1961-62_ v2,n02_coryphaeus

ARTS AND SCIENCE INITIATIONS “Construction begins on new building”. “Female Frosh parts happily with trophies of a successful Initiation”. ARTS AND SCIENCE INITIATIONS It has been almost two weeks since the completion of the initiation program for Arts and Science frosh. We did not report it before because this is our first edition of this year and no one felt like scooping his own little blurb. We are report- ing it now for various reasons: We assume the majority of the frosh will be like the staff of this paper and save every issue as long as you live, so with this in mind wouldn’t it be nice to have some sort of a retard of your achievements? Your initi- ation will probably not be the highest point of your University career (though with some it’s debatable) but nevertheless it should have some place in fu- ture conversation. To aid your already dimming memories we submit an informal record of your experiences. On Monday night the 25th of September some 150 frosh suit- ably clad in pyjamas descended on King St. with a multitude of pails, brushes and wieners. Their aim was to clean the sdde- walks, wash the signs and meas- ure the wiener lengths in a city block. On the whole, the citizens were quite tolerant except for one callous type who reduced a freshette to the point of tears by crushing her frankfurter un- derfoot. The group was greeted on the city hall steps by the council and Mayor Meinzinger who gave a short political speech to the effect that a new brewing company was soon to be built in K-W town and that we should hope for its com- pletion. There was also some- thing to the effect that we would be able to partake there- of and so forth. The speech was so relevant that no one in the c r o w d caught its signifi- cance. To crown the evening, one enterprising young miss, whose sales record had obvious- ly gone to her head, attempted to sell his worship some toilet paper. Her luck held because apparently it was the mayor’s brand and he bought some. Tuesday night introduced a completely constructive phase of the initiation, the attelmpt to sell athletic tickets to the K-W public. Either the salesmen had a very poor pitch or the K-W citizens had a very high sales resistance because the results were not encouraging. Wednesday night was perhaps the most fun for the frosh be- cause the list for t>e scavenger hunt was long and many of the items presented a real chal- lenge. One item called for a drunken freshman (double points for a freshette) and from an engineer’s viewpoint, had one been there, the results were poor. There was a grand total of two genuinely sick girls and 5 or 6 unconvincing actors. One popular item was a bale of hay because a number were brought in. There then arose the problem of disposing of this cow food but it was easily solved. Some enterprising type suggest- ed that a junior’s VW looked very much like a garbage can. Need we say mare. Pardon the pun, but the bon- fire on Thursday night was a roaring success. Anything that wasn’t nailed down was tossed on the pile. At great expense LOOFES LEARN n n n COWARDS DIE MANY TIMES BEFORE THEIR DEATH; BRAVE MEN DIE BUT ONCE. This, is a fitting epithet t)ol ap- ply bo the, Lolofes who survived Hell Week. My congratulations are offereld for the excellent performancle this1 w’eek, Lolofes, and welclolme toi the University of Waterlolo but welcoime es- plecially into the Faculty of En- gineering. Hell Week, this year, has, bieen the moist interestinlg to dabe. It has &monstrlated once again that thie aophs are really frus- trateld anid s!aldistic. Tbe Initi- atiofn was received with g??elat enthusiasm bly everyone. Even WaterEolo’s finest wiere anxious1 to jolin in. I’m sure, hoiwever, that no harm wa.s dlolne biy en- --Shakespeare. suring thlat all Lolofe,s were properly groomed. It wasI educational tolo; after all holw many could “roll their olwn” before this welek? Th)ink holw you’ll impress your girl friend as you doi as in the “He-man We,sternis”. Then tboo, tholsz Loofes that visited thalt fine arts college in S. Western, Ont,ario must have receiveId a truly fine education. I hear’ that the Loofes introduced to d o m e s t i c life didn’t colmpEain once. The danlce tonight will be a denouement to the activities of the week. Well Loiofes, hloiw did you like it? some gasoline was purchased to soak the pile. Moments later the flames were roaring sky- ward. The attempts to pick a queen met with failure because many of the girls thought the evening was about to have a Joan of Arc type ending. After