2 gas welding

Upload: radhamadhav

Post on 26-Feb-2018




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  • 7/25/2019 2 Gas Welding


    Gas Welding (Oxy-acetylene)

    A number of welding processes use a flameproduced by burning a mixture offuel gasand

    oxygen. The gas usually used isAcetylenebut

    other gases are also used.eparate cylinders and

    a hose pipe from each

    cylinder transports the

    gases to a torch.

    Gas and fuel mix in

    the torch burns !


  • 7/25/2019 2 Gas Welding


    Gas Welding

  • 7/25/2019 2 Gas Welding


  • 7/25/2019 2 Gas Welding


  • 7/25/2019 2 Gas Welding


    'uring the welding heat from the flame is

    concentrated on the oint edges until the

    metal melts and starts to flow. When the

    molten metal from both sides melts it starts to

    fuse when the metal cools down the two parts



    Metalis fed in by

    hand into the weld

    pool at regularinter*als where it

    becomes molten

    and oins with the

    parent metal.

  • 7/25/2019 2 Gas Welding




  • 7/25/2019 2 Gas Welding


    Carburising Neutral Oxidising

    The Oxy-acetylene welding +lame

  • 7/25/2019 2 Gas Welding


    Equipment used in Oxy-

    Acetylene welding

    The oxygen and acetylene hose pipes

    Gases used

    Gas pressure ,egulators

    +lashbac arrestor

    Welding torchWelding no//le

    +iller rods and fluxes

  • 7/25/2019 2 Gas Welding


    The oxygen and acetylene hose pipes

    ,einforced rubber hoses.

    Acetylene hose has left hand thread couplings and colour

    coded red.

    Oxygen hose has right handed thread couplings and colour

    coded blue

  • 7/25/2019 2 Gas Welding


    Gases used O0 and &010

    Oxygen extracted from air and compressed into cylinders at high

    pressure. &ylinder is blac.

    Acetylene (&010) is a fuel gas. &annot be compressed directly as

    explodes at high pressures.

    &ylinders are paced with porous material which is filled withacetone.

    Acetone absorbs acetylene. &ylinder colour coded maroon

  • 7/25/2019 2 Gas Welding


    Gas 2ressure ,egulators

    One gauge indicates the pressure of the cylinder and the

    other indicates the pressure in the supply pipe to the torch.

  • 7/25/2019 2 Gas Welding


    Welding torch

    Oxygen and acetylene are deli*ered to the torch by separate hoses.

    3ach gas is controlled by a *al*e on the torch.

    The two gases mix in the torch and after they are ignited burn at

    the no//le.

    4ixer 5eedle *al*es

  • 7/25/2019 2 Gas Welding


    +lashbac Arrestors

    These are positioned on both the fuel gas and oxygen

    supply between the hose and the regulator. Their purpose

    is to pre*ent the return of a flame through the hose into

    the regulator.

  • 7/25/2019 2 Gas Welding


    +iller ,ods and fluxes

    +iller rods are used when additional filler metal is re6uired in the

    weld area they come in different diameters.

    +luxes protect the weld pool from contamination by oxygen andnitrogen they are normally in paste form placed on a heated

    filler rod before welding begins

  • 7/25/2019 2 Gas Welding


    'angers of OAW

    The combination of acetylene and oxygen is highly

    flammable and the en*ironment in which OAW is performed

    is therefore ha/ardous.

    ome of the dangers relate specifically to the acetylene.

    1) Pure C2H2 is a clrless! drless gas"

    olution7 +or safety reasons commercial acetylene isprocessed to ha*e a characteristic garlic odor.

  • 7/25/2019 2 Gas Welding


    'angers of OAW

    2) One # t$e p$ysical limitatins # t$e gas is t$at it is

    unstable at pressures muc$ ab%e 1 atm &'"1 (Pa).

    lutin7 Accordingly acetylene storage cylinders are pacedwith a porous filler material (such as asbestos balsa wood and

    other materials) saturated with acetone (&1"&O&1").

    Acetylene dissol*es in li6uid acetone8 in fact acetone dissol*es

    about 09 times its own *olume of acetylene thus pro*iding arelati*ely safe means of storing this welding gas.

  • 7/25/2019 2 Gas Welding


    2lease study the

    ad*antages and

    disad*antages from*ideo