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Page 2: 11-01-1910

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The Anch or -- ----;---

* li"tirty 1lrnnil \!:lotftts 'Jd I ~ tJI:r: :1 :l1:t:•:t ,

._/ oJ

WE OFFER the widest range of election in

Suit and Overcoat ever hown in

Town. \Ve \velcorhe your inspection of these

ne\V arrivals. W~.\VOn't ask you to buy, but

it is well worth your time to see this assort­

ment of styles for fall and winter. This sho\': ing includes snappy styles for young men and men


who stay young.

Prices range from $10 to $25




Page 3: 11-01-1910

2 T h ·e Anchor


--------·----- -------------

HOP f .. COLLEGE H 0 L L A N D, M I C H .I Ci A N







Classical Piano

Scientific Scientific Voice

Violin English-Modem Language Latin



Enalish Theory


The Western Theological Seminary

of the Reformed Church of America is located in Hollaud ad­

joining the College Campua. Corps of Experienced Inatracton


On the Pere llarqnette Railway, 160 miles from Chlcap, 26 mDee tr.. Gna• Rapid1. E:uafla MoDDATE.. For further informatfoD or yeu book ..,ay to



... -~ .. . -

The An chor\ 3

G . J . DIHKEMA, Pre1ident G . W . MOKMA, Ce1hier

FIRST STATE BANK With Savings Department

CAPITAL, $50,000.00

Corner Eighth Street and Central Ave. HOLLAND, MICHJGAN

Afte r the lectures and basket ball games have your

E::-v-e:n..i.:n..~ I .~:n.ch at


Phone I() J 1 HOLLAND, lllCH.


CENTRAL MARKET Molenaar. & D e C oed, Props.


Staple and Fancy Groceries ,

Before you hA''e that ~teak roa!l down the river. drop in and see our ~

juicy cuts •

B sur not to r enrl f.this and then forget it

Tomorrow "VVe sl'lave for nothing



Nearest the College On the Corner . ,

Page 4: 11-01-1910

4 The An cho r

Thanksgiving Offering TO STUDENTS

We have decided to give the boys and girls of Hop(' n CII ANCE OF A LIFE TTME at 25 l<ind, of

ENCYCLOPEDIAS America, International, Brittanica UJt h Edition ), Ch ~unb-==========-= ers, Etc. ;...-=--- - -

PRICES RANGE FROM $2.50 to $20 a set

"Where you do the Best"

Red+ Cross Barber Shop

We employ nothing but first-class Barbers. Good work aad

satisfied customers are the natural result

' Two Bath Rooms in Connection - -

We sell Razors, Strops, Hones, afety Razors, etc.

Agency for The Baxter team Laundry, Grand Rnpid ·

River St., Holland, Mich. -


.. ~~trra in Dro ··


./ehonth, Fc·t~? f!il (,'uc/; thn11 Lon/ tt( 11;, ... ,~,- N ul<'r (}I I'.J'M·th's domain,

B((ore t /1 i lit! au:(11l I h rono _tee come. thct nk.-; do we.· bnng.

Th ine hand u·ctR in our cn mp u•hcn • we• did pitrh mn· tents 1'n alien lands,

Tldne bcucon gu idee/ :mfe 011 , . ~lnl,q{J ' Iinrt bark ' n11·r1 hoMilr moods

Of ocNot bill,.tt'.~, temJfl·.~ls, u:inr/.9, a ncl floods. For thi.~ . l ,r,rd (;od. lCC thank Th ee.

Fathct·, ('r((tftll', (,' llf! , kf'f'J}l r o{ LJU(• . n( ,Y(J/ I( rc ' .<; /J it~· the F ount;

n-hOSC htJI'/)((!JC C'CI/'(..I'S jicfri am! h ill, tt•ltost• kine tlJ.e mount;

ln-fJilfher~f/ IHo·t·e.~ls claim.. . . ut'l' prrdse to I h ee, o ml hom£'-fi rcs bnght

f :Cspr•nk 011r thanks to T h ee, . Gren t l;od, of 1/u 11a n lleto·ts the L 1ght.

JT'"t• tluwk '/'lu1' . JJ,,,.tf, Jio· this.

Thtl I . r;oc/1/,(• "'"'"('/' , ~lt•t •l 0111'

J,, Jllrttt ltntrf;; with .~lrutylh c{;cim•. ( ·f,·i~t. '1'1 tilt tlw ( 'ntri.fir•tl, gr.tul

1/tuu 11.o.; me ,·c·y tftin .


(;,·crcl &itost, Thou fJUicling ,pirit, !llficle otu· (eel , we p1·ay thee llu·ouyh these· !JI'ars

Th fl t It(' ,.,. (HI)' .'fOilS 111((1/

Ill <•~/'' r , It~ n · , ln;,,,[t' to T h(•t• ruise f )t , "'"' ,,, 1/tt t n . ·~If,.,,. ,,, r;.-,,f: J

l fl/! 1' }JI'U iSI ' ; .4,Jd JH'ct !/' 'r:;, r;,.( 1/ Gud we briny.


mm mm ~: ~~~~==3~======================E:==18~: :~

Page 5: 11-01-1910

6 Tbe Anchor



ET was ccn warmc Augu~ttt!'morgcn. De zon lict hare \Ticndclijkc !'lralcn in de gezeJJigc woonkamcr ,·an cenc klcine \'ilia

te Zeist schijnen en kustc ~c n1Zigc wang-en Yan ecn slank zesticnjarig mcil'jc. clat hczig was de tafel te zctten. £Iaar· lang- g-oud-1>1 nd haar werd , ·an achtercn aileen chKH.

een grooten d o nkerblauwcn str-ik bij elkandcr g-ehoudcn . Plotseling- ~chrikt zij op; d oor het op~n ,-enstcr hccft

iemand haar toegerucpen. Ecn g limlach ,·crhcldert haar gezichtje, wat hare guitige hclderhlauwc nogen d oe t l'chittcrcn en een kuiltjc in hare rechtcr wang too ,·e rt.

"He, Jet, toch gekomen," zegt zij, "hoe leuk, ik verwachtte je al niet meer. Gijs is daareven al aan't station ge\veest, maar heeft je niet gezien."

''Ja ~folly ik ko n t z nder jou in Amsterdam niet meer uithouden. Gij5 mag zijne oorrcn wei cen- Iaten o ndcrzncken. want ze moeten al heel slecht zijn als hij mij, die toch nict zoo klein is. niet zicn kan."

De rneis]e~ bcg-onncn hartclijk t lachcn . Ondcrtu~~d1cn is Jet binnen gekomen, heeft haar koffertjc necrgezet en omhel t hare \Tiendi n nu. Zc doet harcn hoed en mantel uf, vaJt in eene luic stoel nee r en rnept: ''Oh, wat is 't hicr gezellig! 1\tlaar waar blijft je broer toc h ?'

Ze is ook goudblond, icts kleincr dan :\ f o ily. met grc mtc donkerblauwc oogcn . waar·in dezelfde schittcring i ~. Ze is een jaar ouder en draagt het weclderige haar al in cense loose wrong in rl n hal~ tlpg-cslllkt•n.

Daar gaat clc <leur t~pcn en cen jtmgmen!--dl ,·an riJZlgc

g-estalte en hijznndcr knap uiterlijk trccdt hinncn. ·· ti . Jet, jij hicr. tud1 gckomcn. hnc g-ck. ik lt e h jc nict

gezien, ik moet hlincl zijn gcwcc~t. Jammer• dat ik Z•H' g-a uw weg moet en niet lang van je lievc g-czclsc hap kan ~en ic ten, maar m o rgen kon1t hier een luitenant , die jcllui rlan wei zal amu.;:.eeren. '

·-_r a?'' roe pen de hakyi::;sc hen met ccn cch tc meisjesac h tig-c belang-stclling, "dat'i ~ gczellig. \\ric is hij en h oc ziet hij er



The Anchor 7

uit ?'' "Het is ecn neef ,·an tante Corry, die onYerwacht 0 ,·er­komt en hoe of hij er uitziet, weet ik niet daar vraaen wij jongelw niet naar," antwoordt Gijs. ' o

Ze gaan aan tafcl en 's avonds aJ .~ de meisjes in bed ~iac-ren \\: . rdt er nog lang over gesproken hoe of • die in teres ~nte luitenant' er wei uit zal zien.

II. Den ,·olgenclen · m o rg-en moeten de knffers ,·oor Gijs

g-cpakt worden. De t wee mei:.;jcs zuJJen het d oen met behulp ,·an h~t die}l!--tmcisjc J uh. cktt aHes aan<..lraagt. Ze ~tten juist • wat mt te ru · ten. I let is een aardicr toonceltje op dien zolder. Jet. zittend op ccnen zak linnen troed. haar eene been OYe r 't andere ge lagen. tcrwijl ze haar pantoffeltje op de punt van haren Yoet laat balanceercn. .:\Jo lly hangt met hare arn1en o\·cr een drooglijn in eene o ngegeneerde h o uding. Beide zijn in ecn ccn,·ondigen r·ok en hlou ·e gekleed, die er door al het bukken niet nett r up zijn gaan zitten. Achter hen op eene o ude wijnmand onder een paar gerookte hammcn zit J oh n1et hct cricket-bat Yan ;ijs to spelen.

Plot ·eling klinken cr zware \"Oetstappen op de trap en­de luitenant staat voor de doodelijk onstelde meisjes te buigcn: ··niag ik me cYen voorstellen dames, mijn naam is \'an der ~Ioorcn." Jet kleurt he,·ig, maar heeft het besef op te staan en tc buig~p. :\lolly hano-t o nbcweegc1 ijk aan het tou w en Yerbijt z ich .. ,·an ingehouden lachen. Achter haar h oort ze de wijnmand kraken. "Joh slaat dubbel. " Jet m o mpelt ict ~ ,-an Juffnmw ,-an Laer terwijl ~lolly nog ~ teed starende, met hare armcn o \·cr het touw c,·cn knikt en fluistert : .. <; ra!'l~... \ · erder· zeg-t niemand iets. J o h hamert zenu wachtig met hct cricket-hat np den gn nd. de meisjcs · tikken bijna van 't Ia\..· hen· de lui tenant bromt ie ts o n,·cr -taanbaar yan ''een koffer" en ' kijken," buigt en vertrekt.· Nanwelijks zijn zijne ,. n)ct~tappcn wcg-gc:'tu n ·en f een schattcrend gelach breekt I n~ . ~I<llly ,-alt achtcnl\·cr in ecncn lcegen builni bak. Jets pantoffel dicgt uit en ze glijdt ,·an den Jinnenhak op den g-rond. ··_1 oh ~Ia at weer d nbbel. .. zooals de mci~jcs zeg-gcn. wannecr Jnh lacht. want daA" buint zc zoo,·cr , . onn·er, dat haar hl H ,fd ong·e,·ccr den g-roiid aanraakt. Z oe lac hen zc nog ccnigcn t ijcl d 1111r t 1t zc eindelijk warm en blazend npstaan. .. J ct en :\[(,IJy beginncn al het la nd te krijgen o \·er hunne cigcn-


Page 6: 11-01-1910

The Anchor 8

aardige l_1o uding- en zittcn in d pinarie \\"at z d u n m neten a l ~ ze, bencden k o mendc. in tantc::-:. bij z ijn den luitcnant w eer z ul-

len o n tm etcn . (~ clukkig Yicl <lit n• ga l mcc. De m c is j cs l al~ ltcn

n ng a llijd als zc cr aan dcnken en als zc m:wr 111 de

c h tcr

cenen luitcnant z icn aanktllllCll. -lll ~L 1 ·.~ RC l ~ LC > r:~. D elphi S llrt •r i ty .


