ti - university of hawaiʻi

THE PACiriO .(iHjommcrcml bbcdtscr 18 PUBLISHED Kvory Saturday Morning, DY H. L. JJHELDON. C'ily ad Saboerlplloa.. SG.OO n )ir. S3.00 for Si. Monlh.. F oreiga Subeeriptlone. T.5( to SIO a Year. The subscription price l.r papers f,rar!ei to any prt of TUB FAOiriO TV A . ( dLomnifrcial isbithsti : rCBLHUtDAT Honolulu, Hawaiian Ilan2. nittoa of AcivortlaliiR. J ) A ' t Av I fpaos sfar4 la KoeparvU Tf. ... ) I '"I t H I Um ( Inch).. i cx; ooj 4 oo II JBe lark). to; wo ti I aSaiiSw3 14 Usm (t taetMx) t oo 4 ; t - - - - -ii- -.u iueiwi'i mj Hawaiian Um (I larsxa) S 00 ' t 11 potae oly. All papers for European port. w.il be chanted Usmw ( nam, 4 to It W II M he postage demanded at the post office, which vanes from Viurier Cantama. II sw ia Third Colusa a Pu ( l 10 If M tl K M M 1 Cxnmaaiction from all of tbe Pacific Twe Tie4 prt will CluaiB. ... a IS W J IN 00 40 40 suite CMsai IIMMNU aw 4 oo rr Persons residing in any part of the I'nitrd States, cn mit Ihe amount of subscription dues fr this paper io tar Acfwtktwra rvaidlaf la lb Eaatsva l"aiU4 Fium, raa r in4r cards by rswlualng OiwsskII I bliW m rcvtag Ikaasr mcsj aaa 4 as tbr wtab Is r--v aa4 tbir PLAIN AND FANCY cards will bw luvlH M fwr asm taMa, ti lb II sm l4 he. IT KaaiiM Cards, vbta raarai oa a vsaa, arw BOOK AND JOB PRINTING a'.lowoa a sltscoattl sroaa um rsu. wbwb ara toe Uaalsil TT BILL-H- E tD3,YL?ITINO. BUSINESS AND AD&RE53 VOL. XXI-N- O. 44. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN' ISLANDS. AP1UL 2S. IS77 WHOLE NO. 1092. ad Ungta tt Uwmm rvytif U whew 4 ih Aavaavisss. aU or ebargv Tra ajasrtsrly. tents obra rbarg4 'HM printed In the higbrst style of the art. F.rtaCiut by tbe wi,Om Ifcrilar. i- - Thuggee. (A Rslioiols Sect or Miimiiu is Ixoia No where more heinously has ainrd The human rare of Gospel light Bereft than la Hinde, Sank to IJcIatry's dark bight ! There oa tLe pyre of the Suttee, The widow burn'd with her dead spouse ! There crimes, the adepts of Thuggee Have perpetrated, which arouse The horror and amazement mute Of all who rank above the brute. The blesslogs of the British rate, And teachings of the Christian school Have mitigtted if cot spent The pow'r of sin, beneath which bent Unhappy Ilinde for age paat Nor their endeavors shall relent Till tt'.amphs gospel truth at last ! Tho' heathen, superstitions dread Broods o'er the mansion of the dead, No more the widow In the Are Is burnt, which light her dead lord's pyre ! Tho' still his hideous idol bugs The Hindoo, and with pott a prays No more the " tit rangier" of the Thug In Khalee' name bis victim slays ! A sculptor of Ellora's cave The secret of Thuggee engrave ; Tbree thousand years, and more, are gone Eince they were chisellM In the stone ! There the " Deceiver "such doth mean The name of Tiny sitting is seen Beside hi prey, who ne'er suspect That he has wclcom'd to his ball A u atraoglcr " of the worst of sects, Whom Phumigar the Hindoos call. As they set out Upon a journey, whle the Scout " Who is a " Novice " of Thuggee, Nor of the " Confraternity " As yet an " Adept notifies To the "deceiver' thai a prize. Of worth, is now within their pow'r. The Phuntigar awaits the hour When be, the roomal, or the u noose " A silken scarf with the Hindoos Round hi confiding victim' neck Sudden and unaware may tie-- So that of blod not e'en A speck D file the mortal doom'd to die! Euch 1 the mandate of Kkalte, Who is the goddess of Thuggee ! Boon as the silent deed i done The " grave-digger- s" in hot haate run The strangled victim to inter ; In solemn council they confer On the selection of a spot Where they may lay bis corpse to rot ; With the H pick-axe- ," by Khalee blest. Ilia grave they scoop both strait and deep; There hi remain In secret rest-W- hile tranquilly bis murd'rers sleep ! Cautious their ruthless deed to hide, UU wealth amongst them they divide-- But Khalee' share first set aside ! Thuggee ! thy crime in days sf old Ellora's sculptur'd caves have told! And still thy Thug, unto Ihi day, The same ferocity display; But Britain's justice, stern and keen. Thuggee ! fjr Phumigar has been ! To Christ thanksgiving fur the same, And glory to the British name Lahobb, Pojagb, 1So7. E. M. D. NoTCr JC halet was another name for the goddess Doorga, wife ef Shiva the Destroyer, the third person of the Trimoor- - tee or Vedlc Trinity. Khalee' came is found la Calcutta that is, Khalee Khatta, or the shrine of Khalee, from an an cient temple of the goddess on the banks of the Hoogly on the site ol the modern city, which locality I was shown in 1SC6. E. M. 1). VARIETY. Thk Four-Yeab-Ol- Prayer. Her father has been awaj from the city on business for two weeks, and the mother has taught the little one to conclude her evening prayers with and please watch over my papa." Last evening the little lady solemnly clapped her band and said : l'lcase watch over my papa, and you'd better keep an eye on mamma too!'' A Yankee having told an Englishman that he shot on one particular occasion 990 snipe, his interlocutor asked him why ho didn't make it 1,000 at once. No," said he, "it's not likely I'm going to tell a lie for one snipe." "Vhereapon the Englishman, determined not to be outdone, began to tell a story of a man having swam from Liverpool to Boston. " Did you see him yourself?" asied the Yankee, suddenly. Why, yes, of coarse I did. I was coming across and our vessel passed him a mile out of Boston harbor." " Well, I'm glad ye saw him, stranger, cos yer a witness that 1 did it. That was me." A Pi"t" He Uad'xt Tnorcirr Of. It was 1k friendly discussion on an incoming train from the South. I am in favor of settling this thing at the point of the bayonet!" shouted the "wah" Democrat. Wal, frien' I ain't," was the reply of the fur I knows what pints of the bayonets is 1 does they is too doggoncd Guess that's BO," BaiJ the Democrat, cooling down, and growing thoughtful, "I hadn't calculated on tnai. As Obliging Witness. We once knew an Irishman who bore evidence before a commission on the west coast of Ireland. Among other questions, as he seemed rather discursive and inclined to aver anything, one of the commission asked him if they had many whales there? Is it whales V answered Pat. Sure, you may ece them, like wather engines, spouting all over the place." Another of tho com- missioners gravely asked if there were any dog-fis- h there. 44 Dog?, magorra ! fail, ye'd say so had ye'd passed the night there. Sure, we can't elapc for the barkin' of them !" Lastly, one of the other commissioners asked him, 'if flying fish abounded?" Tho answer was: " Arrab, an' if we didn't put up the shutters every night there would'nt be a whole pane of lass left in the house for the crathurs bateing iagainBt them, sure." This ended the court, and the next day this genius came to ask for his expenses, exclaiming, Sure, now, honey, .didn't I swear to everything ye asked me?" Jm Keenk's Wat. Speculators who lounge in Jim Keene's private office during stock ex- change hours describe his way of operating as being remarkable. When the market gets dull and "the current eeems setting against his in- terests he becomes extremely lively. How's Lake?" he yells at the "pad 6hover" fresh from the exchange. Lake Shore is 23," replies the broker. Sell two thousand at the market!" Jnother broker enters. How's Lake now?" inquires Kcene. Fifty-tw- o and one eighth ! . Thunder and lightning ! So that's the way ithey lick it op! Want Lake, do they? Anxious ato buy Lake! Well, they shall have Lake! Run .over and Bhoot 'cm five thousand !" The broker goes to the exchange, sells the tock, breaks the price to 51j, and returns. How do they feel now ?" inquires Kcene. Got enough Lake, I guess !" Just here he looks at the " ticker." The price has reached to 52. He jerks the tape out two feet or more, walks about the room, gives orders to sell twenty or thirty thousand shares, turns the exchange into excitement, sees the price break two per cent., and putting in a few orders to pick up some stock on the general demoraliza- tion, relapses into comparative quiet. New York Sun. business (Caris. IRA HICHARDSON, AI lr..t.r.K. i wa IMPORTER Clothinjr, Famishing Qoo-ls- , I'rrfum-r- y, &c. Corner of Port and Merchant St. p21 ly Honolula, H. I. A. W. BLSH. k. . raiKL. FRIKL & BUSH, AN'I PBOVIMO. ut,Ai-rn.i- , GsROCERS Grocery and Feed f.tore. . . -- .i r ... rmm ttie r.inpr i4ianua win uc promptly atfn.ltd to. jg ton Birtti. iioquiuiu. -i" WILDER & CO., TO mnvsKri- - t SUCCESSORS Fort and Qaeen Sts. Dealers in Lumber. Paints. Oil, Nails. Salt, and Build ling . iy ap7 jaiaicni,wi t.vi ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., AM) i;iMMissiua IMPORTERS CHANTS, Corner of Fort and Merchant streets. f. L. CBRIS. CEO. W. MACrARLASK. T. LEXBHAJI GREEN. MACFARLANE & Co., - m n IMPORTERS AM uum.missiu. X .:,,1i5' . ... ,T . T Robinson's Fire-pro- Buiiamg, yueen ct., nouoium, A 0 KST 8 FOB Ihe Tuuloa Sheep Ranch Company, The Speneer Plantation, hiio, TheWaikapu plantation, Tk. iTt.in.ln Plintatinn. Molokai. mhim The Giaseow and Honolulu i.tne of iu F. B. EBDER9, M. D. DRS. ENDERS & LATHROP, WAILrKl) MAUI. gJJFFICE, m3 Iy C. H. DICKEY, i TTORNEV AT L.AW. HAIKU. MAUI. A k.itauv PlTHt.in for the Island of Maui, and Agent for taking Acknowledgments of Labor Contracts for the JJis- -: .r f nl--a iuin m3 ly S. MAGNIN, mTUUAXU ST., nrnr ning, "k"" I W IfEALKH la General Merchandise, Fancy Dry Goods, Gentlemen' Furniahing Goods, Clothing, Ucots, tnoes, uats, a.c, a.c. it, i; CECIL BROWN, A TTOR.VET AND COUNSELOR AT LAV, x: bt1 a w v fi hi.iu an i nscu lur iaaiuk vuv menu of Initruments for the Island of Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumanu street, noooimu, i. i. ww y APOTJa & ACHUCK. . . , . r a T T sT. 'wT A sT T M PO RT ERS, WHO l n.s a tatua-- Jr Dealers in General Jlercnanaise nrc-pr- nu Streeu. Jao EDWARD T. O'HALLORAN, - ' n . . W T .,,.r. . r..' ii.i in cin.ooo on Mortzaee of ... . . . a MAn,. In I ri (1 Freeholds, at lowest rates oi xnterest. il--j ' and in all parts of Australia. nPFlCK on Fort Street, (opposite Mr. Ira Richardson a Sit,.r llnnnlnill Ja0 J. M. WHITNEY, M. D., D. D. S. EXT A L OFFICE, FORT STREET. D corner Hotel, over air. strenz s xrug F. HORN, AO. i aa., CONFECTIOXEK., Honolulu. .t - ail D r if itr..i nelivered to any pari oi me cuj. an foreign breads made to order. de23 WILLIAM R. CASTLE AND COUSSKLUK ai , ATTORNEY Public. OUice, corner of Merchant and Kaahumanu Streets, Honolulu. d8 W. G. IRWIN & Co., mkru us Commission AND INSURANCE AGKNT3. noli Honolulu, n. . t'J J. M. DAVIDSON, TTORNEY AT LAW. L Office over Jlr. Whitney's Bookstore, no25 H0""u- - n rurnuB. I. BOTH. FISCHER & . RUTH, n nn at.- ara ?) f w 1IERCIIAM TAILUKS, rum oa.? i.vj. myw- - Honolulu, U. I. If BROWN & CO., M PORT ERS AND DEALERS IN ALES WINES AND SPIRITS, AT WUOLKSALK. 8 Merchant Street, n4 ly Honolulu, H. j. RICHARD F. BICKERTON, ATTORNEY ANDCOUNSEL.UK. A A IjA Tnww nf rmtHsi ri thi other Islands. . j .nr,.. f VrhnM- - nrr OFFICE. No. 23 Merchant Street, Vp aUairs, over Dr. Stangcnwald 1UJ V ALLEN & STACKPOLE, KAWA1UAE HAWAII, CONTINUE THK r- - iv au W nrl SllIPfING BLSINfcia at the . .lior. ih., . an. nrrmrnl to furnish the JUStlT CelB- - WLUM ,C Ull , w u.. w ' - - I I - brated Kawaihae Potatoes, and such other recruits as aro required by whale ships, at the snoricsi nonce auu u mo most reasonable terms. (an38 ly) CHULAN & CO., fMI'OBTERSOf AN inning U UKAUtiiisiA Of all descriptions, and in all kinds of Dry Goods. Also, eon- - .i i a - mi.lirw nf Hawaiian Rice. .l.QLIJ WU UU buiwivi 'I " j - o7 Nuuauu Street, Honolulu. Iy JOHN THOS. WATERHOUSE, M PORTER AM) IE A LER IN GENERAL. MKUCIIANIHSE, se2 Queen Street, Honolulu. ly ALEX. J. CARTWRIGHT, NKKUIIa.M AL COMMISSION SUIPPINQ AGENT, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands aui iy D. N. FLITNER, IIlSULIi BtiEs i x lit. rIONTINUES buildins. Kaahumanu Street, Chronometers rated by observations of the (un and stars, rith a transit instrument accurately aajustea to tne meridian of Honolulu. Particular attention given to fine watch repairing. Sextant and quadrant glasses silvered and adjusted. Charts and nautical instruments constantly on fZ2 nana ana ior saie. ij S. C. ALLS3. u. r. aoBissoa. ALLEN & ROBINSON, AT ROBINSON'S WHARF. DEAIiEKS IN LL'.MBtll and all kinds of iitlLDINU MATERIALS, Paicts, Oils, Nails, &c, Ac. AGENTS FOR SCHOOXKR3 PACAHI, MARY ELLKN, FAIRY QUEEV, CILAMA, KLLAMANU. de2) Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. M. McINERNY, AND DEALER. I. tLUIIl. IMPORTER Hats, Caps, Jewelry, Perfumery, Pocket Cutlery, and every description or Uent s Superior Furnishing Goods. XT Denkert's Fine Calf Dress Boots, always on hand. N. . Coama or fort no jlibbchast cthsets. jau iy M. PHILLIPS & Co., AND WHOLESALE If E A L IMPORTERS Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnishing and Fancy Goods. (nolS ly) No. 11 Kaahumanu St. Honolulu. M. S. GRINBAUM & CO., AND WHOLESALE IMPORTERS Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots nd Shoes. and every variety of Gentlemen's Superior Furnishing Goods Store formerly occupied by W. A. Aldrich, Makee's no 13 Block, Queen Street. ly H. E. McINTYRE & BROTHER, ROCER& AND FEED STORK, G ' Odd Fellow's Hall. Fort Street, ly Honolulu, II. I. CHAMPAGNE ! rUST RECEIVED PER KA MOI, AN I INVOICE OF HEIDSIECK & CO.' S Grand Vin Royal, In Quarts and Pints. For Sale at Agents' rates by H. IIACKFELD & Co., Sole Agents for Messrs. Heidsieck & Co., ap29 Raeims. business Caris. J. O. ItlCKSOS. BOBT. Lit WE R 3- - C. M. COOBf. LEWERS & DICKSON, Et tKRS IX LUMBER AND BI ILDIXC D aul Materials. Fort Street. iy THEO. H. DAVIES, (Late J &nioo. Green & Co.) PORTER AND COMMISSION MERC- HANT, JM acasr fob Lloyds' and the Liverpool Underwriters. Northern Assurance Company, and British and Foreign Marice Insurance Company. m!7 Fire Proof Buildings, Kaahumanu and Quen Sts. Iy CASTLE & COOKE, AND DEALERS IN GEN IMPORTERS MERCHANDISE, SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS-fe!- No. 80 King Street, Honolulu, II . I. ly C. S. BARTOW, A CCTIONEER. SALESROOM ON QUEEN fe3 Street, foot of Kaahumanu. Iy BOLLES & CO., CHANDLERS AND COMMISSION-MERCHANTS- . SHIP Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, Queen Street fe17 Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. ly 0iT ,B- - THOS. 0. THBCJf. THRUM & OAT, AND MANUFACTURING IMPORTING News Dealers and Book Binders. oc7) Mchat St.,ha Fot, Hosoicli;. (ly E, G. HITCHCOCK, 4 TTORNEY" AT LAW, HILO, HAWAII. Bills promptly collected fel7 ly F. A. SCHAEFER & CO., AND COMMISSION MER-CHANT- S, IMPORTERS Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. )a27 ly A. W. PEIRCE & CO., (Successors to C. L. Richards & Co.) CHANDLERS AND GENERAL SHIP MERCHANTS. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. ( Jal3 ly . E. P. ADAMS, A UCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MER- - CHANT. Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I. ja!3 ly CHAS. S. KETTREDGE, M. D. TO ANNOUNCE THAT HE HAS BEGS from California, and intends to settle in Hono- lulu for the practice of his profession. All desiring his services will find him at bis residence on Nuuanu Avenue, next door above the lower bridge. Jal3 I? H. L. CHASE, AND LANDSCAPE PHOTOG- RAPHER. PORTRAIT . . , f i a a pn. g'Mai CosmopoliUn l'Uotograpn uaiiery, " ' Honolulu. THE LAHAINA STORE. LAIIAINA, MAUI. Walter Murray Gibson, Propr. Fred. H.Hayselden, Manager. (Late A. 8. Cleghorn & Co.) If AS ON HAND A SUPERIOR ASSORT- - KM. ment of General Merchandise, Lumocr, ana rtunjiui no IS inter-islan- d vessels. E. 0. HALL & SON, . w wnc, ' ti a nn. IMPORTERS A ND ur A a--, v, " si WARE, Dry uooas, faints, vns, aai - nois corner ton aan CHUNG FAA, a IV ALL KINUit tJ ! tiXi as -v 1 i TiiiNd. II ATS. BOOTS AND SHOES. &c. also Ladies Fancy Goods, Hats, uaiters, etc., mo. xi uuauu oirccj. q1 UUUULUIU, H. HACKFELD & Co. COMMISSION AGENTS. GEN iy HONOLULU. A 8. CLEGHORN. JSO. 8. SMITHIES. A. S. CLEGHORN & Co., AND WUULESAlits ' IMPORTERS IN General Merchandise, Corner Queen and Kaahumanu Sts., o7 ly Nuuanu St., ana uorner fort ana xiotci ria. C. BREWER & CO., COMMISSION AND SHIPPING MERC- HANTS. Honolulu, Oahu, (se2 ly) Hawaiian Islands. WING CHONG TAI & CO., OVOLULU BAKERY". CORNER OF H my 8 King and Maunaitea streets. xj J. M. OAT & Co., Sailmakers. OLD CUSTOM nOCSE, FIRE-PRO- OF BUILDING. - On the Wharf, Foot or Nuuanu Street, Ilono lulu, U. I. Sails made in the Best Style and Fitted with Galvanized Clues and Thimbles. Flags of all description made and repaired. Thankful for Dast rtatronaire. we are prepared to execute all orders in our line, with dispatch and in a satisfactory manner. mniu it WM. WEIGHT, SHIP & GENERAL BLACKSMITH ! Shop ou Judd Wharf, Kext to Captain Oat's Sail-Lof- t. Honolulu, H. I. CARRIAGE REPAIRING done, and All kinds of Blacksmith Work For Ship or Shore on reasonable terms and with dispatch. CONSTANTLY OX HAND THE 23 33ST 333FI. X XI O 3NT Nuts, Washers, 4c, fe24 At Ihe Lowfil Market Rate. Lly P. H. TRIPP, Saddle and Harness Maker, CORNER OF Fort aud Kiiig Stroots. All Articles Io lii Line Manufactured frith ja6 Neatness and Dispatch. ly G. W. BROWN, CIVIL ENGINEER, MONTGOMERY SQUARE. ROADS, TRAMWAYS, W ATEK UKKS and ERIUUES, CO?.2TRUCTED. WATER COURSES ALTERED, MARSH LANDS DRAINED, OBSTRUCTIONS REMOVED, &c, Ac, Ac. MAP3 AND PROFILES. This Establishment closes at 12 M., on Saturdays. del6 HONOLULU, II. I. - ly O ! J. H. BRUNS, BEG LEAVE TO NOTIFT THE PUBLIC he has purchased the entire stock in trade of the Ute James L. Lewis, and that he will continue to carry on the Business of Coopering and Gauging, At No. 22 Fort Street. Where he will be found Prepared to Execute all Orders in his line. Ts"Yrt ret rtrtvi r FOR TALLOW, Etc., Etc., ALWAYS ON HAND. jalT U Itttr lanital. STRATElilEYER & BURGESS, PAINTING in all its Branches! Kir:g Slrttt, epio.:e tiLUnghact $ Cy.', mh!7 II. A. FOSTER, A XI PLASTERER. BRICKLAYER at'.cndeJ to. Residence, No. 28 Nuuanu Street. jiI3 6m M. LEWIS, GENERAL BLACKSMITH, () Kiog Street, nearBihel, Honolulu. PARTICULAR ATTKNTION PAID TO Horse-Shoein- g; & Carriage Work M. T. DONNELL, Cabinet Maker, Turner, French Polisher ViacI TJiiclortnls.or" ! No. 51 Hotel Street, : : : Honolulu, II. I. j)6 ly THOMAS LACK, TT A. G XX I3MIS T NO. 40 FORT STREET, f will attend to all orders In the LOCK, CTN 4. G K.VECIL REPAIR LI.E ne wiTI Rive special attention to cleaning, iepalrlne and reg- ulating Sewing Machines, and all ther kinds of Light Machinery and Metal Work of every descripion, Ularkan.it hinif, &c ALSO. ON HAND AN V FOR SALE CHEAP, A Variety of Sewing Machines, Guns, Pistols, Slut, Ammunition, MACHINE OIL, NIEDLES, &c, Aic. !.