127530 731.media brief,04052010weekinreview

Briefing paper Wednesday, 31 August 2022 Bosnian Serb commentary slams Turkey's new policy in region Text of report by Bosnian Serb state-owned daily Glas Srpske, on 27 April [Commentary by Slavko Mitrovic in "Aspiration to Abolish the Serb Republic" column: "Turks Ride Again"] Turkey became involved in the Yugoslav crisis of the early 1990s in a biased way, by supporting separatism and secession. This approach, which some other countries shared, encouraged the destruction of Yugoslavia and pushed its peoples into bloody civil wars. At the time, and this continues to be the case, Turkey openly supported Muslims and was one of the first to recognize the incomplete secession and independence of Bosnia-Hercegovina and Kosovo. At present, it is promoting a new policy, with which it is trying to redefine the Balkans based on the Ottoman legacy, referring to historical connections that are really the 500 year Osmanli occupation. The new Turkish offensive in the region is probably a result of the assessment that it will never become a member of the EU. This is why, by creating an interest sphere, it wants to consolidate its position in the offered "privileged partnership with the EU", even though it has officially rejected it. Turkey is the most import! ant ally of the United States in the Islamic world because the perception is present of Turkey, as a secular state, being a link with the Islamic states and being important for its influence in the Middle East and the former republics of the Soviet Union, which are currently Islamic states. Not much is left from the legacy of Ataturk, which was used in the establishment of modern day Turkey. This has been evident for 20 years or so. This is the reason Turkey's efforts to join the EU have not changed the positions of the key countries, such as France and Germany, which oppose Turkey's membership and even make it conditional upon a Senad Kamenica, Media Advisor to COM EUFOR [email protected] + 387 33 49 53 96 + 387 61 49 13 68

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Briefing paper Wednesday, 03 May 2023

Bosnian Serb commentary slams Turkey's new policy in region Text of report by Bosnian Serb state-owned daily Glas Srpske, on 27 April

[Commentary by Slavko Mitrovic in "Aspiration to Abolish the Serb Republic" column: "Turks Ride Again"]

Turkey became involved in the Yugoslav crisis of the early 1990s in a biased way, by supporting separatism and secession. This approach, which some other countries shared, encouraged the destruction of Yugoslavia and pushed its peoples into bloody civil wars. At the time, and this continues to be the case, Turkey openly supported Muslims and was one of the first to recognize the incomplete secession and independence of Bosnia-Hercegovina and Kosovo. At present, it is promoting a new policy, with which it is trying to redefine the Balkans based on the Ottoman legacy, referring to historical connections that are really the 500 year Osmanli occupation. The new Turkish offensive in the region is probably a result of the assessment that it will never become a member of the EU. This is why, by creating an interest sphere, it wants to consolidate its position in the offered "privileged partnership with the EU", even though it has officially rejected it. Turkey is the most import! ant ally of the United States in the Islamic world because the perception is present of Turkey, as a secular state, being a link with the Islamic states and being important for its influence in the Middle East and the former republics of the Soviet Union, which are currently Islamic states.

Not much is left from the legacy of Ataturk, which was used in the establishment of modern day Turkey. This has been evident for 20 years or so. This is the reason Turkey's efforts to join the EU have not changed the positions of the key countries, such as France and Germany, which oppose Turkey's membership and even make it conditional upon a referendum of their citizens. At the same time, Europe is asking Turkey to establish civilian control over the army, which is the traditional guardian of Ataturk's legacy. This is the goal behind the planned changes to the Turkish Constitution - establishing the civilian courts' authority over military personnel, all the way to investigation into military conspiracies in the previous period. Once this is implemented, Turkey will certainly be even closer to Islamic regimes, which will be another excuse for the EU not to admit Turkey as a member, in addition to the one about Turkey being an Asian country. It is hard to believe that Pr! ime Minister Erdogan and President Gul's Party of Justice and Development, which was not so long ago the banned Islamic Party of Virtue, has changed its Senad Kamenica, Media Advisor to COM [email protected]+ 387 33 49 53 96 + 387 61 49 13 68

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programme orientation in the creation of the Turkish society and state. At any rate, Turkey is playing a game in which goals are evident. On the basis of its citizens of Bosnian, Sandzak, Albanian, Chechen, and Abkhaz origin, and through statements by Minister Ahmet Davutoglu it talks about its right to influence those countries because they got here "on horseback. In the 1990s, we faced many difficulties, in Bosnia-Hercegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia. When those difficulties appeared, where did the Bosnians, Albanians, and Macedonians turn their faces? Towards Turkey! It is a historical relationship," claims Davutoglu, having in mind only the Muslims in those countries, because Serbs and Croats from Bosnia-Hercegovina certainly did not turn their heads in that direction.