L' B :\ ·s lti!'tc•ry Ita :-. been Cln nne tulin;.!' tT ·t,r d

,, j carll;l ;.,!"C and l'l' tH.: lty. llc:r ••ppre .... :-:.i• 1t l.

e ndu red thn •u g h ••llt the \tnt ~ pcri c•d \,f ~pani . h rull'. ha::- ju - tl y w•• ll tltc !'IY!.np_athy oi the \\'(l r}cl . Uut th' int Cll!-~C ::-UIIUrtll g:-- .

ca u .... ed !Jy It er tnt~~k' i~tr indcpcndt•tH·e. ha,·c: ln .. · ~ n ha1J, ,,,'l'd thl ,•tt~h the tH1hle

· 1 f 1 I t' Frt ttl1 L'\er.'· ],,_,·al !'• •n ,,f hen.1e:-. that d t C( • •r 1e r :-a , -a t • •t l.

Cuba Lihre then.: hreathl' ' a :'pirit 11i intL'I l"'l' dL'\' ~tt i ~t n and o-ratitude tn her hen H.·:--. dead and Jj , itt ~ . lll'tT. a~ ne \·cr :-. l l · f 1 t .. it k 1 )\' :--ide. a nd hcf••rc. Cre•,Je. mulalt•• atH w t ttc Ill\!.!. t

p1mred Clttt their liic ld" 'l(1 :ll t ltL· altar 11i l.i l•e rt:'·· In the

• ..

.,·alaxv <• f t heir hen •e .... tltl' l·nhan n·a<l t it \.' n;tllll'~ •d .... u\.'11 men ~~ ::\l;rti (~umcz. ~ I a-..:--''· l~ i \ t'ta. and :\i i r••. Hu t t\11 : · u1,~u.l . in wh n:;e h eart fit,\\' ~ h u t ••nc cl nlJl •ti 1,J,,tH\. \\arm \Ytth ln ..; re~c ncd .. Pearl (I f The :\ ttt ilk:--.'' :-- peak~ \\' i \ li"u t tl l'epc't rc,:­crencc the uamc:' 11f tl! at illu --tri.• ll i:tttlily . c••lllp l<.'tl'ly ckdt­cated t \l the catt:-'C t1i liber ty. name' Ji -..pt'd 1•_:- I he \ er~· t•llrgllC:"' {If in fants--th 11 c: n i the ).lac e 1-...

'The famih· traditit~tt ••i the ~1ace""' i"' a n •1h lc 11n~ . . "' in the "Ii ·m·:' l>r~~,~.<l .. l'i i la:11ikar l~ an· ; l ...... l ·.·.r~ :--, 11 "a .... ~a"· r rlit.· t·cl j ,,r Carthage' :-; :-;ahatitnl. and a~ the li,·t• hcn•il: !--• 1 11~ nf \l ac­cabacus were :--alTi lit.·cd t • rcgai n Judea· :-. J, 1:-- ~ :--p 1 cn<~ 1 1r. tlt_u:' thi!' fa ther . a mulatt n ui ~an ti ag•) de Cuba. ckcltcatccl l11 s famtly o f ten ~· · n~ t n re1ic\·c the lt• t ,,j the :-- 1<t\l' ancl that e~f hi =-- o\\' 11

race. The Ten Y C':H .... • \ \·a r ckm andl'< 1 t h ·~ I i ,.<.,._ t ,f li \ ' C !---\Ill".

()f th t::--e tl'll. t\\' 11 , 1•·:- e :tn tl . \ nt r•ni• • \lac<.'"· ha\·c h e~..·.,me iamt~tt :' . nn d ha \ e n;eritecl a place a '1• 111'! \he \\'ttrlcl'..; ~·-rl'a t lil·r· •C:--. The hlttl'r . th: •·u :..:. h h i !-~ tat.: t ~t:H l g ·neral ... hip. hi :-- •

The ARchor

un ~\\"c~·\· i ng tide! i ty. a ncl hi~ tendernes. o f characte r , de_en·e c••mm c m urat iu n in nrt and ~nng.


l'uha. \\'hen C· •lumhu · f lUnd it, wa truly an earthly para­di ::-:.e. Jl e dc": ICl red it t •> he the m ust beautiful land he had e\·er !--et.:n. 1 ts beautiful !-~hure~. its producti,·e plains, and its maje tic mot!ntains and forests, rejuvenated the spirit of the -..tur<ly mariner. Uut its , . ry beauty and fertility was the t·au"'e ,, f it~ ••pprc~ .... inn. . \~ it greu· in wealth and it planta­tilltb bct·Cl me alll• l llg" the ri ·hc~t in the \\'o rld. the in. atiate greed of the ~pa 11 iard became ttiab o u nded. The lot o f the s la Te hcca mr in tuleral,lc. a nd' I i i ct fo r e\·ery C u ban tuo miser­ahl e tn he h"rlll' . Led 1n·J ~~ a<.· 60 and nt hers. men u f i ntelli­~nt·c. dtaraner. and pu r~~t patrio tis m, the uhan_ ro_ c in re•belliun in l~l>R rn ..... pired 1,y the rightenu=--nc: · o f their can e. 2tnd defended by the nHntntai n!' and mar. hcs, a s mall anny o f 1 :; .000 rc :-- i!'ltcd fu r t n y ars a h LlS t o f 120,000 paniard , fight­ing· until dipl n macy d,i<l ,\\'h a t arm!' cuuld n o t do nantely, ..;entre the li bct·atinn ,.y t h e !-~ la\· e!' and the pr ) Olt e f self­

~( n·crnmc n t.

E\·en in thi ~ Ten Year!'~ · \\' a r , . ntu ni i\laceo showed ma:; tcrful gc nerabhip. Entering at the age of 20 as a pri,·ate in :-'urgen t a nd \\'ith uut any marti a l training hi s natural ability a .... a ...;uldier an d hi=-- p crsun a l mag-neti s m =--oon placed him in the highe!-~ t p• ·~ i t i, •n next to ( ;unHllv.. L [i · defea t o f Campos hi s tactful ca111paig n in Uantt.:na in IR/8, and his u tter ro ut o f ~antac lcde ::- at ~a 1 1 L' 1piann . Hrc his three m ust itnportant


~I ~ll.·eu \\'a~ the u nly genera l \\'h o re fu sed to s ig-n the peace , ,f %anj1111. l~eiu~ing tu li \ c _under the hated Spanish rule and iurc--eci ng the iailut e Pi ~pain~ t•• keep her prnmi~cs, he kept up at \'" m"nth .... · hra'.l' hut il~tpelc-..~ l'fiPrt ·t.tl continue the s trug-g k . a n cl 1 lt_e 11 '·. l ' n 1 i n 111 \ ,.J un t a r y e ~ i I e . \ \ · i t h a f e \\' m u r e , ~c neraJ:.... h~ t 11 tt tl'd the L'nitt·d ~tate-.. and t•thcr part:-; u i .\mer­ka t•• gather iu11cl-.. a11 d t•1 pt·cparc inr a new s trug-g le. Fm·. in ~tl'acl ,,; ju,ti\.T. ~pain ga\c rech•uhlccl upprc~!' i tm. Exor­Litan t taxt:"" "erL· imp••:--cd . huma.n rights \\'Crc ig n n t:ccl. and the 1d .. "c\ ,.j crttl·lt \ n .. \\'cd a :-. t~f ul tl . Fin~.dh· . \\' ith a en · o f . -illtl'll:--l' ck'"pair. l'ttlt:t r••:-- ·~1 rc'·" lt in the ~p ring- uf 1, 9S .

Then ::\lacL'"· tltl· la " t 111 lean~. w:h a l...:n the tir ..; t g-e neral to . e t


Page 7: 11-01-1910




10 The Anchor ...

foo t o n hi :-:> belL)\·ed i ~ le. to wage anuthcr mighty struggle for

liberty. . . . The man·e lo u s d eds of ,\nton it~ 1\Taceo 111 tlus reYolutton

seem tno wild and strang·c to be h e l1e,·cc_l. \\ ' hen up01_1 hi s arri,·al ( ;o mez ~me to confer with \Ia ·el>, Campos wtth a la rg e army hemmed them in. huas ting_that he would keep tl~em in "'antiarro. :\laccn, J)y making a fentt o n a part of t~1e h~1e , drew the Spaniards towards him, and kit an opentng- to r Gomez to e:-cape. Then while < ;\Hllez hara:-.:-cd the enemy. h e kept them busy at u utH.l ·antiagu. Three_ annie~ were sent l~y Campus t u capture :\laccn. These he tl leatec.l m.tun:, an<l 111 the ureat battle of 13ayam > nearly runted 'amp~1s matn army. Campus continually t•hanged hi s camp, nn ly 1•~ lind . him s~lf outflanked. \\ ' h e n ( ;e.neral Jg·lu n was sent aga1ust huu \nth a Ia 1·crc army. ~Jaceu led him into an a-6nhu:-.h and alnll)St anni­hilat~d his army. The ~paniards, u, limit the licld o i battle. had built a trucha, ur lin e l1i forts, nurt h and south. acru~s the is land . This \\'as defended l>y uO.OOO llll:ll, and cun~idered by them itn·inc ible. ~IaceL> rc:'oh·ed t• break through thi s truc ha and tu ra,·a~e the tuwn:- pf the w e:'l. Fur this he prepared with cunsun~mate g·encral s hip. lle urganized the patriu t army of the muuntain!" u f l'inar del Ri ~> a nd :-trengthctted the prcicc­ture:-; with pn" i:-itHl =-'. Then, breaking· t hrt>ttglt tlte trucha with scarcch· any l o:-:- uf liic. i •r one year he :- uct·e~~fully re~ i :; ted hotl~ ·._unpu~ and \ , . eylcr. II e d y nam4ed r:~.ilroad~. ente1·e<..l nearly e\·ery tuw n t1f the \\'e :-:t, and c\·cn threatened J la,·ana. Finally u n Dt:cemher 2. ll'tJ(). he determined t o break thruu uh the trucha uncc 11111re. In a das hing· raid he accom­pli:-;hed thi ~. and wa~ ju ined by sc,·eral hundred mc~1. Tllct.l, conirunted by a Spa ni:-.lt ar111y, he charged them, ~ay tng- tu lu: men: "This gnes wcll. a l ~1 achctc... Leading-. un hi::- fiery war-hnr:-=c. he fell pi~ rcL·d by t ,·; cnty- th ree \\' 1t1ll b. II is htKiy. captured by the 'pani:-.h, wa:-. rubbed, tied to a It u·=--e's tail, and dratnred abou t. II is i\ >llo wcr=--. upon reC:d\·e1ri ng hi=-- b ody, bm-'ied it ~ecre tly and ~wore n u t tu re,·eal hi :- gra,·e un t il liberty was wo n .

