1st material introduction to literature

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Post on 06-Jul-2018




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  • 8/17/2019 1st Material Introduction to Literature


  • 8/17/2019 1st Material Introduction to Literature


  • 8/17/2019 1st Material Introduction to Literature


    The aims of literature learningTo widen our knowledge and visions to

    understand more about some greatliterary works, famous authors, and theirthought" $t will also make us get

    ac#uainted with their ideas, their feelings,and their attitudes towards life, man,nature and %od"

  • 8/17/2019 1st Material Introduction to Literature


    The aims of literature learning$t is a means of transformation, that is, indirectly it

    may lead the wrong back to the right path although

    not all literary works are preaching and morali&ing"$nstances' !emingway’s The old man and the sea,ickens’s Oliver twist , )hakespeare’s Hamlet ,

    %eorge *liot’s Silas Marner , +onathan )wift’sGullivers’s Travel, )tevenson’s Treasure Island andscar wilde’s Happy prince"


  • 8/17/2019 1st Material Introduction to Literature


  • 8/17/2019 1st Material Introduction to Literature


  • 8/17/2019 1st Material Introduction to Literature


  • 8/17/2019 1st Material Introduction to Literature


  • 8/17/2019 1st Material Introduction to Literature


    The aims of literature learning1iterature helps us to be (become more

    realistic, mature, wise and humane" $thelps understand human values,sentiments, interests and problems" $tbrings us closer to other human beings ofthe same or different nationalities,cultures, human values etc" we becomemore tolerant, balanced and fuller"

  • 8/17/2019 1st Material Introduction to Literature


    What’s English literature?6arrow sense' anything that is written'

    time tables, play’s dialogues, te7tbooks,travel brochures and so on"8road sense' The writing or the study of

    *nglish books, etc valued as works of art(drama, fiction, essays, poetry, biography,contrasted with technical books and

     journalism"it commonly refers to 8ritish

    and American literature"

  • 8/17/2019 1st Material Introduction to Literature


    1iterary genres

  • 8/17/2019 1st Material Introduction to Literature


    The nature of  good literature

    %ood literature must seem lifelike and

    meaningful" it is caused by its focus on

    the central themes of all literature' life,

    truth, justice and love"


  • 8/17/2019 1st Material Introduction to Literature


    The nature of good literatureThe originality of the works of art"

    $nstances' Hamlet  and Machbeth werereal historical characters but then)hakespeare by his craftsmanship andstyle made out of these old figures andstories in a new and fascinating light"

  • 8/17/2019 1st Material Introduction to Literature


    The nature of  good literature$t should be life9enhancing" :atthew

    Arnold said about poetry as a criticism oflife" Andre harjana says,0literature dealswith the the awakeing of mentalconscience and inner selfinsight0(;'"

  • 8/17/2019 1st Material Introduction to Literature


    ome theories of Literature

    ;" imitative theory" e7pressive theory@" affective theory

  • 8/17/2019 1st Material Introduction to Literature


    Imitati!e or "mimetic# theor$This theory holds that art is an imitation

    of something" $n his -oetics, Aristotle(@=9@ 8" says, that a tragedy is animitation of an action that is serious andcomplete" it is not ;BBC imitation but a

     /re9creation0 or /re9presentation0"

  • 8/17/2019 1st Material Introduction to Literature


    The E%pressi!e theor$This theory holds that the artist is not essentially

    an imitator but a man who e7presses his feelings"According to william wordsworth, /poetry is thespontaneous overflow of powerful feelings and /the poet’s job is to treat things 6T A) T!*A3*""but as they seem to e7ist to the sense, thepassion"0 more than that it is an effort to pluckthe blindfold from our eyes and melt the icearound our heart" $t will deepen our sensibilities"

  • 8/17/2019 1st Material Introduction to Literature


    Affecti!e theor$Affective theory insists that the aim is not

    to induce a temporary emotional state"8ut to induce emotional state that willlead to action" 1eo Tolstoy said thatemotion is not an end but a means"Ale7ander -ope said that the aim or art isto reform those whom it touches"