13 cloud ides for web developers - hongkiat

Cloud IDEs For Web Developers – Best Of With so much of the traditional, desktop-based productivity software we know and love moving to the Cloud, it’s no surprise that Cloud-based IDEs are quickly gaining ground with developers. Nowadays, the browser is essentially a thin client that allows users to access a variety of Cloud-based applications and services. However, many are still hesitant to put their full faith in a remote Cloud IDE for development purposes. Tools like Github (https://github.com/) and Pastebin (http://pastebin.com/) helped to ease the transition to Cloud-based development, and full-fledged Cloud IDEs are now commonly used by many developers. Here are 13 of the best Cloud IDEs you can get your hands on and a quick summation of each. Cloud9 (http://c9.io/) After a few minutes using the appropriately named Cloud9, you’ll feel like you’ve died and gone to coder heaven. The front end is all Javascript, while the back end Natasha Tasha — Coding (Http://Www.Hongkiat.Com/Blog/Category/Coding/) Get daily articles in your inbox for free. Insert email address Subscribe!

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13 Cloud IDEs for Web Developers - Hongkiat


Cloud IDEs For Web Developers –Best OfWith so much of the traditional, desktop-based productivity software we know and

love moving to the Cloud, it’s no surprise that Cloud-based IDEs are quickly gaining

ground with developers.

Nowadays, the browser is essentially a thin client that allows users to access a

variety of Cloud-based applications and services. However, many are still hesitant

to put their full faith in a remote Cloud IDE for development purposes. Tools like

Github (https://github.com/)and Pastebin (http://pastebin.com/) helped to ease the

transition to Cloud-based development, and full-fledged Cloud IDEs are now

commonly used by many developers.

Here are 13 of the best Cloud IDEs you can get your hands on and a quick

summation of each.

Cloud9 (http://c9.io/)

After a few minutes using the appropriately named Cloud9, you’ll feel like you’ve

died and gone to coder heaven. The front end is all Javascript, while the back end

Natasha Tasha — Coding (Http://Www.Hongkiat.Com/Blog/Category/Coding/) Get daily articles in your inbox for free.

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died and gone to coder heaven. The front end is all Javascript, while the back end

relies on the popular NodeJS framework. Though it’s favored by UI designers and

developers, it has syntax highlighting for C#, C++, Python, Perl, Ruby, Scala and a

few others as well.

The built-in Vim mode is a nice touch, as is the support for popular revision control

systems like Git, Mercurial and SVN. Thanks to the inclusion of CSSLint and

JSBeautify, it’s also one of the prettier environments found online.

Codeanywhere (https://codeanywhere.net/)

Another software development tool that frequently tops the various "best of" lists

floating around the Web is Codeanywhere, the friendly Cloud IDE for all seasons. It

features code highlighting and support for HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, MySQL and

more. Thanks to the available slew of handy apps for iOS, Android and BlackBerry,

more. Thanks to the available slew of handy apps for iOS, Android and BlackBerry,

this tool enables anyone to code literally anywhere.

In addition, it boasts Dropbox and SFTP support, which allow coders to easily

backup project files and share them with collaborators. Though it’s not the most

full-featured Cloud IDE, it does what it does quite well.

Cloud IDE (http://cloud-ide.com/)While they obviously didn’t spend a lot of time coming up with a catchy name, the

folks behind Cloud IDE put some serious effort into crafting a platform that just

works. Otherwise known as eXo Cloud IDE, it’s a solid Cloud contender that

supports the usual languages like Javascript, Ruby, Groovy, Java and HTML to name

just a few.

In particular, eXo Cloud is well suited to coders who specialize in Java

programming. It supports Java servlets and Java Server Pages, as well as Maven.

Deployment is handled by Heroku, CloudBees, Red Hat OpenShift and Cloud


Sourcekit(https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/iieeldjdihkpoapgipfkeoddjckopgjg)Google Chrome is coming on strong as of late, surpassing Mozilla’s Firefox and

taking a shot at Internet Explorer for the title of browser supremacy. Sourcekit is a

Textmate-like IDE that relies on Dropbox for storage and provides a responsive

environment for web developers.

With the superb functionality of Mozilla’s SkyWriter a.k.a. "Bespin" baked into the

cake, it’s a lightweight, browser-based alternative to bloated desktop development

suites. Supported languages include all the majors you’d expect, such as C/C++/C#,

PHP, Python, Javascript, MySQL, Java and Ruby. As far as lean browser IDEs are

concerned, Sourcekit is an extremely attractive option.

Kodingen (https://kodingen.com/)One of the first Cloud editors to really do web-based IDEs the right way, Kodingen

has carved out quite the competitive niche for itself in the past few years. It allows

developers to code in PHP, Python, Perl and Javascript while working with popular

frameworks like Django, Ruby on Rails and Node.js.

Kodingen is bolstered by the rich and diverse community of users that patronize the

service, which makes collaboration and sharing in the Cloud fairly convenient. Free

to use and experiment with, there’s no reason not to sign up for an account and give

Kodingen a shot.

Coderun Studio (http://www.coderun.com/)If you’ve tried dozens of other browser-based IDEs without success and are looking

for something that’s straightforward and capable, Coderun Studio is worth a look. It

offers users a cross-platform tool for writing ASP.NET, Javascript, C#, HTML and

CSS. Its default Visual Studio compatibility is a nice touch and should have

Microsoft-focused coders feeling right at home. It comes equipped with the usual

bells and whistles like code completion and syntax highlighting.