- -: . MM,;ni. TnrVers. Bincers.fcad all other extra and "s ' duolicate parts of Machines supilied on short notice IU Best Machine Twist. 3 COLS AGENT IN TBS KINGDOM FOR The Celebrated Florence Sewing Machines, auI2ly CHRIS. GERTZ, CABINET MAKER BEGS TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PUBLIC Ul of Honolulu, that he has purchased the stock and bus-- iness of Wm. Fischer, Hotel Street, next door to Strehz s Drug Store, and that in fiture tbe business will be carried on by him in the same prrmises. C. Q. solicits a fair share of the public patronage, and promises his patrons civility, attention and good quality for their money. ju T. J. BAKER, i:ciiiti:ct mid mjn.ii:i: Plans and specifications fari:sK(-,- l at reasonable rates. Address, Post Office, Honoluii, B I. ja7 P. D ALTON, Ma II I e ami Harness Maker, KING STREET. HONOLULU. Harness. Saddl &Shoe Le atli J er, Constancy on Hand. Orders from the other Islandspromptly attended to. au!2 ly C. E. WILLIAMS, Manufacturer Importer Setter in OF EVER! DESCRIPTION. Furniture Ware Room onFort street ; Workshop at the old stand, Hotel street.iear tt.ri. N. B. Orders from the other islads promptly attended to. au'2S 1: HONOLULU IROIS WORKS CO. STEAM ENGINES, SUGAR Mills, Boilers, Cocrs, Iron, Brass and Lead Castings. Machinery of Every description made TO ORDR. Particular Attention jjaM to blip's Blacksmilhing O" Job Work executed on the shtest notice. aul2 ly J. H. McL-AN- , Tin Smitli o.irclI?luimlei" ! DEALER IS STOVES ANr RANGES! A FULL ASSORTMHT OF TINWARE .VTAVr.V"- 5- ON HAND. Jobbing Promptly attended (o. o281y NO. 2 S NUUANU STREET. WEST Sc CHYTER, Wagon and Carriage Builders 71 and Kin? St., Honolulu. ( ja27 ly) Island ors promptly executed. S A HI ' MJ Clo Wt Ij f E 15, I AGENT Hawaiian Steamei KIL AUE A ! L- - AI ARCH ANT. ---- -- MASTER. SAILING DAYS as ?er Schedule, Unless Otherwise Atfcrtised. TICKETS ONLY T OFFICE ! FREIGHT BILLS DUEON DEMAND. apl OFFICE WTH WILDER CO. THE HAWAII AH HOTEL ! nH E PROPRIETOR II A V 1 NG O B- - tained a new leaiof this 3U Xs TU Gr jd. 1ST T HOTEIj Will tpare co painso make it First-Clas- s in Ever Particular ! Cottages by the Sen Sidc'or the Arrouimo-datio- n of Geoie. Carriage and Saddle Iforj at Short Xofice. no25 TIIE RIDG1 HOUSE ! KEALAKEEUA il 1'JIA WAIJ. of to THE HAWAII. ISLANDS ARE noted the world over fcrhtir unrivaled salubrity of ffi climste. Certain localita in the group are espec- ially favored in this way-l- he DUtrict of Kons. on the leeward side of Hawaii, has lor teen famed as a place of resort for invalids with bronchital ung diseases. With its pure and mild atmosphere, with a absolute freedom from storms or high winds, with its pots soil which, with all ill rich vegetation, retains no dampnesaud yields no malaria, and with an no varying temperature-ra- t of the American or Southern European June ALL IK TEAR ROUND, the climate of Kona is one of the hei'.tiet and most luxurious on the globe. . The undersigned, at his house t taawaloa.a house une- - qnaled in the district for s re, clatiness, commodiousness, and thoroughness of furnishing, is pea red to give boarders excellent rooms fcna ail obtainable con-rt- s in the way of diet. THERE ARE FRESH MXKR BATHS on the premises, and fine sea bathini itliin a short distance. The steamer Kilauea and the schoonr l ilama and Prince, run regularly between Honolulu and the iawaloa landing. The undersigned employs no agecaior runners. His house speaks for itself opon inspection. ' A. A. TODD. Kaawaioa, neaiaitekua Bay, h.onaov. is, i s:a. dio C1IEMSI1 HESTriULUX LLOVI) IXSUIMIVCE COaflPT ! OF M. GLADBACH, KIIEMSn rRCSSU. Aachen & Leipzig Ins., Co. Limited, OF AACHEN. ( A1X-LA-- APELLE ) III. CLAIMS FOR PARTICULAR A V- - m EKAGK saslA.ned by goods arriving here and insured io the above compan:s, have ti be made with tbe rognixance of and certified to by the undersigned, in order to be valid. 103 IT J. C. OLA UK. Agent. THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN MARINE INSURANCE COMP'Y, (LIMITED,) ACCEPTS RISKS AT THE LOWEST A RATES. The clauses in the Policies of this Company ar specially advantageous THEO. U. DA VILA, Agent. THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMFY Issues Ore and Life Policies ON THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS. ALL .or Losses settled with promptitude. ""13 ly THEO. U. DAVIES, Agent. HEW ZEALAND INS., COMPANY ! FOR FIRE t 3IA1ZIXE IXSUIIAXCE, ESTABLISHED, 1859. Capital, -- $55,000,000, (With unlimited Liability of Shareholders.) "SEE TO'T WELL, PROTECT YOURSELF." Shakespeare. INSURANCE AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE, of every description of property may be effected with this Company at moderate rates. Mornl,o;.n , n J J t. . j i iubibuaiiuiac. 1 1 11 11 j jtnii r rp iri i. inn r ri ' - O - by steamers and sailing vessels. Lowes can be made payable in Honolulu. CASTLE & COOKE, Jao ly A genu for Honolulu. 1 lx o swss LLm lmMm ' co. "r UIJlfcttllllK, 'HIE UNDERSIGNED ARE AUTHORIZED TO INSURE ON CARGO FREIGHT and TREASURE Froua Honolaln, TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD AND UPON COASTERS, BV SPECIAL, PERMISSION X On the most Favorable Terms. W. Q. IRWIN A CO. dl61y Agents for tbe Hawaiian Islands. Estvl3lisliocl, 1030. THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY ! I Unjmited jabijty of Stockhoders ASSETS, $26,740,105.70. LOSSE3 PROMPTLY ADJUSTFD, AND PAID AT ONCE, 023 BISHOP Si CO.. Agrala. BOSTON BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS. THIE UNDERSIGNED, AGENTS OF THE Board of Underwriters, notifv Masters of Vessels and others that all bills for Kepairs on Vessels, and all bills for General Average purposes, must be anDroved bv the Aa-en- t of tbe Boston Underwriters, wbo must also be represented on ail surveys, or such bills will not be allowed. p ly C. BREWER A CO., AgenU. CALIFORNIA INSURANCE COMPANY. rHIE UNDERSIGNED, AGENTS OF THE JaV above Company, have been authorised to Insure risks on Cargo, Freight and Treasure, from Honolulu to all ports of the world, and vice versa. c iy U. IIACKFELD A Co. THE New England Mutual Life Ins. Co. OF BOSTON. MASS Iucorpornto cl, 1080, The Oldest Purely Mutual Life Insurance Co., in the United States. Policies issued on the most favorable terms. EX13JTLE OF PLAS. In.ured Age, 33 VcnraOrdiaa ry Life Plasi One Annual premium continues Policy 2 years 3 days Two Annual premium continues Policy 4 years 12 days Three Annual premium continues Policy 6 years 27 days Four Annual premium continues Policy 8 years 46 days Five Annual premium continues Policy 10 years M days Assets, $13,000,000 ! Liossro Paid lb rough Honolulu Agency o39,000 ! CASTLE Si COOKE, AGENTS o7 FOR TIIE II AWN ISLANDS. ly HAMBURGH-BREME- N FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. T'ifpcid ?gEnR.VfGheTbve SE to insure risks against Fire on Stone and Brick Buildings and on Merchandise stored therein, on most favorable terms. For particulars apply at the office of o7 ly F. A. SCHAEFER CO. UNION INSURANCE COMP'Y OP SAN Ft AN CISCO. 2YX -- A. XX I OffiJ 33 . INCORPORATED, 1884. CASTLE & COOKE, Agents o7 ly FOR THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. TRANSATLANTIC FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Ilamburp;. Capital, One Million Prussian Thalers. 'MIE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN W appointed A genu of tbe above Company are now ready to Issne Polifles against Risks or rirr, Baildlng, Merchandise aad Fairnltsire, on terms equal to those of other respectable companies. Losses paid for and adjusted here. For particulars apply to oil tf H. HACKFELD A CO., Agents. F. A. SCHAEFER, AGENT Bremen Board of Under writers. Board of Underwr Itera, Agent Vienna Board of Underwriters. Claims against Insurance Companies within the jurisdiction the above Boards of Underwriters, will have to be certified by tbe Agent to make them valid. jilsly Boston Board of Underwriters ! for the Hawaiian lolande, AGENTS C. BREWER A CO. Philadelphia Board of Underwriters ! for the Hawaiian Island., AGENTS C. BREWER A CO. YTOTICE.-MASTE- RS OP VESSELS VIS- -i 1TINO this port in a disabled condition and Insured in any ol the Boston and Philadelphia Offices mast have their reports and accounts duly certified to by us. mhlO ly C. BREWER A CO. BLACKSMITHS' COAL, IX CASKS, FOR SALE BT M. felO 3m H. nACKFILD ft CO. SPENCER PLANTATION. X!J2!!FmvaR aw COMIVO mhlO URIEM, MACFARLANE Co, Areola. WAIKAPU PLANTATION. 1VKW CROI P t'JAR NOW COMING il io and fur ml fW home consumption only, by mhlO UKKKX, MACf AHLAS It t ow. Agents. PUULOA RANCH TANNERY. SOU AM) SADDLE LEATHER, TANNED and rherp bkins, from Ihe above celebrated Tanne- ry, eotMlantly received and for sale by ntbia UaKfcN. MACf AELANB h Co. WAILUKU PLANTATION! IVilLrKP, MAUI. CROP OF 1818 V For eais by C. DUIH IK Co., feS Saa Agents. IIOAOI.l'MI SOAP WOK lis ! Ts o X o o . WJ. RAWLINS. or MANUFACTURER ALL KINDS OF SOAPS! and Barer of Beet Mutton sod Ooat Tallow. A alt jag") hinds of Boap Orcaas. (ly KAUPAKl'E.l PLANTATION SUGAR NCW COM I NO IN, AND FOR SALE IN LOTS TO SUIT PURCHASERS, BY AFONO A ACIICCK. Honolulu, June 1st, 1874. Ja27 Iy riOIYUEK III 1,1,, I.AIIAIIVA. CAMPBELL ti. Tl'RTOX, lrosrlolra. of superior quality, now coming In and for sale in quantities to suit by no my U. IIACKFELD CO. M . A Tf P. R . T T. . A M A T T . f XT . . i m a m--a 4. m. m. m. 1 I ULUl'ALAKUA, MAUI. CROP OF 18YG-SUG- AR & MOLASSES. For Kale by C. BKEWKR s Co., Agonu. METROPOLITAN MARKET. G. WALLER, Pare, Bred Aylesbury DucVs. Home Fed Turkeys. KIXO STREET, HOItOLVLV. oT ly FAMILY MARKET - WALLER, PROPRIETOR. CTOKiS'SlS. FL? order. Extras Tuesdays and Thursdays Veal. Fridays, ci.u. Duuua; unu, iiwii oioirviM oroeraj.i The proprietor has leased a neat and commodious Vegetable, Fruit and Poultry Market, and la prepared to furnish every article In his line. XT Bhlpplpg supplied on Short Notice. apT ly CITY MARKET, WAULD. PROPRIETOR, HEAD OF CHAPLAIN LANK. M E A T H DEJUIVEHEDJ oil ill Orders Prompt- - Attended to. ly HONOLULU STEAM BAKERY! R. LOVE & BROTHERS, Proprietor!, MUCANCT STREET. PILOT, MEDIVmTnD NAVT DREAD, on band and made to order. Also, Water, Soda and Butter Crackerg, JENNY LIND CAKEd. Ac. SHIP BREAD REBAKED on the shortest aotiee. FAMILY BREAD, made of the Best Flour, baked dally and aiwaji oa nana. a. B.-B- Rorit bread of tuz Bear q va u tt HAWAIIAN SOAP WORKS GREY & CO., Manufacturers and Dealers III ALL KINDS OF SOAPS! Leleo, Kiog Street, Ilonolnln. Beef, Mutton and Goat Tallow 7anted! Order Left ol I rat Rlcbardaoaa'a Boot mmd Shoe Store will nrrl with roiasl apH AI tr atdoairr. AND CARRIAGE MATERIAL ! . a T1I1E UNDERSIGNED HAVE JUST RE. from tho ast and Ban Francisco, la addition to their usual large assortment of Carriage Material, the lot low-lo- g Goods t HICKORY SPOKES, from 1 inch to 8, inches. OAK AND HICKORY RIMS, . from 1 Inch to 2 Inches. I I FINE ASSORTMENT HUBS. ALL SIZES. Felloes for OxCarts, Assorted Sixes, Oak and Ash Hickory Wagon and Buggy fc bafts, finished and rough; Foles, Wagon and Carriage, finished and rough, WhiQetrees, Doubletrees, Crossbars, Tokes, Beat Rails, Seat Spindles, Wagon and Buggy Bows, ALSO CARRIAGE HARDWARE Consisting of Steel and Iron Axles, Spring Stay Braces, Foot Bails, Step Pads, Body Loops, Whiflletree Couplings and Fer- ules, Stake Irons, Cockeyes, nub Bands, plain, silvered and oroide, screw capped Central Park Pattern, Pole Crabs, Step Treads, Body Steps, Wear Irons, FINE Asst. of OVAL MOULDINGS in Brass and Gold, from i to Inch. Cross Strap 3IoviiitInttM consisting of Diamond Centres, Buckles, Strap Holder Loops gold A oroide A FEW SUPERIOR ENQLIill A AMERICAN BTTLE3 BASKET PHAETOH BODIES! tor One and Two-seate- d, which will be put up la tbe best possible manner to order, at short notice. CARRIAGES ALWAYS ON HAND I Or manufactured with dispatch First Class Workmen em- ployed in all branches. A continuance of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. ALL ISLAND ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. XV EST sV CHATTER. nod Nos. 7t. 70 and 7S Kiog Et. Honolulu. H. I. Russian Caviar and Hocdrou Champagno, al tr AT TIIE II Ol ELm cnign 3trlisrntnts. CORBITT & HACLEAY, Shipping k Commission Mrrrhanls. IS and U Frool Bt. 14 and II tUl Pi , rortlsn4. O. f AN FRANCISCO omCI.tOJ tACfcAM fcNTt) VTRKKT. aaraa to Baok of British Columbta rorltaita. Urgn Fust Mstkioal tiotd Batik a InmM Mesara. II. Ilarblrld Co lltwteWlsj Mrwn. Hisboft Co h.t.aws Veasra. Urveu, ItacfarUM h Co...... Ilanotal ConalrnSMtits nf Islsnd Fmdaes) swUcilvd, f wlrh CAI'1 AD V AMI WILL I) KM At) St. sbt ly GRATEFUL C024FORTINO. EPPS'S COCOA ! BREAKFAST. 66 nr A THOROUGH KNOWLEDGE OF E.M Ilia astaral laws abtoh svra tlis fMrstlnns s4 at tlow and natrtuoa, and by a aarrfal appiicati.Mi of tna I protMnm of wUkrctw (wswa, Mr. K.ps has prold wr brvakfbst tables with a dcltoatMy Bsvourml nevrrsg watch saay save as saaay bvavy dnrtors' bills. Il Is by in Jadtciowa a of aoch aruciaw of allot that a cunstltattoa ana v bo grada ally built i aolil str4l snoas U resial every uadvm-- M diseaao. liandrods of HUH saaUdlsa aro Beotius inaM at road y to attack whorovee thoro as a woah txJlol. V) sy corapo many a total shall by hooping ooroatwo ooll bwilt with para blood and a proporly noarlaiivd frame." arti- cle In tbc Cii'il Fervttc Uetitti. Mads simply with boiling water or sails. Arid la t lb. anal 1 lb. pockets and tins (not daatag oaba la tins.) laboltod tbasi jiar.s r.m n co., noxa:oriTnic cnrxisTD, it Threadntodlo I troot, and 110 riocadllly. Worse, Fuatoa Ruad aad C'aatdoa Toon, Londoa. s'H llsa FADDY IS RICE. I 1 mO m IIIIFPERI OP .. PA IIDT. . ANIMPRKk . I . stoa atoms 10 provaii in iiw laiaoa uioa 1 aaj, iwmm duty. This la arroaoowa. Paddy bolag out b log olso bat Rlro. tho Intmdoctioa of tba srord would bavs ! auperfloooa. All In paddy that has arrivod at this port ainno lbs prosBulgailoa of tbo Treaty has boon admitted frwo withtiut o. I'ortios deairoos of skipping Paddy to this eaarkwl arc assured that It will bo adsnittod Iros of slaty, and bulla im drvaood in tba boat possiklo auannor aad oo favorabto iotsbs by WM. II. GREENWOOD. Oenrral CommlMloa Marchani and PriitlsUir of India Klca Mills, Saa rranolsoo, Cal. all IVZIXdiZsi t CORKER OF MISSIOS JLrUOOXTSTS.,Sl.tninciStO, C1L. HIE INDIA RICK MILL HAVING UNDRR. T goae Material lauproveaaeuie, Is now la Perfect Condition for the HULLING AND DRESSING OF PADDY ! . AMD UNCLEAN ED RICE! la the Best Possible Manner. Tbe Price for Hulling er4 Dressing Faddy has bora Kowaar-r- SO Per Obi. OOUSjlglllll XAt T PADDY AND HULLED RICE I iriQ llectlv Prompt and Girrful AUrnUon. WM. M. GREENWOOD, General Commtesloa Merchant and Proprietor of India Rise Mill. bl la A. P. EVERETT, Forwardlog & Commission Merchant 40ft FRONT BTREIT, CORNER CLAT, SAN FRANCIaCO. Particular attention paid to Consignattnls of Island Produce d4 If WILLIAMS, BLANCHARD ttCO, Shipping & Commission McrcLihilx, No. X1S CalHoraiU Sir!, mli2l tf BAN FRARCIBOO. STOVES AND RANGES ! T' n?Fc the following list of fetovee end Ranges. BUCK'S PATENTFor VTood or Coal. MAGNA CIIARTA-F- or Wood, sev.a slse. IRON CliAD With Cast Irea warm rloosi and copper reservoir, m large faaaliy stove. fii;PKRIOR-- BI holes, a good article. A IiM ED A Juat the article fur email families, vary neat destga. PILOT. Ranges ! LAUREL, for Wood or CoaL This Range la said to have the largest gale of any of It etyle on the Pacific eoeat. 4 siss. COUPON, OPERA. Also, Just at hand, a fine aaeortaeat of Glasgow Stoves & Ranges ! Cotnpris ng Ihe following list MISTRESS RAMIE. T, , 0 I VICTRESS STOVE. O. 7, S, 0 I PACIFIC CABOOSE I Making In all one of the tnost emnpleto assortments of Slovoa Ranges, aVc, , ever on sale la this Market, gjr Rvrry Btove warranted. Also, a full line of PLU3IBER'H Materials. House Water Clooota. Faucets, Lead and Iron Pipes, EhoH Lead, 2 2 to lbs., Ae. Toilet Bets, plain and fancy Water Coolers, fcs., . CALL AND EXAMINE AT No. KaaLumsna Street Orders from tbe other Islands will have oar best altealina and at lowest figores. Goods carefully packed. au10 ly J. NOTT V Co. RECIPROCITY 1 1 ! IE 17 GIGAR STORE OPENED BV II. J, NOLTE, On LT'Oirt stroot OPPOSITE FISCHER A ROTH, Merchant Tailors. A BRANCH OE THE OLDEST AND 2. largest Tobacco and Cigar tore in liooolaia. The Best Assorlmenl of Pipes From Meerschaum to Briar. Tlio Xlosst Bolootlou of CHEWING & SMOKIJIG TOBACCO AXD Cigars oi "Every Quality ae2S) From ftneat Htvana to common Manila. (nr

