1960 february engineers news - home - oe31960 february engineers news - home - oe3 ... m 39

STA· TIONARY ENGI· NEERS : LOCAL' - 39 I ·- I ' . ·, i FEBRUARY,-1960 · of ·• Alternates tO 26th Convention" IUOE N. J. CARMAN,· b1t.ernational Supervisor ·If not stfspended for: .- non-payme nt ci(dues as of Febr uary 1, 1960, you wilf :e or have rece,iv'ed)n the mail your ballot to be voted , by you in the ·el ect ion- of delegates-: and alte r- nate s to the -26th Internat ion al Convention of the Internatio.J.ial Union of Operatin g · . Your ba llot was : sent tci your address on the records ' of the · Local Union as of February·- 1, 1950. . '_ .•. I ·. . . - 1. Vote foi· no more . than 46 Here - Are Cand. idates for _ Delenates : - · · · of Ore Candidates of. Alte' rnate-s 26th lnt[ .. Convention . - choice. If 'yOtl vote f9l' more , . _ . . . . . . \ . . than ' 46 Camtidates; your ))al· (Listed aphahetically; ju st as they appear on tile baUot} - lot is ' . Da rr e ll Atlen ·.Don c'. Johnson · Z. yoin· marked V · - Heddi ng -- .t.w envelo,Pe marked "E Lou Ira N. Jo nes 'LOT ENVELOPE." oakland 3. the " BALLOT Busi ries s Re present ati ve Sidney J. Jordan · . . 1 . in .. tile "BUSI NESS R b j: B 1 . - silo v.el 'operator, San .Jose - . 1 R 'EPLY """N VELOPJE." . ·. 0 er+ · · oaei1 Don Kinchloe · , _ n · Fran A. awr en . ce · address and register numbe r n Diks);_. F.lelp . &. E:><e·c., Bo .ar:ct .. 1_ Sign your !]lame. with ·' Altie ''_ Curley ." Brodose Industrial Accide nt Commissioner · 1 ft - d uic' L "'Aell[l>ciB '' . ' h. t "T h' c · . 1" .. + t k l e< .fl., o.r lll ·· t.• e upp, er ,: e - han i'l i:t · o"i! a. . IS ·\ 'i ·a ·._ Of115 Cf( apa-r,men I( n Br s - · '"'- '"' "S REPLY ld 1 ., . d I I h h I f G e 00 - . Mar vsv i! le of the i. . ' b_ ui ing wi _ · be : a+ Clav,- a_n <J ones, w itn t_ e_ e p ,0 two . er- Dist .. - -Rep . ' &. El< eC. Board Membe r H - ld ' l . . "'N"TDT op ' E ,, . - Jack R: Brown , aro ew 1s· 0.. v b.!.J : . extension cranes which - can sw ing •. the almost Vallejo Business R ep resentative - 5. Mail the "BU . SINESS REP . LY for a .. 17- story building. Operating . Engineers · Clare nce BrJJne r -. Jack Uo' y. d , . ENVELOPE" with your signa- pil,ot the "liebhe r,r"' c rahe 'w ith pushbutt_ons: and telepho,es in . Ex. ec. Board .Me mb er _, . .Me rr rbe r,S : F. - _ ture, address and- . register - th:e ' glass . cab out from'. Pa<;:if ic erecting a seco nd, T. D. Bry:.o n . 1 . lll' lll'""'r 0 · 11 1 · •,·- . N r 0 _ is I h d f h b ld N h h . Ret ired I Repre.sent.ative, Oa kland ' Ex ecutive B oa,·d ·· Membe r ' '-l'v v s' ,lmi ar , ,e.r en o_ t e ui .ing. ote _' ow .' tI,S one R "II b" L . d · · B. -R. "Renpy'' Burroughs'. · · o. o" . yon.s · reqmre Pl.l: shes, its way up thr\l se. con,d Ho or .. Bay bridge .. can ; b.e seen d h " c b tl Exec:.;tive Bo ard Membe t' I ' ' IMPOR'fANT in backc:ir.outid·, and , a .ryrot9r cra ne rs on Jhe street b' elow. Oh, Bernar , "W amp e . Dale . San Franc is co . By, Laws C omm ittee Memb e.r- , 1. Your - wm not be CO.Uilt · ye _ s, if these· apartment s will sell for from M. D. "Wingy'' Ciiff Martin ed if >'Oi.Jr shmature is nat (}ll . $.4Q;OOO to $ 125,0QO:.; . - ._;--. }·c -. · Red. ding · Redding j the "l3USI;.J·BSS RERLY EN· L. McCtiP>fock . ! u - 0 . - r o · . IRIQR\...IORS E'xee . - . San . Francisco . . I . ,. ·":' · . - t · nAt!t· ., .. . _ l -. iiU · _ lawrenGe _.- La rr y C .a:pman Ned McC o-ll ey 2. wm coun- - fi · rt\VIb_ . DlkVV - R b 1 -;,B b" Ch · t - : - ed ' if,._, .&H vote foi· "nwre than · - - -- o ed . o · r1s- ty, -' Top honors this month -go to the Brothers a' ncl their families Exec. Board Member, Marysvil le - Geo r ge c. "Mac" r.J icFadden 46 Caildidates, ' in the Redding district who donated approximately 55 . pints of T-om l. .Chr isty . Ex ec ut ive Bo ard Me mbe r - 3. Your ballot wm U{}t be count- blood! If an the ' members . in the various . districts ·wo uld cont ribute Oak l and Bob Mcleltand ed. if it is received 'in the mail th at work ' _is slow, · and they Iiave the ti.me, our membeni and_ AI C!em ._ . - -, Grievance Committe,e lember <>.f't,,el · lO · .rio ;..'clock A. M., Feb· · F.ina ., cial Secty. & Ass ist. Manager . Pa ul N: [,Ailes .. v_ -.::. ir families in every i:Hst1 ·iel; . could sure there ·was blood S am P. ' Cobu rn · · sacramento rmity 29' , 19, SO. , ) available for them in case of sickness or acci dent . Call your dis- Stockton Be rt on ·-----'---'--- trict office to inake an appoin tment! . , Wa yne Colema n Oakland G1·ievance Comm itt ee Member Joe l\t1ifier .'Bob Ro mil! REDDING SAN FR;ANCISCO C oy CoH ins Business . Rep1·es entative G:·!.evance Committee Membe r Billy D. Tims · · R: ichard T. Invin Fresno · VI. V. Minahan · - · Ray J. Ru'Hedg,e Thomas Shanklin C .. Knapp F. L '. 'l e s" Crane Recording Sec1·et ary / Operat or, Fresno 'l 'h B I' C'- Sh f ·.- Santa R osa lynn Mo or e , __..... Roy . Scar brough omas er m uas. · a . d Henr y Dist. Rep. &. Exec. Board. !\' ;ember Gl'ie vance Committee Membe -r William ;:,mith Uovd - Sidebotto . n1 Gl •;. 1 1 . F d !' t . - cStockton· enn l'!f U 10wn ey re C1!e ll er ---. - Charles .Yaritell SAN JOSE Af D•a lton , · By Laws -Committee ' Me mbe·r Shove - l, Cr an e&. Drag line , San Jose - Joseph C:. Ame$ Sam Kehaha Grievance Committ ee Membe r Ernie Nels on . ,. Ken Shaffer · Jeanne P arrish- Time, Jacques - _ Jes -se H. Dans ie " Business Re presentative ·o akla nd · · ' - Compressor Opr. ,-Sa lt Lake City ' William 'B'ill'-' Ne[s. on .... - Fra nk "Cass" Shiip e ' · T. E. Carson Ralph -. Bockerio k Mi . e F. Day Shovel · Oper ato r l\1a ry syille Jim Mons- on Thomas S. ' smith _. . cat Skinner, · Eureka Nephi Nemelka Guy B. Slack Peter Gault H. Joh n M. D'eVine Business Rep., SaH _Lake City .. Exec utive Board Member Paul DeLay Rona ld ·Mossholder Oakland ·-' S am Nettles . ·H. L: "C t jr ley" Sp e11ce .• W. A. Fousi t. · N_APA . · Ji mmie Dorris o·akland Di st. Reo. &. Exec. Board M emb er. _ r Ma rysvi lle · H enry Pac heco To m ' .. :Mrs. W. Fleusi Ed Kirk --:. - · ' J erry By Laws Comm. Mbr ., Santa Rcsa Dist. Reo . & Exe c. Board Member Lester Griffith SAN RAFAEL Busi ness · Represe nt ative Parker .. - _ Ro;y Stevens . Aubrey Stillwell Chas. Snyd- er Edqecombe " · Salt ' Lake f 'ty . By L aws Committee Membe r - · President _: ' F. E. Sa ndy Parks · · · Walter Ta lbot Caesar Rogers - W. W·. H · Ed d · ·· · · d M b - 't - '- -' arvey - war S -Sho vel Oper ator ' Dist. Rep . &. Exec. Boar em eli' Edward-.Closs .. ' H., Nyhohil, -. . Gr ievan ce Com mitt ee Member . H. T. Pet er sen. John .L "Tom my" Thompson - :6arne .y 'Word _, Otis ;VIlilbor· . "Hein ie': H. 0. ·Foss , Treasurer · Busi ness _ R.epr esentative, Oaldand La r ry Agnew · · Rollin A_; Wheeler Vice President ' Har . otd G. Quigg ·. c: R. Van Wi'nkfe "- s .d M ' - Freel·a nd ·. -- · . Dist. Reo; &. Exec. so·ard M embell' J; ' cBroome .. · - Pete_, Verhon _ ik · E H Rag sdale · · · 1 E "L .. 'ft' G · " ' y- · . · . .. Comm .. Member, s.F. ·· · '· .. · · .. . ugene - 1 .r.e ene terr -a· Mrs.- _ $id M(!Broome -. · -:· VALLEJO Ddnny .. Furrer .. · ··;. Bo)(man &. F1r en!an Oller,- St. ockto n. J ,, . . · ., ,. .. 1 Mrs.' Thomas _ · AI Rains. · . . . Roo . ert ., L. Bob · Wagnon : · 0 ·n ur . t . Dafe, G·arr.iscn -- Exec. _ Board Membee and B)i Laws H L · "Larr y" . · l'Vl rl _ ainng Oll l" -. Ted .Mertz-·_: -. . Sa n ··· Comm. Membe r . . . William :Greg(n·y Aar on Smith ' .Flo yd. _ Bill Rar-rey . · Ll 8 d Membe r l\fike· l(reclie · ' Jim Ban1:es · , c at Skinner., s an' Fri!_ncisco ·· Business · R:epr esentativ.; oy · ·: · · - · AI E. Griffey - Ger __ al , "Jerr y" f1' .3ve r · . -, Marys v,ille _ . Ira Goins ·• =·a 'nt, ,,_ p ... ,.oli.lli· --- · jB 1 r \"oody -r .J - -- r 1 1\;- "'-' ·- ' F - M a- rys \' iHe - ' II 'Y . . a o. . - Orde E. Robi'nson .'' .:< ·: Roy r.l_eni'sky. Jac kre C sn _ o,- H . ·- ale · L · . · L "L " R . . . - Bv Laws comrnrttee Membe r _ _ . u aw rence . arr y ,eno · I B . - \J.t d , , - Mrs. Orde 'itobillSOll Dave Jarvis He avy out y ·Mec: ll a nic , s· an J ose - M" r"'sv i!le arney •v or . M . d. .. L "'h ll , E. A. ! 'Red_ " l!J· e<ter Joe . R· 'r ·f"'y - . . -. Exec. B oa rd , Me l)lber . . . . ·- e enc - ape e .. Odie· :< -Gra.ii t. n - "' - J k L y - H · W F ., · · ·. Re dding . S'!n Franci s<>o J a e· .• . oun g . · . enry · r .anz · · ' Frank .. Costa Ev e re tt H ;, Hibba r·d .-· _ 4;, -- - William Baumann - ·Jack Riley -, -' · - -- ' .- · · · · - " · '·. - '. > ' .. Bob- Smith -- , ·J. .. Co'rp :, :: d .F' EICtA·l T-0 :'·· Wadeu. · ' STOGKTON ,, · · :.: .• .;., Dis'i ric t 'meetings-< fo.t Ma; ch, 1 ,i 960: ,.:- - H. _L. - 1 bn·ettB>L} oytl _:· \ Exec. Bo a rd -: Member . ' ·' · ·- · :·' ' ... ' ' , . , -· Bryce 1\'I . odre . ll _ i't· Ier ' le .F. Lii,l,l_ghlin J h '" ·- u t ··-- · , - · · · - J 631 K Bl d · " .. o n 7"\ . r1o mes · ., 2 " }Wednes da y) Fresno, Lab Qr _- :reni:R · _- - earney v ·: Selmar - Osness- .. F RE_S, NO 1 -·· · · · .. ,. · · ·- ',, - · · · · - .. · · · · .. - - - - Vern H: Ho- lmes _ Uki,ilh, _ Labor J;.emple; State. Stret . .. · .. _;: W .. .' .Ilbt . tr Hugu _s Ln_ . Gallo · ,,_ ,.,y :., · - · · , - - A '- . . r · ., " . • " .. Execut ive·. Bo ard Membe r .. 8 - ' ('fuesday) . ,SalL;Lake,-151 so:.: 2i1d , East, nnex. __ · ;_;,r 'Francis He)Jlpe .. ,__ E: L. ·· A .. J. ".Buck"f!ope ··. ·· · · · · 'Bl d' 120W T 1 - J. . 't M'll 'g ' . .. Ol's t R en ' .- &.· E ' xec. B oa r'd Me "hlb ' er . 9 '; - .. . g., . . . . ay or . :.-' . uam a- . -1 1 an ··- -• · R.. ', C. · Smith · - · · - · · · · · .. .--· n·., F.- .Beiei·. - , ·sA:r: RAMENTQ -, ._ -_> -1 · · · . IMPORTANT . .: SE-E , ' ' · · . . · , r. · B.mnett' F 'Johil Sheehl:in ;. · · 1 Harold · Huston _ :, _ _ ·_ ._:, ,... .. .For t he .iitfotmation <if the"tne mbe.rslifp \ve have , printed tp.e .... Mrs. Duke Dalton " ,. Elmei · R11ste'tte r · , _, _. BL•sLness RULES . OF - PROCEmJ :R: :E g&y er,nth.e. .DistFiCt '·, / · D. ·j ··:. : Ernes-t Art : tr w.iTJ' · . _ . •· · ,; ·_,,AJLSO "' th'e. It' ULE.S).J Gl)VERNiNG;: '. Ernest E. -: LaFon.d--.- · · Wm. Timmons - . J ames ' -' Reg" ' Ivy · . _ . . . .·( sTANDING.'FUND. · fmpo rta11ce t<f . , .I .- · By t:aws Committee Member · . ,• ... _, .-- - ·· ,._. ". · ·1· .n. · ' "t l tl , t t f th·f < ' -' SAN MATEO .. · "-. _ ·- 'J Noripa Gault - , . · ,i J.. B' .. ·, · · . '- 1 , ,you, yow !a l' -WI 1 , ; se -. ,,.·_-, Joe ·st\)c_ kton · l!rank '_: .. - · __ &. · ·· ., · · , j -;.;.--_ / . .. . ... . ·,'1 . /.. _ ) \' l j

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Page 1: 1960 February Engineers News - Home - OE31960 February Engineers News - Home - OE3 ... m 39

STA·TIONARY ENGI·NEERS: LOCAL' -39 • I ·- I • ' . • • •

·, i FEBRUARY,-1960 \~

· Man~~tall~t$ fOr:;Eie~tion of e~lgate~, ·• Alternates tO 26th Convention" IUOE

~y N. J. CARMAN, · b1t.ernational Supervisor

·If yo·u, \~Ve!·e not stfspended for:.-non-payment ci(dues as of February 1, 1960, you wilf rec~1 :e or have rece,iv'ed)n the mail your ballot to be voted, by you in the ·election- of delegates- :and alter­nates to the -26th International Convention of the Internatio.J.ial Union of Operating Engine~rs. ·

. Your ballot was : sent tci your address on the records ' of the · Local Union as of February·- 1, 1950. . '_ .•. I ·. . . - '·1 . Vote foi· no more . than 46

Here_· -Are Cand.idates for _Delenates: - .~a~~!d~~c: o~~o;~aeci~:e :l~n~ · · ~ · of Ore Candidates of. ~19m·

Alte'rnate-s to .~ 26th lnt[ .. Convention. - choice. If 'yOtl vote f9l' more , . _ . . . . . . \ . . than ' 46 Camtidates; your ))al·

(Listed aphahetically; j ust as they appear on tile baUot} - lot is voi~ . ' .

Da rr e ll Atlen ·.Don c'. Johnson · Z. I~sert yoin· marked baHotA~ll V · - Heddi ng --.t.w envelo,Pe marked "E L·

Lou :- ~arne s Ira N. Jones 'LOT ENVELOPE." A I · B~,~~d~;!~ :·oakland 3. S~af; the " BALLOT ~NVE·

Busi riess Re presentative Sidney J. Jordan · . . 1

. ~OPE" in .. tile "BUSINESS R b j: B 1 . -silov.el 'operator, San .Jose - .


R'EPLY """N-·VELOPJE." . ·. 0 er+ · · oaei1 Don Kinchloe · , _ n ·

Fran A. a wren.ce · address and register number Ha~~l:n.~ Bo~e. n Diks);_. F.lelp . &. E:><e·c., Bo.ar:ct Mem~:>er

1 .. 1_ Sign your !]lame. with ,y.ou~ ·'

Altie '''_Curley." Brodose Industrial Accide nt Commissioner · ~h 1 ft - d '"" 0~ uic' L "'Aell[l>ciB '' . ' h. t "Th' c · . 1" .. + t k Geor.g~' R. -.". 'Bud" ' l e<.fl.,o.r lll ·· t.• e upp,er ,:e -han corner ~ i'l i:t · o"i! a. . lvrr;;;~ IS ·\ 'i ·a ·._ e · Of115 Cf( apa-r,men I( n Br s - · ~ '"'- '"'"S REPLY ld 1., . d I I h h I f G e 00 - . Marvsv i!le of the ~'BFSIN~.:> i . . '

b_ ui ing wi _·be: a+ Clav,- a_n <J ones, witn t _ e_ e p ,0 two . er- Dist .. --Rep. '&. El< eC. Board Member H - ld' l . . "'N"TDT op' E ,, . - Jack R: Brown , aro ew 1s· -~ 0.. v b.!.J : .

~an7buiit extension cranes which -can swing •. the mu~cle almost Vallejo Business Rep resentative - 5. Mail the "BU. SINESS REP. LY ~!l.gle -handed for a .. 17-story building. Operating . Engineers · Clare nce BrJJne r -. Jack Uo'y.d , . ENVELOPE" with your signa-

pil,ot the "liebher,r"' c rahe' w ith pushbutt_o ns: and telepho,es in . Ex.ec. Board .Me mber _, J~~'kY~f+~nCorhm . .Merrrber,S :F. - _ture, address and- .register -th:e 'glass. cab out from'. Pa<;:ifi c C6mpany-~is erecting a seco nd, T. D. Bry:.on .


