10-2 - morphological image processing

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  • 8/4/2019 10-2 - Morphological Image Processing




    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 1

    byGlebV.Tcheslavski:[email protected]://ee.lamar.edu/gleb/dip/index.htm

    PreliminariesWhen dealing with binary images, one of the principal

    applications of morphology is extracting image components

    that are useful in the re resentation and descri tion of


    We consider morphological algorithms for extracting

    boundaries, connected components, the convex hull, and the

    skeleton of a region. We also develop methods (region

    fillin thinnin thickenin and runin that are

    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 2

    frequently used in conjunction with these algorithms as pre-

    or post-processing steps.

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    BoundaryExtractionTheboundary of a setA, denoted as (A), can be obtained by first

    erodingA byB and then performing the set difference betweenA andits erosion as follows:

    ( ) ( ) A A A B = whereB is a suitable structuring element.

    SetA Structuring


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    Erosion ofAbyB

    Boundary: set

    differencebetweenA and

    its erosion


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    A binary image Boundary extracted using a 3x3

    structuring element of ones

    Size of structuring element defines the boundary being 1 pixel thick.

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    HoleFillingAhole may be defined as a background region surrounded by a

    connected border of foreground pixels.

    Let denote b A a set whose elements are 8-connected boundaries,

    each boundary enclosing a background region (a hole). Given a point

    in each hole, the objective is to fill all the holes with ones (for binary


    We start from forming an arrayX0 of zeros (the same size as the array

    containingA), except at the locations inX0 corresponding to the given

    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 5

    , . ,

    fills all the holes with ones:

    ( )1 1,2,3,...c

    k k X X B A k = =whereB is the symmetric structuring element.

    HoleFillingThe algorithm terminates at the iteration step kifXk= Xk-1.

    The setXkthen contains all the filled holes; the union ofXkand A contains all the filled holes and their boundaries.

    The dilation would fill the entire area if left unchecked.

    However, the intersection at each step with the complement

    ofA limits the result to inside the region of interest. This is

    an example of how a morphological process can be

    conditionedto meet a desired ro ert . In the current

    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 6

    application, it can be called aconditional dilation.

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    Complement ofA

    tructur ng e ement

    SetX0; a grey dot

    indicates location

    of a hole

    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 7

    A set with a filled


    HoleFillingAn image that could result from thresholding to 2 levels a scenecontaining polished spheres (ball bearings). Dark spots could be

    results of reflections. The objective is to eliminate reflections by hole


    A (white) point selected

    inside one sphere

    Result of filling that


    Result of filling all

    the spheres

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    ExtractionofconnectedcomponentsWe discussed concepts of connectivity and connected components

    earlier. Extraction of connected components from a binary image isimportant for many automated image analysis applications.

    LetA be a set containing one or more connected components. We

    form an arrayX0 (of the same size as the array containingA), whose

    elements are zeros (background values), except at each location

    known to correspond to a point in each connected component inA,

    which we set to one (foreground value). The objective is to start with

    X0 and find all the connected components by the following iterative

    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 9

    proce ure:

    ( )1 1,2,3,...k k X X B A k = =

    whereB is a suitable structuring element. The procedure terminates

    whenXk=Xk-1 withXkcontaining all the connected components ofA.

    ExtractionofconnectedcomponentsStructuring elementbased on 8-connectivity

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    ExtractionofconnectedcomponentsConnected components are often

    used for automated inspection.

    X-ray image of chicken filet with

    bone fragments

    Thresholded image

    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 11

    Image eroded with a 5x5 structuring


    ExtractionofconnectedcomponentsIt is of interest to be able to detect foreign fragments in processedfood before packaging or shipping.

    In this case, the density of the bones is such that their intensity values

    are different from background. After thresholding, we observe that the

    points that remain are clustered into objects (bones). Therefore, we

    can make sure that only objects of significant size remain by

    eroding the thresholded image. for erosion, a 5x5 structuring element

    was selected.

    Next, we analyze the size of objects that remain. We identify them by

    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 12

    extracting the connected components in the image. As a result, 15

    connected components were found with 3 of them being dominant in

    size (133, 674, and 743 pixels). This is good enough to determine that

    significant undesirable objects are contained in the image.

