10c - all about candida yeast - ppt 150213

All About Candida Yeast www.PlexusPowerTools.com PPT 2015-02-13 Page 1 CONTENTS Common Symptoms of Yeast/Fungus Overgrowth Videos from Dr. Oz show on this epidemic Got Yeast Why does Candida make weight loss ineffective? Why it’s so difficult to get rid of Candida yeast infections? Why women have so much more serious Candida overgrowth than men Foods to eat while getting rid of Candida Foods to avoid while getting rid of Candida Some call it an invisible epidemic. When Candida albicans, a family of yeast-like fungi that lives in our digestive tracts, multiplies out of control, it causes mysterious symptoms and serious health woes for women, men and children. Is it breeding in you? Common Symptoms of Yeast/Fungus Overgrowth Skin problems: hives, scaling, athlete’s foot, jock itch, diaper rash, psoriasis, fungal nail infections Muscular and nervous problems: aches or swelling in muscles or joints, numbness, tingling, burning, weakness, paralysis Itchy ears and nose; increased sensitivity to smells and chemical additives Migraine headaches, brain fog or inability to concentrate Gastrointestinal problems: constipation, abdominal pain, diarrhea, gas, bloating, heartburn Oral thrush, sore or itchy throat Problems involving reproductive organs: PMS, urinary tract and vaginal infections, prostatitis, impotence Respiratory problems, congestion, fevers -Depression, low- mood, fatigue or lethargy -Anxiety, recurring irritability Slows down weight loss process making it sometimes impossible to lose weight. SEE WHAT the Dr. OZ SHOW RECENTLY REPORTED ABOUT THIS EPIDEMIC: http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/yeast-reason-youre-exhausted-pt-1 http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/yeast-reason-youre-exhausted-pt-2 http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/yeast-reason-youre-exhausted-pt-3 http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/yeast-hidden-cause-your-exhaustion GOT YEAST? Many candida specialists depend on questionnaires, such as the one below, to help patients identify symptoms that are potentially yeast-related. The following questionnaire is excerpted from The Yeast Connection, by William G. Crook, MD. If you answer YES to at least 2 of these, you more than likely have Candida overgrowth. A more detailed questionnaire can be found at http://www.yeastconnection.com/yeast.html. Have you taken repeated or prolonged courses of antibacterial drugs? Have you been bothered by recurrent vaginal, prostate or urinary tract infections? Do you feel "sick all over," yet the cause hasn't been found?

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  • All About Candida Yeast

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    Common Symptoms of Yeast/Fungus Overgrowth Videos from Dr. Oz show on this epidemic Got Yeast Why does Candida make weight loss ineffective? Why its so difficult to get rid of Candida yeast infections? Why women have so much more serious Candida overgrowth than men Foods to eat while getting rid of Candida Foods to avoid while getting rid of Candida

    Some call it an invisible epidemic. When Candida albicans, a family of yeast-like fungi that lives in our digestive tracts, multiplies out of control, it causes mysterious symptoms and serious health woes for women, men and children. Is it breeding in you?

    Common Symptoms of Yeast/Fungus Overgrowth Skin problems: hives, scaling, athletes foot, jock itch,

    diaper rash, psoriasis, fungal nail infections

    Muscular and nervous problems: aches or swelling in muscles or joints, numbness, tingling, burning, weakness, paralysis

    Itchy ears and nose; increased sensitivity to smells and chemical additives

    Migraine headaches, brain fog or inability to concentrate

    Gastrointestinal problems: constipation, abdominal pain, diarrhea, gas, bloating, heartburn

    Oral thrush, sore or itchy throat

    Problems involving reproductive organs: PMS, urinary tract and vaginal infections, prostatitis, impotence

    Respiratory problems, congestion, fevers -Depression, low-mood, fatigue or lethargy -Anxiety, recurring irritability

    Slows down weight loss process making it sometimes impossible to lose weight.