Dut what \\'a~ the persunal charaL·ter t•f .\n lllll io ~lacco . who \\'as an i n spiratit~n a tire-l•rand. a t'•rc:lt. in thc=--e dark and wa\·erin ~· day=--~ h wa:- that l •!. a ·rou " :- aint n r 11i a Laiayctlc: IIi . .; h eart \\'as a=-- iull uf tt !Cil'}' a s tha t Pi \\'eyler was full uf

.. . •


The Anchor )

cruelty. \\ 'hi le \\"eyler. the trues< n o f Spain, :-tan·cd to death -+00.000 in 111 •cen t \\·••men and cIt ild rcn and cntelly tn rt u red the capt i \ ' C sulci i er~ . \I aceu tenderly ca r·ed for l h e \\'t 1ttnded Span­ianb and th' captun.:d dcacl.. \\ .hcri. after the battle of Uayamn. ltc fnund thirteen dca<l ~pani-..h onlt· · r=--. he bro ug-ht them irlttl the nearest Cuban humc=-- ancl returned them safe ly te~ Cam1H1~. I lis appeaJu, the pcnple tti the l"nited Stales is a picture nf~hi:­n u hility l,f sPul. Tlte~tt;.,!l; he did nn t like to ha,·c .\m cril·an blnod ~hed f.,r ·ukui libe rty, yet in hehali 11f the pure and innnccnt Ii,·cs that the \\ i ld hea:-:h u f Spain huh: hcrc<l. ltc :o-t~ tt ; .. ,dtt .\m erican intcnc n ti•lll. \\ ' itlt an carne:-tne:-~ and

nu!Jility that wa:- :-uJ,Iirn<i. lie appc~dcd t11 \\ 'eylcr h> chang·e lti :.­mercile:-~ po licy. writin ;.,!' : · ·t ~ i-.. t llll :- that Spain. thruugh yuu. return:- the dcm l' tll·y \ hie.: it '' L'. t ile re deemer~ of this : uficrin~ peopl e . ha\·c excr'--·i :'cd irt like circum~tancc~? \\ ' hat u reproach fllr ynur=--clf and ~pain! Ynur name \\'ill he fnre\·cr infamuu ~.

.. here nnd iar fr11 111 h erl'. ~.nd reme mbered with di ~g u:-t a nd h11rnn·! l~ct racc. I i;l\ ite Y''u, Y"llr :-teps. if) 11tt admit )"ll' g u i I t. u 1.· r c nYt< :- t It e "l' c d 111 <.' ~ \\ i t h a h e a ' · y h a n d . i f . t h c y \\' e r c clun e \\'lt~ll n cur l'1111 ~ l'llt. . \ tal l L\·cnt:-. take care that no t unc dru n f bl"''cl be ~pi lh.:d ct tt l:-- ich.: ., f the lw.ttlcficld ."

l~1 :\lace~~ . the l>!t!_crlintjt~Hl :-l~in. ~dlether iriend ur i(.' l' , e,·er lo uncl a tendt!~· 1 ncnd. I ltr(lu gh ht~ pure ::;uul and :-tatn­lc:-::- charac:ter. he Ita~ IH.:l'•lllH! the id111 uf hi ..:; peuplc and the admiratiun of the \\ t~ rld. :\s the ·· . \pn:- tlc uf \than Libert y ... he stand~ lit·:-- t in the rec,"·d uf Cuban patrin ts. hut in tru e lterPism. de,·otiun 1 1 1 the pet~ple and their cau~e. and in :--ym­IJath y with :-utrcring . hl' Ita:-. iew :-.nperit 1r~ amt•n~ the \\' ll rld ' :-herue~. .\ . E. L . \~lPL::~, ' 11.


1·: T< H >I' :1 \\. l' ... t-hc•tllld train it••m t'hi ~·a••n ;--..

'111 tltt· d:t , . a iter l ·,,mnH.'IH't'llll'll t. Tlw )l, ,,.;-; . . Jn •n t tltt• ll awkcyc :-tale \\ t:rl' ltapp_, ''l'-'-·au:-c tht·y wet·c g•>in g- hnme. and l \\a=-­ltea rt ~ ic·k. apprl'hl!n :-. i , ·e t ,f th It 111el i Ill' !'-..

that mi~l ll c••me after the party di ... banclcd . lack and I did11 .t take a ~leeper; it wa:- . a

Ion~ time b ft,re ,,. ~ wuuld meet a: •·ain . \Ve cros:::.ed the .\I i ~"' i "-


Page 8: 11-01-1910



The Arr c h o r 12 -------.· · torretil"t· ancltmrtcd. lad' ~...·,q llinth.: d h i-.. '' a~· h~t t ll l'\\· a rd ~l}>IH h ~ • ~ . . . I . . • . whil e l entered m\· territo ry. w lnd1 \\a -.. mtnc ''11 ~ 11 111 ~ ahflit,· tu ioc lllHHlk:-- g-a,·c me pn:--:'C :-' :-o- 1llll.

Dubuque being tilled with '-·a r ni,al -glll' r "' tl ~et' "a-.. II "

l t11 c ·11111

1 w ·1..:; .... ,, , 111) lied tu take an :ttltc tt~u lll. lnt t room a · • · · 1 there w e re t·ompcn :-;ati"n:-.. It \\a:-- warm and ~...·" nta~n cd _ a alllJ l tilled with a liquid I had nc,·er :-.ccn i>d• •1'C. :\ly llr:-- t 1llli ~IT---

. 1t1··t 1' t ,, !" ..... a ,!...!'lH'd Pllltltl. atHl 1 ha t ' l' rt\~ I

~ ion o i that u tl wa:-. " u .~ had reached a land (l i c o rn and 't\' l11C . That ni g ht r :-.kp t \Ill'

·lee{) of the J·m;l. . . . .. l ~~- ' 1 ll'l\' 'Th e next nll >rning- \\·e cru:-. :-.cd t H : · t :--:-- b :-. IJ>P~ P.ll • · . -

train." 'lt a c tually :-.tuppc<.l fw· a hali- h t1 Ur t 11 k .t a t n: t ~ ht t~ a111

pa:;~. O n e tH)t accu ~ tiJmcd t t> the an· , ,m,,dau~ n.t tra111 nn g ht

mis take it iura t1•Uri s t ~ · :-.pccial, and :-. tl\..· lt a ck '-'1 "- 1''11 ." ' 'l\1(1 n•• l be unju titied. T ll\ 1:-.e "lt ~• ha,·e tra ,· elh:~•; l • t tlg the rt\ e r a htl\'C Dubuque kiH >W it~ beauty . The rin.~ r .. 1 :-. latH~~ :--cen1 t '' f1 ,,at

do\\'n.· tt·cam a:-' , .• m pa~ =-- J,y. Th e l lhlll "" " l11 1...' h t'' '' e r ah• ,,T yuu are dccuraH!~l \\'ith fichcns an d ,· inc:--. T " " ·ar<l th PI ;u n t·:-.

. d . } tl l e11t\· \ttr1l'l 1\..' :-> arc the pictured nx ·ks ~tnatc \\'It 1 111 1 1l·c 1an " . _ . _ of limcstu nc. ln the wurds of an Ea:-.tcrn ·r, tht:-. :-.e '-· tt " n t tl

l u \\'a is the ·· · e\\' England uf th c :\ lichlle \ \ ' e :-. t... . r::, ·cryu ne hut an automnhili:-.t lind:-. tr~l\· el :-. 1• '" 111 th~· .... ·

regi u n ~. The o nl y ;;uh:-.tituk f11r an.a t~t" i:-- the a\.' l'• •tll •H lat!ltll pas~en g-er cuarh. :--11 ·;died hc\..·au :-.c 1l I" the '"11.' l.· "~n: h 1111 a frei g ht train \\'hich act:llllllll•nlatc:-. pa:-. :--c n gcr~ . . \t thl' :-- pl...'cd ,.f

ten miles a n hour w e crcpl art~ttn d the liil b , and finally rl·acltcd Turkey Ri,·crs. a n .Alpine t11\\· n at the e nd ,,j a :--tllll line . l\\'t:lll_\'

tnil es frmn c i,· ili zation. The nc.xt day being· ~unday, I l111Jk a :-. tr" ll d " ' · 11 t he r i \ c r ,

a nd after ~calin~· a h lu l'f :-. ll l'\l') ·d the l anaa11 },\..i••lc 1111.' . lk­luw lay the co~nt y-:--eat: in a1h1ther \\eek all thl.· ll.' ;l\·her ...... 11 i th a t ctmnly wuuld he l.'Pt11ltl;..!. ttt tl1c in:-.titutl.' hdd tltl'l'l...' . Ue­yonu the t u \\' ll \\'ere i ·rtil c iarnl:-. . ~un.: l y the:-.· \\' t.:: tlthy farmers "'''uld he int ' rl...' ··.tl...·d in my \\' fltk . 1~111 tlti ... pr .. ,cd 111

b c an i llu ~ · 11 11 • :\ I • •tHI a) I l 'l' g a n nty \ · • • 11• 111 c ..... t .t 11 d i" 1 1 11 d t h a I the cnunty -scat had been tlturuugltly ~· an a :-.:-. 1...·d \\illt 111 _, \\ 1 ' rk the year befor~. 'T h a t \\'eek J made fp u r cl(•lla r:-- . 1 h e ~l'cotld skimming.

( )n the . aturday foll o wing \\'C n:al...'lll'cl < ;, ,rn , ·ill ·•. thl' riche~ t t' '" ·n in n ort hca~ tcrn l ll\\'a . and th e :-- lc epic' t. P'-"' 1 1Ph' •

Th e An c hor ------ ----------

li\l' ~ nd di1...· tlt c rl' \\it ltt~ \11 .... c t•ing- a J':tih·";ul. :\ strang-er ha~ 1a 1T p r i , ilt..·.~ ~...· .... : i n. t l11...• h·· t ·l hl' j .... " i Yl'll a n caq n•• m c cmtain-ill g an ''r.~an f••1 t\\Li ll_" li \ l' n·11t ... a da~ . and the hl' .... t (;crman mc:tl' arc :--c ned at c u t p r i ... · t·~ . If y• •ll ,.i .... it thi:-- l11\\· n Dill :--:~·! • u ttl:tc k ·r ,. ill l''lh:•· t:!ill '''11 .\f tl'r pl ayin g •· J>ic f .nrcl •i'' :llld "~til k xa~·ltt" hl· \\i ll a-. k ~ ··· tl lt• d r ink th e "yell t) \\ gll lrlcn '' i Il l ' .. " It i c It I : e k a r n c d t ' • 111 .1 1- l' 1 ' 11 1 h i ' .... i cl c c ' f t h c . \ 1 p ~. 1 T c j .... tl '~ lll''l tt d p • ......... , . r ,.j a ""ht·t·p .... k in pa :-.~pnrl ~i ,· c n him hy (~ Iaine ''h ic lt •_a. t him :ntdil' llCl' t•' the "I ah:-. t" at RtllllC .

\\ ' h : n l· e t t.JI .... \ • 1 ll ' i hi- t•iP ,, i tlt l'" '-'· .. li·'tenin :.,!. Y o u arc 11 11 t ' . ~ .. ... till' t h~~• h e ha .... l": ~·n i1 ~~~ ·m e. l ~ut arc l' t) Jl\ itl i...' Cd th a t he i-... th\..· i t ien d • ·i a ~,.·t · lt ·, i : t "l'aJ, . \ ... al lt: a-. t.

Tlw tntn-- and -.i tc;· .... '' l· ilc 'l• t ;1-.. h''""Jl i taldc a~ the .. , ,a !•.·J -... : tr ~· t'i' ' 1... I t n·1\. .... ... •. ,·, ·I ! 11'' '- r ' . ( )JH' c.i the pric =-- t" i 1 •U " d u.... d · '' ; 1 1 • 1 • :-=; . · u r 1 l :t :: n i ~ h 1 a nd in ·: i t c d tt ~ t n p 1 a y ~ h J,, 1 , •. i! It 11. 11·: :1 ·.'' l·l· lad hctn a :--ak-..m a n him :-.cH

:•n1l It :• ~' i,·J I .. ._ i ·l i · ;:._: i· :· !1 ·-~· t' 'l!..::t ~ l.·d in thl' \\'••rk. \\' L• It- it lt i It n~e •:, i • lt ;• , j ,· tur~· i h i ·· l• lrt·lt :-t nd :111 it l\ it al i•n t tn

, :!I I a -.. , , ft'-' ' 1 :1 ~ •.• t ' '' : ... l.,·d. .'n. ·l: .J :- th l' ini 111itahk h" .... }' ita li ty I i t it~· \\ ' \•-..t.