. lll' lll'""'r 0 ·11 1·•,·-. N• r 0 _ P"StarH~. i s

I h d f h b ld N h h. Retired I Repre.sent.ative, Oa kland 'Executive Boa,·d ·· Membe r ' '-l'v v ~ -s',lmi ar, c_rane . at: o_ ·~ ,e.r en o _ t e ui .ing. ote_' ow .'t_· I,S one R s· "II b" L . d

· · B. -R. "Renpy'' Burroughs'. · · o.o" . yon.s · reqmre ,· Pl.l:shes, its way up thr\l se.con,d Hoor . . Bay bridge .. can ; b.e seen d h " c b tl Exec:.;tive Board Membe t' I ' ' IMPOR'fANT ~ in backc:ir.outid·, and , a .ryrot9r cr a ne rs on Jhe street b'elow. Oh, Bernar , "W ~tey amp e . Dale r-,~ar r -

. San Franc isco . By, Laws Comm ittee Membe.r- , 1. Your-b~ll~t wm not be CO.Uilt· ye_s, if yb~ . ar~ ;:inJerested, these· apartments will sell for from M. D. "Wingy'' ~ardqza Ciiff Martin ed if >'Oi.Jr shmature is nat (}ll

. $.4Q;OOO to $ 125,0QO:.; -~·- . - ._;--. }·c ~:. -. · Red.ding · Redding j the "l3USI;.J·BSS RERLY EN· ~ - . ·I-~·' '~· ~~r--~:. ~or~L~~c-~a sey L. S\" l¥1.3:c ' ~ McCtiP>fock . .-~ ! ~r!l'FOnj(;<:''-, ._~._.,_ u -0 . - r o· . IRIQR\...IORS E'xee . -B ~~rcL Me.~1behr: -. - . San . Francisco . . I .,. ""'"~ ·":' · . • - t

· nAt!t· ., .. . N! ·:D~fi _l -. -~~- iiU ·~~~ -:~ · If~ ·, _ lawrenGe _.-La rry C .a:pman Ned McC o-ll ey 2. Y~Jil~~ b:lHCt wm n!1t .o~ coun-Y~"(( - fi · rt\VIb_ . ~lr DlkVV - R b 1 -;,B b" Ch · -· t - : - ed 'if,._, .&H vote foi· "nwre than

· - - -- o ed -· . o · r1s-ty, -' Top honors this mont h -go to the Brothers a'ncl t heir families Exec. Board Member, Marysvil le - Geo rge c. "Mac" r.JicFadden 46 Caildidates, '

in the Redding district who donated approximately 55 . pints of T-om l. .Chr isty . Exec ut ive Board Me mber - 3. Your ballot wm U{}t be count-blood! If an the 'members. in the various . districts ·would contribute Oakland Bob Mcleltand ed. if it is received 'in the mail

~w that work'_is slow, · and they Iiave the ti.me, our membeni and_ AI C!em ._ . - -, Grievance Committe,e lember <>.f't,,el· lO·.rio ;..'clock A. M., Feb· · • • F.ina .,cial Secty. & Ass ist. Manager . Pa ul N: [,Ailes .. ~ v _

-.::. ir families in every i:Hst1·iel;. could b~ sure there ·was blood Sam P. 'Cobu rn · · sacramento rmity 29', 19,SO. , ) available for them in case of sickness or accident. Call your dis- Stockton Be rto n !(;- t\~ i l l er ·-----'---'---trict office to inake an appointment! . , Wayne Colema n Oakland

G1·ievance Comm ittee Member Joe l\t1ifier .'Bob Ro mil! REDDING SAN FR;ANCISCO C oy CoHins Business .Rep1·esentative G:·!.evance Committee Membe r

Billy D. Tims · · R:ichard T. Invin Fresno · VI . V. Minahan · - · Ray J. Ru'Hedg,e Thomas Shanklin ' Robe~;~ C .. Knapp F. L '.'l es" Crane Recording Sec1·etary / Operator, Fresno

'l'h B I ' C'- Sh f ·.- Santa Rosa lynn Moore , __..... Roy . Scar brough '· omas er m uas. · a ra~I . d Henry -~urb - Dist. Rep. &. Exec. Board. !\';ember Gl'ievance Committee Membe-r

William ;:,mith Uovd - Sidebotto. n1 Gl •;. 11 . F d s· !' t . • - cStockton· enn l'!f U 10wney re C1!e ll er ---. -Charles .Yaritell SAN JOSE Af '~Bud '.' D•a lton , · By Laws -Committee ' Me mbe·r Shove-l, Crane&. Drag line, San Jose -Joseph C:. Ame$ Sam Kehaha Grievance Committee Membe r Ernie Nelson . ,. Ken Shaffer · Jeanne Parrish- Time, Jacques - _ Jes-se H. Dansie " Business Representative ·oakland ·

· ' -Compressor Opr. ,-Sa lt Lake City 'William '·'B'ill'-' Ne[s.on .... - Fra nk "Cass" Shiip e ~;_ ' · T. E. Carson Ralph -.Bockerio k Mi . e F. Day Shovel ·Operator l\1a rysyille

Jim Mons-on Thomas S. 'smith _. . cat Skinner, · Eureka Ne phi Nemelka Guy B. Slack Peter Gault H. · c~ywood . John M. D'eVine Business Rep., SaH _Lake City .. Exec utive Board Member Paul DeLay Ronald ·Mossholde r Oakland ·-' Sam Nettles . ·H. L: " C tjr ley" Spe11ce

.• W. A. Fousi t. · N_APA . · Ji mmie Dorris o·akland Dist. Reo. &. Exec. Board Member. _ r ~., Marysville · H enry ~'Hank" Pacheco To m Stapie~·o.n ' ..

:Mrs. W. Fleusi Ed Kirk--:. - · ' J erry Dowd ··~ By Laws Comm. Mbr., Santa Rcsa Dist. Reo . & Exec. Board Member Lester Griffith SAN RAFAEL Busi ness · Represe ntative Dentp n~ Parker .. - _ Ro;y Stevens . Aubrey Stillwell Chas. Snyd-er Pau~ Edqecombe " · Bl ~~e Oper~,tgr, Salt ' Lake f 'ty . By Laws Committee Membe r

- · President _: ' F. E. Sa ndy Parks · · ·Walter ~vi . Ta lbot Caesar Rogers - W. W·. (\~_ ·'o'o·d~') · Ll·e,·~av,. H · Ed d · · · · · d M b

- ' t - ' - -' arvey - war S -Shovel Operator ' Dist. Rep. &. Exec. Boar em eli'

Edward-.Closs .. ' J?m~s- H., Nyhohil,-. . Grievance Com mittee Member . H. T. "Pe-t~" Pet ersen. John .L "Tom my" Thompson -:6arne.y R;~ 'Word _, Otis ;VIlilbor· ."Hein ie': H. 0. ·Foss , Treasurer · Busi ness_R.epresentative, Oaldand Larry Agnew · ~ · Rollin A_; Wheeler Vice President ' Har.otd G. Quigg · . c: R. Van Wi'nkfe "-

s.d M ' Georg~ -Freel·a nd ·. -- · . Dist. Reo; &. Exec. so·ard Membell' J; ' cBroome .. · - Pete_, Verhon_ik · E H Ragsdale · · · 1 E "L .. 'ft' G · " ' y- · . · . Gr.iev~ .. Comm .. Member, s.F. ·· · '· .. · · .. . ugene - 1 .r.e ene terr-a ·

Mrs.-_$id M(!Broome -. · -:· VALLEJO Ddnny .. Furrer .. · ··;. Bo)(man &. F1ren!an Oller,-St.ockton.J ,, . . · ., ,. .. 1

Mrs.' Thomas ~erlht-;· _ Johnnie -· Walllng_~ · AI Rains. · . . . Roo.ert .,L. Bob · Wagnon : · 0 ·n ur . t . Dafe, G·arr.iscn -- Exec. _ Board Membee and B)i Laws H L ·"Larry" Watk~r . ·

l'Vl ~:· rl _ainng Olll" -. Ted .Mertz-·_: - . . San··· F~a-ncisco ' Comm. Member . . . • William :Greg(n·y Aaron Smith' .Floyd. Gr~iner. ~ _ Bill Rar-rey . · Ll 8 d Aa~,\i·lomm.-_ Member l\fike· l(reclie · ' Jim Ban1:es · , cat Skinner., s an' Fri!_ncisco ·· Business · R:epresentativ.; oy · ·: .~cox ·

· - · AI E. Griffey - Ger __ ald£, "Jerry" f1'.3ve r · . -,Marysv,ille _ .· . Ira Goins '· ·• =·a'nt,,,_ p ... ,.oli.lli·--- · j B 1r \"oody -r .J - - - r 1 1\;- "'-'·- ' F - M a-rys\' iHe - ' II 'Y . . a o. . -Orde E. Robi'nson .'' .:< ·: Roy r.l_eni'sky. J a c kreCsn_o,-H. ·-ale · L · . · L "L " R . . . - Bv Laws comrnrttee Member

_ _ . u a wrence . arry , en o · I B . - \J.t d , ,

•- Mrs. Orde 'itobillSOll Dave Jarvis Heavy outy ·Mec:ll anic, s·an Jose -M" r"'sv i!le arney •v or . M. d. .. L "'h ll , E. A. ! 'Red_" l!J·e<ter Joe . R·'r·f"'y - .· . . -. Exec. Board, Mel)lber . . . . ·- e enc- ·a~. ape e .. Odie·:<-Gra.iit . n ~ - "' - J k L y -

H · W F ., · · ·. Redding . S'!n Francis<>o J a e· .• . oung . · . enry · r .anz · · ' Frank .. Costa Ev erett H ;, Hibba r·d.-· _ --~,;,- 4;,--==~,;,~,........~~""""==""""'==,;,==.''""""~=~

- William Baumann - ·Jack Riley -, - ' · - -- '.- · · · · - " ·


- Walt~r -Welis '. > ' . . Bob -Smith -- , ,~ ·J. xe:;j;~ .. ):iJIW~~d Co'rp:, ::d .F'EICtA·l -~~OTIC-E· T-0 'MI~EMBIER.S-_'-.·: :'·· Wadeu. ~~-allers · ' STOGKTON JoC~Hlnot_e ,, ~~ · · -~- :.: .• .;., Dis'irict 'meetings-< s.che~1ti'erl fo.t Ma; ch,1 ,i 960: ,.:- - ,:~

H. _L. C~rt~r -1

bn·ettB>L}oytl ~- _:· \ Exec. Board -: Member • MARC!F~ . ' ·' · ·- · :·' ' ... ~" ' ' , . , :· -· Bryce 1\'I.odre. ll _i't·Ier' le .F. Lii,l,l_ghlin J h '" ·-u t ··-- · , - · · · - J 631 K Bl d · " .. o n 7"\ . r1o mes · ., 2 "}Wednesday) Fresno, LabQr _- :reni:R ~. · _- - earney v ·:

Selmar -Osness- .. FRE_S,NO 1 -·· · · · • .. ,. ~ · · ·- ',, • • - · · · · - .. · · - · · · .. - - - - Vern H: Ho-lmes -· ~ - _ (T~ursday). Uki,ilh,_ Labor J;.emple; State. Stret .

.. · .. _;: W .. .'.Ilbt.tr Hugu_s .· Ln_ .. \'' l,~ . Gallo· ,,_,.,y :., · - · · , - - A'-. . r · ., " . • " -· .. Executive·. Board Member .. 8 - ' ('fuesday) . ,SalL;Lake,-151 s o:.: 2i1d , East, nnex. __

· ;_;,r 'Francis He)Jlpe .. ,__ E: L. ·Thom~l~p·i;_ ·· · · A .. J . ".Buck"f!ope ··. ·· · · · · 'Bld' 120W T 1 - J . . 't M'll 'g ' . .. Ol's t Ren' .- &.· E' xec. Boa r'd Me"hlb'er . 9'; -(Wedn~sday} R.eno; . ~eno,l.\'Iusic,~ans ... g., . . . . ay or • . :.-' . uam a- . -1 1 an ··- -• · R.. ', C. ·Smith · - · · - ~ · · · - · · · ..

-· .--· n·., F.- .Beiei·. - , ·sA:r:RAMENTQ-, • ._ -_> -1· L.e~,~~-~ t.e~- · · . IMPORTANT . -~ .: SE-E ·f>.~GE i·~z_.--· , ··:~- ' ' · · . . · , r. ~.ud ·R. ·B.mnett' F 'Johil Sheehl:in ;. · ·

1 Harold · H uston _ :, _ _ ·_ ._:, ,... .. . For t he .iitfotmation <if the"tnembe.rslifp \ve have, printed tp.e

.... Mrs. Duke Dalton " ,. Elmei· R11ste'tter · , _, _. BL•sLness · R,~p'resen t a ti ve RULES . OF --PROCEmJ:R::E \~hicfr g&yer,n"·th.e. .DistFiCt P_rie~an~e '·, ~ / · - E\\4m~t,t . D. Shanklin ~ ~ ~: ·j··:. : Ernes-t K~mt~dy Art :trw.iTJ' · . _ . •· · ,; Cm;~inittees. ·_,,AJLSO "' th'e. It'ULE.S).JGl)VERNiNG;: ,T-1-!E ·~ ~OOD '.

Ernest E. -:LaFon.d--.- · · Wm. Timmons - . J ames '-' Reg"' Ivy · . _ . . . .·( sTANDING.'FUND. · Shice-Ji1es·~ ··may.~:.be . O'f· vjta~ fmporta11ce t<f . , .I ~~ .- · By t:aws Committee Member· . ,• ... _, .-- - ·· ·~~·· ,._. " . · ·1· .n. · '"tl tl , t t f th·f <

' -' SAN MATEO .. · "-._ ·- -· 'J Noripa Gault - , . · , i J.. B' .. ·" Jim!i 'd~ nhir\'g s ·, · · . '- 1, ,you, .~v~ e~~e yow W,I~~ "-'e~~mll~ ' M~l}l~ ! a l'- WI 1 , - ~~~- rn,Le~ ; se -. ~r ,,.·_ -,

Joe ·st\)c_kton · ~~- ~"'·:~ ~--=. l!rank Cal1J.p~_ell '_: .. - · ·o;~t :' R~p : __ &.· :E.x,~c:::~oa r·d - ~' em~e~ ·. ·· ., · · • , j .~·"'!·_,_ -;.;.--_ / . ~· .. . ... . ·,'1

. /.. ~:.... _) ,· -~ \' l j

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-=-i-.~ - ~ . - " ~

- JJ-~ ~ .... - . . : · .

. : ·"' ;.~- ;~--/·

-: !'-~ .-·~ · '". -·

Publlshed each rn:o~th by Local-Union ':No.''3 ' of. the'·' Interruational Unfon of Operating. Engfheers ·

. ~ -(Northern California, Norther~ Neva_ga;c-State of utah,

the -Hawaiian Islands) Office~ 4'74 Valencia St. , San Francisco 3, Calif." ·

-Mail: all news items in to editor not later than the 5th of each month· ' - '

NEWEL1- J~ CARMAN ........ Managing Editor and Locil .Union Mgr. PAUL EDGECOMBE .............. : .............. ; ................... ,.. .................. ; President H. 0. ·FOSs.: ..................................... ~ : _____ ___ ,: ___ _________________ __ _________ Vice-President

. \ .• .

-w. V. MINAHAN ................... , .......... Recording-Corresponding Secretary AL CLE~- -- -- ----- ----------------· ·-- ----:·--·:--· ···----·---- -----: ............. Fimmcial_ Secretary H. T. PETERSEN.··------··--··--····---···-·--·····--····----····-···: .... _ ...... ·--------···~Treasurer

_· __ .. Subscription Price: $2.50 Per Year

Second class postage paid at San Fr·ancisco, California , _


~Ttl& nOOD ST: DING FOND: :.':r The Good· Standing •Fund. was ·originally establi~hed when· tl}-e

By-Lawnvere adopted in 194lo-Since that tinie tlie ;ruies govern, il)g this Furid J 1ave been revised, said revision~ be{ng adopted by the membership on· Novemqer; l, 1954. The Good Standing Fund has subsequep.tl.y, bee~ . approv.~d by our Geii.eraiPresident, ·and_:

·· section ·t ·The' Good sfandmg"' . >. - · · ; . i is- h~re):ly~pe:rpetua'tea and· 'in a sep:i,i:ate~'and exdu'siV~ ac--i

~ill 'be rhail1tained <by the pay-·- count -Said -Fund and ' A~csnint . me11t ·of ·an ' aimua-t assessment shall at all times be u·nderl-the· of $1.00 per year fro m each jo~rit contl;of of-. both Local Un~· meinber at the time of his ion No.· ·3. and the General Presi­fourt11 quartei'ly rriemhership dent of the International Union· dues payment, which is due and of . Operating .Engineers, .or _his payable on or before October deputized :agents thereunto au-1 ofthe current year. New inem~ thorized·."J;'he sign-atures of both bets, whether accepted on . ap- parties ·shan be · required •: uporF-

1 plication, clearance or with- . all w!tfudrawals therefr6'm~ .. · '-' drawal cards, or reinstated shall Section_-3·. The .T:r:easurer ·shall · in additiqn to regular charges; render' at · least a·· quarterly re­pay the sum of one dollar ($1.00) port· to the ' gen~ral membership to the Good Standing Fund. at the fegul'ar me~bership' nieet- ·

Section 2. This Fund shall be ·ing and "-furnish . to the district ; known ·as the "Local Union No. offices a· financTal ·report · of the

. ·1-e·· __ s' . ·o· f ., P-r'o-cedu--r~.e· _-. t·o. Good Standing Fund,"/ an ci receilits · and~the-' dis'bursements maintains its own titled deposi- from th~ Fund '-'each>month:_ A . " tory in an 'established bank/ in -fullt clis~lo$1lt¢ , pf the receipts :

F-EBRUAR¥, '1!160· -



' h

-D- · · the City of ·San Francisco. _ i;lnd:CIJsbu~s~rrf~!i!~>. sh,ail'he;ayai~'' :' _ . " . ... , . - . t- · .-~-~- • t S t' 3 .T- l f th" able"-to t_he genera:l membership· ; Lon9- reach . rs a specral.y o.f J AU· ·n e·. ' IS ·r-IC . ec 1011 . 1e purpose 0 lS ~' . . ' '. ·. . . . ' .. '' ' th ·--· ., . - ' G- ' ' 'b ., . . ' ; . :u:.v· . ·. . ~ : .. ; , . . _· -·. .Fund is to p rovide. a m~ans ·to_: ~ee.t'lp'&;:'_ o_r ~·~~ :distrrc~ 'me;~t~_ -.• he.~eh ___ n ~w _e_r-~d~~-thu•,!:f· tcrfan~ ·f· : 11 · ·t ·th · · k d 111g•·. U1~on·.: th'e ·._r equest of any·_'!/. rc can p~ov1 e e 1 . or a

- , -.. .. .. ,_.,. __ _. .. -.. . ... ._ c,· -._ --., . -. - · · t~~cw_ .Y . f~sis t oJe/~~1 a? _ me~b;r· 1n•- atteh:dari.ce~>th~i-e0t '.l!~stor.rbuilding.lnbackground ·

:. _-_1C·,r·• __ :le· -¥-. ,_-~n'f'·e·.' ,· __ · _ · ·o·m· ·m·· -~· -t·t·e· e .. _·s_ -- _ _ ~:1

cdi~~b~~ fo~x ;r~t~act1


~!: Tlfe •"s~pi~ _'in;t:cir.nnit:_ion _· sh',<(ll:- lJe k: ~-~h;~-~ ~la}"~_Jo~~s · apart~~n t .. ,- ·• · •. _· .. ~ . . '- - . - _ -- . . , riods by accid(mt • a 11 d injury, ftitn:,~sned· ~to'·thei·'(}enfra,~~:Pres_i¥ f~ "-~'"CJ · atop, SF s Nob Hdl~ · · ·1>- The: Grievance Committee to 111eet atieast 'one (1) . ev~ning with . the payments from .this dentf when:'~ecft!~st~dday:·'lii-fi1~ ·op.~' :· . · . . _ _·

-each week; from 7:00p.m. to •9:00 p.m. in the Local Union -·offfce - oftlreir monthly dues arid liis '·Deptity.~ · - : , · .·.·- __ -- _ · · Late Job ·'Award$:'' in-.the District in which they reside. Or in ·case of emergenci~s t~~reby. securing .their-n:ember: Stic,H~n,~:- l'!;~:';?ffi?~r or Ag~p.t-:_ " . RENO; . NEVADA _ Cohtraet· upon· the call of District Representative.· · sh_1p ~nd ~rotectmg t_h~1r ben- ,_ernploy"d shaH· accept a11y_ 31s~:. awarded· to-:;rStolte; 'Inc. 8451-

2. The Grievance . 8ommittee shall consist of the· two Distr,ict ef1ts 111 this_ Local ymon al1d sessments r_~ferred_ hereto' _from_ San LeartdJiiJ Oakland~· $2~osti• Executive Board M€mrbers and · three (3) rank- and file members the In~ernatwnaL Um_on. . any: member who ·rs then 111- ~r~ .. 600 · CEase plu's- Alfern~tes)" 'fo:r to be elected by the membership residing in the area in which the .. Sectw_n 4. There will .be pa1d r_ear s of the J?al-mept c of other -consfruction•·of' qbrary Building, Grievance Committee is established. - . from tlus Fund and transferred llke assess!llents, unle.,s · al~ as- ·on · campus; Univ~rsity of :· Neva~ ·

3. The rank -and file Executiv"e Board· member shall be chair- to the credit of the account of sessments ~n arrears are pard .at da, Reno, ~ man. the entitled members upon . the the same bme.

