18 year c - 3rd sunday of lent 24th march 2019 › hp_wordpress › wp-conten… · 3rd sunday of...

CHECK OUT OUR UPDATED WEBSITE! Our website has been fully updated, so please check it out for all our parish information. You will find forthcoming events,current and recent newsletters, Sunday readings, current rosters, info on our parish groups and ministries and lots more. You will find us at www.ourladyofthepineschurch.org. Lenten Enrichment Program Our Lenten enrichment program commenced on Tues the 5 th of March at 9.00am here in the Church. The title of the series this Lenten season is – Compassion , Reflecting, sharing and living the good news. This will run for another 4 weeks. Together with a booklet there is an accompanying DVD. This is being run by John Evans and will be an enriching way to prepare for Easter. Come along next Tuesday at 9.00am. Trivia Night The Parish Community of Our Lady of the Pines would like to thank the Fund Raising Committee for another wonderful and successful Trivia Night. We thank you for all your hard work for our Community. Congratulations to the winners of our Trivia Night The Boyd Table. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) On the Feast of St Patrick over 1,200 people gathered at St Patrick’s Cathedral for the annual Rite of Election. It is at this Rite that those who are preparing for the Easter sacraments—accompanied by parish RCIA team members, fellow parishioners, family, sponsors and godparents—are presented to the Archbishop and the wider Catholic community. Coming from over 60 parishes across the Archdiocese of Melbourne, there were 178 catechumens and 57 candidates, who, after listening to the Word of God in a simple but moving ceremony, were called forward to join the Archbishop on the sanctuary, where he asked them to make public their commitment to journey towards the sacraments at Easter. In doing so, Archbishop Comensoli also sought the commitment of their godparents, sponsors and the wider community gathered to support these people on their journey of faith.The Archbishop expressed his delight as he welcomed the catechumens and candidates to join him on the sanctuary. As the final catechumens gathered around him, the Archbishop joked, ‘I think this is the first time I’ve been forced off the sanctuary. Isn’t it a wonderful occasion to do so?’ Our Catechumen, Adele and Candidate, Jo participated and there is a wonderful video on the Archbishop's Office of Evangelisation website, which gives a sense of the joy of the occasion. The link is:https://www.cam.org.au/evangelisation. It is posted as both RCIA and News and Resources. Have a look! 2019 Car Raffle This years Raffle tickets have been posted out . If you did not get yours in the mail, there will be some available for purchase over the coming weeks. Please see Geoff in the foyer. Following the tragic events in Christchurch, if you would like to know more about the Manningham Interfaith Network please send an email to - [email protected] or call Garry on 0408 074 782 3rd Sunday of Lent 23 rd and 24t of March 2019-Year C OUR LADY OF THE PINES CHURCH 77 CARBINE SREET, DONVALE VIC 3111 TEL: 9841 8354 EMAIL: [email protected] OR [email protected] WEBSITE: WWW.OURLADYOFTHEPINESCHURCH.ORG PARISH OFFICE HOURS: WED – 9.00 AM TO 5.00 PM PARISH PRIEST: FR JERALD CECIL MARIADAS Vision Statement Our Lady of the Pines Parish is a Welcoming, Inclusive Community that aims to Live our Christian Faith by example in our daily lives.

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Page 1: 18 Year C - 3rd Sunday of Lent 24th March 2019 › hp_wordpress › wp-conten… · 3rd sunday of lent 23rd and 24t of march 2019-year c our lady of the pines church 77 carbine sreet,

CHECK OUT OUR UPDATED WEBSITE! Our website has been fully updated, so please check it out for all our parish information. You will find forthcoming events,current and recent newsletters, Sunday readings, current rosters, info on our parish groups and ministries and lots more. You will find us at www.ourladyofthepineschurch.org.

Lenten Enrichment Program Our Lenten enrichment program commenced on Tues the 5th of March at 9.00am here in the Church. The title of the series this Lenten season is – Compassion , Reflecting, sharing and living the good news. This will run for another 4 weeks. Together with a booklet there is an accompanying DVD. This is being run by John Evans and will be an enriching way to prepare for Easter. Come along next Tuesday at 9.00am.

Trivia Night The Parish Community of Our Lady of the Pines would like to thank the Fund Raising Committee for another wonderful and successful Trivia Night. We thank you for all your hard work for our Community. Congratulations to the winners of our Trivia Night

The Boyd Table.