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Page 1: ti - University of Hawaiʻi

THE PACiriO.(iHjommcrcml bbcdtscr

18 PUBLISHEDKvory Saturday Morning,

DY H. L. JJHELDON.C'ily ad Saboerlplloa.. SG.OO n )ir.S3.00 for Si. Monlh..Foreiga Subeeriptlone. T.5( to SIO a Year.

The subscription price l.r papers f,rar!ei to any prt of


A. ( dLomnifrcial isbithsti :

rCBLHUtDATHonolulu, Hawaiian Ilan2.

nittoa of AcivortlaliiR.J ) A ' t Av I fpaos sfar4 la KoeparvU Tf. ...

) I '"It H IUm ( Inch).. i cx; ooj 4 oo

II JBe lark). to; woti I aSaiiSw3 14 Usm (t taetMx) t oo 4 ; t- - - - -ii- -.u iueiwi'i mj Hawaiian Um (I larsxa) S 00 ' t 11potae oly. All papers for European port. w.il be chanted Usmw ( nam, 4 to It W II Mhe postage demanded at the post office, which vanes from Viurier Cantama. II sw ia

Third Colusa a Pu ( l

10 If M tl K M M1 Cxnmaaiction from all of tbe Pacific Twe Tie4prt will CluaiB. ... a IS W J IN 00 40 40

suite CMsai IIMMNU aw 4 oorr Persons residing in any part of the I'nitrd States, cnmit Ihe amount of subscription dues fr this paper io tar Acfwtktwra rvaidlaf la lb Eaatsva l"aiU4 Fium, raar in4r cards by rswlualng OiwsskII I bliW mrcvtag Ikaasr mcsj aaa 4 as tbr wtab Is r--v aa4 tbir

PLAIN AND FANCY cards will bw luvlH M fwr asm taMa, ti lb IIsm l4 he.IT KaaiiM Cards, vbta raarai oa a vsaa, arw

BOOK AND JOB PRINTING a'.lowoa a sltscoattl sroaa um rsu. wbwb ara toe UaalsilTT BILL-H- E tD3,YL?ITINO. BUSINESS AND AD&RE53 VOL. XXI-N-O. 44. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN' ISLANDS. AP1UL 2S. IS77 WHOLE NO. 1092.

adUngtatt Uwmm

rvytifU whew

4 ih Aavaavisss.aU or ebargv


tents obra rbarg4'HM printed In the higbrst style of the art. F.rtaCiut by tbe wi,Om Ifcrilar.i--

Thuggee.(A Rslioiols Sect or Miimiiu is Ixoia

No where more heinously has ainrdThe human rare of Gospel light

Bereft than la Hinde,Sank to IJcIatry's dark bight !

There oa tLe pyre of the Suttee,The widow burn'd with her dead spouse !

There crimes, the adepts of ThuggeeHave perpetrated, which arouse

The horror and amazement muteOf all who rank above the brute.The blesslogs of the British rate,And teachings of the Christian schoolHave mitigtted if cot spentThe pow'r of sin, beneath which bent

Unhappy Ilinde for age paatNor their endeavors shall relent

Till tt'.amphs gospel truth at last !

Tho' heathen, superstitions dreadBroods o'er the mansion of the dead,No more the widow In the AreIs burnt, which light her dead lord's pyre !

Tho' still his hideous idol bugsThe Hindoo, and with pott a prays

No more the " tit rangier" of the ThugIn Khalee' name bis victim slays !

A sculptor of Ellora's caveThe secret of Thuggee engrave ;

Tbree thousand years, and more, are goneEince they were chisellM In the stone !

There the " Deceiver "such doth meanThe name of Tiny sitting is seenBeside hi prey, who ne'er suspect

That he has wclcom'd to his ballA u atraoglcr " of the worst of sects,

Whom Phumigar the Hindoos call.As they set outUpon a journey, whle the Scout "Who is a " Novice " of Thuggee,Nor of the " Confraternity "As yet an " Adept notifiesTo the "deceiver' thai a prize.Of worth, is now within their pow'r.The Phuntigar awaits the hourWhen be, the roomal, or the u noose "A silken scarf with the HindoosRound hi confiding victim' neck

Sudden and unaware may tie-- So

that of blod not e'en A speckD file the mortal doom'd to die!

Euch 1 the mandate of Kkalte,Who is the goddess of Thuggee !

Boon as the silent deed i doneThe " grave-digger- s" in hot haate runThe strangled victim to inter ;

In solemn council they conferOn the selection of a spotWhere they may lay bis corpse to rot ;

With the H pick-axe- ," by Khalee blest.Ilia grave they scoop both strait and deep;

There hi remain In secret rest-W- hile

tranquilly bis murd'rers sleep !

Cautious their ruthless deed to hide,UU wealth amongst them they divide--But

Khalee' share first set aside !

Thuggee ! thy crime in days sf oldEllora's sculptur'd caves have told!And still thy Thug, unto Ihi day,The same ferocity display;But Britain's justice, stern and keen.Thuggee ! fjr Phumigar has been !

To Christ thanksgiving fur the same,And glory to the British name

Lahobb, Pojagb, 1So7. E. M. D.

NoTCr JC halet was another name for the goddess Doorga,wife ef Shiva the Destroyer, the third person of the Trimoor- -tee or Vedlc Trinity. Khalee' came is found la Calcuttathat is, Khalee Khatta, or the shrine of Khalee, from an ancient temple of the goddess on the banks of the Hoogly on thesite ol the modern city, which locality I was shown in 1SC6.

E. M. 1).

VARIETY.Thk Four-Yeab-Ol- Prayer. Her father

has been awaj from the city on business fortwo weeks, and the mother has taught thelittle one to conclude her evening prayers with

and please watch over my papa." Lastevening the little lady solemnly clapped herband and said : l'lcase watch over my papa,and you'd better keep an eye on mamma too!''

A Yankee having told an Englishman thathe shot on one particular occasion 990 snipe,his interlocutor asked him why ho didn't makeit 1,000 at once. No," said he, "it's notlikely I'm going to tell a lie for one snipe.""Vhereapon the Englishman, determined notto be outdone, began to tell a story of a manhaving swam from Liverpool to Boston. " Didyou see him yourself?" asied the Yankee,suddenly. Why, yes, of coarse I did. I wascoming across and our vessel passed him a mileout of Boston harbor." " Well, I'm glad yesaw him, stranger, cos yer a witness that 1 didit. That was me."