Turkey has been trying to be a patron to Bosniak Bosnia-Hercegovina in various aspects - from membership in the Peace Implementation Council on behalf of the Conference of Islamic Countries [Organization of Islamic Conference] to seeking that soldiers from Bosnia-Hercegovina in peace missions be under Turkish flag and command.

The EU humbly passes such activities in silence because it refuses to admit Turkey as its member, while European diplomats express horror in private. Meanwhile, Turkey wants to present its regional policy as agreement with the United States - direct or tacit - counting on no one on the side being able to establish with certainty what part of it is true. There has been a great deal of behind the scenes manoeuvring and smoke bombs, the result of which is exacerbation of divisions in the Balkan states with Islamic population.

The illusion is being created that Serbia also accepts this role of Turkey in Bosnia-Hercegovina, which is manifested by frequent and cordial meetings between Foreign Ministers Davutoglu and Jeremic, which circle Sven Alkalaj, Silajdzic's private foreign minister, is also part of. With such frequent meetings, Turkey wants to create the impression that the [Bosnian] Serb Republic [RS] is alone and isolated even from Serbia in protecting its constitutional and international and legal position. This is in the context of the efforts to revise The Dayton Accords and depriving the RS of authority to which it is entitled by the international agreement. The RS cannot accept alleged reforms that are used to create a unitary state tailored for the relative majority of the Bosniak people because there are various constitutional solutions within the EU in the complex states such as Belgium, Spain, and even mononational Germany. Unfortunately, this does not prevent certain internation! al forces from requiring, under the pretext of European Senad Kamenica, COM EUFOR Media [email protected]+ 387 33 49 53 96 + 387 61 49 13 68


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integration, centralization and concentration of authority in Sarajevo. International activity in which the complex constitutional structure of Bosnia-Hercegovina as a state that was formed through an international agreement, with two entities and three constituent peoples, is not taken into account, does not lead to understanding and stability. With it, Bosnia-Hercegovina is becoming even more distant from the much needed reconciliation and turning to a joint future, which will thus become increasingly less likely.

Serbian Assembly's Declaration on Srebrenica has not brought anything good either. Slobodan Pavlovic, Danas correspondent from Washington, reported in early April: "In the course of Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic's visit to Washington in late February, the US administration was introduced to the concept of the Declaration on Srebrenica. Jeremic presented to his hosts in Washington the compromise formulation of condemning the crime, the explanation being that "Silajdzic and his people in Sarajevo accepted the variant that did not include the term, genocide, only after a great deal of pressure and certain promises made by Turkey, which had an interest in using this to establish itself as one of the key players in the Balkans." As the finale to the February story about Turkish and other behind the scenes games, the Americans were told that, after the Declaration on Srebrenica was endorsed, Haris Silajdzic would visit Belgrade as a sign of good will and the beginning of! a new era in the relations. In the meantime, Turkish Foreign Minister Davutoglu stated that the Balkans, and especially Bosnia, presented one of his country's foreign political priorities." [quotation marks as published]

We witnessed Silajdzic's good will at the fair in Mostar, which Boris Tadic also attended. Speaking about Serbia, Silajdzic said that Ilija Jurisic of Tuzla Column was serving time in a Belgrade prison innocently charged and innocently convicted, as well as that Ejup Ganic, innocent wartime member of the Bosnia-Hercegovina Presidency, had been arrested in London on a Serbian arrest warrant. He went on to say: "I do not know in whose interest this is. I have heard Mr Tadic say that it was not in the interest of Serbia, so which Serbia is it that is doing this? So, if they cannot ethnically cleanse us here, they can intercept us in London and Belgrade. This will have to stop."

I am very confused by those relations between Serbia, Turkey, and Silajdzic, whom Turkish officials say is their favourite in Bosnia-Hercegovina. I only know that the RS must not be naive, which is what Milorad Dodik often says. It must also not be an accidental participant in anyone's show on "sincere cooperation in the region", or Senad Kamenica, COM EUFOR Media [email protected]+ 387 33 49 53 96 + 387 61 49 13 68


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an incidental [word indistinct due to poor print quality] for someone else's benefit, calculated in advance, agreeing to the abolishment of its Dayton [guaranteed] international rights. The "Turkish wheel dance", which has been danced for nearly a year, does not have the legitimacy of the Bosnia-Hercegovina institutions, since neither Alkalaj nor Silajdzic represent Bosnia-Hercegovina, given that they do not have the constitutional or institutional authority to do so. They especially have no right to exercise Turkish interests in its establishing its position as the key player in the Balkans, which makes what they are doing tourist activity th! at is not binding for Bosnia-Hercegovina.