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) On the Feast of St Patrick over 1,200 people gathered at St Patrick’s Cathedral for the annual Rite of Election. It is at this Rite that those who are preparing for the Easter sacraments—accompanied by parish RCIA team members, fellow parishioners, family, sponsors and godparents—are presented to the Archbishop and the wider Catholic community. Coming from over 60 parishes across the Archdiocese of Melbourne, there were 178 catechumens and 57 candidates, who, after listening to the Word of God in a simple but moving ceremony, were called forward to join the Archbishop on the sanctuary, where he asked them to make public their commitment to journey towards the sacraments at Easter. In doing so, Archbishop Comensoli also sought the commitment of their godparents, sponsors and the wider community gathered to support these people on their journey of faith.The Archbishop expressed his delight as he welcomed the catechumens and candidates to join him on the sanctuary. As the final catechumens gathered around him, the Archbishop joked, ‘I think this is the first time I’ve been forced off the sanctuary. Isn’t it a wonderful occasion to do so?’ Our Catechumen, Adele and Candidate, Jo participated and there is a wonderful video on the Archbishop's Office of Evangelisation website, which gives a sense of the joy of the occasion. The link is:https://www.cam.org.au/evangelisation. It is posted as both RCIA and News and Resources. Have a look!

2019 Car Raffle This years Raffle tickets have been posted out . If you did not get yours in the mail, there will be some available for purchase over the coming weeks. Please see Geoff in the foyer.

Following the tragic events in Christchurch, if you would like to know more about the Manningham Interfaith Network please send an email to - [email protected] or call Garry on 0408 074 782

3rd Sunday of Lent 23rd and 24t of March 2019-Year C


TEL: 9841 8354 

EMAIL: [email protected] OR [email protected] 




Vision Statement Our Lady of the Pines Parish is a Welcoming,

Inclusive Community that aims to Live our Christian Faith by example in our daily lives.

Page 2: 18 Year C - 3rd Sunday of Lent 24th March 2019 › hp_wordpress › wp-conten… · 3rd sunday of lent 23rd and 24t of march 2019-year c our lady of the pines church 77 carbine sreet,

The Nappy Collective Our church is a collection point for The Nappy Collective this May, and we need your nappies! The Nappy Collective gathers thousands of donated nappies, sorts them and distributes them to families in need through more than 200 organisations across Australia. We'll have a box set up in the Narthex from Friday the 10th of May to Sunday the 26th of May. We'd love it if you could bring in any unused, disposable nappies you no longer need. Maybe your child has moved up a nappy size, or has figured out toilet training (congratulations!), or you've got a handful of random nappies in the back of the cupboard that you don't know what to do with. Ask your friends with kids, too. Every nappy counts! Your nappy may go to help a mum fleeing family violence, an asylum seeker or refugee, or a family struggling with homelessness, mental illness, drug abuse or extreme financial hardship: people who may have to choose between buying nappies or buying food. Find out more at www.thenappycollective.com. Or contact [insert contact name/phone/email if wanted]. Please note, The Nappy Collective can only take disposable nappies. If you have other items you'd like to donate – such as baby clothes, toys, cloth nappies or bottles – please consider donating them to an organisation like St Kilda Mums, or your local op shop.

Third Sunday of Lent

24th March 2019 Peter goes to a boarding school in the Solomon Islands which has experienced water shortages for 60 years. Previously, students would have to walk kilometres each day in search of clean water, which was particularly challenging for Peter who is living with a disablity. With Caritas Australia’s support, the school has created a new reliable water system. With more free time and fewer illnesses caused by dirty water, Peter can fulfil his hope of focusing on his studies, providing him with brighter future.

Please donate to Project Compassion 2019 and help young people with disabilities gain access to clean water in the Solomon Islands, providing hope for a brighter future.

Lives change when we all give 100%. You can donate through Parish boxes and envelopes, by visiting www.caritas.org.au/projectcompassion or phoning 1800 024 413.


Baptisms: Fourth Sunday of the month at 12.30. Please phone Libby Coviello on 9841 8354 or email the parish office. Funerals: Please contact the Parish Office. Bereavement Support: Please contact Glenda Haswell on 9727 2101, Emmy Oakley on 98486781or the Parish Office on 9841 8354. Sacraments 2017: Enquiries can be made to the Parish Office at the beginning of term two 2018, for the sacraments of First Communion and Reconciliation RCIA: For enquiries regarding becoming a Catholic, please contact Fr Jerald or phone Mary Ann Payne on 9842 6474.

