
Q. How does a complete performance management system differ from the use of annual performance appraisals? An annual performance appraisal is the task that managers dread the most. Employees probably rate having an appraisal just below having a root canal as something they look forward to. Yet despite this pain, people and organizations endure this annual activity. Most managers would say that performance appraisals are necessary to manage organizational performance. The fundamental problem is that most managers equate the annual review with performance management. In reality, a once per year review of performance has little impact on individual or company performance. Most appraisal systems reflect on the past, rather than provide guidance to the future. The most important purpose of the annual review should be to improve performance in the future-not just for the employee, but also for the organization. When asked for reasons for having an annual review system in place, the following answers are usually given-a way to motivate employees to better performance, encourages communication between boss and subordinate, a vehicle for coaching, a way to make objective pay, promotion, and termination decisions, and documentation in case of legal action. The reason that most appraisal systems are ineffective is that they try to achieve all of the above purposes in one document. For example, an analysis of the use of performance appraisals in legal proceedings found that the appraisals generally benefited the plaintiff-the employee-more than the company. Too often, there was a track record of favorable ratings prior to an unfavorable rating. Juries can be easily convinced that the problem is not the employee, but rather a new boss or a hidden agenda by the company to get rid of the person. If the performance management system focuses on the primary objective of improving organizational performance, it will have

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Q. How does a complete performance management system differ from the use of annual performance appraisals?

An annual performance appraisal is the task that managers dread the most. Employees probably rate having an appraisal just below having a root canal as something they look forward to. Yet despite this pain, people and organizations endure this annual activity. Most managers would say that performance appraisals are necessary to manage organizational performance.

The fundamental problem is that most managers equate the annual review with performance management. In reality, a once per year review of performance has little impact on individual or company performance. Most appraisal systems reflect on the past, rather than provide guidance to the future. The most important purpose of the annual review should be to improve performance in the future-not just for the employee, but also for the organization.

When asked for reasons for having an annual review system in place, the following answers are usually given-a way to motivate employees to better performance, encourages communication between boss and subordinate, a vehicle for coaching, a way to make objective pay, promotion, and termination decisions, and documentation in case of legal action. The reason that most appraisal systems are ineffective is that they try to achieve all of the above purposes in one document.

For example, an analysis of the use of performance appraisals in legal proceedings found that the appraisals generally benefited the plaintiff-the employee-more than the company.

Too often, there was a track record of favorable ratings prior to an unfavorable rating. Juries can be easily convinced that the problem is notthe employee, but rather a new boss or a hidden agenda by the company to get rid of the person.

If the performance management system focuses on the primary objective of improving organizational performance, it will have the following elements:

A clear definition of results, outcomes, and behaviors expected in the job. The focus on lower �level jobs is behavior and outcomes directly under the control of the individual.

Reviews of performance will happen informally throughout the year.�

Performance discussions are a two-way dialog between boss and subordinate that focus on �future performance, not on a judgmental evaluation of the past.

The annual appraisal form is simple and consists mainly of narrative comments. A single �number or scale is not used to measure performance.

Grading or categorizing performance is difficult. In an attempt to simply ratings scales and reduce subjectivity in ratings scales, I would suggest using a similar concept that we use in our customer satisfaction work. When talking about customers, we put them into three categories-dissatisfied, satisfied, and advocates. Customers are dissatisfied when their expectations are not

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met. They are satisfied when expectations are met. A customer becomes an advocate when they have a positive experience that was not expected.

In evaluating employee performance, the same three categories can be used. The first category is "Did Not Meet The Expectation". If objective expectations-outcomes and observable behaviors-are clearly established and agreed to by the employee up front, then there should be less chance of employee defensiveness to this rating if the rating is applied to each expectation. The focus on the appraisal session is understanding why the expectation was not met and what can be done to meet it in the future.

The second category is "Met The Expectation". This rating communicates that the employee is valuable and contributed to the success of the organization. It should not be construed as an average or middle-of-the -road rating. If the boss and employee establish a good set of expectations, and the employee achieves them, then everyone should be happy and satisfied. If a rating of "meeting expectations" is considered average or mediocre, then it is not the employee who is mediocre, but rather the expectation.

The third category is "Achieved A Positive Outcome That Was Not Expected". Note that this is different than the traditional "Exceeded Expectations" rating used in many systems. The problem with exceeding expectations is that it is impossible to do better than meet expectations for many desired outcomes and behaviors. For example, if the expectation is to be on time and at work every day, how does an employee exceed that?