Brussels' and Washington's courtesy commendation of Serbia for the Declaration on Srebrenica and Sulejman Tihic's [chairman of the Party of Democratic Action, SDA, and chairman of the House of Peoples of the Bosnia-Hercegovina Parliamentary Assembly] tepid support is about all of Serbia's (un)justified expectations that have been realized. Reis [ul ulema] Mustafa Ceric [head of the Islamic community in Bosnia-Hercegovina], who is not only a religious authority among the Bosniaks but also a political one, accused Belgrade, in an interview to Reuters, of "continuing to trick the world by using false words and empty gestures, and, by denying and mocking the victims of genocide, they are preparing for another genocide." Ceric continued by sending a message to the EU: "Do not let yourselves be fooled again by humane tears from Belgrade. Serbia has not changed at all, and what Belgrade is doing with Tadic is merely a trick." After Tadic's numerous statements about respect for B! osnia-Hercegovina's integrity and sovereignty in line with The Dayton Accords, as well s his apologies and paying respects to the victims in Srebrenica, Ceric is calling on Tadic to "unreservedly apologize for the war crimes committee by Bosnian Serbs and launch the reconciliation process." Sarajevo media also accuse Tadic: "he has not taken a formal or essential distance from Milosevic's policy," adding that, with his text in Wall Street Journal, he was "playing the US readers, changing the character of the war in this area by calling it a civil war, not mentioning once that Serbia launched an aggression against Bosnia-Hercegovina." Jelko Kacin [Slovene politician, member of the European Parliament], the self advertising educator of Balkan barbarians and war mongerer, also contributed to the criticism of the Declaration by saying that, with the Declaration on Srebrenica, Serbia had not made a step forward but a step sideways.

When everything is added up, it turns out that the Declaration was actually a failure. It divided the Serbian Assembly, the political parties and the Serbian public, it was met with disapproval in the RS - except Senad Kamenica, COM EUFOR Media [email protected]+ 387 33 49 53 96 + 387 61 49 13 68


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among those who were restrained by some foreigners for a short while, whether by money or by blackmail. Whatever the Declaration may say, the Bosniak public would consider insufficient, because those who are impossible to satisfy cannot be satisfied with apologies.

Their goal was and remains the abolishment of the Serb Republic through divesting it of authority. In that, they use all means, from imposing guilt to Serbia and Serbs for aggression and genocide to instrumentalization of the international community. This will not change, only its manifestations will. Deja vu.

Source: Glas Srpske, Banja Luka, in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian 27 Apr 10

Bosnian Croat daily calls Silajdzic's trip to Istanbul show for public Text of report by Bosnian Croat Mostar-based daily Dnevni list, on 28 April

[Commentary by D. Stesevic: "Siljadzic's Trip to Istanbul Is Evidence of Stage Managed Political Patterns in Bosnia-Hercegovina - Silajdzic's Show for the Public"]

Sarajevo - The meeting of Haris Silajdzic, chairman of the Bosnia-Hercegovina Presidency, Boris Tadic, president of Serbia, and Abdullah Gul, president of Turkey, which was held in Istanbul, and the signing of the [summit] Declaration have caused ripples in the already unsettled political waters in Bosnia-Hercegovina. In the divided state, in which all the political issues are highly sensitive and in which there is no trust towards the representatives of the other people, it is very easy to inflame the political situation. This is what happened with a regular meeting of leaders of countries that wanted to improve their relations and the stability in the region. What Silajdzic really wanted - and has managed to a considerable degree - was to turn the meeting in Istanbul into a show for the peoples in Bosnia-Hercegovina and to collect as many political points as possible in the election year, in which he wants to run for the position of Bosniak member of the Bosnia-Hercegov! ina Presidency, in the situation in which the rating of his SBiH [Party for Bosnia-Hercegovina] is perhaps the lowest since its establishment. That this is a classic show is also shown by the alleged call made by Hilary Clinton before TV cameras.

Euphoria at First Glance

Senad Kamenica, COM EUFOR Media [email protected]+ 387 33 49 53 96 + 387 61 49 13 68


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Silajdzic wanted to present himself to the citizens of Bosnia-Hercegovina - naturally, mainly to the Bosniaks, who trust him less and less, as well as the public in the region - as a big statesman and an important political factor in Bosnia-Hercegovina and the broader area, who, among other things, is reintroducing Turks in Bosnia-Hercegovina. As reckless and unnecessary Silajdzic's reaction was at the economic fair, when he used political accusations to attack the Serbian president who had come to open the fair, and however much of a political gaffe that was, so he profited in Istanbul, at first glance.

We say, at first glance, because the euphoria from Istanbul, which Silajdzic, together with Foreign Minister Sven Alkalaj, deliberately transferred to Bosnia-Hercegovina, will soon simmer down.