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    ConvexHullA setA is said to beconvex if the straight line segment joining any

    two points inA lies entirely withinA. Theconvex hull Hof anarbitrary set S is the smallest convex set containing S.

    The differenceH S is called theconvex deficiency ofS. The convex

    hull and convex deficiency are useful for object description.

    LetBi, i=1,2,3,4 represent the 4 structuring elements. The procedure

    consists of implementing the equation:

    ( )1 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,...i ik k X X B A i k = = =

    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 13


    iwith X A=

    When the procedure converges (Xik= Xik-1), we letD

    i = Xik. The

    convex hull ofA is then

    ( )4




    C A D=


    ConvexHullTherefore, the method consists of iteratively applying the

    hit-or-miss transform toA withB1; when no further

    changes occur, we perform the union withA and call the

    resultD1. The procedure is repeated withB2( applied toA)

    until no further changes occur, and so on the union of

    the four resultingDs is the convex hull ofA.

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    ConvexHullStructuring elements: x indicates

    do not care conditions

    A set A

    Results of convergence with

    structural elements

    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 15

    Convex hull showing the contributions

    of each structuring element

    ConvexHullOne shortcoming of the procedure is that the convex hull can growbeyond the minimum dimensions required to guarantee convexity.

    One simple approach to reduce this effect is to limit growth such that

    it does not extend past the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the

    original set.

    The result of this limitation on the

    previous image: a convex hull limited to

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    the dimensions of the original set.

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    ThinningThethinning of a setA by a structuring elementB is defined in terms

    of the hit-or-miss transform:c

    A B A A B A A B= =

    So far, we were interested only in pattern matching with the

    structuring elements, so no background operation is required in the

    hit-or-miss transform. A more useful expression for thinningA

    symmetrically is based on a sequence of structuring elements:

    1 2 ... n B B B B=

    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 17

    whereBi are rotated versions ofBi-1. The thinning by a sequence of

    SEs: { } ( )( )( )1 2... ... n A B A B B B=

    ThinningThe process is to thinA byone pass withB1, then thin

    the result with one pass of Sequence of rotated SEsSet, an so on, un s

    thinned with one pass ofBn.

    The entire process is repeated

    until no further changes


    Results of thinning with

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    eac one a ter anot er

    Using 4 first SEs again

    Conversion to m-connectivity

    Result after convergence

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    ThickeningThickening is a morphological dual of a thinning and is defined as

    ( )c

    A B A A B=

    whereB is a structuring element suitable for thickening. As in

    thinning, thickening can be defined as a sequentional operation:

    { } ( )( )( )1 2... ... n A B A B B B= The structuring element used for thickening has the same form as one

    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 19


    However, the usual procedure is to thin the background of the set to

    be processed and then complement the result. Therefore, to thicken asetA, we form its complement, thin it, and then complement the


    ThickeningDepending on the nature ofA, the thickening procedure may result in

    disconnected points. Therefore, this method is usually followed by

    post-processing to remove disconnected points.

    SetA Its





    of thinning

    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 20

    ofA complement...

    Result of thickening with

    no disconnected points

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    SkeletonsA skeleton S(A) of a setA can be viewed as:

    a) If z is a point ofS(A) and (D)z is the largest disk centered atz and

    contained inA, one cannot find a lar er disk not necessaril

    centered atz) containing (D)z and included inA. The disk (D)z is

    called amaximum disk.

    b) The disk (D)z touches the boundary ofA at two or more different


    The skeleton ofA can be expressed in terms of erosions and openings:

    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 21

    ( ) ( )

    ( ) ( ) ( )






    S A S A

    S A A kB A kB B




    ksuccessive erosions ofA

    Structuring element

    Skeletons( ) ( )( )( )... ... A kB A B B B=

    Kis the last iterative step beforeA erodes to an empty set:

    ( ){ }max |K k A kB= S(A) can be obtained as the union of theskeleton subsets Sk(A). Also,

    we can show thatA can be reconstructed from these subsets by:

    ( )( )


    k A S A kB=

    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 22


    ksuccessive dilations ofA

    ( ) ( )( )( )... ... A kB A B B B =

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    SkeletonsVarious positionsof maximum

    disks with

    centers on the

    skeleton ofA


    maximum disk

    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 23

    on a different

    segment of the

    skeleton ofA

    skeleton ofA


    Set A

    Openings byBSet differences

    between 1st

    and 2nd


    2 partial skeletons and final

    Erosion 1


    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 24

    Erosion 2

    ofA: next


    will be




    Skeleton of

    A (not connected)

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    PruningPruning methods are an essential component to thinning and

    skeletonizing algorithms since these procedures tend to leave parasiticcomponents that need to be cleaned up by post-processing. We start

    w a prun ng pro em an en eve op a morp o og ca so u on.

