgan.

Administrator's Sale.


' WW m in urn mi '

trary to law. It was the opinion ofthe Government that the titles werevoidable when required. Portionsof the hind were suitable for home-

stead purposes. It was the policyof the Govern men t to investigate ailillegal transactions.

Mr. Castle asked the Committeeon Foreign Relations to meet on theadjournment of the House.

In answer to a question by Mr.Smith, Minister Thurston stated thatMinister Brown wa in the hithit ofconveying bills which had parsed toIlia Majesty for signature. He kepta private memorandum of the dates.Mr. Smith gave noticed of a motionto instruct the Secretary to keepsuch a record.

The House then adjourned to 10

o'clock Wednesdny morning.

BISHOP & Co., BAXKEKSHonolulu, Hawaiian L.uads.

Draw Exchange on he

Xlank of Citllibruiu, M. If.And their agent in


Mcssra. N. M. Rothschild & Sop, LondonThe Commarcial Bank Co., of Sydney,

London,The Commercial Bnnk Co., ol Sydney,

Sydney,The Bank of New Zealand: Auckland,

Christchurch, and Wellington,

The Bank of British Columbia, Vic-

toria, B. C, and l'ortland, Or.


Transact a General Banking Business.6fi9 lv

. The whole matter seem to mo toresolve itself into these two proposi-tion- s:

First, that the British publichave paid over 200,000 in cash,expecting in return coupon bondsrepresenting that amount. Theydid so in good faith. Second, thiscountry is bound, in its own interest,to guard sacredly its honor and itscredit. Therefore, In view of thesetwo propositions, the bonds for tho

200,01)0 should be issued to thepeople who have given their money.The question of charges and over-

charges is another question entirely.The foregoing, I believe to be thecorrect way of looking at this Loanbusiness, and endorse the action ofthose members of the House whosupported the Enabling Act.

A Tax-Paye-

Solo Owners and

Perfect Automatic

in the World.

Wo are prepared to supply Local Companies, M lis, Railroads, etc., withdyuamot mining from oue to ixty lights each, ami ihe ary;et machine ts to per-fectly controlled by it Automatic ISegalator that. it. runs stiffly andeconomically at full pa-- with any number of lights below It niaxiuum

Io all Desirable Qualities of Electric Arc Lights the Thompson-Housto- n

- System has no Equal.

We furnish Arc Lights of Ynrionft 1'C''' of Illiinihinllirg (".parltv, from 1,200 to 100,000 canule power; ami Incandesrcnt fiom 10 to 1 It C l.

7 6. "1kr ...

? j'"; 'Iff "", ' yi m

i i ll YiytvxiUfmrM it . 'M WXfcHV

Arc Lijtlit Jlachino. with Tliomption'it Kplierit-n- l Annulare.The Thomp Pynaiho have no equal for Siti pliclty, (J. mpaotnes

and Duriiliiil y. Hie same has heen said and admitted to he true of theThompon-HouM- cn Lamps. In the mott exh uitlive examii ation and competitionwith both Euro can and An ericn txhudtors in London, England, ISSO, tliiaCompans was given the ou'y (Jold Medal for Arc Lighting.

At no city in h- - Untied Males I a it ever i omi eied lor city business tl:a ithas i ot heen av arUi d the city contract. This cannot be said t f any oilier Companyin the world.

We have estal lislud upward of one hundred local companiks thPAST TF.Ali, and m my piore are being organized.

We rt quest partus wi o contemplate nuiltbg in an Electric Light Mint to con-fer with otir agent before adopting a y other Sys em.

Corro o :dent e wl h aciive, t neige 1.; mm, capable of interesting capital andorganizing local companies, is so.ljiud.


Local Lighting Companies Cannot Afford to Operate any other System.

Owini to the Automatic and fcatircs of the DYNAMO.IBAC'HIXI'l (liioad and valid Patents fur which are rwi.cd hy this Comj an?)Miitlieieiii Mtving i iHiclid in power, altciidi'ueo and np iir-,- a ct mpared withany other yst m, to im-r- than pay irtircst on the entire ct at of plant.

Estimates, Pi ice List, etc., will be luruishtd on application. Address,

D. B. SMITH, - - Honolulu, H. I.88 1m Ajent for the Hawaiian Islands.

Uht gaily guJUtin.TXtigti to MTthar BMtiiatr Party.

But MUUiihed lor tht bentJt of all.

WEDNESDAY. NOV. 23, 1887.


The use of vituperative epithetsand aspersion of the motives of

those who differ from one, is notargument, nor does it indicate con-

fidence in the strength of one'sposition. The vote in the Legisla-

ture concerning the bonds hascaused no little hunting after evilmotives on the one side and theother. Now it is absurd and wrongto say of the thirty-eigh- t memberswho voted for the bonds, that theyare (practically) knaves or fools, ora combination of the two, influencedby personal considerations or hood-

winked by powerful influences. Itis equally absurd and wrong to sayof the thirteen members w ho votedagainst the bonds, that they are aset of cranks and iatpracticables, orworse still, are hypocrites seeking toserve certain interests under the

garb of patriots. Thero is hardly aman in the Ministry or among theNobles and Representatives, who

Las not been charged with basemotives or idiocy for his action onthis measure. Is this right? Is itsafe or fair to judge unheard theLondon brokers? Are they differentmen from Honolulu or ban Fran-

cisco capitalists? Personally we

do not care for this loan, andprefer loans made here or in SanFrancisco, near at hand. But we

do not believe in calling the entirehuman race (who are so unfortunateas to differ from us) a set of scoun-

drels or fools.- .'j

The Hawaiian Legislature.



The House opened at 1 r. m., andresumed the order of the day.

Third reading of a bill relating toa settlement on II. Kuihclani $000per annum during his life. Passed.

Third reading of the supplementalappropriation bill.

Mr. Frank Brown asked to insertin the bill the sum of $8,313.95 forthe new Police Court building.Passed.QBill referred Revision Committee.

Minister Brown asked to insert inthe bill the sum of $10,000 for ex-

penses of Extra Session of Legisla-tures. Passed.

The House then went into com-

mittee of the whole, Mr. Water-hous- e

in the Chair, to consider thespecial Appropriation Bill.

Mr. Frank Brown moved to insertin place of $1,250 for the HeirPresumptive, the sum of $1,500.

Mr. Smith asked to insert in thebill discontinuing allowances, thefollowing items: Librarian of theMuseum, entertaining foreign guests,military engineers. Carried.

The committee rose and recom


Editou Bulletin: Mr. P. CJouos tires a very deliberate volleyat the English Loan in this evening'spaper, but there is one stray shot'Commeuts are unnecessary." Now '

I think, when a man of Mr. Jones'spretensions makes such a statementin public, that it is necessary forsomebody to comment upon it, ifonly in the interests of commonsense tind fair play.

1 cannot think that the head ofone of our leading mercantile housesdoes not know and appreciate thedifference between five dollars andone pound. I am therefore con-

strained to suppose that he is tryingto mislead the lets reflecting of yourreaders, when he says that the Ha-

waiian Government borrowed "$1,-000,00- 0,

(200,000)" in the Lon-

don market. The entry "Loss onExchange," etc. requires Just thesame comment. I an pretty surethat if Mr. Jones hmU'0,000 to sendto England, he would not give$30,000 for it. Why then, shouldhe assume that the Minister ofFinance is not as well informed oninch a subject as he is?

Allowing that Matheson & Co.are going to charge 2J per cent forhandling this loan, by what kind ofreasoning does Mr. Jones arrive at30 years as the probable life of thebonds. It has been explained thatby good management and promptpayments, it is quite possible, not tosay very likely, that at tho expira-tion of ten years, that portion of theNational Debt, held in London, maybe refunded at 5 per cent or less.This and much more has been ex-

plained, in vain, to the P. C. Jonespeople; they hummer away, think-ing, apparently, "that they shall beheard for their much speaking."

I have been a student of this loanbusiness, and you were good enoughto publish some views of mine late-

ly, differing, us has appeared, fromthose of the Supreme Court. I amcontent to err in company with theSolicitor to the Committee of theLondon Stock Exchange.

A sorrier spectacle than the atti-

tude of the minority in yesterday'sLegislature, as reported in to-da-

papers aud sent abroad for the de-

lectation of our friends, it would behard to conceive.