Tl · 111:t .. l ~ l ' l' .I Jl l tJ• 'j I' Ja l ~ ~' II 1 .'l'. r ~ ";, ; • 11 d ; I I d l i ll' \.' l ll t' l.' . \ Il l ' I 1l !_!' l 1J (' ,, tllllt' \ d!tt n:b~..· .... ;,,- ~,. ., .. ,·::d ... ""t' lll it111ll li ft,. 111 a ln1nd n•d

-tlt .. t! "- :t 1d d d la1·.. \ll'• 'i: ~· .. 1 i·• .... l'.ll' . t ile n n t t'd p<li nt ing:-- ancl .. , · ll ljttt l rL' a;·~,.· l ' •p:i itl' . \ I I tilt.: ~..·!• t tn· h ' l 'l'\ in· ... a r e illlp rc:--­... 1\ l' ( ) JI a i •;,-..t d :t ,- ' t ' l.' t lli .. !J t \\Ti l im a ;..: in e hi nbl'lf in ( ;l' t ·

tnan.'. '" iait hi11fl'· h:t '.l' tl <>l ,.· li:ll, ~· pc••pl c kl'p t the l' \l "" l• •ll i"' ,j 1 11\.' i l i\ 111 ' 1.. ' 1 '.

"llh' :-lan•i.·•.l-- l ·\ ., I i 1t t he iu cl :.·L' a '-l ran :~ l·r. arc tn:lft _\

o~•t d -.:~~·: ~,.. ,!_ ·r .. · "' ·· 11 : .. · ~..· :t · ~· a: I•• r n r pt·"i,· .... ~·•r : ,, , a n • · hl'r. :1 ···dk..:l· 111 :t n ~''''ni · t ~ t • • ,.qJj ... l ... J n clt ·: ~ t '. ( >n 1...· far nH·r \\ Jt ., had t l':t d tlt. t t J<~..• n11 it U· ....... '-' ' l' l t ,. :1 .. t'••tn in !-! \\ l'' l . ima ~ illl.' d h e \\ :t:-. :t il Jt ,. Jll ,·c d 11,. .. 1 \ lc ·r t I jll"~"· "·ttlt' d Ill_\ .... l' lf. \ \\t •lll<lll \11ld lh r 11 \.' j .. JJI, .. r tlt:d · l' "' , ,. ltlllt.tiL' .... ir1• 111 a "~,.· r a•· l· l· d -nul .. ia~·­t .. :· , t H· : q I• , , .. : t i ll 1\1 11 1 ,; t :d v tl j, q· : 1 .. , .. ttl rli r ht~..· " and

;•! ,.l 11 t ·· ·, ,I; .1 \1111" I t ~~~- \ t l 1 l' lll ~t pl:tn·. IH.' 11 :1 ) ' '· \ aHl

:t'T ta! .. ··t i r a p·:tPtp :.nd ti'~h·d ~~ · " lll· h . ~~~me f.,rg·l'l that

:1 t ~ 1 11 · t -~~.. · • h:-• tl H · -· t~H t• kc li !l:-' .... a•Hl c mt~ t 1 111' th 1 t , q her I ~~'"Pk IJa, \.'. 11 ,1 '\ '-' t r. tl:i· d a:-.., i - :111 c.xcq H i••n; 11111:-- t m e n

a nd '' •me 11 lik l' ' " ~· nt L' r atn " " ll 11 t he,· \.' 1111 d n it in tiH: ir • 1\\' 11



Page 9: 11-01-1910

14 The Ancho r

wa\'. Tu the old , ·e tcran yuu arc antlthcr , ·ictim t11 wlll)l11 he cat; tell the :-'tilrY uf .. The ~l an:lt t11 the ~ca . .. .\nuther Plo

g·e ntlcman lead:.;- yuu ttl the abandti!H:d ~ugat· camp ,,f year:-> ago. ~l t1ther=-- hring )'till the chil·kcn p ic:-. their dau;..?.lllcr~ ha,·c made. or let ,.,,u ta:'tc tlH:ir ne\\· hrcad dipped in thn:e-ycar-t, ld

=--u rghum \\'l;ich ta:'tC:' m u rc like the pr11dttl't 11i ryl' than tli

the :'tt g-ar can c. Enmum\· i:' a fan11·itc.: :-- uJ,ject ,,·ith tnany a ~quire. I am

im: luding a ;.ccipe that j .... genuine. T,, makc twe~ p tltttt<.b 11i butter frmn une. dice a J>tltltHl ,·cry thin . war111 it gently. add a p i 11 t (I f m i lie a p i 11 d 1 u i ='a 1 t a 11 d a d n1 p • 1 i d a 1 H h.: I i • 111 j u i c c . Ueat the \\'IH•Ic with an egg-hcatt:r iur li,·c mitnttc:-. and ,.,,u will ha\·c a butter that ~pn.:':tcb ianla.:r. i:-. murc digc :--t il,lc and \\' ill ~a,· c a ptntntl tli !>utter fc1r c,·c.:ry ptntnd tt:--ed.

Did yuu C\er hear nf the.: il·c ca\e:- <htr pntic-...:-.t~r t~f phy :-> ic ~ "ill pn,bahly a:--cril,c thi:-. phcll, lt11etl u n tu tltc ad ion pf air current~. lt i:' lucatcd in the ha:--c 11i a large hill: an open­ing uf ten fct:t lead:' \\'ithin tt1 a t·a ,·ern \\here many icidc:.; han g· fn11n the rul,f. The l·a,·e i:' thiny feet deep and in ~tun­mer i =-- a)\\·ay=-- full l)f il·e. The unu~ual peculiarity 11i the l·a, c i=-- that i l"c fnrmatitm in l"rca:--e-. in the prc tp11rti1111 that the tcnt ­pentture ri~c :'. and in \\'intcr the.: c:tn.: i =-- c..'t~tllparat i \ely \\'arm. )n the fourtlt uf July \\'C tpuk c1ur frcl·zcr=-- inttt the l'~I\' C te~

freeze <mr Team, hut \\ere l·umpellcd tu lea\ e the entrance

because \\'C wc1·c g-ett in g l't 1ld f ect. These are a fe"· uf the e:--;pericnn:~ of a ~ummcr :-.a lc:-'nta n

\\'hich he wilJ n ut CXl..'hangc r .• ,. ~tdd. The\· arc lc:--:-.•111 :-' \\ hil..'ll he will n o t nee d tu learn in Ia tcr year:-' at grea tcr ri:--k and cx­pcn!'c. l in\\. to cle:tl \\ ill1 ynttr ic·l1,,,. men i=-- the ;,!rcat pn1hlc:m

oi Jiic and mcl'ling JH:••plc in their \\'!Irk-a -day natlll'l'' lllilkl''

) •1tt prnlicient in the.: :11·t. b~ipling ... :ty:-- that it i-... tltl· kn ••\\ krl;.!,l-' ,,j human natu re "hil· h make-.. thl' < >ri c: ntal a hl·ttcr JHt ... inc:-~

• man. t · aJl\' ~h:-- in g \\ill IH·in;.!, \ ' lilt t hal kn''" kdgc. "hil·h · ~~ uplecl \\ ith the a<h·;tntag·c~ t,f tran: l and a littk h1ard l'11i11 <tr · tIt c reward , ,f the sal · man. ( K . I{ .

t •

Th e An c hor

The Little Boy's Version of Thanksgiving

Yes'm on Thank.c:givin' the'& nothin' ler do Rut ra t en eat. Oh my!

Thc'R n. rp·ca' big l lt rkcy, big mt brown, En h ~ap~ n' pu -.z pl.-itJ. pie.

L ' >. . b Dll tiH.nt<e Jill' to'\brn cnt n e1·ry sa ure

The he.~/ yon c. ·er seen Why, 1chrn I gel throu,qh, 1 jes' f eel like

A slt([/(•d up catin'-mach1·ne.

Las' Th anksgirin' I eta lot.' I thought I ,,..,:: mighty big

Till my ma she jc~· kind o! looked at 'me En se:: ")!J!}ty, yon li ftl l.' p1.g!"

En thet nir1hl I heel some au:ful dreams, Thel skcered me out o' my wits

A ·grca' ln'g spook ofa lurkr y came En gare me thejum pingfits.

T/t('l ghost of a t 1o·l;ey 1cuz mighty thin He wu:: nothin but skin and bones,

En he looked at m with goo-goo eyes l 'J'n gobbled some a ll'fu l g1·oan:;.

En then that gobblc1· wen/ .fer my face En piuclwd wy little nosr,

Rn that rw:{ul thin[) j cs' sol on me f ·)n rlowed me U f) w1'fh his f oe.~.

En all l <.' r onct my met she callt!d J·:u I ju mpcd u·a!J Oltf n' my bed,

r:n she se::, ''You r1ct 1·ight up, [ -,.·,. < lst• !!"" l.ituHt' wha t I ~aid."

A i£iltlr 13nn



Page 10: 11-01-1910

THE ANCliOR. Published by THE ANCHOR ASSOCIATION, Hope Collep;c, Holland, Mich .

AISifll.nOt .Ed! LOrA Emiel 0 . Schwitt c r s . 'I I Hessel E. Yntem:l. ' 12

Society EJI tor •tury C. Lok h r . 12

Su lls~ ri pLioo .)Juna :!l' l

W . Wallnce Vis~chcr. ' 12



E.l lt.or · io-Ch id IHENE C. DRUSSE. ' I t

A Ill Ill D l JO::tl i W r A&.:rl t'S G. St:ll)Cik:t llll ), ' I I

l~:whanl!c Ec1iL•Jr

lltmry V. E. Stcccm:w . ' 12

Hu~IOl. ... a.Iuoa.:u· ~fnrin u :J J . Dt:n H rdt•r .' l :!

St:~ ff Artist. Thysc Fc rwt'r da

f.nea I II~ I! It u rs Uc.•ssic.• H. Wier sm n. '1:1

ll1•nr·y .J. P y l. ' 13

A I h lt•t h' .. :tl i l Cll'

J ohn \ ' ruw ink. ' I ~

"' ' • ' Huotlt.c~:. ~run-.wor An thon y Lnld,•ns. ' I!

SJ SO I . N fOP J 1'::"1 1 () C'll:NT S


Add ress nllt'C?IIlm un katlono; til '1'1 m ~=--c · uou . !lope ('ull<•::c•. llolland . l\Ji c·h la.rno. Fo r At.h•c r·t. il'l ll ll! Hat• :-app ly l " I : u-.m•·~ ... ~tana:'t· r Ent e red nt. Lh · l'u-.t ll Jllc··· 1H 1 l<1lbml. l\l khl:tan. a:- .. ,.,·wul -l'lu~s 111al lma n cr.