    A common approach in the automated recognition of printed characters

    is to analyze the shape of the skeleton of each character. These

    skeletons often are characterized by spurs (parasitic components).

    Spurs are created during the erosion by non uniformities in the strokes

    composing the characters. We develop a morphological technique for

    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 25

    an ling t is pro lem, starting wit t e assumption t at t e lengt of a

    parasitic component does not exceed a specific number of pixels.

    PruningOriginal image Structuring

    elements: x

    A parasitic component

    a printed a

    dont care

    3 runs of


    End points:X2

    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 26

    Dilations of end


    conditioned on


    Pruned image:


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    PruningThe solution is based on suppressing a parasitic branch by successively

    eliminating its end point. This also shortens (or eliminates) otherbranches in the character. The assumption is that, in the absence of

    o er s ruc ura n orma on, any ranc w or ess p xe s s ou e

    eliminated. Thinning of an input setA with a sequence of structuring

    elements designed to detect only end points achieves the desired result.

    Let { }1 X A B= where {B} is the sequence of structuring elements. This sequence

    consists of two different structures, each of which is rotated 900 for a

    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 27

    total of 8 elements.

    Applying the equation 3 times yields the setX1 and the next step is to

    restore the character to its original form but with the parasitic

    branches removed.

    PruningTo do this, we first form a setX2 containing all end points inX1:( )


    2 1




    X X B=


    whereBkare the same structuring elements. Next step is dilation of the

    end points 3 times using setA as a delimiter:

    ( )3 2 X X H A=

    whereHis a 3x3 structuring element of ones and the intersection with

    A as applied after each step. This type of conditional dilation prevents

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    appearance of non-zero elements outside the region of interest.

    Finally, the union ofX3 andX1 yields the desired result:

    4 1 3 X X X =

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    PruningIn more complex situations,X3 sometimes includes the tips of some

    parasitic branches. This can occur when the end points of these

    branches are near the skeleton.

    Although, they may be eliminated inX1, these elements may show up

    during the dilation since they are valid points inA. The entire parasitic

    elements are rarely picked up again since they are usually short

    compared to the valid strokes. Therefore, their detection and

    elimination is easy since they are disconnected regions.

    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 29

    Morphologicalreconstruction(MR)Morphological reconstruction is a morphological

    transform involving 2 images and a structuring element.

    ne mage, emar er, con a ns e s ar ng po n s or e

    transformation. The other image, themask, constrains the

    transformation. The structuring element is used to define


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    MR:geodesicdilationanderosionCentral to morphological reconstruction are the concepts of geodesic

    dilation and geodesic erosion. Let Fdenote the marker image and Gthe mask image (assuming that both are binary images and that F

    . e geo es c a on o s ze o e mar er mage w respec

    to the mask is( ) ( ) ( )1GD F F B G=

    Here denotes the set intersection and may be interpreted as logicalAND since they are the same for binary sets.

    Thegeodesic dilation of size n ofFwith respect to G is

    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 31

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )1 1n nG G G D F D D F =with ( ) ( )0G D F F =

    MR:geodesicdilationanderosionIn the last expression, the set intersection is performed at each step.The intersection operator guarantees that maskG will limit the growth

    (dilation) of marker F.

    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 32Geodesic erosion

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    MR:geodesicdilationanderosionSimilarly, thegeodesic erosion of size 1 of the marker image Fwith

    respect to the maskG is( ) ) )1G E F F B G=

    where denotes the union (OR operation). The geodesic erosion ofsize n ofFwith respect to G is defined as

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )1 1n nG G G E F E E F =( ) ( )0G E F F =


    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 33

    The union operation is performed at each iterative step and guarantees

    that geodesic erosion of an image remains greater then or equal to itsmask image. Geodesic dilation and erosion are duals with respect to

    set complementation.