A Pi"t" He Uad'xt Tnorcirr Of. It was1k friendly discussion on an incoming train fromthe South.

I am in favor of settling this thing at thepoint of the bayonet!" shouted the "wah"Democrat.

Wal, frien' I ain't," was the reply of thefur I knows what pints of the

bayonets is 1 does they is too doggoncd

Guess that's BO," BaiJ the Democrat,cooling down, and growing thoughtful, "I hadn'tcalculated on tnai.

As Obliging Witness. We once knew anIrishman who bore evidence before a commissionon the west coast of Ireland. Among otherquestions, as he seemed rather discursive andinclined to aver anything, one of the commissionasked him if they had many whales there?

Is it whales V answered Pat. Sure, youmay ece them, like wather engines, spoutingall over the place." Another of tho com-

missioners gravely asked if there were anydog-fis- h there. 44 Dog?, magorra ! fail, ye'dsay so had ye'd passed the night there. Sure,we can't elapc for the barkin' of them !" Lastly,one of the other commissioners asked him, 'ifflying fish abounded?" Tho answer was:" Arrab, an' if we didn't put up the shuttersevery night there would'nt be a whole pane of

lass left in the house for the crathurs bateingiagainBt them, sure." This ended the court,and the next day this genius came to ask forhis expenses, exclaiming, Sure, now, honey,.didn't I swear to everything ye asked me?"

Jm Keenk's Wat. Speculators who loungein Jim Keene's private office during stock ex-

change hours describe his way of operating asbeing remarkable. When the market gets dulland "the current eeems setting against his in-

terests he becomes extremely lively.How's Lake?" he yells at the "pad 6hover"

fresh from the exchange.Lake Shore is 23," replies the broker.Sell two thousand at the market!"

Jnother broker enters.How's Lake now?" inquires Kcene.Fifty-tw- o and one eighth !

. Thunder and lightning ! So that's the wayithey lick it op! Want Lake, do they? Anxiousato buy Lake! Well, they shall have Lake! Run.over and Bhoot 'cm five thousand !"

The broker goes to the exchange, sells thetock, breaks the price to 51j, and returns.

How do they feel now ?" inquires Kcene.Got enough Lake, I guess !" Just here he

looks at the " ticker." The price has reachedto 52. He jerks the tape out two feet or more,walks about the room, gives orders to selltwenty or thirty thousand shares, turns theexchange into excitement, sees the price breaktwo per cent., and putting in a few orders topick up some stock on the general demoraliza-tion, relapses into comparative quiet. NewYork Sun.

business (Caris.

IRA HICHARDSON,AI lr..t.r.K. i waIMPORTER Clothinjr, Famishing Qoo-ls- ,

I'rrfum-r- y, &c.Corner of Port and Merchant St. p21 ly Honolula, H. I.

A. W. BLSH.k. . raiKL.FRIKL & BUSH,

AN'I PBOVIMO. ut,Ai-rn.i- ,GsROCERS Grocery and Feed f.tore.

. . -- .i r ... rmm ttie r.inpr i4ianua win ucpromptly atfn.ltd to. jg ton Birtti. iioquiuiu. -i"

WILDER & CO.,TO mnvsKri- - tSUCCESSORS Fort and Qaeen Sts.

Dealers in Lumber. Paints. Oil, Nails. Salt, and Build ling. iyap7 jaiaicni,wi t.vi


Corner of Fort and Merchant streets.



X .:,,1i5' . ... ,T . TRobinson's Fire-pro- Buiiamg, yueen ct., nouoium,


Ihe Tuuloa Sheep Ranch Company,The Speneer Plantation, hiio,

TheWaikapu plantation,Tk. iTt.in.ln Plintatinn. Molokai.

mhim The Giaseow and Honolulu i.tne of iuF. B. EBDER9, M. D.


C. H. DICKEY,i TTORNEV AT L.AW. HAIKU. MAUI.A k.itauv PlTHt.in for the Island of Maui, and Agent

for taking Acknowledgments of Labor Contracts for the JJis- -:

.r f nl--a iuin m3 ly

S. MAGNIN,mTUUAXU ST., nrnr ning, "k""I W IfEALKH la

General Merchandise, Fancy Dry Goods, Gentlemen'Furniahing Goods, Clothing, Ucots, tnoes, uats, a.c, a.c.


A TTOR.VET AND COUNSELOR AT LAV,x: bt1 a w v fi hi.iu an i nscu lur iaaiuk vuv

menu of Initruments for the Island of Oahu.No. 8 Kaahumanu street, noooimu, i. i. ww y

APOTJa & ACHUCK.. . , .r a T T sT. 'wT A sT

T M PO RT ERS, WHO l n.s a tatua-- JrDealers in General Jlercnanaise nrc-pr-

nu Streeu. Jao


.,,.r. . r..' ii.i in cin.ooo on Mortzaee of... . . .a MAn,. In I ri (1

Freeholds, at lowest rates oi xnterest. il--j 'and in all parts of Australia.

nPFlCK on Fort Street, (opposite Mr. Ira Richardson aSit,.r llnnnlnill Ja0

J. M. WHITNEY, M. D., D. D. S.EXT A L OFFICE, FORT STREET.D corner Hotel, over air. strenz s xrug

F. HORN,AO. i aa.,CONFECTIOXEK., Honolulu.

. t - ail D r ifitr..i nelivered to any pari oi me cuj. anforeign breads made to order. de23


ATTORNEY Public. OUice, corner of Merchant andKaahumanu Streets, Honolulu. d8

W. G. IRWIN & Co.,mkruusCommission AND INSURANCE AGKNT3.

noli Honolulu, n. . t'J


L Office over Jlr. Whitney's Bookstore,no25 H0""u- -

n rurnuB. I. BOTH.


n n n at.- ara ?) f w

1IERCIIAM TAILUKS, rum oa.?i.vj. myw- - Honolulu, U. I. If


WINES AND SPIRITS, AT WUOLKSALK.8 Merchant Street, n4 ly Honolulu, H. j.


Tnww nf rmtHsi ri thi other Islands.. j .nr,.. f VrhnM- - nrr OFFICE. No.

23 Merchant Street, Vp aUairs, over Dr. Stangcnwald1UJ V


CONTINUE THK r-- iv a uW nrl SllIPfING BLSINfcia at the

. .lior. ih.,. an. nrrmrnl to furnish the JUStlT CelB- -WLUM ,C Ull , w u.. w ' - - I I -brated Kawaihae Potatoes, and such other recruits as arorequired by whale ships, at the snoricsi nonce auu u momost reasonable terms. (an38 ly)

CHULAN & CO.,fMI'OBTERSOf ANinningU UKAUtiiisiAOf all descriptions, and in all kinds of Dry Goods. Also, eon--

.i i a - mi.lirw nf Hawaiian Rice..l.QLIJ WU UU buiwivi 'I " j -o7 Nuuauu Street, Honolulu. Iy


MKUCIIANIHSE,se2 Queen Street, Honolulu. ly


Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands aui iy

D. N. FLITNER,IIlSULIi BtiEs i x lit.rIONTINUES buildins. Kaahumanu Street,

Chronometers rated by observations of the (un and stars,rith a transit instrument accurately aajustea to tne

meridian of Honolulu. Particular attention given tofine watch repairing. Sextant and quadrant

glasses silvered and adjusted. Charts andnautical instruments constantly on

fZ2 nana ana ior saie. ijS. C. ALLS3. u. r. aoBissoa.


LL'.MBtll and all kinds of iitlLDINU MATERIALS,Paicts, Oils, Nails, &c, Ac.



de2) Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

M. McINERNY,AND DEALER. I. tLUIIl.IMPORTER Hats, Caps, Jewelry, Perfumery,

Pocket Cutlery, and every description or Uent s SuperiorFurnishing Goods. XT Denkert's Fine Calf Dress Boots,always on hand.

N. . Coama or fort no jlibbchast cthsets. jau iy

M. PHILLIPS & Co.,AND WHOLESALE If E A LIMPORTERS Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnishing and

Fancy Goods. (nolS ly) No. 11 Kaahumanu St. Honolulu.

M. S. GRINBAUM & CO.,AND WHOLESALEIMPORTERS Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots nd Shoes.

and every variety of Gentlemen's Superior Furnishing GoodsStore formerly occupied by W. A. Aldrich, Makee's

no 13 Block, Queen Street. ly

H. E. McINTYRE & BROTHER,ROCER& AND FEED STORK,G ' Odd Fellow's Hall. Fort Street,

ly Honolulu, II. I.


HEIDSIECK & CO.' SGrand Vin Royal,

In Quarts and Pints. For Sale at Agents' rates byH. IIACKFELD & Co.,

Sole Agents for Messrs. Heidsieck & Co.,ap29 Raeims.

business Caris.

J. O. ItlCKSOS. BOBT. Lit WE R 3- - C. M. COOBf.

LEWERS & DICKSON,Et tKRS IX LUMBER AND BI ILDIXCD aul Materials. Fort Street. iy

THEO. H. DAVIES,(Late J &nioo. Green & Co.)


Lloyds' and the Liverpool Underwriters. Northern AssuranceCompany, and British and Foreign Marice Insurance

Company.m!7 Fire Proof Buildings, Kaahumanu and Quen Sts. Iy



No. 80 King Street, Honolulu, II . I. ly


fe3 Street, foot of Kaahumanu. Iy



SHIPImporters and Dealers in General Merchandise, Queen Street

fe17 Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. ly

0iT ,B- -THOS. 0. THBCJf.


oc7) Mchat St.,ha Fot, Hosoicli;. (ly


HILO, HAWAII.Bills promptly collected fel7 ly


IMPORTERSHonolulu, Hawaiian Islands. )a27 ly

A. W. PEIRCE & CO.,(Successors to C. L. Richards & Co.)

CHANDLERS AND GENERALSHIP MERCHANTS. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.( Jal3 ly .


CHANT.Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I. ja!3 ly


BEGS from California, and intends to settle in Hono-

lulu for the practice of his profession. All desiring his serviceswill find him at bis residence on Nuuanu Avenue, next doorabove the lower bridge. Jal3 I?


RAPHER.PORTRAIT. . ,f i a a pn. g'Mai

CosmopoliUn l'Uotograpn uaiiery, " 'Honolulu.


Walter Murray Gibson, Propr. Fred. H.Hayselden, Manager.

(Late A. 8. Cleghorn & Co.)

If AS ON HAND A SUPERIOR ASSORT- -KM. ment of General Merchandise, Lumocr, ana rtunjiui

no ISinter-islan- d vessels.

E. 0. HALL & SON,. w wnc, ' ti a nn.IMPORTERS A ND ur A a--,

v, "si WARE, Dry uooas, faints, vns, aai -

nois corner ton aan

CHUNG FAA,a IV ALL KINUit tJ ! tiXi as -v

1 i TiiiNd. II ATS. BOOTS AND SHOES. &c. also LadiesFancy Goods, Hats, uaiters, etc., mo. xi uuauu oirccj.





General Merchandise,Corner Queen and Kaahumanu Sts.,

o7 ly Nuuanu St., ana uorner fort ana xiotci ria.



Honolulu, Oahu, (se2 ly) Hawaiian Islands.

WING CHONG TAI & CO.,OVOLULU BAKERY". CORNER OFH my 8 King and Maunaitea streets. xj


On the Wharf, Foot or Nuuanu Street, Ilonolulu, U. I.

Sails made in the Best Style and Fittedwith Galvanized Clues and Thimbles.

Flags of all description made and repaired.Thankful for Dast rtatronaire. we are prepared to execute all

orders in our line, with dispatch and in a satisfactory manner.mniu it


Shop ou Judd Wharf,Kext to Captain Oat's Sail-Lof- t. Honolulu, H. I.


All kinds of Blacksmith WorkFor Ship or Shore on reasonable terms and with dispatch.


23 33ST 333FI. X XI O 3NT

Nuts, Washers, 4c,fe24 At Ihe Lowfil Market Rate. Lly


Saddle and Harness Maker,CORNER OF

Fort aud Kiiig Stroots.All Articles Io lii Line Manufactured frith

ja6 Neatness and Dispatch. ly







MAP3 AND PROFILES.This Establishment closes at 12 M., on Saturdays.

del6 HONOLULU, II. I. - ly

O !


he has purchased the entire stock in trade ofthe Ute James L. Lewis, and that he will continue to carryon the Business of

Coopering and Gauging,At No. 22 Fort Street.

Where he will be found Prepared to Execute allOrders in his line.

Ts"Yrtret rtrtvi rFOR TALLOW, Etc., Etc., ALWAYS ON HAND.

jalT U

Itttr lanital.

STRATElilEYER & BURGESS,PAINTING in all its Branches!

Kir:g Slrttt, epio.:e tiLUnghact $ Cy.',mh!7 II.

A. FOSTER,A X I PLASTERER.BRICKLAYER at'.cndeJ to. Residence, No.

28 Nuuanu Street. jiI3 6m

M. LEWIS,GENERAL BLACKSMITH, ()Kiog Street, nearBihel, Honolulu.


Horse-Shoein- g; & Carriage Work

M. T. DONNELL,Cabinet Maker, Turner, French Polisher

ViacI TJiiclortnls.or" !

No. 51 Hotel Street, : : : Honolulu, II. I.j)6 ly


NO. 40 FORT STREET, fwill attend to all orders In the

LOCK, CTN 4. G K.VECIL REPAIR LI.Ene wiTI Rive special attention to cleaning, iepalrlne and reg-

ulating Sewing Machines, and all ther kinds of Light Machineryand Metal Work of every descripion, Ularkan.it hinif, &c


A Variety of Sewing Machines,Guns, Pistols, Slut, Ammunition,

MACHINE OIL, NIEDLES, &c, Aic.!.- -: .MM,;ni. TnrVers. Bincers.fcad all other extra and"s '

duolicate parts of Machines supilied on short noticeIU Best Machine Twist. 3


The Celebrated Florence Sewing Machines,auI2ly


Ul of Honolulu, that he has purchased the stock and bus--iness of Wm. Fischer, Hotel Street, next door to Strehz sDrug Store, and that in fiture tbe business will be

carried on by him in the same prrmises.C. Q. solicits a fair share of the public patronage, and

promises his patrons civility, attention and good quality fortheir money. ju

T. J. BAKER,i:ciiiti:ct mid mjn.ii:i:Plans and specifications fari:sK(-,- l at reasonable rates.

Address, Post Office, Honoluii, B I. ja7

P. DALTON,Ma II I e ami Harness Maker,


Harness. Saddl &Shoe Le atli Jer, Constancy on Hand.

Orders from the other Islandspromptly attended to. au!2 ly

C. E. WILLIAMS,Manufacturer Importer Setter in

OF EVER! DESCRIPTION.Furniture Ware Room onFort street ; Workshop at

the old stand, Hotel street.iear tt.ri.N. B. Orders from the other islads promptly attended to.

au'2S 1:

HONOLULU IROIS WORKS CO.STEAM ENGINES, SUGARMills, Boilers, Cocrs, Iron, Brass and LeadCastings.

Machinery of Every description madeTO ORDR.

Particular Attention jjaM to blip's BlacksmilhingO" Job Work executed on the shtest notice. aul2 ly

J. H. McL-AN- ,

Tin Smitli o.irclI?luimlei" !DEALER IS


TINWARE .VTAVr.V"- 5- ON HAND.Jobbing Promptly attended (o.


WEST Sc CHYTER,Wagon and Carriage Builders 71 and Kin? St.,

Honolulu. ( ja27 ly) Island ors promptly executed.

S A HI ' MJ Clo Wt Ij f E 15, I

AGENTHawaiian Steamei KILAUEA !

L-- AI ARCH ANT. ---- -- MASTER.

SAILING DAYS as ?er Schedule,Unless Otherwise Atfcrtised.




nH E PROPRIETOR II A V 1 N G O B- -tained a new leaiof this

3U Xs TU Gr jd. 1ST T HOTEIjWill tpare co painso make it

First-Clas- s in Ever Particular !

Cottages by the Sen Sidc'or the Arrouimo-datio- nof Geoie.