One houoroble member suggestedsending an agent to London totreat with whom? One member isreported to have said: "We havehad 15,000 stolen from us." 1

enn smell the foul gns escaping fromthat statement, which would mean,if it meant anything, that Matheson& Co. the issuing bankers ; tho issu-

ing brokers j the British Govern-ment, who imposed the usual tax of

per cent; and the FinancialAgents, who have tempted Bankers,Brokers, and Government to 6in,were all thieves. I invite the honor-

able member's attention to theabove proposition, and I will state,for his special information, what hasbeen stated so often, that the Syn-

dicate agreed to insure the Loan atJH for 5 per cent. It is beyond thepower of any Syndicate to place,unaided, a loan on the LondonStock Exchange; that requires anIssuing House, an Issuing Broker,and the approval of the Stock Ex-

change Committee, and a great dealof good management, in the case ofa new loan to on unknown countrylike ours. "Is not tho laborerworth of his hire?"

Another honorable noble 'notaccustomed to speech making"signed first the Majority and after-wards the Minority, report of theBonds Committee. I wonder whowrotethat speech !

Then the representative of the"horny handed sons of toil" takesthe floor, and says the London pub-

lic has been swindled. What ablessing for tho modern Balbeylonthat "poor little Hawaii," asked formerely a poor little 200,000 ; for ifall the Hawaiian Bonds applied forcould have been allotted, those poorfools of investors would have beengulled to twenty times that amount.

Mr. Editor, tho rubbish spoken inthe Legislature yesterday is a sadcommentary on the efficacy of theballot-bo- x, as a means of selectingrulers. Fortunately, there is somefinancial foresight amongst us, how-

ever, and Mr. Green's statement, tothe effect that one of the largestfinancial houses in the city wishes tohave its bonds changed from dollarsto pound sterling at the rate of $5to the pound, is more eloquent thanreams of correspondence.

S. L. B.Honolulu, 22nd Nov., 1887.

ii mm


Editor Buixktin: The LondonLoan business appears, from thelarge amount of matter bearing up-

on that subject which has appearedin your paper, to have been the

topic of the past week ortwo. I shall feel obliged for a littlespace for a short say on the subject.A week or less " ago the weight ofopinion was seemingly unfavorableto issuing bonds for the full amountof 200,000; but a change ofopinion has occurred, an$ manygentlemen who were on the otherside,now say that the country shouldshoulder the whole business. Whythis change? Fuller and mora ac-

curate information, I think, is theprincipal cause. For one, I confessto have moderated my views, sincereading the speeches delivered inthe Legislative Hall. The CabinetMinisters confessed that they hadbeen converted, and plainly inti-mated that if they had been so wellinformed earlier they would neverbare thought differently.

"t 1 v;."':iiIl-5t"tBERATOlr-

By virtue of nu oider Issuing fromthe of the llnwaiiau Is-

lands, dattd Nov 4, I8i7, directed to W.C. P.nke, n.iminU'rator .if tlio oite ofW. B. Wright, to fell th U al Eitateheruinbclow mentioned, and by order ofs iid ailiiiliiiKtiHtiir the undi-r-iiric- willhell at hia kttlesrooni, ut Honolulu,

On Wednesday, Nov. 30, 1887

At 12 noon, the following describedprem tea:

1. A pleco of lan I situate nt Kawalkl,Kapalamn. Honolulu, It. P. i'lin, L (I A1810, 73-1- acru, more or less.

2. A piece of land situate at Kulaokn.hua, Honolulu, being the fame premisesconveyed to Jhn H. L'ikI, by deed olJ. Hrudlev, of recoid iu liber 7 on page6!2. and by said Lord devised to W. U.

Wright by will du'y admitted t Pro-bit-e

before the Supr. mo Court, July 3.18' 0 Upeet price . For furtherparticular ap ly to W. C. Poke, ad.niiniaiMtor. Tc m cash, ai d detda alexpense of purchaser.

JAS. F. MOKGAN,no Aum io eer.


OJI'tM' FW Hale,


Groceries,White Ziuc Paint,

Red Zinc Paint,Stockholm Tar iu bbls

Fire Bricks,

Market Buckets,Wrapping Paper,

Buckets, Tubs,C. C. Irons,

Lead, Zinc.Galv. Fence Wire,

.Staples,Wire Nails,

Corrugated Iron,ICidging,

Screws and Washers,Galv. Iron,

Rivets,Tin Plate,

Lead Plates,Steel Rails,

Fish Plates,Spikes,

Bolteg,Sugar Coolers,


Iron Filter Presses,Filter Cloth,

Asbestos,Bags and Bagging, '



97 lw Demijohns, tc. &c.

DOCTOK WEBB.OHlce and Residence next door to the

Amtrivan Minister' on Al tkca street,between ll.iul aud Leretama streets.

Ofllce Hours from 7 to 9 a. m.; from1 to 3 p. m, and 7 to 8 p m.

Telephone . 912m


MR. J. J. WILLIAMS having securedthe services of


a highly leaommended portrait painter,is now p.epured to turn out

Superbly Finished Photographs,

or have portraits Tainted in elegant si vie5tir


IHAVE been in business at Kallhiwalfor muny years, and I have had no

double liiiiil now. Too many personscome to my place, and I do not, knowwhich of them are bad and which aregood Somo rome to my house to shopand steal. Now afier 8 o'clock at nightI will let no person come in my yard.If some one wants business with me, lethim call from without my premises. Jfhe is all right I will let him come In,but if I do nut know him 1 will havehim arrested. hl PANG

Novembe- - 21. 1897. b7


SEVERAL COLLECTIONSStamps, from 5' 0 to 2, 00,

containing Hanover, Turin, Taxis, ttts.,etc. Fir further information apply to

A. BEJiRUANN,88 Wainnae.

LOVEJOY & CO.,Iir porters and Jobbers of Fine


No. IS Xunnnu St., Honolulu.05 . TELErHONB 108. 3m.ws


tho late residence of V. O. Parke.Apply on the premises to

CHAS REUTTER,61 8m No. b Kukui Sireet.

DAILY BULLETIN SUMMARYu column. W per annum.

Manufacturer of the

System of Electric Lighting

. --A

iJuEi'-nrfl-.- , ii i

Anstraliai Mail Serrice

FOB SAW FltAXCISCO,The now and fine Al steel steamship

ii saOf the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be due at Honolulu from Sydneyand Auckland on it about

December 16, 1887,And will leave for the above port withmails aud passengers on or about thatdate.

Kor freight or passage, havingACCOMMODATIONS, apply

WM. Q. IRWIN & CO, Agenti,

For Sydney and .Auckland,

The new and fine Al steel steamship

ii Zealandia,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be due at Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or about

November 25, 1887,And will have prompt dhpatch withmnlls and papsengeis for the above ports.

For freight or passage, having SU.PERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, apply

W WM. O. IRWIN & CO.. Agenta.

For Sale! To Let! For Lease!

FOR SALE 1 Lot of Land. 175x108 ft.Healthy Location Good view, $960.

1 Lot of Land. IftfxlOS ft. Healthy Lo-cation, etc., $850.

TO LET 1 Dwelling House, 4 rooms,15 per month.

1 House with Store, $40 per month.Booms, en suite or single, from $2 to $5

per week.FOR IEASE- -4 Lots, each 50x70 feet,

for building. Good Location; waterlaid on; easy and the right par-tie-s

assisted in building.APPLY TO

FRANK GODFREY,Copyist and General Business Agent

No. 84 King Street.P. O. Box 345. Burgess' Express Office.

SOMETHING NEW!BALL POINTED PENS and Federation Penholders, just re-

ceived from tho manufacturers, TRY THEM !