cokes and donuts, everyone went on an excursion through the back campus and; up into thle woods. The blin!dfolded frosh said that the trees were not bad nor were the fences but those car bumpers gave one a nasty crack. The iinal phase of the pro- gram was the dance on Friday night and by some weird stroke of good luck the music was ac- tually danceable. Fast friend- ships were formed and if they were not then they should have been. This perhaps is the most important role of an initiation and we feel that this end has been achieved. UNIVERSITY STUDENT COUNCIL MEETING by Peter Shantz. The University Student’s C’ouncil be4d its: inaugural meet- ing Wedneadia y , Octolblelr 4th. Prior to the opeaing of official bustinfess, Council was presented with the resligniation of its\ Presi- identi-Elect, Paul Dirksen, (Sci- ence III). In view of this un,- fortunate cirlcum,stance, it wlas agreeId after considera,ble dis- cusaion that Vice - Presddent- Elecit P’aul Kolch (Eng. IV), and hisi runining-mbate from the su,m- rnle’r-winter term, Rich Hamil- ton (Enig. ), would aissume the Presidlent’s poaitioln folr the fosthcolming wholo year. In view of the studen.t ploplula- tion in each of the various1 facul- ties and affiliated colleges, vot- ing represenitation on Council for the curreat yelar will beI as follows: Arts 1, Scieace 1, En- gineering 4, St. Jerome’s 2. A list oif official represej&atives will be available! later. EVENTS THIS WEEK Friday, October 13, 1961 7:00 p.m. Kangaroo Kourt Seagram 8:OO p.m. Freshmen Dance, with Scott Cameron, Stadium Disc Jockey, Pep Rally, meet the Warriors Saturday, Qctober 14, 1961 2:00 p.m. Football-Carlelton University vs. University of Waterloo Warriors Seagram Stadium 9:00 p.m. Dance - Victory Dance - George Kadwell Trio Seagram Stadium Sunday, October 15, 1961 - NOTICE - TO-DAY IS THE LAST DAY This is the last day for YOU to be included in the 1961-62 Student Directory. Information concerning local address and phone number, and home address must be in the hands of the Registrar’s Office before the above date. Remember, yolu could be left out of this year’s Directory. So, for the benefit of all, we suggest that you comply with the above. Again, the Closing Date is TODAY, Friday, Oct. 13, 1961. YANKSAND REDS BATTLE That’s baseball, son; relax. The war hasn’t started yet. Appointments for the various non-voting plolsitionls oln Coun,cil were polstpo;nled olne week in the hope that the various faculty repsesentativels present at the meelting would interest polssi- ble caindidates in these posi- tions. PositionIs toi be filled in,- elude : Execu,tive Secreitary, Executive Trea,swrer, melmbless for the Social, Student Union, Judicial, and Finance Colmmit- tees, NFCUS repres:enta,tives, and Chlairman of the Board of PublicationIs. At this pinit, the chairman announced that Council ha,d a balnk btalance of $748.44 at th,e end of the previous1 school yeiar. There was, thlen appolinted a Constitutioln Committele to sur- vey the curren,t Counicil Consl”,i- tujtio,n, ratified earlier this yejar bly the studenit body, blefoire pre- senting it to the Board of Gov- ernors for thleir approval. This Committee was alslof requested tlo audit the con\stiitutionsi of all faculty Student Coun,cilsl and sltudent organizatioas oa earn- pus, bleforel preslentation of such cons!titutioss folr appr’oval of the Sltudent Council. In this respect, the Council authlorized this re- ploirtelr toi ilnform t,hle variows’ un- dielrgraduatie student organiza- tioas on campus that limited fun!ds are currently available in the folrm of special granittsl to such organiizaitioms. It was plaint- ed out that, befolre receiving such a grant, the a:ude~nt organi- zatioln colncelrned would have to be consititutionally approlved by the Studeet C~ounlcil. Members of the Colnstitution Commitltee inlcludle : Paul Koch, Evans, Doug Dolug MacIn&h, Petie!r Sbalnltz, Rich Hamilton, an,d oi,e St. Jerome’s representatives. Nick Hathway (Eng. IV) di,s- cus8sed the forfihcoming WA4 WA WEE, ouC,lining thle details, of th’e weleker,id for Corun,cil ap- proval. The weekend, bleing splons;olred by the Engineering Society, eolmmlences with a danice tot-night (Octtober 13th) at the gym. See you theIre! Thie next meetinig was schfed- uled folr Wednesld’ay, Octolber llth, at 7:00 P.M. U of W to Provide Engineering Courses for African Students The University of Water- loo will provide tuition schol- arships for six of the 80 African students which the African Students Founda- tion plans to fly to Canada Cont’d Page 2