We pray for Better Health: Trevor Lawrence, Jacqui Holmes, Brian Sullivan, Phillip McKenzie, Josephine Noli, Teresa Tali, Lina Borg, Judith Frood , Wendy Clohesy, Terry Daffey , Corey Keeling, Kath Potger, Margaret Yates, Margaret Luckman , Frank Croker and Alan Bradley Recent Death:

Page 3: 18 Year C - 3rd Sunday of Lent 24th March 2019 › hp_wordpress › wp-conten… · 3rd sunday of lent 23rd and 24t of march 2019-year c our lady of the pines church 77 carbine sreet,
Page 4: 18 Year C - 3rd Sunday of Lent 24th March 2019 › hp_wordpress › wp-conten… · 3rd sunday of lent 23rd and 24t of march 2019-year c our lady of the pines church 77 carbine sreet,


HOSPITALITYTEAMSBaird,StewartandSeparovicREADERS&COMMENTATORSSat5.00pm MaryAnnPayneandMarkLimSun9.30am PeterGivenandJohnLazzariALTARSERVERSSat5.00pm SaraandCarlosSun9.30am KatiaCHILDREN’SLITURGYSun9.30am LaraandKathyStewartPROJECTOROPERATORSSat5.00pm GabrielCollinsSun9.30am JulianPirottaCOUNTERS KeithDelzoppo,Arthur


LIBRARY Sun: ZenyHealy

PARISHPRIESTFrJeraldCecil0452567623Email:jerald.cecil@cam.org.auCHAIROFPARISHSERVERSPeterGiven98418354Email:[email protected]:98422991Email:principal@olopdonvale.catholic.edu.auPARISHADMINISTRATIONLizaJansz98418354NanPerreau98418354Email:[email protected]@cam.org.auOfficeHours:Mon‐9.00amto1.00pm.Wed9.00amto5.00pm.CanalsobecontactedatSsPeterandPaulParish,On98421480onMon,ThursandFri.

Year C –4th Sunday of Lent - 31st March 2019

GOSPEL ThetaxcollectorsandthesinnerswereallseekingthecompanyofJesustohearwhathehadtosay,andthePhariseesandthescribescomplained.‘Thisman’theysaid‘welcomessinnersandeatswiththem.’Sohespokethisparabletothem:‘Amanhadtwosons.Theyounger said tohis father, “Father, letmehave the shareof theestatethatwouldcometome.”Sothefatherdividedthepropertybetween them. A few days later, the younger son got togethereverything he had and left for a distant country where hesquanderedhismoneyonalifeofdebauchery.‘Whenhehadspentitall,thatcountryexperiencedaseverefamine,andnowhebeganto feel the pinch, so he hired himself out to one of the localinhabitantswhoputhimonhisfarmtofeedthepigs.Andhewouldwillinglyhave filledhisbellywiththehusksthepigswereeatingbutnooneofferedhimanything.Thenhecametohissensesandsaid,“Howmanyofmyfather’spaidservantshavemorefoodthantheywant,andhereamIdyingofhunger!Iwillleavethisplaceandgotomyfatherandsay:Father,Ihavesinnedagainstheavenandagainstyou;Inolongerdeservetobecalledyourson;treatmeasoneofyourpaidservants.”Sohelefttheplaceandwentbacktohisfather. ‘Whilehewasstilla longwayoff,his fathersawhimandwasmovedwithpity.Herantotheboy,claspedhiminhisarmsandkissed him tenderly. Then his son said, “Father, I have sinnedagainstheavenandagainstyou. Ino longerdeservetobecalledyourson.”Butthefathersaidtohisservants,“Quick!Bringoutthebestrobeandputitonhim;putaringonhisfingerandsandalsonhisfeet.Bringthecalfwehavebeenfattening,andkillit;wearegoingtohaveafeast,acelebration,becausethissonofminewasdeadandhascomebacktolife;hewaslostandisfound.”Andtheybegantocelebrate.‘Nowtheeldersonwasoutinthefields,andonhiswayback,ashedrewnearthehouse,hecouldhearmusicanddancing.Callingoneoftheservantsheaskedwhatitwasallabout.“Yourbrotherhascome”repliedtheservant“andyourfatherhaskilledthecalfwehad fattenedbecausehehasgothimbacksafeandsound.”Hewasangrythenandrefusedtogoin,andhisfathercameouttopleadwithhim;butheansweredhisfather,“Look,alltheseyears Ihaveslaved foryouandneveroncedisobeyedyourorders, yet you never offered me so much as a kid for me tocelebratewithmyfriends.But,forthissonofyours,whenhecomesbackafterswallowingupyourproperty—heandhiswomen—youkillthecalfwehadbeenfattening.”‘Thefathersaid,“Myson,youarewithmealwaysandallIhaveisyours.Butitwasonlyrightweshouldcelebrateandrejoice,becauseyourbrotherherewasdeadandhascometolife;hewaslostandisfound.” ’Extract from “The Summit” Online


OLOP SSPPMonday NoMass 9.00amCommunionService

Tuesday NoMass 9.00amMassWednesday 9.00amMass–Rosary 9.00amCommunionServiceThursday 9.00amCommunionService 9.00amMassFriday 9.00amMass 9.00amCommunionService

7.30pmStationsoftheCrossSaturday 5.00pmVigil


Sunday 9.30am 8.00amand11.15am