1/20 accelerating minimizations in ensemble variational assimilation g. desroziers, l. berre...

1/20 Accelerating minimizations in ensemble variational assimilation G. Desroziers, L. Berre Météo-France/CNRS (CNRM/GAME)

Post on 19-Dec-2015




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Accelerating minimizations in ensemble variational assimilation

G. Desroziers, L. BerreMétéo-France/CNRS (CNRM/GAME)



1. Ensemble Variational assimilation

2. Accelerating minimizations

3. Conclusion and future work



1. Ensemble Variational assimilation

2. Accelerating minimizations

3. Conclusion and future work


Simulation of analysis errors :  «hybrid EnKF/Var» or «consistent ensemble 4D-Var»?

A consistent 4D-Var approach can be used in both ensemble and deterministic components :

Simple to implement (perturbed Var ~ unperturbed Var).

A full-rank hybrid B is consistently used in the 2 parts.

Non-linear aspects of 4D-Var can be represented (outer loop).


The operational Météo-France ensemble Var assimilation

Six perturbed global members, T399 L70 (50 km / 10 km), with global 4D-Var Arpege.

Spatial filtering of error variances, to further increase the sample size and robustness.

Inflation of ensemble B / model error contributions,soon replaced by inflation of perturbations.


Applications of the EnDA system at Météo-France

Flow-dependent background error variances in 4D-Var.

Flow-dependent background error correlations experimented

using wavelet filtering properties (Varella et al 2011 a,b) .

Initialisation of Météo-France ensemble prediction by EnDA.

Diagnostics on analysis consistency and observation impact

(Desroziers et al 2009) .


Background error standard deviations

Connexion between large b’s and intense weather ( Klaus storm, 24/01/2009, 00/03 UTC )

Mean sea level pressure field


Background error correlationsusing EnDA and wavelets

Wavelet-implied horizontal length-scales (in km), for wind near 500 hPa, averaged over a 4-day period.

(Varella et al 2011b, and also Fisher 2003, Deckmyn and Berre 2005, Pannekoucke et al 2007)



1. Ensemble Variational assimilation

2. Accelerating minimizations

3. Conclusion and future work


Ensemble variational assimilation

Ens. variational assimilation (similar to EnKF): for l = 1, L (size of ensemble)


l = (I – KH) b

l + K o

l, with H observation operator matrix, K implicit gain matrix, o

l = R1/2 ol and o

l a vector of random numbers

b+l = M a

l + m

l ,

with ml = Q ½ m

l , ml a vector of random numbers

and Q model error covariance matrix.

Minimize L cost-functions Jl, with perturbed innovations dl:

Jl(xl) = 1/2 xlT B-1 xl + 1/2 (dl-Hl xl)T R-1 (dl-Hl xl),

with B and R bg and obs. error matrices, and dl = yo + R1/2 ol - H(M(xb

l )),

xal = xb

l + xl and xbl+ = M( xa

l) + Q1/2 ml .


Hessian matrix of the assimilation problem

Hessian of the cost-function:

J’’ = B-1 + HT R-1 H.

Bad conditioning of J’’: very slow (or no) convergence.

Cost-function with B1/2 preconditioning ( x = B1/2 ):

J() = 1/2 T + 1/2 (d-H B1/2 )T R-1 (d-H B1/2 )

Hessian of the cost-function:

J’’ = I + BT/2 HT R-1 H B1/2 .

Far better conditioning and convergence!

(Lorenc 1988, Haben et al 2011)


Lanczos algorithm

Generate iteratively a set of k orthonormal vectors q such as

QkT J’’ Qk = Tk,

where Qk = (q1 q2 … qk ), and Tk is a tri-diagonal matrix.

The extremal eigenvalues of Tk quickly converge towards the extremal eigenvalues of J’’.

If Tk = Yk k YkT is the eigendecomposition of Tk, the Ritz vectors are

obtained withZk = Qk Yk

and the Ritz pairs (zk, k) approximate the eigenpairs of J’’.


Lanczos algorithm / Conjugate gradient

Use of the Lanczos vectors to get the solution of the variational problem:

k = 0 + Qk k .

Optimal coefficients k should make the gradient of J vanish at k:

J’(k) = J’(0) + J’’ (k-0)

= J’(0) + J’’ Qk k

= 0,which gives

k = - ( QkT J’’ Qk )-1 Qk

T J’(0)

= - Tk-1


and then k = 0 - Qk Tk

-1 Qk

T J’(0).

Same solution as after k iterations of a Conjugate Gradient algorithm.

(Paige and Saunders 1975, Fisher 1998)


Minimizations with

- unperturbed innovations d and - perturbed innovations dl have basically the same Hessians:

J’’(d) = I + BT/2 HT R-1 H B1/2 ,

J’’(dl) = I + BT/2 HlT R-1 Hl B1/2 ,

The solution obtained for the « unperturbed » problem

k = 0 - Qk ( QkT J’’ Qk )-1

QkT J’(0, d)

can be transposed to the « perturbed » minimization

k,l = 0 - Qk ( QkT J’’ Qk )-1

QkT J’(0, dl)

to improve its starting point.

Accelerating a « perturbed » minimization using « unperturbed » Lanczos vectors


Accelerating a « perturbed » minimization using « unperturbed » Lanczos vectors

Perturbed analysisdashed line : starting point with 50 Lanczos vectors


Accelerating a « perturbed » minimization using « unperturbed » Lanczos vectors

Decrease of the cost function

for a new « perturbed » minimization

1 stand-alone minim.

10 vectors

50 vectors

100 vectors


Accelerating minimizations using « perturbed » Lanczos vectors

If L perturbed minim. with k iterations have already been performed, then the starting point of a perturbed (or unperturbed) minimizationcan be written under the form

k = 0 + Qk,L k,L,

where k,L is a vector of k x L coefficients and

Qk,L = (q1,1 … qk,1 … q1,L … qk,L )

is a matrix containing the k x L Lanczos vectors.

Following the same approach as above, the solution can be expressed and computed:

k,L = 0 – Qk,L ( Qk,LT J’’ Qk,L )-1 Qk,L

T J’(0).

Matrix Qk,LT J’’ Qk,L is no longer tri-diagonal, but can be easily inverted.


1 stand-alone minim.

10x1 = 10 «synergetic» vectors50x1 = 50 «synergetic» vectors

Decrease of the cost functionfor a new « perturbed » minimization

Accelerating minimizations using « perturbed » Lanczos vectors (k = 1)

100x1 = 100 «synergetic» vectors



1. Ensemble Variational assimilation

2. Accelerating minimizations

3. Conclusion and future work


Conclusion and future work

Ensemble Variational assimilation: error cycling can be simulated in a way consistent with 4D-Var.

Flow-dependent covariances can be estimated.

Positive impacts, in particular for intense/severe weather events, from both flow-dependent variances and correlations.

Accelerating minimizations seems possible(preliminary tests in the real size Ens. 4D-Var Arpege also encouraging).

Connection with Block Lanczos / CG algorithms (O’Leary 1980) .

Possible appl. in EnVar without TL/AD (Lorenc 2003, Buehner 2005) .