One does not need to be either naive or particularly well versed in the political reality in Bosnia-Hercegovina to know that Haris Silajdzic does not have the political strength or authority to sign any "historic" or even less important documents on behalf of the state and without agreement within the Bosnia-Hercegovina Presidency. Nebojsa Radmanovic, member of the Bosnia-Hercegovina Presidency from the RS [Bosnian Serb Republic], calmed the distressed population in the RS immediately, on Sunday [ 25 April] by denying that Haris Silajdzic had any authority to sign any "historic" documents on behalf of the state or the Serb people, even if it were a legally void declaration.

Reaction from the RS

Radmanovic is very familiar with tested political tricks and the background to Silajdzic's show in Istanbul, and he also knows that Boris Tadic would not do anything without the leaders from Banja Luka knowing about it, but swooping down on Haris Silajdzic always provokes undivided sympathy and cheering in the RS, and Radmanovic and his party boss Milorad Dodik [chairman of the Alliance of Independent Social Democrats, SNSD, and prime minister of the RS] also believe that it brings a rich harvest of political points. The mutually beneficial Silajdzic-Dodik antagonism thus continues.

People hungry for positive vibrations fall for tricks and react euphorically, which is followed by a process of sobering down and disappointment.

[Box] Good Relations with Turkey

The Turkish president, who evidently largely fell for Silajdzic's tricks - or, perhaps, as some people claim, he deliberately invited Tadic to Istanbul to help Silajdzic improve his exceptionally poor political Senad Kamenica, COM EUFOR Media [email protected]+ 387 33 49 53 96 + 387 61 49 13 68


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image in Bosnia-Hercegovina and win, again, the favour of the voters for the forthcoming election - is also involved in the story. One must not lose sight of the fact that Silajdzic has exceptionally good private relations with the Turkish prime minister and many other wealthy Turks, which he confirmed by bringing Muslim millionaires to the recent Business Forum in Sarajevo. After all, as the media have often reported, Silajdzic has a great deal of real estate in Istanbul, which is worth millions, while in Sarajevo he lives in a tiny, 40 square meter apartment.

Source: Dnevni list, Mostar, in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian 28 Apr 10

Istanbul declaration result of better Turkish-Russian relationsText of report by Bosnian independent weekly Slobodna Bosna, on 29 April

[Commentary by A. Metiljevic: "New Chapter in Balkan Relations"]

In the space of just a few months, Haris Silajdzic, the current chairman of the Bosnia-Hercegovina Presidency, has registered some unexpected diplomatic and political successes: In Sarajevo, he organized an economic forum with respectable participants; with the Serbian leadership, he succeeded in smoothing over years-long disputes, which resulted in the signing of the Istanbul Declaration; and, in Tallinn, at a meeting of NATO foreign ministers, he succeeded in "disengaging the brake" from the MAP, the action plan for the admission of Bosnia and Hercegovina into membership in NATO.

It is quite clear that Turkish diplomacy is hiding in the background of Haris Silajdzic's diplomatic triumphs. Less known, however, is from where Turkey has been drawing the strength for its sudden success in the Balkans and increasing influence on global developments. The explanation according to which Turkey's influence springs from its growing economic and military might is fundamentally correct, but also incomplete.

Senad Kamenica, COM EUFOR Media [email protected]+ 387 33 49 53 96 + 387 61 49 13 68


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Those who are better acquainted with political relations in the region claim that the Turkish success in the Balkans is a direct consequence of the ever-improving political and economic relations between Turkey and Russia. The watershed moment for the Turkish diplomatic offensive in the region occurred on 6 August of last year, when Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan and Russian Prime Minister Putin introduced a newly established Turkish-Russian partnership that supplanted the years-long tension between the two countries. The new partnership between Turkey and Russia is founded on healthy economic underpinnings: The goods exchange between the two states has considerably exceeded $40 billion, and, with the signing of a number of interstate agreements, including one on the transport of Russian gas and petroleum through Turkey to Europe, the economic cooperation between the two states will soon be doubled.

In parallel with the building of better relations with Russia, Turkey also launched a powerful diplomatic offensive towards Serbia, Russia's most important ally in the Balkans. On the wings of improving Turkish-Russian relations, they also strengthened Serbian-Turkish relations, especially in the economic area, which resulted in lat year's signing of an asymmetrical international agreement - benefiting Serbia - on a duty-free trade regime. Since 1 January, goods from Serbia have been arriving in the Turkish market duty-free, whereas Turkish products in the Serbian market will be subject to customs-duty all the way to 2015. In this way, Serbia has opened the door to the huge Turkish market, which has close to 70 million consumers.

A majority of impartial analysts see in the Istanbul Declaration by Silajdzic, Tadic, and Gul the beginning of better relations in the entire region. It is therefore hard to understand the resistance to the Istanbul Declaration in the Serb Republic.