The third category is reserved for outstanding accomplishments. Again it is applied to specific areas of performance, not a general rating. It also provides a sound basis for providing bonuses and other pay incentives and recognition.

Any grading system will fail if expectations are not clearly defined. Employees have the right to know what is expected of them and how they will be measured.

Q. How can involving employees in the creation of performance standards improve the effectiveness of a performance management system?

Ans. It's called "ownership." If they feel they have had a part in designing the process, they will take more interest in the standards they themselves have set and work harder to meet or exceed them.

And what may surprise you is that they will most likely come up with the same set of criteria that you would have...except they they will be more engaged because they were part of the design team.

Management often assumes that where actual performance falls short of expected performance, employees must try harder. However, it is very important to analyze why a gap exists between

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expected performance and actual performance to determine if there is a cause other than inadequate employee efforts. Most causes will fall into three categories:

Organization or Environment-Related – These gaps can stem from the organizational culture, leadership style or management practices, organizational structure, reporting relationships or chain of command, inadequate resources (funds, staff, equipment, training, information, etc.) and so forth. Some examples: employee reports to more than one supervisor, performance expectations were not communicated, or expectations were not met because the employee was overburdened due to staff cuts.

System or Process-Related – System or process-related causes can relate to any process within an organization that becomes a roadblock to an employee meeting performance expectations. Some examples: time frames or procedures are burdensome, procedures conflict, someone else didn’t meet their time frames, or the information reporting system is inadequate.

Personal – These are gaps that are within the employee’s realm of control. They can, for example, deal with situations that are going on in home life that affect work performance or depend on the employee’s physical or emotional abilities. Lack of effort, motivation, or concern for the agency’s efficiency can also fall under this category. Exercise caution when dealing with personal issues – remember to keep it job related, focusing on how job performance is affected. If an employee alleges that a medical condition is the cause of poor performance, contact your human resource officer or legal counsel at once. Do not attempt to resolve employees’ personal problems.

The cause of a performance gap may overlap a couple categories. It is imperative that you and your employee communicate to identify the cause of the gap and arrive at solutions to eliminate or minimize the gap.

Employees hate top-down management styles. They will be far more committed when they feel empowered!

Q. Consider how you might rate the performance of three instructors from whom you are currently taking a course.(if you are currently taking only one or two courses. Consider this course and two you recently completed.

Ans. The performance of the instructors can be checked through many factors.

Through the personality of the instructor. Personality checking means the nature of the instructor.

If he is cool minded then it will have direct affect on his/her personality

Through the way he/she manage his/her curse or class. 1 who have sound grip on his class and on course is best one.

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Through the regularity of the instructor. The instructor who is most regular one and completed his/her task in time is the best instructor.

Through their communication power/abilities/skills. One who is most efficient and fluent in delivering ideas.

If the instructor is fully knowledge but he/she does not have skills to deliver it then his/her performance may decreased.

The instructor’s performance can be checked through their results obtained by their students.

If we compre all the above factors of three instructors then their performance can be checked easily.

Q. Would it be harder to rate the instructors, performance or to rank their performance ? why ?

Ans. It is not harder to rate the instructors performance , the main thing is how to rank their performance . Ranking is a difficult and harder task.

Because, sometime due to competition and their best performance it become difficult that how much an individual instructor is lacking and here an important question arises that why his/her performance is lacking. Suppose If we compare the current performance of an instructor with his/her previous record/performance it may not be same. Their may be some deficiency or efficiency. Due to such change in performance their ranking is difficult. It is possible that deficiency if occurs is just due to personal problems of any instructor.

Q. Write three items to use in rating the instructors one each to rate them in terms of an attribute a behavior and an outcome.

Ans. Three Items To Use in Rating the Instructers Knowledge Ability Personality


An Instructor must have many types of knowledge to be both efficient and effective as an instructor. First, he must be thoroughly familiar with the subject you will be teaching. Generally, his assignment to instructor duty indicates that his area “subject matter expert” in the area of assignment. The formal training he have received in his rating coupled with his actual work experience and on-the-job training will prove invaluable to him in his instructor assignment.

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They may discover, however, that knowing the subject well enough to do the job theirself is quite different from knowing how to teach others to do it. This latter area will bring him his greatest challenges and rewards as an instructor.

Training and education have much in common, but they differ in important ways. Education does not necessarily have a practical or defined goal; acquiring knowledge for its own sake is a legitimate goal of education, but not of training. Training should accomplish at least three things:

Develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes Produce changes in behavior Attain specific objectives


Efficient and effective instructors have leadership skills such as planning and organizing, optimizing the use of resources, delegating authority, monitoring progress and results, disciplining, and rewarding. Their skillful use of influence helps them to persuade others, build teamwork, develop subordinates, and maintain self-control. In advising and counseling, they understand students’ needs, and they both have and create in others positive and realistic expectations. In applying concepts to job situations, their knowledge and experience helps them to identify problems, sort through facts, and decide on appropriate courses of action.