XI. SOFEIT,05 25 Merchant Street.


Editor Bli.i.etis: I, a regularreader of your journal ever since itsfirst small beginning, have read alarge amount of literatuie over thesignature of A. Marques. Now, Ido not know the gentleman personal-ly; but I consider him a public be-

nefactor all the same, because ofhis contributions for the enlighten-ment of tho benighted public. Manyof his ideas I have read with pleas-

ure and endorsed; hut others ofthem seem extremely Utopian. Heappears to claim a large amount ofobligation tor his suggestions, atrifle more than some of us thinkhim entitled to. He puts in a claimas the father of artesian wells, elec-

tric light, post offices, &c. &o. Now,this is rather too much. If he keepson at this rate, he willdiscover that he created Haleakahi,keeps Kilauen ablaze, aud is a ne-

cessity to the continued existence ofthe city of Honolulu. No, no, thegentleman is a respected and usefulmember of of our little community,but he is not the entire community.

R. C. L.

"Our correspondent had betterread Mr. Marques letter again. He

seems to have missed the meaningEd.

MESSRS. DODD & MILLERreceived e AumpiI a

aiiothor lot of l at. " PHILADKI.I'III V

LAtiKK HEIR" in kegs which ilieyare oll'rring to ihoir 67

Thanksgiving, 1 887,A FEW CHOICE


For Sale hy

LEWIS J. LEVEY,7 It t or F rt and Queen sis.

Headquarters, Honolulu Rifles!

Moxnix'i v, Nov. i3, 1' 87.

BATTALION ORDEK, No 18.1Tln-r- will 1m a But Ion D illof the 'vend coni allies THIS

.EVJSNIN'i, theiilrd iiw.J Kvery member will riport atithe Armoiy nt 7;30 p. in. sharp,

iu fitigun unifom.V. V. ASIIKOItD,

fl JJIUIIt t'i. lyUIJIIIiailllllJU.TWr O. W. McLEOU,

dipt and Adjutant.

Oalm Lodge No. 1, K, of P.

The members of thisLodge are lequested toattenu me meet.

This Evening,at 7:30 sharp, Businessof importance.

Per order,J. C. AVHITE, K. of R & S.

MCE PES,Vav ThanVefii'ui'nrI


ELITEIce Cream Parlor.

SCall before they are all Gone !

97 2t


Honolulu Steam Laundry.

ALL persons having their washinga the Honolulu Steam Limn,

dry nro m mt i epcctf ully requestid notto pay any bills to Mr. Bnttan, us hehas been discharged.

A. KENEDY, Manager.97 8t Honolulu Sieam Laundry.

WANTED.GIRL OR WOMAN to take care ofA children in.d utsist about the

houfle. A good pi ice and wages if ap-

plied for boon at M. Gkken, 21!) Korts reel. 0


A SPECIAL meeting of the II nolnluAnon will lie held on 1I13 2:ird

iust. All member.' arc particularly re.qucstcg to at'ei d. 95 St


THIS MOHNING, FROM, Aprobably on Kort slreetVa

Lady's black Big, containing biitich ofkey, pure, etc. Please rttarn toLewers & Cooke. 93


rooms including two 1 Outlwiui, and a two roomed collage, alsofurnished. Apply nt No. 7 Chaplainstreet. 44 Sin

17th day.


Wkdnksdav, Nov. 23rd.The House opened at 10 a. m.,

President S. G. Wilder in the chair.Mr. Kalaukoa presented a petition

from residents about the shootingrange that all further target prac-

tice be prohibited there. Referredto Military Committee.

Also from Honolulu that no loanbe negotiated in London, and thatMr. Macfarlane be removed and hebe obliged to refund all money hehas tspent without authorization oflaw. Referred to Finance Com-

mittee.Mr. Nakaleka presented a peti-

tion from the Blue Ribbon Leagueof Molokai, that no more liquor beimported into the kingdom, or ifimported that the sale shall be res-

tricted. Referred to Judiciary Com-

mittee.Also from S. Kohala that a man

named Lono be allowed to practicemedicine on leprous piitients. Laidon the table.

Mr. Richardson presented a peti-

tion from Kaanupali praying thatthe Government physician of La-hai-

lie removed from ofllce. Re-

ferred to Sanitary Committee.Mr. Youug reported from the

Military Committee that all the out-

standing claims against the Hono-

lulu Rilles be paid. On motion theayes and noes were called on theadoption of the report. 30 ayesand 3 noes.

He also reported from the samecommittee in regard to the claim ofone Liwai, referring the petitionback to the Minister of ForeignAffairs. Adopted.

Mr. Waterhouse reported fromthe Sanitary Committee on the peti-

tions for the erection of hospitals inthe different districts of the islandsfor lepers, recommending that thesepetitions be laid before the Board ofHealth for them to exercise theirown judgment in the premises.Adopted.

Mr. Widemaun requested that thecommittee to investigate the olliceof the Auditor-Gener- al be relieved,as that olllcer has resigned. Thereport was deferred until

Minister Ashford reported fromthe special committee, to whom werereferred the bills to abolish theoffice of Governor aud provide forthe discharge of the duties formerlyperformed by Governors, recom-

mending that the bill pass with somefew amendments as proposed bythem.

On motion the report was laid onthe table to be translated.

Mr. Smith reported from thespecial committee on the bill regu-lating the internal police of theKingdom that the bill in general iswise, but theythink that the al

should not have the solecontrol of that department, and re-

commending that the bill be amend-ed so that the Marshal cannot be re-

moved from oflicc without tho con-

sent of the Supreme Court.On motion the bill was laid on the

table to be considered with thominority report and the bill.

Minister Ashford submitted fromthe same committee a minority re-

port, recommending the passage ofthe bill with some amendments.

Both reports were laid on thetable to be considered in committeeof the whole this afternoon.

Minister Ashford reported from aselect committee to whom was re-

ferred the bill relating to the ap-

pointment of District Justices, re-

commending that the bill pass.The report was laid on the table

to be taken up with the bill.Mr. Dowsett, Sr., reported from

select committee to whom was re-

ferred the resolution relating to thefuneral expenses of Princess Like-lik- e,

recommending that $10,000 beinserted in the Appropriation Billfor the liquidation of such bills asa committee appointed for that pur-pose may deem just. There was noauthority for the contraction of thesethese debts, many of them exorbit-ant and extravagant ; and the com-

mittee therefore recommend thatonly such bills be paid as refer es-

pecially to the funeral, such as un-

dertakers, etc., etc.Laid on the table to be considered

with the Appropriolion Bill.House adjourned until 1 p. m.

CLEAN RAGS and second handwill be giatefully receiv-

ed for the use of the inmates of theBranch Bospital for Lepers at Kakaako,or at the Leper Settlement on Molokai,if left with J. T. Waterhouse, jr., at theQueen Street Store. t&f tf

NEW! Ecru Bro.SOMETHING new anditylish,at Sachs' Store, 104 Fort Street, 93

AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENTot Jet Trittmii'gs, Jet Diess Sets,

Jet Dress Panels; ana Jet and Silkto be found at Sachb' tt ire,

104 Fort tieet. 03



New Advertieniciitf


From August 1st.

MR. J. F. NOBLE.Will have charge of the de-

livery of the Bulletin to the

City subscribers, and he earn-

estly requests that said sub-

scribers will notify him atthe time, of any carelesness

on the part of the carriers in

not promptly delivering their


THE PEOPLES' PAlERTheJ. Pally Bulletin SO ct per month.

mended that the bill pass to engross-ment as amended.

The report was adopted, to beread a third time on Friday.

Third reading of an Act regulat-ing immigration.

Mr. Richardson moved to insertthe word Hawaiian after the wordEnglish.

The bill passed as amended.Second reading of insurance tax

bill. Referred to Finance Com-

mittee.Second reading of bill providing

for a commission to investigate thefeasibility of getting water from themountains for the District of Hama-ku- a.

Passed t engrossment to be read' a third time on Eriday.

Third reading of an Act relatingto Chinese Physicians. Passed.

Third reading of a bill relating toNotaries Public. Passed.

Minister Brown presented fromthe Printing Committee the MilitaryBill and the Statement of the Min-

ister of Finance for the period end-

ing Oct. 31.Minister Thurston replied to cer-

tain questions put by Mr. Tewnsendrelating to the illegal leasing or sell-

ing of Government lands within thelast two years. Three leases werementioned one in Hamakua, one atHana Plantation and one at NorthKona. No land had been sold con- -

TUPLE Or FASHION !less pain in the head, sides, and back,he may be sure his bowels are con-

stipated, aud his liver sluggish. Toremedy thin unhappy state of thingsthere is nothing like a good catharticpill. It will act like a charm by sti-

mulating tho liver into doing its du-

ty, and ridding the digestive organsof the accumulated poisonous matter.