Carriage and Saddle Iforj at Short Xofice.no25



noted the world over fcrhtir unrivaled salubrity offfi climste. Certain localita in the group are espec-ially favored in this way-l- he DUtrict of Kons. on

the leeward side of Hawaii, has lor teen famed as a place ofresort for invalids with bronchital ung diseases. With itspure and mild atmosphere, with a absolute freedom fromstorms or high winds, with its pots soil which, with all illrich vegetation, retains no dampnesaud yields no malaria, andwith an no varying temperature-ra- t of the American orSouthern European June ALL IK TEAR ROUND, theclimate of Kona is one of the hei'.tiet and most luxurious onthe globe. .

The undersigned, at his house t taawaloa.a house une- -qnaled in the district for s re, clatiness, commodiousness,and thoroughness of furnishing, is pea red to give boardersexcellent rooms fcna ail obtainable con-rt- s in the way of diet.

THERE ARE FRESH MXKR BATHSon the premises, and fine sea bathini itliin a short distance.The steamer Kilauea and the schoonr l ilama and Prince, runregularly between Honolulu and the iawaloa landing.

The undersigned employs no agecaior runners. His housespeaks for itself opon inspection. ' A. A. TODD.

Kaawaioa, neaiaitekua Bay, h.onaov. is, i s:a. dio



Aachen & Leipzig Ins., Co. Limited,OF AACHEN. ( A1X-LA-- APELLE )

III. CLAIMS FOR PARTICULAR A V- -m EKAGK saslA.ned by goods arriving here and insured iothe above compan:s, have ti be made with tbe rognixance ofand certified to by the undersigned, in order to be valid.103 IT J. C. OLA UK. Agent.


(LIMITED,)ACCEPTS RISKS AT THE LOWESTA RATES. The clauses in the Policies of this Company ar

specially advantageous THEO. U. DA VILA,Agent.


ON THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS. ALL.or Losses settled with promptitude.

""13 ly THEO. U. DAVIES, Agent.




Capital, - - $55,000,000,(With unlimited Liability of Shareholders.)


INSURANCE AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE,of every description of property may be effected with thisCompany at moderate rates.Mornl,o;.n ,n J J t. . ji iubibuaiiuiac. 1 1 11 1 1 j jtnii r rp iri i. inn r ri' - O -

by steamers and sailing vessels. Lowes can be madepayable in Honolulu.

CASTLE & COOKE,Jao ly A genu for Honolulu.

1 lx oswss LLm lmMm ' co.






On the most Favorable Terms.

W. Q. IRWIN A CO.dl61y Agents for tbe Hawaiian Islands.

Estvl3lisliocl, 1030.THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE


Unjmited jabijty of StockhodersASSETS, $26,740,105.70.


023 BISHOP Si CO.. Agrala.BOSTON BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS.THIE UNDERSIGNED, AGENTS OF THEBoard of Underwriters, notifv Masters of Vesselsand others that all bills for Kepairs on Vessels, and all billsfor General Average purposes, must be anDroved bv the Aa-en- t

of tbe Boston Underwriters, wbo must also be represented onail surveys, or such bills will not be allowed.

p ly C. BREWER A CO., AgenU.

CALIFORNIA INSURANCE COMPANY.rHIE UNDERSIGNED, AGENTS OF THEJaV above Company, have been authorised to Insure risks on

Cargo, Freight and Treasure,from Honolulu to all ports of the world, and vice versa.


THENew England Mutual Life Ins. Co.

OF BOSTON. MASSIucorpornto cl, 1080,The Oldest Purely Mutual Life Insurance

Co., in the United States.

Policies issued on the most favorable terms.EX13JTLE OF PLAS.

In.ured Age, 33 VcnraOrdiaa ry Life PlasiOne Annual premium continues Policy 2 years 3 daysTwo Annual premium continues Policy 4 years 12 daysThree Annual premium continues Policy 6 years 27 daysFour Annual premium continues Policy 8 years 46 daysFive Annual premium continues Policy 10 years M days

Assets, $13,000,000 !Liossro Paid lb rough Honolulu Agency

o39,000 !



FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.T'ifpcid ?gEnR.VfGheTbve SEto insure risks against Fire on Stone and Brick Buildingsand on Merchandise stored therein, on most favorable terms.

For particulars apply at the office ofo7 ly F. A. SCHAEFER CO.


2YX --A. XX I OffiJ 33 . INCORPORATED, 1884.



of Ilamburp;.Capital, One Million Prussian Thalers.

'MIE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEENW appointed A genu of tbe above Company are now ready to

Issne Polifles against Risks or rirr, Baildlng,Merchandise aad Fairnltsire,

on terms equal to those of other respectable companies.Losses paid for and adjusted here.

For particulars apply to

oil tf H. HACKFELD A CO., Agents.

F. A. SCHAEFER,AGENT Bremen Board of Under writers.

Board of Underwr Itera,Agent Vienna Board of Underwriters.

Claims against Insurance Companies within the jurisdictionthe above Boards of Underwriters, will have to be certifiedby tbe Agent to make them valid. jilsly

Boston Board of Underwriters !

for the Hawaiian lolande,AGENTS C. BREWER A CO.

Philadelphia Board of Underwriters !

for the Hawaiian Island.,AGENTS C. BREWER A CO.

YTOTICE.-MASTE- RS OP VESSELS VIS- -i1TINO this port in a disabled condition and Insured in

any ol the Boston and Philadelphia Offices mast have theirreports and accounts duly certified to by us.

mhlO ly C. BREWER A CO.


felO 3m H. nACKFILD ft CO.



WAIKAPU PLANTATION.1VKW CROI P t'JAR NOW COMINGil io and fur ml fW home consumption only, by

mhlO UKKKX, MACf AHLAS It t ow. Agents.


and rherp bkins, from Ihe above celebrated Tanne-ry, eotMlantly received and for sale by

ntbia UaKfcN. MACf AELANB h Co.


V For eais by C. DUIH IK Co.,feS Saa Agents.



ALL KINDS OF SOAPS!and Barer of Beet Mutton sod Ooat Tallow. A alt

jag") hinds of Boap Orcaas. (ly



AFONO A ACIICCK.Honolulu, June 1st, 1874. Ja27 Iy

riOIYUEK III 1,1,, I.AIIAIIVA.CAMPBELL ti. Tl'RTOX, lrosrlolra.of superior quality, now coming In andfor sale in quantities to suit by


M. A Tf P. R. T T.. A M A T T .f XT. .i m a m--a 4. m. m. m. 1I


CROP OF 18YG-SUG- AR & MOLASSES.For Kale by C. BKEWKR s Co., Agonu.


Pare, Bred Aylesbury DucVs. Home Fed Turkeys.



CTOKiS'SlS. FL?order. Extras Tuesdays and Thursdays Veal. Fridays,ci.u. Duuua; unu, iiwii oioirviM oroeraj.i

The proprietor has leased a neat and commodious Vegetable,Fruit and Poultry Market, and la prepared to furnish everyarticle In his line.

XT Bhlpplpg supplied on Short Notice. apT ly



M E A T H DEJUIVEHEDJoil ill Orders Prompt- - Attended to. ly



PILOT, MEDIVmTnD NAVT DREAD,on band and made to order.

Also, Water, Soda and Butter Crackerg,JENNY LIND CAKEd. Ac.

SHIP BREAD REBAKED on the shortest aotiee.FAMILY BREAD, made of the Best Flour, baked dally and

aiwaji oa nana.a. B.-B- Rorit bread of tuz Bear q vau tt


GREY & CO.,Manufacturers and Dealers

III ALL KINDS OF SOAPS!Leleo, Kiog Street, Ilonolnln.

Beef, Mutton and Goat Tallow 7anted!Order Left ol I rat Rlcbardaoaa'a Boot mmd

Shoe Store will nrrl with roiaslapH A I tr atdoairr.



T1I1E UNDERSIGNED HAVE JUST RE.from tho ast and Ban Francisco, la addition

to their usual large assortment of Carriage Material, the lot low-lo- g

Goods t

HICKORY SPOKES,from 1 inch to 8, inches.

OAK AND HICKORY RIMS,. from 1 Inch to 2 Inches. I


FINE ASSORTMENT HUBS. ALL SIZES.Felloes for OxCarts, Assorted Sixes, Oak and AshHickory Wagon and Buggy fc bafts, finished and rough;Foles, Wagon and Carriage, finished and rough,WhiQetrees, Doubletrees, Crossbars, Tokes, Beat Rails,Seat Spindles, Wagon and Buggy Bows,


CARRIAGE HARDWAREConsisting of Steel and Iron Axles, Spring Stay Braces, Foot

Bails, Step Pads, Body Loops, Whiflletree Couplings and Fer-ules, Stake Irons, Cockeyes, nub Bands, plain, silvered andoroide, screw capped Central Park Pattern, Pole Crabs, StepTreads, Body Steps, Wear Irons,

FINE Asst. of OVAL MOULDINGSin Brass and Gold, from i to Inch.

Cross Strap 3IoviiitInttM consisting ofDiamond Centres, Buckles, Strap Holder Loops gold A oroide


BASKET PHAETOH BODIES!tor One and Two-seate- d, which will be put up la tbe best

possible manner to order, at short notice.


Or manufactured with dispatch First Class Workmen em-ployed in all branches.

A continuance of the public patronage is respectfully solicited.ALL ISLAND ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO.

XV EST sV CHATTER.nod Nos. 7t. 70 and 7S Kiog Et. Honolulu. H. I.

Russian Caviar and HocdrouChampagno,

al tr AT TIIE II Ol ELm

cnign 3trlisrntnts.CORBITT & HACLEAY,

Shipping k Commission Mrrrhanls.IS and U Frool Bt. 14 and II tUl Pi , rortlsn4. O.


aaraa toBaok of British Columbta rorltaita. UrgnFust Mstkioal tiotd Batik a InmMMesara. II. Ilarblrld Co lltwteWlsj

Mrwn. Hisboft Co h.t.awsVeasra. Urveu, ItacfarUM h Co...... Ilanotal

ConalrnSMtits nf Islsnd Fmdaes) swUcilvd, f wlrh CAI'1AD V AMI WILL I) KM At) St. sbt ly




66 nr A THOROUGH KNOWLEDGE OFE.M Ilia astaral laws abtoh svra tlis fMrstlnns s4 at

tlow and natrtuoa, and by a aarrfal appiicati.Mi of tnaI protMnm of wUkrctw (wswa, Mr. K.ps has prold wr

brvakfbst tables with a dcltoatMy Bsvourml nevrrsg watchsaay save as saaay bvavy dnrtors' bills. Il Is by in Jadtciowa

a of aoch aruciaw of allot that a cunstltattoa ana v bo gradaally built i aolil str4l snoas U resial every uadvm-- Mdiseaao. liandrods of HUH saaUdlsa aro Beotius inaM atroad y to attack whorovee thoro as a woah txJlol. V) sycorapo many a total shall by hooping ooroatwo ooll bwiltwith para blood and a proporly noarlaiivd frame." arti-cle In tbc Cii'il Fervttc Uetitti.

Mads simply with boiling water or sails. Arid la t lb. anal1 lb. pockets and tins (not daatagoaba la tins.) laboltod tbasi

jiar.s r.m n co., noxa:oriTnic cnrxisTD,

it Threadntodlo I troot, and 110 riocadllly. Worse, FuatoaRuad aad C'aatdoa Toon, Londoa. s'H llsa

FADDY IS RICE.I1 mOm IIIIFPERI OP.. PA IIDT.. ANIMPRKk.I . stoa atoms 10 provaii in iiw laiaoa uioa 1 aaj, iwmm

duty. This la arroaoowa. Paddy bolag out b log olso bat Rlro.tho Intmdoctioa of tba srord would bavs ! auperfloooa. AllIn paddy that has arrivod at this port ainno lbs prosBulgailoaof tbo Treaty has boon admitted frwo withtiut o.

I'ortios deairoos of skipping Paddy to this eaarkwl arc assuredthat It will bo adsnittod Iros of slaty, and bulla im drvaood intba boat possiklo auannor aad oo favorabto iotsbs by

WM. II. GREENWOOD.Oenrral CommlMloa Marchani and PriitlsUir of India Klca

Mills, Saa rranolsoo, Cal. all



HIE INDIA RICK MILL HAVING UNDRR.T goae Material lauproveaaeuie, Is now la Perfect Conditionfor the



UNCLEAN ED RICE!la the Best Possible Manner. Tbe Price for Hulling er4Dressing Faddy has bora Kowaar-r- SO Per Obi.

OOUSjlglllll XAt T


iriQ llectlv Prompt and Girrful AUrnUon.


General Commtesloa Merchant and Proprietor of India RiseMill. bl la

A. P. EVERETT,Forwardlog & Commission Merchant


SAN FRANCIaCO.Particular attention paid to Consignattnls of Island Produce

d4 If

WILLIAMS, BLANCHARD ttCO,Shipping & Commission McrcLihilx,

No. X1S CalHoraiU Sir!,mli2l tf BAN FRARCIBOO.


T' n?Fcthe following list of fetovee end Ranges.

BUCK'S PATENTFor VTood or Coal.

MAGNA CIIARTA-F- or Wood, sev.a slse.

IRON CliAD With Cast Irea warm rloosi andcopper reservoir, m large faaaliy stove.

fii;PKRIOR-- BI holes, a good article.

A IiM ED A Juat the article fur email families, varyneat destga.


Ranges !LAUREL, for Wood or CoaL

This Range la said to have the largest gale of any of Itetyle on the Pacific eoeat. 4 siss.

COUPON, OPERA.Also, Just at hand, a fine aaeortaeat of

Glasgow Stoves & Ranges !

Cotnpris ng Ihe following list




Making In all one of the tnost emnpleto assortments of SlovoaRanges, aVc, , ever on sale la this Market,

gjr Rvrry Btove warranted.Also, a full line of

PLU3IBER'HMaterials. House Water Clooota.

Faucets, Lead and Iron Pipes, EhoH Lead, 2 2 to lbs., Ae.Toilet Bets, plain and fancy Water Coolers, fcs., .

CALL AND EXAMINE AT No. KaaLumsna StreetOrders from tbe other Islands will have oar best altealina

and at lowest figores. Goods carefully packed.au10 ly J. NOTT V Co.



On LT'Oirt strootOPPOSITE FISCHER A ROTH, Merchant Tailors.

A BRANCH OE THE OLDEST AND2. largest Tobacco and Cigar tore in liooolaia.

The Best Assorlmenl of PipesFrom Meerschaum to Briar.

Tlio Xlosst Bolootlou ofCHEWING & SMOKIJIG TOBACCO


Cigars oi "Every Qualityae2S) From ftneat Htvana to common Manila. (nr

Page 2: ti - University of Hawaiʻi


coiviryicnciAi..FRIUAY. APRIL. 7. H77.

ArriraJ.fmn abroad dariof. ths week bars beeu-- MJ Ambitne j4D A r:k:0barf, from ronUnd, O, to C..t!e dr'f' m "h b M.r.from New Bedford vaII. Io; 26th, RMS Zealand fromlo dMure the Haw wh brig-- W H Anco f ,he ArrIifon the 2I ; 7. .Ur,! fr -- an Francisco. ,hi. mortl.n . The Utter reasel took an nna.aal.y Urge li.t of pnrsfrom here (l) and between ihrte aaj fcur huadred loo. offrht.tl.e value cf by ter t,eicg set dwn 4f ,,3.247.19.

Tbebr.g Hesperian H nearly loaded usj will sail early Inthe week for 8.0 Francisco the, barkentins Discovery i. alsoloading for (he tana port, to sail in all ten dsysThe bark M B Robert . i. considered ful!r due from PanFranco with date, to the 12th last. The mail steamer it I.supposed will be due next Thursday.


April 21-- Wchr Nettie MerrijTcrane. from Lahaica. MauJ.2 hr KuUm.no, Mac., from Kobaia. Hawaii

?r 5 MoU xv"bar. Kahului. Maui.

l tZl'r MVn7tK"U'-r0- m Kauai.Z? .' Kohala, Hawa.i.Fa.ry Queen, Peni. from Uanalci, Kauai.

2- 4- 8chr Paaabi. Hopa. from Uilo. Hawaii2-5- chr Kekauiuohl, Kimo. from Hanalei, Kaoai.J-?- "n k l'eten M. Banldry, from Hilo.ejehr I.oka, Tueba, from Uilo, Hawaii.

ZBCi,riiOC.e from K("'nd Kan. Hawaii.ft. Jl? biTe,ie-- .J from gv.lney.

Merrill. rane,froro Lahaina, Maui.