========--=-==------ - -==-------


. \ itt• r t \\ <.' :lty .' t ·:tl' •·i l:tltt•r, l ·~ it l" t. <.ilt 'lll' . :ttllll~tr (li " \ ·1:t ld t'"rJ II •·ati,.n· · l:a ... l'\•·1·.~-! a-. , ,'l'llt ,.,} i ·It ill' tl•i·• '· '

\\'ill ~"h·c tltl· i•lclll .... tti:d pr.,J, J~...· nt. (;, •. l~tll,l,l ' il h l t: t· \.' ri ·· t:lt ;l!ltl

f: tl lcn. and" ill l'c• ll tilltH' l•• ri ' l' :tncl i;-dl ... , J, tt•..: a ..... til\.' di -. l':t""l! \', IJ id t ~ 1 " 1 th· r ''~' l:.tl' '. tv:,,. ,. tl.~.· IH::t rt "f a tlati .. ;t artd d1..· -t1 .. , ....

it'• is not cure l. " T he dis<'<ts ~ is indi\·iuualislll that fu l'm of i·ll ­<li,· id u a l i ~ m w h ic h rl'l'•lt-: ni zc"" c•~mpdi ti ~ n J,~t\~L'l' ll i ttcli, · i d ua l ~ o r n a ti 111h i11r ind i,· id ua l pt •~ .. ~...· -.:- i cl!l ,,j tltc matL'ria l \\l':tlt h pru­du ccd In· Jab, 1r .. - .


Th e Ancho r 17

u~.·:-. b eing unbu -. inc-.-.Jikc, an d t he ir dnm~y a ttempts to contro l

in du :-. try u lll_\' h a mper i t. ~lr. L illcttc lind ... Il l) dang-e r in cnrp u1·a ti n n;; o r trus t s, ag

!-- ll l' h . In " \ \ 'c 11 ld C1 rpt'l :tti •11 .. he lin d:' a :--c du t iu n fu t· a JI pres ­CIH- d ay ct·, ,n"m i ~.· p r d.}cm-.. IJ j ., the ct •m pc ti t i,·e s p ir i t wh ich ha nq >Cr!-- and h.iJ1 .... ind tt 11 '. l':--in~ the ~ tandard i l co mpany a nd t he ~tet:l trn-...t a ... e.t.llll~l v· . he t'1111lli1CtHl..., their beautiful .. \' . tcm. \\ ' itiJill "'lll·h 1 r,...:.t ti ... ·cti·• hall h 1 rde r . X o lawyer:; a ; l' r \..' q u i r c c l t • 1 ; 1 d j u - t l h 1.. lll l'' I n 11 i Ill 1 i I! \.: i r ~ y ~ t e m s . 1 t i ~ nn l.' \\' hl.'.t tltl' ~t.t •Jtbrd t 1d , · 111 1 ; , · y c •11 .,: ... in cnnta <: t w ith the ~.- ~~pl..'l i ti ' c ..... : --h:nt that it nqu·, .. It .::d a ........ i:-- tance.

).'fr.<;iJJL'ltl' ;tr~ tt L"' th;i< -- i,llc til t' c q n tatc .... y s t e n1 cause tnt :--L!-- t1• l i\c and in ~.·tca-. t• ill 1 ·,,e r t\tll ai tc r t h e ir fo under. ha\ l' di ed. a l'tlrp••l:tti . ll ~· •lltJ l. 1 c·i all the p eCJplc ll f the

\\'llr lu H trc ly "i ll h a'c tlt l.' i "'"l...r t . 11tana;,c it:-- a ffa i r~ w it hou t j J' i l'l j I I 11, \\ i l h C Ill l \\ ;\ -.( (.'.


. \ ~.· \,.." r d i 11 ~ t . • t 11 '--' a u t h ~ " i .. \ \ · , ··I d l' 1 • r p 1 • r a t i' ) n ·' n i n e t y J'L'r cent ,,j c·llr \\\.·ai!;,. 1 .... , .... t I 1. 1 t , .t •. t: ,. in.!u-- tr ics w h ich

! .. ~..: .... ..: t i1nuary indu -In II • \\ :\\ t • 'ill I. II . ' ! . . lltl.·:- tile I ll u r:tlll"l...' . I;!\ . . l :t"l 11,!. ~ • .d I' h.'" ..:xi--t b ecause

I i tl · ~ l..'ll111p~titi\l..' · ~ I I.. .H . li t• tlll':--t' indu -... tti:d k ·,i '--' \\ lil! \ ,

~ I r . ( • i II d ll' d 1 '--'.. 11 1 p ! • 1..· t

t ltc "" ' ' \. pt .. l C'" " 11 i k ..... i · l.tti .1. l !i I i I •11 , i Jl <i l1 -... I I' y a 11 c1 ;, I I \ \. I Jl J. ) l .l l i Jl

Hatl• •ll" int, tlll l ' t'•ot(l•ll ,ltc J., •l\· 111it 1C l. . .

1 ~·

:.dl!llll 1 a 1: ilt ing- thrn u g-h b. 1-. t 1 , 'lllL inc cclu c a -.,: ··\ ~,1 ) , .. 1 I in•rin " alJ ~ ,....

1· ':- ~ - t. L •• ! 1 lH! c '' purate

" " \\ 't~r)d l.1 1' )11 1Jali• 11 .. lw-.. .'li l ; 1 ,: 1,·d in [ •JH C111X.

.\1 i.t.:~t l l<:l. Jn In id. tltl: .. l,jl'Cl. i .1 \..' 1 i · t ':tCC( tti r e (,_, purclta-..c •·r .... uJ, ... l.l i(di••lt. ---t· u 1 ·'" ! 1 .• ~ :-: ·. k: t u p n r-

~..· Jta-.e. -..l:ll 11r l1 an-.icr thv· l: ~ t:\ u. '"i ... · ' · l' . v· ; t: all right:' "' 11\\ll l.' r:--hip. \ \ Jld c1 1p 11ati, o1 ,, .... k i- 1111 tl 1l! m;.uke t fp r :-:1.00 pc1· .... Jt:trc . l·:t It. ·i ltl: ..... L;t· 1.. ·· a L ; l c i-.- t.cd u p >11 d e­ma n d. t 11 all appli\·ant...... J hcll.'i .J c :-- h .t '- ' t..alltllll ri:--c abt>\·e

par ill th<.: :- pc1.. ulati' l: m;.d kct. and a:-- J>l "' i :-- i11 11 i ~ made fo r

reckmpt i1t111•f al l :--L a t e:-- at par . t hey .:annt•l ia ll hc ltl \\. par. .. \\ · ~~r id ~..·"rp, ~nlliP t l w ill di -.placl' al l ~-.,,crnmcnt ..:. Xa­

ti"ll' "il l l•1..' hdph:-.-. in it .... l-!T:t .... p .. \ J, :-- ,•rlJ i ll~· . Ctllll r11 lli ng- a nd l'\l' lllu:tll -. din.'t..lill " i!Hlu:-- tr ial liic. it \\ill te:tr d1 l \\' ll th e h ar7' . . .. rict·' n( ~..·a·~ t c and nat illna li t , · a n d CllJllh inc in o n e h r n therh nt)d


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18 The Anchor

all the penplc nf the earth fo r o ne commo n purpm:;e '' such is the cold-bll)Odcd pre<li.c ti t n f the author o f the schetne.

The ·wo rk s ho w s that l\[r. ;jJiette i ~ a keen crit ic of in­dustrial affairs past and present; m o reo yer that he ha great imaginati,·c po wer. lie says: "\Yo rld o rpo ratio n-Not a Dream.'' 1 fo ,,·c,·er, in hi~ chapter entitled ' ~Ictt·opoli s, '' he picture · a c msolidatin n so centralized that all the people o f the -nitcd ~ tatcs liYc within a radius o f fo rty miles fr m HuiTalc), in a city composed o f 10,000 sky-scrapers acco m o­dating- 10.000 pcnple each. r\]] tn wn!-\ arc to be abando ned, fanning cnmmttniti e!-\ arc the o nly excus e ftn· t owns. and all the farm wnrk t!-\ tll he clo ne hy annies o f wo rkme n who to ur the count ry in the !-\ ttmmcr a ncl re-turn t u the ':\letro po lis' fn r \\inter." he~l\·en fn rfcncl.

Th e t\nch tJ r will watch with interest the progress of \\ 'tl t')cl lll' ) )(H'~lt i t lll.


The jo int mi!-\:"' itmary rally < f the Y . :\f. C. A. and tlie Y . \ \ '. C .. \. was held October 11. :\ fter a !-\hor t song en·ice the cha i rm~n . .:'. T r. Luiden!-\. introcl ncecl the speakers o f the e\enin~. :\Ir. \ "an Kersen a nd ::\Ir. fnhn Yan E!-\s. In his talk . . :\l r. \ 'a n K eL en ga,·c the rea~uns \\'hy a colleg-e man sho uld ~t ucly mi:-. i":t !-\ :- lir! t. l·ccau..:c m i:"'. i"n st udy is a part o f a Ji hcra ] cd ura ti u n ; !-\ec"nd. because mi!-\!-\ in ns Jt a ,·c a clain1 o n e,·ery Cht i!-\t ia n; and third. het·au sc a !-\ lttdy o f mi !-\!-\ inns "'ill enab le us tn fin d o n r pla ce!-\ in the w o rld.

:\ f r . \ 'a n l ~:"' s ga\·e a n in :"'pirin g- addre!-\s o n ''The Call f the fn,·i!" ih lc." li e expre:-.!"ccl ~t i !" joy in mi ~!" i nn \\'Ork because ~ · f t he "exl ti1 a rati 111 c:f :Lttcmpting- t he impn~s i b le." \\"hat is nn p():sihl c fn 1111 a wo r ld ly poin t p f 'i ~ \\· i!-\ daily being acco m­pli ~lted by t l' i ~ ~io~ns . I !e urg-ed c,·erynne who wi hed tc be happy ttl ch nnse the mi~~ i,mary life.

. . \ ftct· the m eet ing-. scYeral classes were o rg anized. l\I r. .\ . T. Laman aucl llul>ert Kuiper ha,·c charge f the co lleg e m en':-; dn~~:: es. while .:', fi:"'s :\lanin h as C(lnscntcd t teach the .. c ~~llc : .. e ;· id !-\. The three da :-:.~ e!-\ am Dng- the prcpar:-ttory stu-dent: arc t :Ht t! hl by Frederick \ 'an Dyke. E ldred \ ran der T.:1:m tin d .\ nthrtny Lui clen ~. :\fr .. ch\\' itters will teach the y : nn ~· lact ic~ ,.f t he pi·cpara tnry departme nt.

The Anchor

• . ...



A society has rece ntly been o rg anized t1pon the camp u called the 1 l o pe ~I onogratn irclc. The m o th·e o f the s oc iety is to g i,·e acti,·e encouragen1cnt to ath let ics.

Only those " ·ho ha,·e praYed them eh·es efficient in ath­letics and pn ~ess an fi are eligible t men1bers hip. The socict)' is J) ]annin:r to ren ,·ate r om t'n tl1e rrrrel IIo ~ :-oM u . e tn >rdcr that athlet ic t n 1J >h i~s may be placed o n exhib ition.


Annual Joint Reception.