    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 34Geodesic dilation

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    MRbydilationanderosionMorphological reconstruction by dilation of a mask image G from a

    marker image Fis defined as the geodesic dilation ofFwith respectto G, iterated until stability is achieved:

    ( ) ) ( )kDG G R F D F =with ksuch thatDG

    (k)(F) =DG(k+1)(F).

    Considering these

    marker, mask, and

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    MRbydilationanderosionDilation dilated

    with SEResult AND G

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    MRbydilationanderosionThe morphological reconstructed image isDG

    (5)(F), which is identical

    to the maskFsince Fcontained a single 1-valued pixel (this is

    analogous to convolution of an image with an impulse, which simply

    copies an image at the location of the impulse).

    Themorphological reconstruction by erosion of a maskG from a

    marker image Fis defined as the geodesic erosion ofFwith respect to

    G, iterated until stability:

    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 37

    ( ) ( )EG G R F E F =

    with ksuch thatEG

    (k)(F) =EG


    MR:sampleapplicationsMorphological reconstruction has a broad spectrum of practical

    applications, each determined by the selection of the marker and mask

    images, by the structuring elements used, and by combinations of the

    primitive operations as defined above.

    Opening by reconstruction:

    In a morphological opening, erosion removes small objects and the

    subsequent dilation attempts to restore the shape of objects that

    remain. However, the accurac of this restoration is hi hl de endent

    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 38

    on the similarity of the shapes of the objects and the structuring

    element used.

    Opening by reconstruction restores exactly the shapes of the objects

    that remain after erosion.

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    MR:sampleapplicationsTheopening by reconstruction of size n of an image Fis defined as

    the reconstruction by dilation ofFfrom the erosion of size n ofF:

    n D

    R Fn=

    n erosions ofFbyB

    We observe that Fis used as the mask in this application.

    A similar expression can be written forclosing by reconstruction:

    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 39

    R FC F R F nB=

    n dilations ofFbyB

    MR:sampleapplicationsText image of size 918x2018;average height of tall characters is 50

    Erosion with a SE of size 51x1 pixels

    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 40

    Opening of the image with the same

    SE (for reference)

    Opening by reconstruction: interest

    to extract characters with long

    vertical strokes

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    MR:sampleapplicationsFilling holes:

    We develop next a fully automatic procedure for hole filling based onmorphological reconstruction. LetI(x,y) be a binary image, assume

    that we form a marker image Fthat is 0 everywhere , except at the

    image border, where it is set to 1 I:

    ( )( ) ( )1 , ,


    I x y if x y ison the border of I F x y





    H R F =

    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 41


    Is a binary image equal toIwith all holes filled.




    with a


    complement Fdilated

    by a 3x3

    SE of


    tion of


    Its comple-

    ment Intersec-

    tion with

    com le-

    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 42

    ho e ones w th




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    MR:sampleapplicationsText image of size 918x2018;

    average height of tall characters is 50

    Its complement

    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 43

    Marker image F Result of hole filling

    MR:sampleapplicationsBorder cleaning:The extraction of objects from an image for subsequent shape analysis

    is a fundamental task in automated image processing. An algorithm

    for removing objects that touch (connected to) the border is useful


    1) it can be used to screen the image such that only complete objects


    2) It can be used to detect partial objects that are present in the field

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    We develop a border-cleaning procedure based on morphological


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    MR:sampleapplicationsWe use the original image as the mask and the following marker

    image:( ) ( ), , I x y if x y is on the border of I

    F x

    =0 otherwise

    The border-cleaning algorithm first computes the morphological

    reconstructionRID(F), which extracts the objects touching the border,

    and then computes the difference

    DX I R F =

    Spring2009 ELEN4304/5365DIP 45

    To obtain an imageXwith no objects touching the border.

    MR:sampleapplicationsFor the same text image, we need to eliminate the incomplete

    characters (ones touching the border). This may be used before

    automatic character recognition.

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    Marker image Fobtained using a

    3x3 SE of ones

    The image with no objects touching

    the border

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    StructuringelementsusedBasic types of structuring elements used in binary morphology:

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