DKFA RTC'ICKS.April 21 flaw wh brig W n Allen, Cilley. for Arctic

2--1 Srhr Kettle Merrill, CraDe, for Lsbaina, MauiPchr Marion, Christian, for Koloa A: WaimeaZl Schr Karoaite. Clucer, for Koloa and Waimea25-S- chr Fairy Queen. Penl, fnr Kohala, Hawaii.24 9cbr Kinau, Kealohanui, fcr Maliko, Maui.24 8ehr Ka Mol, Wilbur, for Kabului, Maui.25 fchr Kulamanu, Mana, for Kohala, Hawaii.24 Schr Manuokawai, Kalua, for Nawiliwiil. Kauai.26 Stmr Kilanea, Marchant, for Maul Ac Hawaii2 Brbr Pueokahi. Clarke, for ffana. Maui.2 Hear Kekaulaohi, Kimo, for Hanslel, Kauai.27 R M 8 Zealandia, Chavelier, for fan FranrUco.27 Schr Mary Ellen. Peni, for Hilo. Hawaii.27 8chr Pauahl. Uopg, for Hllo. Hawaii.


II B M'a 8 Fantome, Commander Macqaay.MClCHilTMIN.

Am 51i. brig Morning Star, Colcord.Am bk Legal Tenrler, Master, loading.Am acbr Loieta, Dexter.Am brig Ilnperian, Winding, loading.Am bktne Discovery, Shepherd, loading.Am bktne Jana A Falkinburg, Hubbard, discharging.


Report or An bktse Jang A FaLKixitbao, HcasaiDMa.TBa. Left Astoria Aprfl 4, with light NW wiod and'pleasant weather for 10 dajs; in 1136 01', long 132 60'Bamael (Hawaiian) fell overboard, lowered a boat and pickedhim up; 14lh, in lat 2S9 68 long 139 o 24' spoke Am bkEmerald, of Port Townsend, 42 days from Callao, bound toPaget Sound( but 8 days had light baffling wind. SightedMaui on the 224.

BeroaT or R 11 8 Z catasoia, Ulnar Chbtalibb, Cox-Maa-

Left Sydney April 7, at 3 pm; discharged pilot8.65, and passed Sydney Head. 4.10 pm. Fresh southerlywind, experienced for first 2 days, accompanied by heavybeam sea, afterwards moderate and fine; passed Three Kingaon the lllh, 10.15 a m, and North Cape at 3.30 p m, arrivingat Auckland at 7 40am or the 12ih; loft Auckland sameday at 3 p m; experienced fresh southeasterly winds until ar-rival at Kandavu, which was reached at 8 a m of the 16th;left Kandavu at 11 a m same day with fresh variable andnortherly winds experienced throughout; crossed the equatormidnight of the 20tb, long 167 3 15.10; arrived at Honolulu onthe saib. 11.30 a ra, and made fast to wharf 12.10 p m. TheCity of Sydney arrived at Sydney on the 8th lost, and the Aus-tralia arrived at Kandavu on the afternoon of the 19. h Inst.

R. McDosalb, Purser.


FaoM PoRTLlXD Per Jane A Falkinburg, April 23 100 csbread. 201 sks potatoes, 60 cs salmon, 51 m ft lumber, 200egram pole., 1 deer, 144 cords stare bolts. -

Faox Bvdmet Per Zealandia, April 2639 pkgs generalmdse, 2 Iron pipes.


Foa San Fbahcisco Per Zealandia, April 27ttananas. bnchs. 1081 Private Effects, pkgs.Betel Leave., ca 13 Plants, bxa iCurio., b Z Rice, lbs 15000Coffee, lb. 60 Sticks, bdle... 1

Fruit, bxa 8 Shells, bxs 2Grass Seed, bxa 3, Sugar, lbs 616577Jewelry, cse bx.... ........ 1Mangoes, c. 6 Taro, bag... 1Pclu. lb 100

Value Domestic. . ,.$43,247.19; Foreign., .554

CONSIGNEES.Peb Jamb A Falkihbcbo Castle 4c Cooke, Ilia Majesty.

Psa Zealabdi F T Lenehan Ac Co, P H Tripp, Castle 4cCooke, Order.

PASSENGERS.Fbox Tahiti Per Marama, April 21 W Chapman, SamuelFaOM.N.wiLlwtLI Per Kilanea, April 22 Hi. Ex Jno E

Bus -- Jss Makee. a W Maclartane. r nioauii, ai oray,Mr Davidson, Uon r isenourg ana wiie, o r " n nuuwifc. E KrulL Geo J W Ames. L Cabot. Dr J K Smith, J EChamberlain, Anina, Apo and 43 deck.

1 FaVtf Kahclvi Per Kanioi, April 22 S Magnin, Jno Ti Morgan. Mr Ewiog, W II Cornwell, W II HaUtead, Tbos N; Birch, II Kuihelani, J C Bailey, Mr. H P Baldwin and son, JColcord, Chaa Sylva, Chas Lascombe, E A Morris and 30deck.

Fob Wisowaao Pobts Per Kilauea, April 25 His Ex IIA Peirc, Ilia Ex W L Moehonoa and lady, Capt Ja. Makee,W I. Green, Hon S N Castle. Rev J Brtdger, W D Alexander,8 W Wilcox and wife. J C Bailey. Wm Love and wife, W'm OSmith. DrJ K Smith. Tho. Forsyth, E A Morris, Jno TMorgan. J Gracla, A Kaakaa.J A Nahaku, Judge Kamakaala,Ahor. Mrs Keawe and about 65 deck.

Fbo Stdket Per ZeaUndia, April 23 R Rycroft, wifeand 2 children, Madam C Gerebko.

Fob Sax Fbascisco Per Zealandia. April 27 His nonorC C Harris, Mi. Harris, Mr. C E Harris, Mr. W II Cornwelland 9 children, Mr. E Macfarlane, O E Tuxbury. F Tbibault,Rev R Moor any, Mr. Le Count and daughter, Mr. H P Bald-win and child. Mrs R Greive and daughter. J Mora Moss andservant, Col 0 W Little, Hon II A Widemann and 3 children.Capl D R Frer. Anat, Ja. Roberta. W L Hopper. Mr. M AFuller and daughter.- - J it warier, J L Richardson. Geo C Mc- -

- -- -- a Ki.irnn-rai- c PnnHln and wile.Mrs C E Williams,II T Gavit, W Wendroth, E K Harris. T K Toler. J M Joelson,Mrs Kelly and daughter, A F Schleicher, E W Peterson, MrsW R CaaUe, D Macleay. W II Place, K Stewart, Mrs J Ri bin-so- n

and son, R Meccarini, P Gibson, G Tremble, D Renton,Dr O 8 Cummings and wife, H Steers, Ka Pang, Quong Sang,Ah Qaong Ah Quin, Ah II oL

The Foixowixo sbort notice of our departedfriend. Captain O. Bixio, was written by himselfin November last, at Tanama City, being includedin a general account of the several members ofthe Exploration Commission then recently arrivedon Panama Isthmus, which the late Captain Bixio

drew cp in French, at our own request, andwhich was subsequently published in Eaglish byus in the Panama Star. Little did we think atthe time that it should be so soon our sad task togive publicity here to the following translation,as a posthumous autobiography of poor Eixio;" The service of the administration is confided toCiptain O. Bixio, secretary to the Commission,

late Oficer of the personal Staff of his Majesty

the Kins? of Italy. Mr. O. Bixio is the son of Mr.Alexander Bixio, late Deputy of the city of Taris,formerly French Minister ; and the nephew of the

late general Xino Bixio, who was second-in-comman- d

of the Expedition of Garibaldi in Sicily.Captain Bixio, who has travelled much in theUnited States, China and Japan, had engaged,daring one of Lis Erst journeys to the UnitedStates, in the Army of the North, where, duringfire months, in 1865, he served in quality of

First Lieutenant in the 24ih Regiment of Volun-

teer Cavalry, of the State ot New York, in theArmy of the Potomac. He has also taken partIn the campaigns for the Independence of Italy,in 1S59, 18S9, 1S61, and 1S66; as well as in thecampaign of France against Prussia, duringwhich he was severely wounded." Such is themodest account of himself, given by a gallantItalian soldier, whose sword was drawn in thecause of liberty on behalf of three of the greatestnations of our times the United States, France,and his own beloved Italia ! If at last, he fellcot, like a soldier, on the glorious battle-fiel- d

of Freedom, he devoted Lis life, we may trulysay, to the cause of civilization amidst themalarious swamps of Darien, while engaged asthe pioneer explorer of a new ship route for thecommerce of the world through the depths ofthat Isthmus. When the Canalization of Darienshall hereafter have become a fait accompli,the name of the gallant Bixio, the soldier ofItaly and France and the United States, is en-

titled to a prominent and most honorable placein the future history of the Darien ship Canal" Xe toUe cuoprano llevt qud capo amato lightJie the turf o'er that beloved bead !''

THE PACIFIC(Lflmmcrcial2lbbci1iscr.

SAT V 11 1) A Y. APR J I. 28.Moke than a year ag- - a memorial was drawn

up nud preceded tu the King, praying His Majes-ty to command Lis Ministry to take measures forthe increase of the population of theee islands,fy the introduction of immigrants of both sexes,as a necessary requirement in view of the de-

ficiency of laborers throughout the islands, andthe decrease of the native population. Of thosewho signed the memorial in question, the nameaof three gentlemen now figure amongt the pres-

ent Ministry those of the Premier, the AttorneyGeneral, ami the Foreign Minister. At thattime, the matter was deemed of the most urgentnature, and perhaps we are not wrong in sayiogthat to the fact of Lis name Laving been tracedat tl.o bottom of that memorial, the actualPremier is largely indebted for Lis present grapof power. Under these circumstances the othersigners of the memorial, and the public generally,including in the very first place the planters andemployers of labor, moet naturally begin to askvery urgently, what Lave the Premier and Lis

fellow Ministers been doing all this time in theall important matter of male and female immi-gration ? It is not for us to answer this question;the answer lies with the Ministry. We only re-

echo the murmur that is heard in every quarterof the islands at the tardiness or tergiversationof the Premier and Ministers in this momentousbusiness of the speedy introduction of a workingclass of male and female immigrants into theseislands, upon which their present and futureprofperity and progress eo imminently depend.

No reasonable mind can doubt of the evident(vork of God in the conversion of the nativeHawaiian race of these Islands to the Christianreligion. A simple knowledge of the facta thatimmediately preceded, accompanied and fol-

lowed upon the introduction of Christianityamongst the then heathen Hawaiian?, is tf itselfsufficient to convince any believing Christian thatthe finger of Providence traced out the pro-gramme of the christianization of benightedHawaii nei. Since the memorable 31st ofMarch, 1820, when the proto-apoEtlc- s, sentout by the American Board of Commissionersfor Foreign Missions, first saw the shores of Ha-

waii, down to the present day, over a period ofhalf a century, the work of God Las steadilyprogressed amongst the once savage race of theseislands, so that it is a matter of astonishment,not to say reverential awe, for the Christian oflively faith who visits this country, to witnessthe actual condition of the Church of the Lordwhich has been erected upon the ruins of idolatryin the once heathen home of the regeneratedHawaiian people.

But, while the triumph of Christianity hasbeen here so complete, the difficulties that besetthe path of the Christian everywhere, since Paulevangelized cannot be expected to be whollyabsent from the neophyte Hawaiian Church.The very condition of neophyte, eo admirable onthe one hand as a visible proof of the unceasingrevelation of the true God to the heathen, ex-

posed the new-bor- n Hawaiian ChristianChurch to dangers arising from its youthfulncsgand consequent inexperience, so to speak, fromwhich even older Churches heretofore havehardly escaped. Hence the decision adopted bythe American Board of Commissioners ofForeign Missions, a few years ago, on occasion of

the 50 years jubilee of 1870, to leave the Ha-

waiian Protestant Church to its own guidanceand management has before now appealed tosome Christians of matured judgment, to bepremature and beset with perils for the Ha-

waiian neophytes themselves.These remarks may at first 6igbt seem

strangely out of place, and it may be asked whathas the public journalist to do with the questionof the internal organization of the HawaiianChristian Church ? To this we answer that we

know of no greater evil than the meddling ofpriestcraft in politics, and making the politicalevents of tho time a subject of 6ermons rroiuthe pulpit of the church of God. In theRoman Catholic world at the present day, es-

pecially in Ireland, for instance, the priest makeshimself a political firebrand, and preaches in-

cendiary sermons from his pulpit.We should be sorry to see the introduction of

any such unchristian system into the pulpit ofthe Protestant Hawaiian Church. Hence it is

that we regret indeed to bo called upon to

notice an incident which took place in one of thenative churches of this city on Sunday, April15, and to avoid ambiguity, we may state at once

that we allude to the native church of Kaumaka-pil- i.

A person, who was present on the occasion

to which we allude, has informed us that thepastor introduced into his sermon allusions tothe political affairs of the country which werehighly injudicious, and most decidedly out ofplace. After remarking upon the lamenteddeath of the late Trince and Heir Apparent,which of course was no harm and very natural

tho pastor went on to bewail the decay of theHawaiian race, and gradual extinction of thefamilies of the high Chiefs. He then alluded to

the succession of the throne, observing that thereigning King is childless ; that his eldest sister,also childless, is proclaimed his successor ; thatshould she succeed him, there is danger of thecountry being governed by an American, herhusband ; and, if her sister should ultimatelyascend the Hawaiian throne, a like danger wouldexist of this country being ruled by an English-

man, besides that their child is a half-bree- d, andnot of pure Hawaiian race, and consequently aforeign royal family would ultimately be estab-

lished to rule over the Hawaiian people. This,according to our informant, was the substance ofthe native pastor's remarks to his flock on theSunday in question. The mischief of Buch lan-

guage is self-evide- We might remind thenative pastor, whom we by no means desire toinjure, that Queen Victoria married a GermanPrince a good many years ago, and, so far, thereis no appearance of the British nation becoming

Germanized" in consequence ! We would alsoventure to suggest to all native pastors of theHawaiian Protestant Church, that it has alwaysbeen our opinion that a preacher of the Gospelall over tho world who so far forgets his callingas to discuss politics " from his pulpit to his

flock, deserves to be driven out of his pulpit bythe strong arm of the law of the land, andfurthermore submitted to ecclesiastical censureswherever church discipline is properly under-

stood and upheld. In the case of the nativepastors of the Hawaiian Protestant Church, itmight have been more for the interest of theirchurch and their flocks, if they etill continuedunder tho control of the American Board ofCommissioners for Foreign Missions for anotherhalf century to come, at least. As matters nowstand, it is plainly the duty of this governmentto legislate upon the subject of abuse of thepulpit in the native churches of this Kingdom,so as to prevent the Minister of the Gospel frombecoming a political firebrand, as unfortunatelytakes place elsewhere, in Ireland for instancedespite of all the efforts of that government torestrain the priest to his legitimate calling, thepreaching of the Gospel bo dangerouB is theevil in question ! 0


The twenty-fift- h day of April of the currentyear 1377, shall mark a mournful

epoch in the hietory of the Hawaiian Royalty of

Christian profefeion. Upon it the remain of

the youthful Lore of the Hawaiian people wero

consigned to a premature resting-plac- e in thetomb. The promise of a bright and joyous im-

mortality for the spirit which Lad just fled from

the earthly ordeal to a well earned crown ofeternal glory, even in the brief space of lifeallowed by the inscrutable providence of theAll-wi- se Creator could alone shed a soft andhallowed beam of consolation upon the regalmourners who followed the mortal remains of theprincely youth to the solemn abode of death.

The aspect of the funeral cortege, as it slowly

moved along from the royal dwelling through thecrowded thoroughfares of the Hawaiian capitalin the midst of a nation of mourners, to themausoleum of the Christian Kings of Hawaiinci in Nuuanu valley, was calculated to inspireeven a stranger to the race and the country withfeelings of the most indescribable sadness. Themilitary parade, the strains of martial music andbeat of muffled drum, the minute guns and thetolling bells, however imposing and suited to thesolemn occasion, might have already been fami- -

liar to him in other lands in similar circum--

fm.- - Km tl. immediate surroundings of thefuneral car, with its tall waving Kahilis ancientemblems of Hawaiian chieftainship its blazingtorches of the kukui, an old feudal privilege ofthe reigning family, and above all the heart-rending wail of Hawaiian women so like thewild keean of the female mourners over the deadchieftains of tho old Celtic race constituted inits tout ensemble a lugubrious spectacle of death,peculiarly national and only to be witnessed

amongst the people of Hawaiian race.Ihe day was an exceptionally fine one, even for

this climate, for the trade winds blew moderatcly, and an occasional passing cloud temperedthe rays of the tropic sun. The streets had beensprinkled during the morning, so tbat there wasno discomfort from the dust which would other-

wise Lave been caused by tho movement of theprocession.