Tltc annual jn in t receptio n of t he Y . :\f. and Y. \\·. C. A. was held in arneg-ie_l Ta lL Thur:clay e\·en ing-. >ctnher 13 . . \ ,.,.:y line •\JJCning- arldre ..: :' \\'as g-i,·cn :,y :\fr. !~. 0. Sch\': itter!-\ , pn·~ ic!ent c.ll· tl :e Y . :\[. ( · . . \ . :\ J i!-\s T1 en" . tapelkamp. in her· ' '.' ; n !>lca:-t · ~.:· 111:111;1er. ~~t,·c t\\'n humuro tt !-\ ~; ele'-· li , m:--. "The l . a~ .-~ e~:l 1'< r:--l) ... and ... I he Lo :-.t . \rt.'' :\ fr. r lcu:-;ink,·eld tl.~n r ·ndcrcd a 11iano !-\oln ~h ich wa. so cnth u!'iastica ll v re­cer ,·eel that he was t ll>lig-ed to respo nd to an enco re. The -next num ber 0~1 the prog_ram wa~ a reading- by ::\liss Forncrook the 11C\\' m s tructor in elocu t io n and physical cu lt ure. She ~.a'~e a r~ u~t arti~t ic and plea~ing rendition o f Dicken · ' 'The ~.h unes. As an e nco re . she ga ,.e ··\\· hen a ~I a n's j 11 L cn·e." I l~ e st~udents ho pe they m ay haYe the p leasure o f hearin (r

:\f1::s I·tH·ncrc,nk ()ftc n. hu- a lumni J·r1C)\\' tltat tl ;:, . . . ' te pn)gram "-n~t-1<1 ~:a,· c h~~n tnco mpletc \\'lth ()tt t remarks by Prpf. J. E. kut zen:'a. A~ 111 fnrm er y ears. he g-a,·e a m nst in!-\p irin o- talk \\'el1-::jllccd w1th humo r. ::-. '


Prof. and Mrs. Kuizenga Entertain . ( >n Friel a,. e\ · eni,t~·. ( ktnhct· 14 1 ,rn f a ncl :\f 1·c 1:- ·

· • • · ' • • ., . J'-. u 1 z c n n-a ll1 l•~t . , ,Jc:t...::t!l.l ly entertained the y uttng- ladic~ and te~:u:h~~. r c:--td lng- tn \ oorhees llaJl . The chief entertainment o f the

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20 T h e A n c h o r

even ing was p n ^ r c - M v c I ' can-ha^ u n d e r the captainsli i j) of Prof. Kuizenga . P a i i n v rc f rc - l in icn t s were served and the even ing passed all I«M» S.MIII.

Class Par t i e s . On Timi - d a y e . ( ; , : : i . < v i . I-cr r». ihe "W" rl i>s were

enter ta in e l l«y im? • a rd .\;iilder. at li i s rura l heme. It was a ly p a i I ; . ; , . in.es p a i t y . It \ \ a - held in a I.;:!;! I:.\e«l np t -r ((.ra i..ii and ha rd - t ime i r h e lnnen t s were sei \ (. •

< >n \ \ ednesda eA etn' i'^. < -ri. her 5. the 1: < - I n r a n ela^s wa> pleasantlv eiiici niae l l-y tl cir f * nu r r l a - - : ' a i e . Alice S m a l k ^ a n . at her h- r. e i - « e t ( i n - . e .vn ela ' . -iale six oVInek d inner w; e* »i d ; a*'d mtt-ie. ^anu 1 and s l n n t s fur-nished ami isemcnt ihe c- i n i a ^ .

A T H L E i i O O M I N G A T H O P i

Shall I pun tt tale tl.e ; >\ e en lence w ith an interr<c^a-tion i-r an exolam' j ' i n p n u . \ \ ere I speak ing in r c - a r d to the men '»:i the ri n I \\. i id !ta lily add the e \<aamat ion point , in fact tw -. W h y :e «' 1 he - i i a t e when 1 th ink of tlie man not in the ^ a m c '

A s a college . t. t- . • • all is second to none. and. as such, chal lenges the d i n m a it v • ei.'e a th le t ic spirit «»f e \ e r v pers«»n at school. It yt-n pa- ae f"- th.all season unmoved we can only hope for supet na tura l inl iuences to in tercede. W'e w r i t " yi>u, yottr veiling'; ami \ m* c 'l -rs, i<' i.elp the team win the remain ing ^ a m t a * ;' e rlie line.

X'ow, sln»iild ^ no t •! •!!;• int••i rot»ated fel!» •w-st t tdenls str«»ll down t»» th.e ^ r i d i n ' t s -me altern< »n l»eiween 2 and 1 Ih* wor ld Isiul nn-re tlian twi» ele \ en < pi act i\"in^' fa i t l i ful lv f- i I Ioj>e s lo. .t])all recf)rd. I lie 1 cam. w u h scareelx any c<ia«diin »; <'ther than that «.i tlie ca jna in . has a l ready cl inched t w o \ ic-

T h e A n c h o r 21

tor ies . T h e first, on Oct . T e r 15. when w e met the Sa in t Alphon>us of ( h a n d Kanid- . ' I h e new i;ame a - a i n proved its super io r i ty w hen llo].^ t rw ardi-] asse<l 2 ' po in t - o\ ei the o,)al while the Sa in t s p lunge I in vain. ' ai)tain II. S t e ^ e m a n hand l ing lor ward ]>a es carr icd the hall o \ e r tor all <»ui i^ain-.

( )ctohcr 22, !! ]>e me t the team f rom W'ayland. B}' d..tilde and tr iple pa e . U - e f »nnr. i -ns . fo rward passes, and s t r a igh t f- e.l a M . 11 *: •• . a n'ed t 'ae • all f -r l i v e l« u c l : d o w n s .

(Jtn t h e dv. cn v in .i . ... pi" . • 1 i i ! { u c l r a . K e . ' i. Fe-

nian l< ' i n i l ed i lie i a l l i-Ji I i\ .'•.o! i .i e - a n d • k it ( i o w n I -i thi ec t1 iicitd« »wlis. "T 'ak^ *. er maf.e a _?,-yai <i iu:i 1 'i a foiirtii and ( l " l l e n v : i .i/lded the iiith.. r e : j e. 2i ;

W'ayland . 0. ^ Mil- li in terc t i v' w m a n i ' V - t o d i n t h e h a s k e ' hall ' e n - u e .

I low t i e : i<. • c. ill e.al n • • r . j i. » - W will = r.- • v . n-r t h e fn . a n d c • :d- • a n . X i t r . -a i i e

men !; v, !: . ' . the ,1 •. • t i .ue will i p )10- l l 1 .• i- ; d. ^ w c h. an e |Ual < ' . c a ;d e a c h in« i I ' i - d r:' i ; . : • h e i i h e t n i y .. r

; Uk. i s ' i e ; . t l x i c e a r - : e n u t

1 i ; ' ' • 1 : i t y ' t •» r ' :. • • " v• . i " • • c i : i• i it i ' • ' !ii i. J i.1 a t r i p ?

the p-o r e I i • ! . ; • t .• «


' f l . e f'.ev. Samuel Z w c m e r , l>.I)-. "^7". wr i t e s of his sate • i •. i 1

arr ival at i»o:ir»ay.

'l ive Kev. < le : . e H a n k a m p . "07." of the Ivcformed church at 1 lam ill n. wa - Mir[» ired r!»y hi- eonr.rcr.ati -n and ^ixen a i;ii't of SIC .) iiv appre datioii of his services.

Kev. and Ai i : . 11. S. Xic ; . "73." of tlie Keformed church •it Pa t e r son . X. ).. : i 'c \ i . i.in-- f t ient ls in the ci ty.

Dr. ( I. Koilc i. "• >>.' i- vi itin^- the ca- t in the in teres t of i I<i|)e C • 'lie;;c.

I he k e e . I . !•-. W elmer^. "('3," was instal led as pr incipal

Page 13: 11-01-1910

. --I

22 The Anchor

-------- -f the Northwe~tcrn Cla,i:;eal /\ c;tdemy. ( rang·c 'itY. Tn wa.

o n October 23. The Re\'. an d :\Jn;;. ~. Riepma. "00." )f Okl;:thc1ma ha,·c

instituted a new d omc:;tic mi,:'i nn~ry prize nf $25 .00 at I Tnpc. The pnrpo~c o f the prize i!' to arou . e an intc rc!-'t in D n me!'til·

~I i. isons. The prize is t o he called th e ":\I ary Elizabeth \ '. Z. Riepma Prize,'' named after the nfant daug-hter Cl i l~e\'. ~nd

~Irs. R iepma .

:\ , ·et·y pretty \\'C drli n~ \\' <t:' :-.c,Jemnizerl in the old T n\\'cr

< ' lc~t·k chun: h at ~e" Uru n:-- \\'ick. ~ - _1 •• · •n < > · t··1a.'r tltc 27th.

"hen ~li:::-:-; ~::u·~·arct l)"rl-:man 1n: r ~un e the "ifc Pi 1\l·,·. J••hn \"an Zanten. "07." 11f ~l l'tuclll':l. The dtur ·h "a-- hcautiiully cle\.' tll·a tecl with autttlllll h..·.ayc:-. .. \ laq.:.e tlll llll a ! r "itnL·:-.--cd tile

e l'l' e me' n , ·. a h 11 t1l a t h (I ll ... a n cl in ' i t a t i ' 111 :-' 11 a ' i 11 g 1 , l' c n i :-: -..u e < l. ~lr. Peter t le unc. "01>." ;.\\.· ted a~ ••ne ••f th e tt " h er'.

1'-e,·. ~idn<.:y ZatHbtra. l'h . l > .• "0.3 ... ha'-' l•ce n appt,inted 1)\· the Board ()f Dome:-'ti ~ :\I i :-. i:'t n s n f t he 1\ c f• t~·m cd ch11rch a~ a m 1:':;11mary amc •ng- the l]c ,]1ander::. at l·:lli '-' 1:-.lan<l. X. Y.



Fclln \\' I fnpeite~. h <H\' much d tl the x c han g-es mean to y o u ? .'\re we n o t in dang r of :'light in~ them ? There they

lie. ~ee the rca ling-room cle:-.k literally smc •therecl \\'ith l>ri ~ht peri L)dica ls. Think hn w the~c paper~ come t•> u~ fnHn hi~·h­~<.:h ool:; and colleg-e:; far ancl \\'ide . and lH)\\' they may :;en·e tn link thes e ,·arin u;o; in :-'t itution~ in nne glacl !'i..:tcrh u<Jcl. In the exchanges y o u can read ext:cllcnt ;o;tc lric:-.. c~-..ay:-: . JHie tll:'. ancl

oration s . \\"hence y u u can dcri,·e legitimate in :'pirati tl ll ancl ..:u•ru·estion fnr )·our tl\\"11 literarY \\"11rk .. \ ~a in. thc:-;e :-.L·ht~o l • h~ • ~ •

papers tell ahu ut the s11c icty cln in ~:-: . al>ctttl tl1eir amhiti tt 11 ' and their !-' tri,· in ~s. Fro m thi:-' :'ottrt:e \\' llla\' draw lc-..s1111:-. ' ~

fn r } )~al ~uc i cty p n•cceding ..:. \\' atch t he exd1angc:'. a nd :--l.!c hnw athletics arc ret:ngnizcd and htHI:-. tcd at 11t her in:-:titnticn t!'.

Ci,·c a m o ment nc l\\' and th n t n the rich :--t• •r u f j• Jk cs ri ~ht at hand. Recently a :'tudent irom Ca h ·in ·,.)Jcgc tc•ld h ll \\"

<•ttr o wn pape r \\"a :' ~n eagerly ct~nnccl by hi" l'l 11lcge- mat c .... that after a time it barely hun g tc ·~etlit'r. L e t u s in turn !'h O\\" s o me uf thi :-; :-.ptnt tc,\\·ard t•tlr exl·h a n~·<.· .... Thc,-.c

marked \\'ith blue 11r 1c d pencil l'"lltai n .... nne remark-.. ah11 \1t



The Anchor 23

the .\n c hc lr. Let u s pro fi t by this o uts ide comment and c riti­c t;o; m .

The Sept e m ber "Spectator" ts to be cun1mended fu r' the h rc ·ad r ange 11f her art icle:' . ··l·c\.·i l I'h de~"' is a bt·ief. cand id,

and wi thal intL·t·e:-.ting- di:-.cu~~i~m (lf the <: harac ter u f thi~ rreat " o rld-lig-u re. .. ·apit a l and I .ahor" re,·cab a seriou~ purpu sc.