    GOT YEAST? Many candida specialists depend on questionnaires, such as the one below, to help patients identify symptoms that are potentially yeast-related. The following questionnaire is excerpted from The Yeast Connection, by William G. Crook, MD. If you answer YES to at least 2 of these, you more than likely have Candida overgrowth. A more detailed questionnaire can be found at http://www.yeastconnection.com/yeast.html.

    Have you taken repeated or prolonged courses of antibacterial drugs? Have you been bothered by recurrent vaginal, prostate or urinary tract infections? Do you feel "sick all over," yet the cause hasn't been found?

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    Are you bothered by hormone disturbances, including PMS, menstrual irregularities, sexual dysfunction, sugar craving, low body temperature or fatigue?

    Are you unusually sensitive to tobacco smoke, perfumes, colognes and other chemical odors? Are you bothered by memory or concentration problems? Do you sometimes feel "spaced out"? Have you taken prolonged courses of prednisone or other steroids; or have you taken "the pill" for

    more than 3 years? Do some foods disagree with you or trigger your symptoms? Do you suffer with constipation, diarrhea, bloating or abdominal pain? Does your skin itch, tingle or burn; or is it unusually dry; or are you bothered by rashes? Do you crave sugar, breads or alcoholic beverages?

    WHY CANDIDA MAKES WEIGHT LOSS INEFFECTIVE Candida, the excessive yeast growth, occurs when Candida albicans, yeast, live in your digestive system. Yeast is like sugar, and with an overgrowth of this yeast, there are a variety of ways it can make weight loss ineffective.

    How does this happen? Due to the growth of yeast, it becomes invasive, and creates holes in the intestinal wall. According to both doctors and natural therapists, invasive yeast release toxins in the blood through these holes, causing allergic reactions and inflammation in your organs and tissues.

    This can also affect to your thyroid causing inflammation which can make your metabolic rate slow down and lower your body's ability to burn fat, making weight loss become more difficult. This impacts your body inflammatory reaction of retained excess liquid, causing fluid retention that can lead to fat and weight gain.

    In addition, yeast overgrowth promotes intestinal flatulence and bloating, which can increase your waistline inches, even if you are a low-calorie diet. A by-product of some yeast overgrowth can also block hormone receptors, affecting the normal operation of their ability to assist with weight loss.

    Your immune response of waste products from the yeast in your intestinal tract through the holes, release your immune system into action to ban toxins. One of the reactions is the release of cortisol. This triggers the fight-or-flight syndrome, your bodys way of hanging on to your stored fat to protect itself, which will obviously make weight loss difficult.

    In regards to the hypoglycemia toxic byproducts of yeast overgrowth, it was found that these by-products, tartaric acid, may inhibit the body's ability to correctly extract energy from food (and absorb nutrients), and provide adequate glycemic. The result may be hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, which leads to feelings of weakness and brain fog. People who have low blood sugar may eat sweets as a quick way to improve these uncomfortable symptoms, which then continues to the yeast overgrowth cycle and weight gain.

    WHY ITS SO HARD TO ELIMINATE CANDIDA YEAST INFECTIONS To understand why getting rid of candida can be so much harder than knocking out a bacterial infection; you need to know how candida yeast overgrowth manifests in your body.

    About 80% of the time, candida overgrowth occurs when antibiotics kill the friendly bacteria in the intestinal tract. Divided up about equally, are cases of candida overgrowth caused by candida spores being breathed in, transmitted orally through food sharing, kissing, or similar activities, and as babies picking it up from their mothers. Overgrowth cannot occur when the immune system is strong and the friendly flora (said to comprise 70% of the immune system response) are plentiful.

    When much of your friendly flora has been destroyed, and your immune system has weakened, the oxygen-loving candida yeast begins to flourish, morphing into anaerobic candida fungi. No longer needing an oxygen-rich blood supply, the fungi are able to exist anywhere in the body.