Contrary to tho general expectation as well asto the ordinary rule on such occasions, thearrangements were so perfected by those who badthe details in charge that the procession beganto move as per programme, " punctually at IIo'clock, a. sr.'" His Excellency Governor Moe-honu- a,

was Marshal of the day, with Majors G.W. Macfarlane and J. II. Boyd of the King'sstaff as assistants. The grace, dignity and on

of tho Governor were noted, for hesat Lis horse and wore Lis uniform like one 41 tothe manner born," in this respect forcibly bring-ing to mind the naturally noble bearing on simi-

lar occasions of once prominent Hawaiian Chiefswho have passed away. The military portion ofthe procession was under the immediate commandof Major C. T. Gulick, of the staff of GovernorDominis.

First in the procession (which we shall describein detail) came a body of Hawaiian nativecavalry, numbering sixty, with uniforms of bluafaced with red, making a very good appearance ;

a portion of the Hoola Lahui " Society ofKawaiahao, native women dressed in black, num-

bering 41 ; members of the Honolulu Fi?eDepartment, under J. S. Lemon, Esq. ChiefEngineer, numbering 55 men ; the HawaiianMilitary Band, 25 pieces ; the military, withreversed arms consisting of the Prince's Own,82 men ; the Hawaiian Guards, (volunteer corps)61 men : the seamen of II . B. M.'s Fantome ,

with cutlasses, (a fine and well-appeari- ng bodyof men) numbering 69 ; the Household Troops,30 men ; the Orders of Knights of Pythias, (8)Red Men, (14) Odd Fellows, (11) and FreeMasons, (51); tho Clergy, 7; Choristers of St.Albans Church, 40 ; the Bishop of Honoluluand attendants, 4 ; tho horse of the late Prince,led by a groom and followed by three othergrooms ; Retainers, to the number of 28 ; theNative Working Men's Society, known as the" Poola," drawing the hearse, numbering 231men ; kahili bearers on each side of the hearse,three and four deep, numbering 150 ; 3 car-

riages, bearing their Majesties the King andQueen and Her Highness R. Keelikolani ; theirRoyal Highnesses the Princess Lydia KamakaehaLiliuokalani and the Princess Miriam Likelike,His Ex. John O. Dominis and the Hon. A. S.Cleghorn ; and the Hon. Mrs. Bernice Pauahiand the Hon. Chas. R. Bishop; 4 carriages,bearing the Ladies of the Court ; a carriagebearing the Chancellor of the Kingdom ; a bodyof Police, numbering 10 ; 5 carriages, bearingHis Majesty's Ministers, members of the Dip-

lomatic Corps, the Commander of II. B. M.'s S.Fantome, and the Judges of the Supreme Court ;

on foot His Excellency Governor J. E. Bush, ofKauai, members of the House of Nobles, mem-

bers of the Privy Council, members of the Houseof Representatives, Clerks of GovernmentDepartments, numbering 36; Chinese citizens,12 ; citizens generally, 228 ; Kaumakapili HoolaLahui Society, 87 ; Children of the HonoluluGovernment Schools, (a most interesting sight)numbering 710 children, with their teachers; asquad of Police, numbering 10. The total num-

ber of persons in the procession by actual count,was 2196, and the number of spectators in thestreets and on the line of march was estimated atfully 8000. The procession was a mile long,and was thirty minutes in passing a given point.

In the Palace, previous to setting out, and atthe Royal Mausoleum at the end of the marchthe service of the Church of England was readand Psalms chanted by Bishop Willis and hisclergy and a well-train- d band of native Hawai-

ian choristers. After the clergy bad retired, theFree Masons, led by the W. M. of HawaiianLodge No. 21, performed the impressive funeralservice of the Order around the coffin of theirdeparted brother; and last of all, was said thetouching " Requicscat in Pace," and " Farewell"'of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, inwhich the deceased Prince was an office bearer.Three vollics by the military concluded the cere

monies.The coffin of the late Prince lies near the right

hand inner door of the mausoleum, betweenthose of bis parents the High Chiefs C. Kapaakeaand A. Keohokalole, while around on eitherhand are the coffins of the Kamehamehas andthe ancient chiefs who were their friends andcompanions proud names, who once the reinsof power held!"



DEALERS IN HARD.Cutlery, Dry Goods, Paints and Oils, and General

Merchandise.ap2S No. 05 King Street, Honolulu. ly


DEALERS INDry Goods, Clothing, Hats Furnishing Goods, Ladies' and

Gents' Boots and 8ttoes. Yankee Notions, , &c,Capt. Snow's Building. No. 20 Merchant St. Honolulu. apSS ly

J. II. WICKE,Cabinet BAalcor,91 Kiag Street. 91

Between Fort aud Bethel Streets.Furniture of all descriptions made and repaired at reason-

able rates. Good workmanship guaranteed. ap28 ly

WM. JOHNSON,1 Merchant Tailwr,Kaabumaou St., H. I., opposite Godfrey Rhodes.

ap23 ly

Americaa Postage Stamps.

j To the Editor of ih Pacific Commercial A Jv&iiser :I w S!aJ an editorial in your pap.

a if vr days since upon the International rostageSy-t-- m I wa rry however to learn from the

t!.at :L lliwaiia Kingdom tniht bin not being admitted to enjoy

tbf privileges of tbat system. This is surelya cause of serious regret to the public. On thesupposition, that this system cannot be intro-

duced, then ought not immediate steps to betaken, to obviate the existing awkward andiaconvenient Foreign Postage system of thisKingdom?

At present, the public is subjected to the greatiaconvenience of providing U. S. postage stamps.A letter or paper sent to Europe requires U. S.postage, prepaid. Now how are individuals scat-

tered over the Islands, to obtain ' stamps" ex-

cept at great inconvenience ? It appears to be thenatural order, that the Hawaiian Post Office shouldsupply these stamps. It surely is no greater bur-

den for the Post OSce officials to keep suppliedi:h U. S. postage stamps than with Hawaiian

stamps, as both tnut be ordered from America.

Thre nted be uu complication in this matter, be-

cause no other foreign rational postage stamps

art' requireu except mose oi iuc t,uuru ciam.w jih. Mr. Editor, you weald call public attention( this subject, and especially the attention of tbS,

Hawaiian Government" iVrnaps, our liawauaaMinister at Wasbinzton may be able to effect achange in our postal system, so as not to requirethe prepayment of U. S. postage, but until this

change is effected, surely the Hawaiian PostrOfflceought to accomodate tie public by keeping onhand a supply of U. S. postage stamps.

S. C. DiMox.Honolulu. 25tb April, 1877.

Tug Famine is India. A Calcutta letter to Lon-

don says the Viceroy's despatch of Feb. 16th, states

tbat the famine in North Arcot is mich worse thansupposed, and there is great distress n Mysore.


M. on and in connection with the Helemano lad, leased bythe undersigned, estate of Owen J. Holt, will b corralled atthe usual place on Tuesday mdi Wednesday, the tat and 2i ofMay next. All persons hav ng horses or males tinning on orin connec:lon with said lasd, are respectfully requested toassist in dririog, and be present at the counting xx Wednes-

day. Kttrays to be impounded. Back pasturage low due topBid"

8. N. IMKBSON.Honolulu, April 27, 18T7. (It) ANTONIO J. LOPEZj



Shop on Fort Street, EspUnade, opposite Hopper's BarrelFactory. P2 6m

NOTICE.GIVE NOTICE THAT MYTHEREBY ROSE, banng on the 26th day of Norem- -

br lsst, left my bed and boad and declined, at my request, toreturn thitner, sne is noi auuoncea 10 contract uj unw uumy account, and I shall pry no bills or debts contracted byher or tor her account.

Kaneohe, April 27th. 18:7. (ap28 3t) M. ROSS.

N01ICE.si:iii vn MY ABSsENCE FROM THISJLF Kingdom, CHAS. T. Q7LICK, Esq., will act for menuder Dower of attorney.

Honolulu, April 26th, J877. (ap28 30 G. WEST.


SIX OR EICIIT WELL BREDMILCH COWS, mist be good milkers. Apply byletter, stating piice and where to be seen, box

C 2. General Post omce, uoioiau. "

REMOVAL!H. E. M' INTYRE & BRO.,TT EG TO INFORM THEIR CUSTOMERSM.M and the public general)?, that they

Have Removed theii Grocery & Feed Storeto the maiika store in the Odd Fellows1


(pending the erection of thtr new building on the old stand,)where they are prepared asusual to furnish ererything in theirline, of


spzs St


JL existing between the ndersigned, has this day been dlssolved by mutual consent,


Honolulu, 2nd April, 187: apll


announcement, the udersiened would respectfully givenotice that tbey have a and that theold business will be carril on at the same premises, KingStreet and Esplanade, Oder the firm name or West r C'nay-te- r.

AU liabilities of Wit b Coleman will be assumed by thenew firm.


Honolulu, April 2d, 18:. pl

w WOULD TAK3 THIS OPPORTUNITYM. ot thanking the pubc generally for the liberal patronagehitherto bestowed upon e, and in connection with my newfirm, would beg a continence or tne same.

api4 J. T. CHATTER.


JL ducted under the fin name and style ot F T LENEUAN& CO, will in future be caried on under the name and style ofGREEN, MACfARLANUi CO, Mr U W Alacrariane havingbecome a partner from tti date. All accounts of the firm willbe assumed by the undented.

GREEN, MACFARLANE & C.Honolulu, March 1st, 1T7. m3 tf

NOTICE.rsnilE UNDERSIZED HAVE FORMED AI to anmence from the 1st day of April,1877, for the purpose off carrying on the Grocery and Provision Business, under tfcnrm name or met s tsusn.


Honolulu, April 3d, 13. sp7 4t

ATTENTION HOOKS.A LL MEMBER OF HOOK Si LADDERj. Co. No. 1 who are I arrears of dues to said Company,

are requested to remit to same on or before the regularmonthly meeting in May, 877, if not, they are hereby notifiedtbat they are liable to be cpeiied.

mh!7 7t Per der, J. M. WEST, Foreman.


MJ Kingdom, my wiMary Ann McLean, and RobertSray will act for me nnaefull power of attorney.

Honolulu, April 3, 1S77- - (ap7 4t) OEO. C. McLEAN.

FRENCH CLARETIn wholand half casks;




J .T

F. A. SCHAIFER & CO.'Sad 4t


Frascr Hi or Salmon!INGCOI ORDER.

El SA X--s Z2


J20tf ! THEO. H. DAV1ES.i



FRIEL & BUSH,(Fort St., Odd Ffllowi' Baiid;tig.)

JRESPECTFULLY ASK th ATTENTION'tit Familira aoJ othr deairing


On Reasonable Terms,

TO THEIR LARGE STOCK,Consisting in part of:


Saloon Bread, in quarter boxes;

Soda, Wine, Graham, Milk Crackers,

Cream, Ojrster, Water and Asst'd. Cracker

Graham Flour, Cracked Wheat,

Oatmeal, Corn Meal, Buckwheat,Cracked and Crushed Wheat,Rye Meal, Ilominj, Maccaroni,

Kita Mackerel, No. 1;

Smoked Salmon, New Codfibh,


Breakfast Bacon,

German Sausages, in tins;

Gotha and Oxford Sausages, in tins;

Potted Meats, in variety;

Cooked Corned Beef, Cooked Corned Haui

Cooked Corned Tongue,

Lobsters, Clams and Quahogs,California Cream Cheese,

Edam and Limburg Cheese,

California Cube Sugar,

California Golden and Island Syrups,

California Golden Gate Preeerres,

Table Fruits, in varieties;

Pie Fruits, varieties, in tins and glass;

Jams r.nd Jellies,

California Honey, in tin and glass;

New Currants, in 10 lb. and 4 lb. tins;

California Raisins, superior;Sultana Raisins, Table Raisins,Large London Layer Raisins,

Table Sauces, in every variety ;

Crosse and Black well 'a.

Capt. White's Oriental and Cashmere Pickles

Nabob Pickles,

Worcestershire and Harvey's Sauces,Chinese Ginger, Cum Quat, Chow Chow,

Queen Olives, Stuffed Peppers,

Extra Curry Powder, in tins and bottles;

Duret's Salad Oil, in large and small bottles;

Raspberry Vinegar.

Extra Prunes, d'entre, in glass;

Maltles Prepared Cocoanut !

For Pies, Puddings, etc.

ALDEN PRESERVED FRUITSApples, Plums, and Pears.

Ilostoii Crushed Sugar.nest Tea nud Coffee,

&c., tc. , ic, &c.

Lemon, Vanilla, Pine Apple, Peppermint,

Ratafia, Cloves, Bitter Almonds, &c.

PIGS, in glass; LEMON SYRUP,

Yarmouth Sugar Corn,

American and French Peas, Mushrooms,

Truffles, in tins and glass;

Symington's Peas, for pea soup;

Citron, Lemon and Orange Peel,

Menier and Epp's Cocoa,

Chutneys, quarts, pints and half pints;

Crystallized Fruits, in glass;

Truffle Pates, in large and small tins;

Pickled Walnuts,

Lard, in 5 lb. C lb. and 10 lb. containers;



.Ajustraliaii jVTeats :

Sheep Tongues, Ox Tongues, Roast Beef,

Roast Mutton, Hotch-potc- h,

Beef a la Mode, Spiced Beef and Mutton,

Potted Head, Tripe and Onions,

Ox Tail, Mock Turtle and MullagatawDy Sjups,Condensed Eggs,

Chocolate Cream and Cocoa and Milk,

Bird Seed Canary, Rape and Millet Seed.

Island Sugar, different grades !


jy Orders from the other islands promptly

filled ; goods pwked with care, and warranted.

Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere.

ap212t FRIEL & BLSU.



riHIK r NIKU1GNED I14VINU rncr.Na;pp.otl Aftu tj itM lia.ia llaodifur

American Cyclopaedia,Takrs plaur ia ratline tb a!tn'k.o o4 tbr pbU Is tttsrml rotrrpri, which briars a library Iota rtj aasa'shxitb Tb iswrksa Cyrloj.l.a is tb rTiJrl workrrr psbLibd In assfnea; it Is lac lnolJf o( its rcnlailr

down, lb rroc of a:l bxtt rryttall sed. ltstao.ltca jotsr shclrrs r2 r to irjifi rrrry roocrirabl qavsiKm.anJ f :ts in brief parararht th mulls of ether atrn's yearsof tot.kom tnTeliatiB.

lu this ace bo cue bat time la frr ainonf tbe lhao4anJ one d liferent works tv trtry Uct rrqulrrd, ir If thevolume iao4 on his sbeleesi while wish b Ojrrkpl.a, tnematter la question is snood at oece, difrsletl, coodeoeed,stepped of all tbat is Irreteraot. and verified by a euospai unaof the beat aothontiea. Moreover, Ibis NopiUUos has beaperforated by special writers, who are lbs bisheet aaiboritteeapoo tbe tut'jeria with which tbey dealt so that tbw work isthe epitome and ultimatum, of all koowlrdt, and rreciodratbe nereattty of having other books. Yow are probably peodtaf dollar after dollar tat books whlrh are euly of limitedscope, whereas the sams mxey expended tn tbe same smallamounta for lb americaa Cjrckpardia, wiU purchase a btffarycomplete.

It is not obligatory to lake all the volumes now publishedupon the arst delivery; a rolaote sasy be delivered one amonth , or oooe In tw months, at the option of lbs sutsrriber,and can be bad in Library leather, half Morocco or Rostiabindinrs, ranfinf. In price front $9 60 to f 11.00 per Vwlame.

We would also call attention to Bancroft's

Native Races of the Pacific States,Acknowledged to be the grandest work of researrh Amrrhas ever produced, complete in five volumes, and will be servedto subscribers at $100 per volume In sheep.

XT No Library Is complets without the above stsndardWorks.



a Dealers in Stoves and Banget,Tin, Sheet Iri a Cpprarr t


GiUtalifd lra Lead IMpr,

India Bahbr r lUsr, kt.t If.apil 1



Sailed from Liverjmol, lh!c. Ii3, J)uc herf

Early in Jfat,

T II E CARGOComprises a Full Assortment of































a7 3m THEO. H. DAVIES.

