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Post on 14-Jun-2015




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1. Interview your model teacher on how he/she lives teaching as a vocation,

mission, and profession.

For my four years of staying in college I

really admire and considered Mr. Renato

Valdez as my role model teacher. His

dedication in teaching inspires me a lot. He

didn’t consider his students as an ordinary

students but an extraordinary one for he

believes that every students has great

personality that need to be showed up and

develop. Furthermore, as I ask him how he lives

his teaching career as a vocation, he said, “my

deepest desire in teaching is to genuinely serve

my learners under my sincerest way of teaching

them and I want to impart them the things I’ve

learned not only about the subject but also

about reality because a history teacher I want to

show them how history brought them to me,

and also I want to show them trough my action

how dedicated I am in serving and teaching

them that’s why even if I’m already the teacher I

still studied the lessons that I need to teach them and I want also to a good example for


In addition, he told me that his mission in teaching is not about money and

position it is about how you as a teacher brought contentment and happiness to your

students and for yourself also because the student are not the one who is learning

alone, teachers is also learning from his/her students. He said, “I have to go to school to

make my learners be functionally literate, equipped with life skills and imbued with

desirable values as a person”. Lastly, Mr. Valdez profession as a teacher is to be

dedicated in teaching and imparting knowledge to his learner. He said that studying

hard and dedicates his work consistently and conscientiously for the success of his

teaching that his heart will be forever in his students to make them a better, equipped,

and a good citizen not only today but also for the future.

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2. Name and identify the aim curriculum, methodology, and teacher – learner

relationship of educational philosophies. Name atleast 2


Perennialists believe that one should teach the things that one deems to be of

everlasting importance to all people everywhere. They believe that the most important

topics develop a person. Since details of fact change constantly, these cannot be the

most important. Therefore, one should teach principles, not facts. Since people are

human, one should teach first about humans, not machines or techniques. Since people

are people first, and workers second if at all, one should teach liberal topics first, not

vocational topics. The focus is primarily on teaching reasoning and wisdom rather than

facts, the liberal arts rather than vocational training


In addition, Perennialism aimed to teach the students’ way of thinking that will

secure individual freedoms, human rights and relationship through nature. Furthermore,

it is a teacher – centered because it emphasizes on the importance of transferring

knowledge, information and skills from the older generation to the younger ones. Also

teacher is not concern at the students’ interest and it focuses more on the curriculum

and nature needed. Teachers set everything based on the syllabus.


Educational progressivism is the belief that education must be based on the principle

that humans are social animals who learn best in real-life activities with other

people. Progressivists, like proponents of most educational theories, claim to rely on the

best available scientific theories of learning. Most progressive educators believe that

children learn as if they were scientists, following a process similar to John Dewey's

model of learning: 1) Become aware of the problem. 2) Define the problem. 3) Propose

hypotheses to solve it. 4) Evaluate the consequences of the hypotheses from one's past

experience. 5) Test the likeliest solution


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3. Formulate your own educational philosophy.

My own educational philosophy is that this kind of philosophy believes that

children, like all individuals, reach their greatest strides when they have a sense of inner

sanctuary, security, and comfort and this will generally happened when they feel a

sense of love and acceptance without the threat of physical and emotional pain or

injury. The aim of this philosophy is to develop the self – awareness and self –

realization of an individual that will help them to be more focused, and relaxed. This

type of curriculum is a strong balanced curriculum because teachers are helping

students to be equipped and balance. In addition, the child is not using his/her left and

right brain that’s why I considered it as a balanced curriculum. Furthermore this

philosophy facilitates learning through the integration of right/left hemispheres of the

brain, that relieves stress and allow the individual to experience deeper levels of

thinking and being and that will lead to the unfolding of greater potential.