WEDNESDAY, NOV. 23, 1887.


Bk Nulliu liy for Port Townscml63 & 65 Fort Street.

laid, "Inasmuch as yo did It to nnoof theie, e have done it unto me."

By the way, what does all thistalk ubout "Rifles," and "League"mean? 'Honor to whom honor isdue." The Rifles certainly did theirshare of work during the revolution.So di'l the League. I am a memberof this same League, and I emphati-cally assert, that the same revolu-tion would have failed to producethe splendid results it did, had itnot been for the League. ThoRifles alone could never have suc-

ceeded in, gaining what all honestpeople wanted, had they not beenfaithfully supported by the League.I am peacefully inclined, and so Iwill subside, before I have a war onmy hands. So with aloha to theRifles. I remain,

Kiwo Kamika.Waianae, Nov. 17th.

Just Opened Out! the Latest Novelties

in Oress Goods !

Imported Direct from Europe' . Priced very low.


Ladies' Undressed Kid Gloves in all now shadesRest Quality : : : : at J?1.'J3 a pair, worth $2.50

Silk Gloves and MittS, juwt received from Europe. Pricevery low.

Just Received!100 Pieces Nun's Veiling, Latest Shades


Gent's Furnisliing Goods, Hats and Caps, Boys' and Children's

Clothing, Ladies' Misses' and Children's Shoes.

H. 13 IIItLIC II,No. :; & C5 Fort Street.rotf


our best class of Immlgranto, thePortuguese, in tho country, for Iinn convinced that they are the best,for the general and especially forthe future welfare of these islands.They have all the best qualitiesdesirable in a permanent classof settlers, and if the majority ofthem are uneducated and illiterate,it is not much of a drawback,for their children visit our public6cliools, learu the English lan-

guage, will in time, become use-

ful citizens and will then moro thanmake up to the community for thisdellcieucy in their parents, and withthis prospect in view, all Asiatic im-

migration ought to be prohibited assoon as possible.

By carrying out my suggestions,the poor people will also no longerbe forced, to take up small places ata lease, only to find that,after the expiration of this term,they havo the choice either to paymore than double the amount ofrent for a renewal of their lease, orleave the premises and all the fruitsof their labor and carings, whichthey had invested therein behindthem. A system, which certainlydoes not tend to atiract or encour-age permanent settlers in a coun-

try.I think that right and justice de-

mand, that the holders and occu-

pants of such places ought to beoffered the first chance to buy them,at a reasonable price and an easyterm. A Republican.

Government lands 'sold underthe Homestead Act. are not submit-

ted to auction, as our correspondentapparently supposes Ed. J


A recent law publication containsan amusing report of a case recentlydecided in the United States. Thecase was this: A man was travellingon a first class railroad car, and atone of his meals at table on the car,was (as usual with him, and alsomany otherwise well bred people)shovelling his food into his mouthwith the table knife, and with theedge of the knife in the direction ofof his mouth, and when food wasbeing dumped in the mouth with theedge near the corner of the mouth,the car gave a sudden jerk anddrove the knife into the corner ofhis mouth and made the orifice con-

siderably longer and; larger thandame nature had made it, and in-

flicting a painful wound and causinghim great expense for doctors, sur-

geons, medicines, etc., and impair-ment of his functions of masticationand deglutition, etc., and such

of his personal pulchri-tude as greatly diminished hischances for matrimony (being abachelor), and also caused him lossof employment and lucre (being acommercial traveller) ; and hebrought suit against the rail roadcompany for damages, ($10,000)for all these things, and the factswere all admitted by the companyupon the trial, aud the only defencewas that he should not have put theknife into or near his mouth, andthat a table knife should only beused at tables, as a divide, and thatthe food should be conveyed to themouth by the fork; and that theuse of the knife iu conveying thefood to the mouth was such a car-

dinal breach of good manners, andsuch a violation of good breeding,and such a degree of contributarynegligence, as to exonerate the com-

pany from all liability in the premi-ses, and the court so instructed thejury, and in charging the jury, thotrial judge remarked, that any per-

son who knew so little of good man-

ners and good breeding, and of theproper' and legitimate uses of tableknives and forks, and who used theknife so vulgarly and in such dan-

gerous proximity to the lips andmouth as the plaintiff did, was notentitled to damages, nor even sym-

pathy if he got cut every time he soused it; and the jury accordinglyvery promptly found for the defend-ant, and the plaintiff took nothingby bis motion and was mulcted incosts. M. T.


The "Planters' Monthly" forNovember is out. Considerablespace is devoted to reports read atthe Planters' Labor and SupplyCo.'s meeting, which are interestingand instructive. An article entitled"Hawaii's new era" gives t tic per-sonnel of the present Legislature.Another article recommends the re-

organization of the P. L. & S. Co.,60 that it will embrace the encour-agement of every branch of industrythat assists to build up our nationalstructure. An article by the editorreviews an interesting interview hehad with Mr. Clans Spreckcls in re-

gard to beet sugar culture.


Early last cveninir a Chinesewoman, wife of a musician in theChinese Theater, was stabbed todeath at her residence, a short dis-

tance from the theater named. Thefirst suspicion of any crime wasaroused by wild shrieks from thewoman. Whcu the police arrivedand entered the house, the womanwas found on the floor, In her bed-

room, dead. She was lying in a

pool of blood which flowed fromeight ugly gashes. Four of thewounds were in the region of theabdomen, three on the face, and oneback of the right ear. The laststab mentioned severed the carotid!artery. The assassin had fled be-

fore tho arrival of tlie police, leavingbehind a blood-staine- d jack-kniv-

'I he Marshal immediately offered((200 reward for the capture of themurderer. This amount was in-

creased to $.r00, $200 being offeredby the Chinese Society and $100 byChip Ying Tong Co. The remainsof the murdered woman were takento the Station House.

The woman was of middle age.She aud her husband, as far asknown, lived a peaceful, quiet life.The husband wa9 at the ChineseTheater at the time of the murderand when apprised of it becamealmost frantic with grief.


Marshal KauluUou, assisted byDeputy-Marsh- al Pahia and a squadof policemen, arrived at the scene ofthe crime a few minutes after thefirst alarm. The Marshal havinggiven instructions to bis men, sentthem off to fulfil them, while hewent to the Chinese Theater. Atthe theater the Marshal had thepeople, about six hundred, come outsingle file, facing a large light.Diligent watch was kept up allnight, and at daylight this morning,a Chinaman was arrested on suspi-cion. Thccircumstantial and directevidence collected are sufficientlystrong to encourage the belief thatthe right man has been secured.


An inquest was held on the bodyof the murdered woman this morn-

ing.The following jury was empan-

eled: F. II. Woiters, C. Winain, W.II. Place, Hong Tuon, W. McCand-les- s,

and Wong Leong. The findingof the jury was, that the woman,Leong Ytz by name, came to herdeath by violence, at the hands ofsome person unknown.


The theory advanced by China-men is, in substance, as follows:

The murderer, who is supposed tohave been acquainted with thewoman, and knowing that her hus-

band was way, called on her undersome pretense and made a vulgarproposition. She. is thought to haverejected him and to have threatenedto tell her husband of the insult.Such an offense among the Chinese,frequently means pistols and coffee.The murderer who had got himselfin a box and fearing the result,committed the foul deed.

The man now held on suspicion,will be brought before the Court to-

morrow or next day ; in the mean-time the Marshal will collect allpossible evidence.


. Editor Bulletin: In reply tothe letter of Mr. P. C. Jones in yeurpaper of yesterday, in which heagain crticises my report on theLoan question, and acknowledgeshis former error, I have merely tosay that when he explains satisfac-torily to "myself and the public"his reasons for withholding that let-

ter from your columns nearly aweek, I shall be glad to give himanother "Sterling" lesson. Respect

HON ! !