4 . The District Bu_siness Representative shall be secretary. approval of their individual · Section 5. The purpos~ of this . . . ... _ He shall keep a. detailed account of the actviities of the Committee ~laims , the sum equivalenf -to Fund is to . provide a means .- to paid from the Go~d. S~andmp

and furni'sh-the Local Union Manager and the ~ocal Union Secre- their Jnembership dues in the financiaHy assist those sick_ and Fund may_ ~pon furms~mg t~ tary a copy' of the minutes of all meetings. The minutes to be amount approved for the period stricken_ with extended illness, : Secretary Wlth a Doctor s Certif· mailed to the main office in San Francisco not less tha:if two (2) of illness or disability, inclusive pr disability for prqtracted, ·pe- icate each 30 days, signed by days· . .ofollowing-·the meeting. of · six · (6\ . months ' continuous riods by accident and injury,, a medical doctor; and the Busi~ · . 5: Rules of Order '' duration in any two- (2) year ~it~·:Payrrient~,,Jt~J11 this .. F.und ness Repre~e~t~tive in ·_the area ; (a·) At: the hour appointed; if a' quorum be_}n·es~nf, the· Chair- period. Appli<;ations for consid- pf'tli~~fril,onthiy~:Ui,(es-, ap.d t4e.re: where he _re~Ides;-and upo~ vot~

man shall call the meeting to order and 'preside. eration of . extended good stand- py :securing ~ th~i:f .. _memhershfp of the ma]ont~- of the mem_9ers ·-. ·. (b) Any ,.<_lelegates to. the Grievance- Committee absenting him- ing benefits, )Jeyqnd the six (6) lmd :.protecting._'their ; ben_e.fits-.ln~: ?f the Execu~Ive Board; _ b~. al~

self fr0m three ·(3) consecutive' meetings without a sa tis- ino'ntl!s' ~pe51p;d · ~tist !.be.; ar,P~9.Y~ thi~ Local l!nion an~ the Inter-, .J.~w~d to P~t q~Ies a~- t~~ . rat~ . ~ .' factory excuse, shall be r eplaced !:Jy a vote of the membet- ed by ~pecwt r e,S.olU;twn ;qtJthor- natwnal Umon. _ -

0. $ .

00p er ~on~h _while mcapa 4

· · .-· -- ---· -· ·.. . · :· . · b. '. ili' · · ' , · _: · - - · , . ·- . · · . : c1ta\ed. It 1s d1stmcHy unde~-. ship at a regular meetingin his district. .. 1~mg COlftmuq.;';lp~, Y;. :~ E.xecu Sectw_n 6. !here w1ll be pa1d . sluou tnat n·a-·riiemb .. h 11 .1)

- (c) Three (3) members of the Grievance Committee shall con- t1ve Board. . from th1s Fund and transferred pe m' t L d t ·· .· d er tstha 8

· · st itute a quorum. · - _ .Section 5. Members making to the credit of the account of du~a~ Let 0 p~y _ues a k' lS ret

(d) The proceedings of this Committee shall be governed by 1 ~pplication to . this Fund ml.1st be the entitled members upon the " " ~a e w 0

IS _wor mg a th C t

·t t' f t' I t · U 1 f' th - . d- .. d 1 any gamful occupatwn whatso-e ons 1 u ·wn o ne · n ernatwnal _ niori of Operating in compliance with the follow- approva_ o e1r m lVl ua ever · · . . :e Engineers as amended April 1956. ing: claims, the sum equivalent to . · . . •. -

6. It is recommended thaUn order to be eligible to-be elected (a) Rave been in good stand· their membershio dues in the Sectwn 10

· Any member who to the. Grievance Committee the members shall be in good stand- ing up until the affliction of amount approved for the period 1 ?as rec.erved eighteen months' i11g and a member of the parent local for two , (2) years; a regis- sickness or disability. · - of ·illness or disability, in~lusive · ?eneflt under the _rules govern-

. (b) H b · k. d' bl d of s1·x (6) mo· nths' c-oi·1tl.11Uous 111g the Good Standmg Fund, and tered voter in the area in which he resides; is not an owner-opera- - ave een SlC or 1sa e - b · b' t · tor or a contractor, and shall be a Brother of good moral character . for more than one month. duration ill' any two (2) year upon emg una


0 retu~·n to · (c) Present a claim accorri- period. work, shall · be automatically

7. It is · mandatory that if the Committee finds that in the , · Sect1·0n 7. Member··s mak1·11g granted _a W1th_dr aw_ al c_ard fro_ m panied by a Doctor's Certificate scope of their inve~tigation that a member of the Union has vio- showing date of illness, nature application to tl'ie Good Stand- tl1~ Local Umon prov1d~d, he ]ated any working rules or has wronged another member it shall of sickness and duration. ing Fund must have complied dw no_t care to paythe fUtl dues. be the duty of the Secretary of this Committee to notify the Local Section 6_ Any member found . with the followipg: Se,ctwn lL ~ny. m_ember found Union Executive Board and/or the Local Union Manager,· for guilty of chiseling by -making (a) Have been in good .stand- g_mhy of makn~g . misrepresenta- • appropriate action. misrepresentation of his claim, ing up until the af~liction of tlon 111 hls clmm, 0~ who shall

8. They shall process the grievances of any member who is or who shaH be party to procur- sic-kness or disability. I be _party toL procurn~g ~raudu· desirous of appearing before them, and report their findings and ing fraudulent payment; or who (b) Have been sick of disabled

1 lent paymenc, or who · c~arms and

recommendations to the Local Union Eecutive Board and/or the claims and secu_res illegal and for more than ·one month. secures Illegal and·_ 1mprope. Local Union- Manager. improper benefits or who will- (c) Present a claim accom- benefit~ , or _who Wlll~ully vio-

9. It shall be their_ duty to interview an'Y candidates who are fully violates the spirit and ih- panie,d by a Dqctor's Certificate lares tne spmt and mten~ of -· .seeking office for City, County, State or Federal office and ·repQit tent of these rules and regula: showing date of illness, na1:ure these /~le? and; regulatwns,

the recommenedations to the Local Union Executive Board. tions, . shall forfeit all rights ·to of illness, and duration, signed s~all ~orfe_1t all r~ghts to co;n· 10. To cooperate with - the Business Representatives in.-their consideration in .this Fund. by a medical doctor arid the s1deratwn 111 th1s fund. 1

:area to further the election of all political candi_dates · endorsed The Rules governing the Goo~L Business Representative in the Ar,ticle XXIII, Subdivision 7, · I J)y the Local Union Executive Board, · · Standing Fund- have been ap- ·area in which the member re- Section (f), entitled -"Fines and I

11. To work in conjunction with the Representatives and u-;e proved and accepted by your sides, which shall be forwarded Assessments Must be Paid Be- ' members in tl)e area, to further the cause of organized labor, and E t ' B d d f 1 I t tl s L f th L' 1 fore Dues Accepted" from the ~ec_u 1ve oar an are as o - _ o . 1e ecreLa_ry o , e _ ?_ ca more specifically, the Operating Engineers in the political field. lows: . , · Umon who W'Ill be authonzed Internatiomtl Constitution, reads

12. Any gi'ievance signed within three (3) days of the regular · Section 1. The Good Standing·1cto pay the member's dues -for as follows: meeting of .the Grievance Committee meeting shall be processed Fund is hereby perpetuated and l a period. of six months in _ any "All· fines or assessments -!e­at the nex·t 1neeting _of the Grievance Committee. ' will be maintained by the pay-. two year period from the Good gaily levied or imposed shall be

mept of an annual asses~ment 1 Stcindi~g Fund. _ . _ . charged by the- Financial Secre-

. :- ' - ' ' . . _,..:,: . ' - " ,, ' . .

. Close--up_ oFca l:> sectic>n ·on · giant crane erecting new.-apart- · ments 6~ S_fs Nob Hill: t'J~te gla~s cab put. 'front ' with · control 1evers. ·Operator really has :'.it· fr.ont seat/

"t ••

of $1.00 per year from each SectiOn 8. Any member des1r- tary against · the member from - · member of Local 3, Local · 3-A, ing clues in the Good .Standing whom due and must be paid ,b. Local 3-B, Local 3-C and Local Fund any period in excess of the member involved to the F1·

E, at the time of his fourth six months in a two year period,! hancial. Secretary within thirty quarterly membersP,ip dues pay- shall make application ' to the (30) days •. and /before any dues

I ment. This assessment is due Secretary of the Local Union owing by him to the Local Un­and payable on or before Octo- accompanied by a Doctor's Cer-. ion can· be received or accepte-d her 1 6f the current year. -tificate, signed by a medical doc- by the said Local Union.'; _

_ New Members, whether a~- tor and the Bus_iness Represen- To be eligible to participate cepted on applicatio'n, clearance tativg in the area where he re- in this Fund; all · ba~k assess- , or ~ithdrawal cards, or rein- sides each :30 -days of sickness ments must have been pai(\. If ,_ st.ated; shall iii additioh to regu- or disahility, the $ec,retary to there is any qu~shon as to _your · lar charges, pay the sum of One present same -. to the Executive eligibility. to participate; or ' the Dollar ($1-.bQ) to the Good Stand- Board at each meeting thereof. assessments yo]l may be owing, ing· Fund. · · · The member's dues may be paid ·kindly contact the San Francisco · Section 2: Th}s Fund ~hall be from .the. Good Standing Fu~d Qffice. ~Ve are requesting yodilll... known as the "Eocal . Umon No. for a penod n.ot to exceed s1x cooperatwn to the end that pay~ 3 Good . Standing Fund," and qll months.' rilent of .yeur assessments will assessments and:- fees belonging· Section 9. Any member who- be -:-b.~·oughJ up to date and tlie .. to said Fund· shall be7 deposited has . h ·a d -tWelve>mohths'' . dueLUnion's2i~-cords-.willbe.i:n :.or.der; . ' . 7/

Page 3: 1960 February Engineers News - Home - OE31960 February Engineers News - Home - OE3 ... m 39


: . FEBRUARY, -1960:.

.. .Ybtr .. City .by: the:·.~ol~u Gate '. . . • . .f. .. • .

. .-;· .·

. ~ ·. ~ .



Aloha .Fr.om .Hawaii. -'T-he Volcano ·State · - . . . ,

. ; · ~ : • ~ .• I' .- PAGE THREE -

·tfs. 'Winter ·Vacation; · for · the .Peninsula; See ' March PiCkup

~- .

Page 4: 1960 February Engineers News - Home - OE31960 February Engineers News - Home - OE3 ... m 39


. By H. T. "PE'l'E" PETERSEN, BILL BARR, "TINY" LAmr; WARR:EN LE Ii'WINE, 'i'Ol\'IMY TifOIVIPSO~ and JOHNNY SCA.IJ!:Si '.Business Repa·esen:tatives . ·

ATTE:NT!O·NI­BlOOD DONORS -News About the Brothers

• As usual for this time of th2 .year the jobs are :v~ry slow. How­

~ver, even though th~y are not lengtliy ones· a few are coming .in every day. Right at th.e moment there ·are rio lJig jobs in the ·uffing, but we ar2 hopeful that by the tin1e Spdng rolls around, - Again as . reported before- Brqther John Prindible is vis· · Brother Joe Risch is in the the wodr will have picked up · consjderably; · "'e. are 1·n d.'re .· need of bloo' d foi'. ·

The Oil ·n R'chn1ond a 1ct · " iting.· in th_e Civic Center Hospi- Stanfor~ Hospital in Sah Fran· , w ' { ~ 1 - 1 . th Bl d B . . k t t l 0 kl d .Berkeley ·has come to a stand \ struction on their intakP c'anal f;. · . 0~ . han. a • ~e200a al! tal in Oakland for an overhaud. cisco at the · present time; but stilL The weather has really and Bethany Foreb;y da~ The- bo Ice: teh . ave over d... I ~em- 1 John is doing real ·well and will be going home on Friday

d . d ~I d d t . . . · 1 ers m • IS area an on y one - - . . February 12 after a veiy se· move ~n an c: ose ownl mos pro)ect consists of two_· miles . of pint o£t blood in ou·~.·· blood b,ank I should b. e out of the hospital by . J'l.

f th b Tl l l la - r'ious o,perau_wn two weeks be_ •• {) e JO s. 1ere 1ave ,)een a open cana a . pumpmg -p, nt At th' t' ul t 'm hen th t · th' '· · · t ~w . I s · e ou recen y. .1 - and an earth fille~ dam. Th·e work is slow we would appreci- · · ' - Joe has the stamina of an ele-

f b. d 1 t t tl w·I ' Is par Ic .ar I e w e nne Is Is m prm . fore. Tnere 1s no doubt about I

1 hams & Burr.o~s w~re low bid· contract amount IS · $877,689. ate it :i.f some of the members Brother Bob Lynch · who· phant. Best of luck to you Joe. · d-ers on ·a bmldmg m Berkeley They propose to U"e approxi- , : · · located on Telegraph Avenu~ I mately 25 Opei·ati·ng~> Engi·neers coutd co~ltact the band and do- works fo~ Wm .. Bo~ nl. ,-De~oto . I · . . nate a. pmt of blood. The num- -has been m the hospital m Rich- Brother Jack Blackwell was betw19en O~eg?n _and . Russe!l to move ~heir 8~0 ,000 cubic· her· to . call is:_OL. 4"2924. mond. Bob didn't have anything in the Herrick Memorial Hospi-Sts. The bmldmg IS remforced yards of d1rt They have about - t . · d · f 1· f' · t · · d t 1 Tl · b'd . · . . · . oo senous an Is ee mg me tal in Berkeley with an- ulcer concre e pipe an s ee. liS 1 2,000 cubic yards o_£ concrete m I construction of a: bridge near and back to work now. We are and heart ailment but is home was for $1,867:680- They ha~e structure along • with about 4,-1 Haven St. to carry westbound always glad to report when the now and doing fine. We want to ~larted excavatiOn _}?ut the ram 000 lineal ft. of. reinforced · con- ! traffic · ·over MacArthur Blvd. B th t 11 · kl . . wish you a quick recovery Bro. has stopped ·opera!wns. . crete pipe. They ·propose to_ do There are· 500 _working days al- ro ers ge we qmc y. J k

· . --.- · I all the w~rk themselves w_I t h lotted · to th!s _job. Gallagher & Brother Ivy Hampton opened . ac . --·. Escob.ar Construction Co .. of ~he exc. eptwn _of s~me sp~cialty Bu~k a. re goipg .t9. do_ the exca- ~ the "M. · & H." Mohawk Ser.vice Another of the Brothers has

Martinez was low bidder on a ~terns such as fenc_mg, remforc~ vatwn and th~ p1pelme work. a couple of months ago and i s been in the hospital · rec~ntly. new · Science· building for · the mg ste~I. Theyh_ave already set Die~ Moseman will _ be the su-

1 doing very welL His station .is BFother Louis Dietz of Fremont-.

C.ontra. Costa. - J~. College ih 'San ,up _their _ bate~ •plant a~d:are at ·permtendent and. mforms , us j iocated _at 2310_ "A" Street, An- was in the Veterans Hospital i• £ablo. The bid was for $375,000.! the. pres~?t time workm.g ?n that he WI_ll move m on the JOb tioch.. If any of the Broth~rs Oakland for a short time but is T. he job has not been started as ,, their eqmpm"ent. · to get . It m

1 on or about tlw 14th of · Febru- care to go by. and see him- home now and very much up to

yet. · . · shape for th~ b!g P~Is~ 1~ t~e ary. they are certainly welcomed. .par, we are happy to say. ~- _ . _ _ · _ . sprmg and summer. Th1s JOb IS ___ --·------------------- -----

. W'Il tt .- I - .&. . St I c·. unde~· - the S~pervisio~ of Broth~ The Lark Corno.ration is com-• 1 arne e ro? ee 0· er M. 0. M1ttry, Pto]ect Mana- · · ·. :4

• " · · •

m yard No. 3 . _!{Ichmond,-have er and Brother Bob Mittr Su- pletmg Its pipelmc . runnmg been getting ·a few contracts g . t d t B th / E from Concord -to Martmez for f:r:o:n:1 the N~vy on repair work. pe:m en _en ·' . ro er , · · the Navy. There are a few tie­.Th h . t h'· . t · th Fntz as master . mechamc an~ ins to be made, to complete this

ey ave wo s Ips m a e Brother Gordon Johnson as . · · · · · present time and expectto have d. f Tl · t ·lme. We had a little trouble on more come ' in at the near f~- rra mg l ~re~~n. :e~ ~xp~c . this job .with the owner-apera-ture. We have seven Brothers 0 cobmp

1e9· 6e0

Tish pr?Jbec_ . Y d ~- tor~ of small ba~khoes but with



·SL l

E s

By G. L. MOORE, J. D. MONROE- and B. F. (T~NYLHE~LING, Business Representatives . k' d .f th , . cem er . e JO IS un er a 1 ttle p - ~ 1 and nder wor mg an r e . company 1s t t' b - h St t f C 1 I eLSUctSlOI u -

successful in- bidding we will ff~~~i~uc ~~~aJI~e~t ~fe ~at~; standing willl!-ow nave oilers on Heavy rains hit the valley the first of February, which nat· place a few more men there. R ·d. . . tl h f the backhoes m the Upper Son- urally caused a shutdown of most of the work in the area_ The . . · · _- _ ·_ . . · e~ources an. Is le P ase 0. a tra Costa County area. Due· to F d · k & K I C 1 h b . . - . , senes of proJects that are gomg h . . . . h . re enc son as er ompanY, w 10 ave een working two o.

· Y~ba Constructrun . Co. 1s I into the development of water . t_ e ram there Is no . ousm~ or three days a week, have decided to shut down their San Joaquih makmg progress on·their prefab for the Livermore Valley area. di~t wor~ .at _the present time levee job until sprin~. _There is 1 · · · , piers for the bridge job They Th · t ·. th d t - ! gomg on m this -area but as soon several months of flmsh work . to be let in Aoril This work will have orie pier complete ~nd are area ~o;et~~~ ~~~th ~s ~~~1 °~~ i as. 11t~e · weNh~~ /ermit~ th~re yet to be done on this job. I co~sist of three. hangars and abqut ready_ to floatit out They same as the .last repurt. A num- wt I t- et Sbl,l ICtient dn~wD ou~I1n1g The Baun Constructi~n Gom- utilities, roads and . parking are also. sandblasting and paint- ber of rather large building con- rae s 0 <: s ar e m anv~ e, pany have. been operatmg _part aprons, estimated cost $8,335,­ing st e e'l for a bridge · in the t t ·h b 1 t b t f . Concord, Wal?ut Creek, Pitts- time on their Firebaugh · job. 000.00. Aircraft maintenance· fa"' . . . rae s ave een e u as 0 · burg and AntiOch Th M J R dd C h · · ~ast. !his · w~rk ~s bemg done t,his ':Yriting thei:e · is no activity. · e · · u Y · ompany ave· ciiities c;ost $2,975,000.00. · Per-m .their yard Ill Richmond. Valley Engineers is busy in Ala- --.. ,- . I shut down· their Lander Avenue i sonnel and . administrative' struc-< _ .· meda County_-and. are keeping a Th~ Bechtel · job_ ·in Antioch job indefinitely. - . · I tur.es cost $7,820,00.00. · As of

Badger Construction Co. bid few Brothers b.usy on a · $85,000 h~s ·.started .. and . Is unde~way. The rains don't . bother · the I last ·necember 15th, more than · t~e _chei?ical; plant at Standar_d .pipeline job. The scrapping_ il}- With the ·full .. , swm~ of . t~ung~ . tunnel Engineers. The Winston-~ $14,538,059.00 worth of · col~"' Oil m Richmond. However, tins ~dustry got a shot in the arm ~ec~tel has h1reci s1x engmeers Green job at Balch Camp is struction contracts have been j?b won't start until about . the with the announcement that the lm the past two .weeks . . At the running three shifts. There has I awarded since May 1958. · : · f1rst of March. cruiser . "Oakland" would be n:oment th~r~ are seventeen en- been very Iittle .turnover on this Gordon H. . Ball .has moved il.J...

scrapped at Todd's shipyard. gu:evs workmg. At the peal~ of job to da,te. · . . .. . an~ ·started_ his job north_ of y~ · The Bechtel job at Hercules

will not start their job for ap­proximately six wee_ks yet. When this jol;> is underway we hope to have quite a few of our Brothers working with _it.

