1.2 - introduction - short

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  • 8/8/2019 1.2 - Introduction - Short


    Introduction to AI

  • 8/8/2019 1.2 - Introduction - Short


    OutlineWhat is AI ?A brief history of AIState of the art

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    What is AI?AI is a branch of CS with connections topsychology, linguistics, economics, Goal

    make artificial systems solve (or help solve) problems thathumans can solve [in the same way as we do??]

    Two fundamental aspects:Knowledge representation: making it explicit

    Problem solving: heuristic

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  • 8/8/2019 1.2 - Introduction - Short


    What is AI?

    Systems that actrationally

    Systems that actlike humans

    Systems thatthink rationally

    Systems that thinklike humans

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    What is AI? - Thinking like humans

    Systems that actrationally

    Systems that actlike humans

    Systems thatthink rationally

    Systems that thinklike humans

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    Thinking humanly1960s cognitive revolution

    information-processing psychology replaced prevailingorthodoxy of behaviorism

    Requires scientific theories of internal activitiesof the brainWhat level of abstraction? knowledge'' (cognitive science)or circuits'' (cognitive neuroscience) ?How to validate? Requires ( top-down ) predicting andtesting behavior of human subjects, or ( bottom-up ) directidentification from neurological data

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    Thinking humanly: Cognitive ScienceThe interdisciplinary field of cognitive science brings together computer models from AI andexperimental techniques from psychology to try

    to construct precise and testable theories of theworking of the human mind

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    Thinking humanly: Cogn. NeurosciencMassively parallel neuron networks

    Rosenblatts PerceptronMore complex ANN architectures

    EvolutionGenetic algorithms (Holland)Evolutionary computation

    Artificial lifealife.org

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    What is AI? - Acting like humans

    Systems that actrationally

    Systems that actlike humans

    Systems thatthink rationally

    Systems that thinklike humans

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    Acting humanly: The Turing Test

    Turing (1950): Computing machinery andintelligence

    Can machines think?

    Can machines behave intelligently?

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    Acting humanly: The Turing Test

    Operational test for intelligent behavior: theImitation Game

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    Acting humanly: The Turing Test

    Alan Turing ...predicted that by 2000, a machine might have a 30%chance of fooling a lay person for 5 minutesanticipated all major arguments against AI in following 50years

    Problemthe Turing test is not reproducible, constructive, or amenable to mathematical analysis

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    Acting humanly: Turing Test

    To pass the Turing test, a computer would needto possess the following capabilitiesKnowledge representationAutomated reasoning

    Machine learningNatural language (processing and) understanding

    In so doing,Turing suggested the maincomponents of AI

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    Acting humanly: Turing test - Eliza

    A snapshot of a dialogue between Eliza ( E) andBBNs Vice President (V)V: Do you think that I can use the computer this morning?E: Why do you ask?

    V: I might be able to make some additional Telcom sales.E: Why aren't you so sure?V: My perspective customers have never seen a

    demonstration of the system.E: Does this mean very much to you?

    Eliza: Weizembaum, 1965

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    Acting humanly: Turing test - Eliza

    A snapshot of a dialogue between Eliza ( E) andBBNs Vice President (V) [continued ]V: Of course it does.E: You seem very positive about that.

    V: This is ridiculous.E: What do you mean, this is ridiculous?V: Is there any reason why I can't use the computer now?E: Tell me more about your perspective customers.V: Please dial me up on 491-1850

    Eliza: Weizembaum, 1965

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    Acting humanly: total Turing test

    To pass the so-called total Turing test, acomputer would need to possess the followingcapabilities

    Knowledge representation

    Automated reasoningMachine learningNatural language (processing and) understandingComputer vision


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    What is AI? Thinking rationally

    Systems that actrationally

    Systems that actlike humans

    Systems thatthink rationally

    Systems that thinklike humans

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    Thinking rationally: Laws of thought

    Aristotlewhat are correct arguments / thought processes?his famous syllogisms provided patterns for argumentstructures that always give correct conclusions givencorrect premises

    The development of formal logic ...in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuriesprovided a precise notation for reasoning about facts

    Two main obstaclesnot easy to take informal knowledge and state it in theformal terms required by logical notationbig difference between being able to solve a problem inprinciple and doing so in practice