Finn, f iKfnm Hath fkihm


On account of REMOVAIj to our MagnificentNew Store in the McINEKXY BLOCK,

"Wc offer the

Greatest Bargains Ever Offered in Town !

and will sell until our removal ACTUALLY BELOWCOST our entire Stock of

fiftnfs Ynntlu ,wl Rnvs


II II M S Kulmlloa,HUMS Cotiqiiust, OxloyU 8 Vandalin, ltinr Admiral KluiberlyU 8 .hinlHia, DavisIT 8 8 Molileun, DayUk Nellie May, Austinlik (J ( V hit morn, Thompson


II 1 .1 M S Ttuikubn, from Acupulco,Mcx. due Feb 20-2- S.

Am bk Column, from rortlund, enroute (or Hongkong, due Oct ).

Am lk Homheru I lilef, from Port-land, Or, en route to Hongkong, dueOefiO-H- l.

tier bk Deiitchliiud, from Bremen,due Fi b

Am bktne Kiln, KCltust, from EurekaCnl. due Oct U-2- 0.

ltilt hark Mlu, from Liverpool, duoDecember

Am bklue AugiiNt Ituicliiicd, fromNcwciHlle, N S Vi, tlue Oct

Haw Hclmoner Jennie Wnlker, IIfrom Fuiiuiiig'i Island, due Sept

Am tern l'.va, .1 O Wlkuian, fromKuicU, ( ill hept

Am hark t Whltinoiu, TTlminpnou,from .Sun Fruncixco, du! Hept lo-;i-

Am nhlp Miilihlu, MeiTiman, fromHongkong, diiH .luly 12-3- 1.

Am bkluu Amelia, Newhiill, fromlort'J'o iiM'nd, due AugiiHt 1.

Am bark Sonoma. T 11 (irilllths, fromPort Towusend, W T due Aug 1.


TllK IT. H. R. Juniuta took aboardstored

The bunking house of Hinliop &

Co. will cloise ut 1L A. M.

The Honolulu Htcum Laundryhas an important notice in tinslKHUC.

Lewis J. Levey ban for khIo somechoice fat turkeys for ThanksgivingDay dinner.

The Oahu Lodge, K. of I'., willhold their regular meeting this even-ing at 7 :30 o'clock.

There will bo a batallion drill ofthe Honolulu Rifles at 7 :M o'clockthis evening, in Palace Square.

The thermometer at Mr. Nolte'sresidence, Waikiki, stood at 57, earlyshis morning.

Splendid niinea pie lor Thanks-giving Day can be had at the EliteIce Cream Parlors.

In place of the theme announcedfor the prayer meeting at the CentralUnion Church this evening, the sub-

ject will be Thanksgiving.

Any persons having cast off cloth-ing will confer a favor by sendingthe same to J. T. Waterhouae, Jr.,for use of thn. patients at KakaakoHospital.

The inquest on the late CaptainWood, was to have been continued

but was postponed on accountof illness of one of the jurors.

Dr. Trousseau's launch traveledabout the bay this afternoon, at arate greatly exceeding 5 knots perhour, and as noiselessly as a cat aftera mouse. She is a beauty beyonddoubt.

Mr. Lewis J. Levey will hold hisregular sale at 10 a. m.

A large assortment of general mer-

chandise, including a line of choicegroceries, will be offered.

All the members of Company Dof the Honolulu Bifles are requestedto be at the armory this evening at 7

o'clock sharp, for drill. There willalso be a drill night at7 :30 o'clock.

The entertainment given by theLadies' Benevolent Society at the Y.M. C. A. Hall, last evening, was a

. pleasant affair, and a brilliant suc-

cess. The main feature of the even-

ing was the "Peak Sisters," who keptthe audience jn good humor for sometime, Refreshments and social con-

versation wound up the evening.

It is reported that Captain T.Thompson, who left by the S. S.

Australia yesterday, has gone tosuperintend the construction of avessel, to be built in the EastenStates, fr the California, PugetSound, and the Sandwich Islandtrade. Mr. Ward, formerly mate ofthe bark C. O. Whitmore, (of whfchCaptain Thompson was master,) hasbeen appointed Captain, vice Cap-

tain Thompson resigned.


In response to the invitation ofthe U. S. Minister Resident, and inaccordance with the recommendationof the President of the UnitedStates, there will be a service ofThanksgiving and Praise at the houseof worship of the Central UnionChurch, at 11 a. m., towhich all citizens of the UnitedStates sojourning here and all othersin sympathy with the object of theday, are cordially invited.


An Eastern paper contains thetollowing: II. A. Stewart, a drugclerk of Wichita, Kan., pleadedguilty of selling 208 glasses of beerand was sentenced by the DistrictCourt of Sedgwick County, to pay a

, fine of $20,800 and to imprison-ment for 17 years and 4 months.'Phe Court simply obeyed the niaq-dat- e

of the law in delivering ' sen-

tence. The plea of guilty was madewith a view on the part of Stewart'sattorney, to show the absurdity ofthe law.

"Whits andlColored Linen Shirts,Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,

Also, nr Spiral ass'i of FmtiUic Goods


But tho good pill does not gripeand pain us, neither does it make us

sick and miserable for a few hoursor a whole day. It acts on thoentire glandular system at the some

time, else the after-effec- ts of the

pill will be worse than the diseaseitself. The griping caused by most

pills is the result of Irritating drugswhich they contain. Such pills areharmful, and should never be used.They sometimes even produce he

morrhoids. Without having anyparticular desire to praise one pill

above another, we may, nevertheless,name Mother Seigel's Pills, manufactured by the well-know- n houseof A. J. White, Limited, 35, Far-ringt-

Road, London, and now

sold by all chemists and medicino

vendors, as the only one we knowof that actually possesses every desirable quality. They remove thepressure upon the brain, correct the

liver, and cause the bowels to actwith ease and regularity. Theynever gripe or produce the slightestsickness of the stomach, or any otherunpleasant feeling or symptom.Neither do they induce further con-

stipation, as nearly all other pillsdo. As a further and crowningmerit, Mother Seigel's Pills arecovered with a tasteless and harmless coating, which causes them toresemble pearls, thus renderingthem as pleasant to the palate asthey arc effective in curing disease.

If you have a severe cold and arethreatened with a fever, with pains in

the bead, back, and limbs, one or twodoses will break up the cold and pre-

vent the fever. A coated tongue, witha brackish taste in the mouth iscaused by foul matter in the sto-

mach. A dose of Seigel's Pills will

effect a speedy cure. Often-lime- s

partially decayed food in the sto-

mach and bowels produces sickness,nausea, &c. Cleanse the bowelswith a dose of these pills, and goodhealth will follow.

Unlike many kinds of pills, thrydo not make you feel worse before

you are better. They are, without

doubt, the best family physic everdiscovered. They remove all ob-

structions to the natural functionsin either sex without any unpleasanteffect. 1019-- 2


A HANDSOME BONNETI70R Hat tlie right place to go u tohaclis' Store, 104 Fori 8t. 93

TF YOU WANT A SERVANT,JL Bdvcrtifte in the Daily Bulletin,

TOB PRINTING of all kinds cxt-- Iinited at ihu Daily Bulletin Ollioe

FINEST BRANDS OF CALIJL forum Purl, Madeira aud Alalugafor sale in Kegs nnd cncs hy

GOXSA1.VES 4 CO.61 Queen street

IF YOU FIND ANYTHING,JL adverliio it iu tho Daily Huu.ktin

9 NICeHTaRGE TIlRNISHEDrooms. iSo. 4 Uaiduu Lane, te

second door fiom Uuion street. Applyon the premises. 0 if


Cashier, and Correspondent Tettimo-nial- s

as to abilliy of tue highest cIhsh.Apply to P. O. Bt x 4"0. 86 lm


Mosquito-Pro- of RoomsWith isood Bath accommodations.

From 2.00 to S.50 per week.CENTRAL HOUSE, Alakea St.

17i4 ly


The Waikiki residence of Mr. Fred IIHnselden tltuaied at Kapiolaui 1'aikbetween tha residences of Hon. W. G.Irwin, and Mr, Frank Brown, U offeredfor rent, lease, or sale. For terms applyto the undersigned.92 tf FUED II. IIAYSELDEX.

Yosemite Skating

I? I IMCOpen every afternoon and


Music every Saturday Night.

TIIOMAH E. WALL,1601, Proprietor. lyr

Honolulu, IX. I.f!