    Initially, these fungi are primarily in the intestinal tract. There, the toxic waste they chemically produce (acetylaldahyde, the same chemical that causes a hangover), irritate and weaken the intestinal wall. Candida fungi have tiny "legs" which, as the intestinal wall becomes damaged, are able to "drill" holes in the intestinal wall, leading to poor digestion and "leaky gut syndrome".

    These holes enable candida to travel throughout the body, over time establishing themselves systemically. The leaky gut also allows partially digested food to enter the bloodstream. This food is not able to be used

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    by your cells, and your immune system must get rid of that food. Over time, people develop food allergies, a sure sign of candida overgrowth.

    Candida yeast loves sugar, excreting chemicals that cause you to crave sugars and all types of carbohydrates. Of course, as the yeast digests the food sugars before your body can use them; your cravings may be caused by low blood sugar levels.

    During the nighttime, when you are fasting, the candida has plenty of time to be consuming your blood sugar. To compensate for this lack of sugar, your adrenals have to work extra hard, eventually leading to adrenal fatigue. (The acetylaldahyde also causes fatigue.) The thyroid gland is linked with the adrenal glands. As the adrenal glands wear down, the thyroid gland also starts to perform poorly, leading to decreased temperature regulation and low metabolism.

    WHY WOMEN HAVE SO MUCH MORE SERIOUS CANDIDA OVERGROWTH THAN MEN About 70% of all candida overgrowth occurs in women (if we consider the population of people over 15 years of age). As both men and women are equally exposed to antibiotics, this increase lies somewhat with the use of birth control pills, and primarily with candida's fondness for progesterone.

    Candida likes to eat progesterone. So what does it do?

    Candida blocks estrogen receptors so that estrogen can't lock into them, further disrupting the endocrine hormone by binding to estrogen, preventing it from being used properly by the body. Why does candida do this? Because estrogen and progesterone "teeter-totter" -- low estrogen levels cause high progesterone levels. So by creating low estrogen levels in your body, candida causes progesterone levels to be elevated, providing more and more fuel for itself.

    Women often have flare-ups coinciding with their period - a time when progesterone levels are higher. By the way, there are two types of estrogen -- alpha estrogen produced by the female organs, and beta estrogen produced by the adrenal glands. Both men and women need and produce beta estrogen and not only are these estrogens inhibited by candida, but the adrenal fatigue caused by the candida overgrowth will result in even lower beta estrogen production.

    So male hormones will suffer too, with low beta estrogen and low testosterone. These imbalances need to be corrected, but as men naturally produce much less progesterone than women, they do not supply such a readily available food source for the candida. Thus, out- of-control candida overgrowth affects many more women than men.

    CANDIDA SPORES THE MAIN REASON CANDIDA OVERGROWTH IS SO HARD TO ELIMINATE There are lots of good candida killers: Anti-fungal drugs like Nystatin and Diflucan, herbs like Pau D'Arco, Olive Leaf Extract, Oregano Extract, Grapefruit Seed Extract, coconut-based aplitic acid. These all do an excellent job of killing candida.

    So why is candida so hard to get rid of?

    Candida fungi can mutate to become immune to both anti-fungal herbs as well as anti-fungal drugs. The more complex the anti-fungal herb or drug is the easier Candida can mutate, rendering them no longer effective. Initially, the drug may kill a good portion of the candida, but this leaves an empty space which candida likes to rapidly refill.

    But something else happens too - actually, two things.

    Every time anti-fungal herbs are taken, the yeast will go dormant to survive, burrowing deeply into the tissues where the drugs or herbs cant reach -- remember, they don't need an oxygen supply in which to live. They can also go dormant and "hide" to avoid an activated immune system response.

    So, initially, after taking high doses of nystatin or herbs, it may seem as though your candida infection is gone -- when, in reality, it is not. Even the blood can appear free of Candida, as it lies wait in the tissues, sometimes even forming dense masses, which cant easily be penetrated.