It is possible that the resistance is inspired by fear of Banja Luka's marginalization, or it may be a matter of a hereditary inertia according to which every success on Silajdzic's part simultaneously means Dodik's failure.

But doubts about the Istanbul Declaration will soon be shown to be completely unjustified, because this is a case of a document that did not originate in confrontation but in cooperation between the main diplomatic players in the region, Turkey and Russia, with the whole-hearted approval of official Washington and Brussels.

Source: Slobodna Bosna, Sarajevo, in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian 29 Apr 10 Senad Kamenica, COM EUFOR Media [email protected]+ 387 33 49 53 96 + 387 61 49 13 68


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Briefing Paper Wednesday, 03 May 2023

Bosnian Presidency chair discusses Istanbul summit, Turkey's role, NATO bid Text of report by Bosnian newspaper Dani on 30 April

[Interview with Bosnia-Hercegovina Presidency Chairman Haris Silajdzic by Senad Pecanin; place and date not given: "Tadic Dispels the Ghosts of Serbia's Past"]

[Dani] Mr Silajdzic, to what do you attribute Turkey's growing involvement in our region? What in your view are Turkey's motives?

[Silajdzic] We are all familiar with our region's historic ties with Turkey and the fact that today, Turkey is home to millions of people who can trace their origin to this part of the world. Turkey's approach to this region as a whole has been comprehensive, while at the same time that country has taken it upon itself to also champion the interests of Bosnia-Hercegovina unreservedly. On the other hand, we know that in terms of economy, the world designated this century as "Asian" long time ago. And however controversial this may seem, the facts speak for themselves. The global recession has accelerated these processes further and made them apparent. Then again, economic growth and importance are obviously backed by growing political influence. Owing to its geostrategic position, the vibrancy of its economy which remains immune even to the effects of the global recession, and Prime Minister Erdogan's shrewd political leadership, Turkey's global importance and, by implicat! ion, influence have risen considerably. As a result, there is practically no country in the world today that is not keen to advance its relations with Turkey. This includes our country and all the other countries of the region.

[Dani] It seems that Serb Republic [RS] leaders can not understand why Serbia has agreed to allow Turkey to actively play a mediating role in the Western Balkans?

[Silajdzic] For the same reason that the other countries have. Serbia is keen not to be isolated and wants to participate in new global trends. It is not my job to explain Serbia's relations with Turkey. The fact is that for some time now their bilateral relations, including most importantly economic cooperation, have been going through a period of constant ascendancy.

If we wanted to take a narrow view, we in Bosnia-Hercegovina would have reason to resent or rather be jealous of the current level of their economic relations and of the plans for major investment and infrastructure projects that are being negotiated by their two governments.Senad Kamenica, COM EUFOR Media [email protected]+ 387 33 49 53 96 + 387 61 49 13 68


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[Dani] What was your finest moment in the talks you had with [Serbian] President [Boris] Tadic in the presence of [Turkish] President Gul, and also your tete-a-tete talks with the Serbian president?

[Silajdzic] I was most pleased when I heard President Tadic say the following at the trilateral meeting as well as in our separate talks and at the subsequent press conference: "It is Serbia's irreversible policy not to do anything that could damage Bosnia-Hercegovina's sovereignty, territorial integrity and international subjectivity." This will clearly remove the uncertainties harboured by the international community about Serbia and its intentions, and at the same time it is a clear message about Serbia's attitude to Bosnia-Hercegovina.

[Dani] How do you interpret the critical remarks of Nebojsa Radmanovic, your colleague on the Bosnia-Hercegovina Presidency, who said that you did not have a mandate to sign the declaration adopted in Istanbul?

[Silajdzic] Of course, I have a mandate. There is an agreement among us on the Presidency that the chairman is in charge of certain duties. Mr Radmanovic did the same in similar circumstances when he was chairman. As far as the declaration is concerned, I accept that of course it is not a point of concern for the chairman alone, but for the other two members as well. I had consultations with them beforehand. Mr Radmanovic did not say that he was against it while Mr Komsic believed that such a declaration would be in the interest of Bosnia-Hercegovina. Perhaps Mr Radmanovic has in the meantime changed his opinion, and that is fine as far as I am concerned.

[Dani] The public is most interested in your tete-a-tete meeting with President Tadic. Was that an uncomfortable meeting?

[Silajdzic] No, it was not. I believe that I share President Tadic's opinion that it was a comprehensive, constructive and very important meeting. In addition to discussing the current open issues in the relations between our two countries, we also had the opportunity to exchange views about the events that weigh heavily on our common past and to discuss their causes. We did not even notice how long we had spent in that meeting...

[Dani] There was slight confusion when you left the meeting briefly?