Editor Bulletin: Allow me toexpress my views in regard to theHomestead Law in your valuablepaper a law, which, under the oldAdministration, would always haveremained a dead letter, but whichour Reform Government seems tobe willing to enforce at last, andthereby prove themselves the truefriends and benefactors of the peo-

ple mid gain their respect and grati-tude in a still higher degree.

I think, it is an excellent law andought to be carried out to the fullestextent, including the"Crown Lands", and any othertracts, which are or have been, un-

der any pretence whatever, unjustlywithheld from the people's domain.It is no use saying, "There is notenough available laud for homesteadpurposes," never mind "half aloaf of bread is better than none,"let us have what there is, then at anearly dale, and make it go as faras possible; but, if it is the law, asI uiii told, that Government landscan only be sold at public auctionin this country, then this law oughtto be changed, for I don't see whatis to prevent speculators, land andhouse owners, real estate agents andeverybody else interested in keep-

ing up the value of real estate, fromappearing at the public sale anddriving up the prices, so that thetrue intention of the framcrs of thehomestead law will be frustratedand the benefit it was to confer onpeople of small means totally lo.stl

In my opinion this is a matterthat calls for immediate action bythe present Legislature, which oughtto give to the Minister of Interiorthe power to sell nil available Gov-

ernment lands to buna fide settlersprivately, on application to theLaud (illlce, at a stipulated priceand on easy terms, in a similarway as in the United States,only with this difference, of course,that considering the limited areaand the great number of probableapplicants, it would have to be cutup in small lots aud a proportionallyhigher price charged.

There are also within convenientdistance from the business centre ofthe city, several large tracts of un-

improved land, which are and havebeen for years in the hands of pri-vate gentlemen, who leave themlying idle or use them as pasturelots, paying only a nominal tax onthem, and in this way retard thegrowth and progress of the city.1 think, all property of this des-cription ought to be assessed ac-

cording to its real value, that is, asbuilding lots, then the owners wouldsoon find it to their own interest toeither improve it themselves or layit out in lots and offer it for sale atreasonable prices, and our trades-men, clerks, mechanics, laborers,and especially the Portuguese wouldonly be too glad to avail themselvesof the opportunity, for very few ofthem can afford to pay for a smalllot within reasonable distance fromtheir place of business, a price of$1,000, or to rent a small house, fitfor a respectable family to live in,for $25 per month, where in mostcases they have to do the repairingand pay the water rates themselves.Everybody, who has lately been ob-

liged to hunt for houses or lots willknow that this is not exaggeratedand that the only places which areto be had at a lower rate are eithermiserable hovels, those situated indisreputable or unhealthy localities,or several miles away from town,where a man working or doing busi-nes- se

there, and who is obliged tobe there at a certain hour everymorning, finds it, iu the absence ofa street-railroa- d, too inconvenientand expensive to live. In the lastLegislature a charter for construc-tion of such a useful establishmentwas granted to a certain party, but,so far, not a step has been takentowards consummation of the projectyet ; therefore the charter ought tobe transferred to some enterprisingman or company, who means busi-ness and will give us, at an earlydate, a ride 'within reasonable dis-

tance for 5 cents, the same as theydo in a good many smaller placesthan this in the United States, andmake it pay too. What a blessingsuch a chance would have been foreverybody who had to travel throughthe mud within the last few days,for instance.

Give the people a chance to ac-

quire a home of their own and itwill give them an interest in thewelfare of the country. If willmake them saving, industrious,peaceable and contented, and willdo more to promote the true causeof temperance and morality than allsocieties, preaching and cast-iro- n

laws in this direction ever did andever will do. Besides it will keep


HOLIDAY TRAOE! HOLIDAY TRADE!An idea of which can best be obtained by giving the undersigned an

early call.

IVo Troullo to Jliov Goods !

77 WEST, DOW & CO. 2m



A Fine Line of Holiday Goods




The Custom of taking medicine in

the form of pills dates far back in

history. The object is to enable us

to swallow easily in a condensed

form disagreeable aud nauseous, butvery useful, drugs. To what vastdimensions pill-taki- has grownmay be imagined when we say thatin England alone about 2,000,000,000 (two thousand million) pills areconsumed every year. In early

days pills were made slowly by hand.

as the demand was comparativelysmall. To-da- y they are produced

with inflnitily greater rapidity by

machines especially contrived for

the purpose, and with greater ac-

curacy, too, in the proportions of the

various ingredients employed.No form of medication can be

better than a pill, provided only itis intelligently prepared. But righthere occurs the difficulty. Easy as

it may seem to make a pill, or a

million of them, there are really veryfew pills that can be honestly com-

mended for popular use. Most of

them either undershoot or overshoot

the mark. As every body takes pills

of some kind, it muy be well to men-

tion what a good, safe and reliable

pill should be. Now, when one feels

dull and sleepy, and has more or

Just Received at Hollister & Go.'sA large assortment of


Comprising the well-know- n brands of




fully yours,G. W. Macfarlane.


Editor Bulletin: Seeing youare kind enough to grant space inyour excellent paper to "Convert,""Curiosity," "M. T.," "Finance"and other nora de plumes, I shallask for a square inch myself. Thereisjiow before the Legislature a billto repeal a law granting pensions."M. T." writes a splendid letter re-

garding this bill. I heartily endorsehim with one exception. There areexceptions to all rules, and the ex-

ception now is the case of Mrs.Barnard, a widowed mother, thewife of an efficient and faithful Gov-ernment officer. I think it wouldbe wise to consider well her case. Ihave talked with many reform men,and they all think it a worthy case.In taking a large pension from thosewho did not need, it, why not con-

tinue a small pension' to one whodues need it. Gentlemen of theLegislature, remember the widowand the orphans. They are not for-

gotten by Him, who is greater thankings and legislatures, and who

F'oi" Stile at R,easoiinlle 'Prices.m .WHOLESALE AND RETAILs



Uuder the above heading the0. S. S. CO.'S TIME TABLE.

Arrlvt at Honolulu from San Francisco.flew Goods por late ArrivalsBoll Tel. 1111. Mutual Tul. 801.P. O. Ucx 4(W.

J.E.BR0WN&00.,42 Merchant Street- -

REAL ESTATE,Inauraure, MMpplng,

Convraiicli:tf. difueral Agcnc- -

mmmmmmmmmm . mmmmmA PAUPER'S DYING KEUEbT.

An amusing aud yet pathetic in-

cident in what the poet Gray called

" the short and simple annals of

the poor," Is told by Mr. John J. R.

Micklejohn, one of the Inspectors

of the Toor, at Sherwick, Shetland

Islands. Ho says that some time

ago an old woman, named BarbaraSmith, came under the nolite of the

Apples, Honey,Boned Chicken & TurkeyBreakfast GerineaBran, Oats,Citron, Lemon & Orange PeelCala Prunes, Dates,Cape Cod CranberriesEastern CodfishFrench Peas, Rolled DatesGertuea, Crackers,Jersey Blue PotatoesKegs Family BeefLunch Tongue

And a general assortment

ClinH. Hiwtace, -Telephone Both Companies Hi).


ol A complete line of "aoHTAPLIi AND FANCY G ItOCICIC IIOf.

Fresh Goods en Ioe by each arrival of the O. S S. Co's Stoamcrs. Goods deliveredto all parts of Honolulu.

Island erder solicited and packed with care, and shipped to any part of the Kingdom1ISI2


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

New Goods received by every Packet from the Eastern States and EuropeFresh California Produce ly every Steamer. All ciders faithfully attended to.and GooiIm delivered to any port of the city free of charge. Island orders roll,cited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office Box 145. Telephone No. 64. 168 ly

A. MORGAN,Blacksmith Work; ftg Carriage Building:,

Painting and Trimming.

79 & 81 King Street, - OM Rose FreiisesICiitrtiiiee lrom King? and Merchant SI.

Every description of work in the above lines performed in a first-cla- ss manner.

Also, Horse Shoeing a Specialty.t3T Bell Telephone. 107. (3 J7 ly) V$T Bell Telephone, 17. -


. IV JEW- -

Mercliant Tailoring Establishm't

The tinder Ignrd linving rpened a flr.t-clas- s

MfchantTallmliig Kutah.lieliinciil at tue

Cor. King and Bethel Streets,(T) imonBuildinp) under iho firm

name ot

F.Habermacher&Co.Big have to illicit ti e patrin'ge of

nia menus ana puune gtmtmuy.