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9:00 p.m. Dance - Victory Dance - George Kadwell Trio This is the last day for YOU to be included in the 1961-62 Student Directory. Information concerning local address and phone number, and home address must be in the hands of the Registrar’s Office before the above date. Remember, yolu could be left out of this year’s Directory. So, for the benefit of all, we suggest that you comply with the above. Again, the Closing Date is TODAY, Friday, Oct. 13, 1961. Sunday, October 15, 1961 ’


Page 1: 1961-62_ v2,n02_Coryphaeus

ARTS AND SCIENCE INITIATIONS “Construction begins on new building”.

“Female Frosh parts happily with trophies of a successful


ARTS AND SCIENCE INITIATIONS It has been almost two weeks

since the completion of the initiation program for Arts and Science frosh. We did not report it before because this is our first edition of this year and no one felt like scooping his own little blurb. We are report- ing it now for various reasons: We assume the majority of the frosh will be like the staff of this paper and save every issue as long as you live, so with this in mind wouldn’t it be nice to have some sort of a retard of your achievements? Your initi- ation will probably not be the highest point of your University career (though with some it’s debatable) but nevertheless it should have some place in fu- ture conversation. To aid your already dimming memories we submit an informal record of your experiences.

On Monday night the 25th of September some 150 frosh suit- ably clad in pyjamas descended on King St. with a multitude of pails, brushes and wieners. Their aim was to clean the sdde- walks, wash the signs and meas- ure the wiener lengths in a city block. On the whole, the citizens were quite tolerant except for one callous type who reduced a freshette to the point of tears by crushing her frankfurter un- derfoot. The group was greeted on the city hall steps by the council and Mayor Meinzinger who gave a short political speech to the effect that a new brewing company was soon to be built in K-W town and that we should hope for its com- pletion. There was also some- thing to the effect that we

would be able to partake there- of and so forth. The speech was so relevant that no one in the c r o w d caught its signifi- cance. To crown the evening, one enterprising young miss, whose sales record had obvious- ly gone to her head, attempted to sell his worship some toilet paper. Her luck held because apparently it was the mayor’s brand and he bought some.

Tuesday night introduced a completely constructive phase of the initiation, the attelmpt to sell athletic tickets to the K-W public. Either the salesmen had a very poor pitch or the K-W citizens had a very high sales resistance because the results were not encouraging.

Wednesday night was perhaps the most fun for the frosh be- cause the list for t>e scavenger hunt was long and many of the items presented a real chal- lenge. One item called for a drunken freshman (double points for a freshette) and from an engineer’s viewpoint, had one been there, the results were poor. There was a grand total of two genuinely sick girls and 5 or 6 unconvincing actors. One popular item was a bale of hay because a number were brought in. There then arose the problem of disposing of this cow food but it was easily solved. Some enterprising type suggest- ed that a junior’s VW looked very much like a garbage can. Need we say mare.

Pardon the pun, but the bon- fire on Thursday night was a roaring success. Anything that wasn’t nailed down was tossed on the pile. At great expense



This, is a fitting epithet t)ol ap- ply bo the, Lolofes who survived Hell Week. My congratulations are offereld for the excellent performancle this1 w’eek, Lolofes, and welclolme toi the University of Waterlolo but welcoime es- plecially into the Faculty of En- gineering.