The writ er 'L'l'lll" to he " c •me w h at l> ia::.ed. h o\\"c,·cr. uw ing-. perhap:'. to inadequate inic•tmatiu n lll the ~uhject. The lan­g u age . th11uglt it :-.ugg-c:--1' the ter~e ... R uu. c,·eltian" Engl i:'h . i-.. in a mca ... ut·c tllll'tllltll . and :'n ~;_:c:'ts the \\'ant uf an an1plc , .,,rahulary. I n "( Jppc•rtunity fctr Effurt" we lind a re-:tate­

ment nf p c•pular trui:-.m:-;. hence a lack ui orig inality. The :-.pal'L' de,·Ptcd t•• t he "·,,ntrc,, c r:-.y between science a nd the Uild c i:-- a n un warranted di~Te:-':-.ion. " . \ Study n f th e Dc,·cl­upmcnt n i t he l ·: n~li:-.11 Lan~uag·c" o pens u p a pt·nfitahle s u b ­ject ic1r deeper in ,·e:--t igati cnl.

Ln t he Decaturian f11r Septen1h cr appear:-; a gnnd ~tory,

entitled .. FnHn t h e Li ps "i a Child." The story appeal:-; by its s~,· eet ~implicity and tender p=:ttlw:;. . \ s y et the author

~~~~ 1w:-. a n i1wn mplctcly de,·cl n l eel style. Persu nal pro n o uns

arc u..:ed ltH t freely and aml>i~th•tt:' l )·.

Ft·(•m the C o llegian we IL·arn that Prt li. Frank 13. :\feycr, in,trnl'l c•1· at ll u pe in lt)0R-01J. i:-. no\\' a:':-. i:-;tant profe~~ur uf L a tin and ( ;reck in th<Y L'ni ,·er:--itY at \\' l•os t e r. Ohin.

' . \\"e prai~c the "ri tcf , , j " The P 1li t it:a l Situat io n in Pcnn-

~yh·an i a. " \\'h id1 i:-' a tHtllll>cr in the Aerolith. u m e pha ••f the cc•tHiititn1:-. might han: been m o re c lea rly delitH.:ated. I> t

ClliJttgh informat in n 1:-; !.!1\:cn tn make the e~~ay in:--tructi,·c an l' 11 t e r t a i 11 i 11 !.! ..

~l'\l'r:tlc•i the "Sa~c !lint-.. it •r Fre:-.hmen" in t h e Pleia

111:1' \\· ith p r ctl i t he di;..!l'"tcd II\· ut h cr dct:'" lll e n a nd in :--ClJ111.), a' \\ c.:JI. l ien: (11\.• a fC\\" 11i the:'C hits (I f i r t lllY:

"J) .. n't t:tke It dtle:;n't need the :-;uppt•rl 11f tl --t uclcnt hnch ·. It dne:;n't cn:'t anything tn run a colleg-e papc

"Do n't try to enter the preliminary d hates. It,,. uldn t

he hec••m i n g 1•r y• •u tu com pete wit It uppe 1· cla:;smcn.

"l>un 't huu:-.t j,,r Albion. f t pay!' l t• knt •c k. I t n1ak e\·crvh< 1d)· mure cnn n·e n ial."

J • ~

Page 14: 11-01-1910

The Anchor 24 -------To) tlte lunit~r cJa ........ in l ~ n;..:.li ..... Jt litcrallttC \\\.' ea~crly ('11111-

lllend the pt c l' \.' ... < >nc 1);1\· in the F 1"1i ..... \1 \ :t\,~,· I )i ~t l id.'' whi~.·ll 3ppcar:-- in th<.· 1'.1lln1·n to n:an; likl''' j..,l' lw appn.·ciati••ll tli .. J anc·.\u .... t ~.· n·· <tlld "\ 'ani~- F air" in R ed a nd Blue.

The Jnl.' tHtiPI • 1 ,. j R e·1 and Blue j ..... ~..·~ tl~.·~ t· p:qh·r :1nc l

Year niHtk in I ' Pl'. It j ,. e· i. a \.• •lltk ri u1 j'iV \.' , .f \~l·lk. ri,·:11ling ma .~y t'l •ttkrP n:t · ·t:t ti1L' "' · T 'C J1 , . • ··~ral'l>j,· cut-..

<HC dl':tr :111d n l"l attr:ll' t i\C, 1 11~~ king the 1...: '- u(' a ,,,.r \1\· :-'a 111 p 1c • ' i :1 rt i 11 c nl k -~ 1.' p e 1 i • d i . · a J... . ~ • 11' h.' • • • H' • i • · 11 r 1 i ll' r a n ·

... ,H· ic il''-' n,i .. ht h· pk·1-l . t •. t;•· t.' t l 1• l·t·i ·.:h f.tn't' ... 11

. \mctcur nu lcr." TliC l"Th:t'l' t' (.' ··nllH'lll" . , . lltdi .\ :tnd

tlttlt'l lu ·.:. h. l'l ll1 C .. i'lli11 :t 111:1 '1 •• 1 I :;-- : ;.t (.'11 hi-- '·'- •I k ..... l'l i·•tl""' .

and \\':\:-' bt~lltHl I• • 111ak~.· it ··· 11th '' l'ik. \\ ' c c njr~_\l'cl y~~ur t•. !i tr•r i<d ... 1\lri,·r~ r. 1\ ,. :t ..... , · ""'\ ·,ka

tu clc,·utc the lir ... l i- -. ll' 111 \' ~\l' a ti••n · 'llptv- ... i •'1 ". ~l \ 1.' r:d . ,j the=--e littk l'r~·du · ·ti 1'b hl'l l :l:.- 1il·l1 ho 'l"r ;tnd :1niu1 \H.'I'""ll

;tlity. ~\l · · b iac ttlti~.· .... kPd .•, :t···n I•• :til l·((.,rt -.. 11,.\\' \.'' 1.'1' :-- ill lpk

and \ lllil ........ '!l' ' in" tl •t· · tn:t' J., .. . ' \1 " tl :t I. S, io 0 n r] D C !" e t ·· t ·' • • • ' I j • tll'd h ,tl If ;I\. ' 1\ l' I l l

l'• l \\.'1' and tyJ'I•!..:_ra •lti•·al c · l'•lll l t~IL Tl:l· c\11 .... ; q · ~· 1• \lh di .. ~ ni lied :tllcl arti"t i·· l'ut' e J•'• ·H·· t ~ · : t ·tl :t•:.::tiP ... I ltvt tn:tlltll.'l' .,f ... ~.·att~:ri'1 ~ th e lia·t ;t: _,. t·l:tkri :d i .· ... u c 11 "l'r:tp-1, ... ,1 · ia · l t i .. •l'?

tltnltJ:..• h ~tl'l tltl' I':IJ ·r, l'c ·pit ' • l't lu·t·. w· I' tt' -~n ·'l : '. n~n -

··cntt·:ttl·d litlr:tn ckp:trt111L'11L


<;irJ ...... d~ •n ' t ''''1 "i "' h l'r•• il· ....... r J'ui ~: en"a " ;, ... "ti ll :1 ~.· .. 1

1"-'!..:.l' ~ tud ·nt ~ \\'It• 'd I l' tit<..' IH'" ' ~ \ !.!'" ·•dt tt tli \· i•r th •l' ' 'lt 1 . " l· l ~a·· l · 111 t ia i r '-lttdi ~ ··,

"kddtup." .\ tll· h~·r '02.

11. \ · . F .. ~t~.·~vlllall ( n ·adill !..:. l

ran·?" Pn•i. . :' l · ~.·rl :

~lt'~l.'lll:t ll "\\ ••111.111.

I :t t i 11 r' I \ I i . .. I I :t \ l ' \ •II 1 ) l '\.' 11 I 111 ' I I I ! It I ll I It ·IJ I I ; I 11 ; . ' I ~- .. 1:r ~hmrtn "Yr . lil t' ' ,._.!ll tl •i·••l ' ' :11 ni .. JII :t nd did11'1

"l' 111\lth ,,j t!'l' ,. I ' '1 I

lk:'..,iC l~l·lJ . , .. - 1. ." tit ·: , P• .t .. ·,·i( l··· • · •. ; ,. ~~~ "1 st .q 11 ·:

h u .... h ·' ( h r i :1 ,...., an c1 :til \ .



The Anchor 25


l .. :ll l••lll' n " l'l' J,~·~·aml' Yen· I ll' u "'i 11 k ' · ·I cl . ~ p I :ty i 11 ~ c , nc e , t· 11 i 11 ~

.'•ttl pla~in~· . ~Jr. lku ... ink,·dd?" .

mud1 intl'l'l':-tcd 111

and a .... kcd: "\\'hat . \ rt arc

· " ... :-- \\ ~:~:tc-.t .. n til....•:- :tnd . \ r I. 1' " I k i 11 • llll· • •· =t ' " I l l ' I' , •It • • , , 1· 111 ....

tlll!"-\\' l ' ITd. ":\Jy ltca•·t ~~'C" c•Ut In \ ' ll ll ...

• till' tall.; :\lj ..... . \nna ltl'!l\\11 :..:,a,·e L•l l),id . \ :..: 11 ...... ~. (.'1' .1•·:·

thl' :--l u<knl-.?

Sayings crf Faculty Members.

P r••f. t;,,din.·,·-"1 tll"u ..:, ln JH .. '<tt \\'ct -.

11:1 Ill<: ...

~Jr-. Du d~..·t· - "l r· ... iunny can't :-.a\· the ma11 1 \\'ant. Pr~• i. :"yk~.~rk - "J), n't l'l'ta·d till "' '11 t•t·t lrli11C."

P rc ' f. ~ n I P It l' 11 .. P • ·t• t n · h a ._ 11 1 • t It·,. 11 • I t I · tl t I I - 11 1 11 \\11 lClrtllt:

I I !.'CII\.'I'al ly dt•al -. \\itlt J,, ,(:. .. .

:'.I i ...... F" n 1 ,. r• •• 1 k "I ; i ' e. c 1!1. ; , 1, c u-.. Y·~ttn !..:. f ach· ~~ n1'<:nt .. \ ~n,a 11 !"

TIt(,' f I e) II I\\ i 11" I .... :u1 c'ccrpt ir11111 a 111 ·•IlL' '' arran~··ed IH· I llll' I I f I I ll J' :t ll!lllll i :

( ) h ! "il_\', t ; 111 \ t t1 I ~ \.' (' .

In t h<' .. · . ' 'l· ,·,f tlw · ld :.1 P11h- 1 n : t· . J '"" t I' (' m ... ~~' i 1:.:: J, in I 1..., ..... i 11 • • i 11"

:\I' '"' t' j .... lik · th<' 1 ed. red r;~:--t· ~ \\ ' lh'll tit<.' li !_!ht .... tll'l' I• •\\. I C:1 111"1 l•L'ill' I•• ll':l\' l' thl'l' Tt·l l Ill(.' \\'h:lt I \\'Cillt Ill J.:-11 .. \\',

< >tH't' ll ,. j ~~~- he:tr t . '!1ll'CI1 ,,j tltL'

j:~' 11 1• ! i:: r<'\ \ l·ll 111_,- ''''11 trtl\.' ltt\t':

' ·a t It t II l, I d lll' K \.' ·n t h k , · ..... k i l' ..... I'll Ill' \\ :tit in ~ and ,. ; , k l~in" I:· 'r 1 I ll· .. i rl I k it I H • 11 i n d 11~ ('. "

I IL· 1 "' i e ( I i 11 cl i 11 :..: a n • til· : 1 1 lr i ..., I' 1 " t l • l - .. I ) i d , , 'll " r j t l' 1 h i " . 1 r \.' lt · l1 ~ ..

:\lj, .. l' ~•l· l .. i, .. : •• '"''I' """ 111 .' lr:tnd. d .. 11·1 , .. ,l .J

lll.·tm:ttr ~ I~. " t'll t:Ut · l'lt-a-..:ut t ly --11rpr i,cd l' r~·f. Klcinhl'l' ""·l l ' t• , · ~,·llth· IH· t'Xjtl::\in in ~~ :t I''"'" ' tn in Tri~t lltr•lll<'tn· .

· I · t tiH· ~~·•· rl \\••rk~·flrt'ccecl. .

1' ~- lt t~ t<.'r \" ('.l. "'lid ne :.t •• tt ' (\ 11('\\" !tat ... jill'\.' h e re­llll'lll'd rr11111 Tnrnnln.

Page 15: 11-01-1910

26 T h~ An c h o r

ur itlea . r n o thing- to d{ - Tak ing Tngt) nn m e t ry.

()1. nllthin :.,. t o cnj uy-Chcmi~try exam!'. . 1 1 :--. ).1 . Tl , h •'h > c Uf nu thing- to get excited o \·e r-- ~~~ Hllll.t~


f n o thin cr to li ~t 11 to- Lhapcl led by Prni. ~atte r:o'nn ) . I.:--.,. t > ,,,·au· ahuut-Our inten:nlleg tatc ath-1 n o t l tn:-, t • .....