[Silajdzic] Yes, I understand there was. I only learnt about it subsequently. Namely, during our meeting I was told that Mrs Clinton, the US secretary of state, had returned my call and wanted to Senad Kamenica, COM EUFOR Media [email protected]+ 387 33 49 53 96 + 387 61 49 13 68


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talk to me. I apologized to Mr Tadic and asked if we could briefly adjourn the meeting. He appreciated the situation and did not object to my request. I later learnt that there was confusion in the Serbian delegation as they saw me leave the room. His protocol officials reacted professionally as they wanted to protect the integrity of their president since they did not know that the two of us had already agreed that I could leave the room briefly. However, the slight confusion was settled immediately, and I conveyed Mrs Clinton's greetings to President Tadic as well as her pleasure with the fact that we were talking and had signed the declaration.

[Dani] What did you talk about with State Secretary Clinton?

[Silajdzic] We touched upon a number of topics. I thanked her for her country's support which helped Bosnia-Hercegovina be granted the green light to enter the MAP [Membership Action Plan] stage of our integration into NATO.

[Dani] In your talks with President Tadic did you clarify the confusion over the cancellation of your scheduled meeting in Mostar and the unfounded accusations that it was you who cancelled it?

[Silajdzic] As you know, there are written records about both the arrangements for that meeting and its cancellation. It seems that there were some problems of protocol, but we settled it all nicely. I explained to President Tadic that it would simply be impossible for me to turn down a request for a meeting if someone like him visits Bosnia-Hercegovina and asks for it.

[Dani] Why is MAP so vital for Bosnia-Hercegovina?

[Silajdzic] In general terms, MAP means stability not only for Bosnia-Hercegovina, but the region as a whole. MAP makes it clear that no one should ever again even contemplate any new adventures, that that chapter in our history is over, and that Bosnia-Hercegovina will join NATO as soon as it fulfils all the announced conditions and implements the reforms facing us. It simply means that we are turning a completely new leaf and that Bosnia-Hercegovina can now concentrate on reforms and economic prosperity. This trend is now unstoppable and I am pleased to see that it has support of the Serbian Government. And while MAP is in the interest of Bosnia-Hercegovina's citizens, it is equally important for the region as a whole. And we, in Bosnia-Hercegovina, should be equally pleased to see our neighbours succeed in their reforms and integrations. Following our inclusion in MAP I received a large number of congratulatory messages from people who want to invest in Bosnia-Hercegov! ina. They now see our Senad Kamenica, COM EUFOR Media [email protected]+ 387 33 49 53 96 + 387 61 49 13 68


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country as much safer for their investments than before. They carefully followed all this. We will now have more opportunities, our competitiveness will increase, and we will be in a better position at investment negotiations because our future partners are now aware that Bosnia-Hercegovina wants to and will join NATO. This means that their investments will be more secure.

[Dani] You have said that conditions are now ripe for you to visit Belgrade?

[Silajdzic] You mentioned this a year or two ago when you asked me whether I would go to Belgrade when it officially apologized to the families of Srebrenica victims. Now that they have done it I will go.

[Dani] What message will you take to your hosts and the Serbian public?

[Silajdzic] I will tell them that we want to see everything that is written in the Declaration on Srebrenica translated into practice and reflected in their attitude to Bosnia-Hercegovina. I will also tell them that Serbia and all the other countries in the region can count on Bosnia-Hercegovina as a good and reliable neighbour as we all strive to develop stability and prosperity in the region. When in our talks Mr Tadic and I touched upon the causes of everything that burdens relations among the states in the region, we agreed that upbringing and education of young people deserved much more attention in order to avoid stereotyping and manipulation of the masses.

[Pecanac] Did you raise the possibility of the place of the Turkish president being taken by Croatian President Josipovic instead in your future meetings?

[Silajdzic] Yes, we talked about that as well and some steps will be taken to that end. By the way, Croatia was very much present in our talks. President Josipovic will be included. I have spoken with him. As with Serbia, there are also many bilateral issues that remain open between us, but there are also issues that we can settle through regional and common approach. For instance, joint ventures by our companies in third markets could produce splendid results.

[Dani] Are you ready to make a statesman like gesture over the crimes committed by Bosniaks in the last war?

[Silajdzic] I am opposed to any crime and will always condemn them regardless of who is the perpetrator and who the victim. However, neither the crime nor remorse should be used to rewrite history, or accuse Sarajevo and Bosniaks that they had started the war first. I Senad Kamenica, COM EUFOR Media [email protected]+ 387 33 49 53 96 + 387 61 49 13 68


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remember leaving the parliament building at 11 p.m. and coming across some barricades and being shot at in the darkness like so many other citizens of Sarajevo. That is how the war started here. Aggression was committed against Bosnia-Hercegovina. That is a fact and history should not be allowed to be reshaped. It should constantly be borne in mind that the Army of the Republic of Bosnia-Hercegovina waged a defensive war, defending people's lives and the country.

