1750-1900 thematic review

1750-1900 Thematic Review

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1750-1900 Thematic Review . Human/ Enviroment Interaction. Industrial Revolution & Resources. Cotton. Cotton. Cotton. Palm Oil. Rubber. Rubber. Rubber. Gold & Diamonds. Gold. Meat. Demography 1750-1914: Global. Demography 1750-1914: Europe. Tremendous population growth - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


1750-1900 Thematic Review

1750-1900 Thematic Review Human/Enviroment Interaction

Industrial Revolution & ResourcesCottonCottonCottonRubberRubberRubberPalm OilMeatGold & DiamondsGold

Demography 1750-1914: GlobalDemography 1750-1914: EuropeTremendous population growthImprovements in food supplyApplication of science & technologyImproved seeds, fertilizer, & livestockRefrigerationIndustrial transportation eliminates famineSteamboatCreates a greater need for new energy sourcesCoal, electricity, gas, & petroleum

YearPopulation in Millions% of World Population175014119.3185029225.0190048230.0

Demography 1750-1914: Europe

Demographic transitionHigh to low mortalityHigh to low fertilityRapid urbanizationSuburbanizationDecline in urban mortalityUrban sanitationGerm theory of diseaseEuropean Migration from 175040 million Europeans emigrated to the two Americas, Australia, Asiatic Australia, South Africa, and other areas

African Slave Trade after 1750Nearly two million Africans were shipped to the Americas between 1750 & 1870

Japanese population growth increased dramatically after 1850Provides labor for industrialization & helps promote imperialismAsias population nearly doubledChinas population went from 220 million to 435 millionIndias population went from 165 million to 290 million

Demography 1750-1914: AsiaAsian labor migration after 1750

India: Over 1 million emigrated as indentured servants to South Africa & Caribbean China: Over 8 million emigrated to Southeast Asia (Thailand-1.5 million & Indonesia-2.8 million) and the AmericasJapan: Over 500,000 to the Americas and PacificU.S. limits immigration with Chinese Exclusion Act & Gentlemens AgreementCulture 1750-1914Agricultural Revolution lead to improvements in farming such as the seed drill and crop rotation. World trade patterns led to colonization of countries and their total domination created a definite gap in the haves and have nots.Christianity spread through colonization.Industrial Revolution altered world culture with concept of time, and continued need for raw materials and imperialism.

Jethro Tulls Seed Drill

Suez CanalPanama CanalFrom spacePolitics 1750-1914: European Hegemony!

The Balance of Power shifted after centuries of domination from Asia!

Absolutism vs. Enlightenment

New Economic and Social Ideas=Democracy1450-1750 ALL kingdoms in Europe, Muslim Empires and China were absolutist.

They held on to their power claiming Divine Right (Europe) or Mandate of Heaven (China)

What Changed and Why?

Forces for Political Change

Concept of nation-state shifted loyalties from a king or noble to a nation

Britain and the Netherlands both had constitutional monarchies

Industrial Rev. led to economic changes and thedemands for political change by the end of the 19th c.

The Enlightenment a.k.a. The Age of Reasonled to serious questioning of absolutist govts.

This was influenced by previous eras such as Renaissance, the Protestant Reformationand the Scientific Rev.

The idea that people COULD figure things out and come up with better governments.

John Lockes Social Contract said that people had the right to overthrow the government if it was bad.

French philosophes Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseauspread the new ideas to France which was the picture of absolutism.

New wealth led to the rise of the bourgeoisie who had no power. These self-made men were literate and supported the ideas of the Enlightenment. Afterall, they wanted the power togo with their money. Why should the do nothing aristocrats get all the power?




Latin AmericanAmerican Revolution:

New political thought

Upset with new taxes and trade controls

Restrictions on moving west

Declaration of Independence

Constitution based on Enlightenment principles, butlimited the right to vote and kept slavery

The French Revolution

Ancien RegimeAbsolutist power for the kingLouis XVI called the Estates-General, but the bourgeoisietake control and declare the National AssemblyWrite the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the CitizenRadical stage with Jacobins called the Reign of TerrorNapoleon seized the govt.

What arethe threeestates?

Congress of Vienna 1815: Objective? To Restore the Balance of Power Conservatives tried to put ideas of liberty back in the box.Haitian (a.k.a. Saint Domingue) Revolution

Led by Toussaint LOverture a former slave

Napoleon sent the army to put down the rebels.

Napoleon withdraws as many in his army died of yellow fever and couldnt fight the guerillatactics used by the Haitians.

LOverture died, Haiti gets independence 1804

Jefferson buys Lousiana from Napoleon 1803; theFrench had to have money to finance the fighting.Latin American RevolutionsSouth America led by Creole elites such as:Simon Bolivar in the north and in the southJose de San Martin (1821)

Brazil 1822 Mexico 1821 Father Miguel HidalgoBenito Juarez modeled the constitution after theUS, but after his death a series of dictators.Results of Revolutions

Enlightenment philosophy continued to spread and inspireRevolutions with the concepts of democracy, liberty, equality,and justice

Conservatism: wanted to return to absolutism, disapproved of revs, but would accept a constitutional monarchy

Liberalism: wanted republican democracy, elected legislatureand freedom from oppression more than equality

Radicalism: wanted drastic changes in the govt., emphasizedequality more than freedom; to narrow the gap between rich and poor ex: Jacobins and later MarxistsPoliticalReformsAbolition of slave trade then slaveryWomens rights especiallysuffrageUniversal educationLabor lawsespeciallychild laborMale suffrageOther political reforms