let i c~. . 1 · . t 1 \\ ' ritin cr J'Pke~ fur the .\nclHlr. ()I ~nmc t 1111g o < n - . :--.

< )f sPmethin~ to enjoy- :\ I idnig ht lun ch.~: i ~mnet hi ng- tll ge t cxci t c<l ll\'Cr- 11 cu~te ~ ca:--c.

)i ~omcthing tn li ~ tcn tn- T .hc < ;)cc club.

0 r all ~a<l \\'~ lrd~ uf tongu e ~) r pen. The ~addc:--t arc the~c: .. Flunked hy hen!"

1 • • ur hatHb 11 e-" y e~. 1 at ways ~lec p in g-hn·e~; ,, ccp:; ) u

~oft d o ne her kno,,· ?" ... 'Shc- " H cally. and d t yntt ~Jeep in y c.ntr hat. tun~ And then h e Acd .- Ex.

Prof.~ utphcn tn ~.,ph~.-·· FPr lig ht n.n thi~ pa~~<~g~. ~· ~.~ ~~ mi o-ht draw ' Tran~lation ui Pliny's Letter~ from u uJ ltht.tl) ·

~ \ \ ' c w o ndered why :\I ue rcly k lnl1ked :::'t> u nea '-'y ·

Octl>hcr 31 :\T i ~s E~tclle ~'- ~·lien ~pent the wee ::: mall h o ur5

reading "Pelgr itn's Progress." . · I t Ethics) - "Y tm Prn f. Beardslee ( di :;cu~~tng- t: 1arac cr. 111

k n o w . ~Ir. Schwitters, y o nr chara ·tcr wdl h e chang-c(l ten

)·car~ fr m n \\'; at l ea~t l hupc ~o.'' t t 1 e rc~-\ Yhilc Pru f. Xyke r k wa~ rcad in~ the P?Pc•: a 1 •

tau rant . Prof. Dimnent ~tca l thily purl t1incd hts. pte and ate t t.

\ \'c mi~:ccl I r11f. Dimnc nt in chapd n ext lll l l l'lllll~· .

\\ ' 11\· cl11 tltl'Y call \'an Zy l. .. n, ~az?" · 1 1 't "Thi-.. . . \ s -nur pr"fl- ..,"~'"' and p an.' lll :o' \\' fll\ 1, la\ l: I :

lactic:-. and gent lt·nH'Il. i ~ the ~~ ~ l c .·un j, in g· "' l.' l'l' lll~l'll ,,f that 11 I1 C time Jl"pnl ar animal, the knig-ht u f the p1 g-~k1n . It "as fe~ rmcrly hi:-; delight to worry hi ~ pare n t~ a n d fr iend' hy alln­

k~~ 1 y kickin g-. etc."

• t •



Th e A nchor 27

Headquarters for Fancy Box Candies: Huyler's, Guth's and Allegretti's

The Gerber Drug Company Open till Midnigh t every Night

Rensselaer Polytechnic· Institute SCHOOL of Establ ished

1824 ENGINEERING . Civil, Mechanical, Electrical

Send for a Catalogue. TROY. N.Y.

]as. A. Brouwer Furniture and Carpets Special prices to Students

\ 212-2 14 River Street Citz. Phone I 05 7

Hope's Studants, Professors, Society and Association Printing, is printed at the

Garvelink "Printing Company Printing 16AS YOU Ll K E IT "

A h ove Post o ffice Citz. Phone 1778

When your Room needs Painting or Decorating


Jc DINKELOO & S ·ON, PHONE 1573 or 1491



Brad's Baltimore Lunch Room 3 Vef. Btfl S t. Open all Night

Aunt J an •' · P ies nnd Cake a Specia1ty. Oysters by the quart



Page 16: 11-01-1910

'fh~ Anchor 28

The only student four chair shop

. F. Charter's

6 \Vest Eighth Street Next to Van Drcze r's a estauran t

H. IUOHAN The olk~1: Shot>man E 8th St C.raduatc in the lkol anti Shoe Art I I

Dick T1.1inie2~ Merchant Tailor

CLEA~ING, PRESSI~ (; and H F:P :\ILH '\' ;. H .. :fnr,. lhlying. call on Dick the Tailor and sec sam ph.·~ . Yo u wi II san: nwnt>y i i you h . vc you r "urk don t· a t m y s hop. Cume i n and let us show p~u. .\II wurk J.{ttaranll'<'U.


SOMETHiNCi NEV.t Of intcre t to H ope Sturlents \\' ill be nnn')unccd 111 the

next issue f the /.nchor. \ Vntc :1 \'o r it.


OUR CHRISTMAS GOODS Are arriving and we are bu y pr paring for the I3iggest Holi­

day trade in our history. \\ e invite your inspection.

H. · R. BRINK All the popular magazine. and publ ication at

CHAS. D. SMITH, Druggist :i LTntt•l Blo(•k llolla ll•l , " j,·l•

Cent1~a1 D 1,.ug S t ol--e Ice Cream Soda, Orugs, S1ationery. etc.

Our Soda Fou n tain is o ne o f t he fines t i!l t lw rit ,.. \\"t· at c t he only s tort> in t he c ity han~\lin~ l hl' H ~.·)l. alt" lh·na·dit·-..

H AAN BROS. , (, E . ."th ~· t . , C iu .. !'!" m e 153 1



Th e An c hor 29

Brick and Bulk Icc C~earn for Picnics and P a rt· l

. •es. They all gd t lc. H l ee C rea m fro m

. R. W. CALKIN Ci tizens Phone 1470 ' ~ " There's A Reason "

When you have your class parties out ··n the country, let us

take you there

BOONE'S LIVERY 2eg Central Avenue • PHOIES c·r· 34 : 1 tzens : Bell 20


a.CL·AS_§ ~J!!S s~· ~·r:::rn

~ WI MA.KE::. S~2cialty of designiug and manufac­

turing Class and ~raternity Pins to order.

ffi' Special attention given to lots of one dozen and upward

rn at reasonable prices. •

Let us figur; on your Class Pin order

l ERKNER S 5- ' 1 :\1 0 N R 0 E S T R E E T



Page 17: 11-01-1910


30 The Anchor

Eyes Tested Free

Geo. H. Huizenga & Co. Optometrist b

Holland, Mic · 38 East 8t~bSt_. ---------:~·--::-=~;:;-::~=

P 1 E~ Wirt WatemHm Ideal. Everyf . p nu · E h made o F t In enS- en guarn ntecd. xc an~e QU fl ~-----~ ...... -m~-~h~ p<'n if not ~nt isfactory.

=---==-~£ .. ..,... -....... -_... ~ Fris' Book S tore

30 \Vest 8th Street Holland, Mich.

Hart, Schaffner & Marx . and methnds in its honest values and

A line that expresses our own p~tt.:y l"t When. you arc buying clothes, JJrogrcssh·cness of styl_e an q·~r~~.,{·of th is t•1ilk\.: with the same

you can buy a sm ~r ov.. '. ld feel in buying sense of secunty that you bwoud .

LET Us Snow You Tms LINE

government on s


The basket-ball season

'Will soon be in full S\v ing

Gt-t your Suits at

H. Van Tongeren

Don't throw away your old Shoes mfortablc> for the old shoe, the one

You will never find any n ew or.efc; a~ c.CI and always will be more comfortabld t l:a t has becnme shaped to your oo - k~s~w that's !=n, don't you? '!hen sen than any new shoe ever mad.e. Y~u th loc·k like new on£-s w tth all t he thP uld ~hoes here and we vnll rna e em comforts of the old ones.


The An ch or 31

You Are missing much if you're not eating Holland Rusk.

The Rusk of golden brown, crisp from the ovens of the largest bakery of its kind in the world. No other food has the quality of Holland Rusk, some­tiling better or just as good is impossible. Get som.e today. Lookfor the windmill on the package


H blland Rusk Company • Holland, M ichigan •

For Candies, Hot Chocolate and Sodas, call at

E. W .. FISCHER The Candy Shop


Wykhuysen & Karreman \Vatch Repairing and Jewelers


Coster Photo Supply Co. 21 E. 8t..1 Street. Ci t z. Phone 1582

Everything photographic. Our specialties this fall are pyre­graphic goods and lock-joint moulding. Ask to be shown.

Page 18: 11-01-1910

Th e An c h o r 32

DR. JAMES-0. SCoTT, De~tist ' "" . 0 S F'rhlay :m•l Satunlas P:\I·S. l It \7.t'O :- Phone

Office o ' ·c r Docsbur~t c; ru~ • to re.

College Fraternity and Class Pins ____ AT- - -

Hardie's Jewelry Store I .et us qu t you prices ·.

J. Barkema K. W. Kooiman

Enterprise Shoe Store 238 River Street

Our Shoes bring PEACE and EASE to YOU , to US,

to ALL •

Try them Repairing a Specia lty

Dainties for You and the



- Casper Belt's Tonsorial Parlors Sanitation in Methods

Where the other fe llows gn.

Courtesy in Treatment

Around t he orncr

\Ve- carry everything necessary to mal<e' your room look lik f' a genuine colleg<' boy ' den." ~

A. C. RINCK & CO . 58-60 East Eigh th St.

. \ S I\ T l ' i·: FELLOWS


.. The An c h or 33

Model Laundry Pf.(OMPT SE r~VICE. FINE W .ORK

Cltz Phone Lf42 97 99 . : . 8 th Stre , t

We can sae you 1noney. II"

Buy your wearing apparel at

-Nick Dyken~a Talor and Furnisher

Opposi te H o u·l H ollan I A ~· · n t fo r :\m•· r ac an L a u nd ry

For CLASS and SCJC:fETY P HINTTNG, that you want

done RIGJ IT in EVERY respect, ta ke it to the

~nllatt~ <!Iity Nrttt!i •



Page 19: 11-01-1910

, The Anchor 34


If You Want to Find Something New In the Anchor this month

Look for the new "ads." There are some new ones,

and be sure and patronize them

De Grondwet



I~ Till· ( NITEO l T.\TE:-;. .\f>\' 1·:11'1'1. TNC1 RATE.


$1.50 PER YEAR

-. (

• I

I '



The Anchor 35


If you want to keep the Athletic Associati~n out of debt, be sure to come and see ALL the basket ball ga~es this. coming season. The best teams

In the m~ddle west are coming, and it is a considerable expense to bring them

down here. We want you all at the first game

- . -