The boys- in this yard should .this J~b w~ hope t? have thn·~y · Winston - Green Construction I sa!w on hig~way 99 With SIX keep busy U1e rest of the win-. to _t!urty-fiv~ engmeers. This Company on Terminus Dam are I DW~, three D-8 cats, two blades, ter. pro)ect sho_uld be completed by still working on the south side j one truc'k crane and one grade-

June of this year. I of the river and are high enough 1· all. . . Frederickson Bros. at the air- - - -.. that it will take lots of water to' Ce!l_- VI- Ro CorporatiOn was

port are just about at a stand- C. C. · Moore is erectil1g the J do · any damage . . Thl.s company awarded a contract for _$1 ,208,-' ·n ·u 1 f d r boiler for the Bechtel Corp and has two 1-11 shovels diggincr the 662.00 for earthwork p1pelmes

·. 0. C. Jones & Sons of Berke: Sci_ • Vlh'l 1 a coupde. 0 tl rag mdes Henry -J. Robertson is doing the spillway and have about b two and pumping plants at Tea Pot . scracc mg aroun m 1e mu . . ; · . ... D p t ·11 c l 'f . · ley, California have.the sub-con- _ _ _ · , stairs and deckmg on the same million yards to go. Five DW- _orne, near ~r erv~ e, a 1 or-

tract from the F. P. Latl1rop . . . . . I job. l"here was quite a bit of 20s are hauling clay for the lma. Peerless Pipe will _do all t~e Building contractor to move ap- . . ~here IS a 11;_u,e bm st of ac- back pay and subsistence due to · core. The rock is loaded with ~arthworth for Cen-VI-Ro. This proximately 50,000 cubic yards tlVlty ?n the Oa,:land side of the the Brothers on this Bechtel job tow draglines and a 74B shovel. , JOb Will start Marc~ 1st. . of dirt. This dirf is being moved Estuary as Charle~ Campanella which has now been collected L. B. Wells has the black top · Cameo ~ons~ructwn Company in so that the E. P. Lathrop Co.

1 clears the area_for the new Al- for them. We hope they are hap- all ripped up and about 3000 w_as I_ow b1d with $62,438.00 for

can build the big new Trailmo-


ameda :ube a~proaches at· 3rd py-smile!! !! yards of sub-base material to-go. PI~elme~ out of_ Terra Bellaa . bile Manufacturing Co. shop to and Market Sts. Brothers Ea~n- This company also is moving _ This company Will start about-' . be located in Newark. 0. C. est Lema~ , operator, and Dewitt the Stolte tunnel job in Or- dirt with four super C pulls and February 15th. ~ones & Sons have the streets, Yelton, Oiler, are. busy as beav- inda is on a three shift basis two cats on his other job at W_e have three blood donors : curbs, gutters, parking lots and er~ ~s Charlie ol~_ks for more right now but we u.nderstand ·Visalia. · Lewis Galloway: E. L. Thomp .. the · floors for the buildings. bmldmgs to demo.Ish. . that the resiq_ents in the area The majority of the work in son, R. ~ - Smith. Thank you They will import some 45,000 --- · are complaining about the noise this area is at Lemoore Airbase very much. . - . . cubic . Y~rds of rock for base fill ,\yunderlich on Mtn. _Blvd. ~s J the machines -and the Brothei·s Yosum Construction has a con- We have. a vacatiOn check for for this job. The streets on this trymg to get started w1th therr make on the swing_ and grave- tract for 800 Capehart houses. ·Harry J. Wilmoth; payroll check :project will be of concrete eight stree.t job if. and when the city 1 yard shifts. At the present time John-Varin has three DW-20s, ·a for W. R. Mayall. Also W2 forms inches thick-with floors of the fathers decide .911 the location of there is a Court injunction blade and two cats putting in for: Walter J . Welch, Devon J . building six inches thick. _ The the , r_etainer wall. Th~re ar~ 55 against them which we think streets and pads for _this job. ?n Carter, True:nan ~- Douglas~ total amount of concrete to be wo~kmg daJIS on this pro)ect. the residents of the area are go- west of Yosum's. JOb, Mobile Frank Sanders, Wa)ne R. May_ poured on this job will be about This should keep about seven of ing to lose. If the residents had Crane has five truck cranes all. 10,000 cubic yards. · This is a' the· Brothers busy. 1 their way-it would take about placing concrete for L. E. Dixon. highball job and will only last nine years to complete this tun- ~ Cal-Mobile has a mobile auto- NEW JO~ REPORTS

.. ab"out five or six weeks for our MacARTHUR FREEWAY nel instead of the three years matic batch plant mixing con~ · • Brothers, weather . permitting. The State Department of Pub- which is expected. Good luck ti crete .for this job. McCLELLAN AFB - Contract This portion of. the job of 0 .. C. Uc Works today was awarded a S~olte Corp. and our Brother en- 1


. · Altermatt & Frede~ick is keep- awarded to Campbell Const. Co., Jones & SQns 1s under the su- $2,926,802 contract for the first gmeers. . · mg about eight engmeers · busy Sacramento, $279,500 (Sch. III) pervision of Foremen· Brothers unit of the MacA1:thur Freeway --- _ . on underground fuel storage. for prefab. struc. and related liary Bartlett, Chris Brass and in Oakland .. The successful bid- Young & Anderson are start- Chicago Bridge & Iron has a items for redistrib. and market-Bill Mathews. We have the fol- der was C. K Moser.nan and Son ing to receive pipe for their sub-contract putting in the ing facil. at the Base. 1owing Brothers running ·the of Redwood 'City. The contract pipeline contract which consists tanks. D. G. Bing and John- B. SPARKS, NEVADA - -Con­equipment: . Henry · Stevenson covers about eight-tenths of a . of 34 miles ~ of-. 87" water line Sooy will be· starting tbeir. job tract awarded to N. P . Van Val .. and George . Gentry 011 blade, mile of eight-lane freeway and running from -Bixley to Lafay~ about the 15th of February" This kenburgh Co., P.O. Box 1192~ Christian Jensen and Fred Ham-· traffic separation ·structures be- ette; which ·job . wilL be under- job only has 30,000 yards of .dirt Sacramento, . $422,000 for con-< mer ·on rollers -Dave Crockett twE)en the Bay Bridge distribu- way with .weather permitting .. to move but will have a lot -of i-n- struction of sanitary sewer in;, and h S.· Hawks· on: TS 300, Mil- tion structure and Market St. At-this particu1ar time we have port and .finishing to· do. · terceptoi, WASHOE COUNTY; ton Hendricks .on a dozer.-· The -.project includes construe- a . few.. of, our ,Brothers .working - Baldwin . Construction -:~ hav-e · SACRAMENTO - Contract ·

tion . of a traffic . , separation on this ... line. We understand two cats, .a DW"20 an4 -a: blade awarde!f to -'Harms .Bros., · 526. · LIVERMORE €ANAL •JOB struct.ure about 1,100 ft. long to that. Y.ow1g, and ., Ander-s~m :have working · ond heir road job at Stockton.· Blvd., · Sacramento: · -:-- o. K. ·-Mittry .& Sons of ·-15905 take .the freeway over-: Peralta·, bougqt'-a , ne~v-~Ameri~an: Grawler ·Lemoore. :Airbase,_ . $289;535 for improvement- ~L ·South·: Broadway in.:- Gardena,. Magnolia; · Adeline -and -Chestnut Tig.,· .with· ·_a ;41f2 •· · buck~t.-: ·.with . . Thre:e ' more contracts. •.expect- Lincoln ·Village.·Unit ' Ni::r. ·· 2 -. in. : California, - have . sta~t~~ , con-· :t~ . ~~~ ·- Sand~ablo ·,1ve . ,. and which -to" dig;;. this . pipe;li,ne; : : --.eq rto,~ ;o:t:· $19{140;QQO,OO:~~-~ :~e SA~r·ENTO ··co. . ,'.;':;, · .·,! ..

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r. • J

SACRA!VIENTO-C o Irt r act;~ awarded to Campbell Const. Cc..t., · P.O. Box ~-390, Saciamento,, $2,-· · · 004,454 (Base-Alts.) ·for· C(\nst_ Will C.· Wood Jr.' High Scliool~, Sacrani{mto·.


.. '.., ·'·l ·· ..


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Compensation Quizzes Question

Do eml!loyees working in ag· ricultural labhr 'have a right to comµensation bene(its?

A11swer Yes. The law excluding farin

labor or other agricultural work· ers has been repealed. These employees are -now entitled to the same benefits as all other employees cover-ed by the Work­men's Compensation Act !or any il1jury on or after September 18, 1959.

Question '


Sat ety Committee !s of No Value Without You

lly GLENN L. DOBYNS, Safety,It~presenlativc l believe a safety commJtlee is one of the strongesl and most

important devjces that we can use in improving the safety ~ecord~ and reducing accidents. However, 1 feel that the old concept of havin;t a group ,or safety·eommit1.ee people march through an at·ea on a p11rOculaf day of I.be !nonth, each armed with a sharp pencil and a l).Qtebook, and each' indi- ------victual looking for the thi11gs tee as an educational arm of the lhat he ca1.1 find tha.t should be I safety ,progtam c.:n by dymtl'lic cor~ected, /.S almost lud,cro.us_ as and an impartant part of creat­to !ts actual result m reduc1nii iog safety awaren~ss in e,ery accidents. member oE the organization. It'

Therefore, I propose that llie is trite b11t true that the best safety committee should. be 1

1 safety de\,,ce is a sa• e wo.rk<'T.

thought of as an educational or· No sa(~nard cau ba man1ttac­Answer ganization which can provide tured and no r ule~ nnrl regula­. For injuries suffered before the means of communications ' tions ell{orced thai wiU prever.t September 18, 1959, an employ- between the staff, management. a man from inJunng hi,-,1,eH if ee was not entitled . to receive and supervisory personnel. and J he tries hard enough to cause any tempor.ary cl1sab1hty comp· all other employees. I like to see an accident. ensatio~ m_or.e than 240_ weeks I large sa[ety committees made The av,,,·age American U!:es afler his tnJUry. For ,mJunes up o( c~re fully selected, dedi- to fe.~l that !Jc !las co11tribu1<ed suf}ered on or after September I tate<,l individuals who meet somelhing o( tile policy that in 18. 1959, the employee can still ] monthly to discuss the safP.ly turn governs the operation in receive at the !11ost. 240 weeks program. These committees which he works. This is particu­<>f ~emporary d1sab1)ty compen· should be chairmanned by the larlv true in sa(ety. A man who sauon; however, these 240 safety enginee,·, or any other in- fesls he has contributed one weeks can be spread over a five- dividual who is responsible for small part of an idea that even-

What is the maximum period of time in whic:.h an e111plofee can receive temporary disabi.l· it-y payments?

year period. the safety progqm. The montl1- tually becomes a safety regul~-Question ly program should be so coustl- tion will consistently support

if the Insurance carrier µcti· tuted as to give every member that regulation and wilt cause tions (o reduce a permanent dis· of Lhe committee an insigbl int() others to support it. ability t·~ting and is not success· the broad policy of sa.fety wiµi Contrast this &ltilude with ful. has the employee any right enough inspirational material that of the man who feels Jt to recoveJ·' bis costs of defending that the member will go back was an arbitrary act decreed by the action. to l1is work and become a strong the authorities who were not in-

factor in selling this policy to I terested i 11 listening to his ide3s Answer other employees. on the subject. All of us like the

Yes, when the employer or in· Each safety committee should feeling of being "in at !he be-surance carrier is unsuccessful be divided into groups and ginnin!(.'' It. is this feeling that in lrying to reduce the employ- these groups should be rotated a sa(ety committeeman cm ee's permanent disability rating, in such a way that, over the I take back to a deparhnent. to an the employee is entitled to an years a Jar~er number of em· 1 area. lo an office, to a commu­award for bis reasonable costs ploy!\es will have the oppor1u- nit.Y. that many instill a bettet· in defending Ute action. nity to serve on the commit, degree or cooperation from that

tees. The committee should be group with llle safety oper~tion.

Organizer's given a chance to "speak his 1 feel we are missing a big p~rt piece" as far as i-d ea s he be· of safely promotion il we.do not lieves are impo1,1ant io any and utilize a safety committee to ev-:Beport all aspects of safety, 'rhcse , ery possible extent ln selling

ft · . ideas . should be prescnlcd in I safety to all employees in an or-/Continued from preceding page) committee to a pro_fessional j gamzat100. . 1960. A few days after this no-! safety man who . ca~ direct the ,As we advance technolog,cal­lice, and before the N.L,R.B. idea along the. p~oper pattern · 1y as we mov.e furth~r mto the could schedule a date for t'Jie and qmckly ebnunate the so- space age, as atonuc mstalla­election the U.1E filed char"es called "crack pot" ideas, tions and supersonic aircraft be-blocking any elect.ion until th:se The committee member is gin to operate in close proximi· charges· have been resolved. best qualilied to report 011 con- ty to large segments of our pop-

Last November we filed a pe- ditions in his own field. 'l'ba_t )s ulation, as our cities become lition with N. L. R. B. for a rep· where be works. and that 1s more crowded and our freeways resentalion election at the where he is acquamted. If he is more _congested, how could any. Castlewood Coumtry Club, Pleas- properly indoctrinated, he can one disagree lha_t lus safetr and anton, involving _five mainten· se,v~ as the ng~t arm ~f the _su- the s~ety. of Lus ianuly. LS ~o ance mechanics. The Board will perv,sor or f01 eman m pomt-


longe, lndiv1dually in l!IS om1 not assert jurisdiction over this ing out items that should be cor- hands but rather collecti,;~ly ,n club· therefore we have turned rected. the hands of the community as this 'case over to the Slate Con· '£his use of a safety commit- a who!~. ciliation omi:e. After having meetfugs with the culinary workers and receiving their sup· port at t~is club;·we feel ·a con· tract is in the very near future.

We also have had our prob· Jems in Trviugton at the Clover­leaf Bowling Alley, The N.L.R.B. will not assel't jurisdiction over this club. Three main~enance I mechanics are involved.

We !lave petitioned to the N.L:R.ll. for an election · at the Campbell Chain Co. ju Alvarado. 70 eJJ1ployees are involved. We hope to be successful in a!'rang­ing a consent election at this plant.

The til'St pa-rt of February we spent some lime organiz­ing all of the Federal Gov· ernment installal.ions in the Bay Area, in cooperation with the International Office aud Local 3. A meeting was called February 5, 1_960, for all federal employoos by our Seventh In· ternational Vice President. New· ell J. Carman. l\.k Frank Brant· ley, l11ternatioual Representa· live, cbaircd the meeting, repre­senting Local 39. Our purpose is to establish a West Coast Con· ference for more complete rcp­l'ese.ntation concerning wages, grievances, etc.

A union that works togther stays together.


THE GU'l'S 10,


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I c

. - .. ~·

---... PAGKEIGfiT . ~~- . _FEBRUARY, 19H0

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• ·.-·::5' -.E. ·--S:E·· ~ -:s, L: L· ROSAmUKIAH -;By no~ ·--~INCHLOE,c ERNIE ~~tSON, Rt\ROLD : HUSTON; ·.. K!ewit- h:~~-: ~ubbed- thE1 dirt· . ?'l~liabie:.\~ra~1e -~i~- . -w<ir~ing "A· A' .. -D-~-~I .. i' -~ ':

EDW. HEARNE. and BILL METrrZ, Bitsiness Rep!·esentativgs · worK to Pa1nsl;l:Brqs . . of Bemc1a . with the Western Freight Han- I f ~~tJl ~o\111 ·ll ' -- . ' . ' and they -·a:re bUS)' movin~· . d,irt dlers. . " ,; -... ' ·· \· u)l~, D' 'ER·. ' ATE:R--The Sacramento area is · at a; standstin: · only-;a ·: fe~~i . jobs - on whenever. thew~:atherpermits . . _ · · ,.... ; .. . _··:.- . --~-~~.. . . ·. . .. .. -:~

Higl:)way 50are·still operating. · . _ _ ,The job has·a high priority g-n·d . -The Delta l-OnSL. Co., · own~d / __ s .· _ ,.i, .. : i1 ~ · , Peter' Kiewit has started the Missile Plant in Lincoln. He has there will 'be<litth:"' time lost " to 'by Nprman Brown, fro1n. RIO I: By R. F. SWANSON

contracted the dirt work to Jarrish Broth(m:;.' . :rain if it can be. helped: There. 'Vista, is keeping busy with . Business Representative ; D. W. Nicholson lost their contract at Aerojef; Wismer and .is .about.· half . a m_ ill~on_ y_ ards three m'lgineer_s 011 maintenance. Y,~u have

110 doubt read· the_ B'ecker received the new contract. . th t p h ll ·· . . . a · ar_ns · WI ~ move_: <. :~ . . . i , .Th_e contract fo~· · the new daily newspapers 'and . already;

.... ·Brothers: we have had mU<;h illness in ·the .past _few weeks and . . The _silo that the missile_. · Is~-m Jraff1c overhead mter-change _know of the approximate extent. o1li, bloo'd ·tan'k is very low. We need_blood badly! While the d -weather is bad-, and the work is slow, g· o down and · donate your will -be 160 feet eep·; so a . ver- .will be let soon, to aUeviate traf- :of water and flood damage tc~

\_ tical shaft will be sunk about 80 :fie . congestion entering or !eav- this area. You can be sure that . 1eod. - · . · . - . · . . . · . · , .feet deeper t han Parrish will go ing Aerojet, at Hwf 5.0 and .it will create work for there are · \~ The following donated blood in ttle past- rrtonth: , , - with the scrapers; :The Corpora- Nimbus Dam Road. numerous· slides-brictrres out- :

JOHN SHEEHAN. - , · . tion of Engin~ers : l:as informed , · Th~re is no ne~v c?nstruction ·roads · under _water' 0slip-outs;·

.-:-' ·ELM-E-R RASTETTER p.re ".rimriing somewhat b~low us_ that tlus w!l~ be m solld :·ock, planned ·for AeroJet rn the near etc., etc.; however, we ani ERN'EST KENNEDY orfginal constructlcm estimates. as · well. : Pari'I~h ~1:es . . figure fbt~re t6 help our .unemployed I thai1kful now for havi-ng one WlVI. · TiMitiONS · He. did not cite specific. figures, a?out 100 workmg .aays for the , engmeers. · . . . dam-:::: namely COYOTE _ and:

' · · NORMA GAULT bitt did ~xpresssatisfaction with d1rt. . , Most of the -subdivisions are we are certainly looking for-.' .FRANK- CAMPBELL the ~ro.gr_e,ss of !he wor~~ . on .tilE:: Surveymg on all three(, sites ':down_ due to the ''~et .weather'. ward to additional dams in -'the

: Brother JVIel Fox, blade oper- multmullwn dol~ar pro~ect I Will be done by John'_. B. --Duff: : som~ · of _the . . contractors are area. The quick flooding of the ator for Lentz, has beeri -ip. the He also reported. a mmor, b_ut ~ He will have-three· or four par--·keepmg busy TeJ?~iring the Russian ·Ri:ver espeda:lly in the hmpital for an operation and ii:;' impmtant, ;change in the · design -ties in the field at the ,pea,k . of . equipment. · . area .of . . Gu~rnevme should out · doing fine -now. · that : is . peing _· made at the ' ca.: the job. Duff has -had many. :jobs ·'· Lord apd _ Bjshop: have started :.hasten the start of the.'.proposed

"Brother Ernie Brown is jn't:lle min9 .power plant_ to be located in the area, and :he has always ' the _ h~w Watt ~venu_e _Brid~e Dry c1~eek riani: At least \ve Sutter Hospit~l. Brother Bro~, , ,ahGut ··~hree ·miles ,north of -Pol- , employed menioers .of tL<ical No:·: : -~cross: tJ1e Ame~·1ean Rwer. Th1s I10pe- it is uppermost in · thE} ·

-hore forema~1- for -Hydrau]lc , ;ock fmes, El Dqra~o County . . 3 on his pal'ties . . He is ·:returnjng : JOh_.:· w~ll go until ·early sunm~er · minds of the Legislature. Jus~ · WJredge Co·. Tlus crew has a very 'The- JnstaUed capaGity of the· to the · area .from Vandenburg :but w~ll only empl9y about five think of the amount of run-off

bad time with the flu. Brother .plarit ,will be redueed to 72;000 Air Force Base near ·Lompoc,. engine·ers. The ramps and Watt of valuable water which could· Nick Carlson -was off .sorp.e time; kilowatts from a previous ~6 ;- Calif., and he-.says that he is Ave, extenston will be let later have--been saved had there . bee-n

. (llSO Bro. Ray .Anderson is down :ooo-kil,owat~s but provis'ions \~ill :mighty happy to be'' back' in :in the' spring with a·finisl! plan- I a dam; also many of~ our Broth~ and. Brother Davies. . . ~ :bemade to mcrease 'the capacity 'Northern California. .· ·· ned for-Decembe~. There Is very I eFs .and their fainilies would' nof. _ ~rotl:).er Mor~·is Wallp'ave iS _-in o~ the plant to double th~, 72,000 Flor.es and Perry -of 'f!~i)ford : littl~ _excavatton qn ti:is job, so I1ave :fo worry about'loss oftheir

the hospital . m Antioch with kilowatts at a lat~r date. · : have moved out all bl}t ori.e oc agam _the operator:s will b~ few. I hOines · due to floods. _ PLEASE ; something wrong with his 'heart. . The change will_ make better ' two pieces of ' their equ'ipmeJ1t

1, Lentz C~nst. ar~ in the proc- ' Mr.· Governor, this area NEEDS

We hope · t~ese brothe-rs are use ·:of - the pot:nt_IaL power re-- from the Pilot HiU job and ?r.e ess of. ~novmg their shop out on a dam. _ We: kno_w that your good back Ol1 the Job . soon! . sou~_,Ges and reqmre later . con, , doi_ng a couple of •landlevelmg El?er Creek Road. They keep a office has· looked · into.· the nia(.