Hell Week, this year, has, bieen the moist interestinlg to dabe. It has &monstrlated once again that thie aophs are really frus- trateld anid s!aldistic. Tbe Initi- atiofn was received with g??elat enthusiasm bly everyone. Even WaterEolo’s finest wiere anxious1 to jolin in. I’m sure, hoiwever, that no harm wa.s dlolne biy en-


suring thlat all Lolofe,s were properly groomed. It wasI educational tolo; after all holw many could “roll their olwn” before this welek? Th)ink holw you’ll impress your girl friend as you doi as in the “He-man We,sternis”. Then tboo, tholsz Loofes that visited thalt fine arts college in S. Western, Ont,ario must have receiveId a truly fine education. I hear’ that the Loofes introduced to d o m e s t i c life didn’t colmpEain once.

The danlce tonight will be a denouement to the activities of the week.

Well Loiofes, hloiw did you like it?

some gasoline was purchased to soak the pile. Moments later the flames were roaring sky- ward. The attempts to pick a queen met with failure because many of the girls thought the evening was about to have a Joan of Arc type ending. After cokes and donuts, everyone went on an excursion through the back campus and; up into thle woods. The blin!dfolded frosh said that the trees were not bad nor were the fences but those car bumpers gave one a nasty crack.

The iinal phase of the pro- gram was the dance on Friday night and by some weird stroke of good luck the music was ac- tually danceable. Fast friend- ships were formed and if they were not then they should have been. This perhaps is the most important role of an initiation and we feel that this end has been achieved.


The University Student’s C’ouncil be4d its: inaugural meet- ing Wedneadia y , Octolblelr 4th. Prior to the opeaing of official bustinfess, Council was presented with the resligniation of its\ Presi- identi-Elect, Paul Dirksen, (Sci- ence III). In view of this un,- fortunate cirlcum,stance, it wlas agreeId after considera,ble dis- cusaion that Vice - Presddent- Elecit P’aul Kolch (Eng. IV), and hisi runining-mbate from the su,m- rnle’r-winter term, Rich Hamil- ton (Enig. ), would aissume the Presidlent’s poaitioln folr the fosthcolming wholo year.

In view of the studen.t ploplula- tion in each of the various1 facul- ties and affiliated colleges, vot- ing represenitation on Council for the curreat yelar will beI as follows: Arts 1, Scieace 1, En- gineering 4, St. Jerome’s 2. A list oif official represej&atives will be available! later.

EVENTS THIS WEEK Friday, October 13, 1961

7:00 p.m. Kangaroo Kourt Seagram

8:OO p.m. Freshmen Dance, with Scott Cameron, Stadium Disc Jockey, Pep Rally, meet the Warriors

Saturday, Qctober 14, 1961

2:00 p.m. Football-Carlelton University vs. University of Waterloo Warriors

Seagram Stadium

9:00 p.m. Dance - Victory Dance - George Kadwell Trio

Seagram Stadium

Sunday, October 15, 1961


This is the last day for YOU to be included in the 1961-62 Student Directory. Information concerning local address and phone number, and home address must be in the hands of the Registrar’s Office before the above date.

Remember, yolu could be left out of this year’s Directory. So, for the benefit of all, we suggest that you comply with the above.

Again, the Closing Date is TODAY, Friday, Oct. 13, 1961.

YANKS AND REDS BATTLE That’s baseball, son; relax. The war hasn’t started yet.

Appointments for the various non-voting plolsitionls oln Coun,cil were polstpo;nled olne week in the hope that the various faculty repsesentativels present at the meelting would interest polssi- ble caindidates in these posi- tions. PositionIs toi be filled in,- elude : Execu,tive Secreitary, Executive Trea,swrer, melmbless for the Social, Student Union, Judicial, and Finance Colmmit- tees, NFCUS repres:enta,tives, and Chlairman of the Board of PublicationIs.

At this pinit, the chairman announced that Council ha,d a balnk btalance of $748.44 at th,e end of the previous1 school yeiar.