Jujt received by

CASTLE & COOKE.A few Barrels of the above in

84 2w g iod order.

Something Fine!

Ice Cream Soda-- AT THE

A Refreshing and Delightful Drink.


No. 10. No. 10.


Fori Street Store !

A Large Assortment ot


i Farther Supply Expected by Mext


82 2tr


rpHE LONOBRANCH HATHA H iute. at V aik U is a favoriteretort und should he visited by all, es-

pecially by those who have n it ) ei seenthe place. The route Is picturesque allthe wav.

A Japmese and wife a e now in' at iho Bath Houe. Tbe

woman will attend to Lud.es who mayfavor us with a cull

Bi.bsi'8 leave tin Panthron Stables forthe Baths four 'nij daily.

H BAK BE H, Proprietor.


24x36, 26x40, 30x44,

48x64, 19x25.


H. Hackfeld & Go.89 3t


The Waikiki residence of Mr. Fred HHavselden situated at Kapiolani Paikbetween th residences of Hon. W. G.Irwin, and Mr. Frank Brown, is offeredfor rent, lease, or sale. For terms applyto the undersigned.92 tf FKED H. HAYSELDEN.

Desirable Building Lots!

Situate on Fort Street, below School


Either on short or long leases at optionof the lessee.


40 lm f&m on the Premises.

FOK SALE.Q WHALE BOATS; 1 Decked0 Whale Bom, 30 feet long, 8 feetdeepi 8 feet wide; 2 22 ieet Surf Boats;1 18 feet Surf Boat; 2 Dicked Hunger,16 feet long, 6 feet 6 inches wide, 2 feet6 inches deep, with mast and sails allcomplete; 1 ii feet Sailing Scow, withmast and sails all complete. Applv to.

E. R. HYAN.Boat Builder and General Jobber. 51 tf

Horse Clipping!NEATLY DONE and with despitch

HAWAIIAN HOTEL STA-BLES. Hdud Ulii per. 82.f

THE DAILY BULLETIN Thepopular paper published.

Doitvasler lleporlvr of July Cth,

1867, publishes the following iu itseditorial columns

Our readers may recall ths circumstance of a young clerk, named

Arthur Richold, falling insensibleon the Weatley Lane in this townsome time ego, end being pickedup, as he continued perfectly helpless, and taken in a cab . by two

gentlemen to tbe office of F. W.Fisher, Esq; the tolieitor who em-

ployed him. On restoring him toconsciousness it was ascertainedthat he was allicted with what

jemed to be an incurable disease.When be was able to speak he

aaid be bad been to bis dinner andaud was on his way back to biswork, when suddenly bis bead was

in a whirl and he fell in the streetlike a man who Is knocked down.On coming to his senses in the soli-

citor's olllue he thought what thismight mean, and feared ho was

going to have a fit of illness, which

we all kuow is a very dreadfulthing for a poor man with a familyto care for.

With this in his mind he at oncesought the best medical . advice,telling the doctors bow be had beenattacked. They questioned him,and found that his present maladywas exhaustion of the nervous sys-

tem resulting from general debility,indigestion, and dyspepsia of achronic nature. This in turn hadbeen caused by confinement to his

desk and grief at the loss of dearfriends by death. The coming on

of this strange disease, as describedby Mr. Richold, must be of inter-est both to sick and well. lie hadnoticed for several years previously,in fact, that bis eyes and face be-

gan to have a yellow look; therewas a sticky and unpleasant slimeon the gums and teeth in themorning; the tongue coated; andthe bowels so bouud and costivethat it induced that most painfuland troublesome ailment the piles.He says there was some pain intbe sides and back and a sense offulness on the right side, as thoughthe liver were enlarging, whichproved to be the terrible fact.The secretions from the kidneyswould be scanty and high-coloure-

with a kind of gritty or sandydeposit after standing.

These things had troubled Mr.Richold a long time, and after his

fall in the street he clearly perceivedthat the fit of giddiness was nothingmore than a sign of the steadly --

and deadly advance of the complaint,which began in digestion and dys-

pepsia. His story of how he wentfrom one physician to another insearch of a cure that his wife andlittle ones might not come to want is

very pathetic and touching. Finallyhe became too ill to keep bis situa-tion and had to give it up. Thiswas a sad calamity. He was appaii-e- d

to think how he should be able tolive. But God raised up friendswho helped to keep the wolf fromthe door. He then went to the sea-

side at Walton-on-tbe-Naz- e, butneither the change, nor the phy-

sicians who treated him there, didany good. All being without availhe visited London, with a sort ofvague hope that some advantagemight happen to him in the metro-

polis. This was in October, 1885.How wonderful, indeed, are the

ways of Providence, which dashesdown our highest hopes and thenhelps us when we least expect it.

While in London he stated his con-

dition to a friend, who strongly ad-

vised him to try a medicine which hecalled Mother Seigel's CurativeSyrup, saying it was genuine andhonest, and often cured wh every-

thing else bad failed. He boughta bottle of a chemist in Pimlico, andbegan using it according to the di-

rections. He did this without faithor hope, and the public, may there-

fore judge of his surprise and plea-

sure when after taking a few doseshe felt great relief. He could eatbetter ; his food distressed him less ;

the symptoms we have named abated ;

the dark spots which had floatedbefore his eyes like smuts of soot,gradually disappeared, and hisstrength increased. Before thistime bis knees would knock togetherwhenever he tried to walk. So en-

couraged was he now that he kepton using Mother Seigel'a CurativeSyrup until it ended in completelycuring him.

In speaking of his wonderful re-

covery Mr. Richold says it madehim think of poor Robinson Crusoe,and his deliverance from captivityon his island in the sea; and added,"But for Mother Seigel's CurativeSyrup tbe grass would now begrowing over my grave."

Our readers tan rest assured ofof the strict truth of all the state-

ments in this most remarkable case,as Mr. Richold (now residing atSwiss Cottage, Walton-on-the-Naz-

belongs to one of the oldest andmost respected families in the beau-tiful village of Long Melford,Suffolk, and his personal characteris attested by so high an authorityas the Rev. C. J. Martyn, rectorof that parish, besides other excel-lent names. We have deemed thecase of such inportance to the pub-

lic as to justify us in giving thisshort account of it in our columns.

1813-- 8

Zealaiulia November 25Australia December 13Alameda December 23

Leave Honolulu lor San Frineltco.Mariposa December 16Australia December 20Zealandia(1888) January 13

-- --uaj V J


ft r y. - i


Your wives and children will rejoice,

Having lound ths Sampler Cigar your choice.


21 First Street. S.F. 9

For sale Everywhere.




Cylinder Printing


Complete with Steam Fixings, Roller Moulds,

Extra Cores, Etc., Etc.

The Machine is in good working order, having been used for the past two

years in working off tbe " Daily Bulle-tin," and the only reason for. disposing

of it is on account of room, and puttingin a large size


The Machine now offered for tale,can be seen at work evbby avtsbkooxfrom 1 to 4 o'clock.

For particulars and terms, apply at

Tbe Daily Bulletin Office.

ruptureuuicklrtnajpannuiontlyOwed br the ClbratdDR. PLURGE'8 PATENT


E ectrlcTrua. PerfaotKeMUurI Ml I in to wear. Ittantlr nlijrrm nnM. HuenrM thonMuida. Eaub.lfna.

Sand for Froa Illoitr-- Famphlat NoL'Mir304 MORTTT fi

i704 B tO"MBN'

K. I,. 8, 87 1671 ly


Mince Meat, in 5 lb tubsNil 19, Raisins,Oxford SausagesOnions, Wheat, Corn,Paragon BncouPlum PuddingRussian CaviarSaloon & Medium BreadSmoked BeefSalt Fork, 5 lb tinsSmoked HalibutWorld' Breakfast FoodWhittaker Hams

of Groceries, for sale by

- King- - Ntreet.P. O. Boa m.

& CO.


FRANCE.Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.36 Hue de JJankerque, - Paris.

Executes Ind nts for every descriptionof French, Belgian,Swis, German, and English Goods, atthe best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices.