,Ja~ Anders.on is in the Mercy stnwtion of · ~ ~,200 . acre ' foot . jobs in the lower . S.an· .Joaq]ljn · crew~ go~ng_ .on. underground ter; so please 'put the .Dr.y Ci~eek Hospital for a check-up. forebay Tese,rvoir; with a . 180 Valley _during . the bad weather. _work_-between rams.: Dam ·<m·youf hi dh priority list. : _ :Work in th_is . ·area _is slo~, foot _ rockfill d~m on Br:ush All -they are_ doing now is _wor~~ BnghtoJ;l Sand & Gravel have OFF-ICE CHANGE · · abo:ut the, only thmg gomg OlliS Creek,-about a m1le north of the irig on the crusher,· gettmg 1t a!] but shut dow_n:_ The shop t he dredging and sl:wp work. . C?:min9 ·power plant.. ready for:--_next ~spr'ing, . crew 'ai·e_ doing a -good job O\/er- · \he' new address 011· or about . Erickson C.onst. have a . full "This ·additional construction . G. s. Herrington of 'Auburn haulhig ;the equipm~nt and win March l, 1960" wil] be 1186 Yul:'·

. cl:ew working their American will take 'place later in com bin a- is still' moving· d'irf . orr the I have it ready to do· when the upa .-Avenue, whiCh, incfdently~

.iyer Shop. Russ Armas is the tion with · the· development oft' Mooney. Flat Road whe.never -t-he · weather ·breaks. · · _· is wi.thin seven (7) blocks of · · the 'present office. Also the pre~· nwste~· _mecha-nic and doing a tl~e south fork of the Amed~an weather will p-ermit. · Thaf'ha~ (;ranite 9onst. ··co: keep the osed Hi hwa 12 Fre~wa will good Job_., _ . . . R1Ver be~?w the present proJect . not · been ~ very __ 9ft~I: la~~l)'. . ?~usher gom¥ a~1d . also are _ do- be= withil~ ·im/ block _ of thl n~w

A. TeH;:hert and Son -have a features : · ·Brother .J.1m ·Lewis 1s keepmg mg some stnppmg around the ff' 1- t· · ct· th .11- 1-.. •

f · · · h · · Th·.-, d · 1 · · t f th 1 · ·.- · . ·· - . -· · ·t" ·.; ·Tl · · 1 1 tl · I o 1ce oca wn an ere w1 . IJ/El ~~w men rep~mng t e pa-vn1g . .e eve o~_~en . o .e ower ' busy domg rep_mr 'Nor~ - ?_ll 'U1e ,PI : ·. ,_ley a so · _1ave . •- _1en· g?- an',__ ·1 t . h . · . t y 1 - A_ :1 spread at Dav1~ , and _-they ha~;e stages of J he nver near Pl_acer- equipment so that :th,e_opEmitors ahea~.' :1 er~y.r- of n~e~hamcs J:l~sy Tr 1

.. ~- ~rc 1~nge_ a bu upa_11

' ei. · ~ ,,small -crew m their shop 1n VIlle, El Dori!do County, Will be :will have something to run.:,- • repamng the eqmpmel'!t andre- . 1~ ·, e epwne n~un . _er."vi rE:, · Wooaland. Brotfier · Cliff · Sar;d~ fin an_ ce,d by a separate bond is~ · Roads, , Inc., of.: Sant-a,; Eosa-, mod~ling 'ina'Cliines: for bette_ r :nd?.m tthe _sakmet .. hi.t '"'!Is n?th0_llf. · · h t k " · .. t. · · · · . th .. d · , · · . · · d- t'· · · d · . · ·- 1 • ea o ma e . IS move-c- ow-%S-. ?s. }· ~!L -ove~-:-- a~ , mp~- ~r, sue not y~t au orlZe . . ~ w;ls low, bid<:l_~r....,on t.h~ :· r,el;n.pld- . ~ro. t:c -wn an • eas m m oper~ ; · th ' -Tth. ··r --: . -d. - . .. J:.l!.eqham~. _T~~y still. h(l~e:. }~~.' we're sor~y to reyort Brother : ing :of Colfax _Street m ... Or~·~s , t_wn;_ · no· dea~·,hea-ds ·· ~n t?ls ~ve~, _ e .c 0 :n~t OI~ a b01~; plant -~omg f1ye days: . -· _· .:" · fiar?ld ·Fer-rm; '·Who-was -h~trt qp- Valley, with q prjce· of' $:197,~ :·cre_w; and all are 100% umon ~ng: _ o~r •. ~r,fer~1ct·t . JC~ as . - ~e.~~ ' -Madison San-g and G~·ave'l ar~ er:abng-- a dozer· ·fqr Archie T1ll .926.86. This jo)J )s _only about men! . · ::s1r?~1 ~ 0 ~ • 1 lOna, s~ace ~~ ~~:VP.· Altthey_: are doi'ng js re~: ?n the r?~d j'?b; is still ~n seri- three-_eigl}tJ1s of a mil~ Jn l_e:ngt~;; . I~~i:c~son_ .. Const. _ are· _ at a ~onl~ _ t~me, .The 01~t?; ;ay t~& parr work. ·, · · . ous-con:d1hon mthe hospital. We . so if this seems like · a lot of 1 standstill w1th the eqmpment eou , e accomp IS e - IS 9r I ' ~-C·~· still ·have : their pl?nt wish . to urge~ ~n. the br?thers ~oney. it ~s ' -beca_use of 'ai( ' tl1e ·ol}; :o'.utside jobs, ~ b~Jt they are t themAo take ov::r th~ :space w~ ~_omg 1!1 · yolo -a:q.d ~t loo. ks: like. who_ are·':"orlnng: m :r:ough coun- · con.crete .fo be __ u __ s~d-. . we ___ ' u~ger~ _gOil).'g ' good · at' ~heir · _pla·nt . on


tlw ~cc~f~dby ~e:11r~ng a wa;~_ -~ ~hey: Will run all wmtec · try m a tight spot; to use all the stand tljat they will plac~ some- ·· Arden Way and m the shop. 1~ an °1 ~ ere me ~u_gge~,, : ·pinwiddie Canst. wm start on -


caut-ion that is n'eeded · to pre- thing like '33 ,000 ~yards ~)f teady-,' A. Teichert, a~ usual , ,is going . ed thaft h~ ~:mil~ :..an a?d~twn_ ~-ci their .job on 7th: and · Capital vent ·an ·accident. PLEASE, mix concrete. Don't know Where ,when they can, with lots 'of ac- on_e · 0 lu~ offic~ bmldmgs n ijfxt w~ek. The last stoi·m '.ye • DON'T TAKE A CHANCE! The 1 they'll put it , but.· th(!y ·must I tlvi(y in the shop§. The Perkins- Mayette VIlla~e. · W~ _agree~ , so ]}.~d here blew a big tree over life . 'JOU - save; -might be your I. have a place for: it: ,We have no yard is full of eC!J.uipment ready .long as w~ WIH ~ave_ better. ae-on th~il~ office. LuckilY, no. one owti) · ' _ other in£oqnatioD. ori t~is~job ,for tl'ie mechanics to WQrk on ~ommodatlO~s. (l\l?te. We re~l:: ~as kllle9! At! BURN SEWER -.. 'yet, but hope· to have some soon, ·and some ·ready fQr the trans- IZE), ~he ,Office :mn be a fe .v

Rhea. Tractor just got · moved · Brothers in . the Auburn area Madonna has been snut do~rn port to go to the job. Our broth- blocks fa~ther out than t_he pres· into their new shop. ·This is go-· have been anxiously awaiting ·.lately because of " the rain, 'so . ers here are all old-timers and ent locatwn, ~ut we s~I~l have ing to g'ive them a . lot · more \vord on the i1ew sewage treat- we have · hothing to report on do a first-clas job. . excellent parJ?n~ !acillti~s and ~oom and a bettei shop to ·work inent system to be constructed this job at this time. · . •: McGillivray Gonst. are rep.eir- , no !11Ei:ers:_ ThJ~1 .1ScrLh e m~m re~: m. in· Auburn. Fr~ed J , Early Co. of Teich~rt has had to move a · ing everything they own. The :son f~~ not n:_o• mo closer to U 8 ..

New Island Equipment is get- San Francisco was _the low bid . few·· rigs back up to Baxters to . plants are ()'ettincr .a good D'Oincr :heart of Sanca Rosa). . ting_ much larger stock _of. c<;se o~ $1,250,000. This job will con- I move a huge inud slide tbat has · ov~r ·in anticipation of a -bgood MEETING Tl.JRN~!JT . . eqmgment. They are b_mldmg a sist of a sewage tre.atment plant,! shut down the westbound_ ·lanes year in the affinE:. • ~Ia~y th?nk~ fm the ~xce~le]1t .

. • bo& look_ing loader no\~. thl'ee. lift or pump stations , and of_ traffic about three a _nd a _ ha~f : Western Concrete Pipe have r turn~ut to . . the _ Special-called }nd~stnal Tractor Co: ha~e s~\~era l t~ousand fe~t ?f sewer ffilles east. o~ Baxters. ~ Th~s· 1s -a sm-all crew keeping the plant I ~Ieetmg for. electmn of an •E:ec:

goo_d-sized crews.· w~r:kmg l.l1 lme~ rangm_g fr~m six mches t? ·all the ach_vit_Y th~t . has ta~en . iri operation. . tw_n ~on:_rmttee membe~ fror.;~ their shop and tlunk they have 24 -mches m du~meter. Repre- place on th .. Is JOb sm_ce the fmt D lt P -St 1 th . - ~ tlu~ District .and also fm nom1·: w?r:k to take them through the sentatives of the Early Co. have of t11e ye·ar. · e a r~ r:ss 1a~le er~ nat~on of Dele~ate to the Inte!'·· wmter. . . . ·stated that they ·plan to start · We have ·been· expecting some ~egular engmeer~ on le pay :natwnal Conventwn to be he!d

If looks like we are going to about March .1st. This job will wor:d ·on-the DonnerSumniit job, roll. Clarks Weldmg 011 :r:olsom j in Miami. The Eie·ction Commit.; have more subdivision work this not · keep· too many brothers but so ' far ·we ·have hea,rd· noth- B

1lvd. havt~· top wetlde,~s md thf , tee member electetl was 'Floyd!

th ~ h d l L T lh k' b t "t h ld b t d ' t'h . t . . t . slOp pu olllg ou ' gra e- h Wl::bb . ) year an we a asL. e · wor mg, u · I s ou e s ea y mg _ · a we can pass 'on _o you. k , _) · . : _ _ . South SacramE)nto ' Freeway is going once it gets started . As soon as we· do, it will be re-· · w_or ·. . . : · J im Moves to Fresno - Mos~ almost sure to go this year. The brothers in the Truckee ported to you. This ·job will pro- P.C.A. _at Fair Oa~(S are gomg I of you know, but possibly there

SNOW RElVIOVAL a_ rea are interested in the Pros- vide considerabk emplo:y'~ent -strong _wrth two_ shifts ·vVlth no I are some w_ho haven't 9eard Old man winter has been very ser Creek Dam. While we have . when it does_ ·get underway. let-up m the future. They pian that Jim Mark has left the San·:

bu_sy _bringing _lots of .snow and very littl~ i~1formation to give ·There ~should b~ . no shortage of :to ~dd another . Hot Pl~~t ~ th~-~ [' ta _Rosa office. Oh no-he didn't_ ram m the hills. Wrth all .the you at tl11S hme, we have le~rn- work m the Truckee ·area the year to take care of _ext-ra" OJ qmt-he has been transferred bad weather, work around the ed that the R. A. Heintz Co. lnext couple of seasons. dered of the plant mix. ; to the Fresno office where the'

· tiake is just about to a standstill will move in no equipment until AER0JET SLOW Brighton Sand and Gravel jformer dispatcher has retired excepting the snow removal about the first of April. Your Work is cilmosf at a standstilL have shut the· c,rusher down for i after I'nany ye_ars service. Jim; equipment, ' which are busy 24 representatives- will meet with at Aero~et.- D .. w. Nieholson . 30 days but keep sor,le of our I we are going to miss you but as hours a day. . .compauy officials before work , keeps· twe - engilieers on the -- brothers busy with hepairing. the Brothers are saying, "Santa

Pomeroy Dredge is in high starts and we , will have a more equipment. . 'Sacramento Ready-Mix stay in Rosa 's loss is Fresno's ~ gain." . gear at Tahoe Valley and at the Gomplete report for you at t hat - ·The Wismer arid Becker El'ec- _. operation, rain or shine ! Good luck, Jim, from all of. the present time are · working six t!m·e. · - . tric -Co. was successful' in get" · :Teichert's batch plants have many friends still in Santa Rosa: days per week. It 's been so cold Peter Kiewit Sons Co. has got- ting tli~ time and maintenance kept going in spite of -the incle::_ ·By the way, the new dispatch:: · up there the pipes · will- fr.eeze ten started on. their $31,000.000 -job, -and.· at ~present we·ha\re' d·is· · ment ·weather. . , e1~'s ·name is Edith Leppeit and up it it's shut down. We -hope, Titan Missile site job as this is ·patched three· engineers fo ·'thi's · • Folsom Reacly-Mix~-and Rose- the files which Jim h~s so ably' this job will .kee,p a lot of our being written. Tliis job ·consists job. · ville Ready-Mix have. our broth- . started will · certainly be cOic;,.: brothers busy al' !winter. of three bgses, one of which is . ~ A. Teichert's ·work ·is -"liinit-Eid er' engineers getting full checks tfnued ih the same ·tn~mner,

Paul E. Shaact; general man- located at Lincoln in the Sacra- to small contracts, , ,~.iith a ·crew _each ,pay-day. · DISABILITY REFUND . :.ager and -.chief engineer -of the ·mento · district one 1i.ear Livec of six able -men' at: the_',.corit-rols .' •i.'· Krpan Bros. have their equip- · Br0thers, a word o{ caution: .• acramento :· Mupi.cipal , Utility oak-, and one ·n~ar the Chico air- ·. · Callahan_ Co. is up arid <ct(:)\\lri ·. ~e_nt--in the yard undergoing ex- if you · ha-ve worked · for mo:re

District, ·repor_ted . to the boa;rd, oort The' latter two are located · witf.1 one" to' three broHr~i';, opBi'" - tei1si.ve- repairs. - , · than one employer and· have~ · · - of,.· di~ectors cthat' co~tract · corri- ~:Vi thin the :iv.rarysyille ·distric_t ; so · a tors:" -·~ ·.·.·· .-~ < _-·: -·-: :::>. "::_·::,·; · >- Richar~d Cox · started his Cai- tnaa'e more . tl1an' $3600, the ri -<~mitments -~on. . -SMUD1s- -Upper --we S.hall '. cbnfine:: our repoit to · A.E.'C : keep'-a· <rr~uie;.<frew,.busy;· fuicha·gl water pipe job with six y&u-;·have a ·reft::JJd cmj1ing' -fro :r.O: -,.-American,'--Rhrer ~Rower .~ErojecL:the:. ;s-ite "aVL.incollL- . . : c, , . on"iheif' job'_·· .' .. .:-~. . .. :-· '~ · -·'" .,;:.. •engineers on the ·pay-roll.-· · · (Continued· oli{Page ;12) _ · '

. i ';: . ( .: -: ) . .... :1 : ~ "1 ·~ ' ~ .( } . f ;~ ':. ~ ' 1 : t ! - ! ·-t l ... . J ~ J ... ~ -~ s .: : ~: ! ; • . J •• ; • ~ •

Page 9: 1960 February Engineers News - Home - OE31960 February Engineers News - Home - OE3 ... m 39


PAGE TEN · ENGINEER'S NEWS . ' _ FEI?RUARY, 19€0 _,· - •.

Job Awards~-"~ Mar'11SVille Is All Set .,for Big·· · Year Ahead ·. ~,~~~~ ~h~s·~p:~;i~~.~:fu _ . trades, which has to be put in ·· s A N T A c· RUZ C t '" . . - . on 1·ac16·

Ey C. R. VAN WINKLE, C. E. COCKAYNE, W. R. WEEKS,IRA iM.SHAW, Business Representatives. shape, everybody has been kept awarded to-W; J. Nicholsoit C«»., . WEATHER: . r . going. . ', . Inc., and Shanley Cmist. Co., 801§

The Marysville Area like other areas is having weather trou- .,_j. ~~~~G N.O.TICEs·· As we have reported 'the' last Kife_r Road; Santa Clara, $1,4991~ .. bles with most of the work down or limping along on one leg. "'~ n couple of months the rock, sand 444 for const. 12,000,000 gals. But as one of the· dear broth~rs said, "now that it is raining he· Regular Quarterly Distlict and gravel p'ants on the whole per clay water treatment · plam can sit back' relaxed and watch 'tele-\;ision, read _ or· play solitaire, have been holding up surpris- inci. flocculation and sedimen"

Meeti~;~.g: Will ~he held Th,ursday, · 1 11 ·d · th t" · · but when the sun was .shining he paced the floor like a c?ged . · . . mg Y we , censi enng · e Ime tation basins, rapid sand: filter, . . , . . . . , . . . . April 14, 1960 at 8 p.m. m the ef y~ar. Kaiser's plant in . Oro-· k · · bl'·-m

tiget. So the ra.m, ~s I~ng ~s· thei'e 1sn t much. wotk go~g on, Is ·Acapulco Dance Hall, 323 E St., ll . h _. b . _. . . . . . f . t . storage tan s, operatiOns ug.;: probably ·a: bl~ssmg. m disgmse and• anyway our good fnends the '1\'1 . ill . VI e as . een. an excep 1011 0 . etc. . · . farmers· need . it. . . I ' ' . . . . . ' :· ai:G .. RyslvE\TeA.NC'E' · .. : ·col\i'(MIT'fEE . ;the -~bove; havmg been off a~d . MT. VIEW- C.onfr:act· awal~!}ed-

. . · · · · · · · · · · · · - · - ' · · . • n. : no· smce October and now Its . . . . . MISSILE BASES . Personally . we are geH~g_· Meets every :Thursd_ay (except off. · . . · toGragat~ Payi?g ~·?~· .. $~29!974;

Now here is a subject that is J more than a little am10yed. With on the· Qirarterly· District. Meet- . . . . for. PT~X. smf., ·. RCP st~r· • · . · . . · f th ft . h · 1. , . . . , ·.' . Last month .we reported on a dram AC wtr, mam on Baile~ I_n ever_rone~'s nu_nd.an<l one that I swoanytse ao li't.·tlee ·cqruai.·cks_ ownothaeretri~g- mg. Night)~~? p.m~ m ·the Engt· questio_ n th·at_. had arisen with I Aven~e Extension• . . - . . . -•.