There was, thlen appolinted a Constitutioln Committele to sur- vey the curren,t Counicil Consl”,i- tujtio,n, ratified earlier this yejar bly the studenit body, blefoire pre- senting it to the Board of Gov- ernors for thleir approval. This Committee was alslof requested tlo audit the con\stiitutionsi of all faculty Student Coun,cilsl and sltudent organizatioas oa earn- pus, bleforel preslentation of such cons!titutioss folr appr’oval of the Sltudent Council. In this respect, the Council authlorized this re- ploirtelr toi ilnform t,hle variows’ un- dielrgraduatie student organiza- tioas on campus that limited fun!ds are currently available in the folrm of special granittsl to such organiizaitioms. It was plaint- ed out that, befolre receiving such a grant, the a:ude~nt organi- zatioln colncelrned would have to be consititutionally approlved by the Studeet C~ounlcil. Members of the Colnstitution Commitltee inlcludle : Paul Koch, Evans,

Doug Dolug MacIn&h, Petie!r

Sbalnltz, Rich Hamilton, an,d oi,e St. Jerome’s representatives.

Nick Hathway (Eng. IV) di,s- cus8sed the forfihcoming WA4 WA WEE, ouC,lining thle details, of th’e weleker,id for Corun,cil ap- proval. The weekend, bleing splons;olred by the Engineering Society, eolmmlences with a danice tot-night (Octtober 13th) at the gym. See you theIre!

Thie next meetinig was schfed- uled folr Wednesld’ay, Octolber llth, at 7:00 P.M.

U of W to Provide Engineering Courses for African Students

The University of Water- loo will provide tuition schol- arships for six of the 80 African students which the African Students Founda- tion plans to fly to Canada

Cont’d Page 2

Page 2: 1961-62_ v2,n02_Coryphaeus

Page 2 The CORYPHAEUS, FRIDAY, OCT. 13, 1961

The CORYPHAEUS Published by the undergraduate student body of the University of Waterloo, under the authorization of the acting Board of Publications. Publications! Office, Annex 2, The University of Waterloo, Phone SH 5-0571 and SH 3-2681. The opiniolns expressed herein represent the freedom of expression of a respoasible, autonomous society.

Editor-in-Chief: Wallace M. Krawczyk Associate Editor: Brendan O’Connor

Managing Editor: Jim Stewart Feature Editor: Sandra Sanders News Editor: Earlby Wakefield

Arts Editor: George Welsh Science Editor: Joe Mazur

Engineering Editor: Adrian Weerheim Sports: John Stirrat

Lewis Taylor

Sports Parade * * * * *

FOOTBALL. . . . . .

On Saturday, Sept. 30, the Warriors played their first game -again& O’ttawa University. The score, 26-7, was’ not really a true indication of the play as the Warriors, due to lack of experience together, went dolwn to a 20-O deficit by half -time. A blocked kick by Ottawa resulted in a touchdo’wn and they also capitalized on several Waterloo fumblles. An early game injury to John Cruikshank and dismissal to Mike Doyle resulted in the Warriors 10~s~ of two first string tackleIs. The Warriors sholwed a much improved team in the second half and outscored the opposition 7-6.

RUGGER . . . . . . . On Monday, Oct. 9, O.A.C. returned to Waterloo to avenge

their loss to the fololtball Warriors by soundly trouncing the rugger Warriors 40-O. The Warriors played well but were out- numbered and outplayed by a goiod team from O.A.C.

Last Friday night at Seagram Stadium, the University of Waterloo Warriors polsted a dramatic 13-7 come-from-behind victory over the O.A.C. Redmen bly recovering a fumble in the end zone for the game-winning touchdown.

The victory, besides. being the Warriors’ initial win in two outings this campaign, was their first vi&ry over the Redmen in five years of league competition.

The Redmen took the lead on a 27-yard single by Pete Bright and later in the first period added an unconverted touch- down on a pass from Gil Farmer toI end Dave Hume.

From there the Warriors took olver and could have won by a greater margin except for two dropped touchdown passes in the Guelph end zone. The Redmen also averted further scoring by exceptional punting by Bright - an average of 44.3 yards on twelve kicks.

After the half-time break, during which the St. John’s College Girls Drum and Bugle Corps entertaineld, the Warriors finally hit the score sheet. Halfback Jock Tindale climaxed a Y5-yard Warrior march downfield by driving over right tackle from the one-yard for an unconverted major to make the score 7-?