    Secondly, when you attack candida, it is stimulated to release spores. The production of spores is how fungi and mold reproduce. Candida tend to fight back when they are being attacked, assuring their survival by

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    releasing spores, which can lodge anywhere in body, awaiting just the right conditions to reactivate. They remain "dormant" so long as they sense the immune cells trying to attack. As spores, they tend to attract only a minor response from the immune system, dragging out the condition for years.

    The typical scenario: You go on a strict candida diet and take lots of probiotics, boosting the immune system and noticing symptoms clearing up (though still plagued with food allergies.) Eventually, you stop taking your anti-candida supplements or drugs, go off the diet, and boom, in a relatively short while, the condition has returned.

    Foods to EAT


    VEGETABLES Artichokes Asparagus Avocado Broccoli Brussels sprouts Cabbage Celery Cucumber Eggplant Garlic (raw) Kale Olives Onions Rutabaga Spinach Tomatoes Zucchini

    Non-starchy vegetables starve the Candida of the sugar and mold diet that feed it. You should buy your vegetables fresh and eat them raw, steamed or grilled. Avoid starchy vegetables such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, yams, corn, all winter squash, beets, peas, parsnips and beans. Olives are OK as long as they are not in distilled white vinegar.


    Probiotic yogurt Kefir

    Live yogurt cultures help your gut to repopulate with good bacteria. The live bacteria in the yogurt will crowd out the Candida yeast and restore balance to your system. This is especially useful after a course of antibiotics.

    MEAT Beef Chicken Lamb Turkey

    Eat only fresh and organic meat - processed meat (like lunch meat, bacon and spam) is loaded with dextrose, nitrates, sulfates and sugars. Smoked or vacuum packed meats are also best avoided.

    FISH Anchovies Herring Sardines Wild salmon

    Wild salmon and sardines do contain ocean contaminants, but in much lower amounts than other seafood. Buy these fish fresh or packed in olive oil or water.


    Almonds Coconut meat Flax Seed Hazelnuts Pecans Sunflower Seeds Walnuts

    These nuts are healthy and have a low mold content. If you're still worried about mold, soak them in a diluted grapefruit seed extract solution for a few hours.


    Buckwheat Millet Oat Bran Quinoa

    These grains contain a high amount of fiber, excellent for keeping your digestive system moving and eliminating Candida toxins. Most products derived from this list are also OK - e.g. quinoa crackers, buckwheat flour. You can find these in the gluten-free section in health food stores.

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    Basil Black Pepper Cinnamon Cloves Dill Garlic Ginger Oregano Paprika Rosemary Thyme

    Many herbs and spices have antioxidant and antifungal properties. They can also improve circulation and reduce inflammation. They're great for livening up food if you're on a limited Candida diet.

    OILS Virgin Coconut Oil Olive Oil Sesame Oil Flax Oil Coconut Oil Red Palm Oil

    Use cold pressed oils where possible. Remember that heating or boiling can destroy many of the oil's nutrients.

    SEASONING Black Pepper Sea Salt Lemon Juice Coconut Aminos Apple Cider Vinegar (Organic, Raw, Unfiltered)

    Coconut Aminos are a great alternative to soy sauce. And you can use apple cider vinegar to make some delicious salad dressings.

    BEVERAGES Chicory root coffee Cinnamon Tea Peppermint Tea Ginger Tea Licorice Tea

    These are just a few of the herbal teas that have antifungal properties. Chicory root is also a great prebiotic (it contains 20% Inulin), so it can help to repopulate your gut with healthy bacteria too.

    SWEETENERS Stevia Xylitol

    Stevia and xylitol can be used in place of sugar and they have a much smaller effect on your blood sugar levels

    Foods to Avoid


    SUGARS Sugar Honey Syrup Chocolate Molasses Rice Syrup Artificial Sweeteners

    Condiments tend to be high in sugar and can exacerbate your Candida. Stay away from the soft drinks too. Always read food labels to make sure your food doesn't contain sugar. Be careful - the aspartame in diet cola weakens your immune system can leave you vulnerable to Candida.