Commission, Two-and-- a Half per cent.All Trade and Cash Discounts allowedto Clients. Original Invoices forwardedwhen requested.

Remittances, through a London orParis Banker, payable on delivery ofShipping documeuts; or, direct to themnnager.

The Agency Represent, Buys, andSells, f ir Home a id Colonial Firms.

Piece Ooods, Cashmeres, Cambrics,Silks, Velvctb, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Miilinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, l'arasols, Haberdashery,Gold and silver Laoe,Flannels, Feathers, Pearls,B ots and (shoes, Glas, adChina-ware- , Ch cks, Watches,Jewell'y, Funcy Goods.Electro-plai- Musical Instruments,Fan", Ec lisiusoical und"ptical Gooits Mirrors, Toys.Perfume y. Wines, &c ,

Oilmen's Stori s, Buok, ArtisticFurniture, Stationery,

' Chrotuos, Machinery, tc., &c.130 ly S

if i&&f'kW n

Board. She was extremely ill, and

it did not look likely that she would

long need care of any kind. She

did not reside on the main land, bur

on a small island a few miles distantand there being no parochial institu-tion- s

in that place, Barbara neces-

sarily occupied the position of a

pauper living out. The trouble

from which she suffered dated back

many years. In better and more

prosperous days she bad in some

way laid the foundation for Chronic

Indigestion and Dyspepsia, and out

of this had sprung other complaints

as age and bodily "infirmities creptapace upon her.

Barbara was not ignorant, albeit

she had fallen into poverty. In ear

lier life she somehow obtained the

advantage of a fair education, and

this, added to native shrewdness,

enabled her to use good judgment in

respect to her own situation ana

state of health. Although she had

long suffered from asthma andhrnnrhiftl affection. Barbara was

wise enouch to see that these ail

ments arose from the disordered

stomach and digestion, and that if

the main trouble could be cured the

others would soon leave her. It is

probable that her disease began as

others do. with the usual symptoms :

headaches, bad breath, the rising of

sour fluids in the throat, oppressionand faintness at the pit of the stom

ach, loss of sleep, coated tongue,

dull eves, bad taste in the mouth,

&c, and finally became chronic and

hopeless through her not being able

to find any remedy. The Inspector

states that she had been under med

ical treatment for years, but to no

effect. In this strait sue one day

made the following touching appeal

to the Inspector: "I have been

swallowing medicines for mouths.

They do me no good. I am going

on from worse to worse. I can en-

dure it no longer. I feci that in a

week or two I shall be dead. There

is one last request I would make of

you: give roc a bottle of Mother

Seigel's Curative Syrup j it is my

only hope. If it proves a failure

and does me no good I will die in

peace, and make no more expense

to the parish."It seems she had got hold of one

of Mother Seigel's Almanacks and

read of the great cures wrought by

the Syrup in cases like hers.

The Board pitied the poor lone

woman and granted her petition, be-

lieving, however, the syrup would

prove as useless as the other medi-

cines she had already taken. What

was their astonishment to find, in the

course of a few days, that she had

not only been able to get out of bed,

but to move about outside the house,

and had taken journeys to a consid-

erable distance, and was actually en-

joying better health than since she

was first taken ill. The asthma and

bronchitis, which were no more than

symptoms of her true disease (indi-

gestion and dyspepsia), rapidlyabated, and it now seems that Bar-

bara will soon be as hale and hearty

as the Inspector himself, and be one

of the hosts of living witnesses to

the power of Mother Seigel's Syrup

to save the thousands who were justready to perish.

Mother Seigel's Curative Sryup is

for sale by all chemists and medi-

cine vendors, and by the proprie-

tors, A. J. White, Limited, 35

ringdon Road, London, E. C.1619 1





ATTENTION OF ALL INTER,THE in improving the pasturelands of the Islands is called to theabove valuable seeds, which we offer forale in lots to suit purchatcrs.

We have also on hand sample lots ofWhite Clover, English Alsyke, Timo-

thy, Rib Grass, Crested Dug's Tail, fallFeseue, Italian Rye Grass and Lucerneseeds, which we offer in small lots fortrial, and will also receive orders forquantities of not less than half a tonweight, and execute same with dispatch.

WM. G. IRWIN & CO.65 tf.

FOR SALE!LARGB LOT, comer Pensacola

ONE Lunalilo Bts., vnich can be

'divided into two or more building lots.

Burltualon aud t'lilragu Itall Kuail

AeroMH America, roiinrrttuK atBsNtOB with Aaorea

and ItadariA

To Let Shop on King Street In new bnokbuilding Bear JNuunuu, next uoor iothe Cuiue.e Mews Co.'s Office, at reduced rates.

To Lot- -8 cottages on King street nearruncuoowi.

For Sal or Lsate the Nutmnu ValleyKancu, ueau oi uuauu v aiiej , ens;terms.

To 1st Shop-Cor- ner Punchbowl andKing btreets; rint very moderate.

Collection DepartmentMR. THOMAS ISCOVESCO

authorized to collect monlet and alga

receipts in our name.

J. E. BROWN A CO.,42 Merchant btrcot.

Bell Tel. S4S). 11 atoal Tel. 1 S

P.O. BOX 41.Office . - 88 Merchant St., Ilouola'.u

GULICK'SGeneral Business Agency.


rnnuavanrtnfi Rnanialtv1?nnrria flrnhed and abstracts of title furnished onshort notice.

Copying, Translating, and engrossing In alllanguages in general ubu in me iviug.dom.

Custom House brokerage Fire and Lifeinsurance receive prompt huuuuuu.


MR. JOH N GOOD J R. AuthorizedCollector.

Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.

REAL ESTATE,bought, sold and rented.

Several valuable properties In andnrnnml llim ritv tinw for slllrf on 18SV


Convenient Cottages in desirable healthylocations iu and near the city to let orlease at reasonable rates.

Employment Wanted by several men audboys, who will make thennehcs use-

ful in performing tie variouH officen

and cnores requneu uy pnvau mini-lies.

Full particulars given on applicationat tliesuencv.

Orders H orn the other Islands prompt- -

ly attended to.

Fancy GlasswareIN NEW DESIGNS!

Peach-Blo- w Ware !

Amberina Ware !

Pomona Ware !

These Goods are all new to this market,having been invented very recently.

CHINA SETSLatest Patterns in

Lamps, Chandeliers and Lanterns.

Try the NEW BURNER ifyou want a magnificent light.

A large assortment of

GLASSWAR 13at very Low Prices.

Novelties in all lines. Call andour Stock.

Paciflc Hardware Co., Lim'fl,


Yosemite Skating

Open every afternoon andevening.

Music every Saturday Night.

THOMAS E. WALL,1601 Proprietor. lyr

O LUSO HAWAIIANO.persons who want to communiALL with the Poitueucse, cither

for business, or for procuring workmen,servants or any other helps, will find itthe most profitable WHy to advertise inthe Luso HawaiianOy the new organ ofthe Portumiese colony, which is pub-lishe- d

on Merchant street, Gazette Build-ing. (Post-OlBc- e Lettor Bo E.), andonly charges reasonable rates for advertiacme&U.


Every Description of

look and General Priming. Executed with neatness and dispatch.

Honolulu Librarv

Reading Room Association.

Cor. Hotel &. Alakea Streets.Open every Day and Evening.

The Library consists at the presenttime of over Five Thousand Volumes.

The Readiug Room is supplied withabout fifty of the leading newspapersand periodic .Is.

A Parlor is provided for conversationml games.Terms of membership, fifty cents a

nonth, payable quarterly in advance.No formality required in joining exceptsigning the roll.

Strangers from foreign countries andvisitors from the other islands are wel-

come to the rooms at all times as guests.This Association having no regular

means of support except the dues ofmembers, it is expected that residentsof Honolulu who desire to avail them-selves of its privileges, and all who feelan interest in maintaining an institutionof this kind, will put down their namesand become regular contributors.

A. J. CARTWRIGHT, Pres.,M. M. SCOTT,H A. PARMELEE. Secretary,A. L. SMITH, Treasurer,C. T. RODGERS, M.D.,

Chairman Hall and Library Committee.

SEnquire of .

54 Of West. Dow & Co.