Manufacluring Jeweler.NOTICE.

ffMIE UNDERSIGNED. FORMERLY WITHM. Mr. Eckart. bees to inform citizens of Honolulu and the

public that he has taken tbe store on fort Street.opposite Odd Fellows Hall, (formerly occopled by Thoe. Tsn-natt- ,)

where he will five special attention to the manufactoringand repairinf of all kinSs of Jewelry.

Particular attention given to eaeu ana Hanoi mora.CT Will gasrantee satisfaction in all hi work. J

nonolula, Nor. 27, ISTfl. (no24 to) WM. M. WE.NNER.


LL CREDITORS HATING CLAIMSi against tbe estate of ilis late Llighness CHARLKd KA- -

Nimortgage on real estate or not, are hereby requested to pre.

V - i.l. .fitl.nli.it.il In! with IK. nrnirM wmrl.rasentL. J : . 1. . It . V, ! rim.-- A I . i . . I

. r I II. Uto 111 a UUUCI.IIUCU, IUV m.ibum w V ' i .tvsmm t.rcr.IJOLIOIUIU, VIIOWI UCIBJi KIN (v urn" mwuwi ii. i. vii.i.claim, be not so presented within six months from the first

J... . . L .. I, a , A tan .HtntnltL.they A 1 1 .llCjr ri .v. v- -i v, --i... -- ..wihistrs tor of the said estate shall not be aulhorired to psy them.Andto psy the same immediately to the ocdersigoed.

nr niDL'vAdinilni.ir.lnr of the Katsle of If. II. C. Ksnair.s. drressed.

liiolanl Dale, April 7th, 1877. sp7 t

NOTICE TO HOLDERS OF STOCK, &c,On the Island of Maui.

PERSONS HAVING C A T T I. K ,ALL Ac. erasing on tbe Walloka or WaikspuCommon, are requested to remove tbe same, if not commotedfor on or before tbe 1st day of Jane, 1878. After said date allCattle, Ac, found tresspassing will be impoanded according tolaw. All persons wishing to ran cattle, Ac, on ssld commons,can do so by applying to

LI ...Ml I tlIVi" v mWaikspu, Maul.

N. B No drivins-- Horses. Caltle, Ac . or branding allowedon said commons without the permission of the said Cornwella Co., or their authorized agent.

Wailuku, May 21, 157i. maun h


llvssv. TIIItU.lI JL' OATmTOI LI CALL ATTENTION TO Till:l,.:.i.uj LuludaUc ,.im.m Hxtio. Un4,tinSKAMIX AND PRESENTATION W ORKS I

Iuri Lrsrre, Tls Mifi kerd t A.I y, Lstla Revolt,tally . i.rr, airy Isles T44 Ag.m.The I'aipril r. t Mn snl Hkrwkra, 1 be t'kivets.UoiJ.ai.il.', MnrW(l l . M.brl Mti-tm-.

Our tiMv..h is.fli I f.int-- r. The .. to Arse,Ksllsits U Home, Outdo and I. lis. by lh Msraaiaaf LouThe Pong of tbe Mower DrraDtt 1 he IVsrt fo.al.ua.Childhood -- irs, by l oyv Lsrr. Roses and llnTy,Tbe Holy U.ie (III ). iJtile ivi.ie of the h.f,t'olerkifVe Ancient Mariner, Mn(s of rur Tewlh,fr,f c4 Pevm, st s of 1elerd.y,Ixvesof tbe ISwis. Trf-4rw- l Ksture,Art Journal M 1T, baadMMae bvaad.


I. i!e, Ainw.irth'e (III ). Cowpre's Wof ka, Bsllsd.tiutduB iih's. Humorous Poetry, Prrva, W.luva, Roger's (III)Lady cf the I ake aod lloeiu, Mtliaa's I'.M-Ur- al Works,t'owrwraod R fees. Tupper and J.hn.,Marv Hewitt's I news 4 h sural History,yiorUe and rms. by M.xhr and Oast iilrr,Hutrr iweet. llrwiaa's Mordswurtb,Tope and Merwe, tkwtl and (.olerids,Laiia sVoobb aod Ibasspsoa, Imii and Cso pb.lt,

igfwrney and Nartow, Uldimlth and Souihiy,Kwe and R W Tree Ijiihrop,Uw ifrll...'., U'WrlL, al'redilb, W butler, sll la blue teaiberUsltrered Oema, bongs f Three Cealarlrs, MerUe trobery

CHILI REN'S HOOKS II'irtarrs fcr llspi y llowta. Thmsh firlure Land.PunsMiie f.,r lisuy lud, tiny Hawses aud their RuiblersH py Psy Hhm (r the Vesng, 'Nureiy Colored e Uook,fintpl Addition and Nursery JingWs,The IJItle Ijrsrnrr's Toy Book, I'rvtly I'ioturesMy Inl Pin t e a, Tom Thumb's Fx lure tkmk

Hudic's Pkiart Rook, 'A cot Msry's Kund.y I'lclare Hoo,Aunt ifwlf'i r. l. k, Mothee KuUnl's I'icture RvufeCork KotHn's I'tnure ItiwS, p.n.y's llrlare RookRed Rtdmsbood 1'iotere R..k, Hle A wake I'leasure RuubKnrsery. Lillle Wl4. Awake. Uule rulks.

utulay I'kHures for any U ling. Chatter lioi.Aloe's fundty ririare Ro., t Mid S KellchLWee Wee M.M-ies-

, tfl Told Tales, Utile Treasure"try Legends, Hcrlptars Uift R..k, '

Tbe ARC I'kture Rook, Uuody Two 11. ore,I'rsirie Rook, tuple s rabies, Avery Little Roy's Ron. ....... ,j .mmm, i Mir vhUdren s reta.The lu.y.' and Uirls' lllusiraled U.ft R.k, 'The t ItiMren's Album, The Children's fuudsy AlbassTSe ChlLlreo s l irture R.- -k of I be Paganiiy ,4 Animal.A Picture Hory R.4i. Little l.lliv's l iriure 'Tbs Life of "Jesus" tut Youne I'eonle. t hiu. ui.Chat for "mall Ctisllerers, 1 bs Cltlhl't Couuiry Rm.

FAIRY TALES II'Au'.n jr s ralry Tales, liawsettold Tales A f slry TaleRiiwlrs I. Uis Hons, bold And. rsnoi Arahiaa Rtehls. 'The rabies of I'llpay, The Treasury of ralry Tales 'rubles, sops rabies, ralry I sirs Told Agala.Fairy Tales wilh a 1'uipose.

Ml'MC HOOKSPianist's Album, Horns Circle. Hilver Wreath.Piano rorte s, Muairal Treasure,Richardson's New Meihod, skhumann's tongaMeiMlelasohn's Mongs, (toUlen Chimes, Peter's instructionsHunter's Iusiruotioos, Labtiarhe'f lostruottoneUems ol rMMXiuh Hong, 1

Leslie's Huets for lolin. Flute, with Piano,rVlf In. (ruction Hook for Die tiuitar.Iicrrsia Rorgla, Norma, alualoal Uablnrt, Tbs CreallonItanjo Instruttluiia. M rrathof Ueina, I lute Inslruefloos,'

ii. nr. urnn i sirinna, iiumer's In.lruclioiis ht 4'houls"m w in. I'siH-e-

, v aiw s rirsi Mnoa of Music1 he lionirs of ICnglsud, with musle, 'hscred Nmii, soot nt and modern.Humorous boi.gs. old and nrw,The Png. of foMland, The IMMigs of Ireland.

HANDY UOOKStllsawrll's rocket Knginew. latest million.Hnieiice Reootd 1I4, Ik7tfcnuuire within u,h,o Krer) thing, Wrinkles and RsrlpesAsiongst Maihiurs, Mrs Rerun's Household ManagvmeittMarion liar land's Common Reuse In Ihe HouseholdIndies' r.ii.U. lie, Ussar Rook of the Household, 'Krery Womsn her owa Uardenrr,Wrsy's I'racttrsl Hugar Planter,lr Chase's Recipes, or li.finjistlon Krrnbodr.The family Mrdiral Uulds,.Mrs Reerber's House KerjN.r and Health Ksrpor.

HOOKS FOR OLD AND YOl'NUlRunning the Itlockade, Ouatave Adolf,I t.srtotie Arkerman, Ihe M lid "Nertli Land,M orklng to W In, Uolden Have, Kliries id llud Life,Tbs Young Governess, The ring ut Ills) ress,Un Ihs Road to Kiol.es, Mubils march. 1'saiet Den-ad- si

Morton House, Nutsbls blilpwreoks, tin Uoral RsefCrorser tbe Clown, Peggy and other Tiles, "

Kveulng at Home, raudlord aid Merton,Runyau's Pilgrim's Progress, Reynard Ihs Fob,Hours of Sunshine, King Uab's Miory bag,(fcenee In lbs Hawaiian islands,bills' Tour Around Hawaii, Oliver and Ihs Mill,literature of Kissing, Our Journal In the Paetfl.Maria Monk's l'auliler. Plterman's H laiwlosl Hsld,Cliaueer's Canterbury Tales, Queen CItsrWMle's Island.The Mrine Comedy of Hants A llghlrrl Longfellow,

eadlry's I land of tire Iceland, Cast by Ihe IWa,Pioneer Women nf the West,Friend Frits, a lale of the Hanks a? the Lauler,The Illustrious or Mathews Krckmaou Ctiatriaa,Rtorlrs of tbs Rhine, The Polish Jsw and other Tales.uonretsions 01 a 1 iwkmm Player, Tlio Far North.

'i"'i " i.u, 1 ii. umi iwp, . it ear JCaat,IsetUitl. Classics containing, ts.le, loUlleet, Tra-

gedy, Life, laughter. Love, Authors. Komanee, Mystery,uui-- u, lmiiuu'whi, rreroiem, roenis I voisi

True to tlis Laat. Hum Could be Main It.1 he "Jar and the Cloud, To Lore and Is be Loved.I've Ri-e- 1'hlnklng, A Long Look Ahead,Vistoriral ltudiea, I he I'nlrers. (Pourhel)fiatorv of IrrUnd. I vols, by M ofiali.gaa A Mitchell.

West Lawn, The Rook that livery Fsitlis Weeds,00 Labrador. The Reeond Wife,

Country Walks of a Naturalist, Reasido, Foa anting,Camping Out, Jack 1 1 ay word and his rortanes,Johnny Ludlow, Pink and Whits ly runny,Ancient rVistory from the Monuments Persia,Ancieut listory from tbe Monuments AssyriA.Currency and Hanking Keren laurht.rs,Islie Uoldthwlt. The World's Rinhdsy,The Htnry of a spr y Umt, Tho Culprit,Little Men or Jo's Roya, A Woudor Roi.h for Boys A abis1 hs Roy F.mlgrsnl, oms armonies, Living too Fast,Kats Danlon, istortral and Arrhlteutural RkeUbsa,The Carlyle, Anthology, Flaxy FrissUi.Light Cousins or Ihs Anthills, What Katks Md,Mischief's 1 bsnksglvlng, Redtimt Dtnrlea,Mors Redtims Htories, 1 hs Lilly and U. Cross,On by One, F.arth and Us Treasures.Talk About Lahor, laua Veneris, One PaeimerTbs Itarbadoa Oirl, Tkt buchess of Orleans, -

Noblesse Oblige, Robinson Crusoe, Tbs Kngllab KiploreraRwlss ramlly Robinson, Life of tbs uipreas Josephine,Romances of tbs Revolution,Wlsiory of Centennial Inhibition, by Jai D MeCabs,Mark Twain's Adventures of Tom riawyrr his latest Wash

istorinsl from ths Old Jesuit Mission,Llttls olks in Feathers and Pur and Others la Neither.Charlie Laure, Oa Rrcexe, Persia, As-yrt- a,

Wonders of the Physical World, Iianlsl Moon.Young Crusor, Sword and Pen, Venice and Ihs Venetians.Ronald Itamierman, Morms, Ths Peassnt Roy Pljliosnpb.lOilblss. loo Uulzuie, Uulileer's Trsvsls,Amrricsn Hhepberd, Circle of Ihs Year,Wealth and Nature, Assyrian Manovrrles,Ths Ooldon Btato, The Annual Cyclodia, H7!l,1 hs Hoy Joiner and Model Maker,Ths Mooarchs of tbs Main,Adventures of Johnny Iionsld.s, Wonderful Adventures.Tra iitore of a Rook, Animal Harsc! y,Our Iumb Companions. Cloud lnd and Shadow loilWorld Ref.s I lie leloge, Ths umaa Race,RrHlles and birds. The Moon,Schools aud Masters of Painting, Tbs Illack Prluoe,Rights snd Insights, S voisi Haochus I'etbroned,My Opinion and Kurt's. Tbs Kindergarten,Wych lUvi, 1 he Oold of Chickaree, lnder tl,a Oaks,hody and Mind, Ths Itlchmonds' Tour In stumps.Tbs Vicar of W akedeld, Wonders of Kngravlng.Lives of Novellats and iramatiais, Nat ths Narigator.Ralph ths rlr, 1 he Helton KMste,Ht Knew be was Right, Can Yw Forgive Wer,Lotta Rchmldt. Racial Ray, Orley Farm, bertrsaiS.Phlness Firm, Ths Kellys and the O'Kellys,Ths Macdermots of Rallyorras, Msry Uresley.Miss MrKtnsIn, Tales of My Country,Castle Rirhmond. Doctor I horn, Tbs rouna Rurreyor.Aunt Jo's Hera p Bag,Triumphs cf Ancient and Modern Architecture,Margueritt's Journal, Heoent Musio and Maetciaaa,Mason Mudies, Ths Angel of ths Iceberg,Landor's Imaginary Conversation,Common Objects of tbs Microscope,Prophetic Voioes Concerning A toTloa Ftimner,Cyclopwdiaof fleogrsphy, Kelly Klnnard'a Klngdina,What Women ehould Know, After Many Isys,Tbe Haven Children, Mince Pie Island.Ltfeif Wsshlngloo,Ths Two bestmies Wllkls C'ollln The Uay worlheys.Foster Life of Cbss Mckens, vol 1, g, 3,Mrenglh snd Resuty, Krery Lay Facie,Webaler's Mctlonaries, Cast Away In III Cold,Rocks Ahesd, Complete Letter W riter,Hum to W rite letters, Tho Wbite Rock Cove,Ths Hsaket of Flowers, and ber Ayah.Ths Rem and Rrashore, Walter and the Heaalde,Rhyme and Reason, Our Fealhrr Coaipanlons,Our Dumb Neighbors. Anecdotes in Nstural istory,My Mother, Rortould's ymna In Prose for Chltdrea,Ige and Their Hoinga. 'i Le Habes la ths flasket.Our Four Footed Friends,

sif ours with Ihs fcarly Explorers,fcersps of Knowledge. Pictorial Fsmily Regieler.

ohday Albuws for Roys,Famous Kegiia tnls of tne British Army."' k I'f lbs Family, Geo ererl and Hit hop Wall.Tasso's Jeruaa cm Delivered, Giles Minority,Ths ouaenold ri eir Thomas Moore,Agssais's Oeot igicsl Vketches, 1 hs ituilding of a Rraln,A Bloot art, KtorM of a Uoriila fUiuniry,How Magery ttlped, Child of Ihe Tide,Truths filuairaled, Lighthouses and Liglitahliis,Llrrs of Labor, Annan i,f lbs Poor,ft Psutt bis Life, his Writing and his Working,Tim's Troutile, or. Tried and Trus,

olland's Lrery Lay loplca.

Ordrr from lh oilier MiatN prgmjilly atlrgilr. UIn additiott to the Books above enumerated,


Illsnk Rooks, Chrum, rVrsp Tictures,Fancy floods, Fhect Music,

Hi-s- t Violin sofl Oultsr filings,

BASE BALL GOODS!Consi.ling lit 1

Peck sV BnyJi-r'- s "I'rofrssional Dead Bed Da I Is,"arwood's aod Can's "Red Stocking, H Atlantic.M "Cock of

tbs Walk," and Junior" Base Ralls,Fpring, Ash, Celar and Pins Bala,Cmplres Ooide and Bsss BslI P.ules, , Ac, Ao.

The NEWS DEPARTMENTQivsi special attention to ths early procuration ot any peri-

odicals not at hand, and to ths pront furwardanos of allsupplies as received, thus aaiorlng f stroos of being earlierand more prompt recipients of their mall matter than throughany other source.

XT fries Lists can hs Ltd on acpliostlua.