In the fourth quarter, O.A.C. recovered a fumble by Tindale on the Waterloo 17-yard line bcut Tindale intercepted a pass two plays later to redeem himself.

On the next play, Bob Benedetti galloped 72 yards to the Guelph 8-yard line to set up the game-winning score.


On Tuesday evening the firlst Engineering Soiciety meetin’g of this term was held. Business was not ratified because of in- sufficient atteadance.

Items covereld were : Advertisting anId news! cover-

age of initiation .activities and the Floa,t Parade on Saturday.

The neted fos someone to c’o- ordinate the upcoming danices, th)is Wa Wa Wee, and perhaps all future1 Grey an,d Gold ,d,anlces . R,equireld for this polsitioa is a responnaible eagineleir who’ will ble in control of tables, decor- actions, clean up, refreshmems, doormen and music.

Electionsl will be held nlext welek for a new First Vice-pres- ideint , a Se oond Vic e-pse sidenit and a Treasurer for the Engi- neering Society. Noimirmtions started Wednesday and will bie open until tonight ait 5 : 00 P.M. Messrs. Nick Hathaway, Earl Fagin, Gordon Stirling will ac- cept the noiminations . Cam- paigning will be d/one the be- ginning of next week.

Three repres’entatives were appointed to) represent th,e Fac- ulty of Enginee,ring at the next meeting of th,e Student Council on Weldnesda y nighIt. The rep- resentatives are Nick Hatha- way, Dave Rumpel and Bill Mc Kibben.

All further bus’iness was h’eld over because of insufficient at- bend~ance at the meeting.

AFRICAN STUDENTS COURSE Cont’d. this fall. The students will enrol in the university’s co- operative engineering pro- gram. Employment has al- ready been obtained for four of the six students during +fsr off -campus training per-

The African Students Foundation, with headquar- ters in Toronto, is composed of an enthusiastic group of young professional- people who feel that Canada has a role to play in helping the new countries of Afr ca to train business and political leaders, educators, engineers and scientists in order to develop these new nations. Goal of the foundation is to raise funds for the airlifting of students to Canada and to make arrangements with Canadian universities and industry for their education and training.






ZQuestion of the Week ?

SCIENCE SOCIETY tora>e, the B o a r d of Publica- tions, and the S’tudleat’s Council.

of the U of W. Chaperoning the activities1 of the Society isI the faculty ad- visor, Prof. Woolford.

Representing the sltudentsr of the Facculty 08 Science on1 caim- pus is the Science Society. The Society exists to’ prolmolte the intetrests of the Faculty by be- ing the official mleanisi of liaison betweein Univ(ersity auth.orities alnd the studelnt bmody .

This year’s Christmfas Formal will be m&r the clolmblined di- rection of the Science and Arts Societies\.

The Science Coiuacil is th,e govermng bloldy of the Solcielty .

I In executive poslitions are: Prea- ident-Doug: Evans ; Vice-presi- denIt-Jlohm Braun; Trelasurer- Horst Wohlgemut ; Secreltary- Beth Koch.

It is impo’rtant th,at, the student of the Science Faculty be awalre of his rep’resentaltion in campus governm~ent. Not only alwareness is necessary, hlowever. Thetre ‘must be an a(ctive intereslt in the activities promloted by the Society and a willingn~ess to suplplort its prlo- jects.

Voting melmb,eirs of th,e Coun- cil are the Counicil vice-president This Friday will give studems

and the year represenaatives. the opportunity to1 show their

Replresentatioa by each year is apkit of support. Help is needed

made up of the president and to mlake the float piaraldfe ai SIUC-

vice-presidenit who1 are elelcted cess. Thelre will be one flolat

by the melmblersl of their respec- made by the freshmen and one

tive years. mlaide by the othe’r years1 of the Faculty.

Various organizatioa,s hlave non-voting representatives on the cro~uncil, such as the Undergrad’- uate Solciety, the Athletic Direc-

So float on dolwn to th,e parade grounds and lend a hand with the flolalta. Let everyone s;ele the value of Scientific Melthods.