Social Darwinism: poor people are lazy and less intelligent and deserve their status; rich people arehard working and smart and deserve their status

Marxism: The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels said there would be a rev of the Proletariat

Nationalism: new political concept of the nation; afeeling of identity among common groups of people

Unification MovementsGermanyOtto von BismarckSecond ReichDeclared the beginning of the German EmpireFirst wasHRELed to more competition among states.Created more nationalist movements.ItalyCount Cavour in thenorth; occupied byAustriaGaribaldi in the south;occupied by Spain

ImperialismThe COMPLETEtakeover of an area withdominationeconomically,politically, and socio-culturally

Berlin Conference 1884-5

O God of Battles! Steel My Soldiers' Hearts! 10 October 1857 Sepoy Rebellion/Mutiny


Opium Wars 1839-1842Qing Dynasty

Treaty of Nanjing

Spheres of Influence

Taiping Rebellion1850-1864

Boxer Rebellion1900

MEIJI RESTORATIONEconomicsThe Modern Era1750-1914 Favorable natural resourcesPopulation PressureAbundance of laborGrowth of large manufacturing sectorCottage industry (putting-out system)Advantages in world tradeTechnological innovationGovernment support of businessCauses of the Industrial RevolutionCottage Industry (putting-out system)Mechanization of weavingCotton that took an Indian worker 500 hours to spin took a machine in England 80 minutes to spinIron smeltingBessemer steel processEnergySteam engine and electricityTransportationCanals, steamboat, railroads Industrial TechnologyLabor changesFactory labor was dangerous and toilsomeInitially women & children work in factoriesRise in white collar jobs for new middle classHigh unemployment ratesLabor unions were formed to protect workersRise of consumer cultureStandard of living increasesFrequent economic depressionsEconomic Effects of IndustrializationEconomic Effects of IndustrializationNew economic theoriesCapitalismDirect attack on mercantilismPositivismSocialismThe Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich EngelsCommunism

Global IndustrializationIndustrialization turned nations into either manufacturers of consumer goods or suppliers of raw materialsManufacturers: Western Europe, the United States, Japan, Russia(?)Suppliers: the Ottoman Empire, Egypt, China, India Africa, Latin America, Southeast Asia, Australia

Spread of Industrialization in Europe

Caused by Russian defeat in Crimean WarAbolish serfdom in 1861Do NOT make major reforms to help peasantsLimited industrializationTrans-Siberian railroadFocus on heavy industry2nd in petroleum and 4th in steel production by 1900Do NOT produce consumer goodsLower class women move to cities for factory workRussian IndustrializationJapanese IndustrializationEnds isolation in 1853Abolish samurai classEconomic modernizationIndustrializationZaibatsuMitsubishiWomen work in silk factories

British ended the slave trade in 1807; the United States in 1808England bans slavery in 1833; U.S. in 1863;Natural resources (gold, ivory, palm oil) replace slaves in trade with EuropeMuhammad Ali modernizes EgyptForced peasants to grow cotton for exportBuilt irrigation canals and railroadsSuccessors build the Suez CanalMakes Egypt one of the most strategic places on EarthAfrica: 1750-1914Sick Man of EuropeDeclining agricultural revenuesLarge debts to foreign nationsEuropean imports exceed exportsCaused massive inflationReformsCreation of a central bankFactories opened in urban areasRelied heavily on European investment and technologyThe Middle East: 1750-1914IndiaBritish transform India from supplier of textiles to exporter of raw cottonAlso export opium, coffee, and teaChinaOpium War ends Canton systemOpium trade reverses causes silver to flow from ChinaSoutheast AsiaBritish establish Singapore and colonize other areas to gain access to raw materialsIndentured ServitudeThousands of Indians, Chinese, and Japanese migrated to the Caribbean to replace slave laborAsia: 1750-1914Latin America supplied raw materials to the West in exchange for manufactured goodsInfluence switched from Spain to EnglandMonroe DoctrineIndentured servitude & immigration replace slaveryMexico and Argentina undergo limited industrialization in the late 1800sPorfirio DiazThe Americas: 1750-1914Social Structures 1750-1919The home was A haven in a heartless world.A low point for women around the world.

A time of equality of misery. Both men and women living in a poor state compounded by industrialization and imperialism with most men and women leftback. It was more about class structure than gender structure.Thomas Jefferson said, Were our state a pure democracy, there would still beexcluded from our deliberation women, who, to prevent the deprivation of moralsand ambiguity of issues, should not mix promiscuously in gatherings of men. Women ought to have representatives, instead of being arbitrarily governed without any direct share allowed them in the deliberations of government. Mary Wollstonecraft

And so it begins, the push for rights and suffrage!Political Revolutions

Womens Movements

Women in factories were paid less for less skilled labor.Women were mainly unmarried which led to sexual exploitation and concerns about THEIR morality and respectability!!!In Japan and Latin America

Women were to stay home to be Good wives and wise mothers.At home, women still had to work to survive, but the governments didnt count it as real work as it washousekeeping.Men frequently left home in Latin America to seek workleaving women to continue subsistence farming.

Marianismo and machismoScientific discoveries about women used to justifylimits on their education.

Women who accomplished anything intellectual were seenas having transcended their sex.China: She who is unskilled in arts and literature isa virtuous woman.

Japan:To cultivate womens skills would be harmful.

Womens MovementsThe woman question.