Instructional ability, along with leadership ability, is essential to their efficiency and effectiveness as an instructor. They must not only know the principles, methods, and techniques of instruction, they must also be able to apply them effectively. Their ability as an instructor should grow with experience. However, their ability will grow only if they make a conscious effort to improve.


For purposes of this discussion, personality is defined as the pattern of collective character, behavioral, temperamental, emotional, and mental traits of an individual.

To be successful as an instructor, they must gain the respect of their students by displaying a professional attitude toward others. Always show a sincere interest in all of their students regardless of their race, geographical heritage, or level of intellect. Remain constantly aware that students will be influenced by their behavior and the example they set both in and out of the training environment.

As with most professions, instructors must adhere to certain rules of conduct in the performance of their duties. The following are some of the rules of conduct they should follow:

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If you do not know an answer, admit it. Do not bluff. At times, questions will arise that you will not be able to answer. Find the correct answer at the earliest opportunity; then provide the information to the class as soon as practical.

Keep your remarks professional and appropriate to the classroom. Do not use profanity or obscenity. Use of profane or obscene language is one of the fastest ways to lose the respect of your students.

Be patient. Be aware that not all people learn in the same way or at the same rate. While you may easily become frustrated with a person who is having difficulty with seemingly simple material, never allow your frustration to show. If all else fails, take a break to cool off, or consult with other instructors to find another approach to resolve the difficulty. Remember, in the majority of situations, students are sincerely trying to understand what is being taught. Your job is to find a way to help them.

Maintain rapport with students. The use of sarcasm is another way to lose the respect of your students. Sarcasm, whether it is directed at one individual or the entire group, is never appropriate.

Treat students with respect. All of the individuals you train should feel you have a sincere interest in their efforts to learn. Although your students will not have your knowledge or experience, you should think of them as being physically, mentally, and emotionally mature.

Q. . Which measure in.Ans. Knowledge is the main factor which is most important and most measureable. Because, An Instructor must have many types of knowledge to be both efficient and effective as an instructor. First, he must be thoroughly familiar with the subject you will be teaching. Generally, his assignment to instructor duty indicates that his area “subject matter expert” in the area of assignment. The formal training he have received in his rating coupled with his actual work experience and on-the-job training will prove invaluable to him in his instructor assignment

Q. Do you think is most valid. Most reliable and why ?

Ans. Yes, I am sure that this is most valid and most reliable factor. Because without knowledge no one can be illegible for any post and any promotion, also for any ranking.They may discover, however, that knowing the subject well enough to do the job their self is quite different from knowing how to teach others to do it. This latter area will bring him his greatest challenges and rewards as an instructor.

Q. Many collages use questionnaires to gather data from students about their instructor’s performance. would it be appropriate to use the data for administrative decisions. Developmental decisions. Other decisions ? why or why not ?

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Ans. No, I think this questionnaire method is not helpful and appropriate for administrative to make decisions for development and improving efficiency of an institute. On the basis of this method best decisions can not be made. Because, it has many reasons which are as follows,

Sometime students can not understand the question and without taking into consideration select an inappropriate answer.

Sometime students are in so hurry that they tick the answer which he/she may not wants to tick.

Sometime students copy each other’s answer which may not be suitable. Sometime students personally do not like the instructor, though that instructor’s

performance is efficient but still he/she tries to demoralize his/her instructor by evaluation.

Most of the time half strength of the class is in favor of instructor but half is against him/her. By this way performance may not check. Hence by this way no proper decision can be made.

Due to questionnaire method some time administration may face problem of ineffective evaluation. They may loose the best instructor. Their decisions made on the basis of questionnaire may harm their institute.

Q. Imagine that a pet supply store is establishing a new performance management system to help employees provide better customer service. Management needs to decide who should participate in measuring the performance of each of the store’s salespeople. From what sources should the store gather information ?

Ans. .First of all the store should collect or gather information directly from the customer that what type of services they want and which type of service is suitable for them.

2ndly store should collect information from its employees because If they feel they have had a part in designing the process, they will take more interest in the standards they themselves have set and work harder to meet or exceed them.

And what may surprise you is that they will most likely come up with the same set of criteria that you would have...except they they will be more engaged because they were part of the design team.