WHY HAVE PARKING PERMITS BEEN CUT DOWN? I have no doubt many students consider the parking

l egulatioas that we have been folrced to initiate this year as :olmpletely unnecessary. Right now only female students and ;hose studems in their final year are allowed toI have permits, and vhen the lot belhind the Engineering building is surfaced, there mill only be enough room to extend student parking to Fourth irear Engineers

This seems ridiculous to1 solme when the University is sitting m about 200 acres elf land. However 25 of these acres have already seen deeded to the colleges who) are soon to join us on campus. This, plus the necessary green acres and boundary strips adds up ;o 45 acres, which brings the total acreage remaining down to 155. 3ut of this 155 acres must coNme space for the Campus Centre, so we are left with about 110 to 120 acres which we can use for Building.

By 1980 there is expected to be 8,000 registered students, Jf which perhaps 6,000 will be on campus at any one time. About Eifty percent of these students will have cars, which means there will be 3,000 cars to park. Add toi this 1,000 faculty and staff cars and 500 cars belonging to visitors, and the total co’mes to 4,500 :ars. Each car Irequires about 300 square feet of parking space, ~(0 that if we were to prolvide space folr all 4,500, we would have to set aside 30 acres for parking - twenty-five percent of the total space we have for building. One quarter of the campus would be cement. Since this is impolssible we have toI lower the bolom, and now is the time before too many precedents are set.

There is nolthing more fatal tlo parking than to issue permits :o mo,re cars than there is splace to accolmmodate.

When the Arts building is complete it will have a lot for 30 cars-making it even larger than the lot for the Physics and Mathematics building, which holds 72 cars. Even so, some of the Eaculty and staff members will have to park in the Physics lot. This is intentional, since, besides the argument of our carefully ,vorked out figures (the above is just a sketch) there is the important consideration of the aestheltics of the campus. We are irying to dress up this area with a lake, terraces and a Campus Centre. Our campus is expected to be at least oae of the most b’eaultiful in Canada. This is so’mething to ble valued very highly.

There is also the factor of cost. To asphalt any area costs $70 a car. As long as we doa’t use the available parking space over at Seagram Stadium, we aIre not. ju,stified in sIpending more money on parking.

-We will obviously have to provide more space for cars, but where to plut them and when is a problem. I would personally like to see space evenltually provided so)mewhere near the junction elf Dearborn Street and Westmolunt Road, but if we built there now it would be about as popular as Seagram’s. Anolther possibility that has been thought of, is that we might be able to buy land in the vicinity of the University and devote it to car parking.

I hope I have been able to give solme indication ob the amount of careful tholught that has’ gone into the planning of our grounds. Quite naturally the space and money we have to work with, plus the consideration of the beauty of the campus, coNme befo\re parking space, although the latter has received more than its share elf attention. The parking problem hasI to be fitted into the o,verall probllem of planning. I’m slure when everyone realizes this, they will co-operate fully with the University of which we are all a part.

E. M. BROOKES, Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds (The above is a paraphrase of Mr. Brookes’ answer, and migk.t therefore not do full justice to the many points he had to make.)

The Advertising Bureau has need of advertising salesmen. This is a chance to meet people and can be quite rewarding to persons with appropriate interests. Also to be colnsidered in this respect is an 8% colmmission on all sales.

We still need people fo’r 01u.r Circulatio~n Deplartment. This department handles the addressing and mailing of papers toI the out-quarter engineers. This, as we all know from experience, has been rather sporadic in the past. Let’s see what we can do this time.

We can use more help anywhere on the paper and especially welcome anyone who can write a grammatical E!nglish sentence (preferably a coherent series of them).

Last, not least, we need articulate readers;. Let us know what you think of the paper, what you feel it lacks, or even, we hope, what you like about it. The mailbox is across the hall from the Cot-ordination Department, on the s,econd floor of the Physics building.

For further information on any of the above, contact anyone wholse name appears on the masthead or such people as Gord Van Fleet, Peter Shantz or Murray French.