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    What is AI? - Acting rationally

    Systems that actrationally

    Systems that actlike humans

    Systems thatthink rationally

    Systems that thinklike humans

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    Acting rationally: Rational behaviorRational behavior: doing the right thing

    The right thing: that which is expected to maximize goalachievement, given the available information

    Does not necessarily involve thinking (e.g.,blinking reflex) ...

    but thinking should be in the service of rational action

    Aristotle (Nicomachean Ethics):Every art and every inquiry, and similarly every action andpursuit, is thought to aim at some good

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    Acting rationally: Rational agentsWe want to design rational agentsAn agent is an entity that perceives and actsAbstractly, an agent is a function from percepthistories to actions: f: P A

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    Acting rationally: Rational agentsFor any given class of environments and tasks,we seek the agent (or class of agents) with thebest performance

    Caveat: computational limitations make perfectrationality unachievable design best programfor given machine resourcesLimited or bounded rationality: optimize vssatisfy (Herbert Simon)

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    Acting rationally: EngineeringRobotics (building artifacts that work)

    Control: differential equations vs learningActing: mechanics of effectors (arms, legs, )Perception: sensors, vision, speech recognition...

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    An example: Mars Exploration RoversSeveral generations of rovers: Pathfinder andSojourner 1997, Spirit and Opportunity 2003


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    Another example: RobocupSimulation and real robotsMulti-agent cooperationAn annual event


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    AI and CS

    Automatic problem solvingExpert systemsHeuristic programmingUncertainty management and reasoning

    New programming paradigmsObject orientedFunctionalLogicWeb agents

    Natural language analysis and synthesis

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    AI: PrehistoryPhilosophy logic, methods of reasoning

    mind as physical systemfoundations of learning, language, rationality

    Mathematics formal representation and proof

    algorithms, computation, (un)decidabilityprobabilityPsychology adaptation

    phenomena of perception and motorial control

    experimental techniques (psychophysics, etc.)

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    AI: PrehistoryEconomics formal theory of rational decisionsGames games theoryLinguistics knowledge representation


    Neuroscience physical substrate for mental activityControl theory homeostatic systemsstabilitysimple optimal agent designs

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    AI: Some points in time1943 McCulloch & Pitts: Boolean circuit model of

    brain1950 Turing's Computing Machinery and

    Intelligence article

    1952-69 Look, Ma, no hands! (early enthusiasm)1950s Early AI programs:- Samuel's checkers program,- Newell & Simon's Logic Theorist,

    - Gelernter's Geometry Engine1956 Dartmouth meeting: term Artificial

    Intelligence adopted

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    AI: Some points in time1960s Lisp (McCarthy)1965 Robinson's complete algorithm for logical

    reasoning1966-74 AI discovers computational complexity

    Artificial Neural Networks research almostdisappears1969-79 Early development of knowledge-based systems

    (Buchanan & Shortliffe)

    Prolog (Colmerauer)1980-88 Expert systems industry booms

    Machine learning1988-93 Expert systems industry busts: AI Winter

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    AI: Some points in time1985-95 Artificial Neural Networks return to popularity1988-now Resurgence of probability; technical depth

    Nouvelle AI'': ALife, GAs, soft computing1995-now Agents, ... agents everywhere

    Data mining, SoftbotsChess: Deep Thought vs Kasparov

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    AI: State of the art

    Autonomous planning and schedulingGame playingAutonomous controlMedical diagnosis based on probabilistic analysisLogistics planningRobotic microsurgeryLanguage understanding and problem solving...

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    AI: Schools

    Problem solving (Simon, Newell)Simple agent societies (Minsky, Brooks)Robotics (Nilsson)Language and representation (Shank)Common sense reasoning (McCarthy, Lenat)Evolutionary Computation (Holland, Koza)Artificial Neural Networks (McCulloch, Pitts)Expert systems (Buchanan, Shortliffe)Machine learning (Samuel, Mitchell)Logic (Robinson, Colmerauer)

    h f

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    AI: The future you name it

    Intelligent homesPersonalized assistants in cell phones and PDAsRoboticsDynamically created moviesSoccer between humans and robots...