Management often assumes that where actual performance falls short of expected performance, employees must try harder. However, it is very important to analyze why a gap exists between expected performance and actual performance to determine if there is a cause other than inadequate employee efforts. Most causes will fall into three categories:

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A good performance management system works towards the improvement of the overall organizational performance by managing the performances of teams and individuals for ensuring the achievement of the overall organizational ambitions and goals. An effective performance management system can play a very crucial role in managing the performance in an organization by:Ensuring that the employees understand the importance of their contributions to the organizational goals and objectives. Ensuring each employee understands what is expected from them and equally ascertaining whether the employees possess the required skills and support for fulfilling such expectations. Ensuring proper aligning or linking of objectives and facilitating effective communication throughout the organization. Facilitating a cordial and a harmonious relationship between an individual employee and the line manager based on trust and empowerment.

Q.Suppose the you where recently promoted to a supervisory job in a company where you have worked for two years. You genuinely like almost all your co workers, who now report to you. The only exception is one employee. who dresses more formally than the other and frequently tells jokes that embarrass you and the other workers. Given your preexisting feelings for the employees, how can you measure their performance fairly and effectively. ?

Ans. As I had been already worked for 2 years in that company with those employees with the same job who are now my sub-ordinates and who are now bound to report me. Now I am their supervisor and can easily understand the weak areas of that place where I have to put my skills, efforts and care.

Also as I had been their colleague and had worked with them, so easily I can found that who was working efficiently and fairly with me. I also know what are the problems they may face at that level and now as a supervisor how can I overcome them.

I know the tactics to increase their performance. I can apply theory “X” and “Y”. The theory “X” indicates the employes who are self motivated and they do not need to force them for work. They know what are their duties and what is the expectations of company with them. They put their all efforts and skills to increase their performance..

I will focus on theory “Y”. Because these type of employes comes under theory “Y” are not self motivated. They are very lazy people and do work not by their own interest. They need seriously enforcement.

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Q. Continuing from the example in Qs 7, imagine that you are preparing for your first performance feed back session. You want the feed back to be effective that is, you want the feed back to result in improve performance. List 5 or 6 steps you can take to achieve your goal.Ans.I can take the following steps.

First of all I should list down all my achievements, appreciation mails and about project and tasks where I have to sent and did more than what was expected out of me. I do not miss out on any thing from the beginning to the end of the year.

Many a times i would have helped my colleagues in finishing their tasks or projects etc. many a times i would have helped some one in their personal matters. Many a times i would have done some things which helped in making my team a stronger team. I would highlight all these. It goes way beyond my expectations in building a great reputation for myself.

I was highlight the 'optional activities at work' that i was involved in during the year. Many of us are involved in some 'Corporate Social Responsibility' kind of activities at work. Some of us also manage clubs etc at work. All these needs to be a part of our performance review. So would write about it and highlight my contributions.

I would try to complete all my current tasks and hence fulfill my responsibility before the required time.

Then after full preparation I consider myself on the top.

Q. Besides giving employees feed back what steps can a manager take to improve employees performance ?

Ans. To check the performance of the employees a manager can take the following steps.

He can check their performance by doing competition among them. He gives task to each employee and ask him/her to do individually. He can appoint experienced employee with less experienced one so that they can

complete their task efficiently He can offer extra bonus for those who would do their task effectively and in time. So

that they be motivated. He can provide them friendly environment in which they do work easily. He can provide them the facility of fitness club where employees can maintain their

health fit. He can offer outdoor activities for employees refreshment.

By taking all above steps manager can improve the employees performance.

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Q.Suppose you are a human resources professional helping to improve the performance management system of a company that sells and services office equipment. The company operate a call center that takes calls from customers how are having problems with their equipment. Call center employees are suppose to verify that the problems is not one the customer can easily handle(for example, equipment that will not operate because it has come unplugged).than, if the problems is not resolved over the fone. The employees arrange the service technicians to visit the customer. The company can charge the customer only if a service technicians visit so performance management of the call center employees focuses on productivity how quickly than they can complete a call and move on to the next caller. To measure this performance effeciently and accurately, the company uses electronic monitoring .

a). How would you expect the employees to react to the electronic monitoring ? How might the organization address the employees concerned ?

Ans: As electronic monitoring system is automatic system, so, I am sure that it will help them in advance about any problem in equipment and they can make it recover easily.

B).Beside productivity In term of number of call what other performance measure should the performance management system include ?

Ans: Other performance measured include, The efficiency of work The accuracy of equipment The reliability of systems The control on extra expenditures etc.