··· ,, , ___ _ · · · . · - .neers' · Hall,_ 1010· "Eye" Street, · .. , · · · · · .. . ·Id-" - · · . . . we th_ought _ .. e . would be .able: ger and don;t :bother to· inform 1\'I·arysville . . , , . •. • ... t~e V~ba . ~onsohdated G~ · : :: SAN FRANCISC;O·,.:- Contrac~·· .

-to :vnte . a_ ?ook about and, . at the unions they . ex}leCt: to sup~ . : . -·' . . . . .· . ·. - Fields r_egardi?g, the welfare m l:award'ed- to Payne Const.. Co?. thIs wntmg hardly . know t. tl _ . f ·th . t . bl. _d Yuba · Consolidated Go 1 d .surance benefits. We are happy 689. L . . . st· t 0 klan.ll

· h f"l , h .A- d por · tem o en·. ron es an · F' ld Membe ship Meeti:itg. . t . f 11 ·. b omsiana ree ,· a · \Ill' enoug ~0 · 1 1 a parag~ap · . n giv~ the other. trades a chance Ie s . r . . · 0 m orm a · our mem _ er~ em· $325,998 .for roofing :and linilig that which we know IS subJect t · h 1 th - b f tt• Cancelled due-to hohday, Wash. ployed there that there· will be C 11 . H"ll R . . · ·

h , "th .t t· _. d . o e p em e ore pu mg on ing· ton's Birthday . • h . b , f't . 'd I o ege 1 . sve; to c a~ge _WI . ~u . no ICe an . a picket line. And th!s is espec• . , , · ?0 c ange m ene 1 s provi e{ .. PLEASANTON~ Con t.r act we hesrtat~ to say too much f~r ially true as to .the Union that is <Rqc_k,. Sand. an,d G~avel Mem- m the a.gre~ment. !he Qnly ·awarded to .Reynolds CoiJ.st. Co.

9 fe~r some one may change ~Is trying to :··gain a . jurisdictional be~shlp Meetmg: Will be held cha~ge will be . a swit~h . fr?m Santa Rosa (P.O.,Box 468). $325., mmd and cancel out everythmg advantage. Frida!; Fe~rll:~~Y : 26, 1960 at 8 the ~":sur~nce company carryi~g ·llO -(B d Alt~) · f '. . '~ we know. . · . , p.m. m the Engmeers'Hall, 1010 the (hsabdty unemployment m· · . . ase _an . ;;. 01 con . -:. ·. To date we know that which ' OTHE~ "~ ~RK . - . · "Eye"- Street, . Marysville; · surance to the State Plan. The structwn of Vmeyard Elem~ y~u know and . that is Peter The ~eter. Kre:vrt _Sons tunnel Natomas cQ.mpany Meinber- a~dit~o~al ' disab~i_ty insura~ce School. Kiewit Sons have the contract. c~ncretmg JOb m the F~ather ship Meeting: Will be held Mon- Will still be earned by the m~ - - ------~hat. they will_ have central of- ~rver , qa~yon have run mto .a day, March 7, 1960 at the'Veter~ surarice· com~any, and there 'fill C • Q • • free ll1 1\f,arysville and that Mr . . ~Jtle dd lfficulftty. Bthad fcement IS ans' Hall, Folsom at 1'0:30 a~m. be n~ reductiOn or loss of. bene· ompensahon UIZ: Homer J . Olson will be the Pro]·- arne ~s a er e orms are f · h s · · ·sh .. ft ' d· 3·30 ·fits.- . . · Quest1'on - · t k p tl th t · 't or t e . wmg I an . . , . . ect Manager. Also a Mr. Paul s rue . ap _;:~ren Y e se Isn p' m for all others · · Gladding McBean and Com- · .If a'11·· etnployee r" I'equ· 1···e·~ · ·t.,. .·

. . . . . ·. good and hunks .fall out of the · · . _ .·- · ' · . · _ . . ~ ~ ~- ~ Scrpggs. Is. to be the Project roof. , Gladding))WcBean . and Com- ~any after_ a very go~d produc report for a medical examnta" .

. Spo~sor for the Company. ~ut We have also had a lot of pany: The Lincoln Industrial bon ye_ar m 1959 have_ slacked tion is he entitled to any comp;o don t ask us what a project .t bl ·, . _th.. . · b 'th th Council . Joint_ . Board meets off. This has caused qmte a lay- ·ens.ation?

. . b . . h 't rou e on. IS JO WI e . . . . . ff b t th t"ll . b tt . sponsor Is ecause we aven . k . d't' . th t I · Titesday March 1 _1960 at 4:15 o , . u ere s 1 remams .e ~r found out yet. : sTmhi?s ei·s_coesnp·eicii.oanllsy.nttt·ueeonundnaey. s· · .'p:m. in tiie · office~ of ,the eoun- -than 300 on the payrollcwh_Ich IS Ans\ver

Bases "B" and "C" the one . . . . . . · . . . · ~ · '· .· · much better than some wmters y Th · ·er b · ·· ' . when the atmospheric conditions ell, Lmcoln. The .General Mem- . - . , .. . es. . .e msurance earn · ehmCdh!he budtte~ antd dthbe otnhe are bad and the outside air is· bership m~eting will be held· wt .. he ea~ retmhemkber.-Atchcordi~gt ~1o must pay t~~ reasonable dco


near Ico as esig?a e y . e too heav to let the smoke ·out. Tuesd!ly, March 8, 1960 in the . ose m · e now, e .cur a1 - -~ran~p~rtatron, . meals. an o g .. Army Corps of Engmeers are m Th · Y . d' 1 d LI'nco'In CI'ty H. all Auditorium at ment should be of a sho:r;t dura~ mg mcul,ent to reportmg for eX" th M .11 . E h b ey are usmg tese s an we · . t" 11 · · t t th . . tl ·u -- .

e d~rysvti ethareca,_ ac as_ell' just don't believe it is possible ·2:30 p.m. f~t the SwJng Shift wndas a ~Ignths polm _o danot er .ammatwn, toge ledr. Wbl"l:t o~El'- . accor mg o e ompal!y, WI to kee . the tunnel clear when .·and 4:1~ p.m.. for ·all ot1Iers. goo year m e c_ ay m us ry. day o_£ temporary . ISa 1 r y m,<~ b~ handled as a separa~e JOb and you ar~ usina the tunnel as-:a Concrete Pi -e Industry Mem- . The co':lcrete J,npe· plants to derp.?lty~ for .. e~ch day of wages have a separate supermtendent. . t . ·"' · t th k b·' h' M t.P I .. t b h ld our surpnse and. pleasure have lost m submittmg-to such an e» Wh th .1·1 b tl C · . . · pipe o pipe ou e smo ~- . ers IP ee mg:_ s o e . .e . . . . . · . . . Th" 1. ·: t · o ese WI . e 1e ompany Th St L D' ... . f S f t . M d M h 21 1960. t 7 30. contmued to hold up real good ammatwn._ IS app Ies o a ld 't t ll · . d e ate IVlSion o a e y , on ay , arc , . a : . . · · . . fte S · t b · - ~~fs a~ th:y f:ct~~t \\p'fc?:;~~~e~ liasn't bee~1 of any help althou.g~ p::qt~ in the Tea?Isters' Hall, 81S T

1his hdas n;atde ffor atnh exbceptthw~- ~~a~~~h~ns 1 a r lie e~~~h: ··

· · · · we have filed a number of com· Wall Street. Chico. . . a go? ~m e~ ?r e ro_ ers , · . a ~o ap.p s . out . or -so they s.aid. . .. · . . (· t . W h . 1 · k .· C ·· ·.. .. · .. :· · . . -· . . workmg m thrs mdustry as last the exammatwn wa~ requested . . M.urphy.Brot}).ers of Spok:an.i; 1l ~m s. e. ~vea so ep_ upa_ . ~ New York Machme Sltop and _year aL.- this .. time they were by-the employer, 'tbe ·employer'~-

'n hin _,. .. · . ·. · · · constant stream-of complamts to Peterson T·ractor- Company·-- - .. . . · ·· · .. . · - ·th · r< · • · _nas · gton.are·to do the access . •· · · ·.· - . ·· ··· · · . · · · ~· ·. : - . . ·.. ·. . ·· · ,workmg three-. or four · day -msuranee .earner ; e v9~ffilS" ., . . .. - ·- . ··· · the company whwh ahve result M· t ngs subJ. ect ·to· call · · · · . · · · ' · · · · · · roads an~ , the preliminary ex" . - ~ . _,- · · · ·. · · . · _ ee I _ · · · .. _ . · . weeks and~., ·so far this winter. sron or_ any; Comrmss~oneF , Oltl . t• ··· ... th . . -· .. b .. .... h - ed .m-httle .o.r .nopermanentim .. - .·.. .- , .. ' t-h • h ._ 't ,b .. .· h t · ·f · . . .· ...... . . ~ayaJn~ - ~n .:e, ~wo _asesdnc_t, , e ·-prov:emerit: : I•1 ~0m; ·opinion. the;' , ..... ·. ,,:-:;·.·. ' . •... - .':_ ,er.e asn .·een any- s or, re_eree . . _ .•.. ·, .. :>; ..

· Marysvd~~ ar~~... A. Mr. ~arpy only cure to this problem Is _ ~ of . the D.ry. C.p~e_k.' Highway !D. ' \Veeks. . . - _.. . · '-'. _ .. ' · :· · . . . Hawley 1s -?eperal ~ Supepr1ten~- 'state· taw permanently pr9hm~ tlie. Lass~n: N_~t!Q~n~l :Forest -•~: . ·_ PERSON1\;L NOTES .. ; -.the• JOb• of. late ~ bJ> a~,s~~Ies of

.. d~I1t for,- t~Is . ;Coll!pa;ny _and, a :ttjng, the .. use • of any . in~~rnal' Butte Cou.llt~\ ~~r ~hic.h·• $fUl&;':- .• -W~'·regr~t ·to report to, th~Jt t_reat~~nts f~~' a. senous ba~k­~11· · Ru~s.. Hopki?S Is _the 8?-per,.. combustion .en,gine under gr:Ound-, 000 has -~.b.ee~: ;appropriated ;bY~ ·ma11y friends and. brothers of: . co11.d~tion ·an.q. we· e~ten~ t? ~, mtendent; 4:s.<we '}'Tite this we · OF.' in any ~oth~r e'liclosed·:phice-:, Congr-es,s~ -~ .~illt~m: doUars ~plus ; ithe·- passing.-- awayc 011'; . ianu'ary[ ()Ul'~ ~~~e~t-~a~ li~['\~~!~gam ~~~: pa~e only . talked to them : ov~r' -The · other jobs if not· com~ '!or : ex!ensi~Y; -}lf:t~~ Cherok~e(1Sth of Brother w: H: "Bill" heal~~ ~ndbe' ~_bl~: to ... return .: te)l: -~he telepl:wne and we are wmt~ pletely . dosed :down )~y the wet" .ca11a_ lis..al~o: dqe;-tQ .. be .a_dv~rh_s -~~ •.M_ -ye:us;·-whq· ha~· ·.Ionge:-beencem- _wor~,IILthe: n~a~,J~t_·we .. Bro!h~.lL :ng t,?r .t~~se_g~ntlemen tocom~ weather' ate as we .said b~fore .edfor bi9S.}J.:lJ~,~ . nearfut9r~. ployed by Bu~te Cre~k Rock Fr~zier 1?·. ~r,Win ~ c~me: by Jl_l , m~? _the :o~~Ice 80 that w~ .can ,only ge~tlng ·in a_ lick ~ow ahg . !~_e }V:Y~h~1~#~jjf~>ject _ is ~tiU :Company._ 'J'he ;pa_ssing _away ·on office t~~ ~t~e~ _ day,_ ?-~d . ask~:, __ . ha\ e a" PIe JOb conf.e,renc~,- .. . _. ~hen . . W_e h~v~ p.~d: B_oyles Drill- slat~d, tpey }~Jk 1:1s, ~to ~e ~d- F,~bruary 2n?, In Paradise, aft«;lr us_ .. · to ·. say! . ~ello J o . Ius~ m~J_lY :

So rar we have11 t been m~ mg. CompaQY goipgan explera~ -vertised ·for ) ;}Iils .thEJ .. first Qf ·a_. lengthy Illness .~ of _Brother Jne~_ds: He Justreturl}~d fro~ _ formed a_s to the method . of con- to'ry drilling- job on the Wyan- March-.,Also.Jii.ihe setious talk- Jack C. -Parkinson. And tlie p<:~ss~ ·_!3razil whe:r~ h~ had. s~:r;t S~'IJ"l - · struction (which will have a lot dotte . Proje'ct arid . going . ahead. ing' stage ar~ -;;n:e:.or two smalie:r fng . away on February .6th . also eral ye~rs . as a ~upe~mten_de!ll~· ' to d_o ~ith the number ·of mrri d~spite thi weather. This also ·dams, the construction cosfs of .after· a lengthy illness of Broth- . for ' M and K Company. tha~ Will ,be employed), so we true of-tl1~ ContinentaLDrilling \Vhich· are ovp:r:-tour.:mi'llion dol- er Warren B. Adams. 'l:o the im-

" . cant say much about how many Company who has a similar job lars. · Funds .·are also. proposed mediate family and their friends . O C J'ONES -&SONS . of our people w,ill be used or on the site· of the proposed Oro- in the · FederM bi.1dget ~for the the officers and.meinbers of Op- · : • • · · · . .

what classifications. When we ville Dam: Four whe.el drive Black But.te , ;if;mi . west -of Or:- erating Engineers Local 3 ex- _ . GENERAL CONTRACTORS . asked if they were going to use jeeps . are needed to get into land. . . . - tends thejr heartfelt and· sin~ cedar & 5th-St. · _ BERKELEY · scrapers or shovels and trucks, both .sites. 1 While · things are. lo'oking .UP cere sympathy. Brother Ed Fow- LA!lldsc,ape 6-3424 the1r ans1_ver_ was "both". So you OUTLOOK a_nd we ar_e anHc~pating a better. ler, who works forth_ e New'York. .. A G c

h t 1\i,ember· . . . .•

see - ow I Is. The work outlook for this_ ·year than 1959, don't, we beg of Machine Shop has been kept ·Off I ;,,;=====~=,.,7""'~ Access roads are scheduled to 'lrea co'ntinues to improve. The y~u, C6-nie r'!shing into this ar~a •

be finished bY March first and Linda County Water District, expecting ; to go_ to .work. There the ·preliminary excavation is which is jlist South of 1\'Iary~~ are · oy~r 600 ''A" operators aitd taking out _a hole large enough ville, in the last month approy·- .100 '-'A" ~pprentices on the out for the entire base to a depth of ed a $1,950,000 general obliga- of work list and this will J:llOre forty feet. The tunnels connect- don bond issue for the construe- than take care of any workJ hat

. ing the various parts of the fa- tion of a sewer system in the -w.jll come ~p i!l'Jhe near future; eilities . will be built in open district. Actual construction _If it should come to Il'ass that qitches · a.rid the silos . will be cost will : fie over two million we· r_un short tbe word· will .get. · shafted. Or at ieast that is the dollars with · · the additional around;· we ·assure you. - · way the talk has it. · ' money . coming from other .IND.mlTRIAL REPORT

PICKET LINES soul'Ces and construction should In the pl~nts · ~nct·shops in the It seems that we can't win. start within the next three of area th~r~ isfi't . m,uch differ­

Not only has the existing ~ork four months. . ence to report than we report~ used less of th.e brothers than -Special pi'aise for ·the pa'ssage ed in Jaunaty. 'Most of these expected· but if Ute weather of this -bond issue, which falied· plants and shops .are .inclined· to doesn't close down a job some- a li.uinber· :of times. before, is a steady pace ·and are ' not Sjlb-.

·.thing else Will conspire to do it. ·due to'the efforts and hard,work ject · to the sudden ups · and An example 1s the Gates and of Brother Otis Thornsberry, downs experienced· in construe­Fox tunnel job. We jltst got, we Secretary -- Treasurer of the tion and there isn.'t much new thought, · fhe ]ob off to a:· good Yuba-Sutter Builqing and Con- usually to report. ., ..

·start· when bang' out of a clear struction · Trades · Council, and' Last month we reported that . sky the electricians· slapped a \V,ho is chairman of the Linda the New York Machine Shop

. picket line on it. Civi'c' . and Commerce- Associa" . had hit a low _ebb with difficulty · · Just what their beef was we tion. The .local newspapers ne:~ being had ip keeping. the broth·· don 't r!ghtly . :know as they glected (?) to mention Brother · ers busy. This month we . are <;lidn't bother to pay us the cour· Thornsberry's connections with .· happy to report that the tempo· tesy .to tell about their difficul- the Labor Movement, but we are has ·.increased and all the broth­ties with the. Company. It . went happy to correct that ove! sight ers are werking ·except one, of . on Tuesday, Feb. 2nd and· the- (?). . which more ·in the Personal · -next Friday without notice. to us, Other .work in offing-or which Notes. · ·at least, just as suddenly it was is ·in th~ very serious talking• Peterson Tractor Company at pulled o!f and .then the follow- ·stage; besides what · has been- Chico is keeping up a good pace ing Monday. morning back it mentioned in p~st issues, is 5 with an. hands ,busy. Field work


NEW~ .


. ' 'Tougher specification- req ui~ements, con·

sl:ruction techniques, 'cost-cutti'Qg methods· call for ·mo.dern machines.

Erbco' rep_res~nti ng top fl ight m'a nufactu~e~s .· has ,the machines and-the equipment fo r you to meet these · needs. See the Erbco sa les engineer . and add· profi t to your. bid and your job.

~t~~ .


Fo l;om at 17th .Street, San F ro~cisco lO, _Co lifornia HEm lock 1-3l00

Sa cramento · Oak la nd Fresno

• • ... /

I .

went on again. miles of grading and. surfacing has been slack, but due to the, · --...,.~--,------'-------'~~-,-----'-"-'--~--'--'------'


Page 10: 1960 February Engineers News - Home - OE31960 February Engineers News - Home - OE3 ... m 39



.E~rW.JNEE1~/~ ~ NE~_w_· ~±S.,'-"7~. -:-::- . ~~-:-.--~;,._:__.::._.....,:....______,.. ___ ~...;,,. _ _:I-..:.:A:.:G=~~E=L=EVE=-· ·:..:::=.N' ·' Th.:: . trackshifter~~ngle dozer depirrtment. W,j.ll ~ haye all cre\\is )jack to. ;work, · hcept .on · dozer on ·the : graveyard shift. . The

. pde#rtment wm . b~ back

Byf?TOM: J. 'STAPLETON. MERLIN:·BoWMAN; JIM~HALL, .JOHN. ''THORNTON . and~· · · Business Representatives in Aull operation as .soon -as . . . -- . . · ··. . . · · . .. . · ., · . - · . .. · . . . . . , . enotigh water' is ~opta1ned toop--

·.· .. · N,aw _,~hatAhe · Iofig'. month of ~}anuar.y:Ts · behind us;~:~e ca-:tt'l~ok job; ju~t,a<fe~\ictys .'~t :th{~o~t: ~. Mi. ·RalpflL_ong is a-ppointed ~rate ' the .. _three'"' systems. ·This r . ~ogwa:rd :toc··th:e fh;st·s:igris of Sprin:g, . At i_this ·writ,itw,'w~·~ha:ve: a. t Bi.~s ~wiliJfieJet oh the Wceb"er· manager of Cedar ·C.ity opera: shOul~ not ' tak,e: to.o' long._ . :----- ~ ·­·goo.d· deal•1oJ silti_w -i:t?-' the\:l;tigh· elevat:(ons'Jbut :ve.cy~ litlHfip:the··;val- ~as1n:'Project, .. J;>ipe t'aterals ) n fidns ·and will · be :responsible to ' The cran~ .4~P.artment got- off·' ley~~w~ieli~is 'tl~ei':v~~' ~g:Jik~if: . ·_. _ · . .. - · ·. < :· .''.. ··~ Jileqtuitr'y Ot'lYI<!rc'h: an(:f:\y~ii'cdn' Mr~ DeMOss.- B;e formerly was to.a roaring ... start with all·cranes · . · .. .we a:re·a:n~igl:t~,·'for' alf'o:£: 9~rfu.e~be'rs t~· uhde~s~~'nd "the·'!fue. sistr o!· ab·ouL 8,5 , mites: , ofepipe-'manager of the Ozark 'Philpott in . operation · except the Big·: .

meafl'in:g ·oF G()PE.~~ It ' stands !for ' Comrnitte_e~· OI} ' Politiical"~Eauca:~ ·_distribution. ~P.ip_e '$iz.e·s ·ate Wbe Mi:ne at ·· Ozark Arkansas. Hook, which' was damaged dur• · -tion4Ind ~i~;'" a£fi11ate'd ·with:·tn·e-A"F1L-CIO~" It seeks -to~ihforin:su'n'ion;: J mi1d o· twerlfifobr inch tliaine~ ALL MEETINGS WILL BE ing thl strike by~. J~ompany ·~u~ ~ W'~mb~rst <\,fid :'tl)c'~fr' heighbots about ' the~ issues~ and = caijdiftat~;;"anq fer ·for _"heads . oFf1' o'hi -' T'.v~nty- CALLED . MEETINGS~ . pervisot~ 'who tri'ed to · operate1.

at?i- report><Jn'~t!lfe· fecord of. the'' candidates a:s- a-public · service~ It five feet 'to three hundred·-feet it. ·This is a ' shining ·examplE; of/ 'llll!e~_ks 'to 1i1f.ve::Tegi·sl~tion .rra#e(whiGh: is fgvorable to) aoor ' and fo ·.and may . be :~ conh'ete·i·p_r~ssure · PROVO AREA w :tlat · inexperience can do. ; · _ eneou:r:~rg~~e\Tery6ne ' to vote" ,by' getting them to tlH~ polls.' Labou pipe ·' or ·asbestos . :cement.-·pr·e- · The highway building pro= The company is calling _in aU · hasYbeen fotted :to take this; means in ~order ·to 'combat ·the, highc tensioned· ·or .cste'ei piife. " ; ···· gram. is · still :flat on its face but of t_heir. forem~n to explain all · pr!i)SS'tire grpt.fps ·o( inanageinent wlij.cl). t,ry to . destroy the ·strength' A water . expansion ·-system the . prospects for- utah _. \)~ the provision~ of tl1e . con~ .