Furthermore, the native compilation and debugging features are unparalleled.

Lastly, Coderun Studio allows users to quickly share their code with their peers via

unique URLs.

ShiftEdit (http://shiftedit.net/)Next up, we have the under-appreciated ShiftEdit. Though it may not have the

name recognition of Cloud9 or Coderun, it’s nevertheless a versatile piece of Cloud-

based software that’s worth looking into.

Whether you’re a trendy Python fan, a PHP holdout or a Perl dinosaur, ShiftEdit has

you covered. Users can backup files to Dropbox via SFTP and keep track of changes

with various revision control tools all from within the browser. Its SSH

authentication, code completion and code snippet features allow for seamless and

uninterrupted work flow, which enables developers to be as productive as possible

from any location.

Akshell (http://www.akshell.com/)With so much competition in the Cloud IDE sphere, it’s becoming more and more

difficult to stand apart from the crowd. Akshell is a server-side development

difficult to stand apart from the crowd. Akshell is a server-side development

environment that gives coders a lightweight tool for whipping up Javascript web

apps. It relies on the PostgreSQL database for back-end storage, which should be

quite easy to work with for those familiar with MySQL.

Thanks to the integrated Git console, deploying any projects that you create is a

hassle-free experience. If you’re a strict Javascript coder looking for a capable Cloud

IDE that’s fast and stable, Akshell’s the one for you.

Erbix (http://www.erbix.com/js/)All of the Javascript naysayers of the past decade are surely eating their words now

All of the Javascript naysayers of the past decade are surely eating their words now

that Javascript has experienced a renaissance and attained a newfound level of

respect among coders. Erbix revolves around the web’s favorite scripting language

and provides tools for crafting Javascript apps for online business productivity.

Though it’s not free, the pricing and plans offered by Erbix are fairly reasonable if

you plan on making regular use of this innovative platform. It supports RingoJS and

CommonJS modules, features a dedicated MySQL console and provides access to

boatloads of apps from other developers through the Erbix AppStore.

Neutron IDE (http://neutronide.com/)Building a versatile Cloud IDE from scratch is no small matter, which is why many

choose to base their projects on pre-existing open source code. Neutron IDE stands

on the shoulders of giants by using the powerful Ace code editor

on the shoulders of giants by using the powerful Ace code editor

(http://ace.ajax.org/) as its starting point. It merges the best features of SFTP clients

and browser editors into one complete package, allowing coders to edit files on their

development servers on the fly from anywhere.

Featuring support for configurable Vi and Emacs key bindings as well as TextMate

themes, it’s one of the most customizable Cloud IDEs around.

Collide (http://code.google.com/p/collide/)Even when Google decides to give up on a project, the general coding public at large

always seems to benefit anyway. Collide began its life as a Google Code project with

a lot of promise. Though it’s now defunct, the source code is freely available to

anybody that wants to fork it.

anybody that wants to fork it.

In a nutshell, it’s a Cloud IDE running on the Java 7 JRE that relies on a host of solid

software tools like Guava, JUnit, JKit and EasyMock to provide spartan but powerful

collaboration functionality to teams of programmers who value real-time


Orion (http://www.eclipse.org/orion/)The famed Eclipse Java IDE (http://www.eclipse.org/) has been a mainstay in the

desktop development world for years, thanks to its comprehensive feature set and

rugged reliability. Orion is the next logical step, bringing Eclipse’s considerable

experience to the Cloud IDE field. Its primary use at the moment is for front-end

web development, so it’s limited to HTML and Javascript for the most part.

However, it’s a work in progress and we can expect to see features added

incrementally as development continues over the next year. Aside from Firebug



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incrementally as development continues over the next year. Aside from Firebug

integration, its biggest selling point is its Eclipse-style UI and intuitive layout.

Python Fiddle (http://pythonfiddle.com/)There are plenty of reasons why Python is gaining ground in the web development

industry lately. It’s relatively fast, incredibly flexible and easy to learn. As such, it’s

no surprise that Python-centric Cloud IDEs have evolved to assist developers in

belting out code as quickly as possible.

Much like JSFiddle, Python Fiddle is a code editor and code execution environment

that allows programmers to run snippets and debug scripts on the go. It supports a

plethora of third-party packages, boasts superb documentation, comes with a wide

array of built-in hot keys and is also open source to boot.

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array of built-in hot keys and is also open source to boot.

ConclusionThe use of web development programs that largely reside on remote servers still

makes quite a few coders nervous. Adapting to the new paradigm will take some

effort for the more conservative "old school" programmers. However, there’s little

reason to be afraid of the Cloud anymore. With the adoption of several simple

security precautions and an open mindset, any web developer can reap the rewards

of Cloud software suites without any real danger.

With so many options to choose from, there’s definitely a near-perfect program out

there for every coder, irregardless of their own style and preferences.

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there for every coder, irregardless of their own style and preferences.

Editor’s note: This post is written by Natasha Tasha for Hongkiat.com

(http://www.hongkiat.com/). Natasha is a writer and blogger, plus tech lover, currently

writing for Ninefold (http://ninefold.com/). She is interested in various technology and

Internet topics, Cloud Computing, Web development, Web & Graphic design.

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