[Dani] Fine, but I would like to know if you are prepared to apologize and express regret for the crimes committed by individual Bosniaks against Serb and Croat civilians.

[Silajdzic] I, of course, meant those crimes as well when I spoke about my general attitude to crime. But let me tell you that as far as I know not one of such crimes was committed with the knowledge of Bosniak or other state officials of Bosnia-Hercegovina which at that time was under attack. At that time Alija Izetbegovic was at the helm and I can assure you that he never approved of any crime. It simply was not part of his character. Of course, I regret that crimes had been committed. However, it was never our policy. I declared that at least in my presence he was absolutely against not just killings, but any violence against civilians.

[Dani] Did you and President Tadic spoke about Ilija Jurisic and Ejup Ganic?

[Silajdzic] Of course. There was no way I could have ignored that issue. Both the public and President Tadic are well aware of my position on it.

BiH Ambassador to NATO discusses invitation to MAP Text of report by Bosnian privately-owned independent daily Oslobodjenje, on 29 April

[Interview with Nikola Radovanovic, head of the B-H Mission to NATO in Brussels, by Daniel Omeragic; place and date not given: "MAP is already being applied"]

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Briefing Paper Wednesday, 03 May 2023

[Oslobodjenje] With the approval of the Membership Action Plan (MAP) for Bosnia-Hercegovina, at the informal ministerial meeting in Tallinn, our country became one step away from NATO. However, before the implementation of this plan, it is necessary to solve the status of the serviceable immoveable army property. When can we expect this to be done?

[Radovanovic] It is important that Bosnia-Hercegovina has been offered MAP as of 22 April. In fact, it has been already implemented with Bosnia-Hercegovina; the consultations have been going on in NATO's headquarters about the mode of work between NATO and Bosnia-Hercegovina. The next critical moment is in September, when Bosnia-Hercegovina should present the B-H annual national programme for NATO, and the ambassadors of the member states should approve it. This decision in September, on approving the annual programme, which would be used as the basis for work in 2011, is connected with the status of the serviceable immoveable army property. It is obvious that Bosnia-Hercegovina is expected to reach an agreement on this issue by that time. So, this is the timeline that the NATO officials have in mind; if an agreement is reached in the way that was stated in the conclusion from Tallinn, by registering [the property] in the name of the Defence Ministry, the annual programme! would, then, be applied. If no agreement is reached by then, we would be in the situation on which I do not want to elaborate now, because even the NATO officials are not sure what that would mean.

First Task

[Oslobodjenje] MAP is going to be applied in several annual cycles. What will be the first task?

[Radovanovic] It is true that the approval of MAP does not mean the accession to NATO. It is also true that MAP lasts for several years and the programmes are annual. How many cycles we will have and how many years this will last, this will depend on the pace, but also on a fact that our people often neglect or that is not mentioned: NATO is in the process of transformation, NATO is also changing. The longer the MAP process takes, the more likely we are to face the new developments, due to the NATO transformation. The first task is to create the annual programme. What we need to do is to agree on and approve a clear and precise plan for 2011. This document should have five chapters, each specifying the individual activities, the body that should carry them out, whether any NATO member can help and in what way, and specifying the final goal of a certain activity. It has been discussed many times that the issues in question are several questions, such as the political issue! s, the question of democracy Senad Kamenica, COM EUFOR Media [email protected]+ 387 33 49 53 96 + 387 61 49 13 68


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and the rule of law, security, defence, economy and financing, the protection of data, and other similar issues.

[Oslobodjenje] What significance would it have for Bosnia-Hercegovina if it joined NATO?

[Radovanovic] This is a frequent question. There are various views and answers. The shortest answer is that it would mean the higher level of stability, which has several dimensions, including the higher level of security and the fact that Bosnia-Hercegovina would possibly become more attractive for investments. The path towards NATO is compatible with a number of other issues connected with the rapprochement to the EU, so, our credibility would improve in this senses, as well. It would, probably, improve the political reputation and the influence of Bosnia-Hercegovina in a number of places, and so on. So, in a word, this would mean much better stability in Bosnia-Hercegovina and the region. However, we must admit that it would also mean an obligation to take part in the decisionmaking on a number of issues that are not simple. We are also expected not only to be willing to contribute, but to contribute to the collective defence of the Euro-Atlantic space and to take part! in the specific activities of NATO on the ground.

[Oslobodjenje] What is NATO's view of Bosnia-Hercegovina today?

[Radovanovic] Better than yesterday. This has been the trend for a number of years. The evidence of that is the change of the nature of NATO's presence in Bosnia-Hercegovina, from the IFOR [Implementation Force] back in 1995 and 1996, through the Stabilization Force, the initiation of the Partnership for Peace, to the fact that we are using today all the tools in that partnership. We have also been working together on the ground in the ISAF [International Security Assistance Force] mission in Afghanistan. The decision made in Tallinn is partly the result of the NATO member states' trust in Bosnia-Hercegovina and the conviction that we are becoming a better and more credible partner.