    ALCOHOL Wine Beer Spirits Liquors Cider

    Alcohol is high in sugars that can feed a Candida overgrowth. It also puts stress on your immune system.


    Anything made with wheat, rye, oats or barley, e.g. white bread, rye bread, pasta.

    Many Candida sufferers have a high sensitivity to Gluten. Give your immune system a break and stay off gluten during your Candida diet. Corn-by products like popcorn tend to be

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    Spelt products Corn and corn byproducts Rice

    contaminated with mold.

    FRUIT Fresh Fruit Dried Fruit Canned Fruit Fruit Juice

    The high sugar content in fruit feeds Candida, even though they are natural sugars. Fruits like melon may also contain mold. A squeeze of lemon is OK.

    VEGETABLES Potatoes Carrots Sweet Potatoes Yams Beets Peas Parsnips

    This group of vegetables is very nutrient-dense, however they should be avoided until your Candida overgrowth is fully under control. They then can be reintroduced in small portions one at a time.

    MEATS All pork products Cured meats Processed meats Smoked or vacuum-packed meats

    Pork contains retroviruses that survive cooking and may be harmful for those with a weakened digestive system. Processed meats like lunch meat and spam are loaded with dextrose nitrates, sulfates and sugars.

    FISH All fish except for wild salmon and sardines All shellfish

    All shellfish and most fish contain alarming levels of heavy metals and toxins. These will suppress your immune system and leave you vulnerable to Candida. Studies have shown that farmed salmon contain high levels of PCBs, mercury and other carcinogenic agents.

    DAIRY PRODUCTS Cheese Milk Cream Buttermilk Whey products

    Almost all dairy should be avoided except ghee, butter, kefir and probiotic yogurt. Milk contains lactose so it should be avoided. Kefir and yogurt are better because most of the lactose disappears during the fermentation process.


    Citric Acid Anything you don't know or can't pronounce!

    The manufactured, additive form of citric acid is derived from yeast. However the natural form, as found in lemons and limes, is OK on the diet. Additives and preservatives can disrupt your friendly bacteria and allow the Candida yeast to flourish.


    Coffee Black & green tea Diet & regular soda Energy drinks Fruit Juices

    Caffeine can cause your blood sugar to rise, but the main problem is that it weakens the adrenals and can impair your immune system. Coffee also contains mold. Even decaf tea and coffee are to be avoided, as they contain residual levels of caffeine.

    NUTS Cashews Peanuts Pistachios

    This group of nuts contains a high amount of mold, which can inflame your Candida problem.

    BEANS Beans and other legumes Chickpeas Tofu Soy cheese Soy milk All soy products

    The combination of being hard to digest and high in carbs rules out beans from the first stages of the diet. They can be reintroduced later on in small portions. Soy products are mostly forbidden, as the majority of soy is genetically modified. If you can find non-GMO tofu, it should be OK to eat.

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    Mushrooms Truffles

    Mushrooms don't "feed" Candida as some websites claim, but eating some fungi can cause an inflammatory reaction if you are already suffering from Candida. On the other hand, some medicinal mushrooms are actually OK on the diet and have strong immune-boosting properties. Good examples are Reishi and Maitake.

    CONDIMENTS Ketchup Mayonnaise Regular Mustard Relish Horseradish Soy sauce

    Ketchup, tomato paste, and spaghetti sauces all contain high amounts of hidden sugars. Condiments generally do tend to be high in sugar, and they can exacerbate your Candida. For an alternative salad dressing, try coconut aminos or a simple olive oil and lemon juice dressing.

    VINEGAR All vinegars, except for Apple Cider Vinegar

    Vinegar is made in a yeast culture, depletes the stomach of acids and can also cause inflammation in your gut. However, one particular vinegar (unfiltered apple cider vinegar) can actually be helpful in combating a Candida overgrowth.

    FATS AND OILS Peanut oil Corn oil Canola oil Soy oil

    Peanut, corn and canola oil are contaminated with mold. And most soy beans used in soy oil are GMO.