2) organising your speach

Toastmasters Speech 2: Organize Your Speech by Andrew Dlugan Apr 29th, 2008 When you speak, does your audience get it ? If your audience doesn’t grasp your message (even though your topic is one you know  they are interested in, you need to rethink the !ay you present it" #ou need toorganize your ideas to promote understanding" $he second $oa stmasters speech pro%ect addre sses organi&ing your speech" $his artic'e of theToastmasters Speech Serieseamines the primary goa's of this pro%ect, provides tips and techni)ues, and 'inks to numerous samp'e speeches" The Toastmasters Speech Series *" $he Ice +reaker 2" Organize Your Speech " -et to the .oint /" o! $o 1ay It " #our +ody 1peaks 3" 4oca' 4ariety 5" 6esearch #our $opic 8" -et 7omforta'e !ith 4isua' Aids ( coming n et

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Page 2: 2) Organising Your Speach

8/10/2019 2) Organising Your Speach

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Page 3: 2) Organising Your Speach

8/10/2019 2) Organising Your Speach

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Page 4: 2) Organising Your Speach

8/10/2019 2) Organising Your Speach

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