[Oslobodjenje] The B-H Presidency has recently passed the decision on sending the B-H Armed Forces' troops to Afghanistan. What will be its task?

[Radovanovic] According to the information that the mission has, the unit will be deployed as part of the Danish contingent, and it is going there with the primary purpose to secure the buildings, the camp. The Defence Ministry of Bosnia-Hercegovina and Denmark will be holding concrete talks about the modalities of their work and stay there.

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Briefing Paper Wednesday, 03 May 2023

[Oslobodjenje] A NATO summit will be held in Lisbon in November, when the new strategic concept will be discussed. What will be the main guidelines for the future NATO activities?

[Radovanovic] Perhaps I should explain that the strategic concept is the most general political document, which defines the security situation in NATO's zone of interest, the specific threats and challenges, and the ways in which the alliance fights them. It is also interesting that the current concept has been in force since 1999 and many things changed meanwhile. The concept is in the drafting phase, and around the middle of May, the first draft of this document, which will be discussed in Lisbon, will be submitted to NATO Secretary General Fogh Rasmussen. The document will be drafted by the working group, led by Ms Madeline Albright. Then, the internal NATO procedures will be applied. However, it is already known that the new concept will also recognize the traditional threats, challenges, as well as the obligations and responsibilities of NATO, primarily in the defence of the member states' territories.

There is a specific dimension to this, the issue of the anti-miss! ile shield and the involvement of NATO in the project that is currently considered to be primarily the US project. There have been some serious talks also about the cooperation with Russia, so that this would be a comprehensive project. This represents a challenge of the political and every other nature, considering the traditional relations between these players. There will be some talk about the new threats and challenges. The things that are mentioned most often are the so-called cyber crime and the positioning of NATO towards the energy security, as this is a controversial issue, which has been connected with the military potential. So, this is about the position of NATO in relation to some very current and the accession topics. Of course, there is also the issue of the nuclear weapons and the similar topics.

Open Doors

[Oslobodjenje] What will be the significance of the new concept for the Western Balkans area?

[Radovanovic] The most important element in the new concept is keeping the policy of the open door, and this is something that all the countries of Southeastern Europe and Western Balkans were focusing on. There is no question about this policy, and we can say with certainty that this policy will be accepted in the new concept, as well, and this means that it will be open for the new member states, when they express wish and are prepared to contribute to the values of

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NATO. Our accession and the invitation to MAP is partly interpreted as the confirmation of that policy in practice.

[Box] Avoid Complications

[Oslobodjenje] It took Croatia seven years to fulfil all the tasks from the action plan and to become the full member of NATO. How long could Bosnia-Hercegovina stay in MAP?

[Radovanovic] It is a thankless task to speak about the timelines. I have already mentioned that, for practical reasons, it would be more rational and wiser if it lasted as short as possible, so as to avoid certain complications. We must know that there is a technical dimension of the action programmes and the level of fulfilling of goals, based on which the progress is evaluated. There are, also, political aspects, which can either accelerate or slow down the movement on this path, because of certain circumstances of various kinds, compared to the level of the technical criteria. Considering that we are at the initial stage, it is a more rational and wiser approach at this moment to focus on those annual programmes, the fulfilment of the activities, and achieving the goals, and to pay less attention to how long the whole process will last and to the political dimension and the lobbying, because, certain elements in the system should be finalized first.

[Box] Creating Positive Atmosphere

[Oslobodjenje] What was taken into special consideration when the decision was made about the invitation of Bosnia-Hercegovina to MAP?

[Radovanovic] NATO appraised the progress in the context of what the ministers concluded in December. The press statement mentioned that they particularly welcomed the progress in connection with the disposal of the surplus of the light arms, the ammunition, and the explosives, as well as the decision by the B-H Presidency on the ISAF. They expressed concern over solving the issue of the immoveable army property. The political dimension partly influenced the decision; the wish to support the efforts of Bosnia-Hercegovina, to show that they respect what we have been doing, and to enable Bosnia-Hercegovina to keep pace with Montenegro, as well as to create a positive atmosphere around everything. Montenegro was invited to MAP last December. They are working on the annual programme and Senad Kamenica, COM EUFOR Media [email protected]+ 387 33 49 53 96 + 387 61 49 13 68


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they have more time than we, but, if we fulfil the conditions, we could catch up with them in September.

Source: Oslobodjenje, Sarajevo, in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian 29 Apr 10

Senad Kamenica, COM EUFOR Media [email protected]+ 387 33 49 53 96 + 387 61 49 13 68