· o'F~~tJnionism:.': COPE is c;lependent oil vb~untary contributidns .made wili soon b,e Jet at the Utah fook pretty good if wh·at we read tracts _fo them. This does not · byhhe union 'niembetship. · .. - ~ : · . ' .. Sta,te Univers~ty. This . includes iri the local newspapers com"€s mean tb.at they , the , form en .

. "" ~he following i~ an. example tm~e on_ acco~nt of the w~athe_r; __ a on.e ~million gallon t.ese~vo!r'. to · pass. Several million dollars will .b·e experts in contract in:. of the ty-pe of leg1slat10n which which . IS qmte r_ema!kable m SOUTHERN UTAH . ' -< has · been tentatively approved terpnitation; as H1ere .m;e many ·. COPE encoui:ages. J'h~ Foran.d i an altitude of this . kind. Keep ' ~t this time t he'r' e is '-little for · fr~e',Vay work. Two ·-million uri<Ierstandings that wer"e reach· ~ilt (HR ·4700} provides health up the g_ood wo~~ boy~, but _do ~otk going o,n in the·· so~_thein is for the secti6n b~tween: Orem ed durill'g negotiations, ' that · if' ·· benefits. for· workers retired un- paY: close attention. to the fme ·part of t~e state:_- Fife Construe~ and Am.erican Fork and ·fs sup- they . were all incorporated in der Socia( Security. - This bill ,Safety· Rul,es the- Company tion..:. ·,company at f!imtington · posea 'to· be let around March. the · contr'act, it would , require..:· p'rdp·oses ,~to e'~tablish medical stresses! . . . . - was f?rced to: s~u~ : dp:y~: · W~ . Out · ~t the Vern~l Stanakar 1 thatit. be printed .in more thait : care·, ·ho'spibrlizati~nt and ' medi~' · A!,.,. the ' BmghaJ.tr · Stnpping were;m ·~opes}hls JOb' W,buld·:go ·Dani project; - Morrison · Knud- ·one v_9lum,e _instead of ,' a small ·

aiirie for. :these people . . This - ~s a ' ~hin:gs ' a~e- 'stilil 'slow;-: ~ere_ape ~go 'Yinter":'_;?u_~o ~~e 's !1 b w. a:r;_d -sen)s .waiting· for the Bureau's, bo.oklet. The ones who r eally>' ':. ... :~~ry· w<;)rtJ:fy piec~ ofl~g~slatiori. a lot Qf rumors ·but ~nothmg mov~ . frosL b~Ca!l,le - _too · d~p: : .. <fhl~ . inspector .· to, gi:ve -them -the .· go know what ·iS in, th~ · c.ontract, _ · · :we· alie·::au·;a6qu;:tirited -with4 e- ip~~-1'9 far. We; ·hope that by :the -c~rnp~n)';;-:.~~d: a .. ·Ye:t:t' ~~op· ci:ew ~head but it could still ··be a and its_ intent, a:~·e the ones -w~o·,: ·· 'tir-ed· meri}}a-rld~~wori:ten".Whb :.ciln- t~rne , this .:. reacli(:!s .<Y:Qti'fsorrt.e~.of ·With .the '' ~ following ·, Brotl.ferS' :month ·or so·'before the frost is negotiated : it. ALL · M-EMBERS --~ -· 'ntitt:af!ordt~ad·equate?rnedical: at: t!}esf :rui:nors• wilb'mat~rialize;· fight{ng ·-the ~i~q_lg;:': we';ithet_:·c) o: out·,pf th ground. This company- .fVRE ADVISED To: . CONTACT.;

._· te~H'6n:<i-Th:e~··A:ri;GTO :reqti.~sts' ·' . 'I:iago's ' ' fteewaY.' ·~· and:t"' sewer· §~pJl ·. F<!i:rts:'yt:irtD.~ >· ~Or eti\~:·ii ; anticipates a' two shift operation THE . STEW A;RDSi ; OR . BUSI- . ... ' retfrc-d::''ilf.~rs~rls;~;·a~d·· oth~~s-" \9~ : ~~?s~';;a;re> ~be'gi'nning~·f<?·'~ '· m.ti¥e ·~,~.J:l :,~!PifG'~~t: ~tech~Nc, '. iVIar~ with possibly ,.ten hours a shift. NESS AGE;NT FO~ -JNT~RPRE-- , · · write·;. le~t'ef'$lsto·~their~ repl;·esen:'' g~1n;_:$ If: thel'·w_eat_her :"conHilues vn~ . "Bi'E!f:tol1;. ·c~t;: l)wi'glj{ '. J.GII:' T~ElY ' have -s~ 18'-s' 'and' TS•24's on · T A ~ION · OF TIHi CONTRACTS. , ·

· tati:Ves 'an<i''sl:itiatbts ·' in Congr;e'i;s ··to.; he<"mlld, thef;e·Jobsshould: go .pack; · cat, c·'Kertt'' Killpack, ·cat,; .this job and have a totiit of . . If any member has had ant ~ r equ_esHng;"actiol.i.:'8n thi§ pi~t·e }nto; f,ulr swing. . ' · Houglt'" Fish, ~HYJ5, L'o_ri!l WH- seven.·· If th'ey need more of mediCal expense" duringl ·,....t he : {)(: tegii;lati'on:"·' :rhey- especially ,.c· .:Tac@s:en·: Cori,strue_t!on'' c?·m- le~er;t, DW: r~;-Hin'?ldHayes,' ~~f, .these euclid scrapers they ar·e $tril5:e, . and their .insurance ;

.. r~qiiest th-'a:f'' these' ietters·.: be· i# J2~ny- · is ;·moving . Bt.other · "Red~' . Wilham Black; ... c"at, . a)ld' Rulon prepared to get theln. The dam. elap,sed, be sure to ha.ve it rein~ t he·-·_ inqivftl'ttal's '' handwriting;· Fenne~ : and his -crane,to ·~thenew: Rudd ·on patroL .. · -·· · ··· itself-is- up to ground level now stated. This can be done by sta'bing '·his .q\yJ:f pt oblems in ):e- te~ephone,·· building j?b'>'-'at' 'lst The . ~loy.d ~--w~iti:hg ' jop at an d Intermountain Cmi.crete


1;11aking application at the com· ·. · gard' to -rliedH)a:l ~care. If ·you ·are' .So~th anti -3rd' East: Loo.l{S' as _ ~el~er Is still-down but we ho_pe Pipe Company has· the contract pany ·office, and the back pre-· interested in · thi~ piece of ' leg~' though' Brdther . · F¢lmer will IL Will : be going by the tirhe yo.u for the coutse materi<!l This iniums will be dedducted from -islation;'' get '" lEit'ter~ _ going:~· to--have ' to t a ~e. out· a pilot's li-. ~et ~his p3per.- ·~ve are not sure "combined· ·with the fine ·fill ' your check . . ':fhese . deductions aour 'CO"hgre~siotral Delegation: · cense, as. t~1~ Is ' 9~Egof· th' o s ,~ JUst whe~ he will' start his Red whicl~ Mo:nison Knudsen will will not~ exceed one month pre­

' 'lll!l'~ ,:The ..... AFL-C~O is also ,support- GP.rma.n bmlt telescoping cranes Narr~ws JOb but he· has hinted be built up within eight feet of mitJm per month: This _does not . ing -legislation to aid : depress~ whl:'re the-opera~or:-_.,sits a hun- that It- may · be about ·the> first '.,each other. · , · · :mean . that if you did not nave

ed ·' a~eas, promote ,economic . cl.red feet in the air. . ?f Aprjl. Whiting '& Haymoi1d's · Morri_son Knudsen has all of any . medical expei.1se that' Y-OU - growth overhauL the ta:x sys-r - Hansen -Nieder:ha_user Co m- JOb at Carmel Junction will start their equipment civerhatlli:~d and have. to make ·UP the back pre· .

tern de-vetop America's resours- pany is ·still going on. with their on· February 8th, weather -per- the following '.:: members have rniurns. All insurance is. auto~ es'i·:·protect·family :;.farm'ers, , _ wate~line. at .woods ,.€ros1i, Bro. mitting, Wheehyright Company about ruh .out' of ·¥.rork in the matieally reinstated·· 'Y.h'en ,you -'= Here -irt-.Uta.li;- we~have set· up ~lep Colb;Y ~s doi:rig the. operat- i~ still _going with very little-lost .' sh~p~· Tb,ey· are :Brother{ Leon- J.ietur!l t<>" wo~k. _ ·. . .. ' :1"", ·

three majoi:< COPE · areas; One ~ng~on/tl:ps JOb. . . . . .·• . .time for · the . Brothers this win;_ ai·d Schultz, Harold Bratton arid If it h_ad. not .beeri p.o~sible~ror' _ trt sait Lake Ci~y,~one ·in_ ·Ogde~ .· At ~ock, Sand &Gr.avei ~~4f?~.\i- ,rt~r · ~t;.,s1t:- .Geo~g~":· , ·:"· . :.: · > Fr~p.k .croriirige(. ·· · · __ · '~ ~- · · 1• ~sJp :~.ht,~.~ri ~~1\P;l~l,?_:r:ti..w0t,~oin:-~ __ .

. a:t'i.d;:. the ·:~ther. ln' ' ~rdVo.r.:;;.Q se_ a'r .· ar_e .s. ~~. -~. >'~-~~-~. ·.tty. ;--~.--1. ~w __ ,..,_.·~.:-!1~ w_ e. ll •. .. w _.:_ w ... Clyde:.~om.pa_ l1Y .had· hi~ - · Ab~u.t. the only :other ~vo. rk_ m I pen,_s_._.a_ :_ "~B~- ._a,u_r~pg{{P. -~_._s_ . stn)\e,tl)ec Hansen· lS' the .. ;chairman ~ot :t-he,~ b~- ~9rNt I,nJq ,Ilegqn~t~Ql1§ short- ;sho.P,.s filled With v,f)ry. goon -the Umtah' ·Basm Is a water lme :.QarC!s):up, .apd.. suff,enng, amon~

· !~0!~ ;.~ea3:~~~~~a~~:~~~~t~~;~, l;~fu~rY,0~~~/~::~i~~~~~~-~J!~.: l ~~~~~~~nt'r~~,q~~fo~g~~;~g •. ,~r~~ -~0~ph11icJ~1:~~vo~~!sfe~ 1~t~l~~~: ~ -~~~\~~~~~r~~tt~. ·.-y,±t~u~~~d~~}~~~ -the womeri hi the 'Provo .. area is Galled meetmgs m th~ very near-1 ville Drysdale..rs master meGh,- have. These brothers have a 22- committee which .was composed . 0ra Nielson · whose husband is .future . ahic. with. the following Broth- B backhbe . and "the other day of . Brothers Pat Pierce :Pete~

. ,:.::member · ~f . Operating En P"i- Th~ l]tah State 'Road.: (:ommis- ers \\:or king·, with him: Howard. found them digging 22 inches ~f Sti·ebel and Gordon You~g is t'a neers. MASS MEETING will be· sion meeting here-Tuesday j p- _AllreQ.', R B: Ames;· J·. L':. Aiider;· frost to lay a 2 inch pipe. Tough 'Qe commended for their untir-~ neld on February~ l 5th-a_nd is an prov::d ~ 161fz mi~~on, . dollar son, Robert Corbett; Verl pavp;, going;: I'd say. . - 'ip.g . efforts in . reporting and

Jrriportarit day for . all . 'lab'or . constructiOn program for the Reed Futkan, Orval· Harmer, The Red Creek Dam at Fruit- helping the many hardship , · irtembers irLutah: _It-'is impera· firsCtwo quarten(of 1960 arid Phillip .Hinkley, Elkingtoh :Hor- land ·startM up for' t~vo weeks cases , which were.br,ought to five . that every member of or· S,et its si~hts ?ri completing fhe ton; Manard · Jacobsen,· D. R. but were forced to shut ct·own the~r attentfon. 1These Brothers ganized-labor attend these meet- Salt Lake-Davis County freeway K:uykendall, Waldo Leva::nger, again. Peterson Constwction spent a •great -deal of time and · ings t o aid, in electing delegates from North Temple to Page's· Ted. McNeil, .Sheldon Nielson, Company has this job·. were no doubt -sick at .heart at · who ·will support candidates fa- Lane by the end,-of the year. Loris Palfreyman, Duane Peter- United Concrete ¥_,ill be go- some. of the misery .and suffer-

- vorable to ,our program. Other ·interstate . pro j e c t s s·on, . Ray Phillips, Frank Rig- ing -as soon as they can get the ing they encountered. LET'S SCHOLAIJ,SHIP CONTEST which_ were approved of ·for the tripp; Robert Russell Res Snell:; steel. · The strike held " up the ALL GIVE THE~E BROTHERS

Anno'uncements of -the Utah first half of the year included Joh1~py Streeter, Ray Sumter,· production · but · it looks as A BIG · HAND FOR A JOB State - AFi-CIO Second Annual the .§jlver Creek to Wanship Rex Wardal, John Welch,' Jack though they will. be underway WELL DONE. . Scholarship Award Program job, at $2,300,000; from . Wan~ Welch and Verno,n Whiting. agaii! before long. The . follow- ·, Brother Frank Young · has have been sent to ··all high . §hip northeast, $1,000,000; Oren1. · The Wells Car.go_ jo'b at Be a- ing br()t~ers ... are st\.1l on the job: bee1i. in the hospital and we -

•~<:hools and' ·other interested (6· Ainericai1 Fork, $2,00,000.' ver is stilL down and it is . hard Sam Lovvrey Fred Murray C: J , wish him a· ·speedy recovery , people a,t this fime. This year Prim~ry system 1n:ojects ap· . to say when they will be.able (Doc) Gaine~·; Jack : B'ana', Joe Brothe.r Charles Schwab suffer·: they will give two $250 scholar- proved mcluded: Magna to Gar- to get started a·gain. 'Widdison, · Sam Frat t ·o and, ed a broken arm and will not . ships which may be used at any- field ;- $800,000; 7th East in Salt . There have been many of t!1e ·George McNeese. ·. · · b · aole to return to w<;>rk for accredited College or University -Lake City from 21st South to Brothers asking _about th~ Eilen Consolid.ated We$tern is still some time. · i:q the U,nited States. If your 33rd South, $500,000'; 21st South Canyon Dam project. We have scheduled~ to · shl!t d0Wn the· fur- PLEASE .NOTE -...- ~-~-~ children are· interested, have in Salt-Lake City from 2rid West about thirty Brothers on this 11aces on Febl1!ary _8th. They· ~our Union 's greatest enemy tl].em contad their high. school to Redvvood Road,_.$200;000 and job at this writing apd it -will' be' have not hired . any n·e\.v. hands iE> the indifference of those who principal. _ . - Elsinore to Joseph in S·evier about April or May before the as iet hut ma{be in the near do uot regularly attend union >

Things are · st ill pro_<:;r{:ssing Coun~y, $360,000. · . ·company will have t,he p 1 a n't i.uture. . · · . i11eeti:flgs. No one should be·s<i satisfaCtorily at , the Flaming P9-rticipation in three forest" completed' so they cai1 . start We would like to take this op- indifferent to his own welfal'e .

. Go~ge Project. We regret hav- road projects to co~t about one making-gra-veL · · _ portunit:y< · t6 ·wish · Brother :ME)etings are h~ld. in q.n ,orderly. ing to repnrt an ·aci_dent which million <lollars · also·'. dreW: ap- ,Utah Construction Conip_any D'¥ayne."'Aullman ·much · succ.ess and democratic manner to as­occurred a few d·ays ago .. Brot.Q.- proyal arl.d will consist of $400,- at ·Cedar .pity has most · _all .of on his mission •w.hich will take s_ure the rights . of al~. Be a true er Neil Aiiderson· suffered· frac: 000 for fotir m~les 'in Big Cotton- :their.'.men back on the job with . 'him away from construction ·for American. Be a real union mem~ tures in his right leg ·_when the wood Cany<m, . S:325,ooo 'for thelthef4ture.Iooking : .very good. twoyears. . . -~ . - ber.....:.._attend ' .union 'meetings:. shovel ·he: wis oiling on;-ea:ugli Greendale Junction' rrea:r Ma1l.ila At •this time, Wf? want .to wish. K"ENNECD'f.:.T :G.OPPER . f ranklin D. Roosevelt o:rice· said ..

eii!TI be~ore he couid 'gef.out of (part of the·F~amiri.g Gorgeproh Ed DeMoss the v.ery best in :his After_a. striJ[e ·of ,173 days, the ':Unionism ·has helped to give to : tl?-e way. TIJ:is is' the firs t' acci- ect : .,road development) a11d n..ew position 'hth . t~e· company . . Her~u1ean · !ask .0£ getting dper- everyone who toils" the- position

dent in over' 200 'days· ,arid we $~75,0QO for four miles between TDeMoss was a very good man to at jons-rolling at Kennec0tf Cop- of dignity which is his due." . · sincerely - hop~ Brother Ander- 'I Woodruff and Huntsville. · work with. HE( bas 1Jeen appoint- per begap. on .January 30, 1960. , Be:njflmin Frankli.il\had Poor

~ son will be able to J,'eturn .:.-._to, . The job at D~vil's Slide of Ry- eg as -Manager· of lton Ore ·and ' Tbis .i·.esumphon. of work- was in- ij.ichard's Almanac say. in 1737: work before-too long; vV~ have berg & q..arff started pquring ce- ·Coal Operations with ):ieadquar- dee.d vv()lcomed· by the IT).emb~rs, "T.he ·worst wheet on the cart . a---!lumber-.of ve.i:y f~ne ~Brothers ment . this wee}c . whi~h took a ters irr Paly::Alto, _. Galiforpia·. In as _ many. had n()t had any work 1hakes the most h9ise." From~..._

< orf the Flaming Gorge project, number of the .Br.other·s to op¢r-, this capaCity he "will ,report d~-· during' this· strike~ -.·. . ' . · , the t ime we ·sing . "Put your - one or whom is 'Clare_nce _ Br~~ ~t~ t~e ·hoists ~n three ~liifts · a_s -~ectly to, llie ·· ?i:m.er,al· Manager I OperaJ ions -'b~~~n by th~ re- -~h~mlder ~o- the :vheer' on _ Sun· ":.

ner. Clarence sto.pped · m on ,his . this Is . a contm)1ous ._ pour. On ~nd be · re~pgl}sl,Ple -for tl;te Cm:p; c.al~ of .13 ore crews and · 2J. day n;wrmng until the we~ks ac- · way to the -Exe·cutive Boar'.d · the day shift, Brothers"Maynard, pap.y.'s operations at Cedar City, waste crews. Thi·ee tnore , waste tivitie~ close 1 ate Saturday ·

. ~neeting in San;. Fnmcisco the P?_tter"" and .. · }3lo!}q~isf are man- its :,:,.~ontra9ts _a,nd t~Jatio_!}~h!f>S ci~ews 'were ,a'Med "oll.:_)VIonda;y, ~igh_~ the life _?f m,o(lerri: man : -oth·et ·day aild · remarked about nmg the machines, with · Broth" with , the 'Colorado' Fuel &' Ii:oii ·February '7th. Tl1is leaves: only is filled with wheels and it Is;

·~e. p_rogrey;: of ,!~-e keyvvays, ~r1i} Parke; Farrel~ an(Albe~t~ ¢b~R?ia~i6ns~af Ce~ar~ rit~ ~~<i ·wrfe ~aste crews· to , ~e. r~call- ~bn~st : ~ )miv~rsal .. tiut~ t?.a~ . · ete. -He also commented -on the. son · on · ,.the swmg~sh1ft.-· and Q.t Ozark and ·for · the. d1rectwn . ·ed· ,and we have been mformed Lhe.·whe.el, that IS domg· preclse-faet, that · alfuough the -W,.eather Brothers earlier, WaJlace and _lh the.fiittrre ·of (he op.eratim1c-:of :by' the"compan'y thaftl1ese thr,ee ly tlie~ task th<if it was intended

. '- had ·varied ·rrom_ t ero to 20:. be~ 1man_ on the ~id~ghtshift. Un- g.9al- . ~nd}f~n:;_2:f.Jiiii1es:,~.~~~~· ~ ~r,e~s ~ill ·b~_:il! .operati_on with- tp . do! _s~ldom ,g_~ts -i~t~ . trouble low, th~y .5l!a.ft : tqst· _v,gcy; ]~ttl~ }9~t':!'~~~ly t.hi§J~.~a~ ~~EY--~P.~.:tt ~,!!~55~p1Pl!l:t.,~~~Y,:Ul1_de~t~~~; .. ,,.; ,,I~ two _wee~s.J , . _. , . . . ... or makes excess1ve :nmse.

Page 11: 1960 February Engineers News - Home - OE31960 February Engineers News - Home - OE3 ... m 39

By A. J. HOPE, DANNY -0. 'DEES and Wl\f. H~RLEY DAVIDSON, · Business R~presentatives > The much ~ needed rain has 'finally put a halt to construction wGrk in .. the area.· The ·late at:-

_1·ival of •the ;rainy season has giv~n the Brothers. a muc_h -longer . p~fiod of work · than they nor­-'- ·nially - haye. Our ."Otlt-bf-Woi:k" ' list · is· long · and_:Jrorfi all app.ea_tanee_s w~ll_ c9ntirttJ.e to stay hmg

_-· U?~~\~Pfh~ftne~~iins·: iii_ -v~_ sl_1ht - ~tatiin; ~octit~_t· 4. m __ ~le§: A~t __ of' e .. :,_: ;R .-_--· -~ .-:_ .· 0~L -'~ - . down-the jobs,-\ve ~boiie t}iat the .tchOYO _e. ot:v · elplltT:: lS i· ~lll~ Jitrha osa, . ·U~~ · . · _B · tb n ·11 ( k - f · f .- :do~- - e excava lOll on". 11IS ·P-OJeCt . _ . . . . .

- n_~fe-:r;in~1

of b~o~d:_~~in~the _ ~~~t~!iiloyingabqut · 20 of_ the -Area-Under Water -

·month of November we _had one · · .· . . .. - ~ . . · . . -_. _ . . , . d . . D . b 11-d two · D_ue to the , death of Fred (Contmued from Page .9) .

?nor, m -_ ecem er_ we a . · -• Stokes · th'e .--Carmel Hill job has · · · ' · · · · · · donors and .we _are-pleasedto -re- h ·t d, r-> D . · --t 1. k f-- f -d· the State D~sabihty Tax , which

th. t d . th th f s u O\\n. ue O- ac o un s h -b. d d -- t d f - . . port a. . urmg - e -Ill on . - ~ 0 most . of . the' ptothers . employed . a~ .. · . e_en_ e . uc e . . rom . ~?ur

January SIX .men do.nated a pmt_ · ,. th' . . b· h- t 1 · ·t . checks. The _ deadlme_ fo_r _filmg · ow 1s· JO ·-· ave a · eas · six · · · · ·- -. ·of their 'blood. The fo~lO\~ing checks fhe have n.ot be~n ·able ,fo~· this refunWis June 30, 1960.

, · Brothers were bloo~ :~on.ots for fo· coll~ct dn. We 'l)ope that. soon · A: supp_~Y of forms for ~h~ Sta~e the month of January. . th' _ . tt .11 b - ttl. d d D1sabrhty Tax refund 1s m this . · · · . Is rna er w1 e se · e an · . · · -· · h · h

' Sam Kekaha Tim C . . Jacques,- th · · · -11 . . . ·th . - office m case the Brot ers WIS . . ' · . .

8 e men w1 1 ecerve err pay. t : ha e ne·

R.;tlph Bockeno, Thomas . PERSONALS. .._ -_ o v .o . : Smith, H. Caywood, Ronald W ld l'k t t .k.. th' PERSONAL _ _ . e wou . I e o- a e Is op- 'u t · t th 1\Iosshold~r. portunity to extend our sym- · v e are sorry o repor Le

WILL .YOUR NAME BE pathy to the family of Brother passing of .our good Brother, LISTED AS A FEBRUARY DO · Morley Roberts. Our deepest · . · Harold Terry of Watsonv_iUe, ympa•hy to those whom he NOR? h d J ·sth s l, . · · w. o passe _- away an. • . . ,_ .left 'behind. -~ Pipe Linings, Inc., ha_ v_ e ab .. out Brother M S Holman S'OP 1

- • __ J.. · ·.cf t n · · " •• Brother John · Pear_ son is in three weeks work left to com- _ged m at

1 ~he ~dee :_last we_ek the Healdsburg Hosprtal recup-

plete the relining of a 12 inch after -...vorKmg m · Sar~o!l w1t~ erating from .. an operation_. Hu_r--- water line e~tendin.g froin Bay- Johnson, Drake. & Piper for ry· up· and recover . John _ the

- s hore to· White Road ·on Alum over a year. Brother · Holman · t · · b t. 0

er' · · · ' n k A B th B b L ··- · h . . . · . h wrn er IS a ou v . noc ve. ro er o, · yons IS -says t ey were · bmldmg hig ~ . - -· ·

- op_er~ting the lining machine on· ways and bridge;;. It,.is nice to 1\'[EE!ING NOTICE . . _ ·i this JOb. , have you home again! Ou~ _. ne~t - regular. D1str ct

" McGufre and Hester are viork- - Brother - \!\[illiam _L. · Brown ·~~~m~ ~~I!1· J~- ~elf ~ar;p 3:

ing on their storm se\ver job in has started .on a new venture of ] 0 .' aU,,~1~ t

1: a ~r e~ East San Jose and the extension his own. Anyone interested in a tn .. <: dm n.Ia1

:11a · tp._m; ?ur a-

· · · · · . l .- ·- t· · · en ance Wl cer am~y oe - ap-to tillS JOb Will be let a b 0 U t new C nve-way, pa oiO Or COncrete ·. ~t -d S - th March 1st. This firm also -has· a . work of ,any · kind, just contact precla e · ee you en. paving contract on · Downer Brother Brown at Essex 7-8550 . Ave. or the_ B & A Conci·ete Construe- ·Job Awards . James Engineering Compa11y tion Co. has started work on a sewer· job Brother Ed_ Millard. has start- MODESTO - Contract award~ on Do,;,ner Ave. and Almaden ed his own , Welding Service. · ed ·to Harris _ Cons.t., P.O. Box Road which should last about Brother Millard says .that no job _ 109; Fresno, $980,300 (Base plus three months. is too small, so . when iQ_,_ need Alt), for const. one-story cone.

p & E Construction have shut of soine first class wel,ding-, re- new high. school, _incl. classrms., down their: job on 4th street due ·ll!ember to call Ed's Welding science -rooms, shops, arts and

. RU~HING _RUSSIAN RIVER lived up to its name in th-e ·re- . cent -heavy rains which dropped some eight inches ,over its sev­eral lower tributar ies and caused this 38- foot flood crest just below . Gue~neville bridge. Note>'owboat' in background. Th_e newly-completed $18 million Coyote dam 75 miles up­stream protected the area 30 n:i!es below it, as it \vas desi_gned to. Another ·dam_ is needed . on Dry Creek to protect Guerne-ville area, engineers explajned; . .

H'ere 's -pqrtion of the ' Fredrickson & Watson flooded high­. way iob on Trenton roa~ west of Fulton, northwest of Santa

--; Rosa,.

• -to ~the rains. They have several Service at CY. 5-0847. crafts, etc.

------------------~--~--~------------------------------------------gqod-sized jobs to start as soon

as~~;l;e~~t~filser~~ts.working ~~~.~thoh~v· Di-s· fricf s·lo~·Af N'e\AI i-o_ ,hr Sl~te- d- Job Awards -s~ven days a week to install a I ;\JI ; It/ "'\J ~ .• 8 . . e ~ ,, y ~~ : V'V '.iifJ -. UJ. J §a ~ ~- . . FRESNO, Contr-act awarded

water line to and across Vasona By H: O., FOSS, F. -A. j:.AWRENCE, A. S. SlVHTH and L. C. SOLARI, Business Representatives ·to Harris Consi. Co., P.O. Box Dam. This water line will ful'- 109; Fresno $459,800 for const.-nish the water for the :new Sub- ,As this goes to press, the weather is not the kind that makes it' possible for dirt movers to stay 3-story: addn. to the County Jail1 Division in the Los Gatos area. outdoors. Many jobs are down at the present time. . 15 000 ft · f - , sq. ·· · . rem . cone.

A. J. Raisch Paving Compariy A pre-job conference was held recently with Frederickson & Watson o£1 Oakland who were struc. were the lo\v bidders~ on a $55;- '>warded the contract between Lucas Valley Road and So. of San Pedro Ro_a..d in San B.afael. Bro. - SAN RAFAEL, Contract was 555 street contract for the im- "Tex" Strickland, . their Asst. --------~-~-,----------provement of Alma Ave., from · Super, and Bro. _Elbert Hill, E. T. Haas has a small sewer 1 Ted Mertz, Jim Barnes,' Frank ~-w~r~ed to Rothschild, Raffin &. lst Street to 7th Street. foreman, sat in on the confer~ job on McDowell Road in Peta- Parolini, · Roy Glenisky, Da~e V'/eu·Ieck, S.F. $3,638,735 plius

C. Swenson Company \vas low ence. Coming in with the equip- l~ma with Bro. Fred Foss. on_ the ;ar;is, , Odie n~ant1 Fra~k Costa, $216,600 (Base & Alts) for Atli· b'dd f t f ynent are · B"o~hers Norman Ca- backhoe, and Larry Zopp1, orler. uaCK R1ley a .. u Boo Smith. From ministration ' Bldg. & sife' p1··e11)

ti et~ ~nf a conb 1;a

1;. _ or tctohn- bassi Wilf~r~ -G Anderson Donnelly is foreman. / Napa-Brother Ed Kirk. 0 u r at New Marin Co . . Civic ·centm·,

s rue 1011 o new U1 ~.¢Hlgs a e · ' : . ' , q, k 1 t B. ,_, . s ·d Fl · k 1\trAR"N CO ·- - -Civic Center. Claude. C. Jordan, J. Steadman YOU lVIAY HAVE 'MONEY ' 1.uan~ s a so ? ro.ne:

1I oc. m. - .~. • · ·

SANTA CLARA, MT. VIEW on the Pulls; Bros. F. Cabral and COMING -.If you worked for I f?r" goo~'ttry. Better luck next AUBURN, . Contract awaJ:P!ed AND PALO ALTO Roy R. Kemmitt. on the Dozers; I two or more employers last y~ar . ~Ilne. -??n ~ forget. Brothers - to Fred J. Early Jr. CQ., lne., ·

Chicago Bridge &. Iron have Bro. Wayne Stokes, Grade and rec.eived more than $3,600 If you ~Idn t ma~e lt last month~ 369 Pine Street, SF., $1,~57,,489 about two weeks work ieft- to Checker; Bro. Burl Prince on in .wages during .the year for co.ntac". the San Rafael ?r yai for Dist. Swge; ·Disposal Proj1., complete their tank job at the Motor. Patrol- and Bro. Ray work in California for which to- le]o .office t? make an appor~:t~ PLACER CO.

· Wolfe _ Road · and Kiefer._ Thel Cachrane, Master Mechanic. tal. deductions .for Disability In- .menL for this month-:-for sure. c MATHER AFB, Con t r a.ct are alfio completing a one and a Weather conditions make it im-· ·surance (State - or . Voluntary_ Mos~ of the wor~ m the S~- awarded to._Gordon H. Ball, - Im~.

-11alf million gallon , tank on possible for this job to get under plan) exceeded ~36 'you probably l~no ta11d Nap~ area Is shut down $445,675 for NCO open mess at Wright and Homestead Road. way, as they were scheduled to have a refund coming from the dele "0 the rams. ) Mather AFR

While most of the Contrac- start February 1st - . Department -of Employment PERSONAL NOTES ABOUT · SAN MATEO, -Contract award~. tors in this area, as "\vell as the Al Haworth from Stockton re- However, in -order to g~t there- THE BROTHERS ' ed to Moroney Const Co., Inc. , Batch Plants and Ready-Mix cently was awarded the clearing fund a claim must be made be- Our best wishes to the follow- $351,200 (Base & Alt.) for con­Plants have found it necessary for the dam site at Nicasio in fore June 30, 1960. Application ing who -- are · on_ the sick list: · struction of Fair Exhibit Btd'g. to curtail their . operations due Marin .. County, and a pre-job f?r~s for this purpo~e _may be Brother E. L. "Shorty" Thomas, at -. San Mateo Fairg~ounds.

-- to - flie wet weather, . Anderson conferen~ehas_ );)een_ requ~sted. ootaiped fro_e.: your local J?e- recentlyeonfined at San RaJael · SAN MATEO, Contractawa-rd­Bros., are - keeping -their full It .looks. llke this proJ~Ct w1ll l:(e .partment ~f .!!;n:-ploy)ll~nt office ·General; Joe : Korteum at " Ross ed to Wimderlic_h Co., P.O, )3ox crew· b-qsy on both plants': . · somewhat delayed Q.ue to weath- or from - thi~ unwn office. ' Generai and to Brother H 0. 359; Palo Alto, $547,612 for ap-

Sondgrath Bros. have- com- ~r conditions. . More year cards purchased: . "Heinie" . Foss at San • R;fael P.rox. 53 acres of . rough grading , · pleted tli:e construction of -their D. H. H<md Construction Com- Since. last month's report, the- GenE)raf, To them, we send ou_r at the Campus of San. Mate@ n!"W shop and are now ·working panY- have an excavation job ·at following members have bought bestwishes for a speedY recov~ Junior College-Coyote · P -o-int _in their new location. They ke.ep the Reedlands · subdivlsion at ·their )960 -buttons: Elmo Mag- _fr:i · · · · · . Campus. · ~ about 20 oLthe Br'others busy Tiburon, and a pre-job -confer- gipra, S. Cervantes, Sr. and Jr), , Brother Bill Moungovan has- SACRAMENTO- C 0 iJ.-f-r a c fi: in the-shop and -plants·. , ence held -recently ~.showll ·~roth- :tyrilo, M. Hurley, ·Gerald Acker- someth_in~ to ~oast about the:S~ awarded to· Berger-CoasfWi(I'e,_

Buran· Equipment .: and_ Ditz _ er Bob Brown, as m~chamc and·. ffiilll, _c_ E.. Bothwell, I;ester C: days;-J_ust the other day. ~e, tan- _Cops( . co:" P.O. ·Box- 545;:: sa1i , Bros. are working at top capa- Bro._ Bo? No_vak , op- the_ Dozer,. Dressel, Shirley P . S~mth, Wm. gled with ~ ?-O lb. sturgeol). :--:-:-- .Carlos, $388,674 for 2_1 - mii~s. city in their shops. ~-- commg m wit~ .. t_h~ eqtppment. A. Bartlet~, -M. A. Geister, C. C. abou: _66 Inches long - a~d two and~ four-larie. ~higfi..Y.ai- ~~·

. SANTA-CRUZ, SALINAS K.Tt.l( ~ Wreckmg .from Con- Hayrnar_t L. H .. Port,lock,James want:sJt,to bekno~rn--that~e !S -and_paved with AC ~t<;-.;' o:zrm .. · AND MONTEREY: ~- . ~or~ ,~ent right to work. in' de-, ~hornto~, C~arles Hover·; Frank Loc.a~ 3 s No . . 1 .fisherman -on_ _ S. 9£Wbitehou~e Crk. ; SAN,~'L\~

This area is also quiet due to .nollslpn_g one ofthe olde~'t -land- Cost~, B.Ichmd Pad9ett. _ the list._ : . . _ . , TEO ·CQ. __ · · .::. the rains. Sbme of the Contr_ac- 'narks. at the Sap. .Anselmo hub. We are .Very pleased to report Ang ~.rom flshmg to f-anmng, -~-- _.__ -·- · - .... · _tors are keeping just ~ a couple /fhe all-brick building which wa's that we have had a gpod re~ ~Brother . Fr;ed. Rerry te~ls ·US ed . -away on- Febr'uary .. 5th. : Bl?~; '---;. of the Brothers-for maintenance originally the Northwestern Pa~ . spoilse fdr.blood this past month. Ius sow. had a lrtter of p1gs ~· O'Mai'Y · ·was :Oiler · fpr . ·cuhiia . _"

· work out jobs as a whoie are at cific, -and later, used for . a~ city We wis'h to thank tl).e· followinK nin~ in a_ll>H~re's one boy that Construction in the ,Vallejo area. :; -a standstill. - . storage .buildin·g iS'to make way brothers who ·· took time to do" doesn't haye.to ·ctepend on brmg- · ·· · · ·

Granl.·te ·R ·k · - -k· g • ' · · · · · ·ng th bacon home! · We still _hinre .. a ·_-_,·_sun_ply,_._ of _: · oc . Is wor m one ·Qr a _parking m:ea. Th~- <;>per·at~r nate to the ~lood bank fund: -I e· _ • · _ ~

shift at their quarry in Aro!l}as. Jn_ the 'J2ruck Crane Is Brot):J.er -From San .Rafael '---' Brothers . Our -conaolences · go to the 'vatch fobs . with the - Eng_iireeir~ -: · They are using about eighteen ~ormmi Gardiner and his- ~ oiier· Chailes Snyder; W. W. (Woody} family ·of otir late Brother_ Ray insignia; also : lapel ·pins: .T~~ men. . . . . ·is Bro. Lyim W}llia:ms. . 'Lie_vsay,- Jt;tmes H. _Nyho,lm, · ();tis pillard ,~:ho passed· away st~d~ ~fobs ai·e $1.QP; and :-pins, 75_c. -_ , :

_Souza Bros., ·-?f Yuba C1ty · R_othsch~ld-Raffin-Weirick o~ 'Wilb~r (: a yeteran_.a~ this sort d~IJ~Y ~n _January 19th._ ·Bro. ~0 YOU KNOV[I-f.~YOU.ARE ·, were_ the_ lo~ - b1.dder~ fgr t~e San'-Franc1sco were awarded the of t1w1g~u~~a to_ 'be a r~gular . Dillard was 1Mptor Patrol Oper- R.uufSTEREJ?. TO VOTE_??? ~,e. ~radm~ on the new school s1te _contract for th~ site of ·the ne~ donor during World War II); ator with A. G. Raisch for about su_re· yo~r·_ ~nd - y_our fam~ly _ a~~ · . m Hollister. · . ;Marin County Civic Center. A Rollin A. Wheeler Pete Verho- 19 years . He will be missed. Our fnends ~ are registered to vote,.

· Raiph M. Parson is.the main pre'-job conferen_ce is to be held ·nik. From Vallejd ·_ Brothers sympathy to the family of late ' as this is-a vitaL ;year. · - · Contractor on· the-Experimental 'shortly. __ · _ - . . JobnnLe_ Walling, Aaron Smith, ...,.J3rother Elzfe O'Iviary .who _pass- See you next month. · .

.. .. -.